21 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1922 ACTIVITY IS MARKED IFOiGIBOiS Brazil, Chile, Jugo-Slavia, Uruguay in Offerings. ONE ISSUE IS IMPORTANT Cleveland Union Terminals Com . pany Puts Out $12,000,000 In First Mortgage. Copyright by Public ledger Company. Published by Arrangement.) PHILADELPHIA, Juno 23. (Special.) Th bond market was one of activity tn bonds of foreign origin last week, with some new features of interest, and this Included bonds issued in native cur rencies as well as In United States dol lars. The state of San Paulo, Brazil, offered through New York bankers 160,000,000 milrels of non-callable 25-year 7s, due January 194B. There are two kinds of milrels the gold mllrets, whose value In United States currency equals 64 cents, and the paper milrels, which is the common currency of Brazil, with a nominal exchange value of about 42.35 cents and a present value in New York of less than 15 cents. The bankers have deposited this issue of bonds with the Guaranty Trust company anl are selling the negotiable certificates of deposit of that institution, thus simplifying the collection of Interest as well as the gen eral understanding of the investment. This procedure appears to be a step for ward in American business In foreign securities, and especially those whose attractiveness depends largely on the possibility of advancing prices of cur rencies that are still at low quotation in our market. The republic of Chile sold here 10.000, 000 pesos of 8 per cent internal bonds, which are to be paid off by means of a inking fund at the rate of 1 per cent of the issue yearly. Chile has two kinds of peeos the .gold peso, which has a value of about 36 H cents American, but which does not circulate, and the paper peso, whose value varies and is now about 13 centB. The bonds were offered at $135 each 1000 pesos and sold well. influence, whereas Liverpool quotations j were higher than had been looked for p and helped noticeably to stimulate, buy ing here. According to one authority, every day of extreme hot wemther tended to lower tho prospect for the winter wheat crop. Another expert said any probable In crease of the spring wheat outturn would be Insufficient to offset the loss of winter wheat Export demand meanwhile showed im provement, Europeans taking 500,000 bushels at the seaboard. The fact, though, that for the greater part of a week the market here had been working upward in price made the holding of new advances more and more difficult: Es oec tally In the last hour of the ses- l skin, owners efforts to realize profits were on a big scale, causing; prices to sag. The market was being well sup ported nevertheless at the finish. Bullish crop conditions strengthened corn and oats independently of wheat. Provisions were weaker in line witn the hog market. The Chicago grain letter received yes- j terday by the Overbecic & Uooice com pany of Portland follows: Wheat Highest 'prices of the day were made during the early trading. .after whlh selling by longs appeared reaction to around Last night's closing prices. Despite the fact that the net earn for the day was inconsequential, sentiment waj more friendly to the buy ing side and the news in. general con ducive to strength, about the only de- TIHSTOCKS IS MUCH S Ufli Causes Are Rather Difficult to Determine. OIL SKEPTICISM BLAMED General Indisposition to Increase Commitments Also Furnishes Partial Explanation. BY MONITOR. terrent to a bull market being the likeli- (Copyright, 1822. by Public ledger Com hood of new wheat moving in volume at an early date. Cash wheat was in all pany. Published by Arrangement.) NEW YORK, jdne 23. (Special.) -suggested a change taking place in the attitude of exporters. 1-00,000 bushels were nrade out of Chi cago, including 80,000 bushels to ex porters. We expeot to see the initial movement of new wheat well aKen, ther slackening in activity, the causes Shipping sales of for which are rather difficult to deter mine. Aside from the rise in the call money rate to IV per cent and the un favorable impression created by the coal which should impart strength to the mine riot In Illinois, the news was along constructive lines, juviaenuy me of doubt on the subject of Mexican Pe- futures. Corn- -It was an active market on A syndicate headed by Blair & Co. in troduced $25,000,000 Jugo-Slavia 40 year 8 per cent bonds, due 1962, at 95 and Interest, to yield 8.40 per cent. It Is not surprising that this Issue was not in as quick demand as others of its kind, even though the issue of Caecho-Slovakia 8s, due IV 51, which came out two months ago at 96, was quickly taken and has had a fairly active stock exchange mar ket in excess of the issue price. The feeling is that these Jugo-Slavlan bonds are well secured they have a first charge against state revenues, which last year amounted to 13 times the interest on them, and their proceeds are to be used ii the construction of an east-and-west trunk line railroad from Belgrade to a port (rti the Adriatic. In the preparation of the circular describ ing these bonds the underwriters used terms and expressions that are under stood better in Europe than here, and j July there always is hesitancy on the part of 1 Sept. investors to purchase securities whose terms are not clear. But the belief is that, when the details of the issue have been digested, the larger investing in stitutions will want the bonds. We are not well Informed in regard to the con ditions of these new European govern ments; our information is based largely upon individual opinion, which fre quently is formed upon observation from a distance. The Bank of England dis count rate is without doubt the best barometer of European affairs, and that last week was reduced. nf trad a with increasing I troleum's sensational performances, the evident that interest is Peine- diverted stocs: excnange inquiry resulting mere from wheat to coarse grains. Prices from and the general Indisposition to did not make much headway in an up- increase commitments at this time of the ward direction for reason that profit I year furnished & partial explanation. taking by longs was In evidence most of I a far aa Mexican Petroleum is con the day and there was also considerable I cerned. the financial community proba- selling by cash houses against country Diy has another surprise awaiting it in purcnases, wnicn onset tne improve-1 the form of a statement maae laie mo ment In outside buying. Receipts were j gay Dy e. I. Doheny regarding the re- fainy liberal, out tne spot aemana was cent operatoins of the company. ' I tVY. V.T. Recent Gossip Discounted. tViar fha a H iron no ehnnlH attmrt In- Those -who were- favorably impressed creased country selling, but we do not by Mexican Petroleum's showing in 1921 expect the movement to be burdensome are likely to be astounded by the an end believe the tendency of prices will nouncement that earnings since the first be higher, especially should the growing 01 January are .i me mo m crop show signs of going backward. annually, and that present and potential Oats This market was unquestionably production is on a scale that apparently tv, i.. .ji.mii,. to a nr. discredits all recent gossip of exhaustion mium of about 2'cents over last night's of oil reserves owned by this company figures. Trade was largest In many m mtjiiu. . months and the only opposition to the '1 'he federal reserve statement ior tne .. i .v.. . ,i.A.t I wees Kives lurLiier vum u iiitt-wui ui taking by longs. Added significance " . ... " , .tT . " was given to damage reports by tne J""""" " ff " J" ?VC L "J?! of 79.1 p cenTa. a result of a decline u T. hJw wlik th. fn of $63,000,000 in government deposits and cash market was higher with the lu- ,,,, , iioiuuum X&V)Jx - ehe''the excellent possibilities. 7 fh '"0' Leading tutures rangea as ioiiows. nere t0 5 per MnU Tnig iatter ro()ve WHEAT. ment was due to out of town with rtnnn wtirH Tjiw Close, arawais as interior nanus ao not care to July Jl.Uft $1.15 $1.13ft 1.13 keep money here lor any length or time Sept. ..... 1.15 1.16ft 1. 1454 -l.l' 'to uo JUU-iieu out at o per will ui rawer, Dillon, Read & Co. sold an issue of $6,000,000 (United States gold) City of Montevideo 7s, due 11)52, at 97. Monte video is the capital of Uruguay, with a population of about 393,000. The city's total debt approximates $31 per capita, which la conservative, and especially bo when consideration is given to the fact that it owns its utilities. As a port Montevideo Is very important in South American trade. An important issue nf the wapk amA Wednesday in the form of 112,000,000 Lieveiana union 'lermlnals company first mortgage 5fts. due 1972. at 9. Carrying the guarantee of the New York Central, the Nickel Plate and Big Four companies, the price of this issue was immediately recognized as quite low,,the application was very heavy and the sub scription books were slmultantously opened and clOBed. On curb and stock exchanges the bonds established a mar ket In excess of par, and since this deal ing began before the allotments on sub scriptions had been made, the sales must have been to some degree speculative and prices not aa high as the merit of the investment should iustifv. Allot ments made by the syndicate managers Indicated the issue was probably 20 times subscribed. Cleveland has outgrown Its railroad terminal facilities. The Cleveland Union Terminals company will build a new station in the vicinity of Central Square, into which trains of all the railroads entering the city, except the Pennsyl vania and Wheeling & Lake Erie, will run. Many interurban traction systems radiate from Cleveland, virtually all of which use Central Square as a terminal point; thus the central part of the city promises to become the center of transportation. Dec 1.1854 1.19 CORN. July , 63 .64 Sept. ...... .67ft 67 Dec 67 .68 , OATS. " July 36 .38ft Sept 39 ft .40 Dec 41 .13 LARD. 11.47 .11.75 11.77 RIBS. .12.25 Anaconda 6s A 1929 100 Armour cv 7s 1930 104 Armour 4 s ...1939 8954 Beth Steel 7s 1923 104 ft do ret 6s 1942 - 93 Cerro de Pasco Ss 3931 118 Chile conv 6s A 1932 noli do 7b 1923 105 Cuban Am Sug 8s 1931 103 Cuban Cane cv 7s . ... 1930 84 Distillers Sec cv 5s ....1927 45 Dlam Match 714s 1933 108 Dupont tfts 1931 106 Empire Gas Fuel 6s 1924 100 Flsk 8s 1941 UoH Gen Elec deb 6s 1940 '105ft Goodrich 7 1925 101 V, Goodyear 8s 1941 114 ill steel aeo efts iihu wi Ind Steel 5s ...1852 99 Int Marine CT 6s ...1M41 Hots Kelljr-Springfield 8s 1931 108ft Kennecott 7s 1930 104 , Lack Steel 1st 5s 19.M) 85i Libby McN L 7s 1931 99 Llg & Myers 5s 1951 8614 do 7s 1944 94 Lorillrd 5s 1931 113 do 7s 1H44 s4 Sears Roe 7s 122 100 do 7s lBsa iuii Steel & Tube 7s 1951 101 Swift & Co. 7s 1925 101 United Dniff 8s 1941 110 U S Rubber 1st ref s 1947 88 do 7'i4s 13 108ft TJ S Steel sf 5s 1963 103 Va Car Chem 7ft s 1932 loa West U T col Tr fis 1938 99 ft Wilson 1st 6s 1941 97 Wilson cv 6s 1928 91ft West Elec 7s 192a 108 Westinghouse 7s 1031 106 Public Utilities Am Tel coll 4s 1929 ' 91 do coll 53 ia VI V, do 6s 1925 114 Bell Tel of Pa 7s 1945 108ft Cities Service 7s B ........ .1966 140 do 7s C I960 98 - do 7s D 1966 91 Con Gas cv 7s ....1925 115 Int Met 4fts 1006 1 Int R T ref .6s . 1986 68 Laclede Gas 7s 1930 100ft Northwest Tel 7s 1941 106 ft Paolfio Tel os IVM VI Pacific Gas 5s 1942 90ft Southwest Tel 7s . .' 1925 102 Oil Bonds Atlantic Ref 6fts 1931 103 Humble 7s 1923 101ft Pan Amn 7s ...1930 102 Mex Pet cv 8S 1936 107ft Sinclair 7fts 1925 104 S O Cal 7a 1931 106 Texas Co 7s 1923 101ft Tidewater Oil 6fts 1931 102 Foreign bonds . Argentine 2d 7s 1923 99 . do G I 5s 1945 94 Belgium 8s 1940 106 Bergen 8s 1945 109 ft Berne 8s ...1945 111 Christiana 8s 1945 108 ft Copenhagen 6fts 1944 91ft Danish consol 8s 1946 109 French cities 6s il34 84 Russian ruble 5s ....196 dVa U S Mexico 4s 1954 47 do ext 5s . 1945 59 Uruguay ext 5s 72 Zurich 8s .1645 111 French internal 4s 1917 64 French victory 5s 1D20 66 Belgian rest 5s 74 British 2ft consols 51 Italian cons war loan 5s 39ft Curb bondi Allied Packers 6s ... 82ft Am T & T 6s ...1922 100ft do 6s : 1924 101ft Anconda copper 6s luu Anglo Am Oil 7fts ..103 Armour & Co is ... 104 Beth Steel 7s 1935 102ft Copper Ex Assn 8s 1924 102 do 8s 1025 104 FEA- INVESTMENT BUYINO TURE OF DAY'S TRADING. Government Loans and Ralls Act ive Liberty Fourth 4 s at New High Recprd. Grand Trunk 6fts , ... 105ft .63 .67 .67 .37 .39 July sept. Cash prices were: Wheat No. 3 red. J1 11- Jn 4 red 1.17 1.18" Aside from the action of Mexican Petroleum and Pan-American the oils that attracted most attention were Gen eral Asphalt and Marland. Merchan dising stocks, , including Montgomery Ward & Co. and Sears-Roebuck, were strong. The rails are doing better. Some of the executives look for a strike, while others believe that wiser counsels will .42 prevail. A good deal of attention has oeen attracted Dy tne strengtn oi jni cago & Eastern Illinois issues. New York Central. Lehigh Valley, Southern Pacific, and Wabash. - ' After the Stock Exchange had sent out a questionnaire to member houses in an effort to ascertain the true story of the sharp rise in Mexican Petroleum, E. L. Doheny, chairman of the board of Mexican Petroleum and president of the Gult Oil Humble Oil 104 101 .63ft .66 .66 .36 , .39ft .41 11.45 11.72 .11.47 11.77 12.33 12.15 Cash- Grain Markets. FurnlBhed by Jordan, Wentworth & Co., Portland: MINNEAPOLIS. June 23. Wheat TMn 2 dark northern, $1.38 1.48 ; No. 2 northern, si. 35 )1.3S. Corn No. 2 yellow, 5758c. oats No. 2 white, 3536c: No white, 34ft85ftc. Flax $2.512.53. Barley 46 57c. ' 8 23. Wheat No. 2 Corn No. 2 mixed. '63ft iS64c No 2 Pan-American, made a statement this yellow, 64?64c. ' afternoon on present earning power of uats .No, 2 white. 3851 (3:43c- TCn a the company. Mr, Doheny stated that white, 3fi39c. earnings for the first quarter equaled ttye, oariey, timothy seed, clover seed, 16 a share on the common and that April earnings were a a snare, maKing an average of $6 a month, or 572 a year, year. Potential production of Mexican Petro leum was one of the bases of Mr. Do- heny's optimistic statement that the stock had never sold at half its real value. In the past two months the com pany has taken 52,000,000 barrels from seven of Its wells. At the same time new wells have been brought' In during the past two months which might be classed as gushers, with production run ning from 500,000 to 800,000 barrels a day. Returns to Be Tabulated. There was no further action by the committees 'on business conduct of the stock exchange today, as the question naires were Just returned this morning and it is believed that it will require weeks to tabulate all returns. Corn Products has declared the usual $1 dividend on the common and the extra 50 cents that was paid last time also. Directors also declared the usual $1.75 on the preferred. At present oper ations of Corn Products are reported fa vorably and further increases in produc tion are expected within two weeks. CO6?c7n0. 22mwhei?e.55&c N- 2 ye"W- 'fSVV egates -headed by Senor de la Huerta, t,. nAtfntlctlAna ..nH,,n9 will Primary Receipts. be held thtoneh next wek th tioit ctiit-AtrO, June 23. Primary receipts I conference being called for that day. Wheat, 760.000 versus 1.089.000 hu.heT. Sears-Roebuck. Monteromerv-Warrt uorn, hio.uuu versus 815,000 bushels, other mail order stocks are meeting with uais, o,uuu versus 002.000 bushels, a much better demand In the market. Shipments Wheat, 955,000 versus 652.- with a substantial' appreciation in nrlce. 000 bushels. Oats. 54,000 versus 840.000 This is due to the fact that the street ousneis. Clearances Wheat. 306.000 has finally turned its attention to this bushels. Flour, 10.000 barrels. Corn, fi-rnnn and hax found that TVTv earn. 290.000 bushels. Oats, 622,000 bushels, ines were very good and that the ratio 2 1 OMAHA, June hard, $1.0701.08. Corn No. 2 white, 56ftc; No. 2 yel low, 57ft57c: No. 2 mixed, 66c Oats No. 2 white, 35c. ST. LOUIS, June 23. Wheat No red. $1.141.15; No. 2 hard, Jl.ll. Corn No. 2 mixed, 6464ftc; No.- 2 yeiiow, ooc; ino. 2 white, 64c. .oats No. 2 white, 3939ftc; No. 3 wnite, 87 ft e 39c. KANSAS CITT, June 23. Wheat No. S red, $1.0691.15; No. 2 hard, $1.09ft i. an; .wo. a nara. 9l.iargl.32. 6162c; No. 2 white, 5ftc. Oats No. 8 white, 38ftc. Local banking houses offered $1,800, 000 Chippewa Power company first mortgage 6s, due June, 1947, at 98ft. These bonds have first lien on hydro electric developments which are leased for a long term to one of the important central western operating utility com panies. The lease constitutes a guar antee of interest on the bonds. The opinion was expressed in several quarters that the tendency toward price reaction in investment Issues has stopped. The demand for sound bonds continues good and the expectation seems to be that the more active listed Issues of merit which have shown the largest decline during the last week or tow may at least fully rectver the losses In a short time. A specialist In foreign securities is emphatic in his hllf that issues drawn in sterling will advance i suostantlaliy in price in the immediate 'uture. THE BOND MAN. Barley, 604,000 bushels. Grain at San Francisco.' SAN FRANCISCO, June 23. Wheat- Milling, $1.751.80; feed. $1.751.80. , Barley Feed, $1.12 1.17Vs: ship ping, $1.2501.35. Oats Red feed. $1.401.50. Corn White Egyptian. $2.12ft2.17ft California red milo, $1.901.95. ' Hay Wheat, 1618; fair, $1416 tame oat. $lo18; wild oat, $1113; al falfa, $1315; stock, $1012; straw, nominal. of improvement over April is Indicative of a decided betterment m conditions af fecting these companies. The expected improvement In ore ship ments via the Great Northern has al ready materialized and some 1000 men have been added to the labor forces at the Superior, Wis., harbor terminals. Within a month ore shipments are now running at the rate of 75 per cent of normal or better. Inter Rapid Tran 7e 97 Libby. McN & LlbBy 7s 99 Sears Roe 7s 3-year 1923 101 Southwest Tel 7s 102 S O New York 6 Vis 1923 107 do TB 1926 105 Swift & Co 7s 1925 101 do 7s 1931 102 Texas Co 7s notes 101 ft Vacuum Oil 7s 106 Mining Stocks at Boston. Boston mining Btocks furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Bid: Ask. Arizona Commercial Adventure 65 Ahmeek . . . v. i2 Alsromah ... 20 Allouez 25 Arcadian , 3ft Birgham Mines 15 Calumet Ari7ona 60 ft Calumet & Hecla 271 New Corn M. 18 ' Centennial 10 Copper Range 43 Davis Daly 7ft East Butte 10 Franklin Mining 2 Hancock 2 Helvetia .'. 1 Island Creek , 111 do pfd 93 Keowenaw 2 Kerr Lake 3 Lake Copper 4ft La Salle 1ft Michigan : 2. Mass Cons, 3ft Mohawk 61ft May Old Colony 4ft Mason Valley 2 North Butte 12ft Niplssing 6 . North Lake 30 Old Dom Copper 26 Osceola Mining. 82ft Oiibway 2 Qutncy Mining 42ft Pond Creek . . 22 Isle Royale S3 South Lake , 45 Superior Boston 1 United Shoe Mach 38 do pfd 26 South Utah 6 SuDerior Conner 5 Trinity Copper 1 115-16 9 73 63 50 26 3 15 61ft 274 18ft 11 44 8 11 2 8ft lft 112 .96 2 i . 5 1 3 3ft 64 5 3 13 6 50 26ft 33 3 44ft 22 34 46 '38 26 ft 10 4 NEW YORK, June 23. Investment buying was again the feature of today's active and stronger bond market, in vestment rails sharing the movement witn government loans. Liberty fourth 4s made a new "ton' at 100.28 and heavy accumulation of the entire group continued, purchases being creaited to substantial sources. Few changes of more than minor de-1 gree took place in the European loans, despite th- continued reaction of ex change rates, but Mexican fours and fives and the Chile Republic of 1946 is sue gave way. rne many gams oi large tractions to lft points in rails embraced issues of the Atchison, Reading, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Kansas & Texas, St. Louis & San Francisco, Denyer & Rio Grande and St. Pul roads. Improvement also was shown by United states Steel fives, Consolidated Gas sevens and Cuba Cane eights. Total sales (par value) aggregated $13,861,600. Trading in the. stock market today languished perceptibly, probably as a direct result of the .proposed official In quiry, into the recent remarkable ma neuvers of Mexican Petroleum. Sales of 700,000 shares represented the smallest full session in many weeks. Additional restraints were imposed upon speculative operations by the firmer tone of money rates. Call loans opened and renewed into next week at 4 per cent but gradually rose to 6 per cent In the final hour. Mexican Petroleum opened at a frac tional advance at 184, that figure prov ing its best for the session. After de clining to 176 at midday, it made t temporary recovery, but slid back at the end to Its previous minimum, or a net loss of 7ft points. Pan American Petroleum issues as. sumed early market leadership, the "A" shares making an extreme rise of 6 points and the "B" advancing 7ft points, but these gains were cut in half later. Buying of Pan-American was attended by reports that the company, which al ready controls -Mexican Pete," contem plated actual absorption of the latter. Other foreign and domestic oils, es pecially General Asphalt, Royal Dutch and California Petroleum, trailed along with the hew leader. These, too, were materially impaired by the more inten sive realizing sales of the afternoon with motors, shippings and prominent special ties. Among the latter, especial strength was displayed by Coco Cola and Sears Roebuck. Rails were the sustaining features of the day, although advances In the in vestment division were confined to one or two points with New York Central. Atlantic Coast line, several of the trans continentals and coalers as the most conspicuous issues. News of , the day bearing upon transportation conditions . mnre hntieful. railway executives reiterating their belief that the labor situation indicated signs of early adjust ment. , , No explanation accompanied the fur ther recessions in leading foreign ex changes with sterling off another cent to $4 41 for demand bills. French and Italian remittances were affected to the same extent, iosing seven pomts each, and marks shaded to within the small est fraction of .003. Dutch exchange re acted another 10 points and more acute weakness was snowu , ,:,; also the new "nationals," notably Poland and Czecho-Slovakia. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Furnlsned ny the Qverbeck & Cooke mpany of Portiana: Sales. High. Advance Rumely 2W Mid States Oil . . 2.000 Mtdvale Steel ... 2.300 MK&TWi .... 2,200 do pfd 600 Mont Power . , . . 300 Mont Ward 7,000 Mo Pae 1.600 do pfd 800 ' 64 MStP&SSM.. 100 67 Marland Oil .... 1,300 44 Martin & Parry. 100 81ft Nat Enamel 47 Nat Lead 300 98 93 92 ft Nevada Con .... 600 16 16ft New Haven 18.500 30ft 28 Norf&W 300 106 105 105 NorPao 3,100 77 75 76 i Nov Sco Steel 33 ft j N Y Air Brake 74 NY Central 23.300 93 81ft 93 iNorAmn 300 62 ft Okia Proa ret ... loo Ontario Sliver .. 700 Ontario & W. ... 1,700 Otis Steel 100 Pacific Dev 800 Pac Gas & Elec. 1,800 Punta Allegre . r-acmc un .. a. . Pan Amn Pet . ..75,400 do B 26.500 Penna 7,000 Peo Gas Pere Marq 6,700 Pure Oil 1.200 Phillips Pete ... 8,800 Pierce Arrow . .. 600 Pierce Oil S.400 3ft 8ft 26 ft ,13ft ' 7' 74 900 49 5.700 69 82 77 ft 42 3ift 31 14 is is : I X I 83ft 82 82 . I 1 I 17 16 17 I 38 38 88 1 I 1 1 , 69ft 69 69 II J- -'""-n. 22 20 21 J A4 . 1 : 21 20ft 20ft . I 1- v 67 67 J ( ILSt! L TT ' "T , 80 80 I I 20 .rmemvtei iiwisi .P. .1, ... . i mi. 62 3ft 7 25 ft 12ft 7ft 71 48 67 76 70 ft 30 30 ft 3 62ft 19 IV Pitts Coal Pitts & W Va Penn Sea Steel Pressed St Car Pullman Ray Con Reading 200 200 600 100 8ft 62 87 10 75ft 62 ft 88 75 ft 100 120 120 800 16ft 16 3.800 74 72 62 3 8 25ft 12ft 7ft 71ft 48 68 79 73 41 85 30 ft 30 52ft 19 8 62 36 ft v A fl OS Mmtdooradmtisttig . Jjn m I - .... J. - 4 . nun or me west ums Foster & Kleiser hav Derhaps 9 (done more to raise the standards '5 I nf mitrinn ndvArtislnsr than anV 120 nthr firm In the United States. 1,7? I Their progressivenesg Is reflected Remlneton 2.300 3R, 36 " luoir cnuito ul oiiivo uou. Replogle Steel ... 1,000 31 31 31ft West-Made Is the EFFICIENT , Rep I & S 400 71 70 ft 70 desk. Drawer spaces provide for ao piu vi i "tickler systems, card indexes. KepMotors .... ..... ..... 11 "idea" files, etc. Eauin vour 69 .Sx Is t e n o e r a phlc department with oiii oisilthese business-like desks. See 74 76 ) gicawj J ,uviao - 9 9iciency. Have your office furniture deal- .i- M aZ'A 1 . ...... .V. , ; I l,aln 192 ?94 1?5 . TvV v'; "X lnTnow'T i x:i in. -i - - " . 44 43 tan I ' w" n til a. d.-jj.w... Royal D Oil 8.400 61 Ky steel spg . Stand OH Ken Sears-Roebuck - 100 Shattuck, Ariz ... 100 Shell T & T 200 Sinclair 2,500 Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil NJ ... 300 185 Sloss Shef 100 44 94 77 ft 9 41 84 Sou Pacific'!!;" 8700 89 88 89ft I It has the O. K. of leading business Sou By 3700 23 23 23ft institutions from Seattle to San Stand oil Cal looo 106 105 ioo i Diego. St L-ft S JT SOU 27 26 26 Stromberg Carb ; . . . 47 Studebaker ......41,600 180ft 127ft 129 Swift & Co 102 Tenn Coo & Chem 100 10 10 10 47 ft 4 1 26ft 27 27 27 80ft 81 15 15 21 21 137 136 87 88 T5 75 8 8 Texas Oil 6000 Texas Pac 2600 Tex Pac C & O.. 2300 Tob Products .., 1000 Tran Contl OH..'. 8000 Union Oil Del 2100 Union Pac 200 137 United Alloy 200 38 United Drug 400 75ft United Food Prod 110O 8ft 48 27 27 81 15 21 WEST - M ADE DESK COMPANTt Manufacturers, Portland, U. S. A. Sold In Portland by: GLASS & PRUDHOMME COMPANY, BUSHONG A COMPANY. KILHAM STATIONERY A PRINT ING COMPANY. United Fruit . Union B &- P A S C G Pipe United Retail Sto U S Ind Alcohol.. U S Rub do 1st pfd U S Smelting ... 100 138ft 138ft 137ft Utah Copper 400 29 20 29 . 3900 66 65ft 68 8S00 58 55 57 ft 7300 62 60 ft 61 ' 105 100 40 40 40 7200 99ft 98 99 100 120ft 120 120 600 64 63 63 200 31 ' 31 . 30'4 1300 45ft 45 44 900 12ft 12 12ft .1800 12 12 12 6200 30 29ft 29 20ft !'i66 'ifl 'i il 58 , 100 96 86 96 WEST MADE "The Fiity-Year Desk 111 ALL YARD PRICES STEADY Agr Chem do Pid. AJax Rubber ... Alaska Gold Alaska Juneau. . Allied Chem Allis-Chalmers .. do pfd. . . : An Beet Sugar. 400 Am Bosch 400 Aw. on C!n - 2.50O do pfd - r? AmCar&Fdy.. 400 163 ioz do Pfd. Am Cot Oil ..... do ,ofd Am Drug Synd.. Am Hide & L... do pfd.. 100 119 300 26 100 200 119 119 25 26 53 5ft ' 5ft 5 14 .. 14 . 13 67 ft Am Ice 200 106 106 106 Am Intl Corn... 2,000 43 42 42ft Am Linseed 400 34 33 do nfd 10U 04 04 Am Loco j - Am Sat Razor.. 2600 Am Ship & Comw6,4O0 Am Smelter w 37 78 ft Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE, June 23. Wheat, white, soft white, white club, hard red winter, soft red winter, $1.14; northern spring, $1.13; eastern red Walla, $1.11: Big Bend bluestem not quoted. Feed and hay unchanged. Minneapolis 'Wheat Futures. MINNEAPOLIS, June 23. Wheat, July. $1.33: September, $1.23; De cember. $1.23. WHEAT CONDITION LO.'.ER .WINTER CROP AFFECTED BY HOT -WEATHER. V Winnipeg Wheat Futures. WINNIPEG. June 23. Wheat. July, $1.26; October, $1.19; December, $L1. ' Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga. June 23. Turpen tine, firm, $1.40ft; sales, 148 barrels; re ceipts, 650 barrels: shipments, 273 bar- l rets; stock, 3370 barrels. Rosin Steady. Sales, ,047' -barrels: re ceipts, 1303 barrels: shipments, 643 bar rels: stock, 70.SM3 barrels. Quote: B. $4.25; D, $4.60; B, $4.S0; F, $4.90; G, $4.05; H, 1, So: J. o.40: At. $5.50; N $5.70: WG, 6:30: WW. $6.80. . Anxiety Over Heat and Drouth Causes Upturn in Market at Chicago. CHICAGO. 111., June 23. Anxiety over heat and drouth, together with predic tions that the winter crop yield would be 'well bejow the June 1 estimate, led to a material upturn in wheat prices to day. Extensive profit-taking sales, however, forced a reaction. The close was unsettled at the same as yesterday's finish to c higher, July $1.13 to $1.14 and September. $1.14 to 1.15. Corn gained ftc to ftc and oats c to 1c. Provisions finished unchanged to 10c lower. Temperatures around 100 in districts where the winter crop was yet unready to harvest and where no immediate cool er weather or showers seemed likely to stive relief had a bullish effect on the raeai market as soon .is trading began. Some spring wheat territory sent com plaints also of hot windR. News of a heavy storm In Canada failed to have yiore than a transie n t contrary market STRAWBERRIES We have the best Oregon straw-1 . oernes at tne lowest price. OREGON GROWERS' EXCHANGE New York Bonds. Furnished by Jordan. Wentworth & Co. of Portland. Railroad bonds hard I Atchison general 4s.....' 1995 90 A lO ................... luo OH do 7s 1030 106 ft B O gold 4s 1948 81 do con 4fts cv 1033 82ft do ref 5s 1905 85 41 Canada Southern 5s .1962 98 ft Canadian Northern 6fts 1946 111 do 7S 1040 113 Central Pacific 1st 4s ...1949 87 Chesapeake & Ohio cv 4fts...l930 88 . do gen 4fts 1092 87 do cv 5s . . ; 1946 93 C B & Q IH div 4s 1940 90ft C G & W 4s 1959 . 60 C M & St. P 4s..... 1925 78 do cv 4fts 1932 68 do deb 4s 1934 82 do gn 4s A 1899 75ft do cv 5s 2014 73 ft do g&r 4fts A ; 2014 61 Chicago N W sf 5s 1929 100 do 76 t 1030 1071 C R I & P ref 4s 1934 81 Del & Hudson cv Bs 1935 96 D & R G ref 5s 1955 49 Erie PL 4s .'...1996 63 do con 4s A 1953 49 do P 1963 50 do D : 1953 52U Grand Trunk eq 6fts 1036 105 ft Great Northern 4fts 1961 92 do 7s 1036 lnnas Grand Trunk 6s 1936 103 Illinois Centra! ref 4s 1955 87 ft K C Southern ref 5s 1950 88 U O 31 a u Tuolumne 65 70 Utah Metals 1 1 Utah Cis :. 2 3 U S Mining 40ft 41ft do pfd 47 ft 48 Utah Apex 2 2 Ventura 82 32 ft Vlctroia 1 2 Winona 1 . 1 Wolverine 11' 12 Wyandotte 50 75 Shannon Copper 85 100 Foreign Bonds. Furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Coffee Futures Close Lower, NEW YORK, June 23. The market for coffee futures experienced - renewed liquidation in preparation for possible I jJ & un 4S notices neAL wcj(. ruiurss ciosea at a g c 7s nt decline of Id to 22 points. Sales, in- i M St P & S S M 6fts.. eluding switcnes, were estimated at 1 M K & T 4s about 73.000 bags. July, 10.02c: Sen- M P gen 4s . tember. 9.89c: October, 9.87c: December. do ref 5s 9.80c; January, .75c; March, 1 8.65c; N T C con 4s. . May, 9.60C Spot coffee, quiet; Santos 4s, 1414c. 1931 , 92 Rio 7s, lOJso; I Alfalfa Harvest Begun. .. 1946 1990 1975 1923 1998 do cv deb 6s 1935 do col! 7s 1930 N T N H & H cv 6s 1948 N P P L 4s 1997 do 6s 2047 N P Gt N jt 6fts 1936 Penna 6fts 1936 HAINES, Or., June 23. (Special.) do gen 4fts 1965 Ranchers living on the east side,! 3 4": Jx'jS ' 1 rtrt fffln Ah . t. ....... . lilKB or unirrlgatea part of the Haines do 7s '.1930 valley, commenced their harvest of Reading gen.' 4s first-crop alfalfa this week. The S A L 5s , 1949 vielfi is Raid to he from rmo tn twn do 6s A........ 1945 tons an acre. The heavier yielding I l0uPRcy cvs 19S9 crop grown in the irrigated section I do ref 4s 1955 west of Haines continues to make do sf term 4s 195j ovollent trrnwth anrt tho V,,-oot St L & S F P L 4s A 1951 will not begin until next week. Two H " i;;"? cuttings are usually made in this I do inc 6s 1960 district, hut many fields this year St L & S w 1st 5s will make sufficient growth for a late third crop. 1952 do 1st 4s 1989 Tex Pao 1st 5s , 2000 Un Pac 1st 4s v.... .1947 do cv 4s 1927 do ref 4s 2008 do 6s 1928. SWEET HOME, Or.. June' 23. wkblih 1st V '. ...V. '.'.1939 1946 1939 1947 ..... .1923 j Schoolhouse Under Way. (Special.) The new school house is West Pac 5s Industrials S"' .1 , """ V ' "'i.1; till, p. ih t,, Th. hiu Allied packers os tor. E..a ana mnuiMon. r.asr " ... . ....... t . 1 I Am Sm 1st 5s... nest Blue, loo f rom ou jusum " "-ijr itsuicu. I Am Tob 7s . 98 102 79 65 65 ft 83 103 ft 105 79 87 105 105ft 108 ft VI! 97 100 109ft 83 25 50 95 91 88 82 ft 71 83 78 68 79 ft 7 94 ' 93 94 86 104 103 97 87ft 83 2ft 102 ft" Ask. 74 80 108 102 2 94 95 ft 79 8ift 99 99 100 97 99 55 100 110 110 54 80 87 100 103 2 ' 3ft 3 4 4 4ft 4 4 4 40 77ft 92 91 110 20 4ft 102 ft 21 118ft 102 ft J05 108 1UO EASIER TONE IN WOOL MARKET Prices Shading Off at Boston and Also in Country. BOSTON, Mass., June 23. The" Com mercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: "Wool prices have eased a little dur ing the weak, the extreme prices which were paid ten days or two weeks ago due to the short supply of good wools having1 papsed. The prices being paid in the country also are lower, good fin and fine medium dip in the far west selling now on a clean landed. Boston basis of about $1.15 to $1.20. Some of the wools offered m Texas this week were withdrawn because of the lower limits. . - "The foreign markets show a' little strengthening on good merinos, London being back about to the closing level in May on fine wools, while cross breds are still off 5 to 10 per cent and sometimes more. "The goods market Is hardly changed but is firm." The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will publish wool prices as follows: Scoured basis Oregon eastern No. 1 staple, $1.30 1.3o; fine and fine medium combing, $1.2001.25; eastern clothing, $1.10I.15 valley Mo. 1. $i..ufai.iu. Cotton Market. . . NEW YORK, June 23. Cotton futures opened steady. July, 22.40c; October, 22.41c; December, 22.20c; January, 22.07c March, 21.92c. Cotton futures closed easy. . July, 21.67e;.-October, Z1.68c; December, 21.50c January, 21.4.0c; March, 21.30c. Spot cotton quiet. Middling, 22.20c. Bid. Belgian rest 5s 70 do prem 5s.... 76 do 7fts , 1945 108 do 6s 1925 102 British 6 1922 90ft do 5s 1927 , 92 do 5s 1929 93 ft do vky 4s . 77 do ref 4s ..... 75 Bordeaux Ss- 1934 84 Canadian 5s 1937 98ft do 5s 1826 .98 do 5fts 1929 100 do 5s 1931 . 97 do 6fts 1927 98 Chinese 5s 1951 54 Chilean 8s 1941 104ft Denmark 8s 1945 110 Dan Muni 8s 1945 109ft French 4s 1917 63 do 5s 1920 78 do 5s 1931 65ft do 7fts 1941 100 do 8s 1945 103ft German W L 5s. 2 Berlin 4s 2 Hamburg. 4s 3 do 4fts 3 Lelpslg 4fts ., 3 do SS 3ft Munich 4 , 3 do 5s 3 Frankfort 4s .... 3 Italian 5s 1918 39 Japanese 4s 1931 .77 do 1st 4ftS 3925 91 do 2"d 4fts 1925 91 Norway 8s 1940 100 ft Russian 5fts 1921 18 do 3ftS 1926 3ft Swiss 5fts 1929 102 do 6fts 1919 18 do 8s 1940 118 Sao Paulo 8s 102 United Kingdom 5ftB. 1922 108 do 5fts 1829- 108 do 5fts 1937 104ft do nfd. Att Smiiff Am Steel Fdy .. ow on Am Sugar 1,100 79 do pfd Am Sumatra .... 30O 3 aw Am Tel & Tel... 1,100 120 120 Am Tobacco . . . . . do "B" - i l.OOO 89ft 88 do pfd do P pfd... ?9ft Anaconda" '."li I " 'si 'sift 61 Assd Oil , Atchison 600 99 do pfd i aw i Atl Coast Line id finlf & W 1. 9.100 89 Baldwin Loco .. 6.200 114ft 112ft 112 do pfd Balto & Ohio... .11.900 49 47 49 do pfd - Barna Corp 2.500 37 ft 35 ft Beth Steel "B".. 800 76 7-5 B R T 8,700 20 j 5 Butte C & Z .... 200 7 7 Butte & Sup ... 200 27 B7ft Burns Bros Caddo Oil 200 lift lift Calif Packing ... 100 77 77 Calif Pet 5,600 65 63ft do pfd ..... Canadian Pacific 300 188 138 Low. 39 83ft 400 800 200 400 14 '67 49 ft '45ft 42 47 lift ft "67 49 '' 41 46 ft Bid. 17 39 64 14 ft 1 67 49 93 45 41 46 ft QUIET MARKET AT NORTH PORTLAND. do A pfd . . do B pfd . . Wells Fargo . Western Pac do pfd do Union, x lft Westinghouse A B 93ft do E & M 1100 59 59ft 59ft West Md X 500 11 lift UK White Motors ...X , 48ft Willys-Overland . 1000 8 8 8 do ofd 300 44 44 44 Wilson Packing.. 200 39ft S9ft 39ft Wisconsin Cen... 2UO 2 ZH Woolworth 163 Worthing Pumn. 200 49 49 49 W & L E 1800 14 13 13ft White Oil 600 8 8ft 8ft White Eagle Oil. 1000 27 27 26 t ii i- t r-.ti. I The local livestock market was quiet. Liberty bond and victory note quota- B!e,vln ,loads. am.e .i"1?. L'-J.1 tions furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke w"11;" ",x .'"u " "rfJ , "J More Than Half of Receipts Over NighJ Are Shipped to North. company of Portland: Open. High. Low. CI. Bid. Liberty Sfts. ..100.10 100.12 100.08 100.08 do 1st 4s , 100.10 do Sd 4s. ...100.04 100.06 100.00 100.00 do 1st 4s. .100.20 100.23 100.18 100.20 do 2d 4s... 100.06 100.12 100.04 100.06 do 3d 4V.S... 100.08 100.14 100.06 100.08 do 4th 4s. .100.14 100.24 100.12 100.14 I 10 hogs. . . 143 11.85! 3 lambs.. 53 Victory 4s... 100.58 100.58 100.54 100.50 Shoes... 345 10.001 SUmbs.. B5 AH lines were reported steady and there were no changes in prices. Receipts were 233 cattle, OT nogs anc 583 sheep. The day's sales were as ioiiows: Wt. Prlce.l Wt. Price. 1 cow 910 $5,501 9 hogs... 176 11.75 1 hog 540 9.001 J lamb... 50 8.50 9.00 1 Swift & Co. Stocks. ' dosing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Choice hay-fed steers. Chicago were reported by the overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as follows: swift & (jo lui National Leather 2 do new 8 Swift International 19 Libby, McNeil & Libby 2 34 54 "a" 20ft 59 700 97ft 18 59 97 ft 33 ft 53 ft 112 6 18 69 ft Money, Silver, Etc NEW YORK. June 23. Call money stronger; high. 5; low, 3: ruling rate, 3; closing bid, 5; offered at 5; last loan, call loans against acceptances, 2. Time loanB, easy,. 60 days. 34; 90 days, S4; six months,-44. Prime mercantile paper, 44. Foreign bar silver, 70. Mexican dollars, 54. 131 36 78 104 ft 38 ft 120 139 137 88 ft 117 98 98 91 91 101 37 38 60 8 75 25 6 27 ft 132 lift 77 64ft 94 137 ft per ounce. Money, 2 per cent. Discount I Btas s0biect to dockage 5.00 8.00 tal--; (in. S00 centals; potatoes. 1601 rates: Short bills, 2ft per cent; three I sheep i sii;!;s; onions. 1091 sacks; hay, 268 tons; Country, unit Rate. Austria, kronen $ .000125 r., i.D0th.r 37 Cerro de Pasco.. IOO 3 86 35 Chandler Motor . S.9O0 70 68 69 Chicago & N W. 1,200 74 74 74 cngo Gt w uu o?s on OM do pfd 200 20ft 20ft 20ft Chill Cop 4,800 21ft 21 21 Chino 28 CM St P sun zon -sj vs do Dfd 2,800 41 U Coco Cola 12.200 68ft 68 67ft C & O v. 2,500 66 65 66 Colo F & I 29 Colo Southern.. 400 45ft 45ft 45ft Col Gas & Elec. 400 87 86 86 Columbia Graph 1,500 4 4 4 Con Gas a.iuu iii no ncii Cons Cigars .... 100 30 30 30 do pfd 70 Contl Can 100 67 67 7 Cities SVC Bkrs 23 Corn Prod ..... 2,100 105 104 104 do Pfd 200 117 1U 117 Cosden Oil ..... 6.100 48ft 47ft 47 C R I & P 6,800 48 41ft do "A" pfd .. lou a TYinnth' hills 2 IS 1 V. ner cent. .nrln. Imh R.00l ft.flO : hii.l-i". - Medium spring Iambs t.uhot p."" doj.t. Foreign Exchange. Common soring lambs 6.00AI 7.00 Foreign exchange rates at the close of I Cull lambs 5 90 5 "? business yesterday, furnished by the Light yearlings I !? 2 Northwestern National bank of Port- Heavy yearlings ? A alent of the foreign unit in United States Ewes 2.00 5.00 funds: l Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. June 23. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts. 4000. Qual ity, plain; generally steady on all classes: top beef steers, $9.30: part load at $9.50: bulk beef steers. $89; beef cows and hel-fers of quality and condi tion asking to sell mostly at $4.757.25; bulk desirable vealers to packers around $8; bulk desirable heavy bologna bulls, $4.154.25. Hogs Receipts, 30.000. Market open ing mostly 10c lower than Thursday's average; later steady to 5c lower on good butcher grades: mixed and pack ing grades mostly 10c lower than Thurs day's average; top. $10.80; bulk, $9.75 10 75; pigs, steady, mostly $9.5010.50; heavyweight. 10.3510.55: medium, $10.5O10.75: light. $10.7010.80; light light. $10.40(810.70; packing sows, smooth, $925iB'9.75: packing sows, rough, $8.759.30; killing pigs,, $9.25 Hi Tin Sheep Receipts, snoo; lamos. ioc to An "R". Tlfd Crucible 2,700 73 do pfd Cuba Cane 2,300 16 do pfd 40O 35 Cuban Am Sugr 1,200 24 nel & Hudson Dome Mines ... 4,500 30ft 7L 42 93 78 ft 72 16 34 24 119 29ft SO 18 35 24 Del & Lack .... 1,600 128 126ft 127 rvftvinon Chem . 1.700 45 Endlcott Johnsn 200 78 ft Erls 2.1UO iaft do 1st Pfd l" a Elec Stor Bat... 400 42ft Famous Players. B.BOO ia Fed Mg & smelt do pfd ....... Flsk Tire Gen Cigars .... Gen Elec ...... Gen Motor . . do 6 Gen Asphalt ...24.700 Goodrich ... 300 Glidden Paint Granby 300 Gt Nor Ore A.. 2,200 do pfd z.zuo 44 7 15 22 42 79 ft 100 48ft 800 15ft 200 78 300 16 165 165 5.100 14 ft 14 14 48ft 15ft 76 44 78 ft 16 22 4: 79 11 47 ft 15 7oft nnwn. Cananea. . Gulf Steel 1.800 79 Glen Alden Houston Oil s.uuu is Hupp Motor Ills Cent Inspiration Int Agr CP com. do pfd . .. . Interboro do nfd Interstte Calahn 8,700 Int Harv .; Int Merc Marine 4,400 20 do pfd 1,600 75 ft Int Nickel 500 16 Int Paper v 100 47 81 63 65 38ft 38ft 15 29 28ft 38 38ft . 79 'A WO 30ft 77ft 78 . 00 76 77 19 1UO lU4ft lU4ft 1U4 200 441 39 ',s 4U 66 39 '29 38 ft 80 , 200 200 700 300 10ft 30 lft 3ft 8 10ft 39 ft lft 3ft 8ft do pfd Invincible OH Island Oil ... Jewel Tea ... K C Southern 1,400 16 6,100 1 19 73 ft 16ft 47 '15 1 "28, 10 39 1 3 8ft 99 ft 19 73 ft 16 46 15 1 17 ft 24 ft 800 24 rtn nfd " 87 Kelly-Spgfld .... 1,800 47 46 46ft Kennecott i 2,000 34 Keystone Tire .. . 3,500 15 Lack Steel 100 73 Lee Tire 200 29 ft Lehigh Valley .. 2.800 64 83 15 . 73 29ft 33 15 72ft 2 64 Lorillard 200 151 151 151 Loew Theaters .. loo 14 14 14 ft LftN 800 118 117 117ft Maxwell Motor A 1,000 68ft 67ft 67ft doB 1,100 24 23 28 Hit Stores 200 114 114 114 u.r Pet 22.300 184 176 176 Miami U0 28 28 28 Prices Quoted at the Portland Union Stockyards were as follows: Choice hay-red steers ss.zaap 8.(0 Medium to good hay-fed steers 7.75 8.25 Choice grass steers 7.75 8.25 Medium to good steers v.iow i.o Fair to medium steers 6.25 fa) 6.75 Common steers 5.00 6.25 Choice cows and heifers 6.25 8.75 Medium to good cows, heifers 5.25 6.25 Common cows Canners Bulls Choice dairy calves Prime light calves Medium light caivas 3.50(5; 4.60 2.00 3.50 3.73 5.00 8.00 8.50 7.50 8.00 . .. 7.00 7.50 declines on fat lambs and ewes. Breed ing ewes are steady. . Cattle Receipts, 134; prime steers, $7.508; good to choice, $77.50; fair to good, $6.50 7; .common to fair, $6 6.50; stotker steers, $5 6; choice cows and heifers, $5.50 6. Hogs Receipts, 21; prime lights. $11 11.50; smooth heavies. $1011; rough heavies, $910; feeder pigs, $10!u."". Sheep Receipts. 260; prime spring lambs, $8.50D.50; fat ewes, $4i4.."ifi: fat yearlings, $78; feeder lambs. 8cj 8.25; breeding ewes. $57. SAN FBANC1SCO PRODUCE UAkf- Prlces Cm-rent on Vegetables, Fie'. J'rults, Etc.. at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June 23 (State- Division of Markets.) lJcullr - Broilers, 2442c; young roosters, 2."j4! 52c; old, 1418c; hens, 14,31c; Uuck. 20 23c; live turkeys, 32 35c; dress l. 36 40c. Fruit Apples, 3ft to 4-tier, $2.154; Valencia oranges, $69; lemons, J- 7; apricots, pound, oialOc; grapefruit. $35.50; strawberries, drawer, 5075c: raspberries. drawer. 85c$l; black berries, drawer, 45 4; 53c; loganberries, drawer. 3545c; blaek cherries, pound, 810c; Royal Annes, 1012ftc; figs, small box. $2.25 2.30; goosberries, lb., 1015c; peaches, crate, ?1.251.75; cur rants, drawer, '.i0cfl.10'; new green apples, lug box, $12; watermelons, 2 3 ftc pound. Vegetables Artichokes. large crate. $48; asparagus, pound. 510c; beans, pound, 6-10c: celery, crate, $8; cucum bers, dozi-u. 25:-f'i2; lettuce, crate, 75o $1.25; whit- onions, crate, $1.251.35; yellow, cwt.. $11.15; parsnips, sack, $3 3.25; pi'HS. lb., lft4c; potatoes, $1.50 2.75; new. 'jy'M'-; rhubarb, box, $1.25 Heavy calves 4.50 7.00 gii.so- squash, kuinmer, crate, 75c$1.25; Hogs - spinach, pound. 34c; tomatoes, crate. Prime light "??;?; "$1.752; turnips. sack, $1.2501-50; Smooth heavy, 29" to 300 lbs.11.00 11.25 u:n,larA crate. $3.253.50; Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. up... .10.0011 00 - rt -.,ri7io 8.00 9.50 .ainnn Reielpts Flour. LONDON, June 23. Bar silver, 85d EC-., iV." ""'"' '.1'.!man.7r, ' "lie;, t. -Ulio rentals :0 quarter sacks: barley, 17,017 cen- lemons and oranges, 450 Belgium, francs Bulgaria, leva Czecho-Slovakia, kronen Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling Finland, flnmark France, francs ......... Germany, marks Greece, drachmas .0815 .0080 -.0195 .2140 4.4300 .0220 .0555 .0032 .0350 Holland, guilders .3855 Hungary, kronen Italy. lire Jugo-Slavia, kronen Norway, kroner Portugal, escudos Rumania, lei Serbia, dinara Spain, pesetas Sweden, kroner Switzerland, francs China Hongkong, local currency. .0015 .0477 .0038 ,1660 .0802 .0068 .0146 .1565 .2566 .1902 .5775 Shanghai, teals 8100 4850 Japan, yen NEW YORK, June 23. Foreign ex-1 '. vi.w. .onaiderln ouality and lax change easy. Great Britain, demand j sorting; top natives, $12.85; bulk. $12.60 Ma.uma fs.vxi, wuay Dills on 12 75- culls mostly i: sneep miu banks, $4.38; France, demand 8:50, ca- yearlings steady; good 83-pound dry- bles 8.50ft; Italy, demand 4.75, cables, fed yearlings, $11; good handyweight 4.75ft; Belgium, demand 8.08, cables native ewes, $8.50: heavies, mostly $3; 8.08ft; Germany, demand 30, cables 30; receipts three-fourths direct to packers. uouana, aemana o.4u, caoies 88.45; Nor way, demand 16.50; Sweden, demand. 25.55; Denmark, demand, 21.80; Switzer- Kansas City Livestock Market. fivcriD rT-T-V u Tiitia Oft in R land demand 18.94; Spain, demand. Bureau of Markets. H-Cattle Receipts, 15.53; Greece, demand, 3.70; Poland, de mand, .02; Ozecho-Slovakia, demand, l.uo; Argentina, aemana, so. 87; Brazil, demand, 13.87; Montreal, 98. Standard Oil Stocks. Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Bid. Asked. Anglo 20 20 Borne Scrysmer 400 415 Buckeye 93 95 Cheesebrough 190 193 do pfd 110 112 Continental 140 145 Crescent 34 36 Cumberland 130 140 Eureka 90 94 Galena com . . . .- 58 80 do Old pfd 108 111 do New pfd 100 104 Illinois Pipe 170 . 175 Indiana Pipe 90 92 National Transit 27 28 N. Y. Transit ..170 175 Northern Pipe 98 - 100 Ohio Oil 29.1 298 Inter'l Pete 22 22 ft Penn Mex 33 37 Prairie Oil 585 . 595 Prairie Pipe 256 20 Solar Refg 350 380 Southern Pipe 93 95 South Penn Oil 222 226 S. W. Penn Oil 60 64 S O. Ind 106 107 S. O. Kansas 550 560 S. O. Kentucky 94 95 S. O. N. Y 429 432 S. O. Ohio 450 470 do pfd 118 120 Swan & Finch i 35 40 Vacuum 425 429 Washington 2.1 27 S O Nebraska 180 190 Imperial Oil 115 117 Cottonseed ' OH Futures. Cottonseed oil futures at New York, furnished by Jordan, Wentworth 4b Co., Portland: June, ll11.50c; July, 1I.1S011.18c; August, 11.85ll.3c; September, ll.SH 11.40c: October, 10.8010.83c; November, 9.549-57c; December, 9.879.39c; Janu ary, 9.379.40c. - Spot bid, 11c. Sugar Market. NEW YORK, June 23. Raw sugar Centrifugal, 4.92c. - Refined Fine granulated, 6.20 6.30c. SAN FRANCISCO, June 28. California-Hawaiian raw sugar, 4.88c. Duluth Flax Market. DITLTJTH, June 28. Flaxseed, July, $2.48 bid; September, $2.48; October, $2.45. 800; .quality plain; hardly enough on lie to make a market; looks aoout steady; steers offer $8.40; Inferior ana common Texas, $5 to $b; most sne stock, $3 to $6; few heifers. $6.50; moet can- n.r. S3 to 12 25 Hogs Receipts, 4000. openea siow, osed fairly active to both packers and shiDDers. 5c to 10c lower; -bulk 110 to 2S-nonnd weirht. $10.25 to $10.40: top, $10.45; shippers took about 1000 : 240 to 300-pounus weignt, jiu.iu m iiv.", of sales. $9.80 to $10.40: throw-out sows mostly $8.50 to $8.75; stock pigs, steady; i,im to rood kind. $10.15 to $10.40. Sheep Receipts 1500; odd lots, stock n ewes, to killers, steady; lambs nral!v steadv to strong; spots higher; tnn tiAtlves. Sl.oo: Diners, i 1 $12.50 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. June 23. (U. S. Bureau of Market) Hogs Receipts, 1200: good hogs. 10c to 15c lower; 200 to 225-pound Kti,r. xa 75 to 810.15: top. $10.25; mixed and packing grades 15c to 25c lower; bulk. 99.60. Cattle Receipts, zuoo. tjeei steers ana fc tnck slow to Bteady; top veals. $9.25; veal calves, firm; other classes of stock unchangea. Sheep Receipts. 5000. Killing classes strong to 25c nigner; native tamus. ?i.'i 12.25; best Idaho lambs held at $12.75; light ewes, $5; feeders, steady. San Francisco Livestock Market. rim WRANCISCO. June 23. Steers. No 1 $6507, No. 2, $55.7s; cows ana h.lf.r. No. 1. $4.255; No. 2, $44.50; bulls and stags, $33.50; calves, light. $8 9, heavy, 7s. sheep Wethers, $5.5007, ewes, $304, lambs, $10.3O11.50. 125 to 200 pounds. $12: 200 to 250 pounds. $11: 250 to 300 pounds, $10. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, June 23. Cattle Steady. No receipts. Hogs Steady. Receipts. 188. Sheep, steady; no receipts. Pasco Livestock Market. PASCO UNION STOCKYARD8. June 22. With a fair run of cattle on hand through the week, prices held steady on choice fed kinds but moved a trifle weak on plain killers. Stocker steers are find ing their way to this market and are selling at 55ftc. Hogs, consisting mainly of prime killers, sold well at 25c higher than a week ago. There were BEST TRADE CONDITIONS IN WEST Business shows Good Advance Over June Last Year. NEW YORK, June 23. Bradstreefs tomorrow will say: Improvement, slow and careful in some areas, relatively fair la others, is still the word most commonly used in de scribing the progress of distributive trade, of Industry and of crops. There Is more doing in June, however, than there was In May, In which month things gained over April and the ad vance over June a year ago is of course unmistakable. Indeed, except for snort periods in the autumn of last year and of 1920, reports as to trade, industry and collections are about the best in two years. The week's price movement has been upward and the food Index has advanced. Failures are slightly more numerous. Best trade reports come from the west. with mail order houses making excellent comparisons. Crops there have held their own well, despite some complaints ofr dry weather. Weekly bank clearings were $7,381.- 072,000. QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCE Current Market Ruling on Butter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANdSCO. Cal.. June 23. fIT. S. Bureau of Markets.) Butter1 Extras, Uftc; firsts, aoftc. Eggs Extras 27c; extra pullets. 23c: undersized pullets, No. 1, 18ftc. uneese uauiornia ilat, fancy, 18ftc; firsts, 17c; young America, fancy, 25c. NEW YORK. June 23. Butter Strong: creamery higher than extras. 3738ftc; creamery extras, 3737ftc; creamery firnts, 3436ftc; state dairy, finest, 36T-36ftc. Eggs Steady. Cheese Firm. CHICAGO, June 23. Butter Higher; creamery extras, 36c; firsts, 31ft4ftc; seconds. 2930ftc; Standards, 36'ic. Eggs Higher; receipts. 19.616 cases: firsts, 21ft21c; ordinary firsts, sua, 20ftc; miscellaneous, 20ft 21c; storage packed extras, 23c; storage packed first.. 22 ft 022 e. . Chicago Potato Market. CHICAGO, June 23. Potatoes, steady; receipts, 95 cars; total United States shipments, 771 cars; Alabama sacked Bliss Triumphs, $2.753 per. cwt.; Ala bama sacked Spauldlng Rose No. 1, $2.2-1 2.35 per cwt.; Louisiana sacked roum! white, field run, $1.73 2 per cwt.; Ar kansas, Georgia, Oklahoma and Louisi ana sacked Bliss Triumphs No. 1, $2.75 3 per cwt.; North Carolina Norfolk section, stave barrels, Irish Cobblers, $4.254.65; eastern shore Virginia, stave barrels, Irish Cobblers. $55.25. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 23. Copper, steady. Electrolytic, spot and futures, 18 13c. Tin Steady. Spot and nearby, 81.23c; tutures, 31.12c. Iron Steady; prices unchanged. Lead Steady. Spot. 5.755.85c. Zinc Quiet. East St. Louis, spot and nearby delivery, 5.305.35c. Antimony Spot, 5.055.25c, Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, June 23. Evaporated apples, firm. Prunes, firm; Peaches, steady. JORDAN, WENTWORTH & CO. Successors to HERRIN A RHODES. INC. STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN Corrftspon dents E. F. Hut ton A CO.. NEW YORK. Members All Leading Exchange. Babeon's Service on File Bdwy. 4725, 01 BoUwar Kxchans Bid. i