THE MORMXG OREGOMAX, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1933 FAMOUS CUMBER IS KILLED IN FALL Dr. Frank Wynn Drops From Mount Siyeh Cliff. BODY ROLLS OVER LEDGE President of American Alpine Club Overcome by Exertion and High Altitude. GLACIER PARK. Mont.. July 27. Dr. Frank B. Wynn of Indian apolis, president of the American Alpine- club and one of this coun try's foremost mountain climbers, was killed today in a 3.00-foot fall from a cliff near the summit of Mount Siyeh, one of the highest peaks in Glacier national park. According to Dr. H. Goddard, also of Indianapolis, who was a few yards behind Dr. Wynn on the trail, the latter's fall from the narrow ledge on which the party was cross ing, followed what appeared to be an apopletic stroke. Dr. Wynn was 68 years of age and while appar ently in good health, it is believed that the 10,000-foot altitude and the exertion of the climb proved too much for him. Dr. Wynn, Silent, Falls. They had just negotiated an un usually steep portion of the trail. Dr. Goddard said, when Dr. Wynn, who was leading, turiied and- opened his mouth as if to speak. Then, without uttering a word, he pitched forward on the trail. Before Dr. Goddard could cover the interven ing distance his body had rolled over the rooky, ledge and dis appeared. The remainder of the party made as rapid progress as possible to Glacier hotel, where the accident was reported to government rang ers and a party was formed to re cover Dr. Wynn's body. Because of the inaccessibility of the ledge on which the body landed, this will be a slow task. Difficult Peaks Scaled. The party which Dr. Wynn was leading was composed of a dozen of the most prominent members of the American, Alpine club. Dr. Wynn has guided similar parties through Glacier park for the past eight years, each year scaling a new mountain and leaving the club mark at the summit. In addition to these expeditions Dr. Wynn had to his , credit the scaling of the most dif ficult Alpine peaks. Mount Siyeh and Mount Saint Nicholas were the only peaks in the park which he had never climbed. Twice before his parties have at tempted Mount Siyeh but have failed. It was his hope that this year would see the club emblem on its summit. Mrs. Wynn and their son were among the party in th,e park although not on the trip which brought Dr. Wynn's death. STRIKE TRUCE IS NEAR (Continupd From First Page.). Washington to await developments. Immediately upon their arrival from Chicago and before going to the White House, the strike leaders had a conference with William H.' Johnston, president of the Interna tional Association of Machinists- Mr. Johnston then went with them to the White House. The others who accompanied them were: Timothy Healy, president of the firemen's organization; J. W. Kine, president of the blacksmiths; J. A. Franklin, president of the boiler- makers; M. F. Ryan, president of the carmen; James Burns, vice-pres ldent of the Sheet Metal Workers' union, and Edward Evans, vice-pres ident of the International Brother hood of Electrical workers. Developments in the coal strike aituation in Washington during the day were few and relatively unim portant. Secretary of Commerce Hoover was busy perfecting the or ganization of the coal national dis tribution committee, of which he was made chairman. . ravoranie replies nave been re ceived from the presidential coal dis tribution committee for the forma tion of state control organizations. Responses, he said, have' been re ceived bo far from New Jersey, Con necticut, lowa, Kansas, Minnesota, unio, West Virginia and Pennsyl vania. He declared that organization of me aaministrative personnel of the president s committee as being rusnea in order that the coal dis tribution, under the emergency plan, could begin as soon as possible. Priorities, he said, could not work effectively until the organization under the president's committee had been formed, but would be done as Boon as humanly possible. Mr. Hoover said the federal gov eminent would make no effort to deal with the problem of nrofiteer lng by retail coal dealers but would expect the state organizations to candle the question. letter seeking the opinion of president Harding on the bill creat ing a commission to investigate and report on uie problems of the coal industry was sent to the orfisident by Senator Borah, Idaho, author of The bill, today. senator Borah took this action ionowing a meeting of the senate committee on education and labor, of wnicn ne is chairman and at which the Dill was discussed. sentiment of members of the committee appeared hostile to the measure, the opinion being that such a commission would do nothing toward solving the problems of the lpdustry but would only give en couragement to the cause of th miners. Senator Borah alone amon republican members of the commit tee appeared to favor it. EXECUTIVES TO STUDY PLAN Offiicals of 158 Lines to Considi Steps to End Strike. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 27. (By the Associated Press ) A meet ing of executives of 148 of the ma jor railroads of the United State win oe called in JNew York nex Tuesday to consider a plan for set tung the strike now in progress. 'J. Dwitt Cuyler, chairman of th Association of Railway Executives, announced tonight after a confer ence with President Harding. Mr. Cuyler added, however, that no definite basis for strike settle ment was ready to be placed before the meeting." His conference with the president tonight, he said, had been devoted to a general survey of the situation. While Mr. Cuyler was positive In his statement that the basis for pro- . posed settlement of the strike had not been definitely drawn up, earlier reports indicated that at least a ten- . tative plan had resulted from the conference between President Hard ing and leaders of the various rail road labor groups. President Harding has made no specific request to the railroad exec utives, Mr. Cuyler said, when asked if the question of seniority rights had been brought forward at the conference with a view to influenc ing some railroads to reconsider their stand against returning these rights to striking shopmen. COAL OPERATORS DENY ACT No Effort to Be Made to End Strike in Central Fields. WASHINGTON. D. C, July 27. Officials of. the National Coal asso ciation said tonight they had been WHAT CONGRESS DID AS ITS DAY'S WORK. Senate. ? Causes of Taft's defeat further discussed without def inite conclusion being reached. Tariff bill debated, the re publican insurgents being un able to accomplish anything in the direction of reductions. McCormiek, republican, Illi nois, offered resolution ex tending until March 3, 1923, time in which American aliens serving in the Polish army .may re-enter this country. Complaint against General Sawyer and his reply placed in record by Senators Walsh, democrat, Massachusetts, and Willis, republican, Ohio. authorized by Alfred M. Ogle, presi- ent of the organization, to deny any report that a meeting of o-per- tors of the central competitive field was in prospect looking to an nd of the soft coal strike. Association officials said at one of the final meetings of coal oper- tors in Washington recently the subject was thoroughly canvassed with the decision that no move would be made in the central fields, acting as an entirety. RAILROAD GUARD IS KILLED Dead Man Identified as Roy E. Burton, 3 1 Years Old. SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., July 27. A telephone message from the anta Fe depot to the sheriff's of fice said one of the railroad guards had been shot and killed and asked for the coroner. The dead man was identified as Roy E. Burton, 31, formerly a deputy constable at San Diego. He was employed by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rairway company as special guard and was patrolling the west end of the railroad yards. About 8:40 P. M. six shots we're heard, but it was more than an hour before Burton's body was found lying near the track with his revolver still clasped in his hand. Investigation showed that he had fired three shots. RAIL LINES DECLARED OPEN SoutHern Pacific President Says There Is No Congestion. That the Southern Pacific company lines are clear, with trains running on time and equipment sufficient to handle traffic available, a statei ment made by Portland officials of the company, was confirmed Dy a telegram received here from William Sproule, president, from his Sar Francisco offices yesterday, The message was sent by Presi dent Sproule to presidents of lines connecting with the Southern Pa- lfic and to heads of other important railroad lines. The subject of the message was the service order of the interstate commerce commission directing carriers to forward traffic by routes most available to ex pedite its movement and prevent congestion. This order is mandatory only when necessary to avoid con gestion. There is no congestion on our ines, read Mr. Sproule's telegram, 'and delivery will be expedited and congestion avoided by routing traffic over the line of the Southern Pa cific company. We use oil-burning ocomotives and we are not depend ent on coal for fuel. You will be in formed promptly if there is any change in the situation on the South ern Pacific. BLIMP ON NIGHT TRIP NON-STOP FROM WASHINGTON TO NEW YORK TRIED. Dirigible of Army Completes 1100-Mile Journey In 40 Hours and 40 Minutes. WASHINGTON. D. C, July 27. Army dirigible C-2 left at 6 o'clock tnis afternoon for a round trip non stop flight to New York, for the purpose of training pilots in night flying. . '' . The ship was expected to arrive over 'New York about 10:30 P. M., and through arrangements with the aeronautical chamber of commerce of that city searchlights were to pick her up as she circled above the city at about the time theater crowds were homeward bound. The ship planned to pass over Balti more, Philadelphia and otljer cities in her flight and return here about daylight tomorrow. BELLEVILLE, 111., July 27. (By the Associated Press.) The longest flight ever attempted by the army lighter than air service was com pleted today when the dirigible bal loon A-4 arrived at Scott Field, near here. The blimp arrived from Lang ley Field, Va., a distance of approxi mately 1100 miles, in 40 hours and 40 minutes of actual flying time. Two stops were made. iMtJirvenilp Outfitters. for Children Please Note New Address 391 Washington Street Opposite Hazelwood Shave. Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap. Cuticura Cotletm SoaptatlMfavaritefartafetrrmBershavfng. Tonic In Action For Backache, Rheumatism Kidney and Bladder Quid. ;.k.u, GOLDFISH IS FOND S0U11 5 Oilcan Only Other Cure for Insect Plague. PHEASANTS LIKE LARVAE New York Health Expert Telle How to Get Rid of Deadly Blood Suckers. NEW YORK, July 20. (Special.) Have you a little goldfish fish, not digger in your' home? Which same is not the title of a Broadway unmusical comedy or of the latest spasm from Tin Pan al ley. It is a serious inquiry ad dressed to a suffering population by the state health commissioner, Dr. Herman M. Biggs. 'If little cul ex pipiens, homebred mosquito, is what's biting you, go get a gold fish or an oil can. They are the only known cures for the mosquito plague. Dr. Biggs says. It's a case of patronizing the Standard Oil company or the pet store. Doctor Is Hot Dogmatic. The doctor is not dogmatic in ad vising purchase of a goldfish to catch and eat mosquito eggs and Infant mosquitoes before they grow up and develop augers. Most any fish will do minnow, tarpon, tuna, landlocked salmon, squaretail trout Goldfish are suggested not only be cause they add to the beauty of the scenes but because they are so af fectionate, resembling nothing so much as an airedale. All fish are fond of mosquitoes as hors d'oevres. Choice is optional. That is the substance of the advice to tortured citizens on the verge of losing their religion by Commis sioner Biggs in No. 17 of a series of bulletins and health talks. The mosquito situation, acute now in the whole eastern region, in spires advice also of an obviously practical nature from the New Jer sey fish and game commission. Ringnecked pheasants are recom mended by the commission as one of the best known mosquito exter minators. These excellent fowl pur sue mosquitoes voraciously and con sume incredible numbers. of them. Pheasants Kat Insects Pisiistratus Pifcafilly maintains a small ringneck pheasant farm near Forked River, Ocean county, in which he trains yourrg birds to run down the vicious mosquitoes of Jersey. Nearby the state fish and game com mission maintains a pheasant farm, which benefits from Mr. Pifcafilly's advice and experience. Both the state commission and Mr. Pifcafilly recommended that every household have at least half a dozen ringneck pheasants. Any one carrying pheasant on his wrist as he goes to work is immune from annoyance. Health bulletins stated 60 varie ties of the cirlex pipiens were at large and getting larger. Dr. Alvah H. Doty, former health officer of the Port of New York, one of . the biggest - mosquito -sharps of the country "who has virtually lived with them for, years, says flat: "While mosquitoes are essentially vegetarian, the females, the only ones which bite, crave blood." Mr. Pifcafilly, over in New Jer sey, says he knows this is true, for on one occasion, while motorcycling over the marshes between Newark and Jersey City, he was attacked by a small band of she mosquitoes. He was unarmed and would have been devoured had he not been saved by a large band of male mosquitoes, wlur seemed to recognize him as the owner of gardens at Forked River, where they had fed many times. ' Woman Attacked In Bath Tab. Throughout New Jersey . the plague is so bad nowadays the in habitants smell like a tar roof from citronella and other dope. Mr. Pif cafilly said it was impossible to bathe, since it would mean washing off the dope and exposing the body to terrible attacks. A woman named Rachael Prunesmiller, of Kearny, N. J., was thus attacked in a bath tub. People are buying canopy tents from the. one time united States army stock because the good heavy khaki is the only thing that begins to turn the borer of a Jersey mosquito. These tents are simply erected over beds, mosquito bars even of wire being utterly useless. FARE TROUBLE ADJUSTED Public Service Body Effects Com mutation Settlement. SALEM, Or., July 27. (Special.) The public service commission, through informal negotiations, to day announced that it had effected voluntary adjustment of complaints made by certain commuters travel ing between Portland and various points on the lines of the Southern Pacific company and Oregon Elec tric railroad. . These cases originated out of the complaint of Ray P. Shaw of the Hazelwood Quality Pastry Lady Baltimore Cake A delicious, rich cake filled with nuts and maraschino cherries and covered with a maraschino marshmallow icing. ' $1.00 Each HAZELWOOD DAIRY STORE 126 Tenth Street BROADWAY" HAZELWOOD Pastry Department 127 Broadway ' 1 ro EGG Lalley - Electric company, who al leged discrimination in the 60-ride Individual commutation fares of the Southern Pacific electric lines be tween Portland and Cornelius on the Forest Grove line, and petitioned for the extension of the 60-ride in dividual commutation tickets to points between Witch Hazel and Forest Grove on the West Side elec tric and between Votaw and New berg on the East Side electric. The Southern Pacific company, in adjusting the complaints directed at its electric lines, has established new fares as they involve 60-ride in dividual commutation tickets. ' The new fares show a decrease when compared with the former fare schedule. HOSPITAL SITES RAPPED LEGION COMMITTEEMAN PRO TESTS TO HARDING. Locations Declared. Undesirable for Army Neuro-Psychiat-ric Patients. CHICAGO, July 27. (By the As sociated Press.) Colonel A. . A. Sprague, chairman of the American Legion's national rehabilitation com mittee, tonight made public a tele gram to President Harding asking him to ieconslder the decision an nounced yesterday to build two hos pitals for army neuro-psychiatric patients, one at St Cloud, Minn., and the other at Camp Custer, Mich. Colonel Sprague, who Tuesday published correspondence with Brig adier-General Charles E. Sawyer, the president's personal physician, ask ing him to "step aside" and cease blocking the programme of relief for wounded men, told President Harding that "best medical opinion" does not favor the locations selected. The Camp Custer site adjoins the artillery range and ' the St. Cloud location -is too far from medical cen ters, the telegram says. The same objection, Colonel Sprague adds, ap plies to the hospital to be located at Chillicothe, O. "There is no room for petty jeal ousy or politics in the care of dis abled men and this, the legion has good reason to believe, has influ enced these decisions," the telfgrarn says. Dl DISASTER FDHETOLD FEARSOME WARNING ISSUED BY SPIRITUALIST. Prophet, Says Chicago Is- to Be Visited by Worst Storm in American History. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) CHICAGO, July 27. "At 3 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) morning, a great storm will break in all its fury over Chicago. This is God's manifesta tion of his displeasure at the great labor disturbances now crippling in dustry." This fearsome warning was issued by Will C. Baugh of Hastings, Neb., spiritualist extraordinary, now visit ing Ch'cago. Baugh went on to ex plain that this would be the greatest storm in the history of America; that the lass of life would be appall ing and that property worth bil lions would be destroyed. He said his advices Indicated the loop, or downtown business district would be the center of destruction. Notwithstanding this dire predic tion, Chicago went on its way as usual, eating, drinking, sleeping and attending to its various duties. It must be said to. the credit of Mr. Baugh that even though he had ad vance information of the impend'ng disaster, he remained over night at a downtown hotel to take his chances with less fortunate hu manity. MOVE ON CUBA DEBATED American Intervention Said la Depend on Finances. HAVANA, July 27. American in tervention in Cuba depends upon the financial measures taken by the executive and legislative branches of the Cuban government, said a statement issued by the state de partment tonight. The message quoted a memoran dum presented by Major-General Enoch Crowder, special representa tive in Cuba of President Harding. German Papery Warned. BERLIN, July 27.' Provincial newspapers throughout Prussia, which heretofore have - been serv ing as official organs for local gov ernments will have to conform in their editorial attitude to the de mands of the German republic or forego their revenues from official advertising, according to a decree issued today by the Prussian min ister of the interior. 1 Snecial tndav am '-".. x 1 ' 1 ti 'M y wm I I Hotplate black ' 1 burner $4.90 now $2.85 I lM" IfffwT 'Refreshing MSlM'J " " 2 " 6.80- " 5.20 r ft lillfl'l " nickeled 2 " 8.00 6.85 IM - . - P ' ' jfl lllw " black . 3 9.25 " 6.75 L"' . Wv' Mlm Gas ranges, 3 burner,' from $29.35 up. j " Jfjg LlO!wP Vulcan Cabinet range was $66.25 now $59.50. , ' ' The Quality Store : - " ' ; Not How Cheap, But How Good " Vf T1 ' ' : ffm ! Lipman, Wolfe's Fur Storage Vaults Defy the Moths, Fires " and Burglars A Many Stores Would Say These Garments Are Close to "Half Price" at $2 5 We Let the Public Judge Confidently do we let the public be the judged so much of greater value is immediately to be observed in the better qualities equally evident in the models, tailoring and materials. This is an event that has been "in the making" for three whole months, and its success very fittingly crowns a superior achievement in more expert choosing and more extraordinary buying. ' Women's Appnrel Section On the Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. i'UNDIXG COMMISSIOX MEETS WITH FRENCH DIRECTOR. First Formal Negotiations Lead ing to Payment of Allied Ob ligations Are Begun. ' WASHINGTON. D. C. July 27. The United States war debt funding commission met with Jean V. Par mentler, director of finance of the French treasury and special finan cial representative of France today and thereby were started the first formal negotiations leading to the funding of the allied war debt to A Thecommlsslon, with all of its members present, excepting Repre sentative Byrne, republican, Ohio, who is out or tne t.uj, :m preliminary session before M. Par oornmnanied by Charles R. ; 'VN! jliP There's no substitute llk a hP ,s i(!P M mfmL wJtuiiM --m J Merchandise Beginning' at This Store Today Marvelous, Incomparable Sale of the New Fall Dresses and Suits LeNevue of the French treasury and Jean Boyer, official attache of the French embassy, were received. The French debt to America is about $3,500,000,000. DOUGLAS ROAD PROMISED County Court to Open Up Detour From Roseburg to Winchester. ROSEBURG. Or., July 27. (Spe cial.) The Douglas county court this afternoon promised to open up the new detour between Roseburg and Winchester insisted upon by lo cal business men, who this morning made a trip over the proposed route to test its feasibility., There has been a great deal of sentiment aroused here about the detour con ditions out of Roseburg and busi Merit Only Dashing, New Garments in the Strictly New Fashions Wondrously Low Priced $25 for Dresses of Canton Crepe $25 for Dresses of Satin-Faced Crepe $25 for Dresses of Crepe Satin $25 for Dresses of Poiret Twill $25 for Suits of Wool Tricotine ' : $25 for Suits of Poiret Twill All Sizes From 16 to 44 Plenty of Garments in the Larger Sizes Styles that are seen now for the first time and a price that seems almost out of the question in connection with such better grade garments, all of them so accurately representative of the lauded Lipman, Wolfe standards. ness men have insisted that there be some improvement. , The new detour parallels the highway on the west and does not increase the distance- to any great extent. Although it is through pri vale land, it is very pood and can be traveled without danger. It will take only a small amount of time and a small expense to open it. The court promised that men will be put to work immediately and the detour will probably be open Satur day. Butter Bill Reported Favorably. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27. The "better butter" bill of Senator Sterling, republican, South Dakota, to define butter by law and require it to contain 80 per cent butterfat. was reported favorably yesterday by the senate agricultural committee. Charge Purchases Balance of This Month Entered on Statements September 1 1 MO Diiestore "Jrrat Indigestion" Prevents and re lieves bad effects from overeating and drinking. All druggists, 60c and $1. Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. All its readers are inter ested in the classified columns. SOLD BVSRTWHBBJfc