Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 28, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    ; FRIDAY, JHT 2S, 1923
is, Eastern Sugar Cured 37c Lb. 4th Floor !I!I!H!I
Candy Sale, 1st Floor Fruit Paste, Assorted Flavors, Special, 29c Lb. Jelly Beans, Full Pound, 19c
RG OUR 71st
n Portland
public faithfully to merit the confidence of our custom
dent merchandising establishments throughout the entire
ve planned an underselling campaign that will establish
e store will participate in this 'event and our Advertise-,
jr for every thrifty shopper within reach of this estab
ill be greeted by bargains in dependable merchandise.
Women's ,
Silk Hosiery
Main Floor Semi-fashioned style
with lisle heel and toe. Splendid
serviceable Hose of a well known
make. Black, white and a few good
colors. Irregulars but imperfections
are Very slight. In the An- HQn
niversary" Sale, special, pair
We Give S. & H. Stamps
$1.95 Vestees
Main Floor Linene Vestees with
Peter Pan collars trimmed with
contrasting colors. - Also colored
Organdie Vestees, Net Vestees
trimmed with lace, and Collar and
Cuff Sets of colored Organdie and
checked Gingham. Values M AA
to $1.95. Priced special WJ..UU
the Garment
s High-Grade Wearables--2d Floor
Women's Suits
' Formerly Priced to $59.50
Special ,
2d Floor
Second Floor Women's and misses' Suits in Tricotine,
Homespun, Flannel and Tweed materials. Odd lines,
only a few of a kind and style but truly remarkable
values at the sale price. Smart styles in belted and
box effects also the desirable straightline tailored
models.- Tuxedo and shawl collars, patch pockets. Rose,
Harding blue, jockey red, jade, navy and tan. 3 Suits
size 14 9 size 16 10 size 18 4 size 367 (1 F
.size 202 size 3& 2 size 40. Anniversary Sale
Women's Dresses
Formerly Priced to $67.50
e Blouses
lues Up to $5
opportunity to
louse at about
edo styles, with
lleeves. Hardin?
open, navy, hen
o 44 at $2.50
ort Skirts $5
Satin, Taffeta ' and Eponge
ear. Solid colors and novelty
yles with slash pockets. dr
; Anniversary Special
2d Floor
Second Floor Several odd lines women's Dresses
grouped into one big lot for the Anniversary Sale and
priced at less, than cost of making. High-class frocks'
this season's best selling models, but only one or
two of a kind. Made up in desirable materials
Georgette Crepe Crepe Satin
Taffeta Canton. Crepe
Crepe de Chine Tricolette
and other favored fabrics. . Straightline,' belted and
blouse effects. Trimmed with beads, buttons, braids,
embroidery, ruffles, etc. Great variety of colors, in
eluding orchid, henna, sand, gray, tyown, navy, sapphire
also white and black. Sizes 36 up to 44. &i r
Dresses selling formerly to $67.50 special at pJLl)
Housekeepers' Supplies
Special Anniversary Offerings that bring remark
able savings on Linens, Sheets, Pillow Cases, etc, etc
Sale of Fancy Brocaded
- Table Cloths
Main Floor Our own direct importation.
Variety of new-colored border designs to
select from: Attractive and serviceable. .
Cloths 63x63 inches $5.40 to $6.75
Napkins to match Cloths, $4.50-$6.75
Bath Towels, double thread, heavy
weight, size 18x27 inches. 6 for only DJ.
Embroidered Linen Bedspreads with
bolster to match; bed size. (gOI fC '
Regular$35.00 value; special tD.UU
Satin Finished Bed Spreads in assorted
patterns. Size 80x90 inches. fir? PA
Regular $10.00 values; special 5 '
Sheetings, Pillow Cases, Pillow Tubing
Bleached Sheetings, heavy, round
thread, water . twist warranted to
give satisfactory service. Limit 10
yards to a customer. 81 inches KA
wide. Priced special, the yard OMv
72 inches wide, special, yard 430
Pillow Tubing, linen finish, good
strong weave. 42 inches wide. QQ'p
On special sale today, a yard Oili
-r45 . inches wide, special, yard 43
Pillow Cases, 42x36, special. 190
Pillow Cases, 45x36, special 20
90c Ginghams 58c Yard
Extra fine quality imported Scotch
Ginghams, in beautiful checks and
plaids intermingled with brocade de
signs. Latest novelty. Regu- CQ
lar 90c grade; special, a yard )OC
White Dimijy in an excellent selec
tion of striped patterns. 36 9Q
inches wide. 80c grade; yard JOl
Printed Wash Goods for OFT
house dresses; 40c grade; yard "itlv
Children's Organdie Dresses
On Sale V4 Off
Second Floor This takes fa our entire stock -of Or
gandie Dresses for little tots 2 to 6 years. Thistsea
son's daintiest styles in ruffled, embroidered and
flower-trimmed effects. White and various colors.
$2.50 Dresses at $1.88 I $7.50 Dresses at $5.62
$4.95 Dresses at $3.72 I $12.50 Dresses at $9.38
Parity Frocks Reduced
Cretonne Panty Frocks with hats to match. Attrac
tive garments for playtime wear. Plain or trimmed
with yarn. Fancy colored designs. Note jthe savings.
$2.25 Dresses at $1.69 I $3.95 Dresses at $3.93
$3.50 Dresses at $2.63 $4.50 Dresses at $3.38
Sf Vrrrrtrf Zfv
Children's Sweaters
Second Floor Belted and plain styles.
Finest quality Wool Sweaters in
rose, gray, tan, red, blue, buff and
brown. Sizes 24 to 28. Special Sale
prices 32.OU, $3.yo ana $S.5t)
Children's Hats
Y2 Price
Broken lines Organdie Hats and
Bonnets in this season's smartest
styles. Only one or two of a kind.
Blue, lavender, pink, yellow. 65c to
$4.95 Bonnets on sale 380 to $2.48
rs fine quality Filet i '
?4.0O values; QO AO ''"""
ids sale, at $.0 Wm -
r-$8.50 values $5.75
Linoleum Rugs
Third Floor 500 genuine Linoleum Rugs a spe
cial purchase lot, bo;ight especially for the Anni
versary Sale. Celebrated "Armstrong" make.
Attractive patterns suitable for any room.
7.6x9-Ft. Linoleum Rugs, special $11.50
7.6x10.6 Linoleum Rugs, special $12.50
9x10.6 Linoleum Rugs, special $16.00
9x12-Ft. Linoleum Rugs.i special $18.50
Carpet Runners $7.50
Formerly $12.50
Axminster Hall or Stair Runners, 27 inches
wide and 9 feet long. Mottled aod moire effects.
Of high-grade manufacture. Rugs selling hereto
fore up to $12.50 each. Specially (Jrr PA
.priced for the Anniversary Sale; only l .Oil
Sale of Brassieres
. 2d Floor
Nature's Rival Brassieres
in regulation and bandeau
. styles. Lace and embroidery
trimmed, also fancy brocades.
Large assortment of styles
not all sizes in each model.
On sale o90f 690 to 980
Vanity Brassieres of plain
or brocaded satin. Heavy
elastic all around ' bottom
stays down over top of corset
or girdle. Priced P" QP
special today at tDi-J
-Vanity Brassieres, made from Belding's very best grade
lustrous Satin. These are shown in the popular boyish
form models ideal for- sport and . outing (go C A
wear,' Priced special for the Anniversary Sale f Ai.tJU
,.. Corset Salon Second Floor
s, Taffetas, Linens, etc. sam-
s; splendid assortment to se-
r ; Sale at regular prices.
Iitiful period designs. Kft
.egular $15 fabrics
Draperies $2.85
onnes 54c
Thousands of yards high-grade
Cretonnes in- this notable sale.
Floral, tapestry and chintz effects
in an immense assortment of pat-
I teoft and colors. Cretonnes in this
lbi selling heretofore up to ff A
ti)0c. Priced snAcial. n vird tlrtl
-Figured Linens ir. rose, mulberry,
taupe and blue. Variety of beau' if ul
patterns, suitable for, over- QfA ,
drapes. $1.50 grade; a yard wUL
of .
$105 Rugs at $89.50
Variety of Patterns
9xl2-foot De Luxe Wilton Eugs with plain centers
and fancy borders. Fine close pile, beautiful soft lus
ter. Rugs of standard quality selling in fiJQQ K A
the regular way at $105. Anniversary Sale DOuttJ
9xl2-ft. Rugs at $49.75
Seamless Axminster Rugs in 9xl2-foot size. Vari
ety of handsome Oriental patterns in thei newest colors.
Also a number of allover designs. Long, QIQ
silky nap. Regular $53.50 Rugs special Mt. J
' $52.50 Rugs at $46.85.
WILTON VELVET RUGS, 9xl2-ft. size. Seamless,
with or without fringe. Rich patterns in Oriental and
Persian effects. Small and medium de- GJfC QfT
signs. Regular $52.50. Anniversary 'Sale vO.QtJ
That Are
Rugs $35 and $44.50
Axminster Rugs, 9xl2-foot size. Choice selection
of desirable patterns in best of colors. High pile, beau
tiful finish. Anniversary Sale prices $35 and $44.50
Sale of Fiber Rugs
Wool-finish Fiber Rugs in reversible effects.. Dark
and medium shades. .. Cool, inexpensive, sanitary and
attractive for bedrooms, cottages, etc., at low prices.
-r-9xl2-foot Fiber Rugs Anniversary Sale at $9.90
8xl0-foot Fiber-Rugs Anniversary Sale at $8.75
7.6x9-ft. Fiber Rugs Anniversary Sale at $7.80
6x9-foot Fiber Rugs Anniversary Sale at $6.75
Extra Heavy Grade 9xl2-ft. Fiber Rugs at $15.00
Extra Heavy Grade 8xl0-ft. Fiber Rugs at $13.50
Extra Heavy Grade 7.6x9-ft. Fiber Rugs at $10.00
Rug Department, 3d Floor
Anniversary Sale White Footwear
Pumps and Oxfords
Pumps and Oxfords
-Slain Floor About Ido pairs
in this lot. Pumps and Ox
fords in white nubuck and
white canvas, plain or leather
trimmed, with fiber soles (j0
and rubber heels, Friday.
Women's White Shoes
Main Floor This Sale takes in our
entire stock of women's white high
"Shoes. - White kid With French heels
Abroad toe Nurses' Shoes with rub
ber heehs white canvas with ivory
soles, also with turned soles and can
vas covered military heels. Regular
$ 5 to $10 Shoes on sale $2.50 to $5
Main Floor Only a limited
number in this lot. Mostly in
the narrow widths and small
sizes. Splendid quality white
canvas Pumps, Oxfords J-
and high Shoes a pair
Art Needle 1
Package Goods
Price ;
Second Flow: Here's a good
opportunity to buy" stamped ar
ticles for the summer sewing.
Infants' 35c to $2.15 stamped
Dresses (packages) 17-$1.Q8
Children's stamped Dresses,
ages 4 to 12 $2.75 to $2.95
packages at $1.38 to $1.48
-Women 's stamped Night
Gowns and Combinations; $1.75
to $3.75 garments on special
sale today at 880 to $1.88
Pillows, Scarfs, etc., price.
Show Models
V2 Price
Discontinued numbers in show
models, slightly soiled from dis
play, on sale at V regular
prices. iGowns, Pajamas, Com
binations, Negligee, Aprons,
Children's Dresses, Scarfs, etc.
$2.00 to $53.00 models on spe
cial sale at $1.00 to $26.75
Neckwear Sets
At 45c
Flapper Collar and Cuff Sets
stamped on heavy and fine linen
and "Needleweave" material.
Regular selling price of ATn
these sets, 65c; special OVr
Art Dept., Second Floor
- Basement Anniversary Sales .
i . , 1
Men's Shirts '
Basement A rousing 2 Days' Sale
that should crowd our Basement
Men's Store all day Friday and Sat
urday. Great variety of handsome
new striped patterns. Coat style,
with double cuffs. 'Sizes 14 to 17.
Every shirt is cut full style. QK
Values up to $1.35. Special vdt
Men's Overalls $1.50 .
Basement One of the very
best standard makes. Heavy
quality blue denim. High or
suspender back. On C A
special sale, at pair DJ.i)U
Men's Sport Coats $3.00
Basemen t Single breasted
style. Wool Jersey in brown,
green, mixtures. Sizes 36 PO
to 46. Priced special at DO
Children's Sox 250 Pair
Basement Derby ribbed Sox
in brown, blue and white. Sizes
6 up to 9. , Extra val- OKp
ues at this price; a pair 0s
Men's Khaki Pants $1.98
Basement Serviceable Trous
ers for outing and camp wear.
Cut full and well made. Sizes
range from 32 to 46. (j-J QO
On special sale at DXt0
Men's Suspenders, 3 Prs. $1 :
Basement Crossback Suspend
ers with good strong leather
tips. Assorted pat- (1" Af
terns. 3 pairs only D-L.U"
Men's Night Shirts at 850
Basement Made up in excel
lent grade white muslin. CK
Sizes 15 to 20. Special OQi,
Basement Underprice Store
Anniversary Sale of Housewares
New Improved Model
Save time, energy and health
let a One-Minute Electric Wash
ing Machine do your laundry work.
Washes the heaviest blankets and
the daintiest of lingerie. Sold
on our liberal payment plan
$2 Down
C AND $2 PER WEEK. Come to the
Housewares Store, 3d Floor, and
see this machine in actual opera
tion. An initial payment of $2 will
send a One-Minute to your home.
Anniversary Sale of Paints
Now's the Time to Do That Work
Third Floor We are justly proud of
our "Superior" House Painte and that
our customers appreciate their high
quality is attested by the great
quantity sold during recent weeks.
choice of several standard (jJO QO
colors. Special a gallon Dt0
inside and outside use. QQ
Priced special a gallon Pt0
' Kfc3L OfcUUJS'CWH X M fit
Floor Varnish for QQ
floors, linoleums, quart Ot
White Enamel for in- CQn
terior woodwork. Pint vl.
JJI -Installed 1 1
Floor Lamps Special $39.75
-Values Up to $55
Third Floor Floor Lamp and Daven
port Lamp standards in a variety of
types and newest finishes with beauti
ful silk shades in the latest designs and
colorings. Values up to . ?QQ rrp
1 55.00. Anniversary Sale 30UiO
Bridge Lamps ,
This splendid assortment includes
many Lamps in gold and polychrome or
Tiffany combinations, with parchment
shades in a good selection of (J- A rrr
designs and patterns. Sale 3J-4. IU
Boudoir Lamps
At $4.95
Regular $7.50 values in this group.
Choice of many attractive styles, ma
hogany and polychrome finishes, with
parchment shades. Special QT
for Anniversary Sale, only tDtvD
Detroit Jewel
Gas Ranges
A few of the many features that
have made the Detroit Jewel the
favorite Range in thousands of
Portland's best homes
Perfect baker and gas saver.
Oven full lined on all sides.
Oven will hold large roast.
White enameled pon&lain tray
under top burners.
White porcelain panels on doors.
Detroit Jewel Gas Range as il
lustrated, $47.50. Sold on our
$5 Down
balance on small weekly install
ments. Your old stove will be ac
cepted as part payment on any De
troit Jewel Range yow may select.
-. Stove Dept., Third Floor
Garland Gas Water
Best construction
throughout, with dou
ble copper coils. Sold
on Easy Pay Plan
$3 Down
and balance on easy
terms. Garland Gas
Water Heaters have
no superior lio matter
what price you pay.
Occupy small space.
Let us install a Gar
land in your 'home!
Dept., Third Floor.
Lawn Mower Sale
Lawn ' Mowers, 14-inch, O
4 blades, ball-bearing, at V-i-'
Lawn Mowers, 16-inch $12.80
Spading Forks, special at 98
Cultivator Hoes, .special at 75
-Cultivators, 3 prongs, spec'l 780
Third' Floor