THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1922 2S BFSINES8 OPPORTTNTTTES, AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Only $400 required to secure an equal half Interest in the busiest and beat equipped first -class shop in Portland, very best location, right downtown, fire proof bids. Have shop filied to tha doors with work; need a steady and wtlllns worker, experience not necessary if you have some mechanical abiiity and want to learn the business. Your opportunity to buy In with a first-class mechanic with a large following of steady customers. You can easily clear better than $180 every month for your self from the Btart. Absolutely the "best. 8ee this before you buy. Meet owner. 8l Pittock b!ock, Washington at Tenth. PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. An A-l mechanic wants partnei to rive him general assistance ; has more work than he can handl alone; ideal location; fireproof building on busy auto thoroughfare; established trade: experi ence not necessary K mechanically in clined and willing to work and learn: your profits should never be less than $160 month; $230 gives you full half interest; look Into this before you buy If you want beet In the city for the money. 620 Chamber ot Commerce. 4th and Stark sts. 2HH OiR LNVOICB PUTS YOU IN POS SESSION of the finest little- grocery business in the city, .in a choice residen tial section, close to school, apartment houses and caF barns; averaging $55 per d.y; can be increased. Rent is $43, but la covered toy rentals from garages and living rooms included with store apace, which are all rented 2 living rooms reserved for owner. Mrs. Signs, O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 4th Floor Conch Bldg.. 4th St. nr. Wash. OIL STATION AND VULCANIZING As I am ieavii.g eity I will sacrifice my equal half interest In i well-established, good-paying business, handling tires, oils, gas and accessories; located on main thoroughfare; can show good profits; experience not necessary, but must be honest, trustworthy and willing worker; a dollar in sight for evry dollar invested; $700 required. Call 620 Cham. of Com., 4th and Stark. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Need working partner in big theatrical advertising enterprise; entirely new and sure money-maker; will positively clear better than $400 month; large number of theaters and also manufacturers ready to Install product; special experience not necessary ; only small investment re quired, which is secured in every way. Apply 316 Pittock bloek, Washington and 10th sts. CIGAR NEWS. - A sacrifice; $1-50 puts you In posses sion of a big paying cigar and news stand, located in downtown office build ing; average sales better than $35 per day; long term lease, with good deposit Included. Call 620 Chamber of Com merce, 4th and Stark. BAKERS AND BUTCHERS. WANT A BAKER TO START FTPST CLASS BAKERY TN PUBLIC MAR KET AT ASTORIA; EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY; ALSO GOOD PROP OSITION FOR A BUTCHER. BF 602, OREGONIAN. BARBERS, here is your chance; I have one of tha cleanest little barber shop candy, ice cream and tobacco stores for sale; shop and store fixtures invoice $350. stock about $300; cheap rent, good lease, good business; sell at invoice for cash. K 686, Oregonian. ' AMERICAN FRENCH BAKERY, 128 Second St. Must vacate by June 1, 1922. electric bake oven, cap. 120 loaves; 2 cash reg isters, show cases, counters, chairs and all baking equipment. Phone Bdwy. 7316. BAKERS. ONE USED ELECTRIC ROTARY OVEN; ONE GAS SHELF; ONE SMALL CAKE MACHINE FOR SALE REASON ABLE, ON -. TERMS; ALSO SEVERAL GOOD LOCATIONS. Y 654, OREGO NI AN. COUiXTY seat weekly; average business over $10H a month; linotype, cylinder, good Jobbers, plenty of type. . metal, equipment, etc. B-est county seat money-makine- newsnaner town in northwest. Price Sll.OlM) i,f sold quickly. Chance of lifetime. Av 00. uregoman. CIGAR STAND. Prominent location, showing Rood re turns; will continue to Improve with the right man; lease, with good win ana fixtures, $3000. Will consider some terms to right party. Bdwy. 6628 or Bdwy. f723. CLASS A GARAGE. T5 cars steady storage; concrete- bldg., splendid location, long lease, low rental: best buy In city: $2500 handles; a bar gain. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark. WOOD BUSINESS. If you have $000 to $1200 and want to get Into the wood business. It can be made to bring you in good returns. Here is your chance. For further in formation call Auto! 627-12. STOP LOOK LISTEN. The first good offer takes restaurant taking in S2o per day; will sell for cash or trade for good lot or auto; must go back east at once. Inquire 349 Bal mon, or 201 Salmon. FOR SALE Gen. mdse. stock and store, located 19 miles north of Portland, on the lower Columbia river highway; will invoice about $7500. 'Small overhead ex pense; terms if desired. Address owner, J. J. Havlik, Scappoose, Oregon. COUNTRY TOWN GARAGE. $3500 and invoice stock, first-class place on highway, plenty of business ; service car, lathes, tools, lease. A real going business in a live town. Weston & Co.. 12Q N. W. Bank bldg. DRUG STORE location in new fireproof , building corner; space 2xo0; 12x22 base ment; corner of car line; reasonable rent, lease. Killingsworth and Concord sts, See iowner at place or call 1S2 W. Web ster (st. after 6:30 P. M. MEAT market in connection with grocery store m new nreprooi nuiiamg; located at Killingsworth and Concord sts. See owner at place or call at 182 W. Webster st after 6:30 P. M. GOOD clean stock of hardware, store buildings and store fixtures for sale by owner at a sacrifice to make quick sale good reasons for selling. Wm. Woodham, 4i4 tmn street a. k., ortiani. or. VULCANIZING AND TIRE BUSINESS. First-class location; must be sold be fore June 1; greatly under value. Tabor 6209 after 7 P. M., ask for Mr. Qj or ad- aress t oia, uregonian. BUSY GARAGE. Very central location; good lease clears $150 month; 40 care storage; $1800 win nanaie. noom on Kauway E change. CIGAR and confectionery, right in. the center of west side, rent only $80; a fine piace; leaving city; must oe sold; a snap, $1700. On terms. See Garland 260 Taylor. BUSIN'ESS PARTXiER WANTEED. Reliable young man or woman to manage office; SbOO required: well se cured. See Grlmim, 416 Oregon bldg., rvtn ana uait. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a, deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bids;. Phone Broadway 1002. SEVERAL men to invest $1000 and serv ices in large wooaworKrog plant. 7 per cent on investment ana guaranteed sal ary. Kee Iawrence, 416 Oregon bldg. 3th and Oak. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Account of sicknes will sacrifice su burban store; price $800; some terms: might trade for auto. Call room 511 Railway Exchange. CITY EXPRESS BUSINESS. Owner has good truck; show you clears $150 month; must sell; $500 will handle Room 511 Railway Exchange. PRESSING PARLOR Owner must leave city at once and want to sell well-paying shop at your own price. 5464 Washington st., at 18th. WANT business man or woman who can invest $1500 to $2000, manage your own business, profit $20 to $30 a day. Bdwy. 3258. BAKERY, confectionery and lunch; a good place for a real live baker; will sell cheap on account sickness. Owner, 412 Alberta. ?S50 GROCERY and confections, living rooms, no competition: a sacrifice on account of sickness. Phone Automatic 520-19. BE ASIDE lunch counter and equipment. 425 Broadway st. ; party will be .there Wednesday and Thursday. Jerry's place. DANDY candy store for sale, reasonable, bet. Morrison and Alder on 4th. Good location. AC 60, Oregonian. AUTO PARKING and second-hand car opportunity, $350 cash; low rent. Mar. 1011. WILL sell .my cigar stand; excellent loca tion; splendid income; business good. Ser owner 109 4th st. HALF interest in small mfg. plant, $300. See Lawrence, 416 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Onk. RESTAURANT on very busy street, only $350. See Grimm. 416 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. KA.1JF interest in dressmaking parlor; $300; half cash. See Lawrence. 418 Ore con b'dg.. 5th and Oak. CAFETERIA on .good transient street; $1500 for quick sale: some terms. See Grimm, 410 Oresron bldg. HALF interest in good lathe mil!. $000. See Lawrence, 410 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak. - LIGHT grocery and cigar store at Invoice. Living room. Rent $14. Owner. 493!.fe Glisan St. STATE BANK SAV1NOS DEPOSITORS. Will pay spot cash lor your account 204 Henry bldg. 1-CHA1R barber shop, good location, $22 37th and Sandy blvd.. Rope City car. 5ll BUSINESS CARDS. $1.10. Rose City Printery. Washington, bet. 2d and 3d. CAKH grocery; fine location; cheap rent; living rooms: bath. "Walnut 4042. LADY wants partner for good paying con tusion. Box 74. Xonc&Ua. Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, NEW HIGHWAY WORK TO LET. 4 miles of station work to let, 80.000 yarda to the mile; In south ern Oregon, Climate, camp con ditions and prices good. See profile at v HANLEY EMPLOYMENT ' AGENCY, 28 N. Second St.. , Portland, Or. ' JOHN HAMPSHIRE & CO.. Gold Beach. Or. PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. Here is an excellent opportunity to secure an equal half interest in the busiest and best small auto repair shop In Portland; fine, busy location, estab lished, steady trade, more work than one can handle alone; prefer an honest and reliable partner to hired Jielp; pre vious experience not necessary if .you are handy with tools. Your opportunity to learn the business ajid also clear bet ter than $160 a montft for yourself from the start; only $250 required to secure equal half Interest. Don't fail to see this before you buy. Apply 316 Pittock Block, Washington at Tenth. BUYERS. ATTENTION. PEAL WITH A COMPANY WHICH HAS THE FINANCE FEATURE. WE HAVE EXCEPTIONAL OFFERINGS IN DOWN-TOWN HOTELS WHICH MAY BE PURCHASED ON SMALL DOWN PAY ME N" TS. LET U8 6HO W YOU. BDWY. 5540. GARAGE FOR SALE BY OWNER. East side garage, excellent location on a main arterv to city; brick building 40xI6O; rent $85 per month; sublees red uce this to $45 ; lease expires 1026 ; storage space for 50 cars; repair shop essentials all ready for Immediate pos session. Price $2720; terms $1750. down, balance to suit. Call East 7902. FOR SALE, SHOP. Plumber's tools, materials, supplies on hand, fixtures, including display win dows, desks, etc.; also Ford work car, location and business all for $750 cash. Shop rents for $15 month. This is an exceptional opportunity to get right into the business in Portland. Location is fine; plenty of business; genuine snap. Inquire at 5S29 72d st. S. E. Phone 613-33. PICTURE SHOW. . This is one of the rare opportunities to get into the picture-show business; they are doing about $200 per week net; fine location on tast side. For particu lars call Bdwy. 7G31; 4664. 320 LUMBERMAN'S BLDG. - . CIGAR STAND Opportunity to buy one of the best hotel lobby cigar stands in Portland; beautiful fixtures; large staple stock; doing a fine steady business. You should easily clear $175 a month net above all expenses; low rental; west side; dandy location. Price $950. 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. FOR SALE Only first-ciass restaurant In town of 3000 on state highway: fine lo cation; established two years; first year $-0,000 business. 2d year $25,000; good lease: must sell; will not consider trade. Price $2000, half down, balance terms. Address Dewey - W. Martin. Dayton, Wash GROCERY STORE SNAP. SELL AT INVOICE. Doing an average of nearly $100 per 'day. All cash and carry. Choice loca tion, cheap rent and lease if wanted. About $2300 for all. We have others. MERRICK & CO.. 804 Panama Bidg. Broadway 6043. FUEL BUSINESS. $1000 will give you an equal half Interest in best wood business on east side, supplying 16 hotels, besides resi dences; two 3-ton trucks; prefer partner to hired help, cannot handle alone. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. $2800 BUYS a dandy delicatessen and bakery on the west side, apartment house district; doing $80 cash daily; reasonable rent; books open for in spection. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 222 Henry Bidg. 4th and Oak. IMPLEMENT business for sale, town of 2000; big surrounding territory being de veloped ; no competition; fine oppor tunity for implement men; excellent liv ing conditions. You should investigate. Address Produce Co.. Kennewick, Wash. GARAGE. West side location, dandy little shop; lots of tools, electric drill, etc. ; $500 takes everything. This is absolutely gift at this price. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. 2-ACKE bank snd and gravel; $2000, terms; near Johnson creek: paved road and O. W. P. car line. Inquire A. Gar briel, Wichita Station. Address Mil waukie. R. 2, Box 170. RESTAURANT for sale, good location, do ing-good business; account ill Health, cheap if taken at once. Savoy restau- rant, 104 14th St., Astoria, Or. GOOD opportunity tor man and wife workingman's hotel and boarding house for lease for balance of year, on account of sicknews. BC 4. Oregonian. COMPLETE chiropody equipment, strictly up to date, well established practice; will sacrifice; Dr. moving to So. Calif. This is a snap. A.T 694, Oregonian. DRUG STORE, finest store, on best corner in town of 7000 population in town of southern Idaho; excellent business. Ad dress P. O. Box 946. Boise, Idaho. PHYSICIAN WANTED Growing indus trial community on coast; have opening f or capable doctor. X 674, Orego n i a n . ONE OF the best grooery stores in Van couver, Wash.; good location; best rea sons for selling. AV 50, Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write. Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison sts. A TRANSFER BUSINESS. Opening for active man; pays $300 mo. Room 401 Dekum bldg. SHOE SHOP A snap If taken before June 1. Inquire Breyman Leather Co., 2d and Oak. WE WHOLESALE razors, shears, knives, etc. Portland Cutlery Co., 80 Sixth st. FOR SALE Coffee house. See owner. 208 Madison st. $050 CASH-AND-CARRY grocery; good business; living room. 6203 82d st. S. E. BARBER SHOP SELL AT INVOICE. 351 ANKENY. GROCERY and .confectionery, stock and fixtures for sale. East 4992. TO LA a HU6 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. $300 will secure an equal half interest In a busy, well established auto paint ing business; ideal location In fireproof building. Have shop full of work and large volume coming in, as this is the busy season. I need a partner, previous experience not necessary if you are steady and reliable, as I will teach the right man the business. You can easily clear better than $165 every month for yourself from the start. If you want the best buy in the eity be sure and see this before you loeate. Apply 316 Pittock hlock, Washington at 'renin HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR BEST , BUSINESS BUYS. Grocery West aide district, $75 per day, $2i00; worth more. Grocery Nob Hill district. $60 per day, $2000. . Restaurant Business district, $40 day. low rent; price $1100. $750 cash. Vulcanizing shop Here is a snap. Battery station; see us about it. None better in Portland. See J. S. CULBERTSON. HILLER BROS, REALTORS. 211 Rv. Ex. Btdg. Bdwy. 3626. PARTNER WANTED. I have a woodyard with bunkers, of fice and garage, in one of the best districts 'in Portland for business; I have been in the wood business a number of years and know the game; I need a partner to put $1000 and his services into the business with me. For full particulars call 3-'0 LUMBERMAN'S BLDG. - CLASS A GARAGE. With fully wquipped repair shop, em ploying 2 mechanics; doing a dandy bus iness; capacity for 70 cars; 100x100 brick building; books will show net earnings of $300 a month above all ex penses; 5-year lease; rent only $150 a month. This is a real garage and must be seen to be appreciated. Disagreement of partners only reason for selling. $2500 handles. 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. A WONDERFUL opportunity for a man who has $730 to invest where he can . make from $200 to $300 per month; ex perience not necessary, as man will teach purchaser how to operate machine. This is a new card sign printing press, something entirely new, only three ma chines in the U. S. like it. A swell proposition for a sign painter to use in connection with hand work., 504 Bu chanan bldg. HOTEL CIGAR STAND. fn lobby of one of the most prom inent downtown hotels; beautifully equipped; targe staple stock cigars, to baccos, magazines, periodicals, etc. Do ing a- fine business; experience not nec essary; owner will stay and teach you the business. You can easily clear $175 a month; low rent. Price $050. See this first. 310-11 Panama toldy, 3d and Alder. $1000 CASH TO HANDLE. Grocery with -living rooms; rent $25; lease; invoice about $1500; doing $35 daily; close in. , ' ' SEE DAD KENNEDY, with G. C. ULRICH CO., INC. Suite 405, Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. ELECTRIC sawmill, 12,000 capacity, fully equipped with eager and planer, also donkey and truck with trailer. Plenty of timber on good Toad; sawdust pays for power; slabwood brings $3.50 cord. Sawmill now in operation and is a good paying proposition. Call or write Forest Grove Mill and Logging Co., Forest Grove, Or. CONFECTIONERY. Here's your chance, to buy a real money maker; located in an apt. house district at intersection: if you want real business this can't be beatenf rent only $30 mo.; eales average $40 to $50 daily; in a few weeks should double that; will take $2750; must go this week. uau wain GROCERY BARGAIN. "$350 for fixtures, invoice stock, about $650, doing $30 daily; 3 nice living rooms with oath, rent $22. lease: must sell. Grocery stock at In voices about $500, fixtures: rent with building; $25 per mo., 3-year lease; corner location, doing $25 daily. Living rooms, Morris, with O. O. Sletten. realtor, mite 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. CONFECTIONERY, SOFT DRINKS. CIGARS AND LIGHT LUNCH. West side location on the main busi ness street; doing a fine business ;)eau titul fixtures; fixtures alone worth dou ble the price asked; this is a splendid investment. Sickness the only cause for selling. $1600 for quick sale. 310-11 Pan "a bldg., 3d and Alder. A PARTNER WANTED. Have a modern concrete garage in one of the best locations in Portland. Will se-11 equa-1 Interest to get interested help. Want partner to sell the gas, oils, auto accessories, etc., and be generally, use ful. Can each draw $200 month and up. Room 401 Dekum bldg-. CAFETERIA. CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE. Well equipped cafeteria in fine west side location; doing an average of $fi5 per day. 4-year lease at $125. Price $2650. MERRICK & CO., . 304 Panama. Bldg. Bdwy. 8942. $550 RESTAURANT $550. West side; dandy location ; averaging $30 a day cash business; large French range; 2 gas ranges, 2 Ice boxes; steam table; cash register; meat block; low rent. This is a splendid buy and a bar gain. See this first. 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. CIGAR stand, office building lobby; this stand has never been on the market be fore, sickness compels this sale, going to hospital; no night or Sunday work; lease, low rent, big trade. UNIvERSAL SALES CO.. 602 Railway Exch. A GOOD, going greenhouse and florist busi ness in a town of 10,000: 7-room resi dence included; price $6500, cash, bal ance long time at 6 per cent. See J. S. Culbertson. . ' HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwv, 3626. A MODERN CONCRETE GARAGE. Fine location, 4-year lease; sell gas, tils, auto accessories, storage and re pairing; net profit $500 month now; in normal times will net $700 to $100p a month; a real garage and $3500 will handle it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GARAGE OUT OF TOWN. Well located, good lease, rent $100, all fully equipped, over 30 oars stored, nets better than $200, price of $3500 includes everything, and good stock, half cash. Call for Mr. Tice. THOMSON, r,20-21 Henry Bldg. MANUFACTURING. A partner wanted; duties to take, or ders, make collections and he handy In mill: can draw $50 week salary, also good profits. $700 will handle it; will give bank references. Buyer must be a worker. Call room 401 Dekum faldg BARBERS Leaving city, must sell two chair shop; good business; for quick sale $150. Marshall 2341. Newell. Business Opportunities Wanted. MERCHANDISE WANTED. Will exchange fine 9-room house lo cated in Laurelhurst, for a good stock of merchandise up to $25,000, this house Is priced at $10,000, will pay balance in cash, what have you to offer. COR-CORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006. BUSINESS man of means desiring to set tle permanently In Oregon will consider investing $25,000 to $100,000 in clean, profitable enterprise. 54, .Oregonian. GARAGE WANTED. Practical automobile man wants tt buy established garage and repair shop; has $100 cash. AM 609 Oregonian. HAVE several clients wanting to invest in small business or partnership. What have you? 505 Swetland bldg. WANTED Small grocery or confectionery with living rooms; will pay cash; no agents. Bdwy. 3400. WANTED Small confectionery in eastern Oregon or Wash. S 698. Oregonian. HXVE $400 to invest with services; am not an agent. AM 697, Oregonian. HON? MUCH DOLLARS. ALL 10Lr'- r BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. SOLD IN 10 DAYS. FOR QUICK ACTION list your busi ness with the Hvest, strongest and fast est selling organization specializing in all lines of business in the northwest. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Partnerships formed, additional capital procured; business Is good with us; we have many buyers waiting; our selling system backed up bv expert salesmen NEVER fails; it's results that count: we have sold many others, why not .yours? We can sell your business in 10 days; MAKE US PROVE IT. Phone Bdwy. 2651. Note our sales ads. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 316 Pittock BIR.. Wash, and 10th. HAVE party with some money to invest in going business to secure position; will consider partnership in liva, going business. See J. S. Culbertson. HILLER BROS, REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3828. APARTMENT HOUSE "WANTED. Something in good condition and clean that a down payment of $2000 will han dle. No agents. R. 635, Oregonian. I HAVE $1000 to Invest; would buy half interest in auto body and blacksmithinj? business (I am a blacksmith); will con sider any kind of manufacturing busi ness with my service; no agents, Y 677. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. TO LEASE. UNFURNISHED., S7 ROOMS. 5-YEAR STRAIGHT LEASE, CONCRETE BLDG., RENT $200; GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR RE SALE. DEKUM & JORDAN, 323-4 CHAM. OF COM. BDWY. 2240. HOTELS TRADE FOR OTHER PROP ERTY Over 100 rooms; brick bldg., transient and h. k. ants. Long lease. A big money maker; walking distance: price right. May take either a smaller place or a suburban farm. Also close-In w. s. 40-room transient hotel, under fine lease: new furniture. Rooming house or securities as partial payment. Many other hotel or apt. trades. O. H. SKOTHETM REALTY" CO.. 4th Floor Couch Bldg.. 4th St. nr. Wash. NOB HILL. 1 BLOCK OFF WASHINGTON ST. 10 rooms, all fine furniture, hardwood floors, 3 baths, all rooms rented. This Is a real buy, $700 will handle, small balance. See McCauley, HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 3626. WHITE T'EMPLlE LOCATION -BARGAIN. Simply a dandy; 14-room house, net . ting now over $100; has gas ranges, Brood furniture and water, all ants. Can be bought for about $100 a room. A real buy. Terms, hair cash. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO..' 4th Floor Couch Bldg.. 4-th St. nr. Wash. HIGH-CLASS family hotel, making from $500 to $600 per month. This is a good, clean house. Fuji price $15,000; to -handle, $11,000 cash. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405, Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. SECURITIES WANTED. Mortgages and securities wanted as down payment on hotel and, apt. house. See Mr. George, O'FARRELL-GRELLNER. 338-40 Cham, of Com Bid. Bdwy. 4172. BEAUTIFUL, nice, clean, modern flat, 6 rooms, close In, west side, all light out side rooms, open hall, 3 rooms rented, elegant furnishings, some mahogany; leaving city; bargain; $450. See Garland, 260 Taylor. . NOB HILL. 18 rooms, good lease, low rent; a bar gain for only $1600; $1000 cash bandies this or will trade for smaller place. W. A. CARROLL, 424 Lumbermena Bldg. . Bdwy. 7954. GOING EAST MUST? SELL. " Best close-in set of 8 3-room apts., to tal 19 rooms; block off Washington st., at 21st. All new and up to date. Owner will sacrifice to leave June 1. Call Main 1075. 9 ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING. White Temple district; rent $40; good Income; corner location; only $850; terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 40-1-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. $3500 HOTEI-3500. . 40 rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, mostly outside rooms; full to ca pacity. Full price $6500. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 338-40 Cham, of Com Bid. Bdwy. 4172. BARNEY JOHNSON & CO., REALTORS, 170 10th St. 25 H, K, rooms, all on one floor, clean and good furniture; rent $60; 4-year lease; west side; clears $160 and own apt.: $3r"00; terms. BE VAN'S BARGAINS. 36-ROOM APARTMENT. BRICK BUILDING, LOW RENT. GOOD LEASE AND GOOD TERMS. CALL 268 MONTGOMERY ST. 1 3-ROOM house, all h. k.. full first-class furniture and carpets, electric lights, furnace, clean and bargain. $2100. only $550 cash, terms; west side; no agents: sold by ownf-r. Main 8253. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? DO YOU WANT TO SELL? SEE US! 115 Grand Avenue. East 6439. BUNDY & ORR, Leading Apartment House Dealers. HAVE 12 rooms furniture in best location in city; new rugs, solid oak furniture; reasonable rent; will -take chattel mort gage or $500 cash first payment. 191 Park st. 50 ROOMS Cheap rent, with long lease; always full; can net $300; good location; good place to clean, make several thou sand. Full price $2000, terms. 191 Park street. $300 CASH payment for dandy rooming house; ideal location; two baths, all good furniture; three more rooms to furnish. 191 Park st. 9 ROOMS, good furniture: income and nice place to live; must be seen to be appreciated; $1200. with 80O down. 283 N. 24th st. Main 3862. OWNER will give 5-year lease on modern apt. building, close in, west side loca tion; no furniture; no bonus. Address AJ 57T, Oregonian. OWNER leaving state, will sell, small pay ment down, and easy terms ; 9 rooms, extra good furniture, furnace, fireplace, ' yard. 114 N. 23d. 6-ROOM house worth $25. furniture for sale, 19 H. K. rooms net $165, furnishing good, rent $75. 201 10th. WILL sell lease and furniture on 16 rooms, all high-class furniture. Call Bdwy. 1934. 9 H. K ROOMS,, walking distance, west side; rent $25; price $900. Phone M. 6088 or 513-23, WANTED Someone who has a rooming house to trade for excellent transient hotel nt $13.500. Broadway 0787. 14 ROOllS h. k., $35; good furniture; will easily net $100. Price $1800, half cash. 361 11th st. INTEREST of Princess hotel for sal at reasonable price. Call Bdwy. 2804. WANTED A rooming Bro-idwar 67S7. house bargain. THREE or five-year lease of 60 rooms, $5 a room rent. 191 Park. POLLY AND (SREAT (SuOS. aa' "'Call j Newspaper Farm Service. Inc. Cret Britain ri(ht IIE'D HAVE IT'ALI, IN PENNIES, TOO. BY CXIFP STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . Hotels and Rooming Houses. NORTHWEST INVESTMENT CO. 13 rooms, close in; $1000 will handle this place. This la not junk but a good clean place. 26 rooms, good lease; $1200, balance easy. This is a splendid buy. 45 rooms. This is a fine apartment house; elevator and all modern, good lease; price reasonable with good terms, 84 rooms, modern and a. high-class place; Grand ave. jf We have .. several small apartment houses, modern and we consider a good buy. Here is a 24-room transient hotel, lease, brick building and can be bought very reasonable. 735 Chamtyr of Commerce. Bdwy. 1529. RIERDON REALTY CO., 637 Pittock Block. A real up-town hotel of 72 rms.; modern, corner brick bidg., with ground-floor lobby; furnishings are good; lease 44 years. $15,000 required; small balance monthly. RIERDON REALTY CO,. - 637 Pittock Block. MARY J5. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg, Main 8560. 13 ROOMS, STRICTLY HIGH CLASS. A beautiful home clearing $00 per month. Newly and completely iurnisnen In mahoeranv and unnolstered. wonderful rugs and drapes. Large , lawn with shrubbery and fruit trees. Nothing bet ter in the eity for this price. Full price $2850, with $1500 cash. ROOMING HOUSES. 19 rooms, close in; can be had at a bargain; make us an offer. 18 rooms, $2050; $1000 down, balance by the mcnth; large fine rooms; always full; west side. 19 rooms with elegant furniture. R-year lense, reasonable rent, good location. Country hotel for $7000, In the finest town in Willamette valley, 40 rooms, pri vate baths, a good one. Weston & Co., 1206 N. W. Bank bldg. 103 ROOMS. 'HOTEL. 103 ROOMS. 103-room hotel, with hot and cold water in all rooms, 4-story brick bldg., better than average furniture: lease over fair; electric elevator, good net income; will consider good mtg. or some Portland real estate as part payment. Price $17, 000. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 338-40 Cham, of Com Bid. Bdwy. 4172. WALKING DISTANCE. 20 rooms, all housekeeping, al( good furniture, gas ranges, has 2-yeari lease, $55 per month. This place must be sold. See it and make an offer. Will con sider some trade. See McCauley, HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg., Bdwy. 8626. 20 ROOMS, all housekeeping; apartments; some with large kitchens, two baths, newly renovated, painted inside and out; very attractive and the best place to keep filled In the city; rent only $70; fine net income. $1500 handles, balance SJo per month. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger bldg. NOB HILL. , 45-room modern brick apartment, all 2s and 3s. 5-year lease, reasonable rent. goor furniture, every room and outside rooms tight and airy; $ti0UU will handle easy terms on balance. See McCauley, HILLER BROS., REALTORS, 211 Railway Ech. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. APARTMENT HOUSS SPECIAL. 15 apts., private baths, choice west side location, consisting of 51 rooms, rent only $275; lease over the fair and shows a net or over j-iuu per montn. Price $13,000, with $8000 cash. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 2249. 20-ROOM APT., GOOD LEASE. Income about $200; rent $80, close In, walking distance; price $3000; terms, or win traae ior small nouse up to J3uut. Seeing is believing. Come out, will show you. See JOHN BROWN CO.. REALTOR. 322 Ry. Exch. Bidg Bdwy. 6301. WHITE TEMPLE. 19 rooms, all on one floor; all house keeping: close in. corner location: net- tins $110 per month; 4-year lease, $U0 month; $1000 cash will handle; small bal. 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. MARY E. LENT COMPANY, 623-4-5 N. W. BANK BLDG. EXCLUSIVE BROKERS OF HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSES, ROOMING HOUSES AND LEASES. SIXTEEN YEARS IN THIS BUSI NESS IN PORTLAND. 11 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. All full, good furniture, clean ; rent $3o; rood ineome; only $850 with terms. First time offered. A snap. See it Thursday sure. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor. 405-6 Panama. Bldg. 3d and Alder. FOR QUICK SALE list your hotels, apartment or rooming houses with us; your intereets will al ways be proteoted; we have cash buyers waiting lor your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeorf Bid. GOOD BUY OUT OF TOWN. white pressed brick, modern apt. house, 24 apts., good lease, rent $215, nets over $425, everything in good shape, price $10,000. For full particulars and picture see air. i ice. THOMSON. 020-21 Henra Bldg. CLOSE IN. 11 rooms, housekeeping, dandy loca tdon, walking distance; always full rent only $40; good net; $330 cash, bal ance easy. zio Ry. .Exchange bldg. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. APARTMENT SPECIAL. Brick building, good lease; makes $500 per month-- full priee, $1,000; terms $8500 cash, balance easy; G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405, Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. $850 CASH. 10-room rooming house, furnace heat, nice yard, homey place, nets $85 a month besides own apt. This is a real snap, 115 GKAND AVE. EAST 6434. BUNDY & ORR, Leading Apartment House Dealers. LOOK This west side close in ant. build' ing and good furniture; $5000 cash will handle; total price $9500. This place . has good income. Buy this and. stop worrying about lease. 21a Ry. Excnange , bidg. .tsawy. esus. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. . ROOMING HOUSE. $700 down, 25 rooms, long lease, shows $150 monthly net; full price only $2700. See Mr. George. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172, WEST SIDE hotel, 40- rooms, reasonable rent; nets $400 per month; $13,500 to nanaie; $souu casn. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405, Stock Exch, Bldg. " Main 4354. 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch in good transient location. Elec, oak dressers; nets $35, $450: one-third cash. 52 N. 0th st., near Davis. Hotels and Rooming Houses Wanted. LEASE and furnishings small apt. house; east or west side; gve price; no agents. AN 694, Oregonian. VANT rooming house, 15 to 30 rooms; have $3000 cash; must be good- K 690, Oregonian. WANTED 15 to 20 unfurnished rooms by June 1. prefer west side. Chas. Green, 86 Russell st. Phone Eat 4754. HOTEL About 20 rooms. Broadway 3668. LOST AND FOUND. LOST EASTERN STAR PIN. 3003. . LOST Fischer choker around 3 o'clock Wednesday. Sellwood 235. HER PALS EF?. WELL VfcU'LL- ADMIT , That it oooul-d LOOK "TiAjy Feet'. T d f i i ii m. ill LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co,, May 23; 7 umbrellas. 6 lunch boxes, 3 purses, pair glasses. 2 suit cases, hand bag, 4 gloves, 3 books, 12 packages, Eversharp pencil,1 book school tiekets, sword strap, wire pliers, fox fur, tablet, 2 music rolls, saxophone, suit box, atone from ring. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder street station. LOST A 6-skin mink, fur, either in down town district or in lavatory of the Im perial hotel. Call Main 4911 or turn in to the McRae Petticoat shop an 10th. Liberal reward. LOST Small shaggy white dog with brown back and tips of ears black, an swers to name Kurly, strayed from car near 5th and Jefferson. Finder phone Automatic 329-78 and receive reward. LOST Monday morning, on E. 35th St., Hawthorne car,, or Washington St., lady'e wrist watch. Reward. McKay, Bdwy. 6121. LOST Ruby 'Lavalliere," heart shape, set , with about 7 rubies, rope gold chain; valued as . keepsake; reward. Call Wood lawn 721. LOST Male white and black Japanese spaniel on 17th st. and Buchtel ave. Phone 230-56. Reward for return. LOST Elk's tooth. No. 11MS, initials G. N. B.. at auditorium Saturday night. Call Wood lawn 2230. Reward. LOST Cameo brooch in Sellwood park or Seliwood car. Finder please phone East 6132. Reward. LOST Sometime Saturday a bunch of keys attached to a belt hook, finder please call Bdwy. 4664 or Bdwy. 7631. LOST $15 between Multnomah and Broad way, on 24th, Liberal reward. Call East 6470. LOST Brown velvet purse on Irvington car, Tuesday, May 23. Phone East 39 a. Reward. LOST White male bull terrier pup; wore otacK collar. s Reward. pnone Tabor 5680. LOST Blaek and white bob-tailed collie named Jerry, license number 8787. Phone East 6130; reward. LOST Man's gold ring, bloodstone setting with crest ; generous reward ottered Call 632-81. Return glove cleaning counter Chaa. p. Berg. FOUND Bicycle No. 951990. Apply 109 IS. 17th st. LOST Bunch keys on email ring. Finder can labor aaoi ior rewara. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. CIRCULAR NO. 564 Sealed proposals will De received at otnee or General Pur chasing Agent, Alaskan Engineering commission. Room 422 Bell Street Terminal, Seattle, Wash., not later than 11 A. M., June 2, 1922, for furnishing 70 pound Rail, Angle Bars, Track Spikes, Tie Plates, Nutiocks, Nails, Boat Spikes, Rail Benders, Corrugated Galvanized Roofing, Structural Steel, Glass, Veloci pedes and Manila Rope. Copies of this circular may be obtained upon applica tion at this office, from Alaskan En gineering commlssien, 204 New Postof fice building, Portland, Or., and Alaskan Engineering commission, 306 Custom house. Ban Francisco, Cal. C. IS. Dole, General Purchasing Agent. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Washington D. C. April 26, 1922, Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the acts of June 9, 1816 (39 Stat., 218). and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat.. 758), and the instruc tions of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 1017 (46 L. D., 447). and June 22, 1920 (47 L. D., 411), the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock A. M. on June 22, 1922, at pub lie auction at the United States land of fice at Fortland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value a shown by this notice, sale to b subject to the approval of the secretary oi ine interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for (he timber wnicn must be removed within ten veara Bids will be received from citizens of the United Statea associations of such citi zens and corporations organized under tne laws ot tne united states or anj state, territory or district thereot only. Upon application of a qualified pur chaser, the timber on any legal sub division will be offered separately befor being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 3 8., K. S S., Sec, 1. Lot 3, red fir 615 M. red cedar 55 M, white fir 135 M; Lot 11. red fir 25 M. none of the red fir and red cedar timber to be sold for less than $1.50 per M, and none of the white fir timber to be sold for less than 50 cents per M. T. 8 S., R. 6 W., Sec. 17, SEVi NWi, red fir 980 M. none of the red fir Umber to be sold for less than $2 per M. WILLIAM SPRtf, Commissioner, General Land Office. I AM NO longer responsible for bills con tracted by the !Army & Navy Smoke Shop. J. E. CUNIFF, JR. FINANCIAL. CHEAPER, FARM LOANS. PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES' AND PROMPT SERVICE. Five and seven-year loans, requiring no repayment of principal before ma turity. AND WITH OPTIONAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES OF $100 OR MUL TIPLE ON ANY INTEREST DATE. Ten-year and 20-year loans, with EASY AMORTIZED ANNUAL PAYMENTS after the third year, with additional prepay ment privileges If desired. . VERMONT LOAN & TRUST CO. Oregon Agents : HAWKINS & ROBERTS. 205 OREGON BLDG. Salem, Oregon. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED, f TOTJ BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO : BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. FEAR & GRAY. 102 FOURTH STREET, BUT BONDS AND MORTGAGES, MAKE FARM LOANS THROUGHOUT OREGON AND WASHINGTON AND COLLATERAL LOANS ON THE SE CURITY OF MARKETABLE BONDS AND STABLE LISTED STOCKS. WILL buy first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E, Bowman & Co., 210 Cham, of Com. b!dg. Bdwy. 6007 SELLERS' CONTRACTS and second mort gages bought and sold. C. De Young & - Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate, Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. STATE BANK DEPOSITORS, ATTEN TION Will pay cash for your account Immediately. 207 Stock Exchange bldg. WILL buy SMALL CONTRACT or SECOND mortgage. Gordon, 631 C. of Com, bldg. I'-UY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. LOANS and securities. Broadway 58U0 Lee Davenport, 612 Buchanan bldg. Stocks and Bonds. CITY warrants bearing 7 Interest In denominations between $123 and $200. This is an attractive Investment. AN 506, Oregonian. Money to Loan on Real Estate. LOANS at current rates on well-Improved farms and city property. K. K. Baxter, tspaiaing oiog. $10C0 TO $5000 TO LOAN; my own money. B 681, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with Interest: you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment pTivllegss. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main 830S. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE." has come from the east for residence, apartment houses and. other income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. 'No penalties, no renewal charges. Building loans also. Other funds as since 1907. LARGE AMOUNTS. Central Business Property 6. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDET CO.. United States Bank Bldg. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan: $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $25.36 per mortth for 48 months, or $111.24 per month for 60 months, or $16:60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan- of $1000 and interest. Other amounts in same proportion. City loans on improved property or for improvement purposes, no commissions. Renavment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., stark St., Portland. Or. CITY LOANS ON GOOD RESIDENCES. or business property, either straight or monthly payment plan. Lowest interest rate. No delays. We are prepared to assist you in financing your home or apartment nouse. Mr. Martin, Loan Department. COB A. McKENNA & Co.. 82 Fourth St. Bdwv. 7522. MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Have private money to loan on good city property; we can make your loans without delay; we will inspect wour prop erty same day that you put your appli cation in for loan. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. Lewis Bldg. 275 Oak St. Ihone Broadway 6000. $250. $400. $500. llfiO. $1000 AND UP. WE SPECIALIZE in small mortgage loans. IjOW rates Kasy payments if desired. Quick action Small business loans. Second mortgages and contracts. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. SIX PER CENT. INSURANCE COMPANY money for RESIDENCE LOANS. Also farm loans. Quick Service. Liberal Repayment Privleges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third St. Broadway 6063. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property, lowest rates, no commission on choice loans, long, time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, second mortgages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Bdwy. 2021. Wilcox Bldg MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lower rates en city or country property, prompt and helpful service. PAGET & PAGET, Realtors, 283 Stark st., Bet. 4th & 5th. Bdy. 8704. MORTGAGE LOANS. on farm or city property; prompt and neiprui service; UDeriJ repayment prxv lieges; lowest rates ' WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 FOURTH ST., PORTLAND, OR. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no deiaya DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS jn improved farms and city property;- favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD, 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. $10,000 AND $15,000 ON HAND for good city improved loan. GEO. J. SCHAEFER. 817 Bd. of Tr. HAVE $1000, $1500, $3000, $5000 to loan at 7 per cent on approved security; prompt, reliable service. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114 MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Grouna Floor. Henry Bldg. SHORT-TIME second mortgage loans to responsible home ownera MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO., 823 Gasco Building. MORTGAGE LOANS In sums to suit: city. farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. Broadway T407 WrILLIAM G. BECK, 213 Failing Bldg, $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. IX TO SEVEN per cent; private money for immediate laan in small amounts : $2500 or less. See A. K. Hill, 4S6 Lumbermens Bui-dm& MORTGAGE leans on city property, lowest rates; prompt action. WITH AM-REED CO., Main 1492. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO. 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. SECOND AND STARK STS. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate low rates, no delays. C. C De Young & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. $200,1 $4U0, $500, $750. $1000 AND UP; low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co., (32 Caamber of Commerce. HAVE $800 to loan on improved property, iUSiNrt VV. UUUUAKD, WJSALTUa, 243 Stark Street. Bdwy. 7S31. QUICK SERVICE for good loans in an proved residential districts at 7 per cent Yoke, 1136 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 4179. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate: favorable terms; no delay. brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bidg MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates ot interest. Otto Harkson Realty co., io cnan. or com. 7 PER CENT money for loans on improved city property. S. S. Gillespie, 703 Dekum bidg $300, $500. $750, $1000, 51500 OR LARGER amounis to loan, c u. aiurton, eii: Wor cester bldg., 3d and Oak. Tel. 511-25. MORTGAGE LOAN 3, and 7 per cent Solomon & Co.. 307 Railway Exch. bldg. $05,000, DIVIDE $1000. $1S00, $2000, $3000, $0000.' $10,000. $40,000. Epton. East 7504. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed In storage with us at regular bank rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO, Fourth and Pine sts. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DAN MARX & CO., 315 Washington st., near otn st. ; estaoiisiiea over 3 vears only high-class jewelry store in city with loan department in connection ; private rooms ior ladies; business strictly con fidential; under state supervision; all ar ticles held one year. Do business with an old-established firm. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co., bzj Gasco bldg. (zJ oh! pa. DGfcJT GaV tm ) j I f-y MOST -ADORABLE ThiaJSS "? ) FINANCIAL. Money to Toan Chattels and salaries DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE 7 YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts wa will pay them up and advance you mora money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security in your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO; MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates rea sonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed). 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Broadway 5837. S. W. Cor.Third and Washington, SALAR Y LO A NS S A L A R Y. We loan money to salaried and work ing men on their personal notes; rates reasonable; easy payment plan; no .-security.; no indorscr. All business strictly confidential. Call and investigate our system of lending mnv. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT. (Licensed). 218 Falling Bldg. Bdwy, 690 i . MONEY to loan on diamonds and jewelry; confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co., 283 Washington st. Broadwav 6725. AIONEY to loan; diamonds, jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held one year. Vinos' Jewelry, corner Third and Washington. Loans Wanted. FRANK L. McGUiKE, witn ms years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is in a position to safeguard your every interest In locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice or personal services. Lot us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager loan department.- Ablngtoa building! Bdwy. 7171. WANTED From private party on first mortgage - $1250 3 years at 7 per cent. $1000 3 years at 7 per cent. $ 500 3 years at 8 per cent. W. W, SABIN, REALTOR. 4032 Union Ave. N. ' Woodlawn WANTED FOR 1ST MORTGAGE LOAN3 $;i,r)0 $500 $000 $700 $800 on im proved Portland properties; interest 8 per cent ; loans made without expensa to lender. Fred W. German Co., 733 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE- $25,000 mortgage at 6 on isa-acre rarm, adjoining Medtord ; finest of alfalfa land and one of. shor places around Medford; value $80,000. Apply Oregon Investment & Mtge. Co., 210 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. WILL py S per cent on two email loana. JfioO eacn, new J-roora bungalows, near iinton cariine. Also have good loaa f $300 In Rose City Park. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT COw 230 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. FOR SALE $2500 first mortgage, 7, t complete e-room modern house on a acre ground, Alberta district. Apply Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co., 210 Exchange blng., 2d and Stark sta FOR SALE $1200 first mortgage, 8J lot BOxloO, on Knott St., between Will iams and Union ave. Oregon Inv. Mtge. Co., 210 Exchange bldg., 2d and, Stark sts. MONEY WANTED Have party wanting. $3500 on $8000 property. 3 years, 7. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 60O6. MONEY WANTED Have party wanting $2230 on a new 5-room bungalow. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6008. $0000 WANTED for 3 years at S per cent; gooa paying ousmess property ; ampm Security. See T. L. Dunsmore. 2;W CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. $25,000, FIVE YEARS, at 6 per cent, on A-l modern west siae, ciose-m u,uuw building. D 605, Oregonian. $000 OR $700 WANTED on cozy little Rose City farK Dungaiow, just aoia ir iuou, m blocks to car. Tabor B559. DESIRE LOAN, $2000, good security, in come bearing property; private individ uals only. AL 696. Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING, 2D ANi STARK STREETS. WANT $2000 loan, 3 to 5 years at 7 no brokerage; on new house just com. pleted worth $5000. BJ 002. Oregonian. $3."iU0 ON $10,000 residence for S or 5 years at 77c. Private mony; no dto- k erage. - BJ 6fl2, Oregonian. - WANTED $,"i00 for 6 months at S per cent; $2200 contract as security. J. De Fehr, 1202 E. 23d. N. i WOULD like to borrow about $1S50 ott very nice house worth $4500; good inter est. Phone Aut, 628-25. . WANTED $2000 on R. C. Park bungalow. R. J. McGuire, 545 N. Union ave. $2000 WANTED on good Rose City bunga low. R. L. Yoke, 1130 N. W. Bk bldg. $00UI MORTGAGE ror sale, 7& per cenc. quarterly. John Bain, 007 Spalding bldsa PERSONAL. PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guarantee given; no need ot knife, no pain, continue work. Ask to see Gle-o-nia Pile treatment. Stout Lyona Drug Co., 3d and Morrison, 5th. and Washington, Broadway and Stark. BRAIN and body building by higher phy sical culture, self-polarizing the body for magnetic energy, Chroroo therapeutic or curing by light and color, light and col or massage; my proof is result, 803 Jefferson st. Call Main 3520. DR. NETTIE BENSON Electric cabinet and mineral steam baths, hot and cold showers, expert massage, electric, violet ray, mechancphysicultopathy, traction treatments for chronic ailments and obesity. 711 Swetland bldg., Bdwy. 679g. SAN FRANCISCO $17.50. BY PICKWICK TWIN SIX PACK ARD; BEAUTIFUL TRIP; REGULAR SCHEDULES. M. BOLLAM, 122 3D ST, PHONE BDWY. 7326. iUSS BEE RANDALL, trained nurse, give best steam baths, violet ray, electrio and vibratory massages tn city. AH patients given personal care. 215 fiwet land bldg. II GETS both feet fired up at Dr. Eaton's the chiropodist and ARCH SPECIALIST, who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. here; exam-, free. Blue Mouse bldg., 11th and Wash, ASTHMA can be permanently cured; my treatment gives Immediate relief and all symptoms disappear within two weeks. P. o. dox uuo. WHY DIET 7 EAT WHAT YOU WANT I Mme. Le Marie, glandular therapy, tha perfect flesh reducer; 424 Columbia st. Phone Main 4337. JAZZ beginners or advanced guaranteed. Summer rates $1.50 a week, total $15, Practice rooms free. Parker Plana school, 514 Eilers bldg., Wah. st at 4th, CHIROPODIST, MANICURIST, MASSAGE, under medical supervision; open evgs., Sundays; formerly 210 Alisky, now 31U Tilford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts. 2 YOUNG men would like to communi cate with party going to San Francisco i will drive party down and share all expenses. References. Bdwy. 6S75. MISS WALLACE, late of Vancouver. B. C chiropodist and manicurist, face ana scalp massage. 3504 Morrison st. Apartment 214. No phone calls. ViT-O-NET sweat body massage, Radianl light, Violet Ray treatment for colda, sciatica, neuritis, circulation; 10 to 7 daily. 450 Morgan bldg.- Main 757ft. EXPERIENCED nurse gives steam bathst hot or cold showers and body massage. 322 Flledner bldg.. 10th and Washington, INSTRUCTIONS in scenario writing, acta and songs written to suit; for appoint- ment, Thomas, 227 V Wash, st. MASSAGE FOR LUMBAGO, ETC ' 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4tJj and 5th, 10 to 9 P. M. Also Sundays. BEAUTY parlor course evenings at special summer rates. Madam Curtis, 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6902. REDUCE your weight without drugs, diet or exercise; consult an obesity specialist. Dr. Folk, 609 Raleigh bldg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moies, warts, re- moved by 10-needle method, trial free, josie Flnley. 514 Bush & Lane. Main 6363. SAFIS and sure Bed Fox headache powders 25c and 60c. your druggists or P. o. box 481. Portland. THE much-talked-of Vaaer, Wash., treat ments can be had at 509-12 Raleiga bldg. 327 Washington, cor, eth. BATHS, body massage, lor rheumatism, constipation, kidneys. Dr. Bina Sorent sen, SOH Panama bldg. Bdwy. TOSrt. FEBVET Sl HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, permanent marcel and water waving. 849 Alder. Main 546. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Seo ond and Morrison. " REJUVKNAT- your lireed and nervous body by a scientific massage. Dr. Ovida Larsen. 634 Morgan bidg. Main 1999. DR. NET-EL, treats rheumatism; mas cage, baths. 546 Columbia St. Main 5508. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youf See vierecK, collectors, uoKum bldg. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. S44 E 83d. Sail. 2213 mornings. PROSTATE trouble cured withouto pera tion. Dr. R. A. Phillips. Bdwy. bldg. REDUCE your weight without drugs. Elis abeth Marshelle. 8lW Bdwy. bldg. Port. land. MINERAL steam baths, massage, violet ray. Hours 10 to 8. 4-6 Clay. Main 8359. SAN FRAN'CISCO, $15. Slags leaving Fri day. 8 A. M., from Alder hotel. MY CREAMS will positively remove wrln kles: free demonstration. Marshall 312. CABINET baths, massage, electrical treat ments. Tabor 8844. Bdwy. 3259. H. C. V. DOLLY NORTON, MANICURIST, 405 BUCHANAN BLDG. NURSE Formerly Third st., now 501 Gan ing (L, Woodliwu 6-3.