Tim aroftxixo oregonian. Tuesday, june g, 1933 ' -. . j 15 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MONUMENTS'. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. BEAT. ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. f REAL ESTATE. ,... ., L 'V HwPlPlB,Wi("11 U It 'M1m"fu'Mmn Male Lots- . For sale Houses. lor Walt House. For Salt House. lor Salt Home. J-or sale Houses. "flKllSI, I N M I Mftfl (jl. lit . PORTLAND 500.000 IN 19S0. , ' ' " '.. ' " NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. . Tl I) .1 J II lJflljMlAJiyftHita $1000. : ... see : , . TINDER Rosa City, 710 6th N-. corner 106 lOTtlana MOTlll-TV hLHSL'l 9 WfJXKmn"tl' VTH 1 lnn., ,, PRANK L McGUIRE NORTH OP PIEDMONT. ' : HOUSES FOR SAt-E. : . $7S30 IRVINGTON $7850. Klickitat, just about finished. .8 rootrn. "v VI U1MH wwuuat; fAlfJ'fflfMtl'lA'iilA.t M LADD S ADDITION. To Buy Tour Home. TO BUY OR SELL. That very desirable modern break, nook, hardwood floors through- W. E. PEOG and D. L. BRTSTOW. . kfeM' 7S'f jrlV JWjRMleWM . . . ., WOOPhotograohs of Homes for Sale. , 8EB home; B23 E. "25lh at. N., bet. out; something new: open in afternoon. (Successor to Dunning & McBnt-e.) fr &it'At4,1W,t,f4:-S' atr- . Second Mortgage Privilege. LARGEST HOME SELLEIR ON THE $4750 New semi-bungalow on HOME REALTY COMPANY. Brazee and Knott (Inspection Laurelhurst, on Glisan at, between 12TH A,D MORRISON, WEST SIDE. linBTfTiin-!' nlll rTuimV .,. .,,,. .11 trnnrovrmtlrts .. PACIFIC COAST. . . Dekum near Union; 1 Bdwy. 4288. 607-8-9 Ry. Exchange Bldg. by appointment). It's a splen- 43d and 44lh .t; large rooms, living Broadway 430 , Pi i H Tl fi W Fl MflHR F WflRiCX Ti Per month, all Improvements bedroom downstairs. J ROSE C1TI PAKK. did Irvington home; hardwood room and dining room In front: bard- roadway 4 JO. rUniLHIIU ITiMnULC TfUnliO paid; nice level lots; 20 minutes' walk PERSONALLY INSPECTED! up; large living room: $3150 $500 Cash-35 per Month. floors, fireplace, furnace, auto- wood floors throughout: built-in cress- 860 4th St. Opp. Wry Hall. SEP BROS. 19 m?,Sp i unrns Ml'V PERSONALLY APPRAISED! garage, fine yard, cherry -- 5.Mm bungalow, furnace, garage. matio hot water heater, living . ing table; in fact everything to make I I 4 BljlLDKRS and BOMS trees and berries, Inns curtains, draperies linoleum, gas stove room, reception hall, dining complete home. PORTLAND A rTsrfn cruMMAMAom c '?? investigate. This Proposition. TV B PROTECT EVERT INTEREST home is built right and a go w th this place room den, breakfast room. 4 Colonial Heights. S24 E. 24th at. 1 CREMATflRTTTM IP (OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WIXIlS OF THE HOME SEEKER! good buy.. Near Jelfer- .." ALBERTA DISTRICT, nice airy bedrooms and bath; block south of Hawthorne; beautiful I Kn - 1 QCALTTY KEMOTALS ' " . See Mr. Delahutlty . Mora than 1200 photographs cf son high. Term. $4250. Easy Terms. .enclosed sleeping porch, double , location; has 3 bedrooms and sleeping MAT7CATVTTM IE.THIRP 8. PINE STS. IHOWEE.T43 LADD ESTATE CO MPANY, SS'&jiJfe 1 7 rooms, all on one floor; this place garage, StalOO lot. nice iaw . porch; hardwood floors both up and MAUSOLEUM 246 stark SL ' n. irf?61? M tv , worth SSOOO; curtains, draperies, lin- shrubbery and ncmen. Priej . down; all kinds of shrubbery and large PHHPsni nfil . . .. I . SA,vyJlsl PEv MINbiKg 3500 Seven rooms Jn fine con- oleum, stova io with Dlace See this be- 7SS0; t2000 cash will handle. garage; fence In back; open afternoon. PHOEE 867. Broadway 5754. Evenings. Eaat 7738. SPE.p IN THIS MODERN OmCE ditlon, convenient to Jef- for. tay Surely a great bargain for soma- ?. These houses are offered at a very 1 ' NEW .TODAY. ; Sy-ASMPVi8,MOcSS,n??A?' Ursm hlth an1 Wood- -ALBERTA DISTRICT. - body. low price and can be handled on easy oiriiirnTlKnrn'TlirTVP ' 1 : wE-EK , OP P1188 SHOPPING. lawn schools. Paved St.. 12600 Furnished. . CROSSLBT & ABBOTT . terms. Owner and builder. SKEWES Trd and cS? 4i52. ' .. .. i ffiiST' FJZr?k "m ' 7. lX1 J , ; SSK ' . FINLEY'S MORTUARY! PEPTyaajem .new &&311$i&ex ' Ir ''"S - - -?-G"a" ' ; .Broaa, ruMm"A ' ttoEndur' W " month; nearly .U WgM . J- oMi ruit and berries; sac- OVHRK. . , , $ - , . , A. R. ZELLER CD' rf.!?1 cleared, level, free from rocks, rich . ty etnuurc bUKVlCi.. before you decide tt Several others to choose from. We , . of river; owners going east If yon want a beautiful !!ttl nilPUUMIVV Phone East 1088. GARAGES 41t garden land; ideal home spot; in IRVLVCTOV wont do. hv aome of the best listings in and MICHIGAN AVENUE. borne located under the hill in , our last univ of Parkrose. which has 0WKH5r"mt-jt !PT t iT'ir'RTirTr'F, - " around Portland. " Sea what we have (2500 5-room . house, plenty of fruit, Rose City Park, here is some- ., . just been platted; you can built a little . W-K L.&rLi. Al bALtulftCJi. ., before yon buy. . close to car barns, $100 cash. thing that will appeal to you; FLORISTS. "3!HJS3i home here and raise garden, berries HfelllT JRTra O WTT BI'iVG- 2.50-Nice cozy horns of 4 iaaoo irvingTOV HOME EXCEP- . BLANDBNA STREET. has hardwood floors, fireplace, - 3(''SS'.', - and chickens; north of Sandy blvd. and tw. u... iSl 1 u rooms and bath: Jm- ''S,,,? Sir mi. i iiiw $3500 6-room bungalow with large at- cement basement Dutch kitoh- js 4. I veSTi'SS xy carline; come-out today. Branch office and boSwi pr0ve'1 4, hnod" FNTRjNCE AL LIVING ROO tic with ail furniture. 100 feet ? "Uiutifu Mot St"l6o. This 4 &&J0$&f7 A 2& lrS?J Citv Piflfcar86 H,M .fdSfmrCn;,.. Why Saydrentf wTt K BCTLT-Vn "bCWKCA from William, ave.. near Jeffer- property can be handled on $600 Jkr IPfF -Co-r- TOn V,hy pay rent! Vff i IIM. ,400 JsS'Sa.ow on. 1; T Tl0riSt3 : BRIDE HAPPY! Knott 324 Henry jS Bdw, 770. PLOOR. ' H BaHrAl ' Established 1890. Main 269. BE DIM A D iii are those RED- NICE LEVEL LOTS J1O00. cottage in beautiful ROSE CITY . .. . ING FRUIT ROOM. LAUNDRY ROOM . , FINE HOMES. Plovers for All Occasions Artistically WW. o o -1 oking. substan- LADD'S ADDITION. PARK! 5 rooms. Its unique- - i,,-,,., nnrnvtar idino AND 1 COMPLETE FINISHED BED- .. . . I have several of the finest hornet tn Arranged. " 'J "u! " ecti ona 1 Ga rag es that . - Second Mortgage Privilege. ness of design and unusual pro- i 69 00 D UT C H COLONIAL- 60 00. room AND BATHROOM; GASCO the city for sale at prices which, are Roses and Orchids a Specialty. ''n r 1 1 t to iiennB it.2n 10 per month, all impts. paid. vision for your convenience will IRVIN (,T ON. r..-. FURNACE, RCUD HEATHER. FINE ,Tx-m t..t trr, right. These homes are located on ""Phone. Alaratmll imiv S JES Remember, this beautiful addi- surprise and wholly delight Near 5-rwm, moat attractive home, GARAGE; LOT 60X100. OWNER, I'lVINT0v?T R?M,?1 Westover Terrace. Portland Heighta - nfEirwaaasa . Ji11 Easy to erect. Economy tion is only about 20 minutes' ' YOU! Ivory tapestry. French . located in nice neighborhood, house is east 1499 o85 E. 22D ST., N. - Corn6r "th an B raz e5;i"f! Alameda Heights and Irvington. They '7C2 aStSt. tohip walk from city hall. . Joors. breakfast nook, fireplace, c"v?nlntly "r.afed; fr " 1 : rooms, solid rnahorany and old. range from J11.000 to $25,000. If yoa Jrij faaS0K . PRICE $45 UP- See fnmacs grase, EVERYTHING! and bath on first floor; .space for . tw? , f - lTory' lyguraJSfZ rom' want a fine home located Id the bes" .joo unBDienu IwffMm We Erect as ana aI' - lTdd0!' ssss srr t.'vs Tn& :isa& ot"' , . . - rose c,tt park. r.,.&rA stsr?rs,tn! 328 MORRISON MmWM OO CO.. . Sthi. -V -Sndocent . SO-VeaTy term, 5 SS'lS'l FWSSrcr 'PORTLAND WlaavSSSSr Portland. Or. Lvenmgs. Last ,... HAWTHOR'NE SPECIAL! ment, good furnace; 489 E. 27th st. N.. rooms, breakfast nook, Just com- lavatory and toilet. 2 beautiful ChS'ber f Vr.'mm St rtZZfZSr SamSVlm SIS E. nth, To Blocks south , ,. $4500 IX30K AT THIS' BEAUTIFUL near Tillamook St., or 813 Chamber of plated and stricOy modern. bathrooms and 2 fireplaces. mamber of Commerce bldg. T-TOTFIT 1 firZ.l&zSiM Hawthorne. Phone East 5114. PIEDMONT. BUNGALOW JN HAWTHORNE Commerce bldg: Broadway 665L hardwood floors throughout, ce- American hot water heat and in- ROSE CITY. nUXALl ZkWSi 50 choica building lots in Piedmont. 0ne fThe best butlt and most - ment basement, furnace, trays, : etantaneous water heater; beau- Elegantly finished 5-room Bungalow". Arronnfa Sollplterii BrTM iiifiitiiii is ssssassssisissMBisHMBsssBBBaBl on easy terms and at attractive prices ' durable in this district- rooms - cement porch, all street improve- tiful shtbs, natural trees, and fine tapestry paper, bath is papered Acronnts aollclten J , to home builders. ' . pretty K rm rth X; 1 ments in and paid. double gmage. with oil-finished paper; double garages 21 A Maim 1SiTVFlTUrrC TtWTO See that choice corner lot at Will- piac8' and bookcases at end !57mti'n riirr ' HILLER BROS., REALTORS. EAST 419. beautiful shrubbery, big living room HOTHni!SFs;4rt7'feWVlAIN KURlli WESN. RUG Ctt i& ave- and Ainsworth; four lots io Id paid Sm wo" with 3750-1250 CASH. , 211 Ry. E. Bldg! Bdwy. 362C. , . . - . . and sun parlor, gas range and Inlaid HOT HOUSES -LgVj IWUlUllbVV lUv VVs ear Jefferson high school, 400. $500 - massive built-in Kffet : Dutch ; n.,!,!, -. K room bnnga- Branch. Office, 50th and Sandy. '. -- - ' - '- - . linoleum goes with house. Owner must i2rSW7709 " AMmS - and J650; $100 cash, balance install- ... . kHche VltV" nH1in.l.,?5 ' toSS'onthmt. ,; Tabor o5. .. ...... ........ save the city at ones; $5500. part lftWZjfmr, , V r- ' .ii.-t fR?"tTL. menu... rt,rn GASCO FURNACE (WHICH IS wash trays fireplace, hardwood floors, . , TOmwmmm :- (fi&vgs mWms -His. W&&i "ZZL . wri; onstbeen-f7"; WlW? IfSfip' , HEART OF KENTON! ; j nTaeVa nShTwlwor ' 3 LARGE ROOMS.- Forced aellteanUfum. : . hsmrSt01 Woodlawn liH. XrtvFIES COMPETITION! car to VA St.. four blocks south to velour overstuffed furniture; pretty Large 2-room box house, beaver- -modern 5-room bungalow: best dla m , - ifeJWi1 $4490 and VERY EASY TERMS! No. t82g ' dining. . room with built-in mahogany board finish inside; very clean and trltt; 50x100 lot; hardwood floors, firte I VallCAtn IH lralll sPr ner-ot " ' Heres one of the most BEAU- -.---.n.-- .,-. Tinvic buffet; 2 pretty bedrooms, 1 furnjshed neat; city water and gas in; large . piles, all bullt-ins, vitrollte drain.- lOIlbClll rlOral VjO. PIITFI7 DfTlC HOUt-SEEKERS, TIFUL BUNGALOWS IN-ALL . r,?XK.S ?SJlnMiim In gray bedroom set with blue hang- shed; garage: nice shade trees. board on sink; cement basement, latol- .,... ElAiXS JttlJlX WHY NOT BUILD? OF KENTON, being offered at Elaborate, nearly new colonial home . JnKJ and oth!r ln lvory et with rose GORDON MORTGAGE CO. . dry tubs.furnac6 and garage. This wiii Finest Floral Arrangements m.t 7yT 7 ,ZZ, ,-, i-, It is leas expensive. We are in- - A ROCK BOTTOM PRICE for for fnisll family w" " rugs and hangings; tiled bath, pedestal , 63Q Chamber of Commerce. No phone. be sold quickly. Evenings nd Sundays . J, '"'""Sc"""" Oldest, and hest-equipped factory m terested in how well we can quick sale! 7 rooms, all of unobstructed view of entire city, moun- jafatory and built-in bath tub; large B,vr, biiuciloW - phone Woodlawn 2726. . for Funerals! the northwest.. Made out of your eot how much we can get -the c,.Ve$ bullt-lns the "WWsS kitchen' with SiaVfaat nook; electric ' tgio$Mn?lnfi'ro .. .W. tv UMBDBNSTOCK 4k CO.";-. 287 Watihinrton Bet 1 .n wh St. 2ld worn-out carpets and rugs. for building. See us before buy- t"1 housewife wants: kitchen all sun porch 2 Immense bedrooms, e ach hardwood floor In every room: i.Add floors fireplace, bookcase, 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. W-"-B Sft 0t - 109 ROBNETT- McCLtfRE, - 1 SS KMndV SSS- g,ve. 7on possrT 8-room horn, Jinilfl S flOWer ODOP E'"'t380 ..00OmYS0XUmi.- ; A beautifui. well-buiit home. Tabor 407. A. CHRISTENSEN, THE HOMB 27 BEARING! FRUIT TREES, P"SnPfru ""nSJJgi wSSLk, ;,. SrThV. - 6S3EaSt8thBsfALTOR- W'--- flow. aaahrob Price $S000; ly opposito Meier & Franks Main 715 SIUKAull SrAlti lot in Laureliurst, Laurelhurst ave., . will vou findTHIS COZY GRAY Park, full cement basement, extra large . T-robm home for $4500, $500 . a-ROOM MODERN HOJISB. worth $3500. ... r . Centrally Located on Track. bet. Imperial and Buena Vista aves.. "' ORfEGO-N BUXGAIjOW On living room, wonderful kitchen, nice cash. If you want a real home FURNISHED $o750. . , fljnnril llinvrT tin- , " lot 7, block a; price $1200. Other lot in larra lot with cemVnt ret'ainin? bedroom, cosy breakfast room, floored . at a sacrifice, be sure to see this. This is one of the bast buys In the RICHANBACH CO- - GARDEN MARKET We can move and store your Alameda Park, beautiful location, lot . 'wall ABUNDANCE OE "rariT attic, best of plumbing, hardwood -. HILLER BROS., REALTORS. clty. Beautiful corner lot with abun- 605-7 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 4148. j vnilMl.ll IlinillVkl . goods m a fine spnnklered bldg. 3, block 44, on Skldmore, between 30th fliw4rV etc Livine-Voom oan- floors, fireplace, all built-ins. This . 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 382. dance of shrubbery and flowers; house ROSE CITY PARK. 7? Sp,EIA1l 5ALE HAULING. PACKING, STORAGE . and pst sts. ; price $1000; if you are , eled dlnitut room with beamed was built for a home; price only $4300, Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. well furnished ndmoderii. There isa Complete 5-room home, right of! 189 Third Street, Near lainiiill. considering a purchase you shoiud in- ceilings very handy kitchen very reasonable terms., W. L. Irwin. Tabor 8485. garage, of course. $3000 cash, require Sandy, in splendid nighborhood, a) All kinos of bedding, vegetable plants, CLAY S. MORSE INC snec. these sites before making a de- full cement basement with fur- Wdln. 6714. , , . : . Balance on easy te.rms. paved streets, close in. on full siMd lot ; hanging baskets and Japanese tubs. iii - csion. Telephone owner. Bdwy 7T-U. nace. JUST THINK. ALL FOR t" offer FOR sale' mv first-elass 7- : " 7,9? ,-.,R0i If you are in'the maVket for , home; 454 Glwnn St. Bdwy. -14.0 : $32nOr'With $400 down! HOMI- 1 Som ?rvlnato T home " best location 15 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY. , 411-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. see this one. - . ,, PHTT.AN'Gl ' GARDEN HOME HALF ACRES. EST YOU'VE SEEN FOR A exceptionally well built first storj! . LARGE GROUNDS. 6 ROOMS. Broadway 1375. RICHANBACH & CO, rXUXlUSS O : 450 down, $15 month, 6 per cent int. LONG TIME. AND REGULAR "fA p"' Tardwood firs through- 5 . 0S-T Chamber of Commerce Bldg.; The Big Little Flower Shop. - Close to station, school and stores, gas, SACRIFICE! E. 87th st. In ,.' ij! d fieeiinV Dorches fire- $4500, $500 cash, $20 per month and IRVINGTON CORNER Broadway 4143. Funeral designs at reasonable prices. Phon Y(illr Want Ad? tfl electricity, Bull Run water, 9c cam- Mantavilla. . nl.ee and evervthln modern-'this is Interest; 6 rooms, cement basement, g- HOME. , ) 5th and Wash Open Jivenings UntU 10. rUe IW ttdniAUb ID muter fare: prices $450 to $650; lOOx select prooertl and wilf go rea- ' rage, 2 chicken houses, 17 bearing fruit $8500 6 large, attractive rooms. Hv- Broadway 6520. m, - . - 100 building sites, $10 down, $3 month. EAST ST. JOHNS SNAP! slnablv to rleht narty- no agerfts See trees, one walnut, grapes, currants, ins ro0m, 33x22 with massive fireplace, WEST SIDE HOME " T The OreEOnian No building restrictions. See McCOR- CHICKENS! GASCO FURNAOE! M? qLwart conultine eniineer 601 loganberries, strawberries, raspberries, pte glass windows; reinlorced - . ""i ?"J double sleen- ' , : , eUregOniail jAl tSl Mcka.- CPh.BjW Sn.'rd.n. cof-e garage; ,2000 cash handle. ' JhhjTer m PORTIANn RIKIWF Main 707 Automatic 560-95 irvington. .. . S- By frU &lWr;. - : Dill I I7TIM PI 1 T" n I n s- -W. corner 26th and Thompson: $' rooia, white" - enamel living room. ; $1400. . NMr c&VtSL bangalow, 5 rooms at .Mm. unvi-.iw Kl I.I Y I IN rnWJSPfS I1 liAllrlAV I A $2U00. Dutch kitchen with linoleum, fet; built-ms In kitchen, concrete Sr-. 5-room bungalow, bath, plastered ce- ,,5 ieeoinK porch; hAw. floors, ALAMBDA BUNGALOW. UULlLlLilin IjUWcLTU Li. JUUUCY VU. on 1.6th St.. east front, 50 ft, south white enamel bath between two age. Small down payment balance foundation, full basement; cement . efSuch S3tch-4n. breakfast T''f, M? tlii"st.or!' ,b,IeI";,,.,, . DT,, Irt.v of Thompson; $1600. airy bedrooms: 2 blocks to car. - easy. See at 1214 Royal Court any walJts and steps; water," ga; near car. trbuilWnsr cement base- exceptional bargain; In best district ' " 1 -, .M??JAGJ: IjOA. - ' OWNER, WALNUT 6541. ' - Peninsula district. Mears St. afternoon or evening. Excellent view. Possession immedi- """fl'. f " " porch; double con- bedrooms, sunroom; hardwood floors. . Lnited Mates Bank Building. j . . .. 1 tini, SACRIFICE atelv ment, large cem""' J"11'"' .traaf fireplace, Gasco furnace, garage, $2001, ATTORNEYS Lot 40 76x100 AlbeTta district I ,ivr OCT $500 DOWN. Dandy little 40om bungalow, with HAHRY BECKWITH, Realtor, . tf hout ; paved street, w WCrntfeT-,iaWyer' KS Chamb6r F4, "'" Pay ' oft $if bonded essments. $22oO--500 down. AIERTA 5-room ,, iooS25 ground, near Kenton, paved 213 Corbett Bldg.-" Main 6869. clTj8aSoMlIyLLE. BDWT. 2478. Umbd.n.tock & Co. 210 Oregon bldg, iMef Ummercblds. REAL ESTATE. agent's commission and furnish rvaS I- n Jr stret' u" to Property line; ten assort- HAVE 5-room modern bungalow, hard- : T,Tc.pn, irnJ ACCOKDIONTeaTING. .complete abstract, leaving me about ?""",' 'J..de SanZeA' ea fruit trees, good cheken house; wood floors, breakfast nook, fireplace, WEST SIDE. WEST SIDE. WEST SIDE CUT,' SEAM. heTn machine DlelTstot $38 clear. See agent, Mr. Dwyer, with fi,H i; " vaA price now $2800, former'.y priced at in fact everything; garage: Will take . Five-room cottage in good condition, for fl li Z.S , S Fred W. German Co.,. -realtors". 732 " is L I? V VACANT. E. . $gsW. - Let iu ihow jrou. See. Lamb or good car up to $400 and $350 cash, bal- ,s IRVINGTON SACRIFUfE. . with good sleep ng porch, near 19tb ordari solicited Old slflrU repeated F 1 T7 a. a. T Chamber of Commerce. J.th St. N. , Griffith with Fred. W. German Co., .ance at $35, Including interest. Leaving city, must sell thU . and Mm Bts., priced for quick sale a ! S.SS' L.l S SP, S Real Estate LOanS . . - Bee - . Realtors, 782 Cham, of Com. . Bl te feFUll. With week 621East 19th. N. Automatic $2000. $400 cash, $25 monthly Se. AEHS AND 1NA,V,TS Of S10 000 Or OveV ROSE OITT PARK - . - FRAN McGUfRE , " - St.. nry B XNSIDE AND OUT. Co.oh MrFicra: 0lHU,UUUorUver vrn -, T. Buy - gto.... 1 cing T0 bu il 31ivi!r' ,latlnum J. 7 Mli it'sahuy. Pbona East 3717. . Abinston BId.. Broadway 7171 ' rooms, nicely papered, oak floors 5 rooms, modern; tile bath, vitrollte IRVINGTON COLONIALS CHOICE. W0 design and build residences or any tl0us''t-, ,., JE8 W a Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark throughout; 2 fireplaces, breakfast rm.. kltehen, furnace, artistic electrle fix. - e. 21st st. N., T rooms J.bso building, assist in financing same; 3; BATHS. ETC. C ,9 ill I wfstmo RELAND -Sacrifice "0th and sun porch, maids' rooms 3d floor. $1500 tures, large attic, corner lot, all im- E 18th st. N 7 rooms.. S'S Pars continuous and complete b uild, DR. ' McMAHON baths, Portland; ' steam i ' . ftsblfil Tuhdlng suPl Aw ' 'NOTE. cash $100 month. Tabor 407. Er-T AT,e,Sr .,1 loth .t, N. 7 room IISo ' $l&-jJgggS Bl& showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c; fl .11 TJ 1 iorner 60x100 lot; terms; all improve- We have an unusual onening on our . . . house or Tabor 6i46, corner 2th and E.. 25th St. N. 7 rooms " iosoO col; trVctlne: chi tec? ' 9"J IN W Bank tell your friends. Fourth arid Wash 1 An MOnthlV BaianCeS men's in and paid. ' . sale, force for a live salesman with . IRVINGTON GRAT COLONIAL Wasc0- ' - f. ' 22d St. N., 8 rooms... 10.500 contracting architect. 9.4 N.. W. Bank ington. I UU HlOUUllT UOlOUVCt . ,. a WAGNER. COMPANY.. - car ; ' ' ' $9500 Most art stic colonial in this ROSE CITY PARK. E. 28th at N., 7 rooms "'"-, , ; , ' C'FI LP1 OID UUTTnvs ' I ReVavahle in Anv Amount at Broadway 7150 230 'Stark St. .district. Large rooms, Hess gas fur- f Just off the Alameda Driver 5-room . K d st. N. 11 rooms. . - 1-.M0 $2000 ON PAVED STREET $2000. - n,.:.- ,c'LtLOIP MllPjl": - I iT'A. nL Slfv .i .Tnp.g Brvce ave 50 ft east $800 DOWN. nace, best plumbing. Built by Stokes "bungalow, full cement basement, fur- rESOHSON-RATMOm 5-room modern cotge. cement base- "THB 1RWIN-HODSO.M COMPANY. I Any ,iK,e Belrt Maturity AMLDA PARK Brjce ave., 50 ft. east u uuvyn, for present owner. Immediate posses- nace, fireplace. Inlaid linoleum in 1011 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4o-Q. ment, three blocks to Irvington car; 387 Wash., Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1234. B gv-.fl-! m . in - J - 6 large rooms, home' on Oregon St., sion. East 419. . - kitchen and bath, cosy breakfast room, ROSE CITS: HOME. $8oO cash, $28 per month and 6 peT. CUIROI ODlTT B I P HPSrOMR "T-""1"""- near East 32d St . Al condition and J. ' " ' hardwood floors, large. light rooms; Under the hill; 8 rooms; furnace. cent lJn"0 D0DS0 co WILLIAM. K.t.11 Piell. and Be- I ' Lll OvUiflD LAURELHURST Siw 'voTthi? AM, -TART1IG seral h0meS ? ?H hood Owne"? fwE 1 SlrtVt B "?'t r,.,.drS. Si 633 wf WTnk B?dDgSN Mat 3787. clodd 'ahcia" I 242 STARK .STREET. BRAND nIW EN GLISI?' COLONIAL. . L? HARTMAN COMPANY, , " ' E? Tar; 1 2 ' ' ' MAGNIFICENT VIEW. " CONTRACTORS. NOTICE. . . c?tj P Parlor! 30" GenCe bldg " ' " .B man. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. maka very attractive terms and give Seven rooms, sun and sleeping porch; this is a splendid home and w f hM ear S Ld S S.r S' I I I I saw No. 1250 EAST OAK ST.. NEAR 41 ST. . Broadway 6034, . you just what you want. If you best of condition; ivory finish; tap- assured you cannot equal it at $5500. penter to repair dwelling, situated f Main 1301 becond and Alder s.s. would like to save $1000 on your home estry paper, fireplace, furnace; every only $1000 cash, required. . . Mt. Tabor, and resell and make a bin Main 1J01. . For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. JUST EAST pF PARK. - MUST SET T AT nvcF mnn talk it over -with me; highest refer- convenience beautiful shrubbery. RALPH HARRIS CO., ka je,roflt- fI fuI' l"for?"In ,,SM cs i l-9 FLETCHER Foot troubles " FOR SALE. '' ' " " JTMlIsH ML & MONTHM ' ences evening on Marshall 746. Shown by appointment only. 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5614. Clure & Schmauoh Co.. S06 RaUway Ex- scientifically corrected lady assistant. ELLA APARTMENTS. LOT 5SxlG0 FT.. WITH ALLET. 'overlook Addition large six-room " WFSTMORFLAND BARGAIN " - HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor . $500 CASH: " change bldg. .,512 Morgan bldgMaln 8762. CorSiTBllTand Waahtig on. . , - ; substantially built hSuae. efrallen" ' cToom modern buncfll?- hn?a-rcPa : 213 Corbett -Bldg. Main 6S69. ... BALANCE $25 PER MONTH $650HOWS THIS ONE?-$650. COLLECTIONS. See owner, Broadway 3340. Art-tile fireplace Fox furaee. gar- a,tlon with sleeping por" and attic, floor,, "Targe "dining foomT den. ffre- $2S0O-NEW AND SNAPPY-$2800. New Rose City bunga ow 2-room house, lot 60x100 fruit tree? NETH & CO., Worcester bldg., Bdwy. Must sell by June 15. gfi.4ar6 plate,",?hfwpTi imftet fin fireplace, full cement basement, fur- place? 3 bfdrooms, hot water hearting On paved street, 4-room bungalow, absolutely modern c lear " - 2 blocks from car line; $250 cash-U 7596. No coUecUona, no charges. Est. FOR SALE 14-room upper and lower bath. d tub swell buffet, m- near car, full lot; $1000 under plant garage; all improvements in rooms large and airy cement base- wood floors p'tlfm cone? lot, ' handc c TJLRICH CO INC 1900. flat on corner 16th and IS. Alder. East J'S" 'w i!it ?i value: leaving city, hence this sacrifice. and paid. Owner will sacrifice for ment ; f our blocks to car , $o0 Ocash. ment and garage heautu ul corner ioi , . G. C. TORICH CO INC., ; DETECTIVE. 5356. ; PHONE OWNER, AUT. 310-73. See it. Broadway 6011 or Bast 6503 only W Terms. 6U Bucta . '2 PVdODSoT ft KoaV " Mfln'Vff ""ffig gvenW O. C. PRITCHARD, Private Detective, For Sale Beach Property. IRVINGTON. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham of Com. '-M1. T1Tr,r.p 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 411-12-18 Wilcox Bldg. ' PLENTY OF FRUIT AND BERRIES. Phone day calls Main 5274. Night calls, . . bargain ' ' -R,.tifi it'i SiTif: m wrf $500 DOWN BLOCK FROM LAURELHURST, $7500 This delightful 5-room modern cottage, garage, 1, Auto. 614-10. 1883 Northwestern Bank SEASIDE. Se3 (lne stucco home. 593 E. 24th; $180 DOWK--tT"M ' if m t,Bw mod). fB HAWTHORNE. modern 6-room bungalow is located on well-assorted fruit trees; 8 blocks t... bldg. : . Will build house in Cartwright Park. IargB rooms. solid mahogany and old --$49()ftJo?Iea?i city- bunga- resbect 'priee only ?580a which is 6-room house, completely furnished, Ankeny St., near the park. Formerly car; $2550; $500 cash, $30 per month; . .. dr. B. e. WHiGHT . rttwa&stt lSgS&S to sa g I 4 T L Tabar vx SXap B,s wrA,teto,,WT C,r..rT.n,Sr..Wihf.n S!mVieoTm"cKAY BLDG. ffii?b.. WUKS Vo LfTg 7 'Fk 1 SS'' rT ,.aSS Broadway 7219. Automatic 2119. and lavatory; $12,500. Immediate poa- - fre aved streets Iurm3nea ae .. Magnificent bungalow 4 rooms and Fi WaHorT new'car $500 CASH. 14 blocks to Rose City Park ear: UMTUnilT fi A 111 We Can Prove ThU SUMMER home for sale at Bay Qcean; session. East 418. R. SOMERVILLE BDWY "478 - Sat1!' ne,ar'n 0?m,p'e.U" ' ""place, - . $7350 for auick sale New 4-room bungalow, 50x100 lot, house has been repainted, and tinteq WITHOUT PA N n A v vt-VKV roomy house on beach, full plumbing " " cTmat : hardwMd floors buffet, French doore. . T HAIGHT Broadwly 2045 " hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast and is in fin ahape. Get key at 180 1 Lilt. A. . Kh.t!,. throiiihnut- Dutch kitchen bedrooms . . . n-u.o 'fgvim ROSE CITY SPECIAL. other bullt-ins; full basement; all m- J. a. maighi, proanway -Ji.i. r"; Tn ioTnent basement. Price Sandy blvd. Your "Teeth Sleep" While We Work. lj ?ngl" '.ifenlng porch llrge lfyinj , -.S THiS ?Yf?iiN,St -.- " A home for $5500 unfurnished or provements in and paid. Wonderful ROSE CITY. - nook, . full cement basement. r"c9 hmgal. ' , , Above Majestic Theater, 351. Wash, st. 'n,1 aten f'renUcI Free from in? ' an.4J 11 te,U yOU a?Ul .v fftvlNP $7500 furnished, with features of the buy for $4150. Very easy terma. Owner leaving city, lovely 7 room. I1 .. KROG CO , rrL-Si ?r- ELKtTlUCAl. KBPA1K1XU. cumbral.c?: reasonable. Owner",... rff gplr Beg'-'"'" - 7".Ti . f.1 "r,-..""?. .V,"'6 dral, brd,3 Bdwy. 4231. and sleeping porch at 1592 Sandy; . ?-wmig. - Sle?i0 'fixSre- o' Um- fS Vw MflTHRS RFWniWn "oJ'enil'n""" oth" busi AV ulSrA 1?APrtoRmKbunI?TCT0 I. erk ft,?! S"JSS " Broadway 1375 treesri?oti1.fUfrw.ra.11 M hSS lUUlUnO n-nUUilU repaired , "3, Oregonian. . white enamel; hardwood floera built- Come In and see for yourself . $3750 New 4-room bungalow. 2 large Morrison at ROSE CITY PARK $4400. 9 to 12 A. M . three days. 122. Glad- lAalf. BOUGHT AND 8OL0 For SaleLots. Ins, white . enamel Dutch kitchen is G. C. ULRICH & CO.. .'- , bedrooms, massive fireplace, H. W. .",toL 8t; New 8-room bungalow, iust com- .tone ave. gHM NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. COLONIAL HEIGHTS LOT $1"00 ' 3ust wonderful, and yout little, wife Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. . floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace. This MUST sell at once, one of the pretest Ieted lirepiace, buffet breakfast for BALE-Cash $1535 canity' in" a phone Z-71 Main c. x r Vi, . V ,,r, . . will simply rave about the way it s ivfain fn.n qnnrt... anfl ....in house built by real workmen. Small 5-room bungalows in Laurelhurst: -nlate-elass windows. French UOK bALU casn, lodb equity in S optometrists:-" m" st jiuzsii ''sssst oLe cify.oxriyn'; tsr'ij iit. ss&dPsrzssm -Srixf'T ociate optometrist. Main 2124. $4.0 -.3 s.room home. 3 bedrooms, everything one could possibly expect park no incumbrances, easy terms: a full basement, furnace, fireplace; I. ;0'mT large closets, living room, din- . the corner; water gas and electricity if. Chas. W. Goodman. 209 MoiTison. Fine 50x100 lot with basement exca- d location, cement basement, built- . Nea7 42d st A' G TEEPE CO Tabor fearbargain, excellent condition. Tabor small lot, but fine district Mr. WUes. fg room, den, breakfast room and the street; only 8 block, from Multno, WHY PAY MORE? " vated, some lumber, 1 14 blocks to Rose fnV 1K100 lot lots Of fruit and ber- 23a TiW ? 407 Broadway 2045. kitchens . all bu lt-ins, strictly modern; mah station; garden already In: t, .Glassel in gold-HlPed frame, c"' Se6 owner at 1MS rKs.rag.. total price , my" $4000; Tabor 91 , , f.rR. HAMHt! 357 Board of Trade. lowers a Rubbery; cio.e wondarful buy; $1200. For pIcular. 5?fitted to your eyes, $2 50 Sa"ay b'Yd' . : small monthly payments: an excep- wm want th? Ilniton home Modern "Vom houJe" bath full 5-ROOM bungalow, full cement basement to car line; leavlng'city. Call Tabor , see owner. 404 Piatt bldg 127 Park at double vision glasses ' at loW EAST 68TH ST NEAR SANDY tionai opportunity to get a home with jtY",1 " J 5 ilokinJ Sr basement. Front room furnace and- furnace, garage sleeping porch, 50x 4553. . . THIS IS INCOME PROPERTY 11-roorf. prices, satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A 50x100 lot on East 08th st. 1 block ' of ground . , " "rtitic UsTde 11.J out big fojms firepUice Garage. One or 2 lots Close 100 lot, paved street, on East 48th st, eastern man. leaving city: must sell residence, containing an upper apart- E. Hurwiu. optometrist, 223 First st. south of Satdy, imp. paid; here is a . MARSH & McCABB -CO.. a inina Mrch Has' stood tSt In on good carline. Price very re 400 feet south of Division. Improve- -Moanf Tabor home; bought year ago ment ;. 2 blocks from center of Laurel , .- rgfSIs -Esk'sxsz.rsissr'"- aa S-'ag iH-S broken lenses duplicated at very reas- ., "'"V Blig. Broadway 47o4. SAVE $500 . tern)s are easy. Call between 1 and NEW MOD BUNGALOW BARGAIN' EXTRA GOOD CAR SERVICE. furnace, fireplace beautiful porch. Phone as' value $o-au, terms. enable price.. 2S4 Morrison at Main GOOD lots. Rose City, and build- to suit '5W0'T,RDJ;Cg Vi.ifsSSi' 6 P. M. Owner, 665 E 20th N. 5 rooms' ail ctm.nces and bull t . Two-story 6-room modern home. 40x 150 ft. frontage; 17 large trees. Price NJCE modern house. 5 large and 1 smaf. 5661 or will build on your lots. Easy terms. HOLLADAY PARK ADDITION. for kai f Hm.L f a rmg . ih m. S eonstrSctio 1 looted in Irvl W lot. All kinds of bullt-ins, fine $8500. Terms. Phone Owner. Tabor rooms, lots of bullt-ina, hardwooc, ; ,v.,v , "Homes, not houses." 7-room modern house, hardwood OR bALE House of 8. rooms and bath. Ins. do ub lee onstru ction iocateo. in lrv- v.a..msnt 13250: $1000 cash 1296 ' floors, fireplace, furnace; full base- , PAINTING. BUILDERS SERVICE COMPANY. floors, fireplace, furnace, 4 bedrooms. " ix!b2?.U--,"Ti.,f SSS iJ?"-'" mSsTseTl $50? down balance Ilk! rent " JOHBON-MDSON CO., 6 ROOM bungalow. 1 bedroom first floor; ment; .anage; large lot; restricted DADCD UAMnilln 607-8-9 Ry. Exchange Bldg. double plumbing, full cement base- ? J""kc fSfSnl?S Lr?m pan ea !" fc " 3S N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. "t"r tont Sorch. full lot paved street district: close In; swell view of city; rArtfl nMilUlllU . T Phone Bdwy. 42SS. ment 50x100 lot garage. The house ood haa buffet, also beam ceiling in Woodlawn 40. t h Lewder 1 block from car, near school. block of car line. East 6099. Iimnnl Cf? I t ROSE CITY F ARK LOT $650 is in fair repair and will make a fine hs2. Jis- , bedroom a, Dutch LAURELHURST DUTCH COLONIAL. 8" b"Jft th.l5a "ci0 or and Ha been held much higher, Condi- WEST SIDE, close-in home, 6 rooms anc . WOODLAWN 66 3 R8PAvVd AND pLAm$W0' ce',hreHLfnd.Sr'' atFS&S&ifFLREl fSSSZSlMr. "eVXVtarprice Vooof $?5 Ter mo4 "omust be gold. Price $3400. every- deception ball, fractional'lot: 486 lOtfl PAPERING. painting. Wing; work .A rrfi ' jW' . f5 8 WILLi"m"a HTOHEs'cO.' mt X. BLIXs. . !Uh ! f?4V54. TRoTe ClTyfoo7- 75OT- Strietly moig V" onomefiaabor"; OVlOOK THIS -TrSSdSflW W!!! PAWTIN1 WOODLAW.V MARKET ST. DRIVE BARGAIN ' LAST DAY TOMORROW ' .Jn' ff wem.nrf urnai ST SPIEB ,OI$N?JIfGIHTS' allows in hightcfass restricted di.tHct electric lights, gas. full basement cor- M0DBRN 5-room 'bungalow, "tuil' ceinenj rA.l.lli.J B613 small lot. a few minutes' walk to Wednesday June 7, 1922, s post- $f P ucho8 e0m n J"!' 'i'V h ?e"moie? bw?5h4Swi' 'i vlh1f..w0m at praetically cost of material; easy ner lot improvements In and paid ent, furnace, nlco yard, neai VATEVT ATTORNEYS t"" b- for 1-()0; beautiful view tively the last day upon which you on hkrd surfaced 'street Tots of shrub be?k00E,', tr hear old i? tenrTs. Call Bdwy. 5462. house in good f0"1'?0!...'"-- school and stores. 1 block from car. LiJ:-iaiiIyiLS; of city. Just fancy a price like that can buy my practically new. strictly Y?' r"" yf.fS.8 sinn'ft'0OIvS"r?,b ?ol-.ht wate.r !a lvory f"'sh. , . golden oak and leather; $1800 cash. owner leaving city. Must sell, $2750. H. C. WRIGHT, reglstored and patent for close-in city property. BROOKE modern 5-room, R. C. P. bungalow for - SfTy,.5f ""''j.v10??. ' hanile' beautiful view: $31 o0; term.. $1500, ONLY $lo00 balance easy. 460 Failing St. corner Automatic 645-30. , attorney 25 years. If invention really Main 12 Property. BKOOKJi:. balance very easy; bal- KoBil-soTsponK?i, rn BROOKE, MAIN 4342. 4-room house near Kendall station; Eishth. , FINANCE SERVICE CO Construction vilufcl. se. practicing attorney. 601 SANDY BLVD. LOT $1"00 avlng' ftc" X?a iU lV ,Vn "J11 712 SS Broadway 6785 BY OWNER Modern 8-room house. 1 NCHOR INVe'tMEN 'CO Realtors ALAMEDA PARK. PUEoM JVLewI Manner? GEN- Dtkum bldg. BOiioo lot on Sandv blvd n., lm never get another, snap like thia See wo .f. block from car, in best part of Rose tm OK. INV ta iNT 00 Realtors, 4-room bungalow, hardwood EbAl BUILDING SERVICE, d-sigh , i'lne Kt-uairine t.h', venue w ii?nn .ii" m it tonight, after i P. M. Owner, 66t WOODLAWN City Park; hardwood floor, furnace, 405-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. floor fireplace, full cement basement. d construction remodeling flm'aiB .-i-?rI?Hr-T : P HmTlim BAVKni rnP' P East 51st N. -room hnme completely furnished. breakfast room, shrubbery, flowera " LAURELHURST CORNER, . mode buiit-ins. Price $3750. wncoi -bldg Pho iBdwy 6453 m DIPPQ '"Pairs by experta SBNDS ON"BAi,KU? CO".- . vatvfC-KFaV RfTv?- eement basement, lots of fruit trees. aaraee- exceptional value; terms. Call NEAR PARK. TOWN M KROG CO., wncox "'"g- r""e wy- w Lilll 1 Wai I is faw Pipe Shop 272 Wash 228 Henry Blds- Broadway 4754. 4.r,aTd"g ood fncome $6000 will T8 S? d cl: BdwP o249 after ft A. M rooms, all hardwood floors, 41W2-13 'wTlcox Bldg ' rew0 tam 1'n.5"rf fCttaSt PHYSICIANS SOxlOO-FOOT lot. covered with fruit and tat mug., gooa income, oouu wm price $2300 takes $500 cash to handle. pr,gg'rITY park Reautlf.,i '.1,1, thoroughly modern, ballroom, 28x30, Broadway 1375. w'tb-JaU.J'e.w bullt-Ina, gas urnac. La. R- A. PiULLIPS Brdway bulid- raPha'ad street $700. Jgfc bldg . on weat Income Suite' 405 IxXniBIdg TZlZSSZSSSk ArSj to? appointment phone Tabor 2189! y0R SALElyP-to-date o-room fur- nen&Tt SpricMi ing. stomach, bowels, liver, kidney. JOHNSON-KELLY CO 4?2 per mo:12.'00 b?41-...-.. " Main 4334. Open Evenings i"st completed with every conve- t44i. . , H4"0. - nished bungalow, with garage at 1132 cash, balance like rent Main 1682. "rlt femar" 806 Boa?dV?r,aIeEBIgY Cgdwy. 3860. te' . . .. ,2950 $500 CASH:." iJSS.tS.'ii moto?- t" o'oluft Sr" Piantrfl' plsfu?: HAVE elegant corner ot located 1 disorders. w.tno.uper on. LAURELHURST LOT, $850. SEE MR. HERIDER, Near Franklin high and Creston or 4647. house open today. 644 57th st N. Wacl T For information, call Sellwood thorne; will build home to suit; buyer rMNTING. T.9vel ,oti 73ll20- all jrap. i0 , . . 1 e. SPENCER & CO.. school., -room bungalow with bath, ' RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION ' FOR SALE BY OWNER 3031 in evening, or before 1 o'clock must have $0 00 10U s,b: bonut pnjiffmR--F. W. BALTES AS CO. ifAvarr,, r-r, 517 Charaber of Com. Bldg bament 50x100 lot macadam street, BBUABM CORLCTIOX . . - Bt,f ."jLroom ' go?.',. a during day. ba,gf Smltber & MaJek- rrtllHl 1HU 1st and O.k. Bdy. 7165. 511-65 , 5?Nr5E,5N-BA.S,S C"a-,a ! ' cfty Home? Denartment Plans. Specifications. Estimates. garage; 4 blocks from Jefferson high - IRVINGTON COLONIAL-SIMPLY . Wr7cTIVE home - very desirable lo'ca' TRANSFER AND STORAGE , -28 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4,54 IRVINGTON ENGLISH COTTAGE. RITTER LOWE & CO feaitor, ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BLDG. CO.. schooL Call owner. Walnut 2902. . CHARMING A TTR ACT IVB h ome vfncocabl OREGON TKANSFSP. cb. ' IdiSU!if.v. at On 20th near Brasee- very artistic 801 BdwW. 415-6 Abing.on Bldg Bdwy. 5848. by-OWNER -Well-arranged 5,room wi$?&t,'g: loggSZ Z Af'tf'r'Sr l"o 4'aoe SL Braa?SKiQSE: 1.U a'vere 60xlS2 W'roSK . 'SSt. .MwSa ROSE CITY PARK. $5000-6 rooms. 0, mFdrfnnch "doireplae Mut.Icin'.cfifLTBdw'y1: ""f'l cl. East .Sn,Ane lo78. rooms f lower b ox roses .awn; leav.- D H.V.hm,.., n T.ril?, QBL 811 improvemenu in and- paid, $975. floor., French doors to north porch, Owner has moved from city and wants Wr?rt fninace" 50x115 lot ea ,S 6on wwy. TABOR HOME Large square six L"? . . ta.,1 jaoor joj. tour warehouse, on Terminal Tracka - Tabor 2611. Iceless refrigerator installed, ground us to sell this attractive bungalow; not Sli a!d Vtm? In S S -k4t rZ a , Lm housi newly paintld outside and WILL sell my home east of Ladd's Addj lllFSoP 'sras S!SKE 11 " PS Srta .chKopaiH ROSE CITY PARK DXSTRICT. ii' a., Wweol foV'hol tJSPVSL. ceptioSaTiy g rTO?7oA- . Buy. a'-roTungalow. ,ot -.. b- ' DO NOT throw your watch away; I n ,fl0 vl.v jloee to the sndy "ter ht fireplace, S UrVom. an J room with fireplace, finished through- MY BEAUTIFUL, west side Bombay bUE 50x100; ea.y terms. Broadway 5462. , fo?Ml jkldfng bldg. nc. pLANa 10fJ Ign., $10 to $15. will repair, guarantee any watch 2 b,dot autifuT "fir trees .idew!?ks " " garage: the house la . ul .f1 vor5- Pstry paper, excellent galow located between. Westover t.r- J1250CORNER lot 5 rooan bath, ga- V.fvii WORTH of furniture' free" also op- or apecially designed at reasonable fee. vears; price, reasonable; 20 years' ex- "A" " "-er Prone BrS.i - nearlj and location the beat location; ideal home; garage; easy race and Willamette Heights, for sale rage, fruit; $375 down, balance $15 a 400.Wr1rJ Toet bauUful 4-r niodern L R. BAILEY CO.. , pei ience. Harry Brown. 171 First st. . ' urb' ; r ' P "e d"'y,'" Weon & Co., 1206 N. W Bank bid.. trro"- Sellwood 2706, ownes. at a great sacrifice as J am leaving nth Automatic 618-03. L"lSw at slcrific" 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. near Vamh.il. LUl ig. MCH BUNGALOW. $2250. " ' - OSpciTY BARGAIN. cjtyand need the money Main 2927, IVE.BOOM mode,n house, furnished. nflde'r'bgnuf6 East' 4855. large Portland Heights home overlook, "" d?a $12 month- dandv vi!l fih MKVX. all tn fruit "and berries. $4850 EASY TERMS. 7-ROOM oottage ana ge walking t3500; unfurnished $2850; terma Ow Vr ATTRACTIVE 7-room stucco house ing 6000 square mile, of city aS norm.! UIIUIVF ennirTU " bullSlng restriction. . ' pved sidewalk, hard surfaced street . - bungalow 3 large, airy distf' s','ee- M'n nw, 5-" Sr. Tabor 8008. " and garage In .beautiful resides dT - .olnery; wonderful terraced ground OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Roger W.fary. 1219 N. W. Bank Blda $750 down. $25 per month, Woodstock j???.'0- hard- bupga'g- ast 'ae- f"1 54- gT OWNER, 5-room house; good condj: g Owner will sacrifice tor terms By owner. AM 594, Oregonian. vilbvUli IIUIIIMUL OUUIUI I v , DOWN- tw D.r mn- ' " "J" district; a bargain; take care or lot J"!.;. kitchen, breakfast VINGTON several new. modern B i0n, elo.e In: 2 short block, to RC car Phone East 2742. FINANCE SERVICE Cft, building' dent' WMil'm .f c llStd frfetl.? b,N.'eoPVtrm,0,ne.r .. Tp" M0"""' A1'en Ma'n " t0 .mSklLS", im yoi '. lit" BRlce" ffl1, . Sf E. 16th .t N. East 8919. 5-gXl-r..m house, completely' "bJ Lewis, manager. General co .-rileity to amrnals. Offices, room blocks to a cement sidewalk.. Phone 5 F' , : fATJpirr ht-uct1 t-ziZ- 1 ' - t. f $3500 CASH, balance Urms. take. 5-room furnished, lot 75x100, $600; some terms. fraction, alterations and repairs. 909- 150 Courthousor. Thono Alain 378 Olsen. Tabor 1542. $3375 GLENCOE, SS CARLINE $3375. w Siit" . .?-r5,6w -room IRVINGTON, 7-room house, in good lo- completely modern Laurelhurst fur- Inquire of W. A. Hollingehead. 76th oia Wilcox bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6451 ! from 8 A. M-. to 6 P. M. iooxlUU LOTS ALBERTA CAR " 5 room and attic cement basement w.v'Th hardwood n every cation, good lawn, garage; $3800, East ni,hed home. Phone Main 5567. ave. and 50th st. COSY BUNGALOW. The aocletj- has tuil charge of the S575. S8 down; $8 month; no build- Uundry traya etc.. near ear and hool. . (',ts "w "S.""tlK. S12L . . ., , ROSB CITY bungalow,' $4500. pew and $2500 $45 cash; f-room bungalow near New 4-room bungalow. Woodstocl city i,ouiid at its home, 535 Columbia Ing restrictions. Tabor 5,50. ; bargain A. G TEBPE CO TahS. aias IRVINGTON Artistic new bungalow. " Dp to the minute. $750 down, balance E. 46th and Holgate; built-in.: good distrtct, large lot; very easy term. boulevard. Phono any timo. Wood- Roc-r w. Cary. 1219 N W. Bank Bl'.r NEW. S-ROOM bungalow, sleeping porch, Tabor 9586 rJS w- faBor s4g3- Corner cf Thompson and 18ta st easy. Bdwy. 8003. basement beautiful littIhome. 1038 w. L. Irwin. Wdln. 6714. lawn '.4. Dogs (or sale. Horse am- BEAUTIFUL Rose City lot, all essta absolutely biggest bargain m Rose City EMERALD CITY " MODERN 6-roonv flat with sleeping ONE BLOCK. TO MT.' TABOR CAR." Belmont. K0SB CITY PARK Modern S-roou bulaneo tor RU-k or d.subied horses. in and paid, located on S7th st. near Park; $800 down, terma East 4358. Attractive 6-roorn .Vnii hn. . norrh at 700 H Hort East 3376. 2021 E. Taylor at; n.w 7-room mod- FOR SALE Modern 4-room bungalow, .bungalow, aleeping porch, garage. Small animai3 painlessly electro- Sandy; price only $1000. A. G. TEEPE GO OCT to No. 250 50th St.. cor. Madison. bedrooms all buil'-irls eirSi im OWNER must sell beautirul 7-room mod- era house for sale cheap. From owner. 1 block from Sandy. See owner, 710 E. paved st Owmr, Tabor 2035. , cuted whro. necessary end stray Co- Taber 9riS3. . 2 lots and o-rocm iittle home. j provemen't. tn and paid 'fo?; must self em bungalow. Anta 644-88. fioofca-ROOM portable house, 14x23, 73d st N. FOB SALE By owner, modern 5-roo anlinals careo for. jll dead animals, FOR QUICK sale. Laurelhurst corner lot OSWEGO Fifth and "B" streets 6-rm. I leaving city: $750 down; pries $480o' -.ROOM house, lot 50x100. 504 Ckjmmej suitable for shop or dwelling, elec., PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern; will bungalow. Rose City: built for owt cowa, horses, etc., picked up. J $800; paved sireeis. 103S Belmont. bungalow. 4 modern conyeolerices). J terms to suit 121 Tillamook Jt, ' ( cbal. M block Russell; $1500, . Kghu, paintsd, Cor. 20th ji4 Lovsjoy. sacrifice (or 4 ck aale. akj 71SS. home; lerma, Tabor C9S3 .. .