THE MORNING OREGOJiTAX, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1922 19 FOR RENT. Housekeeping Km mm In Private Family. $21 WEST SIDE, reduced for summer, 3 large fur. n. k. rooms; ground floor, lawn ross, lights free. 134 Porter. Phone SaH. 1109. ' THREE dedirable furnished h. k. rma. to adults. 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. Ilouses. , FOR KENT. Modern bungalow, Kenton $40.00 Breakfast nook, S. P., bath, etc. 2 bedrooms, Woodlawn $20.00 ' 7 -room bungalow, Richmond ...$40.00 7 rooms furnished, west side. . .$50.00 ft rooms furnished, river $65.00 Can sublet and get free rerat. Kee Benedict, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Realtors. "Rriwy. 47M. 410 Henry Bldg. fi-ROOM house, fireplace, furnace, lot 300x100, all kinds of fruit, garden In, rent downstairs and one room upstairs for $30 or whole house for $50; upstairs furnished for housekeeping. Call at 1244 or 1249 Burrage st Take St Johns car to Alnsworth st. ROSE CITY: PARK. Modern S-room house, Gasco furnace, fine location, beautiful view; rent for nummer or Ion lease to adults; ref erences; $65 per month. Phone Ta hnr Sfi. LAURELHURST HOME . fnr lease. Will give a 2-year lease on completely modern 7-room and sip. Torch at $K0 per month. Call at 1 Railway Kxchange bldg. for informa tion, or Sunday call 214-17. FURNITURE MOVING. Pianos moved $3 up; 30 days' free storage on all crated household jtvods; Jet us estimate your work. Atlas Trans- ler Storage Co. Phone Bdwy. 1207 FOR KENT or sale, modern 8-room home. 203 E. 534 at.; also garage for 3 cars. Will show by appointment. Call East 2410- or Tabor 2032, for owner. ' CALL BROADWAY-530 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. . Washington at 10th street. HODERN, convenient 10-room house, sleeping porches, furnace, laundry traye, 5 bedrooms; lease, $60; garage, $r. East Ash, near 20th. Mar. 3569. FOR RENT $25 per mo.; 7-room house; berries and garden room. 500 Glen wood ave. Call 1305 E. 16th St.. Sell wood' car. WHEN moving, city or country, get th best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co. Main 1261. 202 Alder at PIANO moving, $;i; furniture, $2.50 per hour; 2 men. large padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co., East 2504. MOVING Pianos, furniture; long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co . 40 2d st. Bdwy. 512L 7- ROOM house, well arranged for 2 fam ilies. 120 E. 14th, corner of Alder. In qiiire at 12i E. 14th- 8- ROOMEP house, bath, pantry, $12; 5 -room upper flat, $15. 882 Williams ave. Wood! awn 6ri35. HOUSE, 6 rooms, one floor; 620 Petty grove. Kay at 622. $30, walking die tance. ' &6' HAWTHORNE, clean modern 7-rm. house, ail refinished, 3 bedrooms, oak floors, lurnace. f;n. il ROOMS and sleeping porch, west side, good condition, reasonable rent. Phone Main 4006. after 6 P. M. 4-ROOM cottage, good location, not modern; no children. Inquire 660 Kerby. 8-ROOM. modern house near Multnomah club. 235 Nartllla st. Inquire Tabor 2514. 8-ROOM house, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, large closets, close in, $55 per mo. Owner. East 4277. FOUR-ROOM house, $17. Inquire 428 N. 23d. Phone mainooow. 50 RENT your home see Frank L. Mo Ouire. Abington Bldg. 6 ROOMS, duplex house, clean, close in; adults only. 385 Grand ave. S. E. 1390. 6-ROOM modern, walking distance, west pde. 224 Meade st. DWELLING, 6 rooms and bath. 520 Tavlor st., west side. $35. Main 5371. 7-ROOM house, good condition, electri city, gas. 541 Clay at. 6-ROOM house, near Washington high school, $36. Woodlawn 715. GOOD 6-room house. 424 E. Grant St. one block from Grand ave. car. $25. 6-ROOM house and sleeping porch, west etde. Call East 6537. S-ROOM house, garage, 1000 Am hurst at. $30. Broadway 7429, Broadway 4794. MODERN 6-rm. house, furnace, trays, gas, electricity. Key 87 E. 17th. A. M. MODERN 7-room cottage for rent In auire 82 E. 30th et. East 168. 30. MODERN 6-room house, near Sell wood car. 529 Center st. 721 HAWTHORNE 6 largo, beautiful rooms, just finished, $45. East 8266 Fu rn ish ed Houses. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room bunga low with garage; has plpeless furnace, electric range and washer; also other conveniences that make a home com- fr.rtahler - no small children wanted. 1132 Francis avenue. Call Sellwood 3031. WELL-FURNISHED 7-room house on west side. Nob Hill dist. Four bed- rrtmna 3 finp rnnina downstairs, fire place, furnace, completely furnished, $75 per month. .Bdwy. 3222 or East 7-ROOM furnished house for rent. $65, hardwood floors, gas, electricity, fire- olace. hot water, furnace, piano, sewing machine. Main 7797, Saturday, 1 to 5 P. M., Sunday 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. FURNISHED Rose City Park 5-room. cor ner bungalow in fine district; will rent to couple July and August, $65 per month. Phone Tabor 9357. or call 491 E. -'2d st. N.. after 6 P. M. FOR RENT From July 1 to Labor day, plfirnt and comolete Irvinerton home. H rooms and sleeping porch. Grand piano, Victrola. electric washer and mangle; garage. Phone East 2932. HAWTHORNE Furnished modern 6 room bungalow; fireplace, furnace. hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, all built-in features, piano; $65. Phone Tabor 7854. JIY HOME for rent, July and August onlv. fully furnisnea. edge oi Murray- mead; references. Call 450 East 26th; Sell. 1058. COZY bungalow, piano, fireplace, sta tionary tubs, hot and cold water in basement, large porches, fruit and ber ries. Walnut 3flH. l VERY beautiful furnished home for rent in best part of Irvington for the summer or longer. Very reasonable. E. 6984. T-ROOM he-use, completely furnished with garage. In Alameda park, for the summer months. 884 Skidmore st "Walnut 3764; $75 per month. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room house with sleeping porch on paved street with garage. Call Wdln. 4124. NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow; ga rage; 2 blocks to car. Inquire 6903 55th ave. S. E. 4-ROOM modern furnished duplex bouse. 417 Russell, east of Union; $25. East 5235. Close in. 4-ROOM cottage, 1 block from Bridgton station, $20; Vancouver car. Wdln. 4024. WILL RE"NT my home to responsible parties for month of July. Phone East &-ROOM modern furnished cottage, 311 E. 9 th st. S., between Clay and Market, $35. East 5235. Close in. FOR RENT 6-room house, beautifully furnished, close in, rent $45. Call East 9494. after 10 A. M. NEWLY-furnished. modern 6-room bun galow. 1367 East Caruthers st. East 9S43. ' COMPLETELY furnished modern 8-room house; good garage: Alameda district. For July and August: Wdln. 2167. HOUSE for rent, 5 rooms, furnished, $50 month; to adults only; refernces. Call 1084 E. 15th st. N. Alberta car. 6-ROOM turnished house in Laurelhurst for July and August, $75 a month; references required. Call Tabor 0391. 4 ROOMS, nicely furnished, for summer months; no children. 1077 E. 27th et. North. 326-34. - 736 EAST BURNSIDE Six large rooms, completely furnished; piano; refer-. ences; $70 Main 5437, mornings. ROOMS, furnished; large yard. 423 E. 6th; $37.50. I ROOMS, Alameda Park, 31. Finely situated. Bdwy. until August 971, Chapin. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent, $30 month. Sellwood 3510. 6 OR'-ROOM. two-story frame. 455 13th St. Mam 7202. COSY 6-room cottage for July and Au gust. Marshall 1066. FOR RENT Six-room furnished cottage. Irvington. Phone E. 7flS3. Hour's tor Rent Furniture for Sale. , 6-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale; very close in on the west side. Great opportunity to buy good furniture very cheap, including Victrola and records Reasonable rent, with or without ga rage. Marshall 865. 4-ROOM cozy, modern house for rent, $0.60. Furniture at bargain, 1193 E. Taylor. S. S. car to 39th. FURNITURE of a modern 5-room bunga- low for saie, house for rent, close in, near Broadway bridge. 193 Halsey st B-ROO.M flat tor rent, furniture for sale at 24 N. 16th st Call at 533 Wash ingt;n. Broadway 357. COMPLETE lower flat. furnishings of Marshall 3770. six-room Resort. NEAH-KAH-NIE beach cottage, weeks in July. Tabor 5613. LONG BEACH, Wash., small, completely furnished cottage. East 5763. FOR RENT. Resorts. GEARHART For rent, 10 rooms and sunroom, on ridge, facing ocean. There are 7 bedrooms, well furnished, one bath. Will rent for July and August for $450. which Is $50 under original ren t before improvements made, or win sell on easy terms. Call Tabor 2290 or write Mm. Bailey. 1320 Ate meda Drive, Portland. FOR SALE at Rhododendron, South Mt. Hood, 3 and 4-room cottages; fireplace, running water, $700 to $800.- Terms. Also some beautiful building sites. Six-room modern cottage, electric lights and fireplace for rent, $25 per week. Address Mrs. Franzetti. Rhodo dendron, Or. NEWPORT BY THE SEA. Vacation land i calling. Boating, bathing, deep-sea fishing, clam-digging, rock oysters, neat cottage con veniently located. Write Box 426. New port, Or. . TILLAMOOK COTTAGES. Furnished beach cottages for rent or sale; reservations being mde for July and August; reasonable prices. You can move In at once; Tillamook beach. Call Auto. 641-31. SEVEN-ROOM furnished cottage with bath, beautifully situated, facing ocean; North Beach. Wash, East 414. MODERN 6-room cottage at Gearhart; 4 bedrooms, fine fireplace, excellently furnished ; wonderful view ; garage. Most desirable place. July 1 balance of season. East 823. or East 3571. SEASIDE Large modern well furnished home overlooking ocean, glassed-in dining room and su n porch ; season $400; 4-room cottage, season, $100. 121 11th ave.. Seaside. GEARHART COTTAGE, adjoining golf course; 7 rooms and bath, modern, well furnished. For sale or will lease for season. Phone East 2595. COTTAGE at Seaside, 5 large rooms, well furnished, fireplace, eiec. lights, city water, on paved street. 1 block, to ocean. Phone East 3684. CANNON BEACH 3-room cottage, just completed, exclusive tenthouses. For particulars. C. L. Wingard, 553 Mor rison st., Portland. . SEASIDE cottages, furnished 6 rooms, rent season, weekly or monthly. Tabor 2601 or call 620 South Third street. Seaside, Saturday to Monday. SEASIDE Fine 7-room cottage. 503 Promenade; well furnished, splendid location. Season $400. Kennedy. Main CANNON BEACH, modern, furnished cottage; bath, fireplace, hot water, etc.; address M. B. McKay, Luc re ti a Court. COZILY furnished new 2-room bunga low with porch, water inside, line stove. 300 11th ave., Seaside. Mar shall 3560. COZY 2-room furnished apt., close to beach ; also large 2-room house com pletely furnished; 4 beds, porches; rea sonable for season. Main 1967. 3-ROOM cottage. Seaside, 2 blocks from beach, electric lights, city water, rent reasonanie. jisst FINELY furnished fi-room residence, all conveniences. Gil man, Box 253, Sea side, Or. SEVERAL young women share modern cottage cheap, urace o sseu, toeasiae. Or. SEASIDE: Four-room turnished cottage, bath: rent for season. Call East 644, and evenings East 2088. OCEAN CREST APTS., light H. K., rea sonable; old management, ttocnaway. Or. JULY and August, small cottage on beach at Rockaway. ljignts ana water. Tabor 9351 AT GEARHART 4-room cottage with fireplace, thoroughly clean and con venient ; $50forJulyCaIlEat619 SEAV1EW. -Wash., attractive 6-room cot tage; all improvements; oy montn or season. Phone Kast aots. FOR PENT 3-room cottage at Cannon Beach for July and part August. Call Marshall 4266. " NEAHKAHME For rent, 5-room beach cottage, fireplace, ruiiy turnishea, uve- ly view. Tabor mmf. CLEAN and cosy 5-room modern bunga low, reasonable. 146 jrntn ave., sea side. MONTH of July Attractive cottage at Gearhart. fo; aecommoaauons zor t. Wdln. 3714. SEA VIEW; 7-room furnished house, 1 block irom ocean. nast ozaa. j. ti. Williams, 460 East 13th st N. Ft RNISHED modern 5-room cottage, newly furnisnea insiae. . m., Twin Rocks, Oregon. SEASIDE Al. new 3-room cottages on river near ocean, ioi ita St., beaside. Box 652. HAVE my home at Long Beach. leaving Monday, will care lor invalid or chil dren. 4614 E. 41st st. 2-ROOM cottages for rent by week. month or season. Box 496, Seaside, NEAH-KAH-NIE Mt., beach; complete- ly turn. moa. cottage, nrepiace. oatn, lge. porphes, beautiful view. Main 4057. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, bath, fire place, sun room, garage, ijcean jfarK, Wash. Marshall 8618. " FURNISHED cottag- of all kinds and sizes for rent Dy . Jem, montn or sea son. S. Snyder, 315 lid ave., Seaside. Or, SEASIDE! 2 modern 5-room furnished houses. Wdln. 4638. 73 W. Emerson. OCEAN PARK, Wash., cottage for rent Mia. King. Bdwy. 4329. SEAVIEW. Wash. Broadway 6464. -Furnished cottage. SEASIDE Furnished, desirable cottages near ocean; reasonable. Tabor 7371. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, near Sea View, Wash. Tabor 1041. FOR RENT Seaside cottage for season only. ' East 1600. GEARHART 3-room completely fur nished bungalow. Broadway 646. 5-ROOlM furnished cottage. View, Wash. Tabor 1041. near Sea Stores and Business Places. WAREHOUSE or storage space from 300 to 20,000 square feet in sprinklered building, on trackage, by the day, month or year. Strong, MacNaughton, Corbett bldg. " MEAT market, all equipped, and also one store room suitable for drug store. Inquire of Chas. Rudeen. Alder Mar ket, Main. 1287. Before 10 call Mult nomah hotel. - DESIRABLE space for lease at reason able rate for manufacturer or manu- - facturer's agent; close in, 200 feet of trackage. Call at 330-336 E. Morrison or phone East 639. SPACE TO RENT 6000 square feet of floor space, in good location, on rail road tracks, east side. Inquire of John Isenhouer & Co., East 2d and Taylor sts. Phone East 8773- NICE new stores for rent, 18x40; good building; 35th and Hawthorne ave.; good business location. Inquire oppo site corner or Tabor 5873. LARGE front room, 1st floor, in own er's home; 1 block central library; 215 11th st. Main 8678; suitable millinery, dressmaking, musical studio. TO LEASE store on Alder st.. between 1st and 2d; 3 large rooms, suitable for offices or factory. 310 Commonwealth bldg. ONE-HALF of store, good location, on Stark streeet, nice window for display. Bdwy. 630 BUTCHER SHOP or bakery. A-l loca tion, space for rent. Inquire 131 N. 2l0t st. FOR DESIRABLE apace in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway silo. FOR RENT Store, 232 Washington st Apply 2uj starK st. - CORNER for rent; Broadway 1686. reasonable rent. GHfc firr l Wft'I KaTG IntfOGM lUCx, OLE.) STllX, V9&A TO Cbt&) ty ! : UiT I Be5 cocker) 'Sail. uJ- V ) . (dal. STfrO 6ao ( . ' . EASErfT YxxSL X!LirrJ " pDATTrij il mSHtuAStfK Cheer 6y Crackie! - VrSTfcro 5 'l''tx0Tl Pl " ' . l 1 UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES AUNT MAGGIE OUGHT TO SHOW IMPROVEMENT : - t I ! V;.; . seseeeeees 4Mimi e m s m immi tiiMMM m tMUMtn iiiimmmiiim.i mim FOR RENT. Stores and Business Places. FOR RENT Store room, 5lx&5, corner Giisaa and Park. Inquire Park Hotel, 3504 Glisan. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well lighted and heated office, ingle or in suite, central office build ing in financial section of city; low rents. See Donald O. Woodward, agent, 104 Second st., corner Stark. DESK room with telepnone and sieno grapic service. Phone Broadway 3715. LARGE room, partly furnished, suitable for otfice and home. Call 18. 165 4th. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Good light basement, 50x 50. two sections, 2 street entrances. Whole or half. Call at 154 E. 6th st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. Equal hilf interest- in high-grade auto painting business; splendid loca tion, long established, steady trade; shop full of work and large volume' coming in ; no experience required in this line if willing to work and a hust ler; no trouble to clear better than $200 every for yourself; a bona fide bargain for the right man. Call and investigate at 620 Chamber of Com, bldg.. 4th and Stark. PARTNER WANTED. AUTO PAINTING. Here is an ideal opportunity to buy an equal half interest in busy well known auto painting shop. Located in one of the largest garages in Portland. Previous experience not necessary If you are willing to work and learn the business. You can easily clear better than $165 per month for yourself from the start. Only $300 required. Apply 847 Pittock blk.. Washington and 10th. MINE YOURS. I'll go 50-50 with any good man that will come to my immediate assistance enabling me to hold on to my high jprade mining property on which over $40,000 development work has been done: money goes into improvement of property ; money with services pre ferred. See me at John A. Meissner office, 821 Gasco bldg. EXCEPTIONAL CIGAR STAND BITY. In one of the best and busiest office buildings in Portland ; beautiful fix tures, large staple stock cigars, tob., candies, magazines, etc. No night or Sunday work ; any lady or man can easily clear $200 a month above all ex penses. Greatest value ever offered for the money. Price $1100. 310-11 Fana ma Bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. ' CIGAR STAND SPECIAL. This is the biggest bargain in Port land; fine location, clean and attrac tive, fres-h, salable stock; also handling magazines and candies; splendid buy for lady; you can easly clear $150 month In this place and full price only ooov iaii trcv unam. or com., 4th ana starK. FOR SALD Half interest In fine con fectionery. $500 cash business: sickness Is the reason for selling; will furnish positive proof of business. . Ten-year lease. Af ow, uregonian. DRUG STORE Account of death in family, we are autnonzea to sell this old established drug, business at a very low figure; about sti5(H tor all. MERRICK & CO.. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 694: FOR SALE A small contract. $2225, drawing 6 per cent. Wil discount $250; a good safe investment; descrip tion or property: Lot 1, block 6, Wood lawn Heights. Those interested write Henry Johnson, Gen. Del., Albany, Or. FOR SALE General merchandise store, 15 miles out on paved highway, post office, living rooms, long lease, live community; ill health makes quick sale necessary; about $4000. AV 245. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE MAN If you have $600 you can get a third interest in good live business with two overseas vet erans, office experience desirable. Give full particulars about yourself. N 754, Oregon i an. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for garages, auto repair shops, grocery or cigar etoces, or other lines, investi gation solicited.- Est. WESTERN LAND CO. 1906. Room 511 Railway Exchange Bldg. NEWLY invented electric lamp; -lasts 200 per cent longer than lamps used now. Big opportunity for right man with some money. Mr. Adams, 209 Stock Exchange bldg. GOING CHEAP. Best located cash-and-carry grocery in Vancouver; low rent, going businene. Price right J. D. Jones, 6th and Washington sts., Vancouver, Wash. CONFECTIONERY. Have nice business . in live town county seat, on the highway. Will sell right, can be paid for in one season. Address AV 194, Oregonian. FOR SALE Ladies' tailoring and dress making store, best location. $55 rent. doing excellent business; keep 3 tailors busy; only $bou. call at 575-Washing' ton Broadway 1465. ' ' ' ' CIGARS, FRUIT, CANDY. Busy west aide street, $50 day bus! ness, good rent, a pretty place, $1500 casn will handle it. Partciulars 511 Railway Exchange. GROCERY and soda fountain, excellent transient and ant. house location " strictly cash. No delivery; $80 to $125 qay. invoice. 391 e. Burnside st. SHOWCASES, all sizes, rootbeer barrels, scales, cash registers, popcorn ma . chine. Many others. Big reductions. 129 1st st. PARTNER WANTED. $465 puts you In business that will clear you $40 per wk. Call 607 Couch bldg. MUST sacrifice business paying 25 per cent on investment; half interest $3000, an tor awu-. tan room 7ie, Cornelius hotel. MOTION PICTURE SHOW. For sale, picture show; will take modern bungalow as part payment, owner, at aua Manama biog. BUY THIS TODAY. Grocery and confectionery, woll lo cated. Price low. See owner. 129 1st st. ON ACCOUNT of sickness must sell at once tire and repair shop at 700 Union ave. a. ; wen equippeq. GROCERY. Living rooms, residential district. Si4un. tan tun uoucn mag. FOR ALE Cash-and-carry neighbor hood grocery store, 5 living rooms. Owner leaving city. Phone E. 3124. MUST sell my grocery on account of other business; located at 555 Union ave. N.. or call at 72 N. 3d st FOR SALE Shoe repairing shop for $1400 if sold this week. M 775, Ore gonian. V CIGAR STORE. Downtown corner, clears $15 per day, $2350. .Call 607 Couch bldg. RESTAURANT and confectionery for sale; reasonable price; may leave town. Call Bdwy. 5686. STORAGE space for rent, either in full floor space or monthly storage, basis carload lots or less. Bdwy. 1549. 2-CHAIR barber shop; will sacrifice for cash. 222 Morrison st. ONE-HAJ-iF interest in well-paying auto freight line. AB 754, Oregonian. 600 BUSINESS CARDS, $1.20. Rose City Printery. 249 Wash, st. bet. 2d and 3d. WE WHOLESALE razors, snears. knives, etc. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 Sixth it. FURNITURE repair shop for sale. Best in city. East 6744. BARBER SHOP for sale. 432 Washing ton st. See Dick Korkegian.' TWO barber chairs and case cheap. 244 Aldet. Main 6800. FOR SALE Pool hall, cigars, soft drinks and ice cream, cheap. Call 302 Russell st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. Al mechanic needs a partner to give him general assistance, has more work than he can handle alone; have ideal location and well-established trade; experience not necessary if mechani cally inclined and willing to workand learn; your profits should never be less than $165 month from the start; price of equal half-interest only $275; look into this before you buy if you want the best in the city for the money. Call 620 Chamber of Com merce bldg., Fourth and Stark sts. MARBLE SODA FOUNTAIN. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. This is one of the best and busiest locations in Portland; right in the busi ness center; west side; clearing $400 net above all expenses; valuable lease over the fair with exceptionally low rent. This is a wonderful buy. $1500 handles it. 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. FOR PARTY interested in the advertis ing game, here is an unusual oppor tunity; will sell my established show card and advertising business, com bined or separately; $506 buys both. If .$15 to $30 a day looks good to you. call 213 Panama bldg.. between 9 and 10 A. M. SPACE at 307 Broadway, Seaside, Ot for rent for the season for moat any line 'of business. Anyone looking for a nice aummer bosiiwm will do well to look proposition over. Owner will be at premises Saturday afternoon or all day Sunday. After Sunday phone Broadway 916. DEATH in family; owner will sacrifice ior quiCK saie pooiroam, spit annas, candy, tobacco ; In good pay-roll city in western Washington ; $1000 stock ; beautiful fixtures; long lease; best of location; and cheap rent ; $2200 full price; no agents. AV 187, Oregonian. MEN with initiative and desire to get into clean profitable business could in vest from $1000 to $50,000 in enter prise where success depends on man; the value is here. (Note adv. Help Investment Sec.). S. W. Taylor, P. O. box 1300, Roseburg, Or. LIGHT lunch, fountain and cigar stand; best corner in city, with lease; month s receipts $1050 to $1200; overhead ex pense $300. A splendid income for small family; a money-maker; $2500; terms. Will consider some, trade. uwner, firoaoway ai4. PARTNER WANTED. Manufacturer of ladies' cloaks, suits and dresses wants a partner with about $3000. Big Returns. Have best references. AH 731. Ore gonian. SERVICE STATION. Good, going, established business on fine corner; gas, oils, accessories, battery service and vulcanizing; lead ing tire and battery agency. Other in terests. Must selK OWNER, SELLWOOD 0108. WILL BUILD GARAGE. Have corner right downtown, a choice location, 100x100; will bufld 2 story garage. Give lease to responsi ble party. This won't last long. AH 666. Oregonian. ' BEST CONFECTIONERY In a nearby town; modern and up-to- date; caters to best trade; next to mevie show; on main highway; pay rolls; price $2500. some terms; lease. Owner, AV 179. Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closine deal or so-cailea interest in established real estate business, get advice of Port land Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. WANTED A PARTNER. A cash business; prefer a man who can drive auto or will learn; $30 week and share profits; $350 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALEGeneral store consisting of groceries, mens furnishings and stock men s supplies; in the interior of east ern Oregon; doing a good business. Ad dress AV 65, Oregonian. A CASH BUSINESS. Handy man with $500 can buv in growing business in the manufacturing line; salary $4p week and share of prottts. Room 4tfl Dekum bldg. BAKERS. I HAVE SECOND-HAND OVEN AND CAKE MACHINE THAT I WILL SELL REASONABLY ON TERMS. AO 745, A PARTNER WANTED. A fuel business. Owner needs help of steady man. Can each clear $250 montn; small investment required. lan room wnum blag. GROCERY for sale by owner, located in resiaential and apartment house aisirict; nice living room furnished and garage; cheap rent Phone East Bona. WANTED PARTNER WITH $1000 or more for manufacturing Droduot at $2.57, selling for $8 to $12; unlimited demand everywhere ; quick action necessary, r. o. box 914. WILL sell at reasonable nrice and term. my nan interest in well established Tacoma furniture factory, running at full capacity. For information write av j an, uregonian.' . WILL sacrifice cigar stand and pool room, oest corner in mm town with $100,000 payroll. Priced right W. A wooa, st. rteiens. uregon. BIG RETURNS exchanged for hard work. Have splendid manufacturing proposition; want partner wttn some money. AQaresa AO 761, Oregonian, VULCANIZING shop, fully eouipoed. es tablished, good location, for sale or traac lor auto or real estate. 454 Burn side st. FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery by owner, west side location, in good aisinci, casn-ana-carry store; will in voice stock; no agents. Bdwy. 4616 PATENT on self-releasing logging hook for sale, reasonable; U. S. and Canadi an patents. Address 205 Grandeata apts. njast aim.-. l JjiVhi groceryman to start sror in meat market, big front window for rruit ana vegetable aisplay; very rea sonable rent? 134 Russell, East 665. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store; good corner location, with cheap nwi; in ousiness part or city. sroad tray 2789. FOR SALE Well located locksmith and general repair shop, old clients. Price reasonable. Please answer. AH 729, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY for sale by owner, good reason for selling, in good district, aomg a nice Duainess; $2750 cash. 733, Oregonian. ' A GARAGE SPECIAL. . ; Fine location; good lease; net profits over $500 month; trial given to satisfy buyer. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GARAGE. Would take honest partner; 1600, some terms; city. E 727. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cigar stand, confectionery, light lunch; cheap if taken this week. 192 3d st. By owner. $350 TAKES possession small town pic ture show; total price $2700. Phone 615-86. STATE BANK SAVINGS DEPOSITORS. Will pay spot cash for your account. 2Q4 Henry bldg. CAFE for sale First-cla-ss cafe In city of 20,000 people. If interested phone Sell. 3503. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison sts. CIGARS. LIGHT GROCERIES. West side, downtown. A bargain at $1100. Call 607 Couch bldg. A LUNCH counter for sale. $800 cash, clearing better $400 per month. 467 Bond st.. Astoria. Or. FOR SALE Corner cigar store, confec tionery, soda fountain. 6th and Glisan. near depot. 2-TON truck and lumber job, making money; owner has other business: $600 will handle. AJ 728. Oregonian. FOR SALE Bicycle shop, good business, I $00 will handle. Emolre 1588. POLLY AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A SPLENDID opportunity for a com petent and thoroughly experienced dairyman to manage one of the finest . dairy ranches in Coos coonty. con taining 238 acres bottom land, 73 head of grade milch cows, two registered Jersey bulls, two span of heavy horses, 10-room house, modern with electric lights and running water, fine barn and all necessary equipment. Prefer party to purchase livestock and equipment and pay yearly rent, or will consider renting the place com pletely stocked to responsible and capable dairyman who can give $10,000 bond as security. Answer giving full particulars, p. O. Bot 673, Coquille, Or. AUTO REPAIR GENUINE BARGAIN. - An equal half interest, only $250 cash required. Finest downtown location. Storage for 12 cars. Best equipped small garage in Portland ; welding out fit, electric power drill, full line of tools; need an honest and steady part ner .experience not necessary It you are handy with tools and willing -to learn the business. If you are satisfied with $165 a month for yourself, this is the best buy in Portland. Call early, 347 Pittock. blk., Washington and 10th streets. ' FOR SALE for cash; general merchan dise business, situated in Rogue mver valley, which $6000 will swing; in tdnnn ntnrtk. $2000 lot. build ing and fixtures; average turnover for three years, $3000 per month; -average net profit for same period, $300 per month, av uregonian. Business Opportunities Wanted. TO ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS AND MANUFACTURERS. Engineer of wide experience, civil, mining and metallurgical. wishes to join a firm of contractors or contracting engineers, or industrial manufacturers. Is prepared to pur chase an interest in the business, and act in an administrative and technical capacity; references and particulars of experience on application. AJ 744. Oregonian. BUSINESS mea of means desiring to set tle n Amrnn win consider investing $25,000 to $100,000 in clean, profitable - enterprise. AV 54. Oregonian. GROCERY wanted, about $2000 must be good location, casn ana carry, ui rect from owner. Prefer one with liv ing rooms. J. Hill, 275 Williams ave. JAPANESE wants to buy furniture and lease of 35 to 40-room apt. nouse; pre fer west side, but will consider close in east side. Bdwy. 3668. WANTED To rent small equipped meat market, in or out of city, or manage one; exp. meat man. BC 7o4, Orego nian. AUTO REPAIR SHOP, $200 ftayment. some experience. oteuy worker. Mr. Marts, 171 17th st. WANT shoo repair shop in good location. L. E. staats. iuis m. sist. st. i. Hotels and Rooming Houses. WONDERFUL money-making apartment house lease for sale; you win no oe lleve the net earnings -ontil we prove them to you; it will take $12,000 cash to handle. We specialize in this busi ness, and it's the best we have seen in years. McCarthy, maxwell & downey, Rm. 1 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 7519. MARY E.-LENT COMPANY 623-4-5 N. W. BANK BLDG. EXCLUSIVE BROKERS OF HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES. ROOMING HOUSES AND LEASES. SIXTEEN YEARS IN THIS BUSI NESS IN PORTLAND. SELL OR RENT. Will sell completely furnished, $650; terms or trade; walking distance from P. , O. See Benedict. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, , Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. OUR INVESTMENTS should have an in come. See this: 1 40-room. apartment, on 80x150; cen tral east side; $400 per month income. Furnished. Will trade. C. C. DUVALL. 542 Williams Ave. BIG SACRIFICE. Forced to leave the city and will sell this well furnished. 7-room house, all filled, for $400; make no mistake, this Is a REAL snap. MERRICK & CO.. 804 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. FOR QUICK SALS list your hotels, apartment or rooming houses with us; your Interests will al ways be protected; we have cash buy ers waiting for your proposition. rife Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg BY OWNER. Have two places. Must sell one ; 25 rooms, one floor, rent $75 with 'lease; small Davment and good mortgage gives you possession. Tel. E. 8,83 or M. 004& DEAL WrITH OWNER. First time on the market for 7 years, 14 h. k. rooms, very close in, west side; nets better than $100: wHl consider light car. Ask for Miss Anderson. 294 Clay st . 62 APARTMENTS, building and furni ture, net income $15,000 per year; $30, 000 cash required. This is a high-class investment. For full particulars write BD 728, Oregonian. APARTMENT house, income, nicely fur nlshed, 25 apartments, no lease, income $7500 per year net, or 14 per cent on purchase price. Good terms. No trade. B-C 74, oregonian. $35 RENT, lease, 50 rooms, easy, walking aistance, nets about uu. needs reno vating; bargain-hunters, take notice must have $1250 cash at once. 191 Park. A SACRIFICE 9 rooms, all full, mostly nouseKeepmg, w niie i empie n istnet. Yours for $550, by owner. All- cash. Mar. 3342. 10-ROOM h. k. apt, everything new; close in,, east side; rent $45; long lease; price xiuuo. sutter, 24t is. Broadway. E. 9213. A GREAT sacrifice in rooming house of 9 rooms, good basement, furnace heat; everything in good repair, call owner, Broadway 2789. BIG SNAP. Al furniture of 12 h. k. rooms, w. s. location, rent $70. nets $75- $800 to handle. 347 Hall Main 7637. $300 CASH payment. 12 h. k. rooms. dandy location, $35 rent 4-yr. lease, full price $800. 191 Park. HOTEL for sale; doing good business; all modern equipped; paving crew nearby. AV 182. Oregonian. 26 H. K. ROOMS by owner, cheap with lease, in isortn itn st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Sheared poodle (name Sunny); brown eves: liberal reward. 'ZZ Mad . ison st. Phone Main 7170. Mrs, H. E. Henry. LOST Ladv's pocketbook, contents, money, gold pencil; reward. Mrs. Barrett, Broadway 3715. 53 Fourth st LOST Black patent leather purse with red handle at Francis Hat shop. Lib eral reward. Mar. 672. FOUND Envelope containing money, party must identify contents and pay for ad. Auto 518-18. FOUND Pendleton blanket at Gales crek- Owner can have same by iden tlfying. Aut 312-72. ' LOST Black velvet bag at Laurelhurst park, near throne, Tuesday, containing rims for glasses. Woodlawn 5652. LOST Cor. 4th and Morrison, scarf 2 yds. long, black, striped with bright colors. Reward. East 8799. LOST French style earring. Automatic 647-83: reward. Tuesday. LOST Wrist watch bearing name of O pal. Finder return to Oregonian. LOST Orange Persian male cat Finder please phone E. 6079. Reward. LOST Gamma Phi Beta pin. please phone Mar. 3912. Finder HER PALS LOST ANI FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company June 22. 1922: 11 umbrellas, 2 lunch boxes, pursee, ring, 8 suitcases, 2 handbags, 4 pairs gloves, 2 single gloves, 1 book school tickets, three packages, ax. overcoat, sweater, bunch keys. Owners may ob tain same upon proper identification at First and Alder ert. station. LOST On 2d St.. by working girl, pay envelope containing one-half month's . salary. Reward. Finder please call N. Lavagette, wrapper, book depart . ment, Meier & Frank Co. Marshall 1 4600. LOST In the business section, probably at Meier & Frank's. two-kln stone marten fur neckpiece; liberal reward. Finder please phone superintendent's office at Meier & Frank's, Marshall 4O0O. . LOST The party who was seen taking Airedale puppy at E. 16th and Mc Laughlin sts., early Thursday morning is known. Kindly return same; avoid embarrassment. No questions asked. LOST On the 22d, a fox terrier an swering to the name Mit bobbed tail with black spots on head and body. Phone information to C. A. Gallinger. 4 E. 3403. Reward. LOST oa road between Barton and Bor ing, 1 mattress for bed. Finder please notify A. X Sether, P. O. Box 191, Milwaukie, Or. Phone Milwaukie 16R. Reward. ANY ONE knowing of diamond pcarf pin taken from room 475, Multnomah ho tel, on June 8, notify J. S. Hornick; $50 reward. Benson hotel. LOST Monday, brown leather suitcase containing lady's and baby's apparel. Liberal reward if returned to W. T. Matlock, Imperial hotel. LOST 32d degree Masonc charm; name and consistory engraved inside. Re turn to 432 Alder st, or phono Broad way 2843. Liberal reward. LOST Silver eyeglass case, with chain. Lost probably at auditorium Wednes day afternoon. Reward. Winthrop Hammond, 127 6tft st. LOST Gold wrist watch, near Front and Burnside; cherished as gift; reward. Call East 2032. SPECIAL NOTICED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Frank Robins is not now, and no longer will be. connected with the un dersigned and that no responsibility will be assumed or attached to us for his transactions in futme. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. Proposals Invited. SEALED bids for the following personal property, located at Monument Grant county. .Oregon, will be received by me up to in o clock noon of Wednesday, July 5. 1922, to-wit: A stock of gen eral merchandise of inventory valua tion $0,619.83, With fixtures, $1,633.35. ALSO a stock of general merchandise in adjoining store of inventory valuation $3,057.50, with fixtures, $889.40. Terms, cash and certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must ac company each bid. The right is re served to reject any or ' all bids. In ventories of these stocks may be seen at this office and the property may be inspected on the premises. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 21st day of June, 1922. R. L. SABIN, 740 Morgan Bldg. CIRCULAR No. 571 Sealed proposals will be opened at office of General Pur chasing Agent. Alaskan Engineering Commission, room 422 Bell Street ter minal, Seattle, Wash., not later than 11 A. M., June 20, 1922, fnr furnishing angle bars and" lumber. Copies of this circular may be obtained upon applica tion at this office, from Alaskan En gineering commission, 204 new Post office building, Portland, Oregon, and Alaskan Engineering Commission, 306 custom house, Ban Francisco, Cat C. E. DOLE, General Purchasing Agent. Miscellaneous. SEALED bids will be received until 11 A. M. Tuesday. June 27. for a small stock of automobile accessories and shop tools; inventory "may be seen at the office of the trustee and stock in spected by appointment ; 10 per cent of tne amount bid must accompany each bid. The right is reserved to re ject any or all bids. T. M. Kendall, trustee, 641 Pittock bldg. NOTICE is hereby given that the under- signea is succeeaing Mr. John C. Leslie as district manager for the LaSalle Extension University of Chicago. All university business, including the first payments due from enrolled students, will be transacted at my office, 204 Piatt Bldg.. L. E. Wring. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY, OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. FEAR & GRAY,' 102 FOURTH STREET. BUY BONDS AND MORTGAGES. MAKE FARM LOANS THROUGHOUT OREGON AND WASHINGTON AND COLLATERAL LOANS ON THE SE CURITY OF MARKETABLE BONDS AND STABLE LISTED STOCKS. SIX SHARES King's food products, pre ferred and four shares Northwest elec tric first preferred, both season divi dend payers, and six shares King's food products, common at $1000; origi nal value $1250. AK 758, Oregonian. $1500 OF J. L HARTMAN CO., pre ferred stock, at par, maturing 1025. This stock has paid 5 per cent semi annually since issued. Ask your banker. A 745, Oregonian. STATE BANK DEPOSITORS. ATTEN TION Will pay cash for your account immediately. 207 Stock Exchange bldg. CASH paid for mortgages, sellers con tracts on real estate, Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermens bldg. CASH for mortgages and' sellers' con tracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6007. LOANS and securities. Broadway 5890. Lee Davenport. 612 Buchanan bldg. WTILL buy SMALL CONTRACTS or 2d mtge. Gordon, 631 Cham. Com, bldg. BUY NOTES', contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. WILL loan money on your automobile. Granning & Treece, 102 N, Broadway. Money to Loan ca Real Estate. ' $5000 AND $10,000. for good loans. F 738, Oregonian, $3007$500, $750. $1000, $1500 OR LARGER amounts to loan. C. C. Murton, 612 Worcester bldg., 3d & Oak. Tel. 511-2. LOANS at current rates on well-Improved farms and city property. K. K. Bax ter. Spalding bldg. MONEY loaned oji real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto ft Hark so n Realty Co. 415 Cham, of Com. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. SECOND AND STARK STS. . $500, $1000 AND upward on imp. real es tate, favorable terms, no delay, no brokerage. John Bain, 607 Spalding bMg. $200, $400, $500, $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. $43.000 DIVIDE. $1500, $2000, $2500, $3000, $5000. $10,000, $25,000. Epton, East 7504. ' MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Solomon & Co., 307 Ry. Exch. bldg. FINANCIAL Money to Loan on Real Instate. CHEAPER FARM LOANS. PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES AND PROMPT SERVICE. Five- and 7-year loans, requiring no repayment of principal before maturity, WITH OPTIONAL PAYMENT PJI; LEGES OF $100 OR MULTIPLE ON ANY INTEREST DATE. Ten-year and 20-year loans, with EASY AMORTIZED ANNUAL PAY ' ME NTS after 3d year, with additional prepayment privileges if desired. VERMONT LOAN & TRUST CO.- Oregon Agents. ' HAWKINS & ROBERTS, , 205 OREGON BLDG. Salem, Oregon. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS, 6 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privi lege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS, 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will 'loan 60 per cent qT the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no -penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America, 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main S30S. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan: $32.26 per month, for 36 months, or $25.36 per month for 43 months, or $21.34 per month for 60 months, or per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest Other amounts in same proportion. City loans on improved property or for improvement purposes, no commie- siona Repayment Privileges. . EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residence, apartment houses and other income real estate. Pav here. ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Building loans also. Other funds as since 1907. LARGE AMOUNTS. Central Business Property 6. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., United States Bank Bldg. SIX PER CENT. INSURANCE COMPANY money for RES IDENOS LOANS. -Also farm loans. Quick Service. ; Liberal Repayment Privileges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. tl Third St. Broadway 6068. CITY LOANS ON GOOD RESIDENCES or business property, either straight or monthly payment plan; lowest interest rate; no delays; we can assist you in financing your home or apt. house. Mr. Martin, Loan Department. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 208 Artisan bdg.. Bd y: & Oak. Bdy. 7522. $250, $400, $500, $750. $1000 AND UP. WE SPECIALIZE in small mortgage loans. Low rates Easy payments if desired. Quick action Small business loans. Second mortgages and contracts. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. MORTGAGE LOAN'S on farm or citv property; prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment privileges; lowest rates WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 FOURTH ST., PORTLAND. OR. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans: aljo insurance monev for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Bdwy. 2921. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 87 Sixth St. Portland. Or. - MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lowest rates on city or country property; prompt and help ful service. PAGET A PAGET, Realtors, 2S3H Stark St., Nr. 4th. Bdwy. 3794. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 300 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. HAVE $1000. $1500. $3000, $5000 to loan at 7 per cent on approved security; prompt, reliable service. A. H, BIRRELL-GILL CO., 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6 and 7 per cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. UNLIMITED money to loan on city im proved property at 6 and 7 per cent In terest; mortgages bought and sold. Mc Clure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, city, farm or sub urban property; BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. Broadway 7407. WILLIAM B. BECK. 215 Failing Bldg. SHORT-TIME second mortgage loans to responsible home owners. MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO.. 822 Gasco Building. $ 1 000 $1 500 $2000 $2500 $3060. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 615 Ch. of Com, bldg. $1500, $2000 AND UP on first mortgage loans at 7 per cent Bdwy. 5549, A. H. Akerson, 420 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on city property, lowest rates; contracts, 2d mortgages bought. 725 Gasco bldg.. Cellars-Murton Co. $1000 TO $5000 TO LOAN; my own money. B 081, Oregonian. DESIGNING, financing, building; artistic homes. Edwin A. Williams, 414 Dekum bldg. Broadway 6967. Money to Loan -Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FUFNITURE, PI ANOS. VICTROLA3, REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC. It your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make s specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us in small , monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own note. Rates reasonable. Private office. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed), $06-307 Dekum Bldg. Broadway 3857. 8. W. Cor. Third and Washington. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise ploced ia storage with us at regular bank ratea SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., Fourth and Pine Sta. n Opposite Multnomah Hotel. - Phone Broadway 8715. DAN MARX & CO,, 315 Washington st, near 6th st; established over 85 years; only high-class jewelry store in city with loan department in connection; private rooms for ladies; business strictly confidential; under state super vision; all articles held one year. Do business with an old-established firm. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; confidential service, governm't licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co., 283 Washington st Broadway 6725. MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; legal rates; articles h!d 1 year. Vines' Jewelry, cor., Third and Washington. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co.. 822 Gasco bldg. 1 FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. , SALARY LOANS SALARY. We loan money to salaried and work g men on their personal notes; rates reasonable; easy payment plan; no se curity ; no indoreer. All business strict ly confidential. Call and investigate ct system of lending money. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO MP ANT (Licensed), 218 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. 6994. Loans Wanted. ' FRANK L, McGUIRE, with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is In a position to safeguard your every Interest In locating you money. Hundreds of applicants (or loans Office of personal services. Let .us loan your money. See J. Lol Rich ardson, manager loan department. AO ingtcn building. Bdwy. 7:71. LOANS wanted on" bungalows la fol iowing districts at 7 per cent. $16O0 for 3 yrs., Alameda district $1800 for 3 years, Rose City. $2000 for 3 yrs., Westmoreland. $3000 for 3 -yrs., Ladd addition. COLUMBIA SECURITIES CO., 600 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4254, WANTED Private loan of $3000 for ihe erection of bungalow on choice acreage, 8 miles out on Capital highway; will pay 7 per cent interest on straight 3 year loan or 8 per cent on monthly payment plan. Will not pay brokerage. E 7J1. Oregonian TWO INSTALLMENT 2d mortgages pay ing $30 per month each and 7 per cent interest; need cash for another deal and will discount 20 per cent. Call Pilkington. Bdwy 5433. ' RESPONSIBLE person wants $500 to $700. one year, 10 and 5 bonus. chattel security worth $4000. S 72. Oregonian. $250, $300, $1000, $2000, $2700 BEST of real estate security. Mortgages and contracts bought and sold. Harrison. Gr linger bldg. WANTED $1800. secured by 1st mort gage, 7 pit cent, three years on su burban acre and half with home; cost $4200. BF 740, Oregonian. WANTED $12,500 at 6 per cent, first mortgage on 100x100, corner East 3d and Alder. R 732, Oregonian. WANT loan $2250, 3 years, no commis sion, on Irvington house, worth $10,000. BD i30, Oregonian. SEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING, 2D AND .STARK STREETS. WANTED $850 from private party for - 3 years, will pay 8 per cent, first mtg. O 738, Oregonian. , $8000 FROM private party, on west side business property. X 718, Oregonian. PERSONAL. NOT A DRUO. Save the expense of a trip to the springs by taking Grangers Purs Silicious Mineral for all chronic dis eases of the stomach, kidneys, liver and blood, also rheumatic complainta Sold on a money-back guarantee to give beneficial results. Send today for 8-oz. package a 15-day treatment $1.25 postpaid. Granger Mineral Co., Camas, Wash. LAFAYETTE MINERAL SPRINGS AND SANATORIUM. 35 miles from Portland, one mile from station and one mile from fine high way. The strongest mineral water on the coast. A wonderful cure for rheu matism; massage, medical gymnastics, etc. Write for prospectus or phone Lafayette Mineral Springs, Lafayette, Oregon. SAN FRANCISCO, $17.50. BY PICKWICK TWIN SIX; PACK ARD; BEAUTIFUL TRIP; REGU LAR SCHEDULES. AUTO TRIP TO SEATTLE. . M. BOLL AM SS. AGENCY, 122 THIRD STREET. PHONE BROADWAY 7326. LAL1ES. TAKARA ANiiSEPTIC POWDER, a soothing, tR-anstng. healing, germi cidal air! invigorating douche; a great aid in female disorders; K0a and $1 per box.. PORTLAND HOTEL PHARMACY, AND ALL OTHER DRUG STORES. H. D. CAN expect good news soon. Land saved. Keep your courage. Do noth ing rash. .Nothing public. Love gov erns. W riiij lr lends at ranch, where you ha-1 iav'tation to rest last fall. Enclose K ners to me. Invitation still good. A;vt a the same, P. E. GLA.Nj' wOUKLKT r KEEL If you c interested in the gland treaimtfu uaihma, Brlght's disease, diabetes, i. ijnge of life, high blood presauic. s.iiiitiy or any chronic con dition, m::i-j lot free booklet, P. O. Box J 105. t'oi-tland. Or. BRAIN and body building by higher physical culture, .self-polarizing the body' iur magnetic energy, Chromo therapuiiC or curing by light and color, light ami culor massage; my proof is resuit, 30 Jefferson. Main 3520. DR. NET Tlii BiiNSuX Electric cabinet and "-intra! s(am baths, hot and cold showers, expert manipulation, electric, violet ray and traction treatments foi chronic a unit tits. 711 Swetland bldg. Broadway t!7yy. PILLS PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guaranty given; no need of knife, uo pain; continue work; ask to see L.i.--o-ias piie treatment Stout Lyons iJriig-Oi.. 3d and Morrison, 5th and Washin'ii, bdwy. and Stark. . FRiilE TO YOU. Don't be too stout or too lean, or be disabled by any ailment Send name and phone number or address to F 744, Oregonian, and receive valuable infor mation. Nothing to sell. IF J. P. GRANT, who had contract on lot 9, Jackson Acres, Broadacres, Ore gon, will write to Box 217, Kelso, Washing ion, giving his address. it will probably oe to his advantage. MISS Ukuh KAN U ALL. trained nurse, gives best aieam baths, violet ray, electric and vibratory massages in city. AH ftiaLicn;s given, personal care. 215 Sw:Ua.iid bldg. JAZZ beginners or advanced guaran teed. Summer rates $1.60 a week, to tal $15. Practice rooms free. Parker Piano school, 514 Kiiers bldg.. Wash, st at 4th. $1 GETS both ieet fixed up at Dr. Ea ton's, the chiropodist and ARCH SPE CIALIST, who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam. free. Blue Mouse bldg., 11th and Wash. ' ASTHMA can be permanently cured , my treatment gives immediate re lief and all symptons risappear with in two -weeks. K O. box 1105. DR. ADA SCOTT, steam baths, hot and cold showers; electric, mechanical and manual manipulation chronic diseases a specialty. 417 Swetland bldg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, re moved by 10-needle method, trial free. Josie Finley. 514 Bush & Lane. Main 6368. I CAN remove excessive Tat from any part of body without drugs, diet or ex ercise; a call will convince mv method is right Dr. H. I. Folk, Raleigh bldg. BETTY BEAUTY, SHOP, 402 Macleay building. Open evenings by appoint ment ; special price ; marcelle 50c Broadway 2762. MISS WALLACE. late of Vancouver, B. C, chiropodist, manicurist, face, scalp massage. 350 Vs Morrison st, apartment 214. No phone calls. VIT-O-NET sweat, body massage. Ra diant liRht, Violet Ray treatment for colds, sciatica, neuritis, circulation; 10 to 7 daily. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579. IF SAM SMITH, late of Eastern hotel, would write P. O. box 4087, Portland, Or., will hear something to his ad vantage CHIROPODIST, MANICURIST, MAS sage, under medical supervision; open evgs., Sundays; formerly 216 Alisky, now 316 Tilford bldg., 10th & Mor. WOULD like well-to-do family to adopt healthy and attractive little girl of 8. N 755, Oregonian. FEBVBT & HAN IS BUT, .?atiing wig and toupe makers, permanent marcel and water wavings. 340 Alder. Main 546. MASSAGES FOR LUMBAGO. ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash. bet. 4th and 5th, 10 to 9 P. M. Also Sundays. NURSE gives steam baths, hot or cold Fliedner bldg., luth and Washington. CABINET baths, shower, body massage, by experienced nurse. 412 Washington st. Broadway 3259. H. C. W. FEET sore? Come to 60S Raleigh bldg. Pedicuring, manicuring, face and scalp treatments- Open evenings. - BEAUTY, parlor course evenings at spe ciay summer rates. Madam Curtis, 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6902. BATB.S, body massage, for rheumatism, constipation, kidneys. Dr. El ma Sor ensen, 608 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 7086. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Secona ana worngon. MINERAL steam baths, massage, vio let ray. Hours 10 to 8. 426 Clay. Main jlw. fcva Kouini. naturopath. HAIR, moles, pimples reituivea (.diplomas Boston. Chicago and state medicai board). 801 Broadway bldg. Mala 5U'J THE much-talked-of Vader (Wasa.) v treatments can be had at 509-12 Ra leigh bldg., 327 Washington, cor, tith DR. L. KETZEL, rheumatism, massag. baths. 546 Columbia st. Main 550a. ' SWEDISH MASSAGE. B ROAU WAX i UV i. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly Balm of Figs 844 E. 83d st. Sell. 2213 mornings. $1 AT YOUR HOME, both feet fixed up Expert chiropodist arch fitter. M. 4520. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay yiu? See Viereck. collectors, Dekum bi PROSTATE trouble cured without opeta tion Dr. R, A Pniillps. Bdwy bldg START to Frisco Tuesday. Ford, two pas sengers wanted, j BC 752. Oregonian. MAY COULTER, beauty speciaast and chiropodist Room 225 Alder Hotel.