Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 29, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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$2 Silk Gloves
$1.59 '
Main Floor 16-button length Silk
Gloves in one of the best standard
makes. Exceptionally good weight.
Black, white, brown and cham- 1- PQ
pagn Special at the pair DJLDt
Silk Gloves 89c
2-button Silk Gloves with fancy em
broidered backs. Heavy weight. Shown
in white, gray, pongee and cham- CQn
pagne. Regular $1.50 and $1.75. 0C
Chamoisette Slip-on Gloves, strap
wrist effects with pearl buckle and
fancy embroidered back. Polar, mode,
beaver and peart. Priced I- nn
special at, the,' pair.
Bargain Circle, Main Floor
A STORE-WIDE UNDERSELLING EVENT that offers extraordinary opportunities to me on merchandise
of best standard qnalities. We have planned to make this the greatest Anniversary Sale in the store's history
and every department will be called upon to contribute of its best bargains. Watch our advertisements from day
to day and visit the store often. Charge purchases made today go on August accounts payable September L
Olds, Woriinan
' "in.
Cream Wafers
39c lb.
A delicious, wholesome confection
that appeals to old and young OQ
alike. Saturday special, a pound
Dollar Mints, chocolate coated, OOp
freshly made. Special the pound tlOt
Crunchit large bags priced at 10
. Candy Department, First Floor.
Motor Headwear
At $3.00
Main Floor Light and dark Tweed,
Tricolette and Kid Hats' in smart styles
for motor, sport and outing wear. Solid
colors and two-tones. Also a few Satin
Hats in plain colors. Values
up to $4.50. Priced special
S S3.00
Lingerie Blouses $2.29
Middy Blouses at $1
Main Floor Women s summer
Blouses of fine sheer quality Ba
tiste, Voile and Dimity. Choice of
several pretty models in tailored
and dressy effects. Peter Pan and
tuxedo collars. Some have tie
sashes, trimmed with laces, hem
stitching, cascades, "etc. PO OQ
Sizes to 46. Special at
Main Floor Women's and girls'
Sport Middies at a ridiculously
low price for quick clearaway.
Made up in good quality 'Galatea
with collars and cuffs of self-material
or serge. Regulation and
the popular co-ed styles. All sizes
6 years up to 44 bust. C-! A A
at tfXV"
Priced Saturday
Center Circle, Main Floor
Gossard Corsets at $2
-2 New Models
Second Floor If you have never worn a
Gossard Corset, $2 is surely a small
sum to find out a becoming style and
comfort such as you have never known
before. Model 202 as illustrated for
slight to medium figures. Model 200 for
average to stout figures.. Gossard
quality guarantee goes with every one
of these new Corsets. An- fiV AA
niversary Sale, special at BUU
Sale of Brassiers
Nature's Rival Brassieres in bandeau
and regulation styles. Lace and em
broidery trimmed, also in the fancy bro
cades. Special at 590, 690, 980
Vanity Brassieres of plain of brocaded
Satin. Heavy elastic all &i QP
around bottom. Priced special D-L7t)
Second Floor
Sale of Women's High-Class Dresses
Junior Shop Sale
Girls' Dresses
Up to $49.50
Women's Dresses
Second Floor Beautiful Dresses for all
occasions. Depleted lines of the season's '
most fashionable styles. Crepe de Chine.
Canton Crepe, Taffeta and Tricolette.
Straightline and blouse effects. Trimmed
with braids, beads, ruffles, embroidery, etc.
Navy, orchid, brown, jade, henna, j?OP
black, etc. .Values to $49.50, special -w&O'
Women's Dresses
Second Floor Tricolette, French Crepe,
Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Georgette and
Satin "Dresses. Wide range of styles to
choose from but only one or two of a kind.
Many smart blouse models, also panel and
basque effects. Attractively trimmed with
beads, ruffles and embroidery. . Splendid
selection of colors. Dresses selling (jJ.QC
heretofore up to $57.50. Special at POD
Second Floor Special lots of Girls' Middy
Dresses on sale at half regular prices.
Chambray, Soisette, Galatea and Devon
shire cloth. Yoke styles with plaited skirts,
sailor collars and ties. Sizes 6 to 14. $3.75
to $6.95 Middy Dresses on sale at Price.
Dresses $3.98
Junior Shop, Second Floor Wash Dresses
of Gingham, Ratine, Crepe and dotted
Swiss. Solid colors .and checks.- Many
dainty styles in this lot. Lines QQ QQ
selling formerly to' $7.95. Sale DOt0
Girls' Coats
S. & H. Stamps
Junior Shop, Second Floor Odd lines Girls'
Coats at a sacrifice price to effect a quick
, clean-up. Homespuns, Tweeds and Flan
nels. Belted, loose and semi-fitted styles
with convertible collars.. 'A few Capes flP
also included. Sizes 6 to 14. Val. $17.50. Vt)
COATS AT $10 Velour. Homesmin.
Poiret Twill and Tricotine Coats in an ex
cellent assortment of colors. Sizes
6 to 14. Values up to $28.50. Sale
Women's; Silk Hose 79c
Black, White and Popular Colors
Main Floor Women's Silk Hose of a
well-known make several hundred
pairs ready for Saturday's ..selling.
Semi-fashioned, with lisle toe, heel
and top. Sold as. irregulars on H(in
account of slight defects. Pair t JKt
Silk Lisle Hose '
At $1.15 ' v
Main Floor Women's Silk Lisle Hose
in fancy heather mixtures Peri
winkle, beige, camel, black, white
also in plain black and (j"! 1 P
white. Practically all sizes. DxxU
Cotton Hose
3 Prs. $1
Main Floor Excellent quality Cotton
Hose in white black and a few colors.
This is the grade you would expect to
pay 50c a pair for. Special for P"
Anniversary Sale 3 pairs -for X fe. & H. btampSi
1 Millinery Sacrifice Sale
; Trimmed, Untrimmed,- Banded Hats
The Millinery Salon announces for Saturday a special
clean-up sale of about 60 Women's Hats at a -sacrifice ffl
fn i 1 . l L . 1 i l . .r.s
puce, inrajnea moaeis in smart snapes, aiso umnmnieu l t
and banded hats. Just the thing for beach and sport'
wear. They'll go out in a hurry shop early. Special $1
Millinery Salons, Second Floor
$2.25 Stationery
At $1.25
Main Floor Whiting's Repre
sentative Linen a high-grade
correspondence paper in white
and wanted colors. Put up in
full 2-quire boxes. (PI OP
Regular price $2.25. tDl.U
Sport Scarfs
Main Floor Women's and Girls'
Sport Scarfs of extra quality
fiber Silk. Latest Roman stripe
patterns and various plain col
ors. Finished at ends with
hand-knotted fringe. Plain and
fancy weaves. Values fl?0 Q
up to $4.95; sale at
Vestees and Guimpes $L95
Anniversary Sale
Main Floor The woman who loves dainty
neckwear will find this a wonderful oppor
tunity to choose ait a big saving. Organdie
Vestees in Peter Pan style with full bodice
Organdie Guimpes Gingham Vestees with
Organdie - inserts Net Guimpes (jt QP
with cascades, etc. ' Special only t5x.D
Neckwear $4.95
Main Floor Net Camisettes with Irish and
filet lace Vestees attached Net Guimpes with
Irish and filet lace trimmings. v Tuxedo and
cascade styles. Variety of different patterns
to select from. Special for the OA QP
Anniversary Sale; priced at "only tB'i.tO
Neckwear $7.95
Main Floor This lot includes many high
grade novelties in Bodice Guimpes of Net
trimmed- with real lace in Irish
C JP XT Popular tuxedo and cascade effects. 0r7 QP
9. & Jtl. OiampS Priced for the Anniversary Sale at wl ft)
One of the
Great Story
Guy De' Maupassant in a
beautiful, flexible leather edi
tion an excellent translation;
fine paper, good print com
plete in '10 vols., $10 the set.
formerly $25; few sets left.
7-vol. cloth-bound sets of
Shakespeare, $5 values $2.50
And 2 Big Tables
filled with . genuine bargains
in fiction and non-fiction. Some
at half price and less; "A
real book lover's sale.
Book Shop, Main Floor.
Ivory Soap 4 for 25c
None sold or delivered at above price except with other
purchases made in the Drug Department and not more
than 4 cakes to a customer.
Boradent Tooth Paste at 25t
Creme Elcaya, the jar at 590
Cuticura Soap, 3 cakes 650
Creme Simon, 500 and $1.00
Krank's Lather Cream at 300
Milkweed Cream 450, 900
Cotys Face Powder in all the
popular shades, priced at 890
Djer" Kiss Talcum at 250
'Djer Fiss Powder 500, 850
Gourard's Cream at $1.35
Ivory Soap special 4 for 25c
Lee's Hospital Cotton, lb., 450
Jergen's B. & A. Lotion 370
Java Rice Powder now 370
Kolynos Tooth Paste at 200
Lyon's Tooth Powder at 230
Mennen's Shaving Cream 430
Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 490
Odorono, at 270, 550, 900
SPECIAL -Purola Shaving
Cream; on sale Sat- - Q
urday at, the tube xiC
Sealpax Sleepers $1.29
$2.50 Kind '
For children 2 to 14
years. Made up in extra
good quality outing flan
nel in , blue, pink and or
chid. Pre-laundered, bull
dog grip buttons, elastic
non-binding oback. The
ideal sleeping garment for
the children. Comfortable,
roomy, well made. Regu
lar price $2.50. (J- OQ
Priced special vLJ
Odd line children's Un
dermuslins in the Anni
versary Sale at low prices.
Dept., 2d Floor
Children's Dresses
At Off
Second Floor Our "entire
stock of Organdie Dresses
for little tots 2 to 6 years in
cluded in this s"ale. This sea-,
son's daintiest styles and
colors. ' $2.50 to $12.50
Dresses now $1.88 to $9.38
Panty Dresses
made up in fancy cretfinne
with hats to match. Plain or
trimmed with yarn. Regu
lar' $2.25 to $4.50 Dresses
are priced $1.69 to $3.38
Children's Wool Sweaters,
specially priced at on ly
Children's Hats y2 Price '
Broken lines of children's Organdie Hats
and Bonnets to go at half regular selling
prices. Blue, lavender, pink, yellow. Only
a few of a kind. Don't overlook this oppor
tunity to save. 65c to $4.95 vals. 330 $2.48
Third Floor Real cowhide, not
split leather. Black and brown.
13-inch size. The most serv
iceable bags for. shopping.
Special for the Anni- (J0 OP
versary Sale, only D&&D
Bags $4.95
18-inch light weight cowhide
traveling . Bags in cordovan.
Double stitched, sewed corners,
leather lined, with P A QP
pockets; special at vrxtVD
Grocery Specials
Oregon Cream Cheese, OP.
world's best, special, lb.
Queen Olives, extra OC
large size, special, pt. &0
Catsup, Preferred OQ
Stock; 35c size, priced H
Headquarters for Picnic
Mushrooms, pieces and
stems, special, "a can
Dried Mushrooms, reg- DP .
ular price $1 pound, at OOC
Pork- and Beans, Del
Monte brand; 12 for
Delicacies Fourth Floor.
Men's $8 to $10 Shoes at $6.85
Saturday Special
Main Floor Profit by this Sale and buy Shoes of
best standard makes for less than you are asked
elsewhere for inferior grades. Black calfskin
English bal boxcalf blucher with double sole
gunmetal calf with Neolin sole black kid and
vici shoes. Regular $8 ? DP
to $10 values., Pair DU00
$9 to $11.50 Shoes
Men's Shoes of brown vici kid,
blucher or English mahogany calf
shoes with wide toe and heavy sole
cocoa calf with wing- tip -black
grain leather with fancy (jrr QP
stitching;, vals. to $11.50 V OtJ
Anniversary Sale of Men's Suits
Giving the men of Portland and vicinity
an opportunity to buy clothes of highest
quality at a price that means noteworthy
savings. ' - -
100 New Suits
Main Floor Single-breasted, 2 and 3-button, sport,
form-fitting and conservative styles. Worsted, Chev
iots, Cassimeres, Tweeds in a splendid assortment of
patterns and colors. A number of Suits with two pairs
of pants' are included in this sale. L System and other
good makes. Suits to fit stouts, longs, shorts (JJOQ
and regulars. Pick yours out early. Priced at Pt
Men's Furnishings
Main Floor The Anniversary Sale offers worth-while
savings on items every man has need for at all times.
Make out your list and take advantage of the sale.
Night Shirts 87c
Men's Night Shirts for summer wear. Full QP7
size, V neck. Regular $1.50 grade at Oik
Men's Union Suits Porosknit make. (J1 1 P
Knee or ankle length. $1.50 values. Special DxxtJ
Carter's Union Suits, broken lines, white Cfjrt
only. Regular $2.50 garments. Sale price QUI
- Shirts, Special 82fc .
Men's Percale Shirts, soft cuff style, good QQ'
selection of patterns. $1.25 and $1.50 values. OOl
Men's Knitted Ties large assortment of CK
patterns and colors. $1.25 and $1.50 values. ODl
Hose 25c a Pair
Men's Cotton Hose, Cooper's, Shawknit and OP
other makes. 6 pairs for $1.40 per pair ' dOr
While They Last!
Men's $10
Borsalino Straw
, Hats
Boys? 2-Pant Suits
Main Floor All-wool two-knicker
Suits in a-variety of handsome pat
terns dark mixtures, in ' l)rowns,
blues, grays, greens, heathers, etc.
Suits of the better grades, made up
in Tweeds, Homespuns and Cassi
meres. Sizes 6 to 18. QQ QP
Values to $16.60. Special BO.U
Boys' Knitted Ties in cross- CA
stripe patterns. Sale price JUC
Little Boys' Novelty Suits
In the Anniversary Sale
Main Floor Middy, Tom Sawyer
and Fauntleroy Suits , in dressy
models. . Made up in Velvet, Jer
sey, Linen, Corduroy, Serge, Crepe
and other materials. Combination
styles pants and blouse of . dif
ferent fabrics. Former- QQ QP
ly $14 up o $20; special wVOD
Main Floor Boys' fancy Suits in
Tom Sawyer or button-on styles.
Combinations of blue serge and
linen silk and corduroy and a
few in velvet. Suits that will give
splendid service for summer and
fall wear- Regular CfO QP
values up to $12. Sale 0U.OD
BOYS' BLOUSES-3 special lots on sale beginning Saturday. Lot
1 Values to $3 at $1.4o. Lot 2 Values to $2 at $1.29. Lot 3 Values
to $1.50 at $1.15. S. & H. Trading Stamps given with purchases.
,- -ay