13 TOE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1922 REAL XKTATfc. For Sale Houses . $6500 FURNISHED. ROSE CITY PARK. A 6-rm. modern bungalow, beau tifully furnished; below the hill, in the heart of Rose City Park; everything goes; mahogany furni ture, Victrola, Majestic range, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, large floored attic; everything complete; $1500 will handle. A genuine bargain. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Sroadway 6034. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Seven-room modern house in Rose City Park, well situated near Rose City Park school and Sandy blvd. 'car; hardwood floors, built-in buffet and fireplace; second floor, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; full cement basement, heating Plant and wash trays; all street im provements in and paid for; all newly painted inside and out; price for quick sale, $4R50; terms. See WEBSTER L. KINCAID, REALTOR,' 401 Lewis Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. 6 ROOMS and nice sleeping porch, big front porch, nice homey kitchen. The whole place clean and trim. Great big lot, 80x100, with abundance of fruit trees, berries and flowers; garage. Walk ing distance of Franklin high. You will find in this place a genuine home. $3200, with $500 cash. Note our new office cumber. RALPH HARRIS CO., 81ft Cham, of Commerce. Broadway 5654. ATTRACTIVE) L AU R ELHTJR S T MODERN BUNGALOW. Two blocks from Laurelhurst park; five rooms, large attic; nearly new and everything strictly first-class and mod ern; terms. 1233 East Pine st. ROSE CITY PARK. $4400. A brand-new, 5-room bungalow below the hill, on paved street; the living room, exceptionally large, will have hardwood floors, tapestrv paper, fire place, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, . laundry trays, furnace, lighting fixtures, shades and terms to suit. Apply bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. On Viaduct. , Automatic 315-44. MT. SCOTT FINE HOME, $250 DOWN. Very, very attractive 9-room residence, absolutely perfect order and clean as a new pin; beautiful hardwood floors, ar tistic electric fixtures. 2 fine, level lots, fruit, garden ; on corner, so all rooms are light and cheerful: garage, 1 blork to school, 2 blocks to car. Only $3750, easily worth $4750, rent-like terms. 4029 63d st. S. E. Phone Aut. 628-25. BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOME. On Cornell street, near the hrad of Washington, large corner lot, fine 8 room house, oak floors, 4 fireplaces, 2 baths, double garage. This is an ele gant home and finely finished. The price, $9500, is below what it is worth; terms. Shown by appointment. Mr. Wiles, Broadway 2045. 327 Board of Trade. J. R. HATGHT, Realtor. IRVINGTON. Bar none, the finest home in the dis trict at the price. Circassian, walnut finish in panels and buffet, and floors, plate glass, 100x100 corner, hot-water heat, and every modern feature required In home keeping; garage, too. Inspec tion by appointment. Ideally suited for physician; 9 rooms. COE A. McKENNA & CO., S3 Fourth St. Broadway 7525. CASH BARGAIN. Must go east, will sell 5-room bunga low, furniture, dishes, bedding, chickens, parage, garden tools, everything ready for housekeeping as we step out; new range, just purchased; new bed, just cost $70; sewer and sidewalks in: extra ground fenced for garden and chickens; large garden, nearly all In; some buy for $1600; good district. BC 661, Ore gonian. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. We have several 4 and 5-room houses that can be bought for as small a pay ment as $300. One of these is In Sunny side, one in Overlook and one or two in other districts. $4200 A brand new Vinntnm basement, fireplace, all built-ins, strictly iu uiiir, iuu iot; iuuu Handles. S. BORLAND. REALTOR. 223 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1566. SOLDIER'S LOAN ACCEPTED. MODERN o-KuuM HUWWALOW; FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, FIREPLACE. BUILT IN BOOKCASES. BUFFET AND CHINA CLOSETS, LINEN CLOSET. MODERN BUILT-IN KTTrWTTV T3 A CITMCVT FURNACE, LAUNDRY TRAYS. GAR DEN, FRUIT, CHICKEN HOUSE. MT 7ni?0R CAR" 113 E- 64TH ST. TABOR 4278. OWNER. 1 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 5 rooms with all built-in conveniences, tapestry paper, best enamel finish, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, large break fast nook, garage, shrubbery and lawn in. Price Is right. Shown by appoint ment. Broadwav 2045 J- R- HAiGHT, Realtor. BOW WOULD you like to live in the six large downstairs rooms and sleeping porch of, a wonderful modern home on a choice 100x100 corner In Piedmont, and at same time receive an income from four-room apartment above; sufficient to practically pay for the property. Same for sale. Call Woodlawn ansa J150 CASH HANDLES THIS 4-room cottage at only $1300; some rrnlt and berries, cement sidewalk four . blocks to car, two blocks to school, on Alnsworth ave. Well worth the money Iote our new office number ... t RALPH HARRIS CO., BIB Cham, of Com. Broadwav 5S54 MT. TABOR VIEW nmii! Cresting the west slope, superbly slt nated, 9-room residence, containing ev ery modern feature; sleeping porches command fine outlook over city. 0500 and worth it. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. fig Fourth St. Broadway 7522. WALNUT PARK BARGAIN. .S?S,r vj6ffer!on nigh' 7 rooms, fine femily home, furnace, fireplace, garage full basement; cut from J6750 to $5750 terms Let me show you this. J R Haight. evenings, Wdln. 6260; Broadway i -r ? Z. '"rooni nungaiow Zll- -V. 6 . eu' on Jar&e corner near car and park; every new feature, sun and breakfast rooms, thatched roof hot water heat. Price cut several thou sand dollars. Tabor 407. I RVINGTON Ttirvn. a t nxTT Artistic new 6-room bungalow with garage in heart of best section on 18th st. Every new feature; 38x32 ft living 4rt7 uume. Terms. Tabor WEST SIDE house, 5 rooms and reception hall, modern except heat; $400 recently spent on the property; nice fixtures close in; big. bargain; reasonable cash payment and terms. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 3963 NEAR LAURELHURST PARK -Ji'13"1001 COTTAGE. WILL BE SOLD THIS WEEK FOR BEST OFFER 111 EAST 35TH ST. NEAR AtDER A GOOD HOME. " 5-room house, 100x100, lots of fruit $3000. $170j0 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. 540 East 31st st. north B-W oar. ACTUAL VALUE $7500. OUR PRICE $6000. 7-room mod. Irvington home, easy terms. R. J. McGuire, 545 N. Union ave. JjUO WILL HANDLE $1500 EQUITY IN COZY NEW 4-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW FROM OWNER CALL 788 EAST 71ST NORTH ALAMEDA bungalow, 5 rooms and bath beautifully finished, hardwood floor, ali utiiit-ino, 72-uiuch. to car; terms. Wdln. 3061. IRVINGTON i-room house, $3900; block from school and car line; well built in good condition; radiator heat; no ba.se- tit-in, arm Kuua yarq. UJast 8521. BLOCK TO MT. TAR OR Pin A new 7-room modern house for sale cheap; from owner. Inquire 200'' E Salmon street. Tabor 3441. HOME in Irvington: larsre' TttTTXiT- house. $6000. 666 East 16th st. N. Phone V EST SIDE bargain: 7-room house on onennan street, $kuu. Bee Owner, 634 MY EQUITY in furnished 5-room house ichlcu s" iriiaiiLa. inquire owner 4025 33d ave. Mt. Scott line. owner- MY BEAUTIFUL home at a great sacrt--fice as I must leave Immediately. 1010 inumiiin si. juniu MODERN five-room bungalow, sleeping porch, garage, paved street. Rose City 7-ROOM house, right price, modern, lot 42x116; fine lawn, bearing fruit trees on Wavprley Heights. Phone Sell 2"05' MODERN 5-room bungalow, 1 block from school. $2000 cash. Auto. 615-49. BY OWNER Modern five-room bungalow bargain; leaving city. 1047 Tillamock. HOUSE VOR SALE, 1123 VERNON AVJB. I REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. 75-MILE VIEW OK VALLEY AND MOUNTAINS. On west side, close to Oswego and paved highway; four fine, level acres, all cultivated, ail kinds fruit, walnuts and asparagus bed. A 7-room house with bathroom, laundry, cement basement, fireplace and abundance of water uDder pressure; garage, large brooder house. A real home and only 25 minutes' drive from your business in Portland. Will sell place nearly furnished, with tools and fine cow for 95500; liberal terms. Can deliver four more acres adjoining If wanted. H. Atwater, owner, 100 Abington Bldg., Portland. Phone Bdwy. 6933 oetween 10 A. M. and 4 P. M, SUBURBAN HOME, 2 ACRES. $4000. EASY TERMS. 2 acres of rich loam soil, with living creek on back end of place; modern 7 room plastered bungalow, cement base ment, furnace, bath and toilet, electric lights and gas, excellent water system; chicken houses with water piped to runs, all kinds of bearing fruit. This Ideal country home is located close to station on Oregon Electric. Price $4000, terms $1000 cash and $20 month; no mortgage to assume. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 623 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. BEAUTIFUL 12 ACRES. MOST SIGHTLY TRACT. By owner, 20 min. from your office, on paved Lake road, 1 mile from Miiwau kie; house, barn, bearing fruit trees, electric light, gas and Bull Run water available; price $11,000; will consider some trade; $500 will get possession, bal ance 5 to 10 years, 6 per cent. 602 Pit tock block, Bdwy. 2092. NOTE THIS One-half acre of ground with -room co i cage ana immense screened porch. Several full bearing fruit trees, 20 young trees, lots of assorted berries and currants. This Is a dandy place for a thrifty couple to tidy up a bit and make money off It. Price $2200, good terms. Note our new office num ber. RALPH HARRIS CO., 316 Cham, of Commerce. Broadway 6654. HOME O. C. LINE $1800. Neat 4-room home. 2 bedrooms, elec, gas and running water. Dutch kitchen. 1-3 acre RIGHT ON THE PAVED HIGH WAY. Two blks. from Jennings Lodge station and close to school. THIS IS ONE OP OUR BEST BUYS IN THIS DIS TRICT. Good terms. Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with 9 FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. i ntra St., bet, wash, and starK. t RIVERDALE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases and china closet; sleeping porch glassed and heated; large screened .porch off kitchen; full cement basement; furnace, laundry tubs ; fine view ; -lot 100x100; 8 bearing fruit trees; 4 blocks from Riverdale station; all freshly paint ed and decorated; $5000. MRS. HELEN S. TURNER, 1006 Spalding Bldg. Bdwy. 7866. Res. Riverdale. Main 7271. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. Excellent View. Six acres, west side, highly improved, 3 acres fine orchard, choice shrubbery. 5-room bungalow, garage, barn and chicken house, gas and city water, four blocks to highway and electric station and only 15 minutes from 6th and Wash ington. Let us show you today, as it cannot De appreciated without seeing. ROBIXSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. DANDY COUNTRY HOME AND LIVING. 2 acres near Milwaukle, best of soil, high state cultivation, 6-room house, gas. Bull Run water, electricity available, all kinds bearing fruit and berries. 6 bearing walnut trees, 17 bearing cherry trees, grapes, strawberries, raspberries. Price $3000. $2000 cash, balance long time, 6 per cent. SMITH -WAG ONER CO., STOCK EX. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE NEW BUNGALOW. Half acre, with new 5-room bungalow; modern; bath, gas, lights; beautiful fire place, hardwood oak floors in living room, one panel door with glass hard ware, Dutch kitchen, built-ins; 4 blocks irom stores ana station; zuu ieet irom pavement. This Is a snap and will sell at once. DO NOT WAIT. Covell & Co., Inc., Beaverton, Or. MULTNOMAH ACRE $4750. With fruit trees and berries, 200 feet Z"vJrJ KhWf'K-.tr;fiiva-f:.0,S ' running water; large attic, chicken house and garage. Terms.- Ask lor F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg, Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. WEST SIDE SUBURBAN HOME of 6 rooms and sleeping: porch with over acre of charmingly landscaped grounds; giving wonderful view of river and mountains; located at Wllsonia sta tion on the S. P. red electric a few minutes' ride from town. Paved high way. Information gladly furnished. COU A. McKENNA & CO., S3 Fourth St. Broadway 7522. CAPITAL HILL $1200. Smalt down payment gives immediate possession; 3-room house not quite fin ished, city water. Nearly quarter acre with some fruit and berries. H. S. road to door, chicken house. GOOD TERMS. Ask for P. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. EX-SERVICE MEN". 4 acres, beaverdam land, new 4 room house, never been lived in; cement basement, telephone, etc.; on Johnson creek, near Eastmoreland; soldier's loan can be applied. Call Mr. Burke, with DEKUM & JORDAN. 823-324 Cham, of Com Bdwy. 2249. ONE-ACRE HOME. Just outside city limits, east, on paved road; 4-room bungalow, modern, fruit, berries, chicken house. This is a dandy home and a good buy at $3500. Can give terms. Broadway 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exchange Bldg NEAT BUNGALOW V4 ACRE. Pour-room plastered bungalow with gas and Bull Run water; 14x20 garage. City carline. EA ST TERMS. ONLY $2200. Ask for P. C, Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. ONE OF the choicest acres on the Oregon City line, right at Hull ave. station, trains into city every 30 minutes, good road, city conveniences, gas, electricity, store snd school near, ground lies fine, some firs, equipped for poultry; $3500; want $2200 cash, balance easy. A. L. Hampton. P. P.. Jennings Lodge. Or CITY HOME IN THE COUNTRY. acres, just outside city limits, with new 8-room house, strictly mod ern : 80 fruit trees, 14.000 strawberry plants. This place is priced right, terms easy, or will trade for house in Portland. Broadwav 42S8. ON SHORE of beautiful Oswego lake at Lake Grove station, neat cottage, partly furnished, three large rooms, basement, built-ins, water, electric light, fine row boat, lawn terraced, lot 75x121, all spick. and-span; $4250. Main 0937. ' FOR SALE 5-room house in good condi tion, electric and gas, bath and run basemen, with -acre of ground under fence; barn, chicken house, garage: some fruit trees and berries; near good school; good terms. Call 2070 Clackamas. 6 ACRES, near Milwaukee, on Carver R. R Large spring, creeK across tract; o-room house, strawberries, potatoes, corn and other truck; easy terms. Buy from owner. Price $5000. Phone Milwau kle 81-Y. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. ONLY $1200. I have a wonderful view acre, over looking Oswego lake: rocked road, water. lights and gas; easy terms. Ask Allen. 500 Concord bldg., ?a ann stanc sts. FINEST view acre above Oswego lake- 5-r. plastered home, an acre in bearing fruit; lawn, flowers, furnace; beat buy In dis trict; $5750; terms. McFarlanfl, Realtor, Failing Bldg. $150 CASH 2 new bungalows, each with wooded acre, near electric, $1450. McFarland. Realtor, Failing B 1 d g. $500 CASH 4 rooms and breakfast nook. 2 acres, acre In berries, close in, $3000. McFarland, Realtor. Failing Blux For Sale Business Property. FINE corner, one block from East Burn side; good income; fine factory site. Call East 6253. For Sale Acreage. GRESHAM district 5 acres (or less;, ex cellent soil, all cultivated, level, near station, store, school. Price $300 per acre, very easy terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. Hj(53, WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE, by owner, at a bargain; Beav erton dist., 1 3-acre tract has bldgs; 1 6-acre tract, no bldgs.; city water and gas. For location call room 316 Panama bldg. -ACRE, Tremont station ; gas, city water; $500 cash: lot 5, block 1, Brent wood. AV 20, Oregonian. 120-ACRE, unimproved land; some tiirT ber on tt; for sale cheap. P. Wabke Nehalem. Or., box 61. ONE ACRE in loganberries on 46th and Ainsworth; terms by owner. Woodlawn 2375. SO ACRES fruit land on Columbia hih way; good spring. $3800. Phone East 706, evenings. I RE AT, ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. MODERN HOME, HARDWOOD FLOORS. 3 acres, 10 miles from center of Port land, few blocks to electric station, mac adamized road, all under cultivation, lots of bearing fruit and berries; good new 5-room plastered bungalow with best of plumbing, basement, electric lights, run ning water; garage, large chicken house 20x50, woodshed, nice, sichtly ground; $500 cash and soldier's loan, terms on balance. Will sell one acre -and house. See Mr. Kemp. ACRE TRACTS, ALBERTA DISTRICT. On paved street with paving and walks in and paid; all under cultviation, all in variety of bearing fruit trees in best of condition; fine .loam soil; easy terms. John Ferguson. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. 42 ACRES, 30 acres under cultivation, all seeded in grain; 12 acres of good tim ber, creek running through place; build ings of the very best; 10 miles to Mc Minnville; I will trad my equity for a home in Portland; no inflated value will be considered; price $10,000. 10 acres at Multnomah; 6 acres under cultivation; buildings are fair; good or chard; creek runs through place; a wonderful piace for a chicken ranch; price $4800. 9 acres, all under cultivation: on the Pacific highway, 25 miles from Port land; good buildings, 2 acres of straw berries, apples and cherry trees, all bearing; price $5000. McGEE & DENNIS, 969 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 5684. ACREAGE Just East of 42d St. and Shaver. $1400 to $1950 EASY TERMS. City Water Graveled Streets. Call at our Branch Office. 33d and Bryce ave. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS, $25 PER ACRE UP. " $10 down and $5 month buys a 5-acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lying land free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vege tables. Have 5 and 10-acre tracts on the same terms in other locations. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. SMALL EQUIPPED RANCH. 3 acres, 1 acre pasture, balance in cultivation; 20 bearing fruit trees; 6-rm. house, arage and other outbldgs. On good macadam road. Near Beaverton. All furniture and tools go with the the place at the price of $3350. Terms. ACT QUICKLY IF YOU WANT THIS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. tWash. and Stark. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Section Line Road Near 82d St $100 down and $50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition, $050 and up; all in cultivation, good soil, city water, some tracts with bear ing raspberries; loganberries, currants and strawberries; will build small houses to suit purchasers. SAYLER E. SMITH, 318 Ry. Exch. Bldg. FIVE ACRES $135 PER ACRE. 11 miles from Portland, in Powell val ley, half mile from Anderson station on Estacada line; light clearing, best of soil, no gravej; a real bargain at the price; very easy terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 1 ACRE $925. 1U acres $1350. Gas. water, electricity, street improvements in ana paia lor. Terms 10 per cent down, $15 per month. Close to Mult nomah on Oregon Electric. Ben Ries- land, exclusive sales agent, 404 Piatt Diag., rzi ark st. Mrs. Grant in charge of Multnomah office. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION. A aanay tract or 2.0I acres. some cleared, on macadamized road. first class soil; don't forget this is garden lime; jdi.ou aown, siz.ou montniy; tota; price $800. Fred W. German Co.. Real- tors, tS2 Chamber of Commerce. TERWILLIGER BLVD. 3A acres, corner, on Olson road, some ueuveruam, una Dunaing site; snap. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark Street. allen? i8i 92d st" s1 e. THOMAS 616-45 Fruit Lands for Wale or Rent. 5 ACRES bearing walnut orchard for Slou. ball cash; worth double that. Owner needs money. AC 670. Orego nian. HOOD RIVER orchard tracts that pay gooa income, borne orchards that yield their price in a year. Come and see the records. Write box 142. Hood River Irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sion, interested only in getting horn builders on the project. Longest grow ing season in the northwest. Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best. Junction Snake and Columbia' rivers. Writ for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT No. 4, Burbank. Washington. For Sale Farmn. CLOVER, CLOVER, CLOVER, DAIRYMEN. ATTENTION! You don't have to dig out stumps to grow the finest clover in the world on this 1200-acre tract. Let me show you ana prove it. All good, deep shot soil, weti watered; no rock, no waste; some cleared, some fine alder bottom. Close to school, town. Col. river and highway; 2 hours drive from city. Buy what you want or it. Small cash payment, balance long time. JOHN A. MEISSNER, 821 Gasco Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 9 acres. 'ZV, miles from erood vallev town, half in cultivation; three acres loganberries, acre strawberries, splen did garden, family orchard, good well, also stream through place ; five-room house, barn 28x30, wagon shed and chicken house; fine place for chickens, ducks and geese; good fences all around. This is a bargain at $2050: $li50 cash balance $125 per year. AV 577, Orego- nlan. FOR SALE BY OWNER IMPROVED LAND in best irrigated district in north west ; good buildi ngs ; 10 a. in grapes, 40 a. in alfalfa, 10 a. in orchard; shade trees; plenty of water; long growing season ; good dairy country ; cle to high school and state road; mild, dry climate; no mud. Alo have a few acres unimproved land. Will sell any part or an. jo commissions to Day. Lib eral terms. J. F. Martin, Burbank, w asn. NOTICE. 160 acres In Tillamook county, good lo cation, 3 miles to summer resort; there are thousands of people go; good mar ket for berries, all kinds of vegetables, also chickens, eggs, butter and Rrea.ni : several streams, one ten feet wide, no buildings, 8 acres in grass, 20 acres in bottom, rest is bench and hill; 2 miles to county road, also road to place. Cash price oniy j. S. uiark, McMinn vllle. Or. . STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 107 acres, 40 acres in crops, balance pasture and timber, creek, snrincs K- room house. 2 barns and outbuildings. 2 horses, 2 cows, 100 chickens, 14 sheep, 2 hogs, toarfs and machinery: 20 miles roumiiu at my. sta.; good roads; $9o00, good terms; take house or small acre age home up to $4500 as first payment. ji. ijAiatv & tu., 154 4th st, 44 AUttJiS tine bottom land. 1 mi'es north of -Woodland, Wash., near high way, all level, all tillable when cleared, very finest land for truck gardening berries or small fruit As Is $3000 or will clear ready for plow far $5000. or win sen any portion above five acres. ome terms, uwner. fred Hess. Kelso, vv asn. FOR SALE 3, 5, 8 acres, 17 miles from roruano, mnes to city or bOOO; larg barn, other buildings. 55 acres cleared d crops, 100 more easily cleared; soiL buck shot and red: nasture. snrin timK.. high elevation, good view, inferior land farther on selling at $800; aged owner bur, aione; win sen at $so per acre. AQtiress owner, av a, uregoman. A BARGAIN. Fine country home, large 8-rm. house, not ana cola water and Portland gas also large barn; contains 15 acres, all under cultivation, near Pacific highway and postoffice; 15 miles to Portland. See place to appreciate it. Good reasons for selling. Address F 66z, Oregonian. 10 ACRES. S-r house 5 hpn Viahood well, orchard, ali cult., $2500, which is $1000 under value; will show by auto over pavea nignway. McFarland. Realtor. 208 Failing Bldg CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES ' near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy lci mo. ucai nun, imiiiii lur euie, an sizes. McFarland, realtor. 208 Failing bidg. FOR SALE or trade. 161 acres Alberta lana, an acre; small house, good roaa to xv. n. town o mites; good dis trict. jox .Keiso. wash, 6 ACRES on paved road and electric line. some in cultivation: shark: nrir Jsn $50 down, balance monthly payments! unjrcn, tvo oUAxtlJ Ut TRADE. SMALL FARMS, 5 acres up. level, clear, fenced, houses, near Willamina: small down payment. J. R Sharp. 834 3d St. FOR SALE 80 acres, 65 in grain; good buildings; $3500 cash, easy terms. L. Bishop, Junction City, Or., R. 1. S0-ACRE farm, all in cultivation, on O. E R. R. ; depot and warehouse and mm 300 ft. from house. Sell wood 220a. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE, IDEAL SUMMER HOME. 141 acres on Lake Pend d'Oreille, one of the largest and most beautiful lakes In America; quaiter mile of lake front; fine beach; one mile of best trout stream on lake; surrounded by forest reserve; daily boat and mail service; near boat landing; attractive well-furnished 8-room house, running wate and bath, large living room with fireplace, land fenced and cross-fenced: about 40 acres under cultivation and meadow; hay barn and barn for six cows, four horses and mow for 20 tons hay; two-room tenant house1, chicken houses and yard; private dock boat house, j. wo row boats; complete wa ter system supplied with springs, anal yzed and found absolutely pure; beauti ful view of lake and mountains from house; family orchard, garden, beauti ful flowers and shrubs. Price for quick sale $10,000, $5000 cash, balance terms. Or will accept good bungalow for $6000. Address W. T. Day, 208 Old National bank bldg., Spokane, Wash. ' CLOSE-IN FARM. 93 acres, 16 miles south of center of Portland, 1 i miles from small town, rocked road; 50 acres under cultivation, 30 acres more, very easy clearing, lots of pasture; 2 drilled wells, one acre bearing orchard, all kinds of berries, good 6-room house, 2 barns, chicken house, other buildings. Included with place: Good heavy team, harness, wag on, plow, cultivator, etc. Crops prac tically all in and included at $135 per acre for everything, very easy terms. 40 acres, on paved road, adjoining good town, near New berg, mile from Red Electric station; 38 acres in high state of cultivation. 2 acres timber, best of loam soil, nice level land, well drained; building. Included with place: Team and machinery; price only $175 per acre, including equipment, very easy terms. Inspected by Davis. John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. HOMESEEKEKS U you want to locate in the most ideal climate on the Pacific coast. come to Jacksonville., Oregon. Fruit, stock, hay and grain ranches at right prices; town and city property. J. L. Roe, Realtor, Jacksonville, Oregon. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FRANK L. McGUIRE, LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST, wants HOMES TO SELL, We are In touch with hundreds of bona fide buy ers. We spend thousands of dollars advertising. We personally inspect, ap praise and photograph your house with in 24 hours after listing. 75 energetic salesmen to work on its sale. No charge except the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale. We safeguard the Interest of OUT-OF-TOWN OWNERS. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home, Realtor. Abington Building. Broadway 7171. WE WRITE INSURANCE. WANT HOUSE EQUITY. Will turn in some capital stock of old well-established company and can handle your mortgage if you are in dif ficulty; might turn in good touring car. See OTIS C. BECK, 525 Hen ry Bl d g. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR CLIENTS, EITHER PROPERTY SHOWING GOOD INCOME OR PROPERTY WITH A FU TURE. POINDEXTER, 207-8 SELLING BLDG. WE HAVE A client for a modern 5-room house that $o00 down will handle; must not be over $5500; must be beiow the hill; if you want quick action on, your property you should not pass this up. HILTON-DANIEL CO. 270 Stark St. Bdwy, 7800. HAVE CLIENT witn $1000 cash and $50 per month, -wants 6-room modern bun galow not over $5000; must be bargain. Broadway 4837. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILbUU b1. JUUAU, 224 Henry Bldg. HAVE client for 5-room modern bunga low in good district, about SoaOO. 52000 cash; must be a good buy. JOHN SON -KELLY CO. 80e Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. WANTED Modem five-room bungaiow in i.ee jity ; nave lot in itose uity trade On same. HILTON-DANIEL CO. 270 Stark St. Bdwy. 7800. $2000, S MORTGAGE on improved busi ness property as iirst payment on two flat investment in good location. AF 6i7, Oregonian. WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Millership, 165 H Fourth. Main 5275. HAVE many buyers for west slue prop erty, jj or quicii results see JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON. $1000 lot wanted. Owners only an swer. .Buyer, b bit uregonian. PAIGE car in good mecnanical condition, first payment on house and lot. Mar. 2074; CASH for good duplex or two-flat invest ment in good district, must show high Income, lone, iuo .n. vv. fanK oldg. WANTED A nice house on the west side in the neighborhood of J500O. Main 6860. HAVE client for 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park, not over 2 blks. from car. Will pay cash. Phone Bdwy. 5387. WANT modern bungalow up to $5000 that $500 will handle, r'hone jjdwy. &3S7. WANT 50x100 lot. Piedmont; must be bar- gain from owner, alar. tdt. DODGE sedan to exchange for equity modern home. labor 04o. WANT 5-room bungalow, within $5000. Main 5(Go. SPOT cash for lot, Irvington or other good districts, t biU, oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR SALE o.- Rent 93-acre farm, partly equipped, 60 acres in cultivation; imme diate possession. Address 453 E. 3ttth. N. Phont Tabor 6308. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Two hundred million choice timber on P. G. E. Ry., 12 miles from tide water; 65 per cent fir, 20 per cent cedar, balance hemlock and larch; also twenty-five million on tide water. 60 per cent cedar, balance fir and hem lock. Splendid logging proposition. Gib eon, Merrick & Lindsay, Ltd., 122 Rog ers IS THERE anyone in Portland wants to purchase a good timber claim. AK 674, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HAVE b. 1021 Maxwell, In fine condition. Will exchange for a Piedmont lot. What have you? Party leaving for the east. Phone in your listings. S. BORLAND, Realtor, 223 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1566. $16,000 WEST SIDE flats, rent $190. tatte traae to u,uuu. $35,000 Modern apartment ; secured lease pays $275 per month; take trade to $25,000 if good. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. 1C0 ACRES land near Clatskanle. Or., for Portland residence; land easily cleared; excellent soil; well watered, close to transportation. Would assume on house. Claude Hale, 1011 Yeo-n bldg. Main 5705. WILL trade my 160 acres, clear, for nroD- erty in' or near Portland ($2500), 3 miles from P. O. and R. R., 15 miles from county seat; practically all has been cul tivated. 502 Pittock block. Bdwy. 20U2. ROSE CITY 3-room bungalow and nice garden, lot 93x100, will take good me dium price car as first payment, price $1(,00, balance $20 -,montli. Call Tabor 6020. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring in your proposition houses, lots, farms, acreage, stocks of merchandise. R. S.. 712 Couch bide. $2250 EQUITY in 20-room apt. house, good lease and clos"e in, income about $200; want small house; will assume. John Brown Co., realtor, 322 Ry. Exchange bidg. Bdwy. 6301. WILL SELL or trade 3 lots 50x100 ft,, at Soap Lake, Wash. Very good place for any kind of sickness, especially rheu matism; a good bargain. Columbia 1366 FOR SALE or exchange. 6-room house and lot in Hood River in exchange for or part payment on Portland property. AC 655. Oregonian. WOULD trade a semi-business lot in a good district in the city and some cash as a first payment on a house or flats. Owner. 49 Third st. i HOTEL furniture and lease, in fine coun try town, to trade for house and lot. lots acreage. What have you? Box 283, Camas. Wash. HAVE general fine properties to trade for Canada or Montana land. Corcoran, 325 Lumbermens bldg. EXCHANGE farm with modern bungalow for business or rooming house. Phone East 7121. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A. GORDON ROSS. Bdwy. 6173. 624 Henry Bldg. WILL trade lot, 50x100, on East Sixth North for light auto; no Fords. N 638. Oregonian. BALE or trade, 80 acres of good lettuce or garden land, half mile from Parma. Box 122. Parma. Idaho. 2 ACRES, Lents; new house, fruit, ber ries, water, gas, electricity; consider part trade. Sellwood 1551. SEATTLE view lot for Portland vacant improved, balance cash. J 6o2, Orego- TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. IS IT HARD TO SELL 7 WHY NOT TRADE? 4 acres, in city, 8-room house, $9000;! for improved and equipped farm. About 2 acres, Glenmor acres, Os wego, $2750; for house in Portland up to $4000. 7-room house, Vancouver, Wash., $1250; for lots in Portland. 6-room modern cottage, $2250; for Sa lem property or acreage up to $4000. 11-room modern house, Vancouver, "Wash., $4500; for acreage, farm or Port land property. 7 acres, Multnomah Acres, orchard, bldgs., $4500; for house in Portland up to $3500. 15 acres, all in cult., bldgs., highway, $6000; for Portland property. 25 acres, Battle Ground highway, 7 room modern house, stocked and equipped, $10,000; want house and lot in St. Johns. 80 acres, Clackamas county, 65 acres in cultivation. improved, stocked and equipped, $18,500; want smaller place or larger place. 91 acres, going farm, Yamhill county, $2O.O00: for Portland nroDertv or what have you? 7-room, all modern house, close-In, east side, $7500; for 4 or 5-room modern house up to $4000, bal. easy. 2 3-room cottages and warehouse, rents $24 per month. Main street and water front, Nehalem, $3000; and $1000 cash for house and lot in Portland or acreage. 5-room modern house, Multnomah st., $4500; for 40 acres improved farm, west side, up to $6000. 7-room house, improved streets, $3000; for 10 acres, improved, up to $4500. 7-roopi modern house and lor, store bldg., and lot, Main street. West Saiem, clear, rented, $10,000; for Portland in come, residence, acres, up to $12,000. 290 acres, all tillable, 100 acres in cultivation, modern bldgs., Linn county, stocked and equipped, $16,500; for In come or 40 acres close in, or will sell small cash payment, bal. easy. 160 acres, 106 acres in crop, cream of wheat belt, eastern (Jolorado, modern bldgs., stocked and equipped, $9000; for farm or acreage near Portland. Mr. Stephens knows this property well. 100 acres, 90 acres in cultivation ana crop, good bldgs., $18,000; for smaller . farm or any town property. 60 acres, modern dairy ranch. 13 miles from Portland, stocked and equipped, $13,000; for acres close in. We have many other legitimate trades; list your property with us. See Mr. Stephens or Mr. Campbell, with FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RECEIVER i Will sell these properties at great sacrifice to owners. 160 ACRES ALFALFA. 159 acres cultivated, with paid water rignt, yt acres in aitaira, set buildings, fine location; take $16,500, part cash, part trade. 600 ACRES ALFALFA. 550 acres very finest tillable land, of which duo acres are in choice river bot tom land; abundance of water for irri gation; two complete sets of buildings and can be divided into two equal farms; surrounded by very rich farming and livestock country, the land being un usually productive; price only $50 per acre; terms and will consider part ex change, OTIS C. BECK, 625 Henry Building. f GARAGE. GARAGE. GARAGE. Located right on the Pacific highway, close to auto park. A money-making location. New building, 50x100, shop 60x50, ac cessory room, 4 living rooms, with bath, city water and sewer connection : elec tric lights; good location for store. Price $7500 and worth it, WANT something of equal value. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE A. CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE Nob Hill apartment house, 3-story, modern, electric elevator, steam heat, equity $32,000. Owner will take west side property with smaller value and income if clear, with or without cash. Rare chance to get fine west side apart ment. Also one of finest Willamette farms ever offered. Over 600 acres, 3 houses, complete equipment, 2 miles to R. R. and paved highway. See CHAPMAN, 1029 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 6634. YOU WILL LIKE THIS PLACE BECAUSE it is but 13 miles from Port land on paved road and electric railway. 30 acres of nice lying land and rich soil. A home ready to step into, with 2 cows. 2 broodsows, some poultry; 5 acres In crops. You get real value- at $6500. Will take a Portland home to $3500 in excnange. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you wantt Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country ; I will match them. E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery st, cor. 5th. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. MODERN BUNGALOW. Large 1. and d. room, 2 bedrooms, bath room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, laundry trays, large cement porch; new, occupied only two months; take for my $80O equity a good Ford and cash. Price $3750. Owner, 5618. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 467 acres, 6 miles from The Dalles; 80 to 100 acr&s in cultivation; buildings fair, family orchard; will make an ideal dairy and stock ranch. Will take part in exchange. For further information address A. H. Black, The Dalles. Or. WORKING MAN a hotel in Portland, nets $1(5 per mo. Can be bought for only $1000; consider Ford or lot part pay ment. Owner sick wants change at once. JOHN BROWN & CO., REALTOR. 322 Railway Exchange. Bdwy. 6301. SALEM, FOR PORTLAND. Will exchange Salem residence, cen trally located, and two choice Portland lots for Portland home; Hawthorne dis trict preferred. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6785. BY OWNER $15,800 equity in furnishings and lease over the fair of modern apart ment house showing good net income, splendid west side location, brick build ing; for small, equipped fruit farm or general merchandise store near Portland. 110 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 4140. 160 ACRES, 13 miles northeast of Bend; 130 acres under ditch, paid up water rights, fenced on three sides; will ex change for stock of good merchandise or sell on easy terms. Act quick. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 406 Panama Bldg. WILL trade well improved 30-acre farm, crops in, for house and lot in Portland valued about $2000; value of farm $4000; will accept cash or mortgage on bal ance. Address Floyd Ferguson, Scotts Mills. Or. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANT HOUSE PAINTED In exchange; will give 6-cylinder Studebaker automobile in good repair. See Jordan, DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2249. NEARLY new 72-inch Simonds inserted 50-tooth cut-off circular saw ; for sale cheap or will exchange for something else of value- that 1 can use. Owner, 404 Piatt bldg. WILL trade new $150 Victrola and records for Ford touring or roadster; also to trade large tent for small one. East 2427. 340 Morris St. AUBURN bug with accessories, for cord wood. Woodlawn 2227. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE Team of horses. 3400 lbs.. good workers; harness and 3 H -inch wagon. Thofl. Johnston, foot of West 8th st., Vancouver. Wash. TEAM of Percheron mares, 4 and 5 years old, weight 3100 lbs.; must be sold this week to stop feed bill. 234 Front, foot or Main st. JUST OFF my ranch, 8 teams young mares and horses, 2400 to 2800, well broke and sound, sell cheap. 4301 67th st., Mount SCCtt car. U. S. STABLES. Horses and harness of all kinds for sale cheap. 365 Union ave. S., corner of Stevens st. TEAM of geldings, 5 and 6 years old, weight 3400 lbs., well matched, srentle. broke, none better, will sell cheap. 234 r ront, tooi or Aiain sc. MILCH goat, freeh, Togenberg, $45, worth $75; young, $25 each. 492d 63d at. S. E. Phone 628-25 TEAM and grading outfit for sale; of work I will turn over to you. 666," Oregonian. lots AN FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshads, 860-366 E Morrison st. FOR SALE 2 good miich goats with. 4 kids for cash. Alec Boero, Linnton, Or., Box 32. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow and calf, heavy milker; leaving town; sell very cheap. 780 Front st. $75 TAKES young fresh Jersey cow, T. B. tested, giving 4 gallons a day. 1967 E. Stark St., corner 78th. THREE 6-gal. cows, rich milkers, one Durham and Jersey, will be fresh five weeks. Phone 80-W, Milwaukie. GOOD bay horse, 8 years old; gentle and true puller; weighs about 1000 lbs, $25. See J. Schmid, Bull Mountain. Tigard. MUST sell, 2300-lb. team, harness and farm wagon, $135. . 4010 67th st., Mt. Scott car. FRESH cow and heifer calf and yearling heifer. 167 E. 72d N. Tabor 1843. VETERINARIAN. DK, HOWES, TAB OI 6566, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. CARLOAD OF DRAFT HORSES will arrive Sunday, May 14, 1922; 20 head of draft horses, running in weight from 1500 to 1900 lbs.. 6 to 7 yrs. old. This is the best load of big horses that has been shipped to Portland this spring and will be sold with a guarantee and at a reasonable price. Also 30 head of other horses, consist ing of some good farm chunks and sev eral good big teams suitable for grade or heavy work. 30 sets of new and second-hand har ness for sale at right price. G. K. Howitt, Columbia stables, 302 Front st. KEYSTONE STABLES. Team biack Percherons, 7 yrs. old, weight 3300 lbs.; span logging horses, weight 3400 lbs.; pair of black mares, weight 3000 lbs.; 2l head of horses and mares, weight 1000 to 1S00 lbs.; harness and farm wagons: sell cheap to make room for others coming In. TOM SHERLOCK, 381 Water St., Cor. of Montgomery. PTinWX STARI.F.S. Have four 2-year-old mules, will make 1300 to 1400-lb. mules. Will sell or exchange for work, stock. Also have any kind of harness, wagon, new or second-hand, that you are looking for. We hire bv the dav. week or month to re sponsible people. Phil Suetter, Mgr., 285 Front st. BALED HAY FOR SALE. Good aisike and timothy at th Old Meadow Farm, 24 miles N. W. of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 151 Walker or Hillsboro 7R16. I HAVE 15 head of horses and want to sell 3 or 4 teams in order to cut down expenses; these horses range in age from 4 years of age up and weigh lo75 ids. and are sound and true to vorx , these horses will be sold regardless of price. 1020 E. Yamhill st. GOOD Jersey cow, fine tor dairy, milk 4i gallons when fresh; will be fresh Sept. 1st; is milking 2 gallons now. 512 W. Mohawk st. 1 blk. Willamette blvd., St. Johns. . TEAM of Belgian mares, 5 years old, weight 2600 lbs,, fine farm team, also some cheap horses that we have taken in exchange; all horses guaranteed as rep resented. 234 Front, foot of Main st. TEAM young Belgian horses; weight about 2000 lbs. ; fine farm team ; also some cheap horses that we have taken in ex change; all horses guaranteed as repre sented. 234 Front, foot of Main st. HANDSOME span brown French coach mares, 6 years old, weight about 2000 lbs., well broke and in fine shape. In quire feed barn, 381 Water St., west side. TEAM chunky built Belgian horses, 5 yrs. old, weight 2500 lbs.; sound, true and gentle ; ideal orchard team. Keystone stables, 31 Water st., cor. of Mont- g ornery. , DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. QREATLY REDUCED PIANO PAYMENTS. ?6 and $8 monthly buys new piano. $4 and $6 monthly buys used piano. $8 and $10 monthly buys player piano. $3 and $5 monthly buys phonographs. $2 and $3 monthly buys parlor organs. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Anniversary Sale. $550 Geo. Steck & Co., upright. .... .$215 $375 Gerald, ebony, upright 105 $375 Hallett & Davis upright 165 $900 Thompson player upright 395 Cottage organ, $18, Mason & Hamlin 3S New pianos to rent. SALE OF PHONOGRAPHS. 9 35.00 Victor and 5 used records..! 20 vd.w stradivara, 10 used records 40 140 Brunswick. 10 used records.... 95 165.00 Stradivara, 10 twed records.,. 90 165.00 Emerson. 10 used records.. 175 Sonora, 10 used records 130 175 Victrola, 15 used records 215 $5 or $10 cash, $3, 5 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $300 Prentiss upright, cash $125 675 Krell upright, man., cash 215 475 Hallett & Davis, cash 165 250 Bard & Co., small upright.... 75 750 Pianista Player Piano 275 75 Chicago Cottage organ, $18 and 25 103 10th st., at Washington and stark. SPRING SALE USED PIANOS. Wheelock upright, mahogany, only $175 Martin Bros, mahogany, only 19 Pease & Co., upright, oak, only.... 245 Winton Player Piano, only 305 Pianola Player, 88-note, only 50 Pay $10 cash, $6 or more a month. Lipman, Wolfe & Co., cor. 5th and Wash VI VICTROLA, $32.50. IX VICTROLA. i50.00. Sonora Caprice $ 70.00 Cremona cabinet CO. 00 Brunswick, No. 7 85 00 Widdlcomb, No. 5 85.00 2 Brunswicks, 207, and records... 115.00 Sonora, nocL, and record ....... 140.00 Victrola XI 140.00 Baby Grand Sonora 185.00 Sonora Minuet 187.50 Sonora Elite 225.00 PHONOGRAPH DEPT. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. BRUNSWICK, new gold-plated ...$225 BRUNSWICK, new oak case loO Victrola and cabinet, oak case. . . 35 Victrola No. IX, mahogany case... 60 And others. Terms given. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. DON'T buy a piano until you have ex amined the famous Hobart M. Cable riano, nearly a carload of new ones; 350 buys a fine upright; just compare with any others in the city at $600 to $700; terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Wor? cester yidg.. 3d and Oak sts. CAREFUL BUYER. See the best of new pianos Just from the port of New York to the Port of Portland by the Panama canal. The prices will surprise you. Come today. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. BIG PIANO SALE. $00 and up. Every used piano reduced. See them. Terms given. SE1BERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th Bt. between Washington and Aldei BIG PIANO SALE. ' $90 and up. EVERY used piano re duced. See them. Terms given. SEIBER-LING-LUCAS PIANC CO., 124 4th St., between Washington and Alder. $650 HADDORFF, fine upright, plain man., only $275; just what we allowed for a new Hobart M. Cable grand; easy terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. PIANO ' TUNING AND REPAIRING. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any make. Guaranteed work. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st.. Bdwy. 6576. $1450 WM. KN ABE grand, late style, fine condition, only $600, terms; take upright piano part pay. uroKerage L.O., 31 W or. cester bldg., 3d and Oak. SEE THE new Hobart M. Cable piano, lots of them, all styles. 312 Worcester bldg. Sold less than cheap stencil pianos are sold up town; easy terms. $0O A. B. CHASE player, plain inahog., 85 rolls and $50 cabinet, all for $3 04), easy terms; some bargain. 312 Worces ter bldg.. 3d and Oak sts. $450 GENUINE Farrand piano, very latest, only $250; just compare with a new one, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $775 FARRAND player piano, equal to new, $350, terms; lots of music free. 3 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. ANOTHER stock new Victor ana Columbia records. 2 for 75c, cafeteria style. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. SS)50 CHiCKERING piano, plain mahogany, only $350, on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. , PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call li roadway 1207. S PIANOS, all uprights, $90 to $175; many of the best standard makes; easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. FOR SALE De Rivas & Harris uiano in first-class condition ; very reasonable. 405 Benton st.. phone E. 8296. $325 VICTROLA and 1:6 selections music, perfect and latest model, $60. 812 Wor cester Plug., aq ana unit sts. RLNT a real-piano; copper bass st rings. ivory keys, veneered case. Harold S. Gil bert, 107 west parK. LEAVING city soon: must sell almost new Baldwin grand piano. 202 Tiiford bldg. $750 THOMPSON player, very latest, only $3-3, on terms, iuis oi reeis. oii vv or cester bldg., 3d and Oak Bts. AM LEAVING state, will sell my $650 Mil ton piano for $200 this week; good con dition. Main 3305. 735 Hoyt. A $250 PHONOGRAPH lor sale cheap; parties going away, uaii Mar. lazz $650 ESTEY piano, very latest, and btneh. 3-Q, on easy icnna. ai. v orcesier omig, WANTED Sweet-toned Call East 8882. piano for cash. WANTED Second-hand piano cheap; pay all cash. Call tdwy. 3tH. $3 MOVES pianos. Empire Transfer & storage uo. uroaaway ido. $450 WISNER piano, nice upright, $90. 312 Worcester bldg. $5U0 HARVARD piano, plain walnut, $150, easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT A nice piano. Empire Trans fer, Bdwy. 155. $700 LESTER piano, latest man., $300. terms. oi- mi.cai.ci mug. $525 THOMPSON piano, very latest, $215. terms. 312 Worcester bldg. PHONOGRAPHS Broa dway 7161. and recorus wanted, 128 First, near Alder, $450 REMBRANDT piano, late mah., $200, on terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $575 KOHLER & CAMPBELL piano, plain man., sza, terms, aia Worcester Ding WANTED Bargain in good 2d-hand piano, all casn. jjawy. la-ia. Furniture for Sal. e ROOMS of good furniture Jor sale cheap. nai ior rent, ciose in. Mar. l&i:. SOLID mahogany davenport with chair for sale at bargain. Woodlawn 3444. FOR SALE. Furniture tor Sale. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor spac filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phon ographs, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets, dlBhes, cut glass, massiye hall clocks, Wil ton and oriental rugs, refrigerators, sewing machines, automobile and truck tires, wire- wheels and parts, various and many othec articles too numerous to mention.' SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS- FER CO., 4th at Pine Sts. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers samples, several dav enports and chairs at bargain prices; terms. Phones 635-27 evenings and Sun days, Tabor 5707 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSON. INC., 54th and Foster Road. MUST SELL OUR BEAUTIFUL HIGH GRADE TAPESTRY DAVENPORT AND CHAIR TO MATCH. ALSO WALNUT DINING SET, VANITY ROBE. CH1F FAROBE, RUGS AND OTHER FINE PIECES. MARSHALL 3795. MUST sell at once, no reasonable offer re fused, Universal coal or wood range, hot water attachment, sideboard, drophead sewing machine, man's 22-in. bicycle, coaster brake and other household" ar ticles. 55S E. Alder st. after (i:30 P. M. ATTENTION, NEWLY WEDS! Complete new oak household furniture for sale, including $750 player piano with 40 rolls; must sell at once for $1000. 833 H Cook ave. East 6762. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture it going east or to (jauiornia, we can save you money on your freight In our through cars, fireproo' storage. C. M. Olson Tiansfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. HOUSEHOLD furniture, including combi nation desk and bookcase, rolled too desk and other articles. Call 317 Abing- ton p:ag., arter iu A. M. Hdwy. Btfll ROUND dining table and chairs, dishes. pictures, iron gem rings, gas range, gas plate, heater, rugs, window shades. East 4'. aw .Morris st. M4tlOGANY library table. "Chippendale' manog-any day Dea, walnut Queen Anne dining set. Call 5 to 7:30 P. 349 Hall st. I WILL pay the full value for your fur niture and other household gdoods if you will call Main 3268. FOR SALE Genuine leather davenport special mado mattress, used one month. 4n. loab uoston avenue. FURNITURE 5-room fiat for sale; price $300, $100 cash, bal. easy; flat rents for $3U. Phone Marshall 36S5. MUST sell our beautiful new overstuffed davenport Call East 6598, or 847 East Stark. BEDROOM, dining room, kitchen furni ture ; range and rugs. Woodlawn 53 SO. FURNITURE for salt 171 Wh:taker st. Office Furniture. BARGAINS FOR YOUR OFFICE. Four-drawer letter file, new $37.50 Underwood No. 5. new 65.00 Remington No. 10, new 50.00 Burroughs flat model No. 9, bank 160.00 No. 78 automatic Mimeograph in per fect condition with some supplies, $s0. See our large line of new and uaed check writers, safe cabinets. desKs. tables, chairs, etc. We rent office furniture D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. 66 MAHOGANY flat-top desk with plat glass top, also rotary chair and 3 side chairs; 1 mahogany bookkeeper desk, aiso tttool; 2 oak roll-top desKs, 1 ped T. W. desk, 2 tables, 1 safe, 1 filing safe, 1 stack Y & E files. Bushong & Co.. 81 Park st. USED OFFICE FURNITURE. 7 roll-top desks, 5 flat-top desks. 4 T. W. desks, 3 tables, 2 standing desks, several files. 75 chairs. THE 1RWIN-HODSON CO., Furniture Dept. 391 Stark at Tenth. Broadway 3144. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatross Metal Furniiur Co.. 715 Thurman, BOOKKEEPER'S counter desk. $10. Chamber Commerce Bldg. 909 Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. Main 5681. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange ; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs oi au manes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO. 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169. NEW NO. 5 Underwood typewriter. M)00. a cnance to save e u you are troinu to buy an Underwood. East 996 or 67 East 14th st Ask for Mr. Dell. BURROUGHS posting machine, good con dition. Price reasonable. Montavilla savings Bank. NOIh-E ANNOIS Rent a noiseless; a few usea Noiseless for sale. Noiseless Type writer Co., 81 4th st. Broadway 5044. KEiiUiLiS, eecona-hand rentals at cut rates, p. u. u. uo 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507 REPAIRS, rent, buy, bell; supplies. Type- "ran luayet-uun O., Ol DiarK. JM.. 00-19 $3 P.ENT5 Underwood or Remington type writer, empire i ransrer, nawy. loo. Poultry. MAGUIRE'S CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES FOR MAY AND JUNE. Hollywood and O. A. C. White Leg horns, $ 1 5 per 100 ; O. A. C Barred Rocks, $22 per 100; electric-hatched chicks the best on the market from stock that has made records up to 297 In the White Leghorn and 304 in the Barred Rock. Large orders filled. Hatches off May 15, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31. J. R. MAGUIRE, 797 Oregon. East lMQ.t. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES on White Leg horns. Reds. Minorcas. Barred Rocks, White Rocks and Anconas; best Oregon stock; postal secures new FREE cata logue; write today; season closes June 1. t N. NEEDHAM, SALEM. OREGON, ViHlTH LEtiHuKN baoy cmcka for Ma and June delivery at $12 per 100; $113 per juuu, irom uocks inspected ana ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live. etrcng chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hstchery. 441 6th st.. Fetaluma. Cal. WE TAKE the opportunity to thank our customers for their support during the day-old-chick season just closing. We are all sold out, including May 28. Oregon-Corvallis Hatchery, Corvallis, Or. .ii'VF; hatched Tancred White Leghorn chicks. $10 per 100. Tabor 3822. Park Rose Hatcnery, foruana. 30 WHITE Leghorns. 24 Rhode Islan Reds 8 weeks old; make me price. Mil waukie 92.X. FOR SALE 10 R. I. red laying pullets, $1.50 each. Mrs. Kelley, Rifle Range, Clackamas, Or. 7 1-YEAR-OLD Barred Rock hens, rooster; priae $12. Call Tabor 4873. l)ogt. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. TWO DOES, 1 buck, 27 young rabbits for sa!e cheap. Call navry. tSJii. loib inter state ave. YOUNG parrot for sale, just starting to talk. 88 Clinton st.. near JKast zmn BLACK Persian male cat, $5. 340 Morris. Bouts, Launches and Marine Equipment. MUST sell my fine gasoiine pleasure launch. This Is the prettiest boat on the river: 33 reet long, 40-h.- p. motor. has top and windshield, chairs, cush ions. Victor phonograph and other extras too numerous to mention. Cost of boat alone when new $2i00; will sell all, in cluding boatnouse. tor $sdu. t juast aar.), I HAVE GOOD LAUNCH to charter for parties of 10 to 50 for pleasure trips anywhere desired; take towing and houseboat moving; very reasonable. Main 4872. YEAR-OLD pedigreed English setter bird dogs for sale, rnone oak Grove 114J, lc Conoroe. Radio Equipmeht. HEAR THE ELECTION RETURNS BY RADIO. May 19 at the Union Ave. Tire & Bat tery service, 488 Union Ave. N.. corner S a cramento st. fUKLiC INVITED. RADIO FOR SALE Two variometers at $4.50 each, one new De Forest 25 plate variable condenser at $5; one Remler de tector panel at $6.50; will sell separately. Phone Jack Roberson. Marshall 4233. RADIO BOXES. We make all kinds of radio boxes. Western Fixture & Show Case Co., 16th and Jefferson sts. FOR SALE One 3-step amplifier radio phone tuning magnavox and battery, first-class order, $250. Broadway 5246. RADIO HORNS BARGAIN PRICES. NEWMAN. 129 First, near Alder. Machinery. 60-HGRSEPOYT3R upright donkey boiler In good condition, complete with grates and fittings. Price $250. Phone East 7900. Hesse-ErBted Iron Works. OREGON JUNK & HARDWARE CO. We buy and sell all kinds of second band machinery, hardware and pipe. Main 128. 270 Front st. Machinery Wanted. BAND re-saw wanted by private party; 54-in. wheel, 6 or 7-in. saw. C 630, Ore (onian, . FOR SALE. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and whIUt oak. Western Cooperage Co,, 808 N. 14i& st., near Peitygrovo. Phone Auto. 619-IX Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater; w also save you money on two-load orders of dry wood; prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn. 4102. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and slab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $S; single loads $4.50; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. WOOD Special sale d?y No. 1 old-growth ccrdwood, $u. lb per cord in two-cora ;ois, best block and slab mixed, 16-irv. $4.25 per load or double load $S. Phone Mar shall 2S55. Sumner woodyard. NiCE lti-inch slab. J3.75; load heavy, graded, seasoned, $5; 12-16-inrh. perfect ly dry cordwood, $7.25; anywhere; bar gain; nry boxwood. $4.50. SeUwood 17i9. WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, a Is 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2076, GUARANTEED No. 1 dry cordwood. $6.50 a load; $7.25 a cord. If you try it you will always buy it. Aberdeen coal. Rosa City Fuel Co. East 1759. AUSTRALIAN COAL SERVICE. RANGE, $14; LUMP, $15; SAMPLES. $1; 5 SACKS. $4. EAST 5400. BONE-DRY A-l FIRST -GROWTH FIR cut 12 inches, large, quartered, knotless, $1 to $5 deliveries. East 5400. CORDWOOD, $6.50 and $7.50 per cord de livered; slabwood $5.25 cord. Wood lawn 6312. BEST dry cordwood, $7.75 per cord, 2 tot $15; best block and slab, stove length, special price on double load. Bdwy. 4110. DRY A-l FIRST growth cordwood, $7 a cord; good, heavy oak, $9 a cord. Call Aut. 525-65. SPECIAL Blok and s:ab mixed, partly dry. $4.25 per load. Dry wood. Lay ts. your winter's wood. Walnut 6686. NO. 1 CORDWOOD, $7.50, summer orders heavy country slab, $5.50; planing also. Phone Auto. 618-31. DRY BOXWOOD, $4; dry range wood, $4.50; blocks and slabs, $4.50 a load, Wdln. 3049. BEST oid-growth, dry fir, $7.50; wood, $. aenwooq ai. DRY PLANK and small timber. 16 inches. - ert 1 full o!lnni,H J1 GOOD dry first-growth heavy bark. No. L No. -s. rnone Automatic 618-31. WOODSAWING, any place in the city. Atlas woodyarq. rnone Main 3297. SPECIAL Second-growth fir . for $t;.; cord, 3-corq lots. Marsnau 520. PLANER trimmings and light green wood mixeu; nnxeu mun s.ttu. i.oi. i-d. WOOD-SAWING For quick and good service can aiam pi::. 14-INCH dry fir wood cheap. For in- formation, can raoor frauj. FIR. $7.70; oak. $10; ash. S3. 50. Wdln, 3S24. jon-n tienacn. PARTLY ary block, and slab, S-i.oO a load. vvoon lawn imij, BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7. 75, s;r.gie loao $ 4-toot slab. Main 1723. DRY BLOCK and slabwood, slngie load $5, qpunie loaa. nsroauway o-J.i. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainable in new or second-hand safes see Norri3 Safe & Lock Co., 105 2d st., Portland, Or. Phone 3dwy. 704 5. OFFICE FURNITURE. We buy, sell, rent and exchange any kind of office equipment. D. C. Wax, 24 N. Fifth st. Broadwav 2730. CASK REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ei change. 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7S34. HOT WATER tanks $5, guaranteed. Tanki gas water heaters repaired; plumbing contractors, eetl mates "given. E. Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. East 8516 FOR SALE Second-hand lumber, all sizes. best of condition, from $7 to $0 per M. On Job at West Park and Morrison ets., or phone Main 6091. VULCAN gas 1 range and Reliable water heater, cost $S5. useu 6 months. $42.50. Bdwy 30.35, or janitor Ionian Court, 18th and Couch. FOR SALE A white net dress trimmed In ribbon and Irish medallions, suitable for bride or graduate; kid pumps or oxfords to match. East 5005. PORTABLE tent house 10x16, built spe cialty ror owner s use at beach: cannot use same on account of change in busi ness. 245 E. Second st. N. WANTED Men and young men to wear straw hats, $1.95; pa nam a hats, $1.95 to $2.50; caps, 95c to $1.50. 251 Wash ington st., between 2d and 3d. FERTILIZER, Extra well rotted cow manure, Just right for flower boxes; delivered in Fdcks. Wdln. 6233. LOT of tinner's tools and machinery weld ing outfit, small punch and shears; will not sell separate; $U0 cash. Call Sun day or after 6:30 evenings. East 5560. LADIES' used clothing, good style and quality, dress well for little money. Vogue, 403 Alisky bldg., 4th floor, near Morrison. THE BROADWAY SHOP. Phone East 7768. 353 Larrabee St. Light machine work. Cabinet work. Srreens. SINGLE beds and springs, $5 each; 1 white enamel full-size bed and spring, $18; 1 bureau, $15; 8-piece dining room, suite, $85. 30 East 15th st. COMPLETE set of shoe repair tools, sew ing machine, jack, polisher, which op erates from light socket, etc. Call Tabo 44fi. PENINSULAR gas range; white porcelain used 3 months; just like new; call Mil waukie 92X. DAN DY 3-light shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.35, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. DROPHEAD Singer sewing machine; will sMl reasonable; leaving town. 5S5 Mar shall ,t. FOR SALE cheap, my almost new sewing machine; kaving town. Main 7396. Call after 5 P. M. USED bricks $10 per 1000; also used sewer tile, lumber, poultry netting, cheap. Seed potatoes, 50c a sack. East 7852. DIAMOND set in white gold, exceptionally fine gem, neighborhood of 1 carat: to close an estate, $250. 302 Pekum bldg. NOW IS the time to put In your root beer barrel and fountain vuppiies. See them. 129 Firft street. riLES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean. Sea ond and Morrison. BY OWNER Lang combination coal, wood and gas range. In first-oiass con dition. East 25fifi. A LARGE Boy n ton furnace, excellent con dition, suitable for school or church. J. J. McGreal, 333 Union ave. North. GROCERY counter. 17x24 ft., containing 33 drawers. 2 paper racks and cash till; also shelving, for $45. 273 Hawthorne LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20; guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. LIEBULD sales, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale St Supply Co.. 43 Front st. Bdwy. 1968. UUGS washed on your floor with HamlU ton-Beach electric carpet washer; ais vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchanga kft- daks. Sandy. 124 Broadway. CONTRACTORS and builders, notice, clean bank gravel delivered to ali parts of tha city. Call 632-53. GUARANTEED mild Havana cigars, $2.25 box 50, postpaid. Heitkemper's Clear navana. ikh inim.. rorter st. b OR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75 per day; delivered anywhere. Woodiawa 1259. DANDY 3-light shower fixture complets with shades, only $5.35, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bro adway 4 253. HEMSTITCHING machine, practically new, for sale reasonable. 505 Columbia bidg. Phone Bdwy. 7049. Call Monday. FOR SALE Electric piano, automatic card printing outfit, Oliver typewriter. snap. Kast 12H5. after 1 P. M. FOR SALE Complete welding outfit, Rego No- 2; clean: Call at 125 Flower st, GENTLEMAN'S gold watch. 241 Holiaday avenue. LARGE SAFE with chest, $175, if taken at once. R 665. Oregonian. FOR SALE 32-inch la Call Tabor 368. Lh at a bargain. Y. & E. RAPID ROLLER COPIER, in good condition. $15. 273 Hawthorne ave. VERY beautiful, tan, new spring wV never worn, reasonable. Tabor 7891. " GOOD woodsaw on Ford truck, also Ford body. East 6S88. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding maciiinc, nuwvaao, iu aL., near Ash LADIES' used dresses, $2 up; suit, wraps, hats, remarkable values. Tabor 2825. SECOND-HAND tents ana covers for sal a. racmc ion Kl.""','t v-"-' 1 1st st. FOR SALE y -horse power, alternating mnfnr Altt-rt aS.OO MACHINE SHOP tools, lathe, drill presi etc. Woodlawn 2393. FREE for removing light soil, easy to gl at. nea-' f"" laai. jguo. STAR-A-STAR shingles, direct from miiL Call Tayior-U dock. Mala