THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. MAT 17, 1922 27 - lira STOCKS 1P1ES I HE rice Changes Irregular and Narrow, However. EW STOCKS EXCEPTED nnounceincnt of Terms of Beth- Jehem-Iiackawanna Merger Has but Mild Effect. BT MONITOR. Copyright by the Public Ledger Company. Published by Arrangement.) NEW YOKK. May 16. (Special.) To- ay's stock market furnished something of improvement in tone comparea wltn nat of yesterday, but price changes -were regular and narrow, wltn me exception f a fow stocks that were influenced by pecial conditions that caused cains or sses above the average. The announcement of the terma of the 5thlehem-Lackawanna merger had but mild effect on the Steel shares. The ews, although encouraging, had been urgel? discounted. Lackawanna, which a distinct beneficiary, closed at a light loss after selling above 81. Equip- .ents were steady, but moved within a istrlcted range. The strongest group of the lot was the tappers. Prices for the red metal are ardenlng, and supplies are getting low. 'redlctlong of 15-cent copper are confi ently made, and few probably would be urprised to see 16-cent before the end of he summer. American Smelting & Re ining, Kennecott, Cerro de Pasco and Hah, as well as other copper shares, dls- layed strength. There was little doing In the oils, and e unsettled outlook for rate and wage clsions is holding' the rails In check. A w specialties ran up Bharply. Among ese were 1'ederal Smelting & Kenning mmon and preferred. Computing. Tabu- ting and Recording, United Retail Stores, id American Cotton Oil preferred. Ths Motors had quite a burst of ac- vlty with Btudebaker and Maxwell mo- emonjc the leaders. .Keystone 'lire so made a substantial recovery and Mack Uned two pointa Cotton made another new high level. ilea were large in Liverpool and raven is spot demand was reported from the uth at a higher basis. Although steel stocks reacted a bit to- a.y, especially the Bethlehem and Lacka- anna Issues, the street was still filled 1th rumors concerning steel merger ana. The purchase price agreed to be kid by Bethlehem Is an aggregate par uount of Its 7 per cent preferred stock Ind olass B common stock equal to the amount of the stock of Lackawanna itstanding, 35,108,500, consisting of 40 .cent in the 7 per cent preferred stock ind CO per cent In the class H common ock of Bethlehem, with an option in ethlehem to reduce the par9 amount of preferred stock and increase the par mount of the class B common atock to t delivered by $1,543,400, upon payment ' approximately $300,000 In cash. Beth hem is also to assume the debts and ligations of Lackawanna. Lackawanna stockholders met today .d approved the purchase by Bethlehem -eei oi ail its properties and assets. There were no developments of imnort- nce In "Six Company" merger plans to ay, although officials of the companies -ncerned met in conference at the of- cea of K-uhn, Loeb & Co. Steel men who ore approached after the meeting said at no statement would be ready at this me, and it is probable that this merer not much nearer settlement than it was st week wiien news of the withdrawal of ackawanna was received. One report which was put out on some ires here today and which gained con ierable credence in the late afternoon as to the effect that the leaders of the x-company merger plan were to make Ivances to the Bethlehem-Lackwanna in fests with an idea of formine an imie- ndent merger consisting of Bethlehem, .Li;ticivvaiiim, iniana, loungstown Sheet XUDe. jMiavaie. stee & Tube of America, epublic & Brier Hill. It is also under nod that this merger would accent leader. up of Charles Schwab and Eugene Grace. . m Tobacco stocks, especially American To icco and P. Lorillard, were fairly firm day. These two stocks have been selling ' very high yield basis, although both iinpanies are In a strong financial posi m and business is good enough at least Justify the belief that the dividend is fe. Deflation of cigarette prices has ade large inroads on the earnings of the 'mpanies for the current year, while the tal turnover is also slightly smaller. American Ice showed a flash of strength oday and closed 414 points higher. Ice vas one of the speculative favorites on he movement which carried stocks to resent levels but for the past two or hree weeks has been backing and filling vith very little feature in the trading, owever, a dividend meeting Is due in the ear future In this company, and this fact as given rise to a recurrence of rumors oncerning the possibilities of an tr. Liisbursement. It is generally believed that the plan for e exchange of stock of the Cuban-Amer-:an Sugar for National Sugar Refining nnpany is practically ready and will soon e submitted to National Sugar etock olders. It is understood that the letter ontalning the detailed terms of h ransaction is only awaiting final legal sp- Action of the Federal MIf!ne A Smslt- g company in increasing the nii.rtsriv vidend from the basis of 1 per cent to i per cent is understood to be a direct flection of the much stronger position the lead markets as lead Is one of the mcipal products of this company. Prices tvo been firm in the metal market, and e heavy volume of building which has en going on throughout the country is obably making a heavy drain upon job rs stocks. Atlantic coast line 1021 net Income was ,iJU,M,0 after taxes and charges. This equal to S2.6:i wr iht.M c .. Consolidated Gas is holding firm and ored a further advance of 1 points In OHV n truino- IJ . . . . - " "'o- -ncveui rate decisions ai'8.i Ve,ry f.avorab.le to this company, L, L I""""""; tor some action hich will permit stockholders to shore a distribution of surplus asset of thm pmpany. New York Bonds. Furnished by Herrln & Rhodes, Inc. of ortiand: Railroad Bonds lc' 13 1903 -c 43 10oi do 13 1 r.tii B O Gold 4s "imJs do con 4V3 cv do ref 5s 11H5 anada Southern 5s i 19(i' anadlan Northern Gjs ...!!'.194G . . .1910 Na Ed 0s MS1P4 S. S. M eVis 1946 M K sc T 4s 1UU0 M P gen 4s 19T5 II P ref 5s 1023 do 1B28 NYC deb 4s 1934 do con 43 1993 do ref Imp 4.4s 2013 do cv deb 6s 1935 do coll 7s 1930 N Y N H & H cv 6s ....1948 X O Tex Mex 5s 1933 N" P P L 4s 1997 do Cs 2047 N P Gt Nor jt aia 11)80 O S L ref 4s 1928 Penna 8i4s '. 103S do gen 4s 1963 do 4 Vis I960 do gen 5a 1903 do, 7s 1930 do R R 64s 1938 Reading gen 4s 1907 S A L 4s 1930 do 5s 1049 do 6s A 1943 Sou Ry con 5s 1994 So Pac cv 4s 1929 do ref 4s . 2935 do sf term 4s 1950 do onv 5a 1934 St L & S P P L 4s A 1930 do gen 5s 1981 do P L 5a B 1930 do gen 6s 1931 do adj 6s 1955 do inc 6s 1900 t L & S W 1st 5s 1052 do con 4s 1932 do 1st 4s 1989 Tex Pac 1st 3s 2000 Union Pacific 1st 4s 1947 do cv 4s 1927 do ref 4s 2003 do 6s 1928 Un Tank 7s 1930 Wabash 1st 5s 1939 do 2d 5s 1039 West Pac 3s I 1940 M K & T adj 3s Market St 5s Philips Pet 7'As Ost 8s 3d Ane adj 5s ... lnuustrla s Am Agr Chem 7V4. 1941 Am Km lit 58 1947 Am Tob 7s". 1923 Armour 48 1939 Beth Steel eq 7s 1935 do ref 0s 1942 Cerro de Pasco 8s 1931 Chile csnv lis A 10S2 do conv 7s 1923 Col Graph Ss 1925 Copper Exp 8s 1923 Colo F & I gen 5s , 1943 Colo Ind 5s 1934 Cuban Amn Sug 8s 1931 Cuban Cane cv 7s. 1130. Distillers Sec cv 5s 102T Dlam Match Js 1935 Dupont 74s 1931 Empire Gas Fuel 6s 1924 Fisk 8s 194V Gen Elec deb 5s 195C do deb Os 1940 Goodrich 7s U925 Goodyear 8s 194J. Heinz 7s 1930 Hershey 7s 1930 111 Steel deb Hit 1940 Ind Steel os 1952 Int Agr 5s .....1932 Int Marine C T 6s 1941 Kelly Spgfieid Ss. 19:11 Kennecolt 7s 1930 Lack Steel 5s ..1923 do 1st 5s .1950 Lig & Myers 5s 1951 do 7s ..1944 Lorillard 7s 1944 Mldvale Cs 1930 Morris & Co 7&S 1930 Proctor ft Gamble 7s 1923 Republic I & St Os 1940 Sears Roe 7s 1922 Steel & Tube 7s 1951 Swift & Co. 7s 1925 Uni Drug 8s 1941 U S Rub 1st ref 5s 1947 do 7Hs 1930 TJ B Steel sf 5s 1963 Va Chem 5s 1923 Va Car Chem 7&s 1932 West Elec Os 1922 West U T col Tr 5s 1938 Wst TJnion 654s 1936 Wilson 1st 6s 1941 Wilson cv 6s 1928 West Elec 7s...... 1925 Westlnghouse 7s 1931 Public utilities Amn Lt & Tran 6s 1925 Amn Tel coll 4s 1929 do coll 5s 3 946 do 6s 1925 Bell Tel of Pa 7s 1945 B R T 6s 1945 :1 Gas uni os 1937 Cities Service 7s B 1906 City Service 7s C -...11160 do 7s D 19(16 Con Gas cv 7s 1925 Int Met 4s 1956 Int R T ref 6s. Laclede Gas 7s Mont Power 5s A... Northwest Tei 7a Pac Tel 5s Pac Gas 5s Oil bonds Atlantic Ref 6H. . Galen S Oil 7s Humble 7s Pan Amn 7 Mex Pet cv 8s Sinclair 7Vts SO Cal 7s 9 O N Y 7s Txa Co 7s Tidewater Oil 08.. ..1906 ..130 ..1943 . .1941 ..1937 ..1942 ..1031 . . 1 930 . .1923 ..1930 ..1936 ..1925 ..1931 ..1931 . .1923 1931 2 102 8IW 64 100 .97 '885, 83 85 102 106 81 70 94 86 io--. 105 Vi 91 is 109 89 93V4 99 108 44 108 '.( So 56 44 23 57 9544 914 87 44 82 103 72 98 87 44 103 4-i 8044 67 8044 74 44 78 85 91 94 8644 103 102 9744 87 87 56 89 117 103 6044 102 92 44 102 90 102 05 11044 90 103 4544 102 89 7844 104 44 83 42 10744 107 100 106 99 105 100 115 10444 10- 914 i9 80 90 10S44 100 100 9144 95 44 11344 114 92 105 101 96 10044 101 102 10S 89 44 107 101 100 104 100 44 9944 109 74 99 94 ii 107 10744 106 80 44 97 114 107 65 95 134 95 91 117H 114 72 100 96 106 INDUSTRIAL BANDS Hi STEELS' asd coppers active AND STKOXG FEATURES. Chino 13.500 Trading in Liberty Issues Light With Few Price Changes. Rails Are Quiet. NEW YORK. May 16. Industrial of ferings were the active and strongest fea tures of today's bond market, responding to the prominence of those issues in the stock list. Steels and coppers Improved on the ratification of the Bethlehem-Lackawanna deal and the growing inquiry for copper metals at higher quotations. Lackawanna Steel 5s of 1923 and United States Steel strengthened with Chill Copper 6a and Cerro de Pasco 8s. Local utilities and tractions showed a further disposition to ease, but Pacific Gas & Electric 5s, Duquesne 744s and Consolidated Gas 7s Improved, the latter giving way. Changes among the substantial domestlo rails were narrow and speculative issues of that class were dull. Pennsylvania gen eral os, Southern Railway Ds and Colorado & Southern refunding 4s were nrm, moderate recessions being made by Sea board Air Line 6s and St. Louis & San Francisco adjustment 6s and 4s. Buying of Liberty bonds was light, but no changes of note occurred in that grouS. Belgian 74 s, French municipals, Mexi can 4s and 5s and Philippine railway 4s made fractional gains. Total bond sales, par value, aggregated $15,073,000. Steels again were the Divot around which today's fairly active stock market re volved. Early strength in those shares soon spread to coppers and related metals, also chemicals and miscellaneous Issues. Sales amounted to 975,000 shares. Lackawanna Steel rose to a new maxi mum during the forenoon, but announce ment of the ratification of its merger with Bethlehem was the signal for an exten sive profit-taking movement, Bethlehem also giving away, presumably for the same reason. Rallies at midday occasioned renewed realizing sales later, the final hour being marked by much confusion. Accumula tion of the popular steels, oils, American Can, Corn Products and tobaccos during that period was balanced by selling or several of the cheaper equipments and motors. ' On the other hand. Studebaker was steadily bought with Maxwell "A." Bald win Locomotive ana Crucible Steel were in demand with United States Steel, all at substantial gains, metals also respond ing to short covering. Federal Mining & Smelting preferred w-as the day's strongest stock, closing at a gain of 7 points on the declaration of an increased dividend. American Smelt ing also retained the better part of Its gain and Mexican Petroleum and United Retail Stores helped measurably to sus tain the higher average of quotations. While the day's operations In steels were uncertain throughout, traders seemed disposed to pay little heed to threats of federal and state investigation, of merg ers. Their attitude evidently Tvas based on assurances that such combinations are being made with due regard for existing- laws. Money and commodity markets were fa vorable to the long account In the stock murkt. Copper prices were firmer on ex pansion of the foreign mquiry and hiffher prices were quoted for lead and raw and refined sugars, but intimations of an other advance in fabricated steel and iron were not confirmed. , Foreign exchanges were duller than usual, but all the Important remittances displayed firmness, with marked strength in -the Butch rate. Central Europeon bills continued to ease, especially the Austrian quotation, while Czecho-Slovakian bills were not perceptibly benefited, by the pros pective loan to Prague. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Foreign Government Bond Argentine 2d 7s 1023 do GI 5s 1945 Belgium 8s 1940 Bergen 8s -.,....1945 Berne 8s 1943 Christiana 8s ...1045 Copenhagen 5s '..1944 Danish Consol 8s .1946 French Cities 6s 1934 Italy 644 s A 1923 Swedish Govt 6s '. 1939 U S Mex 4s 1934 do ext 5s , 1945 Uruguay Ext 5s Zurich 8s 194.S French Internal 4s .......... .1917 French Victory 6s ....li020 Belgian Restoration Ss British 2 consols Ital Cons War Loan 5 Curb Bonds Allied Packers 8s ... Am Tel ft Tel 6s 1922 no 1024 104 104 101 100 103 10444 106 109 101 Vi 102 99 86 106 110 113 111 93 110 86 9644 101 53 66 73 44 113 59 70 70 63 44 42 81 100 101 Anaconda Copper 6s 100 do 7s Anglo-Am Oil 7 . Armour ft Co 7s ... Eeth Steel 7s Copper Ex Assn 8s . do Grand Trunk 6s .. Gulf Oil Co 7 Libby McN ft Lib 7s Sears-Roe 7s 3-yr . So West Tel 7s Stand Oil X Y 044s . Swift tt Co 7s Texas Co 7a Notes . Vacuum Oil 7s...... ..1933. ..1924 ,..1923 .1923 .1033 .1931 103 103 104 102 102 103 104 44 104 99 100 102 106 102 101 100 Saval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., May 16. Turpentine, firm, 83c; sales, 237; receipts. 410; ship ments, 284 ; stock, 1463. Rosin, firm; sales, 84; receipts, 1543; shipments, 943; stock, 63,455, yuote: B, $4.20; D, 14.30; E, $4.45; F, H, 14.50; I. S4.55: K, 94.70; M, $4.00; N. $5.80; WO, $6; WW, $6.30. Orpheum matinee today. 15-25-50-Ad. Furnished by the company of Portland. Overbeck ft Cooke Stock Adams Exp.. Advance Rum do pfd .... Agr Chem .'. do pfd .... Ajax Rubber. Alaska Gold.. Alaska June.. Allied Chem . Allis Chamber do pfd .... Am B Sugar. . Am Bosch . . Am Can Co.. do pfd .... Am C & Fdy., do pfd .... Am Cot Oil.. Am Drug Syn Am Hide & L do pfd .... Am Ice Am Intl Cor. . Am Linseed.. do pfd ..... Am Loco . do pfd . Am Saf Razor Am Sh & Com Am Smelter. do pfd ..... Am Snuff..-. Am St Fdy... Am Sugar. . . . do pfd Am Sumatra. Am Tel ft Tel Am Tobacca.. do "B" .... Am Wool do pfd do W P pfd Am Zinc Anaconda ... Assd Oil Atchison ..... do pfd Atl Cst Line,.. Atl O & W I.. Baldwin Loco do pfd Balto & Ohio do pfd B'dell Coup.. Beth St "B" . . Booth Fish... B R T Butte C ft z.. Butte ft Sup. Burns Bros... Caddo Oil.... Calif. Pack... Calif let do pfd Canadian Pan Cen Leather. Cerro de Pasco Chand Mot... Chgo ft N W. Chgo Gt W... -do pfd Chill Cop Sales. High. Low. 200 16 18 "ioo '39' 'so "306 'ii" "1644 100 7,400 1 1 800 66 66 4O0 48 44 48 100 98 US (100 41 40 3O0 44 44 43 1,800 47 48 '"ioo ioi" ibo" 2,466 '27 '27" "'200 'ir '1544 900 70 - 69 2.800 108 104 1,800 45 43 800 33 33 200 54 53 1,000 114 113 100 116 116 1,300 7 6 400 17 17 11,300 61 59 1,400 97 96 100 130 130 1.100 38 37 1,700 7444 73 '"(MO '34 '34" 600 121 121 200 138 138 100 136 130 1,800 90 90 100 106 106 " bob "lb" 'is' 8,100 64 .63 ""906 '99 44 "99 200 0 1 90 600 102 101 2,000 37 44 35 8,000 113 114 100 108 108 2,600 46 45 100 60 60 4.200 4 5 42 8,800 7!) 78 SO0 6 6 2,100 25 24 7.500 7 0 2.600 -81 30 200 133 133 200 12 12 100 78 7844 1,000 50 55 I "'800 189 13944 700 3844 38 p 2,200 88 37 1,900 73 71 100 7444 74 400 S44 8 100 20 20 :.12,20O 204. 19 Bid. 64 16 45 38 C5 16 1 66 47 97 40 44 47 104 159 119 27 5 15 70 106 44 '4 33 52 113 115 6 1 60 130 38 74 103 44 33 121 138 136 90 108 33 1844 53 124 99 90 101 36 44 115 108 45 60 44 77 o6 7 30 133 12 78 65 96 139 38 37 73 74 8 20 20 2,000 5U0 600 200 800 100 700 8,400 7,400 '"ioo '2I266 '3.966 2,200 190 100 2,400 300 800 '"ioo 100 2,000 700 2,200 60 l.too 800 300 8,200 800 - 800 900 200 14,000 400 2,600 1.60O 400 400 4,400 "600 15,000 100 4,100 i.AOO 1,600 1,700 1.400 2.800 700 8.266 8,000 300 100 200 900 24,100 2.900 56,000 300 500 500 700 400 100 1,300 600 200 6.300 C M St P do pfd ... . Coco Cola . . . C ft O Colo F & I Coio Southern. Col Gas ft Elc Col Graoh ... Con Gas .... Cons Cigars . . Cons Cig pfd . ContI Can . . . Cities Svc Bks Corn Prod ... Corn Prod pfd Cosden Oil . . C R I & P . . CRI&P "A" pd CRI&P "B" od Crucible 15.S00 cruciDle pld . Cuba Cane . . Cuba cane pfd Cuban Am Su Del ft Hudson Dome Mines . Del ft Lack . Davison Chem Er.dicott John Erie Erie 1st pfd . Elec Stor By . Fam Players . Fd Mln&Smelt FdMftSmelt pd Fisk Tire . . . Gaston Wms . Gen Cigars . . Gen Elec .... Gen Motor Gen 1 fl n Gen Asphalt .'i.ioo trOOQriCn Goodyear .... Granby Great Nor Ore Great Nor pfd Greene Can . . Gulf Steele .. Glen Alden Houston Oil .. Hupp Motor ins t;ent .... Inspiration . , Int Ag Cp com Int Ag Co pd 100 Interboro ....'12,100 Interboro pd . 18,000 inter Calla . . Int Harv Int Merc Ma . Int Mer Ma pd Int Nickel ... Int Paper ... Int Paper pd Inv Oil Island Oil Jewel Tea ... K C South . K C Su pfd.. Kelly-SDtrfld... Kennecott ... Key Tire Lack Steel . . . Tire ..... jehlgh Valley Lorillard .... Lowe Theatres L & N Mackay Maryland Oil. Martin ft Perry- may stores... Mex Pet Miami 1,000 .Mia states oil 6.900 Mldvale Steel.. M K. & T do pfd .... Mont Power.. Mont. Ward.. 7lo Pacific... do pfd .... M S P ft 3 S M r.or Amn Nat Biscuit . . Nat Enamel . . Nat Lead Nevada Con.. New Haven... Norfolk ft W. . Nor Pac N S Steel N Y Air Brake N Y Central.. Okia Prod ref Ontario Silver Ontario ft W. . Otis Steel ... Pacific Dev... 1,100 Pac G & E . . . 200 Pimta Allegre 1.500 Pacifio Oil... 11.900 Pan Amn Pet. 1,100 do B 1,000 Penna 1,100 Peo Gas 100 Pere Mar 600 Pure Oil 1.500 Phillips Pete. 9.000 Pierce Arrow. 9,100 Pierce Oil ... 3.600 Pitts Coal ... 1,000 Pitts & W Va 400 do pfd Press Steel Car Pullman 600 Ray Cons .... 2.600 Reading 2,500 Remington . . .. 300 Replogle Steel 6,100 Republic X & S 8,200 do pfd .... 100 Ren Motors Royal Dutch O Ry Steel Spg. . Saxon Motors. Sears Roebuck Shattuck. Ariz Shell T & T.. Sinclair Btan Oil Ind.. do N J Sloss Sheff . . . Sou Pacific. ... Southern Ry.. Stand Oil Cal. st L & s F... Strom Carb... Studebaker ... 60,800 swirt & Co. . ,. Tcnn Cop ft c Texas Oil Texas Pacific. Tex Pac C & O Tob Prod Tran Contl Oil 36.400 Union Oil Del. 2,500 Tjnlon Pacific. United Alloy.. United Drug. . United FProd. United Fruit.. Union B & P.. U S C I Pine. United Ret St. 41.200 TJ S Ind Alco. 3.600 U S Rubber. . , 1,100 do 1st pfd U S Smelting. 1.000 U S Steel 22,200 do pfd 8.000 Utah Copper.. 6,700 va t;nem do pfd 100 Vanad Steel... 11,000 Vivandou .... 1.100 Wabash 2.000 29.500 3,200 IOO 1,000 3,900 2,600 400 100 1.300 1,500 200 200 2.800 8,500 100 300 100 "soo 1.800 8,200 200 30 25 42 57 63 84 4S 87 4 118 '6i ioo '43" 42 95 81 73 'l5 33 44 21 '27 117 58 83 13 27 43 80 14 51 18 73 163 12 '66 40 '26" 40 74 32 84 '77 20 103 41 '4i" 2 6 8 98 22 81 17 50 "i 1 20 56 49 38 21 81 33 62 i52 ' 18 HS 92 81 30 118 129 29 14 39 17 39 74 21 22 55 59 57 150 41 93 17 28 106 7o 31 '88 3 8 26 28 24 41 5044 05 33 48 87 . 4 116 '6i '46" '42 42 95 81 71 "is' " 33 21 13 21 42 80 13 45 17 72 162 12 "59 40 '28 40 74 31 82 '77 19 103 40 "ii" o 4 8 97 44 22 81 17 49 'ii 1 20 26 5 49 34 20 78 82 62 151 15 118 02 3044 29 116 12744 29 14 88 17 39 73 21 22 63 59 57 143 40 924? -16 28 106 75 81 'S8 2 7 26 10 70 41 64 63 67 40 86 31 33 43 19 11 62 3544 10 70 40 63 63 60 40 86 81 32 45 17 10 61 3544 120 17 78 33 35 70 90 120 16 77 33 34 68 90 6,800 61 61 1,100 74 entral Pacific 1st 4s 1949 nesapeake & Uhio ov 4s .. iohij do gen 4s do con 3s IU'1'1 B & Q 111 dlv 4s "lOiij ft West Ind 4s iiy o ft w 43 ;1U5; , M ft St P 4a li) 5 do cv 4s , 1D32 do deb 4s 1934 do gen 4s A 1S99 do cv 5s .2014 do g ft r 444s A 2014 hlcago Northwestern gen 4s ..1987 do 644s I931J do 7s 193!) R I ft P ref 4s ..f 134 olo Sou ref ex 44is 1933 do 4s l;i9 el & Hulson Cv os 1933 do 7s 1930 1 & R G cv 4s 1938 do ref 5s 1953 irie P L 4s 1998 do cou 4s A 1033 do B 1053 do D 11138 do Pa C G 4s 1051 It Northern 4s 106t do 7:1 1938 irand Trunk 6s 1936 do 7s 1940 ;l Central Jt 5s 19C3 do ref 4s 1955 ; C Southern ref 6s 1930 ;eo. & D M 1st 5s 1923 5 ft M S 4s 1931 6 N 7s 1930 do uni 4s 1940 C 7i 8844 88 105 81 8144 SU'j 98 11144 111 85 88 91 100 90 4i 73 61 79 70 4 76 75 4 86 108 108 '4 82 $ 87 92 96 109 79 48 C4 48 49 1 60 S5 109 108 118 93 86 87 S0 91 108 90 100 SUGAR PROSPERITY SEEN PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION IN AMERICA INCREASED. Products Exported to Germany, France, England, Belgium; Can. ning Season Approaching. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 10. (Special.) Higher sugar prices in the near future and Increased prosperity for the beet sugar interests -were predicted today by Barnaby Conrad a director of the Utah - Idaho Sugar company. "The consumption of sugar in the United Bta.te is increasina- relatively much raster than our production At the present time it is estimated that th consumption of sugar is running at the 'unprecedentedly high figure of 95 pounds, per capita. This consump tion, if it continues, means that this yaur we must import sugar in larger quantities than ever before to supply our demand. "It is small wonder, therefore, that the beet sugar interests feel that their lean years of 1920 and 1921 are behind them and that they are now well on th way to profit making " Read, Act and You'll Profit! 15-Year Gold Bonds of the Amalgamated Sugar Co., at par; yield 7 Write, phone or call for detail. Wire ord-ers "col lect." Use our Partial Payment Plan. A Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. LUMSERMtNS BLDO.. PORTLAND 800 8,200 "oOO 2,800 8,700 1,000 1,000 700 200 1.400 6.300 100 8.100 6.700 600 1,900 800 800 200 600 do A pfd. do B cfd. . .. Wells Fanro. ., Western Pacif. do pfd West Union. . . Westing A B. Westing BAM Western Aid.. White Motors. Willys Over... do pfd Wilson Pack.. Wise Central.. Woolworth . . . Worth Pump.. 1.100 43 31 187" 31 90 23 114 29 52 118 12" 47 32 29 70 17 22 137 39 72 4 140 '34" 64 51 63 99 118 66 49 13 100 98 1,400 '62 100 10 200 47 1,100 7 100 88 44 300 43 "ioo ise" 100 ROl', 73 . "is" ' 31 188" 48 0 23 113 29 52 114 ii .12 28 69 16 21 137 38 72 4 140 33 60 30 02 '41 97 117 64 47 44 12 10 30 98 '6144 10 47 7 38 43 158 " 50 14 29 23 41 67 63 . 34 48 87 . 4 117 2344 60 63 24 99 113 42 42 95 80 11 15 33 21 120 27 116 57 . 82 13 21 42 80 14 51 17 73 183 12 81 60 40 12 28 40 74 31 83 60 77 20 44 1U3 40 10 40 2 4 8 98 22 81 17 49 S3 18 14i 20 28 ' 50 49 38 21 78 32 62 151 13 118 - 91 30 29 115 129 29 14 89 17 39 73 4i 21 2244 55 59 6744 148 40 93 17 2S 105 95 81 76 88 2 8 26 14 44 69 44 40 64 63 66 40 86 SI 32 45 18 10 61 33 87 76 120 17 77 32 34 9 90 7 61 100 S 7SW. 8 4444 31 104 1864s 49 90 23 113 29 52 118 102 11 47 W ft L E White Oil .... 600 11 500 10 11 9 mi 9 liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions furnished by the Overbeck ft Cooke company, Portland: open. mgn. low. Bin. . 99.23 99.23 89.20 99.24 . 99.60 99.44 . 99.76 99.88 99.76 99 80 . 99.50 99.5S 99.48 99.54 . 99.88 89.92 99.84 09.92 . 99.90 99.92 99.86 99.86 .100.66 100.04 100.56 100.62 100.02 Liberty 344 s , dO ISt 48 . . do 2d 4s .. do 1st 4s do 2d 4 '-is . do 3d 4 4is . do 4th 4 44s Victory- 4s ao 3s ... Snift & Go. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeds & Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co t 102 Rational Leather 2 do new 8 Swift International 20 Libby 2 Money, Silver, Ete. NEW YORK, May 16. Call money, easy; high, low and ruling rate, 8 per cent; closing bid. S per cent: offered at S per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; call lo&ns against acceptances, 3 per cent. Time loans, steady; 60 days, 90 days and six months, 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4 9M per cent Foreign bar silver. 72o. Alexican dollars, 55 c. LONDON, May 16. Bar silver, S6K4 per ounce. Money, 1 per cent, bills, 2 5-162 per cent. " Discount rates, short and three months Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at the close of business yesterday furnished by the North western National bank of Portland. The amount Quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit in United states funds: . 28 70 18 21 1:17 3B 72 4 139 63 33 03 51 03 104 4144 98 118 65 32 74 " 49 12 10 80 2? 20 61 97 95 62 10 47 7 38 45 29 157 50 'A Country Unit Austria, kronen Belgium, francs Bulgaria, leva Czechoslovakia, kronen Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling Finland, flnmark France, francs Germany, marks Greece, drachmas Holland, guilders Hungary, kronen Italy, lire Jugo-Slavia, kronen Norway, kroner Portugal, cscudos Houmania, lei Serbia, dinara Spain, pesetas N. ................ . Sweden, kroner Switzerland, francs China Hongkong, local currency. Shanghai, taels Japan, yen , Bate. .t .0025 . .0840 . .000 . .0200 . .2136 . 4.4650 . .0217 . .0918 . .0037 . .9428 . .3875 . .0018 . .0533 . .0042 . .1872 . .0857 . .0080 . .0102 . .1575 . .2370 . .1922 . .5875 . .8150 . .4800 I NEW YORK, May 16. Foreign exchange steady. Great Britain, demand W-44. cables S4.45; 60-day bills on banks, $4.42; France, demand 9.14, cables 9.14 ; Italy, demand 6.28; cables 5.28; Belgium, de mand 8.33, cables 8.84; Germany, de mand 85, cables 35; Holland, demand 3S.72, cables 3S.77; Norway, demand 18.82; Sweden, demand 25.60; Denmark, demand 21.30; Switzerland, demand 19.a4; Spain., demand 15.83; Greece, demand 4.15; Po land, demand .02 ; Czecho-Slovakia, de mand 1.93; Argentine, demand 36,90; Bra 'Zll, demand 13.80; Montreal, 99. Boston Mmbvc Stocks. Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: Adventure Ahmeek Algomah Cal & Ariz .... Calumet A Hecla New Corn Centennial ...... Copper Range .. Davis Daly .... Daly west Franklin Mining Keewanaw Lake Copper La Salle Michigan Mass Con May Old Colony Mason Valloy . . . North Butte ..... North Lake Old Dom Cop Obijawa , Quincy Mining Isle Royal Supp Boston United Shoe Mach do pfd South Utah , Superior Copper Trinity Copper .-. Tuolumne Utah Metals Utah Con IT, S. Mining, P. F. D... Wyandott Shanon Bid. Ask. ,. ,. 80 . 81 .. 61 62 ,,20 60 . 28 ' 29 . 3 3 .3 7 .59 60 -.265 270 ,. 17 18 . 1044 H . 42 42 . 8 8 . 2 S . 11 UK . 2 S . S 344 .115 115 . 2 3 . 3 . 4 . 3 4 . 1 3 . 2 8 . 3 S . 5 5 . 2 2 . 12 13 . 5 6 . 30 60 . 23 24 .. 3 3 . 44 45 . 23 44 24 ,. 1 1 . 41 41 ,. 25 25 .8 10 . 8 3 ,. 1 1 .. 68 70 .. 1 2 ' .- 2 2 ,. 41 , 42 ..60 60 ..80 100 Foreign Bonds. Furnished by the Overbeck 4 Cookt company of Portland: i Bid. Asked. Belgian rest 5s 72 77 do prem 5s 78 82 Belgian 744s 1945 107 ISO do 8s 1941 108 107 do 6s 1925 103 103 It Brazil 8s 1941 105 . 100 Chile 6s 1932 9041 904 do 7s ;...1H23 102 102 "British 5s 1822 91 83 do ..1.1927 93 95 do ........1929 03 95 do vky 4s 78 82 do ref 4s 78 80 Bordeaux 6s 1934 87 87 Canadian 5s 1937 S 99 do 1928 99 99 do 5S 1929 100 10144 do 5s 1931 9S 98 do 544 1927 9S 119 Chinese 5s 1951 53 54 Chilean 8s 19410 105 105 44 F.uss currency 6 44 7 44 Denmark 8s 1945 110 111 Dan Muni Ss 1945 110 111 French 4s 1917 56 4i 57 do 5s 921 79 81 do 1981 08 69 do 7s 1941 101 101 do 8s .: ...1945 10444 104 German WLil ,. 2 8 Berlin 4s 2 3 Hamburg 4a 3 do 44is 3 4 - Lelpsig 4s 3 44i do 5s : 4 S Munich 4s 3'. 4 WE OWN AND OFFER: $200,000 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver, B. C, Canada. FIRST MORTGAGE 6 GOLD BONDS American Payment Dated - ' Due JUNE 1, 1922 Serially 1923 to 1932 Redeemable after three years at 102 and Interest. Coupon bonds. De nominations $1000, $500. Principal and Berai-annual interest payable .at Bank of Montreal in Spokane, Chicago or New York. Borrower covenants to pay U. S. normal income tax up to 49. ' THESE BONDS are -the obligation of the Most Rev. Timothy Casey, D. D., Archbishop of Vancouver, B. C, t whose; Archdiocese includes the City of Van couver and a large part of British Columbia. The property owned by the Archdiocese is val 1 ued at $1,000,000, and includes property in the business center of the city of Vancouver worth $400,000 to $500,000. We recommend these bonds. The security is unusual and the moral and financial strength of the borrower is unexcelled. PRICE: PAR AND INTEREST TO YIELD 6 (Payable in American Funds) Reservations should be made promptly. Ferris & Hardgrove INVESTMENT BONDS Spokane, Washington Seattle, Washington SURFACE CONDENSERS THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD . Through the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation INVITES BIDS at private Competitive Sale on 205 Surface Condensers from 1,000 to 8,000 square feet cooling surface cast iron or steel plate shells, rolled brass tube sheets and Muntz metal tubes. All flanged connections in accordance with American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers standard. CORLISS, WIS. Stored in Warehouses as follows HOG ISLAND 11 Condensers, 2000 sq. ft. 3 Condensers, 1500 sq. ft. Sales Manager, W. J. Leonard, 1819 West 39th St., Chicago, 111. NEW ORLEANS 30 Condensers, 2000 sq. ft. Sales Manager, H.R. Dillingham, P. 0. Box 180, New Orleans, La. BEAUMONT, TEXAS 26 Condensers, 2000 sq. ft. Sales Manager, H.R.Dillingham, P. 0. Box 180, New Orleans, La. 13 Condensers, 2000 sq. ft. 7 Condensers, 1000 sq. ft. 2 Condensers, 1500 sq. ft. 6 Condensers, 8000 sq. ft. Sales Manager, J. T. Eason, Hog Island, Pa. ERIE 28 Condensers, 2000 sq. ft. Sales Manager, J. T. Eason, Attention F. A. Fisher, Erie, Pa. " TACOMA 31 Condensers, 2000 sq. ft. 6 Condensers, 3229 sq. ft Sales Manager, FredTc Haag Jr., Tacoma, Wash. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND 25 Condensers, 2000 sq. ft. Sales Manager, T. G. Baird, St. Johns, Portland, Oregon. ALAMEDA 17 Condensers, 2000 sq. ft. Sales Manager, D. H. Meisen bach, Alameda, Calif. ENGINEERS WHO ARE CONTEMPLATING PLANT EXTENSIONS OR RE PLACEMENTS SHOULD NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO REDUCE FUEL CONSUMPTION BY INSTALLING ONE OR MORE OF THESE CONDENSERS Inspection Invited Bids are invited on any or all of these condensers "aH is, where is," and will be sold without war ranty as to condition,' quality or capacity. The United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation will load f. o. b. cars at above locations. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by certified check for 10 of the amount bid. For full information and complete terms of sale, communicate with the Local Sales Manager at addresses given above or with the Home Office, Washington, D. C. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and condensers are offered subject to prior sale or ' other disposition. Bids will be received at the office of the UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION WASHINGTON, D. C. ( until 12 noon, June 1, 1922. Envelopes should be addressed to F. H. WALSH, Manager, Material Sales Division, and marked "Bid on Sale 102." do 5s Frankfort 4s . Italian 6s ... Jap 4s ...... do 1st 444S do 2d 4 44s . Norway Ss . . . Russian 5s do do 6s Swiss 544s .. do ss San Paulo 8s U K Ss .... do do Swedish 6s . . .1918 .VMl .1925 .1925 .1940 .1921 .1926 .1919 .1929 .1040 !i922 .1929 .19117 .1939 4 3 41 70 90 S9 44 111 20 4!4 23 10244 117 104 108 44 10844 102 101 5 4 42 7T 0 89 111 23 5 27 102 117 104 108 108 192 102 Cotton Market, virw YORK. Mav IB. Ootton futures opened steady: May, 20.12c; July. 20.45c; October, 20.48c; December, 20.430; Janu ary 20.30c. Cotton futures closed stesdy. May, 20.20c; July, 20.45c; October, 20.42c; December, 20.44c; January, 20.26c. pot cotton,- steady; middling, 21.50c. Dried Krolt st New York. NEW YORK, May 16. Evaported apples, few here, Prunes, unsettled. Peaches, steady. Orpheum matinee today, 15-55-50-Ad. The scarcity of good bonds offering high yields is such that we have only limited amounts available as regards several issues on this list P AA I- NORWAY 6B0NDS 1921 John Moody, eminent Invest ment authority, accords these bonds a AA rating for security arid salaMlity. Norway Is noted for thrift, industry and financial soundness. No default on any Norwegian government loan has ever been recorded. Her high standing is shown by the fact that from 1886 to 1914, the cost to the government for its various loans ranged from 3.10 to 4.11. These bonds ire in denomi nation of 1,000 kroner (face value at normal rate of ex change, $268), and are being offered at $217 per bond. CLARK, KENDALL & CO. INC., 295 Stark St. Portland, Or. HERRIN & RHODES. Inc. Established U98. STOCKS, BONDS, - COTTON, GRAIN Cerrespond.nts B. 7. HUTTON 4 CO.. N. X. liembers all leading .xchanass. Babson's Service on FUa. DdwT, US. 101 Uallrrv Kxcliuss Did Income Tax Exempt Madison County, Idaho, School District 27, 6s .' Ser. 1926-41 Payette, Idaho, Highway District No. 2, 6s Opt. '32; due '42 Union County, Oregon, 5s 1928-30 Prineville, Oregon, 6s 1932 Tillamook, Oregon, 6s 1927 CANADIANS Prov. British Columbia, 6s 1925 Dominion Canada, 5s 1952 Prov. New Brunswick, 5s 1939 Prov. Ontario, 5s 1952 City New Westminster, 6s 1952 Burton Ranches 1st Mortg., 7s 1937 Dutch East Indies, 6s 1962 Remington Arms 1st Mortg., 6s 1937 Crown Willamette Paper Co. cumulative 1 Preferred Stock mmmm Phone or write for bulletins fully describing any of these issues. LUMBERMENS Broadway and Oak 5.50 5.25 4.80 6.75 5.50 5 5.00 5.15 5.02 5.80 7.50 6.48 6.55 7.00 to 6 OVERSUBSCRIBED! We offer unsold balance1 of our allotment of $25,000 AMALGAMATED SUGAR CO. First (closed) mortgage Sinking Fund GOLD BONDS Apri7 The Amalgamated, one of the six largest refinery com panies in the U. S .has a history of strong growth and large earnings. Securing the authorized (4,000,000 first mortgage bonds is more than $10,000,000 of property. Phone Main 4196 for early reservations. PRICE PAR' TO YIELD 7 G.E.MILLER & COMPANY Zni floor bankb: THWE STERN PORTLAND . You Make a Prudent Choice When you decide on Ashley & Rumelin, Bankers, as your de positary a banking institution that is strong, experienced and has the facilities for excellent service. H0URS-8AMT0 530 PM. SATU R DAYS-8 AM TO 8 PM.