T1TE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAT 31, 1022 17 REAL ESTATE. jTor Sale Houses. IftM TP ATM WILL IT GO TO THB PENINSTTLAT t NEARLY EVERYONE THINKS SO. ( t-room Tiouka and eara.ee near Ken ton car, $2100. only $100 cash. - , cv-room house, lot 73x100, lint rruit; $1000, only $50 cash. T-room house, with IS tots, fine fruit, fcrn, chlckea houses; little- farm In town; $3300. 8 -room modern house all on one floor; $2800, $400 cash. The above are a tew of eur listings that can bo bought like rent; we will handle the soldiers' bonus on new bunga lows In the Kenton and Penlnaula dis trict. . GREELEY-ST. BLOCK. On the car line, all improvement in and paid; $ftfl0, $10 per month. On Bur rage street, lots $450, same terms. Let us build you s little house and pay like rent. a. c Mcdonald & box. 296 West Lombard 6t. Wdln. 627S. Open evenings. BICAUTiFUL IKVINOTON HOME. On North. 22d at, and in the very best part of Irving-ton. Thia Is a real home. Lot 70x100. Large, beautiful living room dining room paneled In beautiful Ban Domingo mahogany; den, finely ar ranged kitchen, pasa pantry, etc. Five bedrooms. 2 bathrooms and also a maid's room; American Radiator . Co. steam heating plant, automatic gas water heater and everything right up to date. Everything goes for only $15,000; $5000 cash. Shown by appointment only. O fttfy, oregonian. LOOK HERE LOOK READ. I Uil, UUX; ULA88I , V lil SAX. bttfALL CASH PAYMENT BAL. TERMS. breakfast nook, hardwood floors throuah- (ut, fireplace bookcases, gas furnace, (sleeping porch, full cement basement, . with laundry trays, light fixtures, win- r n In every detail. See this by all 3, eans beforo yau buy elsewhere. Ix 1 ited 211-15 Beech st. Phone owner, g.n 4000, or any Portland realtor. SOLDIER'S BONUS BUYS THIS 6-room modern bungalow, on car l'ne, newly lurr.iBhed, Immediate possession, 40xl20-ft lot, price $3350 ; will rent to service man & until loan is available m CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, 238 Stark St. Bdwy. 1183. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. J am leaving town shortly and In or der to make a quick turn 1 am offering my strictly modern 5-room bungalow In th heart of Rose City Park, Just a few steps north of Sandy boulevard, for the extreme low figure of $4400, but I must have $2500 cash. This home Is right up to date ; gas furnace, garage, etc Shown by appointment only, B 609, Ore s' niap. IAURELHURST COLONIAL BUNGALOW most reasonably priced; built by one or Portland's best builders; you will go a long way to find as good a bungalow, one with the class and distinction and the real worth built into It. Oak floors throughout, tiled bath, modern plumbing, tiled sink, French doors, expensive tap etrv naner: ldeallv located. Inspect A. G. TEBPE CO., RESIDENTIAL REALTORS, Tabor 9588. or Tabor 3433. SACRIFICE! $4788 New, attractive Rose City bun- ?:alow; block to Sandy blvd., corner lot; oaving city, must sell at once; will give purchaser their equity In Hew, expensive !ectrlc range and their new furniture; Aouee has large living room, hdwd firs., fireplace. 2 nice bedrooms. Dutch kitchen. large nook, gaa furnace and garage; a rare bargain. R. SOMERVTLLE, BDWY. 2473. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. Thia attractive 5-room bungalow Is Being offered below its appraisal; hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in kitchen, tement basement, furnace ; oOxlOO lot, tarage, natural trees; price $4&00; $1000 cash, R. TL POWNDER, Realtor, 0fl Broadway Bldg. Main 2717. MILWAUKIE. 100x123. $1000 cash, balance terms, buys lot 100x125 with new 5-room bungalow, con crete basement, fireplace, buffet, book r-ases, Dutch kitchen, etc.. Bull Run ' water, electric lights, gas; house Is double constructed throughout: located at 32d and Harrison: price $3800. L. R. Shfnden, owner. 3iid and Harrison. Mil- waukie. Or. Phone G6-X. Milwaukie. .ON AINS WORTH AVE. $4500. Large B-room bungalow, all hardwood floors, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, 50x100 lot, garage, and will equal anything you have looked at up to $fi000; If you want to buy, act quick; $1000 cash will handle. CORCORA.V-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Bdwy. 0006. HAWTHORNE. ONLY $4750 ON CORNER. Dandv new 5-room modern bunralnw. I hardwood floors, fireplace, all bullt-ins. etc.; immediate possession; small pay- kment down and easy terms on balance. MERRICK & CO., M04 Panama Bldg. Broadway 6042. HONEST VALUE. $6000. Reduced to $5250. The most complete. modern new bungalow in Portland: fine location: 510)0 cash to handle. Broad way 4S37. Ask for Mr. Fisher. With 224 Hmry Bldg. LAURELHURST, $4400. 4-room bungalow, new; narawooa floors, nrepiace, full basement. Dutch kltc-Hen, breakfast nook, tapestry paper, double constructed, mod ern plumbing, block from car; very easy terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., Tabor 3433, or Tabor ftSSG. UNFINISHED HOUSE. 100x21K). Lenta district, for sale or trade for art v thine of value: has lots nf berrlps; bisr value. ACT QUICKLY. Broadway 4S37. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with J WILBUR F. JOUNO. ( 224 Henrv Bldg. j NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. On 39th, 6 rooms very best of finish, tapestry paper, furnace, fireplaco. cement i basement, tile bath with shower. For ; particulars call Bdwy. 2045. Evenings, "i "Woodlawn 020. J. R. HAIGHT. 327 Board of Trade ROSE CITY NEW. $500 down, $4100. Novelty California bungalow, something new. garage, eT erything in it- Owner at home all dav. 724 E. 67th N., near Sandy. Sell. 2703 evenings. IT BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park home: unobstructed view of city, 75x125 grounds; very choicest part of district: every modern convenience Ask my realtor, J. R. Haight. 327 Board of Trade bldg. Broadway 2045. 3425 $400 CASH, balance $.10 monthly. im:iuamg interest, neat t-room Dungalow, 2 bedrooms, basement, near Peninsula park. JOHNSON-KELLY CO., SOB Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy, 3S80. $500 DO WN $'500. New, modern, 4-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, built-ins, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace $3550, on Broadway' carline, adjoining Alameda. Owner. Broadway 5H18. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Darling little new 3-room bungalow, painted cream color with rod roof; hot watr heat; beautiful view of Tualatin valley. Suitable for couple. $3150, terms BROOKE, Main 4342. CLOSE-IN ACRE. $230 down and $l.i mjnth will handle a modern 4-room bungalow, bath. Tauten kitchen, cement basament, one acre of land, good soil, close in. near school ana car, oil micnanan o:dg; 5 rooms, ail modern conveniences and built-ins, located in Irvington park; price -m.iu, wuitu fiivu, iimi sen, ,UU 0.0 Wn bal. like rent. Call Wdln. 4220. -OSB CITY, $5250, CLOSE IN Not a new bungalow, but splendidly built: modern in every way, including garage; terms A.3. TEEPE CO., Tabor 9586. or Tabor ALBINA. " Good 6-room modern house on Graham near Rodney, $5000; this is a good buy and can be handled on terms Yoke 11HB N. W. Bank bldg. Main 4179. ' AHV pay commission? Buy from own.,- iiiiniruidic win sacriiice a 6- room modern bungalow; furnished oi unfurnished. Bdwy. 4900 or Auto WILLAMETTE KOULEVARD! Four fine oversize lots, facing boule vard, street improvements paid. Owner willing to sacrifice. Cull Marshall 803, evenings 7 to 9 A T . i T TT. T1 i P A r l- homes, 100 feet of The Alameda; owner (MTV P4RU" TVH r m r. . , , . New 5-room bungalow, every conceiv- T," tuiimpninjB, garage. Sewer, pavement. See owner. 610 East inL at. iv. i tiviui mniw. n;u, terms t? VI V 'TAM hna t 1 1 V. "1 '" T """ui 1 nume on 24 th near Knott, $13,000; will trade for Los McDONELL. EAST 410. lfOR SALE 2-room house, comDleteiv mciicu, 'v, , sume terms i Inquire of W. A. Hollingshead. 7fith v tfcBml win t. "iuu.u - nuuao un a-r line and n-,, street; gas, bath, electricity; $2200. $500 ;' .! ..- v, -on ' '"v,uu,u interest. hot water heat, 1 block from Broadway" and IMh; small down payment and $00 MODERN 7-room house and 2 0-roorr bungalows, dose in and V block to ear 1100 TAKES this 4-room bouse in Fultnn 50x100 lot; bath, gas, electricity; will five some icriiia, iu.ar. ooa, MAL ESTATE. For SaJe House, MTH AND SANDY BLVD. $3750 FOR REAL SNAP. $500 down buys this 5-room bungalow, with fireplace. Dutch kitchen, all built in conveniences; full cement basement, wash trays, floored attic and every thing; finished in ivory and white enamel ; 3Sxl50-foot lot ; bearing fruit and berries; garden space, etc.; garage; adjoins Eastmoreland (Reed college dis trict). Price right; terms yours. $4000 WITH $800 DOWN. A 5-room bungalow with furnace, flre- fdace, all built-ins, cabinet kitchen, large iving room, cement basement, laundry trays, etc.; finished In ivory and enamel; S 9x1 50-foot lot: bearing fruit and ber ries. This little home also adjoins the Reed college district; must be sold at once. Investigate. $4150 WITH $350 DOWN. A 5-room bungalow, near Division Street; practically new; cement base ment, wash trays, fireplace, ail built-in features, Dutch kitchen, tiled sink and tiled bathroom, recess tub and shower bath, hardwood floors; finished in Ivory and tapestry paper; 50x100 lot; city im provements in and paid. RUMMELL & RUMMBLL. 274 Stark St 39th and Sandy Blvd. Broadway 6723. Auto. 320-0.- EL EGA-NT IRVINGTON HOME, $17,500. Here is a home that should not be sold for less than $25,000; the improvements alone cost more than $20,000, to say nothing of the beautiful corner lot, lOOx 100, with all kinds of beautiful flowers and shrubbery; this house is built of the very best material, real mahogany and hardwood finish throughout, silk tapes try paper, tile kitchen and two tile bath rooms; all rooms are large and beauti fully arranged; if you want a real home in this most beautiful district far below Its value, this is your opportunity. Everett Philpoe, Sales Manager, NEILAN & PARKHILL, 21& Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 2832. $4000 WEST SIDE $4000. Magnificent view, new bungalow, 15- mlnute walk from heart of city, combi nation living and dining room with bal cony, bedroom and sleeping porch, room for two more bedrooms, garage, good macadam road; we believe this to be the lowest priced, close in, new bungalow on the market; located just below the cas tle, the brown' bungalow. J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway 6084. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME, Elaborate, nearly new colonial home for small family on large level site with unobstructed view of entire city, moun tains and river. Large living room, den, sun porch, 2 Immense bedrooms, each with tile bath, and 1 ordinary room on 2d floor; 2 maids' rooms and bath 8d floor; ivory finish, nicely papered, hard wood floors throughout; view porches, hot water heat, double garage. A beau tiful, well-built home, and a snap. Ta bor 407. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $5000, $2000 cash; balance $50 per month. Including Interest; 8 rooms and large reception hall, white enamel fin ish ; fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen ; full basement; shrubbery, trees; street paved; 50x100 lot; near two car lines. Priced low for quick sale. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WEST SIDE. A very fine 8-room house, modern; has 4 fireplaces, hardwood floors, bath and shower rooms, 82x84 corner lot, double garage, all in excellent condition. Priced to sell, some terma Mr. Wiles. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor, Bdwy. 2045. 325-327 Board of Trade. . BARGAIN. New 5-room bungalow, lot 100x100, never been lived In; also 2-room house, rents for $10 per month. Has 11 fruit .trees, berries; 8 blocks from car. This must be sold. Price $3800, $400 down. SEE McCAULEY, HILLER BROS. Sll Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3S2ft. IRVINGTON COLONIAL CORNER. Actual sacrifice of nearly new 2H story, 8-room colonial with double ga rage, on 18th at.; ivory finish, large rooms, nicely papered oak floors throughout; 2 fireplaces, breakfast rm., sun porch, maids' rooms 3d floor. $1500 cash, $100 month. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON. $G0OO. Owner leaving city, offers this comfortable home at a sacrifice. Ex cellent location, 1 block to car; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace and mirror doors; three partly finished rooms upstairs. Phone owner, iuast fiotfM. tjKtf E. 3 0th st. N. 5-ROOM real home, large hall, French doors, ail built-ins. bathroom with ad ditionat toilet; full cement basement, furnace, trays, new garage, corner lot 50x108, some fruit, built 7 years. Must be seen to know its worth. One block from Alberta car,. 3 from Irvington. ivB3 vernon ave. NEW DUPLEX BUNGALOW. By owner. Buy a home and Income. Ud to date in every resDect: hardwood floors, tile baths, electric ranges; fire places, full basement. Double con structed: $2000 cash; balance on easy terms. Call at 746 B. Everett; 2 blocks south 22d and Sandy. A REAL BARGAIN. $2800 6-room bunralow. srood loca tion, 3 bedrooms, cement basement. 77x125 lot; garage; close to car; terms to suit; a real sacrifice; worth investi gation. , MARSH & McCABE CO.. 322-3-4 Failing Bide;. Broadway 6529. SACRIFICE. Modern 8-room house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, four bedrooms and garage; fine lawn and roses; clear of debt; only $5500. terms to suit. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. $5500 ROSE CITY PARK $5500 6-room bungalow, up to date In every respect, ni?e big living room and sun parlor; must be aold at once, owner .eav-. ing city, eome terms can be arranged. THE LAWRENCE CO., Main 6915. M2 Corbett BHt. LAURELHURST 'DUTCH COLONTAT. Classy new 7-room colonial with ga rage, on high ground, overlooking park; every new feature; 1 bedroom down stairs, 8 and sleeping porch upstairs ; built for home; $8500. Tabor 407. A HOME, $3750, $700 cash, lots 80x100. iruit, , uernes, grapes, roses; o rooms, modern, furnace, garage, chicken house; V3 block from school; looks good, is good. 3535 E. 69th, near Powell Valley road. By R. H .Drake, owner. $2650 CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND. $300 cash places 'you in this house on East 20th st.; all improvements In and paid. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. We will be open from 9 to 3:30 today. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. AN EXCLUSIVE LARGE HOME, BEAU- TJl UL UKUUINJJS, JKV1NUTON: OR WILL SELL FURNITURE AND LEASE FOR TWO YEARS. MAR SHALL 1684. MRS. BERRY. $3250 SANTA , BARBARA BUNGALOW. An exact eonv of most noou'ar tvoe of Cal. bungalow; 6 rooms, full base ment, furnace, garage, all improvements in and paid; near best carline, 16 min. ride. A sacrifice at $3250. Auto. 223-19. ATTRACTIVE home, corner 38th and Han cock; bungalow type; 4 large bedrooms. Every modern convenience ; lawn, roses, fruit trees, shrubbery, near church, school and car; leaving city. If In terested call Tabor 4553. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all on one floor; living room very large, fireplace, fine furnace; 2 lots; beautiful location and view. $5500. Terms. BROOKE, Main 4342. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy,, nearly new, 1 -story, strictly modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, in best section, near park; no incumbrances, easy terms; a real bar gain, excellent condition. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. $4200. new bungalow, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place; very well arranged, all built-ins; street imp. paid, terms. R. SOMERVILLE. Broadway 2478. AN EXCLUSIVE NEW BUNGALOW IN IRVI NGTON ; 4 BEDROOMS, TILED BATH, LARGE LIVING ROOM; 805 KNOTT, CORNER 25TH. MARSHALL 1684. MRS. BERRY. $4000 BELMONT ST, Cosy B-room cottage, modern ; hath, full cement basement, walks, paved street, roses, bearing fruit trees, berries; $500 cash. Broadway 7672. McFarland. 20S Falling bldg, R. C. NEW BUNGALOW, sacrifice, large rooms, 4 bedrooms, tapestry paper, plate-glass window. French doors, lawn in, garage; $850 DOWN, baL monthly. Tabor 4677. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Artistic new 6-room bungalow with garage, in heart of best section on 18th st. Every new feature; 18x32 ft. living room, uuni mi numg. ittuur wt. MODERN 4-rm. bungalow at Lents. Dutch kitchen, white enamel bath; fireplace, cement basement; 2 bedrooms; $2500; $500 down; balance monthly. Auto 641-84. COLLEGE VIEW HOME Si Just completed, 2 high-class modern bungalows, priced right. You will ap preciate their value when you see them Broadway 5462 or Broadway 7540. 4-ROOM house, all furnished, new and modern furniture; on paved street. By owner. 1031 E. 31st st. N. Price $2750 BARGAIN Rose Citv bungalow. stritiTr modern; garage; $4650, Owner, 659 East 51st N. Tabor 6"79. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. REAL BARGAINS. $1850 Neat 3-foom cottage, lot 8"H 100, 20 large assorted bearing fruit trees, all hinds of berries, all fenced, large chicken house and run; 3 blocks to car; an ideal little home for the old folks; $250 cash, $15 monthly. $2150 Five-room bungalow type of cot ' tage, electric lights and gae, complete plumbing, ground 80x 127, some fruit and native fir trees; $100 cash. $17.50 monthly. $2300 Large 2-story 8-room house at 20fc Benton street; lot 50x75, street work alt paid for: 1 block from car; walking distance; $400 cash, $25 monthly. $2800 A dandy little 4-room bungalow with ground 100x125; near Ken ton; 10 assorted fruit trees, good chicken house. This place was formerly priced at $3800, mean ing a $1000 reduction. You had better see these. See Mr. Lamb or Mr. Griffith, with FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. $55007 LARGE ROOMS. Look this over, large living and dining room, 1 bedroom and bath downstairs, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, full cement basement, concrete garagft, furnace, fire place, double constructed throughout, an exceptional bargain ; $1000 will handle. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway 6034. IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful oorner, east and south front ages, living room 14x30, dining room 14x22, fine Dutch kitchen, all hardwood floors and stairs, 4 large, sunny bed rooms, 2 tiled baths, large sleeping porch, 2 large, cheerful sunny rooms on third floor, double garage. Am leaving this city shortly and in order to sell quickly am offering same for only $13, 600 ;. $6000 or more cash. Shown by appointment only. AJ 683, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. 13th Between Jefferson and Market. . $6500 $1800 Cash. Balance your own terms; 8-room house and finished attic; cement base ment and furnace. This should be a splendid opportunity ror some one, be ing so close in and could always be kept full with roomers, and a splendid Investment Alvin Johnson Co., Realtor, 605 McKay bldg., Broadway 7201. Resi dence phone East 2061. NICE modern bouse, 5 large and 1 small rooms, lots of bullt-lns. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; full basement; ga rage; large lot; restricted district; close In; swell view of city; block of carline. East 099. Suburban Homes. CHICKEN RANCH SACRIFICED. About $3C0 Grcss Income a Month. 8 acres, with 287 feet of modern poul try houses, electricity. Bull Run water, 6-rootm cottage and garage, 1 acres now In garden; 1K)0 laying O. A. C. White Leghorns, and all equipment goes with the place. This Is the best-located, modern chicken ranch in Multnomah county; 20 minutes from town: market for everything at your door. Full price $7200, with $3500 cash: balance terms to suit. Broadway 4837. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO. 224 Henry Bldg. SAVE next month's rent. Make a first payment on a fchoice homesite at Mult nomah on the Oregon Electric; only 20 minutes from the city by high-class elec tric train service, or 15 minutes by auto mobile over sightly boulevard. Summer Is here and I can help you start a home for very little money. Don't pay the landlord rent for June; com e to me, I will show you a better and more eco nomical way. Ben Riesland, dealer ex clusively in west side suburban property. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. Tel. Main 880. Mrs. Grant in charge of Multnomah office. FURNISHED HOME OUTSIDE CITY ! Extra large lot with some fruit and all kinds of berries; 4 blocks to Stanley station on macadam road; close to city; 4-room cottage with gas and city water; all ready for you to take possession With a small down PAYMENT ! Ask for F. C. Marshall, With FRANK L. McGUlRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171, Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. TWO HOUSES U. ACRE! $1050; terms! Fruit trees and berries for ramiiy use ; o-room nouse wun naa and Bull Run water; 2-room house now rented for $6 a month; 8c carfare to citv: AN TJNDTJPLICATED VALUE AT THE PRICE, See this at once. Ask for F. C- Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. THE MOST beautiful home on the boule vard, at Multnomah. Large tract of ground with thoroughly modern bunga low. Hardwood floors: living room 19x 86. Large fireplace; house built by former owner for his oermanent home. Tt ran now be nurchased for three- fourths of its value on easy terms. For particulars see Ben Riesland, 404 f.att bldg.. 127 Park St., or call at his Mult nomah office. Mrs. Grant in charge. BEAUTIFUL MULTNOMAH HOME! Attractive bungalow of 5 rooms, liv ing room 16x20; full plumbing; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; all built-ins: city water, electricity and gas. In faet everything to make a desirable city home in the country; close to Btation; $5000; terma Ask for F. C. Marshall, FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171, Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. - A COSY HOME FOR TWO. NEAR MULTNOMAH. With M acre of ground, garage and poultry house, rruit ana oerries, eiec tricitv. gas. city water and phone, five blocks from car line, and the price is only $1400, $400 cash. FARM AND EXCH. DEPT., . RlTTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SPLENDID ACRE 8-ROOM HOUSE! 15 assorted fruit trees: all kinds of berries; housing for 400 or o00 chickens 8-room house with gas and running water: 8c carfare; BEST OF TERMS. A BUY FOR $3450. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with - FRANK L. McGUIRE. -205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. NEAR CAPITOL HILL. ONLY $1950. $500 DOWN. About hi acre of ground right on fine paved auto road; fine view; 4-room house with very large living room; garage, fine Dearmg truit ana ail kmas or berries. A real buy. MERRICK & CO.. ' 304 Panama Bldg, Bdwy. 6942. GOING FAST. OSWEGO LAKE FRONTAGE. Here is a bargain for the discriminat ing buyer; 82x230, fronting on lake shore, with nice grove of trees and wonderful view; rocked read, piped water, electric lights: priced onlv S-127 easy terms. Ask for Allen, 500 Concord bldg., :!fl and Stark. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Fine modern 7-room house, bam. chicken house, etc., garage. 5 acres all in high state cultivation; fine bearing xruii, an Rinas oerries, grapes, etc.; good auto roaa ana just outside city limits very low price and liberal terms. MERRICK & CO.. 304 Panama Bldg. Broadway 694 2. SMALL new house, quarter acre around. close to Multnomah, to trade for light automobile or light delivery truck; bal ance can be paid out on easy terms. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, fiati oiQg.. izi jrars st. BEAUTIFUL HALF ACRE. 8 rooms and bathroom, hardjvood floors, 36 fruit trees, good garage. Bull Run, gas, eic. 1 block car line. A snap at $1950, $800 cash, easy terms. Broad way otij or jroaaway tow. PARKROSE corner, Richardson and Fre mont, acre, chicken house and park tor auu nens, oerries, grapes, rhubarb, good gardens; $lo00, terms. Owner. Taoor a nz. 4-ROOM house, fully modern, 2 miles from Portland on paved highway; am moving to aiuoinia; win sen cneap on terms. Call Mr. Charter, Bdwy. 6fo7. OSWEGO LAKE WILLAMETTE RIVER Bhore lots, bungalows and acreage. Call lor Mcuima. ouu concord bldg. $20 DOWN Several nice acre tracts, near Oswego lake; piped water; lights. Mc- f ariana, railing Ding, cawy. vuiZ. For Sale Business Property. INDUSTRIAL spur for sale or lease, 165 It., iron ting on paveu street, 830 ft deep. G. H. Tracy, 910 N. Capital at, saiem, ur. - For Sale Acreage. QUICK SALE tO acres. 3 cleared. 9 mi. out White Salmon; good roads, irrigated, plenty timber for home use; can give best references. Price $2000. half cash, balance long terms. BJ 606. Oregonian. BOTTOM LAND On Johnson creek, 5 acres at Kendall station on Estacada line. " Bargain, on terms, to settle estate. YOKE. 1136 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 4179. EIGHT lots or one acre adjoining West Moreland. Sewer, sidewalk, hard sur face street Near car and all con veniences. Price $3730, one-half cash. 143 f rj. zist si. genwooq aool. WRITE for rrrap of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Taeoma, Wash. BELOW bank s value. To close an estate, over 4 acres in cultivation, paved st trackage, -cent fare; $4000. Zlmmer man, 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FINE acreage; oh car line; Main 8380. improvements; close in; near highway; cheap. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMA3 REAL STATE. For Baie Acreage. OVER 2 acres, 6 blocks from electric sta tion and school, between Portland and Beaverton; woven wire fences; all under cultivation; black loam soil; 5 blocks from paved road; 5-room, plastered board house; city water, gas, city telephone, eltctric lights available, garage, chicken house; 15 bearing fruit trees; . apples, pears and peaches; acre loganberries. Included with place, cultivator, garden tools, eta Price $2550 $750 cash, bal ance easy terms. MODERN BUNGALOW WITH PLUMBING. Vt acre, 5 blocks from electric eta tion, on good road ; close in ; all under cultivation; bearing fruit trees, berries; 4 room bungalow with white enamel plumbing and built-in conveniences, also fireplace, gaa, electric lights and city water; low commutation fare and good car service. Price $3150, terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. RfRKRTA ACRES. ONE-HALF MILE SOUTH OF COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. ON Barker Road, 2 Milee East of Park Rose. Entire tract fronts on good macadam road, lies high, sightly- overlooking Co lumbia river; divided In 6-acre tracts; some all cleared, some partly; best of soil, no rocks, 1 mile to electric car, 80 min. by auto to center of Portland; terms. $300 to $600 Per Acre. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., C12-13 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 5618. HIGHWAY ACREAGE BUY! tt acres in high state of cultivation n highway H mile from Sycamore sta tion; 11 miles from center of Portland. 2 acres of full bearing fruit; pears, Lambert cherries, Gravenstein apples, etc. Balance of land all planted to crop, potatoes, corn. etc. Three-room house, good barn, roothouse. shed, chick en house; also two-room house. This is real value; let us drive you out to day. $6500; terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark, A BEAUTIFUL NATURAL PARK. Of rare rural beauty which commands a magnificent mountain view, situated on the Rockwood road just north of Base line, near car line; divided into one acre tracts. If you are a iover of na ture don't fail to see this property; -$300 to $450. . 10 per cent down, and small monthly payments. A nice level acre, just outside city limits, near 72d street; $650; only $50 cash. Bdwy. 7567. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE CO., J01-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. Eight acres of a fine sandy loam as there Is in the state of Oregon, only a little more than 10 miles out on a fine macadam road, less than a quarter mile from Base Line paved highway. No buildings to pay for. Good water within 20 feet. Adjoining property selling at from $750 te $1000 per acre. In order to turn this quickly I am offering this for $4000 cash. Might consider small, well located house and lot in town as first payment. N 686, Oregonlan. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. EXCELLENT VIEW. Six acres, west side, highly improved; 8 acres fine orchard, choice shrubbery. 5-room bungalow, garage, barn and chicken house, gas and city water: 4 blocks to highway and electric station and only 15 minutes from 6th and Wash ington. Let us show you today, as it cannot be appreciated without seeing. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg Broadway 6785. RASPBERRIES PAY FOR IT. a ores. all in berries, citv water, ras, electricity; close to city limits, car and school; down payment can be had from crop which will be completely marketed in 10 weeKs; two crops win pay you uuv. Rnan for 13000. $1000 cash, balance easy; must be sold this week to get this year's crop. TOMNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. FOUR ACRES $4000 All in cultivation; 17 bearing fruit trees; 800 strawberries and abundance of other kinds; 4-room cottage, nam, ohinken house. Not far from Aloha; BEST OF TERMS. Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet, wash, ana starK 10 ACRES all under cultivation $1500. 12-acre prune orchard, large arier. Very cheap. Crop now on trees. 3 fine acres, house, out buildings. nice location, fine fruit. Near New- berr highway, this side Tlgard. $2100. 40 acres under cultivation. Easy terms. $4000. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. ACRES, with Bull Run water, electricity. gas, sldewaisrs, close to Muitnoman sta tion, as low as $925; terms. 10 per cent cash, $15 ptr month. Wonderful view. Very fertile ground. For particulars see Ben Riesland. exclusive sales agent, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St., or Mrs. Grant In charge of his aiuitnoman ortice. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION. A dandy tract of 2.51 acres, teome cleared, on macadamized road, first-class soil; don't forget this is garden time; $37.50 down, $12.50 monthly. Total price $800. Fred W. German Co., Real tors. 732 Chamber of Cnmmerce. $25 DOWN; $10 PER MONTH. A beautiful grove of large firs, con taining 13 acres; located on the Trout dale electric right at Ruby Station. It is but a few hundred yards south of the Base line road. STRONG & CO.. 606 Cham, of Com. " BEAUTIFUL HALF ACRE. 3 rooms and bathroom, hardwood floors, 86 fruit trees, good garage. Bull Run. gas, etc. 1 block car line. A snap at $1950, $800 cash, easy terms. Broad way 5462 or Broadway 7540. 120-ACRE, unimpioveC land; some tim ber on it; lor saie cneap. v. waoae. Nehalem, Or., box 61. Irrigated Lands. "municipal lands FOR SALE. By the district, ho agents, no commis sion. Interested only in getting home builders on the project. Longest grow ing season In the northwest Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best Junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Write for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. No. 4, Burbank, Washington. For Sale Farms. STOCKED DAIRY FARM. 180 acres, 50 acres Cleared. 7-room house, dairy barn almost new; good school and high school, crushed rock road, excellent soil, lower Columbia dis trict; will accept city propeVty. Port land or other good valley city, balance easy terms. 6 per .-cent. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwv. 6785. 4-ACRE chicken ranch, small creek runs across place, spring water piped Into chicken houses and laying house. 2500 fet floor space, incubators will hold 2000 . eggs, gcod grain house brooder houses, wire fencing, all goes, and 850 laying hens, $1900 gets it all; come out and see me; must sell; 2 miles from Oregon City on Abernethy road. J. S. Imet, route 2, box 15. Oregon City. 10-ACRE SNAP, THIS WEEK ONLY. 18 miles from Portland, 1 ruiles from paved highway; 8 acres cleared, choice onion or vegetable land. Dwelling house, onion house, other outbuildings. Priced reasonably. Can be handled for very small amount down. PACIFIC FINANCE COMPANY, 320 Plttock Blk. OWNER'S SACRIFICE, fine 11-acre farm, 1H - miles of Oregon City, on gravel road; new 4-room house, barn, woodshed, chicken house, good well, all kinds fruit 5 acres cultivated, in crops, 1 acre timber, balance pasture: $3500, part cash, bal. terms. H. G. Newton, Parkplace, Or. FOR SALE 19 U acres, mostly river bot torn land. Ideal for onion farming and truck gardening. Two small houses on this tract with family orchard; best of water; close to small town, 20 miles from Portland. Consideration $lv50. For par ticulars address or see Vaught & Miller, 1140 Third St., Hillsboro. Or. 240 ACRES. 30 miles north of Portland, 8 miles from station on railroad be tween Portland and Seattle. Over one million feet of first growth fir; on mail and milk route; about five acres cleared, old shack; never failing springs. Fine outrange. Price J2700, terms. Address . Box 131. Route 6, Portl an dOn QUICK TRADE. Will trade 3d acres, 28 acres cleared, suitable for prunes or berries; house and outbuildings, for equity in small hotel or rooming house. Pay soma cash and assume. 320 Plttock Blk. 10 ACRES for sale. Joining east city limits of Gresham; 8-room house, barn and chicken houses; five acres in berries and orchard; all in first-class cultivation; crop all In See F. E. Todd, owner, Gres ham, Chr 80 ACRES, Clarke county; about 15 acres cleared; good orchard; good road, te be paved this summer ; stocked, equipped ; $6500; also 40 a., unimproved, for sale cneap. uwner, a. i-atus, jneisson. Wash, CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. WHO WANTS a real snap? 15 acres to sell together with 20 acres to rent. C. Sor enson 2 miles south of Reedville, Or P O. R. 4, box 85, Beaverton, Or i!5 ACRES, good black soil, half in cult , small house, barn, fruit, springs, price only $875; $100 down. Draper, 408 Board of Trade. . SMALL FARMS. 5 acres ud. level, clear, fei-ced. houses, near Willamlna; small flown payment. J Tt Sha'-p. S34 3d st. FOR SALBSU acres. 6S In grain; too J buildings; $3500 cah. easy terms, Bishop. Junction City, Or., R. U- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BEST QUALITY FARM LANDS LONG TERMS EMPLOYMENT. -Mostly level valley and bottom land , af the finest type and quality for in tensive and general farming unusually productive, settled community. Fine creeks, ideal climate, pure water,- good markets, roads and railroads. In theNewaukum valley at Onalaska, Washington 15 milea southeast Che halls), the Carlisle-Pennell Lbr. Co. is selling smalt tractr at $13 to $50 per acre, long terma Purchasers at the usual terms can obtain steady and im mediate employment mill or wooda See our representative on the ground or write GRAHAM LAND COMPANY, 1008 American Bank Bldg., Seattle. CLOSE IN FARM. . 93 acres, 16 miles south of center of Portland; 1 "miles from small town; rocked road; 50 acres under cultivation, 80 acres more very easy clearing, lots of pasture; 2 drill wells; 1 acre bearing orchard, all kinds of berries; good 6-room house; 2 barns, chicken house, other buildings; included! with place, good, heavy team, harness, wagon, plow, cul tivator, etc.; crops practically all in and included at $135 per acre for every thing, very easy terms. ON COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. 20 acres, 33 miles from Portland. 2 miles from town, one mile to school; 15 acres can be farmed when cleared ; 2 springs; good frontage on highway, mak ing . good location for filling station. Price $525 cash. Well worth $1500. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerllnger Bidg. Over 500 small places near Portland. 13 ACRES fine soil, all cult., well , fenced; good 6-room house, gas in house, double garage, 2 chicken houses, acres loganberries 1 acre bearing orchard, on mail route, cream route, phone In house, only 12 miles out on good highway. $1500 cash will handle. See J. S. Culbertson, with HILLER BROS., 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy.. 3626. EQUIPPED FARM. 80 acres, river bottom, 60 acres In cultivation and crop ; new bungalow, ( barn, silo, poultry house, spring and creek on place; all necessary tools and equipment, team, 4 cows,- 1 heifer and calves, many chickens; finest of soil and only 4 miles from high school and railroad, 19 miles Portland, on good gravel road. Will take good home In eity as first payment, balance long time at 8 per cent. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch bldg. . Broadway 6785. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Eighty acres of fine soil, and level; nly 2 miles from the city of Albany on a good road. This is within the Albany school district, which schools are as good as any in the state. Fully 70 acres are In cultivation with considerable fruit. A fine live stream of water runs right through the place. The buildings are only fair. . This Is a real bargain at only $100 per acre.- $2500 cash required. N 697, Oregonlan. FOR SALE by owner: 95 acres. 25 miles rrom fortiand, near ionaid. on tne ure gon electric R. R. ; 20 hops, 20 a. seeded to clover, 40 a. grain, family orchard, 15 a. timber, good house and bam, hop house and other outbuildings, good water system. 1-8 of crop this year: farming Implements, hop sacks, hop baskets, 12 head of goats; price $20,000. one-third cash; would consider good residence up to $5000, good terms on balance. Box 29. wooQburn, uregon. 320 ACRES, all level, crop 200 acres, give lease, an rencea, good water, -room house, barn, 36 head of beef cattle, 6 milch cows, 11 horses, hogs, chickens. household goods, machinery, $9000: take luuo down, balance easy terms; will dl vide. Owner, 851 East S-'th st. North. WANTED REAL ESTATE. AT ONCE. Wanted The best 6-room house In desirable locality that $4000 will buy. Will pay $1000 cash down, -balance satisfactory. Client has $500 cash and fine building lot on 38th between Knott and Stanton to pay down on 6-room bungalow up to about $4500. Walnut Park, Overlook preferred. List your property with us. We have customers waiting. FRANK McCRlLLIS, Realtor, Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 779. WE DO NOT BUILD! WE ARB STRICTLY BROKERS! We need homes to sell. Yours Is as good as sold if listed with us. We in spect, appraise and photograph It within 24 hours after listing. We spend thou sands of dollars advertising and are in touch with THE MAJORITY OF LIVE HOME BUYERS. No charge except the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale. 80 ener getic salesmen with autos to push its sale. We protect the Interests of out-of-town buyers. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Sell Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. WANTED Large house, not particular about district; not over $3000; have Cad illac 8 car in good condition as firBt payment, and will assume. Alvin John son Co.. - Realtor, 605 McKay bldg. Broadway 7201. Residence phone East 2961. HAVE CLIENT with $2000 cash; want large house, 10 to 12 rooms, close in, suitable for rooming house; will pay around $6500. Alvin Johnson Co., 605 McKay bldg. Broadway 37. Residence phone East 2961. WANT 5 to 8-room modern home, re stricted district, garage preferred; no inflated values considered ; big first pay ment or all- cash is inducement: lowest price for cash or terms. Address 288 Fargo st. apt. A. HAVE CLIENT for store building with flat in connection, suitable for grocery store, not too far out. A Ivin Johnson Co., Realtor, 605 McKay bldg., Broad way 720L Rpsidence phone East 2961. MODERN bungalow, furnished, with acre or more, near car, outside city limits; small payment down with steady pay ment; give full particulars. Owner only. S 675, Oregonian. WANT WEST SIDE APT. HOUSE. ABOUT $40,000. HAVE BEAUTIFUL IRVINO TON HOME AND CASH. I MEAN BUSINESS. PRICE MUST BE RIGHT. MARSHALL 3945. ALAMEDA PARK. Full quarter block, surrounded by fin homes, 100 feet of The Alameda; owner will sacrifice. Phone Marshall 893, 7 to 9 evenings. I HAVE a $2500 equity In a good house that I want to exchange for two lots on Portland Heights or Council Crest Weston ft Co.. 1206 N. W. Bank bldg. WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Millership, 165 Fourth. Main 6275. WANT to buy a house and lot south of Main, west of 5th. Give location, price and terms P 688, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. SHIPYARD lumber and planking, 250,000 ft $6, on ground, Vancouver, Wash. See Selberg at stpel yard or write 225 Union ave. N-, Portland. Phone East 6221. . CEDAR POLES. PILING WANTED. O. V GAMBLE. Couch Bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAI. ESTATE. WANT close-tn acreage or city home for 20-rdom apt. house, gooa lease, net In come about (100 a month. PBB JOHN BROWN CO., Realtor. 322 Hy. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 8301. 80-ACRE Improved farm south and eaat of CorvaHis. to exchange; will consider foothill ranch, 20 to 40 acres. Improved or good road, or city property. Owner, P 883, Oregortian. WILIi TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring In your propositions house, lots, farms, acreage, stocks of merchandise. R, 8. 712 Couch bldg. 6-ROOM ALBERTA BUNGALOW, MODERN. A snap at $4850, terms. Will take good touring car as part payment. Broadway 5462 or Broadway 7540. 6-ACRE farm with 4-room house, barn and chicken houses at Carson Citv. Nevada. cheap for cash, or will exchange for Clear rmprovea roruana or aaiomia. Duncan, Box 515, Portland. WILL trade 36-acre ranch in Willamette valley for furnishings of hotel, apt. or rooming nouse; value omiv. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDO. CALIFORNIA ft building lots in Sant Crus cheap for cash, or will exchange for auto in gooa condition. Jjuncan. $ox 515, Fortlana. INCOME property, value of $17,000 all in one bunch and clear of debt: will trade. prefer stocK or general store. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. NOTICE. I ha.ve several choice farms, large and small, for city property. JOHN A. MEISSNER. 821 Oasco Bldg. u.vm S1O00 eoilitv $3000 fi-rnnm hniiMA near Richmond district. What have you? Marshall 1450 mornings. 11500 EQUITY In 8-room bung, for fur- nitir in rooming bouse. JE. 8S23. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ONE-MAN DAIRY RANCH. This is one of the finest dairy prop ositions, close to Portland, only 13 miles from the center of the city; 60 acres, 45 in cultivation, all fenced and eros fenc&d; fine creek and' water piped, to house and barn; fair 5-room house, fine large dairy barn and other outbuildings, pienty of shade and pasture ; this is really a fine place and will stand Inves tigation; price $15,000, including crop, stock and equipment; might consider small place close in as part payment. See us. DAIRY DAIRY DAIRY JN TILLAMOOK COUNTY. Why not invest your money in a dairy ranch that will pay interest on the money invested? Better prices are paid for your products, surrounded by cheese factories, green pasture all the year round; no bet ter place to dairy; we have 60 Uteres in .tr-is dairy country with a good house and fine dairy barn; come in and let us tell you about It- price $14,000; owner wants residence or vacant lots or one or two aores close to Portland. 15 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Bight acres, 7 under a high state of cultivation, Vt, . mile from electric sta tion, on good rock road, fine soil, good buildings, well and fine creek, all In crop, locking fine; price $5000; will take house in Portland up to $3000. See Mr. Stephens or Mr. Campbell with FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors. -732 Chamber of Commerce. WE SERVE FOUR STATES. If you have a Portland home te trade for Willamette Valley farm or property in Portland that you wish to trade for property any place in the four states, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, . California, see me at once. FRANK McCRlLLIS. Realtor, Henry Bldg., Broadway 779, Portland clearing house for Savage Realtor Service. Covering the four states. WE HAVE several propositions for trade; houses for farms, farms for city prop erty; some of these ciients are anxious . to make a change and you can get about what you want; also have delicatessen to trade for small acreage with house. R. R. POWNDER, Realtor, 406 Broadway B ! d g . Main 2717. LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country ; I will match them. E. A. Easiey. 295 Montgomery st, corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. WILL take a few cheap lots in good Io- . cation on aft. Johns car lines for put ting up small houses In exchange for close-in suburban , acreage on highway. ranging from $300 to $600 per acre. Star Real Estate & Investment Co., Bdwy. -5618. 512-13 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE or trade $4500 Interest in shingle mill 110 m capacitl, timber con tracted, will trade part for acreage or improved city property, a good chance for two upright sawyers, packer or la borer. For information address AV 61, Oregonlan. 15 ACRES onion and potato land ; every foot good soil; almost level; small house, barn, all in cultivation and crop. 1 blk. , from electric car line; $3500. Take house equal value. Sutter and Manboules. East 9213. WESTERN Montana stock farm. Irrigated; n two transcontinental railroads, state highway; 7000 acres grazing land, 1 mile to school, 2 miles to town. Equity about $10,000, would exchange for Portland property. AF 694, Oregoryan. 10 ACRES NEAR STATION. Right on the pavement; 45 goats, 1 milk cow. family orchard, all fenced, price $2500, free and clear, take good auto or small payment, balance 6. Bdwy. 5317. SPECIAL NOTICE. I am moving to Pasadena, California; will exchange my home of 7 rooms and 7 lots at 2071 Delano st. for property in that vicinity or will sell at a bargain. Guiett, owner. . CALIFORNIA FOR OREGON. 20 acres, all in cultivation, for acre age or house In Portland; will assume or pay cash difference: value $4000. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. , A. GORDON ROSS, Bdwy. 6173. 624 Henry Bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. AWNINGS wanted In trade for phono . graph or piano. Harold S. Gilbert 107 1 WeM Park. BRAND new piano and lot to trade for good car. Phone Marshall 2776. FOR SALE. Horses. VrhtcifH. Livestock. FOR SALE-r-rGood milk cows or trade for heifers, hogs or chickens. Benson, Ash flale station, Oregon City car. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenehade 360-366 East Morrison st. ' 20 HEAD of horses, all sizes, sell cheap harness and wagons of all kinds. 240 E. 8th st. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOMES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cd.ttie taken quickly Call dav or night. Automatic 627-64. FOR SALE One work horse. $40 1390. Wdln. GOOD young cow. Just fresh, 5 gallons. 1. re. tested. 24(1 K. 8th st. Pianos. Organs and .Muwii-iil Instruments, PACKARD cabinet phonograph, reeular $250 style, electric motor, only $l-5; terms. G. P. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14!) Sixth Street. $750 THOMPSON player piano, bench and music latest, only s.ilo; also another Thompson piano, only $215. 312 Worces ter bldff. GUITAR, Mayflower, very fine Instru ment, only S40; a real buy. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. -140 Sixth Street. PIANO REFINISHING AND TUNING All work guaranteed. Expert workmen. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th SL Broadway 6576. CONN alto saxophone, silver, gold keys ana Den, i:m; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street: $450 LATEST Farrand piano, only $200. just compare witn a new one. Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. USED PIANOS REDUCED $90 and up. bee tnese oargams. Terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th. St. SOP. SAXOPHONE, Buffard silver pearl keys. $75: terms. G. P. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. WM. KNABE grand, $14."i0 value new, only $725; late design and fine condition; terms! 312 Worcester bldg. BARITONE saxophone. Buescher, gold bell. $150: terms. silver. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street. I NINE good upright pianos, $So to $175 each; many of America's best standard makes. Easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. EilERSON piano, walnut case, in perfect condition: exceptionally good buy. Au tomatic 639-60. $025 ESTEY piano, very latest man. Only $315; just compare with a new one up town. Easy terms. 312, Worcester bldg. AN-AMERICAN sop. brass saxopohone, $75; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street. RENT a real piano; copper bass strings. Ivory keys, veneered case. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park. BUY A GENUINE Hobart M. Cable piano, only $205, at 312 Worcester bldg. A brand new one and perfect. YOUR old piano taken in exchange on new Victrola. or Cheney phonograph. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. PIANOS moved, $3; ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. ESTEY piano, plain case, elegant condi tion, fine tone, only $105; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. ANOTHER stock new Victor ana Columbia records. 2 for 75c, cafeteria stylo. Harold S Gilbert, 107 West Park. ORPHEUM banjo and case, slightly used, $60. See this one. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street. $475 HAMILTON piano, only $185. S12 Worcester bldg. Easy terms. FOR SALE! $500 piano by private party for $145. No dealers. East 5259. : WANTED Good second-hand piano, pay all cash If bargain. Bdwy. 3H90.- MARTIN tenor saxophone, silver, $130; terms. G. P. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. $650 LESTER piano, only $300, on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WANT PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Broadway 7161. .Auto. 627-46. 128 1st. WANTED Player piano, pay cash if bar gain. Call Bdwy. 1548 Monday. PIANO by private party, cost $500, sacri fice $225. Tabor 7171. HOBART M. CABLE pianos, lots of new ones. $205 tip. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Sweet-toned piano, cash. East 8S82. pay all $525 FRANKLIN piano. latest plain man. on easy 1.1 ma. qj- nun:rMtr omg. $050 EMERSON piano, beautiful condition, $235, on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. 1 $575 KOHLER & CAMPBELL piano, lau I mail.. $225, terms. 812. Worcester bldg. ' $450 HARVARD piano, plain walnut, $100, ttrrn 312 Worcester bldy. FOB SALE. Pi an o. Organs and Musical Instruments. BUY FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS. If your used piano was rebuilt and modernized in an eastern piano factory at a cost of $100 or more you would surely buy it at following prices; $375 Gerald upright piano $195 $550 Geo. Stech & Co. piano 235 $500 Emerson, mahogany 265 $4(5 Kimball, large mahogany 29o $s00 Steinway & Sons, mahogany.... 375, $800 Thompson player Piano 895 ' Terms $10 cash, $5, $6 and $8 monthly. , (New nianos to rent.) SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 10th A Stark Sta MIDSUMMER SALE OF PHONO GRAPHS. $15 Steward, 5 used records $ 7.50 $35 Grafonola, 5 used records.... 20.00 $05 Cremona, 5 used records...... 35.00 Grafonola, with cabinet.... 65.00 $160 Brunswick. 10 used records.. 90.00 $175 Sonora, 10 used records...... 135 00 $350 Victrola. 20 used records 215 00 $5 or more cash, $3, 5 or more monthly. I STORAGE CO., Closing Out. $225 Collard & Coltard unrieht. cash i 65 . cara oc t;o., uprigni, casn.. to $350 Mozart, large upright, cash 100 $375 Prentiss Piano Co., u aright, cash 125 $575 Weiler, large oak, cash .. 185 750 Pianista player piano, cash.... 295 103 TENTH ST.. AT STARK ST. SALE OF USED PIANOS. Willard upright, walnut $195 Kingsbury upright, oak 21 5 ' Kimball, renewed , 205 Hazelton Bros., renewed 295 Wlnton player piano 395 Pay $10 cash, $6, $3 and $10 a month. Ltpman. Wolfe & Co., Cor. 5th A Wash. VI VICTROLA, $32.50. IX VICTROLA, $50.00. Sonora Caprice .....$ TO 00 Cremona cabinet 60.09 Brunswick, No. 7..... , 85 00 Wlddicomb. No. 85.00 2 Brunswicks, 207, and records... 115.00 Sonora, nocL, and records 140.00 Victrola XI 140 00 y. by Grand Sonora 185.00 Sonora Minuet 187.50 Sonora Elite 225.00 PHONOGRAPH DEPT. L1PMAN, WOLFE & CO. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS, Victrola, style IX, mahogany case.$ 60 Brunswick, oak case, new 100 Brunswick, mahogany case, new,.., 225 Columbia, table model, oak case.... 100 Terms Given. SEIBERDING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St., Bet. Washington and Alder. HOBART M. CABLE piano, brand-new, only $295. Guaranteed by the factory for 10 years, in writing. Just compare with any new piano uptown at the expensive high-rent store; around $000. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bidg.. Third and Oak streets. LARGE size table Cheney phonograph, electrio motor. Just like new; $298; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street $1350 LATEST grand piano, one of Amer ica's best artistic makes ; no better piano made; make an offer within rea son; also a $1450 genuir-e Wm Knabe grand; make an offer. 812 Worcester bldg. CAREFUL BUYER. See the best of new pianos just from the port of New York to the Port of Portland by the Panama canal. The prices will surprise you. Come today. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. BUY a good piano cheap; save your money, you may need it Call at 312 Worcester bldg. Dealers, schools and colleges buy lots of pianos here, they know bargains. Why not you? $750 PLAYER PIANO, plain mahogany; -music and bench, only $225, on easy termsi 312 Worcester bldg. Furniture for Sale. STORAGE SALE, GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor space filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phon ographs, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets, dishes, cut glaEB, massiye hall clocks, Wil ton and oriental rugs, refrigerators, sewing machines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other article too numerous to mention. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS FER CO., 4th at Pine Sta. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. COMPLETE furnishings of six rooms ivory bedroom suites, wicker library table and chairs, overstuffed davenport, floor lamp, William and Mary dining table and chairs, AB combination range, Kuud gas water heater, garden hose. rugs, chairs, etc. All for $650 cash, or will sell separately. Can be seen any ume. mar. or JWJ-. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samples, several daven ports and chairs at bargain prices; terms. Phones 635-27 evenings and Sundays. Tabor 57U7 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSON, INC. 54th and Foster Road. DON'T SACRIFICE your rumiture if coin east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our throush cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson iransier & fttorage Co., 245 Pine st. RUGS. For sale. rues, suitable for rooming uuurc, vbijt vueap. vail Alar. ZHIil. Irving St. MUST sell today, will sacrifice furniture lor a ruums, mciuaing gas heater and range, 4S3 E. Couch st. B. 3043 or . BEAUTIFUL set of living room and dlnini room furniture; oak, almost new. $2ou wilt sell separately or together. Main t OR SALE Bargain, cash, piano and house full of furniture, all for $180. U.'i KJ. U Dl. OAK DINING room st, jibrary table wicker rocker. 1 rug. Tabor 0108. Office Furniture. BARGAINS IN USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT. unaerwooa, jo. & or No. 3 i go 4-drawer letter file, wood 30 9 bank adding and listing machines 65 13 steel lockers for clothing 100 A new 4-drawer sectional steel letter file for $37.50. Best buy In Portland Big line of new and used furniture at oargain prices, u. u. wax, 24-26 N. 6th. itroaaway zioit. USED OFFICE FURNITURE. T roll-top desks, 6 flat-top desks. 4 1. v. oesics. a taDies, z standing desks. TjlE 1RW1N-HODSON CO.. Furniture Dept. 801 Stark at Tenth. Broadway 3144 PHYSICIANS STEEL FURNITURE Manufacturer s seconds at substantial reductions. Albatros Metal Furniture iu.. iiu xuuriiiB.11. GOOD oak desk for saie cheap. 228 Henry bldg. Call at Typewri ters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS." IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE ALL MAKES CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Washington St- Main 568L REBUILT typewriters, atl kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50, com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 14 Filth St. . Bdwy. 7169. BURROUGHS posting machine, good con dition. Price reasonable. Montavl::a Savings Bans.. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co., 312 Stark. Bdwy 7549 REBUILTS, second-nand rentals at cut rate3. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507. $3 A MONTH rents an Underwood or Rem Ington. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. CORONA tjpewriter, like new, one-half price. Phone Bdwy. 1430. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES on White Leg .horns. Reds, Minorcas, Barred Rocks. White Rocks and Anconaa; best Oregon stock; postal secures new FREE cata logue; write today; season closes June 1. C. N. NEEDHAM. SALEM. OREGON. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May and June delivery at $12 per 100; $115 per 1000, from flocks Inspected and ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th St.. Petaluma. Cal. Hogs. RabblH. Birds and Pet Stock, NEW BIRD book "Care, Feeding and Breeding of Canaries," gives a volume of real information. Also tells how and what, to use to overcome disease and trouble. Worth a dollar to any owner of a canary. Postpaid, 30c. Routledge Bird. Pet and Animal Co., Portland. FOX TERRIER puppies, well marked; also 3 other puppies; small type; tell cheap. 240 E. 8th st. Coal and Wood. DRY RANGE, wood, $4.50 load. wood 8159. Call Sell. FIR. $7.75; oak. $10: ash. $8.50. Wdln. 8824. Joh-i Gerlach. DRY BLOCK and slabwood, single load $5, double load, $8. Broadway 2545. BEST old-growth fir. $7; large 2d growth. $6.50. Sellwood 314. GOOD dry first-growth heavy bark. No. 1, $8; No. 2, $7. Phone Automatic 618-91. HARD wood, fir and first-class country siao, Alain 010a. FOR SALE. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4 TWO-LOAD LOTS 16-inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry. ready for furnace or heater : we also save you money on two-load orders ef dry wood; prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co. Wood lawn 4102. BEST old-growth fir cordwood. cut from large timber, dry 16-inch block or 4- fnnt wnnrt Mit tmm lar efcln.vard tlm. ber: also 'second-hand lumber and tim ber of all sizes and lengths. Call Ta- Dor and gt our prices. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-lnch. partly dry block and slab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-lead lots for $8; single loads $4.50; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. WOOIMWOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, alse 16-inch dry block wood: green block wood. Main 2676. NICE 16-in. slab. $3 50: best, seasoned. ' h pft vv 5 rtrv Hot S4 Bargain. Any. Sellwood 1769. where. 4 -ft. slab, $5. Paul Fuel. WOOD. WOOD. Country slab: now is the time. Call East 9174. Logan Fuel Co., 184 Union t5. y T rrir" A7j -J BJ. AutCJu Ji J !laA' ave. per cord, 2 tor stove lengtn. special price on double load. Bdwy. 41101 NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH CORDWOOD. Cut from sound trees. $7.50. EAST 1759. $7.50. CORDWOOD, $6.50 and $7.50 per cord, de livered. Slab wood $5.25 cord. Wdln. 6312. GET YOUR best cordwood. $7.50. and big country slab $5 per cord. Phone East 9191. CORDWOOD, $6.50 and $7.50 per cord, de livered. Slabwood $5.25 cord. Woodlawn 6312. EXTRA HEAVY COUNTRY SLABWOOD. Call nnd see it. 352 E. Clay st. East 1759. Boats. Lnnnchm and Murine Equipment. COMPLETE furnishings of six rooms. 2 ivory bed suits, floor lamp, brass bed. wicker davenport, table and chairs, over stuffed davenport,. A-B combination range, William and Mary 54-inch dining table and leather seat chairs, rugs, ta bles, chairs, etc. : will sell complete for $ft.'W) cash or separately. Call Bdwy. 6729. I HAVE good launch to charter for par ties of 10 to 100 for pleasure trips; take towing and houseboat moving; take job to anywhere, very reasonable Main 4 ST 2. STRICTLY modern furnished houseboat, hardwood floors, !-ory wood work, ex cellent float. Main 4868. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 808 N. 14th st. near Pettygrove. Phone Auto, 619-19. Radio Equipment. RADIO HORNS. 50c TO $1 EACH. NEWMAN, 12S FIRST, NEAR WASH. Machinery. ENGINE! lathe 82 ln.xl4 ft., extra heavy duty, modern, complete with chucks and extra equipment, price only $800; also 78-ln. boring mill; 6-ft. triple-purpose radial drill: 36-in.x36-in. open-side planer; 26-in. drill press; keyseater: production lathe; electric grinders; 10-in.xl2-in. air compressor; 35 h. p. A. C. motor; complete pattern-shop equipment and numerous other tools. ERSTED MACH. MFG. COMPANY. FORDSON with portable tractor hoist at tached, gooa as new, suitable for any kind of hoisting or for land clearing; a bargain for a contractor or a farmer. Ersted Mach. Mfg. Co.. Portland. Or. 60-HORSE POWER upright donkey boiler In good conamon, complete with grates and fittings. Price $250. Phone East 7000. Hesse-Ersted Iron Works. OREGON JUNK & HARDWARE CO. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand machinery, hardware and pipe. Main 128. 270 Front St. DRAG SAW, complete, two saws, lumber rollers and logging bunks: 100 feet Inch cable. 41!) Eaat 52d. Tabor 1779. $65 NEW barrel mixer and complete set of concrete tools. Columbia 349 before 12. Terms R. D. Noyes. Miscellaneous. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, t&ke your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Stora, Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts ROOKS REPAIRED. ROOKS PAINTED. ROOFS OXIDIZED. ROOFS RUBBER BONDED. ROOFS ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. PHONE BROADWAY 5958. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete line of partB for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 100 Third St.. Near Taylor. Main 9431. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADS. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sens for Less Gifts Tfcat Last. Next door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sta DOORS, windows, screen doors, mouldings, mill work, ' glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of cash and doors for prices D. B. Scully Co , down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 421S. SHINGLES. They must move before high water comes; commons, $1.75 1000; extra Star A Star, $-.95 1000. Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. RESTAURANT MEN. TAKE NOTICE! Bargainsl Bargains in all kinds of used restaurant dishes and cooking utensils. Newman's Exchange, 128 1st, between Alder and Washington. OVERSTOCKED ON ROLL-TOP DEKKS. AH roll-top desks in our used depart ment marked for quick sale; all types. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2730. FOR SALE Adding machine and calcu lating machine; some very good bar gains. 510 Lumbermens bldg. Phone Main 3712. 1 SECOND-HAND show case, 6 ft. ; 1 10 ft. lunch counter; Radio boxes made. Western Fixture & Show Case' Co.. 16th and Jefferson. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, aold, exchanged and - repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change, 226 Stark St. Bdwy. 7534. HOT WATER tanks, $5, guaranteed. Tanks, gas water heaters repaired; plumbing contractors; estimates given. E. Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. East 8516. WANTED Men and young men to wear straw hats, $1.95; panama hats, $1.95 to $2.50; caps. 05c to $1.50. 251 Waah ington st.. between 2d and 8d. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainable in new or second-hand safes eee Norris Safe & Lock Co., 105 2d st, Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045. FOR SALE 1 used Thor electric washing machine. 1 year guarantee, $70. Smith McCoy Electric Co., 264 Alder, bet. id and 4th. LADY leaving city will sacrifice Import ed silks, oriental colorings and Chinese Jackets, new. Broadway 1180, room 624 after 6 evenings. WE HAVE a big selection of store fix tures, scales, showcases, cash registers, safes, many others. Big bargains. 329 First St. RELIABLE- gas range. Ruud water water heater No. 25. Inquire 740 Hovt St. 6EOOND-HAND lumber; good for garag or small house: very cheap: will de liver. East 3487. 5.'.7',& Williams ave. D1EBOLD safes, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply ' Co.. 48 Front st. Bdwy. 1966. RUGS Washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange-, ko- daks. Sandy. 124 Broadway. SINGER sewing machine, easy payments, largest allowance for your old machine. Singer Store, 166 W. Park. Mar. 721. DANDY 3-hght shower lixture complete with shades, only $5.35. at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 75o per day, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. LICENSED independent electrician wire, 8 rooms tor $12, 5 for $20; guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3791. FOR SALE Baby carriage, fine condition. given lor ..... c. o-m u TRAILER and log bunks, nearly new. trade for good lot. cast 19 e. TODD protectograph check writer, first class condition. Phone Bdwy. 6201. J300 CALCULATING machine, first-clejs condition, sacrifice. Mr. Spears, 527-31. FOR SALE Wheel, slightly used. See Jan itor. Grandesta apts. 2 STOVES for sale, range and heater. 360 Park st.. corner Mill. Auto. 626-81. FOR SALE Dictaphone sets Broadway 3M. cheap. SHOWCASES and scales for sale by owner. Tabor 2480. SECOND-HAND tents ana covers, for sale. t-acilic em oc viimg 1.0., p,a. I 1st St. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ' machine, showcases. 43 1st St.. near Ash. MILD Havana cigars, $2.25 box 50, post pald. Heitkemper, maker, 151 Porter st. FOR SALE Wood range, in good condi tion, $L'i)jE!ispl$lKast 6995. LADIES' exclusive used apparel In a home. r.ast unsan street.. lapor UM25. GET our price on No. I first growth fir an ak, Robsrtson Fuel. Mala 6386. s