TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST, 11, 1922 23 BRAIN PRICES BttiY AFTER EARLY FALL All Cereals, Excepting Oats, Close With Gains. EXPORTERS TAKE WHEAT Improvement In Chicago Market I Declared Largely Due to Short Covering. BT CHARLES lfiniAELS. (By Chtcafo Tribun !iird Wlr CH ICAOO. Ave. lO. Shftrt civrina or than anything va responsible for a rally In crain price after an early ferrate to a ttfr low for the wwon on aJl deliveries. eCfpt December wheat. At the laat wheat waa tc, corn 9 le and rye Hffc. while oata were vmk and voSc lower. ln-rai trader were b.rth and aofd vhMl early, while hou with eaatern fnnrttnnj abenrbd the aurplua tn the pit. There aian waa cownnc by eome t the Inr-at profeeaionala, who have been brib, for eome time. They were In- ulned to look for a rally imply mum pricea have been on the down Trade for aeveral daym. The covering rno-rement became a-eneral toward tlv laet and the f.nb waa at the top. IVeafrreaa In foretirn exrhanire. a Tela tfvely alow fore i en rail and a belief that the London conference would break up In a row were the depremine- influence. Kipwun were after wheat and took &, .... buahele. partly at c over Sep tember c. L f. Buffalo, airatnet bc ver oo the previoua day. Recetpta were 451 care. Country offering to arrive vera email and car aborta- arrowing Laaufdation ran its court In corn early ad September, which h been leading the decline of late, reveraed It tton. It ehowed more atrengtn than the deferred dettveiieau Caeh houe were good buyer to remove hedsea on . of oTS.imm) buehela to emportera and , fiund oxtVrincs he ht on the way up. horta covered f r-cly tn the deferred deiiveriea. Receipts were 102 car. I low corn In the aa m pie market waa tghtijr firmer aa compared with fu tut. A local professional came ia on a large Line of short ptember corn. Oata failed to reflect the f irmne In othr grains and cloeed about the bot tm at the lowest figure on the crop. Hedging pressure fa increasing. Move riient is not larire. but ampl for present BM.v Rcpfa were l.iA cars. Rye was dominated by the action of hii. and with a little letup in pree- ajre pric. averd higher after break ing early. No e&port business of con s7Uoc ws dort in the -west or at th seaboard. Nv t on track sold at 3 5 3c ovfr September. New York Bonos. Furnished by Jordan. Went worth & Ca Of Port., id. K i.irrv. a bonds Ai. i K- n ia A " U 4 d 7 B O gold 4s do on 41' ct ...... cJo ref . Ciurtd ijuthern Ss .... Cn . r ti out yc t 49 Cn A Ohio cv 4m -- d gen 4V-S .......... do w c!o con C B A Q 1.1 div 4a C A Writ Ind 4s C ; A W 4s C M A t P 4s do cr 44s .......... do deb 4s ........... do gen 4s A ......... d cv Oe do g A r 4S A ..... Chi N W gen 4s ....... do do 7s C R 1 A P r-f 4 Colo ?ou rf ex 4 We ... Colo &ou 4a Iei A Hudson cv 6a .... do 7a D A & C, cv 4a do rf bm ............ trie I L 4s do con 4s A do B do T Kne Fa O 4 imnd Trunk en H tit Nor 4n ........... do 7s Ct Trunk 6a do 7s I;i Cent Jt Se d9 ref 4s ........... K C Sou ref ' ........ Keo A Ds M 1st 5s ... h. S A M 8 49 X A 9 Co uni 4a P.nci.ir 7. ............. X A Krf.iOn 6. ........ O K I S M St P A S S M '..... M K A T 4s 21 P r.n 4. do rf M. ........... do ref 3a. ... NYC deb 4i do con 4a do Tl imp 4'i. ....... do ct db t .......... do col! Ta V T N H H CT , N O Tz 4k Mez 5. X P P L 4a , N P .... lwn .... I"".'.' .... lam .... 1M1 .... 1M .... .... luJ .... 1Hrt .... .... it; . ... lew . ... l!2 .... m .... la.iu .... ;.. .... 1 .... 1NS .... i-j.-s .... l.'.u .... 1".4 .... lws . ... -"! .... 214 .... 17 .... .... J.:o .... 1M4 . ... l'.C." .... .... l!:n .... l'.wl .... lu.16 . . . . 1 .... 1W" .... 1 .-..! .... I'.'M .... l'5J .... .... .... l.t .... J .; .... HMO .... na .... 19.-.S .... lJ .... n.'i .... 19.11 lao .... 140 174 Ml, 111 it;-, nai. ... 14 ... lff! ... 1TS ... 1P1'3 ... H'-'t . .. I.i4 . .. J!:t ... SO 1.1 ... lx.V ... 13 ... 1 b4H ... lft.15 ... 1ST N P Gt Xor Jt Ha. ........ la.in O S I. r'f 4a .- l-,nna S 1 M-l d .n 4Hs....M.. ...... do SI do ra do 7, . do R R i.a Readme (cm 4s. ......... , SAL 4 do Ss do A. .......... Sou Ry con Ss. ... M ...... . feo Pa-r ct 4. ............. do r.f 4 a ................ do M Iwn 4a dO Crtdf $9 Bt L 9 P P L 41 A do arrn &a do i. B do a-n Aa. ............... do dj fta do tnc ft. Ct LV S W lat a do rn 4. ............. . do lat 4 "T. Pac lat 5a............. Vn Pmc lat 4a do ct 4a. ........ m. .. ... d r.f 4a. ............... , do a t"i Tank 7a................ bi l't &a do !- i lA'.fit rmrts P!'hra p.t. "4a I nou.trtaSa All'i iackra . .......... rrn Aar h "Sa. ........ Atltn S:n lat &a ........... An.n T. b 7a .............. Anaconda tta A ........... do 7a B Armour ct 7a ............ Armour 4Ha ............. fi "avrr nA.-t a ......... tri 7a do a-i 7a do r.f :.. f.rro n FVnco 5. 1'h'l. fenr da A rt.i 7. Co'.Oraph Sa .'oprr i-tp &m ........... do Sa do M Tolo K I (CD 3a Colo Ind &a 'uhan Arr.n ttUa; Sa . . . . t am n ane ct Iiaiilrs I nam Miktrh ;ti lu;onc TSi ........... Kmpir. G.a Fuel 6a ... Fiaa. Sa on t:c drb ....... 3o A. ............... Cioodrtch 7a ........... Cloodyrar fra ........... Hainx 7a HarahrT 7l Mi i-'t.i drb 4a Ind a Irt Aar S Ift Mnnf O T a ..... Ki: Sppirnjrld Ha ... Kenn.vtl 7a ..... . Lark .st.cl ia do lat 5a T.ibbr I-N" 4 L 7i ..... Liar 44 Mrjrara 5a do 7a Lnriilar.l 5. ' ...I do 7a ilv.! 5a M..rria A "o 7. ...... Proo aV Carnbi. 7a ..... Rapublir 1 St ia .... fca- Ko. 7s do 7. ar Tut. 7a ', b.fl 4V C. Ja , 1.1 . 1 ! . 1 . ! .' . 10 id . 17 . If 50 . 149 . 1U4 . 1'4 . 1.' . 1 .-.. . 1S.14 . 1M . l'.ll . JA0 . 1:.H . !:.! . lrt . II'S . lll . 1 . :rti . 1N1 . i?r . 2o . 1RU' . 1U.T) . 1 ! . 1.1 . 1!I 19.19 147 ).'l !." 1 l-..l- 1!9 1 .ia 1!23 l!.i.'. im: l:.H V.-3-J 1.l ltlJS 191M 1!.'4 ia.'. 1J4.1 l:;i4 l-.'.n CT 7a 7... 1 .!! cr 5a 1J7 7:1 7S 7li, 7d 7!i4 lllta 10S I'l M ms 771, 4S 5- S :.S SI 1 1 1 1U3 1..0 J It" K.114 1"34 M i. loos f7S US a 104 liiiH 5r, 64 113S MS 110", 4S IOO 12 "4 HIS 1!S 3S IMS :-s 4 S BTS 3S A.V 7S 9 K7 104 MS 74 MS 77'. 79 S MS !-.S S 14 V, 1-3 S lS MS S 117 14S 94 S K'2 , 11 S 1. -i s, 1S 1 S 7" llMl MS 9 . 124 S 93 105 3S 1IS i 1-2S 14S ni 7 45 , do Ta JS1 l"nl rru a 1941 V S Pub lat ref 5a 104T do 7S ISMH I" S Sirl af &a l"a Va Cham 5a 1:2 Va 'a Ch.m TSa l3i lt Kirc 5a . IM.'J at I T rol Tr 5a..... Ill l'.,t fnion dSa 14H Wiliwn lat fta , 14I IV : 1 no n CY Ita 1 2 Wrat Hc 7a I925 Ivv.tLnrbouN 7a l'.tl Amn I.t A Trrni 6. , 19T A mo T.I coll 4a ......( lifjit Amn T.I roll 5a 1911 Amn T.l a 192.1 H-n Tl of Pa 7a 195 HRT 5a l.M.l l al Uaa unl 5a 1947 Cltiea f.rvlce 7a B.......... 19id t'nv S.rvlr. 7a C 19HH City Srrrlca 7a D I!mW Int Met 4Sa Int R T ref 5a !! I.a-i.e ; 7a 19.1 Mont Povr.r 5a A 194S Northweet Tel 7a 194 1 Par Tel Aa !T Pao C.aa ra ................ 1942 8ou treat Tel 7a 1925 nil tmnda Analo Amn Sa 19?. Atlantlr Ref -,a 1911 (ialena 8 Oil 7 lfl:tl liolf ill 7a 1911 Humble 7a 19.-1 Pan Amn 7a 1910 Mei pet ct Da 19.W Sinclair "Hi ............... 1925 p o ral 7 I9.il R o N T 7a 19:;i Tmii r 7a 1921 Tidewater il Sa 19.11 V.ruum Oil 7a 198S Kr.refcn aovernment bonda Arrmtlne 21 7a 1923 in : I 5a 1945 P'arium a 1940 Berajen a 1945 Kerne Ha 1945 "hr;Mtnnl !a 1945 r.arvn.a;rn 5t,a ........... 1944 fmnlrh fonaol fa J94t Frenrh Cltlea 6a .1914 Italy at,. A 12.1 8wed!.h UoTt 19"9 U Mx 4a 19.14 do est 5a 1945 . I'ruruay Kat 5a . .. STur.rh "a 1945 ' u r a bonda Allied Pak.ra U Am Tel A Tel tie 1021 do ft. 1924 Anaconda Copper As.. ...... .... do 7a Ana'o-Am Oil 7Sa Armour ac Co 7a. Reth Ste.l 7a 1935 OTper El Aasn S. 19-4 do. 1925 Humble VI 7a Stand Oil N T Sa 111 do 7 1924 Swift at Co 7a 192T. do 1931 B!! . "lOSS 1104, 91 1"S 1"4 1--OS K5 lt.O 99 Si 112 IOO 94 1S insi, l"'- 9.1 S 99 , 1 15S 11HS 5S i4 12i WA 91 12S 9S 101 S r" 107' 97', 91 , 103 W lOJ H 1.1S 105S 194 IOO 101 105 K 14'. lorti. 109 St 1 1SS 107 S mo M iota, 1oS 112S 102S 11 'J 101 Si IKS Kl 104 S 45 S 5S -.1-, 112S 2" 101 S 301 S 101 s. loss lo.i-v, 104' 104S li2 I'M , 1"S 1 09 1, 1ov, 102S 103 ilL BONDS GO HIGHER MtXKXKSS OF COODYE.VII IS SIES FE.TCRE. Kailroad Slocks Develop Extraor dinary Strength Despite the Strike Situation. Porelra Ron da. Furn'ahed by Orerbeca; & Cooka com pany of Frrlland Rid. Aak. Belcian pram &a 1329 72 75 do 7va 1945 loa 1oS da Ss 1925 99 S 10 Braail 8a 141 101 1"! S do 7a 1952 92S .93. Brluah 5a 1922 91 95 do 5a 1927 94 Pa do 5. 1929 9 3 97 do Vky 4a 19l M a; do ref 4a 1919 77 o U K Sa 1922 109 HO do .!- 1929 109 110 do BSa 1917 104V, 11 Bordeaux 1914 )2S 1 Canad an 5a 192 P9 loo do 5S. 1927 lial do Sa 1929 lOS 103S do ft. 19.17 99 1"0 do 5a 1911 loo - Ch:na 5a 1951 52 54 CM.. &a 1941 jo loll, French 4s 1917 50 52 do 5a 1920 71 77 do Sa 19.11 dO off do 7Sa 1941 99 9914 do . 194(1 10 10O German W 1. &. 1 1 Reriln 4a 1 IS Hamburg 4a 1 2 do 4Sa 1 2 I-e!na! 4Ss 1 2 do Sa 1 2 Munich 4a 1 4 IS do 5. 1 Si Is, Frankfort 4a IS 2S lla.ian 5a 1914 S.'. S S Jap 4a 1931 7t 7S do 1t 4Sa 1923 93 93s, do 2.1 4Sa 1925 92 S . 92 4 Norway Sa 194i 110S 111 Swediab 6a 19.19 104 103 fenmark fa 1943 110 11S Rnaalan SS. 1921 14 17 do SSa 192-1 2 SS d. Sa 1919 14 17 Sao Pau o Sa 1931 I'-l lrOS Swlaa 5Ss 1U." 103 1'ilS, do S 1940 1194 ' J20 Oenmark a 1942 9. fK Dutcb Ind Sa 192 9S V, 9H do a 1947 94 S 95 KorWaT. Exrhanca. Foraira .xchanjla rates at th cloae of bualnee. yavterday. fumiahed by North, western National bank of Portland. Tha amount quoted Is the equivalent of th oreiajn unit in Lnlt.d State, funda. uutry Unit. Rate. Austria, kronen $ .00OO3 ItfiKium, frai.es .i77jO HuK-tria. leva .00750 I m hi-sioviti, kronen ......... ,o2.30 I "en n4rk, kroner .21i0 Fna'and, pound aterlins; ......... 4.47."oo Kin. and. ftnmark ................ ,022O France, franca ,0150 Orrmny. marks ................ .00140 (lrfr, draotimai ............... .01250 Holland, iruildera .3sMto Munaary. kronra 00090 Italy, lira 040O0 JuK-Sav!a. kronen O03..0 Norway. krot.er .173.0 Purtuaal. eacudoa 07tl'0 Roumania. lei ................... .01200 Serbia, dtntra 014O0 Spain, pesetas .................. .15io0 Sweden, kroner .2015O Swltaerland. franca 19130 C.ltna tionakona. local currency. .5750 Shanghai, taela 7h.1i0 Japan, yen 475u NEW TOR K. Auar. 10 Forelm x char.ae. steady; Ureal Hntatn. demand. 4 4 . rablea. 14 4.1; to-day bills oa banks. S4 43ii. France, demand. b03S. cablea. oft. ItAly. demand. 4 54 S ; cab:e. 4 55. Relaium. demand. 7.H4': cab.ea. 7 65. Oenvany. tlemand. .11V; cabl.a. .IIS. Holland, demand. 3175: cable.. J4.wl. NurAay. demand. 17.2S. Sweden, demand. 2tl.l5. lenmark. de mand. 21 50. Swlrz-rlnnd. demand. 19 Oi Spain, demand. 13 50. Greece, demand. 1W 1'oiar.d. demand. .01 S- Caecho S.ovakla. demand. 'J 49. Aricentine. de mand. 341 hi. Itraali. demand. 13.53. Montreal. 99 11-11 Maadard Oil fttaarka. standard Oil stocks furntshsjd by the Orsrbeck t-ook. company of Portland NEW YORK. Aur. 10. A weak tone prevailed at tha opening of tha bond market today, tout prices trrtheted later upon a renewed demand for ralla several of whicn made new hilh records. p.nniania aeneral 4SS. St. Lcuia CAn.h...n.m Terminal 5s and tb. Chea apeak. & Ohio convertible 6. were amona- the Issues that exceeded their prevloua biah prices mh i"i" . P.. 4a and Peoria at taatern . nn ... Am w.re b.avT. French republic 7 Sa were Inclined to ti. 1 bit. totrether with the Belgian TSs and ss, but the other continental issue, showed few chanaes. Japanese aeeond 4Ss wer. stronK. but aoma weak ness was noted in Argentine 7s. jL-..un.. ft the ;oodvear lasues tea .. - .k. InriiiBlrl. llHt in wnicn iiittio r. once chances. Liberty bonds cot off to a ood atart but aold eff slmhtiy at the close. .,,.,,000 Total aales. par va:ue. were tll.431.0OO. New ofrerlncs today totaled approxi mately a,O0O.0O0. Kxtraordlnary etrencth of railroad stocks, many of which moved to new hlch around for the yesr. despite the Increasing seriousness) of the railroad strike situation, waa the tttstandine; de velopment in todaya stock market aea sion. Threatened extension of the strike 10 members of the "big four-' brother hoods caused some uneaainewa "at tha start, but the offerlnga were easily ab sorbed and prlcea held well to the end regardlea. of "ahorf attacks Indicating that the floating supply ct stocks waa in atrong hands. Wall atreet apparently 1. counting on the heavy crop and coal movementa Ihle fall, together with the expected Increase, in reneral merchan dise losdings. to mora than offaet the temporary effecte of- strike condition. (irancera auch as Northern Pacific. Great Northern preferred. Chicago at NortnwMtern. St. Louia . Southweetern and Pere Marouette tanin broks through the pesk prlcea for 1922. International Harvester and Sears Roebuck, which are aJ exoected to profit by th. banner cropa. also made new hlch records The financial community apparently Interpreted, the Increase In the V. S. steel corporation's unfilled contract dur ing July aa being due to curtailed pro duction because of strike conditions rather than to Increased business. U. 8 S:eel common wss down S and inde pendent steels, notably Crucible and Re public, softened in aympathy. Cuban sugar stocks were again reactionary, de erme the prevalent belief that the in creased tariff decided on by the aenaie would be refcted In the price to "the consumer rather than in the earnings report of tha Cuban companies. Mexican Petroleum continued ita lump ina-Jack movementa of the last few dsys. closing at a net gain of IS. polnta Studebaker and Chandier. which are also fsvorites of the speculative element, sold off. the former dropping IS polnta individual .trong apota were American Prakeshoe. American Radiator. Inter national Paper and Virginia Iron. Coal and Coke, while pronounced weakness was ahown by Rarnedail "A." Dupont Saxon .Motora and Wiliys-Overland pre ferred. Total aalea were 575. 0O0 shares. Call money opened at 4 per cent and waa in good demand. Time money rates were slightly higher. There were few offerings of prime commercial paper, which all quoted at a to 44 per cent. Foreign exchange business aas con fined large. y to transactions of ewecu iators because cable delays prevented the transaction of commercial business. Local hsnkers were -without reports of the trend of the market in European centera and were unable to clear iocai quotations to foreign capitals. Sterling waa augntiy higher and some improve ment waa noted in the continental rates but German marka were down to lis cent, a hundred, only one-half a cent above the extreme low record. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Furnished by the Overbeck at Cook company or Portland: Sales. High. Low. Fid. 1.200 soo ion l.THX) Jewel Tea .. K C Southern.. ' do -pfd . . . . Kelly-Spgfld ... Kennecott Keystone Tire.. Lack Steel ..... Lss Tire Lehigh Valley " Lorillurd Loew Theaters. 1. N Mex Seaboard.-. Maxwell Mot A do B May Stores Mex Pet .. Miami Mid Statra Oil.. 3.2nrt Midvale Steel .. 1.40 M K & T wi.... 3,5') 00 pia wi Mont Power Mont Ward Mo Pac do pfd . . . M 8t P A fl S M Marland Ol! ... Martin Perry N'at Enamel . . Nat Iead ..... Nevada Con .. New Haven ... Norfolk & W.. .Vor Pac 26 25S 400 43 ti 1.900 3S 1.400 8 S 42 Ti 31H4 SS 78 27S 63 S 17S 2ft S 57-4 43 S 3S s 7 27SI 65 S 77 27 S 06 . . . 1H2S pon 18 J614 is 100 1.14 114 131S 3.400 23 2J 22 Ti 4.3IM) fl.-. -5414 64 S . 2.HI0 19V4- 1SS iS 1O0 129S 12SS 128 -.14,100 172 S 1" ' 171 S 20O 29H 2954- i9H 124 12 'i 34 3.1S , 1SS 17 43 S 43 700 IOO 75 100 37 SOO 'Hie 1.3O0 l.OOO 73 H 53 S .HM) loO S.30II SiMI 173 4 SS Bid. Akad Anglo 13 190 Horn. Srrysmer 410 4-'0 Bu'k-ye 93 97 Cheesebrough 19i 2'H do pfd IO 111 Continental 137 142 Crescent 331 333 Cumberland 1:13' M' Kureka hi 90 Galena com - 51 53 do old pfd 104 112 do new rd s- IOI 105 Illinois Pipe 162 1H5 Indiana Pipe M9 90 Nail Transit 2S 24 N T Tran.lt ,Mt3 17 Northern Pipe 9S ln tihio Oil 273 277 Internl Pe4e 2"i, 20a, Penn Mex 23 30 Prairie M1 535 .V;rt Prairie Pipe 24s iV2 Solar Rfg . 315 343 Sou'hern Plpe 93 91.. Sou'h Penn rMl 203 2!0 S W Pnn Oil o S O Ind y-'S loS S O Kinui JT.O 540 S O Kentucky 931. 91 5 O N T 423 427 6 O Ohio 4.'.3 43 Jo pfl 117 119 Swan 4s Finch ... 32 33 Vacuum .............421 423 Washlng'on 22 27 S N-brika 175 1S Imperial Oil 109 111 Stock Adams Express . Advance Hum .. do pfd ...... Agr Ch.m do pfd A jax Rubber . . . A.aska t.o.d ... AlasKa Juneau Allied Chem AUis-Chalmera . do pfd Am Feet Sugar. Am Hosch . . . ... Am Can Co Am Car sc Fdy . . do pfd Am Cot Oil do pfd Am rrug Synd . . Am Hide at L'th. do pfd Am Ice Am Intl Corp... do pfd Am Loco do pfd Am But. Raior. . 8.700 7S Am Ship at Com 1.400 17V Am omeiter do pfd ... Am Snuff . . Am Steel Fdy.. 3.90 Am ugar do pfd . Am Sumatra 36 "iis" 72S 53 47S 3S BSS 173 300 28 S 26 S SOO IOO 20O 5S 14 0 54 14 70 75 lS 4K 3HS 62 S US IS 72 53 eS 47 314 5S4 172S 121 2S 51 SS 13 70 loo 11114 111 V 111 fino 38 tx 3,1 85 S IOO 52 32 62 .2iK 118i IIS14 UH, liar XII 11 11 1 7S 17S 200 08 S 41 SOT,, 50 Ti 17S 601. 88 S 9H S 130 40 S 40 14 MIS SO IOO lOS, 10X44 Ills 2IM1 39 V 39 34 Am Tel & Tel.. l.Ooo 122S 122S 122S .. I93i . ItMS 1931 1924 1941 1952 . 194H 1923 1941 I9.1.I 1 '..!) l!'4'l 1952 19.12 1941 1931 1 930 1923 19-,i 1931 1951 1944 1951 1944 1934 l'MIl 19.2.1 194-I 1 22 1923 1951 Vi-i 101 s 1S 102 s loT S 10.1s 11 IS 104 1, J "I S l S lsSi so 91 1HM 1115 llSI 1 S9S IOO 1o ll S 11HL, SM 15S 101 S 94 S 1 "O I " 1 I02 of fee Futures I.wrr. NEW TOR K. Aug. 10 The market for coffee futures was lower today under liquidation by old ionga who seemed to b. Influenced by the uncertainty of Kuro pean den.and. Irregularity In the Fra- xlllan m.rketa and tiala of a probable large crop for next season should grow tag condltiore prove favorable. Late prices were the lowest, showing net de clines of 11 to 13 points. Sale, were estimated at about 35.0'0 bags. Includ ing exchanges. September. October and December v.21c: January. March, May. July. 20c. Spot coffee quirt and unchanged at 10 8 1 "Sc for r.lo 7s and 14SM4c for tiantoa 4a. Am Tobacco do B Am Wool do pfd Am W .Prod pfd Am Zinc Anaconda Assd OH Atchison ...... do pfd Atlantic C Line A t Culf at W Daldwin Loco . ilo pfil Ballo s Ohio.. do pfd Barnadell Corp Belt Steel "B" Booth Fish ... B R T Butte C 4V Z. . . Butte 4r Sup . . Burns ' Bros. Caddo Oil Cailf Parking . Calif Pet do pfl Canadian Pac . Cen Leather Cerro cle Pasco Con Tentlle Chandlrr Motor Chgo V W. . . Am Linseed . . . Chto c,t W do pfd Chill Cop Chlno C M St P do pfd Coco Cola C O Colo F I Colo Southern... Col C.s ar Elep. Columbia Graph. 2.oio 2i 141 147S 14H 7i) 145S 144 143 1.500 91 90S 90 H 197 S 29 . 2O0 17Si 17S 17Si 2.100 53', 53 S 53S HO l.son 102s 101 Ti 101 300 93 S 93 93 5o) 114 11314 11314 I .-is J", st 1. Bni Con Oas Cona Clears . do pfd Contl Can ... Cltlea Svc ... Com Prod . . , .do pfd .... Co.dcn fll C R J P. . . do "A" pf l rt.r B" pfd Crucible do pfd Cuba Cane do pfd Cuban-Am Sug.. rl A Hudaon... Dome Mines Del Lack Iavison Chem... Kndlcott Johna'n alrie do pfd Elec Stor Bty. . . Famous Players 12SS 112 57 S 57 Ti 63 29 S 29 14 77', 77 S 0 9 24S 25S 7S 7S SO 29 , 135 "1.1 10N, 10 S K2S 82 S 58 S 5R S S9 s 141 4141 S .is ass, 3HS 3S 10 10'. 5 57 S S3 .11 S 3.1 S at, S 21', 21S 21 S 21S 29 S 29 S 3S 31 S 4, 4Si 9 S S 74 1, TH .10 29 49 V, 4 91 S 03 S SS SS 121S l'-'1S 38 38 87 76V 77 19S .. 1.600 113S H3S lllS lis ... 2 100 44 42 S 4.1 H . . 4.1011 43T, 444 45 700 n 9 n lOO S4 S S4 S S4 . . 8.100 91 S 90S 90S 92 . . 1.900 13 1444 MS . . I OOO 8S 3S Ss 6.40H 26 23 S 23 S li.SOO 58 S 8300 'ih'ti SOO 771, 20O 9 2.900 254 7S IOO SO 3.M.0 1.18 1" 10V 1.5O0 S34, SOO 37 S "liiVl" 14 1'S l.iiMl 39 51 m 39', l.ooo fosi 3,2110 5" 8.2O0 R7 S 200 84 ;oo T 2O0 21 Tm 1.4O0 22S OoO 29 S, 5i0 .12 S 9 lo, 40 1, 1..MXI 70 K.Sisl T7 21 'O :w jm 49 44 SOi 94 Si N 8 Steel X Y Air Brake. X Y Central Xor Amn Okla Prod ref... Ont Silver Ont & W Otis Steel Pacif lo Dev . Pac Gas & Elec. Punta Alegre ... Pac Oil Pan Am Pet ... do B Penna Peo Gas Pere Marq Pure Oi Phillip. Pete Pierce. Arrow . . Pierce Oil Flue Con! ...... Pitts W Va. . . Penn Sea Steel. . Pr Steel Car. . . . ullman . . . Ray Cons ...... Reading Remington Repiogle Steel... Kep I A S do ptd Rep Motors .... Royal Dut Oil. . Ry Steel Spg... Stand Oil Km.. Sears Roebuck.. Shattuck Aria. . Shell T & T Sinclair .... stand Oil Ind... do X J ' Sloss Shef Sou Pacific .... Sou Railway .. Stand Oil Cal L R F . . Stromberg Carb Studebaker 9. Ron l.otMl . 1.1O0 2O0 2.400 wo floO soo 100 300 18T4 . 4,500 . 31 S 1O0 116',, .10,400 SIS 24 S 22 57 86 S 38 S 2S 56i4 23 Ti 22S 58 66 S 28 V4 r,5T 90 1ST. 12s 34 18 ' 43 72 24 S 22 56 S Mt! 28 S 53S t 18 4 31 S WHEAT CLOSE IS FIRM PRICE SHOWS SLIGHT VP TCRX, DUE TO STRIKE. 100 Si 3.100 Sioo 1.000 '200 6011 300 1,000 500 8.5O0 6.000 400 2 loo s. 200 T.KHs. J SI 1.70O - 400 2.8O0 98 St 74 S 2H '26 11 7 ' 7.1V 52S T4S .8S 46S 91 S 39 S 29 S 43 10 7S 3.10 -65 V, POO 40 1 6.400 600 04 7S 81 poo 121 200 jss 2,700 70S 11.H4 115S Mi, 82S 31 M 77 97 H 74 4, 24 TV 26 S 11 7 724 4944 r.2s 73 44 88 Si 46S 90 i 39 29 Si 43 Ts 7 65 40 7 81 97 S 74S 2S '2614 10-, 7 72 . 49 ; 52 S 73', 6S'i 48 89 "4 37 54 29 42S 9;s 7 65 39 S 7 81 120S 120S in JS 75S 31S 71 100 31 3oO 72 20O B2 1IOO .IS 3 1.6O0 52 f,2V 300 189 109 93 l.-.S 4,700 88 84 100 10 4.200 30 110 20O 180 10 30' 78 S 3HS 3Hi T1S 91 52 108S 95 S 87 10 38 so S6OO IOO l.OOO 1.400 3.300 4.100 Tenn Cop & chm Texas Oil Texas Pac Tex Psc C O. Tob Products . . Tran Contl Oil. Union OH Del .. Cnlon Pac t'nited Alloy .. I'nited Drug . . . I'nlt Food Prod I'nited Fruit ... t'nion B ar P... V S C I Pipe. . . I ni Retail stores S.oon 84 V S Ind Alcohol 2.4oo 82. V S Rub 8.900 R7 do 1st pfd . . 10O 104 1 OS 14 09S ISO 179 44 4.500 92 91 Ti -92 S.600 2S 26 S 26 -1.000 loss 105 104 s 6.2O0 31 30 80 '4 6O0 45 44 S 45 S &.90U.120S 12-iS 124 Si 46 30 23 S 53 13 20 46 .12 23 53 13 S 21 S 2.200 145 144 IOO 37S 37 100 79 4O0 7 200 148 1O0 81 4IIO 84 U K Smelting U S Steel ... do pfd ... X'tan Copper ... Va Chem , do pfd, ...... Vsnadlum Steel. VtTandou . .... Wa bash . . . . . do A pfd ... do B pfd ... Wells Fargo ... Western Pac do pfd Western Union. Westhse A B... do K at M... West Md White Motora .. Wll-Overln'd ... do pfd Wilson Packing. "is central ... Woolworth . ... Worth Pump . . W sc L K White Oil White. Eagle Oil loo 40 .14.800 101 400 120 79 7 148 61 34 63 S 62 55 104 40 9 46 32 23 T4 5.1 13 20 144 37 79 7 147 61 34 63 62 S f 103 40- 10l 10O 119 119 2O0 04 83 64 200 27 27 27 4(10 82 62 61 . 1.200 49 48 48 1 00 1 1 1 1 11 2.700 13 12 12 2,500 33 32 33 22 ..... 81 300 io' ib" is 60 500 110 110 110 94 l.SOO 81 61 . 61 400 11 11 11 IOO 47 47 47 0.SO0 7 5 6 4.0O0 38 35 . 37 42 100 30 30 SO 11IO 2.400 51 49 49 900 14 134, jaa; 200 7 7 7 600 25 25 25 Ex. div.. Liberty Bond Quotations. i.ioeriy bond and 1 ictorv note miota- tions furnished by the Overbeck A Cooke company 01 rortiana: Open. Hiah. T.nw .fin.. uoenyni ...1U1.W 1U1.24 100.92 1 00.9 do l't 4s 101.00 do 2d 4s 100.38 dolnt4s -.101.20 lot. 30 101.14 101.10 do2d4s ...100.52 100 52 100.4S 100 50 do3d4Vs ...100 48 IOO 54 100.48 100.48 do4th4Vs ..IOI. 18 101.24 101 18 li -n Victory. 4s . .100.30 100 52 100.50 0o!ft0 do 3s 100.88 100.90 100.86 100.88 Money. Silver. Etc. , NEW YORK. Aug. 10. Call moneT nrmer; nign o per cent, low 4; ruling rates 4. closing bid 5; offered at 5; last loan 5. Call loans against acceptances. 8 per cent; time loans, firm; mixed col lateral 60-90 days. 44; four to six months, 4 ; prime commercial paper, 4 an.. Foreign bar silver, tiitc. Mexican dollars. 62 c. LONDON, Aug. 10. Bar silver, 34d per ounce. Money 1 per cent. Dis count rates, short bills. 1 15-16(1? 2 per cent: three months bills, 2 per cent. Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland aa followa: Swift A Co 104 Swift International .... Llbby. McNeil & Llbby ' do new National Leather 19 . z .. 7 7 Mining Stocks at Boston. ' Mining stock quotations at Boston fur nished by the Overbeck & Corke com pany of Portland: 2.RiMl 122 1O0 36 400 son 12.:' 1.7O0 33 600 lis SOO 48 123 125 33 33 181 132 47 47 3.400 1.100 4. l 1.000 17 26 48 84 Chicago Fatal. Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 10. Potato., slightly weaker. Recetpta. 14 cars: total United State, ehipmema. 786: New Jeraey aacked Irtah cobblers. 41. 800 1.84 cwt.; eastern hers Virginia, barrela. Irish cobblers. S2.'093: Maryland, barrel. Irish cob blers. S2.90: Minnesota sacked early ohloa. 31.40 cwt. Sorar Market.. NKW TOR K. Aur. 10 Rsw sugar, centrifugal. 3 lisV; refined, fine granu lated. 7fM.0 7. 10c. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug 10. fornia-Hawaiinn raw sugar. 3.38c. 11- nritsg Fruits at New York. NBW YORK. Aug. lo. Evspnrated appiea dull. 1 r uaaa .a ay. Feacaes barely steady. Fed Mm at Smlt Fisk Tire SOO Gen Cigars IOO Gen Elec SOO 178 17S Gen Motor 8.1 ml 11 1. 1:1 do 6r. 1O0 82 Oen. Asphalt-.... 6.800 70 Goodrich 500 84 Gllddin Paint .. 100 14 Granby 500 32 Great Nor Ore... 200 40 do pfd 8.100 90 Gfeene Canaea.. m Gulf S Steel 700 81 Glen Alden ' ... 35 Houston Oll.fc. ... - Hupp Motor 1.500 Ilia Cent Inaptratlon Int Agr Corp cm do pfd 17 S8 46 83 82 17 26 46 83 12 12 78 178 13 . 81 89 84 14 31 39 89 . . . 81 80 80 oo -la- oa 12 5 8 8S 33 14 SI 39 b8 16 17 OO K9 108 SOO 40 40 Hl 8 100 87 1 0O 1 700 .1 400 8 1.SO0 110 8 37 1 S 8 107 Interboro do pfd Interstate Calla Int Harv do pfd Int Mer Marine. l.OOO 14 1.1 do pfd 1.400 84 83 Int Nickel . .. BOO 18 17 Int Paper 1.400 85 53 do pfd Invincible Oli... 1.7O0 13 13 Island OU 2,900 13 18 10A 40 8 87 1 8 8 108 115 13 61 17 55 83 13 Arlxona Com Adventure ............. Ahmeek Alanman Atlouex Arcadian Bingham Mns alifornia Ar Arizona... Calumet a; Hecla Copper Range ......... IJavis lalv- Host Butte Hancock Inland Creek ............ Keweenaw Kerr Lake Lake La Salle Michigan May Old Colony Mason Valley North Butte Ntpl.sing North !,ake Old Dominion Copper... O.ceola Mintng OJIbway Qulnrv Mining Pond Creek Isle Rnval . South Iak. Sup. Bgrton I'nion Shoe Machine.... do pfd Superior Copper Trinity 1'tah Metals I'tah Con V S Mining do pfd I'tah Apex Ventura ............... Victoria Wir.ona Wolverine Wyandot Shannon Bid. Asked. S . . 50 .. 63 . . 20 . . 23 .. 3 .. 14 .'. 80 . , 290 . . 43 - 7 .. 10 .. 1 . . 105 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 1 .. 2 4 .. 1 .. 12 .-. 5 . . 20 .. 23 . . 86 .. 2 .. 4.1 .. 21 . . 24 . 46 1 .40 9 80 64 30 26 SS 14 61 295 43 10 o 1C5S 2 4 4 1 2 4 2 13 3 .10 28 37 2 ' 44 21 24 48 1 41 28 4 4 2 1-18 2 1 1-16 1 Receipts Heavy and Primary Ar rivals 200,000 Bushels -in '';''- Excess of Last Year. ' CHICAGO, Aug. ,10. Uneasiness about posslbfa spreading of the rati strike had more or less to do today with the up turn In the price of wheat. The market closed firm to 1 cent net higher, with September $1.05 1.06, and December 1.01.06. Corn finished to 1 cents up. oata Qf .-to 4a, and provisions unchanged to 27 cents lower. - Rail 'strike misgivings in the wheat trade were especially stirred by a report that locomotive engineers' at Pottsvilte, Pa., had declared for an Immediate walk out to. aid the shopmen.' Shorts covered freely after this rsport became current and the market closed at the top fig ures of the day. Previous to notice be ing taken of renewed talk, about trans portation difficulties,'" the market had developed a little strength as a result of higher bids from exports, together with announcement that 505.000 bushels had -been purchased for shipment to urope. ' New low price records for the season were touched by the wheat mar ket Just after the 'opening. " Receipts here wens heavier than had been looked for, and primary arrivals taken as a whole were 200,000 bushels in excess of last year.- Houses with eastern connec tions bought somewhat freely 01" -the de cline, however, and the weakness proved brief. Advices indicating need of rain over a wide district tended to rally the corn market after corn, like wheat, had touched a, pew low price record for the season. Cash demand for corn was better. ..Oats were neglected. - Liquidating sales. caused late fdeonnes In n. n.niM.tn mart.F mOTA man HIT setting advances whicn earner nau re suited from an upturn in nog values The Chicago grain letter received yes-J terday by the Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland follows: Wheat Short-covering resulted in good rally after an early decline. The persistent recession in values of late re- ulted in a somewhat oversold condition end while there -was nothing in the news! to cause the bears any uneasiness, the I fact that a rally was due led to buying. Cable reports from JSurope indicate that the world situation is if anything worse 1 as the result of the practical breaking up I of the London conference. Marks sold new low. Foreign demand for cash I wheat waa clow, with cables slow in 1 arriving. Local handlers sold 400.000 1 bushels to fill old sales with bids c i. ,f. Huffalo c higher for o. 2 hard. Ap parently exporters are getting uneasy over the persistent reports of car scarcity 1 and fears of a spreading of the rail strike, I which seems pobable in view of the press I dispatches. It will take a radical change in general conditions to bring about a I sustained advance. "Corn Srptember reversed its action 1 of recent days and after a break to a new low for the season turned strong and led the upturn. Removal of hedges and buying by cash houses was the main influence. Liquidation seems to have about run Its course for the time being and the short- side on the breaks should be- avoided, although there Is nothing o which to base a belief that values will I advance materially. "Oats Sold at a new low on the crop I but held within narrow limits. Trade I was mainly lical. "Rye Trade rather light. Action of I wheat was the dominating influence.' Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. ..tt.0. $1.06 $1.04 $1.05 ... 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.06 .. 1. 10 1.11 CORN. ttou imownaW' you can get with safety from. torn andmbre I Long Term Bonos Investing for income is a science. If you are not skilled in making safe investments that bring the best income consistent with their character and that are of a liquid, quickly marketable-type, thereby assuring quick availability of. your funds in time of need, ret us-assist you. ' -- We are skilled in making safe investments. have a large1 organization of experts who devote their sole time to this business. We do nothing else. We have no side issues to divert us from our one purpose, that of serving safely and to the best possible advantage the requirements of men and women and of banks. and other financial institutions requiring unfailingly dependable income. -r" "' a ' ... '.. By using the service of such an institution as this organization of specialists you' can improve your income and assure yourself that your money is safe beyond question ' and quickly available in time of need. -. We are members of the national syndicates underwriting the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company 15-year sinking fund 7J2S and the Holly Sugar Corporation . 1 5-year sinking fund. 7s. We withdrew from the syndicates large blocks of both these issues ' for offering to our" own clients and have limited amounts remaining available. ' . "v v - . These bonds offer you the best of present investment opportunities. They offer you a minimum return of 7 and very much higher return through sinking fund provisions for buying in at the market and "call-by-lot" at substantial premiums. These bonds offer investment for small and large sums, multiples of $ 1 00, being in denominations of $100, $500 and $1000,; . r . Holly Sugar Corporation 15-year Sinking Fund Gold , 7s, July 1, 1937, at 100 to yield a minimum of 7. $200,000 ,to be redeemed- annually, by market ' . purchase or "call-by-lot" up to 105. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company 15-year Sinking Fund Gold 7y28, July 1, 1937, at 98 to yield a minimum of 7.73. v $250,000 until October 1, 1927, and $375,000 from then until April 1, 1937, to be redeemed annually by market purchase or. "call-by-lot" up to 107. Call, telephone or write us for circulars giving, jjotl full details. bolt Now Sept.. , Pec . . May . . , Sept.. . Dec. .'. May. . . Sept.. . Dec. . . , May.. . Sept. . Oct... 1.09 1.11 .58 .54 ..59 .57 .r,81 .5.". I ..".-I .54 ,0i ,OS .56 .OS OATS. . . .31 .31 T4 31 .81 .34 .34 .34 .34 . ,3S .38 .37 .37 LARD. .10.85 10.85 10.67 10.7O ..10.95 10.95 10.77 10.80 SHORT RIBS. Use our Partial Payment Plan Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. LUMSIRMBNS BlOO.. PORTLAND kd - MalJ 0 1 !Pls "wY Denominations $500, $1000 Ask for circular with full details Sept 10.05 9.82 9.9L Oct 9.30 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 red. 11.08; No. 2 hard. $1.09 if 1.10. Corn No. 2 mixed. 6161c; No. 2 yellow, 62 63c. Oats' No. 2 white, 32437c; No. 3 arrive, 55c. $1.15 ; No. 1 hard Minnesota and South Dakota. $1.05 01.11 : to arrive,, $1.05 ; fancy No. 1 amber durum, $1.10 1.12. to arrive. $f.03 1.05; No. 1 amber durum. $1.00 1.02. to arrive. $1.00: No. 1 durum. 9598c, to arrive 5c; fancy No. 2 amber durum, $1.08 1.10. ; No. 2 amber durum. 08c1.00 ; . No. 2 durum'. 9295e. Corn No. 2 yellow, 57 c. to arrive. 56c; No. 3 yellow corn, 5657c, to white. 31 35c. Rye-So. 2, 757Bc. Barley 5060c. Timothy seed $4.255. Cloverseed JIL'&IC . Pork Nominal. Lard $10.80. Ribs $9.7510.75. Oats No. 2 white, 2830c: No. 3 white, 2829e, to arrive, 2Sc. Barley Choice, o0o2c; medium good. 46f49c; lower grades. .4245c. Rye No. 2, 70 c, to arrive 67 c. Flax $2.472.48, to arrive, $2.32. Wheat futures September, $1.11; December, $1.09: May, $1.12. Kansas CUf Grain Market. KANSAS CITTf. Mo.. Aug. 10. Cash wheat, unchanged to 10c higher; No. 2 Cash Grain Markets. Furnished by Jordan-Wentworth & Co., Vn,tl.nH MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 10. Wheat No. I darK nam, t.oi 101 1.11 ; 110. a rou. , ,.!, v.- xf 11 Mil. v. 1 H.rkl Corn Unchanged xo lc lower; o. northern. $1.28 & 1.41 ; No. 2 . dark 2 white, 54c; No. 2 yellow. 58c. 11 24. ai SRVA I No 1 northern. I nay Corn No. 2 yellow, o7Bo8c. I DULUTH, Minn., Aug. 10. rial seen, Oats No. 2 white. 28 30 c. September, $2.31 bid; October, $2.27; 1 Novemher. II' ''4 V. bid: December. OMAHA. Aug. 10. Wheat 'No. 1 hard! $2.20. XI Ol X'n 9 hard OOotiUxl 01. I Corn No. 2 white, 63c; No. 2 yellow, I ncamo unuu .wan, 55c. ' . I SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 10. Wheat- Oats No. 3 white, 4040c. I Hard white, soft white, western white, hard red winter, soft red winter, north CHICAOO im.' 1 10. Wheat No. 2 I ern srjrina:. SI. 10: western red. $1.08: Big red, $1.08 1.09 r No. 3 red, $1.07 I Bend bluestem, xi.-o. 2 41 '48 2 2B 1 1 11 60 SS 3 43 4 2 30 2 11 To 90 QIOTATIOXS OX DAIRY PRODl'CC Current Market Ruling on Butter. Cbeeae and Kggs. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10 (United States Bureau of Markets. ) Butter, ex tras. vc. Eggs, extras. 27c: extra firsts. 27c: extra puliets. 2c: underslxed pullets, 15c. Cheese California flat fancy. 23c. . NEW YORK, Aug. 10. Butter, firmer; creamery, higher than extrae. 3435c; extras. 3334c; firsts, 30 g 33c. . Cheese, Irregular. Eggs, steady; fresh gathered firsts. 24 ?25c: Pacific coast whites, extras, 42 44c; do firsts to extra firsts. 31(M0c. CHICAGO, Aug. 10. Butter, higher. Creamery extras 32c: firsts 28ft929Wc: seconds 2627c: standards 81 c. caas, uncaanaea; receipts ltf.lOl Cases Chicago Oil Market. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) CHICAGO, Aug. 10. Gasoline Tank wagons. 21c; service stations, 23c: ma chine. 27.9c. 1 Oils Summer. 11.4c: winter. 11.9c. Carbon Perfection, iron barrels. 10r. Linseed oil Raw. 1 to 4 barrela de livery. $102; boiled. $1.04. Corn oil Packages. 24 pints, $6.25. ' Turpentine $1.36. Denatured aioeaol, 40c. , 1.08: No. 2 hand white. $1.0931.10; No. 3 hard. $1. 04 Ml. 08. Corn No. 2 mixed, 60c; No. 2 yellow. 62tju3c: No. 2 white, 61tJ61c. Oats .No. 3 white, Bl3oc. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 10. Wheat No. 2 red, $1.03: No. 3 red. 98c$1.01; No. 1 hard, H.OIffl.n; No. 2 hard, - $1,010 16 Corn No.2 mixed, 53c; No. 2 yellow, 5Sc. Oats No. S white, 34c. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 10. Wheat No. 2 red. tl.0Sifrl.1O: No. 3 red, tl.041.06; No. 1 hard, $1.061.10; No. 2 hard. $105 rg- l.titl. San Francisco Grain Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10. Receipts: Flour, 32 quarter sacks; wheat, 4300 cen tals; barley, 15,710 centals; corn, 860 centals; potatoes, 1005 sacks; onions. 1891- sacks; hides, 855. Hay and gr4n unchanged. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current en Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN -FRANCISCO. Aug. 10. (State Division of Markets.) Fryers, 3235c: broilers. 2ao2e: roosters, young. 38 i-c- oia, j i iff isc ; nens, iy6Zc; ducks, Corn No. 2 mixed,. 60c; No. 2 yei- I iZ sit tu. ' mrkna live soaxKe"- Oats No. 2 white, 32C33o Qft Ait 41t Ha res noiinH 1 iSil 1 fi - at,H white, 33 (834c; No. 3 doaen, $3.50; jackrabbita, dozen. $2 2.50. , Fruits Bartlett pears, box, $12; ap ples, 3 to 4-tier. $1.50 2.50; canta loupes, standard crate, $1.502; oranges, Valenciaa, $B11; lemons. $3.506.25; 1.65; parsnips, sack, $2.503; peas, nominal; bell peppers, lug. 75c$1.25; new potatoes, pound, 1 2c ; sweet. 4&5c; rhubarb, box, $11.25; summer squash, lug,' 50 75c: spinach, pound, 34c; tomatoes, lug, 75c(gj$1.25; turnips, sack, $11.25: green corn, dozen. 10 13c; beets, sack, $11.50. COTTON STRONG AT NEW YORK Market Closes Fifty Points Up From Previous Finals. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW V YORK. Aug. 10. The cotton market developed decidedly strong un dertone this morning, noon, after profit-taking, tne marlret was about one-half cent net higher and in the last hour's trading prices advanced to the highest levels of the day, to close near the top. At the close prices were 50 to 5G points up from the previous finals. Spot steady, 50 points advance, 20.95c for middling upland. Southern spot markets were: Galveston 21c, 25, points advance; New Orleans 20.75c, 25 points advance; Savan nah 20.25c, 45 points advance; Augusta 20.63c. 50 points advance; Memphis 21.50c, unchanged; Houston 20.85c, 40 points advance; Little Rock 21.50c, un changed. NEW YORK, Aug. 10. Cotton futures closed steady; October, 20.70c; Decem ber. 20.70c; January, 20.62c; 'March, 20.69c; May, 20.65c. NEW YORK, Aug. steady. Middling, 20,95. 10. Spot cotton Cotton Seed Oil Market. Bi Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Aug. 10. Closing prices for cotton seed oil: August, 9.659.70c: September, 9.609.65c; October, 8.84 8.85c; November, 7.937.95; December, 7.92c; January, 7.907.92c: February, 7.807.92c; March. 7.947.96c. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Aug, 10. Turpentine Dull, $1.06; sales. 150 barrels; receipts, 631: shipments. 208; stock, 8992. r, Rosin Firm; sales, 1246; receipts, 2108; shipments, 5; stock, 80,431. Quote: B, $4.754.80: D. $4.804.90; E, $4.90; F. G, H. $4.95; I, $5; K, $.15.10; M, $5.105.20; N, $5.353.45; WG, $5.90 6; WW, $6.5506.65. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 10. Copper, steady; electrolytic, spot and nearby, 14c; later, 14(314c. Tin Steady; spot, 32.25c; futures, 32.37c. , ' Iron Steady; prices unchanged. Ltad Steady; spot, $5.7505.80. Zinc Quiet; East St. Louis spot and nearby delivery, 6.256.30c. Antimony Spot. 5.25c. Chicago " Grain Pit Notes. (Bv Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) ' CHICAGO, Aug. 10. Crop reports from Russia are getting worse, according to nectarines.'- crate. $1.252.25: grape fruit, -$o.507; strawberries, drawer, 60- w65c; raspberries, . drawer, 60 65c; blackberries, drawer, 2530c: logan berries, drawer, 4050c; avocadoe dos., $4'7; . figs, double layer, box, $1.25 -1 Kit. n&anKA. QIVAtt ..,---, r... ,-hich have done considerable nom'lnal ; pumi 75c91.2fi; ffrapes. Reports from France and Aus- I to i. . , a t . tralla are favorable. In Jtiffo-Slavia Peraian nylons." crate, $1.752 ; neW green wheat, corn and oata have been dam- lllo. i fti s vefcetacnes weans, pound. uttHc; oar- rnta. uric. I la 1.25:- celerv. SStroi.OO: Vemel men say there are more boata j cucumbers. lug:. 65 85c; ' eggplant, pound. 3 4c ; lettuce, crate, $1 g 1. 25 ; onion, green, $1.259 1.60; Stockton red. cwt., $1.251.40; yellow, cwt., 51.40 Broomhatl's summary. Famine- Is feared again this winter in some sections of that country. Weather in Europe gen erally has been unsettled. Forecasts are for drier. Heavy -and prolonged rains have fallen In central provinces of Ger many damage. tiged by drought. awaiting co load wheat than there is grain in the elevators. The wheat is run through from cars to boats as fast as possible, although not aa rapidly as the boat men would like. Receipts are fair and loadings heavy with 655,000 bushels wheat and 1,146,000 bushels of all grains loaded into boats Wednesday with active loading today. one house has orders to load 1.000,000 bushels wheat and 1,500,000 bushels corn as soon as possible, as the boats are waiting. Commission men having customers in the country with their eievators full of grain and unable to get cars are In some cases advising hedging the cash grain by sales xor. Jday delivery. Based on the present crop outlook the North American wheat crop Is estimated by Russell's news service at 1,155.000,000 i bushels, avowing 350,000,000 bushels for Canada. . compared with 1.095,000,000! bushels -last year. . Exportable surplus. he figures is around 414.000,000 bushels. The general run of trade estimates are for 450,000,000 bushels or more. Minneapolis Grain Market. Furnished by the McCaulI-Dlnamore company of Portland: Wheat Old No. 1 dark northern- ai.o tji.oan to arrive, ti.-i (jx' i.oy- No. 1 OarK northern. 11.28 &1.41. to arrive. gi.iUH No. 1 northern, $1.21 ai.ae-ft. 10 arrive, si.it): old no. dark northern. $1.41 l.ol ; No., 2, aarit nortnern, ai.4 at a. 38. : No. northern, $1.17 1.31 ; old No. 3 dark northern, $1.38 01.48 ; No. 3 dark northern, $l.'0 fcl.35 ; No; 3 northern. $1.13 Hvvl.16 ; No. 1 dark hard Mon tana. $1.21 1.26 ; to arrive, $1.16 0 1.1.1; NO. 1 hard Montana, $1.11 1.10: No. 1 dark hard Minnesota, and outh Dakota. $1.15 .U16. . to arrive. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Investment Securities United States Liberty Bond issues. State, County, City, -' School and foreign toonds, also First Mortgages on improved city and farm property. List of Current Offerings Upon Request. Ground Floor, Board of yTrade BIdg., Portland, Or. Sale of Submarine Chasers by the U. S. Navy At the United States Navy Yard, Mare . ' Island, California There will be sold by sealed proposals, bids to b opened at 10:30 A. M. Tuesday, August 22. 1922, by the Supply Officer. Sales 3ection, BldfT- 235, Kavy Yard, Mare Island, -California, the fol .owing Submarine Chasers: Submarine chasers Nos. 277, 278 and 303. These submarine chasers are staunch, sea-going, wooden-hull, 110 ft. in length; "extreme breadth 15 ft. 4 inches. Each vessel is equipped '' with three standard marina gas engines; six cylinders each, reversible, bore 10 inches, stroke ll inches. Fuel capacity .2400 gallons. Full speed 13 knatsl . , , ' CataJoKues of sale and further Information may be obtained irom the Supply Office, Sales Section. All sub-chasers are lo--. :ted at Mare Island and inspection may be made upon applica tion to Supply Officer. Signed CHAS. CONRAD, Captain (SC) U.S.N. Supply Officer, Sales Section, 'v.""' Siavy Yard, Mare Island, Cai. -iffSNAl. tiYv BASE P h ilippine Government 4V2 GOLD BONDS Non-callable due 19S2 This is one of the long est term issues of out standing bonds enjoying exemption from Federal, State, Municipal and-, lo cal taxation. Price to Yield about 7 4 '2 Circur on Request The National City Company Offices in more than GO cities . Yeon Bids;., Portland Telephone Main 6072 MUNICIPAL BONDS Yielding 4.90 to 6 Send forr circulars. ATKINSON-ZILKA 4 CO. Bonds N. W. Bank BIdg. Main 07CC : Stop the Jolts If pneumatic tires nave a beneficial effect on . the vehicle as well as the occupant sw it turally follows that good ef fects are doubled when the pave ment Itself is likewise resilient reducing to a minimum, tha Jarrinsr and shattering effects to the pavement as well as above In the vehicle and occupaTits there of. Warrenite-Bitulithlc is a re silient pavement. j Cascara Bark Hides, Wool, Pelts. Mohair. .' We Are in the Market. Write for Prices and Shipping: Tars. PORTLAND HIDE WOOL CO. GEORflB M. SULLIVAN, Manager. 107 Union Ave. N.. Portland, Or.