Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 29, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Th9 state tax commission is re
quired by law to meet in December,
estimate the amount of money nec
essary to support the state govern
ment during the ensuing year and
apportion that sum among the sev
eral counties. The several counties
collect the state tax, together with
other taxes, the first half by April 5
and the second half by October 5
and forward it to the state treas
urer. The amount of money so
raised for the cost of state govern
ment cannot exceed by more than
6 per cent the amount raised for
the same purpose in the preceding
Now it is proposed in a measure
submitted to the people that all or
part of the sum so needed for state
government and thus apportioned
and collected, shall be raised by a
tax on incomes. Income tax rates
are specifically fixed by the pro
posed law. But the income tax
need not be paid before October.
If the income tax law be passed,
fhe state tax commission at its
meeting next December will be
. without- any estimates as to the
amount that will be produced by
the new law. It will be wholly un-
able to determine what proportion,
if any, of the state's requirements
must be apportioned to the several
counties there to be raised by a tax
on general property. If it makes
the guess that the income tax will
produce all the money required by
'the state, the state will have no tax
revenues until October of next year.
Then if the income tax revenues
fall below the state requirements
the year will end with a deficiency,
increased by the payment of inter
est on state warrants during much
of the year.
If on the other hand the commis
sion underestimates the income tax
revenues and levies a tax on gen
eral property, the constitutional
prohibition against increasing tax
; revenues more than 6 per cent will
have been violated and the excess
",' levy will be void. This is on the
. assumption that the income tax is
a substitute tax and not an addi
- tional tax, and comes within the 6
per cent limitation.
But there is some doubt as to
whether the income tax- comes
within the 6 per cent limitation.
The proposed law provides that the
income tax revenues, together with
other state Sax revenues, . shall not
exceed constitutional limitations.
But the income tax law, if adopted,
will be adopted by vote of the peo
ple, and special taxes voted by the
people are not limited in amount by
the constitution. And although the
apparent intent of the proposed
law is that income .taxes shall not
produce an amoni) in excess of 6
per cent more than the sum now
levied for state purposes, a. rough
estimate indicates that income tax
; would in fact produce more than
that sum, in contravention of the
constitution and the terms of the
law itself.
Three prospects will therefore
confront the people if the gradu
ated income tax passes:
, 1. If it does not come within the
6 per cent limitation it is an addi
tional tax a tax additional to that
total which now consumes a sum
equivalent to the value of all the
cereal and vegetable crops and half
the fruit produced by Oregon. It
will yield new and additional
revenues with the inevitable conse
quence that general property taxes
will not be reduced, while , those
. property owners and others who
have assessable incomes will pay
income tax also, to the benefit and
comfort of the growing army of tax
eaters. 2 If it comes within the 6 per
cent limitation, it will probably, by
, application of the inelastic rates set
forth in the law Itself, produce a
sum in excess of that permitted by
the constitution and will conse
quently be void. ,
3. In any event it will be un
workable in connection with present
taxation laws, and under the most
favorable circumstances will re
move the state from a cash basis in
meeting current expenses.
Few, if any, -of the many freak
laws that have been submitted to
the Oregon voters have contained
more dangers and uncertainties
than the graduated income tax
measure. 1
"If all the timber in Coos county
was burned or destroyed in , any
manner there would not be much
left," reflects the Coos Bay Times.
"The timber makes possible work
for over 4000 men in this section
That which is true of Coos county
is, broadly speaking, true of the
Pacific northwest.The agricultural
possiDiiiues would remain were the
forests suddenly to vanish, but
great natural wealth, potent for a
long period of future prosperity,
would no longer contribute to the
. general prosperity. The need for
redoubled precautions against the
fire hazard is emphasized by the
fact that in Oregon and Washing
ton stand the last great coniferous
. iorests or tne continent a nentage
that means much to the American
people. Public education as to the
importance of the timber resources
and the enforced necessity, for
great caution with fire, must soon
be undertaken on a scope hereto
fore undreamed of. Men must
understand that carelessness . is
productive of such disasters as can
not be remedied.
When the labor board gave' its
verdict as to what wages the rail
road managers should pay the
shopmen, it did not state a mere
basis for negotiation. It declared
what the people, who " will pay
through the railroads, hold to be
just, and that should be final.
The real question in the strike is
whether the shopmen shall accept
this decision, not whether the rail
roads shall pay and the shopman
accept the wages awarded;' it is
whether both shall accept the
boarfi as final arbiter in such dis
putes. The people are ready to up
hold the contention that both must
accept; , for they want railroad
strikes abolished and - they regard
this as the only way.
, By engaging in informal negotia
tions with the strike leaders, trying
to coax them back to work and sug
gesting that it may heat the case
all' over again, Chairman Hooper of
the labor board- loses the moral
strength of Its position and fritters)
away the moral support that It has
won from the publie. A decision of
the board should be considered in
the same light as that of a judicial
tribunal, except that the board re
lies for its enforcement on the sup
port of public opinion and on the
protection by the federal govern
ment of men who accept work at
its terms. ......
By entering upon negotiations
with a view to compromise between
the railroads and the striker.
President Harding furthex-weakens
the position of the board. .Offer of
a rehearing is an admission of
doubt as to the justice of the board's
decision, and restoration of senior
ity rights would relieve the strikers
of the principal penalty for having
refused to abide by that decision.
A promise by both the railroad
executives and the shopmen to, ob
serve the board's decisions here
after would be worthless if ' their
conduct on,this occasion should be
condoned. Compromise would en
courage employes to strike again,
executives to evade the' labor
board's jurisdiction again. Both
parties should be required to re
store conditions as they existed be
fore the executives began to con
tract repairs outside of their shops
and before the shopmen struck.
Only then would the shopmen have
the proper status to ask rehearing.
Compromise out of court, as it
were, would make the loss already
suffered by the public through the
strike complete and final.. A firm
stand for the principle that the
public interest is paramount, that
men who accept employment on
railroads accept the jurisdiction of
the labor board as a substitute for
the right to strike, and that the
board's decisions must be taken as
final might prolong the strike, but
it would establish that principle
once for all. Compromise ' means
surrender ,of that principle, and
would open the: prospect-of a series
of strikes. Haste to escape the
present trouble ' would store up
much trouble for the future.
y Addition of nine vessels to the
American-Hawaiian fleet, giving
fortnightly service from Atlantic
and gulf ports to Portland and
other Pacific ports, has been made
necessary by the great extent to
which the water is used in inter
coastal traffic. Cargo is offered so
freely that the ships how on the
route have proved inadequate. The
rate war for that traffic has en
abled steamship lines to reach
farther inland from the Atlantic
and gulf coasts for it and thus to
capture a larger volume from the
railroads. . Ability to do this has
been increased by the contracting
of space far ahead, which insures
full, cargoes and continued opera
tion of the enlarged fleet.
Together with addition of three
vessels to the Columbia Pacific's
trans-Pacific fleet, this expansion
of the intereoastal fleet justifies the
action of the dock commission in
adding to terminal No.-1 and in ex
tending the piers at terminal No. 4.
Already enough ships are in oper
ation and in immediate sight to oc
cupy fully, both these extensions of
facilities. There is no reason to
doubt that the number of ships ply
ing to this port will continue to in
crease. Commerce has barely be
gun to rise above its lowest level
and, as trade conditions stabilize all
oyer the world, we may expect a
constant increase, of which Port
land will get its share. In order
that we may have sufficient docks
for the additional ships, it will be
necessary to keep dock construc
tion well ahead of present needs,
for quick dispatch is a strong at
traction to shipping.
As the bulk of intereoastal cargo
consists of parcel lots for up-town
merchants and manufacturers, at
tention .should next be turned to
erection of more docks in the upper
harbor, above Swan island. Dredg
ing of the west channel to project
depth and width and acquisition by
the Port of Portland commission of
a stretch of Guild's lake frontage
point that way for appropriate
sites. Further frontage in the same
vicinity can be secured in connec
tion with filling of low land, both
in Guild's lake and on Mock's bot
tom. Widening of the west channel
by removal of half of Swan island
will provide further frontage on the
island. In that manner dock sites
can be secured for a -considerable
period in the future without direct
expenditure of money for their pur
chase. - -
The aim should be to keep the
facilities of the port always a lap
ahead of its immediate needs. ' Re
suits in the shape of rapidly in
creasing shipping business have so
fully justified past expenditures,
begun when there was far less in
prospect, that this policy can be
pursued with confidence.
A- Georgia legislator has Intro
duced a bill which proposes, twenty
years imprisonment for any mar
ried man who goes fishing without
his wife's consent. Further it would
provide that if she consents to the
expedition, and he returns without
a catch, she may cancel his future
permits and bid him beat the car
pet. Plainly the patent of the west
upon broad humor is expiring bv
default, and something really should
be done to remedy the situation.
Must we trust to the unintentional
jests and witticisms q our own
lawmakers for legislative diversion?
Alas, they often fall far short of
Yet it is reasonable to assume
that Senator Dennis Fleming of
Georgia intended no , merriment
when he wrote the measure. He
had seen strong men, restrained
from -a normal- avocation : by, Mr.
Volstead, turn to the dissipation of
angling and become overnight, as
it were, unreliable husbands and
mendacious raconteurs. He per
ceived peril to Georgia, the alarm
ing danger of over-indulgence in
cat-fishing. Idle rogues sat by the
river and the lake, from sun-up
to nightfall, and trailed idle lines
in idle water. , Frequently they
came home to a hungered and com
plaining family without the spoils
that fundamentally furnish an ex
cuse, to angle. They spoke fair
words, bvt specious, something
after this manner: : -
"My dear, he was a dinger! Bent
the rod almost double, and took
hiding under the. pine snag at the
north shore the very place where
I hooked a big old fellow last sum
mer. If 'it hadn't of been for that
snag I'd of fiad him. He must
have been-three feet long!"
The cold and uncongenial silence
that often is the aftermath of such
a narrative, or the more vigorous
warmth of some appy, retort, is
well known to all anglers and their
wives. Homes liave been cleft by
the whopping tale of the one that
got away. Reputations have been
blasted. The initiative of Georgia
In first admitting these truths,and
facing them, is a sad commentary
on the Oregon system, for in
stance. 1 -
' Af e we no more to feel the tingle
that comes with a packet of gov
ernment free seeds? To plant the
early beaXtSie stringless, and the
tender cufly-leaf lettuce, .with the
soothing thought that a paternal
government has not forgotten us?
Further, we ask, what would be
come of the -old-fashioned garden,
the garden of marigolds and mig
nonette and Chinese pinks, were it
not for the (lowers that a benevo
lent congress tosses to us in care
fully assorted packets, of seed?
What, in, has become of it?
These be pertinent questions.
They are voiced with an emphasis
that should ever attend an utter
ance for American rights. And
rightly, for an impertinent voice
has risen in our congressional halls
to ask why in the name of Ceres,
she of the harvest, the provision
of free seeds to the constituency
should continue. There it is argued
that we do not harvest the Minne
sota extra early sweet-cOrn, a splen
did table variety, nor avail ourselves
and our gardens of the Chantenay,
a long, pale-golden carrot suitable
either for stock or table. What of
it? It is even suggested tjjiat con
gressmen, under whose franks the
seeds go forth to the home folks,
have the base and ulterior motive
of vote getting, rather than any
deep desire to witness the agricul
tural rehabilitation of the vacant
lot. Mayhap they do.
Yet from, observation and ex
perience we know full well the joy
that comes with government seeds,
the faith that burgeons, even
though the dwarf peas, sow one
inch apart, do not. We-know that
free seeds have come to be an in
fallible portent of the vernal sea
son, that they do more to stir the
bucolic fancy of thin-chested clerks
and adipose freeholders than all
the bulletins ever "compiled on ag
ricultural art since Plato wrote of
the onion, as he must have done.
And we regard with disdain the
circumstances that later on' the
offerings of the Italian vendor and
the public market stall entice us
from hoe and rake, and that the
increasing warmth of sflmmer sun
strangely cools the gardening ar
dor. . .
Free seeds and free speech must
not perish from our land. The dis
tribution of free seeds is an annual
event, summoning thousands of
wishful gardeners whose thoughts
so dwell upon salsifyj and spinach,
and beets and Swedish turnips, and
radish and roastin' ear, that in des
peration they finally rush and buy
them from the truck gardener.
There is an Interest in free seeds
that amounts to a fellowship, the
interest of folk who are willing,
with confidence in their govern
ment, to trust to its recommenda
tions on -rutabagas, and to spend
for hot house tomatoes that which
would otherwise have gone to the
private seed store. Shrouded in
antiquity is the origin of the ci
torn some say that it originated
with the department of agriculture,
and that it was relinquished to con
gress that the franking privilege
might expedite it but time and
practice have hallowed it, and only
an impious hand would seek to lay
it low. As a matter of fact, and
wholly aside from the garden, the
tradition of free seeds enables
many a man to observe that, in a
time of towering prices and mone
tary exactions, free seeds alone
maintain their freedom.
Pertinent and unflattering com
parisons of crime in America and
Great Britain, to the decided dis-
aa vantage oi tne former, are
made in a recent issue of the Lon
don Times, and by an American
Winthrop D. Lane of Croton-on
Hudson. For while Mr. Lane, who
seems to have a bent for statistical
delving, denies that the presumed
crime wave in nis native land: is,
a fact, he points an accusing finger
at his tables, which show us inva
very poor light. None Jcomplain of
the quality of British justice, hence
it is logical to assume, on the basis
of this showing, that not only are
the courts and ;- laws of England
just, but that they function sbme
how to a greater discouragement of
crime than do ours.
For the purpose of his compari
son in summary Mr. Lane selects
the city of Cleveland, rightly as
serting that it is one of fairest and
most typical of American metropol
itan units. Yet, Cleveland in 1920,
he relates, with a population of
800,0(Jv, had six times as many
murders as London, with a popu
lation of 8,000,00.0. The disparity
is enormous, in every sense of that
pliant words and exerts a revision
upon our concepts of London
largely gained through olden liter
ature and modern thrillers. For we
had peopled its alleys and frowsy
lodging houses with . characters
akin to Mister Bill Sikes, and its
splendid hotels and cafes -with
master criminals. , London like
Paris, was to most of us a sort of
rendezvous for the high and the
low of the criminal world.
Continuing an unpleasant task.
Mr. Lane informs his readers that !
for every robbery or assault with
Intent to rob, committed in London
during 1920, the American city re
corded seventeeh such crimes. And
Liverpool, one and one-half times
as large as Cleveland, is a.. Sabbath
school student of fair and shining
face In contrast. In 1919 Cleveland
reported thirty-dne robberies for
every one reported in the great
British seaport, and three times the
number of. murders' and man
slaughters. Having thus strikingly
depicted the American plight, the
statistician welds his argument
with the flat statement that "more
robberies and assaults are commit
ted in Cleveland every year than in
all England, Scotland and Wales
- It is 'scarcely to be marveled at
that' complacent Englishmen, over
their tea and the Times,, find quiet
delight in reading long articles
anent the question: "Is America,
civilized?" JMr. Lane reminds them
that of all nations we are probably
the least homogeneous, and that an
unassimilated foreign element In
each large "city, making for a con
fusion of standards and an absence
of settled habits, largely contributes
to our evil record. But he'finds, as
well, that our industrial organiza
tion is at fault through permitting
protracted seasons of unemploy
ment; that our courts are tardy
and that we make little or no ef
fort to correct criminal tendencies:
Since reflection over his statistics
has taught us to be .wary of as
sumption, we may no. more than
hazard the belief that our under
standing of the criminal with a
view-to reformation is as studious
as that of -England. But we are
forced -t the admission that both
Unemployment and tartly justice
are'prolific of criminal evidences in
America. In this country, too,
there is a false public perspective
toward crime. Save when it touches
the individual American he is in
clined to regard criminality as he
regards his favorite magazine and
the latest motion picture release.
J,t mitigates the dreariness of ex
istence. It affords the topic of the
day. The record of crime is to him
somewhat recreational. Nor does
his Improper attitude toward crime
end in this lively Interest. He re
gards the prosecution of each "crim
inal, of sufficient note to interest
him, as a play of legal hazards;
and through this quaint conception
frequently loses sight of the offense
and its merited punishment. Such
men, their minds molded by long
custom, often sit on juries. Our
administration of justice is tech
nical to a fault., . ,
Our trials drag interminably, and
the law's delays contribute to the
farcical aspect of the course of justice.-
In' instances of unquestion
able guilt, where evidence and tes
timony are complete and damning,
months and years often intervene
before convictions are secured.
With a frequency tiat is notorious
such legal malingering terminates
in acquittals. In. an English court
but twenty-six days were required
to convict and sentence to -death
the murderers of Field Marshal
This instance has been cited in
proof of the expedition of British
justice, and is qualified for citation
granting that it more or less ac
curately gauges a majority of cases.
Yet when notable men are assas
sinated in America we also would
expedite justice. Czolgosz, assassin
oi President McKinley, was con
victed twelve days after the death
of the president, and executed a
month later. The sentence and ex
ecution of Guiteau, assassin of
President Garfield, were less expe
ditious but no intolerable length of
time intervened. Such instances,
however, are not a proper basis for
comparison, but do show that jus
tice in America can under some cir
cumstances be expeditious enough.
Proof that something is lacking,
either in our popular attitude to
ward law and order, or in the ad
ministration of our courts, rests in
the unanswerable contrasts of com
mon crime in Great Britain and
America. - ' .
Many will recall when Multno
mah county lost a few hundred
thousands in the failure of a local
bank and commend Treasurer
Adams for "hanging on" to-securi-ties
pledged to safeguard city funds
in a bank that suspended awhile
ago. .
Three new nations,-- Latvia, Es
thonia and Lithuania, have been
officially recognized by the United
States. The ' unemployment situ
ation among candidates for minis
terial and consular jobs shows
steady improvement. '
Orchards in Marion and Polk are
suffering from depredations of rab
bits, probably survivors of the Bel
gian hare craze. Like dandelion
and daisy, a pet affair becomes a
pest when neglected. '
The Polish diet has passed a vote
of, confidence in President Pilsud
ski. Any old kind of a diet with
that name in it would get a vote of
confidence in this weather.
The Beavers started to bat old
John H. Gloom over the fence
Thursday. To be sure, it was only
Seattle; but all they need is to aim
higher. - ,
It's said that fashionably dressed
women next season will be wearing
aluminum hats. Aluminum stock
ings would, be more to the point.
The allies decline to recognize
the Russian soviet government, but
there seems to be a fairly amiable
speaking acquaintance.
The stretch between Beaverton
and the Hillsboro park is a great
speedway, but dangerous to the ex
tent of fatality. .
Landis, Hays and now Augustus
Thomas make the triumvirate to
govern the amusements of the
Instead of his desired place in
the sun the kaiser seems to have
gained . a permanent seat in . the
: Those ;pesky policemen really
mean it when they order the weeds
cut. -
Say it with showers, Old Sol, say
it with, saowers. ...
Adore Truth Than Poetry.
By James J. Montague.
If I were a writer of movies
(And it isn't my fault that I'm not)
I do not believe that I'd seek to
, achieve
Any new or unusual plot.
would use, I am sure, all the old
ones -.
That are filled with time-honored
In the old-fashioned style but, just
once in a while,
. I would give the poor villain a
chance .,'.-
Tbe typical deacon, for instance.
Who is threatened with bodily
By the hero, who vows he will fight
for the cows
. And the pigs on his dear little
The deacon has furnished the money
On the mortgage (as every one
And if I wrote the play, and the
folks didn't pay
The interest, I'd let him foreclose.
And then there's the typical scoun
drel, With moustachib neatly in curl.
Whom the hero knocks out when he
finds him about
' To kidnap and marry the girl.
There isn't a doubt that he loves her,
To lose her would blight his whole
And if I wrote her part .1 would
soften her heart
And make her the poor fellow's
And as for the typical burglar,
With the family plate In his bag,
Who is shot through the chest and
put under arrest
Ere he gets any. good from his
I would think of his wife and his
If I were arraneriner the olay:
How happy they'd be if the burglar
went free
And I'd let him get safely away.
Starting- Her In.
Just to. keep her employed, Eng
land ought , to give the new Irish
Free State an immediate mandate
for Russia.
With the Same Absence of Reply.
Formerly "Where did he get it?"
was said of a man's money. Now it
is said of his hootch.
Not a Chance. '
Somehow or other there are never
any sissolutions of partnership or
clostng-out sales of coal.
(Copyright. 1922, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Framers WHI Prepare Changes to
Carry Ont Osjgtnal Purposes.
PORTLAND, July 28. (To the
Editor.) The decision of Judges
Kelly and Bingham that voters reg
istered as democrats, or anything
else, may swear in their votes at the
republican primary election- w
based wnoily on the language of
section 463t of the Oregon laws.
mat law was made by the legisla
ture in 1915 and 1917. There was it in the direct primary
law. Seventy-five or 80 or the 90
representatives and senators in both
sessions were republicans.
Answering your question of last
Saturday as to what I shall do about
it: Hon. A. L. Mills was president
of the league that proposed the di
rect primary law to the people. . A
few days before the primary elec
Hon In May he suggested that it
would be well to reorganize the
league. He thought the experience
witS the operation of the law should
enabie. its authors and friends to
agree on amendments that would
more nearly obtain the results ori
ginally expected.
All the former-members to whom
I have mentioned Mr. Mills' sugges
tion have heartily approved the
idea. We shall try to do this work
early enough next fall to allow am
ple publicity before the session of
the legislature. The following from
me preamDie may be of public in
terest to remind the voters of some
results that were expected from the
Under our form of government, po
litical parties- are useful and necessary
at the present time. It is necessary for
the public welfare and safety that every
practical guaranty shall be provided by
law to assure the people generally as
well as the members of the several par
ties, that political parties shall be fairly,
freely, and honestly conducted, in ap
pearance as well as in fact. .-- . . The
government of our state by its electors
and the government of a political party
by its members are rightfully based on
the same general principles. Every po
litical party and every voluntary political
organization has the same right to be
protected from the interference of per
sons who are not identified with it ea
its known and publicly avowed members,
that the government of the state has to
protect itself from the interference of
persoBS who are not known and regis
tered as ;ta electors. It is as great a
wrong to the people, as well as to the
members of a political party, for one
who is not known to be one of its mem
bers to vote or take- any part at any
election or other proceedings of such
political party, as it is for one who is
not a qualified and registered elector to
vote et any state election or take any
part in the business" of the state. . . .
The people of the state and the mem
bers of every political party and volun
tary politicai organization are rightfully
entitled to know that every person, who
offers to take any part In the affairs or
business of any political party or volun
tary political organization in the state
is in good faith a member of such
party. . . .
The purpose of this law is better
to secure and preserve the rights of
political parties and voluntary po
litical organizations, and their mem
bers and candidates, and especially
of the rights above stated.
Oh, I've traveled and I've hiked
For to find a place I liked,
And I've searched this ll'l old world
From pole to pole.
Seen the palaces of kings.
And a million pretty things,
But at last T"hit the back trail
For my goal.
Oh, the trailwas hard and long,
But I traveled with a song,
For I pictured what was waltin'
At the end;
And the days were long and weary
A.ndi the nights were long and dreary
But at last I reached the cabin
On the bend. '
. r
Oh, each needle of each pine
Was to me a golden mine,
And I found the plain old river
Was the prettiest of all.
And I found the little shack,
After all had called me back,
And I'm glad that I have answered
To its call.
Old, kindly friends, whose coarsened
. hands,
Smooth from my forehead, fretful
cares away.
And bid my grief be still;
Who gently loosen all the clinging
Of self, and softly fill
My .soul with peace, my heart with
joyous play
These are my friends the duties of
- today.
Those Who Come and Go.
Tales of Folks at the Hotels.
Evidences of the railroad strike
are apparent in crossing the conti
nent, according to . George Netrher
Jr. of Roseburg, who arrived In
Portland yesteTday from Atlantic
City. It Is not uncommon) to see. a
freight car in the ditch, pulled away
just far enough to give clearance to
passing trains, and at one place he
saw a locomotive and train of cars
with wheels in the air in a corn
field. There is such a shortage of
men that the derailed cars cannot
be put back on- the tracks. The up
set train had been in the cornfield
for -three weeks when Mr. Neuner
saw it. Passenger locomotives are
breaking down and freight locomo
tives e being used, which means
slow time and until he reached the
Union Pacific, Mr. Neuner says his
train was never ..punctual. He was
traveling on one excess fare train
when the rods on the side gave way
and a lot of the machinery fell out
and another excess fare train, fol
lowing, had- an engine which .went
bad. Going across the country Mr.
neuner says that upon inquiry he
found the direct primary system
condemned and that in various
states there was a demand for some
Improvement, amendment or modi
fication to the present plan. It was
while on the train coming to Port
land that Mr. Neuner read in, the
dispatches that Dr. Brumfield had
lost out and will have to hang. Mr.
Neuner was the prosecuting attor
ney for Douglas county in the
Brumfield case.
Speaking of the strange forma
tions In central Oregon, Fred N.
Wallace of Tumalo, discussed the
earthquake fault which can- be seen
near Lava Butte, south of Bend.
This fault, a wide, open gash in the
rock, can be traced easily for miles
into the Sisters country. Recently,
according to Mr. Wallace, a boy
hunting rabbits in the Sisters sec
tion, near the earthquake fault,
found a hole from which a breeze
was blowing. . He returned home,
told his father and the latter, wid
ening the hole with a pick, uncovered-
a large cave, which ha not yet
been explored. Mr. Wallace is re
turning to Tumalo with everything
arranged for the new work on the
irrigation enterprise. The bonds,
$500,004), were deposited in a Port
land bank yesterday and next week
ttrfe United Contract company will
begin its worje. The job consists of
a diversion dam, 5 miles of canal;
a quarter-mile tunnel, a quarter
mile siphon, 2 miles of ditches and
iVt miles of 10 feet 10 inch metal
flume, and a storage dam at Cres
cent lake. Mr. Wallace says the
project will have the longest steel
flume in the United States.
Forest fires are something new to
the Wright brothers of Chicago, who
are at the Benson. Frank E. and
Charles E. Wright had their first
experience jyith forest fires on the
Columbia river highway. The vis
itors were riding over the highway
and were commenting on the smoke
from the burning trees. Presently
they felt the temperature increase
rapidly, so to get away from the
proximity of the forest blaze they
speeded up but the faster they went
the hotter things became: " Finally
one of the brothers glanced back
ward and discovered that the rear
of the automobile was in flames and
they had been sitting over a very
brisk fire. "In jiffy time they climbed
out- and battled to extinguish the
flames., ' ' , '
Until he arrived at Salem Thurs
day, Fred Wallace, a son of F. N.
Wallace of Tumalo, Or., had never
seen a streetcar nor an elevator.
Yesterday his father -vwas busy
showing the youngster' escalators,
skyscrapers', ocean-going steamers,
and other', interesting -features
around Portland. One request the
boy made could not be granted. He
wanted a ride in the subway and on
the elevated trains, but Portland is
short on those methods of trans
portation. "There are njore people 1
on one side of one of these Port
land streets," observed the lad,
"than in all those hick towns I saw
coming here.".
That there is a great deal of in
terest in the proposed 1925 exposi
tion lr Portland .Is the declaration
of H. O. Cartoziani Portland mer
chant, who has returned to this city
following a trip to New York and
return, via Los Angeles and San
Francisco. Mr. Cartozian said that
everywhere in the east he encoun
tered 'people who were anxiouB to
learn about the fair and said that
they were planning on visiting
Portland at that time. Many of
these "people contemplate locating
somewhere in the west. .
Business condition's in Tac'oma are
coming back in good shape follow
ing the readjustment, according to
T. J. Bell, proprietor of The Bell
Press of the Washington city. Mr.
Bell arrived in Portland yesterday
to attend the sessions of the Red
men here. "Tacoma is forging ahead
in good shape," he said. "We think
better than our neighbor" to the
north." ...
Miss E. R. Barton, daughter of
C. A. Barton, man&er of the Boise
Payette Lumber company, and the
white pine mill at Emmett, Idaho,
Is at the Multnomah. Miss Barton
is with Mr. and Mrs. W- W. Morse
and daughter, who- are touring the
west.- Mr. Morse is in the laundry
business in Minneapolis, Minn.
Having . been on a visit In Alas
kan waters, W. H. Edwards arrived
at the Imperial -yesterday on his
way to Oakland, Cal., where he IS
a member of the city commission.
Mr. Edwards went out to the high
way yesterday afternoon in com
pany with local officials. .
Naturally, with Hood River one
of the great, apple producing sec
tions of the state, vinegar is one
of the by-products. C. J. Calkins,
who has the apple vinegar factory
at Hood River, is at the Hotel Ore
gon with' Mrs. Calkins. -
W. H. Morrison and wife of Boise,
Idaho, are at the Multnomah. He
Is a member of the contracting firm
of Morrison & Knudson, which has
repeatedly bid on Oregon state
highway work in eastern Oregon.
John A Nelson, mayor of the
town of Bay City, on Tillamook bay,
is registered at the Multnomah. The
same base line which, runs along
East Stark street also runs through
Bay City1.
F. P. Leinenweber, treasurer of
Clatsop county, is among the ar
rivals at the Hotel Oregon.
A. H. Brown of . Laurel, Wash,
is at the Hotel Oregon. Mr. Brown
is a logger and sawmill man.
Just. Like the White Folks.
Portland Advocate.
The Morning Oregonian of Wednes
day, speaking of colored folks and
suicide, says:
"A negro is reported to have com
mitted suicide here the other day and
no reason is known for the act. Of
course not. It is psychologically and
every other way impossible for a
negro- to take his own life. This
must be a white man masquerading."
Now, The Oregonian knows, at
least, it ought'to know, that the col
ored folks are doing everything that
the white man is doing, even down
to stealing chicken. - .
Burroughs Nature Club.
Copyright, Honghton-MIfflln Co.
Copyright, 1922, by Houghton Mifflin Co.
Can Yon Answer These Questions?
1. What part of the marshmallow
plant is used in making the candy?
2..WJiy do angora cats have tas
sels in their ears?
' 3. Is -there any practical use in
bird study?
Answers in tomorrow's nature
notes. - '
Answers to Previous Questions.
1. How can I tell all the different
kinds of sparrows?
You have an ambitious task. There
are 17 varieties listed for the gen
eral region of New England, and 44
for the district between the great
plains and the Pacific. Better learn
by heart tha size and markings ot
onesof the common sorts say song
or vesper and then go on a bird
hike, looking for just that one va
riety as described by a reliable bird
handbook".. When you are familiar
with its marks, manners, note and
habitat, gradually add to your store
of sparrow identifications, one at a
2. What fishes will fight mos
quito larvae ?
Goldfishes are efficient and much
used in Japan to do scavenger work
in ornamental pools. The roach, or
golden shiner, feeds on wrigglers.
The top minnow, Gambusia affinis,
is excellent, being at maturity hard
ly two inches long, so that it can
go to the shallow edges of ponds.
It feeds by habit at the surface,
where wrigglers congregate. This
minnow is native to many bodies ol
water in the south. Some small sun
fishes also prey on wrigglers.
- ,
3. Please tell me how to exter
minte elder-bugs. They are medium
large brown bugs with red bellies,
have wings, fly during warm
months, and crawl all over the win
dows In winter. We have box-elder
trees in the yard.
Correctly named, belong to the
huge family Coreidae. According to
Sanderson & Jackson, "common
throughout the Mississippi yalley
and great plains, where it is a se
rious enemy of the box elder.'' Pick
off adult bugs, using strong kero
sine emulsion spray on non-vegetable
surfaces. Any spray strong
enough to kill adults will hurt vege
tation. Infested vines should be
burned to prevent spread of the in
sect. You might try a "trap crop"
of mustard or kale which, if they
will go - en it, can be ruthlessly
In Other Days.
Twenty-Five Tears Ago.
Frdrn The Oregonian of July 29, 1897.
Portland is beginning "fairly to
quiver with the Klondyke -excite
ment; the air is alive with rumors of
daring schemes, especially of new
transportation enterprises.
Washington. A cable dispatch
says that the question of the Clay-ton-Bulwer
treaty has been raised
in the British parliament in con
rlection with the proposal to annex
the Hawaiian islands to the United
Collector Ivey, who 'has gone to
Alaska to assume charge of the cus
toms district of that territory, has
specific instructions from the treas
ury department to enforce to the
letter the executive order restricting
the importation and sale of liquors
in Alaska.
Fifty Years Ago.
From The Oregonian of July 29, 1872.
Savannah. r Edwin. Delson, ex
Confederate diplomatic agent, de
nies the authenticity of the Confed
erate archives purchased fly the ad
ministration and the plot to burn
northern cities.
, Paris. Stanley, the tamous ex
plorer, arrived here today. He Is to
dine with Mr. Washburn, the Ameri
can ambassador.
Yokohama. A new form of re
ligion ha9 been decided upon by the
government, after a long and care
ful consultation with three of the
most celebrated exponents of each
sect, and all will be forced to ad
here to the new enlightened and
simple religion, adapted to common
sense, for the approval of all.
WiU he, or Will He not Reduce
Taxes as Governor?
Oregon City Banner-Courier.
Walter M. Pierce, candidate for
governor this fall, must have disap
pointed his audience of enthusiastic
supporters, when on Thursday
night last he told the Democratic
club of Portland that- while taxes
were so high as to be unduly bur
densome and confiscatory, he could
not promise any marked reduction
if elected governor. He' must have
noted the look of -disappointment
on their faces before he added that
he felt sure of his promise that
they would go no higher.
. In explaining why taxes would
not be reduced he pointed out that
the interest . on the state bonds
must be paid and the schools must
be kept up to the present standard
of efficiency. .
In speaking of the state income
tax, initiated by the grange, he" re
iterated his endorsement of the
measure, but suggested that the
legislature could remedy defects
next January. -
In this attitude Mr. Pierce does
not) measure up to his bold and
decided stand on these political
issues of a few months ego at the
beginning of the campaign, nor
even later when at the Democratic
banquet in Oregon City he declared
his desire to be known as the "veto
governor" and. would if elected cut
off il,500,000 in taxes through use
of the veto.
In justice to the candidate it must
be said that he will not pass, it
elected, on all expenditures - of the
state and that taxes under the pres
ent bonded indebtedness will include
large sums of interest and that our
educational institutions must be
well maihtained.
But in spite of all this, Mr. Pierce
or any other candidate, should go
forward with the expressed deter
mination to curtail expenditures and
hold government costs down to a
basis which will mean a marked re
duction in taxes. A cut of $1,500,000
on a total of $9,000,000, the amount
of state tax this year, means a cut
of over 16 per cent. And this will
mean, if done, a marked reduction.
It is hoped Mr. Pierce has been
either misquoted or "that he failed
to qualify his statements to conform
to his former declarations which
have made him formidable in the
race for governor.
In the matter of the income tax
the candidate should be specific. A
law which on the face of it shows
defects, as he indicated in his speech
and which voted by the people is at
once to be tinkered with, by the leg
islature, should be made as plain as
possible to the voters. Otherwise,
with suspicions thus aroused, they
may kill it at the polls and thus
defeat the measure containing the
paramount principle for which Mr.
Pierce stands in his campaign for
the governship.
To vSearch f or
Frozen Fleet
That Haunts
North Pole
How mundsen. has set out to
verify the Eskimo legend of
ghostly ships and perhaps' to
touch the pole is related in illus
trated article to appear in The
Sunday Oregonian.
Beauty Contest
Grows Apace
Judges in The Oregonian's
contest all experts in feminine
beauty, declares article illus
trated with photographs of
contestants in tomorrow's
News of Beaches
and of Resorts
Special department devoted to
activities at various recrea
tion centers in the Sunday
Women Still Die
for Lost Love
Four outstanding instances
confound the cynics who hold
that women no longer take
love seriolisly.
One Day in
Jazz Factory
. Classics of all ages are being
murdered by would-be com
posers, declares humorous ar
ticle- on jazz.
Portland Ice Cream
Takes High- Honors
Tricks of trade discovered in
local plant place it ahead of
others, says article by DeWitt
Poverty Haunts
Genius of Brush
Off years drive masters of
art to menial labor as means
of appeasing hunger.
Father of Country
Is Again Honored
Chief Justice Taft plants tree
on grounds of George Wash
ington's ancestors in England.
More Sketches
by W. E. Hill
"Summer Sports" is title of
another full page of drawings
of intensely human character.
Many Trick Liquor
Receptacles Appear
European novelty manufactur
ers do big business, but flap
per rum sleuths are on the
New Story by
Eden Phillpots
Hitherto unpublished fiction
feature to appear in tomor
row's paper has interesting
plot. . .- '
Christian Church
to Lav Cornerstone
Cigarette evil to be hit by
preacher. News of churches
of city told in church depart
Periwinkle Blue
Is Popular Color
Latest modes and styles for
summer wear told in the fash
ion department.
Equip Horses
With Radio
Children instructed in riding
bv wireless telephone, says
illustrated article in radio-de
Married Life of -Helen
and Warrem
Bobby drives mother to dis
traction by pouring, glue on
his head for shampoo. '
New Road Opens
Oregon Caves
Scenic wonders of Josephine
county now accessible to mo
torists as result of comple-
i . r i i
lion oj. nignway.
News of Movies
and the Stage
The amusement fan is kept in
touch with various activities
by departments in The Ore
Development News and
Business Activities
Portland is a rapidly grow
ing city and every day the
marks of this development as
a seaport, a business center,
are brought to -the reader of
The Oregonian in illustration
' and article.
All the news of all
'the world fqund in
Sunday Oregonian
Just Five Cents