THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, 3TTLT 29, 1922 . K K PITV MFAQ IN RRIFPlPORTLAD girl who has been nominated in the ore UN I ILVVO DlVlLr GONIAN BEAUTY CONTEST. ,' City Editor ...Main 7070. 560-95 Sunday Editor Main 7070. 560-95 Advertising Dept. ..... .Main 7070. 560-05 Superintendent of Bids. .Main 7070. 560-95 OREGONIAN RESORTS. Subscribe with tbe following agents at your summer resort, to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable in advance. Barview, Or Mrs. Georgia Plsk Bay City, Or O. E. Shelly Bay Ocean, Or P.D.Mitchell Breakers. tVash . J. M. Mc Arthur Brighton. Or A. W. Rowe Cannon Beach. Or. .Cannon Beach Mc Co Carson, Wash Mrs. M. St. Martin Carson. Wasln. . . .Shlpherds Hot Springs Carson, Wash. . Carl R. Smith Chinook, Wash. Ecola, Or. Gaiibaldi, Or Garibaldi, Or.... Gearhart, Or.... Hot Lake, Or.... Itwaco, Wash Long Beach, Wash. . Manhattan Beach. Or. . . R. Knutson Cannfjn Beach Merc. Co. D. C. Ellis . . . . J. I.. Kidder W. J. Robinson Hot Lake Sanitarium A. C. Pesco W. B. Strauhal L. Stalnaker Manzanita, Or ; E. Kardell McKenzle Bridge, Or.Swartz & McPhereon Moclipa, Wash v.. Mrs. L. L. James Nahcotta, Wash H.J.Brown Neah-kah-nle Beach, Or. . A. C. Anderson D. C. Peregoy . Alexander Rock ...... V. E. Sharp , . . L. Stalnaker . Emma Campbell ..... G.W.Ward . Rosenberg Bros. D. P. Edmunds L. Stalnaker J . . . .Roth Drug Co. George L. Putnam J. S. Lamar Nehalem, Or Neskowin, Or. ... . Newport, Or.. ...) Ocean Lake, Or-.... Ocean Park, Wash. Pacific City. "" 1 Oceanside, Or.. Pacific City. Or.... Rockaway, Or, .... Seaside. Or. .. . ... Seaview, Wash. . . Tillamook. Or. ... , Twin Rocks. Or...... L. Stalnaker Wheeler, Or R. H. Cady Wheeler, Or J. F. Hamilton AMUSEMKNTS. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhin) Vaudeville and moving pictures con tinuous daily, 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaudeville.' Three shows daily, 2:30, 7 and 9 P. M. THE OAKS (Amusement Park) The Armstrong Musical Comedy company. Take cars at First and Alder. f ?-tjr A s 'V . i if '3 4 - r -J RO BDNUS VOTE LEADS STRAW BALLOTS ALSO FAVOR IIGIIT WEVES, BEER. In BUSS H1LDKGAR.DE hierxickex.. Weed Growers Escape. Property owners who were haled Into police court yesterday for neglecting to cut weeds on vacant lots escaped fines before Acting Judge Stadter when they appeared and informed the court that they had complied with the ordinance prior to going to court. Judge Stadter continued all such cases indefinitely. It was an nounced that many more warrants will be served today against negli gent property owners. Among those haled before the police judge yes terday -were A. B. Steinbach, Dan J. Malarkey, P. H. Schulderman, Miss Mabel Weidler, C. H. Anderson, L. W. Brooke, T. A. Rochester and F. B. TJpshaw. - Familt Head Has Diphtheria. Frank Moresco, quarantined when Mrs. Mbresco and six of the children developed cases of diphtheria, a few days ago, was found yesterday to be afflicted with the disease. The family home is at 804 East Twenty ninth street and all the patients are being kept there. It was Intended to move members of the family who ' became seriously ill to the isola tlon hospital, but this has been deemed unnecessary because no member of the family has been par ticularly ill or. incapacitated for du ties about the home. Street Assessment Due. City Auditor Funk has notified property owners within the district assessed for the extension of Seveny-fifth street Southeast, from Fortieth to Forty-fifth avenue, that the total assessment of $2482.90 is now due and payable. August 6 is the date on which payments will become de linquent and if assessments are not paid by August 27 sale of the prop erty to reimburse the city will be authorized. Citt Employes to Frolic. Many city employes are to join this after noon in the picnic to be staged at Crystal Lake park under direction of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Federated State societies. It was agreed that this arrange ment should take the place of the regular annual picnic of the city's workers, which was abandoned. xicKers ior today s atralr are on sale at the city hall. Paper on Streets Taboo. News boys and carriers have become care less about leaving in the street the wrapping paper that surrounds their bundles of papers, according to com plaints that have reached the mayor from various sections of the city. As a result Mayor Baker has in structed City Attorney Grant to draw an ordinance that will fix penalties for this offense. Dry Violator Is Fined $250. Charles Straight, Clackamas Heights resident, who made the mistake of selling a pint of moonshine whisky to federal prohibition agent Stipe was fined 250 when he pleaded guilty in the federal court yesterday to a charge of violating the prohi- bition law. A raid on his home, fol lowing the sale, rev.ealed a small stock of liquor. Park Gets Geese. General Per shing, veteran swan of the "Laurel hurst park lake, has three new wards under his care. Three wild geese given to the city park depart . ment by H. E. Rodenbaugh of Uma tilla, Or., have been placed in the lake. . General Pershing is reported to have taken kindly to his new companions. University Professor on Visit. Professor E. R. Mauer, head of the department of mechanics and hy- draulics at the University of Wis consin, with Mrs. Mauer, have been guests in Portland for some days of City Engineer and Mrs. Laur igaard. Mr. Laurgaard studied ! under Professor Mauer nearly 20 years ago. Oakland Commissioner Here. W. H. Edwards, city commissioner of streets of Oakland, Cal., together with Mrs. Edwards, visited in Port land yesterday. They were guests of Commissioner Barbur, who showed them about the city and took them for a-trip up the Columbia River highway. The visitors were en route home from a trip to Alaska. Knights of Columbus to Picnic. The entertainment , committee of Portland council. No 678, of the Knights of Columbus has arranged for a boat excursion and dancing party aboard the Swan n next Thursday night. The members and the families and friends are. all in vited to participate. Pair Get Six Months. Victor Guild and Lester Hooper, were sen tenced to six months in the county jail by Presiding Judge Tazwell yes terday on charges of larceny from a dwelling. They pleaded guilty to entering the home of Mrs. C. E. Akin at 921 Couch street. Astoria-North Beach ferry sched ule changes July 1, to leave Astoria 7:30 A. M., 10 A. M., 1 P. M., S P. M., b -. m., Saturdays only 8:30 p. m. Leaves McGowan 8:30 A. M., 11 A. M., i r. jm.., 4 f. ai., 7 f. M., Saturday only :d r. x.. aqv. "Evolution and Christianity.". William G. Eliot, Jr., will apeak on this subject Sunday at 10:SO A. M.. at the Church of Our Father (Uni tarian), Broadway and Yamhill, The public is invited. Adv. - Ham Special. Swift' Premium Hams, 10 to 14 pounds average, whole or half, 88o pound. Paeiflo Bay City Market, 186 Fourth street, at Yamhill. Adv,' . KSll That poisow Oak witH Atlas f "A' chemical weed killer, results guaranteed, Chipman Chemiea) Eb glneering Co,, originators phemical track-wedlngr, iidwy, i659Adv, Masonic Picnic Today. .The an nual joint picnic of the Mount Hood Masonic lodge and the Portland lodge of the. Order of the Eastern Star, will be held at Gladstone this afternoon, starting with an elabor ate programme of sports and stunts at 1 o'clock. Foot races for men, women, and children for prizes) have been included in the schedule of events and a baseball game in the latter part of- the afternoon will conclude the entertainment. Danc ing in the pavilion after a basket luncheon will end the day's festiv ities. . Valuable- Furs Stolen. Two furs Valued at $600 were stolen from the La France fur store, 164 Park street, yesterday morning by a thief who darted into the store when a clerk was not in sight. The theft was not discovered until the thief had es caped. One fur was a black Hudson seal valued at $400 and the other was a Japanese mink valued at $200. They were in a front display win dow, which the thief ' was able to reach without difficulty. , As soon as the theft was discovered it was reported to the police and four de tectives were assigned to the case. Hibernians to Picnic. Prepara tions have been made for more than 500 passengers on the excursion boat Swan tomorrow when the annual river excursion of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the women's aux iliary will be held. The boat will leave the east end of the Morrison street bridge at 10 o'clock in the morning and after a short stop at St. Johns to pick up a few addi tional passengers, will proceed to a picnic spot along the Columbia river, where a programme will be featured by sports and stunts. Damages op $5000 Asked. Dam ages of $5000 were asked by A. Grovning, longshoreman, for alleged injuries received while he was load ing the ship Bralsberg on July 8. The Portland Stevedoring company was named as defendant in the suit filed in circuit court yesterday. Plumbing to Be Repaired. The plumbing at Vista house1 will be overhauled immediately. County Roadmaster Eatchell announced yes terday. Several complaints have been received lately over the condi tion of the plumbing at the building. The cost will not exceed $150. Grangers Hold Picnic. Members of the Milwaukie grange and their families gathered at the Oaks park yesterday afternoon for a big picnic BATHING TO BE FEATURE OF ATI ANTIC CITIT PAGEANT. Winnfcr of The Oregonian Contest to Be Happy Participant . In All Revelry. Atlantic City, pleasure capital of the continent throughout the sum mer months. Is already completing plans for the annual Pageant of Beauty in September and it is the avowed irftent of the Atlantic City chamber of commerce, which spon; sors , it. to outdo every former pageant. Word has come from the promoters of the enterprise that in terest is greater than for years, with a bigger attendance assured and big ger and better features for the de light of visitors. Last year 300,000 persons saw the bathers' revue, one of the big events of the- pageant, in which the most beautiful girls of the nation com peted for prizes. For this year an even greater revue will be staged, with added attractions and all the usual events that have made this a great aquatic carnival not equaled elsewhere on this hemisphere and probably not in the entire world. On the day of the bathers' revue, everyone who participates wears a bathing suit. High officials of the pageant are idressed ready for a dip into the surf. None is allowed' on the beach in any other costume. But. it must be said, the one-piece suit is barred. Last year Atlantic City firemen wore red suits, the of ficials of the pageant wore white suits and the police blue costumes, while the many thousands of others wore all sorts of colors and com binations that -made the scene truly kaleidoscopic. Miss Portland,, the girl to be ac claimed winner of The Oregonian beauty contest, will be a happy par ticipant in this as in all other revels of the pageant. Hers will be an honored place throughout the week that Atlantic Crty holds its fete, with King Neptune, ruling over all . On the first day of the pageant she will be admitted to King Nep tune 8 court and then will follow a dizzying round of entertainment and 357,000 Register Opinions Poll of Country BeingTaken ' by Literary Digest. The vote for light wines and beer as opposed to bone dryness on the one side end a complete repeal of the prohibition amendment on the other continues to have the lead in the straw vote being polled through out the country by the Literary Digest, i . In the vote on the bonus the bal ance has swung to the side of those In favor of reimbursing the ex soldiers although a hair continues to divide the pro-bonus and the anti-bonus advocates. The vote as set forth in the July 29 issue of the Literary Digest in cludes a summary of 367,000 ballots. This gives in favor of strict en forcement of the 18th amendment and Volstead law 135,834 in favor of a modification of the "Volstead law to permit light wines and beer 145,727, and in favor of repealing the prohibition amendment 76,039. The -vote on the bonus is yes 177,486, no 176,337. "Perhaps the most significant fact about the present tabulation ot nearly four times as many votes is that, with growing numbers, the relative strength of the "dry," 'moist" and "wet" votes remains much the same," says the publica tion. "There has been a slight drift to dryness it is true throughout the first three polls, but the total change is inconsiderable." In referring to the vote on the bonus the publication Bays: "A "hair" continues to 'divide the false and the true", or at least the pro-bonus and the anti-bonus advo cates, as they register themselves in the Digest's poll of the nation. At the same time, it is noticeable that from the receipt of the first votes there has been a very slow swing in favor of those who sup port- adjusted compensation. The total difference, beginning with a majority of less than a thousand on the 'no' side of the argument, reaches a total of a few more than a thousand on the "yes" side in the present registration of more than 350000 ballots." BEAUTY TOURNAMENT NOMINATION THE OREGONIAN ATLANTIC CITY CONTEST Name , . . .- . .. . . , Residence . , . Name of Parents When was picture taken? INSTRUCTIONS Fill in with pencil and paste coupon on back of picture. We are not responsible for loss of photograph or damage. Mail at once to Beauty Contest Editor, The Oregonian, Portland, Or. . . . . . and social meeting. A programme in the afternoon and basket lunch eon at night were the features of the festivities. Rev. Bernard B. Sdtclipfe, Cal vary Presbyterian church, tomor row, 11 A. M., "Christ Sufficient'-, communion service, 3:30 P. M., "Con cerning Paul's Authority," study of 2 Corinthians, chaps. 10 to 12. Adv. Burglar Steals From Chttld. A prowler who broke Into the home of B. E. Estes, 55-0 Williams avenue, Thursday night," stole a child's bank containing $9, according to a report made to the police yesterday. Lancaster's Colombia Gorge Camp. Spend the night or enjoy our ex cellent dinner. Adv. , Dr. F. M. Brooks returned.. 502 Stevens building. Adv. Dr. H. F. Leonard haa returned. Adv. STOLEN GOLD RECOVERED Leaf and Scrap Metal Is Found In Spokane Building. SPOKANE. Wash., July 28. Leaf ad sorap gold valued at $150, taken in the burglary of the Paulsen building here last Saturday or Sun day, was' recovered lata Wednesday in an unused compartment in a vault on the seventh floor of the building, it was learned today. A quantity of non-negotiablo se curities, which apparently the bur glar had thought not worth carry ing away, were found in the same vault, " OSWEGO LAKE. It's the place for yeur plenie, a day or week-end outing, Ideal camp ground at Lake Grova, Round trip fare 80o, Oswega 40a, "Red" eieotrio cars provldo frequent serviea at pen. venient hours. Inquire nl Southern Paoiflo ticket offios, jrourth. street at Stark, Main (igOOAdv, - B, A 11, greea Btamps for easa, Holman Fue) Co., coal and wood. Broadway 6353 1 E60-J1. Adv, gaiety. Dances, automobile rides. yatcmng, motor boating, swimming, alrplaning, and all the other fas cinating devices for passing happy moments will make the week gala ana never to De lorgotten. - Entries In The Oregonian's con test, designed to choose the most Deautiful girl In all Oregon, are in creasing in number. From now un til August 15, when no mom may be nominated, it is expected each day will bring more entries than that preceding. In this, as in every other enterprise, it is best to escape the last-minute rusn and nretty girls of any part of the state should make tneir entries as early as possible. Many may regret, later, that they uia not enter put let the time Hr. past. One may prevent that nnnnv. iiib iBnung oy entering before the lists are closed. All that is required a sena pnoiograpn, to which the coupon, properly filled out, i at tached. LIQUOR "PLANT" BARED Grocer Freed by Jnry After Trick by "Stool Pigeon" Is Revealod because "Bis MtJce," a tool pigeon" for the moral squad, "planted' two bottle 0f moonshine in the grocery tora of Mike Verko. vlch, a jury in noldoe court -t nyil about two minutes yesterday in find ing lor-jroviun n-oi ftuuty of a charge of maintainingr a nuipanoe, Paul Preleo testified that h ti pigeon had procured him te plant the two bottles o lijuer in the Torkovloh etere in order that he tnlght get even with the latter. Oth er testimony was to the effeat that "Biff Mike'r had a grudge againat Yerkovioh and had taken that means Of setting him into, trouble, Preleo, who confessed, being a teei (or the stool-pigeon, pleaded guilty ms imuor ana was sentenced to days In, the pounty jail. Heed River's, finest eating plaee, iiia t-neasans anq uregon hotel din ing room, all under same manage mem. Aa?, The Pheasant, Hood Rive. Din ing room, tea room and fountain room, A real place te eat. Adv. BEGINS TODAY CONTIDTCES TOMORROW (SUNDAY) AND All Next Week CLUB FOR ROAD PROJECT East Side - Organization Urges Completion of Loop Highway. The East Side Business Men's club contends that Multnomah county should do its share in the Mount Hood loop road surfacing, according to a communication sent to Charles, Rudeen, chairman of the board of county commissioners. The club urges that Multnomah county's share of funds be provided since the district attorney has de clared It to be legal and since the county commissioners had tenta tively promised the highway com mission that money -would be avail able. - . The fact thai; the necessary funds were included .an the budget and the advantages of a new market road to Portland which the highway would provide, in addition to the scenic attraction, are pointed to as sufficient reason for completion of the project. - . CAPTURE IS ACCIDENTAL Bud Williams, Confederate ot Narcotics Smuggler, Caught. Bud Williams, confederate of Da vid Lightner in the narcotics smug gling" activities which resulted in the latter's arrest and escape to China, for whom the federal agents have beer? looking ever since the grand jury returned a secret in dictment against ' him last March for When Packing Vacation ' trips member re- Hazelwood Candy Wc carry a fine assort ment of choice bard can dies packed in glass jars. 20c to $IJ5 per jar VACATION PACKAGES Containing a variety of candies suitable for the occasion. . $1$0 and $2.00'per box "Special attention given to mail orders." THE HAZELWOOD 388 Washington St. ' BROADWAY HAZELWOOD 127 Broadway HEILIG BROADWAY AT TAYLOR. pho.v: maist iooo x THE DELIGHTFUL Comedy-Romance My , Smiles A Few -Tears FLORENCE' VIDO ws 1 IN The Real Adventure M CONTINUOUS 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. POPULAR PRICES 25c I . 25c AFTERNOONS TO 6 - - EVP ACTED C Balcony LIL O l ILII U Floor - - 35c Children, Any Time 10c Above Prices Include War Tax ALSO PATHE REVIEW SCREEJiXASTD SNAPSHOTS SMASHING HIT "The Busy Bees"! was accidentally arrested last niglit when officers of the morals squad of the city police bureau raided the home of George Shelton, 705 Ev erett street. 1 - Williams was in the 'place at the time of the raid and was recog nized. He was turned over to the federal authorities. Shelton was arrested, charged with violation of the prohibition law and held un der $250 bonds. Several bottles of moonshine were found in his house. Wilhoit Springs Hotel and camp grounds is reopened under the old man agement.' Excellent cuisine, electric lights, mineral baths, steam heat, dancing, swim ming; camping, camp cot tages, beautiful grounds. The Mt. Angel Band plays here Sunday. Why not spend the week-end with us 1 The roads are in excellent condition. F. W. McLeran, Proprietor PILE SUFFERERS DUMFOUNDED That is what happens to the . chronic Pile sufferer within 72 hours from the time I begin" treat ing them. I cure piles and other rectal condi tions without operating. My methods are painless do not confine you to bed; do not require an anesthetic and are permanent.. I ELIMINATE ALL DOUBT AS TO RESULTS BY AGREEING TO REFUND YOUR FEE, IF I FAIL TO CURE YOUR PILES. H you are interested and wish to know more about my methods, Call or Write for My Free Booklet DR. C. J. DEAN Second and Morrison Streets, - Portland, Or. Mention Oregonian When Writing FOOT, TROUBLE Corrected Only ' by wearing arch supports made from the ImpreMion of the foot. Method yearc ahead of anything now 1a use. Perfect fit and absolute relief. 61S ITTTOCK BLK, BDWY. 0049 "TAKE VACATION , IN GETTING HEALTH THB MOofeB BAJrtTARIUM tti Hawthorns At 07th. Portland. Oreg-on MIIvK DIET AND REST ICE CREAM The new ice cream with .the indescrib ably .delicious flavor ! Delicate' elusive tantalizing you try and try to "place" the different bits of fruit that have been combined to attain that exquisite Pruit "Kist delicacy! The most delicious fruits of the tropics the. most luscious Ore gon berries and nuts. ; All these have, been combined by a secret process and frozen in pure, rich cream. H E A T H I Z E D Fruit-Kist Ice Cream (like all the ice cream made by the companies named below) is built up to contain the same proportionate food values as milk. But terf at to give the " right amount of heat solids to give the proper bone and sinew building qual ities. . And to insure 'its purity and safe guard the VITA MINES it is HEATHIZED. .Re freshing! It's the most healthful, re freshing hot-weath er food you could want! Weatherly Ice Cream- (Crystal Ice & Storage Co.) Hazelwood Ice Cream Company Mount Hood Ice Cream Company V TO PRESERVE THE VITAMINES 1 Ask for it by name Fruit-Kist I in i BRICKS BULK CONES Spiritualist Camp Meeting New Era, Oregon Sunday, July 80. Service in charge of C. W. Shaw, pas tor Personal Message Church of Portland. Lecture, messages and musical pro gramme, 10:30 A. M. Memorial service to those who have passed to spirit life, 2 P. M., ar which, time the last poem of Mary Alice Cong don will be read by Mrs. Walter A. Hall; Mrs. Anna Lee Snyder, soloist. Lecture, messages and musical pro gramme, 2:45 P. M. - MUSICAL PROGRAMME: At the 10:30 A M. and 2:45 P. M. services musical and vocal selections will be contributed by Mrs. Anna Lee finyder, Mrs. Margue rite Ohlinger. Mrs. Gimbal and others. Miss Lillian Guest, pianist. Special mu sical programme by George Cassiday. MESSAGE BEARERS: Mrs. M. J. Downs and Mrs. Littler of Portland, Mrs. Coakley, Mrs. Stella, Ross Wallace and Waltr A. Hall of Seattle, Mrs. Irene Marrche of San Diego. C. W. Shaw and others. Will Kanouse, spirit photog rapher, is expected, at camp from July 30 to August 6. Mrs. M. J. B.owns will hold a trumpet circle for the benefit of the camp Sunday afternoon, July 80. Mes sage meetings very evening (week days) at S o'clock, conducted by five or more message bearers. Mediums on the ground every day continuously until August 6 for private or trumpet readings. Sun day chicken dinner, 50c. Iance every Saturday night; orchestra music. Take Oanby bus at Oregon City direct for camp. Don't forget the all-day union camp meeting, August 6. Ths Pheasant and Oregon Hotel dining room, Hood River. A real Place to eat. Adv. SeadTiisv6r-eseaa9kpla6siiedd0. Pummer prices on poal. Phone Dia mond Coal Co., Bd'wy. 3037-Adv. Save From $10 to $4 Per Cord on Your Wood Order Ask Broadway 6353 HOLMAN FUEL CO. S. & H. Green Stamps - Fifth and Stark Street. We offer the greatest fuel value for the least money ' FIRST . Coiigregational Church Park and Madison Sta. Dr W. T. McElveen, Pastor, Dr. Charles A. Dinsmore . Noted Santa Scholar, Preaches. 11 A. M. "THB SURE WAT TO ; SUCCESS." 7:48 P. M. 'DATTE'B vTSIOJT OP IXFB." : 18:30 Noon, Golden Bole Pornnt "Is Oar Political Leadership Competent?" Rev, Donald W. M, MaeCluer, Minister, Mornlncll o'clock. ''The Rage of the Heathen. Evening. 8 o'clock "The Wideness of God's Mercy," WANTED CHAIRS TO CANE AND PIANOS TO TUNE BY SCHOOL FOR BLIND Ptor Particulars Gall j MBS, J, F, MYERS, BAST 785, mm r iM BIMsMsssmsmssBBMsssWW ELASTIC STOCKINGS ' Trwwea, ' Abdominal Supporters. Send for Price and M. . uring- Blank. Postaxo Paid by Us. LAUB - DAVIS DRUG CO. Trass Bxperts, l7aV9fcir Street. Portias, , Hear Brougher IZ, LIVE YOUNG MAGNETIC PREACHER R-.00 P. M, "STOP FLIRTING AND GET MARRIED" , ' FINE MUSIC GOSPEL SOLO. Live Sons; Service Led by "Walter Jenkins Free Seats. White Temple Twelfth and Taylor. 11:O0 A. M., "THREE AMBITIONS OK A GREAT MAX" OVER 3000 HEARD HIM LAST SUNDAY. COME EARLY TO GET A GOOD SEAT. THE BIG TENT 13th and Morrison Every Evening, 7:43 EVANGELIST A- R. BELL Tonight, "The Findings of the.Court" A judicial decision that affects every soul, dead or alive Sun. Night, "Will Protestantism Survive?" Come and Hear the Chorus Choir Professor William L Morey, Director First Methodist Church Northwest Corner Twelfth and Taylor Streets. , B.-E. PARKER, D. IX. PASTOR. 8H5DAY SCHOOL, 9:4S. MORNINO SERVICE. 11:00. "THE HIGHER CITIZENSHIP" Dr., Edward Laird Mills. BVBNniO SERVICE. T:45. , "BEN-HUR" a MASTBRJTJL INTERPRETATION by Mr. and Mrs. 'William Morton Rasmus. APOSTOLIC FAITH CAMP MEETING JUNK SSTH TO AUGUST 13TH Cos, B2d St. and 65th Are. 8, E.- Take Woodstock cai" At Beeond and Alder Sta, to 62T St., walk three, blocks south, Large Auditorium Seating About 2000 Persons, Meetings Every Night, All Day Sunday, 8-PJece Orchestra- Excellent Male and Mixed Quartet, -'"Ceme and See." , "No Collections." First Presbyterian Church Alder at Twelfth. Harold 'Leonard Bowman Norman Kendall Tully. Ministers. 10:30 a: sr.. "CHRISTIANITY AT WAR." 7:45 r. nr.. "CHRIST. THE BREAD . OF IJiTS." 4 Dr. Tally Preaches. "-ffiri "fur"" Phone your want ads-io-Theene- East Side Baptist Church MINISTERS: "WALTER BENTVELIi TTINSOX. DANIEL, BRYANT. Mr. Bryant Wit Preach Momlns; . and Mght. Widespread Interest has been awak ened by Mr. Bryant's Sunday evening discourses on "SEEING PORTLAND BY NIGHT" A glimpse ot lite as the deteotlve-and moral squad sees it. MORNING 6CBJECT. "THE EVER-PRESENT CHRIST" SERVICES 11 A, M, 7:30 P, M.