22 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1933 firrcAnoya waxtetv fbmat.e. MIDDLE-AG ED widow, no encumbrance, would take charge of apartment house r hotel, or housekeep in widower's borne; reference; experienced. N 67T, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER, Dosition in widower' a home, very fond of children, references exchanged; willing to leave city. BJ 605, Oregonian. REiFLNlE woman want position of house keeping for bachelor or In email family; very experienced cook; beat references. AH t.Q, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER'S position out of city, have one child; must be clean; will go to Seaside. Marshall 260. room 4. LADY wishes position as manager of small apt. or looming house."" Experienced. Phone Main 2u."3. POSITION1 as housekeeper: one child. Pull 372 Hawthorne ave., apt. 47., GOOD, neat, reliable cook wishes country or seaside plae for June 1 or at once. BC W2, Oregonian. BY ELDERLY lady, light work in plain home; no laundry. Mar. 3900. House clean i ng. DAY WORK, washing, cleaning. Main 6077. WANTED TO RENT. Kimfees. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE Have two responsible parties wanting to rent a furnished house, rent no object if you have something good; well located. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. PHONE BP WY. 6006. UNFURNISHED strictly modern house with garage, by man and. wife. Prefer suburban or country place or with large yard. Beet of references furnished, will lake lease. Call Kelt wood 2715. 1VE HAVE many calls for houses and flats and can rent yours; .et s handle your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO., 230 Stark St, SMALL house in Rose City Park district, either furnished or unfurnished; no children. Tahor 4661. WANTED to rent by June 1, 4 or 5-room furnished house. Call East 3238 after 6 P. M. 4-5-ROOM partly furnished modern bun galow. Broadway 1676. WANTED 2 unfurnished rooms, heat and bath, near the old postoffice; 4 years in last place. H 697, Oregonian. Koc-.-ns With Board. YOUNG man and elderly mother desire place, east side, near car, garage, give phone, location. AO 697, Oregonian. SOMEONE to keep 6-year-old giri by month; prefrr near 32d and Belmont. Address 071 Belmont St. FOR RENT. BONNIE BRAE has S nice rooms in base ment, in fact a real apartment, $15. E. 11th and Hancock sts. Furnished Rooms. BACHELOR QUARTERS. Suite with bath; also single rooms with or without bath, from $20 par month up. 186 ST, CLAIR, COR WASHINGTON. Phone Broaflv. ay 5830. ANGELA HOTEL, 0-3 Washington at. A clean, respectable place to live; free phones In ach room, automatic e leva tor large', comfortable lobby, restau rant in connection, near Washington park. Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rates, day, week or month. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH; QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; (1.25 PER DAI, 3 PER WK. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE BEVERLEY HOTEL, COR. PARK AND YAMHILL. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Modern, respectable, clean and newly furnished suites and single rooms; one blk. from theater and shopping dirtrlct. ANSONIA HOTEL. 324 14th st., at Washington; rate $3 per week and up, $1 day ; fireprpof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-prfeed rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A. with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. GRANT HOTEL, 451 Washington St New management caters to respectable people. Elegant rooms with private bath. Rates by week or month. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up; private bath, $8; fireproof and clean; close to business center. ROOMS. ROOMS. ROOMS. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207H to 211 4th St.; centrally located; rates Toe, $1, $1.50 per day; with bath, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Special rates $4 per week and up. MATTHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up; clean, light; hot and cold water; steam heat; elevator service. 204 Columbia, WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason ab ie rates by we-k or month. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement. 632 y Washington st. Modern. private baths, free phona ; reasonable rate; a.au weea up. uroaaway oaai; HOTEL CONRAD1NE, 22 North 10th st.. 2 blocks north of Washington st . fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates py cay or week. HOTEL BRISTOL, 13 12th St.. cor. Sark. Under new management; modern: pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates; $5 and up; hot ana cold water, steam heat. SLEEPING rooms by week. $1.50 to S2.50 first 0 weeks for 4 weeks' rent; board if wanted ; also housekeeping rooms, at oss Delay st. .. WHY NOT have a furn. apt. while in town? 3 mod. room, private bath, $12.50 per week. san Marco. Btn ana couch. East 1090. THE ST. PA.UL, Fourth and Alder: A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL; (1 up. ttatea oy wees or montn. 50c DAY, $2.50 week up; large, absolutely ctean rms.; Dams iree: water always hot. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. MARLYN HOTEL. Cor. 17th and Couch; large, well fur nished modern rooms, reasonable rates. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streeti. Special permanent rates. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Uth St.. near Mor rlaon Clean and modern rooms by day, wpk. qi muum at rna.3ona.oie rates. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at Iftth- $1 a day; weekly $3 and up; free phone ana pains; nsm. ana airy; steam neat. FURNISHED sleeping rooms by the day or week.. 400 Morrison st., west side. Hy- iana KjJi. rnqn e m ar. zoo. SLEEPING ROOMS One basement room eneap. o i j rinity place. Bdwy. j" LARGE FURN. KM. FOR 2 IN LARGE hJAlK. tbUSK IN. 243 11TH ST. LARGE nicely furnished room. 738 John son, bet. 22d and 23c. Main 3796. DESIRABLE room to gentleman, close in, reierencca. again ovvj. 33U 3 3th St. Unfurnished Rooms. z rLHAbA.N r iront rooms; light, water ana patn inciuaeq. Fhone Tabor 6063. Furnished ttootns in Private Family. WEST SIDE, near public library, front room, ciean ana airy, o:g ciotnes closet; in modern f lat no carfare. 228 loth st IF YOU are looking for a real home, walk ing distance, room, well furnished and clean, your breakfast if desired. Phone Bdwy. 84)48. 591 H Davis st. EXCLUSIVE front suite and single rooms. running water, twin beds, phone, splen did view, fine garage, close to business conter. 321 12th, corner of Clnv. VERY attractive rooms, beautifully fur nished, par.or, pian, home privileges; rates $3.50 up. 61 N. 18th st. Broadway 2721. NOB HILL Large, comfortable room In private family, hot and cold running water, reasonable. Y77 Irving at Main 8566, NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms, ba th and phone free, $3 a month. Main 1207. ftOO 6th st. COSY front room; a man accustomed to nice things; quiet, modern place. Mar shall 1780. 362 H Park, cor. Mill. DEZENDORF Apartment: laree room with alcove, furnished, ivory enameled bed- room suite, apt. 3Q4. Mar. 2401. FRONT room, suitable for one or two ladles or married couple employed; one, $10; two. $15. Nenr Oaks. Sell. 1938. IRVINGTON. Eleyan-tly furnished room, Broadway or -irvingron car, cast -tut a. WELL-FURNISHED rooms for business man with nice family; board, convenient waiKjng aiatance. n.ast CORNER room, choice residence district, gentleman only, $12.50 per month. Woodlawn 675. GOOD home, with widow lady for glrl"or woman, reasonable; all home privileges. Tabor 42m. FRONT room, well furnished, 3 windows. large porch, modern. 327 6th. Marshall 57K4. VERY deeirabie sleeping rooms; close in. 330 Park. Main 2973. NICELY furnished front room with private both. Phone East 2905. 760 E. Main, CLEAN, cosy room in modern, private home, very reasonable. 1032 East 17th N. SLEEPING room, nicely furnished, With bath. $15 a month. 412 E. 9th N. NKATLY furnl.-hed clean room in nice borne; ca.y walking distance. 215 lltii. FOR RENT. Rooms With Bonrd. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23T) AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, (2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meats served to tranidents. HEREFORD HOTEL, 735 HOYT ST. NEW MANAGEMENT. Exceptionally nice suite, suitable for 2 or 3 persons ; spacious lobby and porches ; home comforts ; good meals reasonable. Main 3303. C'H ESTER BUR V HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by day. week or month. At pals served to transients. NORTON1A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. R'asonaWe rates. WHITEHALL HOTEL. 253 6th st. Portland's downtown hotel; excellent board and modern rooms; single and en suite: rates $45 month and up. Cater to transients. PARK VIEW HOTEL. West Park and Montgomery. r Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. ROOMS with meals for men and women In smalt boarding house; rates reasonable. 77u Marshall. Main 4878. FOR TWO GENTLEMEN. Sleeping porch with large dressing room; meals if dpslred. Main 3305 ROOM and board for business girl ; " afl modern conveniences: walking distance, 5 per week. Auto 219-74. 12 E. 7th St. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th, large outside rooms; modern conveniences; walking distance. ROOMS with board, private bath, by June 1; also single rooms. Alain 3S42. 1 VACANCY, single room, best of food, a real home. Mar. 416, KMms With Board In Private Fb inily. ROOM with meals for 3 or 8 persons strictly private family, Willametts Heights; wonderful view; hardwood floors, private lavatory, hot and cold water, fireplace, sleeping porch, splendid home cook:ng; all home privileges; also dressing room with porch; large enough for 1 or 2 beds; references. Main 511. BEAUTIFUL home In Ladd's Addition, board and room in private family, laun dry included; gentlemen preferred. It is worth considering. References. East 7-135. ONE LARGE room with 2 beds. 1 small room, good, hot water and shower bath. first-class table board with home com forts. 631 Gllsan. WILL board girl 10 or older, take to beach ror summer, very reasonable; nice home; best references. Airs. M. C. Bethel, 128 . 3th st. HOME for young men employed, pleasant surroundings; nome privileges; good home cooking; walking distance. 285 14th st., cor. Jefferson. LOVELY home offers excellent board. airy, sunny roomB. with twin beds, lawn and trees, walking distance. Bdwy. 4314. IRVINGTO N- BEAUTIFUL CORNER ROOM. ALL MODERN CONVEN IENCES; BEST HOME COOKING; GA RAGE. EAST 6645. WANTED Children to care for In my country home, $15 per month. Address Mrs, u. i. ijest. North Plains, Or. ROOM and board In private family for 1 or gentlemen ; aiso garage; just otf Broadway. 350 E. 0th st. N. East 8172. A REAL home with room and board, laun dry, ror refined gentleman. Phone Woodlawn 1107. PRIVATE home, children, mother's care. 20 years' exp. 714 Everett st. Mar 2162. SELECT private boarding; choice homo district, nr. Multnomah club. Main 221si. NICE ROOM, good home cooking, $30 per mo. 121 J. JItn st. Phone East 2a'2Z. ROOM with board for two, close in; va cant June i. asz suits. ROOM and board in private family 5or 1 or z men. can ;ast Dbua. WILL board small chl.dren, day or week; motnero care. aui. ozu-uz. Kvorett WILL give mother's care to child. o7th ave. s. is. WITH or without board, with sleeping porcn. xaoor gt.-jn. FIRST-CLASS board and room in private, modern, congenial home. Main 303. Furnished Apartments. ALTONIA APTS., lflth and Marshall sts., 2, 8 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, unfurnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. 8 rooms, kitchenette, bath. n. w. firs., private balconies; $35 up. Mar. 1160. WINDSOR APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished apartment. Just vacant; $37. HO a month. 181 East 14th. BUSHMARK, Wash. St., cor. 17th 1 and 2- room apts., szo mo. up, including tele phone, gas, bath, linen, electricity. SERENE COURT APTS., cor. East 1st and Multnomah, ana s room arnished apts., all outside apts East 1426. MEREDITH 3-rm., modern, front; wa-lk- '"g distance; . 22d aad Washington. Broadway t!84. 3-ROOM apt., nicely furnished, no objec tion to children; rent $40. 412 E. 9th st N. Phone East 6060. BRAND-NEW 2-room apts., close In and convenient to everything; $25 to $35 a month. Call 701 Davis st. Main 1075. NEW YORK APTS. Two-room furn. apt.. luuiuuiiig nguLo, ucai, uul ana coia water. E. 7th and Belmont sts. 2-ROOM basement apt., $25 per month. Irving apt., 21st and Irving. Main 9233. GODFREY COURT. 300 Vancouver ave.. modern. 2 and 6 rooms; adults. East 841. $25 LORENZO Apt., 427 Salmon st Main 8678. 2-room apt., water, light, phone. 8-ROOM apartment, running water, clean. 214 13th st.. near Salmon. DESIRABLE 3-room front apartment, 1 room ana Kucneneiie. ats mill. ELBRIDGE apts., 274 N. 21st; 2 and 3 room apt. Reasonable. Broadway 4730. KING DAVIS APTS , 54 N. King. Desir able 3-room furnished apt. Bdwy. 6058. TOURNY bidg., 2d and Taylor, furnished 1 and 2-room apts., $22.50 up. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur. apt tl.ou. ali complete, concrete Dlag. GRAND OAK APTS. 2 and J-rm. strictly mod. iTrana av.-m. uaK sc. m, aaoz. 2 AND 8-ROOM furnished apts., walKlng aistance. n wana ave. cnsi I'Uii;. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH and COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APT3 WALKING DIST. E 10. WESTMINSTER APTS. MAIN 5382: Nicely fur, cor, apts. with bath. OUTSIDE 2-room furnished apt, bath. Hanover Apts.. Broadway 2003. HIGHLAND COURT. MARSHALL 3181. Furnished and unfurn. 4-room apart. WANTED Young woman to share apt; rent reasonable. AO 693. Oregonian. ALTER apts., 6 rooms, sip. porch, modern. 21-Overton. Bdwy. 1980., Bdwy. 5263. HO US MAN apts.. 2-room tight, airy apt. 730 Hoyt st. Call Mai-n 1552. IN IRVINGTON. 2 lovely clean rooms. $25. 769 E. Bdwy. THE BROOKLYN APTS. We have fur nlffhed apts. $22.50 at 2l3t and Powell. 2-RM. FRONT apt 629 Everett' Bdwy. 4205. HOME, SWEET HOME GEORGE WANTS TO IP 'TUO5B MEMO(2y COO5 PoUvC POaOT TO 5BM0 "TUvS UEEC WOO OOQMTT T& WJKlT TO TUEV1 WWWM v- -i FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments., STELWTN APT3. HIGH CLASS BUMMER HOME FO.l AUTO TOURISTS Most elegant and completely fur nished apt. house in Portland; Have beautiful outside front apt. with Sleep ing porch, furnished la Chinese rugs, ivory furniture, Chines silk hangings, personally selected oriental brasses, bronzes, teak cabinets, floor lamps; ex ceptionally c ean and A-X service. Will make a specialty of earing f or ' -auto tourist by week or month. Reference required. Bdwy 5330. ' KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 18 Vista Ave. High-class apartment house, near 23d and Washington, nicely furnished -reom apartment with 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; must be seen to be ap preciated; for (60 and up. Will accom modate tourists by the week. Call Main 3883. WELLINGTON COUVT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four-room, new mahogany furniture, newly papered and painted, steam heat and telephone, close In, walking dis tance; only 8 blocks off Washington st. went too, call Bdwy. 1245. VERY NICELY FURNISHED two-room ground-floor apartment; ROOMS ARE CLEAN, LIGHT and AIRY! Built-in conveniences; steam heat; CLOSE IN; WALKING DISTANCE. The Meda Apts-, 377 Vancouver ave., block north of Bdwy. Just aeross the Bdwy. bridge. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon. Close m. convenient to library, churches, theaters and shopping district, permanent or transient, by day, week, month. Being thoroughly renovated; under new owner ship. Main 6641. BEAUTIFUL 3-RM. FRONT APT. Private bath, nice Axminster rugs, "evervthinr thorough lv renovated. Sum mer rates. Grandesta Apta, 68 Grand ave., cor. Stark. VOLHEIM APTS,. 895 East Alder One 4 -room corner apt., fireplace, ivory woodwork, mahogany and wicker fur niture, Wilton velvet ruga, electric range, use of electric washer and mangle; also one 3-room corner apt., very choice. East 7549 or Bdwy. 5435. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store, good surroundings, strictly nod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out- eiue ana r'rencn doors ana balcony; per manent and transient. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bidg. ; electric elo vator, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. Main 9466. ROSE CITY PARK. e Beautiful 3-room apt. in fine modern home, well furnished, every convenience, heat, electricity, phone included, garage if needed; 2 adults, $45. 615 East 66th street North. THE DEZENDORF APTS., 208 16th. Mar. 128. Completely furu. 4 and 5-room apts., aH outside rooms; no objection to chil dren. WASHINGTON HIGH APT. Modern brick aparrment house, 3-room, furnished, with private bath; all large outside rooms; walking distance. 575 E. Stark, corner 14th. East 8636. ALAMO APTS.. 3 front rooms, unfurnished or furnished, piano, steam heat, private bath, disappearing beds, newly tinted, facing north, lovely for summer. $40 to $42.50. 4H4 Market. COMPLETELY furnished 6-roora apt., ma hogany, oriental rugs, ivory woodwork; west side; for summer or longer. Bdwy. 2496. LAMBROOK APTS. 430 E. YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furniahed g-room apts. Call East 4062 FURNISHED rooms, gas electricity, bath, nice yard, front and back entrance, close In, modern residence, no children. East 7531. , 4-ROOM furnished apt., ground floor, all outside rooms, private bath ; nice and clean; walking distance; $35 per month; adults only. Bdwy. 3222. 2-ROOM apt. 'and room with kitchenette. clean, nicely furnished. 666 Hoyt. tail Broadway 2217. Sundays and evenings, Broadway 10S4. DOUGLAS COURT, on the Park blocks. has 2-room furnished apartment; strictly modern. Call Marshall 423 or Main. 2729. 425 West Park. STANTON APTS. 203 STANTON ST. Low rent; 2 and 3 H. K. rooms. Furnished. Children welcome. FOR RENT 2-room apartment, kitchen, living room with bed, nice, airy rooms, hot and cold water, bath and toilet. 409 H Jackson st. Phone Main 5196. 2-ROOM apt. and room with kitchenette. clean, nicely furnished. 666 Hoyt Call .Broadway 22lt. bun days and evenings, uroaaway iuo4. . MARVIN APTS. Corner East 7th and Taylor: two and three-room apts., with bath, phone and ngncs inciuaeq in rent, mast THE ORDERLEIGH. 82 Grand ave.. new management, modern suites, good fur niture, renovated. Private baths. Rea sonable. 2 AND 3 ROOMS for housekeeping, well furnished with electric lights and phone, newly papered and painted. 595 East Oak, cor. 15th. ALTAMONT APARTMENTS. 304 COLLEGE. 4 rooms with private baths, nicely fur- nisned. $4f.ou. Mam B3o. LAMBROOK APTS., 430 E. YAMHILL ST. Fdr rent, reasonable, furnished 2-room apts. Call East 4Ut. DRICKSTON APTS., 448 11TH ST. Nice, clean, modern 2-rm. apartments. Phone, Janitor service; ido to sip. IRVINGTON. High-class 6-room apt., 715 Hancock at 21st; rent $100. Phone East 6819. ifOR RENT 2 and 4-room furnished apt., everything furnished except cooking gas. East 8826. after 1 P. M. NEWLY reno va ted apa rtmen ts In Is, 2s and 3s, reasonable; rent $2 a week up. 2tW'fa wan a ave., cor, tiawtnome, YOU will like this 2-rm. apt. at $24: bath. phone, parking space; walking distance; chiiaren no oojection. 000 MarKet si. HANTHORN APTS.. 251 12TH ST. Front 3-room furnished apt. 2 disap- pearlng beds ana balcony; very close in. ALICE COURT 3 lare rooms, all out side, 2 beds, priv. bath, tel. included, $50. Cor. East 8th and Burnside, East 3566. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURN. 2 AND 8-ROOM APTS. ARDMAY TERRACE, 805 12TH ST. Large, light 2-room apartment, beau tifully furnished. Marshall 898. THE ALTA. 3-room fur. apt with private batik. $27.50. 882 East Ash. , NICKOLS APTS.- 3-room modern apt., private bath, children welcome. Wood la wn497L856E6thN , THE ELMS. 2 and 3-room fur. apts., close In. 191 14th st., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. AUDITORIUM COURT Modern 2 and 3 room a pts.. opp. Auditorium. Mar. 55 66. BUENA VISTA APT. MAIN 1052. 2 and S fur., 1 unfur. apt. 4-ROOM apt, nicely furnished. Irving apt. 21st and Irving. Main 9239. FURNISHED apt. In Silver Court. Phone East 6023. I COOUO OVEPZ TUS X C&MT Le&5oisi& yjues r 1 tM 1 1 N. 11 I I -. I I M t 'SSS km L L ' ' ' m FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. THREB rooms, pass pantry, modern bath. na main and private emranuo, i water furnished. r piwr iv WTSRT RIDS SS5. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. BEAUTIFUL 2, 3 and 4-room apts.; a fine summer home; everything furnished; can please the most exacting; rent Jrora $10 to $40. 890 Savier St.. corner 26th. Main 7061. - IRVINGTON apartment, built by Bowman. 880 E. 24th N.; modern, 5-rom flat, hardwood floor; tile bath, steam, Jani tor service; $85 ; reference. Marshall 5S47. . SHEFFIELD APTS., 272 BROADWAY Nicely fur. 3 and 4-room apts., all out side rooms, bath and phone, tourist ac commodations. L. Asnton, mgr. Main 2506. . BERKELEY APT3., 39 Trinity place; nicely furnished 2 and 8-room apart ment; also 4-room basement apartment. Broadway 5151. WILL sublet six months or longer, taste fully furnished front 3-room apt.; ref erences. Hanthorn apts., apt. 42, 251 12th st. Call after six. Marshall 1494. 3-ROOM furnished ground floor front apt., with 2 beds, private entrance, free lights, $35 month; also 2-room, $23 mo. 402 3d st. . ESTATE APARTMENTS. Clean, sunny, furnished apts-, no ob jection to children. East 1384. 60 Grand ave., N. CLASSIC APTS. 62 Glisan, near 21st, 2 reomi $35 and $40. Vary desirable. Bdwy. 2930. ' ' CLEAN sleeping rooms, $1.50 per week and up. Free bath; large lobby. 412 19th st. N. SUNNYSIDE APTS., fin furnished 3-room apt., corner, all - outside: high-class house, fine roof garden. Tabor 3900 THE STANF1&LD. Modern 2-room apt., light, heat, phone, laundry facilities, $22.30. Main 7302. s LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 2 and 8-room apartments, furnished, west side: close in. 381 Sixth. Mar. 1378. S-ROOM apt., neat and clean, nicely fur nished. East Everett and 20th. Phone East 1674. PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg., 2-rm.. 423; 3-rm., private bath, $35. Albina and Klllingsworth. Woodlawn 2105. FRONT 2 and 3-room apt., light, clean, modern. Arllne Apts. 220 North ith. Bdwy. 1812. - $35 MONTH 3-room furnished apartment June 1 to Sept. 1. 554 East Morrison. East S10S. BERKELEY APTS., 30 Trinity Place 2 and S-room front apta., modern; aiso room basement apt. Bdwy. 5151. BANNER Apartments, nicely furnished 2 and 3 room apts., very reasonable. 489 Clay. - 4-ROOM apt. in St, Francis apts. to sublet for summer to two or three adults. Bdwy. 514.V KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2 rooms, modern. $40. Bdwy. 1245. PENROSE APTS., Grand ave. at Belmont; 2 or 3-roctm apts., finished in white enamel. East 4548. JACKSON APTS., 51 Union ave. North. Furn. a-room apts.. steam neat, not ana cold water; $30 to $40 per month. LEONCE APTS., l&U N. 22D ST. 3-room furnished apt, with private bath. Marshall 2250. THE CHELTENHAM. 235 N. 19th.- apts. -tidwy. suas. CARLOId APTS. 2 modern furn. apts.. reasonable. 14th and Market Unfurnished Apartments. CAHMELITA APTS. Beautiful 4-room unfurnished, white enameled tile bath, exceptionally large living room, magnificent view of the city; high-class house, service unex- ceneu ; ciose 10 ousiness center, aiuesi apartment in the city for $60. Main 20S6. 13th and Jefferson. IRVINGTON. Beautiful new five-room apartment, hardwood floors, tiled bath, steam heat, janitor service. No children. Refer ences. Rent $100. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6007. IRVINGTON apartrrent built by Bowman, 3S0 E. 24th N. ; modern o-roora riat, hardwood floor, tile bath, eteam, lanl tor service. $35; reference. Marshall 5847. " WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Five rooms, beautifully decorated and enameled, sfeam heated and telephone; only 3 blocks from Washington, st, rent Broadway 1245. .. BERYL aoartme-nta. Loveloy street, near 21st Close-in location; one very large light 3-room apartment newly papered, lots of closet room; splendid view; must be seen to be appreciated. MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND UP. FIREPROOF 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. . ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445. W'ASSELL Attractive 5-room apt.. all outside rooms, rent $45; basement 4 room apt, $28; adults only. 555 E Yamhill. East 3252. DOUGLAS COURT, on two park blocks, has 2-room unfurnished apartment; strictly modern. Call Marshall 423 or Main 2729. 425 West Park. WEST KllJE APARTMENT. 6 large, light rooms, nice district, heat and water furnished; adults. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. CECELIA APTS.. 22D AND GLISAN. Very desirable 8-room unfurnished apt with large balcony; $45. Marshall 1804. FOUR and 5-room front apta., balcony and porch. Irving apts., 21st and Irving. Main vzav. THE MARLBOROUGH. Nice, large 3-room unfurnished apart ment. Main 7516. IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt., 1 blk. off Washington st. Adults. Bdwy. 2761. WICKERSHAM APTS. Six-room modern. excellent service, located 18th and Flan- ders, west side. Phone Bdwy. 2201. VOLHEIM APTS.. 805 E. Alder Beautiful 3-room apt., hardwood floors, electric range East 7548. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. Uth at Montgomery. Main 359. FINE modern 4 rooms with sleeping bal cony, reasonable rent, can 1000 will lams ave. or phone Walnut 7087. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desirable apts. available ax reaaonaoie rentals. Phone Jaroaaway qoj. THE AMERICAN Modern. 4 and 5-room apartments, cawy. jjuu. 5 ROOMS, modern, $33, If taken before Baturaay. zatn ana ueimoni. Mar. aao. THE ORMONDE 5-room unfurnished apartment. 056 Flanders. Bdwy. 8873. BRYN MAWR 185 East 15th, 4-room apt., sleeping porch. $45. East 2154. ONE 3-room apartment for rent reasson able. 344 Marshall, near 16th. 5-ROOM apt., first floor. Irving apt, 21st and Irving. Main 9239. JAEGER APTS., 701 Wash, st One 4 and one 3-room. unfurnished apt. & ROOMS, modern, steam heat, ten min utes' walk to business center. 561 Glisan. FnTnlsned or Unfurnished Apartments, FURNISHED and unfurnished apts.; ele vator, heat, private baths and balconies. 410 Harrison street, between 10th and 11th. Phone Main 1320. WELLE SLY COURT, 15TH & BELMONT. One 2-room apt., furnished or unfur nished. Phone East 6613. IMPROVE THE OTHER FELLOWS MEMORY Copyright, 1922, by the Mail & Express Co. CO OUJ TO TU3 UJOMAJU ear x lC3ffiJ$ 5UG GOT CoO IWTE.B3reD IM D)NJQ TUBM TUAT 5vt 3COT Pot TUlO eUS MA.0 IKJ TUS v JT FOR RENT. Fnrniahed or Vnfurnlwlied Apartments. THE UPSHUR APARTMENTS. arJSiClAL bUMMKK KATES. 2, 8 and 4-room, unfurnished sr fur nished; air new furnishings and paint ing. Main 5497. ETNA APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, dressing room and bath, hdw. floors, white enamel woodwork; free electric washer and mangle. East 3782. Flats. - MODERN upper flat,, 5 large rooms, sleeping- and living porches: newly decorated: gas range, water heater, cooler: adults eniy. fnone East 181. 267 C 25th, near Hawthorne. FIVE ROOMS, modern, newly decorated. hardwood floors, etc,, easily heated; no children under 12. 369 East 16th North. Broadway or Irvlngton cars. TWO 5-ROOM modern flats, wajklng distance, hot-water heat, garbage haul ing and water bill paid. 564 Couch. Woodlawn 6178. FIVE ROOMS, modern, "newly" decorated', hardwood floors, etc.. easily heated; no cnnaren under 12. 368 East lttto North, Mroadwar or laflngton cars. LOVELY 8-room modern flat, newly reno vated, new ready, fine view, lease $50 month; adults only. 818 Chamber of vommerce mag. Broadway 652. 5-ROOM flat, $35; walking distance, nice view, good order, lire place, furnace. 3YI -fr intn st., south of Montgomery. SPLENDID flats, furnished or unfurnished, small or large, reasonable rates. Phone A1UO. 0U4-3tt. UPPER flat. 5 rooms and sleeping porch. iji juaai 1:5 in, corner 01 Aiaer. ROLL AD AY addition, modern. 6 rooms, lower flat, furnace, clos in. 264 East 2d st. North. cornerMu!tnomah. 3-ROOM lower flat for rent, all In good condition, newly tinted; rent $35. Phene East 500. MODERN light, clean, cool, 4 rms., pches; adults, re a. Qpp. Mult, club. 592 Salmon- $25 FOUR-ROOM lower flat, suitable for i- vvaiK-ing aistance. oa is. Main. 4 ROO M S. lower, water, light free, $13. A. Searle, 1928 E. Glisan. MV car. 76 st. i22fi E. MAIN Desirable, meden 5-room upper riat; furnace: adults, 5-ROOM flat, $16.30; gas and electric lights; no children. 707 Commercial st. 5-ROOM flat, close in; E. 3d N. cor. Haleey. reasonable. East 1609. 4 ROOMS, bath and porch, $25; outside rooms. 71 E. 22d. 5-ROOM uppe flat strictly modern. Wal nut Park. Vacant Jui.e 1. W'dln. 41S0. NICELY furaished 3-room flat, mouern very cheap. 223 17th st. N. Bdwy. 2774. 4-P.OOM modern flat, furnished or un furnished; close in. Broadway 3638. MODERN 5-room lower flat, furnace, fire- place. 606 Belmont. VERY desirable unfurnished 6-room flat. iAs. S45; Belmont o-ROOM unfurnished lower flat; walking u is tance. J3awy. bsjo. SIX-ROOM modern flat. 506 Weidler st Phone Broadway 3000. 5-ROOM lower flat, . walking distance, west side, modern. Mar. 3400. WEST side, 5-room flat. Tabor 1980. Furnished Flats. ONLY $35; 4-room well furnished lower Hat, gas stove, water heater, large bath, stationary tubs, fine built-lns. for rent or will sell furniture at bargain, part time, tsuu m. Morrison. East o.1. FOR RENT A well furnished newly tint ed lower flat, with piano, a rooms, in cluding slee Dinar Dorch: erood location. close in; no children. Call between 8 ana a. Auto. B47-7o. FIVE-ROOM, furnished flat, newiy reno vated. 1 block from 2 car lines, , 41L' Wasco. East 3805, ELEGANT downstairs flat, hardwood floors, mahogany furniture; adults only; 5.j5. Call after 6 P. M. Woodlawn 437 MODERN 3-room furnished flat; private oain; x (hqcis- irom car; a diocks rrom Laurelhurst park. Phone Tabor 51S8 SPLENDID flats, furnished or unfurnished. small or targe; reasonable rates. Phone Auto. 524-36. $21 MODERN furnished 3-room flat, 385 caoie st. ; no cnuaren; unapman car. Main 34it. FOR RENT 5-room flat, large yard and porches; garage. 861 E. 39th st Tabor 0799. THREE-ROOM flat; modern; adults only. f(4 juasr 22a street, south. ,35 MODERN, 4 rooms; walking dia- tance; adults only. ou Market dr. 6-ROOM upper flat, furniture for sale. I45U. say 13m Mat. COMFORTABLY furnished 4-room flat, $35. Marshall 3295. ATTRACTIVE, modern 6-room. 570 East Salmon; adults; ref. 15000. 3-ROOM modern flat, beautiful furniture, union ave., near Hoiiaday. 6-ROOM modern furnished flat, fine furni ture. Aiar. 2Mu. 3-ROOM Hat furnished; bath. 315 Fargo, net. union ana win lams. LOWER tiat, 8 rms.. furniture for sale. Main 403. 5 ROOMS, furnished, E. lth and Alder sts., g4a; no children. East 3607. Housekeeping Rooms. 2 H. K.. NICELY furnished, bath, heat phone and single rooms, cor. 6th and Lincoln- Phone Msin 1201, THE MAPLE 30 N. 17th near Wash. Best H. K. rooms for the money. Hot water at all hours. FURNISHED H. K. walking distance, 5898. rooms. Is and 2s; 408 12th at. Main HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping rooms, large, clean, com ror table. 693 B. Mad' Ison. E. 8911 - LARGE h. k room, newly painted and papered, an conveniences. 201 I4tn at The Manitou WELL FURNISHED 2-room housekeeping suite, conveniences, excellent house, low rent. tH irving, near aist. CLEAN rooms, beautiful yard and flowers rent reasonable. 101 16th st N. Bdwy 17itf. ROOM and kitchenette. $4.50 a week single for bachelor, $2.50. 327 3d st opposite auditorium. A. BEAUTIFUL summer home, well fur nished, suitable for 8 or 4 people. See It to appreciate. Main juei. COWMUWiN lurnisnea t. l. rooms; cheap rent. 2j3 wash., cor. 3L DOWNTOWN, clean, outside apts, 271 jvi ornson, cor, tm. ROOMS for light H. K. Everything fur Including gas, $3.50 up. 193 2d st. SINGLE steam-neated housekeeping rooms, 3.50 to so per ween. m hi latn st. TWO LOVELY rooms, first floor; room and Kitcneneus. pop j ianqers. NICE, clean 1 and 2 rooms, housekeeping, j.ou ana up. zups j? irst. KiCE front rooms with kitchenettes. $0 and : near courtnouse. zjj. otn st. 1 ROOM for lady. $3.50, with kitchen priv Ueges. om ai. 461 E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th, furnished 1 ana a room . iy. apta, reasonaoie, 1 SMALL basement room, fine for bach elor. 341 iitn st. FURNISHED Hr K. rooms, reasonable walking distance. 812 Clay. CLEAN, well lurnUhed 1 and 2-room apta. 014 4th st LARGE, light, well-furnished rooms beautiful lawn, targe porcnee. iast aval, LARGE outside H. K. room; gas, elec; $15 month. 110 N. aq. maeny people. A LARGE room with kitchenette, $5 per week. 494 Taylor. WELL furnished H. K. rooms, close in. East 3798. 9 E. 7th st S. wj-Kfreo "to reads uassouS oojs wis ivi -rr y Ci,iPO - li tusm too but usU a udTTA qooO- TOrWN I wm cMSM0t MOMlN1C5 3oms Jack jtT l UB PEOPUS AiQJt( "EM &MKT, v. VM " C p FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. JUST FURNISHED. NOW READY. Large front room with sleeping porcn neatly furaiehed for housekeeping, beds, place for car. $3 week. YOU'LL SAVE MONEY HERB. 535 East 6th South. Sellwood 3816. EXCESSIVELY clean furnished house keeping and sleeping room, lovely, airy residence, T68 Park avenue, one block south of Washington street. Phon Main 4278. Take Council Crest car. 3 LARGE) outside furnished rooms. $20 per month : 3-room apt., $22 ; laundry privilege; located close to Williams ave. on Russell st. Phone East 763. NICE large 2 and 3 newly, clean furnished housekeeping rooms at low prices; also free parking space and garage for rent. 1117 E. Market. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms. $5 to $0 week. Rates by mo. 402 V2 3d st. LARGE Bunshiny H. K. room, kitchenette, lower floor, hot and eold water, phone, light, bath, walking distance, large, cool porch. $5 week. 403 2d. CLEAN single H. K. rooms, $5 to $10 per mo., including cooking gas. tobby, batn; suites $10 to $18. The Vaughn, N. 19th ana vaugnn. AND 3 ROOMS for housekeeping, well furnished with electric lights and phone, newly papered aad painted. 895 East Oak. cor. 15th. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K, rooms, $15 up, including hot water, electric lights, laundry room 2 OR 3 MODERN h. k. rooms with private entrance. 407 Market st. Tel. 535-06 Housekeeping Rooms tp Private Family. COOL, LIGHT, NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. PHONE, LIGHT, BATH. WA TER. COOKING GAS FREE; SINK IN KITCHEN; YARD; WALKING DIS TANCE. 634 E. ASH. DON'T PHONE. ui'PER floor in pleasant residence, 12th ana Montgomery, lour clean, comroruiuiy furnished H. K. rooms, with bath, all conveniences: references. Phone: Mar. 08. 4 ROOMS with sleeping porch, nicely fur- nisned. with combination rang, oatn ana electric lights, for $27.50. Call Bdwy. 8072. or 85 10th st. $21 SECOND floor, 3 nice, large, clean H. K. rooms, A-l large sleeping porcn, lawn, roses, trees, eleoiric lights free; adults. Sellwood 1109. 364 East 6th. 2 LARGE fur. h. k. rooms for 2 adults; light, heat cooking gas free; warning distance; $7 a week. 554 Johnson st. Bdwv. 646. 2 WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in line home, 1 block Irojsi car, s.ou per month. 1081 E. 15th et . N. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, Bleeping room. everything furnished, clean: summer rates. 670 Johnson st Broadway 7849 CLEAN apt. for rent on lower floor, also single apt 5i5 East Main. Call alter 5 P. M. 2-ROOM apt, sink, running hot and cold water; separate entrance, yzi per montn. 475 Clay st. HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchenette; cool, airy, clean. Phone East 9186. 3U8 Multnomah st. $15 H. K. ROOM, home comforts, piano. View port, west side. Main 254 A LARGE FRONT ROOM with 2 closets. (Pa Northrup st. Main 105. H. K. ROOM, gas and light furnished. 442 E. 19th st. N. 2 OR 3 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, mod- ern. Kent reasonable 703 Irving. THREE beautifully furnished rooms, mod ern up-to-date home. E. 9235. $35. FURNISHED and unfurnished h. k. rooms Phone East 5467. 1 OR 2 BRIGHT, sunny housekeeping rms.. absolutely clean; furnace heat. East 9975. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or in suite. yi ana up. Acl Hawthorne and union. FUR. h- k. rooms, close in; E. 7th. East 1929. adults. 13 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, sleeping porcn, clean ana cosy. 120 &. 34th st. NICE 11. K. room, 427 E. Ash. Phone East 5235. Houses. VACANT daady 7-room modern bunga low; good condition; excellent neighbor hood; only 1 block to car and paved street; has nice lawn and shrubbery; blr garage; snap for $3 J Phone 613-33 or call at 3829 72d st Southeast. FOR RENT 10-room house, modern. In Montavilla, double garage and hard sur face road; 2 blocks from car line, 2 blocks from East Stark st. ; clean, in good shape. O. P. Potts. 1980 E. Stark st. Phone Tabor 300. LOWER floor of my home to middle-asred couple; sleeping porch, garage; block from car; hot water heat, gas and wood stove connected. Mt Tabor dist Tabor 1477. FURNITURE MOVING. Pianos moved $3 up; 80 days free storage on all crated household grrods let us estimate your work. Atlas Trans- fer storage Co. Phone Jtfdwy. 12)t. "" LAURELHURST. Beautiful 5-room" bungalow, very modern, on corner 3 blocks from car line. Will lease to reliable party. Tabor 3964. 278 E. 3 Tth St. N. LAURELHURST Will sell completely furnished at a big sacrifice my beautiful 7-room bungalow, 1262 E. Oak at., or will rent furnished, sou per mo. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOh NORTHWEST ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th St. 7-ROOiM house, oartiy furnished or unfur ms-hed; basement and attic, fruit 4419 44th st. 8. E. Call Thursday between 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Aut 038-59. MODERN 6-room bungalow, garage ; will lease from one to three years. 805 1 month; ready after May 15. Call morn ings. Tabor 410. ATTRACTIVE 6-room house. modern. furnace, fireplace, etc.; garage; $37.50 month. 025 Weidler st. References re- qulred. Wrdln. 383. 6-ROOM bungalow with garage for rent or sale on boh st. f or information call Charles Rudeen, Multnomah hotel, Bdwy 4080, or Alder market, Main 1287. MOVE In your own home, your own terms; acre, 6-room house, fruits, chicken house. Owner, 4614 E. 4lst st. Vacant move today. PIANO moving $3, furniture $2.50 per hr., 2 men. large padded vans, crown Trans fer Co. East 2504. Yours for Service. 6-ROOM house, west- side; good district. Rent $60. Linoleum, carpets and gas stove for saie. can tsay, 3 aw. JUNE 1 6-room modern house, walking distance, adults only. Inquire 168 East 14th st,, near eimont st. fireplace; near Peninsula park, high a,nd grammar scnooiB. wain, to. EAST 9TH. NEAR WEIDLER. T rooms, modern, furnace heat, $60. SMITH-WAGONER CO-, STOCK EX WHEN moving, city or country. Ret the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co.. Main 1261. 202 H Alder st MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 7-ROOM modern house, 530 East Couch, nar 12th; adults. STRICTLY modern new cottage, close in; fine car service. See owner. Main 3309. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, $25.60 per m onth. 854 Hood street Adults. CLEAN, modern 7-room house. 3 bed rooms, at 966 Hawthorne ave. 6-ROOM house, bath, gas, electricity, 4004 48th st., near 41st ave., 8. E. $30. ROSE CITY Thoroughly modern 7-room bungalow; lease if desired. Tabor 171. 5-ROOM cottage, 739 Michigan ave. Wdln. 6662. FOR RENT. Houses. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow and ga rage In Laurelhurst, this is on of the . best appointed new bungalows, built this ' year, white and Ivory finish, breakfasj nook, gas furnace, automatic water heater, will rent reasonable to party buying some of the furniture; must be rented by June 1. 1145 Hassalo at. Call before 11:80 A. M. 430 B. SHERMAN, btwB Tth and 8th; modern conveniences; thor oughly cleaned. East 4174, FOR RENT 8-room modern Ro City home, 1 block from Sandy; $00; will lease for one yar. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. r No phone calls. 6-ROOlM house, nice yard, fruit trees, also berries; 2 laundry trays in basement; Laurelhurst district, near park; 936 E. F.v-M-Att st ni a 1st Tl Eaet R560: rent moderate: jras range and heater and some furniture for sale. Furnished Houses. LARGE 10-room Willamette Heights resi dence; large attractive grounds, beauti ful furniture, oriental ruga, hot water furnace, three fireplaces, three baths. Win lease to satisfactory tenant tor pri vate use. Broadway 7560. MODERN house, exceptionally well fur nlshed; A rooms, sleeping porch, gas furnace, fireplace, garage, large yard; rent to resoonsibla oarties only $45 mo., with option to buy furniture later, phone ROSE CITY PARK. Beautifully furnished bungalow, large grounds; garage; meal location. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 307. FOR 3 MONTHS, modern 7-room fur . nlshed house, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, piano, automatic gas water heat er, garage, large lawn, beautiful view; Alameda district. Tabor 10tl. 1 YEAR or more, new 7-room suburban home, furnished; 8 acres lruit and ber ries; $100 month; 1 mile east of Trout dale on C, H. and Sandy river. J. C. Thompson. Troutdale. FOR RENT-To desirable tenant adults only, 7-room furnished house, $65 per mo.; lease for 6 or 12 months, first" and last mos. In advance. Call today. 70S Baat Ankeny st. T-ROOM house partly furnished or unfur nished ; basement and attic, fruit. 4419 44th U S. E. Call Thursday between 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Aut. 633-59. FOR RENT 5-roum furnished house for summer months with use of garden and iruit; want to reserve one room ior owner. AJ 095, Oregonian. PARTLY furnished 9-room house with ga rage and cherries; beautiful summer home: S. E. part of city; $40. Wdln. 6170. IF YOU are looking for a furnished house see our Hat before going any further. C. A. WAGNER COMPANY, Broadway 7150. 230 Stark St. -ROOM hou-e for rent, completely fur nished; 2 lots, garage, piano, sleeping porch, near Franklin high. References. $50. Tabor 5504. FOR RENT Tnree-room new furnished house, 1 H blocks from I J car and stores. Inquire afternoons 5S0 Going Ft. LOWER floor (four rooms), modern, well furnished six-room bungalow; adults only. Tabor 5315. RENT or sell, 5-room bungalow, furnished ; line mm, garden, berries; a diocks car. TaDor ttuitt. FURNISHED house for rent. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, au per montn; garage in. 2i) . 4th st. N. .East PARTLY furnished house 2 "blks. from St, Johns car and Willamette Blvd., $25 mo.- Wdln. 46S3. FURNISHED bungalow, 8000 G5th st. S. E. ; player piano, victroia, large lawn, trees. Tabor si'7. Call atter 3 r M. IRVINGTON. Large colonial home, completely fur- n i shed , finest location, garage. Kast sj4 J25 FURNISHED cottage, 1 blk. Oswegc lake. S-rm. McFanand. Failing bidg $15 3-room upper fiocr. walking distance, East 2938. Nelson, agent. FURNISHED 7-room house, garage. Nob Hill district; aauits. j w.m, uregoman. ROOM furnished mod. house, fruit trees. 620-47. 5429 38th ave. S. E. FUiiNlSHED, clean house of 4 rooms at 549 E. 17th, 1 bloek us car; rent cheap. SMALL cottage, thoroughly clean, close to car, to responsible peopio h.. 4u Houses for Rent Furniture for Saie. FURNITURE for sale, house for rent, with lease; lovely home and place; Nob mil district; attractive and clean; excellent furniture: 8 'rooms besides - attics, basement; house will net $126 besides own large apartment; ail completely furnislipd: can take oossesslon at once must sell on account poor health. 703 North run and 21st. Main 6603. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS We have a number of good modern fiats for rent and the furniture for sale well located on the west side; some are bargains for cash and some on terms that as low as $100 .will handle. 620-21 HENRY BLDG,, 4th and Oak Pts. 6-ROOM modern upper flat, located at 54V! N. 15th st.; rent &; nipn-graae furniture, complete except bedding; willl : : f'JF.rt nnlr ,. 1 A nl.'Y at flat or agent THOMSON. 020-21 HENRY BLDG. MUST sacrifice my 5 rooms of brand-new furniture; some terms; pood reasons for selling; also can rent modern house with It. 115 E. 2th X corner Glisan. 4-ROOM cosy modern houBe for rent. $20.60. Furniture at bargain. 1193 East Taylor. SS car to 39th st. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. Phone Woodlawn 1877. 5-ROOM flat $20 rent; furniture for sale. Main 6Sr0. RUSSELCREST. One of Seaside's finest ocean- , front cottages for rent until Sep tember 1, completely furnished; fine furnace. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East S207. MOUNTAIN home at Heisson, Wash., on Lewis river, ideal summer home, 4-room fusnlshed house, bath, bam, wood sup plied, good fishing, at R. R. station; rent $35 per mo. Call 818 Board of Trade bid,?. Bdwy. 7452. FOR RENT For June and July: My com- Eletely furnished Seaside cottage on oard walk and facing ocean. All mod el n conveniences. Responsible parties only. Apply i?.agar ts. piper, juam aou. SEASIDE completely furnished fl-room, all modern conveniences, block from Hotel Seaside, for June; also rent July, Au gust. On premises Sunday, Monday. Main 3749 till Friday evening. A MODERN 10-room house, 6 bedrooms. sun porch, glass In dining room. Suit able for 2 families. $400. Phone Tabor 4U73. FOR RENT At Seaside for season. room furnished house, one block from ocean. Call Sellwood 1030. CLEAN, modern 6-room furnished house, 5L'ou a season, close to ocean. Wood lawn 4638. COME to Hayes' cottages for week end ; reasonable, 828 4th ave.. West Seaside, Or., box 265. FOR RENT 7-room furnished house. Sea view, Wrash. Phone Main 8103. Stores and Business Places. y STORE space for rent. 207 Morrison. By H. J. TUTHILL FOR RFNT. Stores and Business Places. TO LEASE. 20x90 feet on Wash, at, with reaar entrance; 5-year lease at $250 per m first year and $300 on bal. Poeeeeiosi July 1. We ateo have several others. MERRICK & CO.. 304 Panama Big. Bdwy. 6041s, 1599 BELMONT Meat market fullf equipped; fixtures and all for rent; alsft one storeroom for rent at 1599 '-4 Bel mont For Information call Charles Ru deen, Multnomah hotel, Bdwy. 4080, or Alder market. Main 12S7. DESIRABLE space for leas at reasonable rate for manufacturers or manufacturer'! agent; jMose in, 2o0 feet of trackage. Call atf330-33 East Morrison or rhone East 639. STORE on Alberta at. near Union ave living rocms. W. W. SABIN, REALTOR. 1032 tTnion Ave. N- Woodlawn ESQ. FOR RENT Part of my store for first class meat market; good location, cheap) rent. Nemera Sanitary Grocery, 551 Sixth st. SPA C E to rent in tire vulcanizing store, good location for battery servioe, gas and oil station. 702 Sandv blvd. STOREROOM, 100x100. S. E. corner East Morrison and 3d. Will lease fur 5 years. Strong & Co.. 606 Chamber of Com. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware- house phone Broadway 3715. FuR RENT Store. 232 Wanington sU Apply 252 Stark st CORNER store room.. 1st and Washington cheap rent. Will subdivide. Offlcea. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well lighted and heated offices, single or In suites, central office building In . financial section of city; low rents. See Donald G. Woodward, agent 104 Sec ond st.. cornor Stark. WRONT room with kitchenette, newly ren ovated, suitable for an office: In fine location. In heart of city. 227 Broadway. Main 4044. FOR RENT. Offices In Alisky bldgr. Apply Port land Trust Company. 6th and Morrison st. DESK room with telephone and sleno- graphic Bervice. Phone Broadway jua. OFFICE'S for rent Fliedner bidg.. and Washington Fta. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex- change puig. Apply room au. FURNISHED OFFICE; FREE PHONE GOOD LOCATION. iVd DCKUftl iSUUU BTTSIXFSS OPPORTrXTTiFS. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO- 2U0 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Broadway 7581. A FEW GOOD BUYS. West side CAFETERIA, well-loeated7 this place is making money, owner has good reason for selling and will make terms so tlwit you can pay for th place out of the income. ASK MR. BLACK. GROCERY and confectionery business on eaat side. In good location; you caa buy this at invoice, as owner wishes ta retire. ASK Mr. Brown. A beautiful residence apartment nous on east side, rent only $50 per month, lease has four years to run; nice horn for someone who wishes an lncomej price op.iy $5200, with terms. ASK Mr. Black. Well furnished housekeeping apart men-ts near city hall; low rent and catt be handled for $1000 down, ASK Mrs. HalL GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT COW 20 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 7381. BATTERY ELECTRIC SERVICE AND REPAIR STATION. Here is an exctptional opportunity for an ambitious and reliable young man to secure equal half interest in a busy bat tery and electrical repair service station; no better location: have agency for lead ing battery; previous experience not ea sential, as I am a first-ciass battery and electrical repair mechanic and will teach the right man the business; you cae easily clear better than $170 a month for vourself from the start; only $300 required. Apply 316 Pittock blk., Wash ington at loth. PARTNER WANTED AUTO PAINTING. Here is the best opportunity in Port land to buy equal half interest in busy, well-located auto painting business, full to the doors with work and large vol ume coming in; experience not necessary if willing to work and learn, as remain ing partner Is A-l painter and will each you the business; if you are honest trustworthy and satisfied with $160 a month for yourself to start, see this before you buy; full price $300. 620 Chamber of Com, bidg., 4th and Stark. SACRIFICE GARAGE. SACRIFICE. West side location, full line tools, pow er drill and emery, 1 months' rent paid, leape. Other Interests reason for selling. Will invoice over $600. You set the price, cash or terms; no reasunaoio offer refused. Owner, no agents. Call Main 6098. $700 LUNCH COUNTER, coffee house. $ 730 Railway depot restaurant $1000 Rushing trade; lunch counter! lease 4 years; $40 dally Income. $2000 Beautiful cafeteria, worth look ing at; half cash. Bdwy. 7672. McFarland. Realtor, Falling Bidg. GOOD 6-room house and small grocery store -building1 on same lot in Portland to sell or trade on about 20 acres with. Improvements: good cash price. HILTON-DANIEL CO.. 270 Stark St. Bdwy. 730ft. SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Best location in city; doing excellent business; rent only $30 a month, includ ing living room and kitchen; on west side; muat sell at once on account of sickness. AJ 580, Oregonian. NEW AND SECOND-HAND STORE. Good west iide location; furniture, hardware, tools, etc.; reasonable rent; $750 taies all. This is a bargain seeinjf Is believing. 504 BUCHANAN1 BLDG. WELL established local business, can us $10,000 additional capital, 8 per cent guaranteed. 20 per cent indicated, 40 per cent probable. Investigation invited. An derson. East 1109. CASH grocery, best location in city, doing $00 a day and up; 5 nice living roomst rent on!y $20 a month. Will invoice. NO AGENTS. Investigate. 1709 Penin sular ave. GARAGE West side location; 44-car sfbrage at $10 a month. Clears $350 to $400 a month; price $3500; $1500 cash; balance arranged; lease expires 1027. AS 364. Oregonian. LADIES' used apparei shop, best down town location, rent only $30; just th place for dressmaker: money eomlng In every day. Owner; $300. D 683, Ore gonian. A PARTNER WANTED. A oash business; owner needs help of steady man; draw salary $30 week, also share of profits. $600 required- Particu lars, 401 Pekurn birlg. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures in a 32-room rooming douse at Kelso. Wash., for $2500, and a 3-year leas at toO a. month; ome terms. Herman Moselu, Kelso. Wash. CASH grocery, doini? $35 day, 3 modern living rooms. Cheap rent with lease; owner must sell this week. Best offer irets it. Will invoice about 1973. Owner. Woodlawn 42r6. SHOESHOP in fastest growing suburb of Portland; aeaxn in x-o-mtiy causra uwnw to sell; for particulars call 404 Piatt hldg., 127 Park st. CONFECTIONERY and cigars, two pool tables: best corner location In St. Hel ens; big payroll; price :800. W. A. Wood. St. Helens, ur. FOH SALE A gelng general store, twelve miles Irom fomanu; hiock at invoice; fixtures $1200; about $3000 will handle. Call 410 Chambpr of commerce bidg. fOR SALE A good establa. soda mnf. doing good business; you can buy at your own price; must leave city. Call after 4 P. M. E. S200. "gkocery and confectionery. With 3 good living rooms; well lo cated; priced right for quick: sale. See owner after 6 P. M.. 1442 Mllwaukle. PAYING restaurant in live town on Colum bia river mgnw&y ; esiuimsiieu irwis nn growing business. Address B. O. C 5035 B2d t. GARAGE for sale, concrete building, plenty of tools, 23-eat storage, good lo cation; will take light car as part pay rnent East 8219. FOR SALE By the owner, garage, filling station, store, private house, good reason for selling, lVt miles from Montavilla, on Base LUie road. WHOLESALE, retail and mfg. buslne&si splendid location; cleared over $3000 last year; on account sickness sell for $6200, all cash. AC 604, Oregonian. FOR SALE Beauty parlor good location, whole or half Interest Bdwy. 4018, be fore 11 A. M. FOR SALE Well established hemstitching business, downtown location. Mar. 4723 evenings BARBER Bhop, fine location. 4-chair com bination. P. N. Forsyth, 307 Stock E. Main 6974. NEAT CAFE, 502 Union ave. N., doing good business; price $20 cash If taken at once. Snap. Call from 2 to 4 P. M. STOREROOM for rent, just vacated by barber shop. On Sandy blvd. In Parkrose, Call Tabor WI. SMALL restaurant for sale, reasonable. See owner, 813 Pavls St. FOR SALE Meat market and grocery! 1645 Portsmouth ave. Col. 334. GOOD 2-chair barber shop, downtown lo cation. 293 Glijan st. v BARBER alios tor sale. 47 3h K. 3d SU