IS THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1923 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 5 yji.Bew -rm bungalow; can be Bandied on the bonus loan, with no pay ment down, or can be handled on $600 tasn, Daiance monthly. stop paying icui jiiiu own your own nome, xasnn Here it la, that new 4-room bungalow you have been looking for; has every modern feature, furnace and all, and the price is oniy with $500 cash and "jo uuiance easy monthly payments. This is not Just the ordinary 4-room Bungalow, but is a real home, and you ... up BuijtiiHca wnen you see lu Wb &rn huflfUnr nnm Af tt, v. galows In Rose City Park; has 6 rooms, you can compare it with anythln you have seen UD to $7500: our nrlce i $6500. Yon can v.v f- linnn -apt. It la located unilpr rh. hilt i of Sandy. If you want something good "o ouie to see mis. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. Zll Ry. Exch. Bldg. Broadway 8826. -Diaucu uince, ootn ana sandy. Tabor 8485. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BUNGALOW IN MONTAVILLA. fcew, just completed, ready to go right to housekeeping. It has lovely living room, two sleeping rooms, fine Dutch ivii-wieii, gooa cement basement witn laundry trays. This little bungalow has first-class plumbing, gas and electric lights; large east frnni Int. finfi earaefl. only one block to car line, handy to Catholic and Protestant Bchools, and ia a beautiful little home for $3500. For loruiB ana inspection see E. W. HUGHES, 807 Journal Bldg. Main 2853. $900 $250 nflWN 8-roora house, large lot, plumbing, gas, electricity, garage, basement dug and concrete foundation In for 5-room bun galow; cinch this bargain today. 1300 down; 5-room modern bungalow food district; enamel finish, tapestry paper; sewer, staewaiks ana pavea si. 1 block to car. H SITTING & HAMERLYNCK. 611 Buchanan Bldg. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. fi-room. modern bungalow, oak floors. double constructed, a very completely built kitchen, two large bedrooms, bath between, large soreened back porch, full concrete basement, furnace, trays, only en block to car. Price greatly reduced Tor qulok sale, terms can be arranged. call today. C. M. DEHR. 5215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2246. FOR SALE IRVINGTON. Butch colonial, near 2 car lines, in center of district, living room 18x36, sun room, French doors, center hall, pan tries, oak parquet floors, upstairs, 4 bed rooms and large sleeping porch, maple floors. Ivory finish throughout; easily adapted to two families; exceptionally wen oullt and economical to neat; terms . $7500. Call owner, East 2436. LAURELHURST. 4400. Modern bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace with damper, modern batn witn Dunt-m tuD, peaestai stand, most convenient kitchen with breakfast nook; thoroughly double constructed; ga rage, too, xour own terms witnin reason, A. G. TEEPE CO., Tabor 9586. Tabor 8433 HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch. Ideal location; cement basement, trayB, furnace. Dutch kitchen. 3 bearooms, bullt-ins, polished floors; paved street; close to car; price only $4200; small pay- ment down, balance liae rent. MARSH & McCABE CO.. 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. ROSE CITY. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $4350. Located on 65th st- near the car; 6 room bungalow, complete with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Very easy terms. Let us snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO., Tabor 9586. Tabor 8433. LARGE BEARING FRUIT TREES. Large 5-room house in good condition. electric lights, gas in street, lot 50x100, 7 large assorted bearing fruit trees, some berries, near Piedmont carbarns; $200 cash, $25 monthly. Price $1500. See Mr. Lamb or Mr. Griffith with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Close in, located on 37th at., near property purchased by city for park; splendidly built home, entrance hail, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, garage, beveled plate glass winaows; terms, price $o2uo. au tomatlc 313-46, Tabor 3433. 1 MUST go away; for sale, by owner, for special price, 6-room house, very good condition: full basement, batn. gas. elec trlcity, pretty lot, fruit, roses, paved street: close to town: for inspection 161 Page St., one block south from Russell St., 2 blocks from Mississippi car. OWNER LEAVING PORTLAND. Rose City 6-room bungalow, not new tmt cosy and well built; choice location. with every modern convenience; very low price; property clear. A. G. TEEPE CO., Talior 9588. Tabor 8433. 11100 $1100 $1100. BIGGEST SNAP OF ALL. Furnished, cosy cottage, 4 rooms and tore room, big barn and chicken yard, two splendid lots, 85x135, 4 blocks WS car, oak furniture: $0-50 cash; a pickup. RYDER REALTY CO., Sellwood 2749. $3250 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Financial pressure forces sale of this new, artistic home at less than cost of house alone, suitable for soldier's bonus loan; no agents; must do business at once. Auto. 223-19. TOTAL PRICE $260. Neat, well-built 2-room shack, nice porches, vacant- and ready to move into. You had better see this. See Mr. Lamb or Mr. Griffith with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. SOMETHING DIFFERENT, TRUE CALI , FORNIA BUNGALOW, NEW; VERY TASTY AND WELL DESIGNED. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE PRICE AND TERMS. GEO. C. HOWARD, 1115 N. W. BANK LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy, nearly new, 1 -story, strictly modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, in best section, near park; no Incumbrance, easy terms: a real bar gain. excellent condition. Tabor 407. iRVINGTON home, exceptionally well built, furnished; large living room, beau tiful dining room, three bedrooms, hard wood floors, tile bath, and drainboards dandy kitchen and breakfast nook; good location, 14th near Knott. Call E. 3300. $500 PLACES you on 2-acre place at Jen nings Lodge; small new house and foun dation for another ready; 2 blocks from Oregon City car; 6 blocks from river. 218 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. NEW IRVINGTON HOME. Artistic new 2-story, 7-room colonial, with double garage, in best section on 18th st. Every new feature, nicely pa pered; beautiful grounds, trees; $1500 cash, $100 month. Tabor 407. HEW BUNGALOW, $3700. combination liv ing and dining room, 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, garage. $750 cash; owner on premises. 1128 E. 33d N. AB car to Emerson. ip.VINGTON 6-room bungalow, new, ivory finish, all conveniences, full basement furnace, full lot, delightful home; 16th et. N.; $5-500, $1000 cash. RYDER REALTY CO., Sellwood 2749 HERE IS THE HOME YOU WANT NEW, MODERN HOUSE, 2 FINE LOTS Excellent corner, all in garden and fruit, very choice property, leaving ciiy will sell at $2000. terms. A. 623-17. " IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN East 24th Bt. Owner leaving city. Im mediate occupancy, furniture if desired Five rooms; garage; oak floors. Ivory finish. Main 8078. CLOSE-IN SNAP! East Burnside, near 20th, 6 rooms, not new, but well built and in good condi tion; fine garage; real snap at $4750 Phone owner. 315-33. ROSE CITY. . For Immediate sale, $5000, modern five-room bungalow, $300 down, balance $40 month. Cheaper than rent. 698 E 5Sth N. . IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Artistic new 6-room bungalow with garage, in heart of best section on 18th St. Every new feature; 18x32 ft. living room: built for home. Tabor 407 $300 CASH places you in thiB pretty 6 room house; paved street in and paid See this today. Total price $4200. 218 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 6.408. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. B-ROOM col. bungalow with attic sub stantially built on cor. 26th and Skid more, Alameda park. Will finish to suit hum, ("luTta,- W Q-On. tasnn 1 MODERN home In Nob Hill district, five bedrooms, 3 baths, sleeping porch mod ern conveniences. AB 604, Oregonian. Snbnrban Homes. FINE suburban home on paved highway about 5 minutes' drive from the city has 5-rm. modern bungalow, hdwd" floors, fireplace and built-ins; good ga rage and chicken house. Immediate pos session. Price only $4250. Can give very easy terms. Mrs. Stringer, Auto. 30-05 or Main 7141. . " OSWEGO LAKE SACRIFICE. ' On account of sickness am compelled to sell my beautiful acre at Oswego lake paved highway, water, lights and gas: . a bargain at $1000; terms. AH 592 Oregonian. $750 CASH, BALANCE TERMS " 4-room modern house, hi acre berries, garden In; 2 blocks from Multnomah station. Main 4253, or aee owner M Canavan. CASH 3 r. and breakfast r"o"o"k: $1650; fine acre; water, lights. McFar land, Bdwy. 767.2, Failing bids. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH is in leaf and flower. No suburban section of Portland can offer you such wonderful home facilities as Multnomah. fly 20 minutes from the center of the business 'section by high class electric train service, or 15 minutes by bus over the incomparable Terwilli ger blvd. I am selling home sites as low as $350. You can get anything you want from a lot to an acre, on terms of ilO per cent down and very easy monthly 'payments. You need only a little money and the will to get away from the rent burden. Multnomah gives you all the city advantages, and in addition the freedom of the country. We are a mile outside of the city limits, but still in the city school district. For particulars can on Hen itiesiana, 404 Piatt blag. 127 Park St., dealer In Multnomah prop erty exclusively; or if you wish to drivi out over the boulevard, call on Mrs. urant, in charge of the Multnomah of rice. OSWEGO LAKE HOMES Now is the time to secure your sub urban home at beautiful Oswego lake. We have a number of particularly fine nuys. rtememoer the commutation fare to Oswego is only 9 cents, with pave ment an tne way. $1200 for 175x120 with large nncom pleted house; a snap. $2100 for 100x120, new 4-room bunga low. $2200 for 180x120, new 4-room bunga low. $1650 132x248, new 8 rooms, hot and coiu water. Also take shore lots, acres and home- sites; terms within reason. Call owner. oim Loneorn Diog., 2d ana stark sts. IDEAL GARDEN FARM, Vi MILE FROM GOOD TOWN. Must sell my home on account of sickness; new 8-room plastered honse, double constructed with full basement and 2 porches: barn 36x 40, chicken house and all outbuild ings; 12 acres of the best land that - ever laid outdoors ' partly cleared; 4 ACRES BEAVERDAM partly cleared; all stocked, ready to move on If desired. Must see to appreciate, N 676, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 1J ACRES. MOST SIGHTLY TRACT. By owner, 20 tnln. from your office, on paved Lake road, 1 mile from MUwau kle; house, barn, bearing fruit trees, electric light, gas and Bull Run water available; prtoe $11,000; will consider some trade; $e00 will get possession, bal ance 6 to 10 years, 6 per cent. 602 Pit- loca mock, ttdwy. 2092. TWO HOUSES. ACRE. $1050. TERMS Fruit trees and berries for family use, 6-room house with gas and Bull Run water, 2-room house rented for $6 a month; 8c car fare to City. AN UN DUPLICATED VALUE FOR THE PRICE. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. xnirq Ht., pet, wasnington and stark, ' EVERGREEN STATION. H acre of ground in high state of cultivation, 20 bearing assorted fruit trees, one block to O. C. line; attractive o-room story and hair bungalow with full plumbing, electricity, gas and run ning water, cement basement; $5500, good terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with UKANK L,. MCGUIRE, 20S Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. BUNGALOW. CLOSE IN. Half acre of bearing fruit and berries, 4 blocks to Evergreen station, on O. C. line; 4-room plastered bungalow with fireplace, elec. and gas: on main hard- surfaced road; $3450, terms. Ask for x. uMarshall, with FRANK L, McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. ATTENTION, MR. GARDENER. 10 acres first-class garden land 8 acres in berries, just outside city limits, 45 minutes' ride from Port land. Can be Irrigated. Y 676, Oregonian. FURNISHED, hi ACRE, $1000. 8-room plastered bungalow with full plumbing, city water, wired for elec, over quarter acre, just six blocks from Luther station; house completely fur nished and 75 chickens go with the place; $500 will handle. SEE THIS TODAY. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. OWNER is moving to Florida and must sen nis nor..e at once. Located on Ore gon City line, half block from Courtney station; has good 7-room house, modern conveniences, garage, chicken house and other outbuildings, 1 acre of ground, family orcherd, grapes and berries; gar den is planted; price $3800; terms If de slred. K 672, Oregonian. A REAL SNAP. YOUR OWN TERMS. New 6-room bungalow on hi acre of ground, at the low price of $3200. Don't forget it, this is absolutely a gift Any reasonable payment and terms on bal ance. MERRICK & CO., 304 Panama Bidg. Broadway 6942. Nearly hi acre, new bungalow, 4 large rooms and bathroom, concrete founda tion, plastered, French doors and win dows, beautiful park native trees, on carline, near Glisan st., just outside city, with all city conveniences. You can't beat this at $2100, terms. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. $1000 BARGAIN, four rooms, two sleep ing poreiies; acre, Deaver aam soil; three blocks Oak Grove station; fruit, berries: terms. Wdln. 6506. WILL sell my Riverside bungalow cheap; iurnisnea; uregon city car. East 2299. For Sale Business Property. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE. We have a dandy warehouse or fac tory site for sale; Versteeg addition; block 4, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, right on track age and near the new freight terminal at Guilds lake; it Is next to the Amer ican Can Co. s plant and right close to Montgomery Ward plant; If sold at once will make low price. Phone owner. East 2651. STO-RE building for sale by owner on Williams ave; two stores downstairs, y apartments upstairs. East 3998. FOR SALE E. SIDE BUSINESS PROP ERTY, S. E. COR. E. STH AND CA RUTHERS.; TRACKAGE. BDWY. 4587. 15.000 FACTORY site, 150x210; sale. trade or lease; a railroads. Inquire 125 E. 8th st. Tabor 9272. For Sate Acreage. 5 ACRES. Just the place for a loveiy home, close to Portland; good car service, near school and all city conveniences; all In cultivation; high, rolling land. C. A. WAGNER COMPANY, Broadway 7150. 230 Stark St. BRUNSWICK STATION. One and one-half acres, adjoining Troutdale electric, 2 miles from city lim its; one-half acre fir grove, balance cleared. This is a snap for $650; terms W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. ' GRESHAM DISTRICT5 acres (or less), excellent son, an cultivated; level, near station, store, school. Price $300 per acre; very easy terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 4-5 ACRES, 6-rm. furnished house, new basement, fireplace, barn, woodshed, 4 chix . houses, 1 a. straw, hi Logans and reds, 1 assort, fruit, hi garden, 2 oats; tools, horse, 35 hens. Aut. 627-73. 22 ACRES, 400 cords timber, small house. running water, line roaas, 2 miles Esta cada; will buy all your wood: $1600, $100 cash. Phone after 7 P. M. or before 8:30 A. M., 617-40. Hamlet. 6657 82a st. GOOD SIZED CREEK. A tract of 2.47 acres for $750;" $25 down, $10 monthly; on west side,- 1 miles from city limits. Fred W. Ger man Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. WRITE for map of western Washington snowing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP 15 acres land, 1 hi mnes irom itnappa, or., on Columbia River highway, $600; easy terms. Call Aut. 625-15 till 10 A. M. Sunday, any time during week. SIX-CENT fare, 4 acres, fine soil, oaved st. 20 minutes to courthouse, cement sidewalk, trackage, ideal homp or bk division, $1500 handles.. Zimmerman, 818 61 ACRES on Oregon Electric, 12 miles out; station on ground; tine platting tract; hi cultivation; consider some trade. Owner, Tabor 6704. WE HAVE 10 ACRES : for sale or rent, fine Columbia river ranch, buildings. Mr. Carlos, 414 Coflch bldg. $750. Buckley ave., near Powell Talley, 1 acre, city water and gas, all clear and fenced in. Call Mr. Krog, Bdwy. 1375. 1 ACRE, lhi miles east of Montavilla only $45 down, bal. $10 mo., 6 Der !n nail - RAO , , v,c,n. vmi ouen Plug. 3 ACRES on Sandy blvd., just out of city a real snap at $1250 per acre. Call at 506 Couch bldg. ' at 120-ACRE, unimproved land; some tim ber on it; for sale cheap. P Within, Nehalem. Or., box 61. vaDae. SEVEN ACRES' CLOSE In! THOMAS ALLEN, 6131 92D ST. S. E. 616-45 ute ACRES on O. E. car. near Tiga-d' tcxina. Owner. JIaia 4435 or Main Cl'loI REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 4 ACRES, 8 blocks from electric station, hi mile to school; all under cultivation; orchard of cherries, pears, apples, grapes, raspberries, bearing; 5-room plastered house with full cement basement, ga rage. 3 chicken houses, brooder house; electric lights can be had. Included with place: 200 chickens, fresh cow, incu bators, tools, etc.; located on good road, east of Gresham. Price for everything. $4700; terms. Consider hi acre and nouse at edge of Portland of same value or less, 5 acres. 1 mile from electrio station, between Portland and Gresham; hi .mile to school ; gravel road ; woven-wire fences; all under cultivation; 2 hi acres strawberries, hi acre raspberries, some loganberries, 1 acre bearing orchard, 7 English walnut trees; 4-room house, barn, large garage, chicken house. Price $4500, including stock and equipment. Consider soldier's loan and aome cash or 10 to 20 acres of same value not over 25 miles from Portland. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. OVER ONE ACRE. PARKROSE NEW UNIT. $15 DOWN $15 MONTH. Shade trees, good view, best of garden and berry land, north of Sandy blvd. car line, just the place for a little home, no build ing restrictions. Branch office open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car, go to end of carline. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. ' 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. 6, 10 AND 20-iACRE TRACTS, $25 PER ACRE UP. $10 down and $5 month buys a B-aere tract in this addition of 800 acres, down - the Columbia river on the Oregon aide, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lying land free from .rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river: there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit ana vege tables. Have 5 and 10-acre tracts on the same terms In other location. CHARLES DELFEL, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Section Line Road Near 82d St. $100 down and $50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition, $950 and up; all in cultivation, good soil, city water, some tracts with bear ing raspberries; loganberries, currants and strawberries; will build small houses to suit purchasers. SAYLER E. SMITH. 818 Ry. Exctl. Bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE. 20 acres near Tigard, all tillable, 8 acres cleared, 7 acres easily cleared, 10 acres good wood, timber, small house and barn, good water, near highway, school and electric station; will accept $500 cash, balance terms, or will trade for smaller tract with good house. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 8788. - ACRES. ACRES, hi ACRES. $10 down, $10 month. No gravel, city school, city water, gas, electricity, gravel road, fine view, natural trees or culti vated. Why pay as much for a city lot farther out? Let me show you. ROGER W. CAREY, 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. Residence. Wdln. 1959. ' 4 ACRES OF FINE SOIL. Best of soil, good family orchard, plenty of berries, on good macadam road to electric station; fair 4-room cottage; only $3400, terms. West Bide. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. LOOK, ONLY $300. PARKROSE. One-third acre, ideally located; small payment down. Call us at once. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 20 acres, 3 cleared, small house, some timber, near Oatfleld road, opposite Jen nings Lodge, $4500; will subdivide; terms. Ask for Mr. Reeves. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO. 712 Couch bldy. Bdwy. 6785. NEW ADDITION, near Rose City, Beau mont and Alameda; hi acre or acres, $8 and $10 payments. Natural trees or cul tivated. ROGER W. CAREY, 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sion. Interested only In getting home builders on the project. Longest grow ing season in the northwest. Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best, junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Write for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT No. 4. Burbank. Washington. Homesteads. Relinquishments. WILL sell homestead cheap; cabin nearly completed. wnat nave you to otter 7 AO 43, Oregonian. Fmifc Lands for Sale or R-ent, HOOD RIVER 47-acre orchard: 10 acres 16-year trees, 30 acres 10-year trees; tract adjacent to loop highway and 2hi miles from city; leading grower said. "There's a bargain." Price $15,000. Write box 142. Hood River. HOOD RIVER 30-acre orchard; 18 bear ing orchard, 12 alfalfa land: a future crop will pay Its price, $15,000. Write box 142. Hood ; River. For Sale Farms. RADIO FOR THE FARM. INSTALLED AND INSPECTED. GUARANTEED. FOR ANY DESIRED DISTANCE. PRICE COMPLETE. $250, CASH OR TERMS. BJ 658. OREGONIAN. 67-ACRE RANCH on county road, 17 miles from Eugene, 2 miles from small town, high school, etc., 1 mile to grade school, 10 acres in cultivation, another 10- acres easily cultivated, balance pas ture and timber; 6-room farm house, usual outbuildings, water piped to house. Plenty of work in nearby saw mills. Price $2200, $700 cash. KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO., Eugene. Or. ATTENTION, MR. GARDENER. 10 acres first-class garden land 3 acres in berries, just outside city limits, 45 minutes' ride from Port land. Can be irrigated. Y 676, Oregonian. 45 ACRES, Damascus, 13 miles east of the city, 43 a. under cultivation and in crop, modern bungalow, nice red barn, modern etiicken house, 600 laying hens, 200 young chickens, 1 cow, 1 team, and farm tools; price $17,500; federal loan $6000. Will take house in Portland or Astoria up to $5000 and some cash. Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi. Woodlawn 1201. FOR SALE 358 aores, 17 miles from Portland, 4 miles to city of 8000; house, . barn, other buildings; 55 acres cleared, in crops, 100 more easily cleared; soil, buckshot and red; pasture, springs, tim ber, high elevation; good view, interior land farther on selling at $200: aged owner sick, alone; will sell at $80 per acre. AddresB owner, AV 8, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property, 14 hi -acre berry and chicken ranch, lies level, on paved road, near electric car line, hi mile from small town; good 7 room plastered house, good barn and outbuildings of all kinds; 3 acres in berries, 3 acres in potatoes. Route 1. box 165, Orchards, Wash. Phone Orchards 6 F 12. FOR SALE 320 acres. 12 miles from Cor vallis. Land rolling, creek, springs, 30 acres farmed, 75 acres easily added, 300 can be cultivated; natural pasture, liv able 7-room house; other small build ings; 6000 cords wood. Drop card lock box 15. Corvallis. Oregon. 160 ACRES unimproved hill land, some timber, well watered, some good land to clear; will make good dairy ranch." good range, 30 miles from Portland, 3 miles from railroad and Pacific high way: $1200. Route 6. box 131. Portland. 160 ACRES by owner; stock and fruit farm, fully equipped and n crop; pos session given ;' at once; 25 miles from . Portland; $3000 will handle, 6 'per cent on balance.' Phone Marshall 1399 or write BP 698, Oregonian. 2000 A $10 PER ACRE. Over 80.000,000 ft. of timber; splendid soil, plenty of water; in Cowlitz Co., Wash., 40 miles from Portland. Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 1201. lO ACRES, good house, many outbuild ings, orchard, all cultivated; best bar gain ever shown at price, $2500, $1000 cash, McFarland, Broadway 7672. Fail ing bldg. ; 40 ACRES Near station, on R. R. ; some cleared; house, barn, spring; work near by; price $750; $100 down. DRAPER, 408 Board of Trade Bldg, BUY FROM OWNER, 14-acre farm near Beaverton, five-room house, large barn, chicken - house, family orchard, etc Lyon, East 239. FOR. SALE 80 acres, 65 in grain; goo J buildings; $3500 cash, easy terms. Bishop. Junction City. Or., R. 1. SMALL FARMS, 6 acres up. level, clear, fenced, houses, near Wfliamina: small down payment, J, R, Sums, Wli id it. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. STOCK RANCH. 1500 acres, within 20 miles of Portland, close to thriving little city; 100 acres under cultivation; fair house and barn; ideal place for fattening cattle; $30 per acre. Small payment, easy terms. 800-acre stock ranch, Malheur county; outside range, 100 acres can be irrigated; good house and outbuildings; $10 per acre. Will accept trade, apartment house, flats or hotel. 500 acres, Glenwood, Wash., S0O in cultivation, balance can be; all Irrigated, stocked, full equipment of machinery, good buildings, all fenced and cross fenced, right on reserve; $57,000; this includes 200 head cattle. Best stock , ranch In Gilliam county: 400 acres in cultivation, new house, good outbuildings, 4000 acres. Ranch adjoining this sold ' two years ago at $30 per acre; price $12.50 per acre, terms. Mineral springs, located day"s trip from Portland, on Pacifio highway. Can be made one of the largest resorts in the west. Small amount of money will han dle. PACIFIC FINANCE CO., 820 Pittock Blk. 50 ACRES. 29 miles wtllthBlil nt Pnrtlen n nuie to cnurcn and school; 80 acres under cultivation; no waste land; 20 acres timber; good loam soil; bearing orchard; 7-room house, barn, chicken uuuse, granary, otner buildings. Per sonal property: S cows, heifer, 76 chick ens, brood bow, very complete line of machinery, cream separator, complete household furniture, Including phono graph, and lease and part of crop on 80 ica ui auamonai iana. xrice lor every- iiiiMs ouuu; terms, inspected by MX. A.C111 y. 12 acres, 17 mllea from center of r-ortiana, on rocked road; good loam soil; all under cultivation; no waste land; water piped to'house; good spring; 45 bearing fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, etc. ; good 3-room house with attic; dairy barn 24x34, with lots of stanchions; chicken house, etc; 7 acres seeaea to clover; barn cost over $1000: place offered at big bargain, $1000 cash. va.ay terms on . oaiance., inspected by JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland, IDEAL GARDEN FARM. hi MILE FROM GOOD TOWN. Must sell my home on account of sickness; new 8-room plastered house, double constructed with full basement and 2 porches: barn 36x 40, chicken house and all outbuild ings; 12 acres of the best land that ever laid outdoors partly cleared; 4 ACRES BEAVERDAM partly cleared; all stocked, ready to move on if desired. Must see to appreciate. N 676, Oregonian.- EQUIPPED FARM 80 acres, river bottom, 60 acres In cul tivation and crop; new bungalow, barn, silo, poultry house, spring and creek on place, au necessary tools and equipment. team, 4 cows, -1 heifer and 2 calves, many chickens, finest of soil and only 4 miles from high school and R. R. ; 19 miles Portland on good graveled road Will take good -home In city as first payment, balance long time at 6 per ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. STOCK RANCH. 1600 acres, 300 acres In cultivation, balance finest or pasture. 876 water ngnt paid, ou acres alfalfa, meadow and clover; good 7-room house, barn and other buildings; on good road; 30 miles to k. ti. ana gooa town. All stocked ana equippea. zuu neaa Hereford cattle, 25 head horses. ' Price $40,000. Will take trade up to $25,000 in valley or ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. Excellent View. Six acres, west side, highly improved, 8 acres fine orchard, choice shrubbery; 5-room bungalow, garage, barn and chicken house, gas and city water; 4 blocks to highway and electric station and only 15 minutes from 6th and Washington. Let us show you today, as it cannot be appreciated without see ing. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg. t Bdwy. 6785. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, realtor. 208 Falling bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE NEED HOMES TO SELL! LIST YOURS WITH US FOR RE SULTS! We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in touch with the majority of EARNEST home buvSrs! We inspect, appraise and photograph your house within 24 hours after listing! 80 salesmen with autos to work on it! No charge except the standard commis sion of 5 in the event of a satisfac tory sale! We take care of the interests of out-of-town owners T LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. - Bdwy. 71 71 . CLIENT has 1000-acre stock ranch, lo cated In most desirable Klamath Falls country, 250 acres under cultivation, 200 acres meadow; good buildings and all necessary farming implements and horses; good graveled roads, daily and at door; a real buy at $50,000, clear of encumbrance; would consider modern apartment or other Income Portland property; might assume. ROBNETT & McCLURE, REALTORS, 302 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. -6574. WANTED. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. We. have a cash Buyer for a good home on the heights. This man will pay all cash. If you want to sell we can Bell your home for you if it is quick action you want. Call Mahoney, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. ALL CASH. FOR MODERN 5-ROOM HOME, ON LOT 75x100 OR LARGER; WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF UNION AND AINS WORTH. THE BEST OFFER WILL GET THE MONEY. PHONE BDWY. 5618, OR WRITE N 680, ORE GONIAN. MUST HAVE BUNGALOWS. In Irvington, Rose City and Haw thorne districts; not over $6,500; have buyers witing; some with all cash. What we list we sell. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, 526 CHAM OF COM. WANTED BADLY 1-room house, $1500 to $2500, with down payment to $300. There are 4 buyers waiting to buy such a place that I know of. Quick two-day action. ROBINSON, 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3222. WANTED Irvington lot, east front. Inside preferred. I have cash for the best val- ue. Give location and lowest price. AJ 697, Oregonian. ALAMEDA PARIC Full quarter biock, surrounded by fine homes, 100 feet of The Alameda. Owner will sacrifice. Phone Marshall 893. 7 to 9, evenings. WANT 5-room bungalow, north of Pres cott, between 19th and 33d st. Have client waiting. Rummell & RummelL 274 Stark St.. Bdwy. 6729. I WANT to get acreage within 20 milea of Portland to satisfy two live clients. Call Wolfhagen, Bdwy. 3222. 415 Cham. of Com. MUST . have a modern 6-room house at once; will give acreage and lots clear of debt and assume. Bdwy. 6785. WANTED Two or more lots; have unin cumbered property, valued at $2000. Will pay balance in cash. Call between 10 and 3. East 8710. WHY WORRY? 4 can sell or trade anything, any where, i C. ' W. Millership, 165ft Fourth. Main 5275. LAURELHURST or Rose City lot wanted. Have cash; must be bargain; no agents! R 676, Oregonian. CASH for lot in Irvington or other good .district. 1 Y 679. Oregonian. Farms Wanted. WE HAVE clients for improved farms of 20 acres up. If you want results list your place with us. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. TIMBER LANDS. 100 RODS FROM -MILL, FIVE MILLIoU FEET, 40 PER CENT RED, 50 PER CENT YELLOW FIR; FREE AND CLEAR: SELL ON TERMS OR MIGHT TAKE PART IN GOOD PORTLAND PROPERTY. GEORGE C. HOWARD OWNER, 1115 N. W. BANK SAWMILL for sale cheap if taken at once Good location, 6 miles east of Cottage Grove. Or. One million goes- with milL Ten or 12,000,000 adjoining; cap. 20-M GAROUTTE BROS., , . Cottage Grove, Or. SHIPYARD lumber and planking. 200.000 ft.. 2x10. 3x10. 3x12. 4v8 fivs 10x10, 12x14, $6 per M on ground. Boom I sticks and piling cheap. Phone East I TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE SAWMILL. The trustees of the Llndberg Mill Co. offer for sale sawmill, logging equipment, etc, owned by the company at Llndberg, Wash and solicit bids on the same. For Informa tion, apply to -.,, ' P- HASKELL, JR., 1208 Rust Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 160 ACRES, completely stocked and equipped, on Pacific highway, Yamhill county, good bldgs., running water; 80 acres clear; price $12,000. Trade tor small business with buildings, or up to 10 aores improved. Grocery, west side, 8 livmg- rooms; trade for improved acreage, up to $3000. COBB A WTMir.Ti 814 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, FOR SALE or trade for Portland prop erty, 14 hi acres, berry and chicken ranch, lies level, on paved road, near electrio car line, hi mile from small town; good 7-room plastered house, good barn and outbuildings of all kinds: 3 acres In berries, 3 acres In potatoes. Route 1. box 165, Orchards, Wash. Phono Or charde 6, F 12 40 ACRES FOR RESIDENCE. Have 40-acre dairy farm splendidly yulted to berry raising; with house; large barn; running brook; nearly all In cultivation; located on Mount Hood loop road south of Pleasant Home; desire trade for desirable residence or sinau apartment building in Portland In price ifrom $5000 to $10,000. Phone Clark.' Bdwv. 6112. 40 ACRES. $120(1. Unimproved, some good timber, 60 tillable. SOlendid anil: 4 itiIIm frnm V.f Ry., 22 miles N. W. of Portland near iortn nains; will take H. H. furniture or lot up to $500, Dal. 6 yra. at 6 Interest. Albert Harala, owner, 801 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 1201. LOOK! WILL You TKAnm what you have for what yon wantT Bring me your propositions, large or b.uo.,, ,Ljr iu country; i will matcn them. E. A. Easley, 29S Montgomery ah., Bui. uiu. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAT. CLIENT owns 2 good houses. 6 and 7 rooms, on ' 2 acres, beautiful ground at McMinnvllle, clear of encumbrance; want 5 or. 6-room modern bungalow In Port land; will assume; a splendid deal for ROBNETT & McCLURE. REALTORS, 302 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6574. FOR EXCHANGE Have party with B good clear lots valued at $2500; will trade these and put in $2500 in cash trade for home up to $7500 or $8000. If you have something ecu uusy on Lnis. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. GOING FARM 80 miles of Portland; 96 acres, on paved highway, hi In cultivation, 6-room house, barn. team, warnn tmnlpmpnta nin. $16,000; will take hi trade, ba'l. long wine, v ici win. ouo uoucu oiag. .tjawy. TO EXCHANGE. 6-room semi-modern house. FfonlrnnA conservative value $3500; want Portland modern 6-room house up to $4500, dif ference to be paid monthly. B 682, Ore- uiuati. SO ACRES. hliThlv Improved. flr, h,,IM. togs, 15 miles of Spokane: $67,500. Would consider trade and cash for large Port land residence, apartment or improved acreage close to city. What have you? n. .u. roue, iv. vv. jang piqg. SMALL new house on quarter acre of ground, near iviuitnomah; only $1000, $550, payable $10 per month. I will take light auto for my equity. For particu- lars can at 4m riatt bldg., 127 Park st WANT SMALL HOUSE AND LOT FOR 20-room apt., good lease, net in come, aDout iuo; price $3000. SEE JOHN BROWN CO., REALTOR. 822 RY. EXCH. BLDG.. BDWY. 6301. WILL trade my 160 acres, clear, for prop erty in or near r-ortiana ($2000), 3 miles from P. O. and R. R., 15 miles from county seat; practically all has been cul tlvated. 502 Pittock block. Bdwy. 2092. INCOME PROPERTY. Have money-making apartment house and store building. Want good residence Douglass county timber or good Clacka mas county land. Mar. 3945. WILL TRADE. We can match you ou any trade hav ing merit. Bring In your proposition houses, lots, farms, acreage, stocks of merchandise. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. Have house and lot In Spokane, Wash., to traue lor nouse in Portland; might consider small acreage close in if there is ' a house. Ask for Mr. Pownder at 406 Broadway bldg. 140 ACRES, Gold Hill, Or.; house, barn,, awes uuu.j mues irom paved highway. Medford. Will take Portland property. Bdwy. 4820. WANTED Small Oregon and Washington "-lb iui large Aiperta rarms. tilve de tails. Farm Traders, 203 Empire block, Edmonton. Canada. 2 OR 4-APARTMENT FLAT. Will turn In 5-acre tract, also lots and monthly payment contract. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. NOTHING better; 20 acres, new buildings; biuvh, luuis, luuiiiuie, very complete; want home or business place, clear. AR 695. Oregonian. EQUIPPED 48-acre farm, crops in; will accept acreage as part payment Wood lawn 1623. SEATTLE view lot for Portland vacant. mil1 uvtu, uuiu uimrixruut,. X OBI, (jre- gonian. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A. GORDON ROSS. Bdwy. S173. 624 Henry Bldg. TIMBER LAND to exchange for city prop erty. Aiy oo. u-regonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS, MORSE diving outfit, practically new; win traae ior ia.te moaei Chevrolet or Dodge car, or sell cheap for cash. S. W. Bailey, 755 Belmont st. Phone East 4628. WILL trade equity in 6 rooms, -h. k. flat, good furniture, for piano or automobile. 354- Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. CARLOAD OF DRAFT HORSES will arrive Sunday, May 21,- 1922; 20 head of draft horsee, running In weight from 1500 to 1900 lbs., 5 to 7 years old. This Is the best load of big horses that has been shipped to Portland this spring and will be aold with a guarantee- and at a reasonable price. Also 30 head of other horses, consist ing of some good farm chunks and sev eral good big teams suitable for grade or heavy work. 30 sets of new and second-hand har ness for 3ale at right price. G. K. Howitt, Col-imbia stables, 302 Front st. BALED HAY FOR SALE. Good aisike and timotliv at the Old Meadow Farm. 2hi miles N. W. of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 151 Walker or Hillsboro 7R16. HANDSOME span of black Percheron mares; weight 2850 lbs.; closely matched; broke gentle and true to pull; just In from farm ; also harness and nearly new Shi wagon. Will sell outfit at bargain. Inquire Jones outfit, feed stable, 381 water St.. cor. Montgomery. 20 HEAD of heavy work horsea; ages 6 to 9 yrs. old; all are of good blocky build, big-bone type, fat and grain-fed. Prices reasonable for all stock, including new wagons and harness. KEYSTONE STABLES. 381 Water St., Cor. Montgomery, TEAM of Percheron mares, black and brown; weight 3000 lbs.: well broke to work and in good condition; also nearly new wagon and harness. Will sell outfit at bargain. 1087 Francis ave., cor. 36th. Woodstock car. HORSES AT VANCOUVER, WASH. 8 head of good, honest horses for farm work; 1100 to 1500 lbs; harness and wagons. Jake's Feed Barn, 5th and Co lumbia. 10 HEAD of horses all sizes; these horses have all been working, but as we have no further use for them will sell cheap harness and wagons of all kinds; every thing guaranteed as represented. 240 . East 8th. TEAM bay mares, 4 years old, sound and good workers, weight 2700 lbs., also 3-year-old Jersey cow, giving 4 gallons per day, will sell cheap. 4301 67th St. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE Two Jersey cows, one four-year-old, fresh 6 weeks, giving 4 gallons; one six years old, coming fresh middle of August, giving two gallons; T. B. tested. 466 Curry st., phone auto. 517-57. REGISTERED Holstein bull for sale or will trade for heifer calves: also Poland China sows and small pigs for sale. "T. R. Rob-mson. Carlton. Or.. Route No. 2. $70 BUYS brown mare 7 yrs. old; weight abcut 1150 lbS.: blOCkV hntlt. nnrt fat Mrs. Carson, 381 Water st, cor. Mont-1 gomery. TEAM of Belgian geldings, both 5 years old; weight about 2500 lbs.; sound, true and gentle; extra well broken. Price very cheap. 381 Water st.. west side. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. a. Esbenshade 360-366 E Morrison st. FOR SALE Jersey bull, Chief N.. 4 years old. Park Place, Oregon. Oregon Park, J. H. Barnett, VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly Call day or night Automatic 627-64. FOR SALE Aj good milch goat very I JERSEY Holstein cow just, fresh; 5-gaI. ;! 8 J. B. tested, none better. H,SiLih. " vt ' . JERSEY Holstein -cow just, fresh; 5-gai.l FOR SALE, Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. FRESH Jersey cow for feale. giving five gallons dally, will sell cheap. 1S50 iorcnester St., n;rroll Heights, Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. GREATLY REDUCED PIANO PAYMENTS. tt and S8 monthly buys new piano. . $4 and $6 monthly buva used Diano. $8 and $10 monthly buys player piano. uu cu mummy ouys pnonograpns. $2 and $3 monthly buva narlor oreana. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Anniversary Sale $5o0 Geo. Steek & Co., upright $215 $37-5 Gerald, ebony, upright 195 $375 Hallett & Davis upright 165 $900 Thompson player upright 395 Cottage organ, $1S, Mason & Hamlin 38 aiow pianos to rent. SALE Ov PHnwor-aipna $ 85.00 Victor and 5 used records.. $ 20 ro.uo straaivara, 10 used records 45 140 Brunswick, 10 used records.... 95 i65.00 Stradivara, 10 vued records.. 90 lou.uv tmerson, 10 used records.. 13 Sonora, 10 used records 130 175 Victrola, 15 used records 215 Si,.1" casn, $3, 5 or more monthly. SilfJWAN "ANO CO.. 101 10th at Stark 392 fren''as upright, cash $125 .i. K11 upright, man., cash 215 io nanett & Davis, cash 165 250 Bard & Co., small upright 75 750 Planlsta Player Piano 275 ioi , caso Cottase organ, $18 and 25 "i"lu ' at wasnington and stark. SPRING SAT.P TTHirn -mAWW Wnee.ock upright, mahogany, only $175 Martin Bros, mahogany, oniy 195 Pease & Co., upright, oak, only.... 245 wmton Player Piano, only S95 Pianola Player, 88-note, only 50 tttjf cash, $tj or more a month. Llpman, Wolfe & Co.. cor. 5th and Wash VI VICTROLA, $32.50. IX VICTROLA, $50:00. Sonora Caprice $ 70.00 Cremona cabinet 60.00 Brunswick, No. 7 85.00 Wlddicomb, No. 5 85.00 srunswlcks, 207, and records... 115.00 Sonora, noct., and records ...... 140.00 Victi-ola XI 140.00 Baby Grand Sonora 186.00 Sonora Minuet 187.50 sonora isnte 225.00 PHONOGRAPH DEPT. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. - PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Victrola IV, with cabinet $ 85 Victrola IX mahogany case 60 Brunswick, new mahogany, gold plated 225 Brunswick, new oak case, with rec ords 100 Columbia, table model 100 see these bargains. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. BUY A NEW Hobart M. Cable piano at less than expensive stores uptown charge tor cneap Btencn pianos. Jtiobart M. Ca ble pianos are guaranteed again defec tive material or workmanshin for ten years, in writing, ty the maker. Terms given. Nearly a carload of new ones at tne BROKERAGE CO.. 312 Worcester Bldg. HOBART M. CABLE piano, brand new, only $350; one of America's best-known, nign-grade. standard makes: nearly carload of new ones; just compare them with any $600 or $700 piano uptown at high-rent stores with big expenses: easv terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester ounqing. $1350 GRAND piano, one of America's best artistic makes; sell real cheap, make of fer; also a Wm. Knabe $1450 grand, $600, and a fine Chickering piano, about $1000 value new, $350; terms. 812 Wor- cester pidg. CARmFUL iUYER. See the best of new pianos lust from the port of New York to the Port of Portland by the Panama canal. The prices win surprise you. come today. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. PHO NOGRAPH REPAIRING. Guaranteed workmanship. Any make. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St, Broadway 6576. MAKE your family happy; get a Hobart M. cable piano, brand new. only $3oO; in use - by over o,ooo homes in America terms. 312 Worcester bldg. OFFICIAL laboratory model Edison phono graph, same as used in Edison demon strations; English brown mahogany; like new; cost $295. Will sell $200. 511-16. PIANO BARGAIN $90 and up. Every used piano in stock reduced, see them. Terms g I v e n. SIEBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. GOOD piano, cash or terms; East 4786 before 10 A. M. or after 1 P. M. 47 East 12th N. CHICKERING piano, only $350; nice ma hogany case, Bell new uptown around $1000, some terms. dI2 Worcester bldg. EILERS piano, like rw. must be sold; Jo; terms, zib Ry. EKcnange Bldg. Broadway 6808. PLAYER piano, music and I bench; $650 value new; now only $112.00, at 312 wor- cester bldg. RENT a real piano; copper bass strings. ivory keys, veneered case. Harold u. Gil bert, 107 West Park. $215 BUYS fine $500 Franklyn piano, lat est plain manongany; terms, 312 Worces ter bldg. DO YOU WANT a good piano cheap? Just see the Brokerage Co., 612 Worcester building. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Phonographs and Records. Broadway 7161. 128 1st, Near Alder. aar,0 A R CHASR nlaver niann S.Ml Mh, met, loo rolls, oniy auu, terms, some snap. 312 Worcester bidg. PIANOS moved. $3; ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. EQUITIES in pianos bought for spot cash; get rid or tnat burden, see Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. ANOTHER stock new Victor ana Columbia records. 2 for i5c, cafeteria style. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. 2.50 RENTS cabinet Grafonola; rental may alply on purchase price. Empire Transier. nawy. loo. $450 FARRARD piano, latest design, only $250; just compare with new one; terms, 312 Worcester bldg. $750 THOMPSON player piano, latest wal nut: $315. terms, at 312 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT Sweet-toned piano. Transfer. Bdwy. 155. Empire FOR SALE Piano, used very little, $160. Broadway 4851. 500 HAMILTON piano, fine condition, $185. terms. 312 Worcester bldg. A BARGAIN in high-grade player piano. Like new. B. Palmer. 715 Wayne st. FOR SALE Thomas cabinet grand piano, $175. 573 E. Couch st. FINE piano for rent reasonable. 'Wood lawn 5494. PIANO FOR SALE- Mahogany case, equal to new. Tabor 0515. $725 FARRAND player, bench and music; $350, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Sweet tone piano: pay all cash if bargain. Broadway 1548. Furniture for Sale. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor apace filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phon- ographs, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets, dishes, . cut glass, massiye hall clocks, Wil ton and oriental ruga, refrigeratora, sewing machines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels ana parts, varioua and many other articles too numerous to mention. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS FER, CO., 4th at Pine Sts. . Opposite Multnomah Hotel. NEWLY married couple must dispose of our beautiful furniture immediately, , consisting of an adorable davenport with chair made of the highest grade tapes try, two beautiful rugs, - walnut dining room set, William and Mary style, with upholstered leather seats, 2 very fine mahogany floor lamps, wonderful gen uine walnut dressing room set of the finest quality and workmanship, walnut gateleg table, also mahogany end table and .other smaller pieces. This furniture is all new. Marshall 3795. GENUINE black leather overstuffed rocker, cost new $75, sacrifice $27.50; solid oak rocker, genuine leather seat, cost $35, like new, $17.50; Columbia phonograph with nice bunch of records, cost $80. for quick sale, $27.50; must sell. 1033 Schuyler st. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samples, several dav enports and chairs at bargain prices; terms. Phones 635-27 evenings and Sun days, Tabor 5797 or 635-27. . MICHAELSON-MAYSON, INC.. 64th and Foster Road. COMPLETE furnishings of 10-room pri vate home, includi-ng Persian and ori ental rugs, draperies, wainut. mahogany and oak furniture of every kind and de scription; gas range, vacuum cleaner, pictures, etc. Open for inspection, 10 to 5. 240 King st DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cara, flreproo' storage. C. M. Oisoa Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine street. FOR SALE High-class household goods; owner leaving city; gas range, refriger ator, dining set, rocker and other ar ticles. Main 2145. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale, bargain to quick buyer, obliged to sell, leaving for east. 91 N. 17th at. FOR SALE Cheap, my almost new White sewing machine; leaving town. Call Main 7396. 9x12 BRUSSELS rug, oak library table 1062 E. Madison. Tabor 4192. HOUSEHOLD furniture, several -articles also, rugs;, cheap. 307. Abinston bids. '.' FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. GREATEST BUY OFFERED IN YEARS. OREGON HOTEL ANNEX FURNITURE. 71 rooms high-grade furniture from the Oregon hotel moved to the Manning warehouse and will sell all or part at a very low price. CONSISTS OF Steel beds. Coil springs. Hair mattresses. Dressers, eastern Quarter oak. Library tabies. Desk library tables. Night stands (Sornnoes). Rockers. Chairs, leather seat. Lobby chairs. , Folding beds. Hat trees. Trunk stands. Chiffoniers. HOTEL AND APT. HOUSE OWNERS, INVESTIGATE. An opportunity to buy high grade furniture at a very low price. Goods may he seen at , MANNING'S. WAREHOUSE -& TRANSFER CO. Building located at NDXTH AND HOYT STS. ENTIRE furnishings of 6-room flat; Ivory bedroom suites, wicker and overstuffed living room, William and Mary dining "a oi. vuaim, comoinauon range, rugs, stand tables, rockers, floor lamn etc.; owner leaving city and will sac rifice for $700; some terms or less for v u wo seen any ume. rnone Bdwy. ONE ELECTRIC washer; adjustable vvinifier auu uasner; oargain. PhcWO .itei OIUI. Office Furniture. 8 MAHOGANY flat-top desk with plats glass top, also rotary chair and $ side cnairs; i manogany bookkeeper desk, also stool: 2 oak roll-top desks, 1 ped T. W. desk, 2 tables, 1 safe, 1 filing safe, 1 stack Y & E fllea Buahong & Co., 91 f-l K. Bl. USED OFFICE- FURNITURE. T roll-tOD desks. B flat-tnn rioaV. T. W. desks, 3 tables, 2 standing desks, evoiai uiw, 10 cnairs. THE 1RWIN-HODSON CO., Furniture Dept. 891 Stark at Tenth. Broadway 8144 FIREIPROOF safe. 30x45x70 outside meas urements: 18x38x60 inside; 3-lock draw ers ana middle lock box. double doors; piggest snap in Portland, fcldwy. 816, PHYSICIAN'S STEEL PDRKITima Manufacturer's seconds at nibji.nil.l reductions. Albatross Metal FurnUurs lq., tio inurman. FOR QUICK sale, a number of nice 60- lncn nat top aesks, 54f, each. D. C Wax, 24-26 North Fifth st. Broadway Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 821 Washington St, Main 668L REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs oi au mattes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO. 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169. FOR QUICK SALE. This slightly used noiseless typewriter is wanted to De disposed or at an ex tremely low price. 243 1st st. Phone 5XS-4B. BURROUGHS posting machine, good con dition. Price reasonable. Montavilla savings Bank. NOISE ANNOYS Re-it a noiseless; a few usea rsoiseiess ror sale. Noiseless Type writer Co., 81 4th st. Broadway 5044. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer inspection Co., 312 stark. Bdwy. BEb LILTS. second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES on White Ler horns. Reds. Minorcas. Barred Rocks. White Rocks and Anconaa; best Oregon stock; postal secures new FREE cata logue; write today; season closes June L C. N. NEEDHAM. SALEM. OREGON. MAGUIKE'S CHICKS. O. A. C. and Hollywood White Lee- horns, $15 per 100; O. A. C. Barred Rock ana it. 1. rteas, $20 per lou; strong, electric nstcnea cnicas irom stocK pro ducing as high as 304 egges a year. Hatches May 27, 29, 81, June 1, 5. J. R. MAGUIKE, 787 Oregon. East 1805, BABY CHICKS. From white Leghorn hens, bred for vigor and high egg production. Reduced prices on May and June chicks. Hatches May 24-30 and June 4. Delivery guar anteed. Paul Dudley, Aloha, Or. Ad dress Rt. 4. Beaverton. V. ril'i'E LEGHuKN baoy cnicks for Ma. ana June delivery at $12 per 100; $113 per 1000, from flocks inspected and so. credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival ot full count, live, ctrong chickB guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 6th St.. Petaluma. Cai. FOR SALE 300 White Leghorn year-old puuets. .Hollywood stocK. .inquire M. M. Russell. Cooks. Wash. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red baby chicks for sale; Mead strain. Woodlawn R028. Dogs, Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. BEAUTIFUL pair of green imported St, Andreasberg rollers, $10. last bai4 or 687 Multnomah st. BOSTON bull pup for sale. Call Wood- lawn 35:io after 6:30 P. M. Boatb. Launches and Marine Equipment. FOR SALE Houseboat No. 18, at Oregon Yacht club; house is 28x38 it., with good log foundation; has 4 large rooms and bath; city water, gas, electricity, phone, Radiant fire heater, gas range, hot water tank with gas coil heater, etc. See caretaker at ciub or phone Sellwood 776, evenings or Sunday. A RARE OPPORTUNITY to buy a dis tinguished houseboat, situated in the most desirable moorage, everything in excellent repair, all modern conveniences. Easy terms to responsible people. Owner, 1017 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE Motor boat, monoplane type. 32.-n. ir. engine, speea aoout is miles; carries 6 with comfort; in splendid con dition. Or will trade for automobile or real estate. Main 1235. TWO-CYLINDER, 4-cycle marine en gines for. sale cheap; 16 horse; Frisco Standard Boat house, ft. Mill St., west side. FOR SALE Launch houseboat, 66 ft. long, ruwuuaL. Dui iw), city. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and whltl oak. western cooperage Co., 308 N. 14th sL, near Pettygrovc Phone Auto. 519-19. Radio Eqnipmewt. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, a limited number of complete audion tube detector sets with two stage amplifiers, storage battery, head set and loud speaking horn, all complete; no separate parts sold. R. R. POPPLETON. 225 Stark St. IMMEDIATE deliveries Phones, dicto graphs, Kelloggs, Elwoods, Western Electrics and Necros. Headquarters, 430 Washington st. 500 HEAD sets from $6 to $12.50. Acme Products Co., 218 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Coal and Wood. EXTRA heavy country siabwood, guaran teed No. 1 old-growth cordwood, $7 50 Call at yard and see it. Rose City Fuel Co., 352 E. Clay street. East 1759 WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. BEST COUNTRY SLAB WOOD , Dry cordwood, 12 inches long; $i dol lar's worth or $10. 694 East 19th st Sellwood 1270. NICE 16-in. slab, $3.50; best, seasoned heavy, $5; dry box, $4. Bargain. Any where. 4-ft. slab, $5. Sellwood 1769 Paul Fuel. BEST old-growth fir cordwood, cut from large timber; get our price before buy ing. Call Tabor 9042. BEST dry cordwood, $7.75 per cord, 2 for $16; best block and slab, stove length. upcumi piii:q un uuuum loaq. 5qwy. 4H0 DRY PLANK and small tsmber, 16 Inches, $5.50 load, and dry range wood $4 50 load. CU1 Sellwood 3158. PLANER trimmings and light green wood mixed; mixed block aiab. Col. 743. FIR. $7.75; oak, $10: ash. $8.50. Wdln. 3824. John Gerlach. DRY BLOCK and BlaDwood, singie load $5 double load. $8. Broadway 2545. FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, out of big timber, $7.50 per cord. Wdln. 3580. HARDWOOD and fir cordwood. iiain 6133. WOOD SAWING, any place in city. Phone Main 3297. BEST old-growth fir, $7 $6 50. Sellwood 314. large 2d growth. WOOD-SA w'l NO Fo r quick service call Main 8124. and good FOR SALE. Coal and W ood. $4 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater; w also save you money on two-load orders of dry wood; prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co. Wood lawn 4102. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-lnch. partly dry block and slab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de- i,vried.,111 2;Ipad lots for $8; single loads $4.50: dry Blab $6 load. . NATIONAL FUEL CO.. Eaat 2041. NO 1 CORDWOOD $7.50; summer order. Heavy country slab $6. Auto. 618-31. GO,OD dry first-growth heavy bark. No. 1, . o. 2, $7. Phone Automatic 618-31. Machinerr. WANTED 1 lathe, 18x10, 1 drill press 88 in., 2 troughing belt conveyors, complete, 1 i5-ft centers and 1 100-ft. centers 16 ln. belt, 1 each; 23. 40 and 75 H P 600 volt D. C. motors, 2 4x6 triplex mnys, 000 it. neaos. l, bso, Oregonian. l-aoRSPOV,3R upright donkey boiler In good condition, complete with grates and fittings. Price $250. Phone East nesse-n.rsiea iron Worka OREGON JUNK. & HARDWARE CO. ' We buy and sell all kinds of second hand machinery, hardware and nine. Main 128. 270 Front st. FOR SALE New Stover woodsaw and frame at a big discount. Robinson- u?nm u., piAin ana aiacison. GOOD marine engine, clutch and propeller for sale cheap or trade. 300 W. 26th sL Vancouver, Wash. S1.MONDS' 72-inch inserted-tooth circular cut-off saw for sale at a bargain. For particulars see owner, 404 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE Sliyhtly used Fordson or chard plow at big discount. Robinson Smlth Co., 6th and Madison sts. 130 TONS 52-lb. good relaying rail for sals -..v..-. in uaue, a u,u, uregonian. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Beautiful oriental embroid ered linens,, filet, amber jade, pearl beads and pendants, lacquer boxes, kl monoa, brocades and silk embroideries, suitable for wedding presents. Call Dlnminva Ti . ocoa SEWING MACHINES, new and second- -,,,u, .u iotr ies; no agents empiovea. Complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Third at., near Tavlnr. .via in ajsi WHY A ROOF OF SHORT DURATION 7 "UJ "". a root 01 permanent auratlon to protect yourself and your poor rela tion? We repair, Rubber Bond and re juvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work :5-20 .CALIBER Winchester rif,e; .32 cal. Savage automatic like new; 1 Manning coal oil gas maker complete; 1 cook stove, good condition; for a good motor cycle; will pay part cash for good ma- oinipsoii st.. woooiavvn oifto. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. jhh.llk.-s Jiig Little Jewelry Stora Sells for Less Gifts That Last Next door to Majestic Theater. rarK ana Washington Sts. ONE SET singie harness, heavy $10.00; 1 10-inch plow $ 8.00 1 12-lnch plow 15.00 1 cultivator ... 8.00 Take Mt. Tabor car, 210 E. S5th st. SHINGLES. They must move before high water comes. Commons, $1.75 1000; extra Star A Star, $2.95 1000: clears. $3.70 1000. Taylor st. dock. Main 8065., REFRIGERATOR, showcase. 8-foot: round hardwood tables. 6-foot steam table, Vulcan gas ra-n-ge, hot cake griddle and other equipment; sell today. 2 P. M. to 5 P. M.. cheap. 221 Jefferson st. CASK REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change, 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. LAjDIES. let the Vogue sell your misfit. snsnuy used ciotnmg on commission. 403 Aiisky bldg., 4th, near Morrison st. Main 3132. BUILDERS, TAKE NOTICE! Good clean bank gravel for concrete work: prompt delivery. Call Auto. 632-j3. FOR SALE 1 leather davenport, new. and 1 baby Oriole, white enamel finish. 614 Highland st., take Woodlawn car to 15th st., walk 4 blocks south. HOT WATER tanks $5, guaranteed. Tanks gas water beaters repaired; plumbing contractors, estimates given. E. Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. Eaat 8516 WANTED Men and young men to wear straw hats, $1.85; Panama hats, $1.95 to $2.50; caps. Sac to $1.50. 251 Wash ington St., between 2d and 3d. ATTRACTIVE styles in Ladies' spring clothing, new gingham dresses, from $3 to $5. Unique Apparel Exchange, 1141 Michigan, Woodlawn 2248. SCREENS and screen doors, hand made in our shop, estimates free. Webster's screen shop, 1109 Hawthorne. Tabor 3325. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainable in new or second-hand sares see Norris Safe & Lock Co., 105 2d St., Portland, Or. Phone Bdwv. 7045. HAVE 1020 Ford touring, Velie truck and t40 acres land in Florida to trade for house equity or larger touring car. Own er, 1026 Corbett st. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainable in new or second-hand safes see Norris-Safe it Lock Co., 105 2d St., Portland. Or. Phone Bdwv. 7045. ' CHARTEiR OAK combination range with con, nicKel-enameiea warming closet, nickel-trimmed base. 16-inch oven; price $40. Owner. East 4277. Mf'ST SELL at once shower bath: cost $300 will sell for $1110; also $325 bil liard table for $100; call East 5109, or fiol Schuyler st. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 75c pr day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 12.-.9. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 75c per day, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, o for $20; guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. WICKER baby bugiry, 1 wicker eulky. 1 golf set bag and 7 clubs. Phone Woodlawn 5205. CASH registers, show cases, wall cases, scales, otner nxtures; big reductions, 129 First street. FINE 16-foot mahogany front and back bar ror sale very cheap; terms if de sired. Broadway 32. in. FURNITURE of 4 rooms, including Vic- tnna auu ol. .,jaire range, also canary birds. 126 Graham ave. REED baby carriage. $10; high ciiair $2.50, clothes rack $1, at 408 Twelfth st.. near Hall, Tuesday P. M. 9x12 BROWN and tan brussels rug, $15; also Lloyd loom ivory wicker babv buggv, $35. Woodlawn 3102. 1210 Commercial. USED tent and flys for sale cheap, also camping equipment. 1019 Clackamas. East 4359. FOR SALE Cheap, my almost new White sewing machine; leaving town. Call Main 7396. 4-DRAWER steel letter files, $37.50; just a iew leit. u. u. vax, z-i-26 North Fifth Bdwy. 2789. SlNtlER sewing machine, easy payments. laistM hi iu wuiice ior your oiu macmne. Singer Store, 166 W. Park. Mar. 721. DANDY 3-light shower fixture complete witn snaaes, only $0.30. at zui Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. riLES can be permanently cured without operation, call or write Lir. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. L1EBOLD safes, new and second-hand; bpeciai prices raciuc ecaie oc bupp.y Co., 48 Front t. Bdwy. 1966. KL'GS washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpet washer; aiao vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. Ws buy. sell, rent and exchange ko- daks, Sandy. 124 Broadway. S A FES S A FES S A FES. Lots of safes; biggest bargains in the city; be convinceo. irn rirat. FURNITURE for sale; 6-rooin modern house with garage ior rent; fine view. 962 Savler. ELECTRIC FANS, ALL KINDS, AT BARGAIN PRICES. NEWMAN, 12S 1ST, NEAR ALDER. 1 SMALL safe for sale, very cheap, safe nearly new. Yale Laundry Co., 500 E. Morrison st. FOR SALE A No. 1 gas range with side oven, $28.50. Sell. 2479. LATEST new rotary standard sewing ma chine $20. East 3769. 562 Williams ave. WINCHESTER 32-40. like new. 672 Lo cust st. East 2774. KUUD WATER HEATERS SOLD AND IN STALLED. EAST 4852. 3-BURNER gas range, $15; fine A. B. gas range. $27.50; will deliver. East 4852. 45 GALLONS of shingle stain for sale cheap. Wdln. 4210. RUUD water heater. No. 23, copper coil used 2 weeks, $16. 494 Weidler st. SMALL snooker table, billiard and pool 366 Haftthorne ave. East 6786. SECOND-HAND tents ana covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., No. 1 1st at. ROOT-BEER barrels, fountains and aup plies. showcases reduced. 1211 st. NEW A. B. gas range; oniy used few montns. orn i-iiedii. cast loui. LARGE SAFE with chest, $175, i taken at rtce R RRri OrPFfirinn OR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, snowcaBes, a ist st., near Ash. LADIES' used dreeses, $2 up; suit, wraps, llftia, rcniaiaamu atuca, lauor 2820. FREE for removing light soil, easy to get at. near E. Ash and 24th. East 1808. LAWN mowers sharpened and repaired 306 Hawthorne ave. East 67S6. Y. & E. RAPID ROLLER COPIER iK good condition, $10. 273 Hawthorne ave. SHIPYARD lumber and planking, $G M. on ground. Phone East 0221.