Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 28, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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However Trouble Is Ended,
Opposition Will Arise.
Harding Administration Liable to
Charge of Halting Trade
If Clashes Persist.
CCopyrtgrht by the New York Evening
Post. Published by Arrangement.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27.
(Special.) Washington, including
both republicans and democrats,
speculates dally on the possible
political consequences of the coal
end railway etrikes, but does not
yet Bee any definite political re
sults in eight. Administrations
rarely go through strikes as im
portant as these without being af
fected, politically, one way or the
other. But the course of the Hard
ing administration so far, in re
gard to the coal strike particularly,
has been such as not to cause any
crystallzation either of favor or
antagonism on the part of any group
.concerned. i
So far as there is any alignment
at all, it is probably in the direc
tion of resentment on the part of
toth miners and the operators.
Mr. Wilson Wins rubor.
The course which President Wil
son chose in the railroad strike
of 1916 was such as to give him
a degree of favor from the railroad
workers that remained with him
until the end of his public career,
ana which to a large extent remains
with William G. McAdoo as a polit
ical asset to this day. From the
point of view of the Harding ad
"ministration, the coal etrike 'broke"
in such a way as not to seem to
line it up with either faction, and
not to cause either hostility on the
part of one, or favor on the part
of the other. The picture presented
to the public was that of both sides
refusing the president's proposal of
arbitration. This averted the ne
cessity of the administration seem
ing to line up on the side of a
willing party against an unwilling
Mine Owners Oppose Roosevelt.
In President Roosevelt's adminis
tration the miners accepted Roose
velt's proposal and the operators
refused. The result was that Roose
velt seemed to be standing with the
miners against the mine owners.
That result had consequences that
lasted to the end of Roosevelt's life.
It was the initial episode of that
phase of Roosevelt's career which
brought to him the general support
and friendliness of labor, and caused
him to be, for a period, the object
of the destestation of all those sec
tions of public opinion which nat
urally would sympathize with the
mine owners.
Although the Harding adminis
tration so far, both in fact and in
seeming, has pursued a course which
has not caused either side to charge
It with favor toward the other, it
1b by no means free from political
menace of the most serious kind.
Public Will Judge Harding.
The administration will be judged
by the public, both as to its con
duct at each step of the controversy,
' and also, in the end, as to its suc
cess in managing the strike as a
The slowing up of prosperity as
a result of the strike naturally
would tend to affect adversely the
popularity of any administration
and any party in power. It is the
fear of this unpopularity that often
leads an administration to take
steps which essentially are unsound,
for the sake of political expediency.
The republicans have been count
ing confidently on steadily-increasing
prosperity as one of the chief of
their assets in the coming con
gressional elections. As republican
leaders up to a few weeks ago were
in the habit of expressing it, "by
election day in November, there
won't be an unemployed man in the
country." v
Business Distress Looms.
Obviously, if the strike continues,
with a condition in which we have
almost a war-time status of ra
tioning fuel and railroad facilities,
there will be by November not busi
ness prosperity, but business dis
tress. Nevertheless, in this as in
all other" respects the republicans
are the beneficiary of the fact that
the democrats are not organized to
take advantage of the luck which,
with increasing steadiness, blows
their way.
As things stand today, it is dif
ficult to imagine the democrats be
ing able to take advantage of any
combination of circumstances to the
extent of capturing control of the
next congress. It is as certain as
anything can be that the repub
licans will suffer serious losses,
but those losses would have to be
phenomenal; In fact, In the nature
of an earthquake, to reduce the re
publicans to a minority.
Republican Decrease Certain.
The republicans now have almost
two members of the lower house
to the democrats' one. The repub
lican majority is 168, in a total of
432; that is 300 republicans to 132
Under any circumstances, strike
or no strike, this republican ma
jority was destined to be reduced
to less than half what is now is.
But it would take something almost
unprecedented in politics to reduce
the republicans to a minority.
Oregon City Judgeship Sought for
George Story.
. OREGON CITY, Or., July 27.
(Special.) Petitions to the secre
tary of state asking that the name
of George Story be placed on the
ballot as an independent candidate
for circuit judge of this district are
in circulation here.
The movement is understood to be
backed by political friends of the
aspirant whose names do not appear
on the petition. Approximately 35
had signed the petition tonight.
Story, if his name goes on the bal
lot, will oppose Judge J. U. Campbell.
28 Towns and 45 Leagues Rep
resented at Falls City.
FALLS CITY, Or., July 27. (Spe
cial.) Twenty-eight towns and 45
Epworth leagues are now rente
sented at the first annual Falls
City institute, in session here this
week, according to Registrar F. N.
Harotin. Daily classes, devotional
services and recreational features
ar now In full swing. Among the
plans are a stunt programme Friday
night, under .the direction of Rev.
M. A. Marcy of McMinnville; a six
mile hike to the old fish hatchery
and a swim in Teal pond today, and
a pageant, "The Great Refusal,"
which will be pt on Saturday night
by Dr. C. E. Powell, missionary of
India. Tonight Rev. F. P. Jones,
who has been a missionary in China
for about seven years, spoke of his
. Last night Dr. E. E. Gilberta, dis
trict superintendent of this confer
ence, used as a text an answer to
the question of Peter, the fisher
man, "What Shall I Have if I Leave
All and Follow Thee?"
Work is progressing dally on the
two permanent institute .buildings, j
the tabernacle and the kitchen-1
dining pavilion. Street signs and
banners are up, tents are pitched
everywhere and altogether Institute
park is a busy place.
Sessions to Continue Until To
morrow ; State Supervisors
Are la Attendance.
LEGE, Corvallis, Or, July 27. (Spe
cial.) Representatives of 12 states
including women of national repu
tation are here attending the fifth
annual conference of directors, state
supervisors and teacher trainers in
home economic education of the fed
eral board for vocational education,
Pacific region, which opened at the
college today and will continue until
Saturday afternoon.
"Analysis of homemaking as a
basis for a homemaking programme"
is the subject which Miss Anna E.
Richardson of the federal board for
vocational education spoke at the
convention. She will also conduct
the round table discussion on "Sup
ervision." "The needs of the adolescent girl"
were discussed by Dr. Caroline Hed
ger of the Elizabeth McCormick Me
morial institute of Chicago.
Other women attending , the con
ference are Miss Kate Bear, super
intendent of home economics, Ari
zona; Miss Helen Halm, in charge
of teacher's training, Arizona; Mrs.
Lula Lancaster of the University of
Arizona; Miss Grace Price, head of
vocational home economics, Fond du
Lac, Wis.; Miss Madge J. Reese,
field agent states relations service
United States department of agri
culture, Washington, D. C, and Miss
Gladys Branegan, superintendent of
vocational home economics, Boze
man, Mont.
Yields of Grain in County Are
Better Than Expected.
ALBANY, Or., July 27. (Special.)
Linn county farmers are begin
ning to cheer up as the harvest sea
son progresses. Yields of grain are
proving better than expected, and
with better prices the return this
year will equal and probably exceed
that of last year.
Threshing began throughout the
entire county Monday, and already
reports of exceptional yields are
coming into Albany. Best of these
is that of Mike Keef, who obtained
42 bushels an acre on his farm near
here' On the Grell farm the yield
was 25 bushels in one field and 32
bushels in another.
Vetch is about 70 per cent normal
this year, but the price is higher.
The same holds true of hay.
Oregon Superintendent of Banks
Overruled in Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 27.
(Special.)-r-In the case of Frank C.
Bramwell, superintendent of the
state banks of Oregon, against
Sheriff Thompson of Clarke cpunty,
which Mr. Bramwell sought to
recover an automobile attached by
the sheriff, a demurrer entered by
the defense was sustained today by
Judge Simpson.
Mr. Bramwell alleged that A.
Granger, who owned the car orig
inally, had executed to the State
Bank of Lafayette, a note for $1330,
e-ecurmg it by a mortgage which in
cluded the machine. Later, it was
alleged, he took the car Into Wash
ington, and it was seized here and
sold at auction to satisfy another
creditor. . .
Work on Lebanon-Cascadia Road
May Start Shortly.
ALBANY, Or., July 27. (Special.)
Final approval by department of
agriculture officials is all that is
necessary before work can begin on
improvement of the Lebanon-Cascadia
road at Shea hill, for years
the worst section on this roadway
to the interior country. The Linn
county court has signed an agree
ment to co-operate with the federal
government in construction and
maintenance of the highwayr
George W. Root, federal repre
sentative, presented the contract to
the court. Bids have already been
received for the work. Linn county's
share of the expense will be $38,000
the government providing a like
sum. . .
Student Loan Fund Exhausted
Monmouth, July 27. (Special.)
The Ackerman memorial student
loan fund has been completely ex
hausted, and several students will
be obliged to discontinue their nor
mal preparation, according to an an
nouncement from President Landers.
Many applications also have been
'received from prospective students
who wish to prepare themselves for
the teaching profession. The stu
dent loan fund waJ started last fall
as a memorial to J. H. Ackerman,
late president of the normal BChool,
but the contributions have not kept
pace with the needs for the fund.
Candldates File Papers.
VANCOUVER, WashJ, July 27.
(Special.) John W. Schaefer, coun
ty clerk, and Walter Schwartz, coun
ty engineer have filed for renomi
nat'on to their respective offices.
No opposition to either Schaefer or
Schwartz has developed as yet. They
are the only officials la the court
house who seek to succeed them
selves in the coming election. Jo
seph E. Hall, prosecuting attorney,
is a candidate to succeed himself,
but his office is not in the court
house. Fireman Catches Fugitive.
. ALBANY, Or., July 27. (Special.)
Jrover Davis, alias several other
names, escaped from Sheriff Dunlap
today, but failed to outrun Austin
Hall, member of the Albany fire
department. -Davis had been ar
rested on, a Charge of larceny by
bailee. -
"Straw Man" Wrote Hard
ing, Thinks Mr. Gompers.
Identity of Sender or Capacity
in Official Union Circles
Not Determined.
NEW YORK, July 27. (By the
Associated Press.) That "a man of
straw" a fictitious personage with
out official standing in labor cir
cles sent President Harding the
message which last night drew a
lengthy reply from the White House
reiterating the government's posi
tion, on the rail and coal strikes,
was the belief expressed here today
by Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor. i
The message to Mr. Harding pre
dicted that "to attempt to operate
the mines or the railroads .by mili
tary forces, or to attempt to draft
men" would result in the approach
of "the long-predicted war 'between
capital and labor."
It wu signed "J. Cleve Dean,
chairman Railway Employes' Pub
licity association."
Mr. Gompers Surprised.
The president addressed' a reply
to the alleged author of the mes
sage in which he said in part:
"If you mean to challenge the
righteousness of free men to pro
tection in their lawful pursuits
against interference and violence, I
will be glad to join you in submit
ting that question to the decision of
the American people."
Mr. Gompers expressed surprise
that the administration should have
shown such concern over the J.
Cleve Dean message as to have re
plied to It, especially since, the
labor leader asserted, the White
House apparently was "all in the
dark" as to the identity of the
sender or his capacity., in official
circles of organized labor.
J. Cleve Dean Unknown.
"The White House called me yes
terday, asking if I knew this man,"
said Mr. Gompers. "I told them I
did not and had no record of him as
an official of American labor. I
consulted all the records in Wash
ington and in such eastern cities as
I could reach and even telephoned
rail headquarters in Chicago in an
effort to learn who was J. Cleve
Dean. No one knew anything about
him, or had ever heard of him and
I informed the White House to that
"I am positive of one thing and
that is that the author of the letter
to President Harding is not chair
man of the Railway Employes' Pub
licity association.- In view of the
undetermined position of the man,
am surprised the president an
swered him.
"Straw Han" Is View.
'The - longer I think bout it the
more I am convinced that J. Cleve
Dean was 'just a straw man,' set up
by interested persons for a purpose
which should be plainly evident"
Mr. Gompers expressed regret
that he was unable to remain in
Washington today while the ex
pected conference of B. M. Jewell
with President Harding and other
federal representatives was in prog
I feel certain that a meeting be
tween these gentlemen at this stage
of the rail strike will result in a
settlement within a very few days,
he declared. The federation chief
came here to address representa
tives of striking cloakmakers.
Case Involving Herman Creek
Ponds Revived by State Body. '
SALEM. Or., July 27. (Special.)
The Oregon supreme court will be
asked to grant a rehearing in the
case of the former state fish and
game commission against A. D.
Hawk, defendant, and S. S. Mohler,
appellant, involving condemnation
proceedings, whereby the state asks
to regain control of certain feeding
ponds on Herman creek, in Hood
River county, for the maturing of
baby fish. This was announced
here today by I. H. Van Winkle, attorney-general.
The case had its origin in 1914.
Tuesday of this week the circuit
court of Hood River county was
reversed and the case was decided-!
against the fish and game commis
sion. The opinion was written by
Justice Bean.
The attorney-general will con
tend in his petition for rehearing
that the legislative act of 1915 was
intended to preserve the scenic
beauty of the Columbia river high
way, but was not passed with a
view of blocking the fishing indus
try, which in no way would conflict
with the law.
Mr. Watkins Favors Living and
Saving Wage for Workers.
Elton Watkins, democratic candi
date for representative In congress,
has answered the questionnaire Is
sued by the Portland Ministerial as-
Watch Our Main Aisle Table
for Real Bargains in
2000 Semi-Classical Pieces ,
Instrumental and Vocal
1000 Popular
; " cJ "Merchandise
soctation relative to economic mat
ters. Mr. Watkins replies that the
problem of economic Justice towers
above all others and that he favors
not only a living wage but making
a saving wage the first charge
against industry..
The remedy he proposes for un
employment is more rigid restriction
on immigration, better co-operative
marketing facilities, closer co-operation
between the units of govern
ment, public improvements during
periods of depression and convert
ing money heretofore expended for
battleships to reclamation of swamp
and arid lands, highway construc
tion and development of rivers and
High war costs following the war
he explains as caused by the greed
of profiteers and the impossibility
of turning a war machine overnight
into a peace machine.
The remedy Mr. Watkins offers
for excessive prices is to repeal such
laws as foster monopoly, economy
both public and private, pitiless pub
licity and an excess profit tax.
arrive Wednesday.
Portland Subjects of "Sunny
Jim" to Entertain Ruler
at Dock Terminal.
James S. (Sunny Jim) McCandless,
imperial potentate of the Mystic
Shrine, will arrive in Portland from
San Francisco on the Shasta limited
next Wednesday night, according to
an announcement made last night
by A. L. Tetu, potentate of Al Kader
Active preparations are being
made for the new leader of Shrine
dom and one of the features will be
an entertainment to be held in his
honor Thursday night at municipal
terminal No. 4. According to Po
tentate Tetu the members of the
nobility will Journey to the terminal
by way of two river boats leaving
the foot of Stark street at 7:30
o'clock. A request has been made
that all meimbere of the Shrine who
have automobiles make use of them
In going to the scene of the enter
tainment, as the boats will doubt
less be crowded to capacity. Wives
and sweethearts of Shriners have
been asked to participate in the
celebration in honor of Imperial Po
tentate McCandless.
Word has been received from
Bishop F. W. Keator of Tacoma,
Hugh M. Caldwell, potentate of Nile
temple of Seattle, andf. D. Oakley,
potentate of Afifl temple , of Ta
coma, that they will be here to
greet the imperial potentate.
Plans for the entertainment of
"Sunny Jim" during his stay here
Friday have not been completed. He
will leave that night for Tacoma
where he will visit Afifl temple and
then go on to Seattle.
Comstock Lumber Company Here
Has $10,000 Stock.
SALEM, or., July 27. (Special.)
The Comstock Lumber company
with headquarters in Portland and
a capital stock of $10,000, has been
incorporated by Matt Putio, J. H.
Middleton and M. H. Clark. Articles
were filed in the state corporation
department here Wednesday.
The Puritan Health Food company
has been incorporated by A. W.
Resare, Willamette Jones and C
D. Christensen. The capital stock
is $15,000 and headquarters will b
in Portland.
A. E. Johnson, W. C. Taw and E
M. Bell have incorporated, the Pa
cific Coast Timber associates. The
capital stock is $100,000 and head
quarters are in Portland.
Plant and Stock Six Miles- From
Scio Destroyed.
SCIO, Or., July 27. (Special.)
The Richardson Gap cheese factory,
located about six miles, southeast of
Scio, was destroyed by fire Monday
morning about 10 o'clock. The cause
is attributed to a defective flue. The
plant was owned by A. Mueller &
Son, who purchased the stock from
a local company of stockholders and
began operations about six months
ago and had worked up a large
trade. A large stock of cheese was
in the warehouse and this also was
No plans have been made for re
building and it has not been learned
whether there was any insurance.
Campmeeting Closes Sunday.
WOOCBURN, Or., July 27. (Spe
cial.) The Church of God camp-
meeting, being held in the church's
grove here, is attended by 391 camp
ers and is the most successful yet
held at Wcodburn. The campers are
from the states of California, Ore
gon and Washington. A large num
ber of piominent ministers are also
in attendance. Three services are
held daily. The ten-day meeting
closes next Sunday. -
Improvement Job Let.
.OREGON CITY, Or., July 27.
(Special.) The contract for the pav
ing of Molalla avenue from the end
of the present pavement to the city
limits was awarded by the street
committee 'last night. The Oregon
Contract company, Portland, re
ceived the award. The total for the
work is $8915.02, based on a bid of
$1.88 per yard for the laying of the
six-inch concrete pavement.
Phon your want aids to The Ore-
g-onlam. Main 7070.
Pieces 3 for 10c
6f Merit Only"
Ivory Soap
Friday and Saturday
We reserve right to limit quantity. No phone
orders, no deliveries except with other purchases.
' On Sale in Our
Perfume Section Main Floor
Toilet Soaps
E Cuticura Soap 3 for
5 Woodbury Soap 3 for
Kesmol Soap 3 for
Packers Tar Soap 3 for
E Poslam Soap 3 for
s Zemo Soap ........3 for
s Physicians' and Surgeons' 3 for
Cla-Wood Lemon Cream
For sunburn, windburn, chapped
hands and face. Price for
large jar w"C
The perfect
tint. JNow is the
time to brighten
up the home.
5 - lb. white,
pkg .750
5-lb. regular
colors, pkg. 800
5-lb. Nos. 33
and 58, pk. 950
will kill that spot or
stain in your ceilings
Or wall.
-lb. package. . .250
1-lb. package... 400
You can clean up
your old brushes -as
good as new with
-1'b. package.
1-lb. package.
Need for Tariff on Eggs Outlined
by Professor Rice, From
Cornell University. -
LEGE, Corvallis, July 27. (Special.)
Savantv.flv. rielpcrntpa in tha nnn.
ventlOB of the American Association
of Poultry Instructors and Invest!
gatora were in Salem today to in
spect the state hospital poultry ;
plants. The automobile transporta
tion was provided by the Corvallis
chamber of commerce. -
Of the 4000 pullets and hens now
on the farm, all were bred from a
foundation flock of 100 Oregon pul
lets, and enough eggs to hatch 80
more were provided by the college
in 1914. Advice and help have reen
provided by the college since that
Lady McDuff, the world's original
300-egg hen, was an ancestor of the
foundation stock of the Salem farm.
according to word given out at the
convention. The best record made
is 330 eggs.
The need for protection against
the free and unlimited importation
of eggs from the orient was brought
out by Professor James E. Rice of
Cornell university. The use of pic
tures and graphs of egg produc
tion, marketing imports and exports
of various states and counties were
used by the Cornell specialist in
showing the imperative need for a
continuous protective tariff. A
demonstration of the dominion gov
ernment poultry work was given by
F. C. Elford of the experimental
farms in Canada.
Railroad Is Censured.
MARSHFIELD, Or., July 27.
fSpecial.) Member" of the Marsh-
4 Only Fresh
Fruit Juices and
Cane. Sugar in
or Lrime
Guaranteed free from artificial
coloring, imitation fruit flavors,
or any deleterious ingredients.
Kia-Ora is delightful and
healthful. Ideal for home use
or outings. No trouble no de
lay just add plain or charged
water, and serve.-
Each Drink Costs
But 4 Cents
Sold in 12 and 24-ounce bot
tles by your dealer. Gallon jugs
for soda fountain use.
America O-T LTD., Inc.
J'".- -Manufacturer
228-340 Jackson St., San Francisco
July 28 and 29
Traveling Bags; regular $35.00 to $38.00; special 22.50
Likly Traveling Bags; regular $24.00; special $18.50
Likly Cowhide Traveling Bags; regular $50; special. .S80.00
Traveling Bags; regular $15.00; special.. .- $12.50
Traveling Bags; regular $13.00; special $11.00
Candy Specials
After Dinner Mints, per
pound box 250
Boston Mints, per pound
box 250
Assorted Fruit Jellies,
per pound box 250
Hershey Sweet Milk
Chocolate, per box. .$1.00
Vim Alatm Clocks
This alarm clock, a good timekeeper and a splen
did alarm. Regular price $1.25. Now QQ
special at ...
Electric Iron
at only
Alder Street at West Park
field chamber of commerce at a
luncheon today Issued criticisms
against the Southern Pacific for
having no excursion rates effective
to Coos bay and other summer re
sorts along this section of the coast.
Slowness of passenger trains be
tween Coos bay and Portland also
came in for a scoring.
Members of
Doff Robes' Tuesday.
SALEM, Or., July 27. (Special.)
Members of the Oregon supreme
court win doff their official robes
next Tuesday for their annual vaca
tion. The court ' will resume its
duties September 1.
Chief Justice Burnett will spend
most of his vacation at coast re
sorts, while Justice Harris will go
to his ranch on the upper McKenzic
river. Justice Brown will fish at
Rock creek, near Roseburg, while
Justice McBride will rest on his
ranch near Hillsboro. Justice Mc-
Court will divide his time between
Portland, Salem and coast resorts.
Justice Rand may spend a part of
his vacation In eastern Oregon and
EE Mail Orders
- Filled.
We Pay
Parcel Post.
For Hikers
For 20 years this store
has been noted for its
Quality Outing Boots.
Our experience in mak
ing boots to order and
the weak points noted
when repairing such
Footwear has enabled
us to give you Boots
that will stand the
wear expected from
Outing Footwear.
Women's and Men's
Moccasin Type Boots
are- most favored on
account of the Com
fort and Service. We
have them in all widths
and sizes at reduced
Goodyear Shoe Co.
We carry a line of Chippewa Boots. Same prices as Nap-a-Tan. We keep in stock
a full assortment of our own make packs and loggers. Also make them to order on
v short notice.
9iew Loca-
tlon 145
Fourth St.
Friday and
Limit Three Cans to a Customer
Vacation Special
Bags Sale
Vacuum Cleaners
Special Prices
Let us show you these won
derful bargains we have in.
Vacuum Cleaners we have
used for demonstration.
Electric Stove
SfSS $2.00
Portland, while Justice Bean prob
ably will -remain in the vicinity of
the capital. '
Orcliardlsts War on Rabbits.
SALEM, Or., July 27. (Special.)
Orchardists of Marlon and Polk
counties have declared war on rab
bits and probably will ask the
county courts of the two counties
for financial assistance in extermi
nating the pests. 'Reports indicate
that the rabbits have destroyed hun
dreds of trees, and in some parts of
the Willamette valley have menaced
entire orchards. Plans to rid the
orchards of rabbits probably will be
outlined at -a meeting of the or
chardists of the two counties to be
held in Salem in the near future.
H. H. Corey to Conduct Hearings.
SALEM, Or July 27. (Special.)
H. H. Corey, member of the Oregon
public service commission, has gone
to Drain, where he will con
duct a hearing involving an applica
tion for a grade crossing over the
tracks of the Southern Pacific com
pany near Boswell Springs. Mr.
Corey also will conduct a hearing at
Hugo with relation to a change in
the location of the Southern Pacific
station building.
Jlousie of 0ualttp
and Outing Shoes j
8-Inch Hikers. Heavy oak.
soles, stormproof calf, un
lined uppers. Regular $10.
Ladies' Napa
tan Moccasin
Boot, 2 soles,
12-inch top,
closed Bellows
tongue to top.
Regular price
l 12.50) reduced
1 p I Same in
1 Oi I Inch tops
Old Dutch Cleanser
No phone orders, no deliveries except with
other purchases.
On Sale in Our
Complete Paint Store Downstairs
Our Fountain Pen
Is Equipped to Give
Quick but Efficient Service
We Repair All Makes
and Carry
Stationery Special 1
Irish Linen, Deckle-Edged Paper S
72 Sheets..... 750
25 Envelopes. .250
This is one of the finest pieces i
of paper we have ever offered. "5
Saxon Linen, for your vacation 5
trip pure white, light weight.
Per Pound 290
2 Packages Envelopes for 250
Freckle Creams I
Miolena, double strength $1.00
Othine $1.10
Stillman's ". . .50t, 90
Dr. C. H. Berry's... 600, S1.20
Nikk-Marr Wonder
Bathing Suits 1
Boys' and Men's All-Wool Bathing Suits,
sizes 32 to 36; special at ...$3.29
Men's All-Wool Bathing Suits, size 38 to
42; special $3.98
We have a few discontinued1 Jantzen All-
Wool Ladies' Bathing .Suits, (Jr Aft
values to $9.00; special at DJ.UU
' All Fancy Bathing Caps, at Vz Price 5
iiiiimitf iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiTi
"Listen in" with Holtzer
Cabot Telephone Headsets.
Holtzer-Cabot Headsets are
used in the United States Navy
to direct gun fire and for inter-communication
Holtzer-Cabot Headsets will
be a revelation to you for su
periority. They "make all the
difference" to your radio. Try
them today.
Sold by all responsible
The Holtzer-Cabot Electric
Boston, Mass.
We Keep
Boot Oiled.
Stitched Men's
Napatan Moc
casin Boots. 2
fal ioIci,
closed Bellowfl
tongue to top.
l'2-l net tops.
Regular price
il5 reduced to
Same In 1B-In.
SI 2.85
Men's Elk Chrome and Tan
Chrome Leather Boots. Full
double soles, full bellows
tongue. Made to stand
rough wear. Goodyear welt
ed soles. We put this price
on these to move them
quick, as we have too many.
Much less than factory cost.
Vsed to Be.
I l