THE JlOUMMi OKEGOMANY MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1923 13, TO K C IIAG E r.TJk t-FT ATR. v K SAi; TRAUr: OR u. v s K 30 a-re. TU rr a: -1 r- ail withm nitl ";? Prliani: .-... rt Vr c-f-um t.i .ckn'M r.e and a - m. 2 rnii wuin of -H P-h 1 rule wt. ua ryuti; y :np rjl to t- M a ; -nmrah and t'ii.Br.b.4 runtl-; a 11 cr 12 r:;i- fr'-m p 4fit- Wuh , t i r1o f-r fii"!n!r. c-ar Porttan 1. I;eai eaf- mn. br buyer : I wi :i I m f r')niir.:wna. J u k a A. W a t ts o. .vari '"V 1 p. i. r. i r;.l ta na c-vtt. t-t L my equity a 'I hou and mi'.l mrA a Wt..-.ooa,.i pi-e of buaine pr-p- ft- ow n wfmrn ai:u. for k rt. .rtBnoM or factory; it t b;-c 4. 7. . l 1 . Vertweg d:twn. r.fh! an traraag and ntr tfa new freight tTininii at Guilds lak; It i to t ha American Ca a c .mpmy'i 1 ..&! and ne r U'n;fon;fT Ur4 C P."t,r.e rtwrer, K-t 1 TKAPK WHAT V--THa VU Full WHAT YOU WANT 'K fivu it ron you. Thu d. run one weei in fur daily p a p- r a. baa brought ua huadrvd-. of pr.p-r:! tor fv;,tn. if you want (. t tnil your ut la t out ; m w t.i mat- .1 it. A W. tSTES KEAI.TT CO. patron it. .g . j-a.-r?i. Or, i HAVE .,i " itiwn ta mI m-tufac-turmf conc-rn wmc bear Ciet infMtiwtion. ill tn4 tny part tor buatnes. tuiinM btocK, apartment, acreage. r iltnre, or w: t nave you to or ar Portland ? M.nt consider w neat land in lariro booy. S Lur nun. of B u rr a u a -Pat Realty Co., l i wrfg.m bulg. IV A IKY rnca, Iti 7 tcris. - deod to". tarn, cod road. 1 mil from go oil tow a. w acre cu!tiva:d; lu: of nut am determined t sell gunk. Htv otnr r-ian. Can snow ou inti my prite, $Jo. t only ha;.' i:a aiue. I-rt.ond prpn y !. half ft au. TTII- YOU TR ADR waf yo ha for what yon waat rric4 m your pro poatt tana, larva or am i. city or country ; 1 wt:i mate a a bam. K. A- Kaaiy. Moctauinry t comer V'if'b. - PAKK TOl'H CATC AM, PAY. 1 HA a a-HHl atoro fcui.rt:!. aiT.".. wit ii baii above ; aim a S-r-w.m rt-lnc-o ;n conn-tIrt. lot i"i;J5: Jrt iltra t rm I-ortttod in a a ol town a tbo ra-in tr-t and huhway. Will tr1 for a Pnr::n'i r Value $... iv'k thi up, . ti arc hard. 1 00 l 10. A I 1 1-room boa- partly furnished ; 6 apordnecii couM b ar rni4 to arn aout pr month; d'T wouUd tako a rood bunariL.ow to 4HtO and trma on ba nco of $4O0. Tnia wi.i civ you a, hom and an in fornn. Phro Am. ft 2'it AOTiC AlLi 9 avcretf. bx iiaa Lin rod. f roo and coax of all tncum brac and, in caa33t for a bom a tn l-ureihurt or Irrini'.n. Rl'MAltLL A Kl'MMELU 274 max tit.- Broadway T-0 8h and Saniy bvd. Aa'o. ai'-fto S oR bALi7 or nchar.( for 1'ortland property to 3".x. 40 acr-a ajood fruit fan t noar railroad atat ton, $ra1 and high a-bool- Uo-d boue and out bui,dina;a. All fnc"i and lo acre! cieard. Mr Mar Henry. Huro, Or.. or r bono Ta b-or 7 v ' ,itNti TOL'H TKAt'KH TO X! THADE Artllr AT J W. ff(Y.XELL CO.. IS STOCK F XCH I'l.I-?. ATX XcKK Br.cni His la., trade fr car. Room A. aJH Waa. Bdwy. 7T. to Kxrrt iycFMiyrj:i.ixrorgL T'vo la in c.:y lin:ti; wi'l tak- c-ar tn trade. East 3 7 lb at. i hone Tabor (JS E w V I X Y in Fot d a 1 a n W i i I teadA for equity in rooming housa, H e?4 Montliy. 14 LOT in O.ympia r a good auto mobile. W b4. oreg'.an. Ilor ehl-ie. k t .X- K. CROW N tTABL.. Havo car. oad of b.r Jatt rettirned from sradins; Job, hit ft we wi.l seil at -ery low prices, either with or without harneaa The horses ha earr.ed cs a profit In hire. o ran af ford to e . I them cheap. Have 1 AO head to cbooae from. They ar a.t aiaes and aU prices, and a-uar nteed as repr-sen:ed. iav thr-e good f m I r roa. harness and -rs of 'I kinds, new and aeond - band. Phil i!,r. manager. !-' Front i I'Aiit of blv-k a-eiricv eara o.t. chtm 3l ib. . 1 patr of hjr ir-linc. and 7 jears o;-i. we-gmrc iba.; 1 rav rr.are. 3 oil. w.rrttng 1 7o ;b Inquire 5(4 Nor. Tip iiOOI DAIRY. 12 head registered pnme Jersey cow ar-.d Taaa f.-xi beef cattle la tra i H. K.-n. T.tnnron. ur. ft (Av grada cos and bet r era. a bar- ! gain if taaen utkiy. L Ben field. : a a ner. Injulro Hnnmn"s Jersey farm Cfrb't. O.. t'oi jmbia highway. FAix l IMPLEMENTS New and aacond hand, special pncea P. E. Laenaaara. a Q.--5' Fait V'rri.n St. ft OH BALE ?A or ieaa rs.ired tarp as in f-no ouduoa, Uoimaa Fuel i. 3th st. fOK a foun la: ton of r-.r erd Jeroeys e nny herd at d ra ha.iu fair. K. Han r e ma n. t'rrbe t . or. W 1 l.L trad good a o k horse. 8 yer a ! o.d. for os or heifers, John Arno.d. I K D. No- 3. F:aca 1. r j VETERINARIAN. rR. HnWW TAH'IRJSM. IjEaT auinja.s i Phone fciViHAL gtod work horsa InuVra of C O. Pn k. H Second street- FINE m:: goat and kid for sale nut 1 ch: sty I-Et .anl, h. cheap. e mare, good . and Kt't t"4. I 'I a no. Oryna andMuealJtnMrMniena;, fid CASH li. 4 OH M--KE MONTHLY. is a. i you nei pay it yn buy piano of tho Schwm Piano Co.. b-Jid-. ou then buy at their 3 to 40 pVr cent laar prices. Here are a few. Manwialt A- Wende ufneht. . .!93 I ITS ita'.et Jt Oav up" icht .'3A .v0 F. A C. F:?oh',r iarse upright 2-.3 $p hteinway at nq'i upr gnc... St. Thompson p!ayer ptaao...... 3'3 3!:i hnicr p.aer piano 14 101 Teut?i St.. at Waah. and Stark. 2. 3S. J-l secures phono- grapns at 13 c.o. 13 or more rr.tntr. ty. at KSmn PUno Co., 10;h and Stark, ft 73 buys ama'.i T-oct-tvo uprht piano, t 93 bus I .;tfd makers -iur ptano. IMS buys 42A Eierson upright p ano. buys 140 Hi ll St Lav:S piano. Tha week at Security Storac Co.. lth ft . Cor Sark m. PIANO BARGAIN!. KTngsbury, mahogany case. ,f3 Emerson, mihocanv rase... 2-" " nicker. ng od style I .'5 t-:e;nwy, old :y e Kingsoury. good condition.. 2-" Manaf; d, nrr.a.i alae !. lcr A Son player 230 and o'. ner. SEIBCRL.1NG-LI CAS MUSIC Co m pan v. 123 Fourth SL VICTOR bora . . . 4 n cyiinder. recorder and 33 ... 14 rec ore s Vctor I. oak ................ Bronswtck 7 fo.ambi. E. new ............. Widd comb Victrola X I, mhogany ....... ftonora Nocturne Phonograph Dept. UPMAN, W.'I.KK A CO. 31 75 t 73 8-1 i llO 14tt f i SPOT -rl PAL Ft KiKAi as i R ND t"SD PHO.N RKC- tRl-S. Ne rr it's FTchaBJT H -.--, . v A U 12 Fir-t. 4.?-4. e;?V r 1 A V - Ti MNJ AND P H ON m ; K A P H Hf;rAlKI.u, anv mak. A.i wo- f'Mrntf.l rr:UlKKI.ING - MVA.- .VOI'' r.. r.i t-?i : H lwy. ft-.Tri I lA.Ni ., piar pi'tu a:u p.Ttwraia f rent; n-w j.4.iyr ro;, 2c ec. F. . P. . y c:,arr. I? ro.d S. G'Jt. 17 Wt 'f l.5fr " $.1A PK -N' ,n Ar H. irc;l a.iy new. artd 27 la:e record, nr. n.eci.on. a.t f.r iHvmc c.jv. must sell orf -WO S - av t i WILL give you a g.wj pric p. ano In trad lor a it t: n ar. 1 p n fcr your osd I p:no. W ( Rograph at i vry low p i ra tn 1 onj v JaAl.K L.ti i. ma. .v. i i 8213 3-'i. etc . 810 rh. a.V S or S irnnih 4 a: lprran. Wo.: A Co., Alh and Wrwngtn 1 iwiNu.i.t RV upr.gni. $;s;. am Ta nd bear It- Harold I flltbari. lo; Wt I'arV, near V 4ninricii at s V 1" VTK O LA T RAD FoRpfAN7 1 $-. period mode.. and re-or'-tr-! fT g t-kI uu d p-ftn.T. I- y -;., f ! VI TiFl'L n- ; u'-ti phonograph . aac-i' '- ?.- $ " mV. ,.: f : n - s.a ., r'Ort.i. i Mtn .V-17 i lit Ai. i.Kc L r. I i W ir. (." f , o- : ind pinegra ph and r4 tae -. l;in ; w t.l acr: '.c fr $ Ma n :': VERY Aw? rio fr rm; no th,; iren. $ ... r f '. ;ra("i i i.r 1.TIU 'LA V. 1 rv : i ua- It r;tr,. it h 't r'-!t K mtr.'4 t 9 Fornlt ore for f-ale. N S W f .oar cot-ring for y-vu to a: j bttar beat. Ta Mrr.U Co. wcn BU r. lumtiurv fur NUr. . 5TORAOB SAT.B - conns to hk ?crificed FuK WARF.HUl'SB AM lAAN CHAROESL T.OO Kiutrt fpvt foor sparo f 4lrd -lb b th-fraJ f umituro of -ry k.nd and dcacri p:iwo; antli'j, curjoa, tc- piaooa. ptaonucrAphft. violin . vacuum iron, ictr1o pads ted tian kcta. d.h.ra. -"it saaa. m i;v b-ui cjocK Wtitoa and oriental ruft, rfr ffrrator. awins ma ch.(.a, au:omob:! and true a t,m. wir and part a, vnouo aid many other ruciJ fECt'RITT 5TORAGI 4ft TKANSFKK CO.. 4tb cd iin t:ret . Oppo t Multr.r mh Hof!. MAN'S n or room; o:id oak Ittrnmhinis. fiat-top d-k, chair ona bo oil. ni. leather uphoivtcrlng, rocker mil mool. i ndian b.ankcta, am ail f.nulnr Mmuir rii. Slt brown f.uff ruf, ftiKl tbfi of Jri-en, with mtr rT. a rmu tel, oa ftntsb. .rood pnr g. miitrAa in1 p!IIow. ut .bi w;r.i'w drapcrtei, comptett I50 Wai rut 4. Io N T acri'ic ).ur urt-iiura if (oic ?t or to California: wo can you miner on our frctsht ta our tbroujth cttr, ftrcproo aturafco. C. M. OUwO T-an'r htfctcf i o 245Jr400 at. L.V pncea on lurn.tur. murrwf. p;.. -.), bonnet a. i.npnf. pictures. d.siie. ;-ntal ruja. K IV at N " dre..-cr for HSh K.llnfi- 15; $w rocker, .V 1.1; T 1& inak you beaut. ful 9vraiutli a-aprta and cha;r m m v apara t m. bI E Stark Eaat ftS. O i fir F urate are. LW KL'KMTIRS. TUB 1'RICK OK l-in. flat top deak $44 OA I-oohle ped. typr. deak.... 6iKI S-xbO aide pel. typr .... K.&(l 4-dr. at-v. tettr file 37.60 Maborany f.mah a trifle hia-hor. Tei iurniture. type writ era. adding machin-a. aatea. miiiif-oBTaphe. etc., at eatr-Tiie.y low prc?-a. Jbauipment I litd- I. C W A X. ?4 2 N. Pth. W d w y 2739. faKl) OKF1CK FLUXirUHB. We have aome exceptiemal buys In deaiuft, chairs. taba and ftitna: cab tnet. a.i rafinlabed and axuoe)t mttuu to new. IRWIX-HODSOX. ft PtJirk at lth -Portend. OAK PI i KCN HOLE fiilrta; caMaet. aio vMns iron it .V,v fif lor aaie. Apply Mr. Aadreu . ;l orcf-ter b!1; At do -out. pneea. Alt Pushon ar 'o., i I Park at grades. N K " f.o.r cove nnr for you to a b"t:er b-st. The !-rr:lI Co. FINE oa a tn b.- and ietter-flllbg I ,umb-rm-ns bMg Typewriters all makes guaranteed rebuilt. pr cent to 70 pr cn". beiow man uacturers'; TERMS. $5 cash snd l mv.-n if des;red. I.ATS MODELS RKNTE1 3 months. J7 up. wif olesa lk typewriter co 51! W h I :. K t on SI. Itday. T4 SL titticii.1 ipewriLers, a.i kinds, for sale, rent, W ara exc.usiva dls trtiutots of Corona. ponab. romp ete with carrying cast; tupp.les and repair for ait make a OP.EUON TYi'KWKUiR CO. Fifth St. Broadway Tlfli. I OR SALE Corona typewriter. In per fect condition, at monab! prtca, Inqutre Mr Weda, Masaiier Pacific Co.. t2 N. Broa d way. nfcHt. JLTi Od-hand rent a, cut rate. p- P C. C. 231 Stark st. Bdwy. 7S07. KE PAIRS, rent. buy. ail. auppiiea Type writer Ir.sp. Co.. 312 Stark. Bdy. 7V4. MONTH renta ar. Undr-rwood or Kern- Poultry. WHITE LEOHoKN pu..H. K to 1- wk o.d. 0 cents to ai.L'A each. W. L. hens, good Hoganixcd layers, P. cents each; 1I a hundred. J. 1C Mag u ire. 77 '"'ron Sr. TKOKt'CGHHRKU Khv Ia-and red b'ns ard one rooster; 3 Toulouse gees. ". :! T i ho- .V'-' 7 e en t ti g s and Sunday toga. RsbMta. Ttlrrrs a nd Pet Ktaclu FOR SALE Two Ittlers Boiion terrier puppies. 9 In all. both aei"s, all bred frm eitrn dogs; price Ji up; the pups are ahove average; good heads and tat s Phono Walnut uH Ad ilrM Court ave.. corner Mason. 2-YR -tLI p. I hui; do . K ind to chi: .t p- lren; houe broken; exce!nl i h-ip to g-d horn E. 042. BlLLMoRK BIRT1E at si ud . a i winning cocaer spaniel pupplea 4 4A4. ire of Mam liROl till BRED PeriKitn kitten, f 3; erv.ce orange male. Call SeiL !. TMujU ;H BHEIj Aiarkan spta pups, broke. Call Auto. (113-10 tills r'R SALE 2 gentle male cheap; IS years old. C. hT ood. rr. Airedales E. Oala. B' S r N trri-T pur-pie; fine I at 321 'J. 3ffl St.Ttmn;a it Bi i f uog for aev Phone a.&ut K.'li.l.H bu.l puppie. 3 Koi si. East 23- ToY f-x terr ii;.. Tabor f i T ; ' u f? 11 "f.hc ami M ari ne F.t u rr me lit. Frt SALE Furmii-d or unfurnished 4 room house; combination garas. wood houso and wash house; im good rht en hous. and 1 acre of ground on Poaeit a. ey road; Bu 1 Run water ard eectricit v . reasonable terms. Ph ne T- bor " I lit.T m-ivlern furnished houseboat on rser; wonderful foundation, attractive wood float and every nceary con venience; located at 23 Oregon Yacht club; w;.l consider $2 SO down pay ment and eay monthly terms to re- poftfltbte party. Sel. w pod 1552. I'kjH SALE or trade ,or machine. 2e-ft. motor boat with 4 cylinder. 4d-H. P. motor. R G- Wat kin, lii) Boundary ave A water 44. WILL s-.l my old equipment, cheap. A ' T r Al Tu n canoe Ca.i Bdwy. an d 413. lK lit AT th.p. 3 Willamette oragfi or Dr. Smith. Battle Ground, Ft ' it SALE OR REN T 3 -roo in m od e r n ho u-boat, f urni h-d. piano. 2 Vac tat nub. . S'i . -.)l O". i. BEAUTIFUL auto top i amity launch, cost over jwi, now $230. C 844. Or g or. i an. Coalman dWood. HA B about 23 corua ory eoltonwood. 'j mi ft north of Parkr.e; will give half to have other half hauled to my house, a 3-rv.!. haul Walnut 213T. wouD Wood. 4 -foot bloca and railroad ties, al 6-Inch dry block wood; greea biooa v"J Mlw 21. " iEST GRADE r-d tr. $7-73. very best oak wood. $10.3u. Inquire of us about maple. Can save you money on quan tity or.- r PhAne Ea.-t 7IA. NO. 1 GREEN and dry f;r. $i 30; heavy country stab. $3.73: pole or body oaa. u R per cord. Main 6241. R EC K AGE wood. $4 3o a load, east 1- onty Fi?t 323J. WHEN yoa at.t a woodaw call Kellcy, Kar fMO. NO 1 OLD growth cord wood, best Utah coai. En t 1TM. NO. I DRY FIX wood. ST. delivered. An- r.22 n HEAVY bck wood. 1150 per load. Call Walnut 3;4. TtL TEU. MRS. KtXK. OO-Rt. JUVI POUNO Mt-"miNCj Nou cook rs so 6oot that S'MPUV MAKt. K PtRECT MxSEXF- MOVH 1 6o GON0 TO A&K NOO TO OF- TMOSe XS.UCAOVS CO OKItS TO TAKt HOMt WVTH - Vj" J --' ' DO. V r-.-. - FOR SAI K- ( oat and H ofld. 14-23 PER LOAD S4.2A, TWO-LOAD LOTS, in Inch fir blocks and a'ab. ran partly dry. for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO.. WALNUT 4102 FuL'R-KuuT liKY SLA it. Iti COKU. M r. load in 2-lond loia. 16-tnch block and slab mixed. For furnace or heater. NATIONAL FltL CO.. Jast 2041. SAL .abaooU, tiookwood. No. 1 f ir and poa oak crd wood. Hwd obl cut fuel and coaL 8. eV H. ft- eon trad ;d aiaanpa. Hoiman Fuel C-- 94 4ti it Broadway moa, . AuN-UKV box wood. (3 25 aod 4. ex tra nice planer enda J.SO per load. Call Walnut 3649. JR V liLtiCK and a tbwood. aunir-o load double ? oad 1 3. Bdwy. SA43. Hmito KqiiTpniffit. RADIO and battery chartin tnop tor rent. I li month. 351 lat at. ilKUENtRATIVE receiver, fier. cheap Tabor V35 -atep arupli- Kega aod Barrrta. KEOS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperajf Co.. 80S N. M h at., near Potiyvrova -Phono Auto. 51-1 . MiMellancoua. BA K H His. ATTENTION! New and cond-band Hobart and othr miiera for aie on eaay term; one a oo mi -ha ml EdtMn oven, one 1 He- barrel dnuirh mixer. C. J. W. McCrea at & K1rt rt Rl'TCHKKS. ATTENTION: New and ueed Hobart choppers and other makes; easy terms; second-hand a,e and to meat blocks. See J. W. Mc-Crea. 5 Flr-t at. THE ELECTRIC SHOP. We repair anyt hins; electrical, aer -ice to any part of the city, work called for and delivered. Bdwy 2249. 46 Wash mr'on st. &0 HLIiiHTLY used White. New Home. 8 in iter sewing- machines for sale or rent ; liberal term on i;. E. R, Steen. 12 Orand a ve. at Belmont Phone Eat 2 t.'jt. FOR SALE cheap, runs, rockers, tables, household cod. dishes, etc ; call Sun davs and evenmira after (1:30. West minster Arts. Apt. 11. 6th and Madi unn. Phone fain 54"i 1VO YARl'S of good dirt, good for garden purposes, can be had ror hauitng away and wul stand part of the hauling ex- ni- Phone B d wy. 34-0. RELIABLE mi ranre. nearly new. white enamel; has a Lorain timer. Half prtr. Also Rnud water heater. Main KtR SALE Who; or part interest in a new and very useful invention on auto accessory. A. Baumsartner. 621 Ch. of Com. b!dr. Bdwy ."'! 1. MRS. S. W. HERMAN buys and set's ladles and gents' clothes. - Will nay highest prices. 352 1st. corner M.U. Main 8070. OFFICE FURN ITURE. SAKLi TYPE WRITERS Bought, sold and rented. D. Q W A X. 2 4 -2rt N. 6th. Bdwy. 27B9. SPORTSMEN Chance for threa conaen Is 1 port men Join diick club. Sauviea inland Best lakes and accommodations by auto. D h4. Oregon inn. HOT-W' AT EH t&naa. o. guar. ; tanks, gas water heaters repaired; olumbing con tractors: estimates given. Eant Side Welding Shop. 201 Adams st. K 811 BARGAIN on men's hats and caps. $4. IS hats now l w to I'J.tfA; caps ?5c to Si 4 5. 231 Washington at., between 21 and 3d. PL RE loganberry. cherry and black- berry SL.- per gal. Call John son Cider Co., 247 Yamhill St. Main CASH REGISTERS and computing cales. bought, sold, exchanged and re pmtred. Portend Cash Kegirter & Seal F.T chan ce. 22t Stark si. Bdw y 7334 LICE.NSEU Independent electr.cian wires ft rooms, 112. 3 for $20; guaranteed to pass inpe-tlon. Woodiawn 3 bl. OWNER leaving city. 100 Ford. Al con dition trfioughout. good rubber, new batterv. 3300 cash. t'Jl E. Grant sL bitboLb a rea. new aod atud-ntod. apaciai pncea FacJfie Safe x Uuppiy Co.. 4 a Front at. Bdwy. jpga. " " KODAK&T We buy. seL, rent and ex c hang ko- dK. anciv. 14 Proadw a j F'J H SALE l!tJO Bu ck, good as new. all new cord tires; price llOtH). Atwater o;23. BAKER blue enamel combination rango, .j for quick aale. lo East ldth sl N ort h n ear Hjjrr. s : d e rOR SALE Two iarge size men's luiti, in good condition, cheap. R bdl. Or gonian. bCK E ENS and screen doors, carpenter work of all kinds, estimate free. Web ster Screen Shop. Tabor 3323. H INTERS Deer eeaeon August 13. 650 rouilds SO-40 Winchester ammunition for a?e at half price. Eat 4S73. W H IT K dress and cape In latest mode, beautiful heavy crepa ailk. aize 3S-3. Aut). 32-4-OT. TW) irou beds with springs, sullahia fir beach or country. Pric ftlo. Jn quire at 31 E. artth st. PILES cau be permanently cured with out operation. Ca.i or writ Dr. Deaa, brcond and Morrison. SO GENUINE rt paid. J orler, Don -John cigars. $2 23 Heitkemper. maker, 131 DANDY biack t weed -o-wool auit. cost $43, very little worn; will aeU reaexn ab. Phone E. 2107 FINE Mabde beig coal, rain proof, good a new . size 35-40, very reasonable. Phone E. 2!'7. vLRlf ciH-.p, medium iux fur. Phone K, 2107 8-bxli-3 BLUE Kear-fiax ru. good as new; b-.t- price. Ka.t 210?. LAUIUS" ud ciotmng. Vugue. 4th Loor, 4"3 AiisKy bldg.. 3d near Morrison. r vf t . t - a ppiff. 9.4 b.ast doth at. tott oA -fc Con.p.tte camp OUU1L Mrs crowe;t. t,Ast SJ.'. WooDSAW for sal or trade. bH8 Cleve land a ye., near Mason. Wainut 6o 1 3 FoR ALrS ucuitf, tt-foot bevel sl t' p 4020 7th ft. S. E W NEW floor covering for you to ate; a better bd. The Merrill Co. x FoH bALE Cash regiiter. sate, adding mc o:. showcastfs. 43 la l. near Am. ZiUARANTEED rebuilt batteries lor Ai-L c ara. iu to 113. Bdwy. 449. ELc:TKlC tan. Konbina A Meyer. l-in. oci Ua 1 1 r.g. new, bargain. Eat 73- I . FOR R ENT E;ctric V ISc per day, ucivered icuuni cieanra Vaout RADIO, medicine caoinets, screens, mir ror. cabinet work, etc. Wainut 1457. ft COX D-H AND tents and covers for sal a t tc:!.c Tent A Awning Co., No. 1 lgr. st. toriiNGLES direct from mill; extra Star-A-star. Taylor-st. dork Main 80ft. a- SINGLE cots, pracUcaJly new. tail alnut 2426. cheap. U'l'AKEL SHOP in a nome. good show ing of tail garments. Tabor 2S,a. BARGAIN la office safe. J niaO. 634. Orego- EXPERT furniture repairing at a you can afford. Faulkner. Main prMce 4477. HOOVER electric carpet sweepers rent, delivered- Tail Bdwy. 3;."i 2 CRYSTAL radio sets, ran. 325 Lumbermen? $5 eaoiij b'rig. A DIAMOND. HO-l.M karat, at a bargain. A E 16. Oregonian .22 HIGH power gold head Sa vage rifle, in be-t condition. $23. Call East 674 bed. hlj; h--hair and a a new. Phone East bassinette 7 1 HS. . furnace I vnch Bros. with ripe, used 110 r.rh st. 2 years. FINK M roptlcon off-red for sale. Apply j Mr. Andrews. AOl Worcester bldg. THE GUMPS IN THE COOL OF THE EVENING f HOVA) OUT 0 NtCt H06 OT BkCK I'M BAKE SOArffc pHt- FOR 8ALK. lifceUaneoo. DAINTY, lacey. white old and platlnnm mounting- ; they make your diamond look -ta per cent larger and brighter aa well; x wonderu; selection to choose from. MILLER'S BIG LITTL-- JEWELRY STORE. 9t!! for Lea? Gifta That Laat. NEXT DOOR MAJESTIC THEATER. WASHINGTON NEAR PARK, ST- BUYERS1 WEEK SPECIAL PRICE3. You are welcome to look over our line of store fixtures, Uowcaaes, new and used cash regiatera. acalea. type wrttera. addingr machines, root beer barrel, fountains and supplies, other iixturva; our motto: "Quick Sales and Small Profits," Boxer Trading- Co.. I-' Fl rst. between Washington and Alder. LECTK1C F'XTUHEo. Boy them from tho factory show room and sava one-third; ali styiea, finest aeirction; rome In and a; you ara under no obligation to buy. -STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Broadway 42r.3. IF YOU apprertata speuaid watch ro palrins; or jeweu-y repairing-, take your work to MILLEIVS Bir Littlo Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Uitts That Last Net: Door to Majestlo Theater. Park and Wtahington Sts. LEAKY k(K fh t Verv aeffravating. indeed! Why not a comfortable and permanent roof ? XV m repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate sal kinds of warned, crack d. weather-beaten, de teriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs; work guaranteed, dw . o.J3, SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold ' fo less; no agents m- pioyed; compJeta line of parts for ail makes ; machine repaired and rented. 65WINO MACHINE EMPORIUM. lo Third St.. Near Taylor. Main t43t. SAFES Fir and burglar proof safes, new and second-hand at right prices, bought, aoid and exchno g d ; easy terms If desired. NORR1S SAFE eV LOCK CO.. IPS Second St. Broadway 7043. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mould ings, mlllwork. glass, roofing and hot bed aath; sea our odd stock of sash and doors for price. D. B. Sculiy Co., down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST.. bL Morriscn and Yamhill. Main 4213. FOR SALE lO.tMKJ new pulp cans, per forated tin tops and tin bottoms, 2Vsx 6 inchei, and TOO new pulp shipping cases. M. E. Newton. 175 Vista ave.. or pnone Atwater 1739. FOR SALE Neariy nw combination range. Eant 8443. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD PARTS 4 at A u t nor ixe d Ford Deale ra. Open Evenings 8:30. Sunday 9 to TALBOT A CASEY. INC. East Ankeny and Grand ave. East. MIS. . 1 LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE ; WE FURNISH THE MONEY; OCR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLIXi , 2d Floor. FULL line auto accessories, tires, tubes light globes. FISHING OUTFITS. Wholesale agents bearings, polish, rings. Ford parti: discount to trad. TOWING AND REPAIRING. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. LONG & SILVa. East R40. 42 Hawthorne at "th. 11)21 STUDEBAKER SPECIAL 6. License, 4 new cord tires, driven 72n miles; looks like new; price 10$5. $3.".t down with 12 months for pay ment. This is an exceptional bar gain. Bring your mechanic and dem onstrate to suit yourself. Phone East LIBE.RTY SIX, 191S toorinav run less than 20.000 mvies. fine mechanically and In ap pearance; 1373. 1123 down, balance to suit. Phone E. 14-S7 or tee at 120 Union N. DUNN'S great -ViO snle of used cars late model Fords. Chevrolet, Dodge. Dorts, Oaklsnds. etc.. at one price. P. H- DUNN MOTOR CO.. Orand and Burnside. .East 6100 HUPMOBILE. mode N. S30. 1917 Grant , 40. 10IS Dodge touring. 3325. Ai: t he.e cars in excellent cond It ion. Call W inu 0219. Interstate Garag-e. 1100 Union ave. OVERLAND model 90 touring, larest type, refinlahed. Al mechanically. 3o0. cah. term or trade. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD. Inc. 11th and Burnaide. Sts. 1919 CHEVROLET coupe; 5 wire wheels and all new tires; just overhauled. A bargain for ouick sale; might trade on Ford cr Chevrolet. Walnut 2387. $730 CASH will buy beautiful Case sedan. Run less than 900U miles: in tip-top shape. See Fred, Auto Rest Garasje, P'th and Salmon. 5-PASSENOER CAR FOR SALE, $123 CASH. 204 E. 4STH. CHEVROLET BARGAIN. Late model like new. Sacrifice. Long easy terms. A car you will he pleaded to own and drive. Main 1 09 3. XKvV Maxwell chassis, suitable for either delivery, touring or bug body; $500. terms. Maxwell Motor Sale Corp. E. UVU. ; m $i;. LATE Chevrolet touring car, splendid condition; upholstering fine; good tires, bumper, -startwr and all In fine phape. Call me at East 219. FORD touring, looks, runs, like new; starter, demountable rims, cord tires, other extras, cheap or trade for old Ford or Chevrolet. Owner. East 8954. WE PUT steel teeth in your old fly wheel , crankshaft turning, cyl. grind ing. H B. Black. 334 Alder. Bdy. 2681. FoH SALE 2 late model Grant tt cars, bargain for cash. Perfection Tire Co., 10th and Stark sts FTUTZ. 1920 Stuts Bearcat, good as new. Apply Sandy's. 124 Broadway. WE TEAR 'em up and aell the piece. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder at 17th. Bdwy. 3254 Mall orders filled. CHEVROLET BARGAIN. Late model. will sacrifice, term; wondrfuI buy. Main 1095. CHEVROLET. 1922 model, like new; bar gain; small cash payment with, easy balance. Main 81QV apt. 13. LATE model 490 touring, good condition: price for quick sale, very easy terms. Tabor 5'."v5. ,1922 CHEVROLET. In AT mechanical cond it ion ; f i quick wale. $3'J3. Phone Tabor 7781. FORD TOURING Just overhauled, lots of extras; big sacrifice, $225, half cash. KKirt Raleigh st. 1W22 I'HKV. 4 months oid. 5 white wire wheeLn. bumper and spotlight. $325, with $150 down. Automatic 322-84. Ll'iHT bug reasonable. New tires, de mountable rims, electric lights and starter. Walnut 5933. 191S OAKLAND 6 TOURING. Good mechanical condition, $250. 210 212 Jefferson. STUDEBAKER !iht f ive-paaaenger, $250 Se 6ri7 Flanders. Terms it necessary. Hiy. 27H2. 1916 5-PASSENGER Oldsmobile been overhauled. $10O. See MUh st. S. K. 4. just at 6411 TOO 0VST ALON Ct - IHt VORtH wWtKt IT'S A.Nt C0OU A.Nt REST lOURtVF mow Run a.uoG vKt FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAIN PRICKS ON RENEWED AUTOMOBILES- We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex automobiles. These ar in th best of mechanical condition. They ar also warranted the same as factories warrant new cars. In addition we give 30 days free mechanical service. Other makes of good automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first class condition and sold w:th a ten days' free trial, subject to being re turned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer " may select. Th!a gives ample time for every pur chaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have it Inspected, and we want only satiafied customers. 1919-1920 (Model O series) H udson super six. W e a tin ibouii air springs 31278 1919 Hudson speedster .... 1130 1920 Essex 82ft 1919 Chevrolet 230 1918 Liberty 1... 00 1918 Stephens 800 1920 Bulck 900 Cole 8 . 630 19M Chandler coupe 730 1921 Paia-e 925 . 1919 Chalmers 623 Maxwell truck 800 Largest Used Car Branch Store In this city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store. Broadway 57S9. Also a Display at Our Salesrooms 613-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CAR SELLING AT COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. This la the height of the new car selling season, and in order to continue trading; on new cars we are forced to sell the cars turned In to us at extremely low pric s. The public is going; to benefit by this. You probably don't realize how used ear prices are going down you don't ap preciate the bargains we are of fering;. Another thought to carry with you when you do business with this establishment you can rely absolutely upon every statement made to you. We will not ex-j agerate. , "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPAXT. TWO LOCATIONS. Main plant, 21st at Washington. Phone Broadway 6244. Broadway Branch, 28-30 Bdwy. We have cars to take you from one place to the other '.INTEND to place the Ford car within the reach of every American family." HENRY FORD. New Fords were never so low in price. See where we have put the price of USED FORDS. 4: 1 touring, in first-class condi tion, with 4 good tires- . . .$375 1920 roadster, rebuilt 325 1921 sedan 495 1920 sedan 473 1921 coupe 493 1920 coupe, wire wheels, shocks, speedometer, visor, dashlight, etc 450 101S tourfng 200 19ift touring 250 1920 truck with stake body....... 330 1919 truck chassis; overhauled-... 285 1921 panel body delivery; starter. aem. rims, overhauled and repainted 400 Delivery, open body; two; each ISO W have four sedans, five coupes and several tourings snd roadsters. OUR POLICY: AS FORD HIMSELF WOULD DO. DUNNING MOTOR CO., East Third and Broadway , LIBERAL TERMS. PACIFIC MOTOR CO.. Durant Dealers. " Bdwy. 7916. Broadway at Flanders. BUICK light six touring car, model E45; a real buy in a good auto; body, top. curtains with door, upholstery, tires and engine all in elegant condi tion. $483, very easy terms. OAKLAND Hght six touring, good tires, many extras, looks ahd runs good. $:i."i0; easy terms. OVERLAND 4-cyl roadster, new tires, some extras; good motor. $200, easy terms. PACIFIC MOTOR CO.. Durant Dealer. Bdwy. 7916. Broadway- at Flanders. FORD COUPE. Late 1921 model, in fine mechanical condition, good cord tires, speedometer, dash light, etc; will sacrifice. Tabor -33 7. f CADILLAC. 5-passenger touring, looks like new. Phone Mrs. E. A. Hill, East 3947; no dealers. IDEAL LARGE TOURING CAR FOR STAGE RUN. Beautiful big 7-pass. Winton 6. per fect condition in every way. cost $4rtO0 less than 2 years ago; $900. terms on half. E. 8195. COUPE COUPE. Rainy weather will soon be here. Be prepared by owning my Chevrolet su perior coupe. Will take your Ford or Chevrolet In trade and give long easy terms. Main 1095. FORD bug. 1920 model, starter, de mountable rims, top and side curtains In Spanish leather, with $385 factory built body ; room for three. Engine perfect shape. Call Main 4306 Mon dav. 1919 FORD truck, cab and body, $223; 1919 Ford chassis, starter, Al, $225; 1919 Grant 6. good throughout, $.400; lata Ford touring body and- fenders, $30. 214 West 33 g iL, Vancouver, Wsah. BUICK. Late type touring, refinished, tsord tires. $25. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD, Inc. 11th and Burnside Sts. LIBERTY SIX. 5-PASS. Al condition, by private owner. 2.o Taylor St. 1918 BUICK touring, excellent shape, $300. - 851 1st st. Main 2597. FORD, $1.50 per hour, any time. Main S468. Res. Bdwy. 2733. " i' !;-'';:jl!l-,jis.'i) . x ) : " Tfil iJ ' APe.CAATt A. OOOt VOOMKT- NOUJ TAXE. TOUfe WVP. ' hV-l-WfrS'! l FO iKSTtANCE- SUA.VING ALL. tAM 9,A.NMHO A.Mt I J I H'j!iy;iili-;li. ;': Cooking ncl "vhncs omt- To MJK.e xca wavps- I V - " I ,ii i ' i .1 J I II 1 1 . 1 I I ! !. ii I MIWI AT B 1 K (Mil VAl . 1 . . . . . . . a f II f . HVIiljji i Wm l 1 NtVt- C.Wr OSL &tNC SMART FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. THEY ALL BOUGHT STUDEBAKERS. MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. Cars can be bought at this time of the vear for less money. Why not tae advantage of this situation? 20 Bulck ft 500 21 Ford touring; 390 '21 Ford coupe 525 '20 Ford sedan ..1 500 19 Ford sedan 425 '21 Maxwell touring ....... 425 '21 Big Six touring 1475 '21 Studebaker sedan 1B0 '20 Light six Studebaker. . 875 19 Overland 90 350 20 Studebaker Special Six. 975 19 Studebaktr Special Six.. 650 20 Paige touring- 850 '20 Paige sport 950 '20 Cole touring; 1200 Model "X" Hup .: 500 490 Chevrolet 450 Late model Case Sport 900 Chevrolet Bug- 225 These cars look like new; have been overhauled and painted; all tires are good ; in many cases new ones have been Installed. We are open evenings and Sundays. Always ready to serve the public. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Used Car Dept., Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. USED CARS AT RE AX PRICES. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT THESE CARS. ON 1912 A p person touring, real good throughout $ 125 iwin o-pass., 4-cyl. Studebaker, license 3919 Dort touring, extra good.... 19X9 Hudson speedster, run only 13,500 miles 1918 Maxwell touring, all good... 1918 Paige, 5 -pass., license, car extra good 1918 Chevrolet touring 1918 Hudson touring, a real car. 1919 4-cyl. Studebaker bug. li cense 1918 Overland touring 1919 Winton Six. Spanish leather upholstering. This car has new paint, license and good tires ' 1919 Dixie Flyer, touring, new paint 1917 Dort, new tires, car excel lent Rebuilt Reo roadster, new paint. Cars Traded. Easy Terms. 100 295 1150 195 395 195 900 100 275 800 395 250 150 Open Sundays 9 to 5. Evenings 8:30. TALBOT & CASEY. INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. NEW ARRIVALS; Here is a selected list of good used cars at new low level. No, matter what sort of car you are looking for you will find it in tho big Mitchell stock and for less money. 11920 Dort Roadster $ 495 3 913 Mitchell touring 175 1918 Hudson bug 400 1918 Mitchell touring rJ96 1919 Chevrolet touring .... 3H5 1921 Mitchell 6 touring 995 19l8Stutz touring 1150 1918 Mitchell, 7-pass 375 1918 Overland, model 90.... 325 191$ Studebaker. 7-pass 300 3919 Mitchell sedan 1250 1920 Mitchell touring 995 1919 Mitche! touring.. 725 COME AND SEE OUR STOCK. IT IS CONSTANTLY CHANG ING. THE LEADING VALUES, SOLD ON EASY TERMS. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVE R COMPANY. Broadway at Everett. Open Evenings until 8. o'clock. NEW FALL PRICES. In line with the approach of the fall season and the price re ductions of several maki of cars, we offer a new list7 of prices. We have repriced our used cars after an intelligent survey of all the used-oar stocks and prices in Portland, and with this Information at hand we have made these prices as hon estly and fairly aa we know how. These cars are thoroughly re conditioned and ere desirable in appearance and the same hon esty and fairness of the Dodge Bros. policy is behind these cars to make them dependable transportation. Our used cars have always been sold completely equipped ; that means curtains, tools, extra tires and license. Our stock Is small, about 27 cars. Those who come first will have the more complete stock to select from. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILDS. INC.. 11th and Burnside Sts. Trade your Ford touring car body on a sedan body we make liberal al lowance. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., "Authorized Ford Dealers," East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. Open Sunday, 9 to 5. Evenings 8:30. CASH PAID FOR FORDS. Why trade your old car in on a new one when we will pay you its value in cash? Then do your shopping. Cash count. T. McDonald. 191 Grand s ve.. corner of Taylor. East 6319. 1922 DODGE DELIVERY. Fine oversized cord tires, shock ab sorbers and morbrmeter, car has been run less than 2000 miles, you can't tell it from a new one; we'll sacrifice for a good sale. Sel!. 2902. BABY OVERLAND SEDAN. Latest model, wire wheels and cord tires, $595. BRALEY, GRAHAM CHILD, Inc. 11th and Burnside Sts. TRAILER for sale. Broadway Garage, East 24th st. and Broadway. STANDARD Ford tops put on, $ 10. Standard Top Shop. S04 Union N FOR SALE ArTOMOBYLES. TALBOT & CASEY, INC. "AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. EAST ANKENY AND GRAND AVE. - EAST 8118. OPEN SUNDAYS 9 TO 5; EVEN INGS 8.3a EASY TERMS. CARS TRADED. WE HAVE FORDS: 10 SEDANS. 18 TOURINGS. - 5 COUPES. 4 ROADSTERS. 2 CHASSIS. 2 BUGS. 2 TRUCKS. 4 DELIVERIES. WE HAVE RE-MARKED THESE CARS AND THEY ARE REAL BAR GAINS. BE FAIR WITH YOURSELF AND SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY IT. WILL MEAN . DOL LARS IN YOUR POCKET. AM LEAVING for Cal.. will sacrifice 1918 "Ford for $133 cash, in Al con dition; also 1 oyerstuffed davenport, tapestry finished, for $60 cash. Call at 1223 Ivon st. BARGAIN. 1920 Maxwell touring, renewed and refinished, cash, terms or trade; $350. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc. 11th and Burnside Sts. CASH for Ford or Chevrolet touring at 153 E. Sth st. , Automobile Wanted. WANT to buy good light six tour ing car; must be a late mode!, nothing older than a 1920 con sidered, and in Al condition throughout ; might consider a Dodge; will pay cash, but ex--pect a mighty good buy; want to deal with owners only. Write AG 223. Gregonian. giving de scription. lov?est cash price and where can can be inspected. Will be in town Monday or Tuesday. CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL LIGHT AUTO. 530 ALDER STREET. WANT CAR UP TO $1000. Have acre with new house on west side Red Electric, one block from paved highway, only $2750. Phone Bdwy. 8014 Mr. Morris. ELGIN LIGHT SIX. Beautiful family car. new paint, fine tires, powerful. economical, comfy. Lots of extras, $443. Easy terms. East 706 5i STEPHENS SALIENT SIX, $650. This car looks like new; has all good tires and in first-class mechanical condition; will sell on easy terms. Phone Broadway 7133. TRADE 1921 FORD, $335. Your old car in trade. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc., 11th and Burnside Sts. 1922 CHEVROLET 490 touring; will guarantee car to be in first-class con dition; must sell at once, easy fcerm-s. Tahor 5935. 1922 BUICK 4 roadster at a substantial discount if taken at once, privately owned, extras. Call Broadway 4627 or Walnut 1542. WE WRECK THEM Highest cash pric paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN EXCHANGE phonograph and some cash as first payment on good light car. Ford preferred. Call 665 E. Madison, mornings. CARS wanted to wrecK; parts for all cars for less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 15th and Aider. Bdwy. C36. CASH for all makes of cars; condition no object. 414 Glisan, woodyard. Broad- way 293 CARS wanted to wreck ; all parts for less. Hodes Auto Parts Co 522 Alder, corner lth. Broadwav 3638. WANTED 3 to 5-ton trucks with dump bodies, 00 days' work. Henges garage, Vancouver. Wash. WILL pay top cash price for vour Ford, any model. Bring it to 009 Washing ton st.. at 19th. WILL pay cash for late model Ford from private party. East 8849. No dealers. CHEVROLET 490 touring; spotlight, . call 525 $365. Phone Tabor 3ob4 o East 49th N. - PRIVATE party leaving city must sell 1921 Ford coupe. Car looks like new. Perfect condition. Call Main 375.4. 1922 FRANKLIN, demi-edan, new, never run. Will discount. BF 849, Oregonian. DEAD STORAGE. $4 per month, building. 120 Union N. brick 1 -KARAT dLamond fr late model Ford roadster Atwater 0041. Motorcycles. BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT HARLEY-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES EASY TERMS. As low as $40 down. MOTORCYCLE 3d at Taylor. SUPPLY CO.. Main 7889. -HARLEY-DA V1PSON SERVICE CENTER. USED MOTORCYCLES, all makes, lib eral terms; used parts 10-75 discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-48 Grand avenue. Distributors for ACE, READING STANDARD. CLEVELAND FOR SALE 1919 Twin Indian motor cycle, electric equipt, speedometer, tandem, perfect running order. Phone or write E. ,D. Dore, Rainier, Oregon. 1939 HA R LET-DA VI DSON for sale cheap for cash ; electrically equipped. See it at 4012 59th st. S. E. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US 209 Third st Main 6189 Auto Tire and AcoeHsories. 2 -GAL. BOWSER gasoline curb speed pump and 2 SO-gal. tank and De Luxe automatic air outfit for . sale. Lents Hardware Co. Automobiles tor Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 10th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember Our Number Bdwy. 3696. NEW 5-passenger machine with driver bv day, week of" month. Phone East 349S. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE 132 12th St. Broadway 840. 6-CYLINDER, 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. 354 For Exchange--Automobiles. TO EXCHANGE One practically new 30-h. p. GMO tractor for car or truck. AV 880. Oregonian. EXCHANGE $1(0 mortgage for a good FORD or Chevrolet. 971 Belmont. FOR SALF TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. FOR SALE Brand new Beck 1 -ton truck, H price. Perfection Tir Co., 10th and Stark sts MACK 2-ton. license and all, complete. S1750, easy terms. fnone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Eve., Atwater 0183. FOR 8AIJE TRUCKS AND TB ACTORS. WBNTWORTH A IRWIN. INC. 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor. OREGON DISTRIBUTORS GMO AND DOANE TRUCKS. 3 -ton GMC; we are thor oughly overhauling this truck and with It goes mn unqualified guarantee aa to workmanship and gen eral condition. This is the first time we have adver tised this truck and we do not expecg; to have it last long at the price $1650 2-ton OMC; this truck has been thoroughly and care fully overhauled and la re- painted; every unit is in AA-1 condition - 1550 1- ton GMC; cab and express, body; pneumatic tires.... 850 -ton GMC; thoroughly overhauled; an excellent buy 450 4-ton Packard; big husky chain-drive truck; will sell with or without dump body and hoist 13T3 2- ton Republic; this truck has good tires; will be thoroughly overhauled and is equipped with platform body 950 SVi-ton Republic; long wheel base, oversized tires, only 1250 2-ton "White: we have done an excellent overhaul job on this truck; it .is a snap at 1450 ' 2-ton Reo; buy this and tto your own hauling 45Q 1-ton White; this Is In good shape; equipped with cab . . . , 850 lH-ton Denby; only II" months old; has done a little work around a ranch, otherwise a new truck; equipped with pneumatic tires, every thing about the machine Is. in good shape; only.... 750 1-ton Ford, equipped with standard express, body, prtumatlc tires 300 WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC., 200 Second St., Cor Taylor. READ THIS. . 5 Cheapest Trucks in Town. Can't Be Duplicated. Federal, worm drive, 34-ton .$375 Indiana, worm drive, 3 -ton 400 Moreland, worm drive, 2-ton ..... 173 Master, nearly new, 1-ton 500 If you can beat this anywhere, buy them. If you can't, I would, be pleased to dd business with, you. See Jensen, 415 Davis. Phone Bdwy. 0691. Eve., Atwater 01S3. 2 1922 PACKARD 3 -TON TRUCKS 1 1920 WINTHER 4-TON TRUCK 1 1919 DIAMOND T 8-TON TRUCK THE ABOVE TRUCKS ARE LIKE NEW AND COMPLETE WITH DUMP BODY AND HOIST AND . LICENSE. MUST BE SOLD TO SATISFY MORT- V GAGE. SEE OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG.. CITY. 2-TON truck in good condition, running every dray ; job earning from $.500 to $600 per mo. goes with truck. A. Reim ers, Carlton, or., Rt. 1 PACKARD 2-ton, license, and ready tu go. 1920 model. Dirt cheap. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0091. Eve., . Atwater 01S3. ' FOR SALE at a sacrifice. Ford ton truck, worm drive, Al condition, 1920 model. Call Walnut 0089. 1316 E. 11th N. cor. of Hoiman and 11th. GARAGES. GARAGE EAST SIDE. Storage, repairs, battery shop and accessories; 0 years' lease. Will sell at reasonable figure for cash. Sickness in family compells me to dispose of business. "Address AG ,837, Oregonian. WE HAVE storage space for a few more cars, new fireproof building. Carl's . Garage. 4th and Flanders. LARGE month. garagtj, cement noor, 1452 Hawthorne ave. $3 per WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. Tents, Fishing Tackle, Showcases, Cash Registers, Scales, Trunks, Handbags') Suitcases, Tools, Furniture. ANYTHING OF VALUE BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, 128 First, bet. Alder & Wash. Broadwav 7101. Auto. 627-46, 625-82. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. r MEYER THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVER COA TS. MACKINAW'S AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAY OR EVENING. CALL ATWATER 1229 OR 253 MADISON. . BEN ADLER, the tailor, pays the high est prices for second-hand clothes. What I want is men's suits, aingle coats and pants. 1 am at your service at any time. Why not sell your old clothes on hand. I can use them and you will have nyre room. Main 3207. 211 3d st. WE WILL ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 tor your discarded suit in payment on a suit made to order, and you can pa y us the balance on easy monthly pay ments. Bring in your used suit and aopiy it on a new one. Joy the Tailor. 104 Fourth St., near Stark. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN S SUITS. OVERCOATS. JHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 240i BURNSIDE ST. BET, SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE &LSK. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tannod and dressed. La France Fur Mtg. Co.. 134 Park St., between Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 52a. ; ; . SECOND-HAND SUITS" AND OVER coats We pay the highest prices. Ore gon Tailors and Cleaners. 117 Second bl. N. Vv". cor. Washington. Bdwy. 7214. WANTED PiancT Must be good tolie and action and good make, even if case is not in good condition. Wilt pay Cash, but price muat be reasonable. BO 845, Oregonian. WANTiCD Piano. Old reliable make; not particular about condition of case. Will pay cash, but must be cheap. State name of piano and price. M 841, Oregonian. , WILL' pay cash for upright piano for practice purposes. Must be good stand ard make. Appearance not important, but muat be cheap. Give name of pia no. AR b42, Oregonian. WESTERN PAPER STOCK CO., 3 Front st. Bdwy. 030S. We buy newt. papers, magazines and waste papers. Call us. WE WISH to buy a good, piano and also a phonograph; wiil pay all cash; must be bargain; no trash. X 485, Oregonian, CLOTHING WANTED If you want t- sell cast-off clothing, Mar. 3225. Peu. pie's Second-Hand Store. 209 Mad) sou BEFORE you sell piano or phonograph ' consult resale and exchange dept. Ote gon Eilerc Music House, 287 Wash WANTED Newspapers and magazines tied in bundles; will call and pay OOc 100 lbs. Call Empire 1339. INDEPENDENT Paper Stock Co., 485 Overton. Bdwy. 2003. Highest prices newspapers, magazines. waste paper. I DIAMONDS and gold bought. Reliable estimates. G. Cramer, i selling bldg. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds, 340 Washington st. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles. shotguns. Hochfeld, 85 3d. near Oak. I SAFIC Give &jae and price for cash. W baz, oregonian. WANTED Elastic exerciser, must be cheap. G 818, Oregonian. GAS RANGE and water heater, reasun- able for cash, mast 3874. WANT TENT AND .22 RIFLE Broadway 7161.- Auto. 027-46, 625-82. YANT cash, register, showcase, scales; pay caen. Broadway 74.ts. Furniture Wanted. CALL MAIN 4633. If you have furniture for sale X will pay you the best price,- one piece or a .full house of furniture. . Call Main 4633. CALL MAIN 8268. Will pay the highest prices for youf furniture. , WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission, ueorg Baker & Co auctioneer. Main 332. I