TTTE MORXIXG'CVREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7, 1922 IT KEAL ESTATE. tor hale llou-tei. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW IN MONTAV1LLA. Soldier boy, here is a fine chance for you if you have a small payment down and your bonus loan; the owner will give easy terms on the balance; the bungalow is new, vacant and ready to move right In; it has four rooms, line living room, with fireplace, book cases, tine Dutch kitchen, two sleeping rooms, cement basement, laundry trays, big east front lot, fine garage, handy to Montavilla car line, good school and stores, and is a snap for $3650; do not hesitate to come in and let me show it to you. See B. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. IRVINGTON. NEW 6-room bungalow, EXCEP TIONAL. EXCLUSIVE. All HARD WOOD floors, attic is floored. LATEST type fixtures. TILE BATH, also TILE DRAIN board in kitchen ; large BREAKFAST NOOK, BEAUTIFUL FIREPLACE. Tes. it also contains a BUFFET, DOUBLE GARAGE-. Lot la LARGE. 58 xlOO ; every city im provement i In and PAID and you are only ONE BLK. TO CAR. Four blks. to school TERMS? Yes, if you have $3500 cash, we can. arrange the balance easy. ' G. C. ULRICH CO., INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Evenings. $2850. $2856. For a dandy 6-room bungalow, nifty bui It-ins, fine locality, close to car, macadam street ; needs some labor and material to complete. Owner go ing to California, Will sacrifice on easy terraa. ..OAA $4800. M800. , Hawthorne home of 6 excellent rooms, on square plan, complete In every particular except garage; built right about 6 years ago. Ask to see this. It's splendid value. See Rob inson, with FRANK McCRILLIS. REALTOR, 824 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 779. ROKH CITY. $500 CASH. $500 CASH. THINK of this! ALL MODERN B-room bungalow. PAVED STREET, SBWER, SIDEWALKS all in and PAID for; NO mortgage to assume; only 2 blocks to car and 3 to school. FULL basement. FURNACE, , FIREPLACE. This home will bring you $45 month RENT if you don't want to live in it yourself .and we will SELL for ONLY $40 MONTHLY. INCLUDING IN TEREST. FULL PRICE $4000. , G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Evenings. $3750 $1250 CASH. Thoroughly modern, 5-room bunga low, built 6 months; cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, hardwood floors Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 'wood work in white enamel throughout; I built this house for my home, but cir cumstances compe! me to dispose of !t; hardsurfaced street. Take Hawthorne car to 62d St., four blocks south to No. 3328. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Elaborate, nearly new colonial home for small family on large level site with unobstructed view of ectire city, moun tains and river. Large living room, den, sun porch, "2 immense bedrooms, each with tile bath, and 1 ordinary room on 2d floor; 2 maids' rooms and bath 3d floor; ivory ' finish, nicely papered, hardwood floors throughout; view porches, hot water heat, double garage. A beautiful, well-built home. Tabor 407. $100 DOWN TO SOLDIER. Almost new Hawthorne bungalow, has combination living room, iutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, basement with laundry trays; nice lot, faces Haw thorne carline, between 70th and 71st St., center house. No. 7015 29th ave.; price $2750, $100 down to soldier or verv easy terms to anyone. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141, or Tabor 004 evening's. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3400 PAVED ST. $3400. MODERN AND DOUBLE CON STRUCTED; SOLID BUFFET, BOOK CASES, DUTCH KITCHEN, CE MENT BASEMENT, CLOSE TO CAR AND JEFFERSON HIGH. THIS IS WORTH $4000. IT'S A SNAP. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. BDWY. 5t18. 512-13 WILCOX BLDG. I OFFER FOR SALE my first-class 7 room Irvington' home, best location, exceptionally well Built, first story solid masonry, hardwood firs, through- out, sun and sleeping porches, fire place and everything modern; this is very select property and will go rea sonably to rieht Dartv: no agents. See Mr. Stewart, conuJting engineer. 001 McKay bldg. Phone, Bdwy. 7085. PIEDMONT SNAP $4250. 7-room bungalow, has large living room across front, with fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, cabinet kitch en, 3 bedrooms, billiard room, full ce ment basement; corner lot. 50x100 ft.; large garage; total price $42,50. House Is vacant. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141, or Tabor 604 eve nings. LAURELHURST. By owner, new 6-room modern bun galow ; hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast room, den ; tapestry paper living room, dining room; built-in buf fet; bullt-lne in kitchen; concrete gar age. Small down payment, balance easy. See at 1214 Royal Court any afternoon or evening. A BARGAIN. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. New, 4-room complete, electric range, Ruud heater, fireplace, Gasco furnace; garage: 1 block from Rose City car; $5150, $760 cash, balance small month ly payments. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. IRVINGTON COLONIAL CORNER. Actual sacrifice of nearly new am atory, 8-room colonial with double ga rage, on 18th St.; ivory finish, large rooms, nicely papered, oak floors throughout; 2 fireplaces, breakfast rm.. sun porch, maids' rooms 3d floor. $1500 cash, $100 month. Tabor 407. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist in financing same; 32 yrs.' continuous and complete bldg. service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect. 024 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Magnificent bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, nearing completion; fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, French doors, other built-ins; full, basement; all im provements in and paid. Wonderful buy for $4150. Very easy terms. Bdwy. 4231. HAWTHORNE SNAP. Will take $300 down and soldier loan; 6-room bungalow style house, near 80th St.; has fireplace, furnace, full cement basement; corner lot: fine garage; paved street; reduced to $3900. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141 or Tabor 604 evenings. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. $3750 New 4-room bungalow," 2 large bedrooms, massive fireplace, H. W. floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace. This houe built by real workmen. Small payment down. Call Pilklngton, Bdwy, 5433. House 34th and Prescott. LAURELHURST BUALOW SNAP. .Classy, nearly new. 1-story, strictly modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, in best section, near park; no incumbrances, easv terms; a real bargain, excellent condition. Tabor 407. $2800 NEW AND SNAPPY $2800. On paved street, 4-room bungalow, rooms large and airy, cement base- men, 4 blocks to car: $500 cash, $25 per montn. and e per cent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 LAURELHURST DUTCH COLONIAL. Classy new 7-room colonial with ga rage, on high ground, overlooking park; every new .feature: 1 bedroom down stairs, 3 and sleeping porch upstairs; built for home; $8500. Tabor 407. EXTRA GOOD CAR SERVICE. 2-story. 6-room modern home. 40 130 lot; all kinds of built-ins: fine Dasement: sszau. -siutm c&sh. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main S7S7. UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. New modern bungalow, livina- ronm bedroom. Oath, kitchen and breakfast book, not water near, oia ivory finish, beautiful view; $3150; terms. BHIUIKK. MAIN 4342. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION OUR SPECIALTY. Plans. Specifications. Estimates. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BLDG. CO. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow; hariT wood floors, t rench doors, fireplace ana iurnace, ouxhj 101, east front, hard-surface and sewer, in Rose City Park. 725 E. B2d at. N. Owner HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RF.VT We have several houses and flats for rent In different locations. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. . IRVINGTON BUNGALOW: Artistic new 6-room bungalow with garage, in heart of best section on ISth st. Every new feature; -isx32 ft. living MY BEAUTIFUL, west side Bombav bun falow, located between westover ter rnc and Willamette Height tn at great sacrifice as I am leaving city and need the money. Main 2827 M.17S C.LEN'COE. SS OA RLrNpCTfT 5 room and attic, cement basement Isundry trays, etc.. near car and school Tabor 5750. IRVINGTON, 7-room house, in good lo cation, good lawn, garage; $3900, East 8521. GO OUT to No. 250 50th st., cor. Madison. 2 lots and 5-room little home SUNNYS1DE, 6-room house, soma built ins, 100Q Kaat Salmon st. REAL ESTATE. For fral Houses. $5700 FURNISHED COMPLETE. A 5-room practically new bungalow with hardwood floors, all built-in fea tures., cabinet kitchen, cement base ment, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, floored attic, etc; tiled bath, recess tub, tiled sink, 50xl00iot, city improve ments paid; price completely furnished, $5700. terms. $4200--$4500 $4600 $4800. If you are onthe market for a new and nifty bungalow in Rose City Park, Laurelhurst, Alameda Park or Irving ton, .call at our office, 9th and Sandy blvd., before buying. Salesmen at your service- . It will pay you folks. We have some wonderful buys on. easy terms. . . " $3750 NEAR EASTMO RELAX D $4000. Two wonderful little bungalows with fireplace, furnace, all built-ins. cabi net kitchen, floored attic, cement base ment, wash trays, etc. ; 38xl50-f oot lot; garage, fruit and berries, $500 and , $300 down will handle, $ $8500 IRVINGTON BEAUTY. ' A 7-room strictly modern bungalow, up to the minute in every respect; elec tric range and water heater, full lot, price right; terms vours. . RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6729. 39th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 320-60. LAURELHURST SPECIAL. 6-Rm., Library and SI. Porch Rm. $9000 With a good discount for cash, A pick-up for the particular buyer who appreciates rare con struction and finish. Extra large living room all of first floor finished, costly hardwood, including beautiful doors, buffet and bookcases; bevel plate glass - "" in buffet, bookcases and win dows.; Dutch kitchen, extra large bedrooms with plenty of closet space; full cement base ment with billiard room, over size furnace, garage ; free and clear, onSO-ft. paved street. David Harp, .Manager, -R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 39th. Aut. 320-04. SACRIFICE SALE. Owner going to Idaho; will sacrifice very attractive, mod ern 1$ -story bungalow type house of 8 nice rooms, No. 1152 Ivan fit., near 39th (paved St.), garage, 5 nice large bedrooms , and bath, fireplace, 40x100 lot, 1 block to car, good neighborhood, immediate possession. Price only $4500; $1170 cash, baL $50 mo., interest included. ' It's no won der we sell houses quickly when , we offer "snaps" like this. CROSSLEX" & ABBOTT, . , "Better Types of Homes." 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. ROSE CITY PARK. $4300 $500 cash, balance monthly, no mortgage, new 4-room bunga low,, large living room with dis appearing bed, inside fireplace, beautifui hardwood floors, din ing room, large,, light, airy bed rooms, complete kitchen, ce- " - ment basement, furnace, near Sandy; has wonderful view over looking Country club and golf Halts; was built for a home; move in today. . For 4, 5, 6 and 7-room bar gains in this section, see us. HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy 3626, Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485, SOME BARGAINS. Glenn, ave., near Hawthorne-, car; mod. 5-rms., garage, $4500, easy terms. Madison St., west of 34th Cor., 6 rm., furnished, $500; total. $3000. Marguerite ave.,- near Hawthorne 6 Tms.. lot 45x118, $500 down; total $3500.. . ' Top Mt. Tabor Mod. 6 rms., garage, $700 down; total $4700. These are rare bargains. Make ap These are rare - bargains Mkae ap pointment. Tabor 2189. GROVE LAND PARK. BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW. WELL-BUILT 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW WITH COMBINATION LIVING AND DINING ROOM, 2 BEDROOMS, ATTIC, DUTCH KITCHEN, BREAK FAST NOOK. OAK FLOORS, FIRE PLACE. CEMENT BASEMENT AND 50x92 LOT; FINISHED IN OLD IVORY AND TAPESTRY PAPER; A BAR GAIN AT $4500; $750 CASH TO HAN DLE. LET US SHOW YOU TODAY. R. L. McGREW, REALTOR, . 1089 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8892. $4200. ' If you want a beautiful little home located under the hill in Rose City Park, here is something that will ap peal to you. has hardwood floors, fire place, cement basement, Dutch kitch en; a beautiful lot, 50x100; this prop erty can be handled on $500 cash. Don't fail to see this before you buy, HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626."" Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. - VIEW PROPERTY. 5 rooms with billiard hall, large attic, living room- 15x24, mahogany paneled dining room. French doors, large bedroom, tile bath, fine kitchen with built-ins and ice box, fine grade oak floors throughout, 2" fireplaces, furnace, plate glass windows. This is first-class condition. Grounds 75x125. For particulars call Bdwy. 2045. ,T. R. HAIGHT. 327 Board of Trade. SPLENDID BARGAIN. 6-room house with bath, toilet and electric lights; lot 83x140, with small fruit; sewer connection. Can be bought for $2800. or would consider exchange for . smaller house. There is nothing to assume; clear of all incumbrance. It is 3 blks. from car; school - and churches only a few blocks. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. ALAMEDA. $5450. 5 rooms, on corner lot, all built-ins, fireplace, fine basement, fine location, owner says sell, and will sell on the following terms; $500 cash, balance like rent; if you are interested in some f thing good, let us show you this fine house. Call Murphy, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak Street. Phone Bdwy. 6006. $325 FRANKLIN HIGH $325. Make your own terms on this mod ern 5-room new bungalow, close to 2 carlines, oak floors, fireplace, full ce ment basement, large attic, Dutch kitchen, furnace. Price $4700. Easy terms- O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway 4172. 3 HOUSES, WEST SIDE, $4000. SNAP. 7-room house and two 5-room cot tages, alt in good shape, rented for $60, 2 lots, walking distance, on Porter street; price a biff sacrifice at $4000; i very reasonable terms; no phone in formation. J. W. GRUSSI, 818 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $2500. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Modern 7-room, 1 -story bungalow, double const., 2 good porches, recep tion hall, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 1 bed room on 1st floor, bath, toilet, full basement, lots of fruit, garden; ass'n paid: terms. Tabor 6550. $2300 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, lot 85x100, full cement basement, lots of fruit, hard -surface street: 5-y ear-old house; a special buy; $1000 will han dle; balance easv pavments. S. BORLAND, REALTOR, 222 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1566. READ THIS. 8-ROOM modern house, furnace, fire place, full basement, fruit trees. f 300x 100. electric lights, gas, $4500, terms, $700, bal. "easy. MUlership & Stewart, 165J4 4th st. Main 5275; consider small house up to $1200. WEST SIDE $5000 TERMS. On Kearney near 24th. 6-room house, full basement, furnace,, fireplace, small lot, fine district. Mr. Wiles," Bdwy. 2045. . J. R. HAIGHT. 327 Board of Trade. $3750 NEW 5-RM. IRVINGTON. BUNGALOW. Breakfast room, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, street im provements in and paid; terms. Call East 8130. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We have a number of desirable home t sites city, suburb, country. See our up-to-date house designs; get ottr finan cial plan today, W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. $2250 MUST sacrifice my nifty four room bungalow in Rose City; plas tered. Dutch kitchen. See thia if looking for snap. Small down pay ment. R 718. Oregonian. EASY TERMS on six-room house, modern, dining and sleeping porches, quarter block of ground, near Mount Zlon. John Bain, 507 Spalding oiag R, C, NEW 7-ROOM bungalow. 4 bed rooms, tapestry paper, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, jearage, $6500, terms. ABSOLUTE sacrifice equity in 5-room modern bungalow. $200 cash; terms, or might take car; must sell today. Tabor t FOR SALE Modern 4-room bungalow, 1 otocu tiuiu cauu. octr a m utn , iiu jo. 73d st. N. PORTLAND heist-its. furnished 5 rooms, $350; take diamond or auto to $1000, balance easy. Marshall 3fc4o. SEAL ESTATE. For frnie Houses. BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR HOME SEE E, M. ELLIS, KiALTurt. Suite 428 Morgan bldg. Main 3060. Our increase in business demands additional help; have added several new salesmen the past two weeks. Business is good. - . DON'T ROAM, BUY A HOME. rose err r district. Beautiful' new 6-room bungalow, now ready for occupancy, hardwood floors in living and dining room; all buiit-in conveniences, large basement, garage, lot 50x100, just 2 blocks south of Sandy. Price only $4650, $700 down balance like rent. " This is . lovely home, five nice large rooms And nook; large attic, floored; dandy living and dining room; hardwood floors, lovely buffet, fire-place, combination coat and 'linen clos et, 2 large bedrooms with large clos ets, ventilation and lights; large bath room, beautiful fixtures, large base ment, lots of berries, nice lawn. This house has been built less than one year. Price only $6300, terms. We have other houses listed with us In Rose Oity. - Nice, new 5-room house, just com pleted, oak floors in living and dining room; all built-ins, nice large corner lot, large basement, garage. If you see this home you will buy. Price $5400, terms. THIS .IS A BEAUTY 6 nice, large . rooms, hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences, nice large lot, 80x100, , lots of-small fruit trees, nice garden. This house is a'bout 6 months old. . Finished m white enamel. See the picture in fiur office. Price $5600, terms. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. . We can sell you a brand. -new house, 5 rooms and breakfast nook, dose in on East 11th at. North, for $5250. Terms. This house has hardwood floors. aU built-in features, finished in white enamel and tapestry paper; fit. paved, ail assessments paid. See pic ture in our office. BRAND NEW 5-room house on E. 15th st. Close in, on oar line. This house was built for a home. Owner, sick, going to leave, forced to sell. Has hardwooii floors, all built-in fea tures. If you want a real home cheap. See this one. Have picture in our of fice. , - SELLWOOD DISTRICT. If you are looking for a nice large 7-room house, here it is ; four rooms down, 3 and bath up; nice lot with fruit trees and berries, all assessments paid. Price $3850, terms: WOODSTOCK DISTAICT. - Nine-room, two-family house, Al condition inside and out, nice lot on graded street, 1 block to car. This house has 4 rooms and sleeping porch on first floor, 5 rooms second. Grab this bargain; live downstairs, let the upstairs make your pavments. Price only $3000, $400 cash, $35 per mo., in cluding interest. f We have other good buys. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. -6-room. house, hardwood floors. . all built-in conveniences; on paved st., 3 "blocks from Hawthorne school. This house is in a good district and a real good buy at $4200, terms. ' Will trade for 3 or 4-room house, near car line. We have other good buys. ALBERTA1" DISTRICT. New 4-room modern bungalow and breakfast nook, first class every way; basement, all built-ins. This is just the place for" a small family. Price $3050. $500 cash, balance like rent. SEE THIS BARGAIN 6-room mod ern house, one block from car, paved eL; all assessments paid. Also 5-rm. modern house on rear of lot rented. Buy this and have a home, also in come. Just think, price only $3200, Terms. . SEE MR. MILES, with E. M. ELLIS. Realtor, ' Suite 428 Morgan bldg. Main 5060. ALAMEDA NEW. A little gem. just finished; living room with fireplace, built-in book cases, hardwood floors: dining room with beautiful built-in buffet; French doors between living -and dining rooms; splendid kitchen; all built-in conven iences, -breakfast nook: cement base ment, , laundry trays; set-in bath tub, best plumbing fixtures ; 1 good-sized bedroom, built-in wardrobe; , good sized attic where two additional rooms could be added if desired; price $4950, $1000 down. Phone evenings and Sun day, Woodlawn 2726.. W. M. Umbden stock '& Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1658. LAURELHURST. BRAND NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL. No. 1250 EAST OAK ST., NEAR 41 ST. JUST EAST OF PARK? LOT 58x160 FT., WITH ALLEY. Art -tile fireplace, Fox furnace, gar age, large plate-glase windows, tile bath and recess tub, swell buffet, fin - est eastern 13-16-inch oak floors. PHONE OWNER. AUT. 310-73. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR. $3750 USE YOUR BONUS $3750. NEW, STRICTLY MODERN BUN GALOW, LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE, 2 LARGE BED ROOMS, DUTCH KITCHEN,-BREAKFAST NOOK, CEMENT BASEMENT; LOT 50x123; PLENTY OF ROOM FOR GARDENING; MONTHLY PAYMENTS $35. INCLUDING INTEREST; $500 CASH REQUIRED. R. L. McGREW, REALTOR, . - 1089 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8S2. THE COSIEST home in Rose City Park Beautiful new 7-room house, near . school, golf course- and churches; on paved streets; big, airy bedrooms and nursery; big -breakfast nook, plenty of closets, tile bath, zinc and fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, lovely damask draperies, fRiaid linoleum, A-B gas range and water heater in cluded; garage, lawn, flowers, dogwood trees; owner going east, wants equity. $2500; price $7100. Call owner, Tabor 706. for appointment. ' $800 down. ; 6 large rooms, home on Oresron st. near East 32d at., Al condition and only $4800; garage, fruit trees. Let us suuw you tms. J; L. .HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. -Broadway 6034, ALBERTA. Cottage, $500 cash gives POSSES SION; 5 rooms and SLEEPING PORCH and only HALF BLOCK to 2 CA"R LINES: 3 blocks to school; PAVED street, SEWER and SIDEWALK in and PAID. Fuhh price $3350; will knock OFF $350 for all cash. Need MONEY. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Evenings. MUST SELL AT ONCE. $4500. $750 CASH, BAL. $25 MONTHLY. Overlook Addition, large six-room suDstantiauy built house, excellent con dition, with sleeping porch and attic. fireplace, full cement basement, fur nace, near car, full lot; $1000 under value; leaving city, hence this sacrifice. See it. Broadway 6011 or East 6503 evenings. T. O. BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE House of 8 rooms and bath, reception hall, living room has built in bookcases, dining room paneled in wood has buffet, also beam ceiling in these 2 rooms, 4 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen; garden and fruit trees, large fine garage; lot 55x137; just the place for man with large family; $3500; easy terms. 6434 72d st. S. E. ROSE CITY. Strictly modern 5 rooms and nlMn Ing porch, full basement, furnace, fire place, near scnooi. omy two blocks car. On- hard surfaced street, lots of nhmh. bery, some fruit; $1000 will handle, " pi -invn (.h. oee neeves, ROB1NSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch bldg. Broadway 6785. Sellwood, Maiden ave., beautiful 6 room home, exceptionally large living room wit'.i fireplace, finished through out in ivory, tapestry paper, excellent location; ideal home; garage; easy terms, seawooa zoe, owner. $2350 SAVE RENT and carfare; Cher ry St.. o-rm. -House: terms. $2000 East 74th; fi-r. modern, $300 uttsn, mo. $4950 Hawthorne;" modern bunga low. CHA3. RINGLER & CO., 204 Ry. Exc. IDEAL home, close to park; lot 100x100 wjin ime B-room nouse ; all modern. Nice fruit trees, berries: garage; gar den and chicken yard. The price only $5000 for quick sale. $2500 cash, terms HOMES FOR SALE. No manner what you want or where you want it, we can help you; have a very fine list ef homes at prices that are right. Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. F. cj. mi w man tx v o. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 2 stories, double constructed bunga low, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffets and bookcases, fireplace, full cement base ment and laundry trays; terms. Own er. 359 E. 42d. Tabor 2573. EMERALD CITt. Attractive 6-room semi-bungalow, 3 bedrooms, all built-ins, garage, im provements in and paid for; must sell, leaving city; $750 down; price $4900, terms to suit. 1021 Tillamook st LAURELHURST PARK CENTER ia only one block from the lovely 8 rm, house, 60x100; beautiful corner; garage; only $t000; $1500 first pay ment. Tabor 21S0. $400 WORTH of furniture free; also op portunity to get beautiful 4-r. modern bungalow at sacrifice; forced to sell. Consider bonus. East 4855. AN ATTRACTIVE 7-room stucco house and garage In beautiful residence dis trict. Owner will sacrifice for terms or cash. Phone East 2742. 8-ROOM house, 102x102 corner; Improved si reels. 1123 Vernon va REAL ESTATVL For Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, Neatly and Comnletely Furnished, AND THREE BEAUTIFUL LOTS. Soldier boy, here is a fine place to - place your bonus loan; this bungalow is practically new; it has fine living room, with disappearing bed, dining room, sleeping room, , fine Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, full cement basement, modern bath, lights ' and gas; three beautiful lots, all in garden, fruit, berries, flowers, beautiful green lawn and fine shade trees; handy to .school, street cars and Franklin high school, and is absolutely a snap for $4650; will accept soldier's bonus loan, .some cash and easy terms, or will ac cept a small cheaper place. This is a beautiful layout; do not hesitate to -come in and let me show you this snap. SEE E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. $5200. CAN'T BE BEATEN. You don't get an opportunity like this every day; owner nere irom Cal ifornia to sell this house at once and has made a price that makes it an out standing bargain: 7 large rooms, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, four bedrooms, attic; beautiful 50x100 cor ner lot with garage; located Holladay add. and served by the uroaaway car. All it needs to make it a $7000 resi dence is a coat of paint. Was rented for S65 ear month. If you are looking for a home or an investment here is your cnnce. us enow you Deiore it is too late. Bdwy. 7567. City Homes Dept. . RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, . 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. "BUSINESS IS GOOD." EASTMORELAND. TCTiTTO' R'ftT-TRH COTTAGE. Beautiful new home, constructed alone- true Enirlish cottage type, con sisting of 6 rooms, large living room, fireplace, everything to suit the most exacting. If you are contemplating a home in this high-class, distinctive and beautiful district, make it a point to inspect this home. ' We can save you money, located m. aist ana crysiai Springs boulevard, on a large cor. "lot. Now ready for inspection; key at this office and will gladly be shown by appointment. CITY HOMES DEPT. -RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . Broadway 7567. 'BU S I NESS IS GOOD." $4750 $1000 CASH. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. OWNER LEAVING CITY. MUST SELL. Beautiful new 5-robm . bungalow, built six months, living and dining rooms across the front, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook; 2 bedrooms, exceptional bath, cement basement, 50-ft, lot, only 2 blocks to the car; it s a line nome; let us show you. Use vour bonus loan, CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, Bdwy. 7567. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. - ' . "BUSINESS IS GOOD." $6300 LAURELHURST $6300. , NEW BUNGALOW. , An exceptional bargain in the heart of Laurelhurst; 5 rooms and garage, everything complete ; French doors, buffet, fireplace, furnace, . tile bath and drainboards; breakfast nook. Jaun , dry trays, absolutely everything; just completed; living room across entire front of house; the best value In Lau relhurst. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Com. Bldg., -Broadway 6034. WHY PAY RENT? $100 cashi balance $20 a month will give you possession of a 4-room cot tage, consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and large clothes closet, bath, dugout basement " and enclosed back porch, gas, elec tricity, city water, good cesspool, 40x 120-foot lot, chicken run and chicken house, 6 good fruit trees; excellent garden, all in; abundance of flowers. This place is a bargain for some one. Must be seen to be appreciated. A. B. CHRISTENSEN, THE. HOME REALTOR. 683 E. 8th St. - Sell. 2631. RIVER FRONTAGE. $5000 Very artistic bungalow at Jennings Lodge, log cabin exterior, large living room with massive fire place. French doors to sun. parlor, fine dining room, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, 3 nice bedrooms, fine bath room, living room and sun parlor, faces the river: large garage, beautiful grounds; flowers and trees; one of the prettiest places on the river. . R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. ; - $3900 TERMS. New California bungalow. 5 rooms and fine sleeping porch; hdw. floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; all the built-ins; cement base ment; large cement porch; double con structed throughout; paved street; close to Sandy. R. - SOMERVILLE. ' BDWY.. 2478 $500. CASH. New 4-room bungalow, every modern convenience, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace; full Cement basement, 50x100 lot; 3 blocks to street cars, stores and school. Price $3100. Bdwy, 1375. JOHN M. KROG CO., 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. IRVINGTON. , $6000 Owner leaving city; offers this comfortable home at a sacrifice; excellent location, 1 block to car; 6 rms., sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and mirror doors ; . three partly finished rooms upstairs. Phone owner. East 55&8, 666 E. 16th St. N $2325 GIVE away 4-r. new bungalow, fireplace, wash tray, double construct ed; Hawthorne carline; must sell; sac rifice. 201 McKay. Bdwy. 7429 Suburban Homes. DON'T move out of -town just because you want to raise chickens. Here is just, the place .for you; 6-room house, 150xl00-foot lot, chicken house lots of fruit, $4750. $500 down. Call Tabor 2421. CITY HOME IN THE COUNTRY. 8& acres just outside city limits with new 8-room house strictly mod ern; 80 fruit trees; 14,000 strawberry plants. This place is priced right. Terms easy or will trade for house in Portland. - Broadway 4288. NEW, MODERN, 5-rm. house with one . acre. 2 blka from highway: Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric. This is a dandy. Price $5200, terms. Will trade for 5 or 6-room house in city. We h ave other good buys. See Mr. Miles, with E. M. ELLIS. REALTOR. Suite 428 Morgan Bidg. Main 5060. MODERN HOME AND INCOME. Close to city limits; assortment of fruit and berries, garden all in; out buildings; i acres more land if you want it; this will keep you and pay for itself. $4800. attractive terms. , JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WE CAN sell you one acre with lots of fruit and berries; Al 6-room house on Gresham line, close in. for only $3750, $500 down. Call us for appointment. Mr. Miles, with B. M. ELLIS, REALTOR. Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. BEAUTIFUL HALF ACRE. 3 rooms and bathroom, hardwood floors, Bull Run, gas, electricity, etc.; 86 fine fruit trees; good garage and workshop; block to car line, close to paved highway. A snap at $1950; easy , terms. Call Bdwy. 54(18. THE HOMIEST home; everything just right; modern bungalow, 7 rooms and sleeping porch; 14 acres best soil; all kinds of fruit.walnuts, flowers. This place will produce- income to keep your family from the start; smail payment, best terms. Phone Oak Grove 18-R. NICE 4-room new bungalow with one acre, located near Bell station on elec tric line; price only $2500, terms. See, - jut. jwnes, witn E. M. ELLIS, REALTOR, Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. UoO CASH. 8-room new bungalow, nrettv trees. acre, 2-blocks elec. ; also other neat cottages. 511M to 53!HK). Bdwy. 7672. McFAR LAN D, REALTOR, nis railing .mag. SUBURBAN 12 acres, plenty fruit. 20 minutes from your office on paved road; electricity, gas, Bull Run .water available; $10,000. Accept half trade, balance 10 yeara 602 Fittock block. Bdwy. 2092. " ' 4-ROOM house, fully modern, 2 miles from Portland on paved highway; am moving to California; will seii cheap on terms. Call Mr. Schaffer, Bdwy. 6667. ' PRETTY. MODERN STUCCO HOME. This is brand new, close to Bryant station, Oswego iaKe ; acre ; trees ; $3750. McFARLANP, Bdwy. 7672. Falling Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME; Eight-room house and three lots near Ryan station, Oregon Electric; good value at $4500, easy terms. John Bain 507 Spalding bldg. SMALL, attractive, modern bungalow on bank of Willamette river at Rothe Sta- - tion, Oregon City line. Tel. Oak Grove. 141-M- or Mr. Pickard. Bdwy., 920 Highly improved, very close In, all city conveniences, which we can sell at about 50c on the dollar; too good to last long, can Broadway 0462. WE SPECIALIZE in improved and un improved small, close-in acreage tracts. Salesmen and cars at your service Monarch Realty Co., Bdwy, 5462. SUMMER HOMES. We have a very attractive listing, Monarch Realty Co., 301 Wilcox bldg. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. - $150 MOVES YOU IN. V Small modern bungalow and acre; full plumbing, plastered, concrete foun dation. Work and clear up this acre and make $1000 and have , FREE RENT while there. Close in. $2150 total price. . ; - THIS WILL PAY Your grocery and living expenses. $500 do bal. $75 quarterly. Over an acre and one-half, right at electric station and only 30 minutes from downtown; ail in high state 6f cultivation; an income immediately from berries and fruit; good chicken houses, garage and large 3-room house; every inch of this place will produce you a profit. $2650 total price. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 630 Chamber of Commerce. No phone. HOMES and buildine sites at Multnomah, on the Oregon Electric; only 20 minutes from Portland's shopping district, by high-class electric service, or 15 min utes by automobile; I can give you any thing you want from vacant property in sizes of & lot to an acre on terms of . . 10 ' down and easy : monthly pay ments or small nouses from auu up. en . trms.- T make a snecialtv of Mult nomah property; if -you are tired of paying rent and 'want to start a home of your own, don't fail to see me; it will be my pleasure to take you in my machine over Terwilliger blvd. - out to Portland's fastest growing suburban district; if you prefer to go by your self call at my Muitnomah office and Mrs. Grant, who is in charge., will show you over the district. Ben Ries land, dealer exclusively in west aide suburban property. Offices 404 Piatt bldg., and Multnomah. Or. DISTINCTIVE SUBURBAN HOME. Shown by Appointment Only. A 0-room house, elegant in appoint ment and equipment, complete in ev ery detail; nearly one acre of mag- -nificent grounds included; : half the acre in natural park, balance in land scaped lawn; view overlooks Portland and is accessible on one of best high ways ; double garage ; house contains fireplace, beveled windows, maid's room, all manner of built-in features. - The house alone is worth $10,000; house and surrounding acre for $6500 cash or $7000 terms. An exclusive home only 25 minutes drive from downtown; a conservative buy foT any one able to own an unusual home, MONARCH REALTY CO., 801 Wilcox Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 5462. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE. -One acre splendid garden soil, stone's throw from Risley sta-N tion, Oregon City car line; grand .' view for miles. An ideal, place for a suburban home. One can live here And work in Portland, Price only $1300;, very , easy terms. ' " CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. , MULTNOMAH ACREAGE BUY. -2 1-3 acres of the finest soil; good family orchard, all kinds of berries, 7 blks. from Multnomah station; fair 4-room house; barn and chicken house. $5000, terms. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. AVash. and Stark. A REAL COUiftRY HOME. New, 5 rooms, - strictly modern in every detail; with garage; every city convenience; on 2-3 acre, on finest loam soil, in cultivation; on -finest paved highway out of city; close to t'astaat interurban electric; could not be duplicated within $1000; easy terms to responsible people. This is an ex ceptional buy. Call Broadway 5462. OAK GROVE $1400! Three-room cottage, all ready for plastering; 69x308 lot, just 1 blk. off main Taighway ; close to station and school; good terms. FINISH THIS IN YOUR LEISURS AND MAKE SOME MONEY. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Wash. & Stark. - SUBURBAN SPECIALISTS. CAPITOL HILL. -RYAN PLACE. MULTNOMAH. ETC. - - We have a large listing of homes in these locations at very, low prices. All city conveniences. Liberal terms. ' MERRICK & CO.. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. A GOOD PARK ROSE BUY! One-third acre with assorted fruit and berries; 2-room house and tent house; barn, woodshed and chicken house; 4 blks. to P. R. car; electricity, gas and running water; $2100, terms. See "F. C. Marshall, with . - FRANK L. McGUIRE, -205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. CHARMING 5.-4CRE HOME $9500, nRFinnNr pity car LINE. . Modern 7-room house, poultry houses for 1000 hens, 2 acres orchard assorted fruit, 1 acre strawberries, 1 acre- as paragus; take smaller eity home and casn. " M. S. COBB, ' 369 E. Burnside. . ACRE HOME S1000! 13 assorted fruit trees, all kinds of berries, large garden. 2-room cottage with gas; 7 blks. to-Tobias station on rock road. A GOOD BUY FOR $1000. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. - Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, artfr Stark. WE HAVE JUST OPENED one of the finest restricted acreage tracts in the country. Half acres and up; clear, level, on paved highway; ex cellent car service; sightly; finest loam Hofl no rock: close in: at prices that will surprise you; easy terms and we will tmiid ror you it you wisn. raoae Bdwy. 5462. MUST sell my furnished bungalow at Rothe Station, Oregon. City line. East 2299. For Sale Business Property. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE, We have a dandy warehouse or fac tory site for sale, Versteeg addition, hinf-W 4. lots 7. 8. 9. 10: rieht on track age and near the new freight terminal -at Guilds lake; it is next to the Ameri can Can Co.'s piant and right close to Montgomery Wa I plant; if sold at once will .make low price. . Phone owner, East 2651. " OARAGE. 90x100. concrete construction, good location, in Vancouver; will go at bargain, investors snouia niveau gate. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St, Vancouver, Wash. T-NFfTiMF. PROPERTY. I have a flat for $700 upon, which you can make big interest on your money, uau J-Vir. Lemana, jpuwy. owi. For Sale -A creage. W.iRKP, CO.. WASHINGTON. 15 acres, mostly cleared bottom land. small house, near car ane ana nign-wov- e-ood for truck gardening: $2250. easy terms. John Bain, (507 Spalding bldg. RIGHT ON PAVED ROAD. 9 acres, highly cultivated, close-in property, city water; only $1000, on terms. u. jncunesney, o;q , xienry bldg. Bdwy. 2505; evenings Main 7844. ; - SIX ACRES, 4 acres cultivation, balance pasture, some timber. Five-room bun galow. Barn, large new" chicken house. All kinds of fruit. Close to Oregon City, $2000, easy terms. Millershlp & Stewart, 165 4tn st. Mam IN CITY LIMITS- FARM PRICES. One or more acres at 91st and Glisan, one block from city carline; good soil; very small payment down; easy terms on balance, w. m. uiuoaeustucK. oc kq., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. RF.ATTTIFUL FIVE-ACRE TRACT. wiohlv -improved, very close in. all city conveniences, which we can sell at about 50c on the dollar; too good to last long, fuau iiroaaway osoz. BEAUTIFUL FIVE-ACRE TRACT. 21 ACRES, 4 miles west of St. Helens, on macadam road; 14 acres m cultivation eood 7-room house, barn, chicken house, good well, 25 fruit trees; mile from school-; $3500, terms. F. M. Miles, 509 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7390. y. ACRES TO ACRES, $10 DOWN. '"$10 payments; water, gas, electricity, cultivated or natural trees; very sightly; no city assessments; Alberta car. Roger W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. RUCKMAN TRACT, "a ACRES, $675. $8 down, $S month; acres $10 down, $10 months natural trees or cultivated; north of Rose City. Let us show you. Roger W. Cary. lzv.i jn. w. ianK mag. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms onerea to seitiers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. racoma, wasn JVtOnarcil jyt-a-t-j' w., j Dim,. BELOW bank's value; to close an estate; over 4 acres m cultivation; pavea St.; trackage; 6-cent fare; $4000. Zimmer man, 813 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IF YOU want to buy acreage near the city, see us. E. M. ELLIS. REALTOR. Suite 423 Morgan Bldg. Main 5080. lO ACRES unimproved land; some tim ber on it, for sale cheap. P. Wabke, Neh.alem.- Or., Box 61. . . ACRE berries, fruit, small house, ga rage, best soil, street bonded, $1750, cash $500. Owner, Auto. 622-73. LOVELY home site, 1 acre, on the high way near Multnomah, worth $700; for quick sale. $425. Marshall 3945. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN, 6131 92D ST.- S. E. 616-15, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage, 10 ACRE3,s mile from electric station. 1 miles from. Greaham, mile to school; free bus to high school; rocked road; all under cultivation; 5 acres Cuthbert raspberries and loganberries, some strawberries, large assorted or chard, 8-room plastered house in good condition electric lights and city water can be had; barn, large chicken houses, included with place 150-chickens. tools, household furniture, etc. Offered at "real bargain; $2500 handles, balance easy terms 6 per cent. Inspected by Hunter. . Over 6 acres, 3 miles from city limits; close to station and school. Gresham vicinity, rocked road, all under cultiva tion, 1 V acres red raspberries, one acre strawberries, Himalayas, black caps, bearing orchard; 5-room house, barn 40x60, chicken house 10x40: in cluded with place horse, wagon, plow, harness, cultivator, crops, chickens, etc Price for everything. $3500. large cash payment. Consider small place near soma small town to $2500. John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerlinger bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. FOSTER ROAD. 6 Acres, 5-room House, " Located on Foster road, only 6 miles from city limits, all under cultivation except A., fine creek through one corner, 5-roem .house, chicken house "20x50 with runs, 100 blackberries, 30 fruit trees 2 years old, fine soiU good spring. A fine chicken and berry ranch. Price only $3600; $1600 cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5z7oanIfTrade Bldg. THREE OREGON CITY ACRES! AIL in bearing orchard; just out side the city limits of Oregon City on the Abernethy road. Fair 7-room house with fireplace, electricity, gas and running water available. $36.5. EAS IEST OF TERMS or will take city property in exchange. Ask for F. C Marshall, with- : FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. sr & ppnnsir A PR 15 TRACTS. Located up Scappoose creeK, 30 miles from Portland, 10 and 20-acre tracts; good soil; easy clearing; school, store .and postoffice on property; R. R sta tion handy; sawmiil and logging camp nearby. Price $25 to. $65; terms any one can meet. ' . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce FURNISHED HOUSE. 1 acre and 4-room completely fur nished house, even to dishes and cook ing utensils; Bull Run water, electric lights; out Powell valley. Hurry if you want a snap. --nw? Mccarty, maxwell & downey, Room 1, Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 7519. Eve., Tabor 50o7. W10 HAVE- JUST OPENED one of the finest restricted aoreage tracts In the country. Half acres and up; clear level, on paved highway; ex cellent car service; sightly; finest loam soil, no -rock; close in; at prices that will surprise you; easy terms and we "will build for you if you wish. Phone . Bdwy. 5462. ' . HARD TO BELIEVE FORCED HALJ2J - 13 ACRES PAVED POWELL VALLED ROAD-. 3 miles beyond oity limits, city wa ter, gas, electricity, oity phone; must be sold; price $3250; you'll have to hurry. 403 stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 3324. East 1364. LOOK THIS IS A BUY! Two acres with some fruit and ber ries; 4-room shingled bungalow, barn and other buildings. Close to electric station. S2250, terms. See F. C. Mar shall, with. FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. wash, and btarK. "IDEAL SITE FOR SUMMER HOME. On good-sized running stream, big timber; good auto road and close to Mabery station, on Bull Run electric, 19 miles from Portland. 139i acres, very low price, easy terms. This will go quickly. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregonlan bldg. Broadway 16o8. fiKT RXTAT.T. CREEK AND BLVD. $25 down, $7.50 monthly, buys a tract, of 1.79 acres of land on Terwilliger blvd., extended, 1 miles from city limits, on west side; fine for chickens, berries and fruit. Price $425. Fred W. German Co.. Realors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. .1 ACRE. LARGE HOUSE. ' On 100 St., 6 blocks from car. All cultivated; large house, basement, ce ment foundation, plumbing, macadam st. ; now vacant; $500 cash. Offered at $3500. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 8389. SACRIFICE SALE. SIX ACRES, ALL CLEARED, VIEW SITE, OVERLOOKING THE COLUM BIA, BEST OF SOIL, 30 MILES FROM CENTER OF PORTLAND. $3600, TERMS. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., 512-13 WILCOX BLDG., BDWY. 5B18. ONE ot the best bargains ever offered in acreage within 6 miles from court house, consisting of 12 acres; station on place; good car service. For fur ther Information call on -OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. No Phone Information. 3 ACRES SUBURBAN HOMESITE. Paved road, city water, beautiful view spot. acre wooded, 3 acres finest soil, all in cultivation, very close in only $1500; terms. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505; eve nings. Main 7844. ' " RKlRTIPIlr. HALF ACRE. 3 rooms and bathroom, hardwood floors, Bull Run, gas, electricity, etc.; r fin, fruit trees, eoed garage and workshop; block to car line, close to paved highway. -A snap at $1850; easy terms, uau uawy. otoo. POWELL VALLEY AND BUCKLEY 1 ACRE $700. All cleared and fenced in; water and gas; nice neighborhood. Bdwy. 1375. JOHN M. KROG CO.. . . 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. ACRES, good garden land, all improved, good building. Owner. Woodlawn 6035. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE Tillamook county stock and dairy ranch, consisting of 200 acres, 15 acres in meadow, 80 acres partly cleared and in pasture. Lots of outside range. Will carry 10 cows and .young stock easy. House good, barn old, bearing orchard, small fruits; acre in straw berries, 4 creeks running through place "'with fine trout fishing. Lots of fine alder timSer. This place is located on county road 2 miles from state high- way. 3 miles from Hebo. Or. Price $4000; cash or terms. Call or write J. D. HUDSPETH, Beaver. Or. BEAVERDAM AND SWALE LAND. 100 ACRES, $16,000. Located only 6 miles from Vancou ver, 100 acres, about under culti vation, 20 acres beaverdam and swale, fine for gardening; place newly fenced, small house, large barn equipped for cows, chicken house and garage; part in crop, grain and spuds. This place will soon pay- for itself. Price $16,000; good terms. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BIG DAIRY RANCH SACRIFICE. 612 acres, known to be one. of the best in Clarke county; 150 acres culti vated; 200 acres open sod pasture; over 300 acres is rich river,, bottom land; fine stream through .pasture and barn yard; good 10-room plastered house; . large barn with silo; separator house and other buildings. Price only-$25,000; about half of appraised value; reason able terms. LEUDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 4754 ACRES BEAVERTON DISTRICT. Nearly . all in cultivation and crop; good bullaings; fine soil; very sightly; only 10 miles from Portland; 3 horses; 7 cows; 3 heifers; all farm machin ery. Price $12,500. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, .913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 160 acres, Joseph, Or., Wal lowa county; aU level; cropped, fenced; good outbuildings, water, outrange, household goods, machinery, some stock;' old age and alone; $4500; take $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Call from 12 to 2:30 P. M 351 E. 57th St. N. REAL STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. 22,130 acres, 1000 head cattle, horses and equipment to operate. Price $520, 000; cash $135,000, balance terms. Might consider some trade. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St. Vancouver,' Wash. HOG RANCH in the famous Wasco county wheat belt, close to the county seat and adjacent to a paved road, ' some magnificent bottoms for alfalfa, which are irrigable; liberal terms can be arranged; it will require $3000 to handle. Call owner, Woodlawn 5568. 18 ACRES SACRIFICE. Near paved highway; good house, barn, orchard, 2 hen houses; $3000; easy terms. Bdwy. 7672. McFARLAND, REALTOR, 208 Failing Bidg. . - CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $'50 to $500 an acre; easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, realtor, 208 Fail- lng bldg. 20 ACRES good black soil, on main county road, half in cultivation, good spring; price only $650; $100 down. Liraper. .t?o ot iraae. FOR SALE 23-acre farm, 1 mile from car line; good location; good house and barn; bargain. 214 West 17th St., Van couver, Yvash. SMALL FARMS, 5 acres up, level, clear, . fenced, houses, near Willamina; small down payment. J. R. Sharp, 83 t 3d st. FOR SALE P0 acres, 65 In grain; good buildings; $3500 cash, easy terms, h Bishop, Junction City, Gr &, 1. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. OVER &7 acres, li miles from red elec ? trie station. SVa miles from Forest Grove; one mile to school. 12 acres un der cultivation, 12 acres more can be farmed when cleared: 10 acres timber. 12 acres pasture; bearing orchard: 5 rnnxi hnnso urifh h!hroom: barn 20x30. 2 large chicken houses, capacity 1501 piped to house; personal property, team, S cows, 50 hens, 160 young chickens, incubator. plow, wagon, cream separator, brooder, harness, har row, household furniture, crops, 25 cords wood, etc. Price for everything $4000. $2500 cash. 20 acres on macadamised road, near Pacific highway between Canby and Barlow, all nice, ievel land, in good district; about 600 cords second-growth fir wood on tract; offered for le&s than Si 00 per acre, terms. Inspected by Davis. , Over 500 smail places near Portland. 14-ACRE GRESHAM HOME. Berries and Fruit. Located on fine gravel road, only 8H miles east.of Gresham, 10 A. under cultivation, baL pasture and timber, about 60 fruit trees, full bearing, 1 A. in berries; 5-room house, concrete foundation, good barn, large storage house, 3 A. iff clover; finest of soil. No rock or gravel here. This is a line home with income. Price $6000;. cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 20X-2-3-5-7 Board ot Trade JBldg. FINE 50-ACRE FARM. 14 MILES OUT IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. " 40 acres in high state of cultivation, about 8 acres of which is ash swale, . well drained, all in crop3. 6-room house, barn and outbldgs. ; with the place goes 7 cows, 5 heifers, full line of machinery and tools, brood sow, . about 40 chickens, milk and mail route in front of the house. Price is 111.000, half cash. You will find this one of the best farm localities surrounding Portland. STEWART JOHNSOK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. . FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FOR SALE. ' Parties gave us instructions to sell this fulliy equipped dairy, including 20 fine cows, ' 1 bull, 1 horse, 1 rake, 1 mower, 1 separator, 1 steamer; cans, bottles, in fact everything up-to-date. If you want something good let us show you this place. - CORCUKAJN-JUliia 275 Oak St. rnone mwi. WAXTEB REAL ESTATE. '. ' WE DO NOT BUILD! WE ARE STRICTLY BROKERS! " We need homes to sell. Yours is as good as sold if listed with us. We in spect, appraise and photograph it within 24 hours after listing. We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in touch with THE .MAJORITY OF LIVE HOME BUYERS. No charge ex cept the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale; 80 energetic salesmen with autos to push. its eale. We protect the inter ests of out-of-town buyers. See , FRANK L. McOUIRE To Sell Your Home, ' , Realtor, Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. ATTENTION, OWNERS OF VACANT PROPERTY. , We have sold five entire subdivisions and partially sold three others during the past year. In all we disposed of 1107 lots and tracts. If you own an addition of lots within the city limits or a tract of land either in or within three miles of tke limits suitable for platting in small tracts we can sell It quickly. Get in touch with us at once. See Mr. Comte, Comte & Kohnman, 418-20-22 Spalding bldg. Largest lot and suburban tract sellers in Portland. -ihj-t vuir.n HdMRS TO SELL. We have buyers for homes in all parts of the city; our business is good. We have added several new salesmen n- fnwn- thA rapt two weeks. List your homes with us for 30 days, lot us prove tixax w tau no, - - handle suburban homes. If you want to buy or sell or trade a house, see Mr. Miles, with . E. M. ELLIS, REALTOR. Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. . KMAT.T. HOMES WANTED. We have calls for 4 and 5-room " houses, prices from $1500 up to $5000. If you have a house and want to sell It call us at once. We don't list your house then hang it on the hook; we will give you action; if you want to -"CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. . ppone cawy. WANT acreage or home in Portland on 100-acre farm in famous Palouse coun try; university town of 6000 in Idaho; no irrigation and no crop failures: am too old to farm ; will consider even up trade on property of value. Nelson, 6210 58th ave. S. E. Auto. 62j-WI. CLIENT wants desirable $3000 to $4000 home as investment; willing to pay what it is really worth. Full lot good neighborhood;. $1000 cash down, possibly more.-' FRANK M'CRILLIS, Realtor S24 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 779. I HAVE many buyers lor west sine houses and flats; for quick results see - the man who makes a specialty of handling west side exclusively. TriWTtf KTKdF.R. 420 Chamber of . Commerce Bldg. WANT 6 or 7-room house, good district, not too far out; must have living room or music room large enough for i pianos, not over 2 blks. from car; around $6000, half cash. S 691. Ore gonlan I WANT the beat apt. house that $15,00 cash will handle; will assume up to $125 000 want to buy on contract sale with' privilege' of . paying all at any time, write r oo, WANT to buy 5-room house not exceed ing $4000; have 10-acre farm near Tu alatin Or., unincumbered, as part pay ment; give full description of proper ty. M 600. uregoiim. HAVE customer for grocery store with living rooms up to about $J500; will - oav cash HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. . oia stark St. Bdwy. 7S31. WANTED 5-rm. mod. bungalow, not over s3ouu; in goou. uwiui, w. b.. Dodge touring or good building lot or both as first payment Phone Walnut ouaa. . WANT WEST SIDE HOME. HAVE BUYERS WAITING. - Will sell- your home Immediately If priced right. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, 526 Oham. of Com, WANT good 5-room bungalow, about $5000; $1200. cash; Rose City. Alvin Johnson Co., Realtors, 605 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7201; res.. East 2961 SUBURBAN .home, 5 to 6 rooms with ten acres, wanted in exchange for fine 8-room Irvington house; equity $6500. Bdwy. 6s.. WANT from owner, 5-room house, near "Hawthorne, in the neighborhood of $4200, with small cash payments. Tabor 596. WHY WORRY? '- I can sell or trade- anything, any where. C. W. Millershlp, 165 4th. Main 5275. I WANT 6 or 8-room house on Portland Heights, Arlington Heights or Nob Hill' must be modern in every respect. Bdwy 2045; evenings Main 2534. NOTICE. Have numerous choice farms, large and small, for city improved, jonn A. Melssner, 821 uasco oiog. WANT a good bungalow, any good dis trict that $500 will handle. See Mr. Fisher Monday at 224 Henry bldg. WANT to buy nice home on Westover -Terrace. What have yout S 690, Ore- gonian. IF YOU have a modern bungalow in a good district and really want to sell; must be a bargain. Call East 8130 GOOD lot In Alameda, priced right; from owner, buying this week. AJ 688. Ore- goman. WANT LOT as part payment on the cosiest 5-room bungalow; only $3450. Owner. East 8799 WANT to buy 4 or 5-room bungalow in Alberta or Wdln. dist.; $600 down. Bdwv. 7429. 201 McKay bldg. ' WANT 3 or 4-room house on reasonable terms; Alberta district preferred. AR 02, Oregonlan 1-TON Rainier truck, never used, as first payment on bungalow. J. C. OORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. USED Buick truck for lot. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. NEW late model car. Ford; Income property equity. 611 Gasco bldg. TIMBER LANDS. SAWMILL of 14-M capacity, electrically operated, now in operation, located on paved highway and S. P. track; are selling sawdust and elabwood to city, which pays for power and sawing; kits of timber; also donkey, log -truck and trailer; good place for retailing lumber, city as well as farm trade. Call Forest Grove Mill & Logging Co Forest Grove. BARGAIN By owner, 40 acres on Gray's river, best dairy soil, with timber, $1000 cash. 930 Commercial st. WANT man with mill, contract cutting second growth fir ties. Box 87 route 2. Sheridan, Or. CEDAR POLES. PILING WANTED. O. V. GAMBLE, Couch Bldg. FOB KENT FARMS. SEASON'S rent, 15 acres, near Vancou ver, $75 : also 10 near CreswelIL with - 6 acres fruit, $75; also 20 near Oregon City, pasture, no bidgs., $30. . Box 68, Astoria. ..- j. FOR KENT FARMS, POULTRY FARM. - -PORTLAND. . . Located on paved road only Itt mile from city limits; going business wit tine line of customers; stock consist of 40O high-class White Leghorns, 80 2-weeks-oid chicks, modern ft-room nouse. good barn, pumping plant witn pressure tank, running water itt aU buildings; modern poultry houses an brooder house, fully equipped. Prio .of '20OO includes all stock,- poultry buildings, 1 Incubators and lease, ready to step into; also very pleasant home to live in. Let us show you thU. fIrm asd EXCHANGE dept.. . - - RITTER. IjOWSS & CO.. . . 201-2-3-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT Hay ranch in eastern Wash ington, good for stock falsing ami dairying, plenty of outrange, good im ' provements, house, barns,, etc; 3Wd . acres under fence, S 724, Oregonlan, , TO EXCHANGE RKAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. . $2200 equity in a 7-room residence In Billings, Mont., on Broadway, one of the best etreets in Billings. 10 acres, joining Laurel, Mont., IS miles west ot Billings, Northern Pa cifio railroad- ' freight ' transfer an4 roundhouse; a smelter has bought land to build a smelter; ' natural gas in Laurel, Mont., for power for factories ' This 10 acres Joins the Northern Pa cific railroad for factory site: produc ing oil well H4 miles from this land. r 5 lots and 4-room house on main st best location In the town of Alderson. Alberta, Canada; good farming dia- trlct, on Canadian Pacific railroad, 34 miles from Medicine Hat, . What have you 7 ; W. W, EADS. w 464 E. Couch St., Apt. 101. zl - YAKIMA FOR PORTLAND. Good 50 acres, 45 In alfalfa. eultabNI for vineyard or any fruit. 4-room, house, cistern. 2 railroads, shipping, stations H and mile; best of wate right on easy payment to government 2 miles from Grandview. population 1500; good schools, ohurchea, roads Purchaser can assume mortgage $6000, due Deo.. 1025. Will frade $8503 equity for Portland property. J. J. HAYS, Owner. GrandviewT Wash. BUNGALOW TO EXCHANGE, . Very attractive 7-room bungalow fa Hawthorne district; hardwood floors fireplace, full cement basement, laun dry trays; 56x100 lot, with all kinds of bearing fruit trees, garage, all lm provements in and paid; will take in from one to four acres on Base Lln road or Powell valley road. The price is right. Owners want quick action. R. R. POWNDER. REALTOR. f 406 Broadwav Bldg. Main 2717. " 20 ACRES Irrigated fruit land, highljs. improved; modern bungalow; pric 810,000. Will exchange for apartment t house or hotel the full, value. . 153 acres same district fully stocke with horses, cows and machinery; good substantial buildings. . Pric : S80.000. . Will exchange for epaii ' ment house full value. - CLEVELAND CO.. , S06 Bd. of Trade. . Bdwy. 1160: j ' READ THIS. 40 acres, near Redmond, Or 30 acre paid-up water right with oceans of water; land is all level, cleared of brush and trees and ready for the plow; lcoated on highway; fine -roads, good schools, fine hunting and trot fishing; the soil is very -rich for al falfa, potatoes, etc. Cash value $2006 1 : will trade for .city property. Owner' 20 ACRES in' White Salmon valleyt Wash.; good buildings, 1H4 acres lit . fine bearing orchard, lots of small fruit; plenty of good water; on ac- ' count of sickness will trade it foe $6000 for home of near equal value; in Portland; must be close in on east or west side; this place is all clear and worth a great deal more money. BARNEY JOHNSON & CO.. Realtors, Phone Broadway 7947. ; " ON CAR LINE. 4-room bungalow on paved street, to exchange for close-in acreage: must have some improvements. Prefer place with fruit and berries; will pay casn difference. . R. R. POWNDER, REALTOR. t 406 Broadway Bldg. Main 2117. . 190 ACRES, Washington county farm, 14 miles from city limits of Portland; 45 acres in high state of cultivation. Good buildings and machinery. Prtee $15,000, -half cash, balance long time mortgage or will take improved city property. , . CLEVELAND CO., Bdwy. 115CK 809 Bd. of Trade. . WILL take small payment or. cheap Vhouse or lots In foruana as iir!,i. ixs . ment on 70 acres of good land. 6 miles from Oregon City; has 3-room shack and-.bout 3 acres cleared. This wilt make a fine farm for someone. Price is only $65 per acre. : K-TKWART A. JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH. 29 acres, 2 miles from- Yamhill; on good road; 18 acres in 9 and 10-year old apples; plastered 8-room houses barn and other buildings. This is a bargain at $10,000; will take residenc in Portland to full value. . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ; I EXCHANGE OF MERIT. Near 2 acres on Powell Valley road and 73d st, S. E. Will make 13 big lots, clear of all encumbrance. Sell or exchange for residence, apartment or rooming house in Portland. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. .. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ... . LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what yon wantT Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country; I will match them. E. A. Easley. 295 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. , ' PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAT. i WE HAVE some very fine farms to ex change for Portland property. You may be able to find Just what you have been wanting. Come in and tails it over.- ' R. R. POWNDER, Realtor. 406 Broadway Bldg. Main 271T. cininKr ACTION. WE CAN MATCH YOUR REAL ES TATE TRADE. IF OTHERS HAVE FAILED SEE TJS FOR RESULTS. STAR REAL ESTATE St TNV. CO REALTORS. BDWY. 5618. 513 WIL COX BLDG. nrvv.Tl VIEW. 35 ACRES NEAR CORBETT. Thirty in cultivation; house, barn, old orchard; cash valuation $10,500; has no encumbrances. Will take mod .ern Portland residence for all or part.. J. C. COKHl.N JU., 3UO-q- xjgwia cm. $15 PER ACRE 40 acres best tillable land, easy to clear, 6 miles from paved highway, on fair country road; 50c fare from Portland; will take your flivver. Call or write. Peck, Kalama, Washington. I NEED a light automobile: will ex change equitv in small suburban home: will give good value; auto must be In good condition and not too old. For particulars call 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st WANTED TO TRADE 2 lots In Portland-Wellington addition for good: second-hand Buick 6 road ster. Address C. P. Pugh. care Ore gon Growers' Packing corporation, Sa lem, ur. 20-R APT. GOOD LEASE, INCOME ABOUT $200. Price $3000; want close-in acre-; age or citv property to same value. . ... JOHN BROWN CO.. REALTOR, . S22 Ry. 'Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6.101. : 2 STORE bidgs., apts. upstairs, on corner 50x100; streets paved; on car line; well rented; also tract 11 acres close in, to trade for imp. valley farm; price $11,000; equity $7500. By owner. 1142 Francis ave.. Portland. Or. - WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit; bring in your propositions house, lots, farms, acreage, stocks of " merchandise. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Will sacrifice' a 5- acre fruit and nut farmose in; leav ing the country; will take diamonds or "automobile. Seth. J. Story, OregoJ. Eilers Music t;o. 160 ACRES Lincoln county land with creek and cabin; sell cheap or exch.; take State bank assignment and give clear deed. A. H. AKERSON. 420 Henry Bldg. ASTORIA PROPERTY. Will exchange my equity in house at Astoria for good lot in Portland. Owner, Bdwy. 7519. Eve., Tabor QUoT, WILL TRADE my 160 acres near Mad ras Or., practically all under plow, for' property in or near Portland. 503 Pittock block. : " COMFORTABLE 6-room house, with sleeping porch, near MV car, to trade for rooming bouse or small hotel. 90 1 E. 71st st. N. 12 ACRES . loganberries, creek on place, nice shrubbery; price $6500; trade for home, in Portland. Clark, Broadway 1188. A GOOD farm of 480 acres in North Da kota to trade for Willamette valiey - farm. What have you to offer? Box 129, Amity, Or RANCH. . 160 acres, with good water, near Twin Falls, Idaho, to trade for ' small place close to Portland; Charlea F. Bunnell. Oak Grove. Or. TRANSACT YOUR REAL . ESTATE deals through S. Nelson, realtor, 706 Gasco Bddg. Main 2072. I HAVE income property, apt house. $22,000 equity. What have you to ' offer? Owners only. Marshall 3945. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A. GOBDON ROSS, Bdwy. 51T3, 621 Henry Bide, .