THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1933 COAL RATION CHIEF IUMED BY HABDIHG 14-YEAR-OLD GIRL PREACHER USES BILLY SUNDAY ART. SEATTLE EX-OFFICER here, today were relieved of their commissions when the former ad mitted to James Lewis, warden of the ' institution, that he recently made a trip to northern California in search of which Robert H. LeRoy, a prisoner, said he had cached in the Siskiyou' mountains. Warden Lewis said that LeRoy, who was committed to the peniten tiary from Malheur county some time ago to serve a term for assault with a dangerous weapon, a few weeks IS HELD AS ROBBER Charge Purchases Balance of Month Will Appear on August Bills Supplies to Be Controlled on Priority Basis. Stolen Goods Are. Identified; Wife Arrested, Too. I ago informed L. Chance, another j prisoner, that he had cached ap proximately $6500 near Glenns Ferry, Idaho, and between J2000 and r3000 in the Siskiyou mountains a Merit Onljr short distance south of the Califor nia line. HENRY SPENCER CHOSEN PORTLAND HOME LOOTED Chance, m turn, was alleged to- have informed Geer and Haiel- Girls' Sweaters and Jersey Blouses in Styles That Are New Ex - Vice - President pt Southern Ex - Policeman, Reputed Dis charged for Taking Bootleg 'ger's Bribe, Is Jailed. . Railway and War Purchasing Agent Is Appointed. et "Merchandise of cJ V WASHINGTON. D. C, July 28 (By the Associated Tress.) Henry ( B. Spencer, ex-vice-president of the Southern railway and general pur chasing agent for the wartime rail road administration, tonight was ap pointed federal coal administrator for the duration of the present strike emergency by President Har ding. s Mr. Spencer becomes administra tive member of the distribution committee,, which will control dis tribution of available coal supplies on a priority basis to essential in dustries and utilities. With the announcement of crea tion of the office of coal adminis trator, confidence was expressed at the White House that production of coal, regardless of rail and mme strikes, eventually would be In creased to the point where it would be adequate for the country s needs. President Harding felt so assured on this point, it was said, that he con templated no further movement in the coal strike situation. Advisory Committee Named. Secretary Hoover, who announced Mr. Spencer s selection by President Harding for the vacancy on the cen tral committee, made public also names of operators from coal pro ducing districts so far designated as members of the advisory committee, which is a part of the federal or ganization for maintaining coal prices and insuring fuel distribution. They Ore: C. E. Bockus of New York, chairman, for Virginia; E. L. Doug las of Cincinnati, for Kentucky; George S. Francis of Greensburg, Pa., for Pennsylvania; E. C. Mahon of Knoxville, for Tennessee; W. J Magee of Charleston, W. Va., and E. E. White of Glen White, W. Va., for West Virginia. C t:. Tuttle or JMew York- was named advisor to the committee on lake and northwest movement and Le Baron S. Willard of New York, advisor on bunker and tidewater movement. 23 Governors Give Aid. The governors of 23 states, Mr. Hoover announced, have "undertaken to erect the necessary administra tion to control profiteering and dis tribution of coal within their bor ders. " States which have reported steps to set up this machinery, include Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, North .Dakota, Minne sota, Maine,. Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Is land, New York, New Jersey, Mary land, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Iowa, Oklahoma, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee and Louisiana. Photo Copyright by Underwood. MARY .AGNES VITCHESTAIN IN ACTION. Mary Agnes Vitehestain of Pittsburg. Pa., 14-year-old mixture of Billy Sunday and the old-time Methodist evangelist, is a buxom miss, as straight as an arrow and with a keen sense of the dramatic. She took her New York congregation' by storm last Sunday evening in the Gospel Tabernacle church when she denounced evolution and the "Higher criticism" in regular Billy Sunday style. . - The girl is never- still from the minute she gives her text until the last "amen," and denounces the evolutionists who teach "bunk." CLIMBER'S BODY FOUND INQUEST TO BE HELD OVElt LATE DR. WYNN. . Man Who Collapsed on Edge of Cliff and Fell Noted for , Mountain Scaling. GLACIER PARK, Mont., July 28. Recovered late last night on a rocky ledge , half way up Mount Siyeh, the body of Dr. Frank B Wynn of , Indianapolis, killed here yesterday when he fell from the " trail during an attempted scaling of the mountain, has been taken to Cutbank, Mont., for a coroner's ex amination. It will be sent from Cutbank to Indianapolis late today, The rest of the party of which Dr. Wynn was the leader are re. turning to 4he Glacier National park lentrance, their trip having been abandoned. Doctor Wynn had reached almost the 10.000-foot level when he collapsed, -presumably from an apopleptic stroke, and plunged over the edge of the" nar row cliff wall on which the party was crossing. . His body dropped 300 feet. His death marks the end of i "career filled with dangerous adven tures on the mountain peafks of America and Europe. He was years old and. for 3a years had been a leader of mountain-climbing ac tivities. He had placed the em blem of the American Alpine club, of which he was president, on ten of the highest peaks in Glacier park. and this year had hoped to plant it on the summit of Mount Siyeh, which on two previous occasions he had failed to reach. Dr. Wynn had rendered invalu able service to the National Parks bureau at Washington, providing them with data on the various peaks of the country. JACKSON RECALL BITTER (Continued From First Page.) room in the Federal bulding here listening to testimony concerning the night riders who have taken at least three men into the mountains and given them a modern touch of an old-fashioned "lynching bee." Bootblack Goes Into Hiding;. Fearful that the same night riders who took him to a lonely spot on the crest of the Siskiyous, and thrice 'swung him to the limb of a tree, might repeat the performance, Arthur Burr, negro bootblack and barber shop porter, left a north bound train somewhere in Califor nia and went into hiding. Burr, who was hanged imme diately following his release from the Jackson county Jail, on April 19, was located recently in Modesto, Cal., and arrangements were per fected to have him return to Med ford to appear before the special grand Jury that is now investigat ing Ku Klux Klan activities in this county. Burr Starts for Medford. Word was received from the chief of police that Burr had boarded a certain northbound train, with a ticket marked to Medford, after re ceiving assurance of being met near the Oregon-California line by offi cers who would give him safe pas sage into Medford and protect him while in this city. But when the train on which he was supposed to have arrived reached the Oregon line. Burr could not be found. Negro porters who probably knew Burr gave no infor mation and officers conducting the investigation became greatly per turbed. . Nightriders Are Feared. However, late today. Thomas Word, connected with - the United States department of justice, who is as signed to this case, finally learned Just wRere Burr left the train and arranged for the completion of his Journey. Reports received here are that Burr is in mortal fear of the nightriders of Jackson county. This witness, it is said, will have no dif ficulty in identifying the men who invited him to ride from the Jack sonville Jail to Medford and who turned him over to some 15 men, robed and masked, who composed the "necktie party." It is also believed that he will be able to tell the grand Jury the names of some of the men who took part in the "night ride." Grand Jnry Adjourns. . The grand Jury adjourned its ses-" sion tonight until Monday morning in deference to the religious beliefs of Paul Pearce, one of the Jurors, who belongs, to the Seventh-Day Adventists. As a result of this adjournment it is not probable that all of the evidence in the case can be laid be fore the Jury before Tuesday noon. The Jurors will retire for delibera tion as soon as the evidence has been fully presented. Today but three witnesses were called into the Jury room. One was Hank Johnson of Jacksonville, who is one of the victims of the. nightriders. The others were Alex Norris and Thomas A. Goodie, both of Jacksonville, who took Johnson to Ashland and who were held up on their return by masked men who took Johnson from them. Two Stories Are Told. One hears two stories on this subject, one is that Norris, Janitor of the : Jacksonville school, and Goodie, his son-in-law, are innocent of any wrong doiitg. Norris sticks to the story that as they were returning to Jacksonville a group of masked men stopped them, poked guns at trim and took Johnson and E. C. York away from them. Then they were ordered to proceed without delay. But the other side of the story, already before the grand jury, is that Norris and Gobdie took John son to Ashland for no other purpose than to turn him over to the night- riders and that the explanation of the ride was to obtain a gas tank in Ashland for Goodie's garage at Jacksonville. Two hours were consumed, it is said, in traveling about Jacksonville to locate Johnson and have him aid in bringing the gasoline tank back. while it id pointed out that there were many young men who could have gone on the mission Just as well. Versions Are in Conflict. Ashland was reached during the afternoonand the tank loaded into the truck, but instead of coming back to Jacksonville, it is said, they waited to have -dinner in Ashland and then started back. At Voorhies crossing an automo bile passed the Goodie 'truck and then turned back. Norris, at the time, is said to have explained that this car probably was following them because 'the -truck lights had gone out. What the grand Jury is attempting to determine is whether Norris and Goodie really had any thing to do with the' kidnaping. Officials are still searching for four important witnesses who have been subpenaid but who cannot be located for service. Dr. J. A. Brady is still on a fishing trip in eastern Oregon, S. B. Standifer is "resting" in the mountains and Dwight Vi mont, another important witness, has not been, located since the issu ance of the subpena. BROOKLYN SPAN MENACE One of- Foui? Huge Cables Sup porting Bridge Out o'f Saddle. ' NEW YORK, July 28. Discovery that one of the four huge cables which support ""the famous old Brooklyn bridge had slipped from its saddle was the cause for the issuance of an order last month re moving motor traffic from the bridge, Grover A. Whalen, commis sioner of plants and structures, an nounced today. In a letter to Mayor Hylan' the commissioner recom mended rebuilding the bridge and the construction of an additional bridge to care for the growing traf fic between Manhattan and Long Island. ' Commissioner Whalen declared that the old bridge was safe for the present curtailed traffic. Frank Melvin,' 39, who claims to have been a member of the Seattle police force .from 1901 to 1920, was arrested late yesterday afternoon by Inspectors Goltz. Schum and Morak on a charge of burglary. His wife, Eunice, 22 years old, was arrested and Jailed on the same charge. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin are accused of -robbing the home of Mrs. W. L. Bramkamp, 303 Hamilton avenue, on the morning of July 26. Mrs. Bram kamp reported the lose of $400 worth of jewelry, clothing, a rifle and a kodak, most of which was recovered yesterday afternoon in ,the rooms of the ex-policeman and his wife at 145 East Twelfth street. Entrance was gained by removing glass from the front door. A park attendant-furnished the only clew, reporting that he noticed a man and a woman about the house Wednes day morning. Inspectors fastened upon two families their suspicion. A determining factor as that Melvin was in the- employ of a Front street wholesale grocer, and' the robbery was committed on the Csay of the i grocers' picnic when he wosjjd have oeen at liberty during the oxy. Stolen Blonse Identified. , When the inspectors visited the Melvin home yesterday afternoon, in' company with Mrs. Bramkamp, they asserted that they found Mrs. Mel vin wearing a blouse that had been taken in the robbery. Mrs. Bram kamp identified that garment and others which lay about the rooms in plain view. Mrs. Bramkamp was ac quainted with Mrs. Melvin, police say, and refused to suspect her of any part in the burglary until she recognized her own property on the person of the young woman. After Mrs. Melvin had been ar rested and taken to headquarters inspectors arrested her husband. They said he maintained innocence, refusing to admit guilt even after Mrs. Bramkamp's identification of the goods. He asserted that he Jiad been in possession of the stolen arti cles "for a long time." . Melvin Is ex-Officer.' Melvin told Captain Moore that he Joined the Seattle police department in 1901, having the rating of ser geant when he left the service in 1920. He said that he was accused by Chief Warren of taking a1 boot- egger's bribe. The chief suspended him and was upheld by the civil service commission. MeJvin said he was told he could return to work at the reduced rating of patrolman, but that he refused to do so, severed his connection with the department and came to Portland. About the time he left the police department Melvin was married. His wife isa woman of simple,, prepos cessing appearance and no one but a policeman would ever suspect her of being party to a burglary. Both are held without bail. Of the ; goods stolen from Mrs. Bramkamp, all were recovered in the Melvin home with the excep tion of a diamond ring and one or two less valuable articles of jewelry. John Melvin, Seattle police ex sergeant, arrested here for burglary. wood of the caches. Geer declared, however, that the search was un successful, it was said that Geer involved Hazelwood in the plan to search for the caches. t BOUND-UP RIDER INJURED Horse Falls on Jack Richardson at Dallas Celebration. DALLAS, Or., July 28. (Special.) Jack Richardson, a local xrider, was hurt seriously today when his horse fell on him in the opening of the round-un being held here as a three-day event. Richardson was taken to a hospital, where it was said that he was shaken up badly and might have internal injuries.1 There were-20 entries for the-13 events on the programme. There is a prize of $1000 for the winner of the main event. There was only a fair crowd. The programme included he riding of. wild steers, horses and mules, besides races and a roping contest. OSWEGO LAKE. It's the place for your picnic a day or week-end outing. Ideal camp ground at Lake Grove. Round trip fare 50c, Oswego 40c. "Red", electric cars provide frequent service at con venient hours. Inquire at Southern Pacific ticket office. Fourth street at Stark. Main 8800. Adv. SEED WHEAT IS ORDERED i 1190 in Penitentiary. WALLA WALLA, Wash., July 27. (Special.) Records at the peni tentiary showed 1190 convicts on the rolls, according to Warden Pace to day. Of these, however, 444 are on parole, leaving 746 in the institution. They are segregated as follows: Shoe factory, 35; farm and., lawns, 70; trusties, 40; license department, 83, steward's department, 63: mis cellaneous, 455. In the miscellane ous list are tWe men in the tailor shop, barber'shop, band and other departments. . Farmers at Prescott and 'Dixie to Try New Grain. WALLA WALLA, Wash., July 28. (Special.) Farmers of Prescoti and Dixie district today ordered three carloads of certified wheat seed. Two carloads of turkey red are for farmers of the Prescott sec tion and a carload of Jenkins club is for farmers around Dixie. All three carloads will be bought in Umatilla county, Oregon. W. H Talley. county agent, who has been urging the purchase of this wheat, stated that the plan is to investi gate the soil thoroughly in the va rious districts and then find the wheat most suitable for that par ticular type of soil. PRISON GUARDS OUSTED Are Accused of Searching for Con vict's Reported Cache. ' SALEM. Or., July 28. (Special.) E. V. Geer and O. E. Hazelwood. guards at the state penitentiary Hazelwood Orchestra . J. F. N. Colburn, Director TONIGHT'S PROGRAMME 6 to 8 and 9:30 to 11:30 1. "Coo Coo," Fox Trot... . . . Jolson and De Sylva 2. "By the Sapphire Sea," ; Waltz Ted Snyder 3. "Carmen," Selection Bizet 4. "Troubles," Fox Trot. . . v L. Reynolds 5. "Summer Days," Valse Lente . . . . H. S. Perkins 6. "Panamericana," Inter- mezzo. . .Victor Herbert 7. " 'Neath the South Sea . Moon," Fox Trot " ..Hirsch, Stamper, Buck 8. "Santiago," Spanish .Waltz A. Corbin Washington St. Hazelwood CONFECTIONERY AND RESTAURANT 388 Washington Street Near Tenth Girls' Slip-On Sweaters Are $2.95 and $3.95 to $5.95. The styles the girls areN wearing- round and V-neck, long sleeves and belts. What girl but will . want one when she sees these in the new solid colors, stripes and plaids? They're for girls of 12 to 16 years. Girls' Jersey Blouses Are $2.95 Comfortable, practical, natty these jersey blouses in the slip-on style. They have Peter Pan collars of white linen, turn-back cuffs, pockets and narrow string belts. Sizes for girls of 1 6 to 20 years. Many of the new shades. Girls' Apparel Section On the Fourth Florfr Llpman, Wolfe & Co. 5 S yrtniminirtiiiiiiftifi"fttfiiti'iiiiTii-i)tHiiifflinffiir The feature act sawing the beau tiful French girl, Mile. A. Pierrie fette, in two. will take place in the ball park. , This act is known the world over as a great mystery box act, and has taken years to perfect and is today one of the unsolved mysteries to the general public who do not follow this profession. . The above named act can be seen at Crystal Lake Park, July 29th, at the picnic given by Veterans of For eign Wars to the public holding tickets. Adv. Announcement Durant Four Star Durant Six After August 5; 1922, our present offering of DURANT MOTORS, INC., at $36.00 will be perma nently withdrawn and no more offering of these highly desirable shares will be made at any price. fto less than 5 nor more than 20 shareto any one person. These are sold on basis of $3.00 per share per month. T v Greatest Showing in the West Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Presents a Superb Collection of the Felt Hats N ew A Huge. Shipment Just Received from New York Three Marvelous Groups $5 $7.50 $10 Felt hats are the "rage" from one end of the country to the other. No woman can consider her present wardrobe complete without one. How important it is that this store so quickly and so fully heeds the situation how much more important since , the supply of. felt hats cannot even now keep pace with the demand. Our millinery buyer in New York was wired to buy as many felt hats as he could at the "right prices." He did not get enough, but, he secured so many that practically our entire millinery section will be filled with them today greatest showing west of Chicago and three prices $5, $7.50 and $10. See These Hats in Our Window The Sale Today Millinery Section On the Third Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co. IOOOI XOE30I IOOOI ME pT THE DURANT CORPORATION 735 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Portland, Or. C. H. McCabe, Mgr. ' v Please send me full information on Durant Motors, Inc. Name . Address W For Shops and Roundhouse RATES: v . Machinists 70 cents per hour Blacksmiths 70 cents per hour -Sheet Metal Workers 70 cents per hour Electricians 70 cents per houi Stationary Engineers Various rates Stationary Firemen Various rates Boilermakers 70c to 70 per hour Passenger Car Men 70 cents per hour Freight Car Men 63 cents per hour Helpers, all classes 47 cents per hour Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half ' for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. APPLY ROOM 312, J COUCH BUILDING, 109 FOURTH ST., NEAR . WASHINGTON, PORTLAND IOC IOE30E IOEXOE XOEIOI IOEXOI Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian. 0 lono D o o n o o n o o n o D o Q IOEXO