THE MOHNIXG OltEGONIAN, THITirSTJ AT, JUNE i, 1922 21 NKW TODAT. "Built to Endure" GARAGES RKOIMADE8 are those RED ROOt'ED, good - looking, substan tially built Sectional Garages that you see in your neighborhood. "BUILT TO ENDURE!" ABSO LUTELY. Easy to erect. Ecooomy to ship. PRICE $45 UP Wo Erect Them in and About Portland. REDIM.4DE BLDG. CO., Portland. Or. 315 E. 11th, Two Blocks South Hawthorne. Phone Bast 5114. WANTED PARTNER YOUNG REAL ESTATE MAN with local listings for partner with prominent real tor; has highest credentials. Apply 421 Oregon building. KORTHWERUG C(X FLUFF JRU6S Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save half the price of a new rug. Use woolen clothing. Bxl2 REGS STEAM CLEANED SI .50. Kat 3580. 1S8 Eamt Eighth. Edward LGoudey Co. MORTGAGE TOANft. United Mates Jtttutk Kutidin. Phone Your Want Ads to Main 7070 Automatic 560-95 THE OREGONIAN REAL ESTATE. 4 FLATS, WEST SIDE. $13,500, $7000 cash, balance 6 per cent; each flat has 5 large rooms, built-ins, plenty closets, fireplace, cement base ment, sepa.ra.te furnace; present Income $100 monthly. Would easily bring $200. Investigate this. Located near 21st and Washington sts. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. fm N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. For Sale Beach Prope rty . I-STORT square house containing 6 large rooms, full bath and basement; house ceiled throughout, double floors, building paper between walls; furniture including new range. House alone can't be dupli cated for the price, $2250. If not sold by June 5th will rent for season, $275. Owner on " premises. 209 Avenue I, Seaside. BUMMER home for sale at Bay Ocean; roomy house on beach, full plumbing throughout; Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and large sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace. Free from incum brance; reasonable. Owner needs money to finance other business. AV 63, Ore- gonlan. - ' GEARHART cottage. adjoining golf course, 7 rooms and bath, modern, well furnished. Price for quick sale $2500 Phone East 2595 For Sale Lots. TWO REAL snaps in home sites; very choice property, all free and clear, one lot in Laurelhurst, Laurelhurst ave., between Imperial and Buena Vista aves., lot 7, block 5, price $1260. Other lot in Alameda Park, beautiful location, lot 3, block 44, on Skidmore between 30th and 31st sts.; price $1000. If you are con sidering a purchase you should inspect these sites before making a decision. Telephone Owner, Broadway 7744. HAWTHORNE CAR. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. Level view lots on E. 50th st., com mencing S10 ft. south of Hawthorne ave.; all imp. in and paid; 8 lots to choose from ; price $1000. Terms $200 down and easy monthly payments, 6 per cent interest. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 22S Henry bldg., Bdwy. 4754. 60X1OO-FT. LOTS, $350 and up, 10 per cent cash, easy payments on balance; near car, stores and schools; walking distance of Kenton industrial center; you can build a temporary house on these lots and save rent. JOHN'S ON -KELLY CO.. 800 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. " ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Level 50x100 lot on E. OSth st., 2 blocks from Sandy, sewer, curbs and walks in and paid ; a buy at $570 ; terms. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., , 228 Henry bldg.. Bdwy, 4754, ROSE CITY CAR. 65 feet off Sandy blvd., lot 75x100. fine building site; only $1050; nice large ga rage, finished inside and floored, ail painted and in fine shape. See ROYAL, 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 153. LOT. On East Pine, between 2tst and 22d. only $650; own terms. See Mr. Miles, with E. M. ELLIS, Realtor, 423 Morgan bldg. Main 5060. LAURELHURST LOT, $S50. 75x120. Level lot. 75x120. south front, all imp. in and paid; a real buv at $$50 HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 22S Henry bldg., Bdwy. 4754. IRVINGTON uew bungalow completed or win puna la sun on yours or my own :ot. A. C. MALMQUIST, BUILDER. 590 E. 25th St. N. East 22 J OR SALE By owner, lot 100x80, ii Riverside Add., bargain. In Sellwood, 100x100, on Leo avenue V 695, Oregonian. ItntxlUO wouolaw N district, two fine lots, oniy f.-"u ior me two; A fine snap for a builder or ex-service man; two hiorKs i ram car line, m. D. Carter Main 3587. 60x 100-FOOT lot, covered with bearing limit K' " 1". u-aunacea Street $700, $100 cash. JOHNSON-KELLY CO. SOfl Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy, 3860 1! BEAUTIFUL lots. E. 3Mh N., one or both, reasonably priced for quick sale: also two on Wasco, Bdwy. 6712. Main 6050. 100x100 LOTS $575. Alberta car; $8 down. $S motnh; no building restrictions. Roger W. Cary, 1219 Northwestern Bank b'dg. FOR SALE $250 ea:ht 2 lots 50x100 each. 2 blocks from car, paved street and store, Mt. Scott div. ; or will trade for ';'ord coupe. P. Q. Box 1101, Portland. SCLL-j3I2E lot on East 63d, not far from (Mndy; cement sidewalks, curb, sewer: $ux: See ROYAL, 72d and Sandy blvd. 'Phone Tabor 1"5. FEW LOTS near 33d and Holman; cement teas, eleotricity; $200 and up; $4 down. $4 month. Roer W. Cary. 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. DON'T ROAM: BUY A HOME E. M. ELLIS. Realtor. Suite 42s Morgan Bidg Main 5060. APARTMENT SITE. Irge corner, close in. east sid b.trirt'n- Tubor 7141. WESTMORELAND, southeast corner 20th and Tollman; by owner. Make me an nffer. Phone M,r. 564.- LAURELHURST lut. sacrifice, by owner. Tubor 530 SALE Choice Walnut Park inside lot- Call WoodUun 6376. No dealer. BUSINESS lot on Division, near 30th, $1200. terms. Main 2072. ALAMEDA PARK Bryce ave.. 50 ft. east 2St h. facing north; $1250. Tabor 6441 . $350 72l ST. NEAR SANDY BLVD. Mm lull lot, assta. paid. , Tabor 6559. REAL ESTATE. For Sal Lots. BUY A BETTER LOT in Beautiful Irvington. Portland's Model Home Section. It costs no more to buiid your home on an Irvington lot than in other dis tricts. Remember you can sell for more money in an established neighborhood. The price of homesites owned by the Hughes estate in Irvington proper are no (higher than lots in other less desir able residential sections. When the few remaining lots are sold your opportunity will have passed to get in on reduced prices and easy terms. For appointment today call Tabor 4139; week days Bdwy. 7567. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $10O CASH. NICE LEVEL LOTS, $1000. LADD'S ADDITION. Second Mortgage Privilege. $10 per month, ail improvements paid; remember, this beautiful ad dition, is only about 20. minutes walk from City Hail. See MR. DELAHUNTY, LADD ESTATE CO.. ' ' 246 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 5754. , Eves., East 7738. HOMES EEKERS. WHY NOT BUILD? It is less expensive, We are In terested in how well we can build, not how much we can get Xor building. See us before buying or building. ROBNETT & McCLURE, BUILDERS. 802 Couch bldg. Broadway 6574. . ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. . $500 AND UP. EASY TERMS. Let us show you these choice lots be low the hill In Alameda Park, between E. 19th and E. 24th sts., commencing at Alameda drive and extending south 2 blocks, 90 lots in this natural park to choose from; convenient to Broadway or Irvington cars; second mortgage priv ilege. This section of Alameda la re stricted for 25 years. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry bldg.. Bdwy. 4754. WEST SIDE VIEW LOTS. $500 UP; EASY TERMS. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGES. Choice view lots up to acre in size at View Point station on the Oregon 'Electric. This property Is within the 3 mile circle from the west side busi ness center and has all city conveni ences; sewer, paved streets, city water, gas electricity; Fulton Park brick school is close by. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. LOT BARGAINS. Alameda Best district, $1000. A beautiful corner $1400. Jonesmore, 72d st., two blocks from Glisan st., price $650. E. Davis st., 150 ft. west of 82d, north front, 50x100, $500. Peninsula Park, N. W. corner Albina ave. and Dekum. one block from Peninsula park. $990. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. LAURELHURST LOTS BUILDERS, HOME-SITE SEEKERS. We believe we are better equipped to locate you in this district than any one else In the city. Past connections with the Laurelhurst Co. have given us the ad vantage of obtaining a large and com plete listing of lots and houses. Room 1, Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 7519. Mccarty, maxwell & downey. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $900, all impts. in and paid. $100 cash, $100 every 3 months. On E. 26th. near Knott. Corner, $1000. AH impts. paid, $100 cash. $10 monthly on Irvington car,- 2 blks. to school. Just 18 minutes ride from 5th and Wash. Lot dept. Open evenings. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. DEEP SANDY LOAM Over half acre in the city. Why go further? Very cheap. Terms. Broadway 4620. For Sale- Houses. BRAND-NEW HOME. LAURELHURST. All built-in features, tile, drainboards, best of material and workmanship; ga rage and nice large corner lot; move right into this beautiful little home, among Portland's best; full price $7500, easy terms. RICHANBACH & CO., 605-7. Chamber of Commerce, Broadway 4143. $250 CASH gives you possession of an 8-room home in Portsmouth district, close to car and school; large lOOxlOO-foot lot, with 27 BEARING FRUIT TREES ' Flowers and shrubs. Price $3000. Easily worth $-1500. RICHANBACH & CO., 605-7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4143. ROSE CITY PARK. Complete 5-rooin home, right off Sandy, in splendid neighborhood; ail paved streets; close in, on full-sized lot; if you are in the market for a home, see this one. RICHANBACH & CO., 605-7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4143. LARGE Portland Heights nome overlook ing 5000 square miles of city and scen ery. Wonderful terraced grounds. By owner. AM 594, Oreeontan, LAURELHURST DISTRICT, overlooking park, $5750. A splendid buy; reasonable payments, too. Call up and ask to see this. No obligations, positively. A. G. TEEPE CO., RESIDENTIAL REAL TORS, Tabor 9586 or Tabor 3433. HOLLADAY. Beautiful S-room Colonial home, just completer. A real home, first-class throughout and a splendid bargain at $10,000. terms. 655 W'asco St., near 17th. OWNER, ROBERT B. BEAT, Builder. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, SMALL PAY MENT, OR SOLDIER'S BONUS. . 5 rooms, full plumbing, gas, furnace and water heater; nice view; over acre berries; 2 blocks city car; $2500. J. C. ,Corbin Co., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. ON PAVED STREET $1950. Two nice lots and neac 4-room cot tage, chicken house and woodshed; $200 down, $20 monthly. See Mr. Lamb or Mr. Griffith, with Fred W.. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. WEST SIDE, close in, nice home. 6 rooms and reception hall; furnace, modern ex cept hardwood floors; fractional lot; Tenth st. S. Price $4500. $1250 cash, balance straight mortgage. 509 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 3903. WEST SIDE house, five rooms and recep tion hall, mfidern except heat; $400 re cently spent on the property; nice fix tures, close in. big bargain; price $2900, terms. Owner. 509 Chamber of Com- m erce bldg. Bdwy. 396.3. ON PATTON ROAD, Portland Heights, 7 room, nice family home, about 3 lots, with fiuit trees, etc., garage, $5000. Owner, Marshall 2671, HOUSE PLANS 100 designs. $10 to $16. or specially designed at reasonable fee. U R- BAILEY CO., 824 N. W. Bank Bids. WE HAVE homes listed in all parts'of tne CUV. -aii us iur appuiuiment, E. M. ELLIS. Realtor. Suite 428 Morgan Biag. Main 5060 FOR SALE 2-room house, completely tot, lnt T?iv1An SC1U1- DnmA to.-.. Inquire of W. A. Hollingshead. 76th ave. ana .turn 01. WILL sell my home east of Ladd's Add 439 E. 26th, corner lot. modern. $5400; no real estate com. Terms. Call owner. Sellwood ii. BUY FROM OWNER. Save commission. 7-room house in Mt. Tabor district; must see it to appreciate It. A. D. uoane. Ciast Lincoln st. FROM OWNER For a home or invest ment, 4-room house, large, business lot, close to 92d and 9234 Foster road. Lents. cheap for casn. $2500 5 ROOMS. 50x123. lot to alley, ear den, shrubbery, make good home, $400 down, bal. easy. Bdwy. 8003. 616 Henry bldg. FORCED to sell bungalow, close in, on east aide, for $6000, $2000 down and balance on own terms in reason. Call East 2trQ!. . BY OWNER Rose Cityi 5 rooms ani sleeping porch; double garage, com- condition. $5250. Good terms. Tab. 1737. CNE BLOCK to Mt. Tabor car; a new room modern house for sale cbeap from owner. Inquire 2002 E. Salmon st. Tabor 3443 6-ROOM modern house, very desirable, ex cellent conaition. immediate possession, terms, 1 block from Williams car line. W oodiawn fl4. IRVINGTON Several new. modern homes. also vacant lots, or win build on any one's lot. R. B. Rice. East 2432. IRVINGTON. $6500. 8-room house on 22d. fine for Income, easy terms. East 4T9. BEAUTIFUL Irvington corner for Bale by owner; n-room moaern nouse ana ga- rage; must sen, f uregonian. IRVINGTON Artistic new bungalow, cor. Thompson and lytn. &-RM. BUNGALOW. $27.5u; fruit trees, Close uu C&U .bast ob, , REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honses. . See FRANK I McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale;' Largest Home Seiler on the Pacific Coast. PERSONAL INSPECTION. PERSONAL APPRAISAL are important features of THE McGUXRE SYSTEM. OF SERVICE to home seekers! Every facility of our large offices is placed at your disposal! HUNDREDS OF REMARKABLE BARGAINS! A few mini tea spent in this, modern office will accomplish as much as weeks of aim less shopping elsewhere! WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT IF NECESSARY! ! THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN! Call Bdwy. 7171. Open Evenings Until 8. 80 Salesmen With Autos! I SUNNY. JUNE-TIME SPECIALS! ! ! A HOME IN LAURELHURST! -PORTLAND'S FAVORITE BEAUTY SPOT! NEW!' NEW! JUST COMPLETED! VACANT! HEART'S EVERY DESIRE GRATIFIED! 6 Rooms; Garage; Near Car! PRICE as ONLY $6990 Terms. BEAUTIFUL LADDINGTON COURT! ! ROSE CITY O' DREAMS! $4950 WONDERFUL NEW BUNGA LOW IN HEART OF ROSE CITY! Fairest' of any bungalow in this district at anywhere near this ' price! JUST THINK! HAS FUR ' NACE, fireplace, hardwood floors " ' and all of the built-ins. breakfast nook, garage. SEE THIS ADOR ABLE BUNGALOW FOR YOUR VERY OWN! Terms. E. 48th st. (We have many others at ail prices). AMONG COOL TREES! DELIGHTFUL VIEW OF CITY! $3790 BEAUTIFUL 7-room bungalow In - FULTON DISTRICT on WEST SIDE OF river! No bridges to cross! Vi blk. to car; rooms are airy and very convenient.1 fire place, sleeping porch, built-ins; 4 bedrooms, landscaped grounds, great shady trees, shrubbery, etc.; Miles sL Terms. - SUNNYSIDE SNAP! $500 Down! $500 Down! -$2850 $500 down! FOR A LARGE FAMILY this is an ideal place! Big, comfortable, old-fashioned 8-room home with 5 airy bed- rooms, on full lot near car; has buiit-ins; ALL IMPROVE . MENTS IN AND PAID; 9 fruit -trees; assorted berries. THIS IS A REAL SNAP! East Taylor. $500 Down! $500 Down! . CLOSE TO THE PARK! $2690 WHY NOT HAVE LUNCHEON IN THE PARK this evening or any other of these delightfully long evenings when it's TOO HOT to stay indoors? . Here's a dandy 6-room cool, summery home In SELLWOOD. adjoining the park! Has every modern convenience; has abundance of fruit and roses; newly painted and shingled! Only $500 down! AND TERMS EASIER THAN RENT! Lexington ave. ! ! NO STUFFINESS HERE! ! 100x100! BIG SHADY, FRAGRANT YARD! $1990 NEAT, MODEST 5-room bungalow-cottage; living room, dining room and large convenient kitch en, 2 light, airy bedrooms, white . enamel bath, gas. garage, 100x100, with abundance of fruit, berries, etc. 46th st. Easy term. $400 Down! LITTLEST ALBERTA! $1490r $400 down! COSY . LLTTLE 4-rcom cottage in Alberta! Has bath, electricity and gas, pretty yard with fruit, flowers and lawn, near car and school. E. 26th st. PAY RENT TO YOURSELF! FRANK LMcGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg. . Bdwy. 7171. 3d St, Bet. Wash, and Stark. NOTE. We have an opening on our sales force for an ENERGETIC SALESMAN with car. $5700, TERMS. TO CLOSE ESTATE. ' 7-room, modern house, hardwood floors; fireplace, furnac garage, met 50x100 corner lot; this is a substantial house in fair repair, a little shining up will make it very attractive and is of fered at a bargain price. REMEMBER. IT MUST BE SOLD. City Homes Dept., Rltter, Lowe & Co., Realtors, 201 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 7567. , 'Bu siness ts Good." ' $500 cash,' balance $40 per month, in--l eluding, interest; o-room moueyi uuuga low, full basement, furnace and fireplace, street paved and paid for, lot 50x100, roses, cherries and apples. Just the home you are looking for at a greatly underpriced figure. Near both schools and car line. G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC., Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Evenings. $550 DOWN Furnished, $222o ; 3 rooms and batn, Duiii-ins, aouoie conairuuieu, paved street, corner 50x112; garage, electricity, gas, sewer; 5 bearing fruit trees, all kinds berries, including straw berries, flowers, roses, shrubbery, lawn, garden in; cheap at $2600; consider 1920 or 1921 Ford. Take Woodstock car, get off 50th ave. S. E., walk down to E. 39th, 1163 50th ave. (or Raymond ave.), cor ner E. 39th st. S. E. MILWAUKIE, 100x125. $1000 cash, balance terms, buys lot 100x125 with new 5-room bungalow, con crete basement, fireplace, buffet, book cases, Dutch kitchen, etc., Bull Run water, electric lights, gas; house . is double constructed throughout; located at 32d and Harrison; price $3800. L. R. Shenden, owner. 32d and Harrison. Mil waukie, Or. Phone 66-X, Milwaukie. CHOICE ALBERTA BARGAINS. Just being completed, 4 rooms, break fast nook, old ivory finish, 52x100 lot, fruit; Alberta; $3500, terms. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, paved St.; Alberta; $2850; $500 down. 6 rooms, Alberta, furnace, fruit, near car; good buy; $300 down. Main 5267. R. HOARD. 501 Stock Exchange bldg. GOOD INVESTMENT. 6-room house, renting for $40 per month; 4-room house on rear -off lot renting for $20 per month ; concrete garage renting for $6 per month; lot 50x100 on paved street. This will show 15 per cent. Price $5000, terms. JOHNSON-KELLY CO., 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. SS60. LAURELHURST. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, all built-ins, full cement basement, on paved street. Owner will sell his equity for $250. Ex-service men can apply state loan. Call Mr. Burke with DEKUM & JORDAN, 323-4 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 2249. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow with garage, in Rose City Park; tireplace, furnace, tue bath, j:ile drain boards, breakfast nook, all furnished in good taste. See this and you will buy. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Evenings. A REAL HOME. $1500 cash will handle this beautiful Willamette Heights home of seven large rooms, strictly modern. Selling to settle an estate. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. ROSE CITY PARK. Will sacrifice my equity in 5-rbom modern bungalow, furnished, electric stove, Gasco furnace, garage. See my agents. MILLER SB-IP & STEWART, 165H Fourth St. Main 5275. M"S BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park home; unobstructed view of city, 75x125 grounds; very choicest part of district; every modern convenience. Ask my realtor, J. R. Haight, 327 Board of Trade bldg. Broadway 2045. $3425 $400 -CASK, balance $30 monthly, including interest, neat 4-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, basement, near Peninsula park. JOHNSON-KELLY CO., 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3R3Q. WE HAVE a well-furnished, 5-room house, sleeping porch, modern bath, 60x 100 lot. beds, drapes, rugs, range, all for $2700, $.00 cash will handle it. Main 2011 or 315 Northwestern Bank building. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Darling little new 3-room bungalow, painted cream color with rexi roof; hot water heat; beautiful view of Tualatin valley. Suitable for couple. $3150, terms BROOKE. Main 4342. $242."V. ROSE CITY. S2425. 4-room modern bungalow, just the nlace for two. See it todav. Small down payment, balance like rent. 21 Railway Kxcnange o:ag. bdwy. 680S. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. WHY pay commission? Buy from owner for immediate sale; will sacrifice a 5 room modem bungalow; furnished or unfurnished. Bdwy. 4909 or Auto. 618-25. " ROSE CITY PARK COR. OF SANDY. New 5-room bungalow, every conceiv able built-ins. some furnishings, garage. Sewer, pavemejru. See owner, 610 East 61st st. N. Tabor 6060. $6650. terms. $20 FOR A 4-room, with bath, toilet, con crete basement ; lot . 50x100, with fruit -1306 Rodney ave. F. L. BLANCH ARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. eflo9. IRVINGTON fine stucco home on 2-ith near Knott. $15,000; will trade for Los Angeles nome or vacant property. McDONELL. EAST 419. GO OUT to No. 250 50th Ft., cor. Madison, 2 lou and 5-room littie home. BEAJL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. NEW HOMES IN ALAMEDA. A little gem, just finished, living room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, hard wood floors, dining room with beautiful built-in buffet, French doors between living and dining rooms, splendid kitch en, all built-in conveniences ; breakfast nook; cement basement, laundry trays, set-in bath tub, best plumbing fixtures, one good-sized bedroom, built-in ward robe; will finish one or two bedrooms upstairs if desired. Price $4950, $1000 down. EIGHT ROOMS. Five rooms downstairs, three upstairs: Gasco furnace," Ruud water heater; best district; price $8500. very best terms. CLASSY FIVE ROOMS. This one is exceptionally well built; all modern built-in , everything com plete; price $6250. $1500 down. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1653. ' RENT SAVERS. $ 600 $100 cash; 2-room cottage on 50x100 lot, fruit trees and small fruit. $1049 $50 cash; 2-room shack on ground 120x128: fine place for chickens. $1350 $250 cash buys a 3-room plastered house on 50x100 lot; plumbing in. i f JVUU V,uu JJ.01A UUJD Cfc 1"1 Win "w" on lot 80x100; lots of nice fruit; right on the carline. Photos of these and many others at office of "this company. See Mr. Lamb or Mr. Griffith, with FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $5800, TERMS. LEAVING CITY. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Very attractive, 6-room bungalow on corner tear Sandy blvd., bungalow 30x50 ft., with beautiful shrubbery and large fruit trees; it's a real home and must sell at once. See it now. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT, RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201 Board of Trade bldg., Bdwy. 7567. "Business is Good." LAURELHURST COLONIAL BUNGALOW most reasonably priced; built by one of Portland's best builders; you will go a long way to find as good a bungalow, one with the class and distinction and the real worth built into It. Oak floors throughout, tiled bath, modern plumbing, tiled sink, French doors, expensive tap estry 'paper; ideally located. Inspect. A. G. TEEPE CO., RESIDENTIAL REALTORS, Tabor 9586, or Tabor 3433. WOODLAWN HALF ACRE. With 8-room house, good basement, full plumbing, nice fireplace, 30 fine bearing fruit trees, 50 feet to car and elear of incumbrance; this place is priced right, and can be handled with $500 cash balance only $25 per month, in cluding 6. RALPH HARRIS CO., 316 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 5654. - . WHY PAY RENT ? We can build you a real home in Ladd's addition, $1000 cash, balance on easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 5839 or call 622 Worcester bldg. . h - . , DON'T MISS THIS. New four-room bungalow, never been occupied; breakfast nook; a fine Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, two airy bedrooms; lots of closet space; linoleum in kitchen; bath; fine electric fixtures; basement, laundry trays; concrete porch; fine lot; $3400. Small cash payment. Call Wdln. 865 ior appointment GO TODAY $500 CASH. Brand new 6-room home, 3 nice bed . rooms with closets, best plumbing, big cement basement, oak floors in hail, living and dining rooms. Dutch kitchen, paving paid. Balance $25 monthly. 711 Ellis ave., 2 blocks east SW car. Key at opposite corner. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. 411 Abington Bldg. $3150 ALBERTA $3150. Dandy new, 4-room bungalow on 50x100 lot. with garage; owner trans ferred east and must sacrifice, $600 cash, bal. like rent; will take in small car.. FRED C. PRATT, 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Bdwy. 1853. ONLY $500. Dandy new 5-room bungalow, double construction, extra fine white enamel plumbing, oak floors, built-tns, fire place, paving paid. Balance $25 month ly. 709 Ellis ave., 2 blocks east SW car. Key across street. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. 411 Abington Bldg. $3950 $500 CASH. Verv artistic new 4-room bungalow. large living room, fireplace, pretty din ing room, hdw. floors, extra large bed room and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace and garage; bal ance like rent; close to jmv car. R. SOMERV1LLE. Broadway 2478. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN 4-room cottage with full plumbing; plop.trir! liehts. eras, full basement, two blocks to Laurelhurst park; smail pay ment, balance easy; price $2650; .to be sold today. RALPH HARRIS CO., ' 316 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 5654 RO LOOK $200 CASH. A hrand new little 4-room bungalow, double constructed, best plumbing, well finished, oak floor in living room, walli tinted. 1152 E. 22d st, SW car to Ellis ave., 3 blocks east. SIDNEY G- LATHROP 411 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, furnished or unfur nished, in Irvington, 6-room home, hard wod floors upstairs and down, pressed brick fireplace, ivory woodwork, garage, cement driveway and walks, roses, shrubbery, etc.; near Irvington school ; will sell at a sacrifice. Phone East 5979 evenings ; LAURELHURST, $4400, 4-roorn bungalow, new; hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, tapestry paper, double constructed, mod ern plumbing, block from car; very easy terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., Tabor 3433, or Tabor .9586. IRVINGTON : APARTMENTS. Four beautiful homes in one; looks like one big home, all leased and rented for $100 each; see this at $25,000; nets 16 per cent. McDONELL. EAST 419. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. $4200, new bungalow, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place; very well arranged, all built-ins; street Imp. paid; terms. R. SOMERVILLE, Broadway 2478. EXCEPTNONALLY well-built home in Irv ington, containing 5 rooms downstairs, 2 bathrooms, 2 rooms and sleeping porch upstairs; lot 60x100; every convenience. Including gas furnace, Ruud .-ater heater, garage. East 1499. 585 22d St. N. $2950 PRICE $21KS0 $200 DOWN $200 $25 PER MONTH $25 -Nearly new four -room bungalow, 357 Stafford St., near Union ave. Phone and ask the owner about this. East 4000. A SNAP Modern furnished 5-r.oom bun galow, $3850; $750 cash, balance easy; cement basement, garage, cor, lot, 50x 100, improvements in and paid. Rose City Realty Co., 863 Sandy blvd. Phone East 661 or Tabor 6442. ROSE CITY, $5250, CLOSE IN Not a new bungalow, but splendidly built; modern in every way, including garage; terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., Tabor 958S. or Tabor 3433. . - $500 AND $25 PER MQjNTH buys my new 4-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, large hT-akfast room, wash trays, basement. garage, full 50x100 lot. Phone Wdln. 6437 or call at 558 Killingsworth ave. 4-ROOM house on car line and navprt street; gas. bath, electricity; $2200. $500 cash. $3U per monm, inciuaing interest. Woodlawn 6720. FINANCE SERVICE CO., building dept., Robert J. Lewis, manager. General con struction, alterations and repairs. 909 913 Wilcox bidg. Phone Bdwy. 6453. $5300 IRVINGTON. 5-room bungalow, hot water heat, 1 block from Broadway and 15th; small down payment and $60 per month on balance. East 419. 3-RM. HOUSE, eiec, gas, water, cor. lot 80x100, sewer, sidewalks, paved sts. ; price $1900, easy terms. 611 Buchanan bldg. ' - ' BRICK AND STUCCO Charming brick and stucco home of 8 rooms in Alameda Park; sightly corner, garage; very "at tractive term:?. Broadway 4620. WILL sacrifice 5-room modern house, near car; lots fruit; nice lawn; $30O down, $25 a month, including interest. 505 Swetland bldg. ONLY $700 ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 2 good-sized rooms, built-ins, etc. ; nice full lot, 4 bearing fruit trees. Move in; very easy terms. Tabor 4803. 7-ROOM house, sleeping porch ; big bar , gain ; less than $5000 ; choice location ; , must be sold to settle an estate. 424 E. 3Sth st. North. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Super-constructed home of 8 rooms, wondertul view; a de luxe oiTering; -terms, tsroaaway 420. DON'T ROAM; BUY A HOME. E. M. ELLIS. Realtor. Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. ATTRACTIVE house, furnished or unfur nished, centrally located. Phone 343 -R Vancouver between 8 and 6. FOR SALE by owner, modern 5-room bun galow. Rose City, built for own home; terms, lanor ffi IOR SALE; 6-room modern' house, full basement ; price $3000. Phone Wood- lawn 1391. DUTCH COLONIAL A very artistic Irv ington Dutch colonial offered at an at tractive figure; 7 rooms. Broadway 4620. BARGAIN FOR SALE OR RENT SEVEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, MOD ERN. EAST 3775. BEST buy in Irvington in new 5-room bungalow, $4500, $500 down. 710 East loth, st, N. J REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. LAURELHURST. 6-Rm.. Library and SI. Porch Rm. $9tKM With a good discount for cash. A pick up for the particular buy er who appreciates rare con struction and finish. Extra-large living room all of first floor fin ished,, costly hardwood, Includ ing beautiful ' doors, buffet and bookcases ; bevel plate glass in buffet, bookcases and windows; Dutch kitchen, extra -large bed rooms with plenty of closet space, full cement basement with . billiard room, oversize furnace, garage. Free and clear, on 80 : ft. paved street. , David Harp, Manager, R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE 1150 Sandy Blvd. at. 39th. Aut. 320-04. - ' ' LAURELHURST 6-RM. BUNGALOW. WILL ACCEPT LARGE AUTO. . Owner of this beautiful bungalow go ing to drive east and will accept large auto as part payment; 6 large rooms, French doors, beautiful fireplace and buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 bedrms, that are very . large and cheerful on ground floor,- full-floored attic, full cement basement, furnace and trays; large lot with double garage: lo cated 2 blks. from park- and close to car. Full price only $8500 with, terms. A good buy. Let us show you. t. z . . CITY HOMES DEPT.- ' Ritter. Lowe & Co., Realtors. -201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade. "Business is Good." BEAUTIFUL MODERN 7-ROOM HOME, ON 0x150 LOT, ONLY $4500. Large living and dining room, fire place, bookcases, massive buffet, kitchen, all built-in features. Yes, it has hard wood floors, full cement basement, ce ment floor, laundry tubs, furnace heat, 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch, large clothes closets in each room, large front and back porch, screen doors and windows. A real home wiih beautiful lawn, flowers, in fine neighborhood, one block to street car line; $1500 cash, bal ance easv -STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WESTOVER HEIGHTS' HOME. Elaborate, nearly new colonial home for small family on large level site with unobstructed view of entire city, moun tains and river. Large living room, den, sun porch, 2 immense bedrooms, each with tile bath, and 1 ordinary room on 2d floor; 2 maids rooms and bath 3d floor; ivory finish, nicely papered, hard wood floors throughout; view porches, hot water heat, double garage. A beau tiful, well-built home, and a snap. Ta bor 407. A REAL HOME BARGAIN. ONLY $500 DOWN. Dandy 6-roora home, S bedrooms, good location, cement basement, built-ins. 100x110 lot; lots of- fruit and berries; garage ; total price only $4000 ; small monthly payments; an exceptional op portunity to ge't a home with lots of ground. MARSH & McCABE CO., 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. A REAL BARGAIN. LAURELHURST. Beautiful 8-room brick, strictly modern, with all built-in conven iences. No. 1213 Flanders st. Price $7000, good terms. For key or particulars, call Bdwy 5929. $500. IIONTAVILLA BUNGALOW. $500 down puts you in his neat, 5 room bungalow on paved street, only 1 block to car; nice lawn and shrubs, berries and garden; good attic and basement; price only $3500, balance easy terms. O'FARRELL & GRELLNER, 333-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ' Broadway 4172. J HERE IS WHERE YOU BEAT THE RENT MAN A comfortable home of 5 rooms and bath, good lot with fruit; Mississippi car; $2350, small cash pay ment, Daiance as rent. Two rooms, nice lot 100x100, 3 blocks to car; gravel bL ; for only $700, $150 cash. JOHN BROWN & CO., Realtors, 322 Railway Exch. Bdwy. 6301. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $5000, $2000 cash, $50 per month, in eluding interest on balance; 6 rooms and large reception hail; white enamel fin ish: full basement, nice lawn, shrub bery and trees; garage. 50x100 lot, paved . street. Near two car line. Priced low for quick sale. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON COLONIAL CORNER. Actual sacrifice of nearly new 2 story, 8-room colonial with double ga rage, on 18th st. ; ivory finish, large rooms. nicely papered . oak floors throughout; 2 fireplaces, breakfast rm.. sun porch, maids' rooms 3d floor. $1500 cash, $100 month. Tabor 407. $5000 BRAND new 5-room Rose City bungalow, close in, on'paved street. a!l improvements in and paid. $800 to $1000 will handle. See Mr. Bennett, ' with S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 222 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1566. - IRVINGTON. $6000- Owner leaving city, offers this comfortable home at a sacrifice. Ex cellent location, 1 block to car; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace and mirror doors; three partly "finished rooms upstairs. Phone owner. East 5598. 666 E. 16th st. N. 5-ROOM real home, large hall, French - doors, all built-ins, bathroom with ad ditional toilet ; full cement basement, furnace, trays, new garage, corner lot 50x106, some fruit, built 7 years. XVs be seen to know its worth. One block from Alberta, car, 3 from Irvington. 1085 Vernon ave. ROSE CITY LOCATION. 8-room house, double constructed, very modern, full lot,"- 1 block ffom Sandy blvd., $6000. terms; in best of condition; all improvements paid for: we have other very good buys listed. Barney Johnson & Co., Realtors, 170 Tenth st. "We serve to jplease. Broaqway tiK $2000 IRVINGTON CAR LINE $2000. 5 rooms, neat and clean, with all mod ern conveniences; rooms large and well ' arranged; built-ins- lot 50x70; paved st., sidewalks and sewer in and paid.? $850 cash, $25 per month and 6 per cent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. . Main 3787. WEST SIDE 4-ROOM COTTAGE. $250 CASH. Good 4-room- cottage, bath, cement basement, clear of - incumbrance. 752 Kelly st, near Porter, price $1850, $250 cash, $20 per month, 6. J. W. GRUSSI, 318 Board of Trde1 Bldg. Bdwy. 7542. OVERLOOK ADDITION BUNGALOW. $4500, $800 cash, $35 per month, in cluding interest. 6 . rooms, pne floor; built-ins, fireplace, oak floors,' full base ment, laundry trays, large attic. 50x100 lot, good view of west side. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. . With one acre, located on electric, 8 miles out near Bell station. Jf you want a country home see this. Price $2550; terms. See Mr. Miles with E. M. MILES. Realtor, Suite 428 Morgan b!dg. Main 5060. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Large, modern house, exceptional lo cation, 2 lots, fine lawn, fruit, etc., close to grammar and high school, full base ment, garage, imp. paid, cor. lot, fine business location. Price $6750. Garland, 260 Taylor st. LAURELHURST DUTCH- COLONIAL. Classy new 7-room colonial with ga rage, on high ground, overlooking park; every new feature; 1 bedroom down stairs, 3 and sleeping porch upstairs; built for home; $8500. Tabor 407. $3250 SANTA BARBARA BUNGALOW. An exact copy of most popular type of Cal. bungalow ; 6 rooms? full base ment, furnace, garage, all improvements in and paid; near best carline. 16 min. ride. A sacrifice at $3250. Auto. 223-19. $4400, $1000 DOWN, balance easy terms for dandy new five-room bungalow, all classy built-ins, hardwood floors, fur nace and fireplace. SUMNER-McCRACKEN", 115 Stock Exchange Bldg. . ATTRACTIVE home, corner 38th and Han cock; bungalow type; 4 large bedrooms. Every modern convenience; lawn, roses, fruit trees, shrubbery, near church, school and car; leaving city. If in terested call Tabor 4553. $6400 EASY terms. Irvington colonial bungalow, 5 rooms, big attic, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, full base ment. Block from car. Near school. Handle soldier bonus. A, E. Campbell, Selling b'dg. Main 1682. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all on one floor; living room very large, fireplace, fine furnace; 2 lots; beautiful location and view. $5500. Terms. BROOKE. Main 4342; ' LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy, nearly new. 1H -story, strictly modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, in best section, near park; no incumbrances, easy terms; a real bar gain, excellent condition. Tabor 407. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW On East Ninth street, close in. at a bargain. Price only $1800; small pay ment down. See Mr. Miles, with E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. Suite 42S Morgan B:dg Main 5060. " IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. " ' Artistic new 6-room bungalow "with garage, in heart of best section on 18th st. Every new feature; 18x32 ft. living room; tmirt ior nome. i uu: tui. -)7(j0 EASY terms, cosy 4-room new cot "tage ; full cement basement, breakfast nook, etc. 10 cherry trees. A. E. Camp bell, Selling bldg.. Mam 1682. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Honses. DARLING, PRECIOUS LITTLE BUNGA LOW, NEATLY AND COMPLETELY ., FURNISHED. Oh,' boy! Here Is a beautiful three room bungalows all furnished, ready to welcome you right. In; all new, neat and clean as a pin; it has lovely living room - with Radiant fireplace, gas for cooking and heating, modern bath, electric lights; it has fine sleeping room; also disappearing bed in the living room; beautiful Dutch kitchen, laundry tray, fine corner lot. $2650 gets com i plete layout ready for housekeeping: everything will go as you see it; you can place your loan here or fine, easy terras will be given. Oh, why pay rent when the same money will buy you a darling little home like this one? Do taot hesitate to come right in andf let me show you this. See , .:- " ' E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. $4200. A heautiful little 4-room bungalow, colonial type, located under the hill, in Rose City Park, near the car. has every built-in feature. This is a little dream. All improvements in and paid. $4850. r A beautiful suburban home, 7 rooms, story and half, has every modern fea ture, garage, furnace, everything; also 4 aere of land, located on corner, near the 8c car line, can be handled on $500 cash; don't fail to see this. A beautiful suburban home, also new ; house, has one acre of ground, located near the car. in & hieh-class district: if you want something good in a high-class nome, do sure to see tms. HILLER BROS., REALTORS. A 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Branch. Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485.- ROSE CITY DISTRICT. If you are In the market for a real nome witn large lot, lots or iruit trees, flowers and garden, here it is: 6 rooms. hardwood floors throughout, large liv ing room, large dining room, two nice oearooms downstairs, one iinisnea up stairs, ail built-in conveniences, two blocks from car. The house is too large for owner, reason for selling. The place win nave to be seen to be appreciated, Price only $5600. See Mr. Niles, with E. M. ELLIS, Realtor, Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060, . . ROSE CITY PARK. $4975. t - I conscientiously believe this is one Of the best buys in the district. Located on o4th st.. Just north of Sandy, jux ceptionally large living room, elaborate Duiret entirely across aming room, per ; fectly matched oak floors, tapestry pa per, flrenlace. bookcases. Dutch kitch en, breakfast room, garage. Your own terms or bonus. Aut. 319-44. $2000 100x100 CORNER $2000. Modern 4-room house; 1 block to pavement at E. 39th st, and Raymon ave.. a blocks to car. A really beauti ful corner with 9 cherry trees, all kinds of berries, garden. This is an excellent buy .at $2000 and can be handled on very easy terms. THE LAWRENCE CO. Realtors. , 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. JUST the place for a large family. 5 bed rooms, large sleeping porch, parlor, din ing room, sitting room and kitchen, bath room, modern except furnace, with four full lots, all la garden, all kinds of fruit and berries; garage; chicken coops, etc; you can raise all of your vegetables on this place and beat the high cost of Jiving; price only $4500, $2000 down or wiu discount for casn. cau 6804 90th st. S. E. Tel 641-47. HERE IS SOMETHING GOOD $2800. $2800. A strictly new, up-to-date bungalow, exceptionally well built; 4 large rooms, well arranged; full basement, all mod ern conveniences: on waved street: all assessments paid in full; 1 block out side city limits, 4 diocks to car. $2800, $500 down, $25 monthly and 6 per cent. JUW.A &UJN-JJUJJisUiN UU, 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. MEAT MARKET. The best small market in Port land; it has features that can only be explained by a personal inter view. Let us tell you about this. Terms. Phone Broadway 1531. 5-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST EVERETT Close-in, completely furnished combi nation wood and gas range, electric wasning maenme, vacuum cleaner;, the best of furniture : on naved street : all assessments paid. We can sell you the place, at a bargain. We have other good ouys. &ee air. Miles with E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. , Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. $4000. 6-ROOM HOUSE $4000 Located corner Cleveland avenue and Prescott street, modern throughout, very conveniently arranged, lull cement base ment, furnace, sleeping porch; all im provements in and paid; close to car and scnoois; suu casn win handle. THE LAWRENCE CO., REALTORS. - 212 Corbett Bidg. Mai 6915. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. Five-room bungalow, oak floors, ! rooms and hall, complete built-in Wftrh en and 2 large airy bedrooms; full con crete basement, furnace, trays, nice lawn and garden; blk. to car. Price aouu. iour own terms in reason; pos session at once. C. M. DERR, 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. New house, just completed, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-in conveni ences, large basement, large living and dining room; two nice large bedrooms, floored attic, 14x20; 7-ft. porch undei root. inis is a oeauty. f rice $55. 5, xerras. aee .air. Junes, witn E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. Suite 428 Morgan Bidg. Main 5060. COTTAGE HOME. 100x100. 100x100. Eighteen 10-year-old, well-assorted . iruit trees: fine garden.- 5-room house. modern basement, garage; 2 blocks off pavement; $ouu, ouu casn, $.iu per mo, interest included at 6 per cent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. ' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. . On account of sickness will sacrifice my. brand new home, six rooms, hard wood floors, living and dining room, tapestry paper, full basement, all built in conveniences; house Is double con structed, lot 50x100. If you are looking for a bargain see my Agent. E. M. ELLIS, Realtor, -Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. COLONIAL HOME. English Colonial home of 5 large rms., center entrance, oak floors, fireplace, many attractive built-ins, full basement, furnace, garage, $5900, $1000 cash. C. M. DERR. Realtor, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. ROSE CITY PARK. $4400. Located below the hill; 5 rooms, large living room, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, oak floors, tapestry paper, lighting fixtures, shades, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, garage; $500 down or bonus. Aut. 315-44. WEST SIDE. . 15 MINUTES WALK. Fine 6-room house, large corner lot, 4 fireplaces, 2 baths, oak floors, finely fin ished throughout; double garage, 15 minutes from business section. Mr. Wiler Bdwy. 2045. .T. R. HAIGHT. 327 Board of Trade. NEW BUNGALOW. Near Killingsworth avenue and 30th st. Four rooms modern, full basement; garage; lot 50x100; small payment down, balance like rent. We have other good buys. See Mr. Miles, with E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. NICE modern bouse, o large and 1 small rooms. lots of built-ins. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; full basement; .ga rage; large lot; restricted district; close in; swell view of city; block of carline. East 6099. WEST SIDE $5000. Kearney, near 24th, good 6-room hcuse, full basement, furnace, fireplace; this is in a good district: very easy terms. Mr. Wiles, Bdwy. 2045. ,!. R. HAIGHT. 327 Board of Trade. NEW MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. $3000. $300 cash. $30 per month takes this 4-room modern bungalow; two blocks from Mount Tabor car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 6:3 N. W. Bank .Bldg. Main 3787. WOODSTOCK, 80x100, bargain, 7 rooms, plastered, modern plumbing, - cement walks, close to car, full basement, laun dry trays. $3150. $250 cash, $25 month, including 6. Ralph Harris Co., 316 C. of C. bldg. Bdwy. 5654. WILL accept Ford touring car as Initial payment on 4-room plastered house; plumbing, gas, electricity and Bull Run water, 30 minutes on Gresham line, com. fare 9c. Price $1500. F 668, Ore gonian. ALBINA. Good 6-room modern house on Graham, near Rodney, $5000; this is a good buy and can be handled on terms. Yoke, 1136 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 4179. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $6300. TERMS. Well built, 6 rooms, sun porch, oak floors, fireplace, furnace; east facing; block from car ; vacant. Neuhausen & Co., Main 8078; East 394. WE CAN sell you a nice hew home in Rose City for $3500 up. See some of our bargains before you buy. E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. Main 5060. Suite 428 Morgan bldg. LOOK! YOU HOME BUYER. 6-room modern bungalow, full lot, 1 block to ear, ' extra well built, $3250, $350 cash, $30 month. Now you will buy. Automatic oa-i DON'T buy your home until you have seen some Gf the bargains we have. Our . salesmen at your service. E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main S060. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. JUST COMPLETED. i . Two very nifty, new, unusually attractive bungalows, with hard wood floors and all modern built-in conveniences; everything com plete and ready for immediate oc- . cupancy ; 4 nice, large, well-arranged rooms In each. Your choice for $4200. with only $500 cash and the balance JUST LIKE RENT. C. R, MEYER COMPANY. SOS Couch Bldg. Broadway 1031. IRVINGTON. SACRIFICE. For quick sale, charming house of finest construction, beautifully finished interior; $1000 will handle. . Automatic 318-27. ROSS CITY PARK BARGAIN. 7-room modern home, near Rose City Park school and carline, hardwood floors downstairs, fireplace and built-in buffet; second floor 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch ; full cement basement ; heating plant and wash trays; all street Improve ments in and paid for. See Webster L. KIncaid, Realtor, 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Broadway 4735. LAURELHURST. BRAND-NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL. No. 1250 EAST OAK ST., NEAR 41ST. JUST EAST OF PARK. LOT 58x160 FT., WITH ALLEY. PHONE OWNER, 310-73. SOLDIER'S LOAN ACCEPTED. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN BOOKCASES, BUFFET AND CHINA CLOSETS. LINEN CLOSET. MODERN BUIL.T-IN KITCHEN, 3ASE- JVl.HiVr, fUK.ACK, LAUNUKl IK A X O, GARDEN, FRUIT, CHICKEN HOUSE, MT. TABOR CAR. 113 E. 54TH ST. TABOR 4278. OWNER. ROSE CITY SNAP. 6 ROOMS $4800. Your own terms In reason ; a most substantially built home located below the hill; truly a wonderful buy; finished in ivory and white throughout; tapestry paper; lull cement basement, xurnace, fireplace; paving paid; buy this. A. G. TEEPE CO., RESIDENTIAL REAL TORS, Tabor 9586, or Tabor 3433. ONLY $3100. Cash $500. balance $35 ner month : 50x100 lot, beautiful combination living and dining room, iinisned in ivory and tapestry paper ; uutcn Kitcnen, oreaK fast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, screened-ln back porch, close to street car and school. Can Mr. K-rog, Broadway 13 f&. DUPLEX BUNGALOW SOMETHING NEW BIG INCOME $6500. Walking distance: all modern features; elect, ranges, fireplaces, etc.; rent $100 monthly; double garage: east side. $2000 will handle. See for yourself. Broad way 6011. T. O. BIRD. 526 Chamber of Com. FREE if taken at once, gas heater, gas laun dry plate and laid linoleum in kitchen. breakfast room and bath. For sale at a sacrifice by owner, a new modern five-room bungalow at 1384 Minnesota, just 4 blks. from Peninsula Park and Mississippi car. Wdln. 4630. 5 ROOMS. KENTON HOUSE. Good basement, 2 bedrooms, bath, lot 50x100. with lots of fruit and berries. close to car, only $2350, small cash pay ment, bal. like rent. JOHN BROWN CO.. Realtors. 322 Railway Exchange. Bdwy. 6301. ROSE CITY 8-ROOM BUNGALOW, $5850. Beautiful corner lot, all kinds of shrubberv and flowers, hardwood floors. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, furnace, full cement basement and garage. Call Mr. Krog, Broadway 13i5. HAWTHORNE 7 ROOMS VACANT. 34TH ST.. NEAR CAR. Leaving: must be sold; best construc tion, furnace. 50x100 lot. excellent condi tion; large attic; reasonable terms; no mortgage, riroaawav Wii T. O.- BIRD, 526 Chamber of Com. BRAND-new bungalow. 4 rooms and bath; 100 feet, from carline on Cora ave.; all Improvements in; large living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins, ga rage and driveway; full lot; everything complete: $3750; easy terms. Broadway 4231 or East 4216, evenings or Sundays. NOW HURRY IRVINGTON. 6 ROOMS. $6000 EASY TERMS. . Hardwood floors throughout, furnace, fireplace, near car and school: worth $7000; must be sold: come see it. Broad wav 6011. T. O. BIRD. 526 Chamber of Com. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist in financing same; 12 years' - continuous and complete building service, bkulkhi ajsu sati&faU' TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract ing architect. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. 100X100. B ROADWAY. $fi500 7-room comfortable home. sleeping porches. furnace, beautiful shrubbery, fruit, garage. Owner leaving city; $ioou casn win nanaie. isroaa way 6011. . T. O. BIRD. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Two-room new house, lot 100x100, three blocks from car; .price only $700, $150 cash, bal. like rent. SEE JOHN BROWN CO.. Realtor. 322 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bawy. 6301, 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch; full base- ment; Sunnyside; $5500. terms. Ta. 183. Suburban Homes. "CLASSY" SUBURBAN HOME. 2 acres, right at station, Ore. City car line, 8 miles out; good 6-room nouse, elec. light, gas. private water system, over 50 bearing fruit trees ; 4 kinds grapes, berries, chicken house and run. fine auto road all way into Portland. Price $5500 (reduced from $7000). A nice home with an income. Easy terms immediate possession. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, 283 Stark st. Bdwy. 1188. THE MOST beautiful home on the boule vard. at Multnomah. Large tract sround with thoroughly modern bunga low. Hardwood floors; living room 19x36, Large fireplace; house built by former owner for nis permanent nome. it can now be purchased for three-fourths of its value on easy terms. For particulars See Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 r Parte -st., - or call at his Multnomah office. Mrs. Grant in charge. ACRE ON HIGHWAY! Splendid acre with bearing fruit trees: garden all in; o-room bungalow electricity; running water near barn and chicken house ; RIGHT ON THE PAVED POWELL VALLEY ROAD $4200, terms. Ask for F; C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. 6 ROOMS 2 ACRES. Glen Echo Station, Oregon City car- line, strictly modern home with Hi acres all cleared, 2 blocks to station, 25 min utes from Portland; owner very anxiou! to sell at a bargain, $5500. and very reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., REALTORS. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ACRE HOME! $1400! Just 4 blks. from O. E. line at Metzger station: 4-room cottage: all tools and furniture go with this place. ONLY $300 down, balance like rent. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. - Bdwy. 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. $260 DOWN BUYS A HOME. . And it is a good one with 2 acres of rich soil, partly cleared and plowed ready for planting. This is on the north .side of Barr road, a miles straight eas ' of the city limits. Total price $2600, Monthly payments including interest $25. See us ior unimproved tracts. STRONG & CO., 606 Cham, of Com $3600 10 PER CENT DOWN. 6 ACRES. ALL CLEARED. 30 MIN ITTES FROM CENTER OF PORTLAND, - MILE TO ELECTRIC. ON HIGH WAY; 3-ROOM HOUSE, BARN AND WELL. FINE SOIL, NO ROCKS. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. 512-13 WIL COX BLDG.. BDWY. 5618. AT OAK GROVE, ON OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Choice acre. 4-room bungalow, fine view, electric lights, gas, good water, 1 block west of highway. 4 blocks west of station; will sell to responsible partv; $3200; $200 cash, balance $15 per month. L. P.. ENDICOTT, Owner. Oak Grove. Or. SMALL new house, quarter acre ground, close to Multnomah, to trade for light automobile or light delivery truck; bal ance can be paid out on easy terms. For particulars call on Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. $150 $200 CASH. New bungalows,, acres, pretty trees: 30 minutes' ride by auto or cars; $1450 to $1650; just what you want for a cute little home; easy terms. Broadway 7672 McFarland. Realtor, 208 Failing blag. PARKROSE corner, Richardson and Fre mont, Vz acre, chicken house and park for 300 hens, berries, grapes, rhuba rh, good gardens; $1500, terms. Owner. Tabor 3112. - BEAUTIBttJL OSWEGO LAKE. ONLY $1200. I have a wonderful view acre, over looking Oswego lake; rocked road, water, lights and gas; easy terms. Ask Allen, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WILL SELL my Riverside bungalow cheap, Oregon City line. East 2299. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. THIS "vm,L PAY TOU AN INCOME. -Grocery and living expenses. $500 down, balance $75 quarterly. Price $2650. , Tne Income here will pay for it. 30 minutes from town, right at electric station. Over 1H acres, highly cultivated, lots of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and fruit trees, large 3-room house, ga rage and large chicken house, nice grounds, ornamental trees aud shrub bery. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 630 Chamber Commerce. No phone. REDUCED TO $2500 $350 Will Handle! This beautiful new bungalow with 4 rooms, full plumbing, Dutch kitchen. Ivory enamel woodwork, tapestry paper, flower boxes; electricity, gas and run ning water; 4 acre of good soil; on hard surface road to Evergreen station on O. C. line. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. - 6 ACRES ONLY $5300. NICE CREEK ON PLACE, All bottom land, all in cultivation.. On hard surface road. 9 miles from courthouse. Good 4-room house, two chicken houses, barn, woodshed, etc Jersey cow, some chickens and a.l neces sary tools. Price for all $5300; half cash and $25 per month, Including 6 per cent Interest. MERRICK & CO.. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. 4-ROOM house, fully modern, 2 miles from Portland on paved ntgnway; am moving to California; will sell cheap on terms. Call Mr. Schaffer. Bdwy. 6667. For Sale Business Prope rt y . INDUSTRIAL spur for sale or lease. 165 ft., fronting on pavea street, 330 fu deep. G. H. Tracy, 910 N. Capital st, Salem, Or. For Sale Acreage. NEARLY three acres, 8 blocks from elec tric station; hair mile to school; u milea from center of Portland; woven wire fences; all under cultivation; bear ing fruit trees; half-acre loganberries; 4-room house with pantry; Portland gas. barn, new garage. Included with place good Jersey cow, chickens, etc. Price for everything $3100; terms. .., ACRE TRACTS ALBERTA DISTRICT. On paved street with paving and walks in and paid; all under cultivation; all in variety of bearing fruit trees in best of condition; fine loam soil; easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places 'near Portland. CLACKAMAS RIVER FKUMTAUJti. One of the most picturesque spots on the river, consisting of 8 acres, planted to apples, prunes and peaches. Power site makes big potential value. Only 12 miles from downtown. Ideal for summer home or chicken ranch. It is a bargain at $3500. FRED C. PRATT, 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1853. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Section Line Road Near 82d St. $100 down and $50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition, $950 and up; all m cultivation, good soil, city water, some tracts with bear ing raspberries; loganberries, currants and strawberries; will build small houses to suit purchasers. SAYLER E. SMITH, 318 Ry. Exch. Bldg. flU ACRES $4000! Seven acres in cultivation; 29 fruit . trees; some berries; 3-room house with water piped from spring; barn and chicken house ; county road to Bonita station on the O. E. ; ONLY $4000; terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 1 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. SOLDIERS' OPPORTUNITY. BONUS AND SECOND MORTGAGE. 5 acres, near Parkrose and Craig ave. ; gas, electricity and water available; fine Anil, lieht clea.riner': arranee for bonus. build a house and turn in the remain- ' der, second mortgage, for balance; or will sell on terms; $2500. l -J. C. Corbin Co.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. in. a pr v. svap 2 tracts at Covell, O. C. car line; 5 acres each. All in cultivation; $350 per acre. One or both tracts. An ideal building site. - x THE LAWRENCE CO. Realtors. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. FIVE ACRES $135 PER ACRE. 11 miles from Portland, in Powell valley, half mile from Anderson sta tion on Estacada line. Light clearing, best soil, no gravel. A real bargain at tne price. very easy lciiiib. . Umbdenstock & Co., Oregon bldg. Bdwy. IN CITY LIMITS FARM PRICES. One or more acres at 91st and Glisan, one block from city car line. Good soil, very small payment down, easy terms on balance. ' W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO., 210 Oregon Bldg. - Bdwy. 1658. . BUCKMAJX TKAUl, snort distance irom -Rose City, Alameda and Beaumont; half acres, $675, $8 down, $8 month; acreH, $10 down, $10 month; no city taxes; natural trees or cultivated; let me show you this beautiful tract. " R. W. Cary. 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. $2600 40 ACRES. $2600. 40 acres, 30 acres cleared, good build ings and fences. New house, cow, chickens, hogs and all farm implements go. Near Yamhill. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., - Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bidg., Third and Alder. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION. A dandy tract or z.oi acres, some cleared, on macadamized road, first-class SU1I, UVU I lUlgci una ia milt, $37.50 down, $12.50 monthly. Total, nrice $800. Fred W. German Co., Real tors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. AT BROADACRES. ' 25 acres, all cleared but half acre; 10 acres loganberries, house, barn and chicken house, fenced and cross-fenced; $1000 cash will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. GRESHAM DISTRICT ft acres (or less) excellent soil, all cultivated; level, near station, store, school. Price $500 per Afri. verv easv terms. W. M. Umbden- stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. THREE acres close to Gillis station and new Mt, Hood Loop road on Bull Run electric. All cleared, very best of soil, no gravel. Price only $900, terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 10 ACRES. Owner will sell this fine tract of land, close to city, all cleared and under cul tivation; you will pay for brush land what I am. asking for this tract; if yon , want a bargain call Tabor 2201, 10 ACRES, all in cultivation, house, barn, orchard, adjacent to Portland; mile to electric station; all in crop, garden, etc.; running water; bargain, $3200. terms.. Garland. 260 Taylor, near 3d. GOOD SIZED CREEK. A tract of 2.47 acres for $o0, $2a down, $10 monthly, on west side, l1 miles from city limits. Fred W. Ger man Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. STOCK farm, 350 acres; will produce about 300 tons hay this year besides other crop; plenty barn room and outrange;' 100 miles from Portland; will take part trade. Broadway 6932 or 4375. - st fiKF.S TRACT Just outside city at 42d and Simpson; water, lights, gas, elec tricity; $10 down, $10 month; Alberta car Roger W. Cary, 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 1643. " BOTTOM LAND On Johnson creek, 5 acres at Kendall h tat ion on Estacada line. Bargain, on terms, to settle estate. -.T.-C 115ft V W Ranlr hide "Main 41 TQ W'RITE for map of western Wasnington showing location, low prices and easy terrrs offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER- TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, WTash. BELOW bank's value. To close an estate, over 4 acres in cultivation, paved st.. ' trackage. 6-cent fare; $4000. Zimmer man. 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I20-ACRE, unlmpiovei ianc; some tim ber on it; for sale cheap. P. Wabke. Neh'alem. Or., box 61. 2 ACRES, or tell in lots, I block to Oswego lake near car and hard surfaced rd; terms. Call Bdwy. 8005. 5 ACRES, $100(1. Close to city, $500 cash down. C, Cole,. 426 Lumbermer.s blog. RinVKN ACRES. CLOSE IN THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 HZP f 1. S E 616-45 Irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sion. Interested only in getting home builders on the project. Longest grow ing season in the northwest. Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best. Junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Write for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Fr Sale Parmn. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Failing Mdg. WHO WANTS a real snap? 15 acrtis to sell together with 20 acre to rent. C. Sor enson. 2 miles south of Reedvllle, Or. P. O. R. 4,. box 85, Beaverton. or. 5 ACRES, good black soil, half in cult., small house, barn, fruit, springs. Price only $875; $100 down. Draper, -lus Board of Trade. 16 ACRES' good house, barn, orchard; $1000 cash, price $3200; near highway Broadway 7672. McFarland, Failing bldg.