THE MOllMNG OREGOMA WEDNESDAY. MAY 24, 1922 IS RI'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. Here la an excellent opportunity to secure an equal half interest In the busiest and best small auto repair shop In Portland ; fine, busy location, estab lished, steady trade, more work than one can handle alone; prefer an honest and reliable partner to hired help; pre vious experience not necessary if you are handy with tools. Tour opportunity to learn the business and also clear bet ter than $16U a month for yourself from the start; only $2$0 required to secure equal half interest. Don't fail to see this before you buy. Apply 316 Pittocfc block. Washington at Tenth. VI LCANIZINU PLANT. Downtown tire and vulcanizing plant; an exceptional location; owner going to California, will sell on invoice; he made a lot of money you can do the same. See Robinson. GROCERY. Grocery and living rooms in apart ment flectio.ii; rent $-5 per month; bus iness? to $30 per day; will lump or invoice for J'JiiuO; lots of fixtures. Ask for Mr. Dietseh, FRANK McCRILLIS. Realtor. Henrv Building Broadway 77fl. MANUFACTURING PARTNERSHIP. Opportunity to buy equal half interest in old established manufacturing dusi ness; business has grown to where the owner cannot handle alone: wants a capable eteady man to take charge of the office and handle the business end of the firm; guaranteed drawing account of .w weeKiy ana snare mommy proms; your money is fully secured; fliou; rer erences exchanged. This is a real busl cess and worthy of your time to Investi gate. 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR BEST BUSINESS BUYS. Grocery1 West side district, $75 per day. SUfJOO; worth more. Grocery Nob hill district, $60 per day, $2000. Restaurant Business district, $40 day, low rent: price $1100, $750 cash. Vulcanizing shop Here is a snap. Battery station; see us about it. None better In Portland. See J. S. CTJLBERTSON, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg., Bdwy. 3fi2S. THTR will not laft long; It Is a money maker; confectionery and 8 house keeping rooms; furnished ; rent only $.10; this Is a snap; $1000, ?7-I5 cash, balance easy. J. S. Culbertson, with Hiller Bros, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 3626. A WONDERFUL opportunity for a man who has $7.r0 to invest where he can make from J 200 to $ 300 per month; experience not necessary as man will learn purchnser how to operate machine. This is a new card sign printing press, something entirely new. only three ma chines in the U. S. like it. A swell proposition for a sign painter to use in connection with hand work. 504 Bu chanan bldg. GROCERY $r25 for furniture and fix tures; invoice stock about $800; dandy location; near large, school; 3 good liv ing rooms. Grocery $12T0 or Invoice; 3 nice liv ing rooms with bath; rent $22; ideal place. Morris, with O. O. SLETTEN, Realtor, Suite 415 Ry. Excha nge BldR. . $1000 CASH GROCERY 11000. Concrete building, corner, old-established place; elegant fixtures; up-to-date stock; on account of other business must sell; the best buy in Portland for the money. Fine for man and wife. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 403-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder PA RTN E Ft W ANTE D. Expert mechanic desires partner in best located auto repair shop on west side, have lease over fair; $!00 repair work on hand; high-power service car; experience not necessary to reliable man. prefer partner to hired help. 504 Buchanan blder. NEAR BEND. OR EGO N. 100 acres. 130 acres under ditch: this can be made into one of the best aitaita ranches in Eastern Oregon; will sell on easy terms or exchange for good stock of merchandise. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 40.V6 Panama BldR.. 3d and Alder. BARBERS, here is your chance; I have one of the cleanest little barber snop candy, ice cream and tobacco stores for sale; shop and store tixtures invoice J.mO. stock about $300; cheao rent, good lease, good business; sell at invoice for cash. K fiSfi, Oregnnian. BAKERS AND BUTCHERS. WANT A BAKER TO START FIRST- CLASS BAKERY TN PUBLIC MAR KET AT ASTORIA: EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY; ALSO GOOD PROP OSITION FOR A BUTCHER. BF 602, OREGON! AN. FUEL BUSINESS.' $1000 will give you an equal half interest in best wood business on east side, supply ine- 16 hotels, besides resi dences; two 3-ton trucks; prefer partner to hired help, cannot handle alone. 504 BUCHANAN BLPG. BAKERS. ONE CSED ELECTRIC ROTARY OVEN; ONE GAS SHELF; ONE SMALL CAKE MACHINE FOR SALE REASON ABLE, ON TERMS; ALSO SEVERAL GOOD LOCATION'S. Y 654, OREGO NIAN. CIGAR stand, west side office hfdg. lobby; (his stand has never been on the market before: sickness compels this sale; 5 year lease; low rent ; big trade ; no night or Sunday work: only $3200. UNIVERSAL SALES. 602 Railway Eyrh. RESTAURANT A good going business of $80 a day; making money for owner, but must be sold on account of sickness; good west side location ; fully equipped. Price $3150, terms if necessary. BUSINESS SERVICE. 71S Deknm Bldg. WOOD BUSINESS. If you have $000 to $1200 and want to get into the wood business, it can be made to bring you in good returns. Here js your chance. For further in formation call Auto. 627-12., . GARAGE. West side location, dandy little shop: lots of tools, electric drill, etft. ; $."i00 takes everything. This is .absolutely a gift at this price. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. FOR SALE Wet wash laundry in town of 30,000; one of best little cities on coast; $3000 cash buys all including 1022 Ford delivery run 1300 miles. Ad dress 3613 Rockefeller ave., Everett, Wash. STOP LOOK LISTEN. The first good offer takes restaurant taking in $25 per day; will sell for cash or trade for good lot or auto ; must go back east at once. Inquire 349 Sal mon, or 291 Salmon. NEW AND SECOND-HAND STORE. Good west side location; furniture, hardware, tools, pt.; reasonable rent; $750 takes all. This is a bargain see ing is 1 Mievinjr. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. GROCERY and confectionery in good apartment house district: good staple stock, sales $75 and up a day; large sale of ice cream, soft drinks, cigars, can dies, etc. Beautiful, modern living rooms, long lease. 6J6 Morgan bldg. DRUG STORE location in new fireproof building corner; space 22x50; 12x22 base ment; corner of car line; reasonable rent, lease. Killingsworth and Concord sts. See owner at place or call 1S2 W. Web ster st. after 6:30 P. M. GOOD garage for ale on North Bank htKh way, not far from Portland; excellent opportunity for two or three good me chanics. Write 4U East 6th st. N.. Port land. Or. FILLING STATION and vulcanizing shop, good east side location ; half interest ran be bought for $700; each partner should clear at least $200 a month. BUSTNES SERVICE. 718 Dekum Bldg. A MODERN CONCRETE GARAGE. Fine location; good lease; 70 car stor age; large sale gas, oils, auto accessories. etc. ; price $3500; can arrange terms. Room 401 Pekum bldg. $300 RESTAURANT $300 A buy ; fully; equipped ; owner must sell; 2 living rooms; low rent. Morris. with O. O. SLETTEN. Realtor, Suite 415 Ry. Kxcnange Bing. MEAT market In connection with grocery store in new fireproof building; located at Killings worth and Concord sts. See owner at place or call at 182 W. Webster st after 6:H0 P. M. CONFECTIONERY, groceries, soft drinks. cigars, etc. This Is a place for man and wife or 2 women : 1 living room fur- nuished: $200 clear per month easy. Only $1150. 66 .Morgan bldg. GOOD clean stock of hardware, store buildings and store fixtures for sale by owner at a sacrifice to make quick sale; good reasons for selling. Wm. Woodham, 44 HTtn street t. E.. Portland. Or. VULCANIZING AND TIRE BUSINESS. Flrsi-clas location; must be sold be iore June 1; greatly under value. Tabor L!99 after 7 P. M ask for Mr. G. or ad dress E fi"S. OreRonian. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal ef so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland .ealtv Board, 421 Oregoc bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. RESTAURANT, doing 95 a day business; give you guarantee. Write 605 Main st.. Pendleton. Or. If you are in Portland see Mr Harrison at 268 12th sL for in formation. I'A RTNER in good clean business shows 4o0 per cent profit; have indorsement business organizations; small investment required. 505 Swetland bldg. . I'HOTO studio, including all necessary equipment and wiH teach you to do t he work ; only $1 50 ; fine for lady ; - me at the studio 51 H Morrison st. J ASIDE lunch counter and equipment. i"5 Broadway st.; party will be there W d nesday and Thursday. Jerry's nlace . PARTNER In established wood taw busi ness ; small investment, 05 tiwetland bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. NEW HIGHWAY WORK TO LET. 4 miles of station work to let, 50.000 yards to the mile; In south ern Oregon, Climate, camp con ditions and prices good. See profile at HAN LEY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 28 N. Second St., Portland, Or. OR JOHN HAMPSHIRE ft CO.. Gold Beach, Or. BUYERS, ATTENTION DEAL WITH A COMPANY WHICH HAS THE FINANCE FEATURE WE HAVE E KCEPTIONAL OFFERINGS IN DOWN-TOWN HOTELS WHICH MAY BE PURCHASED ON SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS. LET US SHOW YOU. BDWY. S540. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. Garage, 35 miles from Portland; estate lished 10 years: aeencv for the Stude- baker, Velie and Dort cars; $50,000 business last year; rent $80 per month; good lease; an exceptional opportunity for ft live man; $1500 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. GROCERY STORE. AVERAGING OVER $3500 MONTHLY. Well established, good location, under present management 10 years. Rent $20. Full price $3800 cash. A bona fide buy that will stand thorough in vestigation. ARTHUR L. SCOTT CO. 81.1 Cha mher of Com. Bdwy. 3668. FIRST-CLASS POOL HALL. Will consider cheap car as part pay ment; feeding 00 people per day; lunch counter, Al location, 4 pool tables, root beer barrel, ice box, showcases, wall, lunch counter and outfit: first class stock; good lease; price $1800. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. OFFICE BUILDING CIGAR STAND. In one of the largest west side office buildings; beautiful fixtures; doing a splendid Business in cigars, magazines, candies, etc.; no night or Sunday work; free light and janitor service; fixtures alone cost more than price asked; $1350 for a quick sale and it is a bargain. 310-11 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. FOR SALE Only first-class restaurant In town of :t0U0 on state highway: fine lo cation; established two years; first year $20,000 business. 2d year $23,000; good lease; must sell; will not consider trade. Price $2U00. half down, balance terms. Address Dewey W. Martin. Dayton, Wash FIRST-CLASS 4-CHAIR. Barber shop. 4 people employed; ele gant fixtures, right downtown, -west side, owner sick, must sell; will sac ri fee; long lease; $1300. terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 10.VH Panama Bide. 3d and Alder. GARAGE partnership. Here is an open ing for an energetic man who is me chanically inclined in a Rood west side garage. I have steady storage and lots of repair work; $4."y0 starts you to work. Should warrant $175 and up each per month. This is only for a few days, 6''6 Morgan bids. GROCERY STORE SNAP. SEIJ, AT INVOICE. Doing an average of nearly $100 per day. All cash and carry. Choice loca tion, cheap rent and lease if wanted. About $ii5(i0 for all. We have others. MERRICK & CO.. 304 Panama Bidg. Broadway 6942. 2-CHAiR LADY BARBER SHOP. $225 buys half interest, doing good business; located on busy street; rent $30; brick hnildinp; $125 cash balance terms. Morris, with O. O. Sletten, Real tor, 415 Railway Bxeh. bldg. IMPLEMENT business for sale, town of 2000: big surrounding territory being de veloped; no competition;, fine oppor tunity for implement men: excellent liv ing conditions. You should investigate. Ad dress Produce Co., Kennewick, Wash. 2-ACRE bank sand and gravel; $2000. terms; near Johnson creek: paved road and O. W. P. car line. Inquire A. Ga briel. Wichita Station. Address Mil waukee. R. 2, Box 176. DANDY little grocery, only $900; I living room; $40 a day receipts; rent $30; here is a place with good returns on a small investment on west side. 62ti Morgan bldg. A PARTNER WANTED. A cash business; owner needs help of steady man; draw good salary, also share of profits; small investment fully se cured. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GOOD opportunity for man and wife; workingman's hotel and boarding house for lease for balance of year, on account of sickness. BC 694, Oregonian. POOL HALL. CIGARS, CANDIES. ETC. Big trade, good location for man and wife; $225 monthly profit. Broadway 7672. McFarland. 208 Falling bldg. DRUG STORE, finest store, on best corner. in town of 7000 population in town of southern iaano; excellent ousmess. Ad dress P. O. Box 946. Boise. Idaho. $1300 GROCERY and confectionery, doing a good business, on busy east side st., low rent, long lease; owner going east; No agent. AR 694, Oregonian. YAMHILL ST. One of the best small stands on the street; money maker; right price, terms and lease to reliable party. Apply 231 V. S. Rank Bidg. $8."0 DANDY grocery; no competition: living rooms; sacriLice on account or sickness. Z. Eakins, 315 Couch bldg., 109 4th St. $1300 GROCERY; $40 to $60 day; 4 mod ern living rooms, oain; must see to ap preciate; Z. EAKINS, 313 Couch B.dg. 109 4th St. PHYSICIAN WANTED Growing indus trial community on coast; have opening for capable doctor. X 674, Oregonian. ONE OF the best grocery stores in Van couver, Wash.; good location; best rea sons for selling. AV hO, Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Deao. Sec ond and Morrison. A PAINT store, also do house painting, etc.; established 4 years; price only $600. Room 401 Dekum bldg. SHOE SHOP A snap If taken before June 1. Inquire Breyman Leather Co., 2d and Oak. WE wholesale razors, snears. knives, etc Portland Cutlery Co . 86 6th at FOR SALE Coffee house. 208 Madison st. See owner, roojr Cft about Sue Wir KITT KtD. The Pussy YDCCtOR ORDERED , IT EXECUTED! XXiLLitVr-r BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 7581. SOME BARGAINS. GROCERY store on Union ave.; mod erate stock, good fixtures: living rooms; must sell, so will invoice everything; lump price, $2500. ASK Mr. Mclnnis. ONE of the best paying GARAGES in the valley; located on main highway, 80 miles from Portland; has agency for the Studebaker car and Republic truck; $5500 buys this, and can. arrange terms to suit. ASK Mr. Black. MUST sell BARBER SHOP. 3 chairs, all equipment up to date; good estab lished business; long lease, rent only $50 per month, and right in the busi ness district. See this now. ASK Mr. Solum. FURNISHED APARTMENTS located on west side; good district; two three-room housekeeping apartments, two sleeping rooms, all full; fine place for elderly lady or married couple; price $650; might give some terms. ASK Mr. Solum. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7-581. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. $300 will secure an equal half interest in a busy, well established auto paint ing business; ideal location in fireproof building. Have shop full of work and large volume coming in, as this is the busy season. I need a partner, previous experience not neeessary if you are steady and reliable, as I will teach the right man the business. You can easily clear better than $105 every month for yourself from the start. H you want the best buy in the city be sure and see this before you locate. Apply 316 Pittock block, Washington at Tenth. AUTO TOP AND UPHOLSTERY SHOP. Here Is an opportunity for an ambi tious and reliable man to secure an equal half interest in a busy, well-located auto top and upholstery business, do ing only high-grade work for some of the best firms in city; previous ex perience not necessary as owner is At top builder and will teach the right man the business. You should easily clear better than $175 per month for yourself; only $400 required. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce bid;?.. 4th and Stark. PARTXEK WANTED AUTO REPAIR. An Al mechanic needs a partnr to give him general assistance; has more work than he can handle alone; have ideal location and well -established trade; ex perience not necessary if mechanically inclined and willing to work and learn; vour profits should never be less than $160 month from the start; $2."i0 full price of equal half interest; look into this before you buy if .you want the best in the city for your money; meet owner at 620 Chamber of Commerce bid?.. 4th and Stark. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONER r . Ill health of wife compels sale of this nice, little place in suburbs, $8u0, some terms: might trade for auto. Call WESTERN LAND CO., 511 Railway Exchange. CIGAR STORE. WEST SIDE. Busy district, good stock and fixtures, $1800. some terms 4-year lease. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama bliig.. 3d and Alder. MANUFACTURING. Good opportunity for mechanic or one willing to learn as partner in big pay ing business; $1200 will handle it. WEST ERN LAND CO., 511 Railway Exchange. CASH grocery, best location in city, doing $60 a day and up; 5 nice living rooms; rent only $20 a month. Will invoice. NO AGENTS. Investigate. 1769 Penin sular ave. DOWNTOWN restaurant, doing fine busi ness, owner going California; $4500, $3000 cash. P. H. FORSYTH. Main 6074. 307 Stock Ex. CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY. Corner brick building;, 4-year lease; fixtures. $500; stock will inventory $900 to $1 200 ; daily average, $35. George, 248 Stark st. GARAGE West side location; 44-car storage at $10 a month. Clears $350 to $400 a month; price $3500; $1500 cash ; balance arranged ; lease expires 1927. AB 364. Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED. Manufacturing; equal interest with good mechanic; plant fully equipped; can draw $200 month. Room 401 Dekum bldg. , LUNCH COUNTER. Traffic location ; 5-year lease, rent paid July 1, 11)22; will show you $45 daily business; $1250, half cash. George, 248 Stark st. LADI E-S' used apparel shop, best down town location, rent only $30; just the place for dressmaker; ' money coming in every day. Owner; $300. D 683, Ore gnnian. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. With 3 good living rooms; well lo cated; priced right for quick sale. See owner after 6 p. M, 1 442 Milwaukie. WANT a partner who can invest jr00 to $1000 in a business that will pay $400 per month clear profit; experience ,un necessary. 721 Corbet t bldg. ?' PAYING restaurant iu live town on Colum bia river highway; established trade and growing business. Address B. G. C., 5935 92d St. GARAGE for saie, concrete building. plenty of tools. 25-car storage, good lo cation; will take light car as part pay merit. East 8219. FOR SALE By the owner, garage, filling station, store, private house, good reason for selling, 1 miles from Montavilla, on Base Line road. STOREROOM for rent, .lust vacated by barber shop. On Sandy blvd. in Parkrose. Call Tabor 6SH6. BARBERS Leaving city, must sell two chair shop; good business: for quick sale I tii). ai a rs n a n 1 . , e w el 1. SMALL restaurant for yale. See owner. 313 Davis st. reasonable. Business Opportunities Wanted. APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. Something in good condition and clean that a down payment of $2000 will han dle. .No agents, R. 035, Oregonian. 1 HAVE $1000 to invest; would buy half interest in auto body and blacksmithlng business (I am a blacksmith); will con sider any kind or manufacturing busi ness with my service; no agents. Y 677, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY store wanted; good live business that can be handled with $S00 $1500; would consider location In small town with good payroll ; describe fully in rirst letter. A oregonian. BUSINESS man of means desiring to set' tie permanently in Oregon will consider investing $25,000 to $100,000 in clean, profitable enterprise. A V 54. Oregonian. GARAGE WANTED. Practical automobile man wants to buy established garage and repair shop; has $100 cash. AM fi9 Orego n i an. WANTED Grocery stores. Have buyers with $500 to $4500. SCOTT BROADWAY" 3flfi8. I HAVE $Ki00 to Invest in cash and carry grocery; must oe bargain; no agents. Call Broadway 1578. HAVE several clients wanting to invest in small business or partnership. What have yon? 505 Swetland bldg. WANTED Small grocery or confectionery with living rooms ; will pay cash ; no agents. Bdwy. 3400. WILL PAY up to $3000 cash for cigar and confectionery on west side. AP 03. Oregonian WANTED Small confectionery in eastern Oregon or Wash. S 698, Oregonian. xrrieo about Paw. She's j THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. SOLD IN 10 DAYS. FOR QUICK ACTION list your busi ness with the livest, strongest and fast est selling organization specializing in all lines of business in the northwest. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Partnerships formed, additional capital procured; business is good with us; we have many buyers waiting; our Bellini? system backed up by expert salesmen NEVER fails; it's results that count; we have sold many others, why not yours? We can sell your business in 10 days; MAKE US PROVE IT." Phone Bdwy. 2651. Note our sales ads. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 318 Pittock B1K.. Wash, and 10th. WANTED General mrtse.. hdwe. or furniture up to $25,600; have fln $15-acre farm near Portland ani cash; will assume or pay diff. This Is a farm you will Ilka. 200 a. In crop ; might consider apt house or garage bldg. or stor bldg a. Adores AV ?. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS, COUNTRY HOTEL. 22 rooms, located in the Willamette valley on paved highway; brick bldg.; ground floor lobby; dining room and kitchen; all furnishings new and of the best: rent $50; with 5 years lease; excellent house for man and wife; price $4300. $2000 cash will handle. Call for Mr. Tice. 11 rooms; all 2-room apts. but one; rent $37.50; well located on east side; always full; needs some renovating; price $850 for quick sale. $8000 will handle 5-year lease and good furnishings of a modern brick hotel ; . N. W. heat; some private baths; un usually big income; transient location, balance easy terms. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 4th and Oak Sts. WE SPECIALIZE IN HOTELS AND APARTMENTS AND HAVE SOME VERY GOOD BUYS AT THIS TIME WHICH WE WILL BE VERY MUCH PLEASED TO FAMILIARIZE YOU WITH. G. C. VLRICH CO., INC.. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. - WALKING DISTANCE. 20 rooms, all housekeeping, all good furniture, gas ranges, has 2-year lease, $55 per month. This place must be sold, See it and make an offer. Will con sider some trade. See MeCauIey, HILLER BROS. Realtors. 211 Rai'wav Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. APARTMENT SPECIAL. Brick building: good lease; makes $500 per month; full price $12,000, terms; $8500 cash, balance easy. G.. C. VLRICH CO., INC.. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. $7000 WILL handle 5-year lease and good furnishings of a modern west side apartment house; rent $325; nets about $450; well located: always full of desirable tenants. Call for Mrs. Myers, I ri n V HUrv. BL'M-L'l lienry piub, HIGH-CLASS. small residential hotel; beautiful large bright rooms; most taste fully furnished, Wilton carpets and rugs, mahoganv, oak, etc.; price $3500 includ ing excellent piano. In choicest district on east side. ' JOHN FERGUSON. G E'RL I X u Hi K bi.uu 31 ROOMS, steam heat, brick bldg.. lovely furniture, attractive entrance and, halls, 3-year leare, nets $250; about $4000 cash handles. See it before you buy. 115 Grand Ave. East 6434. BUNDY & ORR, Leading Apartment House Dealers. " DON'T BUY THIS if you don't see about $600 monthly net profits: long lease, brick building, good west side location : $400 required ; bal. easy. See Mr. George, O'FARRELL-GRELLNER. 33S-40 Cham, of Com Bldg. Bdwy. 412. $400 CASH WILL GIVE POSSESSION, fl-rnnm housekeeoi n s. (rood furniture, house in eood condition ; rent $45; net $55 and apt. for self; price $975. SEE MRS. H AUG. 526 HEXPY FIjDG. PDWY. 1904 14 ROOMS, h k., electric light, furnace hAif trnnrt furniture, rent Sid on leasts close in. vest side, nets $100 and 2-room apt.; $2000, half cash. E. S. KERR, .REALTOR. 391 Yamhill St. Marshall 5594. NOB HILL. 16 rooms, good lease, low rent; a bar gain for only $1600; $1000 cash handles this or will trade for smaller place. W. A. CARROLL, 424 Lumhermens Bldg. Bdwy. 7954. GOING EAST MUST SELL Best close-in set of 8 2-room apts., to tal 19 rooms; block off Washington st., at 21st. All new and up to date. Owner will sacrifice to leave June 1. Call Min 1075. 9 ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING. On Clay st., rent $40. good income, an exceptional buy at $850, $250 down, balance $25 a month. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO- Realtors, 405-6 Panama Blder. . 3d and Alder. A GOOD BUY. 10 rooms, housekeeping, beautiful fur nished house, in very good condition; rent $00; net $60; price $1370, terms. SEE MRS. HAUG. .526 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 1904. V ROOMS netting $67 over expenses and apt. : alwavs full ; a real home. Mrs. White. Bdwy. SS. A. L. SCOTT CO.. SIS Chamber of Commerce Building. 13-ROOM house, all h. k., full first-class furniture and carpets, electric lights, furnace, clean and bargain, $2100. only $550 cash, terms; west side; no agents; sold by owner. Main 8253. DO YOU WANT TO BUY? DO YOU WANT TO SELL? SEE US! 115 Grand Avenue. East 6439. BUNDY & ORR. Leading Apartment House Dealers. 10 ROOMS, beautifully furnished in ideal location on west side, every modern con venience, lovely yard. Call Bdwy. 1934. APARTMENT house. 28 rooms, fine fur niture. brick building. 5-year lease; nets $225; $2000 handles this. Stabence with COBB & WIMER. 31 4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OWNER leaving state, will sell, small pay ment down, and easy terms; 9 rooms, extra good furniture, furnace, fireplace, yard. 114 N. 23d. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, income $100 month. Owner must sacrifice; $350 bandies, terms. Call 374 2d st. from 10 A. M. till 5 P. M. 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch in good transient location. Elec. oak dressers; nets $35, $450; one-third cash. 62 N. 9th St., near Davis. 27 H. K. ROOMS, price $3500, terms; 4 year lease, dandy location. Nets $150 month. N. H. Kinney, 3S1 Yamhill st., after 2 P. M. WILL sell 5-year lease and furniture for 12 apt., cheap: new building and furni ture; house opened 3 mo.; no agents need apply. A K 057. Oregonian. 50-ROOM hotel, best location in city, al ways full, nets over $400 per mo; lease; $5000 handles, balance easy. Bdwy. R003. C-ROOM house worth $25. furniture for sale, 19 H. K. rooms net $165, furnishing good, rent $75. 201 10th. 9 ROOMS, housekeeping; walking distance; east side; a snap. By owner. East 4854. 9 H. K. ROOMS, walking distance, west side; rent $25; price $900. Phono M. 6588 or 519-28. k INTEREST of Princess hotel for sale at reasonable price. Call Bdwy. 2804. 9 ROOMS H. K. ; rent $50; good Income. S-e owner. 384 Park St.. make offer. WILL TRADE 25-room brick hotel H. K. Rooms. Broadway 591 1. POLLY AND CAT WAS PERFECTLY SAFE ALL W2M6 VJllHj 1aJ hiS AEROPLANE fl ? "TO xPOP IT OUT fi -1 ( to Gea two Copynght. 1922. Nfwppn- Feature Service, Inc. Great right! reserved. BtTgrXEwS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. DAD KENNEDY'S SPECIALS. 13 H. K. ROOMS RIGHT DOWN TOWN ON SALMON; ALWAYS FULL; $1000 WILL HANDLE. 9 H. K. ROOMS RIGHT DOWN TOWN ON TAYLOR; ALWAYS FULL; $500 WILL HANDLE. 16 H. K. ROOMS RIGHT DOWN TOWN, ON SALMON, LEASE. AL WAYS FULL; $1500 WILL HANDLE; A VERY GOOD BUY. 22 H. K. ROOMS: W. S.; LEASE; MONEY MAKER; $S0O WILL HANDLE. SEE THIS SEE DAD WITH G. C. TTLRICH CO.. INC., SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 4354. STRICTLY HIGH-CLASS BOARDING OR ROOMING HOUSE. Will sell lease and furnishings of a Ifl-room beautiful home on close in west side corner, lovely yard and shrubbery, double garage; this lovely home is ele gantly furnished In mahogany inlaid ivory, blrdseye maple and wicker, has hardwood floors, several private baths and fireplaces; full price is only $4500, Borne terms. Call Bdwy. 7631. $5000 CASH. Will handle lease on a fine west side brick apartment house, choicest of loca tions, with 18 lovely apartments and 6 sleeping rooms, completely furnished, year lease; you will have to act quickly uu tin a. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 7631-4864. 320 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. LOOK! INVESTIGATE! LOOK! 9 H. K. ROOMS; FIRST TIME ON MARKET; CLEAN AND NEAT; GOOD FURNITURE AND CARPETS: FINE LINEN; THE BEST BUY IN MY BOOKS TODAY; $050 CASH GIVES FULL POS SESSION; RENT $40; LEASE CAN BE HAD; FURNACE; BUILDING IN FINE CONDITION. SEE DAD KENNEDY. WITH G. C. ULRICH CO., INC.. SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 4354. REAL HOTEL BUY. CLEARED $14,000 LAST YEAR. I consider this absolutely the best in vestment on the market today. It is ab solutely modern with large obby and elevator. This place cleared $14,000 last year over all expenses and the books are open for inspection. The full price is $20,000, with terms. I am selling all my real and personal property as I am 're tirlng. No agent. J 962. Oregonian. 103 ROOMS, HOTEL, 103 ROOMS. 103-room hotel, with hot and cold water in all rooms; 4-story brick bldg., better than average furniture; lease over fair; electric elevator; good net In come; will consider good mtg., or some Portland real estate as part payment. Price $17,000. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER. 339-40 Cham, of Com Bldg., Bdwy. 4172. NOB HILL. 1 BLOCK OFF WASHINGTON ST. 10 rooms, all fine furniture, hardwood floors, 2 baths, all rooms rented. This is a real buy, $700 will handle, small balance. See McCauley. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg., Bdwy. 3626. 2, ROOMING HOUSES WITH LEASE. 'One 19-room, 4-year lease. $00 mo.: $2500, cash; income $185 month and mgr.'s apt.; 7 blocks to M. & F.. and one 19-room. one year lease. $100 month. $3700 $2000. income $300 month, three minutes to M. & F. Will take smaller place and cash difference. Phrfne Tabor Uisa for appointment. NOB HILL. 45-room modern brick apartment, all 2s and 3s, 5-year lease, reasonable rent. good furniture, every room and outside rooms, ngnt ana airy; ytniuu will handle; easy terms on balance. See McCaulev, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg.. Bdwy. 362fi. $2500 HANDLES $2500. HOTEL. Out of town; two hours from Port land ; making over $300 every month; full price $4850. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC.. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. MARY E. LENT COMPANY, 623-4-5 N. W. BANK BLDG. EXCLUSIVE BROKERS OF - HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSES. ROOMING HOUSES AND LEASES. SIXTEEN TEARS IN THIS BUSINESS IN PORTLAND. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartment or rooming houses with us; your Interests will al ways be protected; we have cash buyers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 5-ROOM UPPER FLAY. "Well furnished. rent $30. modem. White Temple dist.; 2 rooms, pay rent; only $300, $150 down, balance $10 a month. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. $850 CASH. 10-room rooming house, furnace heat, nice yard, homey place, nets $85 a month besides own apt. This Is a real snap. 115 GRAND AVE. EAST 6434. BUNDY & ORR. Leading Apartment House Dealers. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. 42-room apt., modern and nicely fur nished, fine corner brick building"; rent $245 including heat; net $250; price $7500, terms. SEE MRS. HAUG. 526 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 1904. 9 ROO'M-S, good furnit.ure: income and nice place to live: must be seen, to be appreciated;, $1200. with $S0O down. 2S3 A. 24th st. Main 3862. I Hotels and Rooming Houses Wanted. WANT H. K. ROOMS. Have client with light car and some cash as first payment on h. k. rooms. Must be good. E. S. KERR, REALTOR. 391 Yamhill St. Marshall 5594. HOTEL. WANTED. $6000 to $8000 Have good Portland Income property to exchange. See Mr. George, . i O'FARRELL-GRELLNER. 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg.. Bdwy. 4172. BY OWNER, acreage. 16 mi. out. $1000 and good Ford for housekeeping rooms. 322 Railway Exchange. Bdwy. 6301. WANT rooming house, 15 to 30 rooms; have $3000 cash; must be good. K 696, Oregonian. WANTED 15 to 20 unfurnished rooms by June 1. prefer west side. Chas. Green, 86 Russell st. Phone East 4754. HOTUL About 20 rooms. Broadway 3668. LOST AND FOUND. LOST On Saturday. In business district, gold fleur de lis stickpin, valuable only to owner. Call East 913. Rpward. LOST Brindle Airedale dog named Demp sey. Sat. evening, near Lents. Tabor 5223. Liberal reward. LOST Man's gold ring, bloodstone setting with crest; generous reward offered. Call 632-81. LOST Sorority pin ; initials L. W. D. Return glove cleaning counter Chas. F. Berg. . LOST Six-months-old Airedale pup (li cense 3379); reward. Phone Tabor 2826. FOUND Female Shepherd dog, downtown district. Main 4389 bet. 12 and 1. FOUND Bicycle No. 951990. N. 17th st. Apply 109 HER PALS MORE ACE A"JT HE? 1 THE TIME. BY CLIFF STERRETT, 7 LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars ot tne Portland Railway, ngni Power company May 23. 1922: 4 um brellas, 2 lunch boxes. 2 purses. 2 pins, 1 suitcase. 1 fob. 3 prs. gloves, 3 books. 8 packages, 1 bucket, 4 jugs, 1 brief case, 2 coats, 1 flashlight, 1 letter, 1 bankbook, 1 knife. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder street station. LOST Tuesday. May 2'A. between 3:45 and 4:30 P. M., one brown silk umbrella. Left at a chair on the ninth floor of M. &. F.'s dairy lunch. Finder please call Wrdlrt. 3005 and leave word where I can calL Reward. LOST A U-skin mink fur, either In down town district or In lavatory of the Im perial hotel. Call Main 4911 or turn in to the McRae Petticoat shop on 10th Liberal reward. LOST May 22. small black leather fold ing wallet containing $G5 in currrency and some receipts: finder return to J. L. Barrett, No. 331 Venabie Hotel and receive reward. LOST Small shaggy white dog w ith brown back and tips of ears black, an swers to name Kurly, strayed from car near 5th and Jefferson. Finder phone Automatic 329-78 and receive reward. LOST Ruby Lavalliere, heart shape, set with about 7 rubies, rope gold chain; valued as keepsake; reward. Call Wroodlawn 721. WILL party who picked up mink choker in Circle theater dressing room return and receive reward? Phone Main 63R0. LOST A fur neckpiece between Coffee Cup and Circle theater; reward. Call The King, room 29. LOST White male bull terrier pup; wore black collar. Reward. Phone Tabor 5680. WILL party calling Main 304 regarding blue bar pin please call again for infor mation concerning ow n er? LOST Black and white bob-tailed collie named Jerry, license number 3767. Phone East 6139; reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Washington D. C. April 26, 1922. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the acts of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat.. 218), and June 4, 1920 (41 StaL. 75S), and the instruc tions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L. D., 447), and June 22, 1920 (47 L. D.t 411), the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock A M, on June 22 19- at dud- ,i?- t?J1.7 lie auction at the United States land of fice at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not a pproved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citi zens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a , qualified pur chaser, the timber on any legal sub division will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit, T. 3 S., R. 3 E., Sec. 1. Lot 3, red fir 515 M, red cedar 55 M, white fir 135 M; Lot 11, red fir 25 M. none of the red fir and red cedar timber to be sold for less than $1.50 per M, and none of the white fir timber to be sold for less than 50 cents per M. T. 8 S., R. 6 W., Sec. 17, KEtt NWi, red fir 980 M, none of the red fir timber to be sold for less than $2 perM. WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner. General Land Office. AFTER this date I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by my wife, Mabel VIejter, now using name Flayter. M. FLEJTER. I AM NO longer responsible for bills con tracted by the Army & Navy Smoke Shop. J. E. CUNIFF. JR. FINANCIAL. CHEAPER FARM LOANS. PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES AND PROMPT SERVICE. Five and seven-year loans, requiring no repayment of principal before ma turity. AND WITH OPTIONAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES. OF $100 OR MUL TIPLE ON ANY INTEREST UATlfi. Ten and 20-year loans, with EASY AMORTIZED ANNUAL PAYMENTS after the third year, with additional pre payment privileges if desired. VERMONT LOAN & TRUST CO., Oregon Agents. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, 205 OREGON BLDG. Salem, Oregon. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 2US SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. FEAR & GRAY, 102 FOURTH'STREET. BUY BONDS AND MORTGAGES, MAKE FARM LOANS THROUGHOUT ORE GON AND WASHINGTON, AND COL LATERAL LOANS ON THE SECURITY OF MARKETABLE BONDS AND STABLE LISTED STOCKS. FOR SALE 160 shares of Pacific States Fire Insurance stock, 10 shares West ern Wool Warehouse and 4 shares of Vegetable Oil mills. $3000. J. L. Hart man Co. Make best cash bid. R 633. Oregonian. WILL buy first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts, F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6007. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore- gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bidg. STATE BANK DEPOSITORS, ATTEN TION Will pay cash for your account immediately. 207 Stock Exchange bldg.-j WILL buy SMALL CONTRACT or SECOND mo rtgage. Gordon, 631 C. of Com, bldg . BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sta LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 5890. Davenport, G12 Buchanan bldg. Stocks and Bonds. INVEST IN "BRIDGE OF THE GODS." FOR INFORMATION CALL MARSHALL 4690. SIX SHARES American securities, interest bearing, fully guaranteed; at 50 per cent aiscount. lasn. AV oo. Oregonian. Money to Loan on Real Kstate. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate ; favorable terms ; no delay, nc brokerage. John Baia. 507 Spalding bldg MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates or interest. Otto & Harkson Keuy to., 4i.i ( nan,, or Com. 7 PER CENT money for loans on improved city property, s. s. uniespie, 703 Deku bld.g. MONBi to loan to private party, up to $5000 ; m ust be good security. K 693, urPKonian. 1300. $500,. $750. $1000. $1500 OR LARGER amounts to loan. C. C. Murton. 612 Wor cester bldg., 3d and Oak. Tel. 511-25. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms ana city property, it. it. .Baxter, Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LQANS, 6 and 7 per cent Solomon & uo.. xu( Kaiiway Exch bldg $65,000, DIVIDE $1000. $1800, $2000. $3000, $9000. $10,000. $40.000. Epton, East 7504, $1000 TO $5000 TO LOAN; my own money, B 681, Oregonian. $5000 AT 7 PER CENT to loan on good farm. 318 Board of Trade, Bdwy. 7452. CP LlKEL" HE'S Q . O FINANCIAL. Money to Loun on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will ioan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main 8303. THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE." has come from the east for residence, apartment houses and other income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charge. Building loans also. Other funds as since 1907. LARGE AMOUNTS. Central Business Property 6. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. United States Bank Bldg. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan: $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $25.36 per month for 48 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $16.60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Other amounts in same proportion. City loans on improved property or for improvement purposes, no commissions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St. Portland. Or. CITY LOANS ON GOOD RESIDENCES. or business property, either straight or monthly payment plan. Lowest interest rate. No delays. We are prepared to assist you in financing your home or apartment house. Mr. Martin, Loan Department. COE A. McKENNA & Co.. 92 Fourth St: Bdwy. 7522. MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Have private money to loan on good city property; we can make your loans without delay; we will inspect wour prop erty same day that you put your appli cation in for loan. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. Lewis B'dg. 275 Oak St. Phone Broadway 6006. $250, $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP. WB SPECIALIZE in small mortgage loans. low rates Easy payments if desired. Quick action Small business loans. Second mortgages and contracts. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.". 631 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 6370. SiX PER CENT. INSURANCE COMPANY money for RESIDENCE LOANS. Also farm oans. Quick Service. Liberal Repayment Privlges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third St. Broadway 6068. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property, lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments ; pay as you can; sums to suit ; contracts, second mortgages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder ?ts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Bdwy. 2921. Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lower ratee on city or country property, prompt and helpful service. . PAGET & PAGET, Realtors, 283 Stark st.. Bet. 4th & 5th. B.iy. 3794. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm or city property ; prompt and helpful service; liberul repayment priv ileges; lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND, OR. MORTGAGE LOANS, on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbet t Bldg. Main 6915. FARM LOANS. Insurance conpany money to loan at Icy farms, no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 97 Sixth St Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS jn improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or aeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. .Residence and City Property. 6li and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. SHORT-TIME second mortgage loans to responsible home owners. MU LT N O M AH F I N A NCE COs, 822 Gasco Building. MORTGAGE LOANS in sums to suit; city, farm or (suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY, Broadway :407. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215 Failing Bldg $11)00 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. SIX TO SEVEN per cent; private money for immediate loan in small amounts $2500 or less. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens Building. FOR SALE Liberal discount. $3800 con tract on new strictly modern 5-room bungalow; value $5100; no mortgage or liens; Rose City Park. 'labor Bj'.t. MORTGAGE leans on city property, lowest rates; prompt action. WITHAM-REED CO., Main 1492. SEE OREGON INV & MORTGAGE CO. 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. SECOND AND STARK STS. $0i, ! $4U0, $500, $750, $1000 AND UP; low ratee, quick action. i re a w. uerman Co., i32 tnambor of Commerce. QUICK SERVICE for good loans in ap proved residential districts at 7 per cent Yoke, 1136 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 4179. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE I YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON. AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC If your payments are too large on your automobile or turniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can renav us in small mommy pay men is. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS tn niSLfid nennie on their own notei Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed). 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Broadway 5857. g. W. Cor. Third and Washington. " MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise piacea in storage witn us at recular bank rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO, Fourth and Pine streets. Opposite Multnomah Hotel, Phone Broadway 3715. DAN MARX & CO., 315 Washington at., . nfr 6th St. Established over 85 vean: nniv hieh-class jewelry store in city with loan department in connection ; private rooms for ladies; business strictly confi dential; under state supervision, all ar ticles held one year. Do business with an old-estabusned iirm. MONEY to loan; diamonds, jewelry, etc. legal rate; articles held one year. Vines' Jewelry, cor. 3d and Washington. The Grr BACK AJ' fit. HAliT ! 1 MA-2 FINANCIAL. Moiiey to Toan Chattels aurt salaries SALARY LOANS SALARY. We loan money to salaried and work ing men on their personal notes ; rates reasonable, easy repayment plan; no security, no indorser. All business strict ly confidential. Call and investigate our system of lending money COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Ltcensed. 218 Falling Bldg- Bdwy. 6994. MONEY to loan on diamonds and jewelry; confidential service, government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros & Co.. 23 Washington st. Bdwy. 6725. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co, 822 Gasco bldg. Loans Wanted. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRiS; for the following loans oa homes. $2000 On 7-room 100x100, clear, valua $5500. $1800 On 5-room bungalow and ga- rwge; close in, value $4800. $1500 On new 5-room bungalow, value S360O. , $1200 On 5-room bungalow, near Union avenue, value $3000. $1000 On 4 -room E. Grant and 3ith sts., value $2500. These loans are ail good and mostly on improved streets. We have a number of good applica tions for loans of $700 to $1500, paying 8 in the ML Seoit district. See C. V. Hawk, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. i!71. FRANK L. McGUIRE, witn ma years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is in a position to safeguard your every interest In locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice or personal services. Lst us loaa your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager loan department, Abingtos building. Bdwy. 7171. 10 AND SAFETY. Wre have a small block of stock in one of Portland's well known corporations that is paying 10 per cent and has done so for five years; call or write lor particulars. G. B. HARRINGTON CO., SOP Cham, of Com. B'dg. Bdwy. 6112. WANTED FOR 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS $3,-,0 $500 $tiU0 -TOO $800 on im nroved Portland Droperties; interest 8 per cent; loans made without expense to lender. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ( LOAN WANTED. Wanted from principals, a $1200 on first mortgage on worth at least $3000. Call t MERRICK. & CO.. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. loan of property 6942 FOR GILT EDGE 7 per cent and 8 per cent mortgago bonds in local conteins see Oregon investment & Mortgage Co.. 210 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. $9000 WANTED on giit-edged securu , will pay $3000 per year. Ar ow-, vic6- nian. WANT $1000 for 3 years at b per cent. close-In property. u (jnamoer oi com merce bldg. AO 700, Oregonian. DESIRE LOAN, $2000, good security, in come bearing property; pnvau luuiviu- uals only. AL 690. oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. fit MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. ZD Au STARK STREETS. WANT to borrow $950 on Improved prop erty, value $2400, Rocc city rarn. rmm Tabor 2579 after 6 P. ' $3500 ON $10,000 residence for 3 or 5 years at t Ve. rnvaie money, uu uiw korage. BJ 692, Oregonian. - WANT loan of J20UO from private party, new Laurelhurt bungalow as secum?. AL 679. Oregonian. . WOULD like to borrow about $18o0 on very nice house worth $4o00; good inter est. Phone Aut. ti2S-25. RESPONSIBLE party in irvlngton wants a loan of $4500, Bdwy. u-io. J. R. HAIOHT. 327 Board of Trade. WANTED 5475 for 18 months at 10 per cent; $1 100 worth manogany lurnuure as security. E t',81, Oregonian. $S4M0 WANTED on fine new bungalow; corner m xtossmere. Ab wirhuinau. WANTED $2000 on R. C. Park bungalow. R. .1. MeGuire. 54o iN. union ave. $2000 WANTED on good Rose City bunga- V . ... n T IT - 1 1 'II! KT W lilr K1H IT. low, rv. u. I n.v, i i .iu - . $6500 MORTGAGE tor bale, 7 per cent. quarterly. John Bain, aui apaiaing puis. PERSONAL. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harmless and no after effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J. KiesendahL Above Majestic Theater, 351 'A Wash. PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guarantee given ; no need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ask to see Gle-o-nis Pile treatment. Stout Lyons Drug Co., 3d and Morrison, 5th and Washington. Broadway and Stark. BRAIN and body building by higher phy sical culture, self-polarizing the body for magnetic energy, Chromo therapeutic or curing by light and color, light and col or massage ; my proof is result. 300 Jefferson at. Call Main 3520. DR. NETTIE BENSON Electric cabinet and mineral steam batns, hot and cold showers, expert massage, electric, violet ray, mechanophysicultopathy, traction treatments for chronic ailments and obesity. 7ll Swetland bldg.. Bdwy. 6799. SAN FRANCISCO $17.50. BY PICKWICK TWIN SIX PACK ARD; BEAUTIFUL TRIP; REGULAR SCHEDULES. M. BOLLAM, 122 3D ST. PHONE BDWY. 732ti. MISS BEE RANDALL, trained nurse, gives best steam baths, violet ray, electric and vibratory massages In city. All patients given personal card. 215 Swet land bldg. EX-SERVICE man wishes to communi cate wiUi auto party going to Calif.: expert driver and mechanic; pay own expenses. Phone Auto. 318-73. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the chiropodist and ARCH SPECIALIST, who doesn't hurt you; 8 yre. here; exam-, free Blue Mouse bldg., 11th and Wash. ASTHMA can be permanently cured; my treatment gives immediate relief and all symptoms disappear within two weeks. P. O. box 1105 MISS WALLACE, late of Vancouver. B. C, chiropodist and manicurist, face and scalp massage. 350 Morrison st Apartment 214. No phone calls. WHY DIET? EAT WHAT YOU WANT ! Mme. Le Marie, glandular therapy, ths perfect ' flesh reducer; 424 Columbia at. Phone Main 4337. VIT-O-NET sweat body massage. Radiant light Violet Ray treatment for colds, sciatica, neuritis, circulation; 10 to 7 daily. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579. RADIO. Let us Install a radio set In your home. City or out of town. For particulars write G 63'). Oregonian. j Z.'. beginners or advanced guaranteed. "Summer rates $1.50 a week, total $15. Practice rooms free. Parker Piano S( . h o pi, 514 Eilrs bldg.. Wash, st, at 4th. CHIROPODIST, MANICURIST, MASSAGE, under medical supervision; open evgs., Sundays; formerly 216 Alisky, now 316 Til ford bldg.. 1 Of h and MorriBon sts. ' MASSAGE FOR LUMBAGO, ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. -4th and 5th. 10 to 9 P. M. Also Sundays. LADY hiking, working some and roughing it, wants congenial lady pal; no triflers. r 677, Oregonian. BEAUTY parlor course evenings at special summer rates. Madam Curtis, 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6902. . REDUCE your weight without drugs, diet or exercise: consult an obesity specialist. Dr Folk. flft! Raleigh bidg. LEAVING for Minneapolis May soth; can transact business for you or take charge of invana or crmn. n quo, urfgonian. SbTEKtLUUljS nair, moles, warts, re moved by 10-needle method, trial tret. Tosie E iniey. oxt out-n oc i-,itne. iwain BatjH. SAKH and sure Red Fox headache powder 25c and 50c, your druggists or P. O. box 4S1. Portland. THK much-talked-of Vader. Wash., treat ments can be had at 600-12 Raleigh bldg. 327 'Washington, cor. 6th. BATHS, body massage, for rheumatism, constipation, kidneys. Dr. Elna Soren sen. 508 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 7086. FEBVET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, permanent marcel and water waving. 349 Alder. Main 546. EXPERIENCED nurse gives steam baths, "hot or cold showers and body massage. 322 Flledner bldg.. 10th ana Washington, PIL.ES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Mortlson. REJUVENATE your ureed and nervous body by a scientific massage. Dr. Ovida Larsen, B34 Morgan bidg. Main 1099. DR. L. NETZEL treats rheumatism; mas- sage. patns. oqo oiumpia st. jqaln ooua. DOESN'T Tom, Dick .or Harry pay your See Viereck, collectors, Dekum bldg. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Calm of figs. 844 E 33d. S?ll. 2213 mornings PROSTATE trouble cured withouto pera tlon. Dr. R. A Phillips. Bdwy. bldg. REDUCE your weight without drugs. Eliz abeth ilarsheile, 808 Bdwy. bldg, fort. land. MINERAL steam baths, massage, violet ray. Hours i.' to o. i-o t.iay. aiain S339. SAN FRANCISCO, $15. Stage leaving Frl day. 8 A. M., from Alder hotel. SWEDISH MASSAGE, BROADWAY 7091. MY CREAMS will positively remove wrin k les; free demonstration. Marshall 3 1 2. YOUNG MAN wants auto trip Seattle, rea sonable. 3'J5 Palace hotel. - NURSE Formerly Third st., now 681 Go ing st, Woodlawa 6-iS.