16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY MAY 27, BEaL estate. For Sale Houses. WB DO NOT BUILD. We are strictly brokers. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. 1200 Photographs of homes for sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. NO MATTER what your requirements are, we have the home that will meet them. Among our 1200 homes for sale you'll find hundreds of remarkable bargains. Every home personally inspected and appraised. We'll help you to make your first pay ment If necessary. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY. Open Sundays and evenings until 9. 0 Salesmen with, autos. NEW! NEW! NEW! ROSE CITY PARK. J5790 Distinctive English bungalow. Just completed. 6 rooms; one of the most artistic and unique in the entire district; old ivory and tap estry ; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, 2 large airy bedrooms, large white Dutch kitchen with sunny breakfast nook; garage. To see this is to desire it. E1. 68th St. Paved; one block to car. HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE). $500 DOWN. $500 DOWN. $4090 $500 down; splendid bungalow of 6 rooms, In one of the best sec tions of Hawthorne; large living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases; dining room with massive buffet: white Dutch kitchen ; 3 bedrooms and bath ; this is a genuine bargain: think of this; only $500 down. E. 30th street. $3750 Easy terms; wonderful buy In Hawthorne ; 6 rooms, 2-story; every modern convenience: sub stantial construction. Arnold st. A practical home and well worth $4000; owner must sell. $3150 $500 down; 5-room, neat, modern Hawthorne bungalow; built-ins; fireplace; garage. 3. 37th st CLOSE-IN SNAP. $3990 Here's splendid value in a good, attractive 6-room bungalow cot , tage, just completely renovated and remodeled; old ivory finish; tapestry ; pretty light fixtures, full plumbing; radio fumeless gas heating system; this is close to high and grammar schools: walk ing distance to town. E 11th. st. BABY CITY FARM. FRUIT, GRAPES. BERRIES. $2890 $500 down; come back to the soil: look at this in Aft. Scott; one whole acre with about 35 fruit trees; strawberries; grapes, etc. and a very attractive, clean. 5 room bungalow with bath; elec tricity, gas, and every modern convenience; garage; only $500 down an terms like reit. 52290 $500 down; 6-room Drettv Mount Scott bungalow type home with I abundance of shrubbery, roses, trees; 3 bedrooms', etc. 71st ave. $200 DOWN. SELLWOOD. $2090 $200 down; neat, substantial Sell wood cottage of 5 rooms: has full plumbing, electricity and gas. full lot with pretty lawn and five fruit trees; Tenino ave. This is a real home snap. SPRING TIME IS HOME-BUYING TIME. Why not come in and look over our wonderful listings of homes in every part of th city. We've helped hundreds of now happy, contented home owners with their first payment; we'll help you if necessary. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Ablngton bldg. Bdwv. 7171 Third st, bet Wash., and Stark. NOTE. There is an opening on our sales force for an energetic salesman with car. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Seven-room modern home in Rose City Park. Well located, near Rose City Park, school and Rose City Park oarline; down stairs hardwood floors, built-in buffet and fireplace; second floor 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch: full cement base ment, furnace, wash trays, all newly painted inside and out. All street im provements in and paid for. For sale, price $4850. terms. See Webster L. Kine ard, realtor, 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. FOR SALS BY OWNER. Snap 6-room house. S. E. cor. 32d and Market. lot 40x115, garage; prre $5000. Broadway 62S2. Evenings E. 110. LOOK HERE LOOK READ. OH, BOY; CLASSY. I'LL SAY. SMALL CASH PAYMENT BAL. TERMS. 2 snappy, 4-room bungalows with breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout,- fireplace,- bookcases, gas furnace. Sleeping porch, full cement basement, with laundry trays, light fixtures, win dow shades, tapestry paper, strictly mod ern in every detail. See this by all means before you buy elsewhere. Lo cated 21 1-15 Beech at. Phone owner. East 4000, or any Portland realtor. IRVTNGTON. Several high-class new bungalows and two-story colonials, 6 to 8 rooms, just completed. Prices based at' the present cost of building. Reasonable terms. F. B. Turner, owner and builder, 661 Fremont st, cor. 18th. Wdln. 6541. IRVINGTON GRAY COLONIAL. . $9600 Most artistic colonial In this district Large rooms. Hess gas furnace, best plumbing. Built by Stokes for present owner. Immediate possession. East 419. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. . WHY PAY RENT. Place your soldier bonus on this new, 5-room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all late built-ins, cement basement, laundry travs. Terms cheaper than rent. $3400. Call Wdln, S6o! 338 Alberta st MY BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park home; unobstructed view of city, 75x125 grounds; very choicest part of district; every modern convenience Ask my realtor, J. R. Haight. 327 Board of Trade bldg. Broadway 2045. FINE 9-ROOM residence, Laurelhurst, ma hogany woodwork, Japanese garden. Would cost at least $20,000 to duplicate. Price $15,000, terms, or would take suit able 5 or 6 rooms on Motna villa car- une. nawy, t m. Kivenings hi. 4455. CORNER BUNGALOW 6 rooms, newly renovated, fine porches with full view of Sandy blvd. ; 1 block from Rose City Park car line. For quick sale, $5000 terms. See owner, 600 E. 49th at N Tabor 4563. FROM OWNER. 6-room modern home, lot 100x100. 1 Mock to car; berries and fruit, chicken house and garage ; $3400 ; $000 down bal. $30 month Including interest ISW r A V SB1T .T. TUIO Hrppi- " will take $1600 for 5-room home, large corner lot, fruit and garden, on hard surface street. Some bargain. $1600 lenns. a. oa-i ( MODERN 5-room bungalow, hdw, floors, .o., uu.iL-i.i buiu, uasement, porches . garden, email fruit, flowers. Complete home. 1503 Minnesota at Morgan. Wdln 5744. KE NTONT 5-room bungalow on paved street; all modern conveniences. See house at 33 Schofleld st.; price $3050, easy terms will sell furniture. ' ivis-KUUM Dungaiow, very neat, newlv painted throughout full basement Fsnrtn'o J lot, near Franklin high and Creston ' school, 1 blk. from car, $2900. Terms' ny owner, ian raoor 6-ROOM house, paved street, on 37th, near Rose City car. in good condition. Owner must sell; $450 cash, very easv monthly terms, 6 interest. East 4 So 5 4-ROOM house on car line and paved street; gas, bath, electricity; $2200, $500 cash, $30 per mo., including interest Wdln. 6720. NEW BUNGALOW, Just completed. 4 rooms, breakfast nook, bath, basement all modern conveniences, good location' $3500. reasonable terms. Owner. E. 5408. &-ROOM bungalow, 50x100 lot paved streets, improvements all nairi tiitnn $900 cash, balance $20 month and in- irtwL. Jiuo cj. liincoin. labor 2S9 3. WOODLAWN. 5-room house, 1 or more lots, lawn and huh, woo uiuuii li' car. WALNUT 1804, MODERN bungaiow, 5 large rooms, firo. place, basement wash trays, garage, lot 50x100, 1 block to Montavilla car; $3500' terms. 1546 E. Flanders at. Owner. SEE THIS before you buy your bunga low, a modern, 5-room bungalow com pletely furnished or unfurnished. Call rtiwy. i;hw or aui. tua-iM. By owner, FOR SALE New, modern 5-room bunga- cor. 4Sth. Call between 1:30 and 5 P. M $1100 TAKES this 4-room house In Fulton 50x100 lot; bath, gas, electricity; will g ive some terms. Mar. . 3. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. 11-room home facing on Park street; REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $4000. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. MAGNIFICENT VIEW. Brand new bungalow, 3 rooms and sleeping porch, also space for 2 more rooms, fine garage, balcony overlooking entire city and surrounding country east of Cascades; 3 blks. to car; 15-minute walk to heart of city; an exceptional bargain for only $4000. Terms will be considered. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. FOR SALE BY OWNER, PENINSULA DISTRICT. 7-room bungalow on paved St.; 50x100 ft. lot; nice iawn, 9 bearing fruit trees and berries, garden planted. I canned tiOO quarts of fruit and berries last year off this lot. House 7 years old, is in good condition inside and outside. .Full cement basement with laundry trays. Price $3400. $1000 down. Balance rea sonable monthly payments. 428 Russett et 1 block north of Lombard, just off of Wabash ave. West J. Kugel, owner. Wood lawn 1791. BY OWNER ROSE CITY PARK. Am offering my new, strictly modern 5 -room bungalow with breakfast room for sale. A bargain. Corner, beautiful electrical fixtures, electric fireplace, eastern . oak hardwood floors through out, extra large bedrooms and closets, French doors, elegant buffets, Dutch kitchen; finished in old Ivory, tile bath, very fine plumbing, automatic hot water heater; furnace. $1400 will handle. Call forenoons, Automatic ' 313-22. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY HOME. 6-room strictly modern bungalow; hardwood floors throughout: tiled bath; large living room with fireplace; lovely buffet; large attic. Modern kitchen with tiled drainboard; breakfast nook. Full cement basement, furnace; garage. Be low the hill; corner lot A bargain. Some terms. Broadway 6011. T. O. BIRD, 526 CHAM. OF COM. $5300 IRVTNGTON, 5-room bungalow; HOT-WATER HEAT, 1 block from Broadway and 15th; small down pay ment and $60 per mo. on bal. East 41 9. I R VINGTON. $ 6500. 8-room house on 22d, fine for income; easy terms. East 419. WONDERFUL HOME, 5-room modern bungalow with sleep ing porch, garage, beautiful lawn, roses and flowers: ail taxes and assessments paid In full; close in and two blocks from car. Price $4500. Good terms; property Is clear. Ask for Mr. Coulter, with W. W. SAB IN. 1032 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 5S9. $500 DOWN NEW. A new 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch, on Ainsworth ave., one block from Union ave.; full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, breakfast nook, hard wood floors, double constructed: com plete with fixtures and shades; paved street; $4700. Owner on premises Sat urday and Sunday afternoons. 406 Ains worth ave. Broadway 6389. WOODLAWN, ON AINSWORTH AVE. $4500. Five-room bungalow, all hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, furnace, lot 50x100, garage. Thfs is a real bar gain. Can handle this on any reasonable payment down. See Mahonev, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St Phone Broadway 6006. KENTON. New 5-room modern bungalow, three blocks from Lombard on Terry street; fireplace, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook; cement basement, laundry trays, double garage; possession at on.ce,, $3500, $1900 down. Make us an offer. FEE G. N. HICKMAN. WITH H. W. OgBONRE CO., REALTORS. ' 432- Cham, of Com. Bdwy 53R7. $3800. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW 5 rooms down and two up; full ce ment basement and floor, street paved and paid for. This house was built last year for a home by owner. Terms. $S0O down and balance on time at 7 to suit purchaser. Located two blocks south Jefferson high school. 1000 Kerby st. Owner. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS. . . $8000. Fine 7-room house, one of the choice locations, on Portland Heights: full base ment, hot water heat and a real bargain at this price. If Interested call Ma honey, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO 275 Oak St. Phone Broadway 6006. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. $3550 PAVED STREET $3550. New, double-constructed bungalow, up to date and modern in every respect; ga rage, all street improvements in and paid for; 1 block to Sandy and car. Terms. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO Bdwy. 5618. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. NO SPRT.VO HOUS'ECLEAXING $3750 Everything new. Alameda Park bungalow. Massive brick colonial pillars. A combination living and dining room, big fireplace with bookcases at ends. Hardwood floors. Two large bedrooms. New and va cant. .t4tn and Mrescott. FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA- ' m r Li Ei r Hi' I J KN NORTH JONESMORE; SIZE OF HQJJSE 26x28" LOT 50x100; PRICE $3275. ETTHER CALL OR TELEPHONE TTMBDEN STOCK & CO.. SECOND FLOOR. ORE COX BUILDING. TELEPHONE BDWY. 1658. 6 ROOMS GARAGE $3150 $3150. $3150. $650 DOWN $35. IXCL. INTEREST A real buy, full lot, fruit, shrubbery, all liens paid, 3 blocks to Alberta car. close in. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO Bdwy. 5618. 512-13 Wflr-n-r -Riritr LAURELHURST home High-class 6-room "" "-v. .. , una niusi uuiupicLe new nome is on the corner of Royal court and East 39th; plate glass wfndows. hard wood floors throughout; tile bath: tile kitchen; price $8750. Owner and build er Tc Vinr Oflf.J EXCEPTIONALLY well-built home, near ......,.,, villaining it rooms aownstairs bathrooms, 2 rooms and sleeping porch upstairs; lot 60x00. every convenience Including gas furnace, Ruud water heater, garage. East 1409. 585 E. 22d st North. 6-ROOM double constructed house with .a.Ro ,uumo, lurnace. rirepiacs and built-in features; on corner lot, 60x80. In Peninsula Park: nice lawn and shrub bery; price $2850. very easy terms. See owner at 301 Gerltairer bide. Main 8529. Evenings. Aut. T10-:i. 15550 ROSE CITY. $5550. mis b-room modern bungalow, every thing In built-ins, paved street, hdwd. floors; large lot. Small down payment balance like rent. 213 Ry. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WILLIAM A. HTTfllTKS CO. 1 "Ek JOU wl" appreciate the Ti h7e- , S,x rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, efficient furnace, etc. Only $4850. rea- ornaTaborer33. ' TeeP6' Tabor 9586 $800 EQUITY FOR $600 CASH Modern double-constructed bungalow adjoining Alameda, few feet north of Prescott. near Bdwy. car line; has all modern built-ins. French doors, furnace rbTr 1 3600' Cal1 owner at Bdw: OWNER leaving town: a real bargain; new n-mom mnan V... 1 1 , . floors. f!replace, furnace, full cement basement, garage. Half block from car. Three blocks from school. ,s7 East 27th street. Just north of Harrison A MIGHTY GOOD BUY. Three houses on 100x100 corner, right close in, paying nearly 8 per cent net on price as is. Probably double In three years. Arthur, 965 East Morrison St., j i-i l. dun, rnone -raoor 21 Sit . ne 0-rooru houses close in near East Broadway, rented for ISO month. This is valuable property right on car , ..r?6 'o.1 a,ons worth $4000: total 10 8 CaSh' wner- Braa- SNAP ROSE CITY, IRVINGTON, S. 8."" ., V., ,"n-vl- iou.i 7"U DOWN., NEW JH250. MODERX, $650 DOWN ' NEW $2500 5-RM., MOD.. $400 DOWN ..uo j . bau. IS D Y Y . HH3. MY 4-ROOM cozy bungalow home. !2xl00 corner on hard street; two bedrooms. Putch kitchen. . hardwood floors fire place, cement basement, everything for $3L'oO: terms. Broadway 101S WILL SACRIFICE."1 See this before you buy a modern 5 room bungalow furnished or unfurnished Call Bdwy. 4909 or Auto. 618-25 By FOR SALE 5-room house, Dutch kitchen apartment dist., lot 50x100. walking1 the best buy In city. $32ii0 cash 0r terms Block from R. C. car. Inquire 755 East CHICKEN ranch, best bargain in the city. t Ine place, 7-room house; everything modern. Come and see it; three blocks end of Woodstock car. 5921 59th ave. DAXDV 7-rnnn. h.mol.n. TTTTT all modern, big corner, paved; owner inu--t oci, cume ana mane ocier. Can move in immediately. S3400--$1100 CASH will give possession of a 6-room modern bungalow, hard sur face, sewers in and connected. See this before you buy. Call Wdln. 3459. BEAUTIFUL Colonial home, valued at .$8000, Irvington Park; will sacrifice for caen and easy terms. Phone Dr.. Firey, 50x100 LOT. 6-ROOM house, furnished " street improvements paid ; fruit and j.-j, -iv, wuin. iz,,i6r 2-ROOM house, 1 . block from car line: fruit; improvements paid; 50x100 lot-' SHOO: terms. Wdln. 1293. - $2000 WORK TNG MAN'S home; JP3.-.0 down five-room, electric lights, paved street1 walking diataace. Xoung, Bdwy. 63ai REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $4150, WITH $350 DOWN. A 5-room bungalow near Division St., practically new, cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, tiled sink and tiled' bath, recess tub and shower bath, hardwood floors, finished in ivory and tapestry paper; 50x100 lot, hard surfaced st and sewer in and paid. Price only $4150, with $350 down. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St Broadway 6729. 39th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 320-60. BEAUTIFUL HOME VALUES. We have a number of very fine home? for sale at exceptionally low prices in Irvington and Holladay Addition. Vari ous circumstances make the sale of these homes necessary and In each one you will find a fine buy for the money as well" as an ideal home in the best of lo cations. Mr, Lemons, F. E. BOWMAN & CO., Broadway 6007. LAURELHURST COLONIAL. $6100. Folks, the -owner of this splendidly constructed home is anxious to sell and has reduced the price for quick sale. Central entrance hall, large living room, sun porch, three large bedrooms and sleeping porch ; practically your own terms, too. Get in touch with either one of mv offices today. A. G. Teepe, Tabor 9586 or Tabor 3433. BARGAIN extraordinary; only $3950; five room bungalow, every modern conven ience; double constructed throughout; three courses flooring, with building pa per between; built for a home; street paved and paid; garage with cement driveway; $750 cash, balance terms; soldier bonus will apply. See Mr. Pen gra, with PAGET & PAGET, 283 Stark St. Broad-way 3794. Suburban Homes. DISTINCTIVE SUBURBAN HOME. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. A 9-room home, elegant in appoint ment and equipment, complete in every detail ; nearly one acre of magnificent grounds and shrubbery, Including pri vate park fit natural trees and foliage; located on one of best highways out of city; double garage and servants quar ters: construction finest This home could not be built today for $12,000. Our quotation is $6500 cash; $7000 terms, to responsible people. "Please send refer ence with your Inquiry. Call Bdwy. 5462 or 7540 for appointment. MONARCH REALTY CO., , 704 Wilcox Bldg. PAY RENT TO YOURSELF. $150 CASH.. BAL. $25 PER MO. $2155 buys acre and attractive bunga low; plastered, white enamel plumbing, concrete foundation, built-ins, Bull Run water and gas; close in; good roads GORDON MORTGAGE COMPANY, 030 Cham, of Com. Bldg. No Phone. A REAL SACRIFICE. $500 CASH DOWN. New modern bungalow on M acre of ground, only 3 blocks to car line; has full cement basement and all the mod ern improvements; a home in the coun try with all the city conveniences. Don't forget it; this is a real sacrifice at $3200. MERRICK & CO., 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. 2 ACRES, all under cultivation, fruit trees and berries, modern 5-room house. hardwood floors, furnace, stationary tubs, full cement basement, enameled throughout ; near Dosch station on red electric; will divide to suit party. Main 604, 4-ROOM house, fully modern, 2 miles from Portland on paved highway; am moving to California; will sell cheap on terms. Call Mr. Schaffer. Bdwy. 6667. ONE ACRE, all In garden and berries, new small house, 5 blocks from Huber sta tion, $875. $400 cash. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock Exchange- bldg. OSWEGO LAKE WILLAMETTE RIVER shore lots, bungalows and acreage. Call for McClure, 500 Concord bldg, SACRIFICE equity in -acre, new 7 rms., 1 .) lift Iniiil iirl'l ssinetHoi u PnflH (i r 97 LI ., .-v-J.-r,' nt X tlura nblo fir- WILL SELL my Riverside bungalow cheap furnished. Oregon City car. E. 2299. For Sale Business Property. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. 13th, Bet. Jefferson and Market $6500. $1800 Cash. Balance your own terms. 8-room, hall, . living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath second floor; large finished attic, can be used as bedroom; full cement base ment, furnace. This should be a splen did opportunity for someone, being so close in and could always be kept full with roomers, and a splendid investment ALV1N JOHNSON CO., Realtor, 605 McKay Bldg. Broadway 7201. Residence Phone, East 2061. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE. We have a dandy warehouse or fac tory site for sale ; Versteeg addition ; block 4, lots 7, 8. 9, 10, right on track age and near the new freight terminal at Guilds lake; it is next to the Amer ican Can Co.'s plant and right close to Montgomery Ward plant; if sold at once will make low price. Phone owner, East 2651. ' .VIRGINIA HOME. Trvington. situated in nook of beauty with merging tints of green of fir and cedar and other foliage; living room 18x 30; swell dining and breakfast rooms, bedroom, bath, first floor ; 3 bedrooms and bath, 2d floor; garage; $8950; $2000 cash, ball monthly. East 1347. LARGE BEARING FRUIT TREES. Large 5-room house in good condition, electric lights, gas in street, lot 50x100, 7 large assorted bearing fruit trees, some berries, near Piedmont carbarns ; $200 cash, $25 monthly. Price $1500. See Mr. Lamb or Mr. Griffith with Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. TOTAL PRICE $260. Neat, well-built 2-room shack, nice porches, vacant and ready to move into. You had better see this. See Mr. Lamb or Mr. Griffith with Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com, REAL ESTATE office for sale or trade tor car. East 127. For Saie Acreage. A HOME FOR $50 DOWN and monthly payments of $15. This is a good little shingled house with good well and small outbuilding. Over 3 acres of land fronting the car line at Ruby station- Total price only $1200. STRONG & CO.. 606 Cham, of Com. $250 PER ACRE. Close In, fine berry land, CLEARED, level; close to station, school and nigh way. This is just as good as it sounds. 8 to 10 acres. Easy terms. COS A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4th St. Broadway 7552. $600 ONLY $600. For $600 cash we can sell 100x220 . over half an acre on Halsey and 6SHh sts. Out of town owner must have th money. ' HOLCOMB REALTY CO.. 211 Washington Bldg. BUCK MAN TRACT, north of Rose City; half acres $f75, $S down, $8 month; acres $10 down, $10 month; no city as sessments. Roger W. Cary, 1219 North western Bank bldg.. Main 1643; resi dence. Woodlawn 1959. 7 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 5 acres, 4 acres cultivation, bal. pas ture ; 2 acres potatoes. 1 acre orchard, small fruit, small house, chicken house, good well water and spring. $2100. Good terms. Woodlawn 671 5. FOR SALE 640 acres in Custer county, Montana; would make a very desirable ranch, 51 per cent tillable; in center of Mizpah oil zone; $1500. $800 cash, balance terms. Call Broadway 1475, owner. QUICK SALE 40 acres. 3Vi cleared. 9 mi. out Wrhite Salmon; good roads, irrigated, plenty timber for home use; can give best referenecs. Prioe $Lnoo. half cash, balance loner terms. BJ ft!H. Oregonian. 10 ACRE'S, all in clover, on good road. 6 blocks from Newberg highway. 6 blocks from Sherwood, $800 cash, with good terms on balance. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. . STOKES TRACT Just outside city; Al berta car; $10 down. $10 month; half acres to acres : lights, water, gas, no gravel. Roger W. Cary, 1219 Northwest ern Bank bldg. WRITE for map of western W'ashington showing location low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. TWO FINE acres, high state of cultiva tion, very close Iix. swell orchard, good 6-room house, electricity, city water; $4500; cash $1500. Wdln. 2375. BY OWNER Beaverton dist., mile red electric; city -water, gas; 6 acres, all clear, part in crop, for $350 per acre. Inquire at 316 Panama bldg. FIVE acres, house, barn, all cultivated ; shrubbery, water, phone, near lake and river; 20 mlnues out; $3800; terms. Bdwy. R003- 616 Henry bldg. WONDERFUL BARGAIN Over 4 acres, paved at., for cash only $4500. 6-cent fare; trackage; fine subdivision. Zim- merman, ola cnamber of Commerce. 120-ACRE, unimpioved land; Borne tim ber on it; for sale cheap. P. Wabke. Nehalem. Or., box 61. 100 ACRES 3 ml. from Washington st.. mostly level; great aacriflce, $125 per acre. Owner Bdwy. 1018. WILL sell ten acres in the Portland Oil Syndicate for $75; regular price $30 per acre. N 690. Oregonian. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN, 6131 92D ST. 8. E. 616-46 YOUNG filbert orchard 5 years old. income this year; 16 miles from city. Tabor 4851. 3 ACRES on Sandy blvd.. alt cleared, only $250 per acre. Call Bdwy. 5317. 1 ACRE, 2 miles east of citv. fine soil $45 down, bal, $10 per mo. Bdwy. &3X7. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. $1500 $750 CASH. 10 acres, 7 acres in cultivation, S acres pasture; 4-room house, root "house and pump house, orchard, well with pump. This will make a good home. 5 acres, all in fruit, on pavement, just outside of Vancouver, about 1 mile from P. O., fair buildings, good well; extra fine silt soil. Price $5000, terms. Thia is extra good and very well located. This place netted over $1000 last year. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. fl-ACRE RU1T RANCH. You will not find a better kept place in or around Portland. Large home, barn, garage, 4 acres In strawberries, balance in orchard and berries, 3 block from city limits. Buy now and take advantage of the crop now coming on. A low price and reasonable terms If sold now. Drive out and look it over. 104th st. and 48th ave. S. E. Otto & Harkson. 413 Chamber of Com merce. Broadway 6389. ONLY $600 CASH. Buys 10 acres, 40 miles down the Co lumbia, 3 miles from Goble on mac adam road; 4-room box house, small clearing, level "land, Goble creek runs across comer; mile to schooL Make a dandy chicken ranch. HOLCOMB REALTY CO.. 211 Washington Bldg. ' Irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sion. Interested only in getting home builders on the project. Longest grow ing season in the northwest. Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best. Junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Write for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT, No. 4, Burbank. Washington. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. HOOD RIVER 47-acre orchard; 10 acres 16-year trees, 30 acres 10-year trees; tract adjacent to loop highway and 2 miles from city; leading grower said. "There's a bargain." Price $15,000. Write box 142. Hood River. HOOD RIVER 30-acre orchard; IS bear ing orchard, 12 alfalfa land ; a future crop will pay its price. $15,000. Write box 142. Hood River. For Sale Farms. SMALL RANCH PORTLAND HOUSE. IVz miles Ridgefield, Wash.; good road; 22 acres, 19 acres cultivation; fenced and cross-fenced ; the very best of soil; fine drainage creek, well, water system, all kinds fruit and berries, shrubbery, etc. ; 6-room house, well built, good barn, silo, chicken house, woodshed. This is a well-kept, up-to-date little ranch that is well worth the money; never offered for trade before. Want Portland house full value or take mtge. for difference. Price $4000. Call 905 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE by owner; 95 acres, 25 miles from Portland, near Donald, on the Ore gon electric R. R. ; 20 hops, 20 a. seeded to clover, 40 a. grain, family orchard, 15 a. timber, good house and barn, hop house and other outbuildings, good water Bystem, 1-3 of crop this year; farming Implements, hop sacks, hop baskets, 12 head of goats; price $20,000. one-third cash; would consider good residence up to $5000, good terms on balance. Box 29, Woodburn, Oregon. 67-ACRE RANCii on county road, 17 miles from Eugene, 2 miles from small town, high school, etc., 1 mile to grade school, 10 acres in cultivation, another 10 acres easily cultivated, balance pas ture and timber; 6-room farm house, usual outbuildings, water jiped to house. Plenty of wortk in nearby $aw mills. Price $2200, $700 cash. KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO., Eugene. Or. CANADIAN farm lands; last great block of Canadian Pacific Railway company's reserve lands, remarkably cheap, on long and easy terms. Landseekers ex cursion party leaves Portland for Al bert a, Canada, on Saturday, June 3. Reduced railway rates. For further par ticulars apply to Canadian-Pacific Rail way company, 208 Railway Exchange bidg., L. P. Thornton, district repre tentative. FOR SALE 358 acres, 17 miles from Portland, 4 miles to city of 8000; house, barn, other buildings; 55 acres cleared, in crops, 100 more easily cleared ; soil, buckshot and red; pasture, springs, tim ber, high elevation ; good view, interior land farther on selling at $200 ; aged owner sick, alone; will sell at $80 per acre. Address owner, AV 8, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade for Portland prop erty, 14 y acres, berry and chicken ranch, lies level, on paved read, near electric car line, mile from small town; good 7-room plastered house, good barn and outbuildings of all kinds: 3 acres in berries, 3 acres in potatoes. Route 1, box 165, Orchards. Wash. Phone Or chards 6 F 12. OWNER'S SACRIFICE, fine 11-acre farm, k miles of Oregon City, on gravel road; new 4-room house, barn, woodshed, chicken house, good well, all kinds fruit, 5 acres cultivated, in crops, 1 acre timber, balance pasture; $3500, part cash, bal. terms. H. G. Newton, Parkplace, Or. 24ft ACRES, 30 miles north of Portland, 3 miles from station o railroad be tween Portland and Seattle. Over one million feet of first growth fir; on mail and milk route; dbout five acres cleared, old shack; never failing springs. Fine outrange. Price $2700. terms. Address Box 131. Route 6. Portland. Or. BEAUTIFUL country home, 11 miles from Portland, bearing fruit and walnut trees, all kinds of berries, small oak grove. 37 acres under cultivation, near highway. Must be seen to be appreciated. E. G. Peeter. R. Rt. 4, Box 132, Beaverton, Or. FOR SALE 320 acres timber and stock ranch, good location for a sawmill, and two families or partners, $4800, 14 miles from Roseburg, Or. Bee H. C. McGraw, 29 9th St. - N. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. WHO wants a real snap? 15 acres to sell enson, 2 miles south of Reedville, Or P. O. R. 4, Box 85. FOR SALE 80 acres. 65 In grain; gooi buildings; $3500 cash, easy term a Z Bishop. Junctior- City. Or., R. 1. IMPROVED, irrigated ranch, 20 acres, good house; only $2500. Box 303, Hermis ton, Oregon. SMALL FARMS. 5 acres up. level clear, fenced, houses, near Wlllamina; small down payment. J. R. Sharp, S34 3d at. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WrE NEED HOMES TO SELL! LIST YOURS WITH US FOR RE SULTS! We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in touch with the majority of EARNEST home buyers! We inspect, appraise and photograph your house within 4 hours after listing! 80 salesmen" with autos to work on It! No charge except the standard commis sion of 0 in the event of a satisfac tory sale! We take care of the interests of out-of-town owners! LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE.' See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Bdwv. 7171. ARE YOU GOING TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? If so, list it with us. Have clients for all kinds, all locations. We employ a number of courteous salesmen with cars who will be glad to call and list your property. No charge except the regular 5 per cent commission in case of a sat isfactory sale. HOME REALTY CO.. 607-8-9 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway -42K8. WE HAVE a client with all cash wishing to buy a 5-room bungalow below the hill for about $0000, Rose City Park, be low the hill. Phone today. Quick ac tion necessary. A. G. Teepe, 40tji and Sandy. Tabor 0"86. WANT FLATS QUICK. East or west side; any size. If priced right they're sold. Have buyers wait ing. We get' results. Try us. Broad way 6011. T. O. BIRD. R26 CHAM. OF COM. WANTED Small places close in, partly cultivated, with buildings and some fruit, good terms. Have several buyers from east, waiting. B. S. Cook, 601 MTpCK bxenange Diag, WANT WEST SIDE APT. HOUSE. ABOUT $40,000. HAVE BEAUTIFUL IRVING TON HOME AND CASH. I MEAN BUSINESS. PRICE MUST BE RIGHT. MARSHALL 3945. I WANT 5 or Ji-room modern, up to $4000; must be good ; can make good pay ments,; location and details must be given; owners only. M 603, Oregonian. HAVE TWO BUYERS FOR ROSE CITY. Want two 5-room bungalows, strictly mod-era; from $5ti00 to $6500. Must be worth the money. Phone Bdwy o'.i 8 7 WHY. WORRY? I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Millership, 165 Fourth. Main o: WANT small house and 2 lota or about"" 4 acre not far from streetcar, not over $1500; $400 cash. Helen Gilbreath. P O. box 307. HAVE cash buyers for weBt side property; if your price is right I can sell it. Bdwy. 2045; evenings Main 2534. WANT TO BUY A 4-ROOM OR 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; STATE LOCATION. PRICE. AH 676. Oregonian. WANT to buy acre with city conveniences. State lowest price and best terms. w oifw, uregoman WANTED- Relinquishment on homestead or cheap acreage. AM 677. Oregonian Wanted to Bent Fa rms. A MAN wih 20 years' experience farmer having two daughters, wishes to take charge of a ranch, dairy or fruit, to work on a commission basis. Open to FOR RENT FARMS. ISLAND ranch, 55 miles from Portland. 50 acres cleared ; good opportunity to anyone who can buy stock. About $1000. East 1047. ' TIMBER LANDS. 20-M CAPACITY sawmill, complete and ready to . run; donkey and logging equipment; good second-growth timber; located near Portland; good roads; near railroad. D 6f9. Oregonian. FOR SALE 320 acres timber and stock ranch, good location for a sawmill, and two families or partners, $4800, 14 miles from Rosehurg, Or. See H. C McGraw. 2QV3 9th st. N. FOR SALE Portable mill, -5-M, cheap for cash; Russell tractor, 16 H. P.. De Roch mill. N 691, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. LOOK. LOOK. LOOK. ' MUST SELL OR TRADE AT ONCE. HOTEL FURNISHINGS AND LEASE UP TO 1926. $700 NET -INCOME PER MONTH. This place is always full. Practically all permanent tenants. 103 rooms, 27 with bath, hot and cold water in all rooms. Good furnishings throughout; within walking distance of town. Own ers are dissolving partnership and deal must be closed this week. Here is your chance to make some good money. Will take in lots, acreage, farm or other property, in or around Portland, up to $18,000, which is the price. If you see this hotel you will want it. Get in touch wtih Mr. Orleman. See or phone Saturday or Sunday between 9 and 1 o'clock. , J. A. W1CKMAN CO., 262 Stark St. Bdwy. 6794. MR. RANCHER READ THIS. DO YOU WANT TO COME TO THE CITY? HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. $550 NET INCOME PER MONTH. Have client with sickness in family end wants to go into country, who will trade his apartment house furnishings and lease up to 1926, for a good ranch located near Portland, with fruit and berries on it. Has 34 2-room apart ments, all with private bath, dressing rooms and clothes closets. Brick build ing, fine furnishings. Best apartment house district in Portland, on west side, within walking distance of town. Will trade for place up to $20,000, which Is the price. See or phone Mr. Orleman Saturday or Sunday between 9 and 1 o'clock. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 262 Stark St. Realtors. Bdwy. 6794. "WE SERVE FOUR STATES. If you have a Portland home to trade for a. Willamette Valley farm or property In Portland that you wish to trade for property any place in the four states, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, see me at once. FRANK McCRILLIS. Realtor, Henry Bldg., Broadway 779. Portland clearing house for Savage Realtor Service, Covering the four states. 100 ACRES, close to Newberg; about CO acres in cultivation; the balance easily put in cultivation which is now good pasture and ash and oak timber: about 40 acres now in crop ; about 15 acres in meadow; 8 acres In 4-year-old prunes, family orchard, berries, fair buildings, creek and well, 8 dairy cows, 400 chick ens, 100 turkeys. 20 geese, horse, wagon and harness, some farming implements, 7 young cattle. Will sell this farm cheaper than you ca.n buy land adjoin ing it and will take income or acreage as part pay, the balance cash or v part cash or will sell half of place and give good terms. Box 146, Newberg, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. INCOME business property, leased at $45 montnly, located in one or the best saw mill towns in Washington, on R, R 800 population. Just the place for an invest ment, paying almost 16 per cent Inter est- Will consider Portland residence to one-half. Price ?35O0. Will take in light car, or what have you? Ed. Wil son, Mineral, Wash. Lock box 101. FOR SALE or trade for Portland prop erty, 14H acres, berry and chicken ranch. lies level, on paved road, near electric car line, mile irom small town: good 7-room plastered house, good barn and outbuildings of all kinds; 3 acres in berries, 3 acres in potatoes. Route 1. box 165, Orchards. Wash. Phone Or chards 6 F 12. LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or email, city or country; I will match them. E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. TWO ACRES, all under cultivation, dark loam soil, some fruit and berries; 3-room plastered house, small barn; located on Oregon City line, close in, $2000, $800 cash or will take small car part pay ment. O. O. SLETTEN, Realtor, Suite 415. Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3400. FOR SALE or trade $4500 Interest in shingle mill 110 rrr capacitl. timber con tracted, will trade part for acreage or improved city property, a good chance for two upright sawyers, packer or la borer, t or miormauon addresa AV 61, Oregonian. WILL accept good team horses, about 2200. with harness, and farm ImDlements as part payment plus some cash or smaller lot eisewnere lor 80x100 view lot on Mt. Tabor, ci, t . Hertz, Vancouver, Wash. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring in your propositions house, lots, farms, acreage, stocks of mercnanoise. k. a. 712 couch bldg. SACRIFICE TRADE Beautiful 11-room colonial home, Irvington Park, valued at $8000, for a farm or small house. Phone Dr. f irey, coiumma blag. 80x100 VIEW LOT 'on N. W. corner 69th and E. Stark, for a late model six tour ing (Buick or Studebaker) plus some casn. m. p. .Hertz, Vancouver, wash. EXCHANGE for painting or carpenter work, clear vacant lot of one acre, near 82d street. Call Bdwy. 3400 or Main 1852. WILL exchange unincumbered quarter sec tion Canadian land for Portland home ana assume some; value land $4000 P O. box 839, city. WILL trade 1G0 a. land in N. E. Wash ington tor Kose city jparit lot. BC 682, Oregonian. 20 ACRES, improvements, near Tigard; trade for acre or sell. Bargain. Owner, D. J. "Ward, Sherwood. Route 4. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A GORDON ROSS. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. TILLAMOOK "dairy ranch, part trade and part cash. X 679. Oregonian. SEATTLE lots for Portland property; un- oostructea view. raoor TIMBER LAND to exchange for city prop erty. AN 652. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WHAT have you to trade for a good late model, touring car; good tires and paint; value $700. Have two cars and have use for- only one. Consider anything out vacant iota, rnone Crosby, Bdwy. 2n55. WILL trade $150 Victrola and records for rora roaaster. vyill pay or take differ ence. One with body on back preferred. 340 Morris. E. 2427. MORSE diving outfit, practically new; will trade for late model Chevrolet or Dodge car, or sell cheap for cash. S. W, Bailey, 755 Belmont st. Phone East 4628. FOR SALE. Horses, YehiHew, Livestock. BALED HAT FOR SALE. Good alsike and timothy at trtft Old Meadow Farm, 21 miles N.W. of Beaverton.' Phone 'Beaverton 151 Walker or Hillsboro 7R16. 6 COWS, some fresh with calves, some heavy sprrngers. 1-year-old, pure-bred Holstein bull, team of horses, harness and wagon, very reasonable or trade for car; 6 miles N. E. of Vancouver on Bat tleground highway, Rt. 1. box 165. Or chard sWash.. near Gehr station. PASTURE wanted on farm close to Port land for 2 horses. Kindly phone or call at Lang & Co., 1st and Ankeny sts., Portland. Or. FRESH Jersey cow for sale, giving five gallons daily; will sell cheap. 1850 uorcnester st., Krron Heignts, FOR SALE Jersey bull, Oregon Park, Chief N., 4 year8 old. J. H. Barnett. Park Place, Oregon. ' JUST arrived from Newberg, 3400-lb. team of horses, for sals at Hawthorne stables. Wm. Holland, owner. 2 FRESH Jersey cows, rich and heavy milkers. 1967 E. Stark St., cor. 78th. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOMES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. FRESH cow and calf for sale, 900 Es 16th st., corner Holgate. FAMILY Jersey cow, 4 gallons a day. 514 W. 22d st. FOR SALE On work horse, $40. 13&0, FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. CHOICE team of mule, weight 2700 lbs.. gentle, true workers and sound: one bay horse, weight 1600 lbs., honest worker and sound in every way. $65; 1 1200-Ib. horse, verv" cheap; Guernsey cow. heavy milker, $60; 1 two-seated buggy. $15. Route 1, box 165. Orchards. Wash., near Gehr station. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade. 360-366 East Morrison, st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. GREATLY REDUCED PIANO PAYMENTS. $6 and $8 monthly buys new piano. $4 and $6 monthly buys used piano. $8 and $10 monthly buys player piano. $3 and $5 monthly buys phonographs. $2 and 3 monthly buys parlor organs. SCHWAN PIANO CO., Anniversary Sale. 550 Geo. Steck & Co., upright $215 $375 Gerald, ebony, upright 195 $375HaIlett & Davia upright 165 $900 Thompson player upright 395 Cottage organ, $18. Mason & Hamlin 38 New pianos for rent. SALE OF PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35 Victor and 5 used records $ 20 95 Stradivara, 10 used records. ... 45 140 Brunswick, 30 used records..... i5 165 Stradivara, 10 used records 90 165 Emerson, 10 used records 95 175Sonora, 10 used records 130 175 Victrola, 10 used records 215 $5 or $10 cash. $3, $5 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $300 Prentiss upright, cash $125 575 Krell upright, man., cash 215 475 Hallett & Davis, cash 165 250 Bard & Co., small upright 75 750 Pianista Player Piano 275 75 Chicago Cottage organ, $18 and 25 103 10th Bt.. at Washington and Stark. SPRING SALE USED PIANOS. Wheelock upright, mahogany, only. $175 Martin Bros., mahogany, only 195 Pease & Co., upright, oak, only.... 245 Winton Player Piano, only 395 Pianola Player, 88-note, only 50 Pay $10 cash. $6 or more a month. Llpman, Wolfe & Co., cor. 5th and Wash VI VICTROLA. $32.50. IX VICTROLA, $50.00. Sonora Caprice ... Cremona cabinet , Brunswick. No. 7 Wtddicomb, No. 3 2 Brunswicks, 207, and records.. , Sonora, noct., and record . . . . Victrola XI Baby Grand Sonora Sonora Minuet Eonora Elite PHONOGRAPH DEPT. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. $ 70.00 60.00 85 00 85.00 115.00 140.00 140.00 185.00 , 187.60 , 225.00 PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. VtMrAljL IV. with rahinet S 8 Victrola IX. mahogany case 60 "Rt-ii wick new ma.hnea.nv. Kold- plated 225 Brunswick, new oak case, with rec ords 100 Columbia, table model 100 See these bargains. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. CAREFUL BUYER. See the best of new pianos just from the nort of New York to the Port of Portland by the Panama canal. The prices will surprise you. come xoaay. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 west rant. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. PHO NOGRAPH REPAIRING. Guaranteed workmanship. Any make. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. PIANO BARGAIN $90 and up. Every used niano in stock reduced. See them. Terms given. SIEBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. BREWSTER NEW YORK CABINET ' GRAND, $250 CASH. 6021 38TH AVE, S. E.. BETWEEN 60TH AND 62 D. NEW MARTIN saxophone, melody "C silver finish, $75. Sullivan, Broadway 6296. BARGAIN Piano, $135. Mahogany case. up to date, good shape; iorced to sell. ijawy. ziu. EDISON phonograph disc, stand type 14 1465, apt. l62,510 Flanders' at. RENT a real piano; copper bass strings, ivory keys, veneered case. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 Wrest Park. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Phonographs and Records. Broadway 7161. 128 1st, Near Alder. PIANOS moved, $3; ground floor; work HnnA pynnrtR nn d euarantee(i Ca 1 1 ANOTHER stock new Victor and Columbia records, 2 for iac, careteria style. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. FOR SALE By owner, player piano al most new and 90 late rolls. WilLsao- e HU In ODOR 1 rn ice. v m -"i $2.50 RENTS cabinet Grafonola; rental may appiy on purcnase price, .umpire i rantier. cuw). soo, $600 EMERSON piano, wonderful tone and condition, only $235, .terms. 312 Wor cester bldg FOR RENT Sweet-toned piano. Transfer. Bdwy. 155. Empire FOR SALE Piano, used very little, $160. Broadway 4851. - PIANO FOR SALE Mahogany case, equal to new. Tabor uaio. - WANTED Sweet tone piano; pay all cash if bargain. Broadway lo4S. MUST sell our mahogany Columbia gra- phonola at once. Call East bo9a. A NEW Bueseher cornet, B flat, cheap, 1069 East 11th st. North. Furniture for Sale. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor space filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phon ographs, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets, dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks, Wil ton and oriental rugs, refrigerators, sewing machines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels and part, various and many other articles too numerous to mention. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS FER CO., 4th at Pine Sts. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. NEWLY married couple must dispose of our beautiful furniture immediately, consisting of an adorable davenport with chair made of the highest grade tapes try, two beautiful rugs, walnut dining room set, William and Mary style, with upholstered leather seats, 2 very fine mahogany floor lamps, 'wonderful gen uine walnut dressing room set of the finest quality and workmanship, walnut gateleg table, also mahogany end table and other smaller pieces. This furniture Is all new. Marshall 3795. VULCAN gas range, good condition, $20. GRIDDLE, 18x15 inches, nearly new. $10. GAS TOASTER for restaurant, makes spienaia toast quicKiy, $iu. CANOPY for range, 7-foot, $15. SUNDRIES at give-away prices. wM this afternoon 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. 221 Jefferson. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samples, several daven ports and chairs at bargain prices; terms. Phones 635-27 evenings and Sundays. uaoor atvi or MICHAELSON-MAYSON. INC 54th and Foster Road. DON'T SACRIFICE your rurniture if going east or xo cauiornia. , we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof b to rage, C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 245 Pine st. FOR SALE Dining and living room fuml ture, golden oak, good condition, wood and coal range, like new. Call 1374 Greeley St. TWO lovely big oak rockers, wax finish. leather upholstered. $15 ea.. and 1 large waxed oak library table, $20. Tabor x.t40 or Tabor ins;. MAHOGANY BEDROOM SET; WHITE ROTARY SEWING MACHINE, USED BUT SHORT TIME. CALL MR. ELY. WDLN. 4210, AFTER 6 P. M. HOUSEHOLD goods, furniture, etc.. , for sale. Houseboat Po, 1, Oregon Yacht ciud. Hen. znw2, SO M E very f 1 tie solid oak f urni ture at 355tt Salmon St.; bargain if sold at once. Main 4306. WHITE princess dresser and chair; good as new; reasonable. Wdln. 5947. FURNITURE for sale of four rooms; $250 casn. paiani-e terms. a Oregonian. GARLAND hotel gas range, cheap, 342 Williams ave. UP-TO-DATE furniture for sale, Mr. A. Oswalt. 799 Union ave. N. Office Furniture. USED OFFICE FURNITURE. 7 roll-top desks, 6 flat-top desks, 4 T. W. desks, 3 tables,' 2 standing desks, several files, 75 chairs. THE IRWIN-HODRON CO.. Furniture Dept. 391 Stark at Tenth. Broadway 8144. FINE flat-top desks (new) from $46 up; large line of used office furniture. We buy, sell and rent office furniture. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th, Bdwy. i739 2 ROLL-TOP desks, 5 chairs, 2 tables, 1 ped. T. W. desk, 8 salesmen's desks, 2 , bookkeepers' desks, 1 safe, 1 filing safe. Bushong & Co., 91 Park st. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatros Metal Furniture Co., 715 Tnurman. SECTIONAL, oak bookcase. East 3529. Typewriters. NOISE ANNOYS Rent a Noiseless; a few used Noiseless for sale. Noiseless type writer Co., 81 4th st. Broadway 5044. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.,. 312 Stark. Bdwy. 7549 REBUILTS. second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. C. Co., 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507. I $3 A MONTH rents an Underwood or Rem ington. Empire Transfer. Bdwy, 155, FOR SALK. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington St. Main 56S1. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exenange. we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50, com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169, BURROUGHS posting machine, good con dition. Price reasonable. Montavli'.a Savings Bank. Poultrr. BABY CHfOKS. BABY CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES on White Leg horns, Reds, Mlnorcas, Barred Rocks, White Rocks and Anconaa; best Oregon stock; postal secures new FREE cata logue; write today; season closes June 1. JU. IM. NEEUHAM. SALBM, OREGON , WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May ana June aeuvery at $12 per luo; iio per 1000, from fiocks inspected and ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival" of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 6th St.. Petaluma. Cal. FAWN-WHITE Indian Runner ducka, 25c to $1 a head; must sell; sick and can't take care of thorn; come to the ranch and get what you want. C. H. Blazer, route 5. box 167, Oregon City, Or. 500 O. A. C. and Hollywood W. Lt chicks; ready May 27; 1000 ready May 29; $15 per 100. J. R. Magulre. 7R7 Oregon St. East ,1H05. FOR SALE A portable chicken house. Call Tabor 5775. 497 East 42d st. N. THE LAST Light Brahma setting eggs. i dozen. m3 Williams ave. TANCRED White Leghorn, baby chicks. Tabor 3S22. Dogs, Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. BEAUTIFUL pair of green Imported St. Andreasberg rollers, $15. East 6874 or 687 Multnomah &U FOR SALE Just received, 50 pigeons; Kings, Carveaus, Homer, Runts, four tumblers; good birds. Call after 6 P. M. evenings and Sundays at 722 Powell st. HIGH-GRADE pedigreed pointer pups. Ewen. Concord bldg., Portland. Or. BOSTON Terrier puppies. Phone Mrs. Gant, Mar. 242. DANDY Boston terrier pups. Call East 7016. Cook ave. Boats. Launches aah "Marine Equipment. A NEW gasoline launch for sale cheap; 41 ft. long, 6 -ft. beam at water line; fit ted up for passengers; elegantly fin ished inside; 60-h. p. engine, one-man control. Hilton-Daniel Co., 270 Stark st. Broadway 7Ni',0. STRICTLY modern houseboat, Ruud hot water heater and Areola hot water heat Tng system. Gas and gas Btove; tele phone, city water, class A plumbing throughout; nicest boat and cheapest buy on the river. Call Sellwood 19S6. FOR SALE Motor boat, monoplane type. 32.-H. P. engine, speed about 18 miles; carries 6 with comfort; in splendid con dition. Or will trade for automobile or real estate. Main 1235. I HAVE good launch to charter for par ties of 10 to 100 for pleasure trips: take towing and houseboat moving; take job to anywhere, very reasonable. Mam 4872, FOR SALE or rent, full furnished 4-room houseboat, foot of Nevada st. ; a big snap at ou. Owner. Tabor 4303. GOOD canoe for sale with outfit and sail. Price $4Q. See Favorite boathouse. 25 FT. PLEASURE launch, good condi tion. Phone Walnut 6951. HOUSEBOAT for sale cheap. Call Bdwy. 8095. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 808 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 519-19. Radio Equipment. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, a limited number of complete audion tube detector sets with two stags amplifiers, storage battery, head set and loud speaking horn, all complete; no separate parts sold. ( R, R. POPPLETON, 225 Stark St. IMMEDIATE deliveries Phones, dicto graphs, Kelloggs, Elwoods, Western Electrics and ieuros. Headquarters, 430 Washington st. RADIO SETS complete, 2000-Ohm head receivers, installed, $20. Al Rau. Wood lawn 5808. 169 Knott st. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater; we also save you money on two-load orders of dry wood ; prompt delivery on west and east side, Oregon Fuel Co. Wood lawn 4102. WOOD iipecial sale, block and slabs mixed. i-m., best In city, extra big load, $4.25; block wood. $5.25; extra big load dry No. 1 old growth, $6.75 per cora in z-cord lots. Sumner Wood Yard. Marshall 2855. BEST old-growth fir cordwood. cut from large timber, dry 16-inch block or 4 foot wood, cut from large ship-yard tim ber; also second-hand lumber and tim ber of all sizes and lengths. Call Ta bor 0042 and get our prices. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-lnch, partly dry block and slab mixed ; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-lead lots for $8; single loads .$4.50; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 2041. WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2016. NICE 16-in. slab, $3.50; best, seasoned, heavy, $5; dry box, $4. Bargain. Any where. 4-ft. slab, .$5. Sellwood 1769. Paul Fuel. BEST dry cordwood, $7.75 per cord, 2 for $15; best block and slab, stove length. special price on double load. Bdwy. 4110 DRY BOX WOOD. $4 and $4.50: drv ranA wood, $4.50; block and slab, $4.50 per 1 1 A "H' I n Q U A CI NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH CORDWOOD. Cut from sound trees. $7.50. EAST 1759. $7.50. GET YOUR best cordwood, $7.50. and big VJUiiLiy a. aw iici turn. rutfJLO iat 919L . CORDWOOD, $6.50 and 7.50 per cord, de livered, toiaowooa ta.zo cora. w din 6312. FIR. $7.75; oak. $10; ash, $8.50. W-dln. 3S24. Joh-n Geriach. DRY BLOCK and slabwood, single load $5, double load. $8. Broadway 2545. BEST old-growth fir, $7; large 2d growth. $0.50. Sellwood 314. WOOD-SAWING For quick . and good service call Main 8124. GOOD dry first-growth heavy bark. No. 1, $3; No. 2, $7. Phone Automatic 618-31. HARD wood, fir and first-class country slab. Main 6133. BLOCK and slab mixed, partly drv, double load $8, single $1.25. Main 1723. 15 CORDS extra good 2d growth fir wood, 10 mi. out, pavement, $4.50. Main 6658. FIRST-GROWTH red fir, 4-ft. and 16-in., hardwood also. Wdln. 6233. EXTRA HEAVY COUNTRY SLA B WOOD. Call and sc it. 352 E. Clay st. East 1759. Machinery. FORDSON with portable tractor hoist at tached, good as new, suitable for any kind of hoisting or for land clearing; a bargain for a contractor or a farmer. Ersted Mach. Mfg. Co.. Portland Or, 60-HORSE POWER upright donkey boiler in good condition, complete with grates and fittings. Price $250. Phone East 7900. Hesse-Ersted Iron Works. OREGON JUNK & HARDWARE CO. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand machinery, hardware and pipe. Main 128. 270 Front st. FOR SALE New Stover woodsaw and frame at a big discount. Robinson Smith Co., Sixth and Madison. FOR SALE Slightly used Fordaon or chard plow at big discount. Robinson- Bnutn Co., nin ana Aiaaison sts. $65 New barrel mixer and complete set of concrete tools. Call East 291 bet 12 and 1. R. DeNoyer. Miscella n eons. ROOT BEER BARRELS, fountains, show casej, scales, cash reg isters, other fixtures; real bargain i r irst st. FOR SALE 7-piece golden oak dining ? ABY has outgrown her beautiful coats and other apparel. . Woodlawn 1946. SHELTON vibrator, almost new, for $22.50. FOR SALE Wheel chair. Phone Tabor 7136. 543 E. 39th. $150 VICTROLA with $50 records. Apply between 1 and 4 P. M. 331 Broadway. LAWN mowerB sharpened and repaired. 366 Hawthorne ave. East 6786. LUMBER trailer for sale. J. M. Borem, 633 Thurman st. FE RT 1 LI '. E R. Rotted manure delivered. Mar. 1808. SECOND-HAND rents ana covers for sale. i-acmc lent at awning co., no. l 1st st LARGE SAFE with chest, $175. If taken at once, rt tmi. urpgonian. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 13 1st su, near Ash, FOR SALE. M i Ncellaneous. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Having been appointed executor of tha estate of J. Leve, deceased. I will sell at reduced prices the entire stock of new and second-hand wire cable, tools and supplies to settle the above estate. This is an opportunity very seldom of fered to the public No odds and ends, but regular Btock; special price on new garden hose. We have only a limited , supply on hand. This price will be wititdiawn when our supply is ex hausted. New -In. corrugated garden hose, cut from reels in 50-foot pieces, including couplings and nozzle, $4.90. New s-in. corrugated garden hose, cut from reels in 50-foot pieces, including couplings and nozzle. $4.05. New -in. corrugated garden hose, cut from reels in 50-foot pieces, including couplings and nozzle, $3.95. Hurry, hurry if you want a new hose at such a low price. This is not old stock. A. B. Leve. executor of the estate of J. Leve, 189-1S9-391 Front, between Yamhill and Taylor streets. WHY PAY $500 FOR A DIAMOND? When the new Klmberly gem looks exactly th fame and costs only $7.50? These remarkably brilliant stones are cleverly mounted In exact duplicate of famous diamond rings and are not to be distinguished from the genuine. Come in and see thein. No obligation to buy. THE GIFT SHOP. 121 3d St., Near Washington. GRAND UNION TEA CO. SELLING OUT. Fixtures for sale; Derby legal file. 3 Rem. typewriters. Burroughs adding ma chine, transfer files, counters, shelving, 2 Hobart coffee mills, 3 hand cotfea mills for counter use. delivery cars. 2 scales, trucks and work benches; entire fixtures and stock must be sold at once, GRAND UNION TEA CO.. 72-78 Grand ave. . ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory phowToorni and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come in and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LTJTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 42lo3. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store, Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. DOORS, windows, screen doorc, mouldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbel sash. See our odd stock of cash anl doors for prlcea D. B. Scully Co., down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison nnd Yamhill. Main 4213. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. Near Taylor. Main 9431. WHY A ROOF OF SHORT DURATION? Why not a roof of permanent duration to protect yourself nd your poor rela tion? We repair. Rubber Bond and reju venate all kinds of leaky roofs. Woric guaranteed. Phone Bdwy. 5958. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Stors Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Hext door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sta SHINGLES. They must, move before high water comes; commons, $1.75 1000; extra Star A Star, $2.95 1000. Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. 9x12 DARK red axminster rug. $14; 1 mahogany finish center table. $4; 1 col ored shade, bead fringe, hanging elec tric lamp, $5. Room 306 Blue Mouse bldg.. 11th and AVash., week days. CASK REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change, 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. BUILDERS, TAKE NOTICE! Good clean bank gravel for eoncret work; prompt delivery. Call Auto. 632-53. HOT WATER tanks, $5, guaranteed. Tanks, gas water heaters repaired; plumbinff contractors ; est imates given. E. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams, East 8516. WANTED Men and young men to wear straw hats, $1.95; panama hats. $1.95 to $2.50; caps, 95c to $1.50. 251 Wash ington St.. between 2d and 3d. SAFES Overstocked. For the best v.ilues obtainable in new or second-hand safes eee Norris Safe ft Lock Co., 1M5 2d st., Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045. LADIES, let the Vogue sell your misfit, slightly used clothing on commission. 403 Allsky -bldg., 4th floor, 3d at. near Morrison st. Main 3132. LADY'S riding habit, size 38; children's dresses, 10-12 years; orders taken for dressmaking. Vogue, 4th floor, 403 Alisky bldg., 3d, near Morrison st. SAFE 20x30 inside and Underwood type writer; will seil single or together. Woodlawn 1946 or postof fice. North Portland, Or. $65 VULCAN gas ranee, $30; Universal heater, like new, with coil, $15; Ax., fluff and grass rues, sewing machin. all at sacrifice. 340 Morris st. E. 2427. FOR SALE 1 used Thor electric washing machine, 1 year guarantee, $70. Smith McCov Electric Co., 264 Alder, bet. 3d and 4th. AMERICANIZED Encyclopedia; 15 vol umes, leather bound, good paper. Will sell for $10. 818 Thurman. Phone Mar shall 1718. : GROCERY counters, 14 feet long; lbead case, 2 awnings, 1 Hoosier kitchen eabl net; will sell cheap at once. Main 0378. FOR SALE Root beer barrel and 10 gals, of syrup for less than half price. Call at 2f4 1st st. until noon. 5A HOFFMAN pressing machine; $160 takes it at 312 Washington St.. Van couver. Wash. FOR SALE 9x12 Wilton rug; bargain if taken at once; Brown Apartments, No. 23. Marshall 2006. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 75o per day, delivered 'anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. 6 SHARES American Securities, interest bearing, fully guaranteed, at 50 dis count; cash. AV 56, Oregonian. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20; guaranteed, to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. 4-DRAWER steel letter files, $37.50; Just a few left. D. C. Wax. 24-26 North. Fifth Bdwy. 2739. SINGER sewing machine, easy payments, largest allowance for your old machine. S i n ger Store, 166 W. Park. Mar. 721. DANDY 3-light shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.35, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. DI EBOLD safes, new and second-hand f special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply Co., 4a Front st. jawy. jh-jq. RUGS washed on your floor with Ham II"-ton-Beach electric carpet washer; alsA vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. KODAKS. Ws buy, sell, rent and exchange 1lo daks, Sandy. 124 Broadway. FURNITURE for sale; 6-room modern house with garage for rent; fine view 962 Savier. ELECTRIC FANS, ALL KINDS, AT BARGATN PRICES. NE WM AN. 12S 1ST. NEAR ALDER. 1 SHOWER BATH, price $3O0; will sell for $100. Call K. 510i or 601 Schuyler st. LADTES" exclusive used apparel in a home. 1132 East Gllsan street. Tahor 2825. FOR SALE DicLaphone sets cheap. Broadway 351. POOL TABLE, good condition, cheapc Auto. 325-4 S. FOR SALE Clarke Jewel range; right ha n d nwn. Bdwy. 22;3 mornings. FOR SALE A portable chicken houta. Call Tabor 5775. 497 East 42d st. N. GET our price on No. t first growth fir and oak. Robertson Fuel. Main 5336. VERY beautiful tan, new spring wrap", n ( yer worn: reasonable. Tabor 7891. FOR SALE Rudd heater fn first-class condition; new coils. AG 698. Oregonian. LADIES' used dreses, $2 up; suit, wraps, hats, -remarkable values. Tabor 2825. FREE for removing light soil, easy to got at. near E. Asb and 24th. East 1808. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1922 FORD, fine shape, must be sold by Monday for cash. A bargain; no deal ers. 84 Grand ave. W1LLYSK N 1 G H T, 1021 mode 1 ; in first ciass condition. See owner, 1433 Sandy. Phone Tabor 530. STUTZ roadster; good tires; good condi tion. Wdln. SOflS. 1916 7-PASS. Cadillac, excellent condition. Phone Bdwy. 521. Mr. St. George. PRIVATELY owned 7-pass. Chandler for $525. Phone Mr. Grant. Sellwood 3452 STUDEBAKER special cord tires, used but little; must sell. $850. East 6228. 7-PASS. Studebaker. A-l shape, with 11 cense, $250. Y 697. Oregonian. FORD touring, A-l condition, private party. Bdwy. 6765. LATE 1921 Ford touring; muat sell. (300 casn. u ns, oregonian. NEW DORT touring car at less than cost. Tabor 1542. LATE 1920 Ford touring; starter, new tires, extras: $325 cash. Wrt1n. 4197. FOR SALE Buick roadster, ready to go py uwiiri. loiu jiatauarn St., c 1 1 y . 1921 FORD delivery, almost new; $405, term?. 6S9 Irving. Main NEW FORD deposit contract at a dis count. Phone McLecd. East 187L 1922 CHALMERS; run 2000 miles; lust as good as nswi oord Ursa, Broadway