17. THE MORNING OREGON IAN, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1023 CARD OF THANKS. l W wish to express our sincere thanks'; TtAnfflT 1 1TT TiTPTVT?PP and deep appreciation for the sympathy PIlK I I, A IM II HI MNr,iNil expressed and for the many floral tributes 1 V U 1 lilllll UUUIUUUU during our recent bereavement in the loss - , of our beloved father. Dill I CTlN MRS. J. WARD EVANS. D U L L L I 111 MRS. N. W. JACOBSEN. MRS. EMILY JACKSON. ' MKS. E. B. HYATT. ACCORDION PLEATING. TrB1I CUT, SEAM, hem, pleat skirt tor $1.15; JtasAL tans. hemstitching, etc.; mail orders solicited. LIMOUSINES for funerals. wedding's. Old skirts repleated, (1.00. Eastern shopping. Jones Auto Livery. Mar. 114. Novelty Mfg. Co., 85tt Fifth st - ATTORNEYS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 5 cinerce bid?.' UWy'r' Ch&mb" COURTESY. ASSAYKK8 AND ANALYSTS. , i mm MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 112 Second The Portland Mortuary 8treet- ST1" bousht- W. E. PEGS AND D. L. BRISTOW DR. McMAHON,' baths. Portland; steam (Successors to Dunning and McBntee.l . showers, plunges, tuDs, all for 35c: tell 12TH AND MORRISON, WEST SIDE. your friends, Fourth at Washington. Broadway 430. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE 1RW1N-HODSON COMPANY. i 387 Wash. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. 0' PORTLAND . CHIROPRACTOR. PPTflVI ATORTTT1VT W DR. McMAHON, 12th year. Successful. aVAJlliraavivaiJiii Phone directory ad convinces thousands. I ht a TiaKr vttm chiropodist. I fllAUJLil1UlVl I WILLIAM. Estelle, Florello and Dewane I PHONE SELL. 967. I DeVeny, the only scientific chiropodists J and arch specialists in city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., southwest cor. Second """" """ and Alder streets. Main 1301. MILLER & TRACEY DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles -sci- Perfect Funeral Service for Le... Mo'rLan bldaMatSToi "'UUU,t Independent Funeral Directors. Morgan bldg. Mam 8ib2. Washington Street, between 20th and COLLECTIONS. 21st Streets, west Side. Lady assistant. NJSTH & CO., Worcester bldg.. Bdwy. 7596. Broadway 26tj.. Automatic 518-44. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. 1 DENTISTRY. A. D. Kenworthy. B. S. Henderson. yjgUT A I) Kpnwnrtnv l.n. Ti--rd Floor Raieign Bwg. CIi U 111JT Kf Corner of Sixth and Washington St. 8804 92d St., Lents. Auto. 618-21. Broadway 7219. Automatic 2119. HOLMAN & SON WITHOUT PAIN iffiS? iA v-' AJ L'x -" - v yonr -Teeth Sleep- While We Work. (Founded In 1854.) Above Majestic Tneater. 351 Wash. st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, iibut1i Third and Salmon Bts. Main SOT. ,, o T-iTT nno" ARCHITECTURAL draftsman, experienced MpRNTFiFi V KlIjiuKS branches, requires situation. 921 E. Funeral Parlors with all the privacy of viMfsirii ti'M mvi- a home. 16th and Everett Streets. ELECTRICAL KI.lAlKl.NbJi Phone Broadway 2133. Auto. 531-33. MflTMK D E Wfilf fl SNOOK & WHEALDOM 6& mZiXHoT1 Funeral Directors. fs3t NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Belmont at 30th. Tabor 1258. Phone 527-27. 226 Main St. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. OPTOMETRISTS. "The Family Sets the Price." 414 East Alder Phone East 62. Auto. 228-25. IN LEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY A": FIFTH. MAIN 9. B. M. Gulbrandson. R. H. Reed. CHAMBERS CO., INC., 248-250 Killingsworth Ave. Wdin. 3306. LERCH. UNDERTAKER, East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. OVCUJCQ UNDERTAKING CO.. OlU.if L Third and Clay. Main 4152. AD TCI I CD PfT 692 Williams Ave. Hi XXLLrii UU Phone East 1088. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In order to earn the more than one time rale, advertising must run in con secutive ibfcues. One time 12c per line Two times (each issue) 11c per line Three times (each issue).. . .10c per line Seven times (each issue).... 9c per line One to six months, per month $2.50 per line Six to twelve months, er month $2.25 per line The above rates apply to all headings with the to How exceptions: Situations Wanted. Each Insertion 9c per line Help Wanted Propofials Invited Lofct and Jfound Special Notices. Personal lruneral Notices. One time 15c per line Two times (each issue) 14c per line Three times (each issue) ... .13c per line tieven times (each issue).. . -12c per line One month $3 per line NEW TODAY Bates Per Line. Daily. Sunday. One time 16c 20c Two times (per issue) 15c 19c Three times (per issue). ..14c 18c Seven times (per issue) ... .13c 17c One month, daily and Sunday... .$3.50 Count five words to the line. No ad taken for less than two lines. Ads run Sundays only charged at one-time rate. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "Situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to phone. The Oregonian will receive advertis ing by mail provided sufficient remit tance for definite number of issues is Bent. Acknowledgment will b for warded promptly. Advertisements are taken for The Paiiy Oregonian nntil 7:30 P. M.; for The Sunday Oregonian until 6 P. Saturday. FLORISTS. f M is wostvlftcitm Sfrecl Eetflhllshed 1890. Main S69. 1 lowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. Rosen and Orchids a Specialty. Phone Marshall 753 328 MORRISON PORTLAND HOTEL Acccints Solicited! . S St J WE 0ROWOUROWN cimst Qualify fkntaonSl.betNMn4eaS tAluxls iresH Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Funerals. 2S7 Wasblngtou, Bet. 4th and 5th Sts. Phone Broadway 4537. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Main 4737 'W. Will Picas. You." YAMHILL A 10TB Smiths Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize In funeral designs. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS ZfiS 4ih St. Opp. City Hull. XEU BROS. OTTO SCHliMAMM MARRLE WDQKS ! OlttlJTV KTCMnCTATiS E. THIRD &CINE ST& I HONE E.743 Phone your want ads to The Ore- gonlan. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95, OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 Courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its heme. 535 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time. Wood iawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where . necessary and strayanimals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, tc, picked UK. i Out of the High-Kent District. 25 years' experience. Consult us mjpr- tree. Thousands or satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Goodman, associate outometrlst. Alain 212. C litis. W. Ctoodman. 209 Morrison. WHY FAY MORE? ib2J5 Glasses in gold-filled frames 'AEEF flttec 10 yur 'yes. $2.50, double vision glasses at low uriceB. satisfaction guaranteed, ur. A. -ji. nurwitz, nnlnmctrist First St. urt. ujuauh AuAcoii,!, veteran opti cian. Eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated at very reasonable prices. 22ti Aiorrison st. -Main atitil. PAINTING. GET YOUR PAINTING KALSOMIN1NG AND SIGNS UtifUtOS THE RUSH SEA SON. 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. BEST REFERENCES. TABOK 266. PAPERING, painting, tinting; work guar anteed satisiaciory. kj. suaerstrom. Sellwood 14113 FATUNT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 77 years. All communica tions strictly confidential, prompt, effi cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., Patent Attorneys, San Francisco office, Hobart bldg.; Chicago omce, io Tower bldg. "Washington office, 103 Scientitrc Ameri can bldg.; New York office. Wyoiwortb bldg. K. C. WRIGHT, registered patent attorney 20 yeais. il invention reaiiy valuable see practicing attorney, 631 Dekum bitlg riPJS Ktll'AIKING. am li II lUi u-i' i Repairs by experts. Iiisiml A-" Pipe Sbop. 272 Wash. 1'UYSICIAJiS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building, stomach, bowels, liver, kidney, bladder rectal, prostate and female disorders, Wltnuut operation. PRINTERS. btrii ii-riain v. w. KAl.TKs; fir fnMPA v 1st and Oak. Bdwy. 7165, 511-63 TKANSFKK AND STORAGIS. OREGON 'BP.ANSFER CO. 474 Giisan St. Broadway 1?81. DRAYAGE. STORA3E. Four warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, East 7th and Grunt sis. Both phones. Day and night service; 3 veterinarians. SEW TOn.Vf. K0RTHYirE?3RU6 CO. FIUFFMGS Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Sava half the price of a new rug. Use woolen ciothing. 012 RUGS STEAM CLEAVED S1.BO. Bast 33S0. 188 East Eighth. (,HiA(iES ' Hfi -m3CH "Built to Endore." REDIMADE garages are the best sec tional garages built on the Pacitlo coast. Quantity purchases and quantity production of interchangeable units or sections make possible the exceptional values we give. Priced $45 up. A Mew CM 7 Up Delivered In Portland, Series V' Also Erected and Stained. Kedimade Bldg. Co., Portland. Or. E. 11th and Market. Fboua E. 511 STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located on Track. We can move and store your goods in a fine sprinklered building. H.ll'LISG, PACKING. STORAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 434 Gllaan St. Bdwy. 347U. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS. United Male. Bank Building. Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070, Automatic 660-95. REAL ESTATE. Abernathy Heights RIVERA STATION Unusual building sites at unusual prices. West side, opposite the Waverley golf links. The Abernathy Heights Syndicate wishes to dispose of the remainder of its holdings, and in order to do so promptly, is offering them at prices ranging from $1000 to $2000 per acre. Some of it is on the Pacific High way near the new school. Most of it has fine trees and all of the natural shrubs. Little brooks run through portions of the property. It is very desirable in every way and is offered for residence pur poses only. Very easy, terms. For further in formation inquire of MRS- HELEN S. TURNER 1006 Spalding Bldg. Bdwy. 7866 Res. Riverdale; Main 727L REAL ESTATE. 0 CLOSE OUT THE ESTATE OF W. L. SOUDERS, DECEASED The Portland Oriental Import & Ex port Co., with Oriental connections, and with east and west accounts. The merchandise which this business con sists of Includes silks, grass rugs and other merchandise, and is an abso lutely safe business. See MRS. W. L. SOUDERS, Executrix. No agent need apply. Third and Washington Streets. 617 Deknm Bldg. s : $32,000 QUARTER BLOCK VERY CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE. FINE APARTMENT SITE. PRESENT INCOME J200 MONTH. $16.000 1ISOX210 PINE MANUFACTURING SITE, BETWEEN TWO RAILROADS SOUTH PORTLAND ON MACADAM ROAD. TWO SMALL HOUSES ON PROPERTY. $10,000 QUARTER BLOCK, CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE, FINE BUSINESS SITE. PRES ENT INCOME $100 MONTH. GOOD CHANCE HERE TO CLEANUP GOOD PROFIT SHORT TIME. SOME TERMS. $8000 QUARTER BLOCK NORTH PORT LAND; WILL SOON BE VERY VALU ABLE. PRESENT INCOME $86.50 PER MONTH. POINDEXTER. 207-8 SELLING BLDG. For Sale Beaco I'roperty. GEAR HART. Fronting the beach, fine 8-room house with all modern conveniences and com pletely furnished; 4 baths, fireplace, fur nace, sunporch. Sacrificed for quick COB A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4th St. Bdwy. 7522. MANZANITA, OR., "Craney Crow" cottage ana lot. f our rooms, pain, xirepiace; furnished; $1200 cash. V. L. JohnBOn, Kalama, Wash. Box 535. GEARHART cottage, adjoining golf course, 7 rooms and bath, modern, well furnished. Price for quick sale 12500. Phone East 2585. HOUSE AT SEASIDE FOR SALE OR RENT. 1123 VERNON AVENUK. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. APARTMENT HOUSE PROPERTY WANTED. Want the best and largest west side brick apartment house that $10,000 cash down will buy. Am in a position to make good payments on the balance. Answer at once, as I am ready to do business. X 583, Oregonian. For Sale Lota. OVER TWO ACRES. PARKROSE. BEAUTIFUL STREAM. $20 DOWN, $20 MONTH, $6 per cent interest, on Richardson road, the main street in north Parkrose; rich silt garden land; , tract partly cleared, balance In trees, the north boundary 572 feet is a beautiful stream of spring water, good fishing, a moat ideal spot for a little home. Your crops should more than make your payments. This Is in the last unit of Parkrose, just platted. We have several tracts on this stream and only 33 tracts in all. Remember this is the last unit in Parkrose, some cleared, ready for plowing, some in trees, our branch office is open every day. Take Rose City Parkrose car, go to end of carline or call at our main office. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 60S4. NEARLY 2 ACRES. PARKROSE NEW TRACT. $20 DOWN $20 MONTH. The west boundary is a beautiful stream of spring water, level, all cleared but small part, some scat tered shade trees, rich silt sol!, great for berries and garden; you should more than make your pay ments from your crop here, no building; restrictions. This beauti ful tract is in the last unit of Parkrose, now being opened. Branch office open every day. Take .Rose City Park-Parkrosa car, go to end of line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. OVER ONE ACRE. PARKROSE, NEW UNIT. $15 DOWN. $15 MONTH. Shade trees, good view, best of garden and berry land, north of Sandy blvd. and car line, just the place for a little home; no build ing restrictions. Branch office open every day. Take Rose City Park Parkrose car, go to end of car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. ROSSMERE LOT. SOME BARGAIN. Choice east front lot on East S9th St., oniy ;sou casn. it s your cnance. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. $200 CASH WILL GIVE YOU. A DEED to 50x100 lot, 150 feet north of Alberta, facing west on Montana avenue, subject to $350; paved St. -and sewer Hens and a $150 mortgage. Lot is worth $1200. Call Mr. Wheeler, at Bdwy. 7171. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS. 50x200; $100 cash, $10 monthly: on Irvington car line; all improvements in ana paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. LAURELHURST LOT, $950. Level 50x130 lot on Hassalo St., be tween 39th and 41st sts. This lot fronts south on an ou-ft. street; all Imp. paid, HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. ST. JOHNS CAR LINE. 100x100; fruit, berries; facing Colura bia park; a beauty spot; livable shack $200 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2787. MR. HOME BUILDER, I will sell for cash a dandy lot in Piedmont, 100 feet north ot noiman on Haigbt ave. for only $600 an assessments paid to date. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. FRUIT AND BERRIES PAY FOR IT. 105x3So; $100 cash, $10 monthly; just outside city limits; gas, electricity, wa ter. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMEDA. Have splendid lot for sale in best dis trict for $1000; a good corner for $1300. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. PENINSULA PARK. 100x100; $500; easy terms; 114 blocks to car. Best value on market. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., ' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. $550 IRVINGTON LOTS $550. We have twenty, lots in Irvington; $550 for inside lots; $650 buys corners. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 672!). Auto. 320-60. $800 ON HANCOCK ST. Near East 35th; all improvements in and paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. . Main 3787. IRVINGTON. $1400. on 20th near Knott; all im provements In and paid JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37B7. 75x120; COLUMBIA blvd.; lot across St. from Columbia Tire Co.'s site for new plant; only $650. on easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. ON KERBY St., 50 feet north of Russet; 50x100 lot; price $500; second mtg. priv ilege. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. GOOD 50x100 ft. lot in a worklngman's district, 8 blocks from car, only $175 $10 down. $10 per month. DRAPER, 403 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST SIDE Quarter block on Front and Sherman streets, with two houses; $7000. See owner, 634 Fourth st. $375 CASH, 100x100, Alberta and 37th sts., small 3-room house; 100x112, garage fruit, gas, water in, 1001 E. 27th st. N. WILL sacrifice beautiful Westmoreland lot, 20th and Bybee. Impta. paid. $600. Bdwy. 4835. Marshall 1788. ALAMEDA PARK. 50x100 lot, good location, east front; terms if desired. Owner, East 6316. ROSE CITY. 60x100, next to corner: will save $100 In dealing with owner. Phone e-i qci-i - IMPROVED LOT FOR SALE. 1123 VERN N. W. CORNER 41st and Hazelfern, Laur- .Itiiint fiO-vl ftfl tUTIl SCn $900, TERMS Laurelhurst corner Jot; paved street. 41130 xsexmont. REAL ESTATE. For Sa'e Lots. $545-rROSB CITT PARK LOTS $545. LOWER THAN AUCTION PRICKS. Sewer, sidewalks, enrbs Just 50 ft. from pavement. paid. If you want one go select it now. $545, 52d St.. 50 ft- N. of Siski you, west facing. $545, 51st St., 60 ft. N. of Siski you, either east or west facing. $545, 48th st., 50 ft. N. of Siski you St.. west facing. PRICE ALSO CUT (50x110 ft. lot.) Pavement, sewer in, paid, east and south facing, near car, cor. 62d and Klickitat st. Price only i $890. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. J5O00 TO $7500. BTJTLDING RESTRICTIONS. SOUTH SLOPE OP MT. TABOR. BUEHNER'S ADDITION. Why select a poor location for your home just because the lot is cheap? Remember, a low priced lot is expensive, especially when you desire to make & change and it is necessary to sell your home. Beautiful lots for $1500, paved streets, sewer in and paid, also water and sewer connections to the curbs. Drive out to 56th St. and E. Madison or Salmon sts. and inspect these homesltes. Lots may be nad in sizes from CO. 55, 60, 65, 70 ft. and larger. Corner lots only $250 more. For Buehner's Addi tion, see J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. Selling Agents. ATTENTION"! HOME BUILDERS!! CLOSE-IN PROPERTY. LARGE LOTS. Located in Wllshlre between Broadway and Beaumont carlines. 33d to 42d sts.. come out to our branch office, 33d and Bryce ave., and let us prove that we have the most beautiful and reasonably priced property in the city. Terms s $25 down and $15 per mo., includ ing 6 interest. Phone Aut. 329-31 for information. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber o Com. Bid. Bdwy. 6031. NEARLY 2-ACRE TRACT, BEAUTIFUL STREAM, SHADE TREES, NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. $20 down, $20 month, nearly all cleared, level, free from rocka, rich silt garden land; ideal home spot; in our last unit of Parkrose which has just been platted; you can build a little home here and raise garden, berries and chick ens ; north of Sandy blvd. and car line. Come out today. Branch office end of Parkrose carline, take Rose City Park car. . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 6 Chamber of Com. iJldg. Bdwy. 6U34, DON'T PAY CARFARE. Live in Ladd's Addition, 15 min utes' walk to west side; nice iota for $1000 and up; all improve ments in and paid. Very easy pay ments. Second-mortgage priv ilege. Wake up Mr. Builder. Quick sale for houses. Lots at prices you can afford to pay. Investigate. SEE DELAHUNTY, Ladd Estate Co., Bdwy. 57 54. Evenings, East 773S. $650 MT. TABOR. LESS THAN AUCTION PRICE. PAVEMENT, SEWER PAID. Price cut. Beautiful lot, hedge fence in front, adjoins nice yard - with laurel hedge on side, also a few fir trees. Go see it, on 69th st.. 150 feet north of Stark St., and don't wait. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. WESTLAWN ADDITION. 50x100 lots, $350 up, 10 per cent cash: bearing fruit; close to car, school and stores. You can build temporary house and save rent. 60xl00-foot iots, near Peninsula Park and Jefferson high, $500, $o0 cash, bal ance 110 per month. 50xl00-foot lots, near Kenton. $400, sso cash, balance montniy. JOHNSON-KELLY CO., 803 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. HOMESEEKERS, WHY NOT BUILD? It is less expensive. We are Inter ested In how well we can build, not how much we can get for building. See us before buying or building. ROBNETT & McCLURE, BUILDERS, (02 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6574, 125x 290. $50 CASH. Here is a positive bargain; a big piece of rich soil, equal to 7 city lots, all in berries, for $925, with 8ft years' time to pay; Bull Run water and a fine graveled street is in front of the nrop- ert-'- P" location is Just outside the city limits, where you'll have no city taxes or assessments to pay. See Smith or Wickens at 418 Spalding bldg., over Ladd & Tllton bank. N. W. CORNER Alblna ave. and Dekum, one block from Peninsula park; $990. Alameda, best district. $1000. Jonesmore, 72d St., 2 blocks from Gii san St.. Sboo. . E. Davis st., 150 ft. west of 52d, north front, ouxiuo, pouu. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg Bdwy. 1658. STOP PAYING RENT. I will defer payments on your con tract up to six months while you are building. Have 50x100 level Iots priced from $250 up. also good small acreage tracts. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwest Bank Bldg. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD LOTS BELOW VALUE. 14,350 square feet in area, fronting 100 feet on the boulevard, running back to Orient st. and fronting 100 feet on orient st.; can ne cut into a or 4 lots; price $3i00, easy terms. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. TRACKAGE will be worth money In few years in North PorUand industrial center;- better secure a piece while the opportunity is good; 175 feet adjoining ColumDia. Tire uo. B site. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. LAURELHURST LOT. $1150. PINE ST.. NEAR PARK. Level lot on East Pine St.. south front. near the park, all imp. paid; $1150, cash. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. SEE LOT 50 ft. north of N. E. corner E. 45th and Klickitat. Rose City Park. Price $750, including all assessments. Terms. raoor av. For Sal) Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. Six rooms and Sleeping Porch. $5250 FIRST TIME ADVERTISED. This splendid home, located one , block from Sandy, below the hill, close in. Select oak flooring, full cement basement, one of the best furnaces. Exceptionally well built. It is a positive bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Tabor 9586. Tabor 8433. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A REAL HOME IN LAURELHURST WE HAVE IT. BRICK TO SECOND STORY. rmn HI AAUB TTTiemi TOO . TH HDWD. FLOORS UPSTAIRS. AND DOWN; FINISHED IN WHITE TVORY: EVERY UP-TO-DATE FEATURE YOU COULD PUT IN A HOME INCLUDING TILE BATH AND DRAIN BOARDS FULL PRICE $12,000. YOU MUST SEE IT TO APPRECIATE. OWNER GOING ABROAD. Q. C. ULRICH CO., INC., SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. THE CHELTENHAM 255 N. 19th Three auf, 4-rooiii apis. .Broadway doo a, KKAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. Bee FRANK L. McGTJIRE Tn Pnv Vftur Home. 1200 Photographs of Homes for sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COASr. HcfMESEEKERS! THE GREATEST, most varied selec tion of Home Bargains in tne "" WEST is here awaiting your considera tion. EVERY FACILITY of our Large, efficient organization, and our many years of experience are PLACED ai YOUR DISPOSAL! WE PERSONAb- LY INSPECT AND APPRA1SK HOME BEFORE OFFERING IT FOR SALE! We safeguard your every Inter- -enwn Tjtr.T.p TATT MAKE OUR FIRST PAYMENT IP NECESSARY! TELEPHONE BRDY. 7171. ?5 Salesmen with autos. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00. Read these BARGAINS below and then CALL BRDY 1111 run. rnnov.ia.i, SERVICE! $500 down! HEART OF IRVTNOTON! nrnnrl floors! massive -inino- r.Arii furnace : riro- place; substantial construction! NON-RESIDENT OWNER if let ting it go on TERMS THAT WILL SELL! E. 20th st., among homes of the liner som ROSE CITY! OSB CTTY TiMTOxTiop vr TTVOVTHTNG $4890 THINK OF THIS 1-N BU 1' Uli.inv u " , street, with all Improvements in and paid for. THE SUPER BUNGALOW. BRAND NEW. Furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, tapestry, old Ivory, '"Re plate-glass windows; glass hard warer beautiful lighting fixtures; Dutch kitchen with sunny break fast nook; hardwood t! throughout; VACANT; MOVE RIGHT IN. TERMS. XT A WTTTOR E. $4100 NONRESIDENT OWNER wants to uiapuan ui viis - - the type of home that the aver age home-owner wants; 6 rooms; semlbungalow type; full width; cool, summery front porch; built in bookcases; white enamel Dutch kitchen: furnace; fireplace, sleep ing porch; full cement basement: concrete garage. Arnold St. $300 DOWN $300 DOWN, nm PBnnifT.YN BARGAIN. $2690 $300 down. HERE'S A DANDY 4-room oungaiow uhmhb living room; pretty omins room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitch en with lots of built-ins; sleeping porch; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; garage; E. 16th st. A REAL SNAP. $500 DOWN $500 DOWN. DON'T MISS THIS. $2390 $500 down. HERE'S THE BIO- GhiSl aiAf j!.v,r. uppain IN MT. SCOTT for a long time; 6-room big .bungalow type home on attractive corner; downstairs are living room with fireplace, dining room with pretty built-in buffet; very convenient kitchen; one bedroom and bath; up are 2 bedrooms; THIS HOME IS AS NEAT AND CLEAN AND IN VITING AS YOU'D EXPECT. 43d ave.; $500 down. Rest like rent. READ THIS! READ THIS! $150 down! $150 down! DEFIES COMPETITION. $2100 $150 down! COZY LITTLE UttHiAJM. rtli-isi. run. xwwi it io really the nicest, neatest little home bungalow. A sight for tired eyes and weary hearts! 3 large sunshiny rooms; built-in conven iences; one airy bedroom; white enamel bath; electric lights and gas; green lawn, flowers, etc. 51st ave. COME HOME TO HAPPI NESS I ALBERTA SACRIFICE. $300 Down $300 Down. DON'T BUY ANY FURNITURE. $1990 $300 down. LOOK At this! COM PLETELY FURNISHED. A NEAT, comfortable substantial ALBERTA BUNGALOW COT TAGE of 4 rooms; good furni ture; convenient kitchen; 2 bed rooms; white enamel bath; elec tricity and gas. A GENUINE SACRIFICE SALE. Brown St. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home Realtor. Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. NOTE: WE HAVE AN OPENING ON OUR SALESFORCE for an ENERGETIC SALESMAN WITH CAR. $3300 ALBERTA DIST., FURNISHED. weat 4-room nouse in good district; cement basement, Dutch kitchen: this property has been priced to sell; ce ment runway for garage; we invite com parison on this property; $3300, $1000 down, S6o monthly. Including interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist in financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. BKUUKil'X AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract Ing architect. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. WEST side modern 8-room house, double garage, corner lot ouxiuo; good income. Must sacrifice as I am leaving the coun try. Ail I want Is my equity. Price $6000; $2000 cash will handle. Have contract at 6. 441 N. 23d Bt.. corner Wilson. NEW IRVINGTON HOME. Artistic new 2-story, 7-room colonial with double garage. In heart of best section on 18th St. Every new feature. nicely papered, elaborate bath, beauti ful grounas. trees; iaou cash, $100 mo. Tabor Wf. ROSE CITY PARK, by owner. a real home, every conceivable bunt-In fur nishings; see for yourself; paper won't describe. 610 E. 61st st. N. Price 50950. $3000 to handle. Telephone Tabor 6050. See owner evenings. FOR SALE Modern four-room bungalow, Just completed, in nortn Jonesmore; size of bouse. 26x28, lot 50x100. Price $3275. Either call or phone Umbden stock & Co., 2d floor, Oregon building. Phone Broadway 1658. 7-ROOM home, fully furnished, garage and Dodge automooiie; oiou. xnis property to be sold at administrator's sale and may be inspected at 819 E. 11th st. S. For further information see John A. Beckwitn, attorney tor tne estate. KICE modern house, 5 large and 1 small rooms, lots of built-ins, hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace: full basement; ga rage; large lot; restricted district: close in; swell view of city; block of carline. East 6099. ALAMEDA PARK. BY OWNER. 6-room, modern, atory and half home, recently renovated inside and out. Call evenings or Sunday. 10-3. Phone 326-52. 902 East 80th st. North. PRETTY NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. Choice corner, improved street and sewers; garage; a home you can be proud of and make money on it. To sell at $180U. borne assts. Good terms. A 623-17 MODERN 6-room bungalow and sleeping nnrpn in nose iny run. du disi .r. ru hardwood floors, fireplace, garage; very pretty shrubbery; 14 blocks from Sandy blvd.; $6200, half cash. Phone Tabor 5732. A REAL BARGAIN, by owner. My mod ern "7-room furnished house, choice loca tion and close in, between East Ankeny and Mt. Tabor car lines. Terms. Ad dress 90 East 28th st. South. ROSE CITY $500 down, price $4100, something different; typical California, garage, breakfast nook, oak floors, fire place, near Sandy. 724 E. 67th st. N. Owner at house 2 to 5. Sell. 2704. FOR RENT or sale, modern 6-room bun galow and garage, on quarter block: rents for $65 a month, or will sell for $7200, $1500 down, balance like rent. Call mornings. Tabor 410. LARGE Portland Heights home overlook ing 6000 square miles ot city and scen ery. Wonderful terraced grounds. By owner. AM 594. Oregonian. SIX-ROOM semi-bungalow, garage, fruit trees, near pmur-ini uieu. goou neign borhood, block from car: picturesque home at a sacrifice; easy terms. Owner. 218 Piatt bldg..' Washington at Park. NEW 7-room bungalow in best location In Laureinursi; gumbo ouni. witn nouse hardwood floors all over, tile bath, stone stucco on outside walls. 1063 East Davis st Tabor 6054. I FOR SALE House 111x32, 8 rooms, com plete; portauie, easily iiioveu; prioe JM0O Portland Association Credit Men, Plt- tock block. I NIFTY 7-room cottage, furnace, fireplace. large garage, w.i.'uis uimance. os4 4tn St. Take good lot as part payment. Main 5412. I Z REAL HOME $4500". 9-room house, modern in eveu vb-j, wuu -a acre land, house alone cost $6500. Call Main 5653. Monday. IRVINGTON Several new modern homes, I - 111 1 ,u also vacant lots, . or will build on any one's lot. Rice Construction Co., B, B. Rice, agent East 2432. HOUSE and lot with fruit trees, good neighDornooa, nmuui uiove district, $2300, terms. Phone Miss Palmer, Con- gress hotel. uoiTfiE PLANS. 100 designs. $10 to 115 or specially uoBiBiicu av rciuiuiiauie xee. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. BY OWNER, in Westmoreland, 4-room 1 xaou. uuu. wi 41 aumi REAl. ESTATE For Sale- Honseg. IRVINGTON. f McDOXELL, EAST 419. X12.K0O FinA criifco home on 24th. near Stanton. hardwood floors! throughout, old Ivory and solid ' mahogany woodwork, 2 tiled fireplaces and 2 tiled bath rooms, 2 extra lavatories, sleep ing porch has dressing room " with triple mirrors in lavatory. Real home for particular peo ple. Immediate possession. $12,000 Alameda, large stucco home on 100x100, corner 2Sth and Skid more; beautifully constructed, plate glass, light eastern oaa woodwork, beautiful sunroom, library. 4 large bedrooms; also fine garage. $11,000 Fine home in heart of Irving ton, colonial type, hardwood floors throughout, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, double garage. $9500 Irvington, gray colonial, on 25th, near Thompson: large artistic living room, beautiful dining room, perfect kitchen and breakfast room, 8 lovely bedrooms; full basement and Hees gas furnace. Built by Stokes for present owner. $7200 New bungalow on 13th, near Knott; built for home: has every convenience. Open to day. See this. $5300 Irvington, fi-room gray bun galow at 60S Schuyler st. Small Initial payment and $00 month handle balance. We have most exclusive listings of Portland homes. McDOXELL, EAST 419. 500 E. 14th St. N. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOUSES. No. 1. 100x200, 13 rooms and billiard room, 3 baths, hot water heating; solid mahogany, solid oak. not veneer: owner has figures showing $38,000 spent on property. To close estate at once, $25,000 for this wonderful home. No. 2. Similar to above. 1 lots, finest view property on heights: big bargain at SBO.oou. No. 3. 8-room home, wonderful living room; $8500; modern throughout; two baths. No. 4. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fine view lot ana location. We have others from $5000 ut. We handle no homes that we do not con sider good values; manv are bargains. See Chapman. 1029 Northwestern Bank Plug. Main 6GS4 or Mar. 4410. IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. BY OWNER. Classy 5-room bungalow, latest Im provements, old ivory finish, tapestry paper, hardwood floors, plate-glass win dow, fireplace, breakfast nook, furnace and garage: lawn, flowers and shrub bery; a snap; $1400 will handle. 327 E. 50th, between Market and MilL ROSE CITY PARK. $5100. A SDlendld buy. New 6-room bunga low on corner lot, near Sandy; large liv ing room, French doors between living and dining room, hardwood floors, fire place, tapestry paper, lighting fixtures and shades, Dutch kitcnen, breakfast nook, pipe furnace, ceiled attic. $500 will handle. Bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. On Viaduct. Automatic 315-44. OWNER LEAVING TOWN. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, beautiful mahogany finish, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, china closet, many other desirable built-in features; this bungalow was built tor a home; priced right for s, quick sale; liberal terms. See it today. 1276 Garfield Ave., near Alnsworth Ave. W. W. SABIN. Realtor. 1032 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 589. WEST SIDE) HOME. A rooms, 2 baths, double sleep ing porch, full basement with lav- -atory room; leased for $100 month: real bargain. Ou Northrup, near 23d. East 419. NEW HOME FOR $500. We will give you your choice of 75 lots, all 50x100, in one of the coming locations in Portland and build you a modern home for $500 down and $35 to $40 a month, Including interest. Ail you do is move in. For further information McGEE & DENNIS. 969 Union Ave. North. Wdin. 56S4. NEW BUNGALOW, SPLENDID VIEW. E'our rooms and breakfast nook; well arranged, buiit-ln kitchen, half base ment, laundry trays, one of the best views In the city; lot 50x118; this will appeal to anyone looking for something neat. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3T87. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 1 seven-room house, good plumbing, plastered, corner lot, new garage, ce ment driveway, furniture, fruit. 1 bungalow style house, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement, wash trays, finst-class condition, fruit, fur niture. OWNER, 1092 E. Harrison St. PAVED HIGHWAY, IDEAL HOME. $2S0, $500 down: this is a home with all modern conveniences: was built by the owner as a home regardless of ex pense: Is in a position that several hundred dollars must be sacrificed for quick sale. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. NEW $2400 BUNGALOW of 4 rooms, lots of nice built-in features. cement porch; built for a home by owner. If yours you would be proud of It. Only $400 cash, balance easy. Note our new cince numner. RALPH HARRIS CO., 316 Cham, of Commerce. Broadway C654. $6500 IRVINGTON $6500. Elegantly appointed 8-room modern house with sleeping porch, hardwood floors upstairs and down, on East 12th St., in Irvington. 'Nuff sed. A wonder ful sacrifice, bee Mr. Young, with Fred w. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of torn. $1650 IRVINGTON DISTRICT $1650. Very nsat, 2-room house with bath and toilet, electricity, water, garage. This only 1 blocks from pavement and 4 blocks to car. This will not last long. -oo, ?.i.u aown, -,z.oo montniy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 I-T. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. NEW AND SUBSTANTIAL 6-room, new, modern, best of material and workmanship; hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, garage, built-ins, and bearing Irult trees: conven ent to car. schools and stores. Price $4700, terms. owner, ai ueKum ave. walnut 4314. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Cosy, compact, 2-story. 7-room home with garage; center entrance, large main rooms, view porch, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porcn, ji Dams, iiiepiaces. oak tloors. hot water heat; unobstructed view of the mountains, river; cneap. 'J'abor 407, ON ADAMS ST.. close to Holl.-id.iv sv Large 8-room house with beautiful lot covered witn rrmr and llowers. In A-l condition, uniy f4uuu. This is a won derful buy and will stand close in spection. Ben Kiesiano, 404 Piatt bldg. li rartt st. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Exceptionally well built 8-room home, choice neighborhood, all floors and in terior woodwork oak, 3 fireplaces, tiled bathroom, finest plumbing, automatic furnace, Inclosed sleeping porch; snap $7500. Owner. Auto. 315-33. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. niassv. nearly new. 14-storv. strictlv modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, in nest section, near Park; no lncumurance, easy terms; & real Dar gain, excellent condition. Tabor 407. 4-ROOM new bungalow, with fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, block south of Woodlawn car; get ore at Bellevue. 1421 Morse st Owner there daily: $500 cash, balance terms, or bargain for all cash. - ROSE CITY. Strictly modern bungalow, arranged for 2 families; only $7o0 down, balance monthly. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bid" Broadway 6785. TWO NEW homes, 150 and 154 East Hol ' land street; five rooms, garret and basement; Kenton district; excellent location; one-half block to Mississippi car, near Annua, quo mem, lerma ALBINA DISTRICT. $300 cash buys 5-room plastered house. water, ugtit, oatn; jiaveu streets; every thing paid. Price $1700. Sutter & Mau boules. 240 E. Broadway. East 9213.. THE BUNGALOW 'YOU ARE HUNTING. HlWTHORNE-AVE. DIST. SNAP 6 rooms, attic, full basement, choice lot, close to car, west of 60th, only 3S4IPU. n.aay ic "nj now, a. 03-17, BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. New 5-room bungalow, $6000, block north ot toanay on s-jtn bl.. s:--iuu cash- Go and see it. Anoresg on nouBe. HAWTHORNE. ', R-room bungalow, lartr. otti modern In every way. Owner, Tabor 54S3. POKTbAlMl iimun. o r ine o - room bungalow, witn sieep.ng porcn, beautiful location; - iots; o oiu-as car: loano. BROOKE, Main 4342. NEW MODERN residence at 1326 E. Gii san st, near Laurelhurst Johnson A Anderson, builders. Come and see for yourself. f! FT ARMING little 4-room bungalow amon 'the trees at Multnomah. Only $2200 on easy terms. Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg. ram bl BY OWNER Six-room bouss and six lota. Inquire lit xacoma ave. HOUSE for gale oa 1212 S. Jersey, by owner. RVATj estate. Far Sale rttraee. ONB OF Rose City's most beautiful homes, bungalow of 5 rooms with every uiuueni feature, practically new. located under the hill, just south of Sandy; the owner must sell and will take a light automo bile as part payment; can make very reasonable terms; If you want a snap be sure to see tais. $4850 West Mt. Tabor, a beautiful bun. galviw of 5 rooms; has a wonder ful view. This bungalow has every modern feature end you will be surprised what you will get for the money. Can be han dled on $S50 cash. $3000 Buys a new 4-room bungalow: can be handled on the bonus loan with no payment down, or can be handled on $500 cash and balance monthly. Stop paying high rent and own your own home. HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Branch office 50th and Bandy. Open Sundays. Tabor 8485. IRVINGTON. COLONIAL EXQUISITE. Very large ivory living room in lovely paper, latest electric fixtures, double French doors to large side porch; sun room 10x10; ultra modern kitchon, all tile drainboards; toilet and lavatory in rear hall; upstairs 4 large furnished bedrooms, all oak floors, 'A fireplace, 3 have full mirror doors, all are papered; large closets; very costly tile bath with pedestal lavatory, floor tub, shower; double garage; one of Irvington's very best corners; by appointment only: noth ing so good la i"ortiana at tne price oi $12,000. Others of the choicest colonials yon have ever seen, $6500, $6900, $8000, $8500, $9200. $10,000, $20,000. By ap pointment and real creations In bunga lows of beauty. R. T. STREET, Good Homes Realtor, 606 E. Bdwy., East 894. Res. East 4280. ALAMEDA. A little gem. just finished; living room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, hard wood floors, dining room with beautiful built-in buffet, French doors between living and dining rooms, splendid kitch en, all built-in oonveniences; breakfast nooki cement basement, laundry trays, set-in bath tub, best plumbing fixtures, one good-sized bedroom, built-in ward robe, good-sized attic, where two addi tional rooms could be added If neces sary. Price $4950, $1000 down. New 7-room story-and-half bungalow, R -.rooms downstairs, including sunroom; Gasco furnace, Ruud water heater; best district. Price $8000, easy terms. This R-room bungalow is exceptionally well built, all modern bullt-lns. Price $0250, $1500 down. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1658. ROSE CITY PARK. $4400 Modern bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace with damper, modern bath with built-in tub, pedestal stand, most convenient kitchen with breakfast nook. Thor oughly double constructed. Ga rage, too. Your own terms within reason. A. G. TEEPE CO., Tabor 95S6. Tabor S43S. S5400 ROSE CITY $5400. tr,ni PASH. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND AT THE PRICE; ALL MODERN FIVE-ROOM -RiTMinT.nw- tTIILL CEMENT BASE MENT. FIREPLACE, FURNACE: ALL BUILT-INS EXCEPT BREAKFAbT vnni- RTIT HAS LARGE KITCHEN; GLASSED-IN BACK PORCH. BAL ANCE $40 MONTH. INCLUDING IN TEREST. G. C ULRICH CO., INC.. 405 STOCK EXCH. BLDG.. MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. ROSE CITT DISTRICT. $4650 You have Been nothing like this for the money. Downright attrac tive 5-rm. bungalow and excep tionally well built. Expensive tapes try paper, hardwood floors, fire place, garage, too. East front. Very easy terms. A. G, TEEPE CO.. Tabor 9586. Tabor 3433. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A beautiful 7-room house on lovely grounds lot 106x110; the most magnifi cent view possible: lots of expensive shrubbery; tennis court adjoining; house finished in Ivory; lovely living room with sun porch adjoining; 3 bedrooms and double sleeping porch; lots of closets; excellent condition; owner in California; shown by appointment only. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor, 213 Corbett bdg. Main 6S69. ROSE CITY PARK. $5000 Near Sandy, below the hill, east front 5 rooms and attic, hard wood firs, throughout, f ull ce ment basement; garage. Real value. A. Q. TEEPE CO.. Tabor 9588. Tabor 84SS. COLONIAL HOME. Five large beautiful rooms, every con venience of home, center entrance fire place, light oak floors, massive buffet complete built-in kitchen, concrete base ment, furnace. 2 very large airy bed rooms with dressing room to each. At tractive bathroom, nice lawn; .garage. Close to school and car. For quick sale price reduced to $5900. v C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. TUVT-P.Tn. SIX -ROOMS AND SLEEPING Pi-inrTT FURNISHED HOUSE; ALL ;,,nt-;i TTTTRXACR. FIREPLACE. GARAGE-! PAVED ETREET; FURNI TURE ALL HARDWOOD; TAKES $2000 CASH TO HAiNULUi; x)AiiAivia G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., SUITE 403 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG., MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNOA- JONESMORE; SIZE OF' HOUSE 26x28; T.nT rilrlOll: PRICE $3275. EITHER Ttt nn TELEPHONE UMBDEN STOCK & CO., SECOND FLOOR ORB- GON BUILUliSU. lfl,l,P.riivii at " - 1658. lrca-p c-Tmr OR HILL. The nicest neighborhood and a good T room house with all modern features; 60x100 lot, nice flowers, house newly painted; fine large living room: colonial trim and fireplace; large dining room and kitchen; 4 bedrooms. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor, i-l cm-belt bdg. Main 66a. unaE PITY PARK CAR 2700. 4-room bungalow with all modem con veniences; buiit within the past year; full basement, double construction and ,-,..tivo This is exceptional; $2700, $400 cash, $30 monthly, including Interest 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Attractive 9-room residence, rlgnt up 10 ""- city view: 2 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, fin. sleeping porch; 2 blocks from car on the best close-in part of Portland Heiii-hts: a bargain at $13,000. Shown by appointment only. BROOKE, Main 4342. ROSE CITY BARGAINS. linnn EASY TERMS. New, attractive 5-room bungalow with all the bullt-lns; hardwood floors, fire place Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, two nice bedrooms, floored attic, garage and furnace. R gOlIt.ltVlU',-,. prwinnttf i , n. $300 PLACES you in cosy little 6-room cottage, oatance hub iwut. i.j. v,0J hlrt--.. Bdwy. 6808. SEE US BE- vn-nw. TUTTING YOUR HOME. WE HAVE THE ONE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. FKiDrJ rtiunx. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. ROSE CITY DISTRICT $2600. 2 bedrooms, fruit, chicken runs. eto. Toxiuu "JuruM-.-.. Close to car; street graded; cement walks; electricity, gas, house Is papered. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor, 213 Corbett bdg. Main 6S69. NEW, LARGE IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Corner Thompson and 18th sts.; slate surface roof, finest of plumbing and lighting fixtures; plate-glass windows; French doors: Basclar tile fireplace; dou ble earnee. Owner. East 9313 $1900 BUYS this 5-room house, nloe large rOOmS, Small Xivn i. i";"-.., ciau.a tin. rent 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WTLLIAM A. HUGHES CO. OWNER must sell this week, 6-room bun galow, No. 1609 Oregon st, at 63d: lot 60x125, garage, fruit and berries, 2 blks. to car Montavilla: $2500, terms This Is a good buy, act quickly. Tabor 2511. $450 CASH, $2500 5-room bungalow, bullt ins, basement; East 47th st near Hol- $420 EQUITY, a new bungalow; want $150 cash and light car. Peninsula park district 1451 Michigan ave. near Bry ant st 6-ROOM house, Irvington distriot will take lot or auto in trade for first payment 505 Swetland bldg. MODERN, up-to-date bungalow, cheap for cash, aau jt, im REAL ESTATB. For Sale Houses. $3750 A REAL BUY. ; $8750 buvs a 5-room bungalow wlttt fireplace, Dutch kitchen, attic, bullt-lns, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; fin ished In ivory and white enamel; 38xl.0 lot. Bearing fruit and berries. Garage and runway. Adjoins Eastmoreland ; $500 down will handle, balance like rent. $4000 ADJOINING EASTMORELAND. A 6-room, furnace, fireplace, built-in effects, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment and wash trays. Finished in ivory and white enamel, SfxloO ft. lot; fruit and berries; garage; $050 cash will han dle. $4500 HAWTHORNE SNAP. A 5-room bungalow, tiled bathroom, shower, Dutch kitchen, fireplace; all built-in effects, hardwood floors, cement basement and laundry trays, etc. Va cant and practically new; six months old: full lot; city improvements In and paid; $700 cash will handle. RUMMELL A RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. 39th and Sandy Blvd. Bd wv 6729. Auto. .120-60. ARTISTIC CORNER BUNGALOW. . Heart of Irvington, 5 rooms, full base ment, garage; consisting of large living room, dining room, and 2 lovely bed rooms, large Dutch kitchen with break fast nook, hall and bathroom; French, doors between dining room and living room; also between living room and hall; hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures; floor plugs in every room; new steam furnace, can use gas, wood or coal; fin ished In Ivory. Phone East 4242 befor 12 noon. BEAUTIFUL, MODERN. MT. TABOR. HOME COMPLETELY FURNISHED, FOR $5000. Owner's health forces sacrifice of this nice home; lot 50x150; large room and sleeping porch, closets with wtndowg In all bedrooms, large living and dining room, buffet built In, kitchen entrance hall on first floor, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch above, 2 toilets, fine bath, fixtures, full basement with laun dry trays, furnace, fireplace; furniture is good, in fact this Is a home that will appeal to any one with a family; $1500 cash will handle. STEWART & JOHNSON. S15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LAURELHURST. 7-room bungalow, near park. WAS $9000, NOW $7500. It will be a pleasure to show you this un usual home, located on one of the most beautiful corners in Laurel- -hurst Block from park. Every modern convenience, nothing lack ing. Reasonable terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Tabor 9586. Tabor 8488. THIS WEEK ONLY. 5 rooms, on paved street and ear line, cement basement, all newly decorated and now ready for oc cupancy; a rare bargain for $2850 with a small cash payment and balance monthly. C. R. MEYER COMPANY, 808 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 153L LAURELHURST. BRAND NEW COLONIAL. 1084 MULTNOMAH. NEAR IMPERIAL Just completed, very artlstlo home with large living and bedrooms, plate glass windows, recess tub, tiled bath, floor, tile drainboards, etc You will be astonished at reasonable price. PHONE OWNER. AUTO. 310-73. LAURELHURST. $5250 Unusual value, near car. Com plete with furnace and garage. Full basement. Price reduced from $5750. Inspect. A. G. TEEPE CO., Tabor 8680. Tabor 3433. LAURELHURST. Thoroughly modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, very attractive buffet solarium effect in dining room, French doors, tile bath, tile drainboard in kitchen, breakfast nook: all rooms nice and large: cement base ment, furnace, fine garage; will sell very reasonable. OWNER. 1263 E. Pine. SUBURBAN HOME IN CITY. 15 MINUTES FROM WEST SIDE. 12-room modern home with large rounds near street car and school; all ullt-ins: beautiful lawn and grove of trees; double garage with chauffeur's room; on Stanton st, east of Irvington. For price and terms see JOHNSON-DODSON CO., ' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 87ST. ATTENTION! EX-SERVICE MEN! 200x100 in fruit, assorted berries, grapes, garden, 6-room house In good condition, modern conveniences, concrete basement, 8 blks. to car, sidewalks. 100 feet to pavement $3500 will buy this and accept your bonus or terms, C. M. DEER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. BARGAIN! BEAUTY! $3800 EASY TERMS. Out-of-town owner says sell, very ar tistic, new rustic bungalow, massive flis place in large living room, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 airy bedrooms, full cement basement, furnace, garage, corner lot; a snap. R. ROMERVILLE, Broadway 2473. IRVINGTON CORNER. 100x100. - Elegant eight-room residence in ehotoa section of Irvington; huse built on In side lot, corner lot in lawn; hardwood floors throughout beautifully decorated; ivory finish, modern in every detail; a bargain at $10,500. Owner 603 E. 26th st N.. cor. Brazee. E. 3399. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. Beautiful 6-room bungalow. Ideal view location, cement basement, polished firs., fireplace, tapestry and ivory finish. 60x 100 lot; paved st, terms to suit, monthly pavments only $25. inc. interest In vestigate this real home value. MARSH & McCABE CO.. . 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 4200 New, artistic 4-room burt-ralow. below the hill, large living room serosa the front, pretty dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fine bath, re cess tub; hardwood floors, fireplace, tap estry paper; easy terms. R. SOMERVILLE. Broadway 2478. PIEDMONT. ONLY $3650 ONLY. Four-room modern bungalow: hard wood floors, fireplace, two bedrooms, breakfast nook, white enamel finish. A MaP' ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 8785. EIGHT-ROOM corner residence, new hard wood floors, new light fixtures, new lino leum in kitchen and bathroom: newly painted Inside and outside; will make fine rooming house: a sacrifice at $5900, easy terms If desired. 655 E. Burnslde, cor. E. 18th st Owner Bdwy. 7168 or E. 3399. PENINSULA DISTRICT. B-room bungalow, 1 block to car, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, two haArnnma and bath: full basement rood lot and a snap for $2750. Only $750 down. O'FARRELL-GRHLLNBR. 838-40 Cham, of Com Broadway 4173. THINK OF IT. $1850. For this fine little 5-room bungalow! J bedrooms, bath, gas, fine view, ce ment foundation and walks; 50x125 lot. good soil; this is a good ouy. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor, - 218 Corbett bdg. Main 6869, . ALAMEDA PARK. 5-room modern In every respect; hard wood iloors; an ouiic ins; oa-6mni; furnace; garage; on paved street $5250; S1500 down, balance easy terms. HILTON-DANIEL CO. 270 Stark St. Bdwy. 7800. S3700 ALBERTA HOME $3700. Only $700 down for this fins 5-room tmnirnlnw. half block to car. paved street: oak floors, fireplace. Latch kitchen, only 2 years old. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER. 83R-40 Cham, of Com Broadway 4173, n-Tv TRVTVGTON HOME. $650 CASH. A very attractive modern Irvington home, I rooms, o oearuum, lien; wwii- ai-fnt locution: garage, fruit and roses cheap at $0500; will cut price $1000, as I am going away; win luae toou caso. Owner. Main 8397. 7 ROOMS AND BATH. $4300, Verv attractive home, all modern, fall lot, cement driveway and garage; -n block to car: $1000 cash, balance less than rent. Inquire 11J. luasi li-st st. or Tabor 7547. wv F.mTTTY of J500 in a 4-room. new house, combination dining and living room; 60x100 lot; old Ivory kitchen and bath; will take part cash, $300, and good second-hand Ford; Ford must .be Valued at mm ca-i inu bl., ,wi v... LAURELHURST. $350 places you In this beautiful R-Toonx bungalow; balance, including In terest like rent: Juat completed. S18 Ry. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WILLIAM A. HUOHE3 CO. TRADE FOR HOME. "Will trade my 36-room hotel cm oast aide lor large residence. iu-i rooms. east or west side, price tiou'i. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER. 338-40 Cham of Com Bldg. Bdwy. tVn, B-ROOM bunt-alow. R. C. P.. 89th St. near Sandy; fully modern and a lovely home; $5250, $1500 cash, Tabor 33$. N genu, . - .,- -