18 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1922 MTIWTIONS WANTED MALE. CONTRACTORS Let me design your hoir.Kfe and draw your plans. Until recently moving to Portland. I directed the architectural service department of the largest lumber company in In diana, comprised of 45 yards through out the state. Perfect work, real serv ice anrt absolute satisfaction guaran teed. Pricefc reasonable. M. P. Atkins, 828 Y. M. C. A. YOCNG man, aged 29, legal educa tion, good on typewriter, desires position in office, factory or wholesale house. AJ S18, Ore gonian. YOUNG man wishes office or factory position; one where first-hand knowl edge of trade conditions in orient and west coast of South America will be of value preferred. Willing to start at bottom if chance of steady ad vancement. i 850, Oregonain. YOUNG MAN, six years' experience with large lumber company as superinten dent, office manager and purchasing agent, desires position with reliable concern with opportunity for advance ment and investment later. Best of references. L 80, Oregonain. WANTED Expert timekeeper and pay roll man wants position with reliable concern; am 30 yeara old, married and t present employed; willing to go any place to work. Address Fred M. Mills, v. u. hoi 171, lasper. wyommg. GARDENER, A-l, best references, ex perienced in fruit, flowers and vege tables, wishes to take full charge of gentleman's place or small ranch. M. B. Keller. 310 6th St.. Portland. SINGLE man wishes employment, farm er, watchman, gardening, take care of lawns, any kind garden work ; like steady work. Please write to Emil Schulz. 317 Ivy street .SHINGLING We specialize in reshin gling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; esti mates free. East 10-8. A CHANCE to learn a business, with a living salary to start, wanted by well educated man of 30 with executive and office experience. R 839, Ore- son ian. BY EXPERIENCED timberman a ship ping clerk or yard foreman, but would take tallying with chance for advance ment; married. AV 12U. uregoman CARPENTER - CONTRACTOR Build ing, alterations, repairing, estimates given. C. J. Smith, 92 N. 3d su Bdwy. 1975. . W ILL accept position as purchasing agent for hardware or machinery house ; now employed, but desire a change. C 817, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED orchard and tractor man Wants year-round position; mar ried; references. Geo. T. Orvis, 710 River St.. Newberg, Oregon. UPHOLSTERER, linoleum and window shade man wants work in or out of city; have reference. AK 843, Orego nian. ' , YOUNG man wants work, morning and evening, for board and room and small wages while going to school. G 846. Oregonian. , EXPERIENCED timekeeper, cost keeper, wants position. Preter camp location. High school education, age 27, good reference. D 816, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lineman wam inside wiring or electrician's helper; must have work at once; married. East !HXil. Neely. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC, A-l. 14 yrs.' experience; aged 31. single, educated, wishes position with private family; go anywhere. A 844. Oregonian. (iL'XG married couple desires work of any kind; will go out of town. J 810, Oregonian. , PAINTING, PAPERING, KALSOMINING. Material, workmanship guaranteed, satisfaction or no pay. Tabor 3328. GOOD Japanese couple want place, man as cook, wife wait on table and house work. 229 Second 'st. Main 1421. OUNG man wants position as fry cook or all-around man, city or country ; references. N 804, Orogoriian. JiARRIED man neais work, painting, , kal-sominlng, floors waxed and polished. ) rices reasonable. Main 1515. SHINGLING, reshingling and roof work guaranteed. Get our estimate. Main I'AINTING. tinting and interior finish ing, experienced workmen, moderate prices. Phone Main 3383. KiRST-RATE automobile mechanic, wide experience in general and special re pair. Wal. 6720. FIREMAN", ii burner, wishes position with stationary plant. AB 816. Ore gonian. TRUCK driver wants steady work; can keep up truck; 5 years' experience; ref-erent.-es. Broadway 327 S. Frank. YOUNG MAN. 24. five years' electrical and mechanical experience, desires po sition. F NOT. Oregonian. FARMHAND, Scotch, married, wants situation on farm; active worker. Klnnear, 432 13th st.. Portland. PAINTING, tinting and calcimining; es timates cheerfully given; best of refer-enct-s. Phope East 5804. HOUSEWORK wanted by Japanese young man; can take care of and drive car; good references. Tabor 1474. POSITION as fry cook, cafeteria or small restaurant, experienced. Phone Atwater 2! mil, ask for Mr. Newaon. YOUNG man, 22. wants work in garage or electrical line ; some experience: wages and hours no object. Main 4059 WOULD like to get janitor work in apt. house or office; married man. Call East 1783. MAN COOK, wife as helper, camp or mill boarding house, or. cook works alone. C 847, Oregonian. AUTO mechanic, thoroughly experienced, reliable, steady, desires permanent po sition; have own tools. Aut. 310-06. ' WANTED LATHING. Will contract Tabor 8709. tiESH 1NGL1NG 10 yrs. in city; satisfac tion guaranteed. Atwater 4390. WILLING college man desires work; best references. AK 831. Oregonian. EXCAVATING. General teaming. Atwater 1808. SALESMAN with Ford wants good line, city preferred. B 844, Oregonian. COMPETENT young man desires cler-ical-store work. AP 820. Oregonian. EXCAVATING. CHAS. WALNUT 6400. CHEESE MAN. YOUNG MAN wants janitor work for housekeeping rooms. Tahor 6434. A BOY, 16, wants work on a farm at once. Broadway 1964. Ora Borland. PAINTING and tinting, work guaranteed, a t ypecial prices. Atwater 141 6. PAINTING and papering, 30c single roll. Call Automatic 625-57. PAPER HANGING, painting and tinting; papering, 30c a roll. Marshall 2493. CARPENTER A-l BUILDER OF HOMES. JOBBING. TABOR 3323. SH INGL1NG. reasonable, reshingling specialty. Walnut 6595. PHARMACY student wants" drug store experience. M 800, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants work at once, odd jobs. Walnut 7015. FAMILY garden work, housecleaning. caretaker. Main 4632. Mr. Bacon. FLOWER boxes made" jack screws rented. Bdwy. 1974. Bdwy. 0716. Bookkeepers, Btenographcrw. Office. YOUNG MAN Married, efficient and trustworthy, experienced as bookkeeper-accountant, general office man, typist, experienced in merchandising, local and foreign trade, commissary department, with logging and lumber mill office work experience, open for a permanent position in. or out of town. Phone Tabor 5749 or write 1088 East Alder st, ACCOUNTANT office manager, age 34, ten years' experience with local firm, beat references. Pattison. Mar. 5508, or AP 804, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with one year's hospital training, knowledge of typewriting and bookkeeping, wishes position. Phone E. 0833. AN ACCOUNTANT having aome extra time each day, would like a small set of books to care for. A 843. Oregon lan. COMPETENT accountant wants set of books to keep during spare time; ref erences given. V 850. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT open for position August 1 . For appointment phone Vancouver 461R. BANK MAN Experienced teller, book keeper andgeneral clerk. P. O. Box 682. Salesmen. SALESMAN, going south, auto, Monday morning, wants good side line. AO 836, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED laundret.- wishes work by hour. Call Mrs. Thoranton. At water 1185. COMPETENT woman wishes day work or sewing. Main 0254. LADY wants situation in a beauty par 1 o r; good references. East H2SO. WANTED Housework by day or hour. Mrs. Fariw, phone East 4732. YOUNG lady, experienced in beauty shop wants work at once. Walnut 6695 EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work. Phone Main 3801. TWO girls, experienced in cafeteria work want work at once. Walnut 81195. COMPETENT laundress wishes wors Frl.. Sat.; references. Walnut 1611. COLORED woman wants day work. washing. Ironing, cleaning. East 9632. . WOMAN want, day work. Marshall 4284. SITUATIONS WAXTEP FEMALE. WOMAN with girl who can assist with the other work wants Job as cook, in or out of city; must be near school. Blanche Greenslit, Bdwy. 7836. 202 N. 16th st. COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, house '. work girls, kitchen neip, wants work square Deal Employment, G-oodnough Bldg.. 170 5th at. S. Main 6727. WOMAN with 2 children, 2 and 4, w.ants work cooking far small crew or kitchen helper. 615 Cottage place, near Mississippi and Stanton. YOUNG widow with little girl wants housekeeping for reliable ousiiiess man. Excelient cook. References. Auto. 628-70. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants cooking on ranch for small crew men or a small camp; good cook. Mrs. M. Shield, East dun. REFINED woman seeks position caring for invalid or elderly person; will give treatments if desired. BD 818, Ore gonlan. MRS. ANNIE HUNTER would like day work, laundry or cleaning. Sellwood 0142 or Sellwood 3077. Address 618 Maiden ave. ELDERLY lady, active and good with children, .wants home and small wages for light work. AV 135. Oregonian. RELIABLE woman wants position in country; good wages. M 806, Ore gonian. m MIDDLE-AGED woman would like to care for children afternoons. Tabor 4665. YOUNG LADY without home wishes posi tion as ward, companion or house keeper. C 843, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wants laundry or housework by day or hour. Walnut 4837. YOUNG woman, willing worker, wishes position where there is chance to learn as sale.? girl. F 809. .Oregonian. WOMAN wants work, hour, day house -cleaning, other work; reliable; refer enc?A Walnut 1833. WOMAN wants day work. 33 cents hour. Call room 14. Bdwy, 5652. HOTEL housekeeper or will manage apt. houye. Highest references. East 6192. WOMAN wishes day work; experienced. Walnutx5H38. COMPETENT woman wants day references. Walnut 4M9. GOOD laundress and cleaner wishes work Sat, and Mon. Main 8136. rm. 8. Bookkeepers, Step ograp Hern. Of fire. YOUNG LADY desires position in stenographic and general office work, some experience; refer ences. Phone Tabor 3171. STENOGRAPHERS OFFICE HELP. QUICK SERVICE CAREFUL SELECTION. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE. Bdwy. 6953. 5n4 Spalding Bldg. STENOGRAPHER with several years' ,. general office experience wishes sub stitute work, beginning July 31. .Sell wood 3054. RESPECTABLE glri wishes light office position, $10 a week. Main 6920. HIGH SCHOOL graduate wants steno graphic work. Walnut 4637. STENOGRAPHER, heginnen. wages rea sonable. Main 8741. DreKmmakers. DRESSMAKER, designer, Chicago ex perience, by the day; style, workrnan ship guaranteed. Automatic 616-60. DRESSMAKING, designing, summer sew ing, alterations, home or day. Atwater 3685. HEMSTITCHING, any color. c. Rm. 403 Raleigh bldg, 327 Wash. Bdwj. 3742. EXPERIENCED children's nurse desires entire care of infant or small child. Atwater 2471, room 4. PRACTICAL nurse wishes confinement case. Walnut 0689. FOR TRAINED nurses, undergraduates and practical, phone A t water 034 !. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position, thor oughly experienced. Auto. 641-51. Housekeepers. REFINED young woman with child de sires position as housekeeper for wid ower or bachelor. AK 830. Oregonian. REFINED widow wan is situai :on as housekeeper for bachelor or widower. K 80S. Oreironian. . ..MIDDLE-AGED woman, wash, H. K., for widower with children school ge. At water 3 762. WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED By responsible coupie, mod ern 5-room house or bungalow with garage; rent not to exceed $40. East 8904. j WE HAVE many calls tor nouses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO., 230 Stark St. COUPLE with 2 grown daughters would take excellent care of furnished home, will pay reasonable rent; references; v;t Iking distance. BJ 804. Oregonian. WANT to rent, Aug. 1, furnished houst in good district; west side, by respon sible parties; no children. Phone Main 5180. WANT to rent, unfurnished or partly fur nished on west side, by reliable party. Walnut 4060. WANTED Large house, 10 rooms or more, good location, close in. Call . Tabor 0710 5-ROOM unfurnished house near bridge transfer line or 10-rm. rooming house. A 802, Oregonian. DOCTOR wishes years. Walnut to leae house for 3 WANT to rent 5-room bungalow. 638-60. Apartments, RESPONSIBLE couple want to rent 2 or 3-room furnished apt., on west side. Reasonable rent. M 778, Oregonian,. Roo rriK. UNFURNISHED room, private family; middle-aged woman employed during day; walking distance from Broadway ands Union ave.; place for stove; give location and price first reply. BF 827, Oregonian. BUSINESS girl wishes room in refined home in return for companionship. G 821. Oregonian. t Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and board for eldei :y lady and son, east side, near car; pri vate garage. AV 133, Oregonian.' RELIABLE woman to keep boy 4 years old in her home. Prefer place in Al bina district. 564 Larrabee st.. rm. 312. Housekeeping Rooms. COUPLE with baby wish two large, part ly furnished housekeeping rooms with Kitchenette; would like sleeping porch or yard for baby ; reasonable rent. Phone Main 4057. WANTED Furnished for housekeeping rooms, with 2 bedrooms, bath and kitchen, not over $30.- BD 820, Ore Konian. WANTED, by congenial couple, furnished housekeeping rooms in private family; kitchenette preferred. AL 800, Ore gonian. Flats. WANTED To rent, uear 16th and Wash ington, 5-room flat or apartment, un furnished. East 8222. Business Places. WANTED Furnished light office, use of reception room and phone; not over $25 month. Washington st. preferred. G 847, Oregonian. WANTED to rent, storeroom with 1500 to 2000 square feet, first or second floor. Main 0957. WANTED Desk room and use of phone . in downtown office . C 807, Oregonian. HOME, SWEET HOME I ,1 Y-ovj6 oft vN coj-uaG- 1! tw& mo r 1 Trr5 utsW Pmpuu 1 ll . u aut -r (?acv op rTlfS? Tv Ab3 tue tasu prom -r ( J oS Tws esse uo ies tfiuOiMe tvut)"W 06A-PAC6 8woo(?oQ i vssc? r- HujKnv v5Asr-r sav . &wA2&(Z C5 J V&o M p A r.vo. tv i FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL, 25 Washington St. A clean, respectable place to live: free phones ' in each room, automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau- j id connection; near wasmngton park. Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rates, day, week or month. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL EST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH; QrUCT. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 11.24 PER .DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP COXTEiaXT. ALL NIGHT GAR AGS. THE WHITEHALL. 253 Sixth St. Rooms single and en suite, modem, al moderate nrices: laree sun narior and every convenience. Portland's downtown hotel. CALL AT y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms- for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A. with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. GRANT HOTEL. 451 H Wash, st., $1 a lay up; by theweek, $5 up to $10, with bath. A clean. rspecrabie place to live. Mrs J E Ross, Prop. FURNISHED single sleeping room; 'also 2-room h. k. suite; large, clean, light and airy rooms. Prices verv reason able. Right downtown. Call 426 Alder gt. Phone Btlwy 3441. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up, private bath. $8; fireproof and clean; close to business center. SARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. at Haw thorne, thoroughly cleaned, good serv ice, free phone and bath, elevator serv ice; sleeping and h. k. apts. at summer rates. 3. J. Chartrow. mgr. East 091. ANSON 1 A HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington; rates $5 per week and up, $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center. SAVON HOTEL. 131, IlTH ST. Under new management; rooms with or without bath; rates $5 and up per week. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive room and suites at rea son able rates by week or month. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 632 Washington st. Mod ern, private baths, free phones, reason able rate; $3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6S31 HOTEL BRISTOL. 16 12th St.. cor. Stark. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates; $5 and up; hot and cold water, steam heat HOTEL COXRADINE, 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington st.. fire proof ; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. MATHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up: clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service. 204 CoIumbHi. WEAVER HOTEL, 708 WASH. ST. Spotlessly clean, newly decorated outside rooms with private bath and phone. WHY NOT have an apt. while in town? Three modern furn. rooms. $12.00 per week. San Marco. E. 8th and Couch. East 1990. MARL VN HuTEu Corner 17th and Couch; large, we;. furnished modern rooms: reasonable. EMPRESS HOTEL, 6th and Stark. Sin gle or double rooms at moderate prices. Special rates to permanent guests. ALEXANDER HOTEL. 131 10th st., at Alder; ciean H. K. apts. and sleeping rooms; centrally located for .tourists. iluTEL UCKLEY, Morrison st. at lULh il a day; week.y $o and up; free jjHuu ana bains; light and airy. iiiii si. -'ALL, i?ourin una --tier A RESPECTABLE DOWNTURN HO TEL; $1 up Rates by week or montn iuc DAY, (2.50 week up; .arge, abso.uie-- clean rms. ; baths tree: ;ai.er alwa t hot. Hote: Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferao n ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th st., near Morrison Clean and -modern rooms by day, vrek or month at reasonable rates DESIRABLE, new sleeping room, break iast or use of kitchen it" desired 3jT tit li st. CLEAN, comfortable room, close in, $2. per week. Bdwy. 2US4. 229 N. lth HIGHLAND COURT AT WATER Furnished room; $15 a month. $S MONTH Semi-basement sip. room; steam-heated apt. Bath. Bdwy. 10S0. BASEMENT room for rent for bachelors. 32S Clay st. DESIRABLE rooms, modern. 327 Sixth. Furnished Kocms in Private Family. TWO LARGE, well-furnished corner rooms in refined home ; bath, heat, phone; walking distance, gentlemen; references. 358 Larrabee, near Bdwy bridge. Phone East 4906. ; WEST SIDE Neat ivory enameled room with small kitchenette, electric grill, heat, lij,rht, phone, laundry, in modern home, to reiined lady. 389 11th st. Main 6750. NEWLY furnished pleasant front room, use of kitchen, for lady employed ; rent reasonable. Call before 9:30 A. M. or after 5 P. M., 378 Ross st. LOVELY room and alcove, -newly deco rated, fireplace, suitable 2 men; Nob - Hill, walking distance. 738 Hoyt st., Main 2964 before 10 and after 5. BEAUTIFUL room, overlooking park, fr man accustomed to nice things; quiet, modern place. Atwater 1780. 362 Park, cor. of Mill. CONGENIAL young man wishes room- mate, twin beds, parlor, piano. This is a real home. ; Bdwy. 2721. 61 North 18th street. NICE clean furnished rooms, H. W. floors In Rose City and nice neighborhood, $15 month. Phone Tabor 7986. 682 E. 70th st. North. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with dressing room; water in roorx1.; easy walking distance. 215 14th st. TWO congenial girls ' wish another girl to share apt. This is a real home; come and see. 61 N. 18th. Broadway 2721. CLOSE IN, very desirable room, break fast and all home comforts at a rea sonable price. 469 Clay. Main 2228. BE THE FIRST to get these clean, light, airy room; all new furniture; walking distance. 608 E. Morrison st. E. 5126. PLEASANT front room in private fajn ily. 838 E. Caruthers st. Take WS or RM car to E. 26th st. CORNER ROOM, facing park, all con veniences, walking distance, gentle man only. Atwater 0299. 374 Park. IRVINGTON Two elegantly furnished connecting rooms, den and bedroom ; ideal for 1 or 2 gentlemen. East 4073. SLEEflNci privileges, way 4434. oonis. reasonable, kitchen walking distance. Broad- STEAM-HEATED, furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. 564 Couch., apt 3, b?t. 17th and isth. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, excep tionally reasonable; walking distance. 223 21st st. FURNISHED sleeping room, very clean. 651 Mississippi ave. 269 14TH, near Jefferson, choice room. muuei n uun vtMucncea, waiKing ais. FRONT room, Portland Heights, Bdwy. 'car line, $15. Atwater 29.37. NICELY furnished room in apartment. Main 3203. EXCEPTIONALLY clean front room, suitable light housekeeping. 86 N. 17th. A LARUE front room, close in. Call after 6 P. M. or on Sunday. East 3519. NICELY furn. sleeping room, clean home, $12 month. 71 N. 22d st. 1 NICE SINGLE BEDROOM. LUMBIA BLVD. ROOMS, woman employed. 302 Park, corner Columbia; women only. LARGE rront room with board; home privileges. 170 N. 22d. Auto 518-66. ON SHORT ACQUAINTANCE ALEX KNOWS GEORGE VERY WELL Copyright. 1922. by the Mafl & Exnress Co. FOR KENT. Furnished Koonm In Private Family. t . PRIVATE garage and nicely fur. room. Board if desired, to one gentleman, in a modern home. . Little .distance from heart of city, but paved to tioor and very quiet. 515 Ainsworth, corner 10th. Woodlawn 2092. IN SUBURBAN home of refined widow two adults? can find pleasant rooms; all conveniences of city, beautiful grounds, shade, flowers, books, fruit and maga zines. First house across ttie track, opposite Rupert station, Oregon City electric. References required. A LARGE furnished room in high-class apt., suitable for 1 or 2 business girls or a nurse. 425 W. Park. No. 202. SiTTiNix room with 2 bedrooms, 3 beds, reasonable. Apply 466 Hoyt St.; gen tlemen only, Roonm With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23d AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. . 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.5 a day up; rates- by day or month. Meals served to transients. HOTEL HEREFORD. 735 HOYT.- NEAR 23D. MAIN 3305. One of Portland's high-class resi dential hotels. completely renovated and redecorated, attractive rates with all the comforts of home, now offered by Mrs. McDougall, formerly of Ramapo hotel. THE LORRAINE. Phone Broadway 3165. i 212 North 20th St. Exclusive private hotel for business people; excellent board, best accommo dations. Rooms with or without private bath; rates $45 to $65 per month. CHESTERBURY HOTEL, 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIALTRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day. week or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's down town high-classs family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the cpmforts'of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1189. PARK VIEW HOTEL. West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and wihtout bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. 712 MARSHALL ST. MAIN 8603. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Newly furnished, excellent meals; rates week or month. HOLLYWOOD HOTEL RESIDENTIAL. Newly furnished; excellent meals. Kearney st. Broadway 15419. 633 ROOM and board for business girl; all modern conveniences; walking dis tance; 5 per week. Auto. 210-74, 12 E. 7th st. LARGE room with sleeping porch, twin beds; west side, walking distance; with or without board. Bdwy. 4633. NICELY furnished room with good board; special rates to married couple. 428 V. Mill street. ROOMS Double, single, hot, cold water, private bath. 779 Marshall. Main 4878. SINGLE room and board in lovely home, close In, west side. Main 6953. VERY desirable furnished- apt., walking distance; $45. Main 7148. Rooms With Board in Private Family. 1RVINGTON. 1 block fiom car, among the finest homes, large front room, suitable for 2 people; hardwood floors, hot-water heat, fireplace, running water, plenty of good food, well cooked and served; everything to make ' a genuine home. East 0329. NICELY furnished rooms with excellent board and every home convenience; congenial atmosphere; easy walking distance; very moderate rates. 565 Glisan st. Broadway 2438. FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen ; share same room with, board; steam heat, connect ing bath; like home have no other roomers; $35 month; walking distance. Phone East 5185. IN ROSE CITY nome, nice room, good board for t parties, every home con venience; near Rose City car and ga rage; reasonable. 346 E. 41st N. Auto. 318-06. ' I 1 LARGE room with twin beds, suitable for 2 ; first-class table board ; good hot water and shower bath; walking distance. 681 (liisan. LAHiia, airy room, 2 beds, good view. Nob Hill district, home cooking, home comiorts tor j or 2 ladies, c. S. pre ferred. Main 3353. GOOD room and board on east side. 367 eidler st., just one block from two good car lines, take Union-ave. car or Broadway. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Clean, sunny rooms, excellent table board, every home privilege, piano; on Broadway car line. East 3778. EXCLUSIVE home among lovely trees, all privileges, reasonable, close in. Broadway 4314. LARGE room, suitable for couple em- ployed; good car service and home privileges, v Tahor 3176. 2 ROOMS with sleeping porch; home privileges; good board; suitable for 3 or 4. 76!) Irving st. Main 8145. ATTRACTIVE furnished room and board for 2 gentlemen; across from Multno mah club. Main 7720. EXCLUSIVE home among lovely trees, all privileges; reasonable, close, in. Bdwy. 4314. LIGHT, ciean, airy room for gentlemen, with or without board, ciose in, east s i de. 574 K ast Taylor. East 9044. REFINED lady living alone has 3 rooms for six nice girls; $32.50 each. 449 West Park. Phonei Atwater 2003. ' BOARD and room in private home at 734 Roosevelt st., near ball park. Prjce $35 per month. FOR TWO young men. Peninsula dis trict. 1537 Curtis ave. Phone Walnut 4899. ROOM AND BOARD. EAST EAST COUCH. FIRST-CLASS room and board, outside rooms. Main 2864. - 394 Columbia. GOOD home and mother's care for one child.. Call Tabor 9137. ROOM with board for two, west side. home privileges. Bdwy. 3780. ROOM and board, a good home to girl employed; close in. East 2790. Furnished Apartment. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MT. E. 1990. MAN AND WIFE or two gentlemen to share 4-room apt. with congenial couple. Phone Atwater 3638. THE NICHOLS 2-room apartment, fur nished, private bath, phone. Walnut 4M71. 856 E. 6th St. N. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12TH ST. - Large, light front 2-room apt.". Main 3694. ' ' BANNER APTS. Nicely furnished apts., reasonable rent. 4$0 Clay st. NEW furniture and rugs, 5 rooms, bath, hardwood floors, corner. East 4276. DESIRABLE 2-room apt., kitchenette. 328 Mill st. 1 room and 3-ROOM furnished apartment, private bath, walking distance. East 1906. AUDITORIUM COURT Modem 2 and 3 room apts, opp. Auditorium. Mar. 5566. HERMENIA 400 Hall st., corner 10th. Modern 3-room corner front apt. 257 12TH ST. Room, Kitchenette, gas light, phone furnished; walking dist. 2 ROOMS, $25 per mo. way, cor. 24th. 769 E. Broad- TWO 2-ROOM furnished apartments. 604 E. Couch. East 4976. C62 FLANDERS, near 20th. Nicely furn, 4-room apt., No. 8, $35. Call mornings. FOB RENT. Furnished Apartment. STELWYN APARTMENTS. THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely, 'fur- nished mpts. in city, in .elect res idence district, 5 minutes' walk ' from business-theater center by 23d si. or--CC car (easy walking . distance). Right up Washington street to 22d and around the cor ner U66 St. Clair- st.) Auto tourists and permanent tenants -will enjoy our reiined home at- , , mosphere.-" References required. Lovely sunshiny front outside apt., sleeping porch. Chinese Vrugs, Mlk hangings, brasses, com- fy wicker furniture, lior lamps, , etc. Piano,, A-l service. Ex ; 'ceptlonaliy clean. Also single rooms, , by day, week', month. THE STELWYN. JUST COMPLETED. NEW WESCOTT COURT APTS. 8TH AND WEIDLER; BLK. SOUTH , . BROADWAY. " ' Most complete' apartments in city, large living rooms, ; balcony, dining , room, bedroom, tile bath and kitchen; shower baths, electric ranges, hard wood floors. All outKi4& rooms, Includ ing bath. Adults. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to . Meier & Frank's store; good-, -surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., outside and French doors sand balcdny; permanent and transient. CHOICE APARTMENTS. "Merlin," Broadway . and Grant, strictly modern front room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 dressing rooms, bath, fine view; only $42.50 month, partly furnished adults. Garage if wanted.- Phone Marshall 426. i MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS, Two-room 'furnished, phone, electric lights, electric v washer, . all outside rooms, modern brick bldg., electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. Main 0466. THE JACKSON. . -r Three-room fur. and unfur. apts. $30 to $40; brick bldg., private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water; phone; 15 mm. walk to 5th and Wash.; Rose City car. ' East 2846. 51 Union ave. N. ALT AM O NT APTS,; 304 COLLEGE. Three rooms and private bath, nicely furnished, newly tinted, $47.50; also 4 rooms, private -bath, nicely furnished, newly tinted. $52.50. Main 6375. ... THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella streets. Very desirable 2-rbom fur " nished corner apt. with balcony; mod ern; walking distance. Bdwy. 4490. WELLINGTON COURT. . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. ' 2 rooms, strictly modern, newly kal somined; all new golden oak furniture, $35. BroadwAy 1245: FRONT 3-ROOM APT.. $45. BEAUTIFUL 4-ROOM APT., $50. Ready August 1st; very nice. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th vid Columbia. Newly decorated inside and out. ' WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. Modern brick bldg,; 3 large outside rms. fur., private bath;' walking dist. 575 E. Stark, cor. 14th, East S636. ETNA APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, dressing room and bath; hardwood floors, white enamel; free eiec. washer and mangle. East 3782. I PARK APARTMENTS. Light cool 4-room apartment, hard wood . floors, fireplace, ne.w carpets, west side;, reasonable. Atwater 23S1. JULIAETTE APARTMENT. 2d. and Montgomery. Unfurnished 2-room apts. ; private bath; reasonable. Phone Mar. 2188. DRICKSTON APT., 448 11TH. - 3 roome, 2 disappearing beds, newly tinted and painted; also one 2-rm. apt LAMBROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, raaaonable. furnished 2-rm. apts. Call East 4062. BUENA VISTA 434 HARRISON ST. 2 and 3-room, strictly modern fur nished and 1 unfurnished apt.; all out side apts. Main 1052. $37.50 MAIN 3816 137.50. Can be inspected today, 2-room",. small Kiicnen apt., artistically turnished pleasant outlooTt. Main 3816. - GODFREY COURT. 500 Vancouver Ave. 3-room, clean, modern apt.. $40; adults; near Bdwy. bridge. East 0841, ATTRACTIVE 2-room apt., hardwood floors, tapestry paper. Artistically furn. In beautiful Nob Hill See this at once. Bdwy. 2558. - IDAHO APARTMENTS. Two and 3-room nicely furnished, moderate prices, west side. 380 ijth st. LOVELY 2-rm. front apt, priv. entrance; spotlessly clean; also 1 rm. and kitch enette. close in. 474 Clay. Atw. 4194, SERENE COURT APTS.. cor. E. 1st and Multnomah; 2 and 3-room furnished ( apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. I BERKELE 1 APTS., TRINITY PLACE. i . 2-3 rm! fur. apts.; walking distance. 4 rm. basement apt. Bdwy. 5 151. ALICE COURT 2 and 3-room, private bath, fireplace, 2 beds, ?4O-$50. Free phone. E. 8th and Burnstde. E. 3566. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. 3-room furnished apt., with private bath. Marshall 2250. ? THE LILLIAN. . S-room apts., west side, close in. Marshal! 1978. 381 Sixth st. ' JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. CARLOTTA COURT, 17TH AND EVERETT. AUTO 513-25. Two-room front apartment. LARGE room with sleeping porch, twin beds; west side, walking distance; with or without board. Broadway 4633 ALTONIA APTS., 19th and Marshall 2, , 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, un furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. PENROSE APTS., Grand ave. at Bel mont; 2 or 3-room apts., furnished in white enamel. East 4548. SOUTHAMPTON APTS., 414 Tenth St. 4-room apts., newly decorated. THE ORDERLEIGH, 82 Grand ave., at tractive, well-furnished suites, reno vated. private baths, very reasonable. SEVARGE apartments, 271 South Broad way, 1 and 2-room apts; lights and hot water. COLLEGE Swell 3 rooms, .walking dis tance, near audiiorium, low rates. Third and. College. Mar. 5555. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apts.,- with or without private bath. 272- Williams avenue. ' ' UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur apt $21.50. Complete, concrete bldg. 2-ROOM apts., lights, bath, phune, $22 and $24; garage. 566 Market. ROSELYN APTS., 310 N. 2lst St.. 2-rm. modern apt.; reasonable. $30 3 ROOMS, clean, complete; light, hot water. East 6745. heat. CAMBRIAN apts., 2 and 3-room fur. apta. h. w. oors. .433 Columbia. Mar. 3639. 2 AND T-RM. apts.,- light, modern. Ar line apt., 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. ELBRIDGE apts., 274 N. 21st ; 2 and 3 room apt.; reasonable. Bdwy. 4730. CARLO IS APT., 2-rm. modern, furnished apt.; Reasonable. I4tn and Market, THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th; 2 and 4-room apts. Broadway 3658. 3-ROOM H. K. apt.; modern., nicely fur., close In, east side. East 1674. MADISON PARK apartment, 2, 3 and 4 room apte., opp. Auditorium. Mar. 5566. 3 ROOMS, sleeping porch, private bath; SxS closet. 551 E. Yamhill. East 1710. FOR KENT. Furnished Apartment. NOTICE. ' " WHEELDON ANNEX. '- Did you know that the Wheel don Annex Apartments are un der new management and the entire building is being com pletely renovated and decorated? Here you will find the clean est and most desirable furnished apartments and sinsle rooms in the city, with hotel service and reasonable rate to permanent and transient guests; close in to business district; corner 10th and Salmon sts. Main 6641. .' KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. High-class apartment house near 23d and Washington will accommodate tourists during summer 3-room fur nished apt., 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; also a newly decorated 8-room apt. with a real bedroom and new furniture. Call Main 3883. . IRVINGTON. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, .hard wood floors,' all modern conveniences; no objection to 2 children, permanent location. C. A. WAGNER CO. 230 Stark st. Bdwy. 7150. . DIEL APTS 760 B. ANKENY. Modern 3-room, comp. furn. corner apt., 1st floor;, light, airy. Just ren ovated and tinted. Private bath and phone, Farkfng space East 1808. NOKOMIS APARTMENT. Two-room apartment, private phone and bath included. Very desirable; walking distance. Bdwy. 4964. AND 3-room furnished apt., $15 and $20, laundry and bath. No objections to children; located 246 Russell st. East 0765- - - THE ALAMO APTS. Lov-ely furnished 3-room front apt., steam heat, private bath, disappearing bed, -newly done over. 404 Market. THE GRANDESTA APTS. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. S-room apts, strictly clean and mod ern. $35 and up. Phone East 0208L FROM Aug. 1. furnished or unfurnished ' 3-rom apartment in high -class apart ment house with . first-class Bervice. East 6613. THE MARTHA APTS. 54 N. 23d St.' 1 and 2 rooms newly furnished apts., brand new! LARGE desirable front housekeeping room, $25; also a clean well furnished -roim apartment, yard, veranaa, waiKingJii listance. 735 Everett. -ROOM apartments, new and absolutely clean, laundry . vicinities. $20 a month and up. 643 Upshur. Bdwy. 1R71. EXCELLENT apartment, two light front rooms-,, close m, $5 per week. Phone Bdwy. 20.84.- 229 N. 16th St. .' LUXOR APTS., under new management, fur. 2 and 3-room apts., modern. Phone Main 8105. H ADDON HALL, IlTH AND HALL. 3 rms,, kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs., private balconies, $35 up. Mar. 1160. MORTON APARTMENTS. 3-room apt., also 3-room basement apt. 607 Washington st. Bdwy. 1038. NEATLY furnished apartmerits and sleeping rooms; walking distance, $2 week up. - 586 First st. THE -WHITNEY. . . 14TH AND MARKET. L Choice 3-room apt.' Women only.' KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11 th and Montgomery. Main 0359. MODERN 3-room - furnished apartment, 2 wall beds, bath and telephone. The Sheffield, Broadway at 'Jeffersori. FURNISHED 2-room apt., for man and wife, away during the day. , 640& E. Main st. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartments, Harrison Court, 394 Fifth. Phone Main 5148. 170 CHAPMAN, near Morrison, at 18th, 2 large front rooms, $35. Depot-Morrl-'- son caV. Atwater 1828. HANTHORN APTS. - -3-room furnished apt.; 2 disappear ing beds: ylose in. 251 12th st. Unfurnished Apartments. ABERDEEN. 611 HAWTHORNE AVE. New apt. house, just completed, four room apt., hardwood floors. 2 sets French doors, ivory finish, electric ranges and wTasher. Phone East 6fl5Q, WHEELDON ANNEX. ' A 2-J,oom apt. on ground floor 'with private entrance. Corner . 10th and Salmon. Main 6641. GRACE APTS., COR. 24TH AND NORTH STREETS. n Vacant Aug. 1, 5 large rooms, steam heat, janitor service. Phone, week days Atwater 2512. Sunday Atwater 0554. UNFURNISHED apt. in Irvlngton; three large outside rooms and sleeping porch. Phone and heat Included. Rent rea sonable. Phone East 2735. 392 Last " 15th st. N. ' BOWMAN APTS., 16th and Hancock. 4 outside rooms, 1st floor, bungalow style, modern, ian. service, steam heat, French doors. Adults. Ref. East 1369. THE MARLBOROUGH. A 5-room apt., very nice large and light rooms. newly decorated through out. Main75 16. STEVENS APT., 791 NORTHRUP. Six large outside rooms, newly dec orated, hdwd. floors, fireplace, heat, water. Sleeping porches. Main 9358. HASELET APTS. Three large outside rooms, unfurnished, modern; private bath, phone, $45; adults only. 368 13th street. WICKERSHAM APTS. 5-room modern, unfurnished; excellent service, located 18th and Flanders, west sido Phone Bdwy. 2201. . 566 E. ASH Newt something different and very desirable, large 4 rms., hot water heat, fireplace, tapestry paper, ivory woodwork ; garage; references. GARDNER 13tb. and E. Ash Attractive 5 rooms, hdwd. floors, fireplace,, hot water heat; references. East 2871. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished . and unfurnished apart menU; corner 21st and Irving. . IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND . COUCH. 4-room-modern front corner apt.; 1 blk. off Wash. St.; adults. Bdwy. 2761. ROSE-FRIEND, BDWY. -JEFFERSON. Elegant- 4-room apartment can be se cured; good service. Atwater 1410. HENRIETTA APTS., 160 E. 20th St. cor. Belmont, j ust completed ; 3-room apt., modern, steam neat. HANTHORN APTS. Front 3-room, unfurnished apt., disappearing beds. 251 12th st. UNFURNISHED apartment, Tudor Arms, ISth and Couch. Three rooms; refer ences required. Bdwy. 2559. KINO ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0359. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desir able fur. and unfur. ants, available at reasonable rentals. Phone Bdwy, 6860. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Broadway 3360. ALTER apts., 6 rms., sip. porch, tile bath and shower. 21st-Overton, Bdy. 1980. 5-ROOM modern apartment, $35. ' Call Main 4566. 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment. The Wlimar, 742 Everett st. Main 5164. LOVELY, modern 4-room corner apt.; very reasonable. East 1400. ' 4 AND 5-RM. apt, balcony and porch. Irlng Apts., 21st and Irving. Main 9239. THREE lovely rooms and bath. Stanton at., near Williams ave. THE ORMONDE 5-room, unfurnished apartment. 656 Flanders, Bdwy. 3873. 660 FLANDERS, 6-r. refin. apt, porchea, $65. From. Aug. 1. Bdwy. 3134. FOR RENT. rttfnrnishecl Apartments. HOYT-GL1SAN APARTMENTS. - 706 EAST HOYT ST.. New. building now ready for occu pancy, 3, 4, 5-room unfurnished apart ments; all outsid rooms overlooking beautiful gardens; larne rooms, electric ranges, hardwood floors, tile baths, 1 every modern convenience and unex celled service. Phone East 7527 KINGSBURY APARTMENTS 186 VISTA AVE.. NEAR 23D AND WASHINGTON. High-class apartment hnu.se; nas- one nice large 4-room unfurnished apt., also 3-room apt. with two disappear ing beds and outside balcony; newly papered and decorated. Can be seen now. Main 3S3. IRVINGTON. Beautiful 6-room lower No. 4 apart ment; hardwood floors, tiled bMth, steam heat, janitor service; no chil dren; references ; rent $100. 377 East '',25th N. H: Hoffman, 367 Morrison st. Atwater 5S47. FINE 6-room upper fiat, walking dis tance. 330 13th. Main 5!09. Furnished or I'nfiirolpofi Apartments. ' THE PEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th. nea Taylor, Atwater 01 28. 5 rooms furn. or unfurn. All outside rooms; no objection to children, tran sients laiidtoirTjsts. FOR RENT Nice light and airy five room apartment, either furnished or unfurnished. Prices $35 and $40. Ap ply -Belmont Apartments. East 29th Y- and Belmont. JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH. ST.-4-ROOM APTS. -3 AND THE VICTORIAN .-room furn. or un furn. apts., bath, close In. reasonable. 42S Columbia, near Ilth. Atwater 2277. LAURELHURST APTS. . . " "3-rm. apt., bath, neatly fur. 42 East 39th and Morrison. Tabor 2614. H 1G H LA N D CO CRT. ATWATER 3181. Furnished or unfurnished apartments Flats. 13TH AND CLAY. ' Beautiful 6 rooms- and breakfast nook with all modern conveniences, it must be seen to appreciate. Call Smith & Wagoner Co., Stock Exch., cot, 3d and Yamhill. RENT unfurnished modern 11-room up per flat, 2 stories, 2 toilets ad baths, electricity, gas lights, paintea all way through, walking distance. 634 North rup st. Broadway 2020. - : EAST SIDE, 2 blocks north Broadway bridge, 420 ii Larrabee st., exception ally attractive new upfcer flat; 4 rooms, ivory woodwork, diiappearlng bed. gas neat. $41). Apply 4i larrabee. 2 NICE 4-room flats, unf urriished ; gas ' range, water and heat Included; $45 per montn. Kast 3iun ana Aiaer. inquire- 603 Title & Trust bldg. Broad- Way 3258. . MODERN 5-room lower flat, fireplace, light, clean, fine district, close in, 3 blocks from steel bridge. 226 Occident and Hoiladay ave. 5-ROOM flat and sleeping -porch, gas range if wanted; for sale; rent $33. 167 East 27th st. Adults only. Be tween Belmont and Yamhill. - LARGE 5-room flat, 386 Hawthorne av. Immediate possession. $30. Main 0815 701 Corbett bldg. CLEAN, modern, upper 5 rooms and attic bedroom: adults; double or single; ga- rage. 664 East Main, cor, latn st. $22.50 3-ROOM upper flat, 621 Overton, west side; walKtng distance, water, gas . for bath free. East 1WH. ATTRACTIVE 7-room modern ail con veniences; adults. Ref.; $42. 572 East Salmon. 2 5-ROOM . flats, east side, for rent cheap. Inquire 204 Morris st. Phone , Walnut 1568. FOR RENT Steam heated flat in Irv ing tonPtmne 5 ROOMS, fine condition, fine district; $35; water, garbage. East 7277. 722 A E. MAIM Clean, modern 4-room upper flat, large attic, furnace; adults. ONE 4-ROOM flat, newly renovated. 401 Tenth st. Main 24 8U. 598 SALMON ST. 8 lovely rooms. $5y; desirable and clean. Broadway 6252. FINE 6-room upper flat, walking dis tance, 330 13th. Main" 5999. $25 LOWER 4 rooms, newly" tinted and painted; adults. 628 K. Main. 3-ROOM upper flat, $12. 77i ave.; adults. Bdwy. 2190. MODERN upper flats, nice yard, on 12th and E. Couch. Adults Qftiy. 3-ROOM flat, lovely place for working girls. Walnut 6711. 5-ROOM FLAT at 363 16th St., st., west side. FOR Rlir 5-room modern fla Wil?onV. Main 6120. 5-ROOM lower flat, close in, walking distance. Bdwy. 0098. 5-ROOM unfurnished upper flat, E. Clackamas. Tabor 3191. 5-ROOM flat, west side, walking dis tance; $17.50. Call 509 Jefferson. Furni!dnI Flats. LOVELY 5-room upper flat, to be vacant August 1 ; partly furnished, Ivory enameled woodwork, light, airy rooms, - i.rge porch, good view,- Nob Hill dis trict, half block to 23d-st. car. This ' must be seen to be appreciated. Come early, as this is a real bargain. 7S4 Glisan street. Atwater 2628. SUNNYSIDE carline. clean, well fur nished apartment, 2 rooms, alcove, bath and pantry; private entrance; adults only; $35. Tabor 1811. W. H. Sawtell. 4-ROOM furnished flat; electric IigMs, gas and sink, private entrance, walk ing dist. 462 Er Flint st., bet. Tilla- mook and "Page. Adults only. E. 557L LARGE 2-room modern flat; bath, dress ing room; rent $17; spotlessly clean, finely furnished ; furniture for sale. 6Sth and Belmont. Tabor 5115. FURNISHED, new, 5 rooms, west side; porches; clean; light; walking dis tance; adults. Sellwood 1370. 268 ROSS ST. Walking distance, partly turmsnea 4-room tiat. rnone walnut 1859. 6-ROOM furnished flat, all conveniences; adults only. 422 Hall street. Main 5649. . IRVINGTON Choice 4-room flat. heat. light, gas. water, garage, $70 ; also 3- im. flat, .$52. 711 Thompson. E. 8015. COMFORTABLY furnished 6-rbom flat. piano; close m;. on. Atwater 39 $29 DESIRABLE 3-room flat. bath. Petty grove. Bdwy. 3176. NICELY furnished fiat, yard; will sell turn Iture cheap. Atwater 3972. $30 SMALL, modern, clean flat, phone, garage, carline, pavement. Wal. 3219. 4-ROOM flats, $35 and $40, adults. East 3305. 290 Fargo st. - WELL-FURN,, clean, modern, 5-room flat, overlooking river. 349 E. Glisan st. WELL-FURN. 6-room flat, piano, fire piace. S. P. 701 Hoyt. Atwater 3462. JNICELY furnished lower 4-room flat and garage; adults. 324 E. 15th. ESPECIALLY good 5-rm. 19th and E. Burnside. E. upper 5733. MODERN 4-room flat, close in; adults. Aiili Sacramento at. J'none Jb-ast J.it. Housekeeping Rooms. keF LARGE room and kitchenette, first floor, hot water always. 655 Flanders st. ONE 3-ROOM and one 2-room furnished housekeeping rooms. 35 N. 19th. TWO-ROOM suite, telephone and bath. 67 N. 20th st. Bdwy. 4123. STEAM -HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and c water. $3 to $7 per week. 147 13th st. 1 and 2-room . apartments, also garage, 693 E. Madiffon. E. 8911. TWO front rooms, first floor; also single rooms. 655 Flanders st. H. K. ROOMS, hot and cold water, elec; reasonable refit. 447 5th st. -ROOM basement apt.; everything fur nished; $16. 507 Clay at, Atwater 3602. By IL J. TUTHILL Housekeeping Rooms, COMPLETELY lurnished suites, large. light rooms, every convenience, not water and free baths at all hours; phune, linen, gas ranges; clean suites tort desirable people, center of city, no carfare. $4 to $5 week. 2SSV Third st.. near .leffersorv - $32.50 CLEAR 3 connected rooms with all the conveniences of an apartment. These room are seldom fur rent. You will surely be suti.-td. Nut suitable . for children. 056 Williams ave. Wnl- ut- 7165 SINGLE housekeeping rooms. 5 to $10 per mnth; 2 and 3-room suites, $12 to $15; lobbv. Special rates x-s rv'.ce buys. "The Vaughn Apts.. X. lOtn and Vnuthn Fts. . TWO LARGE furnished rooms with kitchenette, suitable for 4 people. Mot and cold water in sink. Bath and elec tric light. Rent reasonable. 631 Hoyt near 20th." CLEAN, cool housekeeping suite; also sleeping room, heart of Tity; phone and bath. 264 Jefferson st.. corner of -.Third st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up, includinf? hot water, elec. lights, laundry room. NICELY furnished 2-room H. K. apt., water in room. $4 up. 461 E. Morrison. Mon t if om ery apartments. FURNISHED H. K. rooms for rent, fur nace heat and place for car. hct and cold water in all rooms. 83 N. 21st St. 1 AND 2 ROOMS for housekeeping: bath and light furnished. 63 Ella st.. near Wash. TWO lumped nousrKeepmg rooms, nice and clean, everything except gaa for cooking. 203 Knott st. East 6481. 53 18TH N. Sceam-heated H. K. apts.; will soon bo gone; better get youra now; $3.50 up; hot and cold water. 3-ROOM furn. h. k. apt.; free phone, lights, water, gas range; $6 weekly. 350 14th st. SINGLE h. k. rooms, $2.50 per week and up. 695 Front at., corner Meade. Main 3502. ONE PLEASANT housekeeping room suitable for one person; fine location; $15. 631 Hoyt St. Bdwy. 446. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms; heat, gas, phone, bath. 551 Rodney, corner Knott. DENVER APARTMENTS, 208 Washing ton, corner of First Single and dou bles; nice, clean rooms; cheap rent. MODERN clean rooms for housekeeping or offices; very low rent. 271 Rus sell cor. Williams ave. . ONE large, light, unfurnished h. k. room, fine location; rent $12. 631 Hoyt, near :oyi. ONE AND 2-room h. k. suite. $3 and $4 week; walking distance. 261 Chapman. Main 7618. ' .NICE clean h. k. rooms, single and double, $2.50 week up. Buckeye apt., 364 Vt E. Morrison. CLEAN, liKht, cool H. K. rooms, run ning water, 206 First st. Auto. 521-39. , CLEAN basement room for man em ployed; back off the street. 261 14th. near Jefferson. LARGE room and kitchenette, $0; rooms. $25: close in. 306 4th st. ONE AND TWO nicely furnished house keep ingroomj SUMMER prices, downtown rur. h. k. rooms, 253 Wash., cor. 3d. Housekeeping Room iq Private Family. THREE light, well-furnished' rooms, water, light, phone, laundry trays, electric washer; 1 block from Sunny side car. 919 E. Yamhill, bet. 30th and 31st sts. CHEERFUL 2-room h. k. apt., freshly tinted and dean; also sleeping rooms; laundry done if desired. 751 Kearney st. Atwater 1293. H. K, ROOMS, walking distance, ga rage. 275 Williams ave. East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. TWO clean rooms with sleeping porch; phone, light and heat; no children. Phone East 13Q8, 672 East Morrison, st 1 LARGE front rm., kitchen, pantry, large closet, light, water, phone, close in 142 Union ave. N. $15 per month. CLEAN housekeeping rooms for gentle men, $S month. 500 Jefferson st. near 14th. CLEAN, newly renovated 2-room front housekeeping apt.; no objection to one child. 500 Jefferson st., near 14th. TWO nice, clean, light rooms, phone, water, bath, to man and wife; no chil dren. ISO E. 7th at. N. Phone E. 7015. ON Ifi LARGE light H. K. room, close In, light, hone. gas, water and bath, fur nished. 327 Clackamas. E. 5305. THREE nicely furnished h. k. rooms in modern home; white enamel; adults only. 106 E. 30th. Tabor oSOl. THREE "furnished h. k. room's on main floor. Cor. 13th and Ivon, near Divi sion'st. Sellwood 1222. FOUR homelike furnished H. K. rooms; clean, comfortable; convenient, close in, west side. Atwater 0008. i-ROOM apt., newly furnished, walking distance. 368 Multnomah. East 8051 1 AND 3 clean and desirable h. k. 388 12th st. Main 3SSMI. NICELY fur. h. k. rooms, piano, garage; reasonable. 1551 Rodney, cor. Knott. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in one 3-room suite. 605 Sixth st. 3 H. K. ROOMS, furnished. 188 E. 44th st., 1 block south Sunnyslde car. NICELY furnished 2-room apt. at 5S6 Hoyt st. PLAIN, cheerful rooms for one or two ladles. Walnut 4426. Houses. FURNITURE" MOVING. Pianos moved $3 up; 30 days free storage on all crated household goods; let us estimate your woTk. Atlas Transfer Storage Co. Phone Bdwy. 1207. $40 NEW 5-room, strictly modern bun galow with garage; 1424 E. Glisan: last approach to Laurelhurst. Apply 1416 E. Glisan; will lease to responal ble party. VERY attractive 7-room residence flat, wonderful view, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, $60; out of ordinary. 996 Savier street. Atwater 4371. CALL BROADWAY 5S0 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO., LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th street. 5-ROOM cottage, electric lights, gaa; walking distance. Furniture in same at present for sale if desired. 335 E. 1st st. N. East 3828. FOR SALE OR RENT 7-room house, all in enamel but kitchen, modern except furnace, ciqe In; $38 per month. 12 Kj. jin st. &. Wi ROOMS with bath, big yard; no ob jections to children. 24th and Thur man ; $25 per month. 603 Title &. Trust bldg. Broadway 32M. "WHEN moving, city or country, get tne best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co. Main 1261. 202 Alder st. MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND UP. FIRE PROOF, 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO.. BDWY. 2445. NEW 5-room bungalow, partly furnished. Call Sunday 10-6; $40 month; refer ence. 808 Vancouver ave. ONE 5-room furnished house; 1 6-room unfurnished, $35 and $30. Main 866$ or Walnut 6417. FINE largo clean light rooms, furnished or unfurnished, convenient, desirable; . garage. 950 E. Salmon. Tabor 9178. KENTON FOR RENT- Clean 5 large-room house with ga- rage, sao. wainuc aoj. 7-ROOM modern house, furnace, garage, garden, 1 door n. Hawthorne ave. 269 E. 32d St.; $50. East 5235. MOVING Pianos, furniture; long-dis- Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Bdwy. 5121. TO LEASE for 1 year, exclusive, modern 6-room bungalow in Alameda Park. Phone East 1232. FOR RENT Beautiful corner home; 10 large rooms and sleeping porch; mod ern. Broadway 5282. $25 HALF of double house, 6 rooms, all newly papered, gas. electricity. 690 Water st. Phone 525-65. MODERN BUNGALOW Garage, hard wood floors, fireplace. Will lease, $45. Phone Empire 1467. MODERN 5-room bungalow, walking distance, west side, grounds. 720 Cor bett st. $20 6-ROOM house, range and some fur niture; near car and school. 8035 59th avenue. LARGE 8-room house, newly decorated, suitable for two families. 695 East Washington street. TO RENT your home see Frank U Mo Guire. Ablngton bldg. 4-ROOM house. -17. inquire 428 North 23d. Phone Main 5880. FOR RENT- -9-room house, or sale. Ta- bor 1253. FOR RENT Unfurnished house at 5220 S. E. 4oth st. Atwater r162. 5-ROOM bungalow, $23, with garage. Call at 1847 Portsmouth ave. 4-ROOM house, small children. gas, not modern. Inquire 660 Kerby. $50 LARGE 10-ropm house, Irvington, near car. Call 329 Salmon. . $30 ELEGANT little home, 5 rms., adults only. 3.8 East 9th North. MODERN 5-room bungalow. 9 E. 84th. Furnished Houses. NltW MODERN 5-room bungalow, $30 per month. 5504 Wroodstock ave. 5 ROOMS Partly furnished, west of Laurelhurst. $40. East 5779. NEW house, furnished, paved fit., garage. Auto. 628-48. $2750 5-ROOM furnished house, light and water included. 249 Harrison. 7-ROOM modern house for 3 or 4 months garage. 668 E. 59 th K. Tabor 8520.