TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1922 19 REAL T.ST ITE. T For giaJg U'hmkw. t beautiful new home i V LAl'RE LH I R S T. To wiii ftnd th; the best home 1 value la this fn home di-tnct; It nasi ft rorTv and large brekft room on i m.m f .ixr. aa rorrl witb beautiful btrdssye mapie; the upalrs ts fioored " f;n for b;,;.rd roro or can easily be turned Into 2 loveiy sleeping room ; t he r la fire p la e boo k c .-. buffet and every coovvaitica imaginable la bu:lt In; full cem nt b-mnt. laun dry fays, furnace, extra big lot and yara. ail e.ty I.Tiprnvrmenti are In and p. id; home is ready for occupancy ou tn m r.nh' n It la a good home value fur $f5o, only $1000 emata required as down payment. Show a niy by rpintmnt. See . E. w. HLiiHEci. SAT Jmiraai Pu'.g. Main 233. SCN NTS IDE ONLY 100 CASH REQUIRED. ROOM MODERN HOME FOR; PALE BX OW.NtK. JtrtOHS AKS ALL LAh'iE AND LIGHT. SLEEPING PuRi'H. CEMENT BASEMENT. Fl ft XACE, FIREPLACE. LACXDRT TRATS. ETC.: LIVELY YARD FR CHILDREN. FRUIT TREES. ROSES. GARDE N SPOT, ON E B LOC K TO CAR. FuLR BLOCKS TO Ji NNTSiL'E SCHOOL. PRICE $,0O0. OWNER. tf0 EAST T A it HILL, TRULY DISTINCTIVE AT AT TRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Oat of those charming places ne always points out and ad mtrts, but sxjom finds tor aa'; mot anuaua: tn its appoint ment. rrnnnu and con cruouon : perfect condition ia very particular. Sh o n oaix by Appointment. MRS. HARRY PRICE PIAMER. East 327. LAURELHt'RST. Xe-w, modm bungalow of 7 spacious moan; living room, dining room and un parlor connection It h French loor, hardwood floor and Imported tapestry paper throughout ; at tract iv fixtures, shades latest, plumblnf ftn cJudlng iftowtr) finest. Dutch k;tcn aval breakfast nook, furnaca and double garage. Th bt buy ia thia high-c'.aaa re!r1ctd home aectlon insoect be fora vou sc year home. 1!3 HM.(m place, lOO fet south of on ma at.; owner oa property. ROoE CITY PARK. S3t0. Truly tha beat buy In district, just completed and ready to mow Into. 6 large rooms, breakfast room and attic large enough for 'J room a. comp.et In every waj th firep.ace. bookcases, beautiful tapestry paper, elaborate lighting fixtures, shade, heavy oak floors tn every room. windows) In cioaets, furnace and garage: located n block from Sandy, near school; very y (rms. CAMPBEU.-RICHARD8 CO. 1111 bandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) Automat!? 3T-44 ROPE CITY. NEW BUNGALOW. $.VM down and move r'.ght In to a aw, strictly modern Rose City bunga low, two b'ocka from Sandy bivd-; hardwood f.om, tp-stry wsll papvr. Ivory woodwork. Iutrh k! thn. ton crt?:e basement and at'fc. Homes L ke thrs seii themselves. Mr. Parker. 24r blaxk st- near 3d. Phone Bdwy. TV-TV. lj.tio UEALTlFUi Laur.hur.t bun galow; 6 rooms, weii located ; bas nirat; ti.e kit tin; all but.t-ins; mod em throughouL Just finished; easy term. $mm0 -Semi-ban ga low : well located: eornrr lot; modern throurhout, $11.500 Ideal Laure'.hurst home; sightly location; hardwood floors ; sun room; built-in bathtub and shower: double garage; modern throughout with, aTl :S; improvements. S. BORLAND, Realtor. 3A-2 Henr- HMg. Hdwy. l.Ml MT. TAlk-R. rooms, living room, dining room hardwood floors, and bui'.t-tn kitchen ; upstairs has 3 beautiful bedrooms, each v th large closets. ar.d a fine bath ; full cement basement and furnace; lot fUi&!M) on paved street, 1th ail Im provements in and paid. House Is about years old. but couM not be built to day far le.s thsn JsooO. See this today. Pr:ce JV: l.'.W down, balance easy. W. A. BENNETT. 317 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. WEST SIDE COTTAGE SNAP, ft-room fine cottage, clean aa a pin; lectricltv, bath, tuil bu.se ment, 2 bed rooms, fine lot SOxlOo. paved street. sewer and all liens paid; some f tn bearing fruit trees, small fruits. chicken house and run; on car; 13 minutes ride, southern Portland; price $3omo; easy terms can be arranged; no mortgage to aum. J. W GRUSSX, 81 Rard of Trade BidTMsry. 7432 $3.d. HERE'S BiG NEWS, -room bungalow, good condition, liardwood floors, .fireplace, bookcase buffet, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full cement basement. furnace. laundry trays; compare this with any $45oo bun galow you have seen. $1000 bandies; ay terms on ba!nre, Bdwv. 7567. CITY HOMES DEPT RITTER. LOWE CO.. REALTORS. 2M-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bids;. KFW BUNGALOW 4 rooms down. 1 up, claasy kitchen, hard wood floors, full plumbing, ga rs. Clse to s" hoot. car. .imo. $M cash. From owner. 11 J E. 33d L Is. AAA. car to Lmerson. LAURELHURST. MKki. TERMS. T-room house and (raf at 11M East Couch St.. near Es: 3ih. Th'i house cou d not be duplicated today for less than $10,oo: has sleeping porch and sewing; room, tiled bath roo m , hard wood fl o rt. plate g ia windows on lower floor; plenty f roses. Call and see this home before you boy MU East Couch st. JtST look at ihia, Mr. and Mm. Honie seeker. In t he desirable Sunny.tle dtstrif t. 6-roem bungalow, hard sur fre. sewer sidewalks alt In. and paid. For only $Thi. Owner said take $ho, balance $:i5 a month and Interest. I have many other d-slrable home to s it the bomseeker from $ 1 to $4wrt er h. J. B Holbrook. Realtor. 2!4-l'i- lanam bVg six p.ooMv-m;-"!. E. COUCH. NEAR -2D ST. EAST TERMS. Modern home of 4 rooms, furnace, f re p. ace. full cement basement ; t hree tr-. a'.ry bedroom, rarsve. fruit and shrubbery; thu attractive home 1 with in V :'irr iHtw-anre of lh west si le. H E Nt K R t - B A N K I " S C . Hr-T p'dg. M'Iwt 47'. NEW HOMES. Bunt on very easy terms, in any o.-a.i,:y. ary ds:red six and con ruction. S- us to bu..d our home Su4 SMVe money ALBOHN INVESTMENT CO. - - Pa"rr HMc. ;. n J 0 CAS it. orrt"n Street. iWMilW. This home. first-class -ro tn hue. Esr - garages, corner has been doctor' eon.l:tion. Would mike four elegant apartments. ! pointed mi rt and out. Could not bu.id the house today fr th price asked. '- ar-T n'mer.t T brWtl Kt SE CITY 4H."rf NB W. S-room Colonial bungalow. 1 block from nrw tirant high school location; lur'lwiMhl floors, fireplace. bookt-as-s, tuff.-t. old Ivory and l-peslry paper. lot. on pavei at r-t . excellent location, between 33-1 and 34th sireaia on lUrro. 'nl aut J13-li3. UIRKI.HLRST. Ifome of 3 rooms, well constructed. 11 bu'.'.t-tr.s. fireplace, hardwood floor. braafast nw. in fatt complete In every may. You may select your fix tures. Pr.ce 9 Owl Terms. 6 bul.d ers. 214 Pr.nt bldg. G"1NG 1J BUILD We des.ga acd buitd residences or any bul.dicg. assist tn financing same; 22 yra continuous and comp.tt bidg service. Kn'Hll'T AND ATISEAC TION ASSURED. L. Jt. BaUe . coa tract.ng archiiect. Jt N. W U .mk $6730 LAURELHURST $1730. A very attractive 7 rooms, new Dutch rolniai. very best mat-rial and workmansh'p t hroughout. Terms to mi 14i E 43d st.. north tf Giisan. WEST SIDE- Moiern ft-rooni house in firt-class cond.tittn. lot ."oxlit-n. double g a rase. e-onom:-a' ains;. Ilth rar Montnomery; price $ i ..,. terms; ws 11 seil romp.etei) f urr.ineil. Mam CTo. wrr. UOO BT OWNER $.1M. 4 - roc rn bungalow. hurilwM.l floors, flrep st-e, buff-t. tapestrv paper. Dutch" k itch-n. breakfast nook, full cement basement; on car line. 113 G.admone ir nr 3t h bj Roll-: CITY PARK Modern A-r.wm bun E!ow, s-p;ng porch, a rage ; paved treet wn-r. Tshor 20.1. 1V W N E R -r..m lj v. r-ihutaL home iU SalS latKJX KF.Af. ESTATE. t or Sale HITTER. LOWE Jk. CO. RKALTuRS, $5 Vacant. Alameda Park bunga low, A rooms, modem, own: wiit accept $ "0O aa first pay ment; make an offer. $6000 Beautiful Alameda park 6 -room bungalow, strictly modern. good buy. $1350 cash, handles. 1300 Laurelhurs. new and nifty S room", Hie bath. block, to car; easy terms; garace. $6250- Irvington. new 3-room bunga low. worth tha money : every modern feature; a food buy; terms. 1300 Irvington colonial. 6 rooms and .steeping porch, hardwood floors throughout; a beautiful home. be.ow the market value. Call Broadway 75t7. To Inspect any of the above or to see many other high-class homes. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER. LOWE CO. REALTORS. 211-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Dirt. RO.-E CITY. NEW BUNGALOW. Price cut from IT5( to $.;0. with 91tH.Kl cash. Five large roumr. level lot. 30x1 io: blocks from Hose City carl me. large front porch, living room ixzi, mm iirepiare, oa k lioora. dook casfs, extra large windows, dining room 14x13. plenty of light, built-in buffet, entire house finished In old Ivory, two welt-ventilated bedrooms 1313 with large ctoaeta. sanitary bathtub, compo. aton floor la bath room, right up to the minute, enamel cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, full cement base ment, high and light. Inside and out. side entrances and laundry trays. We consider this one of the best fcuys In Portland. DAVID HARP. Manager. R. T- Street's Sandy Blvd.- Office. 1130 Sandy Bivd . at 39 th. Auto. Sl'0-04. NEW BUNGALOW. LA tR EI-HURST. VMiO. Five large rooms and attic, mam Tnoth living room and dining room across front of house, separated by French doors: hardwood floors through out. Dutch kUchen. breakfast nook, buiit-tn buffet, fireplace, furnace and large concrete basement, with laundry trays. Ail street Improvements in and paid. This is that underpriced home you cava been looking for; ikhmi casn. or SMQ and state aoMiers' loan will .ind. Mr. Parker. 24 tark St., near Third. A-1 hone Jtfreadway SIX-ROOM liuUSE. TWO 1a)Tp SNAP Nice -room house, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, large attic furnace. fireplace, den. full cement basement. trays, floors are stippled and house In first -class condition throughout ; cor ner. 100x100. with 10 fino fruit trees and plenty of small fruit; no city lfns or mortgage to assume; price $.OtH; a decided bargain; about $lt0 or more cash, balance to suit : house located 1110 Montana ave., comer Jessup. im vacant and ready to occupy; key at my offue- Call for appointment. J. W. G RlSI, 31 Prd of Trae R!-lt R'-r- IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Let us show you this nice, up-to-date. modern place, with every convenience, oa N. 26th. near Broadway car. six blocks to grade school. Price right. terms easy. Bdwy. 5231 or Auto. 317-44. GEO. K WKLLKR. Builder. .SAVE CAR FARE. West side cottage. vicinity of 4th and Market, walking dis tance, 6 nice rooms and bath, everything In fine condition; price only $2O0. $00 cash, bal ance like rent; a mighty good Investment. CROSS LEY ft ABBOTT. 2S3 Stark Si. Bdwy. 11SS. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. 3 ROOMS $4730. EASY TERMS. 3-roora modern home on 30x100 cor ner lot, .1 biot k w est of Laurel hurst and only I b.ot-k to Gllsan street car fruit and shade trees and attractive s.i rubbery; al the street Improvement are tn and paid; garage; this attractive home la in excellent condition inside and out. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 22 HENRY HLPG. BDWY. 4734 I R V INGTON. New 5-room bungalow on 50x100 cor ner, just being completed. Living room and d;n:ng room, hardwood floors with ttied fireplace, 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, with all bulltins and break fast nook. French windows. - cement bast-menu furnace and garage to match. See this today and select your own paper and fixtures. Price $43j Terms. YY. A. BENNETT. 31T Henry one, rawy. a.'.i. IRVINGTON HOME. See S93 E. 24th st. : one of the nicest homes in the district being sacrificed for $11.34X1; owner in California, will exchange for Los Angeles property; immediate possession. McDO.N'tLU East 0419. BARGAIN1 FOR QUICK SALE. I came from California to sacrifice my business property occupied by gro cery with 3 rooms, modern; ioxHH) cor ner lot, on car line, across from the school ; $42'0, terms. $1 20 handles grocery stock separate. Owner. F 64, Oregon ian. ROSS CITY. New 5-room bun m low. living room a nd dtmng room, hardwood floors. 2 light bedrooms. baut f nl bath and built-in kitchen with breakfast nook. V basement, garage to mat h house, on paved street, all clear:v II2.W down, balance easy. W. A. BENNETT. 317 Hnrv btdg. Bdwy. READ THIS BARliAIN. Must rais money; will sell my two good houses rented for $.o per month. located Broadway and Y ilhams av- Lot alone Is worth $4ort; fine business J oration, on carline; S4K takes every- thir.g and you pay 1121 taxes. Tele phone Broadway 1 HOP at once. 1 HAVE a DANDY little four-room bun- gaiow in ROE CITY. One of those COSY HOMES we aW IOVK to have, Y u can MU R RIGHT IN If you have $2"0 cash, bnlsnce easy terms. Full price ONLY 342UO. DAVID K. EtHSERTON. Biwv. M73 K24 Henry B!dg. LAU REI.H I'RST BUNGAUW SNAP. 1'lasay. nearly new. I U -atorr. strict ly modern ,6-room home with sleeping porr-h and garage. In best section, near park : no incumbrances, easy terms: bargain; excellent condition. Tabor CASH $130 lOWN. RAL EASY. 3 rooms bath, sleeping porch, lot SO xiim. 14 b.iK-Ki Mnrty b;vd. ; $JOOO. ba 1. $20 per mo. and interest. See K G CAVPIiELU. w-th H W. IISBORNE CO.. 42 t'h a n: her of Commerce B 1 d g IRVINGTON COLONIAL HO ME. CUssy J -story. 8-room home with garace, best location; nearly new; rich old Ivory finish, nicely papered, oak t .oors t hroughout ; 2 bathan nun room. ntre yard : cheap Ta br 0407. BRAND NEW Hswthorne district, walking- distance Franklin btgh. 3 rooms, nook, garage, firepiace. built -ins. furnace, elect ric fixtures, shades. Ln oleums. 331 East st Ha wf home car rX K SA LK or renf. new. ir.o1crn 4 room hofise. breakfast nook and bam ment. H acre in berries and vgfftab.es. $40o. ome terms; b:ck from llaw- thorne ave car. 21 E. 71st st. S, E, Se i -w -...! 121. bungiiow; price $H.Mi; terms, tJZM cash: r.ne block to car; lot Sftxino, Kastntoreland and Krrol Heights car; n -.-e home and cheap. See Garland. 2i Taylor st. OVERLOOK SNAP. $ j..oo caQ wlii give you possession of a beautiful home, mortgage on bal. running st 3 pr cent. Call Mrs. Caaei d . Walnut 1 12 or Bdwv. 337 FOR SALE BY OWNER. 2 houses on a fine comer, between 2 rariines; income $00 a month: also - a-res. close In. all in cultivation. St MT f!re. y SO.1. Oreconisn. HAWTHORNE. M od e rn R- room hu n c a low, h a rd wood flctors. furnace. fireplace. brea kfast room, garage. 314 E. 47th at. Tabor 42 . 1'y owner. T-R'"M H'TSE. MT. TABoR. $fHai) on terms; hardwood floors, furnace, f .replace, sleeping porch, ga- r.g. Bdwy. 73.tH. LALRELHI RST HoMH BARGAIN. 2-story. S-room house with garage; every modem convenience, 4 bedrooms. b-a n ttful grounds; $ 75Q. Ta bor 040 7. MODERN rt-room home In Murrymad a.Wi.rion. $: will accept good lot In restricted district as firwt payment Phone S:iwou. 0712, ft-ROM bungalow, good location. 1 bk. to car. batn. gooo fixtures, sewer, side walks, gas. elec. $!40O. 611 Buchanan biK BY OWNER. 5-room modern bungalow, $2400; ou down. . ScU. .SOd. REAL ESTATE. For hale -Houaea. FIVE SPECIAL BUYS. Sl'XXYSlDE. 1106 E. Yamhill. Near 39th. Oaly $500 cash; good 6-room house. fu! lot. street Improvements In and paid; near car and school; this Is a splendid bov. CLOSE IN". EAST SIDE. 24 E lr.th at. On East Fifteenth street, near Sal mon, we have a splendid 6-room house that must be sold; large reception hall, living room, dining room, large kitch en on first floor; three beautiful bed rooms and bath on second floor: full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays and garage; can arrange terms to suit you. HAWTHORNE. 3ttt 34th Street. Small cash payment, balance $35 per month, includiof interest: six- room modern bungalow: hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement and laundry trays; street .improvements in and paid. VN ALMT fAKK. 1H0 Rodney Ave. 161 50. A wonderful buy In this beautiful district; seven-room modern house, in cluding hot water heat; full lot. beau tiful shade and shrubbery: street Im provements alt In and paid; can ar range terms to ault you. . CITY FARM. 230 60th st.. cor. 52d ave. $3150. Lot 93x280; lots of fruit and flowers: street improvement all In ; good five room house and sleeping porch ; bath, gas and electricity ; small cash pay ment; balance like rent. EVERETT PHILPOE. Sales Manager. NEILAN A PARKH1LL. 21ft I.UTr.bermens RM. Bdwv. 232. LAL'Hl fSE-N-STEVlNSON-SCHNElDEK CO.. INC.. The Three Ex-Service Men. 224 AMer St. Main SB IS. Buddy: Let your buddies place your ststte bonus loan for you. One of Rise City Park's finest mod ern bun a lows, on 3ith at., for only $.'m."0 This Is a real home. $-400 and the bonus will handle. One of Walnut Park's finest 6-room home?, on 100-foot lot. with splendid garden, fruit, flowers, good Karaite an1 all improvements In and paid for, all for 5WHi. and the bonus will handle this puce and believe me it sure ia pome snap. We have houf In all parts of the cfry from $!M and up. We are especially anxious to serve our BUDDIES and look after their in terest. DOCTORS. ATTENTION BEAUTIFUL LA DD ADD. HOME. A 10-room strictly modern home on corner lot. 5xlw) ft.; 2 fireplaces, fur nace, every imaginable built-in con venience; 3 laundry trays. 2 complete baths, tiled floors and best of up-to-date plumbing. Dutch kitchen, hard wood floors, screens and awnings, floored attic, full cement base-ment. sun room and everything : larsre ra rage; beautiful lawn, roses and stacks of shrubbery- Da a wonderful home in a wonderful cloe-in location. PRICE ONLY $8750. with REASON ABLE TERMS. RUM M ELL A RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. Bdwy. fi"2ft. irn ana funny rivi. Auto. 32O-0. SEE RICHAXBACH A CO. FOR HOUSES AND LOTS. Suite Cham, of Com. Bid. Broadway 4143. EIGHT ROOMS. $42'K). CLOSE IN. ON EAST SIDE. This Is an unusual bargain, very substantial and well-constructed home, with double garage, street Improve ments In and paid for. This Is now rented for $0l per month; can be han dled on reasonable terms. HILLF.R BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bidg. Broadway 3626. Branch Office 30th and Sandy. Tabor R4H.V PORTLAND HEIGHTS. S7 TERMS. Fine ft rooms and sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, full basement, concrete garage ; all rooms are large, plenty of close ta with windows. This is a very sightly place and Is worth seeing. Mr. Wiles. J R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. S.M Ankeny. Broadway 24.V 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. S450A, $i30u cash, $40 per month. In cluding Interest; fireplace. ; tapestry paper. breakfast nook. 2 sleeping porches, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fruit trees, beautiful shrubbery, garage: 30x100 lot; street paved; 14 blocks to Irvington car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 3 NT W. Bank Bidg. Main 377. A REAL BARGAIN. $31511 $Sin CASH. A dandy 0-room bunga-low built for a home with best of materials; nice Urgo living room, dining room and den. Dutch kitchen. 3 lovely bedrooms with large closet, full basement with garage, fruit, flowers, etc.; 14 blockj to car. near school, library, etc. John F. Zuber. 124 K. Giisan. Tabor 757. MT ELEGANT Bombay bungalow on lOOxlOO landscaped corner; best dis trict, east side, tiled bath and vesti bule, hot ws ter heating plant. 33-foot living room with largest open fireplace. Dutch kitchen ; every beautiful mod ern convenience; 7 rooms representing $14,000 investment. Will sacrifice for $!m0: hn't cash. Phone Walnut 3t3. I AM LOSING MONEY, MUST SELL QUICK. PMlwood. Maiden ave.. 41 large rooms, finished in Ivory, tapestry paper. 'Ire place, garace. near car. paved street. Make me offer: any reasons b! terms. Phone Bdwy. nil or Sell. 2706 before 8::o A M. Owner. 8 BLOCKS to Peninsula park. 1 block to car; near hirh and grade school. 5 rooms and bath down. 2 rooms and attic up; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace; trees, flowers. $4750; terms If desired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., m N. W Bank BMr. Main S77. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. $55im $100 CASH. 5 rooms and attic which owner must sll and hM authorized us to sell ffhnp; furnace, fireplace, oak floors. VrThAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 Ankeny Broadway 2045. $1S50 BUYS a thorougmy modern bun galow on enoice lot Ciose to Muunoman srtation; $JO0 down and $2 per month. A wonderful opportunity to get a home. For part iculars see Ben Rles land. or Mra Grant at his Multnomah office ST. JOHNS home. 2 Mocks from new St. Johns high school. 2 blocks from car ltne; 5-room bungalow, newly paint ed. SOxlrtO lot. fenced. bearing fruit tree-, garage and chicken house; $3200; terms to suit. 412 E. Burr L, or phone tiMlwood 047". $3250 SUBSTANTIAL HOME $3250. 2-storv. 0 rooms, modern : double constructed and well built; lot 4xi:ni; extra good car service; $750 cash, bal ance $35 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. W3 N W. Bank Bidg Main 377 ROSE CITY PARK. Just completed. 5-room bunealnw. hardwood floors. firepiace, French doors; strictly modern, full lot with graae; price and terms are right. 4M E. 52d st. N . one Mock south of Sandy. Open 2 to 5. Walnut 441. $2tf0 NEW BUNG A LOW, $2t"0. 5 rooms, modern: 2 good bedroom, cement basement; 4 blocks to car; fine large lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. N. W. Ba nk Bidg Main STT. J E F F E R S V N HIGH DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow ciose to - schools. This Is a very nir corner. Priced for quirk sale for $.1250, terms. J. R HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. 7-ROOM HOUSE. In good condition, cement basement, larire ba'-n. How much can you Pay down ? 750 E. Ilth st. North; price $2 4'tO. fawner. Walnut OP 13 OWNER 4-ritiii modern bungaiow. West moreland, soldier s bonus accepted or $.VM down, balance term. Sell wood $L'rt.-.0 1307 Fast 10th st HOUSE PLANS. 100 designs. $10 to 115. or specially aesicnen at reaonaD lee. I- R. BAILEY CO. 924 N. W Bank Bidg. -ROOM new bungalow. double con structed, corner h.t. streets pavd. paid. :i borks Brooklyn car; exceptional buy st $::0. 45 ceh, East 455. 6-ROOM. new. modern houne. near grade and high echom; must sell at one. If a buyer, cal! owner. Walnut 4374, for price- a nd term-. HOMES, apartments. Industrial and busi ness blocks. ncMened. built and fi nanced. James Watt, 213 Chamber of Co mmerce. I R V 1N i Tl C CORNER BUNGALOW, 5O0; 6f2 E. 22d st. N. Easy terms. McDonell. East 410. $4O0 CASH Large 5-room furnished t Dunmow, in"rouicniy monrn; garage,: $3450 7720 5sth.ve. S. K. BY OWNER. 4-room house, large - lot. business location. 9234 Foster road. Lenta FOR SAL E 472 64 Th 1 -New ie. S i-room modern house K. Automatic 632-17. $l5d GIVES you puse5i.Q of 6-roorn liouAti. lvOxloO lot tardea, iiaia bottci. REAL ESTATE. lor bie -Houaea. LAURELHURST ENGLISH COLONIAL. OAK STREET, NEAR PARK. LOT 58x160 PAVED ALLEY. SIX BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. GARAGE. JUST COMPLETED. Recess tubs, tiled bath and drain boards, plate windows. Fox furnace. SITUATED 1230 EAST OAK ST. PHONE OWNER, AUTO. 310-73. $300 AND LESS DOWN! TERMS LESS THAN RENT! See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. BIGGEST HOME BARGAINS IN THE CITY. $1900 $300 down? RUSTIC BROWN BUNGALOW of 5 rooms with all modern features; has built in features; living room, din ing room, bath, 2 bedrooms, osth st. (which is paved). $3290 NEW 4-room bungalow; living room. 2 bedrooms, nice white Dutch kitchen; full cement basement; VACANT r 2 blks. to . car. IX HAWTHORNE DIS TRICT. Crescent st. $2090 3-room SUBSTANTIAL BUN GALOW TYPE home in Al berta, on paved street ; very attractive, neat and practical; Killingsworth ave. $3690 $400 down! FOUR ROOM. brand new, artistic Monta villa, bungalow. Quite the cutest you've seen; combination living and dining room ; fireplace; in old lvorv ; 2 -nice bedrooms ; white Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. Tola street. (Paved). $3150 $400 down! Pretty Peninsula bungalow type home of 4 rms. ; 4 blk. to car; built-in conven iences: bth; 2 nice bedrooms. Omaha ave. $1790 $300 down; A GOOD 6-room modern home in PENINSULA DISTRICT ! Nice yard with fruit; fenced in for kiddies. Yale st. $3490 $J00 down! NEW "WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW: 1 blk. to car;, It's one that you're going to be satisfied with; built-ins. lire Dlace. garage; 1 blk. to car. 72d ave. 3 in DOWN! inOx!26. 1 3300 3 to 0 down! SEVEN R OOM S, comfortable, homelike home In Peninsula district; white en amel bath: -4 cheerful bed rooms i blk. to car: 100x126; fruit, etc: bile to car. Smith ave. Ort DOWN 20O DOWN! la.ir S20 down and rest like rent! JUST THINK OF THIS! Here's a good. comfortable 4-room cottaeo In Mount Scott dis trict; 2 bedrooms, living and dining rooms combined ; Dutch kitchen; JUST COMPLETELY RENOVATED! 41st ave. To Buy Tour Home. Realtor. Abington Bidg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St. Bet. Wa.sh. and Srark. COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITY. Double constructed house of 4 rooms, bath, large sleeping porch, cement basement, on 100x110 lot, with good i-i. -h aoil nno fine farden : a delightful place, nestled among the firs, and abundance of fruit, berries, shrubs and roses; 2 chicken bouses and run. A small farm; 2 blocks from paved street mi x minutes' car service- and only 20 minutes from the henrt of city, for only $3250. with $1250 cash, paiance like rent. C. R. MEYER CO.. J0 Couch Bidg. Broadway 1531. THINK. BROADWAY FRONTAGE. " 75 ft. on Broadway. 100 deep, includ Ing, large eight-room home, easily made Into duplex, and S4xl00; vacant; snap price, $5iH); furnace, nrepi.. attic, irun trees; East Broadway, near 21st. Ex cellent construction ; built by present occupant for own home ; ground value alone may soon run far above present total price. See my agent. R. T. Street, Good homes. $5750 LAURELHURST $5750. NEAR THE PARK. Here Is a brand new modern bunga low with every modern convenience, such as qak floors throughout, fire place, tiled bath and base tub, fur nace, garage, etc.; finished in Ivory and tapestry paper throughout. You wpuld be sorry to know that you had overlooked this wonderful buy: terms. R. L. McGREW, REALTOR, 109ft Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S92. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. East Flanders St., new. modern, very attractive 5-room bunga low, hardwood floors, breakfast' nook, etc.; its class all through. Price only $4200, terms $975 cash, ba lance like rent. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT. 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 118S. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR. $4500 NEW BUNGALOW $4500. Pay $00 cash and $35 per month, including interest, and this cosy new 5-room bungalow is yours. Finished in old Ivory and has oak floors, fsreplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full ce ment basement and 48x100 lot. Inspect today.' R. L. McGREW. REALTOR. 10S9 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S92. THINK OF IT $200. A BRAND NEW HOUSE. One bedroom downstairs, room for 2 up; nice large airy rooms; maple floor; fireplace ; laundry trays; French windows, la rge white kitchen, large level lot and alley. The best place I . know of on these terms. ONLY $3200 $25 monthly. Beats rent! HARRY HKOKW1TH, REALTOR. 2 1 3 Corhett Bidg. Main S09. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. OWNER IN NEED OF MONEY. "New 5-room bungalow;' hardwood floors, fireplace ; exceptionally well built; full lot: $430; terms. RICHAXBACH & CO., Suite 6i5 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Broadway 414:t. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. NEVER EVEN OCCUPIED. Cost $440 Will Take $.1080. JuMt off Sandy; complete In every detail ; all built-ins; 5 rooms, full basement, 9-lnch walls ; was built for a home but owner must dispose. Terms can be arranged. HARRY BECK WITH. REALTOR. 213 Corhett Bidg. Main 600 ALBINA AVENUE. Paved street, on car line. 5 , room cottagf newly painted and Interior decorated : a nice little home for $2550; $400 rash will handle; Immediate possession. IRVINGTON. SUPERB COLONIAL. BUILT BEAUTIFUL. N. E. corner isth and Stanton: everv latest modern Improvement : priced at i.ihk. tne best home buy in Portland at the easy terms and price at which It can be bought. See my agent. R. T. Street, good homes. SNAP! SNAP ! LOOK! $1550 FOR 5 ROOMS. A real plastered bungalow, jut out side city limits: save taxes. There's a 50x100 lot. flowers, garden, lovely view, near car. Pay like rent. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR. 213 Corhett Bidg. Main 0800. $l!tOO BUYS New 4-room bungalow, full basement. 75xl0O lot; near car and sc hool, in the Wood lawn district. See this and make your own terms. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henrv Bidg. ALAMEDA PARK. 5 rooms and brea Kfast room, sun room, very large living room, tile bath, large floored attic, garage; will take lot In as first payment; you could not build it for what I am asking. Call for ap pointment. Call Bdwv. 5i3l. FOR SALE by owner, attractive bunga low type- home. Rose City park, four . large bedrooms, large closet, , living room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen, all built-ins, strivtly modern, ciose to car; leaving city. Terms. Tabor 4553. LAURELHURST. One of the best built homes in laureihurst; 5 large rooms, breakfast nook, hardwood floors in every room; pretty fireplace, furnace, garage; terms. Call J- Robbins. Bdwy. 5931. SOI Ra.il way exchange. $.'i250 BUNGALOW SNAP: east Irving ton, near Fernwood school; modern, excellent: 5 rooms and bath on first. 3 rooms above : Rnvninn furnar-p fiiMivn n k floors, firpl.. comer; easy terms. See mv irnt. K. I Street, goon hnms. PT hiidia- with charge on any plans or house. Boyd, bui ider. Walnut 5551. Does it pay to buy or build ? $12011, $300 CASH: hath, toilet, 5520 65th C S E. Auto. fllO-lfl. SCNNYSIDE 5 rooms, all improvements, luuo L, Salmon. Xabyr G2.I0. REAL ESTATE. Fur &aie -Houses. $4150 $300 DOWN. A new and classy bungalow, S rms., floored attic, cement basement, wash trays, all built-ins, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc.; finished in ivory and tap esiry paper; beautiful light fixtures; 50x100 lot. Near Klickitat st. Price only $4130 TERMS YOURS. $6350 LAURELHURST. A new bungalow in a dandy part of Laureihurst, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, every imaginable built-in fea ture, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, floored attic, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Finished in ivory and tap estry paper. Full lot. City Improve ments all paid. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $6350 Terms feasy. (This is $000 below value.) $3500 $500 DOWN. A new 4-room bungalow, combina tion living and dining room, 2 bed rooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, floored attic, cement basement, wash trays, gas. lights and city water. Fin ished in white enamel and double con structed throughout; 1 acre of ground, all cleared and fenced, on hard-surface road, just outside city limits; $500 down will handle. $230 DOWN $250 DOWN. A 4-room bungalow with den, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, all built-ins, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; 50x100 corner. City improve ments all paid. ON BYBEE ST., near WESTMORELAND. PRICE $4250, with $250 down. (VACANT, immediate possession.) RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. Broadway 6729. 39th and Sandy Blvd. Aut. 320-oQ. ROSE CITY NEAR SANDY. 7 Rooms .and Sleeping Porch. This; beautiful home must be sold In SO days; east front, porch across en tire front, all windows plate glass, cen ter entrance to reception hall, mirror door to guest closet, living room 14x2 with attractive fireplace, oak floors, bookcases, large dining room with beautiful buffet, a complete cabinet kitchen with all built-ins. back porch and extra lavatory, closed-ln stairway to sec on a iioor, 4 large corner oea rooms and sleeping porch, closets to each room, large bath, linen closet and sewing room: tun cement basemen Fox" furnace with coils; this home wa built just before the war and has bee well taken care of; price is $!500. Dare you to make an offer. DAVID HARP. Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1 150 Sandy B'vd. at Ci9th. Auto. 320-04, OWNER MUST SELL ROSE CITY. $4950 Located near Sandy and close to school. 5-room bungalow, attic, garage and furnace; large living room, plate-glas window, perfectly mate he hardwood floors, bookcase, guest close with mirror door, buffet. 2 large bed rooms, roomy closets with windows. linoleum in bath and kitchen, L. ment basement; lot 50x132. lawn an shrubbery; easy terms or soldier bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) ' Automatic .115-44. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. $6000 Alameda park. Regents' drive 7-r. modern, excellent location lot SOx-BK): fruit and earden. $8000 West side home. Northrupt st 7-r. modern, hardwood floors furnace, fireplace. $7500 Irvlngton, 7-r. modern home large living room, tapestry pa per; large lot, fruit trees, ga rage. $5500 Bungalow, 7 rooms and garage. paved st., s. Hawthorne. $3850 East side, close In, 7-r., 50x UjO lot; fruit trees. CHAS. R1NGLER & CO., 204 Ry. Ex LAURELHURST DISTRICT. J4650. Very artistic ft-xoom California bun gaiow. large living room. spaciou bedrooms, finished In old Ivory and white enamel oak floors, fireplace, lull basement, Dutch kitchen, break- last alcove, tapestry paper, garage, large front and rear porches, com mands a wonderful view of moun tains and surrounding district. Easy terms or soldier s bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) Automatic 315-44. $4500. A GOOD HOME. New 6-room, 1 -story bungalow type, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch Jeltcben. brew kfast nook. 3 hed rooms, fine bath, full cement basement, piped for furnace. 50x100 cor. lot. one d i k. to car. near Mississippi ave.; terms. Jet us Mow you. tsn wy. T.n7. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. REALTORS, 201-J-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. PORTLAND HETGHTS. $000 8 ROOMS $2500 CASH. Very fine view home in the best district of Portland Heights; 8 rooms, hardwood floors, hot water heat, otix loo lot, concrete garage. This is an old house, but a real bargain and very iiveaoie, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 208 Artisan Bidg. Bdwy. 7522. $3750. Four rooms, one block of Rose City car. i nis is a new one. lu.st belne fin lnhed ; It will have everything, including- furnace; can be handled on small cash payment. Here ia your chance to get that home. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bidg. Broadway 3626. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. MUST SELL NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. ' $5300; terms if desired; new, modern 5-room bungalow, everything up to date; old ivory and tapestry - paper, international furnace ; nice lawn. 50x 100 lot; paved st. ; faces east. This is a very low price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main S787 a REAL BUt. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. ' New 6-room house, hardwood floors. fireplace, ooxioo lot, breakfast room one block to Union ave. cur line. See this home; Grand ave., near Holman; price $4a00, easy terms. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 6007. WOOD LAWN. Grand ave. between Holman and Portland : one block to car; fine, new 5-room house, h ardwood floors, beau tiful fixtures, 50x100 lot, $4500. $500 cash, balance like rent. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 6007. $2500 1-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. 6-room cottage. Bull Run water. 3 blocks to car; good chicken house and barn; on paved road; $500 cash, $30 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. EASTERN man. leaving city, must sell Mt. Tabor bungalow, modern, seven rooms, excellent condition, big bargain, 75 ft. frontage. Must sell at once. Only $7000. $3000 cash, balance to" suit buy er. Call owner Tabor 1296. Agents plense do not call. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house, large grounds, fruit, flowers and shrubbery 73 feet front, paved streets, clear of Indebtedness. Price reasonable; terms if desired. Inquire 666 E. Washington St., Portland, Or. Owner. S2200 NEW 4-RM. BUNGALOW $2200. Modern, cement basement, 5 fruit trees; lot 80x125; 5 blocks to car; $400 cash, $25 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. $(;.-,, THREE ROOMS $50 DOWN. $20 month. Partly oiled. 50x100. Cement walks; Kennedy school, Al btrta car. ROGER W. CARY. 1 210 X. W. Bank Bl d g. BY OWNER, modern-, new bungalow. 5 rooms and breakfast nook, hardwood " fioors, plate glas windows. large at tic. 50xlO5 lot, paved and paid. $5000. $ lOoo cash and terms. Call 705 E. 15th. N. FINANCE SERVICE CO. Construction Dept.. Robf J. Lew's, manager. GEN ERAL BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling. 9O0-i13 Wilcox bidg. Phone Bdwy. C453. TWO-ROOM house and garage, good cor ner lot 40x100; full price $850; 150 cash, balance terms. 7141 41st ave. fc. E. Phone all week after 2 P. M. Main 556. Owner. Coigan. 6-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished. lights, gas, bath, toilet. 2 blocks from W.-S. car, on hard-surfaced road, 50x100 lot, 2 blocks school; bargain; terms -Phone 632-33. 5-ROOM SACRIFICE. 5-room house, garage, lot 100x100; In good district; price $3000; $50o cash. $25 monthly. Lots of fruit and ber rie. Bdwy. 42S8. JUST completed, 5-room uoionial bunga low; sunroom. attic, east race. (Jorner E. 26th and Skid more. Alameda park. Terms. East 3280. Owner. BUNGALOW with garage, sale or trade for tt-cyumier car; no r ords or Chevs. Leaving for California. 703 Harvard. Near Willamette Blvd. CORNER, 100x100, 4 rooms, gas, elec tricity, Irvington park district; owner, 1359 Glenn ave.N.; terms $2950, $500 cah. Phone Auto. 324-66. 5-ROOM modern house, full lot, fruit. Improvements In, furnished; $2350. Bdwv. 1226. IRVINGTON Several new, modern homes; also vacant lots; or will build on anyone's lot. R. B. Rice, Eaat 2432. IRVINGTON new bungalow, 5 rooms complete; snap. See it. Also 2 vacant lots. East 1129 i-KuOM house, gas. bath, electricity. 25x luo, walking distance, central east at do. Sfitio Sunday or 6 P. Ai.. REAL ESTATE. Jrc.r iSale Houses. $6990 PART TRADE. IT'S NEW! IT'S DIFFERENT! IRVINGTON ITALIAN BUNGALOW! Weaving Shadow Patterns! IN THE FABRIC OF YOUR DREAM HOME didn't one of them "materialize "into a beautiful reality like this? A super-lovely bungalow, containing in its 5 rooms all of the comfort and convenience that you could ever wish for! Hardwood floors, massive built ins, French doors on two sides open ing onto cement porches sightly cor ner, garage. The bungalow that is complete in every detail. Wasco street. Call FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bidg. 3d St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. Vx acr, all under cultivation; fine fruit; modern 4-room bungalow, ce ment basement, garage, barn, chicken house, 3 blocks ta car; $2500; $800 cash, rent terms on balance. O. O. Sletten, Realtor, 415 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 3400, Main 1852. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH, the most cnarming and desirable of all of Portland's suburbs, i offers you a home. Only 5 miles from the courthouse, on the west side no bridges to cross no traffic obstruction from the heart of the shopping dis trict on an unobstructed hard-surfaced highway fifteen minutes from your business there lies Multnomah. Don't go on offering homage to the apartment house landlord by bearing the burning incense of a third of your 'income for a mere cubbyhole to sleep in come out Into the- beautiful world surround yourself with nature's best, and at the same time enjoy all the comforts of the city. I have started hundreds at Multnomah I can start you only a small amount of money is . necessary. Ben. Rieeland. 404 - Piatt bidg., 127 Park st. Dealer exclusively in Multnomah property. Mrs. Grant in charge of the office at Multnomah. 8-ACRE GARDEN.. All very richest garden land, frontage of 500 ft. on Columbia river; will erect new house; ex service men can apply state loan. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 11SS. 4 ONE ACRE. Just outside city, where taxes are low; new, modern 5-room bungalow on one acre; macadam road; all city conveniences, gas, electricity, water; fine neighborhood; will sell on liberal terms to any responsible party want ing to own their own home. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO. Bdwy. 4S37. 224 Henry Bidg. HERE IS A SNAP. A 5-room house with one or two acres. The house has full basement and chicken run. Also all kinds of fruit, with creek running through the grounds. Just 20 minutes out of city on Oregon City carline. Silver Springs station. Call Mr. Fricker at Bdwy. 7066 Monday. $3750. Vi acres In bearing assorted fruit trees, cozy 6-room bungalow, with liv ing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom and bath downstairs; 2 bed rooms j up; city water, gas, electric lights, paved road; 18x24 garage; 16x24 uiouern cnicKen nouse; waiuing dis tance to irtawtnorne car; terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 310 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6755 $1600 $1600 2 acres with new chicken houses for aoout luoo chickens; own light system, which cost $350; Bull Run water; build your own house and save money; small payment will handle. Let me show you the best investment yet. Ask for Air. A-isner, with WILBUR F. JOUNO, Bdwy. 4837. 224 Henry Bidg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Two acres In the highest stare of cultivation, large variety of matured fruit trees; beautifully landscaped; 10 minutes zrom car line, Just outside city limits; 7 rooms and sleeping porch; niKiitsL graae material and construc tion ; must be seen to be appreciated Call Mr. Smith. Aut. 318-83. M ACRES Lots of fruit, with south slope; beautiful 8-room house; double garage; Bull Run water, electricity erood furnace : rnoma verv son ions fact, ideal suburban residence; would oe suitaoie ror sanitarium. S. BORLAND, Realtor. 300-2 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 1566, BEAUTIFUL, country place, natural park vi aticB, iJre creeK ana springs; Electric station on grounds; near city; $100 CASH; new 3-room bungalow; acre fui.L.v irt-t?; near eiec. J.UUU. lidwy. nn. ahliaii r aiung 'Plug. $1650 WEST LYNN, 5-room house, near wregon ony; terms; lots. Bdwy. jut AKiA.Mj, ua failing bidg. 5fci50 ACRE, Minall house, Oswego lake fine for chickens, garden, etc. Bdwy. 7672. McFARLAND. 208 Failing bidg. For Wale Acreage. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. For sale or rent. modern 6-room home at Multnomah station, good transportation, electric light, cltv water, gas, school; will seil or rent house and quarter acre, or house with one or more acres; place equipped for 300 chickens and a cow or two; will lease xor year to responsible party. If looking for something cheap don't an swer. G 845. Oregonian. SUNNY SLOPE ACREAGE. 5-aciys tracts wltljin 6-mlIe limit of Portland, good soil, good road: $100 to $300 per acre, $50 to $100 down, bal ance $10 per month; no interest to pay. S. B. Guetoff, 400 Henry bidg. Bdwy. 4075. 60 ACRES NEAR BEAVERTON. $150 ACRE. Half In crop, on Oregon Electric, sta tion on the ground; fine platting; sub division -tract. Owner, Tabor 6704. NEAR TIGARD. 8 acres, some fine bottom land ; acre timber, balance all cleared; liv ing springs; Ideal suburban home site near highway on good road ; $3200; $1200 cash; will consider lot or house equity first payment. O. O. Sletten, realtor, 415 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. ,'1400. Main 1S52. ONE ACRE. OAK GROVE. All cleared, fruit and garden, five room house and sleeping porch, chicken house, garage; on account of sickness owner must sell. No reasonable offer refused. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-6 Panama Bidg.. 3d and Alder. WONDERFUL BUY. 30 acres, about 24 miles Linneman Junction ; 6-room bungalow, fireplace, bath, 2 chicken houses, other build ings, fine soil, lies rough, 2 springs. Price $2000; $300 cash will handle. Phone Main 5866. RUCKMAN TRACT. 47TH AND PRESCOTT. Half acres, $675, $8 down, $8 month. Acres. $1300, $10 montfc. Natural trees or cultivated. ROGER W. CARY. 1219 N. W. Bank Bidg. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. Ono or more acres at 91st and Gllsan. 1 block from city car line; good soil; very small payment down, easy terms on balance. VV. M. Umibdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bidg. Bdwy. 1 658. DUCK SHOOTERS, TAKE NOTICE. 200 acres. 25 miles from Portland one of the best lakes in- the country. r-rice wuu. Aaaress owner. Si. 30. Oregonian. ONE MILE FROM CITY LIMITS. $850 buys 2.42 acres of cutover land. very email creek, near Boone's Ferry road on prop. ext. or Terwiiuger bivd.. 2o down, $8.o0 month. Fred W. Ger man i:o.. Keaitors. Cham, of Com, 134 ACRES, with running stream, fir and cedar trees, meal place for sum mer home, on main Bull Run electric: easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bidg. Bdwy. 1658. WRITE for map of western Wasnlngton showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. HAVE contract of $1150. 9 acres. 2H . miles from city limits of Portland, bal. payable $135 every three months: self for $850 cash. Milwaukie. Route 2 Box 46S-A. $3150 3 BEAUTIFUL wooded acres, cheapest priced acreage on Palatine hill; fine road, 20 minutes from Port land by auto. G. Peel,-623 B. 6th at. Sell wood 1102. STOKES TRACT, 42d and Simpson. Fractional acres, some tracts in fruit; water, gas, electricity. Alberta car. Kennedy school. Roger W. Cary, 3 219 N. W. Bank bidg. TEN ACRES, real snap, near Beaverton. $250 per acre, small payment down, balance easy. W. M. I'uvbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bidg. Bdwy. 165S. 26 ACRES. Columbia highway, 23 acres cultivation and crop, all stocked and equipped, with or without furniture. Call Walnut 4190. 2 ACRES. $25 DOWN. Will take work clearing up road as payments on place. Here's your chance. Strong & Co.. 606 Cham, of Com. 16 Vt ACRES level, timber, creek, some beaveraam ; j a m. w., near nard sur face; terms. J. R. Sharp, owner, 83 3d. 6BJVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS AJJU2N 6131 92X ST. S. E. 616-45, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 4 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. 10 acres, on rocked road. nar paved j roaa, nriie to scnooi ana store; gouu dark loam soil; 94 acres cultivated, H acre timber; . acre loganberries, acre strawberries, acre grapes, 160 bearing fruit, every Variety; 3-room house, barn, chicken house, 40 chick ens, harness, hack, wagon, etc. Price $3150, clear; large cash payment. 5 acres, 1 & miles from Gresham, 5 blocks from electric station; rocked road; all cultivated; 2 acres logan berries, y acre raspberries, young fruit trees; new frame house, l$x24 ft. Price 3700; $1500 down, balance 3 years, . JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, j Gerllnger Bidg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland- BIGGEST LITTLE HOUSE IN CITY. Splendid home for large family. Just completed, thoroughly modern home, with large living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, glassed sleeping porch, bath, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook on first floor; 2 plastered rooms on second floor; cement basement, furnace and all the conveniences nececssary to make a home complete, with 50x100 lot, only short distance to school. Only $4200; $8O0 cash, balance easy. See my agent. C. R. MEYER CO.. S08 Couch Bidg. Broadway 1531. $ 1 5 0 D O WN $ 1 5 0. HIGHWAY ACREAGE. On paved highway south of Portland, five-acre tracts bordering on Pacific highway and Willamette river; level acreage, grand home site, chicken ranch, berry farm, anything ; locate where you have perfect satisfaction; water and electric lights; only $1500, $150 down and $150 a year. Full par ticulars given by calling Wolfhagen, with FRANK C. ROBINSON, Realtor, 415 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 3222. WE HAVE A 6-ACRE PLACE THAT IS A FINE HOME FOR AN OLD COUPLE. 22 miles out on a good road with grocery and meat delivery; stage sev eral times a day; good family or chard ; 4-room house, chicken house, small barn; place is all in crop; every thing goes, including household furni ture, for $2100; $1000 cash, balance terms. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Homesteads, Relinquishments. IMPROVEMENTS on 160-acre hnm stead, house, furniture; one acre ready to plow;. 4 miles store, 1 miles scnooi, nne water; s-iuu. Postoffice, uoiton. uregon. For Sale Farms. CLACKAMAS COUNTY STOCK RAVfH 440-acre stock ranch. 40 miles from Portland, at a genuine sacrifice ; 350 acres of practically level plow land. At the present time there is about 30 acres under cultivation. Two good utt.ru ana a rair nouse; good big live creek and several . good springs on place; unlimited outrange. Main county road through tract; miles to scnooi ana o miles to good town. Owner is unable to develop this place and if sold at once will take -$20 per aurc. we nave pictures m the office, See W. F. Lewis, with ANDERSON'S. 302-303 Railway Exch. Bidg., Portland. OLD AGE compels me to sell my splendid farm oi j.u acres, very oest soil in Oregon Only 1 mile, from county seat town. 40 miles from Portland ; 14 acres under cultivation, 2 acres timber, along river, with fine boating and fishing. 4-room house, large barn and poultry house. nis is an unusually attractive place priced to sell. Only $1000 cash, bal ance long time at 6 per cent: will ac cept small Portland property, as part pavmeni. or particulars see my agent. rt. Al tL X iK JO.. 808 Couch Bidg. Broadway 1531. W ASH ING TON county farm ror sale one mil north of Banks, 86 acres, be tween 70 and 75 acres creek bottom. rock road, high school and grade school, all but a very fe-w acres rn cultivation; good house, barn, straw shed, machine shed, silo, two- good chicken houses, hot and cold water ana bath. Good family orchard. Will sell farm alone or with machinery crop and stock. Call personally. J. J. PRICKETT, Banks, Or., , R. 2. Box 117. 120 ACRES, c los re TV 120 acres. 23 miles out, on ML Hood road. This is a beautiful place, about 40 acres in cultivation, more easily cleared; good 7-room house, good large barn, other outbuildings, fine family or chard; 8 good cows, 1 good team and all Implements and crops go for $18,000 ana piace is well worth it. will take some good city property as part pay, balance long time at 6 per cent. " W. C. BECKTELL, 933 N. W. Bank Bidg. WHY RENT when you can buy a first-class dairy iarm with a small cash payment and the balance from the crops as you make it? Located In Linn county, seven miles north of Albany; over 200 acres in cultivation; 300 acres In the farm; running water, fair buildings, two new silos. Would consider a smaller farm, or some city income for part. ZIMMERMAN. 415 Abington Bidg. Bdwy: 5848. ARE YOU WILLING TO GET OFF THE PAVEMENT A FEW MILES? We have 40 acres of fine laud, at least 25 acres under cultivation, good 5-room house, large barn, silo, plenty of outbuildings ; on a good country road;- will sell for $3500; half cash, long term of years 'on the balance at paid in yearly installments. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. 40 ACRES. $ 250 cash, balance 5 years, except taxes and interest, to man who im proves. Cut-over land; lies well; good soil, no rock; spring water, good com munity, good roads; raise clover, fruit, berries, potatoes or any agricultural crop. Come and inspect. Take you out by auto, 2 hours ride. Price $1200. Also larger and smaller places. Jonn A. .iieissner. uasco .mag. 57 ACRES BETWEEN" PORTLAND AND HlLLsBOKO. 50' acres in high state of cultiva tion, good 4-room house, barn and outbuildings; all in crop; 5 cows, team, farm implements, everything complete for $0000. Will consider good house and lot or small acreage to. about $4000. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEST FARM buy In America. 160 acres. near Scott s Mills. 120 acres or iarm land fair house, well-built barn, horse, wagon, harness, saddle, stump puller, harrows, plows, saws, household fur niture, ready to move, in ; circuro stances force party to seli; price U full for relinquishment only $1200. ANDERSON'S. Room 302-303 Railway Exch. Bidg. -MUST SELL. 160 acres; 6 miles from Summit, Lin coln county; some cultivated, balance fine pasture, some timber; springs, large creek, fine fishing and hunting; partly fenced; 50 acres level land; fine auto road to place ; close to school ; small house, barn ; $ 1 000, terms. Ad dress BJ K-JO, Oregonian. $2800 CASH WILL HANDLE. 10 acres near Bea.verton, all in crop; 300 chickens, 2 cows. 1 calf, 1 horse, buggy and wagons, farm implements. 4-room furnished bungalow, chicken houses, barn, water system, fine young orchard, -yverage income $125 month; 30 minut by auto. 1038 Belmont. Tabor 0561. REAL SNAP 70 acres in splendid fruit district ; 12 miles north Grants Pass; 12 acres planted, 20 cleared; new five room bungalow; $4500, including .crop ; improvements cost that. W. W. Peoney. Hugo. Or. $14 PER ACRE. 320 acres land, easily cleared, make fine stock ranch. lots of i- forage, plenty water; 19 miles from Portland ; will accept up to $1000 in trade, reasonable cash payment and balance to suit. V 847. Oregonian. FOR SALE at a bargain, on account of death, one of the best modern improved 70-acfe ranches in Marion county; nrunes, loganberries; 7 milesr south of Salem, xl 1 9. ai Hum, 1, uua o, Salem, Oregon. vnn SALE 30 acres land. 7 in crop house, barn, outbuildings. 1 miles to R. R. ; M-mile to iron mines; $3000; terms. Write lock box 94, Scappoose, Oregon FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 acres good land, all in cultivation; stock, crop and machinery. $11,500. Route 2, Box 121, Battle Ground. Wash. 230-ACRB DAIRY RANCH. 19 head stock, silo, silage cutter. 2 gas engines, binder, mower and every thing you need. Call Walnut 4190. 50-ACRE farm to traae for Portland real estate. For particulars call on Ben Riealand. 404 Piatt bidg., 127 Park st I HAVE some fine Canadian farms; won derful crops this year; sell on easy terms. Corcoran, 325 Lumbermens bidg- ; . CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre; easy terms; best soil; farms, all sizes. McFar land, realtor. 208 Failing bidg. FOR SALE By owner, no commission, fine aairy iarm, biouk. auu implements, in Tillamook county. Address Box 123 Tillamook City, Or. 25 ACRES, good black soil, half In cult.. small house. Darn, iruii, springs; price only $875, $100 down. vDraper, 408 Board of Trade RANCH for sale, $35,000; $20,000 cash. well stocKea, macninery ana iamiiy orchard. 151 North 6th. Bdwy. 0011. 7 HEAD of registered Shorthorn cattle; also line nomesteaa rennquisnment cheap, 060 N. 0tb St., Salem Or, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. ytf ACRES, Yamhill county, 50 miles from Portland, 5 miles from good town, 1 miles to school; 20 acres under cultivation; 75 acres can be -farmed when cleared ; 60 acres good piling timber; acres pasture, large bear ing orchard, 400 prune trees, some fruit; 7-room house with water piped in: well ; 5-room house. 6 chicken houses, capacity 3000 chickens; other buildings. Personal property: Team. 3 cows, heifer, 500 chickens, crops, cream separator, incubator, brooder and a very complete line of machinery. Price for everything $7500; terms. Consider Portland house for same or larger amount, In good district; will assume. 40 acres, on paved road, adjoining good town, near Newberg; mile from Red Electric station; 38 acres ;n high state of cultivation; 2 acres tim ber; best of loam soil; nice level land, well drained; buildings. Included with place, team and machinery. Price only . $175 per acre, including equipment; very easy terms. Inspected by Davis. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gerlinger Bidg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. A REAL FARM YAMHILL COUNTY. 132 acres, one-half mile of Yamhill, one-half mile to paved state highway, on good gravel road; all-in cultivation except about 2 acres oak timber; 22 acres 4-year-old prunes, 18 acres clover and 37 acres more seeded to clover with balance in grain; good five-room house, two fair barns, garage, electric lights and city water, four horses, two cows, two wagons, gang plow, mower, disc and other farm implements, 50 bushels wheat, 150 bushels oats, both barns full of loose hay, approximately 27 tons; price, including all above, only $135 per acre; some terms; .DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS FARM. For small or large Yamhill county farms, write or see Albert S. Nelson, Yamhll, Or. A REAL FARM, RIGHTLY PRICED. 6 miles east city limits, hard rock road, 60 acres. 45 under cultivation. Rolling, fine drainage, living creek, shade and pasture- for cattle, spring water piped to buildings, fine family orchard, small fruits; excellent garden, convenient barn, 54x74; blacksmith outfit and shop, milk house, tool shed, other outbuildings, five-room house, full line of good implements, fine team horses, 12 head fine milking cows, chickens; this place is paying now about $300 per mo.; $6000 will handle or will consider raw, close-in acreage. Balance easy. SEB) E. G. CAMPBELL. With H. W. OSBORNE CO.. 432 Cham ber of Commerce Bidg.. 4th and Stark Sts. QUICK sale, 20 aures, ail cultivated, some crop, good buildings, well water, near highway and depot, $4500. Owner, John Caiderwood, 313 E. 4 5 til. Tabor 6326. WANTED REAL ESTATE. NEWCOMERS CROWDING INTO OUR BEAUTIFUL CITY want Homes! You have them: We'll SELL THEM! Personal attention; immediate action! We inspect, appraise and photograph all property within 24 hours. WE SPEND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS advertising and are la touch with the majority of HOMES SEEKERS! 90 energetic salesmen with autoa! No charge except the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale! We protect the interests of out-of-town owners! WBJ WRITE fire insurance. See . FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bidg. Bdwy. 7171. 3a St., Bet, wash, ana wtarK. I AM SELLING east aide houses and lots right now at the height of the dull season. IT TICKLES ME. If you have a good buy in a house or lot, let us know. J. J. OEDER. 4 Grand Ave. N., near E. Ankeny. Phones, Bus. E. 0061; Res. E. 6804. HAVE cash customer ftr a house In Rose City; must be above the hill, not more than 5 rooms. Another customer for Mount Scott property; must be sold on easy payments. This is a new firm. We need listings. Send yours to John F. Felsher, 411 Exchange bidg. WILL YOU LEASE? Client- wants to lease at least one block of ground this side of 50th St., east side. See Lamb, with Fred W . German Co., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. WANTED AT ONCE. I have a client -with $5000 cash for modern 6-room bungalow in Rose City. Irvington. "Alameda or Laureihurst preferred. Mrs. Rector, 618 Henry bidg. Bdwy. 4835. , HAVE client with cash to $4500 for five or six-room modern house on paved street in Piedmont or Walnut park. G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC., Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bidg. Main 4354-4355. LOT WANTED. Have client wants lot in vicinity of E. 31st and Oregon st., not over $000. J. J. OEDER, a r.rcnH AvH. N.. cor. E. Ankeny. Phones, Business E. 0061. Res. E. 6804. 1 TO 3 ACRES on paved roaa. water and electricity, near nign auo. Kmue school and carline; condition of house not so important; pay $2000 cash, bal ance March. G 819. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE. The best modern 6-room bungalow $5000 cash will buy. Alameda. Irving- ton, rtose ll ty or uauieiuuiou Rector, 61 S Henry bidg. Bdwy, Mrs. 4 S3 5. BUI LDER WANTS LOTS IN N E DIS TRICT, r'n t r-.rt ravai- i""1 AND "D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE, GIVE LOCATION AND PRICE. Y 790. OREGONIAN. WE have several clients wanting nouae in Piedmont aistnct wim rum to $100 cash.. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 351 Ankeny. Broadway 204-. WHY WORRY 7 I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Jdillership, 165 4th. Aiain 5275. WE CAN sell your house K in goou. d strict ana priceu ri"u HAIGHT, FOR REAL ESTATE 351 Ankenv St. Broadway 2045. VANTED, from owner. 6 or i room mou- ern home m lrvingion, aiicU w Laureihurst; will pay cash for bargain. Broadway 2-6. HAVE perfect blue-white diamond worth $500 to appiy as mst A""VMVioAo ern house and full lot up to $3000. Owner. Sutter, East 9213. - RESIDENCE Give improved acreage near Vancouver, Oregon City, Eugene or improved lots. Owner, Box 68, As toria. . . W A N T E D 50x 100 cor. lot In Laurei hurst, Rose City or Irvington for cash. Clear of incumbrance. G 841, Orego nian. WANT to buy, from owner, new 5-room modern bungaiow wnu ' n(-,Mfl,i district: not over $400. AV 157. Oregonian. IF YOU have a good buy in KUbn. uu Qrir Mr Fisher. Bdwy. 4837, or 224 Henry bidg. WILL buy good 6-room house in Wil lamette Heights or Nob Hill Broad way 2045. Evening. Main 234. WANT lots, residences, Income, to ex change for acreage, farms, orchards. R HOARD, 501 Stock Exchange Bidg. WA.NTED, from owner, 2 cheap lots, with or without shack. Bdwy. 2B6. Farms AV anted. BUYER wants 30 to 40 acres, with some Btock and equipment. GILBERT THOMSON, Realtor, 620 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 4880. TOIL. RENT FARMS. FOR lEN'T FOR TERM OF YEARS. Stock, dairy and grain ranch In Lane Co., Oregon; 900 acres, 300 in cultivation, bal. pasture, some low land, all fenced and cross-fenced, well watered; 2 sets bldgs., 7 barns, one barn with 40 stanchions, 90-ton silo, good orchard, plenty of feed; with or without equipment; 5 miles from town and R. R.; good roads and school. Cheap rent and easy terms to right party. Address W. T. K.. 523 Willam ette st.. Eugene, Oregon. . FOR RENT 50-acre iarm, 38 acres un der cultivation, close to town, aairyms or crop raising, good orchard, farm is in good shape. R. F. D. No. 1, Box 5, Scappoose, Or. TIMBER LANDS. FINE pine tract, easy logging, mills, equipment, etc., reasonable. terms. Zimmerman, 433 Chamber of Com merce bidg. TO KXCHANGF RFAL FSTATK. 40 ACHES, improved and equipped, about 20 minutes from Vancouver on Battle Ground highway; want apartment house, city, beach or other kind of business. Address AV 160. Oregonian. 6-ROOM cottage, lot 100x150, good barn and chicken house, will pay cash dif ference for Portland improved property located Troutdale, Or. H. E. Rosen crans. , TRADE what you have for what you want. Wre will find it for you. A. W. ESTES REALTY CO., Patton Bidg., Salem, Or. MANY good trades to offer you now; what have you? HENKLE, 512 Gerlinger Bidg. PORTLAND property wanted in ex change for one of the finest improved valley farms of 62 acres. Walnut 0648. CHOICE LOW ALTITUDE IRRIGATED LAND TO EXCHANGE. WHAT HAVE YOU? P TS6, OREGONIAN. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A GORDON ROSS, Bdwy.. 6J.73 624 iionry ld ;