18 THE 3IORMNG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1922 FOR HI.R. y",l!?.....5 'ry3 a tttll Instrument. fi CAl-5. I40K MuRS MONTHLT ta ai. jou iier py tr you fto? four, inartn of th Sfhwia Plane t"o.. beat dew, sou then bay at ife; 25 to Pp cent lower pr.c- .Hera r a few. $4$ Mrjth!S fe Was dot opr. ht . . . $ fi Hi,t A lavm up- chl 235 F C. Kichir lance upright 2 I'mw Sinwjr hoo'i upright . .. . fV Thompon player piano 3' $140 S.r.cr player piano 54 101 Tnta SC.. at W'uii. and Stark. 12. $SV St5. $xi ecur pfi'.rto g rari at IS into. $$ or more mwihiy, at Mr.u Pi no Co.. lth and Hiirk. t 75 buy am a. T-octnv upright piin. f 93 buys rrtef matters tvqaara piano. buy Emerson Upright piar.a. t Hi bay Ha. let A Dav; plan. Tfa;a f al Security &tra C.. 13 ! ti lit . Or Pun M. PIANO BARGAINS . Kinfibury. mahoraray caae. .I?- Kmrwn. mahaffjtny rM.. . 'h.-kernff. o a t?. l-'S Stemw&ir. old at ..... Hj K nirrury. rendition.. :. Vin'f.' d. minm i ie 1 icer 4c Son player........ and tnem SEIBElULiNO-M U3 MUSIC COM PAW. 1 Fourth Si. A WuNtiKHKl L, toi.el laboratory mode; Uion im.r..l ciic phnevraph. the NATIONAL Kl KL CO Kant 201 Ul-t Improved, c:.i.k just fi- - - , . . . , r ? r, . ,-r. : a:iv Hue new. not a mr r b.rmwhl''' &AUK a.aoti. b!m-kwood. No. 1 nywh-re. t..s-:hr with 14 of ihe moat i f r n,i P'- oordwood. aawdust. uM i K.ii-n rwor-ix ai. in Jum - i ik-new conaitmn. nn he had if herd-of red tic t,n. $'.: aU ca.tti not nc,ary. bat Prmnos r ph H ad qua r- J-r. 3 f..cr h;r W uj:p b .it K . or phne Iiro:iay .. nd auk for the p - ) m.n h1. VICTOR horn 10 Jfc,d.on cylinder, recorder and 33 rvii - - - - H ii-tor oak 1 Brurswfck T "3 (Vumb; E. new Tl W.ddtcomb 63 Vtetrola XI. m-hosaay 110 Soaora Xortarn 140 Phonograph Dept. LI PM AN. WoLFK A CO. A D Y for mer'.y l...)-d.) 'im f u r d f o t dan'iy K'mli! pno and w t.i take lash; then we h a v e a.? another miier s;x sacrificed by f nfr. who have Jrfi for the ai; ; price to ci out quirk ls on y $1TK se thejt ana everai others in rtui e d-pt.. Liters. 2i f nrtf K'rit M -;;r h Ik SPOT CASH PAID FvR fSKu PHONUGKAPHS AND REC- Newman s Eirhrr 12H Flrnt Broa !wv 7 1 U Auto. ?7-4'l. 52V2 1'IA( Tt'NlNG ANti MlONuiTlt A PH REPAIRINO. any make. Ail work jruarnted. iEIBKl! f .IX1 - LI'CAj? VI STC CO.. ICS 4th t. Hdwy. Td JPlAMOi. p:ar pianos ana paonograpb to rent; new p.ayer rolls, eacU. Player Roll Exchange, Harold &. Gi.bert, 1Q7 West Park, near Wash. WILL give job a good price for your old ptaoo in trade for a pew piano W also esl pianos and prtoncgraph at very low pri-;. 4h Union ave X. hA l.E ud upr.gai p aa...-. 4U;. 1215 -. etc . IO ca-n. $.. iri or $S month, st Liprnan. Woif A Co., Ath and Washington Sts hlCUi your dead pUno, turn it into rah; w only charge ma t romnns $n : inveetlicjtie. itmkerAge Co.. 312 W rrrrf r h.tlg. BMviWAy 154. PIANOS, your choice of myites. 1 H0 tip. Many of the world's bt mkn Grand, p syers and uprights. Terms to suit. SI. Woneitrr hi-ig J"'Mi PLAYER piano. lliA; In fa of music Famous Meivii.e Ciark piano; terms. 31 Worce r b'd x. IX m i upr:ht Morris rhair. mrntecs juaru lu;i . J 1 ' : alM E. h si new Call Ki.Ntijii.URY nprtgnt. Ih7 Com la and hear It. Harold fit OUtM-ri 10 Weat Park near Wnmrt n at V P'TKOLA TRALE FOR I iANO. $2'hK period model, and records trade for god Bnd piano. Bdwy -.7;. iiEA t TiFi L te $S&5 mahovany fin ished phonograph and 14 iat t:on; wta sacrifice for $'. Ma:n grand piano for KJSe, a .ow- nee mad on upright . balance mus: HOHAIIT M. CABLE pa ao. on y :5. p;.n mah. Swn snap. ai. GiiAND pi mn. or tk- n. f -i " t i i H new. $ .'". upright part pay. 3IJ PI AM 'Phis; 'S. lljHI t. terms t L. a I rood up mi;. 31' Worceaur ' K I r HA I A. pi.tno. niir urr;h, on y f 1 '- -" down. in mo. Voneter 114I ( !5 ch; all Wrre-r M rnra G mp.r f.f- af-T.va w i: n M.V?rh st . :! rrrorrti, Bdwy. 0lo. Furnftnre for Nie. STHRAOK SKI K COOna TO BE SVCK1FTCKD FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAX CHARGES. T3O0 KUr fet f ;oor a par f ried with high-grade SrsKur of every kind and de-r:p;ion; antiques. curios, tc p anoa libonographa. vio!Sns. vacuum -.eaaers. lectrie pads and b.aa kats. dhea. cat g.asa. maaa.va ciocKa Wtltoo and oriental rugs, refrigeratory sewing ma cb.nea. au:omobila and irick tires, wire wneels and parts, various aod many otaer art clcs to numaroua to mestuoa. SECURITY STORAGE 4. TRANSFER CO.. 4th and Pina Streets. OpP39L MaP.nonah Iln'eL . OEM INK H'tbun laboratory moie! phnograph. the kind that never eHs for lcs than $-''k a 114 of the finest. mot careful. y we ected records ail literacy saugntered in order to make quick aaie. sve a.lv. under For sal. M uaicai instruments, this issue 1.1. ers Legale Dept.. 2d floor Eiiers Muf? h!g 2AD formerly wcii-to-4o U forced to re!! dandy Kimbail pian. and wifl take S250 rah: thn we have also another mialier sie sacrificed by owners, who have icft f.r the ra-t; price to ciose out quick 1s only $170. s-e th"se and reveral others m rew'e difpt.. Filers, id ronr Flrs Music hldg A v OK x breaafant tabie. two c h a i -s writ ing desk, new but antique Myle, two rugs, linen iunch t nth w;th napkins, eiegant leather hat box. different f. tir!es reaannahl. -.5 14rh. Main ! ! IXNT sacnr ice your rurnuura if go i r. g aat r to California: w md save you money on your iretghr Jo our through cars, fireproof atoraga. C. M. 01mb Tranfr A Baggag Co.. 245 Pina at. LET ME make you beautifully ov stuffed davenports and Chairs fn r spar tinie. m K. Stark Est fi5'S AKW furniture for aie. no. trtreap; f;; r0r " Phone; A; water 4 a;o grand pi rent, ciose in. "54-INC H round d .mr.g t.ij.e. buffet and full -szd b-,'j, gas heater, o'ch-rr A NEW floor covering for you to ae a bet'er bs?. The Merr.fl Co lurn.nir.Ks of a prla;e hauie for sae. Call Automatic -SI. MAHOtiA.V Y gate leg larv.e and bed. walnut dmlng room set. Auto. 3'8-40 BARGAIN' ptno tnr -Fie roon u Jed. i- comp.fte, player t hr st. H't SKil- turn.iur tr sate M r ! n.l ave. Jffice- Inrnittire. I SKD 0FFL:E FIR MTI HK. xx have some exceptional buys In dsks. chairs tables and filing cabi nets, aU reftniahed and almost equal tu new. I R W I x - H onso v. 3?T Stark at Dth St.. Portland. tTI.HR DKSK.3 ctoae-out prices. All nr ' . 11 Park st. At gradca A N K V t.ttor covering for you a b"r b-st The M-rrHI Co 12-INCH for $T fk and chair ! r'J. K S.tFK A N I J DKSiv. in 4.1 Fourth :. Typewrit .rn. Al.L il AKtl.-, GUARANTEED REBUILT. " t't to 10 pr ct-nt t:u m.n-uUciur.r.- rrtc; TERMS I i rh and Ii month if de. red. LATE UuDELd kente: a m nth it ;. up WH. I.ESALK TVPEWEITKR CO 3J1 V.sn.r.gton St Hdy ntBLiLr typewriter.,.., kinus. tor u rent. sco.t.g. W. r exc.u.iv cil tmutors of Corona. part..... i. c-np.t wi:Sl carrying cam; aupp i.s mc.4 r.pilr. for l m.k.a O: N TIi-Wi;l rCR CO. 4 F.fth St. B-o.dway T1W KKBt'ILTi. renta.. cut rat. a P. D C Co . 231 St.ru t Bdwy. 7 Sol REPAIRS, r.nt buy U. jppuea Typ- writer In.p. Co.. S1J Stark. HJy. 7&4. . $1 MONTH rEla an Und. lntel. k'npir. Trjr.- K.m- r. t-WV. -- IMi l'NiERWi K.D No 5. .". $7 50. do.a. .$5 a mcfti ft.. v 3T!. . .'K' N A (or I Ith st. Ma $3t; n I 1'oulto . l-,. KM. i-K ISLAND KKD . hi. Vena. pu, i te-ta. 3 to .'. rr on. . 1 t "..ro-.ig r. ai.il cooM-" er.:. I turk. 3 mo..; 1 incu;tor. 1 oi:.id. ft-rt.i.r. witft lamp. pura e rhtrken bouata. Barsaia. All . Ad at. . FOR for nxt.m. tQ. Hwhhlt't, H.rt.a ! f ft Mwk. J ,FW BIRD bolr, X7sr, Kednt and Breed.nx of t'anariea." rive, a walume I of real .nforuiauou lo tU how an-1 l what to Me to oveTone d aee and j t-e-ub.a. World a diar to any owrer J i of & canarv. Pott paid. Kutide Mrd. frt & Anlrr. i Co.. Portland j Uhl.LM :)KK lUKTih. at itud, a win u.nif ci'iner enamel puppies alr of Miin PA n. HOT, eii trained. i .i anii wi3:e; nevr -rech - h j S K Ml S.-oTt c TliuHOt iH BHKD Ai. fcujH broke. fail wk P i a pui. 13-10 this U K LL. marked puppi- . f Jl earn , mothrr th"rouKhtrd lioston lerrtrr. Walnut IX ijS kNardd by day, week or month. Tabor a j lai. ,auiH hr and Marine Kumpmrrit. 1 iiuTuK liAT cheap. & Vtltrnetta mwrtB or Lr. iiinah, Battla Urour.d, Wah. 1 nn WmmJ. 4 I'KR UOAU-H A TWLOAU LOTS. 11-inch fir b l and lb. runs part :y dry. for f urnare or hentrr HK'-.ON r'KU CO.. WALNTT 41f2. 4 L'A lead in 2-lotd ! (. I ,-,,... - hj..,- I iun ami co,i. . v ii. itr-fn iota n ft am pa. Ho un Fuel Co.. &4 Mh ray A .". Vt H'I WOUli. 4-foot hiock and raitoad tie.. also 14-inch dry bh- k wood; irreen block wwd- Main 21 Nu. 1. i.KKK.V and dry f.r. fT.'O. heavy country aah, 3.73 : pole or body oak. $ ? . AO per co rd. Main fi 1'41. t BOXK-DIIY h. wood. L4 J.1 and I, ex tra n.ce p;aner ends 15.50 per load. Cai! Walnut ' S4t UK V BLOCK icu $3j Ooub'e ?oad $H. Bdwy. UKKCK.AUK w ood . 4. 50 a loa d. eas t a .i" only. Fast 31T34 , WHfc-N you want A wuwifiw call Keiley. Kaft f 40. DRY OLD Kill. 17 Ji growth. t .V0 " h ; N. 2 oi.l ftr. $5 NO. 1 OLD ro"th ord caat. Ei:jn 1755 ood eat V t a h Wool', any on. A t a : kind, sum met r I'-'.U. Wd! pr.c 34J 1ST GROWTH FIR rd ood. Walnut .v."4. or 113 Montana A-No. I FIIJ 7..i rorri. ST-GKOWTH f;r cord w -oo. Tithor .v.:ci MANUFACTURER'S r i r " n t - I . v e has urtmpie seta and prt whlh he is di! po!.ng of at less :hn who!-saSe; w.tl eli in bulk or s.ngie Items. Call "13 Siock Exchange b.dg or phone Mam M4! RADIO and battery chargtng mop for rent. $13 month. 371 1st t. Keg and BeTea. KFGS AND BARREIS Fir and white oak- Western Cooperaga Co.. 84M N 14'h il, ir Pettygrov Phona Auto Li-hinerj ONE 12xl" new !"-r-i Chandirr Price prena. 54' ; I 10s 15 nt- w iivriea Chan dier A Fr:r pr-f.t. $350, 1 ZlH-tnch Chandler Jtr Price U)r cutter, $112.50: 1 -h. p. D. C. imHor. $50; 1 H-h. p. I. C. motor. $V: alt equipment in first-cTsss condition. A. B. 1-, Broad v y H..M GASOLINE pump. Crane's clrar-vitdon 5-Kal eirctnc type, the best gas dis pf ner on the n:arket ; regular price $ .".h , ; rrake rr.e a reasonahJe o: fer P:v v. 4 .; lt; . Neshejm. 7t3 Everett Ft F77K s ALTiT'Ti" xT( T.'-una d . n k " y ncine practically new; 1 BKI-ft. 1-inch l.ne. 1'Xm ft. S - 'n. line. 3 trip lines and Mocks. Pr;i e $115it. Phone East fit;4 1 . Mlellaoeoii'. AM PER electr'.c tmubie-f hooter a ith diagram.-, rent $125: will e;I, for $40 4' rest -O- Lite Serv ice Station. Itith and - Davt. 2t YARDS of gtmd d.rt. ood f-r garden purpM. can ins had for hauttng away and wtlE stand part of the cauLng ex- prf. Phn H I wy 3 4-". Ii EA IT I Ft L t -el it'.Uf gray $(ju. rcl J coal, fuii length, w a h douale fur uluwl j coi.ar; pr ; i a. y ne w ; remon.c e phope Fas: ':$ MRS. S. W. HERMAN buy and aeili laiiei" and gent' riot hes. Will py h.c hvst price. 152 1st. corner Mill. Main SPORTSMEN. For ren t. fine duck lake, one of the best on Sau vie la.and. Fine rab;n and M t : f r d d-coys. K S7. iTCcniin. lioT-WATKR Uiu s. $'. g um r ; tanks. as water heaters o-paire-l . lur. h j con " tr torn ; et ut-f", given. "F.rt Side We. ding Shp. 23 Adans st. K. h.Mfi LAKGAIN vr tut ii s h.l $5 hats now $1 to to $1! lo $2 45. 251 Washingloi 2d and 3 ! il caps. 4. . caps i c t.. between PUKE iogan berry, cherry berry juice. $1.25 pc r g I nd bla-'k-Calt John- son ciaer k. o., - i 42 48. Yamhill at. Mi.n CASH REGISTERS and coniputnig -e, bujiet. o d. ex-han c"d ar.d re paired. PortUnd Cash Rs.Mer Seals Kti'Harc e. Sfa r k St. Bdwv. 7.'l NO. ft oK STOVk! $ h-atr and pipe. $J; girl s biccl". $ 111, or ex change. w,nt Ur-sjir. bed. small tri rvrl" 3'i2 ht p ?! an a ft er 4 :3Q eve. NEW Brut;?. a it k nh:iu-t phonograph, ft rt mod l. nihi'Kny f in i nil. o t $ lm. Will trade ior wood or coal. 07 Ctn tenhein ave. DIAMOND wa fine tone. or one bargain. Broadway c . : ; ca h 154H. for 00 AUTO tei,;. 3 iv. a ou'f it ; uc-J on y Ant. Ir". 33 4 5th St. " k . RlTi' wi'T hfaiT. ult an ga ranne. Bridge Beach -hoie stove. naniUry base. Knit 4"i2 Fl LL drt suit lz 4 stout, niir 3441 and Tuxedo to ma' IT. I h bargain. Phone Wat- HI XTEKS Deer an August 15. 550 rnunit til. Ail tV 1 nt- hat f a m m i, r. i t . nn fur sa t ha. f p rjce. Eat 478. PILES can tw perrnanentiy cured vnili- I1 nut operation Cat! Sec on ! and Mrr r write Dr. Dean, j fJ GENUINE post paid J Porter Don John cleat a $2 2J lleitkemper. maker 151 LA KG! and exce'ier.t assortment tc ui hors. Ftr tae. I HJ. countancy text. Best 1 Barga n. Call lid w v DROP- H E A D Smger : rig ma eh; ne ai good as new, $15. E. 37ti0. 52 Wiii lams ave. LICENSE l independent elect ric ia n w ires 3 rw)inn. 12; 5 for $2; guaranteed lo ps is lns;e(tlon- Woodlawn 3701. D1EBLD SA EES, nt-w and m-tond hand, i"I'ti 1 prices. Pacific Safe Supply Co.. 4 Front st. Broadway !!. KODAKS. We buy. sell, r-nt and exchange ko- dmks- Sh ndy. 1 24 Broadway. ONel for mar I. atai s.i'e 272 '3 and chair, asiif ngtun LA Hit E gas rangf 10th st North. Jewel. $15 1204 Eas-t W1XD-BLOWX ajpo conkirg. 'lfl-03. ! Ki- BEAN thresher 1 T'.'rt Burrace for shIc. $h.V ! , Portland, 1 r nUirf 3.J. Brl.pr !bor. 1-HVSiC KAST IAN S1ZK VIBRATOR Folt i ;, ' J33J :e nt.nk skin..; GVi'lfTone ave --ry r a.-.n- E.Y! IM.KM !, !Mz-. pi. t :;:9S, arnr.a l K. KuK SALK iloy blrnle. gojj condi tion: rr-p Tahor :;.73. Foil S ALE W.rker buggy in f r.t-clasa ' condlt:in. t'w.I 747'. Roo!i.ve;t st. FOR SA1.L Mrt. ('row -Compli-te camp outf.;. Ua; ii. K..t 2:, W lU.tLI iJAIK. practically new: rubber .. i I-I'UUT No. 3. d:n:r.(t ruom tab;, for ale. $ ii. E. lrt:h at. I'tinn. Kast 2-.91. HlNiLL NI T S.".' FUR SALE. CALL WAL- GAS ItANOtl, .old t once. used months, cheap If 4:m e 41M at. .V LADiKS' u-ed cio:oitit. Vogue. 4th f oor. .'.1 Al:sky b'dg., 3d near Morrison. A SSW fUor covering for yu to ee; a better bt. The Merrill Co. suH &ALK Uan rrgiMer, .a;., swiding machine. how-ar 43 lt. near Aan. 5X'AhANTti.i rebu.lt balterle. tor aTT cars. $10 to 115. Bdwy. 4492. FOR RKNT tc;ric vacuum clean, re. 71c per day. delivered Ua.ont rjj HAPtO, medicine cabinet, .creep., mlr tor., cat.lnet work, etc. Wa.nut 1 &; EvVMJ-HASD tent, ana cover." tor sals' l aciiic Tent at Awning Co . No. I l.t at sHtNGLES dr. .t from mi.t; .xti. s.ar-A-star. Tylor-st. docK Ma.a mi,, 5 APPARKl. SHOP in a nome. good shun t. T.bor 225 oi i i . ' K i' i'.li T furniture repairing v ..t ran a f ' . KwuiKner, price 4477. viett n nt. tirt v.. rpet .-.v.'-t-er. Ill H-lwy. i Vi SALE K A t .w.r.y 4X combination! I. I It-NI tur m.i. Caii Kast Sis 7. FOR H.41.R. W A MKD car. We m ill paint 8 cars. any make, any color, for 137.50 each for advertising purpoeM No slouch )fti. Written Ruarantec for one year and muchly nice nce of work fioea ( iith thwe car. Prnately owned carf , only, trail early. lont have to leave t-ar here, but book for It, Ccme o e our work. You l.l be aatonUhed Phone Ka 4'1S. tetrdt Auto Paint- I in Co. 42,". hi. Morr:on. - ( UAINTV. lacey. white gold and platinum timuiuint s; th-y make your dinmonda look 2-j pr :ent la riff r and brighter aa ' writ; a wond-rlui a W-uon to choose; i mm. MILLER'S BH1 LITTLE JEWELRY STURK. for l,et Oifta That kat. NK.XT Ihok MAJKSTIC THKATER, WASH I.ViTON NKAR PARK ST. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE Wtt WORK. By our Iast reliable method your llfnlal work S. H nnm H-ithnul . n Ausoiutely harmless and no after- vi:ec:s. AtisfLtton guaranteea Dr. A. W. Kene. Dr. K J Kiesendahl. APove Ma -i:c Tea:er. 351 Va Wash. liCVEKri' WEEK SPECIAL PRICED. You are. weome to look over our tine of s:ore fixturt-s, show rases, new auu u-"i innii rt-g.irt. n . writers, add.ng- mt hi ties. roof beer 1 t barreis. fountains and nuppliea. her ! fi ture; our mot to: "Quick fca ps a nd f m:; Prof ti. Boxer Trading; Co.. I -i . Ktrst; . ! en W y fa in g! on nd A :der. , A -tikxi'iNE K.Iisan laboratory model ' phonograpr., the kind that never aeils fr Its-; Hum S'!.".. also 114 of the , finest, most cart ful.y selected records, i mil literacy ciMUshcf-red in order to nijtke quicrt si-. See adv. under For ' S!e. Instruments, this lsut. i Ki ! P.,tie Dept.. I'd floor El. era l?if- h ', ! i; j ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save on-thlrd; all styles. f'nM ''l'Ctions. Come in and see; you r re under ro ohI!ration to buy. STANLEY HTZ. Ifi7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. H roa dway 4 I r YOU " ppicia,te splendid watch re pairing or Jew-dry repairing, take your wirk to MILLER'S Biff Littl Jewelry Store. S. lis for Lens GitlS That Iaat. N-xt Ior to Maj-ittie Theater. P i r k and Wellington .ts. LEAKY KO'F. EH? Very aggravating, mdec d : Why not a comfortable and permanent roof? We rep-ir. rubber I on a and rejuvenate all kinds of wnrped. era kf d. wes th r-beaten. de-tcrtorat-d ind disintegrated old leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Bd wy. BOUGHT FHoM CREDITORS 4 "losing out stock of goods, tuch wj fishing outf.tfc. out. suit and clothing, in fact, ail (-took now located at Broad way Spurtr-man's Store. Everything at w hoienle. any part, this week. No. 1 N Broadway, cor. Ankeny at. SEWING MACHINES, p. w and second h ind. eold fo. ,-ss; no ayer.ts iin p:oed . com p.ete iine of parts or all txia'tc. i.iciiiiie- ri';a5red and rented S'wjy.j MACK IX t SMFOKfUM. 1v0 Th-rd St.. Near Tavlr. Mam 0431. AL For sale 50.000 ft. wecond-hand lum ber. a.L sixo-a. Including 1x12 shlplap. f. oaring. JUst timber 2x4 and sheet ing, cneap Phone Main 0001- Even lr.K Esst fi64L SAFES Fire and uurg.ar proof aafea new and second-hand at right prices, bought, sold aad exchanged; easy lerms if desired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Proicway 7043 DooiljS. windows. acren doors, mould ings, ma. work glass, roofing and hot bed sash, see our odd stock of sah ard doora fu pr:ces. D. B. Scully Co.. down town lumber s;ore. 171 FRONT ST . be: Morrifci. and Yanhi'l Main 4J13 Kt!l,SAI.K S5.0i'0 new pulp cans, per forated tin tops and tin bottoms. 2n x 3 inchea and 7'M) new pulp bhipping ravi M. E. Newton. 170 Vista ave., or phone A t water 1730. THE ELECTRIC SHOP. We repair anything electrical, serv Ice to any part of the city, work cat d f.r ana delivered. Bdwy 2260. 346 Washirtup ct, K A K M K K S. ATT E X T I O X ! I ant wretking big barn, siae 30x100; can sell you ail the material very rea-sonably- Phone Main 60 L Evenings 0 SLIGHTLY used Whit. New Home. S-.ngtr wewing machines for sale or rent; liberal term od sale. E. R. Sieen. L'2 Grand ave. at Belmont Phone KhC 2 1"1 TWO large aiae liifjuwrs, very guol con dition. Ca i 1 Wednesday a. 33 4 E 3 Id FOR MLf ArTOMOBII.FW. 1022 BUIck. Some buy in a Buick touring, just as good aa a new one; tins been run 2'Mo ' iiiilcs; will s-11 for $1150. Fhon Apt. 1 Sua. Atwafr 44m. - 1022 BUICK t;R lADSKER. I have a wonderful buy in Butck 4 rottr. has ffve cord tires, new bumper, sp-tt. sfd wfn. shields: a bar-j gam at Call Em -ry. Bdwy. ILPV , Cnl.r, AER H n'Mdst-i. nw paint. crd . tirn. run l-vs than 1.mm miles. In Al f condition; ey terms, a bargajn. North- , .( Auto Co.. corner 1Mb and Alder. ! Broadw ay I IniRT roa-lit-r. n-w top. new- paint, me chanically p'-rft-ct; eaay terms: We caf you ahotild own. Xort h west Auto Co., frncr IMh and Ald-r Bdwy. 1 4 WO. lUll Ft.i:D t-urtng $'15u aili, demount hl. rans. 2 new tires. soot I iff ht sirter. speedometer- Bdwy. 5133, No de'er. ll' jo FOLD svdan: govd rtn chanical con dition; good tires; very good appear ance; will racrtfice for $ 475 ; liberal t rrn : r a ? 1 Sell wood oltW. TATE 1021 F"rd aclan; in the very best of aha pc ; and will demonstrate any hie; ee this for $525 H. fore you b ii y : so m tc r ms. Cn 1 1 Tahor .".21 2. l!i'l DODGE tedan in excellent mechan-i.-al condition; 5 wood tires; finish and -vryrh ng iike new; $lo.0. Mr. PUk OP5. Bro td w; v";"'L I ' t TV in..!" JlO i l,r,it rrtiirrcr -,.m. pltely ov erhauied. guaranteed. W:l I (aeritice or quick t-ale; terms. Sell- wrnd O730. .-. FOR SALE. La te mnol Dodgi' ycdan; will take In :un 11 cr and li on asy terms. ITl't rRlWouring ; demountable rims; c Cm! 1 Jri"nmn. Hdwy, ,i most like new ; cord tires; privately i d ; 'ht ap for ca.h or take old 1 or Chevrolet fn trade. Kart 8054. !2 CH EVROLET touring in excellent fiupf . n-w cord tires, .-.pare tire; sac rifice frr $350 with easy terms Phone own--. Eas: 0174 CHEVROLET BARGAIN. Late model like new. Sacrifice. " Long easy t -r in 5 A car you will he P le aed to own and drive. M aln 1005. OWNER LEAVING CITY. 102 Ford touring. A I condition throughout: good rubber, new battery. 3im 001 E Grunt st. LATE L 10 Dodg screen delivery In good condition. $5v cash. Call after P. M. .110 Sn Rafael st 1022 HUP Fully equipped. A rare bargain. By n e r. A "v a t r 157. evenings. j P.: 2n-21 CADILLAC; 4 passenger; like 1 new : wonderful car for the money. ' H 1 wy. om'2. "tj 7 Stark. i F 'KI) roadster $225. cash or terms. See Mr Eggcrs. 'O S. Broadway. Bdwy. CHASSIS Will make good butt: .tor and ev.rythiriK O. K-, $4. J50 inn av".. upstatrs. ' LKAl TIKI'L maroon sport modrl I vere; perfect mechanical condition. Mcrillce. -i'l Jclterson, corner l WHITi: 3t i.urin car. good rubber. A-l mechamcailv. 1'hone Westervett, own r. Bdwy. H92. Price I13'l earn. 1: 2 IU U K 6 touring, lst-claas shape. iverhaulcd. Will take coupe or Ford tourinc in trad.-. Call Johnson. E. 4376. 1922 ItUICK FC'irR; same as new: rut 2ixio miles; price ia right. Main 8061. II to 5. 1921 HAH H Y STUTZ special roadster; iooks good, runs fine, $1250. 210 Jeffer- con. corner 1st. LITTLE Monroe touring car: can't tell it Trom new; run ;.tHio mues. -iu J..f r. -son st.. corner 1st. Ul'K'K 6. .Vpasa.. good condition: will trade for Kurd coupe in good condition. Phone East 47t FORI new touring. 1919 model, five nearly j tirs. make offer. Phor.e Jensen, i Hdwv Ofifl : Kves.. Atwater 013. SIX-CL. car. Continental motor: take ::ght car In trade. $:100: Ford uug. f.'iix Ht. ::.'ld and 34rh East Alder. CHEVKOLET. 192H. 4!l.l louring. spn did condition, spotlight, license, price right, cash. Phone Tabor 35t'.t. 192t FORD touring; fine condstior.; starter and spotlight. Call Bdwy. 2948. evening. 1922 4'."l CHEVROLET. 5 wire wheels, bumpers, spot light. $ 1 50 down, bai monthlv. 522-84 Aut. WILL SACRIFICE $450 on new un used Olds six roadster. 93H E. Bel ' n-.ont. Tabor 1197: easy term WINToN . just like new. cost $4600; mill sacrifice at $85 and give easy t-mv .,f pivmnt Walnut 24tL HUDSON "SUPER SIX. a b-.ut ful car la irtert repair, $175; easy term.. Wal nut S41 BUICK. I.ttle rt. $575. in perfect repair and appearance: easy terms of pay. mi-r: 'n be sprang. Walnut 24H1. ii: I ri.aii.stf r S2 :.. cash or terms. Call or Hdwy. 5378. 1 at 15 N. tlth 191 NATIONAL. 6, motor excellent, CaillliiH SCRIPPS-BOOTH C touring, 5 wire tAst li;a. whceU; will trad for Ford. E. 4378. FOR HALE At'TOMOBILEfl. BARGAIN FRICES ON RENEWED AUTOMOBILES. We completely" renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex automobiles. Theae are in the best of mechanical condition. They are also warranted the sitme as factories warrant new cars. In addition we g-lve 30 days free me chanical service. Other makes of good automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put In first clans condition and sold with a ten days' free trial, subject to being re turned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This glvea ample time for every pur chasVr to try out the car h buys; gives him time to have it inspected, and we want only satisfied customer 1010-102O ( Model O se ries) Hudson super . six. Westinghouse air springs . . .$1275 1919 Hudson speedster 1150 1320 Essex 825 , 1910 Chevrolet 250 101 S Liberty toO U1H Stephens 800 1020 Buick 00O Cole 8 550 1018 Chandler coupe 750 1021 Paige 025 1019 Chalmers 625 Maxwell truck 800 Largest Used Car Branch Store In this city at 40-40 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phon at Branch Store. Broadway 5730. Also a Display at Our Salesrooms, 015-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CAR SELLING- AT COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY- This in the height of the new car weeing aeason and in order to continue trading on new cars we a re f o reed to sell the cars 'urned in to ua at .extremely low pric- s. The public is going to benefit by this. You probably do.iU realixe hor used car prices a re going down you don't ap preciate the bargains we are of fering. Anthfr thought to c-rry with yo j when you do bufinen5 with : h ia establishment you can rely absolutely upon every statement md to you. We will not ex agerate. "ALWAYS TH5 BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. TWO LOCATIONS. ' Main plant. 21st nt Washington. Phone Broadway 0244. Broadway Branch, 28-30 Bdwy. We have chm to take you from one place to the other USED CARS. 1920 Ford Sedan. lots of extras .$ x.V) Chevrolet baby grand. 600 1919 Nash, cord tires, new paint 7.v 1918 Nash, new paint 000 Nash club roadster .. 600 1921 Apperson sedan 2xto 1021 Packard little 6 2iOt 1021 Ford sedan 525 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10th and Burnside, Portland. BROADWAY 521. USED CAH BARGAINS. I'M Chevrolet chassis $ 173 118 Chevrolet touring 225 1017 Maxwell touring LIS 1010 Maxwell touring , . 275 PI7 Btii( k touring 3." 1020 Hudson sp-edster 1 L'o 1010 Chevrol-t panel delivery " 2i5 1010 Grant -ton truck, starter.. 350 And Several Other Good Buys. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. K. 3770. Opt n Evenings and Sundays. 1 ALLEN - GOODS ELL MOTOR "The House of Service.' CO.. 12th and Stark. 1021 Ford sedan, disc wheels, cord rubber, Ha&sler shocks; speed ometer .$r,-,o 1020 Ford aedan , r0d 101O Ford sedan . . ' 35u T2l Ford touring 375 102H Ford touring 37,0 1020 Ford touring ;joo Ford deliverv iyo TERMS. Many others to choose from. ALLEN-GOODS ELL MOTOR CO.. "The House of Service. 12th and Stark. Authnrfsed Ford and Lincoln Deslers FORD PARTS, at Authorized Ford Dealer. Open Evening, 8:30. Sunday 9 to TAI.BOT ft CASEY. INC. Ea Ankeny and (irand Ave Exot Mrs I.IBERTT BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES .CASHED. TOU BfY OR SET. I. AN AUTOMO BI1.E WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. SOT SELLING BLDG.. id Floor. FULL line auto ccpiorit. tires, lubes, light globe. FISHING OUTFITS. . Wholesale agents bearings. polWh. rings. Ford parts: discount to trade. TOWING AND REPAIRING. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT LONG SILVA Kast 6840. 42 Hawthorne at 8th tI9 CHEVROLET TOURING. A splendid car In excellent rhape W HI sell at bargain and consider terms Phone East 9564. CADILLAC.. .'-passenger touring. looks like new. Phone Mrs. E. A. Hill, East 3947; no dealers. COITECOUPE Rainy weather will soorr be here. Be prepared by owning my Chevrolet su perior coupe. Will take your Ford or Chevrolet In trade and give long easy terms. Main 1095. ,'1922 CHEVROLET 4!MJ touring: will guarantee car to be in flrst-claas con uion: must sen at once, easy terms, Tabor 5935. v 1921 FORD touring, looks and runs like new: will sacrifice for $350. with easy terms. Phone owner. Walnut 5019. WILL SACRIFICE. $450, on new un used Olds six roadster. 93 E. Bel mont. "rahorllOT: easy terms. FOR SALE '15 condition. $275. Dodge touring, good r-nonw walnut 738 1922 FRANKLIN, demi-sedan, new, never run. Will discount. BF 649. Orpgon.an. DORT. forced to sell at once Many ti tras. bargain, terms. Tabor 7781. 1822 FORD coupe, like new, terms easy. Tabor 31S TRAILER for save. Broadway Garage, East 24th st. and Broadway. STANDARD Ford tops put on. $10 Standard Top Shop. 394 LTnlon N". OAKLAND SIX TOURING In good con ditlon. $225. at 389 fSth st. $175 BUYS roadster with license. Hoyt. St. garage. 446 Hoyt. near 11th. FORD SEDAN. 1920. fine condition, good tires and paint: $40. Tabor 828. ll20 FORD touring, starter, extras. $335. 240 Grand ave.. near Hawthorne. FOR 8 A Lf-A CTOM OBI LES. FORDS FORDS FORDS. .Over 50 Cars to Choose From. TOURING CARS. 1010 touring ..........$ 05 1017 touring, license 150 101O touring, starter 275 1020 touring, in fine shape 325 1021 touring, looks like new 375 1022 touring, a buy 425 ROADSTERS. 1917 roadster, new body. He $225 1018 roadster, new body, good shape 250 1019 roadster, starter, new paint.. 205 1020 roadster, new rubber, starter. 350 1021 roadster, used very little 375 CLOSED CARS. 1018 sedan, starter, lights ..$385 " 1020 coupe, fine shape all over.... 4S5 1921 aedan, new tires, like new... 550 1021 coupe, driven very little 525 1020 sedan 525 DELIVERY CARS. 1914 delivery, license $ 95 1018 delivery, panel body 275 1020 delivery starter 325 1021 delivery, panel body, starter. 450 ONE-TON TRUCKS. 1919 truck, express body, fine shape $375 1918 truck, chassis 235 1018 truck chassis 105 AND MANY OTHERS. Remember we give the same service on these used cars as we do on a new one. Iook our stock over before you buy. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. E. 3770. Open Evenings and Sundays. USED FORDS. FORDS FORDS FORDS. SEE THESE PRICES. Our cars are put in condition to run right and we stand behind them. DUNNING MOTOR CO.. East 3d and Broadway. 1920 roadster. with starter and demountable rims $335 1921 sedan, with starter and de moun table rims . . . ao 1921 sedan, with starter and mountable rims 1920 sedan, with starter and mountable rims 1921 counelet, with starter demountable rims 1021 coupelet, with starter de- de- 495 495 and and demountable rims o-a 1921 touring, with starter and de- mountable rims 3"a 3921 touring, with starter and de mountable rims 385 1921 panel delivery, with starter and demountable rims ........ 400 Without Starter: Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring Delivery Chassis . .$250 . 235 ." 200 . 215 . 150 DUNNING MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford Agents. E. 3d and Broadway. LIBERAL TERMS AND FA HI TREATMENT. 1021 DODGE ROADSTER. BARGAIN. Like new; to be sacrificed at $725. Sold with one week's trial and a me chanical guarantee. COOK & GILL CO.. INC.. PAIGE AND JEWETT CARS. 301 Burnside St. Phone Broadway 7751. LATE MODEL CHEVROLET. In fine condition, finish like new, excellent tires. Will personally guaran tee and consider terms to responsible party. Phone Owner. Sell. 36S6. 1020 CHANDLER DISPATCH, like new; car has been overhauled and rebuilt, and is sold on our popular C. & G. Co. guarantee. Priced at $875; easy terms. COOK & GILL CO.. INC.. PAIGE AND JEWETT CARS. 301 Burnside St. Phone Broadway 775L WONDERFUL BUY AT $1100. PEERLESS 8, model 1020. 7-pass.. Just overhauled and painted; looks and runs like new; 4 new cord tires; lots of extras; easy terms; will trade for small light car or light sedan and pay cash difference. Owner, 210 Oregon bids. Bd y. 1058. PAIGE. 5-pass.. like new; see it and you wilt buy it if you want a bargain in a high-grade car. We guarantee it to be mechanically perfect. COOK AV GILL CO.. INC.. PAIGE AND JEWETT CARS. 301 Burnside St. Phone Broadway 7751. . 1021 FORD. Thi, Ford you cannot tell from a new one; has been run 300O miles; a bargain at 1400. Phone Bdwy. 1130. Emery. LATE 1020 Oldsmobile six; a new cord tirea, bumper, spotlight and other ex tras; thin car is privately owned and has ben used very little; terms to re sponsibie party. Walnut 6118.' OVERLAND model 00 tourins. latest type, refinished, Al mechanically, J3.i0, cash. term, or trade. BRALEY. GRAHAM ft CHILD. Inc.. 11th nnd Burnside Sts. 1919 STUTZ. . If you are looking: for a Stutz If will pay you to look at this one; I will sell or trade for a lighter car; this Stutz is In the very best shape. Tabor 9455. 1920 CHEVROLET 490. recently over hauled and in excellent condition; must sell immediately; prefer cash, but will sell on terms. Bargain price. Sllwood 201 1919 CHEVROLET coupe; 5 wire wheels and all new tires; just overhauled. A bargain for quick saie: might trade on Ford ci Chevrolet. Walnut 2387. FRANKLIN roadster in good, running condition, battery in good shape. Best buy in Portland. $75. 150 Union ave. Upstairs. BUICK 5-passenger. driven 10,000 miles, 3 new tires, newly painted; will sacri fice for $550 eash this week. L 850, Oreponian. 1922 CHEVROLET, run about 6000 miles, cord tires on rear and other extras: will make special price for quick sale. Phone Tabor 77S1. ONE FORD delivery car for sale at the right price. 739 Union ave. N. East 4275. Call bet. 7:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. WB TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Alder st 17th. Bdwy. .'1251. Mail orders filled. OWNER leaving city. 1920 Ford. Al con dition throughout, good rubber, new battery, $300 cash. 991 E. Grant st. FORD coupe, late model, runs and looks like ru w: lots of extras. Bdwy. 24SS. Ask f?r Williams. CHEVROLET BARGAIN. Lste model. will sacrifice., terms: wonderful buy. Main 1095. easy LATE model Chevrolet, run 7000 miies, Al condition, for sale cheap. Call Hy land. Walnut 5901. LITTLE baby Saxon roadster, new tires, self-starter. Al shape. Only $S5. Why . walk? Phone Bdwy. 248S. FOR SALE 2 late model Grant 6 cars, bargain for cash. Perfection Tire Co., 10th and Stark st. CHEVROLET, 1922 model. like new; bar gain; smalt cash payment with easy balance. Main 8105. apt. 15. 1920 SPORT roadster. A-l shape. $300. Call Irving Johnson. Oregon Ex-Serv-icemen's club. 253 West Park st. 1921 FORD sedan, like new; many ex tra: owner leaving city; cheap for cash. Call Main 63.1S. FORD roadster, guaranteed In first-class condition, good tires; also delivery body; $300. Owner. Sutter, East 9213. LATE model 490 touring, good condition: price for quick sale, very easy termti. Tabor Si35 191S OAKLAND 6 TOURING. Gocd mechanical condition, $250. 210 212 Jefferson 1916 5-PASSENGER Oldsmoblle 4. just been overhauled. $100. Sea at 6413 85th St. S. E. FORD roadster, 1919 model, natural wood wheels, demountable rima; fine shape. Bdwy. 2488. WB PUT steel teeth In your old fly wheel; crankshaft turning, cyl. grind ing. lLBBIack53jlAJderBdy. 2681. 1922 FORD coupe, used about three months: some extras; $575. Phone Tabor 7781. FORD roadster, raring to go. in Al con , dition; lots of extras: $190 for quick sale. Phone Tahor 7781. 1921 FORD touring, demountable rims, oversize tires, shock absorbers, dandy buy. Call Williams, Bdwy. 248S. LATE 1921 Ford touring; run just a little over 2000 miles: practically new. and it looks It. Walnut 2599. FORD sedan, late model. Al shape, five good tires. Bdwy. 2483. FORD roadster. 1921 model, shocks, .only $325. Bdwy. 2488. 1921 FORD touring, in fine condition, 5 good tires. Sellwood 1477. A FINE Chandler car, or trade" for a first mortgage. Wfalnut 2610. 1018 FORD roadster, fine shape; have to selL Bdwy. 2488. "WILL SACRIFICE FOR CASH 1922 Chev. tour tag. Peterson, geli. 0602, FOR SALE AFTOMOBILES, USED CARS AT RIGHT PRICES. We have the best and most 'reasonably priced Used Car stock in the city. We have the car that you are looking for; one that is best suited to your needs and purse. A reasonable amount down and , the balance in long and easy terms. Buy a good used car with a reliable com pany behind it. Our stoVk is constantly changing. Come in today and make your choice. ' These , are a few of our Used Car bargains: 1918 Briscoe touring ..:...$ 225 1917 Saxon roadster 75 1918 Mitchell touring '400 1917 Chalmers touring .... . 350 1920 Mitchell touring ...... 995 1918 Liberty touring ...... 5X10. 1918 Studebaker 300 1919 Apperson touring .... 1150 1918 Overland touring - 275 1917 Hudson touring 400 1913 Overland roadster .... 40 1915 Mitchell touring 135 1917 Overland touring .... 160 Ford roadster 200 1920 Mitchell touring 995 Grant sedan 675 1920 Buick touring 950 1916 Packard touring 1000 1920 Mitchell touring 995 1917 Maxwell touring 175 1918 Briscoe touring 250 IMS Mitchell Club roadster 575 19KS Stutz roadster 1225 1919 Mitchell touring ..... 750 1919 Briscoe touring 325 191S Overland touring .... 300 1918 Maxwell touring 250 ' Open Evenings and Sundays. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO. Broadway at Everett St. 40 Years in the Northwest. NEW FALL PRICES. In line with the approach of the fall season and the price re ductions of several - makes of cars, we offer a new list of prices. We have repriced our used ' cars after" an intelligent survey of all the used-car stocks and prices in Portland, and with this information " at hand we have made these prices as hon estly and fairly as we know how. These cars are thoroughly re conditioned and are desirable in appearance and the same hon esty and fairness of -the Dodges Bros.' policy is behind these cars to make them dependable transportation. - Our used cars have always been sold completed equipped; that means curtains, tools, extra tires and license. Our stock is small, about 27 'cars. Those who come first will have the more complete stock to select from. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. 11th and Burnside Sts. WHY HELP PAY the high overhead of expensive downtown stores when you can buy as good used automobiles a.t 530 Alder st.. where rents are low and cars are carefully se lected and inspected before of fering for sale? Ford bug. Bosch magneto, lots of extra equipment, $350. FORD TOURINGS FORD SEDAN FORD TRUCK , CHE VRO LETS MAXWELLS OVER LANDS BU1CKS OAKLAND WILLYS-KNIGHT STEARNS-KNIGHT DODGE DELIVERY REO SPEED WAGON MANY OTHERS. C. G-. BLEASDALE. TERMS. NO BROKERAGE 630 Alder St. Bdwy. 1852 BARGAINS EVERY ONE 20 ESSEX TOURING. Factory finish and cord tires, one ex tra, ready for any trip, come and try it, $650 with $225 down, take car in trade. 1920 MAXWELL TOURING. Refinished and retopped all ready for delivery, new tires and some extras, $150 down. bal. easy. 1918 BUICK FOUR ROADSTER REFINISHED. THE VERY LATEST BUICK COLORS. NEW TIRES. TOOLS AND ONE EXTRA. RUNS FINE. LOW PRICE AND TAKE $165 DOWN, BAL. EASY. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. This- fine, light four is ready, good tires, tools and some extras, all ready to deliver, low price and take $125 down. bal. easy. Come and try it. 16th and Alder st. , ' Auburn dealers. Parts and Service. MURPHY MOTOR CO. VRANSON S USED CAR BXCH. 240 -Grand Ave., Near Hawthorne. 1917 Ford bug. fenders $135 1917 Saxon 4 roadster, starter.... 135 1917 Ford touring A-l shape 185 1918 Saxon 6 touring '. . . 1H5 1919 Scripps-Booth 6 touring.... 225 191S Oakland 6. roadster 245 1918 Ford touring, 2 cord tires.. 215 1919 Ford touring, roadster 240 1920 Ford touring, starter 335 191S Buick 4. touring, overhauled.. 375 1920 Buick 0, touring, snap...... 575 VR ANSON'S USED CAR EX. Grand Ave. and E. Main St., . Near Hawthorne. 1920 CHANDLER CAR. 5 cord tires, wind deflectors., sun shade, motormeter, special curtains, looks and performs like new. For ap pointment call East 2556 between 5 and 7 P. M. or 11 and 12 A. M. Price $750 cash. 1921 GARDNER in perfect condition at $525; guaranteed and sold with one week's exchange privilege; easy terms. COOK &. GILL CO.. INC.. PAIGE AND JEWETT CARS, 391 Burnside St. Phone Broadway 7751. ' NEW CADILLAC SPECIAL. 1922 four-passenger car, in good snape, including :mmi wortn ot extras. A real bargain- Special terms. Main 3061. 3922 LIBERTY SIX. license, new cord tires; looks like new car; pricei$985; mechanically guaranteed; to a reliable party will take a small payment down with 12 months to pay balance; no brokerage. Phone East 8879. BUICK 1922 4-cylinder roadster; a beau tiful, light, little car, 5 cord tires, every equipment. Perfect condition, 'economical and powerful: an unusual bargain, $850. Terms if desired. C. W. Phillips. Bdwy. 3435. ONE absolutely new six-cylinder seven passenger touring car, standard make, retails in $2300 class, for sale cheap by direct manufacturer's representative. A bargain. Telephone Mr. Albert, Bdwy. 0564. ' . ' CASH PAID FOR FORDS. Why trade your old car in on a new one when we will pay ,vou Us value in cash? Then do your shopping. Cash counts. T. McDonald, 391 Grand ave., corner of Taylor. East 6319. 1921 DODGE. I have a Dodge touring with 5 cord tires, bumper, spot and motometer; looks and runs like a new one. A bar gain at $775. Phone Bdwy. 1130, even- ings. MITCHELL chummy, good tires, me chanically perfect, good paint and top. Northwest Auto Co.. corner 18th and Alder. Broaiiway 1460. , 1918 FORD touring, extra good shape; has to be seen and driven to be ap preciated; lots of extras;- must be sold at once. Bdwy. 2488. LATE 1921 Gardner, good looking, me chanically perfect, 5 good tires; easy terms if responsible. 309 Jackson, et. Atwater 0575. PAIGE light six. excellent condition, tires nearly new, 1922 license. Northwest-Auto Co.. corner 18th and Alder sts. Broadway 1460. Easy terms. $600 1920, 7-passenger Nash. Good ap pearance and mechanically: under priced $400 for quick sale. 60 E. 69th st.. near Stark. Tabor 9153. 1920 DODGE roadster, refinished, S tires and guaranteed, $650. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., 11th and "Burnside Sts. FORCED to sell my 1922 Chevrolet tour ing : lotsofextrasj$550.JVjil FORD coupe, 1922; fine condition; must sell at once. East 8'96. OVERLAND touring in good shape at a real bargain.. East 4666. 1919 STUDEBAKER; $575; new tires; lota ot extras. East 6223. FOR SALE ArTOMOBII.ES. THEY ALL BOUGHT " STUDEBAKERS. MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE , SALE. Cars -can be. bought at' this time of the year for less money. Why not take advantage of this situation? 'IT Studebaker touring .... lpjj "19 4 Studebaker BOO '21 Ford touring 8J0 '21 Ford coupe -o 19 Ford sedan 425 '21 Studebaker sedan .... 16o0 '19 Overland 90 80 '20 Studebaker special six. 9i5 "19 Studebaker special six. 6o0 20 Paige touring 8o0 '20 Paige sport 9o0 '20 Cole touring 1200 Model "N" Hup 500 Chevrolet Bug 225 These cars look like new: have been overhauled and painted; all tires are good; in many cases new ones have been installed. We ate open evenings and Sundays. Always ready to serve the public. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept.. Bdwy. 2731. . S41 Burnside St. USED "CARS TO TRADE. 1917 Buick touring ......... $475 1921 Velie light 5-pass., 6-cyl f;;i 1920 Oakland sedan , . . o0 1919 Model 90 Overland -. . . 3o0 BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., 11th and Burnside Sts. CHEVROLET light delivery; 1920; like new; have no more use ior same mu will sacrifice for $205; Tabor 2123, or can be seen at Standard Oil serv ice station, East 8th and Belmont, from -i to 10 P. M.. today. 1920 CHEVROLET touring; splendid con dition; large spotlight; o almost iiew tires; license; tools; top and uphol stering in wonderful condition; price, $285. Owner. East S219. LATE motiel Mitchell, in Al mechanical condition; good paint ana xair iuooer, cheap for cash or terms, as I have no use for same. See car and get dem onstration at 75 North 10th st. DORT touring, 1921 model, Just like new, never off the pavement. 1922 license, cord tires, service and guaranty, easy terms. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Broadway 1460. TRADE $375. 1921 FORD $375. Your old car in trade. , BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc., 11th and Burnside Sts. HUPMOB1LE, late 'IS, excellent mechan ical shape; good rubber and top; orig inal finish, Gabriel snubbers. spotlight and parking light, etc. $675. Phone owner. Broadway 7553. Dr. Mulholland. LATE MODEL Ford coupe; refinished; like new; 5 wire wheels; cord tire equipment: electric lights, starter; a. bargain, with terms. Bdwy. 0602, 367 Stark. COLE 8, California top. mechanically O. K., cord tires, with spare. 1922 license'; price $900, easy terms. North west Auto Co., cor. ISth and Alder. Broadway 14H0. . FORD touring, $225; half cash: thor oughly overhauled; runs and looks al most like new; many valuable extras. 1008 Raleigh:- Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR CARS. I will pay cash for late model tour ing cars or roadsters of the following makes: Dodge, Buick. Ford, Chevro let!!. Hudson, Essex, Olds 4s. Max well. If you have any of the above, bring them to my place and get the cash in your hand. We do not sell cars on commission. Open Sunday. Phone B13-67. 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CO.. CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL LIGHT AUTO. 530 ALDER STREET. WE WRECK THEM Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN. CARS wanted to wreck.; parts for all cars for less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 15th and Alder. Bdwy. 636. CASH for all'makes ot cars: condition no object. 414 Gitsan. woouyard., Broad way 293. CARS wanted to wreck; all parts for less. Hodes Auto Parts to., CKZ Alder, corner 16th. Broadway 3638 WILL PAY QASH for late model 1921-22 Dodge touring. "BF 843,Oregonian. NEW BUNGALOW piano; worth $500; will trade for Ford touring car. 244 Blandena. ' WILL pay top cash price for your Ford, any model. Bring it to 609 Washing ton St., at 19th. WILL pay cash for late modei Ford from private party. East 8S49. No dealers. DEAD STORAGE. $4 per month, brick building. l-u union CASH for Ford or Chevrolet touring. Bring to 153 East 8th st. aioturcycles. BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT HAR LEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES EASY TERMS. As low as $40 down. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO.. 3d at Taylor. Main 7889. HARLEY-DA VTDSON SERVICE CENTER. USED MOTORCYCLES, all makes, lib eral terms; used parts 10-75 discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-48 Grund avenue. Distributors for ACE. READING STANDARD. CLEVELAND FOR. SALE 1919 Twin Indian motor cycle, electric equipt, speedometer, tandem, perfect running order. Phone or write - E. D. Pore, Rainier, Oregon. 1919 HARLE Y-DAVIDSON for - sale cheap for cash; electrically equipped. See it at 4612 59th St. S. E. 1U19 ELECT. Excelsior motorcycle; In good condition, $75. See Mr. Boyd, care ' Northwest Auto Co. MOTORCYCLE Good running order $40 for quick sale. Call 348 Mill st. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 209 Third st Main 6189. Auto Tires and Accessories. 3x34 A CORDS; 1 33x4 fabric, cheap. 441 Hawthorne. Automobiles lor rtire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember Our Number Bdwy. 3698. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 2th St. Broadway 0840. NEW 5-passenger machine with driver by day, week or month. Phone East 3498. 6-CYLINDER, 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. 3547. FORD, $1.50 per hour, any time. Main S468. Res. Bdwy. 2753. For Exchange Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES FOR EXCHANGE. Have a number of automobiles, large, medium and small; in good condition; will consider exchange for vacant lots; he-use equity; contracts or mortgages. For particulars call at 1045 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TO EXCHANGE! One practically new 30-h. p. GMC tractor for car or truck. AV 3S0. Oregonian. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. THREE YEARS' WORK. $22.50 PER DAY OF 8 HOURS. WE HAVE THE JOB AND A FIRST-CLASS TRUCK. IF YOU HAVE $1000 CASH, TRUCK WILL EARN BALANCE. DO YOU WANT IT? SEE BURKITT, OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG., 6TH AND AJ-.DER. G. M. C. 2-TON in fine running shape; must be sold quickly. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691: Eves.. Atwater 0183. FOR SALE Brand new Beck Vt -ton truck, price. Perfection Tire Co., 10th and Stark sta FORD delivery," $110. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., 11th and Burnside St. REPUBLIC 2-ton, $250; must be sold Immediately. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691; Eves Atwater 0183, FOR SAI.E TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. WE NEED THE SPACE. .11 REAL BARGAINS FOR . , QUICK ACTION. 1- ton Republic. ', 3-ton International. lt-ton International. .-t 2- ton Nash. , .-.'? 2-ton Bethlehem. 1-ton Chevrolet. - Terms to suit your own re quirements. We carry our own -paper- ... INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY. Foot of Belmont SL " 2 1922 PACKARD 3V2-TON TRUCKS -X 1920 WINTHER 4-TON TRUCK 1 1919 DIAMOND T 3 -TON TRUCK THE ABOVE TRUCKS ARE LI KB ! NEW AND COMPLETE WITH DUMP BODY AND HOIST AND LICENSE). MUST BE SOLD TO SATISFY MORT GAGE. SEE OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG., CITY. CHEAP TRUCK. i - For wood hauling and in good run ning shape. . Federal 3-ton, worm drive ....$375 Moreland 2-ton, with license 200 Republic 3, 1919 model 60O Ford 1-ton 1150- Peerless 5-ton, license and body... 3-i And many others. Phone Jensen, Bdwy 0691; Eves.j . Atwater 0183. 1919 OLDSMOBILE ECONOMY, $650. New cord tires, repainted, recondi tioned. -BRALEY, GRAHAM ft CHILD, INC.J-. 11th and Burnsirto Sts. -- REO SPEED WAGON Canopy top, in good condition; a real truck at a bar gain price; don't miss this opportunity. Northwest Auto Co.. corner 18th and Alder sts. Bdwy. 1400. .. 2H-TON SERVICE truck, almost new, with large freight body, license, ready to go; this is a good buy; terms. States Auto & Truck Co.. 430 Burnside. WHITE 5-ton, completely overhauled; just a little more than repair bill and it's yours. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691 : Eves.. Atwater 0183. DODGE delivery, good mechanical con-,-, dition; $350. States Auto & Truck Co., 430 Burnside. GARAGES. GARAGE EAST SIDE. Storage, repairs, battery shop and accessories; 6 years' lease. Will sell at reasonable figure far cash. Sickness in family compells me to dispose of business. Address AG 837. Oregonian. WE HAVE storage space ror a tew more cars, new fireproof building. Carl's Garage, 4th and Flanders. TWO GARAGES for rent; inquire 349 Salmon street. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SHALL THESE FOLKS BE DEPRIVED OF. GOOD READING? Every daydozens of Portland folks call at the ' library for volume wh4Ch cannot be supplied, . There is scarcely book for which till requests can be filled. Shake speare is as much in demand as modem writers and non-fiction ia gaining on fiction. ( Ohey that impulse. Give the li brary all the books you can spa-re. Leave them at the Central Library or at any of the branches. Thank you: THE LIBRARS ASSOCIATION. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVER COATS, MACKINAW'S AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAY OH EVENING. CALL ATWATER 1229 OR 253 MADISON". BEN ADLER, the tailor, pays the higils est prices for second-hand clothes. What I want is men's suits, single coats and pants. 1 am at your service at any time. Why not seil your old clothes on hand. I can use them and you will have more room. Main 3207. 211 3d st. WE WILL ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 for your discarded suit in payment on a suit nutiie to order, and you can pay us the balance on easy monthly pay ments. Bring in your used suit and apply it on a new one. Joy the Tailor, 104 Fourth St., near Stark. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS,, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3933. 245H BURNSIDE ST. BET. SECOND AND THIRD.. CALL Mb BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. . FURS FURS FURS. Low rent, and low-prices: remodeling, and repairing; furs tanned and dressed.. La France Fur Mfg. Co.. 134 Park St.. between Morrison and YamhilL Phonar -Main 6529. ; .. " SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVER coats We pay the highest prices. Ore-. .. gon Tailors and Cleaners, 117 Second su, N. W. cor. Washington. Bdwy. 7214. THE SALVATION ARMY requires 409 . , opera chairs for its new hall (second- hand if possible); anyone who could , give information regarding the same " write Brigadier J.. VV. Hay, 516 Cham- ber of Commerce bldg., Portland. WANTED Floor showcase, 12 or 14 feet" long or 2 cases 6 ft. long; must be in good condition. George Laurence Co., Broad way .6051. ' WESTERN PAPER STOCK CO., 33 Front st. Bdwy. 6398. We buy news papers, magazines and waste papers. . Call us. . WE WISH to buy a good piano and also . a phonograph; wii! pay all cash; must be bargain; no trash. X 485, Oregonian. CLOTHING WANTED If you want td sell cast-off clothing. Mar. 8225. Peor pie's Second-Hand Store. 200 Madison. BEFORE you eeil piano or phonograph , consult resale and exchange dept. Ore-. gon Kilerr Music House. 2871,. Wash. WANTED Twin cylinder detachable ca noe motor; must be in perfect con-, dition. Call Tabor 2836 WANTED Newspapers and magazine tied in bundles; will call and pay 50o 100 lbs, call empire x9. INDEPENDENT Paper Stock Co., 485" Overton. Bdwy. 2003. Highest prices newspapers, magazines, waste paper.f DIAMONDS and gold bought. Reliable estimates. O. Cramer. 713 Selling bldg. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds. 340 Washington St. HIGHEST cash price paid tor rifles, shotguns. Hochfeld, 85 3d, pear Oak. SAFE Give size and price for cash. W 832, Oregonian. ! WANT TENT AND .22 RIFLE. Broadway 7161. Auto. 027-46. 625-82. BEST price on A-l cordwood laid down in Portland. East 9075. - - Furniture Wanted. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time; best possible prices paid for furniture, atoves, ranges and all kinds of household goods to ship out of town; will pay more than other local dealers; call us for one article or. a housefull; a courteous, competent buyer will call. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange, 72 N. Third st. Bdwy. 220(1. CALL MAIN 7714. MONEY TO BUY YOUR FURNITURE. We pay the highest prices for ot--flee or household furnifcufe. pianos and 1 general household goods. We are in a position to handle from the smallest to the largest quantity. WEST PORTLAND SALVAGE CO. PAY SPOT cash for second hand furni ture, rugs, carpets, stoves, dressers,' tables, chairs, beds, disnes. everything you want to sell or exchange; we pay more than anyone in town; your call . promptly attended to. - CALL EAST 8986. ' ATWATER 2693 Call a fair and square man when selling your furniture, rugs and household goods and I wlil pay you all It is worth; we will appre ciate your call and attend to It lm mediately. Atwater 2693. ' T CALL MAIN 8878. " we pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, CALL MAIN 8878. WB NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, of any description ; pay cash. Phona V today. Main 4627 or 166 First St. CALL MAIN 4633. It you have furniture for sale I will pay you the best price, one piece or a full house of furniture. Call Main 4633; . CALL MAIN 3268. Will pay the highest prices for youi furniture. WANTED Good furniture in exchange for choice vacant dots. See J. M. Coab, 314 Chamber of Commerce. - WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker is Co.. auctioneers. Main 3332. - w