20 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAT 25, 1923 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage,' MODERN BUNGALOW WITH PLUMBING. acre, 5 blocks from electric station, en good road; close in; all under culti vation; bearing fruit trees, berries: 4 roora bungalow with white enamel plumblnsf and built-in conveniences, also fireplace, gas, electric lig-hts and city water; low commutation fare and good car service. Price $3I&0. terms. AJCRE tracts, city conveniences. , On the west side; icood soil; no rock T gravel; close to electric station; 9c commutation fare ; good car service ; Port.ad gas; electric lisrhts and city water on the property; offered far be low value on easy terms. John Ferguson. Realtor, Gerlinger told?.. Over 5K Small Places Near Portland. TOUR OWN RIVER FRONT RIGHTS. We have just platted a large tract in River Villa, near Courtney station. Ore gon City line, into homesites of approxi mately of an acre up, with prices running from $50 per tract up, terms $25 down and $7.50 monthly. Some of these tracts are on paved river road. A tract of several acres of river front in connection with this property has been set aside for the joint use of all purchasers in this tract for bathing, fishing and mooring of boats: riverfront rights are scarce, and we advise early selection. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. Irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sBn. Interested only in getting home builders on the project. Longest grow ing season in tha northwest. Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best. Junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Write for terms and folder. Address BURffANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT, No. 4, Burbank, Washington. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. HOOD RIVER 47-acre orchard; 10 acres 36-year trees, 30 acres 10-year trees; tract adjacent to loop highway and 26 miles from city; leading grower said. "There's a bargain." Price $15,000. Write box 142. Hood River. HOOD RIVER 30-acre orchard; 18 bear ingorchard, 12 alfalfa land: a future crop will pay its price, $15,000. Write box 142. Hood River. - Homesteads. Relinquishments. WILL sell my homestead cheap, cabin nearly completed. What have you to of fer? AL 6!, Oregon ian. ItiO ACRES. 45 mi. from Portland. improved, cheap. Call 472 Belmont. well For Sale Farms. - CLOSE-LN FARliL 93 acres. 16 miles south of center of Portland. 14 miles from small town; rocked road; 50 acres under cultivation, acres more very easy clearing; lots of pasture; 2 drilled wIls; one acre bearing orchard; ail kinds of berries ; good 6-room house. 2 barns, chicken house, other buildings; included with place: good heavy team, harness, wag on, plow, cultivator, etc., crops prac tically all in and included at $ ! H," per acre for everything; very easy terms. 40 acres, on paved road, adjoining good town, near Newberg; Vt mile from Red Electric station. tfS acres in high state of cultivation: 2 acres timber; best of loam soil ; nice level land, well drained; buildivigs; included with place team and machinery. Price only $175 per acre, including equipment; very easy terms. Inspected by Davis. .Io-h Ferguson. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Over r.(Mf Small Places Near Portland. IDEAL GARDEN FARM. Vz WILE FROM GOOD TOWN. Must sell my home on account of Bickness; new 8-room plastered house, double constructed with full basement and 2 porches: barn 86x 40, chicken bouse and all outbuild ings; 12 acres of the best land that ever laid outdoors partly cleared; 4 ACRES BEAVERDAM partly cleared; all stocked, ready to move on if desired. Must see to appreciate. N 676, Oregonian. EQUUPPED FARM. 80 acres, river bottom; 60 acres in cul tivation and crop; new bungalow, barn, silo, poultry house, spring and creek on place; all accessary tools and equip ment, team, 4 cows. 1 heifer and 2 calves: many chickens: finest of soil and only 4 miles from high school and r. r:; 19 miles Portland on good graveled road. Will take good Irhme in city as first payment, balance long time at 6 per cent. ROBLNSON-iSPOONER CO.. 712 Couch Bldg. Broadway 678 5 . IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. Excellent View. Six acres, west side, highly improved, 3 acres fine orchard, choice shrubbery; U-room bungalow, garage, barn and chicken house, gas and city water; 4 blocks to highway and electric station and only 15 minutes from 6th and Washington. Let us show you today, as it cannot be appreciated without see ing. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 67R5. 67-ACRE RANCH on county road. 17 miles from Eugene, 2 miles from small town, high school, etc., 1 mile to grade school, 10 acres in cultivation, another 10 acres easily cultivated balance pas ture and timber; 6-room farm house, usual outbuildings, water piped to house. Plenty of work in nearby saw mills. Price $2200, $700 cash. KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO., Eugene, Or. ATTENTION, MR. GARDENER. 10 acres first-class garden land 3 acres in berries, just outside city limits. 45 minutes ride from Port land. Can be irrigated. Y 676. Oregon ian. DAIRY RANCH SACRIFICE. 612 acres, located-30 mi. fmm Pnrt. land, 800 acres fine river bottom ind 150 acres cultivated, fine creek through pasture, good 10-room plastered house. large barn and othei; buildings; we had an offer of $60,000 for this once; price now rasonaDie terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 358 acres, 17 miles from x-oruana, miles to city or ttUUO; house, barn, other buildings: 55 acre oireH in crops, 100 more easily cleared; Boi buckshot and red: Dasture. rir.s. tim ber, high elevation; good view, interior land farther on selling at $200; aged owner sick, alone; will sell at $80 per ..o. Auuicua vwuvr, . v o, uregonlan. FOR SALE or trade for Portland nrnrAHv 14H-acre berry and chicken ranh. level, on paved road, near electric car hub, mue iiuiii amaii town; good 7 room piasierea nouse, good barii and outbuildings of all kinds ; 8 a-res in berries, 3 acres in potatoes. Route 1 bor 165, Orchards, Wash. Phone Orchards OWNER'S SACRIFICE, fine 11-acre farm, 1 miles of Oregon City, on gravel road ; new 4-room house, barn. l woodshed, chicken house, good well all kinds fruit. 5 acres cultivated, in crops. iniioer, Daiance pasture; $3500, part cash, bal. terms. H. G. Newton, rarHpiace, ur. 160 ACKEb by owner; stock and fruit fun, oiiuipyeu ana m crop; pos session given at once; 25 miles from riu.idiiu; fouuu wm nanaie, o per cen on btlance. Phone Marshall 1309 o write BP G98, Oregonian. Q AtKfia, good house, manv nnfh.i Ings, orchard, all cultivated ; best bar gain ever shown at price, $2o00 $1000 ,3. aiiauu, JQlUH-UWaY I Oil!. Fail ing bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES "cai irui unuu, fou to ;uu an acre, easy termB ; beBt soil ; farms for saleall sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. 14-acre farm near Beaverton, five-room house, large barn chicken house, family orchard etc' Lyon, East 239. FOR SALE 80 acres, 65 in grain- aooj buildings; $3500 cash, easy termJ ' Bishop. Junction City. Or., R. 1. SMALL FARMS, 5 acres up. level, clear, fenced, houses, near Willamina: small down payment. J. R. Sharp. 83 3d c WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT 5 or 6-room modern, up to $4000; must be good; can make good pay ments; location and details must be given; owners only. M 603, Oregonlan. I WANT to get acreage within 20 miles of Portland to satisfy two live clients Call Wolfhagen. Bdwy. 8222. 418 Cham" of Com. HAVE client with 2000 cash for 6-room house, west slope of Mt. Tabor near Laurelhurst Park, or Irvington; will pay up to $0500. Alvln Johnson, Realtor Bd. of Trade Bldg., Bdwy. 87. . ' HAVE cash client for lot in Hawthorne district. JO"H!NiSON-DOaSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bl1g. Main 37S7. WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Millership, 165 Fourth. Main 5275. PORTLAND HEIGHTS OWNERS ONLY. Six rooms, not over $6500. We will pay cash, give location, full details. AG 6i4, Oregonian. HAVE cash buyers for west side property; if your price is right I can sell it. Bdwy. 2045 ; evenings Main 2534. WE HAVE buyers for 5 and 6-room bun galows that $000 will buy; lots 50x100, Bflwy. 2l-6, ' IMP RO V E D one or two acre tract. Apply qolrtier s bonus, u uregonian. FORD touring, good condition, to trade for lot. E. WAVT FTP REAL ESTATE. WE NEED HOMES TO SELL! LIST YOURS WITH US FOR RE SULTS! We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in touch with the majority of EARNEST home buyers! We inspect, appraise and photograph your house within 24 hours after listing! SO salesmen with autos to work on it! No charge except the standard commis-' sion of &7 in the event of a satisfac tory salei We take care of the interests of out-of-town owners! LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE. See FRANK L. McGUIRH. To Sell Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. OVER THE BROADWAY BRIDGE. Homes of every description wanted in location that are served by car lines that crdss the Bdwy. bridge. As far north as Peninsula Park, east to Union ave., south to Bdwy. and west to river. Many calls for "Over the Broadway Bridge Homes." City Homes Dept., RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 75S7. cusiness i uooa ANOTHER HOME WANTED. Party wants 8-rm. modern house on Willamette or any other heights on west side not far from car; will not consider anything over $7000. City Homes Dept.. RITTER, LOWE CO., REALTORS. 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7567. "Business is Goad." A HOME WANTED. 6-Rm. modern house, 3 bedrooms. In Murraymead, Colonial heights or West Mt. Tabor; must be worth the money. Not over $7000. If you have a home for sale call RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. HOUSES WANTED Can sell your house it pricea rignx, iocatea in Kose uy, Laurelhurst, Irvington, Portland Heights or any other good district. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006. WANTED BADLY 4-room house, $1500 to $2500, with down payment to $300. There are 4 buyers waiting to buy such a place that I know of. Quick two-day action. ROBINSON. 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3222. HAVE $350 to pay down on 4 or 5-room nouse, tairiy moaern ana location, up to $2500 or $3000, then $30 a month, in cluding interest. Bdwy. 7947 to 10 A.M. and after 5 P. M. ALAMEDA PARK. Full quarter block, surrounded by fine homes, 100 feet of The Alameda. Owner will sacriiice. Phone Marshall 893. 7 to 9, evenings. Farms Wanted. WE HAVE clients for improved farms of 20 acres up. If you want results list your place with us. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. WANTED Small place, at least 10 acres. good commercial prunes, good roaa ana school. J. Ralston, route 2, box 92, Linnton, Or. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE SAWMILL.- The trustees of the Lindberg Mill Co. offer for sale sawmill, logging equipment, etc., owned by trie company at Lindberg, Wash., and solicit bids on the same. For informa tion, apply to F. P. HASKELL, JR., 1208 Rust Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. AN EXCEPTIONALLY small sawmill op portunity, cutting pine lumber, located m the heart of northwestern fruit section; entire output sold locally. Price, includ ing sawmill, box factory and Umber lands $15,000. Convenient terms. R. . H. Brown, Broadway 7982. O-M CAPACITY sawjniil, complete and ready to run ; donkey and logging equipment; good second-growth timber; located near Portland; good roads; near railroad. D 0!9. Oreeronian. FOR SALE! 320 acres timber and stock ranch, good location for a sawmill, and two families or partners, $4800. 14 miles from Roseburg, Or. See H. C. McGraw. 29 0th -st. N. 5- ROOM b u ngal o w , 5 Ox 100 lot. pa ve d streets, improvements all paid, $3000, $!XH cash, balance $28 mo-nth aird in terest. 1108 tB. Lincoln. Tabor 2803. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WE - SERVE FOUR STATES. If you have a Portland home to trade for a WiMamette Valley farm or property in Portland that you wish to trade for property any place in the four states, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, see me at once. FRANK McCRILLIS. Realtor, Henry Bldg., Broadway 779. Portland clearing house for Savage Realtor Service. Covering the four states. ORANGE GROVE FOR TRADE. BY OWNER. 10 acres of navel oranges, in heart of orange district, just outside city limits of Kiverside on paved streets. Trees are 20 years old and grove is in A-l shape. This grove is a wonderful producer and always has crop from $4000 to $7000. Brand new bungalow, garage, furniture, some tools and chickens. Price $30,000. I want $3500 cash, $17,500 in trade, bal ance crop payments, no crop, no pay ment. Will take clear income property or acreage, write f. O. box 451, River- side, Cal. INCOME business property, leased at $45 montniy, located in one of the best saw mill towns in Washington, on R. R.. 800 population. Just the place for an invest ment, paying almost in per cent inter est. Will consider Portland residence to one-half. Price $3.M)0. Will take in light car, or what have you? Ed. Wil son. Mineral, Wash. Lock box 101. FOR SALE or trade for Portland prop erty, 14 acres, berry and chicken ranch, lies level, on paved road, near electric car line, mile from small town; good 7-room plastered house, good barn and outbuildings of all kinds: 3 acres in berries, 3 acres in potatoes. Route 1. nox 165, orchards. Wash. Phone Or charde F 12. 40 ACRES FOR RESIDENCE. Have 40-acre dairy farm splendidly suited to berry raising; with house large barn; running brook; nearly all In cultivation; located on Mount Hood loop road south of Pleasant Home : desire trade for desirable residence or small apartment building in Portland in price from $5000. to $10,000. Phone Clark, Bdwv. 6112? jIODERN BUNGuALOW FOR ACREAGE. First-class modern 5 -room bungalow In Rose City, close to Sandy, paved street, garage; want good close-in acre age, from 1 to 10 acres, with improve ments and close to car; a good oppor tunity to get a real home in an ideal location. Call Bdwy. 6528. or AC 597, OregoniaTi. , FOR TRADE, as part payment on modem brick apartment house on west side. 120 acre farm near Oatf ield road, between Portland and Oregon City. Will assume mortgage for difference. For further information apply to Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co.. 210 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark street. LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what" you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country- I will match them. E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. WANT 5 to 20-acre fruit or chicken raneh. central or southern California or city property, improved, in good location, in exchange for fine property, improved, in Portland, close to center of business dis trict; ime location and street. By owner. P. O. box 4343. Portland, Or. . tvK SALE or trade $4500 interest in shinge mill 110 m capacitl, timber con tracted, will trade part for acreage or improved city property, a good chance ior two uprignt sawyers, packer or la borer. For information address AV" 61 Oregonian. GOING FARM ; 88 miles of Portland; 96 acres, on paved highway, In cultivation, 6-room house, barn, team, wagon, implements, price $16,000; will take trade, bal. long time, 6 per cent. 506 Couch bldg. Bdwy 6817. EOHANGES WANTED If you have a good proposition to trade, let us hear from you. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY OO . 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006. WILL trade my 160 acres, clear, for prop erty in or near Portland ($2500), 8 miles from P. O. and R, R., 15 miles from county seat; practically all has been cul tivated. 502 Pittock block. Bdwy. 2092. IRVINGTON fine stucco home on 24th near Knott, $15,000; will trade for Los Angeles home or vacant property McPONELL, EAST 419. EXCHANGE 80-acre stock ranch, mook Co., for city property. P. N. FORSYTH. 307 Stock Ex. Main B974. Tilla- W1LL TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring in your propositions house, lots, fapms, acreage, stocks of merchandise. R, S. 712 Couch bldg CITY PROPERTY WANTED. Have acreage and little and large farms to exchange. C. Cole. 426 Lum- bermens bldg. 55 ACRES in Portland city limits, Linnton district, unincumbered; value $14 000 and cash for equity In city irripro'ved' Owner, E 691, Oregonian. GROCiiRY. 4 living rooms, good business trade for residence. Z. Eakins, 315 Couch bldg. Auto. 520-1S. 14 ACRES near city for good home In Haw thorne dist., paved St.. from owner P N. Forsyth. 307 Stock Ex. Main 6974. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A. GORDON ROSS. Bdwy. 8173. 624 Henry Bids. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOING BACK TO THE COUNTRY. Have some fin income property lo cated In one of best restricted districts in Portland to trade for a good stock of general merchandise ' and fixtures, run ning about $35i000. Want to get back in the country. Let's get together. What have you. AE 363, Orego'nian. TIMBER LAND to exchange for city prop erty. AN 652. Oregonian. - TO EXCHANGED MISCELLANEOUS. MORSE diving outfit, practically new; wiil trade for late model Chevrolet or Dodge car, or sell cheap for cash. S. W. Bailey, 755 Belmont st. Phone East 4628. DRAGSAW outfit to trade in on good Ford. What have you? Call Bdwy. 1S71. FOR 8 ALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. CHOICE team of mules, weight 2700 lbs., gentle, true workers and sound: o-ne bay horse, weight 1600 lbs., honest worker ana sound in every way. S6a: l lzoo-io. horse, very cheap; Guernsey cow. heavy milker, $60; 1 two-seated buggy, $15. Route 1, box 165, Orchards. Wash., near Gehr station. BALED HAY FOR SALE. Good alsike and timothy at tha Old Meadow Farm. 2 miles N. W. of Beaverton. Phone Beavertoa 151 Walker or Hlllsboro 7R18. G COWS, some fresh with calves, some heavy springers, 1-year-old pure-bred Holstem bull,, team of horses, harness and wagon, very reasonable or trade for car: 6 miles N. E. of Vancouver on Bat tleground highway, Rt. 1. box 165. Or chards, Wash., near Gehr station. M HEAD of horses all sizes; these horses have all been wdrking. but as we have no further use for them will sell cheap; harness and wagons of all kinds; every thing guaranteed as represented. 240 East 8th. REGISTERED Hoteteln bull for sale or will trade for heifer calves: also Poland China sows and small pigs for sale. T. R. Robinson. Carlton. Or.. Route No. 2. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade, 360-366 East Morrison st. FRESH Jersey cow for sale, giving five gallons daily; will sell cheap. 1850 Dorchester st., Erroll Heights. FOR SALE Jersey bull, Oregon Park, J. H. Harnett, Chief J, 4 years old. Park Place, Oregon. JUST arrived from Newberg, 3400-Ib. team or norses, lor sale at .Hawthorne stables. Wm. Holland, owner. $20 EXTRA choice registered Poland China boars, 8 weeKs. a. A. fearing, Jennings Lodge.. RADIO sets complete. 2000 Ohm head re ceivers installed $20. Al Rau, Wdln. 5808. 169 Knott St. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOMES. TABOR 6366. DEAD horses and cittie taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. JERSEY Holstein cow just fresh; 5-gaL; x . . tested, none better. u &. 8t. WANTED Will buy less than week-old calves, can Wdln. 2801. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. GREATLY REDUCED PIANO PAYMENTS. $6 and $8 monthly buys new piano. $4 and $6 monthly buys used piano. $8 and $10 monthly buys player piano. $3 and $5 monthly buys phonographs. $2 and 3 monthly buys parlor organs. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Anniversary Sale. 550 Geo. Steck & Co., upright $215 $375 Gerald, ebony, upright 1W5 $75 Haliett & Davis upright 165 $900 Thompson player upright 395 Cottage organ, $18. Mason & Hamlin 38 New pianos for rent. SALE OF PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35 Victor and 5 used records $ 20 95 Stradivara, 10 used records. . ., 45 140 Brunswick, 10 used records..... 95 165 Stradivara, 10 used records 90 165 Emerson, 10 used records 95 175 Sonora, 10 used records ?. . 130 175 Victrola. 15 used records 215 $5 or $10 cash, $3, $5 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY STORAGE OO. CLOSING OUT $300 Prentiss upright, cash $125 57o Krell upright, man., cash 215 475 Haliett & Davis, cash 16r 250 Bard & Co.. small uorlght 75 750 Pianista Player Piano 275 75 Chicago Cottage organ, $18 and 25 103 loth st., at wasnington ana tar.. RPRlVft SALE USED PIANOS. WheelQck upright, mahogany, only. $175 Martin Bros., mahogany, only '195 Pease & Co., upright, oak, only.... 245 Winton Player Piano, only 3i5 Pianola Player. 88-note, only 50 Pay $'10 cash, $6 or more a month. Llpman. Wolfe & Co., cor. 5th and Wash VI VICTROLA, $32.60. IX VICTROLA. $50.00. Sonora Caprice $ TO. 00 Cremona cabinet 60.00 "Rrnnswirk.- No. 7....... ...... 85.00 Widdicomb. No. S 85.00 2 Brunswicks, 207, and records... 115.00 Sonora, noct., and record 140.00 Victrola XI 140.00 Baby Grand Sonora 183.00 Sonora Minuet 18(.30 Sonora Elite 225-00 PHONOGRAPH DEPT. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. PTTON'ORRAPH BARGAINS, Victrola IV, with cabinet ...,.....$ 35 Victrola IX, mahogany case RruoBwifk new tnflhoeanv. eold- plated 225 Tirun cn irlr now If omjaf. with reC- ords Columbia, table model 100 aee tnese bargains, SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. $1350 GRAND piano, one of America's best artistic makes; sen real cneap. raase ot fp.r: lso a. Wm Kna.be $1450 grand, $600, and a fine Chickertng piano, about , jiihh value new, $-ku; terms. wor cester bldg. CAREFUL BUYER. . Spa the, best of new nianos Just from the port of New York to the Port of Portland by 'the Panama canaL The . prices wiu surprise you. uumw louaj, Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, PHO NOGRAPH REPAIRING.- Guaranteed workmanship. Any make. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. PIANO BARGAIN $90 and up. Every used oiano in stock reduced. See them. Terms given. SIEBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. MAKE your family happy; get a Hobart M. Cable piano, orana new, oniy dou; in use by over 6U,uuu nomes in America tetm. 312 Worcester bldg. EQUITIES in pianos bought for spot cash get rid of that burden. See Brokerage Co., 31j Worcester mag. CHICKERING piano, only $350; nice ma hogany case, sell new uptown around $iouu; some terms, ifia Worcester o;ci ft $4-50 FARRAND piano, latest design, on $250; just compare with new one; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. PLATER piano, music and bench; $650 value new ; only $112.50. at 312 Wor cester building. $215 BUYS fine $500 Franklyn' piano, lat est plain mahogany; terms. 312 Wr- cester building. " RENT .a real piano; copper bass strings, ivory keys, veneered case. Harold S. Gilbert; 107 West Park. ' SPOT CASH PAID FOR Phonographs and Records. Broadway 7161. 128.1st. Near Alder. PIANOS moved. $3; ground "floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broaiway 1207. . ANOTHER stock new Victor and Columbia records, 2 for 75c, cafeteria style. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. $2.50 RENTS cabinet Grafonola; rental may apply on purchase price. Empire Transfer. .Bdwy. 155. $600 EMERSON piano, wonderful tone and condition, only $235, terms. 312 Wor- cester bldg. $5 A. B. CHASE player piano, $50 cab inet, 100 rolls, only $300, terms. Some snap. 312 Worcester bldg. DO YOU WANT a good piano cheap? Just see the Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester building. EIGHT pianos, upr: mos, uprights, $85 to $175 each, terma. 312 Worcester bldg. on aasy $750 THOMPSON player piano, latest wal- nut. . i n. - terms, at aim Worcester bldg. $725 FARRAND player, bench and music; fr.ou, terms, ait Worcester Diog. FOR RENT Sweet-toned plan. Empire iranpier. pawy, mo. FOR SALE Piano, UBed .very little, $160. Broadway , 4851 $600 KROEGER piano, walnut, 312 Worcester blng., 3d and $175, terms. Oak. $575 KOEHLER & CAMPBELL piano, only iaicsL mvic. atj Worcester Dldg. $650 ESTEY pianos, Just brand new, $315, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. J14J) WM. K.NABE grand, fine condition $600. at 312 Worcester bldg. ' FOR SALE Thomas cabinet grand plana $175. 573 E. Couch St. PIANO FOR SALE Mahogany case, equal to new. Tabor 051$. WANTED -Sweet tone piano; pay all cash if bargain. Broadway 1548. MUST sell our mahogany Columbia gra phonola at once. Call East 6598. $700 LESTER piano, lateast, only $300, on easy terms, oi Worcester p lag. KIMBALL piano, $150. Main 330. Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE cheap, a mahogany dining able and A-B gas range. Woodlawn 6317. DINING set, 5 chairs, table, buffet, chean Sellwood 2724. n FOUR rockers, library table, sanitary couch, rugs, eta 817 Ablngton bids. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. The former Meier & Frank and ' other stocks of . - Furniture, Rugs, Linoleums, ' etc, damaged at warehouse and removed to 349-351 OAK ST. BET. BROADWAY AND OAK ST., Across, From Telephone Co, We have 20,000 sq. feet of floor space, filled with high-grade fur niture, which we are offering at prices unheard of before. Terms Within Reason. Reg. $80 overstuffed tapes try, davenports, loose cushlone, special $ 45.00 Reg. $110 overstuffed tap estry davenport, full spring construction, our price $ 72.50 Reg. $165 velour-covered davenport, all web con struction, assorted col ors, now $ 90.00 Reg. $45 genuine leather overstuffed rocker $ 24.00 Reg. $250 solid mahogany davenport, chair and rocker, cane back and side, beautiful velour cushions, with extra pil lows, special, only $135.00 Mahogany davenport ta bles, period design $ 15.00 Regular $45 solid mahogany or walnut gateieg tables with drawer, our price.. $ 22.50 Mahogany piano lamps ..-$ 00 Silk lamp shades price. Reg. $85 leather bed dav enport $ G.7.C0 Reg., $57.50 9x12 seamless Wilton rugs,- assorted patterns, with fringe 87.60 Reg. $52.50 8.3x10.6 WlITon rugs $ 84.00 Keg. $30 9x12 seamless vel vet rug $ 19-75 Reg. $20 9x12 seamless Brussels rug $ 13.65 Also a complete assortment of higbgrade Wilton rugs and others too num. merous to mention. Reg. $45 walnut ladies' desks $ 22.60 Reg. 85c pro-linoleum, spe cial yard Reg. $12.50 9x12 rag rugs, special $ -25 Reg. $15 6x9 Brussels pig, now $ 8.65 Reg. $15 2-inch-post eteel beds $ 8.75 Reg. $12 cotton, roll -edge mattress $ 8-25 Reg. $12.50 coll springs, all sizes $ 6.25 Reg. $25 pure silk floss mattress, imperial edge, heavy art covering $ 14.25 Reg. $17.50 golden oak fin ish dressers $ 11.80 Reg. $22.50 Ivory dressers, plate mirror , $ 14. 7S 4-piece ivorjj bedroom suite consisting of bed, dresser, dressing table and chair, nicely finished, complete. $ 49.25 We can also show you a wonderful line of high grade bedroom furniture in all finishes at a big saving. Mahogany or walnut dining tables, oblong or round, worth up to $100, slightly imperfect, from $20 up. Chairs to match at a big discount. Reg. $65 massive oak buf fet, plate ra I r r.o r, aur price $ 32.50 Reg. $6 portieres, assorted colors pair $ 2,60 Reg. $70 3-piece wicker set, settee, chair and rocker, upholstered seat and back, ivroy finish, complete our price $ 46.00 Reg. $6 Simmons steel cots, special $ 2.35 And a thousand other bargains. Terms within reason. No interest. 349-351 OAK ST. COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR. GREATEST BUY OFFERED IN YEARS. OREGON HOTEL ANNEX FURNITURE. 71 rooms high-grade furniture from the Oregon hotel moved to the Manning warehouse and will sell all or part at a very low price. CONSISTS OF Steel beds. Coil springs. Hair mattresses. Dressers, eastern quarter oak. Library tables. Desk library tables. Night stands (Sornnoes). Rockers. Chairs, leather seat. Lobby chairs. Folding beds. Hat trees. Trunk stands. Chiffoniers. HOTEL AND APT. HOUSE - - OWNERS, INVESTIGATE. ' An opportunity to buy high grade furniture at a very low price. Goods may be seen at MANNING'S WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER CO. Building located at NINTH AND HOST STS. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor- space filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phon ographs, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets, dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks, Wil ton and oriental rugs, refrigerators, sewing machines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other article too numerous to mention. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS FER CO., 4th at Pine Sttv Opposita Multnomah HoteL NEWLY married couple must dispose of our beautiful furniture immediately. consisting of an adorable davenport with chair made of the highest grade tapes try, two beautiful rugs, walnut dining room set, William and Mary style, with upholstered leather seats, 2 very fine mahogany floor lamps, wonderful gen uine walnut dressing room set of the finest quality and workmanship, walnu - gateleg table, also manogany ena tabi and other smaller pieces. This furniture Is all new. Marshall 895. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samf lea, several daven. ports and chairs at bargain prioes; terms. Phones 635-27 evenings and Sundays. Tabor 67U7 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSOJT. INC. 54th and Foster Road. DON'T SACRIFICE your rurniture it going past or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 245 Pine st. WILL sacrifice compie.e, high-grade fur nishings or 6-room bungalow, includ ing electric appliarces; no dealers House rent $32.50 285 E. 74th N. 1 NICE oak china cabinet, $15; 2 oak li brary tables, 1 small round table and several dozen Economy fruit Jars. 672 Locust St. E. 2774. FOR SALE Dihing and living room furni ture, golden oak, good condition, wood and coal range, like new. Call 1374 Greeley st. FOR SALE High-class household goods; owner leaving city; gas range, refriger ator, dining set, rocker and other ar ticles. Main 2145. A-B GAS RANGE. Charter Oak heater, cabinet sewing machine, 2 bedroom rugs, 1 overstuffed rocker. Woodlawn 8223. LEATHER rockers, golden oak dining set, aavenport, casnmere uton velvet rug, 9x12, all new. Bdwy. 2469. FOR SALE Solid oak buffet. Wdln. 4743. BEAUTIFUL Wilton rug. East 636. Office Furniture. USED OFFICE FURNITURE. 7 roll-top desks, 6 flat-top desks, 4 T. W. desks, 3 tables, 2 standing desks, several files, 75 chairs. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. Furniture Dept. 891 Stark at Tenth. Broadway 8144. FINE flat-top desks (new) from $46 up; large 'line of used office furniture. We buy, sell and rent office furniture. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. 2 SUfcL-IOP desks, 5 chairs. 2 tables, 1 ped. T. W. desk, 8 salesmen's desks, 2 bookkeepers' desks, 1 safe. 1 filing safe. Bushong & Co., 91 Park st. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatros Metal Furniture Co., 715 Thurman. v ROLL TOP desk only $25. golden oak. good condition. 7486 East Burnside St. FOR SALE High-grade office furniture and fixtures. Box B 694. Oregonian. DOUBLE FLAT TOP DESK $33. Call 628 Henry Bldg. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50, com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169. BURROUGHS posting machine, good con dition. Price reasonable. MontavU'.a Savings Bank. ' NOISE ANNOYS Rent a Noiseless; a few used Noiseless for sale. Noiseless type writ e r Oo814UistBroadwy5M 4. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co., 312 Stark. Bdwy. FOB BALK. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington 6L Main 5681. REBUILTS, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. C. Co., 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507. $3 A MONTH rents an Underwood or Rem- tngton. empire Transter. Bdwy. 155. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES on White Leg horns, Reds, Miuorcas, Barred Rocks, White Rocks a,nd Anconas; best Oregon Block; postal secures new FREE cata logue; write today; season closes June 1. C. N. NEEDHAM, SALEM. OREGON. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May and June delivery at $11! per 100; lio per lfOO, from flocks inspected and ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th St.. Petaluma. Cal. BABY CHICKS. From white Leghorn hens, bred for Tigor and high egg production. Reduced prices on May and June chicks. Hatches May ana June ueuvery guar anteed. Paul Dudley, Aloha, Or. Ad dress Rt. 4. Beaverton. son a A C. and Hollywood W. L. chicks ready May z; lOUU ready May z; io per 100. J. R. Maguire, 77 Oregon St East 1805. BIG OVERFLOW hatch of pedigreed White Leghorn cmcKS, iuc eacn. reaay ior ae livery Thursday. Call M. C. Wire & Sons, Newberg. ur. TRADE Rhode Inland rooster, li years ola, tor z nens 01 same oreea. x. Spooner, J 334 Multnomah. S BLACK Minorca laying hens, one year old, thoroughbred, si.ou eacn. t;aii 00 East Alder. E. 3065. Dogs, Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. MIKE," a full pedigreed Airedale dog. 3 years old ; good watch and automobile dog; collar, license, dog, pedigree and all for $10 if you will give him a good home. Phone Sellwood 2083- or call after ft P. M., 643 E. 24th st., cor. Franklin. BEAUTIFUL pair of green Imported St. Andreasberg rollers, Jast tm or 687 Multnomah sL L LEW ELL AN CROSS, Setter puppies. S weeks old; 2 left; regular show dogs. Phone 12 to 1 o'clock 616-52. Hedln. ENGLISH setter puppies for sale, thor oughbreds, a montna ola. uus aiiiier. 605 Broadway bldg. Phone Main 7338. GREAT DANE female for breeding pur poses. F. E. Streeter, Muitnoman. Main B6S7. . CANARY Beautiful singer; reasonable. 113 E. Taylor, s, a. car to 3tn st. ROLLER canaries; Seifert strain; reg istered stocK 436 Rodney, bast g.vjv. Boatb, Launches and Murine Equipment. FOR SALE CHEAP. Almost new launch, length 42 feet, beam 6 feet 4 inches. 60 horse power Loew Victor Motor, upholstered seats, mirrors between windows and on doors. Will carry from 20 to 25 passengers. HILTON-DANIEL CO., 270 Stark St. Bdwy. 7800. FOR SALE: Motor boat, monoplane type. 32.-H. r. engine, speea about its miiea; carries 6 with comfort; in splendid con dition. Or will trade for automobile or real estate. Main 1235. HOUSEBOAT 4 large rooms and bath. storeroom; equipped with gas, water ana electricity; must sell at sacrifice. Auto. 329-14. FOR SALE Launch houseboat. ft. long. rowboat. Box ltiu, city. GOOD canoe for sale with outfit and eaiL Price 40. See ravonte poatnouse. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. aos n. I4tn au, near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 619-19. Radio Equipment. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, a limited number of complete audlon tube detector sets with two stage amplifiers, storage battery, head set and loud speaking horn, all complete; no separate parts sold. R. R. POPPLETON, 225 Stark St IMMEDIATE deliveries Phones, dicto- srraDhs. Kelloggs, Elwooda, Western Electrics and Necros. Headquarters, 430 Washington st. 500 HEAD seta from $6 to $12.60. Acme Products Co., 218 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Coal ami Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater; we also save you money on two-load orders of dry wood; prompt delivery on west and east side, uregon Fuel co. wooa lawn 4102. " WOOD Special sale, block and slabs mixed, 16-in., best in city, extra big load, $4.25; block wood. $5.25; extra big load dry No. 1 old growth. $6.75 per cord in 2-cord lots. Sumner Wood Yard. Marshall 2855. BEST old-growth fir cordwood. cut from large timber, dry ltt-incn oiock or foot wood, cut from large ship-yard tim ber; also second-hand lumber and tim ber of all sizes and lengths. Call Ta bor 0O42 and get our prices. $4 PER LOAD $4. 10-inch, partly dry block and slab mixed ; fine lor furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $8; single loads 4.ou; dry slab $B toaa. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 2041. WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2076. EXTRA dry first-growth cordwood, cut but of Bound squared timbers, $7.50, de livered, east side only, in 8-cord lota or more. Phone East oJJl. NICE 16-in. slab, $3.50; best, seasoned, heavy, $0; dry box, $4. Bargain. Any where. .4-ft. slab, $5. Sellwood 1769 Paul Fuel. NICE 16-ln. slab, $3.50; best, seasoned, heavy. $5; dry box, $4. Bargain. Any where. 4-ft. slab, $5. Sellwood 1769. Paul Fuel. BEST dry cordwood, $7.75 per cord, 2 for $15; best block ana siao, stove lengtn, special price on double load. Bdwy 4110 nRY PLAXK and small timber. 16 Inches. $5.50 load, and dry range wood 14.50 load. Cull Sellwooa aia'J. rRV BOX WOOD. S4 and $4.50: dry range wood, $4.50; block and slab, $4.50 per load. wain, apiu. fitF.T YOUH best cordwood. $7.50. and big country slab $5 per cord. Phone East . 91L ; FIR. $7.75; oak. $10: ash. 3S24. Joh-n Ger'.ach. $8.50. Wdln. DRY BLOCK and slaOwood, singie load $5, double load, ta. proaaway .to-io. BEST old-growth fir, $" $6 50. Sellwood 314. large 2d growth, WOOD-SAWING For quick service call Main 8124 and good NO 1 CORDWOOD $7.50; summer order Heavy country siap to. Auto, sia-ai. rjnnr) drv first-erowth heavy bark. No. 1. $S: No.' 2. $7. Phone Automatic 618-81. DRY BLOCK and slabwood, single load $3, double load $8. Broadway Zim. HARD wood, fir and first-class country slao. Mam oiaa. BLOCK and slab mixed, partly dry, double load $8. single 4-za. wain 15 CORDS exij-a good 2d growth fir wood, 10 mi. out, pavement, $4.50, Main 6658. FIRST-GROWTH red fir, 4-ft. and 16-in. hardwood also. Wdln. 6233. Machinery. uipivn CIS EVfilKK R A Tin A TV. 220-horsenowTr Eastern Standard. 6- cylinder direct reversible; price $2150 I. o. D. sseattie. Buoject to prior sale. K. H. SCHEBU Pier 1, Seattle, wasn. 60-HORSE POWER upright donkey boiler in good condition, complete with grates and fittings. Price $250. Phone East 7900. HeBse-ErBted Iron Works. OREGON JUNK & HARDWARE CO. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand machinery, hardware and - pipe. Main aiu f ront st. FOR SALE New Stover woodsaw and frame at a nig discount. Kooinson, Smith Co., Sixth and Madison. FOR SALE Slightly used- Fordaon or chard plow at big discount- Robinson- Smith Co.. tnn and Madison sts. Miscellaneous. REED baby carriage and wicker bassinet. cheap, aai itnoii st. 1 WINCHESTER rifle .44 caliber, in good condition, ia. mo tvtn St., room a. LAWN mowers ' sharpened and repaired. 366 Hawtnorne ave. n,ast bisp. LUMBER trailer for sale. J. M. Borem, tWS rnurman St. FERTILIZER. Rotted manure delivered. Mar. 1808. SECOND-HAND tents ana covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., No. 1 1st st. LARGE SAFE with Chest, $175, If taken at once, rt onti. uregonian. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, snowcases, 4a 1st st..iear Ash. LADIES' used dresses. $2 up; suit, wrapa hats, remaraaoie values. raDor 2825. FREE for removing light soil, easy to gat at. near gi. asp ana Z4tn. aast laug. Y. & E. RAPID ROLLER COPIER, In good condition, $10. 278 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. WHT PAY 500 FOR A DIAMOND? When the new Klmberly gem looks exactly the same and costs only $7.50? These remarkably brilliant stones are cleverly mounted In exact duplicate of famous diamond rings and are not to be distinguished from the genuine. Come in and see them. No obligation to buy. THE GIFT SHOP, 121 3d St., Near Washington. VULCAN gas range, good condition, $20. ST hA:M T AcKLlcJ, H-IOOt. GRIDDLE. 13x15 inches, nearly new. $10. GAS TOASTER for restaurant, makes splendid toast quickly, $10. TABLES 10 hardwood, round-top. Iron base. $45. HOOD OR CANOPY for rang. 7-foot, $15. ' SUNDRIES at give-away price Call this afternoon P. M. to 5 P. M. 221 Jefferson. , ORi-n TIXTOX TEA fO. SELLING OUT. Fixtures for sale: Derby legal file, 2 ' Rem. tvnewriters. Burroughs adding ma chine, transfer files, counters, shelving, 2 Hobart o.fffl mills- 3 hand coffee mills for counter use. delivery cars. 2 scales, trucks and work benches; entire fixtures and stock must be sold at once. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. 72-78 Grand ave. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harmless and no after- fiffmfrtu! ftt1atctlnn e-iiRranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J. KiesendahL Above Majesti c Theater, 351 Wash. HLECTR.Tr! FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory showroom Bnri nQ l a nrm-tY, rr1 all atvlpR finest S- lectidn. Come in and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1 Dflnrnv A t ITT TOTI APPRECIATE! snlendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, xan-o uui worn to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store, ' Sells for Less Gifts Thai Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington ate. trno RAT.w 1 henutifnl h.nd-embroiderei si k tricot ha. made to oraer, mme. VrttiTio- ,nvn .net 1110 nriee $20. All wool shepherd plaid, made to order, sport skirt, price $10. 1 hand braided, made to order, tan suit, cost ynw s oio, uregonian. nnnns vinHnwa nfr.en floors, mouldings, mill work, glass, roofing ana notoei ash. See our odd stock of cash and fn, n,i,. n r Hciillv Co.. down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST.. bet. M-M-rison tnd Yamhill. Main 4-iia. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold (or less; no agents empioj.. Complete line of parts lor ail ma.e. machines repaired and rented. SKWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third St., Near Taylor. Main 9431 WHY A ROOF OF SHORT DURATION T Why not a roof of permanent duration to tirntert vonrself and vour poor rela tion? We repair. Rubber Bond and reju venate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Phone Bdwy. 5958. 25-20 CALIBER Winchester rlfie: .82 cal. Savage automatic, like new; 1 Manning coal oil gas maker complete; 1 cook stove, good condition: for a good motor cycle; will p'ay part cash for good ma chlne. 1280 Simpson St., Woodlawn 5488, A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Stor, 8e!is for Less Gifts That Last. Next door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sta SHINGLES. They must move before high watet comes; commons, $1.75 1000; extra Star A Star, $2.95 1000. Tayior-st. aoca. Main 8065. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & (Scale jcx- change, 226 Stark St. Bdwy. 7534. BUILDERS,. TAKE NOTICE I Good clean bank gravel for concrete work; prompt delivery, call Auto. paJ-oa. HOT WATER tanks. $5. euaranteed. Tanks. gas water heaters repaired; piumoing contractors: estimates given. E. Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. East 8516. WANTED Men and young men to wear straw hats. $1.9i; panama hats, l.MO to $2.50 caps, 95c to $1.00. 201 wasn- lngton St., between ana ad. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainabla in new or second-hand safe see Norr-ls Safe & Lock Co., .105 2d st, Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045. MUST SELL at once shower bath; cos X30fl wi 1 sell for siuu: a so on Hard table for $100; call East 6109, or 601 Schuyler st. LADIES, let the Vogue sell your misfit. slightly used clothing on commission. 403 Allsky bldg.. 4th floor, 3d St. near Morrison St. Alain dia-. PRICELESS old vioiin, fins old "Strad." $75: leather case, two bowa, one a snak wood. Ivory mounted, worth alone price of nwtflt. 270 6th. Main 7223. LADY'S riding habit, size 38; children' dresses, 10-12 years; orders taken for dressmaking. Vogue, 4th fldor, 403 Alisky bldg., Bd, near Morrison st. FOR SALE Drophead Singer sewing ma chine, good condition, price reasonable, 127tf rjast Morrison st., lapor. auii THREE 9x12 Axmlnster art squares splendid condition, clean. 786 E. Yam hill. . MY CANNED fruit; Jellies. Jams an empty Jars for sale: also some garde tools. 1103 E. Taylor, S. S. car to 39th. FOR BAKERS. Troof box, 360 loaves capacity, for sale. 915 E. 3uth su 6 SHARES American Securities, interest bearing, "fully guaranteed, at 50 dis count: casn. av na. uregonian. SEXTANT. Made bv Negretti & Zumbra. London. Eng. What have you 7 6305 E. 4l3t st- NEW $90 white enamel Hooster cabinet at sacrifice; selling account no room in house. G 691, Oregonian. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 75o per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn T259. LICENSED independent electrician wire, 8 rooms for $12, fi for $20; guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn ai91. 1 WICKER baby buggy, "1 wicker sulky 1 golf set bag and 7 cluba Phone Woodlawn 32U3 CASH registers, show cases, wall cases. scales, other fixtures; big reductions. 129 First street. FURNITURE of 4 rooms, including Vie trola and St. Claire range, also canary birds. 126 uranam ave. 4-DRAWER steel letter files, $37.50: Just a few left. D. C. Wax. 24-28 North Fifth Bdwy. 2739. SINGER sewing machine, easy payments, largest allowance zor your old macnin Singer Store, 166 W. Park. Mar. 72 DANDY 3-lieht shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.33, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 42o3. FOR SALE cheap, 15 second-hand iron beds. 62 14 N. 6th St.. or call. Phone Auto. 523-17; - PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write pr. Dean, Sec ond ana Morrison. DIEBOLD safes, new and second-hand special prices. Pacific Soale & Supply Co.. 48 Front St. Bdwy. 1968. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpet washer: ilso vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. KODAKS. Ws buy, sell, rent and exchange ko- flaks, sandy. ki Broadway. FURNITURE for sale; 6-room modern house with gtlrage for rent; fine view. 962 savler. ELECTRIC FANS. ALL KINDS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. NEWMAN. 128 1ST. NEAR ALDER. TTAT.T. Jtr TtORTrHER riremi form, cost K22 take $12. Today and 'evenings, 227 Mill. RJEED baby carriage, slightly used. Apt. 4, 730 Hoyt St. VERY elegant traveling case with fittings and hat box. Main 8130. MEDIUM size trunk for sale cheap. 294 Jefferson st., room 2. Call 6-7 evenings. SH ELTON vibrator, almost new, for $22.50. East B333. BICYCLE 22-ln., man's frame, coaster brake, $8. 558 E. Alder St., before 6 P. M, FOR SALE Black sealskin coat in good condition, cheap for cash. Tabor 8193. FOR SALE Wheel chair. Phone Tabor 7136. 543 B. 89th. . $150 VICTROLA with $50 records. Apply between 1 and 4 P. M. 831 Broadway. $125 LATE model White sewing machine for sale very reasonable. Woodlawn S76. HAND-MADE crochet beaded bag for said. 910 Corbett St. ' ' BATH TUB, In good condition. 522 Wash in gtonst. FOR SALEI Al automotive electrical test ing apparatus. G 692. Oregonian. FOR SALE ArTOMOBII.ES. MEDIUM weight touring car. price $500; will take 1?ord or Chevrolet aa part payment. Phone Tabor 4142. 1922 CHEVROLET, bumper, spot, spare, Altmite, license; owner must sell. 2274 Clay st. Mar. 3343. Apt. 3. PACKARD 6-48: completely overhauled; three new tires, $450. 418 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 700. CHEVROLET 490 In fine condition for $200, terms, or $180 cash. Phone Wdln. 3949. FORD for sale. Good mechanical condl tion. $125. Call 810 14th st. FORD touring in good condition, $135. Car can be seen at 12a i- Water at. TOR SALE ArTOMOBILES. ' VALUE FOR TOUR MONET. AT COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. We are doing the largest volume of business we have ever done our used car sales are increasing every month. This condition must continue. It is necessary we sell more used cars the next few months. We expect to accomplish this by our policy of giving the most valus for your money and of no misrepresentations. We want you to know the exact truth about every car we sell, in sofar as we are able to discover; for you. We want you to go into the car carefully and ascertain for yourself just what it is. Then If the car doesn't suit you it is for. you to say. "ALWAYS THE- BEST CARS AT LOWEST PRIES." COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. TWO LOCATIONS. Main plant, Washington at 21st St. Phone Broadway 6244. Broad way branch, at 28-30 Broadway. We have cars to take you from one place to the other. USED CAR3. T-45 Bulck tourlnc. In excellent condition $495 83 Overland touring, starter, electric lights $145 1B18 Dodee touring, license, good rubber $275 Maxwell tourlner. license: fair shape $125 FORDS FORDS FORDS. 1921 Ford touring, demountable rims. $395 1921 Ford touring, fine shape $M35 1921 Ford sedan, new rubber $575 1920 Ford touring, starter $325 1918 Ford roadster, license S'10 1917 Ford touring, new paint $105 1917 Ford roadster $190 1920 Ford couDe. wire wheels $475 1915 Ford touring, license $130 ALSO Several dandy buys In Ford Commercial cars. We give the same service on these used cars as we do on a new one. We do our own appraising. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East 8770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorns. VRANSON"S USED CAR EXCH. 1918 Maxwell touring, new top. $123 1917 Saxon 4 roadster, over hauled 125 1916 Ford touring, extras 120 1914 Bulck roadster, license.... .145 1917 Grant 6 touring 143 1913 Packard 30 175 3917 Oakland 8 touring 235 1917 Oakland 6 roadster 235 3918 Ford touring 215 1918 Ford roadster 215 1918 Chevrolet touring, license. 225 1915 Bulck 4 touring, new tires 265 1917 Buick 4 roadster 300 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCH. Grand Ave. and E. Main St Open Nights and Sundays. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1919 Ford touring. 1920 Ford touring. 1920 Ford coupe. 1920 Ford coupe with dlso wheels. 1920 Ford sedan. These cars are all In fine shape. Come to the BUICK CORNER. 12th and Alder sts., and SAVE $50. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO- 12th and Alder. Broadway 1130. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. ATJTOMOBIX.ES CASHED. TOU BUT OR BELL, AN ATJTOMO BILE; WE FURNISH THE MONEY i OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGES CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. NEW CHEVTtOLETS. Latest Models Now on Display. See L'd Before You Buy.' Our Appraisals on Your Used Car. ARE FAIR AND SQUARE. ARTHUR BRYAN MOTOR CO. East Bdwy. and Wheeler St. Phone East 9564. "My Service Satisfies." CHEVROLET 1-TON SPEED WAGON. Brand new, latest model, will make liberal discount and give terms. ARTHUR BRYAN MOTOR CO., East Bdwy. at Wheeler St. Telephone East 9564. SPECIAL CHALMERS SPECIAL. Finely equipped, perfect running Chalmers 6. 5-paas. new cord tires and good spares; just overhauled, re painted and put In A-l condition; will sell very reasonable on liberal terms or take In light car. Robinson-Smith Co., 6th at Madison BtB., Ford headquarters. FTJLL line auto accessories, tires, tubes, light glob. a FISHING OUTFITS. Wholesale agents bearings, polish, rings, Ford parts; discount to trade. TOWING AND REPAIRING. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. LONG 4 SILVA. Bast 6K4A. 462 Hawthorne at 8th. 1922 CHEVROLET ' TOURING. Side curtains opon with the doors; can not be told from new; has been used slightly as demonstrator; will make lib eral discount and give terma. Phone Sellwood 8G86. HATNES LI5HT 6IX. 5-pass., In first-class mechanical con dition; newly painted, new top and new tires. Price $750; terms. HAYNES AGENCY, Bdwy. 161 4 529 Washington St. STUDE BAKER SPECIAL 6 SEDAN. This car .has original finish and Is In excellent mechanical condition. We have a special low price on this for a quick sale. See Mr. Pendergrass. H. & E. Auto Co.. 19th and Wash. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON STEPHENS. 1920 OLDSMOBILE 8, sport model, like new, 1922 license, lots of extras; positive sacrifice, for $675 spot cash. No terms, no trades. Bdwy. 7943. PAIGE light 6, fine mechanical condition, good rubber, 1922 license, new paint; $490, easy terms. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder sts. 1921 BUICK coupe, run only 5700 miles, perfect mechanical condition, good paint, excellent rubber; only $13'n0. Call Ryan, Broadway 4693 or Main 6313; no trade. WILD sacrifice new Oldsmoblle; never run; factory guarantee; call Jungers, East S1I8, or Bdwy. --i-ju. evenings. COLE 8, model S60, 7-pass., just com pletely overhauled, good rubber; $600. Ca!l Adams, East 9558. 1919 FORD touring, 81x4 tires, speed ometer, spot, etc., good shape. $200. Call Marshall 3471 before 3 P. M. TWIN TWO MOTOR CO. has complete line of used Fords the place to get your money's worth. 609 Washington st. 1921 FORD coupe. 4 new Firestone cord tires, extra tire and lot of extras. Bdwy. 2488! FORD BUG. Come Quick If you want a snap, $175. 530 Alder St. 1920 FORD sedan new tires; a good car. Call Bdwy. 2488 days or Walnut 7341 evenings. CADILLAC 8, In excellent condition, terms to responsible party. Call Bast 2470. 1915 6-PARS. Case, good running order, starter, $75. Y 698, Oregonian. BUICK six. model E-45, $550; terms. Phone East 6109. BUG, IN good condition, two new tires. $65 cash. 801Uj Alberta. Swanson. 1921 FORD delivery, almost new; $100, terms. 689 Irving. Main 9239. NEW FORD deposit contract at a dis count. PhoneilcLecd. East 1371. 1922 CHALMERS; run 2000 miles; Just as good as new; cord tires. Broadway 4296. 1920 FORD coupe, fine shape. Bdwy. 2483, ask for Mr. Holllster. FORD roadster, 19 ID model; some buy. Bdwy, 24S&, TOR SALE ArTOMftBII.ES. A QUESTION OF FAIRNESS IN DODGE BROTHERS' POLICY." Occasionally we sacrifice a new car ale because we will not allow an .ex cessive price for a used car. We do this for the protection of our patrons. If we paid Smith too much we would have to get it back from Jones. That would be unfair and we believe in fair ness, even if it hurts. We tell you our used cars are recon ditioned in Al shape. When we tell you that we mean just that. If you find any point not to be as represented, through any oversight on our part, we will cor rect it. That is another Question of. fairness. A used car guarantee Is only as strong as the firm or Individual that gives It. No stronger. We will gladly refer you to our entire list of used car pur chasers. That's fair. 1921 Dodge roadster $7TH 1120 Dodge touring 6S3 1(119 Dodge touring f85 li)2 Dodge roads- r 6."'0 Dodge screenslde ............ 650 1917 Dodge roadster 450 1920 Buick roadster 850 120 Chevrolet F. B. Roadster .... 625 1921 Olds 4 touring 3093 Oakland 6 225 1919-20 Oakland sedan 850 1920 Maxwell roadster 425 1917-1918 Paige light 550 Reo touring car 250 1921 Ford touring 423 1920 Ford coupe, cord tires ........ 475 1920 Ford roadster 333 MANY OTHERS OF FINEST SELECTION, ALL EQUIPPED WITH FIVE TIRES AND LICENSES. BRALY, GP.AHAM & CHILD, INCORPORATED. Burnside at E'eventh St HUPMOBILES. Tou get value In a used Hupp because there was value built into It in the first place. Our used cars are reconditioned and sold with a guarantee. 1920 Hupp, reconditioned, like new.. $900 1920 Hupp, rebuilt, paint good 850 1920 Hupp, in fine running order.. 800 . 1918 Hunp, Just out of shop 75 1919 Dodge, all first-claas 5o FORDS. Late 1920 coupe, rims like new $465 1921 touring, bought In Sert., 1921 423 1919 touring, Kelsev body, new paint 3;0 1919 touring, lots of extras 250 All These Cars Have 1922 Licenses. We Give Very Easy Terms. No Brokerage Charge. MANLEY AUTO CO.. Hupmobile Distributors. Eleventh and Burnside. Used Car Dept. Bdwy. 217. BRAND-NEW SEDAN. THE POPULAR ESSEX MAKE AND REPRESENTED BT ONE OF THB BEST FIRMS IN OUR CITT. THIS CAR IS COMPLETE AND WE WILL SERV ICE AND GUARANTEE IT THE SAME AS THE FIRM THAT SELLS THEM. WILL TAKE CAR IN TRADE AND DISCOUNT TO ALLOW LARGE SAV ING. FOR INSPECTION APPLY 16TH AND ALDER STREETS. MURPHY MOTOR CO. BARGAINS. FORD CORNER SPECIAL FEATURE!. LET TJ3 EXPLAIN. "Give Tour Ford a Fair Chance. Better Fords For Less. Let Us Prove It, 1918 Ford bug $115 1916 Ford touring , 150 3917 Ford touring, many extra.... 200 1918 Ford touring, Al 225 1919 Ford coupe, Al 450 1920 Ford roadster 823, 1921 Ford touring, some buy 891 SOME $70 DOWN BAI. BAST. We Do Our Own Appraising. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. WM. L. HUOHSON CO, 80 N. Broadway. Bdw 821. LATE KODEIi USED CARS. 1!21 Essex, run 4O00 miles ...tlOOfl 1920 Essex, new paint, cord tires... 850 3920 Buick. new paint 1000 1919 Chandler, wire wheels 650 1920 Ford sedan, lots of extras..,. &75 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 821. YOUR CHOICE OF THREE CARS FOR $345, with $160 down, bal, monthly. Come and try them and see the real bargains that we are selling. 20 MAXWELL TOURING. This one has new top and new finish, and set new seat covers: runs and looks fine: some extras and all complete. 19 OAKLAND TOURING. This is the lowest-priced late model Oakland in the paper and the car runs and looks good. OVERLAND TOURING. Has 7 tires and runs and looks fine. Come and try It. Suitable for light stage run. All liese cars can be seen at 16th. and Aldr sts. ' MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. ' REO, 1919 B-pase.. mechanical conditio A-l' paint, upholstering and top like new- 5 good tires. Price $700; terms. " AC. STEVENS. Bdwy. 1614. 629 Washington Bt- This touring Is the best four that is sold on this or any other market and we will service It the same as the firm that soils them. Take car In trade and we will discount liberally for cash. See It and save money. 16th and Alder sts. TJi 2 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Almost new, 1922 Chevrolet sedan with -30 worth of extra equipment. This la a" beautiful, easy-riding, quiet-running car and can be had at a big discount. some terms. East 706. FORD delivery car. 1917, good mechanical condition, full panel body : also have a delivery body for rear of Ford roadster. A harffain fnr cash. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. 72-78 Grand Ave. " TRDE YOUR USED CAR. Will consider trade on several popular mokes of used roadster and touring cars. BRALY GRAHAM & CHILD. INC, lith and Burnside Sts. nrrrv t rvl 5-pass. D 45 model, 81.000 miles had good care; 1922 license. .a'.,V: $375. J. A. Halliday. Pa- ri T.lenhone Co. Tel. Bdwy. 12000. 15-PASS. auto stage bus, wonderful bar- Youca buy this at less than price. William L. Hughson Co., Broadway and Duvis. , .doit BUG Starter, demountable rims, Ttnrh magneto, battery, good tires, fptedom? No reasonable offer re Woodlawn 2227. FORD touring, like new, lots of extrasl must sell; will give easy 'terms; don t buy without seeing this bargain. Tabor 5I.'. , CADILLAC '4." bargain at $185; good tires fair condition. Dandy service car. tires. iai MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. Phone East 720. CHEVROLET touring, late model, original finish, shock absorbers, good tires, small down payment: balance $20 per ma. Bargain. Tabor 5935, 1" REAL BARGAIN 1920 Elgin 6, Just like new for $500 cash. Also sacrifice 1917 Hudson Buper six for $300. Will consldT xraae. if""' 1091 nnnRR S77.V ROADSTER. CORD TIRES. BRALY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. 11th and Burnside Sts. 1920 BUICK coupe, looks fine, runs fine and is fine: 5 cord tires; $1250, terms. Call 415 Gllsan St.. or phone Mr. Hattcn. Bdwy. 4592. . 190 FORD roadster. Haesier shocks, start er, good tires; $300. terms. L Y BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hn'wth-orne Ave. at 8th. Phone East 720. 1917 OVERLAND, model 83. 5-passenger touring, in good running order; good battery, new top. two brand-new tires, 3 extras, $275 cash. Phone Main 6647. 1920 FORD touring with extras, $325. Try It out for yourself. Terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR X.. H a w th-orne Ave, at Sth Phone Pq.rt 720. PRIVATELY owned 7-pass. Chandler for $325. Phone Mr. Grant. Sellwood 3452. NEW DORT touring car at less than cost. Tabor 1542. WHITE touring car, snap $250; might con slder a Ford, Mala !.