THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1923 21 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. SOME OF JOHNSON-DODSON CO.'S LOT BARGAINS. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 50x100, facing on Fremont Ft., between 15th and 16th, i block to Irvlngton car, 3 blocks to school, 5 blocks to new city park; surrounded by new homes, paving, sidewalks and sewer all paid; 1100 cash. IRVINGTON CAR. 19 minutes' ride from 5th and Wash ington, on paved street; stdewalks, curbs and sewer all paid: 2 blocks to school, corner; $812.50 $100 cash. $10 monthly. 1 000 $50 CASH. Near Sellwood car, macadam St., sewer, sidewalks and curbs all paid. PENINSULA DISTRICT. 100x100 between KllUngsworth and Alnsworth, on Gav; $500, on easy terms. FACING COLUMBIA PARK. 50x100, fruit, berries, old shack, side walks, no assessments; $650, $100 down, $10 monthly. 50x101). close to park; $450, $45 cash, $10 monthly. NICE LOTS ON KERBY 8T. Walks, curbs, graded street; price $500, $1000 cash. $10 per month. 50x100, Albiiia ave., near Bryant; all Improvements In and paid; price $850, on terms. 175 ft. trackage adjoining Columbia Tire Co.'s property; woodyard or small factory site; price $675, $100 cash, $15 monthly. Lot department open evenings until 8. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3TS7. WEST SIDE VIEW PROPERTY. $500 AND UP. EAST TERMS. SECOND MTG. PRIV. UNEXCELLED VIEW. Forty choice homesites with unob structed view of rivers, city and moun tains; located in a beautiful wooded park of maples, dogwood and ever greens; situated within the 3-mile cir cle, served by two car lines. 10 minutes'' ride to city; station on the tract; fine brick school within two blocks; all city conveniences, such as sewers, pavement, sidewalks, curbs. Bull Run water, gas and electricity; some of the tracts have fruit trees; builfding restrictions are $2500. THIS IS TH E UNSOLD PORTION OK CORBETT TERRACE; PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT TO ROCK BOTTOM FOR A CLEAN-UP SALE. This prop erty can be reached by the Oregon Elec tric; View Point station is located on the tract; .or call at our office and wc wltl drive you out. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4734. ANT OF THESE $5 CASH. $5 MONTHLY Splendid corner lot, 46x100. 2 blks. from car; price $500. Splendid corner -acre tract In Brentwood, just outside city limits; price $."0. 50x100, 1 hlk. off Union ave. near Interstate bridge, sightly, splendid view. We have two of these lots at $400 each. 50x100 near Portsmouth, splendid soil. 5 blks. from car; price $340. ANY OF THESE $7 CASH. $7 MONTHLY 100x100 in Stanford Hts. ; total price $520. Splendid 50x100 in beautiful irvington Park, all kinds of large native trees; price $345. 50x100 corner in Alberta district, sidewalks on both sides; price $550. ANY OF THESE $10 CASH, $10 MONTHLY 50x100 on top of beautiful Mt, Tabor, macadamized street, sewers, sidewalks all In and Included in price. 50x100, 1 blk. from St. Johns car, price $1050. 40x105, blk. from Mt. Scott car at Arleta, close to school, price 5350. See Mr. Dwypr with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. NEARLY 2-ACRE TRACT. BEAUTIFUL STREAM. SHADE TREES. NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. $20 DOWN. $20 MONTH Nearly all cleared, level, free from rocks, rich silt garden land. Ideal home spot. In our last unit of Parkrose which has been platted. You can build a little home here and raise garden, berries and chickens; north of Sandy Blvd.- and carline. Com; out today. Branch office end of Park rose carline. Take Rose City Park car. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 0034. HOMESEEKERS. WHY NOT BUILD? It Is leas expensive. We are In terested 111 how well we can build, not how much vp can get for building. See us before buying or building. ROBNETT & McCLURE. BUILDERS. 302 Couch bldg. Broadway 6574. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITES. . Few choice 1 to S-acre lots on Dekum five., between East 2!lth and E. 3;td sts. North. Alberta or Woodlawn cars. This is choice property: fine district, dandy view; cheap and easy termis. J. O. ELROD. Owner. 283 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 11 S8 TWO REAL snaps in home sites; very choice property, all free and clear, one lot In Laurelhurst, Laurelhurst ave., between Imperial and Buena Vista aves., lot 7, block 5. price $1200. Other lot in Alameda Park, beautiful location, lot 3, block 44, on Skldmore between 30th and 31st sts.; price $1000. If you are con sidering a purchase you should inspect these sites before making a decision. Tel- pphone owner. Broadway 7744. THRIFT Ts a very good trait and should be cul tivated right away. Start by owning your own home; buy your lot for a small payment down, then let your rent money pay for your home. We will gladly show you lots In any part of the city. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. A CHANCE to double your money; 20 lots 50x100 each, including 5 corner lots: sewer in and street graded and paid for: only 2 blocks from car line: lots are level. Price $5500 cash. Might take part In good contracts and cash. This is fine opportunity for builder or in ' vestor. C. E. DAGGETT. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Bdy. 6769. $85 DOWN and $17 monthly buys this beautiful building site; only 150 feet from carline, good district with very nice surroundings. Call Broadway 7567 today for appointment. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE lots. Rose City, Beaumont, Alameda and other good districts and build to suit, or will build on your lot; terms to suit. "Homes, not houses." BUILDERS' SERVICE COMPANY. 607-8-9 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 42S8. LI-'T US show you one of the prettiest cor ners la the Irvlngton district, every im provement in and paid; price- only $1500, and might arrange some terms. You can't go wrong on this one. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST. $1150. PINE STREET. Close to the park; all improvements paid; two feet above grade; south front. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 028 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. VACANT lots .in various sections of the city to be sacrificed. I must unload. Should like to consult building contrac tors or individuals expecting to erect homea My prlcea will surprise you. For particulars see owner, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St. LOOK! READ! ACT! If you can use a lot on Glisan St., near 67th St., 58x90, the extra 8 feet frontage -will be a great help In designing your new home. For appointment call Broadway 7567. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, ziu-z-8-o-i Board 01 Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 100x115 on Vista ave, lOOx 120 on Spring street, Portland Heights: 50x574 on Mississippi ave. $400 ; 61st and Halsey. 50x100. $150; 50x100, 71st near Beech, $500. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. WE HAVE Just listed some beautiful home sites in Eastmoreland and Westmore land at sacrifice prices; in most cases the improvements are all in and paid; prices will suit your purse. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg MARKET -ST. DRIVE BARGAIN. Small lot a few minutes' walk to city hall for $1200; beautiful view of city; just fancy a price like that for close-in city property. BROOKE. MAIN 4342. JUST east of Ladd's addition, a fine, level corner lot, everything in and paid; $1300; this Is away under the real value of the property. Let's talk It over RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bk'.g t600 OREGON ELECTRIC 1 00x100. Beautiful wooded tracts, close to sta tion; gas, electricity, water, no build ing restrictions or city assessments: $8 down, $8 month. Roger W. Cary, 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. ACRE $600. TERMS. Fine soil, dandy location. Smith. 1 block south Powell Valley road, on 77th St. Take Hawthorne car. ONLY $450 Good lot, close to car and KllUngsworth avenue business district; sidewalk, sewer, electricity and gas in; all clear. Wdln. 3796 or 3537. luuxloo ALBERTA CAR $575. Including assessments; no building re strictions; $8 down. $S month. Rogor W. Cary, 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. HEAL EgTATE. For fsalej Lota. A BEAUTIFUL 50x100 lot only 100 ft. from a paved boulevard for only $303: sidewalks and curbs in. We will be glad to show you. -' RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. ui-z-a-.-w ijoard or Trade Bldg. 90x2,)0, $5 DOWN, $10 per month; no re strictions; 5 blocks to street car and 2 blocks to a cement sidewalk: a money saving proposition for - a man who is renting. Phone Olsen. Tabor 1542. ALAMEDA A dandy corner on Prescott for $750; can you beat it? Call us at once. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. -m-z-a-0-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg 'E LOTS near 33d and Holman. Al berta car; $4 down. $4 month; water, gas. electricity, cement walks, graded streets: $200 and up. Roger W. Cary, 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' BUILD a small house on this 50x100 level lot and pay for lot at $10 a month; first payment only $25. Let us show you. RITTER, LOWE & -CO., REALTORS, i--.-i-n-1 Hoard of Trade Bldg. GREEN HILLS MOUNT ZION. A few very choice building sites for sale. Fine view. JOHV niiw 507 Spalding Bldg. JUST IN-A dandy east-front in Alameda Park for only $600; sewer, sidewalks and curbs In. See us at once. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Must raise cash, lot 50x100, all in cultivation, free and clear. Phone Broad way 2202. 9 to 5. ALAMiEDA PARK. Desirable lot on 20th st between Ma son and Skidmore, facing east; terms. vvooniawn Odlti. SACRIFICE Portland Heights lot, sewer, hard surface, two blocks car, $900. East 7504. PAVED lot. 2 blocks south of Sandy, on 57th, across from school, $700 for quick ........ fcVT.,. CVCUII1KB. WQin. PPU. ALAMEDA PARK On Bryce ave.. 50 feet . east of 2Sth, facing north: price $1250. Tabor 6441. LOT IN HOLGATE ADD.. SACRIFICE. SURE MONEY FOR YOU. MARION nuiaij, A.u MADISON $250 SNAP, ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Nice 50x100. ass-ts. paid. Tabor 4803. For Sale Houses. $4200 $400 DOWN. A sacrifice buy, 5 rooms, finished In ivory, full cement basement, wash travs, every built-in feature, tiled bathroom, recess tub and shower bath, tiled sink, fireplace, bedrooms have built-in fea tures, attic, gas water heater and gas plate; practically new, vacant. 50x100 lot, hard surface street and sewer In and paid; price of $4200 for quick sale. Investigate. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Broadway 6729. Automatic 320-60. BEAUTIFUL D-room home must be soi l because of health; overlooking rive-; contains hardwood floors, fireplace, plate glass windows, cooler, electric range, full basement, maid's room; sits on acre tract, half In lawn, half In park. Heavily restricted district; must be moved in 30 days; $6500 cash, $7000 on terms. This house was built for a home 8 years ago by present owner; could not be built today for $10,000. Anyone looking for a refined home 25 minutes' drive from town, call Bdwy. 5462. ROSE CITY PARK. ' Five-room bungalow, ptreet paved and paid for, fireplace, full basement and furnace, two blocks from car line; price $4000. terms $500 cash, balance $40 per month, Including interest. Don't fall to see this home. G. C. ULRICH CO., IN'd Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Evenings. LAURELHURST BRAND NEW COLONIAL. 1084 MULTNOMAH, NEAR IMPERIAL. Just completed, very artistic home with large living and bedrooms, plate glass windows, recess tub, tiled bath, floor, tile drainboards, etc.; you will be astonished at reasonable price PHONE OWNER. AUTO. 310-73. ROSE CITY PARK. $4450 TERMS. Here's a real buy; no fake about it. Well built 5-room bungalow, attic with extra room, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, full cement basement, de lightful grounds with shrubbery, flow ers and fruit; paved street, paid. Choice location, close to car, below the hill. $1000 under value. Let us show you this snap. Now vacant. A. K. Hill, 428 Lumr bermens bldg. CAN APPLY SOLDIER'S LOAN. 5-room modern bungalow, fur nished newly, 40x120-ft. lot, on car line: Immediate possession; price only $3350. CROSS LEY & ABBOTT, 2S3 Stark St. Broadway 1188. LAURELHURST $7500 BRAND NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL. No. 1250 EAST OAK ST., NEAR 41ST. JUST EAST OF PARK LOT 5Sx1C0 FT. WITH ALLEY. , PHONE OWNER, S10-73. WANT $250, 50 FT. SANDY BLVD. New. classy 5-room bungalow, double constructed. hdwd. floors, fireplace. French doors, tapestry paper, beautiful fixtures mirror doors, pretty buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, good garage, cement floor and run, nice trees; very homelike, with splendid view of blvd. Must be sold Tabor 6559. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. $3750 5 rooms and large attic, close In, en 50x100 corner lot, street Improve ments in and paid, bearing fruit trees and berries, nice lawn; 2 blocks from MV car. 4 blocks from SS car; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg, Main 3787. PIEDMONT SNAP. 7-rm. bungalow type house; very fine combination living room, with fireplace, buffet, hdw. floors, billiard room. 3 oed rooms. full cement basement, ldy. trays' 50x100 ft. corner lot, garage; $4500, $1000 down. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bids,, or phone Tabor 604 evenings. ROSE CITY 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. $5S50. Beautiful corner . lot, all kinds of shrubbery and flowers: house facing south with hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement and parage. Call Mr. Krog at Broadway 1375. WALNUT PARK. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. Story and a half- bungalow. 7 rooms and sun porch, furnace, fireplace, ga rage; cut from $6750 to $5750; terms. J. R. HAIGHT, Bdwy. 2045. 327 Board of Trade. $4750. OVERLOOK. 4750. 7-room 2-story house, furnace, fire place, garage, all built-ins: lots of fiult, half block from car. near Jefferson high See this today. Good liberal terms. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. G808 I1.WA31 A. llUIJilES 1.0 6-ROOM double constructed house with itirgo rooms, iurnace, fireplace and - ....,.,....,.,, v.. iutl wjlou, in Peninsula Park; nice lawn and shrub- owner at 301 Geriinger bldg. url .v . mi ite very easy terms. - See Main 8529. evenings. Aut. 5IU-3q. Modern 8-room home, hardwood floorB furnace, fireplace, 4 bedrooma and ga rage. Fine lawn and roses. Clear of debt. Only $5500. Terms to suit ROBINSON-SPOONER CO 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785 LOOK 100x10011 FRUIT TREKS 5-room new bungalow, all kinds bullt- ins; porcelain launary tray; small down payment. Old house rented pays Interest on balance. Someone will get a bargain Owner. 227 Mill. $2425. ROSE CITY! $2425. 4-room modern bune-alow mi beauty. See It now. Small down pay. ment. balance like rent. 218 Ey. Ex- cuitnge oiug. rjawy. twos. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. MIGHTY GOOD HUNCH THIS Dandy little home. Woodstock; four ruonib. wen mm. sewer asst. in cluded In price; large barn 85x135 lot. iwciaea snap. snou, nair cash. KILICK KBALTI CO.. Sell 2749 COLONIAL HEIGHTS VI WW nnvr Have a dandy bargain in a swell colonial. This is a real bargain. Call CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO, 275 Oak St, Phone Broadway 6006 LAURELHURST DISTRICT $4750. Splen- did 5-room bungalow with beautiful view of park. Exceptionally well built. Terms. A. G. Teepe Co., Tabor 3433 or taoor waog. ONLY $700 ROSE CITY CAR. Two good-sized rooms. bullt-ln tn Nice full lot, 4 bearing fruit trees riimhj bery. garden: immediate possession. Very .lc.. ici ins. tauur MT. TABOR DISTRICT Comfortable 6-room house, lot lOOx iuu. paveu Hireel, garage, rrult trees, nice yard : convenient to 2 canines Price $4200: call Auto. 527-80.- BEALTIFUL Colonial home, valued at $8000, Irvlngton Park; will sacrifice for casn ana easy terms, rnone Dr. Firey, TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. Modern 7-room house, must be sold bargain ; two blocks north of Rosa Cltv car. 424 East 88th St. N. $tiooO HOME 8-room house, modern. lOOx 100. corner; garage, nicely fenced, plenty fruit and berries, for $4750. part cash' going on rne rarm. rnone Wdin. 603. MODERN 7-room house, $2400. $600 cash, terms. 430 KllUngsworth ave. REAL ESTATE. For 8ale Houses. ' WE DO NOT BUILD! : . ! We are strictly- .BROKERS I --' see FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Largest Home Seller on the Pacific Coast. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. TOUR HOME IS HERE AT THE PRICE YOU CAN PAY! Homes in every ' part of the city! EVERY TYPE! From the cozy bungalow- or modest cottage to the preten tious dwelling in Portland's exclusive districts. We'll Help You Make Your first payment! TELEPHONE Bdwy. 7171 for Service. 80 Salesmen with autos. Open evenings until 9:00. ! UNPARALLELED BARGAINS IN HOMES ! NEW ! ROSE CITY NEW ! $4750 4750. BIG BROAD HOMEY bungalow lines characterize this 6-room NEW bunga low! In Rose City! Hardwood floors; built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen; large combination living and dining room 28x32 across the front; . has all of those little built-in features that mean so much to the busy Home Keeper; full cement basement with Plpeless fur nace; THIS IS EXCEPTIONALLY FINE VALUE!. Terms, E. 53d St. SACRIFICE IN ROSE CITY. Cut from $4200 to $3790. $3790 ONE OF THE PRETTIEST lit tle NEW bungalows In this famed d'strict. owner built it for a Home but circumstances force him to SELL IT AT ONCE AT A GENUINE SACRIFICE! Come in and look It over! 5 rooms; IM MACULATE: every modern fea ' ture. E. 33d St. DON'T WAIT! HAWTHORNE FURNISHED! $500 down! $500 down! $5490 -IF YOU'VE JUST COME TO TOWN! and haven't any furni ture. WHY WORRY? Here's a new Hawthorne bungalow com- pletely furnished! 5 rooms: hard ' wood floors; built-ins; fireplace; garage: paved at. E. Grant St. Only $500 down and ITS YOURS! SEE THIS TODAY! 8500 down! $500 down! HAWTHORNE'S WONDER BUY! $4090 $500 down! 6-room beautiful HAWTHORNE bungalow, con taining everything that heart could wish for! Splendidly con structed and In best of condition, located in ideal Home surround ings; massive pillared front porch fireplace with bookcases at end; dining room with built-in buffet: model white Dutch kitchen; 3 bedrooms; etcj E. 30th street. ! ! FRANKLIN COLONIAL ! ! $3950 DAINTY new bungalow close to Franklin high! Combination liv ing and dining room with fire place and buffet; hardwood floors; clean white enamel Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; 2 bedrooms and bath. 27th ave. Terms. WILL DELIGHT HER! 6-ROOM PENINSULA! $2750 ONE OF THE PRETTIEST burg alows in all of the Peninsula! Homey and cheerful as can be! French doors; built-in labor-saving conveniences; close to car and school; W. Farragut St., terms. , ' WALK TO TOWN! KEEP YOUR HEALTH AND MONEY ! $2625 $500 down I KLEAN AND KOZY 5-room bungalow on East Lincoln St.; unusually attractive! Pretty, well-lighted living and dining rooms: very convenient kitchen: 2 light bedrooms: white enamel bath: elctrlc lights and gas; ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID! LOOK AT THIS ONE! ALBERTA ! $300 DOWN! $3490 $500 down! Substantial Queen Anne type Alberta Home of 6 rooms; every modern conven ience: on good corner with street paved on both sides: E. ISth st. N. 1 blk. to car; 3 to school! MT. SCOTT! $500 DOWN! REAL BUNGALOW BEAUTY! $2990 $500 down! WHY NOT INVEST IGATE this charming little rustic bungalow and find FOR YOUR SELF! 5 rooms and sleeping porch; attic; built-ins; garage; full width vine-covered front porch: shrubs; trees, etc. 44th ave., near car and school. NEW MT. SCOTT! $300 DOWN! $2490 $300 down! KUNNING KOLON IAL! of 4 rooms in Mt. Scottl - Just completed! Combination living and dining room: built in Dutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms; white enamel bath; electricity; gas. 55th avenue. ) Tvtwv! $"0 row! MT. SCOTT! MT. SCOTT! $1840 $25( down! 5-room comfortable cottage: neat and clean; rooms are plastered: and are very light and airy; bath; electric 'lights . and gas; 63d St. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. . Realtor. Ablngton Bldg., Bdwy. 7171. 8d St., Bet. Wash. & Stark. NOTE. We have an opening on our sales force for a Salesman with car. $4000. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. MAGNIFICENT VIEW. Brand new bungalow. 3 rooms and sleeping porch, also space for 2 more rooms, fine garage, balcony overlooking entire city and surrounding country east of Cascades: 3 blks. to car: 15-minute walk to heart of city: an exceptional bargain for only $4000. Terms will be considered. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. "BUSINESS IS GOOD." $4800 $500 down, close in, over the Bdwy. bridge, in restricted resi dence dist., 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, buf fet. Dutch kitchen. 2 fine bed rooms, full cement basemeat, fur nace, la'undry trays, 50x100 lot. Two blks. to car. Now vacant, . must be sold. Only $500 down, balance 6H per cent. Let us show you. CITY HOMES DEPT.. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Broadway 7567. $500 DOWN. TOTAL PRICE $:,400. 5-room modern bungalow, near 37th st and Pine, In excellent con dition; lots of nice fruit, all im provements in and paid for HILLER BROS, Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. $1000 CASH gives you possession of a 5-room house and 100x100 lot on Knott street, near Irvlngton, all bearing fruit trees, ber ries and garden. Your own terms on balance. G. C. ULRICH CO.INC, Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. Open Evenings. WONDERFUL HOME. 5-room modern bungalow with sleep ing porch, garage, beautiful lawn, roses and flowers: aJl taxes and assessments . paid in full; close in and two blocks from car. Price $4500. Good terms: property is cl6ar. Ask for Mr. Coulter, with W. W. SABIN. 1032 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 589 90x100 LOT. 7-room bungalow. Just outside city limits, large living rooms, all built-in features, fireplace, cement basement and furnace; corner lot. garage, hardsurface streets; price $4850; will consider well located lots as first payment. R. R. POWNDER, Realtor, 406 Broadway Bldg. Main 2717. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMES. Most exclusive listings in city from $5000 to $30,000. Eight rooms, ldwer hts. Hardwood floors, view lot. For quick sale, $6000. Main 6634. CHAPMAN, 1029 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WEST SIDE. Very fine 7-room house, with 2 rooms finished in attic; located on Overton, near 25th st. House is modern: 50x100 lot; the price is right at $7500, easy terms. R. R. POWNDER, Realtor. 406 Broadway Bldg. - Main 271T. $3750 Everything new. Alameda Park bungalow. Massive brick colonial pillars. A combination living and dining room, big fireplace with bookcases at ends. Hardwood floors. Two large bedrooms. New and va- cant. -34th and Prescott. PIEDMONT. ONLY $3650 ONLY. Four-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, break fast nook, white enamel finish. A snap. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. LOT OR CAR as payment on 4-room bun galow. Inquire 1203 Division at. BEI, ESTATE. For Stale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. . $4300 $500 cash, balance monthly, no mortgage; new 4-room bungalow, large living room ' with disappearing bed. Inside 1 fireplace, beautiful hardwood floors,, dining room, large, light airy bedrooms, complete kitchen, cement basement, furnace: near Sandy, has wonderful view overlooking Country club and golf links. " ' Was built, for home. Move in today. ' s For 4, 5. 6 and ,7-Room Bar gains In This Section. See Us. We Have Them. HII.ER BROS, Realtors, 1387 Sandy Blvd. Tabor 8483. GENTLEMAN'S COMPLETE SUBURBAN HOME. - 2 H acres at Oak Grove. 7-room, mod ern, well-built .house, barn, garage and chicken houses, electric light, gas, tele phone; daily Portland deliveries of all kinds: 30 minutes from First and Alder; over 100 full-bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, prunes, quinces and crabapples; also walnuts, chestnuts and filberts. Lots of berries of all kinds,, four varieties of grapes, every thing the very choicest. Cow and fancy chickens .go with place. This is one of Portland's finest suburban homes. Might take small unincumbered home as part payment. FRANK McCRILLIS, Realtor. Henry Bldg., Broadway 779. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Seven-room modern home in Rose City Park. Well located, near Rose City Park, school and Rose City Park carline: down stairs hardwood floors, built-in buffet and fireplace; second floor 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch: full cement base ment, furnace, wash trays, all newly painted Inside and out. All street im . provements in and paid for. For sale, price $4850, terms. See Webster L. Klne ard. realtor, 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. THREE FINE LOTS. It has modem bath, lights, gas. fine cement basement, hard-surface streets, 3 blocks to good school, handy to car line: $4230 gets complete layout and good terms. For inspection, see E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2838. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Snap 6-room house. S. E. cor. 82d and Market, lot 40x115. garage; price $5000. Broadway 6282. Evenings E. 110. LOOK HERE LOOK READ. OH, BOY; CLASSY. I'LL SAY. SMALL CASH PAYMENT BAL. TERMS. 2 snappy, . 4-room bungalows with breakfast nook, hardwood floors through out, fireplace, bookcases, gas furnace, s.eeping porch, full cement basement, with laundry trays, light fixtures, win dow shades, tapestry paper, strictly mod ern in every detail. See this by all means before vou buy elseWTiere. Lo cated 211-15 Beech st. Phone owner, East. 4000. or any Portland realtor. IRVINGTON. Several high-class new bungalows and two-story colonials, 6 to 8 rooms, just completed. Prices based at the present cost of building. Reasonable - terms. F. B. Turner, owner and builder, 661 Fremont rt.. cor. ISth. Wdln. 6541. GOOD INVESTMENT. 6-room house, renting for $40 per month, 4-Toon house ons rear of lot renting for $20 per month, concrete garage renting for $8 pel month: lot 50x100 on paved street. This will show 15 per cent. Price $5000. Terms. JOHNSON-KELLY CO.. 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. IRVINGTON GRAY COLONIAL. $9300 Most artistic colonial In this district. Large rooms. Hess gas furnace, best plumbing. Built by Stokes for present owner. Immediate possession. East 419. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. . WHY PAY RENT. Place your soldier bonus on this new, 5-room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all late built-lns, .cement basement, laundry trays. Terms, 'cheaper than rent. $3400. Call Wdln. 865, 83.S Alberta St. LALKELHL'RST DUTCH COLONIAL. Classy new 7-room colonial with ga raee. on high ground, overlooking Dark: every new feature; 1 bedroom down stairs. 3 and sleeping porch upstairs: built for home; $S300. Real snap. Tabor 407. MY BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park home: unobstructed view of city, 75x125 grounds; very choicest part of district; every modern, convenience. Ask my realtor, J. R. Haight, 327 Board of Trade bldg. Broadway 204o. FINE 9-ROOM residence, Laurelhurst, ma hogany woodwork, JaDanese garden. Would cost at least $2Q,000 to duplicate. Price $15,000. terms, or would take suit able 5 or 6 rooms on Motnavilla car line. Bdwy. 7264. Evenings E. 4455. CORNER BUNGALOW 6 rooms, newly renovated, fine porches with full view of Sandy blvd. ; 1- block from Rose City Park car line. For quick sale,- $5000, terms. See owner, 500 E. 49th st. N. Tabor' 4503. ' FROM OWNER. 6-room modern home, lot 300x100, I block to car; berries and fruit, chicken house and garage; $3400: $000 down, bal. $30 month including interest. Tabor 8569. CASH SALE 3-room modern bungalow and sleeping porch; plenty of fruit and berries, 100 ft. from pavement and car line. Large lot. Leaving city. Owner. 1249 Bun-age st. IF I CAN SELL THIS WEEK, will take $1000 for 3-room home, large corner lot, fruit and garden, on hard surface street. Some bargain. $1600. Terms. A. 023-17. IF YOU are looking for" a home see this new 5-room bungalow, complete in every detail, with shades, furnace and garage on 12th and Going sts.; lot 60x75. Price $5350. Call Tabor 103. 5 ROOMS, furnished, $1800, full 50x100, now rented for $25.60 per month; for .investment or a home; house at 1189 Gay st., St. Johns car. Owner 801 Mis sissippi ave., Woodlawn 1201. MODERN 5-room bungalow, hdw, floors, grate, built-ins, attic, basement, porches, garden, small fruit, flowers. Complete home. 1503 Minnesota at Morgan.-Wdln. 5744. IRVINGTO-N BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, furnace.-- laundry trays, attic, fireplace and all built-ins; garden all In. Price $4f00: $1000 down, balance $50 per month. 710 E. 15th st. N. $500 DOWN and $25 per month buys my new 4-room bungalow, with garage, ce ment basement, wash trays. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room. Call at 558 KllUngsworth ave. Phone Wdln. 6437. KENTON. 5-room bungalow on paved street; all modern conveniences. See house at 33 Schofleld St.; price $3650, easy terms; will sell furniture. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, very neat, newly painted throughout, full basement, 50x100 lot. near Franklin high -and Creston school, 1 blk. from car, $2900. Terms bv owner. Call Tabor 2736. 6-ROOM house, paved street, on 37th, near Rose City car, In good condition. Owner must sell; $450 cash, very easy monthly terms. y0 interest. E.ast 48o.1Ti 4-ROOM house on car line and paved street; gas, bath, electricity: $2200. $500 cash, $30 per mo.,- including interest. Wdln. 6720. NEW BUNGALOW, just completed. 4 rooms, breakfast nook, bath, basement, all modern conveniences, good location, $3500. reasonable terms.- Owner. E. 5408: 5-ROOM bungalow, 50x100 lot, paved streets, improvements all paid, $3000, $900 cash, balance $20 month and in terest. 1108 E. Lincoln. Tabor 2893. WOODLAWN. 5-room house, 1 or more lots, lawn and fruit; one block to car. WALNUT 1804.' ACRES, house, barn, all cultivated: shrubbery, water, phone, near lake and river; 20 minutes out; $3800: terms. Broadway 8003. 616 Henry bldg LAURELHURST Will Bell completely furnished at a big sacrifice my beautiful 7-room bungalow. 1262 E. Oak St., or will rent furnished, $90 per mo. MODERN bungaiow, 5 large rooms, fire place, basement, wash trays, garage, lot 90x100, 1 block to Montavilla car; $3500; terms. 1546 E. Flanders st. Owner. AI HOUSE New, view, 8 rooms. Gasco furnace, electric range and water heat er, double garage; $15,000, or will lease, $1800 per year. Owner. Wdln. 85. SEE THIS before you buy your bunga low, a modern, 5-room bungalow, com pletely furnished or unfurnished. Call Bdwy. 4900 or Aut. 618-25. By owner. FOR SALE New, modern 5-room bunga low. Every convenience. ' 1369 E. Grant, cor. 48th. Call between 1:30 and 5 P. M $1100 TAKES this 4-room house in Fulton, 50x100 lot; bath, gas, electricity; will s;ive some terms. Mar. 853. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. MAKE YOUR RENT BUT YOUR HOME. HERB ARE THREE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN HOMES. $3750, $350 down; 6 rooms and garage. $3000, $350 down, 6-room cottage. $1300 $150' down. 5-room house. All are close to street car and less than 15 minutes to heart of city; easy month ly Payments: no more than rent., J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. , , 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. . , $5700. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. HOLLADAY PARK ADDITION. This fine property must be sold at once, administrator orders estate closed. Improved with 7-rm. residence, hardwood floors, fireplace, 4 bedrms., full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, beauti ful 50x100 corner lot with garage; lo cated in fine residence section served by Bdwy. car; house now vacant. Re member this borne must be sold; with a coat of pshnt and little cleaning would make a fine home or splendid invest ment, as was rented for $65 per month. Here is your opportunity to save a lot of money; can arrange terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7567. "Business is Goad." ' ' $4250. HERE IS A REAL BEAUTY. A new bungalow with every modern feature, beautiful oak floors, fireplace, all built-ins. breakfast nook, full cement base ment, located only 13 minutes out. Can be handled on the bonus loan with no cash payment, balance $23 per month, or will take small pay ment down and balance monthly. KILLER BROS, Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. SR26. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy, Tabor 8485. WHERE THE WAVES MURMUR WITH A COMMERCIAL RING. 11 rooms in the heart of Seaside's ex clusive district, partly furnished. A money-getter and worth $4000. Must be sold by owner at once,' and will take $3200 with $1500 cash. Nothing else talks. If interested phone us. and owner will go to coast Sunday and take you along. You can earn $1000 clear money tills summer. RALPH HARRIS CO., "16 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. LAURELHURST. BRAND NEW COLONIAL. 1084 MULTNOMAH, NEAR IMPERIAL. Just comDleted. verv artistic home with large living and bedrooms, plate- glass windows, recess tuD, tiiea Datn, floor, tile drainboards, etc.: you will be astonished at reasonable price. PHONE OWNER. AUTO. 810-73. SOLDIER'S LOAN ACCEPTED. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN BOOKCASES, BUFFET AND CHINA CLOSETS. LINEN CLOSET, MODERN BUILT-IN KITCHEN, BASE MENT, FURNACE, LAUNDRY TRAYS. GARDEN. FRUIT, CHICKEN HOUSE, MT. TABOR CAR. 113 E. 54TH ST. TABOR 4278. OWNER. SWEET HOME FOR TWO. My new strictly modern 4-room home: people living in apartments will appre ciate this little home in real Irving ton, 4 car lines, 8 minutes to west side; will be sold this week to highest cash offer, no trades, must have cash. Call evenings, 572 E. 9th st. North, near Knott st. Come make an offer, some one is going to get a real bargain. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. UNFINISHED. 5 rooms, full plumbing, sewer in; BOx 100 lot; garage; handy man can clean up $400 in one month; price only $1500, $250 down, balance easy; near Waverly Heights and 'inth St. -RALPH HARRIS CO.. .116 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6634. NEAR O.-W. R. & N. SHOPS. We have a 5-room cottage with full plumbing, basement and concrete foun dation, on two large lots,' within -walking distance of the center of the city: price $1750, $1000 cash. See Mr. Griffith, with Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. WEST SIDE WEST SIDE WEST SIDE. Five-room cottage in good condition, with good sleeping porch, near 19th and Mill sts. Priced for quick sale at $2000. $400 cash, $25 monthly. See Mr. Lamb or Mr. Griffith with Fred W. German Co.. realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. ALAMEDA PARK. 7-ROOM H4-STORY BUNGALOW. Fine arrangement and lots of light: all modern built-ins with Ivory finish throughout; hardwood floors, fuil 7-foot basement, furnace, etc. PHONE OWNER. AUTO. 328-52. ' ' GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist In financing same; 12 years' continuous and comDlete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract- lng arcnitect. vt jn. v. nanlt bldg. NEW 8-ROOM two-story house In best part of Irvlngton: house is well-built; has double plumbing, all hardwood floors, tile in bathrooms, double garage fireplace; ivory finish and on 69-foot lot. Will make good price. Phone E 5645. IRVINGTON COLONIALS AND NEW. BUNGALOWS OF BEAUTY. Pleased to show you these. They are worth it. Phone for appointment R. T. STREET. HOMES REALTOR. WEST SIDE, close in, nice home. 6 rooms and reception hall: furnace, modern ex cept hardwood floors: fractional lot; Tenth st. S. Price $4500, $1250 cash, balance straight mortgage. 509 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 3963. 3 OR 4-ROOM plastered cottage. Must have large rooms; bath, electric lights, cement walks. Not over' four short blocks to car. Will go as high as $2000 if your place is a bargain. Phone Bdwy. 5654, now. 2-STORY, 8-room house on large tract of ground with mateured orchard and small fruit in Peninsula district. Will take a good light car as part payment. For particulars see owner, 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. WEST SIDE house, five rooms and recep tion hall, modern except heat; $400 re cently spent on the property: nice fix tures, close In, big bargain; price $2900, terms. Owner. 509 Chamber of Com- merce Diqg. ijnwy. ;-s;m:i. R. C. NEW BUNGALOW, sacrifice, large rooms, 4 bedrooms, tapestry paper, plate-glass window, French doors, lawn in, garage; $850 DOWN, bal. monthly. 1UUUI t I Artistic new 2-story. 7-room colonial with double -garage, in best section on 18th sL Every new feature, nicely pa pered; beautiful grounds, trees; J1500 L. (mn .nn.V. Tnl AflT FOR SALE Modern four-room bungalow, just completed, in north Jonesmore slze of house. 26x28. lot 50x100. Prlca $3275. Either call or phone Umbden stock & Co., 2d floor, Oregon building Phone Broadway 1658. - LARGE Portland Heights home overlook ing fiOOO square miles of city and scen ery. Wonderful terraced grounds. By owner. AM 594, Oregonlan. NEW 7-room 2-story Dutch Colonial wit's double plumbing, double garage; ail hardwood floors, tile in bathrooms, two fireplaces, 56 foot lot. This property Is In best part of Irvlngton and will make good price on same. Phone East 5645 IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 5 rooms, large attic, fireplace, furnace, tile bath, electric fixtures, garage, 50x 100 corner. Owner at house, 26th and Wasco sts. Tabor 6546. $3250 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Financial pressure forces sale of this new, artistic home at less than cost of house alone, suitable for soldier's bonus loan; no agents; must do business at once. Auto, .za-itf. t , r'Dii-i urnT nr:vn A r rr ex. . t Classy, nearly new, Hi -story, strictly modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, in best section, near park; no incumbrance, easy terms: a real bar gain, excellent condition. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Artistic new 6-room bungalow with garage. In heart of best section on 18th st. Every new feature; 18x32 ft. living room; built for home. Tabor 407. MY 5-ROOM house furnished, which in. eludes my Andrew Kohler piano and phonograph, everything in A-l condition. Garage and built-ins. Owner. Wdln. 2575. 1102 E. 21st St. N. FOR SALE, by owner, in Irvington. large modern 8-room house, corner lot, 90x100 built-in conveniences; hardwood floors; all kinds of fruit trees and small fruit. Phone East 1304. 917 Schuyler MODERN 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, 1 , block from car near store and school. Must sell; $3300' Automatic 645-30. . IRVINGTON Several new modern homes, also vacant lotB. or will build on any cae's lot. Rice Construction Co.. B, Rice, agent. East 2432. BOUSE PLANS, 100 designs. $10 to $15, . or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, 3-room house, partly furnished, near Peninsula park. I arms v mil, wo. i No! 3M 13TH ST, Price $3750, easy terms. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. BEAT. ESTATE. For Salt Houses. - i . TAKE NOTICE. One-quarter acre, fine garden; nothing better in city; various kinds of fruit in fine bearing con dition: good 2-room house with city water, gas, garage; new up-to-date chicken . house ; will ac commodate 300 chickens: every-' thing for $1150; $150 cash; $20 per month. PETERSON-YORK CO., INC., . Ground Floor. , TITLE & TRUST BLDG., 89th Fourth St. MODERN IRVINGTON HOME. I am authorized to sell this beautiful home on corner of East 15th and Klicki tat sts., 50xl00-ft. lot., all improvements in and paid; large living room with fireplace, tapestry papered walls, all hardwood floors except kitchen and bath; dining room has plateglass buf fet, tile floor in bathroom with pedestal lavatory, base tub and shower; 2 large bedrooma and plenty of room for 2 or 3 rooms on second floor, which will fin ish if wanted; terms. . . H. A. DRYER. 2S3 Stark St. ' Phone Broadway 1188 or Tabor 6974. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. Here is a beautiful 5-room bungalow, located on ,50x116 lot. with 11 bearing fruit trees. The bungalow is double constructed throughout and has fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, all large rooms, attic and full basement. Price only $4200; easily $1000 under value; 'A cash to handle. You must see this to day. R. L. McGREW, Realtor, 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. SACRIFICE! $4785 New, attractive Rose City bun galow; block to Sandy blvd., corner lot; leaving city, must sell at once; will give purchaser their equity In new, expensive electric range and their new furniture; house has large living room, hdw. floors, fireplace, 2 nice bedrooms. Dutch kitch en, large nook, gas furnace and garage; a rare bargain. R. SOMERVILLE, BPWY. 2473. BARGAIN extraordinary; only $3950; five room bungalow, every modern conven ience;, double constructed throughout; three courses flooring, with building pa per between; built for a home; street paved and paid; garage with cement driveway: $750 cash, balance terms; soldier bonus will apply. See Mr. Pen gra, with PAGET & PAGET. 2S3H Stark St. Broadway 3794. $100 DOWN. Look at this 6-room bungalow near Hawthorne ave., one block to car; has hdw. floors, fireplace, bookcases, cabinet kitchen, - cement basement, laundry trays, paved street; price $4000, $100 down and soldier's loan; or $500 cash to others. Ralph Ackley. 527 Corbett bldg. Call today; this will not last long. Main 7174 or Tabor 604 evenings. LAURELHURST HOMES. Strictly modern. Just completed, new 7-room home, overlooking Laurelhurst . Park, with oak floors throughout, all modern conveniences, fireplace, furnace, double construction, garage. Will con sider good Laurelhurst or Rose City lot as part payment. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. WEST SIDE. Only. 20 minutes' walk from business center; very fine home, beautifully fin ished; oak floors, steam heat, large lot with unobstructed view of entire city; price $8300, -terms. Mr. Wiles, Broad way 2045. J. R. HAIGHT, 327 Board of Trade. HOUSE FOR LARGE FAMILY. " Modern, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, full basement, furnace, cement floor, trays, elegant fixtures, tapestry paper, white enamel, garage, corner lot, fruit, near best car service, close in; $3950, terms. Main 5287. R. HOARD, 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. LAURELHURST $7500. 6-room bungalow on E. Ankeny, reduced from $8500 for quick sale. If you want a real home with every conceivable feature, where location,' construction and interior ar rangements count, then inspect this. It'll be a pleasure to show you. A. G Teepe Co.. Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9586. WEST SIDE CORNER FOR HOME. West side corner with small income, Tery good location, suitable for garage or - store bldg. Will trade for modern home in good district; Irvlngton preferred. Price $12,000. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. FREE if taken at once, gas heater, gas laun dry plate and laid linoleum in kitchen, breakfast room and bath. For sale at a sacrifice, by owner, a new modern five-room bungalow at 1384 Minnesota, just 4 blks. from Peninsula Park and Mississippi car. Wdln. 4630. $3950 $050 CASH. Very artistic new 4-room bungalow, large living room, fireplace, pretty din ing room, hdw. floors, extra large bed room and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace and garage; bal ance like rent; close to MV car. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. LAURELHURST $9500. Colonial bunga low, ideally located; near car; best con struction ; best oak floors throughout, tiled bath, recessed tub, tiled sink, ex pensive tapestry paper, French doors, large plate glass windows. A wonderful buy. Terms. A. G. Teepe Co., Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9580. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. One of the finest 8-room bungalows In Irvlngton located in the best part of the district. This place is priced to sell. $3000 cash wtll handle this and if you look it over you will buy. Call Mahoney. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6000. WEST SIDE t-ROOM COTTAGE. $250 CASH. Good 4 rooms, bath, cement basement; clear of incumbrance; on Kelly at., near Porter; price $1850, $250 cash, $20 per month, 6 per cent. . ; J. W. GRUSSI, 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7542. ROSE CITY, $300 DOWN. New 5-room bungalow, good location, close to car, cement basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in'- bookcases and buffet; garage, full sized lot; easy terms. MARSH & McCABE CO.. S22-S-4 Falling Bldg. Broadway 6528. ROSE CITY. $4200 on easy terms, will buy this very attractive new bungalow, below the hill, large living room across the front, ex pensive elec. fixtures, beautifully fin ished. You will like It. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. ; UNFINISHED HOUSE. 100x290 Lents district for sale or trade for anything of value. Has lots of ber ' rles. Big value. Act quickly. Bdwy. 483T. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with r WILBUR F. JOUNO, 224 Henry Bldg : IRVINGTON COLONIAL. : fr -' ft rooms and sun porch, furnace, fire place, attic, garage, oak floors; price $7500; terms. J. R. HAIGHT, Bdwy. 2045. 327 Board of Trade. ROSE CITY 6 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement. Price only $4850 and terms. Located near Sandy and school. Terms A mighty good buy. A. G. Teepe Co., ' Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9586 WHAT! It is a fact. I can sell you a full lot with an old 3-room house for $650. Come quick. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A HOME IN ST. JOHNS DISTRICT. $150 down. $13 month and 6 per cent on bal.- buys 2-room home, lot 50x100; garden all in. Price $900. JOHN BROWN CO., REALTOR. 322 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6301. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. v Extra fine bungalow, well located in " Irvington. If you want something good - look this place over. Call Mahoney. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. SIMPLY 'CHARMING. Original design, artistic finish, work manship the best; choice location. Neu hausen & Co., Realtors. East 394. Main " 807 8. WILL BUILD TO SUIT. WEST SIDE. We have a few choice lots where the owner will build on reasonable terroa Mr. Wiles, Broadway 2045. J. R. HAIGHT. 821 uoara Of Trade. ROSE CITY 6-room bungalow, 38th St., corner lot, assts. pd. : hardwood through out, best furnace, garage. Price $5900. Verv liberal terms. Inspect. A. - G. Teepe Co., Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9586: ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, $11,000. Beautiful view, strictly modern house, level lot. close to City park, tennis courts; etc. Owner. Bdwy. 6755. NICE modern house, & large and 1 small . rooms, lots of bullt-lns. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; full basement; ga rage; large lot; restricted district; close In; swell view of city; block of carline. East 6099; FOR SALE by owner, 5-room modern bun . galow, near Laurelhurst and Park: hard wood floors, bullt-lns, hot water heat. Tabor 3094. I FOR SALE by owner 6-room modern house; Richmond district; corner loOx 1O0; will sell all or half. Tabor 2226. ROSE CITY. New 5-room bungalow, bargain. 770 East 68th st. North. Terms. 10 to 4 P.M. 1 .MODERN 7-room house and 2 5-room bungalows, close in and block to car. Call 131 East 24th North. Owner. 5-ROOM modern house, $1600; $500 down, bal. terms. 1404 Morse at., Woodiawn district. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 7581. $5000 $5O0 down, for 5-room new mod ern bungalow in Hawthorne dis trict, 50x105 lot. all improvements In and paid for. This is a real bargain. . Mr. McGuire. $3400 $250 cash, balance easy terms; 4 nice rooms, bath, gas, electric ity, practically new. lOOxlOO-ft. i corner' lot, in Peninsula district. Mr. Blew. $2300 $400 down, for 3 rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, 50xl00-ft. lot; Kenton district. This place is worth looking up. Ask Mr. McGUIRE. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 75HL 12.-ROOM IJOUSE. . LARGE GROUNDS. Modern 12-room house, close in. just east of Irvlngton; billiard room and maid's room third floor, double garage with chauffeur's room, shrubbery, fruit trees and a nice grove of native trees. nice lawn and garden; grounds Include 6 lots 50x100 each, street paved; price $12,000, terms. Would consider a small house in Irvlngton as part pay.. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH, tm ' See this cosy 4-room bungalow, fin lshed in Ivory and tapestry paper, with combination living and dining room, oak floors, fireplace, 2 airy bedrooms, built in bathroom, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, attic and full lot; all improvements in and paid; an excellent, well-built home for only $4000, terms. Call us now for an appolnment R. L. McGREW, Realtor. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. PHYSICIANS. ATTENTION. West side 10-room house, with extra baths,- toilets, .etc., large grounds, nearly five lots and well improved; make good convalescent home; on car line; price HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor, ' 243 Stark St. Broadway 7831. For Sale Busmeni I'rupe rty. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE. We have a dandy warehouse or fac tory site for sale; Versteeg addition block 4, lots 7, 8, 9, 10. right on track age and near the new freight terminal at Guilds lake; it is next to the Amer ican Can Co.'s plant and right close to Montgomery Ward plant; if sold at once will make low price. Phone owner. East 2651. REAL ESTATE office for sale or trade lor car. East 12 1. Suburban Homes. $2200 HUBER STATION, near BEAV- ERTON, 3 ACRES, 5-room, new bungalow. ceiled and papered. Dutch kitchen, built-lns, good water system, gas. woodshed, small family orchard, 2 acres cleared, balance In a native grove of beautiful fir trees, only 3 blocks from S. P. station and highway. Cash $300, $20 monthly. INVESTI GATE THIS ONE. $3800. SHATTUCK STATION. $3800. ONE-HABF ACRE, 6-room, 1V4 -story. ' modern bungalow, just completed, with .shining white enamel, Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, full cement basement, city water, gas, elec. about to be Installed,' city carfare, located on good macadam road, only 6 minutes' walk to S. P. sta tion; also close to Oregon Elec. Cash $700, balance $25 monthly, immediate possession. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY, 307 Henry Bldg., Bdwy. 163 OWNER LEAVING WEST. 15-acre farm will be sacrificed. Look this over; 15 acres of finest soil, 1 acres now in potatoes, acre now in vegetables, 3 acres in rye and vetch; 120 bearing fruit trees, all varieties, berries, 100 small chickens, large 7-rm. farm house in good shape, barn, immense chicken plant, in excellent condition; y mile from Tualatin, on good road: everything goes for $6i.0. No trades; will consider terms. Don't lose any time. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, . 8: Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. CHICKEN RANCH SACRIFICED. - About $350 Gross Income a Month. 3 acres with 2S7 feet of modern poul try houses, electricity. Bull ilun water. 5-room cottage and garage, 1 u acres now in garden, 1000- laying O. A. C. with Leghorns and all equipment go with the place. This is the best located modern chicken ranch in Multnomah county, 20 minutes from town, market for everything at your door. Full price $7200 with $2500 cash, balance terms to suit. - Bdwy. 48S7. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO. 224 Henry Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 12 ACRES. MOST SIGHTLY TRACT. 1 ; By owner, 20 min. from your office, on paved Lake road. 1 mile from MUwau kle; house, barn, bearing fruit trees, electric light, gas and Bull Run water available; price $11,000. Will consider some trade; $500 will get possession, bal ance 5 to 10 years, 6 per cent. 502 Plt tock block. Broadway 2692. CSWEGO LAKE VILLAS ADJOINING PACIFIC HIGHWAY. You have been waiting for an op portunity to secure lake frontage at the eastern end of BEAUTIFUL OS WEGO LAKE. Now is your opportunity. Our new plat (OSWEGO LAKE VILLAS) now open for selection.. Make an ap pointment at once. Only a limited num ber of lake front home sites. Get in on the ground floor. Water, Rights, roads. Ask for Allen, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION FOR A SUBURBAN HOME. About Gte acres on Potvell Valley road few minutes drive from city limits of ' Portland; t sets small buildings; 4Vi acres in cultivation; balance In nice fir trees; Bull Run water nd electric lights; price,. $6250; owner will con sider home In Portland up to $3500 and take back mortgage for the difference. E. M. BROWN, 1122 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BRAND NEW HOME 'A ACRE. 5-room bungalow with large cement basement; full plumbing, fireplace, break fast nook, elec, gas and running water; just 3 blocks from Oregon City line In Gladstone; only $3500, on terms; or will sell with one lot if desired. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. CLOSE TO CITY LIMITS. 1 acre. 18 varieties of fruit in full bearing, ga-den, city water and lights: close to school and car; $100 down, $10 monthly. l1 acres, assorted fruits and berriee, garden, henhouse, garage, modern 5 room bungalow, all city conveniences; $1500 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. CAPITOL HILL. Come In and let us show you this well built, new 5-room , bungalow. It's a dandy; all modern; nice white bath, full cement basement; living room across front; cabinet kitchen, on hard road, close school and station. Only 15 min utes out; large grounds: going at $3200. Easy terms. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumber- mens bldg. $5000 HOME GOING AT $3930. Yes, It's all modern, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porches, 6 delightful rooms, dandy garage. Come and see the photo and get all details. Located nice, close in suburban district, on pavement and car line. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. N.KAR C.PITOl, HILL. ' PRICE $1950. $500 DOWN. About ?4 acre; house has very large living room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms; 26 bearing fruit trees and lots of berries- garage and woodshed. A REAL BUY. MERRICK & CO.. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. NEARLY Vz acre, new bungaiow, 4 large rooms, and bathroom, concrete founda tion, 'plastered, French doors and wln--'dows, beautiful, park native trees, on ' car line, near Glisan st., Just outside city with ail- city ; conveniences. -. You can't beat this at $2100 terms. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg.. 8d and Stark.' COZY HOME CHEAP. V acre on Or. City carline, dandy 4 room house, has built-in conveniences, laundry trays, some fruit trees, house nearly completed; only 3 blocks from sta tion. Price $1600; small payment down, balance like rent. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD. 02T CHAM. OF. COM. 4ROOM house, fully modern, i miles from Portland on paved highway; am moving ' to California; will sell cheap on terms. Call Mr. Schaffer. Bdwy. 6607. ONE ACRE, all in garden and berries, new small house, 5 blocks from Huber sta tion, $875, $400 cash. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. - OSWEGO LAKE WILLAMETTE RIVER shore lots, bungalows and acreage. Call for McClure, 500 Concord bldg. $200 CASH 3 r. and breakfast nook; $1650; fine acre; water, lights. . McFapt land. Bdwy. 7672.. Falling bldg. WILL SELL my ftlverside bungalow cheap furnished. Oregon City car. B. 2299. KEAt, ESTATE. Suburban Homes. $200 GIVES POSSESSION. 2-3 of an acre wilh a 3-ronm unfin ished cottage; on macadam road to Gilbert station: only $1350. Why pay rent? Pee F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 71 1. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. For Sale Acrure. OVER 11 acres, on macadamised road. one mile from Oregon City car line. mile to school; i acres under culti vation, one acre tinibt-r. balance pas ture, no waste land-. 16 bearing fruit trees; berries, new. attractive 4-rooni house on concrete foundation, good chicken buildings, barn. Pric $3600. A real bargain. ACRE TRACTS. CITY CONVENIENCES. On west side; good soil, no rock or gravel; close to electric station; 9c com mutation fare, good car service; Port land gas. electric lights and city water on the property. Offered far below value on easy terms. John Ferguson. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 PER ACRE UP. $10 down and $3 month buys a S-aere tract in this addition of SOO acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lying land 'free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vege tables. Have 3 and 10-ucre tracts on the same terms in ocher locations. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. OVER 5 ACRES, $700 ACRE. NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. 1 per cent down. 1 per cent month, best of garden land, great for berries, truck garden, onion soil. You should pay for your land in what you raise on it. See this today. Salesmen at branch office, which is open every day; end of Parkrose car line; take Rose City Park; car. - J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. , BEST BARGAIN IN BEAVERTON. 7 V acres. You will not find a nicer Vying tract or richer soil in that famous d'lstrtct. 6' acres in tultivation, tile drained. Just'the soil for garden, asparagus, cel ery and berries. Quite a few berry plants now, all kinds. One acre bearing orchard. 0-room house. Two poultry houses, ga rage fenced with woven wire. You will never regret paying $4500 for this tract. There is money in this soil. FARM & EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A POSITIVE BARGAIN 13 50x100 LOTS $1375. ' A big piece of rich garden soli equal to 13 full lots for $1375 with nearly 4 years time to pav. Bull Run water and a fine hard road In front of the property. The location is lust outside the city limits where you'll have no city taxes or assess ments to pay. Buy this and we will ar range to get you credit for lumber to build a house. Hurry and plant pota-. toes. No better soil anywhere for spuds. See Mr. Comte, 418 Spalding bldg.. over Ladd & Tilton bank. $1300 $750 CASH. 10 acres, 7 acres In cultivation, 3 acres pasture; 4-room house, root house and pump house, orchard, well with pump. This will make a good Tiome. ... 5 acres, all In fruit, on pavement, just outside of Vancouver, about 1 mile from P. O., fair buildings, good well; extra fine silt soli. Price $5000. terms. This Is extra good and very well located. This place netted over $1000 last year. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St Vancouver. Wash. , 40 ACRES OLYMPIC SILT SOIL. On main wagonToad; practically level: living water; about 3 miles to transpor tation, store, postoffice, etc.; choice fruit and berry land or general diversified farming. Priced for quick sale at only $30 per acre, on easv terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mam 37S7. ONLY $000 CASH. Buys 10 acres. 40 miies down the Co lumbia, :'i miles from Goble on mac adam road; 4-room box house, small clearing, level land, Goble creek runs across comer: mile to school. Make a dandy chicken ranch. HOLCOMB REALTY CO.. 211 Washington Bldg. FARM FOR $780. 26 arres level creek bottom land; beau tiful creek through place; Olympic silt soil; level: 2.i miies to Columbia river: near store, church, etc.: good road to place: first payment to suit you, balance over long term of years JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION. A dandy tract of 2.51 acres, some cleared, on macadamized road, first class soil: don't forgot this is garden time $37.50 down, $12.50 monthly. To tal price JS0O. Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. , S2.-,ft PER ACRE. Close in. fine berry land. CLEARED, level; close to station, school and high way. This is jus: as good as it sounds. 8V4 to 10 acres. Eas terms. COE A. McKENNA & CO, 82 4th St. Broadway 7322. OLYMPIC SILT SOII- Near Columbia river for as low as $10 per acre, on easy terms. This land is convenient to either Astoria or 1'0t land markets. Call today for particu.ars. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 378i. t coil rt X I . Y S 600. For $600 cash we can sell 100x220 over half an acre on Halsey and 69th sts. Out of town owner roust have th """"HOLCOMB REALTY CO.. 211 Washington Bldg. GRESHAM DISTRICT 3 acres (or less), excellent soil, ail cultivated; level, near station, store, school. Price $300 per acre; very easy terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. : . BUCKMA-N TRACT, north of Rose City; half acres $675, $8 clown. $S month; acres $10 down, $10 month; no city as sessments. Roger VV. Cary. 1219 North western Bank bldg.. Main 1643; resi dence. Woodlawn 1959. 7 MILKS FROM PORTLAND. 5 acres, 4 acres cultivation, bal. pasture- 2 acres potatoes. 1 acre orchard, small fruit, small house, chicken house, good well water and spring. $2100. Good terms woodlawn oii-j. FOR SALE 640 acres in Custer county, Montana; would make a very desirable ranch 51 per cent tillable; In center of Mizpatl on zone: ), .j..u -""i"' hnlinn terms. Call Broadway 14 1 5, balance terms. owner. QUICK SALE 40 acres. 34 cearel. 9 mi. out White Salmon: good roads. Irrigated, plenty timber for home use; can giye best references. Price $2000. half cash. ba.'.ance lone terms. BJ 690. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES, all in clover, on good road. 6 blocks from Newberg highway. 6 blocks from Sherwood, $800 cash, with good terms on balance. B. S. Cook. 001 Stock Exchange bldg. THOE Interested in securing a good in come from the beginning from small In vestment in cheap land will be bene fited by arranging an Interview w;:h T. E. Doflson, 033 N. W. Bank bldg. STOKES TRACT-.! ust outside city; Al berta car; $10 down, $10 month; half acres to acres: lights, water, gas, no gravel. Roger W. Cary, 1219 Northwest ern HanK oing. WRITE for map jf western Washington showing -location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. BY OWNER Beaverton dlst., 'A mile red electric; city water, gas; 6 acres, all clear, part In crop, for $350 per acre. Inquire at 316 Panama bldg. WONDERFUL BARGAIN Over 4 acres, paved St., for cash only $4500. 6-cent fare; trackage; fine subdivision. Zim merman. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Vi ACRE. 600, TERMS. Fine soil, dandy location. Smith. 1 block south Powell Valley road, on 77th st. Take Hawthorne car. 1 ACRE. 1 miles east of Montavilla, only $45 down. bal. $10 mo., . 6 per cent Int. Call at 506 Couch bldg. 20-ACRE, unlmpiovec , land; some tim ber on it; for sale cheap. P. - Wabks. Nehalem. Or., box 61. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. - THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E. 616-48 4 ACRES, 3-r. house. Ore. Elec, $2000, $300 down. Bdwy. 7429. 201 McKay. YOUNG filbert orchard 5 years old. income this year; 16 miles from city. Tabor 4851. irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sion. Interested only in getting home builders on the project. Longest grow ing season In the northwest. Gardens arnd fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best. Junction Snake -and Columbia rivers. W'rite for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. No. 4, Burbank, Washington. Fruit I.ands for Sale or Rent. HOOD RIVER 47-acre orchard: 10 acres 16-year trees. 30 acres 10-year trees; tract adjacent to loop v highway and 24 miles from city: ... 1 leading grower said. "There's a 1 ' bargain." Price $15,000. Write -j, box 142. Hood River. HOOD RIVER 30-acre orchard: 18 bear , ing orchard, 12 alfalfa land: a -i ' '.'future crop will pay its price, . $15,000. Write box 14a. Hood .. J River.