20. THE OIEGQXIA?r, tTESDAT, AUGUST 1, 1922 7w W VTFT) FFM U.E. 1 r. !trDfnii;irT.' Office, j Iiooka cper. TOT" NO ?, MY t rM t'ft t.on In :rmra(h c ar d gne fa t of f e w or in ; -;riincd . riren , Phone E-t i47 t rm i to 3. or Tabor 3171 tveninn. iiOOKKKKTf: R, rftiT and timck-p-r. wj?h loin of Mpr:ence. rady fr jKH,Tion; good on t-iii work and enrrg-t!c and w m r g to work mn r tn houni a dy if It is appreciated. A I, k 1 -:.f?'"fon a n: TFX"RAM y. 'i OKFfK H hLP. ViCICK .KRVirr ARtFLL WTLMAM I'KHSONNKL SERVICE. Bwv. Spa Mir. HMr. hi K.NMiRArii KK wichfii p.ir ion; over years law and mercantile ep-rl-enr; wi't t temporary work. l'honf Auto bTKNu'lRAI'HfcJt with a?vral years' general ofrice fxprtnce wihfi auo stttute wnrk, beginning Jut.' 31 Se OKFI-'K HKLJ-OFKI-S HKf.P FT E.N 0".KAPMKft S R " K K K K VKHS. WILLIAMS I'KKMiWKI. S K it V I K. TT)WY I.Vt r.i SPALMN'i HLTX? E.N PERI ENCEI) (VD it. also general t:cm work. & years' txpru'nie. F SGtl Orcnian. four years' experience. Cau Veima Slower. Broadway :''4. EXPERIXNCKD bookkeeper w tlon. H! reference. SH ant jost cod 372! WANTED PUiu aing. Mr. Ella Je'fern at. I'hvr.f Ai!'f IXP Lit 1 LNCrl D men- r a pher temporary position. Tabor 43L Drc.m-kerH. JjKKSSM AXEH. dr-i.gn.tr. Chicago ex perience, by the clay: style, workman s h l p gmrantf -j. Autorratlr filrt 0 pKKs.VIAKiit rA.nab;e or by day. $2,25; Ml. faction guaranteed. Walnut 4313 rhi.-lren rs apecUUy. Phone At wat r 7S. EXPERIENCED d! engagements rmodf ma ker would I. ke ;ie. Walnut 5oi jlP:LT ITOlflNO. Km. 4m rMwy. T4;, r and bea.dtn. ii-a -nah"e IA N' V e at your tatiafao- ai Ka: "M EPF.RIK"KI drviwT.a.k.T. J4 per day. Mrs. P;iTtrn. A'JT. 3. OH. JihK.sSMAKKR, nak-over tat-ra. rof feBWINti. all k:n.!a. carfare; $1. room and board Nil aAK!LB Beat rare i.vm ronvii'ctiiU( M-fan rlew. ( uu K. Kartow. 1(K1 Sec ond avnu. S!d. - OrRS r. I'ARK FOR rLIA LSa, (Y'NVAU K Si y. NT -R KUKKLY I'ERX. PHOArTAT JAM. f 'RAiTICA L nunw watkla enaaj:-ment. irivea TnMaa: no objection lt?a.ving nr. M ;1wauh ; 2-N . APLRIKN"KI pra-t Ira; numc ready Walnut s JlRSrL doctor of m.wai and eiect ro- thrcpy. give-a trat mn:. Sell. M onr per. tf K A T voun houaekeper with oni child wants work. At water 3277. .Mrs. M "ff-nan. XA DT with two rhtl-lrn w iIiea houae keeping Job. 31 fct MorTlaoo, room 1 HOLS KK EE 11 NO work wanfd; bae 5 moo'aa' old baby. Johnson L K!wy. 24 16. . STTdIIK-AOEI hou.-kfp-r wanta work. r l f r-i.tir-n. Mam 3-mJI. rm. 23. WI LL l0 pra.-nurlna or houe- kep'rg Phone Main 113. iiomewtfea. 1TC'I"N woman eh-slra pon.doa In r arec table Jaom aa novemesis. care of ad lady, chambermaid or jutmstant. A Orron:nn. i,l.KRLT party wish good home. l:ght wr. in pia'.n hmt; no laundry. r-oTn Proadwuy 122 - - YOUNG wo n WAnta house work la O 9. C-reg-r. lan. city. NURSE will cro for patient in her own home; de!rab!e loca Moo. Tabor ft 7 A3 WAXTF.O TO RENT. 11 ouc. 4 OR & RioM modern house wanted by August 1J; A No. 1 references and best of care given: fireplace desired: leaj taken if satisfactory. AG 24, Orego nlan. ANTE D By re 's pon a i b I couple, mod era 5-room houae or ban ga low wit h garage; rent not to exceed $40. Eaat We HAVE) many calls for houses and f ata and can rent yours; let as handle your propry and collect your rents. C A. WAGNER CO. 230 Stark St. itF.S PON S 1 BLL couple wita girl 7 and baby 1 year, wa nt 5 or 6-room fur nished house wtm garage. Rent not. over $4-V Walnut 3or7. A WANT to lease houe of lu or 12 rma. auiiabie for H. K. or rooming houae , references AG 2. Oregoman. XI" R N IS H ED house by resions:bl Dartv with 2 children, near school: Montavilla C strict prer erred W K.VI. 0-egfn;an Kooma Yl Irh fUard. TOl NG LADY. en:p!oyed. desire room and board In private family ; Laure4. nurst preterred. Address J 33. Jre- lot Ni sntiem.ii wifhea board and rom in pr:vMte family, near 34th and .rteimonr ; oet of references. L'ail Ta- bor Q :2 before 12 M. 3riME for mother and 8-year old o.v, w'' side; references exchanged. Bdwy, 1H af-er 3 P. M. 4-Kt" .M l.ar or nna.l houe, west ciose (a AN 37. regon:an. Ituinew Plac i'ttu.Mi.Nh.N r es-.ern f;nn wants fur- nisrted once f.-r 2 months; r-ference an.i responsibatty 0. K. A 4d. Ore gon : n. M I N E N r est-m house wants to rent furn:shd office r..r t m months. References and r-sponaibitlty o. K. A R onlan. WANTED To rent bid. sn:tabi for ga raga and repair shop. Watuut &23X FOR KENT. FnrnlnlH Room. H-TKL NKTHFRLANDS 12 lith ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates It a cay; a week and up. private bmth. fireproof and c1a; cse to bus.ness '-enter IaHv.KN'T H 7T EL. Cinind ave at lUf thorn. tborouK h y cleaned, good serv ice, free pnoite and bath, elevator irf. l-e: aieeP;rg and h k. apis, at surr-ier rareg, s. J. Chart row mgr. East 021 ANSoNiA lioTLL. 12 I4:h st. at Washington: rates $5 Tt week and op. i day; fireproof, large attractive, spotless rooms, close to an-.usei ten tit and shopping center. SAVo.N HTLU HTH ST. Lnd-r new management; rovma wtcb r without batik, rates O and up per week WASHINGTON H ofTlI 12TH AND WASHINGTON "T9L AUrvruvt rooa and suites at rea- so nab e rates by w it or mon t n . YfclLL hr A-rm houseoot w:tn em- p.oyed coupte; home, c ub and so. tat pnv: :eges . summer rer.r! ln c.ty Y. mrts. R'a-1 n fy C-V kj y r Residential hot-. main i j. ani a rea. hrm ror G-rOd nome-cooAfJ r employed. a ' s. liOrKL Bit.STOU 1 12th at. cor. Stark. Un ier new management ; modern ; pri vate baths: pnone; reasonable rates; j up. b r c Id w a:er. ar a-r he a t liol fc. L bl'i 'INllAl, untiir ne w maa" aftznrnt. 32S Waan;ngton a Mod em, pr.vate baths, free pnores. reason. a.e r ate: 1 0 weeg up. hdwy a j i &Or AND IP ir night, raiej oy wr-k"; downtown location, close to amuse ments S Und.ady. lOti Sk 4th at., r-r Washington. lur&L UuN iiAfiN K. 2 Nor;n luto st. 2 b'weks norti wf UaintuKn sc.. f. re proof, pleasant rooms and 'suites at very r-a"r.e r,i bv day or w- k ilATHiKiSf;. HuTKi Rooms iov day up. S3 wek op; c.Ma, llgnt. hot acd cold water, steam heat, .tfator a- rv.ee 2U 4 Co. air, b. a WHY NOT Cava an apt. whila in town? Thi mocm lurn. Sn Marco. E WEAVER H ILL, 7os WAH ST. Spotleas.y clean. newly decorated euta.de rooma w ita private hath and M AKLYN H uTEu Corner 17: A and Couch; large, we.:- furnished modern rooms . reasonao TWO front rooma with kitcr.r.tt. ae otuteiy f fin, for rent at Soth e:h st Mam 12 UwTEL OlKLEV, i:-rr.via u at 10;b $1 a day. week.y $1 and up; fra puoa aitd bTiS. '.".t and airy. th sf" PAUL, fourth and :Jr: A RESPECTABLE DO WNTOW N llQ. TEL: $1 up Rates) by wgk or mania liAX. $2iO wa up. .arte, tbiuii. ly c.ean rms ; baths free; ;anr a. wart hot. H ote: Cad;::a. 81. near Jfferji ARTHUR HOTEL, 17 11th sc. wear Morrison Clen and modern rooms by day, vt-eic or montn at reasonable rafa pIL&A-chLt; raoo., modern, 8.7 ial . FOB RFNT. KurnUbrd Koomi. L W EH FlAf 'R. lrge prior. eir lnt.y furnished, in east side home; breakfast may b arranged fr. l-ora-t ton nnil -nvlronmnt bst. Suit able for two gntlem.'-n or for )ua nesa woman. Aii njoJTn conrenienrea. Rent rnsonAbk Please rail in per son. 725 K MiliMin, between 2u:h an.l 22-1. H i t hnrre rar. A.NuKLA HOTEL, AJ3 Vanincton St. A c.ean, respectabts place to Uv: free phenyl in each room, automatic le vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant In connection: near Washington parte. Multnomah club and boaptta's; reaaonabls rate, day. week or month. HOTA.L CLIFFORD. ptuncifal east sir hotel East Morrison st.. at east iitr-; vit. dignified and refined; $1 2 per day. $6 per svk. and lp. Co.N'VLtKNT ALL Nl iHT GARAGE. THE WHITEHALL. XT-3 Sixth St. Rooma single and en suite, modern, t moderate price; large run parlor and every convenience. Portland' s downtown fcotei. CALL AT T. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms for young men ia all parts of the city. Including rooma at the Y. M. C. A. with phone In each room, shower baths and club f art itt rn. CoRDoVA HOTEL, lli-h and Jefferaon. Attract. ve rooms and suite; reasonable rates by w-ek or month. Fre phone. Furnished ICik idm 1 I'riYMte 'smtly. UiWKK FLO H. large narior. excel lent 1 V furnish' d in a.t siiiA borne: breakfast rriity be arranged for. lxca- tion ana environment oeHt. rtuitaDi for two gentlemen or for business w oman. A I modern conveniences. Rent reasonable. Please call in per son, i r. siadtson, between Itith and Hawthorne car. EST SIDE Lovely front room it modern flat, au.tabl for 1 or 2 gen tmn; twin beds, electricity, bath phone, only & m mutes walk to heart of city. 22 ltili L l'hone Mi 575. X v O JLA Hub, we.l-furnished corner rooms In r- fined home; bath. heat, phone; walk in g distance, gentlemen; references. 3o Larrabee, near 3dwy. briiice. Phone E.it 4'i. PLEASANT any iront room, walking distance, wt aids. 15 per montn for rummer. iontgoznery st. Alain K.7. Lo.N'ihMAL young man wishes room mate, parior. piano and home privt- 3 a week, til N. 18th at. Bdwy, 2721. l'VKLY room and alcove newly deco rated, t i r- p . ace. suitable 2 men; Nob HUI, walking distance. 73 Hoyt at.. Main 21 M i.efore H and after 3. LA R IS cl-an n w ly f urnished room in privt home, w a king distance, suit able for persona. OJi E. Oak., cornet- 1 . Vi ftEAUTIFUL room, overlooking park, f r man accustomed to nice thing; quiet, modern place. Atwatr 1 .so. 362 Park, cor, of Miii. GLKA N. romfortaoJe swrepsng room for young men. Hot and cold water. 113. 3 N. 2 2d St. Phone Mam 17 4d. FcR gentleman. Urge, light, a.ry room in swlect. quiet private home, i DiocK from Mu't rlub. Matn ..-"-2 FOR RENT Front room. ltfciN East th St. North. Phone Walnut 2 1 22. Nurse org e n t preferred. LA KG E furnished room in h:g h-clae9 apt., suit able for 1 or 2 bust nets girls or a rur.-r. 42 W. Park. No. v2. STEAM heated, furnisned roon:a. mod ern convenience. 664 Couch, bet. 1 th ani isth. Apt. 3 BE THE FIRST to get thes clean, light. airy rooms . all new furniture; walking distance. E. Morrison st. E A I Jtt. BOARD and room for a In a pleasant home, 7 minutes walk to city. Eaat 1 S.MI. FR Krl rvom for 1 or 2 ladies jn ex change for light household duties. For parV 'u- nr w.idrfs i rgonlan. LA KGE ivory f urn. rm. with dressing rm. prlv. bath. firepur. Suitable 2 or 3. Smal er rm. M N. 21st, cor. Svertt. LEAS A NT front room lc private fam ily. HSM E. ( aruthers sl Take WS or RM car to E. 2.th st. IRVINGTON Two elegantly furnished connecting rooms, den and bedroom; ideal for 1 or2 gentlemen. East 4073. A U T I PL LL " furnished room with dressing room ; water in room ; easy wfli:K:ng ctstnnce. ia urn st. CLEAN room, modern homy, good loca tion, close in: suitable for 2 men. Main IJ:4 3M lorh sr. FURNISHED ROOMS Close la; gentle men preferred. 1H1 14th and Morrison. ;7 12TH STREET, single, hot. cold water, walking distance; men only. CLEAN, crtniiortabie room, reasonable; 2 blocks Broadway bridge. 32 Rosa at TWO WELL furnished rooms with house keeping priv: ieggs. Phone Main lo71i. $1.V F R ' 'NT room in nice home for gent. f. i.tiiTTU. pr - j i and w ash. LARGE clean s distance. 4 '5 leeptng room a. walking West Park st. tilt 14TH, near Jeffen modern conveniences. on Choice room, walking distance. CLEAN, furnished room, gentleman only, walking d y'snce. 424 Hal! st. ON K N I K SI N G LE BE DROO M. roLUMHIA ST. $1A. Room for gentlemen. T2 Gi:xan a., went side; rferonre. Atwater 313 $4 LEAUTIFI'L furn hed room, 1 or 2. In elgsnt home. !4l t'crbctt. Roomt With Itoaird. CAM PBEi.L HOTEL. 2d AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hot-la on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2 5i a day p; rate by day or month. M-wt!a served to transients. HOTKL HEREFORD. 73X HOYT. NEAR 23D. MAIN 330. One of Portland's high-class resi dential hotels, complete.y renovated and redecorated, attractive rates with all the comforts of home, now offered by Mra McDougaii. formerly of Raira po hotel. CHETERBURY HOTFL, 201 NORTH 2TH ST RES1PEN T 1 A L TR A NSiENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day. week or month. Me ! served to transients. NoRTuNlA HoTEL. Port.at.ds down town htgh-classa family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men acd women All the comforts of a heme. Reasonable: rates. Rdwv 1 !"!. PARK VIEW HOTEL. West F'ark and Montgomery. Rrswcntial hotel, rooms with and wihtout buth at reasonable rates; con venient nnd com toriaoSe. 712 AlAi-t.MfALL M. MAIN OU03. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. New.y furnished, sxcelient meals; rate week or monrh WANTED I or 2 children to board in private heme, age 3 to lO; large play-g-ouads, near good school. Atwater '.;. riuiJ.YWoi D HOTEL. RESIDENTIAL. Newly furc!sh-d ; excei.-rt meals. 633 Ke;rr.ey st, Brojsdwsy 1 M ft. RO( M and 'board for business girl: all modern conveniences; walking dis taace. J.I per week. Auto. 21J-74- 12 E 7rh st. LI-11 T front rm.. twin beds, water. W. v. walking d:sr l-rir.. cottage, unfur- i sed. Hdwy. 4.l. KO'MS .'ub. .!?. e, hot. cofd water. prtva s t a : h 77f N 1 a rs h a P. M a i n 4 7S. KftniM W tth lt4ard In i"riate Family. ' LA RGK rrnt room with board . home privigea. 170 N. 22d. Auto 518-6k nOME, SWEET HOME TfWiWS To KllCKJOQ VMM ' iL- ..1 FOR KENT. Roonia Witb Btwrd In PrivatePamily. NEWLY furnished bfdroom with hot wa ter heat. bath, phono and hom privi leges, best home cookiuK. congenial 1 amily, close In on east nude. 1 block from car. couple employed or gent ie man preferred. 55 E. Ah. East h3.'". IRVlNiiToN Large, airy room and ex cellent table bord. congenial atmos phere; piano; suitable for 2 gentlemen or 2 ladies; also a suite of room. t64 Wasco. Fast 437! ON E or two employed ; modera house boat ; all conveniences; best board, .home prlvl leges ; water sports, social activities; idei summer life. K. 84$, Oruni.in. NICE large room with board in private family for n1y or gentltman. with rates right; easy walking distance. -01 K. l?t N. East I'srt. GCvI rooms, aleping porch, clean, quiet. home-like; first -class boara ; ousiness woman or teachers. W. Park. Main SI mi. FRONT bedroom with fireplace and lav atory in exclusive home, gentleman or refined couple : breakfast if desired. N. 21st. Ms'n 1 LAROK room with twin beds, suitable for 2. first-ciass table board; good hot water and shower bath; walking dia- M Oissan IRV1XGTOX Room and board. ref;ned modern home, best home cooking; in stantaneous hot water; garage. East EXCLUSIVE home among lovely trtes, all privileges, reasonable, close In. Broadway 4314. KOOM and board in fine home, suitable for business people on reasonable rate. Mfiln lrt7. - . GOOD board, room, 8 week; modern conveniences: real home privileges; close in. 320 Montgomery st. Main 03 iQ. HPFlVK.n Urfv ilvine alone ha rooms for eix nice giris; 32.5t each. West Park. Phone Atwater 200J. 449 ATTRACTIVE furniaheu room and board for 2 rentlemen; cross from Multno- mah rlub. Main 77 20. LIGHT. cean. airy room for gentlemen with or without board, close in. east side. :74 East Taylor. East 9"44. HoARD Hnd room for 2 In pretty newly furnished apt. Home privileges. C. S, rreferr-d. Auto. (121-1Q. ROOM for 1 or 2 ladies with breakfast. Hdwy. 370. ROOM AND BOARD. EAST SOU'J. 5J EAST COUCH. . BOA RD and room in private home for gntlcmsn at B21 Hfltin ave. ; Roo.M and board tor children With mother a care. Walnut 4?M. A PLEASANT home for aft old lady Phone Main 4fl21 NICELY furnished room with meals. At water 270 1. 774 Northrup St. Purr iNhrjd Apartment. NOTICE. WHEELDON ANNEX. Did you know that the Wheel don Annex Apartments are un der new management and tha entire building 1 being com pletely renovated and decorated? Here you will find the clean est and most desirable furnished, apartments and single rooms In the city, with hotel service and reasonable rate to permanent and transient guests; clone In to business district: corner 10th and Salmon sta. Main 6641. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 16 VlMa Ave. High-class apartment house near 23d and Wash i ng ton will accommodate tourists during summer; ftroom fur nished apt., 2 disappearing beds and oursida balcony; also a newly decorated 8-room apt. with a real bedroom and new furniture. Call Main Sbb3. MEL APTS., 71H E. ANKENY. Modern 3-room, romp. furn. corner apt.. 1st floor ; light, a iry. Just ren ovated and tinted. Private bath and phone. Parking space Eaat 180H. THE JACKSON. Three-room fur. and unfur. apts. $30 to $40; brick bldg.. private hath, steam heat, hot and cold water; phone; 15 mm. walk to 5th and Wash.; Rose City car. East 246. 51 H I'nion ave. N. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bldg., electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. Main ft4ti. THE EVERETT. 44 Everaut, between 20th and Ella s tree-is. Very desirable 3-room fur nished comer apt. with balcony; mod ern: walking d:st a n ee B d w y . 4 4!0. NOW RBADY Coniw and see. Ioveiy L 2 and 8 -room apts.. beautifully sit uated place, lar&r porches. Spacious grounds. $18 to $33. 040 Corbett. Main Mi40. ETNA APARTMENTS. Three rooms, dressing room and bath. Hardwood f ira.. wh'te enamel: free elec. washT and mangle. East 37 2. ROOM, kitchenette and closet, hot water heat. Ml K. Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. East 1710. MUNCEY APT.. 300 Clay st. Modern 2 and 3-rm. front apt., walking distance. Tel. Main 63. Mckinley apts. 3-room apartment and bath, both outside and court apts. Eat 31 00. THE LEONARD 3-room apts.. fur- cthed; clean and desirable. 065 East Main. WESTON I A APARTMENTS. flfl Gliaan St., 2-room, front apart ment. MARSHALL A PA RTM E N T S. 624 Marshall, one front apt. for rent Call Broadway 8Oi. NEWLY furnished 2 rooms and bath. new building, rent $35. 415 E. 10th. Phone Fast 1507. 2 LA KG hi room apts., ki tchenrtte. heat. ngnt, gas. wen rurnisned. cozy and fan. C;ns- In. Sellwood 1"6V 1. 2 AND 3-ROOM steam -heated, fur newly renovated; 4024 Third st. ni sited apartments ?2." to month. EXCELLENT apartment, two light front rooms, nose in, per week.. Phone Bdwy. 204, 220 N. 16th t. COLLEGE Swell 3 rooms, walking d.s- tane. near auditorium. low rates. Third and College. Mar. R555. CARLOTTA COURT. 17TH AND EVERETT. AUTO 513-25. Two-room front apartment. THE NICHOLS 2-room apartment, fur nished, private bath, phone. Walnut 4i71. 8.".6 E. 6th st. N. LEONCE APTS.. ImJ N. 22D ST. 8-rorm furnished apt., with private bah Marshall 2250. A RDM AY TERRACE. 305 12TH ST. I-arge. light front 2-room apt. Main ALTONIA APTS.. 19th and Marshall 2 3 and 4-rm. apts.. large, light, airv. un- furnished or furni'hed Hri'-vy. 1412. 4-r.iM apartment. fr"nt porch. Irv'ng anart menf. 21st and Irving. Main I2.T. BANNER APTS. Nicely furnished reasnae rent. 4 SO Clsy st 8-RooM furnished apartn.ent. private bath, walking distance. East 190. Ail'i iiii. M COL KT MoCern 2 ar.d 3 rcm a ptf . opp. Auditorium Mar. S.lftrt 2 ROOMS. $25 per mo. 769 E. Broad" wr.y. cr. 24th. 3-L 'OM furn. shed front apartment. Eiht 31 .H. 3-ROOM apartment, clean, running water. 214 13th st. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19th; 2. 4 and base. apts. Proa d wa y 3-. 2r7 LTH ST. Ro.im. kitchenette, gas, l'ght. phone furnished; walking diet. OH, WELL, GEORGE CANT BE RIGHT ALL THE Copyright, 1922, by the uoova til3r JVu 64.T IM Tuoe. FOR RENT. Furnlnhfd Apartment. STELW'YN APARTMENTS. THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely fur nished apts, in city, in select res idence district. 5 minutes' walk from business-theater center by 23d-st. or C C car (easy walking distance). Right up Washington st. to 22d and around the cor ner Utitl St. Clair St.). Auto tourists and permanent tenants will enjoy our refined home at mosphere. References required. Lovely sunshiny front outside apt., sleeping porch. Chinese rugs, silk hanging, brasses, com fy wicker furniture, floor lamps, etc. ; piano. Al service. Excep tionally clean. Also single rooms, by day, week, month. THE STELWYN". JUST COMPLETED. NEW WESCOTT COURT APTS. 8TH AND WE IDLE R ; BLK. SOUTH BROADWAY. Most complete apartments In city, large living rooma, balcony, dining room, bedroom, tile bath and kitchen; ehower baths, electric ranges, hard wood floors. AH outside rooms, includ ing bath. Adults. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., outside and French doors and balcony ; permanent and transient. WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2 rooms, strictly modern, newly kal tomined; all new golden oak furniture, 33. Rdwy. 14C. 337.&II, FINEST RESIDENTIAL PI ST. Attractive 2-room apt. with small kitchen, artistically f urn. ; overstuffed furniture; tub and shower bath ln; eluded ; garage if desired. Main 381, BASEMENT apt.. 2 rooms and bath with heat, hot water, light and gas, walk ing distance; married couple or bache lors; rent g2o. Inquire 427 Rodney. NOKOMIS APARTMENT. Two-room apartment, private phone ano oath included. ery deslraole ; walking distance. Bdwy. 49t4. HIGH-CLASS, 3 and 4-rm. apt., ma hog. fur., piano, heat, phone, light, sliver, linen, garage, fine river view; walking dirt., $75 and 42'. Larrabee st. GODFREY COURT, Oo0 Vancouver ave. 3-room modern apL, $40: 2 disappear ing beds; near Broadway bridge; adults. East 0S41. a-ROOM furnished apt., steam heat, free phone, 27th, near Sandy blvd.. 1 block from two carlines, reasonable. b43 Nelson at. THE MARTHA APTS. 54 N. 23d St. 1 and 2 rooms, newly furnished apts., brand new! SAX MARCO. E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MT. E. 1890. PARK APARTMENTS. Light cool 4-room apartment, hard wood floors, fire p! ace, new carpets, west side ; reasonable. Atwater 2381. URICKSTON APT., 44S 11TH. S room. 2 disappearing beds, newly tinted and painted; al."0 pne 2-rm. apt. LAM BROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apts. Call Et 40i2. BUENA VISTA 434 HARRISON ST. 2 and 3-room, strict iy modern f ur nShed and 1 unfurnished apt.; all out-si-fw apts. Main PK"2. S-ROOM furnished apt., light and clean, in brick building and on carline; light, water and hoat furnished. $27.50. 1566 East Oilman. Tabor 44SO. . 4 NICELY furnished rooms in modem home. Large basement and garage. 17i'3 E. Davis st. Phone Tabor 7461 evenings or Sunday. 3-R OM furnished or unfurnished, all outside rooms, in high -class apart ment house with f irHt-cla as service. 15th and Belmont. East 13. IDAHO APARTMENTS. Two and 3-room nicely furnished, moderate prices, west side. 30 6th st. H ADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath. h. w. flrs private balconies. $35 up. Mar. 11 60. THE WHITNEY. 14TH AND MARKET. Choice 3-room apt. Women only. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0350. 2 AND a-ROOM furnished apartmentev Harrison Court, 3!4 Fifth. Pnone Main HANTHORN APTS. 3-room furnished apt. ; 2 disappear i ng beds: clos in. 251 12th st. SERENE COURT APTS.. Cor. E. 1st and Mu.tnomah; 2 and 3-room furnished apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. BERKELEY APJS.. 30 TRINITY PLACE. 2-3 rm. fur. apts.; walking distance. 4 rm. basement apt. Bdwy. 5151. ALICE COURTt 2 and 3-room, private bath, fireplace, 2 beds. $4O-50. Free, phone. E. Sth and Burnside. E. 3566. TWO or three-room furnished apartment Call Tabor 4224. 1092 H Hawthorne ave.. apartment A. THE LILLIAN. 3-room apts., west side, Marshall 1A78. 31 Sixth st. JULIANA APTS. 43 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. LARGE room with sleeping porch, twin beds; west aide, walking distance; with or witho-t hoard. Broadway 4633 PENROSE APTS., Grand ave. at Bel mont; 2 or 3-room apts., furnished in white enamel. East 4548. $(t THREE rooms, niceiy furnished, light, heat, phone, hot water. 825 K. Sfrk. LL'XOR APTS., under new management, furnished 2 and '3-room apt., modern. Phone Main 8105. SUNNYCREST Large llv. rm., kit., bed rm., priv. bath, newly furn., redec.gas, elec. steam heat. $2.8.50. 386 Sherman, THE ORDER LEIGH. 82 Grand ave.. at tractive, well-furnished suites, reno vated, private baths, very reasonable. -ROOM apt., light.', bath, 'phone, and $24; garsge. ftOfl Market. $22 ROSELYN APTS., 110 N. 21st St.. 2-rm. modern apt ; reasonable. CAMBRIAN apts., 2 and 3-room fur. apt--, h. w. floors. 433 Columbia. Mar. 3630. 2 AND 3-RM. apts., light, modern. Ar Ilr. e apts. 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 18 1 2. ELBRIDGE apts., 274 N. 21st; 2 and 3 room apt. : reasonable. Bdwy. 4730. CARLOIS APT., 2-rm. modern, furnished apt. : reasonable. 14th and Market. MADISON PA RK apartment. 2. 3 and 4 room apts.. oip. Auditorium. Mar. 5560. 3 ROOMS, modern, ground floor, walk ing distance, west side. 454 11th St. I-KoOM f urn sin d modern apt., private entrance and b th. 51 1 Columbia st. MORTON apartments, 3-room basement apt., 007 Wa shington st. B d w y . 1 0 S S . S-ROOM furnished apt., good location; rent reasonable. 404 Park st. C62 FLANDERS, near 20th. Nicely furn. 4-room a pt.. No. 8. $35. Call mornln g s. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur apt $"! 50. Complete, concrete bldg. NICE L Y furn :b hed 2 - room apartment a L W Hoyt st. InfumMied Apartments, MORDAUNT. 5S6 Everett, large modern 4-room and recention hall, inspect this. & pfz&rrv ag aim U&UU w. 1 ,t- . ri y . II x FOR RENT. fnfarnished Apartments. HOTT-GLISAX APARTMENTS. 796 EAST HOYT ST. New building now ; ready for occu pancy. 3, 4, 5-roora unfurnished apart ments; all outside rooms overlooking beautiful gardens; large rooms, electric ranges, hardwood floors, tile baths, every modern convenience and unex celled service. Phone East 7527. IRVINGTON. Beautiful 6-room lower No. 4 apart ment; hardwood floors, tiled bath, steam heat, janitor service ; no chil dren; references ; rent $100. 377 East 25th N. H. Hoffman, 367 Morrison at. Atwater 3S47. WELLINGTON COURT. T7NDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 rooms, modern, front apartment ; in first-class condition ; on main floor; only 3 blocks from Washington; $45. Jrtqwy. 3 24t). W1IEELDON ANNEX. A 2-room ant on ground floor with private entrance. Corner 10th and Salmon. Main fi41. GRACE APTS., COR. 24TH AND NORTH STREETS. Vacant Aug. 1. 5 large rooms, steam heat. Janitor service. Phone week days Atwater jrtu, Sunday Atwater uoa. HANTHORN APTS.' Newly tinted, front 3-room unfur nished apt., bedroom and 1 disappear ing bed. 2,"U 12th st. . BOWMAN APTS.. 16th and Hancock, high class 4-room apt, bungalow style. modern, Jan. service, steam neat. rencn doors ; ref. Last 13oy. BO W.MAN APTS.. Iflth and Hancock. outside rooms, 1st floor, bungalow style, modern, jan. service, steam heat. French doors. Adults. Ref. East 13y. THE MARLBOROUGH. A 5-room apt., very nice large and light rooms, newly decorated through out, .vtain STEVENS APT.. 791 NORTHRUP. Six large outside rooms, newly dec orated, huwd. tloors, fireplace, heat. water. bleeping porches. Main !)3.8. 5(!tf E. ASH New: something different and very desirable, large 4 rms.. hot water heat, fireplace, tapestry paper, ivory woodwork ; garage : references. MODERN 5 rooms and sleeping porch front corner apt., steam heated, hot water and telephone free. Atwater 0319. wicxersham APTS. 5-room modern, unfurnished ; excellent service, located lMth and Flanders, west side Phone Hdwy. 2201. IMPERIAL ARMS APTS. 14th and Clay sts. Some -choice 3 and 3-room apartments available the 1st. Hardwood floors and elec. ranges. IONIAN COURT. 1STH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt.: 1 blk. off Wash, st. ; adults. Bdwy. 2761. 3-ROOM unfurnished apartment. Call Tabor 4224. 1092 & Hawthorne ave., apartment A. 4-ROOM modern flat 772 Osage ave., near 23d and Wasntngton streets, west side: adults. Main 8988. ROSE-FRIEND. BDWY. -JEFFERSON. Elegant 4-room aprtment can be se cured ; good service. Atwater 1410. UNFURNISHED apartment. Tudor Arms, 18th and Couch. Three rooms; refer ence sreulrd KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0359. GARDNER L'Uh and E. Ash Attractive 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot water heat; references. East 2871. TRINITY' PLACE AFiS. A few desir able fur. and unfur. apts. avatiaoie at reasonable rentals. -Phone Bdwy, 6860. BEST 3-room apartment in new building never occupied. Last 20th ano ueimoni st. Steam heat. East 0762. MODERN 3-roam up-per front apt. flat; wm oea, range, watKing uisiancu. juju THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Broadway 3360. ALTER apts., rms.. sip. porch, tile bath and shower. 21st-Overton. Bdy. 1080. 6-ROOM. modern apartment, $35. Main 45H6. . 4-ROOM and bath, kitchenette, furnished. 101 Ifr East 33d st.t cor. Washington. 4-ROOM unfurnished v apartment. The Wilmar, 742 Everett st. Main 5164. LOVELY, modern 4-room corner apt very reasonable. East 1400. THE ORMONDE 5-room . unfurnished apai tment. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873. 600 FLANDERS, 6-r. refin. apt., porches, $65. From Aug. 1. Bdwy. 3134. Furnished or Vnfnrnished Apartments. KING HILL APTS, 171 King Street. Four, five or six-room apts.. fur nished or unfurnished ; 1 apt. suitable for 3 or 4 nurses, one teachers. Broad way 5126. THE DEZENDORP APTS. 208 16th, near Taylor, Atwater 012. 5 rooms furn. or unfurn. All outside rooms; no objection to children, tran sients and tourists. PGR RENT Nice light and airy five room apartment, either furnished or unfurnished. Prioei $35 and $40. Ap ply Belmont Apartments, East 29th and Belmont. JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH. ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. JAEGEr- APTS., 701 WASH. ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. LAUREL-HURST APTS. . . 3-rm. apt., bath, neatly fur. 142 East. 30th and Morrison. Tabor 2614. THE VICTORIAN 4-room furn. apts., bath, close in. very reasonable. 428 Columbia st., nr. 11th. Atwater 2277. HIGHLAND COURT. ATWATER 818L Furnished or unfurnished apartments FltttH. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Five rooms, sleeping porch, disap pearing bed in living room, new lino lium on kitchen floor, gas range, heat and water; $50 month. Phone 632-53. 5-ROOM modern, clean upper flat, sleep ing and living porches, aU conven iences, exclusive neighborhood. 267 E. 25 th, near Hawthorne. LOVELY 5-room flat, sleeping porch, aun' porch, hardwood floors, fireplace and gas range. 2G8 E. 30th and Haw thorne. MODERN lower flat, o rooms with sleep ing porch, bui It-ins, furnace and fire place; yard. Phone Seil. 3S9S. 445 East 30th. LARGE 5-room flat, 3S6& Hawthorne av. immediate possession. $o0. xain 08lr. 701 Corbett bldg. ' CLEAN, modern, upper 5 rooms and attic bedroom; anu ts; aounie or emse; ga rage. 664 E.i.st Main, cor. ISth st. 3-ROOM modern upper flat, with sleep ing porch. 400 N. 25th, St. $25. Call AL water 3719. FOR RENT Steam Heated fla.t in Irv ington. Phone East 4022. FINE tanc -room upper flat, walking dis 33(1 13th. Main 5999. 5-ROOM lower flat, close in, walking - distance. Bdwy. 0O0S. 5-ROOM unfurnished upper flat, E. Clackamas. Tabor 3191. ESPECIALLY good 5-rm. 10th and E. Burnside. E. upper 5733. 5-ROOM modern flat. 559 Milwaukee st. $20 Call Sell. 0666. MODERN "5-room flat for rent. 2535. 5-ROOM modern upper fL t.. $42 50. Est 2067. -t. 701 Everett 6-ROOM upper flat, 633 E. Main St., $;5: close in; adults only. East 5904. 5ih SALMON ST. 8 lovely rooms, $50; desirn-ble and clean. Broadway 6252. 5-ROOM upper flat, $15; newly painted. RS2 WUliams. Walnut C535. 5-ROOM FLAT. 314 EUGENE. TIME Mail $ Express Co. Y.- vurru tuat baSv 0CAO$t2. t OAJ. 5AJJ VOO VijJONiG MM A 1 "V . FOR KENT. Flats. NICE, clean modern, 4-room upper flat, formerly residence, just vacated; large lot, lawn, roses, fruit; 100 feet north Hawthorne ave. 24 E. 43th st. Ta bor 3224 or Main 6ttl. EAST SIDE. 2 blocks north Broadway , bridge, 420t Larrabee st., exception ally attractive new upper flat; 4 rooms, ivory woodwork, disappearing bed, gaa heat. $40. Apply 410 Larrabea. 4-ROOM FLAT. 401 Tenth. Main 2430. Fornihhl Flat. NICE 4-room furnished upper flat, elec triicty, gas, sink, private bath and en trance; very clean; near 3 car lines. Russell, Williams and Broadway; walk ing distance; $32 a month. 4ti2 Flint st. East 5571. 3-ROOM flat, well furnished, bath; $22 per month to Christian people. 682 East Taylor. 3-ROOM lower flat. Call Sunday or evenings. Walking distance. 352 Col lege. Atwater 2306. THREE furnished h. k. rooms, on main floor. Cor. 13th and Ivon, near Divi sion st. Sellwood 1222. 650 PETTYGROVE, $28, desirable 3 room furn. flat, bath, separate en trance; adults; references. Bdwy. 3176. COMFORTABLY furnished o-room flat, piano; close in; $50. Atwater 3205. NICELY furn. flat, slpg. porch, nice yard; cheap to right party. At 3972. NICELY furnished 3-room flat. 102 E. 18th st. 4-ROOM flats, $35 and $40, adults. East 3305. 200 Fargo st. PARTLY furnisned flat, with garage, 4i0 Jefferson st. Inquire Tabor 2432. SMALL modern flat; fireplace; close in; couple; 568 E. Main. Atwater 1020. 561 DAVENPORT ST., 4 rm. nicely fur nished flat. 8-ROOM flat, light, water, phone, Minnesota ave. Walnut 6554. NICELY furn. 6-room flat; Nob Hill; piano, fireplace. Atwater 3462. $30 MODERN, clean flat, phone, garage, car line; want couple. Wal. 3219. CLOSE in west side, moder n, furnished. 5-room flat. Tabor 0540. Honsekeeping Rooms. $32.50 CLEAR 3 connected rooms with all the conveniences of an apartment. These rooms are seldom for rent. You will surely be satisfied. Not suitable for children. 956 Williams ave. Wal nut 7165. IDEAL NOB HILL SUITE for 2 at 600 Irving st. "Living room, large kitchen, pantry and porch on main floor. Well furnished with every convenience supplied for $32. 50. 2 EXTRA large rooms for housekeeping, furnace heat, light, hot and cold water, stationery tubs in basement, garage if wanted. 315 22d st. N. 2-ROOM furnished house; everything brand new and modern; phone and bath; walking distance. 170 N. 18th st, Bdwy. 1746. NICE light 2-room H. K. apts., hot and cold water; every convenience; $25. 507 Clay st. Atwater 36t2. NICE, large outside rooms, walking dls- 2772. THE BEAVER, 12th -and Marshall Fur- nisneu n. k. rooms, id up, including not water, eiec. ngnts. laundry room. 1 AND i ROOMS for housekeeping; bath and ngnt iurnisnea. S3 ttiia st-. near , Wash. SUNNYCREST $15, larg-j h. k. rm. ; rms., iw.ou ; newiy rur, renov., steam ht.. gas, elec, laun. rm. 186 Sherman. 3-ROOM furn. h. k. apt. Free phone, lights, water, gas range, $6 weekly. J4tn st. TWO turnisiied Housekeeping rooms, nice and clean, everything except gas for cooKing. zti3 nott st. Hiast hhi. 53 1STH N. Steam-heated H. K. apts.; will soon be gone; better get yours now; d.nu up ; hot and coid water. SINGLE h. k. rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 695 Front st., corner Meade. Main 3502. z r LKMohciU . iv. rooms, close in, on car line; light, phone, tree. o94 Clin ton st. Sell. 0614. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms: heat. gas, phone, bath. 551 Rodney, corner Knott. CLEAN, light, cool H. K. rooms, run nmg water. ue first st. Auto. 521-39 A NICELY furnished housekeeping apt.. reasonaoie rent. zjd xn. zist. Alain n30J. SUMMER prices, downtown , lur. rooms, zoa'fy wasn., cor. 3d. STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and c. water. $3 to $7 per week. 147 13th st 1 and 2-room apartments, also garage. bo r. jiaaison. oulx. TWO front rooms, first floor; also single rooms. too f ianaers st. 2-ROOM basement apt.: everything fur nished; $16. 507 Clay st. Atwater 3 602 . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern. 35 N. 19th. i LARGE or single newly furnished front room, all conveniences. Sol 6th. TWO large connected modern and reasonable. rooms, clean, 312 Clay. 1 OR 2 ROOMS, all furnished, 5S3 Commercial st. LARGE front room, housekeeping, tele phone, bath. 67 N. 20th st. Bdwy. 4123 LARGE room and kitchenette, also single rooms, $ra. n;a t landers st. la KOHi, niceiy turmshed h. k. rooms. single or en suite. 432 Jefferson st. TWO COSY front rooms for h. k.. $ia month. 427 Montgomery, near 11th. $27.50 BEAUTIFUL 2-room apt. in eie gant home. 040 Corbett. Main 8040. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 2 LARGE, cozy furn., h. k. rooms sink, bowl, gas range, elec, phone, heat, bath, garbage hauled; adults; only S25. 202 Tiilamook. near Williama. E. 6376. ONE 2-room furnished apt. and furn. h. k. rooms, all front rooms; cJean and reasonable rent: 193 17th at. Atwater 1344. CHEERFUL 2-room 11. K. apt., freshly tinted and clean; also sleeping rooma; laundry done if desired. 751 Kearney st. Atwater 1293. H. K. rooms in beautiful new suburban home, all city conveniences, only 20 minutes' ride out, garage, a fine home tor the right party. Call Main 1846. 8-ROOM flat, partly furnished, bath, gas and electricity, $15 per . month. Inquire 3 21 Stanton st. STEAM-HEATED h; k. room, kitchen. cheap; others $3 up. Close in. 445 Co lumbia st. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance; chil dren. 275 Williams ave. East 5797. Mrs. "Wilcox. THREE RMS. completely furnished, nice location, 1 blk. from Alberta car. Adults. IPSO E. 15th st. N. Wat. 3041. IRVINGTON $40; fine 3-r. corner apt., very light, white enamel, new nugs, elec, water, phone, neat. K. 25. 2-ROOM modern apt., furn., very desir able location; walking distance; Morri son street car service. East 8860. 2 COMPLETELY fur.e H. K. rooms, ground floor; sink and wash tray a $18. 176 E. 45th st. Tabor 2729. 'PWO clean rooms with sleeping porch, light, phone, and heat. Phone East 1308. 672 E! Morrison st. THREE nicely furnished h. k. rooms in modern home: white enamel; adults only. 196 E. 30th. Tabor 5501. THREE Turnished h. k. rms. for rent la nrivate family. Walnut 1572. EXCEPTIONALLY clean front room, suitable light housekeeping. 86 N. 17th. NICE 5-room home, newly refinished, bath, gas, electricity, close Jn. 148 E 13th. near East Morrison. $30. $30 ELEGANT little 5-roora home; adults only. 388 East 9th N. AJg 0ouuA2 1 FOR RENT. llougea. UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. 5-rm. modern house, 1074 Holgate street, $25. 5- rm, modern house, 353 San Rafael street, $20. SVrm. very modern bungalow, 1526 Cur tis avenue, $35. 6- rm. very modern Rose City home, garage, furnace, etc., 696 49th St. North. $45. 6-rm. bungalow, 309 Farragut. $30. 6-rm. modern flat, furnace, 746 Kear ney st., $45. 5-rm. very modern, good condition ; fireplpace, breakfast nook. 72 East Terry st.. $25. "FREE APARTMENT RENT." 3-room furnished home like apart ment free to a man and wife to act as janitor and keep up heat; small 10 xtpartment building; want permanent - janitor. Apply to present jaitor at the Meda apartments, 377 Vancouver avenue, block north of E. Broadway. NEW 6-ROOM bungalow at 54th, near Lincoln ; modern in every detail with garage; will lease for one year to re sponsible party with no small chil dren; rent $00; close to Franklin high and public school. Call Alvln Johnson Co., Realtors, 605 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7201. FURNITURE MOVING. Pianos moved $3 up; 30 days free storage on all crated household goods: let us estimate your work. Atlas Transfer Storage Co. Phone Bdwy. 1207. FOR RBNT 8-room house, 3 lots, fruit, berries and garden, some furniture in house; located 1422 E. Everett. $37.50 per month. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Phone Bdwy. 43S1. NEWLY renovated and decorated mod ern 6-room house on choice sightly corner of Garfield and Going sts., $35 per month. Ready Aug. 1. Ben Ries land, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park street. 5-ROOM cottage, just remodeled, 821 E. Stark, walking distance, all con veniences, $30.60 per mo., including water; adults only. Phone Bdwy. 1C56 after 6::J.0 P. M. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch; aecond house block south Franklin high, 3010 East 54th st. South; rent $3i.50 month. Owner at 93 East 35th st. COMFORTABLE home. 686 East Burn side; four large bedrooms, sewing- and maid's room, furnace and two f ire placcs; will show. Call Tabor 3520. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO.. . LIGHT POWER HEAT. . Washington at 10th street. 181 SKIDMORE, corner of Kerby; 5 rooms downstairs; gas range furnished, upstairs, near school and car. Auto. 320-60. FOR RENT Modern 10-rooni house, fur nished or unfurnished; close to carline; in Park Rose district. Call Tabor 3624. MODERN 6-room cottage, 770 Kennil worth. Mrs. John, East 7627. Reason able. CLEAN, modern 6-room house. 1242 East Harrison; no garage;- $3d. Phone Auto. 639-25. 7-ROOM Rose City bungalow, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace and sa rage; $60. Sell. 2421. 6-ROOMS, modern, clean, close in ; adults only. Eaet 1390. 385 Grand avenue S. MODERN U rooms, 5613 41st st. S. E. Walking distance to Reed college. At water 3511. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co. Main 1261. 202 Alder st. TO LEASE for 1 year or more exclusive, modern 6-room bungalow. Alameda park. East 1232. HOUSE, 5 large rooms, with garage block from carline, Kenton car. W. Watt. one 165 MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND UP. FIRE PROOF, 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO.. BDWY. 2445. MOVING Pianos, furniture; long-distance hauling a specialty. O. Ac W. True k Service Co.. 40 2d st. Bdwy. 5121. 7-ROOit modern house, furnace, garage, garden, 1 door n. Hawthorne ave. 260 hi. a ja sr. ; av. case o-ao. SIX-ROOM flat, good condition, 591 H Wash, and 18th. Desirable, close in. NEW MODERN 5-room bungalow, $30 per montn. onU4 yv ooostocK ave. TO RENT your home see Frank L. Mc Guire. Abjngton bldg. 6-ROOM dwelling. 529 Taylor st. $35. Main 5371. $50 LARGE 1 0-room house, Irvlngton, suitable for apts. Main 4780. 7-ROOM house. 719 Belmont. $37.50. V. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. $32.50 Clean, modern 6-room house, one block Richmond car. Main 8'.'4. TWO LARGE connected rooms, clean. modern and reasonable. 312 Clay. Furnlshetl House. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. 7- rm. strictly modern Rose City home, finely furnished, 41st near Brazee, $150. 8- rm., very modern. Ladd's addition, home nicely furnished, $00. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent; elec tricity and gas, wash trays, newly cleaned, big yard, $40, Call from 1 to 4. 3 70 Knott t. IN MODERN Irvirfgton home, entire lower floor, four rooms and den. fuel, phone, water, hardwood floors, fire place, piano; garage. East 314 FURNISHED 7-room house, furnace, ga ra sre: $50 per month. 402 Marguerite ave. Key at 1040 Grant. Phone Tabor 8008. NEW, PARTLY furnished, bungalow, $40 month; clean; reierences. aii Tues day, Wednesday, 10-6. 808 Vancouver ave. $25 5-ROOM partly furnished or unfur nished house, 744 i-ourtn. net. .roner and Woods. Take N. S. car or 15 min. walk to Morrison. 1 NEW, PARTLY furnished bungalow, $40 month; clean; references. Call Tues day, Wednesday, 10-6. 808 Vancouver ave. $42.50 Modern 6-room house, walking distance, near iawinorne ana w asn ington high schools. 146 E. 17th st. East 5534. fi ROOMS, sleeping porch, hot water heat, garage; $8; will lease; Nob Hill district. 788 Overton st. Main 5699. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, piano. modern conveniences, near car line. io children. Walnut 3608. NICELY furnished 7-room modern home with enclosed sleeping porch and ga rage, 180. irvlngton district. J. oa-a, NEW. partly furnished bungalow, $40 montn; clean, references. au 1 uesday. Vfed nesday. 10-6. 808 Vancouver ave. 5-ROOM bungalow, garage. 1046 Schuy ler, near 35th and Broadway. can Sunday before 6:30 P. M. Week days, WELL-FURNISHED 8-room house, 4 bedrooms, every convenience, witn or without garage. 712 E. Taylor. MY WELL furnished 8-room Irvington home for rent for 2 months. Call Main lf99. 5-ROOM modern furnished lower duplex house, 479 E. 10th cor. Division, $30. East 5235. Close in. 6-ROOM residence flat, completely fur nished, with piano; no children. Wal nut 7032. $40 MODERN 5-room bungalow, fur. ; near Franklin high. Auto. 612-73. 6-ROOM furn. house; reasonable; garage. Call 6424 65th st S. E. $26 5-ROOM furnished, 1st floor, mod ern. 249 Harrison, near 3d. 4-ROOM cottage, close to carline, reason able. 1493 Atlantic st. SNAP Big 5-room house, near car, $35. Walnut 5840. 4-ROOM furnished house, 188 East 44th st. S. S. car, 1'4 blocks south. AUG. 15, Sept. 15, my furnished home for rent, $50. References. Tabor 4135. By H. J. TUTH1LL I LOAWiO VOL) 660 j f) COT OM FOR RENT. Furnished Mouses. FURNISHED house for rent. 7 rooms, strictly high-class, furnished the best, new grand piano, victrola, lovely iawn and flowers, double garage; finest dis trict; one - block carline; lease eight months or year to reliable tenant; . possession at once. 52-5 E. 45th sL N. Tabor 9160. 1 . COMPLETELY furnished 6-room modern Irvlngton home to lease for 1 or 2 years. Has hardwood floors down stairs and up-to-date complete con struction. Price $90 per month. Phone Broadway 5708, 407 Wilcox bldg., or residence phone 'East 2114. FOR RENT or lease to right party our 7-room furnished home, strictly mod ern, furnace, fireplace, large sleeping porch, double garage and well fur nished. Westmoreland addition. Sell. 0139. IN PIEDMONT, G0 per month for one year, modern 6-room furnished house including piano and garage, near Jef ferson high: on 2 carlines. Call at 361 KilMngsworth ave., near Union. FOR RENT, $70 Modern furnished 5 room bungalow, fireplace, sleeping porch: Rose City Park, vacant Aug. 1. 4JJ3 East 42d st. N. or phone Wal nut 6768. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-room bungalow, with fireplace and furnace. 48th and Hawthorne, $55. Call Tabor 5045. Resort s. SACRIFICE. Gearhart Park house of 10 rooms and sunroom, faces ocean, and paved st. on rear of house. It is well fur nished and for quick sale will take $2000 under actual value. Call Tabor 2200 or write 1320 Alameda drive, Portland. FOR SALE Four-room new modern cottage at Seaside, block and half from ocean between 6th and 7th ave. Price $1700, terms. Also modern six-room house in same location all nicely fur nished. Price $2500, terms. See Eastham, 1125 fiasco. Tel. Main 5456. FREE VACATION FOR BUSINESS WOMEN. A real change to mountain air hik ing, horseback riding, mountaineering, glacier trips, rest and good food. Call 1136 Northwestern Bank Bldg., and learn about our offer. SEASIDE New 6-room bungalow for rent for. 10 winter months from Labor day. elegantly furnished; ocean view; strictly modern: select neighborhood; gara ge. Broadway 2313. LARGE 2-room cottage. 2 beds, free run ning water, electric lights, wood ; $50 from August 7 until September L H. K. rooms, 1 unf. Mrs, W. H. England, 32T 6th ave.. Seaside. Or. 3-ROOM cottage, from Aug. 15; new tent houses completely furnished. For par ticulars write C. I. Wingard, Cannon Beach, Oregon. ROC K A W A Y -For rent, choice new cot tages after Aug. 18. Furnished for four people. Near beach and stores. O. B. Giles, Rockaway, Or. WANTED Couples In sleeping tents; home cooking, $14 per week. Write or phone Sickafoose Ranch, Trout Lake, Wash. CANNON BEACH Modern furnished cottage; bath, hot water; excellent lo cation; last twt weeks in August. At water 1500. bet. 6 and 7 P. M. FOR RENT at Salt Air (Tillamook Beach)- cottage for balance of sea son. Phone East 3069. CANNON BEACH cottage by month only, for August and September. Mrs. H. A: Cole. Ecola P. P., Clatsop Co., Oregon TWO BEDROOMS, bedding, use kitchen, wood, light, water; reasonable. Twin Rocks. AV 165. Oregoni&n. COTTAGES and tents for rent at Rock away Beach. John Johnson. Box 22. SEASIDE 6-rm. cottage., view of ocean, phone.. Main 3856, or Main 9264. SEASIDE, deslvable furnished cottage, near ocean, reasonable. Tabor 7371. CANNON BEACH Newly equipped lSx 20 tents, water, etc. East 4873. SEASIDE Beautiful 7-room bungalow promenade, balance season. Main 4789. CANNON Beach Newly equipped IBx 20 tents, water, etc. East 4873. CANNON BEACH 3-room cottage from Aug. 15 to 21. Atwater 42B6. GEARHART Small 3-room cottage, near beach; August; $35. Walnut 4078.. Houses for Kent Furniture for Sale. NEAR Mt. Hood, Allen Orchards opea to guests until Sept. 10. Best of ao pointments; open fireplaces, electricity, baths; good home cooking. Address M. L. Allen. Parkdale, Upper Hood River Valley, Or. 5-ROOM house, partly furnished, new . tinted, for rent. Furniture for sale. 591 East Ash. COMPLETE furnishings of 5-room flat for sale at $400 cash ; flat for rent. Broadway 564H. $400 TAKES furniture of 8 rooms, bed. linen, dishes and everything, $300 cash, bal. $15 montn. East 42,6. 6-ROOM house for tent, close in. $15 per month; furniture for sale, $300 cash. East 0694. . Stores and OiiinfxH Place. 2 ELEGANTLY ' lighted rooms, 24x42; 2 stones, one on Stark st.. 17x42. one on 13th st., I4x4. Rent very reasonable; lease if desired. New Carlson bldg., 13Th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 65M. DESIRABLE space for lease at reason able rate for manufacturer or manu facturer's agent; close in. 200 feet of trackage. Call at 330-336 E. Morrison or phone feast bo?. 75x100 BUSINESS of a 8-story bldg.. suitable for storage, etc.; all cement and well-lighted; entrance on street in business district ; reasonable rent to responsible party. Call Main 9072. LARGE store for rent. Rose City Park, on Sandy blvd. ; excellent location for hardware and plumbing shop. Call Tabnr 4016. FOR RENT Corner store In Perfection building, 10th and Stark sts. Best lo cation in city. Substantial parties only. STORE, west side, suitable for plumbing, tinehop or light manufacturing, partly equipped. $20. Phone Aut. 611-75 or Tabor 1114. . STORE, ood location for light manu facturing or auto accessories ; case ment and elevator. Phone Auto 326-44. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway 3715. $25 STORE, 18x40, E. First and Holla-day.- Key next door. FRONT spa ce for rent ; good location ; .'4 N. 2d St. FOU RENT Store room, 114 Grand ave., near E. Alder, inquire Citizens bank. FOR RENT Store. 232 W asm ington st. Apply 252 Stark st. WASHINGTON ST. TABOR 1114. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well lighted and heated offices, single or en suite, central office build ing in financial section of city; low rents. See Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second St., corner Stark. FOR RENT by September 1, 22 continuous large, well-lighted offices on third fioor of downtown office building; low rentals on long lease. Address Donald G. Woodward, 10-1 2d St.. near Stark. DESK room in a nice, light, airy outside office, corner ; references exchanged. F 836, Oregonian. FURNISHED office for rent, $25. In quire 618 Dekum bldg. or phone Bdwy. 4491. . SMALL furnished office with use of entry room to responsible party. Call 721 Corbett bldg. FRONT office; modern conveniences; Railway Exchange building. Apply room 812. . DESIRABLE offices for rent. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark St. DESK room with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Broadway 3715. OFFICES for rent. Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washington sts. FINE, light offices. Deet service. $17.50 month. 207 stark, fexenange mag. Miscellaneous. SPACE for 10 automobiles for rent, $5 a month. Bdwy. 4U44. ) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CIGAR AND NEWS STAND SNAP Choice location in lobby of large, well-known downtown hotel; fine sta ple stock, elegant fixtures : the best looking stand in Portland. Any lady or man can easily make never less tha n $lS0ta month here. Full price only $1250. Owner will stay 10 days with purchaser to teach business If desired. A real opportunity that is seldom of fered. Best cigar stand buy In city. Call 347 Pittock blk- Washington at 10th st. CONCRETE GARAGE SPECIAL. $2350 gives you complete possession of one of the best paying garages in the city averaging better than $350 monthly net profits. Located on; main auto thoroughfare and handling gas, oils, tires and accessories; a big busi ness in batteries. Shop keeping three men busy at all times. Storage more than pays all overhead. See this be fore buying. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Here is an opening for an ambitious, steady and reliable man to secure an equal interest in old-established busi ness downtown; experience not essen tial if you are capable of meeting the public. You can easily clear better than $200 every month for yourself. Price only $350; no better buy in Port land. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark. ARE YOU seeking investment in clean, worthwhile business proposition, no limit to possibilities. For appointment ' B 847 Oregoniaru