THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY. "JTTLT 39, 1922 5 V EAST FIRST STREET DEAL TO BE CLOSED Property Options May 'Be Taken Up Tuesday. PROMISE GIVEN OWNERS noon, before whoni he defended America's policy of not entering into an alliance with European gov ernments. Mr. Clark recently re turned from abroad, where he has been engaged at different intervals on government and private business during and following the war. "There is a prevalent feeling in this country that the United States should take definite steps to help Europe get on its feet. There are two ways in which this could be done financially; first, by adding credits at the expense of the public treasury, and second, by credits through an alliance of the large financial groups. Financial inter ests are telling Europe to first put its house in order, reduce military Speculation Connects Purchases W'itli Hotli Soul hern Tacil'ic and Milwaukee Railways. Property owners with holdings along the west side of East First street, at intervals between East Burnside street and Hawthorne ave nue, on which options recently were taken by Claude Starr, realty dealer and one of the chief owners of the Sovereign Apartment Hotel com pany, said yesterday that definite promises had been' made them that the deals would be closed on Au gust 1. The options have been taken up and deeds made out, and, according to information given the owners by Mr. Starr, the purchases are pend ing the complete investigation of titles on the property. Mr. Starr Out of City. Speculation has been rife in east eide business circles for several weeks, since the optioning of the property began, as to -whom the titles eventually will be transferred. Mr. Starr is not buying the. prop erty for his personal estate, but he refuses to give out any information about the tentative deals and has been out of the city for the last week, refusing to divulge the des tination of his trip before leaving. are to be closed, according to his promises to owners. Southern Pacific Involved. The opinion that the property was being bought for the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad, which eventually intended to use it for terminal' purposes, extending its line here from the Grays Harbor branch, was given at first, due to the fact that Mr. Starr has been closely allied with the interests of this road in several past instances. This theory has been scouted by railroad and real estate men, and it has ben reported that the agent is, in this case, working in the irt terest of the Southern Pacific com pany. Definite information from reliable sources recently has been to the ef fect that the Southern Pacific com pany is making the purchases. Counsel for Koiid Noncommittal. Ben C. Dey, attorney for the Southern Pacifio here, neither will deny nor affirm the report that the deals are being made for his com pany. He steadfastly maintains an air of silence, further than to state that he has "no information to give out." The fact that all of the property lying along the Southern Pacific company's right of way in East First street has not been optioned has caused some consternation, for it was thought by business interests that the company had planned to buy the property with an idea of eventually elevating the tracks through the east side factory and warehouse district. Competition Is Eliminated. The options taken at intervals would seem to indicate a desire on the part of the company to main tain the trackage along this district without opposition from competitive roads, according to the opinion of many property holders who are concerned. It is said that the options could be obtained more easily and deals closed for property along the west side of the street than on the east, for the buildings on the east side are much larger and of more per manent construction, including the Olympia flouring mills, which hardly would be condemned for a railroad right of way if the com pany did intend to lay tracks along the property or to elevate the tracks there. The deeds have been made out to a trust company, which allows for their transfer, and for a stipulated consideration of $10 each. Property holders declare that little was asked about the price of the prop erty and Mr. Starr takintr the. on. tions seemed ready to pay the price eet oy me owner without bickering. HOQUIAM MILL CLOSES . Grays Harbor Plant Acts as Re sult of Log- Shortage. awklivkn, Wash., July 2S. t&peciai.) The Grays Harbor Lura ber mill in Hoquiam closed vester day at the end of the night shift as a result of the loer shortage which hs resulted in the closing of several naroor mills. It is hoped to resume operations about Monday. The National Lumber & Manu facturing company plant, which was closed for a week early this month on account of the shortage, resumed operations with two full shifts last week. While the car shortage on Grays harbor, due. to the railroad strike, is causing some delay in shipments, the Grays Harbor Lum ber company schedule has not been materially damaged. The log, short age is occasioned by forest fires, curtailing logging operations. SLOT MACHINES RAIDED Gambling Devices in Vancouver, Wash., Are Confiscated. VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 28. (Special.) Ten pool halls and cafes were raided here last night as a part of the campaign against slot machines. The machines were con fiscated and will be destroyed by court order. The owners of the de vices will be compelled to appear in court within the next few days for arraignment. All are at liberty on their' own recognizance. The places raided were: Fred Cole, 500. Main; George Manolis, 300 Main and 502 Main; W. J. Barker, 310 Main; Bungalow Cafe, Fourth ,and Main; Dick Ward, R. E. Heater, .706 Main; Gus Bardinolis, 708 Main; W. R. Goley, 605 Main; George Lowery, Third and Main. WHAT CONGRESS DID AS ITS DAY'S WORK. Sennte. i Bill providing for anti lynching legislation favorably reported. McCormick, republican, Illi nois, eulogized Senator Reed and prayed for his success in the Missouri primary. Tariff bill debated, a few slight reductions being made in the wool schedule. Petition received from Pat Crowe for land distribution to former service men. forces and apply to industry the energy which is now being wasted hating the other nation." J. A. Churchill, superintendent of public instruction, was another speaker. POINDEXTER IN OLYMPIA Washington Senator Addresses Rotary Club. OLYMPIA. Wash., July 28. (Spe cial.) Senator Poindexter, in his campaign for re-election, spent a quiet day in Olympia today, ad dressing briefly two gatherings of a non-political character and during the afternoon calling on friends in business and official circles here. Senator Poindexter was a guest of the Olympia Rotary club at Its weekly luncheon at noon, and to night addressed delegates of the Pacific northwest livestock tour at a banquet given in their honor by the Thurston county farm bureau. Rear-Admiral Henry T. Mayo, United States navy . (retired), who was also a guest of the Rotary club at noon, paid high tribute to Sena tor Poindexter's work as acting chairman of the senate naval affairs committee during the war. Office to Be Abolished. WALLA WALLA. Wash., July 28. (Special.) County commissioners announced today that the office- of sanitary inspector, now held by Joe Toner, will be abolished August 1. The work will be taken over by the state department of health, it was stated. CRUELTY "TO - HENS CHARGED BY WIFE Woman Asks Divorce From Abuser of Chickens. FIVE OTHER SUITS FILED Mrs. Marie Vesey Says Husband Objected to Her Visits to Friend in Afternoon. Cruelty to herself she could stand, but cruelty to her chickens she could not, Mrs. Agnes Ann Delk averred in divorce action filed against her hus band, J. T. Delk. yesterday. The Delks were married in Vancouver in January, 1921. ' To help support herself because her husband failed to provide sufficient money, Mrs. Delk took up the raising of chick ens, at which occupation, she de clared, she was highly successful. Delk, however, abused the chicks as well as herself, she charged, and the divorce complaint followed. Mrs. Delk asked for $25 a month perma nent alimony and one-third of the real estate owned by Delk. When Mrs. Marie C. Vesey left home for an afternoon to visit a friend and do eome shopping, she was greeted on her return home by her husband with the accusation that no woman went out in the afternoons unless she was chasing men for immoral purposes, she alleged in a divorce complaint. The Veseys were married in Seattle. Maiden Name Wanted. In the suit for divorce from the husband, . Edward A. Vesey, Mrs. Vesey asked for the restoration of her maiden name of Marie C. Kings ley. Donald Currie was charged with being a "confessed gambler" by his wife, Mrs. Mary Currie, in her suit for divorce, filed yesterday. The whereabouts of the defendant was placed at "somewhere in Alberta, Canada." Currie, his wife said, left Portland because he said he did not like America and the Americans. There are two children, Helen, aged 18, and Mabel, 17. A marriage of 22 years crashed on the rocks yesterday when Mrs. Katie Walker filed suit for divorce against Fred L. Walker. The Walkers were married in 1900. There is one daugh ter, Margaret, 18 years old. Cruelty Is Charged. Cruel and inhuman treatment was charged by Mrs. Grace J. Hage-n in her suit against . Prank J. Hagen. Mrs. Hagen asked for $50 a month permanent alimony. Mrs. Pearl Cummin's charged de- A Real Mid summer Value in the Boys Store! BOYS two-knicker SUITS $7.95 Well built models tailored in the styles that boys want ! Cassi meres Tweeds and Cheviots in every de sirable shade and pat tern. Several nationally known makes are in cluded in this lot. Sizes 7 to 17 years. t). (f (C (Q)? tnmninmminiffl Boys' Sport Blouses . 79c Ideal for vacation wear. Dark patterns and stripes all sizes.- .MMLfllEBE Furs and Individual Style Shops Broadway at Morrison iiiiiiiiiiHimmnmiiliiiiiiiii Ben Selling Portland's Leading Clothier for Over Half a Century. MORRISON AT FOURTH sertion in her action against R. W. Cummings. They were married in Vancouver in 1919. Mills Feel Car Shortage. ABERDEEN, Wash., July 28. (Special.) Shortage of railroad cars is beginnning to be felt on Grays Harbor. The Nortnern Pacific, one cf three roads running in here, has ordered an embargo by which only 10 per cent of its cars may be load ed with materials billed for points not on its line. Sawmills are feel ing the shortage and a curtailment of night operations has already re sulted. The Red Cedar Shingle com pany of Markham is now forced tc haul its product by tructs to Cos mopolis, where the shingles are loaded in cars. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Disposal prices continue! HATS in two final clearance groups ; 1.95 & 4.95 Our entire stock of summer hats, trimmed or in sailor shapes, excellent for vacation wear. Original values in many cases were 15.00 to 35.00! Hats from America's foremost milliners ! . BLOUSES at worthwhile savings! 2.95 3.95 4.95 Blouses whose former special price was 3.95, reduced to 2.95. At 3.95 are included imported hand-made voiles whose . special price was 8.95.. At 4.95 bo'th tailored and hand made models! FROCKS at emphatic reductions! 8.95 4.95 Every remaining tub frock in gingham, voile, organdie, linen in this, the clearance of our better summer frocks At 8.95 frocks formerly to 27.50. At 14.95 frocks for merly to 45.00 ! 1 "Luxite" glovesilk stepin chemises 4.95 regularly 8.50 & 8.95 Reduced to less than actual costto us! Delicately trimmed with lace. Orchid, flesh, white. "Phoenix" ribknit under things reduced one-third every garment perfect! Fiber vests, formerly 2.25; silk knit bloomers, regu larly 4.75 and 5.25 all re duced Yi to clear! ESTABLISHED 1364 EUROPE TOLD TO WORK Credits Depend on Energy in In dustry, Says A. E. Clark. As a result of the war strong na tionalistic feelings have been de veloped rather than diminished, thereby making the solution of European troubles a grave prob lem, declared A. E. Clark, well known Portland attorney, in an ad dress before the City club yesterday Featuring Beautiful, tyinsome Virginia Valli, Sturdy House Peters and Cynical Matt Moore Thousands of satisfied patrons have put their unqualified approval on this picture during the past week. You have never seen anything quite like "The Storm" in pictures before. It is the best production of the season, and when the Columbia makes a statement like that you can bank on its being the truth. KNOWLES' PICTURE PLAYERS Current Conversation First Portlander: "You know how 'tis." Second Ditto: "Oh, you've seen 'The Storm'!" TODAY At the Cool Theater Chicago, Milwaukie & St. Paul Railway To take the places of men who are now out on strike against the decision of the United States Labor Board. Employment Is Offered: MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS SHEETMETAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS CAR REPAIRMEN CARPENTERS LINEMEN HELPERS LABORERS STATIONARY ENGINEERS STATIONARY FIREMEN At wages and working conditions prescribed by the United States Railway Labor Board. Rates for Journeymen and leading men range from 63 to 82 . cents per hour, and for helpers 47 cents per hour. Applicants who are not mechanics will be given employment and will be trained in all branches of the trades, and as they become ef ficient will be advanced to positions carrying higher rates of pay. Apply to Any Divisional Superintendent .' or Divisional Mechanical Engineer at Their Headquarters or General Manager, Henry Building, Seattle ' Superintendent Motive P,0 wer, Tacoma Asst. Master Car Builder, Tacoma Electrical Engineer, O.-W.-Milwaukee Station, Seattle Chief Special Agent, O.-W.-Milwaukee Station, Seattle ' - 13917 , Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian Main 7070