THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY . 14, 1922 27 UIISGQUHT fflffE LOWERED 6C1UMU.SIXG CUT IS MADE BY BANK OF MXGLAXD. Reduction of One-Half of One lJer Cent Expected to Stimu late Security Buying. LONDON. July 13. (By the Assocl Ited Press.) Tho Bank of England Vuday lowered its discount rates to 3 er cent, a reduction of one-half per. cent from the figure -established on June 15. The reduction of the official minimum burnished another of the periodical sur rises which the Bank of England has liven the niony market during the past ;ar. ' It was anticipated when the federal reserve bank rate in the United States was lowered that the lower bank rate here would follow, but hope for this vanished with the tightening conditions in the money market and the collapse of maVk exchange, as well as heavy bor rowing by the government . from the Bank of England. The government has since repaid vir tually all this indebtedness, and, as the Jcreign exchange situation is admittedly less strained, the bank has given trad ers further help by taking one-half of 1 per cent from the minimum. The re duction also is expected to stimulate the buying of government securities on the mock exchange. NEW YORK. July 13. Lowering of the Bank of England's rediscount rate today from 3 to 3 per cent came aa a Burprlse to local bankers, who believe that the New York Federal Reserve bank will soon cut its present rate of ; per cent. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 13. Re duction of the rediscount rate of the Bank of England from 3 to 3 per cent was regarded today at the treasury as being unlikely to affect the rediscount rate of the American federal reserve system. High treasury officials declared that no occasion was seen for a reduction of federal reserve system rates below 4 per cent, now the low rate in the sys tem. These officials explained that the volume of borrowing in the American market was small and the present rate of 4 per cent now in effect In Boston, New York and San Francisco, and likely to be adopted in other federal re serve districts, was regarded as the Jroper level under present conditions. New York Bonds. furnished by Jordan & fe&mpany of Portland.: rAtchtson gen 4a . . A -! 4s . . . . ..- . . - i . iO Iff - - ....... B O gold 4s do con 4s ct.m..,j do ref 6s .-ot Tanada Southern 5s ....... Canadian Nor 6&s do Ts Central Pac 1st 4s Chicago N Western 6s ,Ches & Ohio gea 4s do cv 09 - do con 5s C B & Q 111 div 4s C & West Ind 4s .....-... O O & W 4e C M & St P 4s do cv 48 .. ..... ......... . do deb 4s . do gen 4s A.. .. .... . do cv 5s ..,.-.. do g & r 4s A.......... Chgo N W ef 6s.... - do gen 4s ............ .... . do 63 .:.. C R I &"p"rei"4s Coio Sou zS ex 48...... do 4s ....m... Del & Hudson cv 6s .... . . do 7s D & R G cv 4s ref is Erie P L 4s do con 4a A ,. ........ . do B do I) ... do Pa C a 4s 'Grand Trunk ey 6s. Great Northern 4s ....... do 7s Gt Trunk s do 7s HI Central jt 53 . . . ...... do ref 4s- K C 'Southern, ref 5s....... Keo & Des M 1st (is L S & M S 4s X, & N 7s i i jf do uni 4s Sinclair 7s Jl St P & S3 M 6H.-- ... M K & T4s M P gen 4s ................ do ref 5s . . . . do NYC deb 4s .............. do con 4,s .'. . ...... do ref imp 4s ....... do cv deb 6s ............. do coll -7s N Y N H & H cv 6s...... N O Tex & Mex 5s . . KPPUl do (is NP Ut Nor jt 6&s..... O S L ref 4s Penna fis ................ do gen 4s ............. do 4s do gen 5s ................ do 7s Penna R R 63 ........... Heading gen 4s S A L 4s do 5s do (is A Sou Ry con 5s So Pac cv 4s do ref 4s do sf term 4s do conv 5s St L & S P Pli 4s A do gen 5s ................ do fL, 5s B do gen tis ......... ,w , .. do adj tis ............... do inc (is ................ do 1st 5s do con 4s ........ do 1st 4s Tex Pac 1st 5s ............ Un Pac 1st 4s ............. do cv 4s . do ref 4s do Bs Vn Tank 7g i Wabash 1st 5s ............. k west x ac s ............... Industrials Xllied Packers 6s Am Agr Cr 7s Am Sm 1st os. . .-. Amn Tob 7rt Anaconda 6s A do 7s B Armour cv 7s do 4s Beaver Board Ss ........... Beth Steel 7s do eq 7s ........ . . do ref 5s Cerro de Pasco Ss. . Chile conv tis A............... do conv 7s ............ , Col Graph 8s "Copper Exp 8s do Ss do 8s Colo F & I gen 5s Coin Ind 5s Cuban Amn Sug 8s ..... .Cuban Cane cv 7s PlEtillers Sec cv 5s......... Diam Ma-tcjt 71as Pupont 7s Empire Gas Fuel 6s ........ Fisk 8a Gen Elec deb ds ........... do tis ....... ..... ....... . Goodrich 7s . ... Goodyear 8s Heinz 7s lierfchey la Ill Steel deb 4s Ind Steel 5s Int Acrr 5s lilt Marine C T 6s Kelly Springfiled 8s Kennecott 7s .......a.. Lack Steel os .... do 1st os ' I.ibby McN L 7s Lig & Myers 5s do 7s Lorillard 5s do 7s Midvale 5s Morris & Co 7H Proc & Gamble 7s........... Republic'l & St as Sears Roe 7s do Steel & Tube 7s Swift & Co 7s do ITni Drug Ss V S Rub 1st ref 5s do 7tas T S Sttel sf 5s Va Chem 5s Va Cix Chem 7&s West Elec 5a West tl T col Tr 5s Western Union 6s...... Wilson 1st tis i do cv 6s West Elec 7s Westinghouse 7s Public Utilities Amn lt & Tran 6s Amn Tel colli 5s in Tel fi 11 Tel of Pa 7s U R T 5s Cal Gas uni 5s Cities Service 7s B do C do Con Gas cv 7 ............. Int Met 411,3 Int R T ref 5s laclede Gaa 7s .......... Hont Power 5s A. ..... Wentworth 1052 1930 IMS 1933 1995 11W2 1946 1940 1949 1936 199B 1946 1939 1049 19 M 1959 1925 1932 1934 1999 2914 2014 1929 197 1936 1930 1984 1935 1929 1935 1930 1936 1955 1996 1953 1953 153 1951 1936 1961 1936 1936 1940 1963 1955 1950 1923 1931 1930 1940 i4 1991) 1975 1923 1926 1934 1998 201S 1935 1930 1948 1935 1997 2047 1936 1929 1936 1965 I960 1968 193 1936 1997 1960 1949 1945 1994 1955 1950 1934 1950 1931 1950 1931 1955 1960 1952 1932 1989 2000 1947 1927 2008 1928 1930 1939 1946 1939 1941 1947 1923 1929 1929 930 1 939 1933 1923 1935 1942 1931 1932 1923 1925 1923 1924 1925 1943 1934 1931 1930 1927 1935 1931 1924 1941 1952 1940 1925 1941 1930 1930 11140 1952 1932 1941 1931 1930 1923 1950 1931 1951 194 1951 1944 1936 1930 1928 1940 1922 1923 M5t 1923 1931. 1941 1947 1930 1963 1923 1932 1922 1938 1936 1941 1928 1925 1931 1925 1946 1925 1945 J945 1937 1966 1966 inns 1925 1956 ' J!)0 1930 1943 94 84 lOT 83 93 87 98 111 113 90(4 IIO14 87 9414 101 92 74V4 60 80 68 62 75 74 63 99 88 110 106 81 89 93 97 110 7854 46 64 53 52 67 66 105 92 110 103 113 95 89 89 89 93 108 93 9 102 ' 81 62 100 S 91 86 81 103 105 81 71 89 107 193 92 108 93 98 102 109 108 84 68 26 60 95 92 90 83 100 72 98 85 103 109 70 81 75 79 93 96 95 89 103 103 99 86 83 194 92 102 100 103 104 90 .79 104 13 96 108 91 195 38 101 102 104 !)04 79 106 85 45 108 107 101 105 101 105 103 116 104 103 91 100 79 96 108 194 94 89 99 91 114 95 114 89 105 101 92 100 104 10(1 101 103 111 90 108 102 99 135 100 ij 97 110 99 92 108 '4 107 150 78 114 108 61 95 96 l 122 116 68 99 96 Northwest Tel 7s Pac Tel 5s Pac Gas 5s Souwest Tel 7s OU Bonds Anglo Amn.7s Atlantic Ret 6s Galena S Oil 7a Guif Oil 7s Humble 7s ' Pan Amn 7s Mex Pet cv 8s Sinclair 78 .'. .. S O Cal 7s '.. S O N Y 7s Texas Co 7s i Tidewater Oil s Foreign Government Bond! Argentine 2d 7s do G I 5a Belgium Ss Bergen 8a ........1.. Berne 8s Christiana 8s Copenhagen 5s Danish Consoi 8s French Cities 6s Italy 6s A U S Mex 4s do ext 5s Uruguay Ext 5s Zurich 8s French Internal 4s French Viotory 5s Belgian Restoration 5s British 2 P C Consols Ital Cons War Loan 5 P C. Curb bonds Am Tel & Tel 6s do 6s Anaconda Copper 7s Angio-Am on 7s Armour & Co 7s Beth Steel 7s Consoi Gaa Co 8s Galena Signal Oil 7s inter Han d Tran 7s So West Tel 7s Swift & Co 7s Texas Co 7s Notes Western Elec 7s 1941 106 1937 9 1942 91 1925 102 1925 1931 1930 1933 1S23 1930 1936 1925 1931 1931 1923 1931 103 103 105 103 190 101 104 104 105 109 101 100 1923 100 1945 84 1940 105 1945 109 1945 109 1945 109 1944 91 1946 108 1954 1925 1954 1945 83 96 46 58 .... 72 1945 111 1917 1920 50 01 32 25 Last Sale. 1922 100 1924 101 93 103 104 1935 102 .... 100 .... 103 90 .... 102 1925 102 . 101 108 RESERVE RATIO ' GAINS IN WEEK Increase of One-Half of One Per Cent Reported by Board. WASHINGTON. July 13. Combined re sources and liabilities of the 12 federal reserve banks at the close of business July 12 were reported tonight by the ieaerai reserve board as follows: Resources Gold and goW certificates..? 317,832,000 Gold settlement fund, F. R. ooaru 514,500.000 Total gold held by banks. t 832 422 oott Gold with federal reserve agents X2.161 5fiO non Gold redemption fund 41,851,000 Total sold reserves 13.035.833 on Legal tender notes, silver, tc 120,207,000 Total reserves 13,157,040,000 - Bills discounted Secured by TJ. S. government oougations I 167,&53.000 Other bills discounted 272,887,000 Bills bought In open market 157,875000 Total bills on hand 1 587.617 OOA U. S bonds and notes. . .$ 208,248,000 U. s. certificates 01 In One-year certificates (Pitt man act) 74,000s000 Other certificates 274,349,000 Total assets . Bank premises r- ive per cent redemption xuna against . R. bans: note3 Uncollected Items All other resources ....... 11,144,214.000 41,985,000 7,561,000 611,733,000 16,169.000 Total resources ...... .44.978,872.000 Liabilities Capital paid In ...i. 105,224.000 Surplus 215,398,000 Deposits Government 20.837.000 Member banks reserve ac count v 1,875,229,000 Other deposits 28,871,000 Total denosits 7 Xl.924 9x7.oon F. R. notes in actual circu lation '....12458.122,000 F. R. bank, notes in actual circulation, net Mabilitv.. 67.380.000 Deferred availability items. 486,360,000 AH other liabilities 21,450,000 Total liabilities $4,978,872,000 Ratio of total reserves to deposit and federal reserve notes liabilities combined, 77.3 per cent. Foreign Bonds. Furnished by the verbeck & company of Portland: Maturity. Bid. Belgian rest 6s. 00 prem os. do 7s 1B4S Belgian 63. .... .... ... 1925 .British afts 1922 do os 1927 do 5s 1929 do vky4s do ref 4s Bordeaux 6s 1934 Canadian do 5s. ....... do 5s do 5s do 5s Chinese 5e Chilean 8s ...... Denmark bs .... French 4s do 5s ......... do 5s do 7s , do 8s German W L 5s.. Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s .... as 4s ....... Leipsig 4s .... do os Munich 4s do 5s Frankfort 4s Italian 5s Jap 4s do 1st 4s do 2d 4s Norway Ss Russian 5s . . . do do 6s SWISS OftS 1937 1926 1929 1931 192t 1B51 1941 C 102 JW40 199 66 70 104 10O 90 93 94 78 77 88 98 99 100 98 9S .33 1917 1920 1931 1941 1945 70 60 Cooke Ask. 70 74 105 100 93 95 96 . SO 79 Vi SS 99 99 101 98 "99 54 103 110 51 73 62 88 . 99 101 101 . . 1918 . . 1931 .. 1925 . . 1925 .. 1940 .. 1921 .. 1926 . . 1919 1929 1 1 1 2 2 2 33 . 77 92 92 110 16 3 10 102 118 2 2 2 2 3 3 do Ss 1940 Sao Paulo 8s 101 U K 5s 1922 1 08 do 56...- 1929 JOSii do 6s 1037 103 I 341 77 92 92 110 17 4 20 103 118 101 108 1!8 103 3 14 ..19' Boston Mining Stocks. Boston mining stock quotations fur nished by the Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: Bid Arizona Commercial 9 Adventure 65 Ahmeek 61 Algomah 20 Allouez Arcadian Bingham Mining, .i. Cal & Ariz New Corn Centennial 9 Copper Range 43 Lavis iaiy ( East Butte , 10 Franklin Mining 2 Hancock 2 Keewanaw 2 Kerr Lake 4 Mohawk 62 May Old Colony-... 44 Mason Valley 1 North Butte 12 Nlpisslng 5 North Lake 50 Old Dominion Copper 25 Oseola Mining 32 Isle Roya! .23 South Lake 45 Union Shoe Mch 38 do pfd 27 Superior Copper ............ 4 Ventura 32 Victoria - 1 Winona 1 Wolverine 12 Wyandott 50 Shan 85 Ask 90 62 50 25 3 15 61 19 12 44 7 11 2 3 2 5 63 44 -J 6 55 26 34 . 24 48 39 27 2 1 12 (a 90 LIBERTY BONDS H16HER GROUP ADVAXCES ALMOST TO BEST PRICES OP TEAR. Leading Rails Gain One to Nearly ' Two Points Foreign Loans Generally Improve. NEW YORK. July 13. Liberties were the prominent features of today's bond market, coming forward almost to the year's best prices in the later deaUngs, after showing some hesitation. '- Most foreign war loans, especially French municipals, were moderately bet ter, but changes in the International group were trivial at best. Rail gains of 1 to almost 2 points accompanied the trend of Pennsylvania general 4s and 5s. Ontario & Weetern 4s, New York Central refunding 4s, Northern Pacific 4 and Missouri, Kansas & Texas $s - with fractional advances of the 'Rock Island refunding 4s and Atch ison, general 4s. New -Haven 6s were heavy with 'Sea board adjustment 5s, St. Paul refunding 4a and several of t-he prominent indus trials, including United States Steel 5s. Total sales, par value, aggregated $14, 739,000. Of the day's new offerings, the most noteworthy "was the Philippine govern ment $2,750,000 4 per cent bond Issue, for which a ready market was available. The stock ' market was irregular and unsettled! in spots despite new factors of an encouraging character, chief among which was the lowest quotation on call loans since the latter part of June. " Cumulative evidence .of world-wide monetary ease was found in another re duction of the Bank of England redis count rate to 3 per cent. This Is the lowest fure for this form of accommo dation at the British metropolis since January, 1914. Advices from Washington attributed to treasury officials promptly dispelled the . idea of any further cut in federal reserve rediscounts and Secretary Mellon was quoted in opposition to such action on the ground that it might "stimulate speculation." Oils were the vulnerable features of the day's moderate and professional op erations, Bhorts evidently taking av hand in the depreciation of those issues. Mex ican Petroleum sustained an extreme reaction of 8 points to a level 0O points under Its -high of June and closed at a net loss of 6 points. Pan-Americans, ' Mexican Seaboard, newly listed on the exchange, and most other foreign and domestic oils were lower by 1 to 3 points, but made up part of their reversals In the final dealings. - About the only stocks to show con sistent strength were Consolidated Gas, at s, net gain of & points to the year's high, and Western Union, which added S points to yesterday's substantial gains Sales amounted to 800,000 shares. The open rate for call money was S per cent until the final half hour,' when plenty of money was offered at 3 per cent. Time funds were quotobly un altered, but private loans for 30 and 60 days were reported at 4 per cent. Business vin foreign exchange was light, except for sterling and lnch francs, the former being in demand at the week's best quotations, while francs were under speculative pressure. The German mark also yielded with variable changes for other remittances. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: High. Low. Bid. Adams Exp .... .. ..... ..... 62 Advance Rum . . 17 do pfd 49 Standard Oil Stocks. Standard Oil Stocks furnished by the OveroeCK tooxe company 01 r-oruanu: "Bid. Asked. Anglo '.'.'.'.I'.'.'.'.'.'... 19 20 Buckeye . . . . Cheesebrougb. do pfd Continental Crescent 93 175 108 138 33 Cumberland .140 Eureka 90 Galena com ............... 56 do Old pfd 108 do New pfd .-; 101 Illinois Pipe 165 Indiana Pipe 90 Nat' I Transit 26 N Y Transit 168 Northern Pipe 98 Ohio Oil 295 Intern'l Pete 22 Penn Mex 33 Prairie Oil 612 Prairie Pipe 248 Solar Refg 345 Southern Pipe 92 South Penn Oil 213 S W.Penn Oil 6 SO Ind ...110 S O Kansas 545 S O Kentucky 94 SONY S O Ohio do pfd Vacuum ' Washington . S O' Nebraska Imperial Oil . .440 .. .455 ...117 .. .427 ...24 . . .180 . . .112 95 200 111 142 35 150 92 58 112 105 170 92 27 172 100 298 22 40 620 252 355 96 217 64 111 555 95 443 465 119 430 28 185 114 Agr Chem do pfd Ajax Rubber . .. Alaska Gold .... Alaska Juneau.. Allied Chem ... Allis-Chalmers . do pfd ...1.... Am Beet Sugar. Am Bosch Am Can Co do pfd Am Car & Fdy. 500 200 63 15 63 15 600 3,300 69 53 68 52 300 44 44 38 83 . 15 1 68 51 97 44 40 53 108 6,300 54 52 100 108 108 100 164 164 164 do nfd 120 Am Cot Oil ' 300 26 28 26 Am Drug Synd.. 100 5 5 5 Am Hde & Leth 200 14 14 14 do Dfd 69 Am Ice 800 110 109 108 Am Intl Corp... 800 43 42 42 Am Linseed .... 200 oa do . dta do pfd : 54 Am Loco 500 114 112 112 do pfd 117 Am Sat Razor.. 100 6 6 6 Am Ship & Com 1,700 20 19 20 Am smelter 2,ou 02 bi 02 do pfd 400 Bb 98 98 Am Snuff 133 Am Steel Fay.. SOO 36 36 30-51 Am Sugar 700 74 78 78 do Tfd 100 1U& Yt loo Vm -iwo Am Sumatra ... 1,200 40 39 39 Am Tel & Tel.. 11,200 121 120 121 Am Tobacco ... 300 141 141 141 do B 100 139 139i 139 Am Wool 1.000 91 90 90 v do pfd sou io& -tuatt tun do Pfd , 29 Am Zinc 18 Anaconda ...... 2,800 53 52 02 Assd Oil 113 Atchison 500 101 101 101 do pfd 200 90 90 90 Atlan Coast Line 500 108 108 .. 108 Atl Gulf & W I 2,000 38 37 37 Baldwin Loco .. 3,600 116 114 115 do Dfd Bait Ohio;... 17, 600 52 do pfd 200 64 Bernsdell Corp.. 700 . 33 Beth Steel "B". 1.300 77 Booth Fish 1,000 8 P, R T 22,100 26 Butte C & Z 100 , 7 Butte & Sup 10,000 29 Burns Bros Caddo Oil Calif Pet do Dfd Canadian Pacific Cen Leather . . . Cerro de Pasco.. Chandler Motor Chgo & N W... Chgo Gt W do pfd Chill Cop 51 63 31 76 7 24 7 29 110 51 62 32 71) 7 25 6 28 132 12 C M St P do pfd Colo F & I Colo Sou Col Gas & Elec. . Columbia Graph. 4,200 '62 . 60 61 . 04 "VOO i39 139 ' ' 139 700 39 38 88 700 37 36 37 .400 70 69 69 600 77 75 75 100 9 9 9 , 2tM) 22 22 22 . 3,800 23 22 22 . 1,200 30 29 29 , 3,100 29 28 28 . 1,600 44 43 44 500 71 89 69 . 8,700 69 69 68 31 100 ' 48 4S 48 . 800 89 88 88 . 2,500 5 4 4 .17,200 123 120 123 300 33 30 31 Maxwell Mo "A" 600 67 do "B" 1.5O0 23 May Stores 200 115 Mex Pet 26,100 163 Miami 400 29 Midvale Steel. .. 4,800 M K & T Wl... 800 do pfd Wi 1,500 Mont Power . . . 100 Mont. Ward .... 3,000 Mo Pac 3,600 do pfd 700 Marland Oil .... 9.000 Martin- & Perry. 700 31 Nat Enamel .... 700 54 Nat, Lead . 600 101 Nevada Con ... 2,000 16 New Haven 11,200 81 Norfolk & W. .. 500 110 Nor Pac 500 77 Nova Scotia Steel N Y Air Brake.. 100 N Y Central.... 6,500 Nor. Amn 2,000 Okla Prod ref... 9,700 Ontario & W 100 Otis Steel ,, 1,000 Pacific Dev .... 800 Pac Gas & Eleo 200 Punta Alegre .. 100 Pacific Oil 21,500 Pan Amn Pet ..27,700 do "B" 6,000 Penna 5.000 Peo Gas 400 Pere Marquette.. 900 Pure Oil 2,000 Phillips Pete ...22,700 Pierce Arrowy . 900 Pierce Oil 800 Pitts Coal 300 Pitts & West Va 3,000 Penn 'Sea Steel. 600 Press. Steel Oar 100 Pullman Ray Cons Reading ...... Remington . Replpgle Steel. . Republic I & S. do pfd 400 Rep. Motors 400 Royal Dutch Oil 1,500 Ky Steel Srg... 100 1001 Stand OU Ken 94 ears rtoeDWCK Shartuck, Ariz. . 200 Shell T & T.4.. 200 Sinclair 30,600 stano. mi ina. . Cons Cigars ContI Can 67 Cities Svc Bank. Corn Prod do pfd Cosden Oil 31.200 47 C R I P 3,100 43 do "A" pfd 200 95 do "B" pfd .... 200 81 Crucible 75 do pfd Cuba Cane 600 16 do pfd .... 300 85 Cuban-Am Sug.. 2,400 23 Del & Hudson Dome Mines 400 30 Del & Lack 200 129 Davison Chem... 800 45 Endlcott Johns'n 390 Si Erie 1,810 17 do 1st pfd 1,700 24 Eleo Stor Bty. . . 400 44 Famous Players. 1,700 82 Fed. Mn A Smlt do pfd ... 300 50 Fisk Tire 600 15 Gen Cigars Gen Elec Gen Motor 4,800 14 do 6 21 V, 103 103 114 44 42 94 81 73 15 35 23 30 129 45 81 16 24 44 82 50 15 1 Vorelgn Exchange. NEW YORK, July 13. Foreign ex change. Irregular. Great Britain, demand, $.4.44; cables, $4.44; 60-day bills on banks, $4.42. France, demand, 8.21; cables, 8.21. Italy, demand, 4.64; cables, 4.55. Belgium, demand, 7.82; cables, 7.82. Germany, demand, .22; cables, .22. Holland, demand, 38.78; cables. 38.83. Norway, demand, 16.42. Sweden, demand, 25.55. Denmark, demand, 21.50.' Switzerland, 1 demand, 19.15. Spain, de mand, 15.60, Greece, demand, 2.80. Po land, demand, .0134. Czecho-Slovakia, de mand, 2.10. Argentine, demand, 35.8T. Brazil, demand. 13.62. Montreal. 93, Gen. Asphalt 10,000 69 67 Goodrich 100 39 39 Glldden Paint.... ' 100 16 16 Granby 400 30 29 Great Nor Ore. .. 400 40 40 do pfd 2,400 80 lj0 Greene Cananea Gulf S Steel 1.800 82 81 Glen Alden .... 53 45 43 94 81 74 90 15 34 23 123 30 128 44 80 16 24 44 82 12 49 15 '77 169 14 81 68 39 16 29 39 80 31 82 13 35 18 41 70 22 23 56 42 76 96 67 3 25 12 6 69 48 67 73 67 44 84 32 30 48 18 8 64 39 8 77 700 121 500 16 600 200 700 1,400 Houston Oil 1,600 76 74 74 Hupp Motor 1,300 19 19 19 Ills Cent 200 107 106 106 innpimuun i.ow m U Ife 41 Int Agr Crp com ft do pfd 38i Interboro 100 1 1 do pfd 200 8 3 3 Int Harv 99 Int Mer Marine.. 400 1 8 18- 18 u Km IOV4, 744 Int Nickel 6.800 17 17 Int Paper ...... 1,100 52 61 do pfd : Invincible Oil ... 2200 14 14 Island Oil 3,500 51 Jewel Tea K C Southern. . . do pfd Kelly-Spgfld . . . Kennecott Keystone Tire . . Lack Steel Lee Tire Lehigh Valley 100 200 18 25 74 nl 85 14 II 25 50 3.1 J 74 2S 64 600 48 48 8,000 36 S5i4 600 1 6 1514 . 500 75 73 200 29 29 1.G0O 65 64 14 Lorlllard 153 Lowe meaters . 1,400 15 35 15 L & N.. 200 131 130 130 Mex Seaboard. . .32,800 34 30 32 ' Metal Market. NEW YORK, July 13. Copper, firm; electrolytic, spot and nearby, 14c; later, 1414c. Tin Quiet; spot and futures, 31c. Iron Steady; prices unchanged. Lead Steady; spot, 5.709.75c. Zinc Firm; East St. Louis, spot and nearby delivery, 5.70c. Antimony Spot, 6 5. 25c .-' 70 3U 32 71 93 10 57 78 10 41 33 111 do N J 1.300 182 V, Sloss Shef 100 45 Sou Pacific 1,400 90 Sou Ry : 2,100 24 Stand Oil 15.200 10654 St L & S F 1.100 28 Strombg Carb . 500 47 Studebaker 62,000 137 Swift & Co. ... 101 Tenn Cod i Ch Texas Oil 17.700 66 22 114 154 29 13 34 17 40 70 22 22 55 41 30 53 99 16 30 110 77 '7" 94 65 2 25 11 6 69 48 55 68 63 44 83 32 29 45 . 18 8 64 38 8 77 120 16 . 75 34 32 70 92 10 66 100 94 77 . 10 41 81 108 180 45 90 24 103 28 46 131 101 46 30 27 80 17 .'1 20O 141 1UO o514 45 29 26 79 15 21 141 38 800 7 7 9,200 100 70O 121 Texas Pac 2.000 Tex. Pac C&O 2.900 Tob Products .. 12,800 Tran ContI Oil 10.800 Union Oil Del. 4,800 union &o .... United Alloy .. united vmg . . United Fd Prod United Fruit .. Union B. & P USCIPlpe... 400 32 92 Un Retl Stores. 2,305 68 67 U S IndAlchl. 1,000 67 55 U S Rub 1.200 62 61 V 8 Rb 1st pfd! u s smelting .. U S Steel U S Steel pfd. . Utah Copper .. Va Chem 400 S0 Va Chem pfd . 400 65 Vanadium Steel 2,300 46 Vivandou 500 11 Wabash 200 12 Wabash A pfd. 1,600 32 Wabash B pfd Wells Fargo Western Pac . . Western Pc pfd Western Union Wetnghse A B. Wstnhse E&M . West Md White Motors.. 100 48 Willys-Ovrld ...10,000 0 W-O pfd 400 45 Wilson Packing . , Wis Central . Woolworth Wrthgtn Pump 200 50 60 W & L B 200 14 14 White Oil '. 3,200 9 8 Whte Eagle Oil 600 27. 27 99 120 64 '80 65 44 11 12 31 100 10 1,666 i03 'i,i66 6 19 ioo" '59 'is 8 44 66 23 - 114 156 29 13 34 17 40 70 22 22 55 41 30 53 98 16 30 109 77 30 . 78 95 66 2 2.1 11 6 69 47 65 70 65 44 83 32 29 46 18 8 63 38 8 77 119 16 75 34 31 71 82 10 50 100 94 78 10 40 32 109 180 44 90 24 103 28 46 136 101 10 46 29 26 79 16 21 140 38 79 7 142 02 82 67 65 61 107 402 99 120 ft 64 30 65 40 W. 11 12 31 76 19 58 103 92 . 59 11 48 8 4: 42 28 164 48 13 ' 9 20 Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: closing Open. High. Low. Bid. Liberty 3s... 100.46 100.54 100.46 100.50 do 1st 4s 100.24 do 2d 4s 100.06 do 1st 4S..100.S8 100.48 100.38 100.44 do 2d 4As.. 100.14 100.22 100.14 100.20 do 3d 4a. .100.16 100.22 100.10 100.18 do 4th 414s. .100.40 100.4S 100.40 100.48 Victory 4s... 100.50 100.62 100.50 100.50 Money, Silver, Etc. NEW YORK. July 13. Call money. easy; high, 3; low, 3; ruling rate. 3; closing bid, 3; offered at 3; last loan, 8; call loans against acceptances, 2. Time loans, easier; 60. days. 4: 90 days, 44; six months, 44. Prime mercantile paper, 44. sj LONDON, July 13. Bar silver, 35 d per eunce. Money 1 per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 1 per cent; three months, 2 per cent. Swift & Co. Stoekn. v Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks of Chicago were reported by the Overbeck Cooke company ot Portland as fol lows: . Swift & Co 101 National Leather (new) 7 Swift International 19 Libby, McNeil & LlbbV 2 Railway Foreclosure in Court. MUSCATINE, la.. July 13. Foreclos ure proceedings for $517,800, brought by the Continental ' & Commercial Trust & Savings bank of Chicago, against the Muscatine. Burlington & Southern rail way .engrossed the district court here for the third day. Claims aggregating several hundred thousand dollars. In addition ' to that sought by the bank, are being argued by attorneys. It is understood that agreements have been reached upon practically all accounts. However, it will be up to the court to determine priority. WOOL DUTY PROTESTED LEADING MANTFACTTIRERS REGRETFULLY PAY. Decision on Whether Combings Come Under Present Tariff Is Now Awaited. BOSTON", Mass., July 13. (Special.) The Boston wool trade Inclines to the belief that the senate failure to adopt cloture means no new tariff law this year and that it is better to go ahead on emergency tariff basis. That act was drawn bo loosely that "combing" wools are not mentioned and possibly they may be imported duty free. A government j official Is said to be taking testimony on this point. If it is allowed it will in volve nearly all the 100,000,000 pounds of wool now held in bond here and will throw both the wool trades and manu facturing industry into chaos. Leading manufacturers are paying duty under protest on such wool as they withdraw from bond, pending decision on this point. Territory wool in original bags is moving moderately here at un changed prices. Good three-eighths blood is quoted at 85 to 85 cents. Many trad ers think this grade will become prom inent later, the mills finding a way to use It. Eastern buyers are returning from the territory wool-growing states and it is expected that most of the re maining wools, especially in Montana and Wyoming, will be consigned. Present interest oentera in Texas and New Mexico. At Mertsson, Texas, with offerings Monday of 325,000 pounds, only about 57,500 were sold. Bids for other lots were rejected. Prices paid are es timated to show a clean cost of $1.18 to $1.20 for good clips, on the basis of wool landed in Boston. On Tuesday 250.000 pounds were of fered and only 70,000 sold. Prices ruled fsomewhat lower than on Monday, when three Boston houses were tied for the bulk of the offerings, but at a lower figure than growers would accept. At Rosweir, New Mexico, where the sealed bid sale last week was a fiasco, some private purchases have been made. What Is claimed to be the best clip among the withdrawn offerings has since been sold at an estimated clean cost, landed here, of $1.18 to $1.20. Another clip containing SO per cent half blood sold at $1.12 clean and a very heavy clip at $1.22 to $1.27. In the grease the recent ratnge of prices at Roswell has 'been 35 to 38 cents. Ohio fleeces are rather active here at 50 cents for half blood, 48 cents for fine, unwashed clothing and 46 cents for three-eighths blood combing. Fine, unwashed Ohio delaine is quoted at 50 to 67 cents, de spite lack of sales, and quarter blood combing at 43 to 44 cents. Most Ohio farmers have sold their wool, but th Columbus pool has secured quite a lot. Other sections of this market are very dull. Australian markets close this week until September 15. Cablegrams report offerings very poor, prices firm and England the principal buyer. LIVESTOCK SHIPPERS ARB ASSURED Adequate Railroad Service Promised In Umatilla County. PE-NDLETON, Or., July 13. (Special.) Livestock shippers of Umatilla county have been Assured by F. D. Hall, local agent of the Oregon-Washing ton Rail road & Navigation company, that ship ments of lambs will be received regu larly and -that as far as the Union Pa cific system is concerned livestock ship ments will get the usual consideration. Many shippers will start lamb shipments in & few days, with the rush point about July 20. Strike conditions at Umatilla, Rieth and Pendleton are quiet and shop work is being carried, on with a reduced force. Smythe Brothers, the Cunning ham Sheep company and Frank Sloan are making shipments this week. Fifty deputy sheriffs are at work at railroad points In this county, according to a statement made today by Sheriff House r. Nearly 20 are at Umatilla, the remainder being at Rieth, Pendleton and M each am. Strikebreakers are being charged double for their meals in some restau rants and one Chinese restaurant at Umatilla is credited with punching an entire meal ticket for one meal. QUALITY , OF WHEAT IS HIGH Umatilla County Yields Reduced by Hot - Weather. PENDLETON, Or., July 13. (Special.) Quality of the 1922 wheat now being harvested in Umatilla county Is better than was expected and much wheat in the lighter lands of-Pendleton Is weigh ing up to No. 1 grade. The average wheat is from 58 pounds to 62 pounds a bushel, according to J. J. Chisholm, who has been testing the newly-threshed grain. Yields have been cut down by the hot weather, and Nolin and Yoakum fields, which are light land, are running from 20 to 25 bushels an acre. This is better than was expected and is a good average. Lands of Elmer Moore, just west of Pendleton, where harvest has been going all this week, are averaging about 26 bushels an acre, which is also a good yield for this section. Some turkey red and club wheat on light lands has been shattered and shriv eled by the hot winds, but the Umatilla county crop will be a fair average yield and much better than in most sections. Sugar Market. NEW YORK, July 13. Raw sugar, centrifugal, 4.93 4.98c; refined, fine granulated, 6.506.Oo. Cottonseed Oil Futures. Cottonseed oil futures at New York, furnished by Jordan-Wentworth & Co Portland: July. $10.50 10.65; August, $10.47 10.48; September, S10.48&10.49: October. SIO.OS ; December, $8.S7 fi.58 ; January, t5i : February, ?H.r5tff'8.57. SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. California Hawaiian raw sugar. 4.93c Chicago Potato Market. CHICAGO, July 13. Potatoes slightly weaker; receipts, 50; total United States shipments, itn6; Eastern Shore, Virginia barrel Cobblers, $4.25 4.50; Oklahoma sarked Cnbblprs. one car, $2.25; Kansas High Grade Bonds for Investment Issue. Rate. Maturity. Price. Yield. New York Cent. Eqp...... 5 June 1, 1928 98.48 5.30 Humble Oil & Rfg.. Co.. . . 52 July 1, 1932 100.00 5.50 (Standard Oil Group) , Los Angeles G. & E. go... 5 12 June 1, 1947 s.96.50 5.75 Amalgamated Sugar Co. 1st Mtg 7 April 1, 1937 100.00 7.00 New York Cent Ry. Co. Mt..5 Oct. 1, 2013 942 5.30 Province of Manitoba: .5 May 15, 1925 99.00 5.375 Province of Alberta .52 July 1, 1927 100.00 5.50 U. S. of Brazil. 7 June 1, 1952 96.50 7.30 Kingdom of "Netherlands.. 6 Mar. 1, 1972 96.00 6.10 Douglas County, Oregon.. 412 Oct. 1, 1929 98.23 4.80 Yamhill County, Oregon. .5 '2 Aug. 1, 1928 103.61 4.80 F.l Devereaux Company .INVESTMENT BONDS 6T 8S3CTH STREET PORTLAND. OREGON BROADWAY 1043 CROUND FLOOR WELLSARGO BUILDING ' We Offer Two Choice Issues of OREGON SCHOOL BONDS , at prlwa to yield 5 Ask for Descriptive Circulars , ATKINSON ZILKA & COMPANY INVESTMENT BONDS 418 K. W. Bank Bids. Phone Main TOO, M unici Bonds To yield over 1 Income Tax Exempt THE full faith, credit and taxing power of the Iliff municipal irrigation dis trict are pledged for the prompt payment of principal and interest, and both are paid from taxes levied upon all the taxable property within its limits. These taxes are by law a prior lien and must be met. This power of taxation cannot be destroyed by legislation. Supreme court decisions, recognizing the rights of the bond holder, have resulted in placing municipal bonds next in security to U. S. government bonds. These bonds are owned by us, purchased, with our own money. They offer a greater security for investment and savings (by our partial-payment plan) than any corporation can offer. Maturities and Prices $13,500 June 1, 1923, 99.76 S $25,000 16,000 " 1924, " 99.54 29,500 18,000 " 1925, " 99.33 34,000 20,500 " 1926, " 99.13 21,500 22,500 . " 1927, " 98.94 June 1, 1928, 1929, " " 1930, " " 1941, " 98.77 98.60 98.44 Iliff Irrigation District lies in the heart of Logan County, Colorado, immediately adjoining the famous Logan Irrigation District. Logan county is one of the state's most prosperous counties first in wheat, second in number of farms, third in poul try, corn and sugar-beet acreage. The district issuing these bonds is close to the city of Sterling, county seat, the principal city of the valley, a railroad division point and home of wholesale groceries, grain elevators, flouring mills and other industrial plants. Beet growers in the sterling district received $1,791,556 for the 1921 beet crop. Previous to completing purchase of these bonds our corps of municipal bond ex perts and engineers and our soil experts made an exhaustive survey of all features pertaining to the security and legality of the issue. We consider these bonds a municipal TAX EXEMPT investment of -exceptional character. These are old seasoned bonds with a perfect record. PriCCSI As above, to yield over Qfyfoi Income Tax Exempt y Further details upon request Wire orders "Collect" Freeman, , Smith & Camp Co. Union Oil Bldc Cos Angeles Pico B388 824855 First Nat l Sank Bldh. San Francisco Douglas 2121' Syndicate Bldh. Oakland Lakeside 720 lumbermen blds. Portland, Ore. 3ROADWAY S740 sacked Ear It Oliios, poor quality, $1.75 1.93. Coffee Futures Clme Higher. NEW YORK, July 13. Very small of ferings were absorbed at an opening de cline of 2 to 5 points iu the market for coffee futures today. September sold up from $i).50&D.5 or 10 points net higher and th general -market closed at a net advance of 1 to S points. FOUNDED 187 6 Investment Suggestions INDUSTRIAL BONDS Amalgamated Sugar Co., 1st Mtge 7 Apr. 1, 1937 100 7.00 -Empire Gas & Fuel Co., 1st and Ref. Mtge 7 May 1, 1937 9S.50 7.65 Lucerne Vineyard Co., 1st Mtgre S May 1, 1924-36 100 6.50 Walworth Manufacturing Co., 1st Mtge .7 Jan. 1, 1942 99 7.10 Van Camp Packing Co., 1st Mtge 8 Apr. 1, 1941 105 7.50 (All above bonds in denominations of $100, $500 and $1,000.) GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Republic of Bolivia 8 May 1, 1941 101 7.90 Dominion of Canada, 30-. year 5 May 1, 1952 98.50 6.10 Dutch East Indies 6 Mar. 1, 1962 95 6.25 Kansas City Joint Stock Land Bank ..f 5 May 1, 1952 103 4.62 King. Serbs, Croates and Slovenes (Yugo-Slavia) 8 May 1. 1962 95.50 8.40 x Klamath County. Oregon 5 Apr. 1, 1939-41 6.00 Pacific County, Wash... 5 July 1, 1929 102.92 6.00 PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS Coast Valleys Gas & Elec. Co.. 1st Mtge 6 Mar. 1, 1952 96.50 6.25 Great Western Power, 1st and Ref. Mtge 6 Feb. 1, 1952 100.50 5.95 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Ref. Mtge 5 May 1, 1953 92.75 5.40 San Joaquin Lt. & Pwr., 1st and Ref. Mtge 6 .Mar. 1, 1952 100 6.00 Northwestern Elect ric, lBt Mtge 6 May 1, 1935 ' 98.75 6.12 Southern Illinois Lt. & Power Co 7 Dec. 1. 1941 100 7.T30 WRITE FOR CIRCULAR E H ROLLINS 6SONS Investment Bonds , 4n Lewis Building . BROADWAY 7670 PORTLAND BOSTON NEW YORK-CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 7.14 and safety NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. preferred stock yields 7-14 . on the investment Present selling price " 08 per share (Subject to change.) Savings Plan of Partial Payment makes it easy to buy this sound security with its assured returns. l. (i, TavaTea, Mgrr, Stack Sale Oept Northwestern Electrts Co., Sirs Please send me without obligation on my part your free booklet, . - Address t;;ii! ml lm Mutt imiitniitni , O Life's Greatest Essential No other Bonds afford greater security than those issued by a municipality to provide water for its inhabitants. We offer the Water Bonds of Coulee City, Wn. (an other little city of no net debt) an investment that provides a splendid return with safety. Prices to Yield 5.75 to 6.00 Call, write or phone Main 4195 i for reservations. G.E.MILLER &CO 2nd floor NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDC. PORTLAND yjsM SEATTLE SAM FtAHCISCO LS&fjj L0S AN6EIES New York Steam Corporation First Mortgage Gold Bonds, Series "A," 6 Due 1947 HluMtraied circular showing location of pi until, distribu tion of v business In jVew York City, earnings and other attractive features. Trill be sent upon request. Price to yield about 6S0 The National City Company Offices in more than 50 cities. Yeon Buildinjr, Portland Telephone Slain 007- Why Wait? In commenting on what will bap pen after the "hysteria" of road building is past, The Oregon Motorist says that taxpayers will, first, give attention to the savins of the tire by having a yielding surface to the road and legislate against a rigid granu lous eurface that increases wear of the tire; and second, insist on the protection of the road against fa tigue" by bo constructing it as to ub orb, aa far as possroie, the impact of traffic. Examples of the long life of shock-absorbing pavements are found In Warrenite-BituHthic in every Fac tion of the nortn-weat where good pavements are used. Cascara Bark Hides, Wool, Pelts, Mohair. We Ar in the Market. Write for Prices and Shipping Tags. PORTLiXD HTOE ft WOOt, CO. GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, Manager. 107 Union A v.. X., Portland. Ur. Bead Th-a Oregoaiaa classified ads.