14 THE 3IORNTXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1922 HEIP WANTED MALE. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Leading1 Lumber Of lice Pacific Coast. 240 Ankeny St.. Cor. 2d. Come Today. See company representative ; he wants for Monday morning shipment to Grays Harbor, Wash., mill and yard men; young- men for box factory. See us today. CAMPS ON" TILLAMOOK LINE. 2 wood spMttf rs. $3.20; 4 choker set ters, 55e hr. ; 4 buckers. 55c hr. ; 1 boom man, 50c hr. ; 1 sig. punk, 40c hour. FOP. COLUMBIA RIVER CAMP. Choker setters, chasers, buckers. tim ber fallers, sig. punks, wood choppers by rick. 1 right 2d faller. loading engi neer, high climber, swampers, wood buckers. wood splitters, hook -on men. We have any number of places where We can adrance your fare. LATE ARRIVALS. 1 lumber marker. $4.50. 1 loading engineer, $5.40. 1 blacksmith-log man, $6. 1 blacksmith helper, $4.40. 1 blacksmith h-Hper, $3. SO. 1 carpenter helper on flume. $3.50. 1 high climber. 1 side. $7.50. Se us today early. We can advance your fare. Don't delay. . Y. M C read every ad you don't find A MEMBERS n this column. and if what you go to -the Y. M. C. and asK r Raymond Van Vailn, the employment secretary He ha rial year or experience m ne.p ing men find employment and you may secure reliable information nd get next to oDDortunif .ie there that you would rever find through your own efforts YM. C. A. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Not l?onrvV -Where there is demand for capable mn Note Think twice and then some be fore! n vesting y o ur money RAILROAD AND .MILL MEN WANTED. 20 railroad sct)in and construction men, 20 lumber yard and mill laborers wanted. Permanent work for willing and rnmnftent workers. Rate $3.20 for hours, board JS 40 per week, room 75c per week and up. Floaters need not ap- nH No farr advances. V rite Ca.iror nil & Oregon Lurraper Co., Brookings. Curry county. Or. " VANCOUVER SOLICITOR. W:intd man nr woman rsidln Vancouver, Wash., to act as solicitor for larae retail Portland store ; must have nrtvinim h n 1 1 se - r n - h a use selling fcxperi enre. Full narticular first letter. AE oo. or-goniiin GEN-KRAI, foreman or. logging railroad construction : must be thoroughly ex perienced In road bed and trestle con tfiiffinn and maintenance. Answer fully stating experience, salary expected and all details In first letter. AK 611. O gon :an. RA UIO A few house-to-house salesmen to sell radio phones. A real cleanup ror rustiers, Thp faf Rst seller ever out on the mar ket. Evervbody wants one. Room 6t Multnomah hotel. LlNuTVPD machinist -ope ratur printer wanted for permanent combination situ ation In country town Job shop; salary $30 for 48 hours; require first-class man; card not required; owner is foreman; write experience. L 03. Oregonian. m'H.STRATORS WANTED OUR REP RESENTATIVE'S EARNING UP TO $40 COMM. PER DAY. LIGHT. PLEASANT WORK. 35 RUSSELL JLDG., 4TH AND MORRISON STS. TWO i'UL'XU men who have had previous experience in a woodworking plant to perfect themselves in band sawing and turning. Stranahan &. Barnard. Sunday call East 539. Shop. 5ft5 I-arrabee. TOUNX1 MEN of initiative between ages 11-35 who want to make money In a business that offers a great future, ap ply ;J4 Northwestern National Bank bi-ig . after :3 A. M. FoRD SALESMEN Reliable Ford Dealer has an opening for two men only. If you are a plugger, we have a plan that will net vou good returns. Call Wdln. 4035 after 6:30 P. M. EXPERIENCED employment agent by log ging and sawmill company; must have good references. State experience and salary in first letter. AK 610. Orego nlan. FOR HELP PHONE BDWY. 52S6. STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 2 NORTH SECOND ST.. BXP. RAZOR CLAl diggers wanted for big spring run. Highest prices. Warren ton Clam Co., Warrenton, Or., and Nah cotta. Wash. OFFICE boy, opportunity to learn and ad vance in established wholesale line; state age. experience and phone No. BC 034. Oregonlan. XOINU man, about 2o, single preferred, for office position in Eugene. Or.; state ae, experience and references. B 503. Oregonlan. WANTED At once, loom fixer, 13 looms on blanket work ; wages ttOc per hour Santlam Woolen Mills, Inc., Stayton. Or. MAN as watchman, near Portland, $ 13 month, with room, light, water, heat. 5u0 Concord bldg. ' WANTED Printer-operator; good man to take job depariment; union shop. C. Whizn.mt. Imperial hotel, today. PRINTER wanted; job and ad man; $30 a week. Phone Raytew. Rainier. Or- Help Wanted Salesmen. FRANK L. McGUIRE, Largest Home Seller in America! WANTS A SALESMAN TODAY! YOU DON T NEED EXPERIENCE! Til teach you the business, my leading Salesmen never sold a foot of property untll they joined my Organization. YOU CAN MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PER TEAR! COMMISSIONS PAID THE DAY YOUR DEAL IS CLOSED! YOUR ONE OPPORTUNITY to get into the Real Estate Business. .nd MAKE BIG MONEY, associated with a PROGRESSIVE, RELIABLE, ESTABLISHED OFFICE. We hold the undisputed NATIONAL RECORD for Home Selling. We have the widest rauee of listings in the entire city! WE OFFER OUR SALESMEN EVERY OP PORTUNITY" TO MAKE GOOD I Thou sands of new homes are being built and WILL BE SOLDI Portland la on t,he verge of one or the greatest Real Estate Activities in her History. WE NEED A LIVE SALESMAN WITH CAR TODAY! See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg., Bdwy. 7171. 3d St Bet. Wash. & Stark. " notice: stock salesmen. Why sell stock for S per cent commis sion or less w hen I will pay you eight points for selling a high-grade bond? You can sell bonds where you cannot sell stock. Think it over, if you have to. Then write AP 650, Oregonian. for an in terview. Applications treated with con fidence. SECURITY SALESMEN. Large corporation wants several men for Its security department. Issue is of the highest type. This is an attractive proposition and Is permannent. Apply suite 307 Consoldlated Securities bldg-. 9:30 A. M. to 11:30 A. M. and 1:30 P. M. to 4:3Q P. M. , ' SALESMEN WANTED. 1 want ten good, live, producing stock salesmen. 1 have a very attractive Issue of a local company headed by Portland business men- good commissions and plenty of leads to work from. Apply room 70(1 Swetlar.d bldg. Ask for Mr. Price. , HEN WITH cars to dsmonet rats and take orders for farm lighting and cooking plants. We train you a week and pay xpenses. After first week put you on a liberal contract with weekly traveling expense. Monday. 46 Exchange build Ing. Second and Stark. fcx PERI ENCED in selling advertising space with automobile, one acquainted in the Btate of Oregon; give your age and telephone number. Address W. T. G-. Washington hotel. Portland. W A N T E D RELIABLE SALESMAN OR COMPANY TO SELL STOCK IN NEW. LOCAL, GOING CORPORATION. FOR INFORMATION CALL BDWY. 8414. WANTED Laundry drivers and route so licitors owning Ford car. We have an attractive proposition whereby you can make bigger money. Give details In reply to C 621. Oregonian. WELL - KNOWN manufacturing concern wants 2 high-grade stock salesmen to sell securities for them; splendid chance for men who can produce results. AK 854. Oregonian. YOUNG M EN of initiative between axes 21 who want to make money in a business that offers a great future, ap py 3;t4 Northwestern National Ba-nk bldg. af:er A. M HARD TIMES ? Yes. but the harder the better this sells, and 100 profit to you. and the buyer makes more than you. 447 Pheriock bldg. ', RADIO salesmen to place radiophones, fast seller; everybody wants one. big money for salesn. an. Ask for Mr. Boat right at the Multnomah hotel. IN NEED of ten salesmen immediately for Oregon; references required. Phone Bros d way S2-41. SALESMAN for city 2 to 6. 205 Artij Brush Co. eferences. Call I bid. North Ridg i'r furnishings, etc YOUNG man for men experienced, with refer on Clothing i r.. 4:h and Mo-rison. GOOD live salesman with car to sell Port land real estate. O'Farrell-Grellner. 338 40 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 4172. HIGH-GRADE specialty salesman wanted Apply between i) and 10 A. If., No. 8 Front st. RALES M AN. b g opportunity : good man can make $200-$30Q a mo. ; permanent position. A 'i 5,s3. Oregonian. STOCK and bond salesmen are making money. We need two more high -class men 8-44 Plttoch block. WANT two tlrst-c:ass life Insurance aales men st once ; excellent contract. Call 101 E. 54th st.. between 6 and 8 eves. AUA Z1N E tnan. atc Ex. bids. HELP WAMKD MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen, SECURITY SALESMEN. Real Producers Make Real Money. A New Selling Method. By using our new motion-picture system a regular "he-man" security salesman can go right out tomorrow and line up a very profitable number of immediate prospects. Under our new selling system our men In the field are cashing in big. We want two or three men who can dig in and show results from the Jumn. We give you novel and unusual support and assistance and help you close business rapid y. If you know that you are the man we want, get in touch with us Immediately. COAST TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, Security Department. East 1-th and 50th. Ave., Oakland, Cal. MANUFACTURER WANTS A MAN NOW CALLING ON SAWMILLS AND LOGGING CAMPS IN ORE GON TO CARRY A HIGH-GRADE LINE. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY", GOOD COMMISSION AND A RE PEATER. WILL ARRANGE TO INTERVIEW. Y 666, ORE GON! AN. GOOD proposition for salesmen; state and country rights; list of live specialties. 231 Exchange bldg. WANTED AGENTS. HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance; big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMA LE. VANCOUVER SOLICITOR. Wanted, man or woman residing" in Vancouver, Wash., to act as solicitor for large retail Portland store. Must have previous house-to-house selling experi ence. Full particulars first letter.. AE 582, Oregonlan. W ANTED Bright, capable girl or woman to answer telephone; must have had some experience In meeting the public, a pleasing personality, capable of han dling business conversation; good, steady position to the right party who wishes to take an interest in her work. Call East 3337 for appointment. WANTED Bright girl who has finished school, wishing to take up ornce worn and answer telephones; good, steady po sition, chance for advancement. Call in person. Troy Laundry Co., East Tenth and Pine sts. DEMONSTRATORS WANTED OUR REP RESENTATIVES EARNING U t lO iu COMM. PER DAY. LIGHT, PLEASANT WORK. 35 RUSSELL BLDG.. 4TH AND MORRISON STS. . GOOD, reliable woman or girl for gen eral housework; good wages; no wash ing. Phone Bdwy. 3721 after today, or address ALrs. R. H. Grandy, Beaverton, Or. Route 1. CONGENIAL lady in pretty country home will share with rertn.a young or duduv aged lady during summer, in exchange for assistance; duties light. Answer promptly. AV 4. Oregonlan. WANTED By a large local corporation. an expert telephone switcnDoara oper ator, at a good salary; those not thor oughly experienced need not reply. A BgB. Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer experienced in banking to be assistant to casnier ior bank in central Oregon. State expe rience, beginning salary, references. BF 659. Oregonlan. WANTED Housekeeper on farm, $20 per month; no objection to 1 or J children, school age. Aunisville, Or., Route 1. box 44. EXPERIENCED nursemaid to take care of 16-month baby and willing to uo some light housework. Phone after 9 A. M. to Main 4103. WANTED Mxrer.ent-i.cl marker and sorter for small laundry, who also understands cleaning and pressing. Apply to W. E. Crist. Montesano. Wash. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home, May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. DM car. STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS register with Williams Personnel Serv ice for reliable positions. 503-504 Spald- ing bldg. FOR SALE My J 250 equity in 5-room house on 100x100 and fruit trees; will take J100. Call at 1944 East Clay. JAPANESE business man with family of three wants middle-aged housekeeper. J H3ri. Oregonian . WANT niiddle-nged lady to help with gen era! housework. Apply 1553 E. Flan ders Monday morning. LUMBER stenographer and invoice clerk, must have experience in billing and fig uring han ber. C 636. Oregonian. OPERATOR on Burroughs posting ma chine ; maybe can use good bookkeeper, willing to learn; $100. K 651. Oregonlan. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home Is ready to help any girls In distress. 955 East Glisan. "MV car. East 316. REFINED lady for easy, pleasant, profit able outside proposition during spare time. Bdwy. 1040. room 406. WANTED Housekeeper gon ranch ; wages $2 13, Oregonlan. on central Ore per month. AV Y'OUNG lady wanted to cook in gold camp; give description. AP 658, Oregonian. l MIDDLE-aged housekeeper. 426 E. .8th st Wanted Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work and cooking, to go to Hood River ; no laundry. 680 Everett. Main 2075. EX. PRRIENCED Miss Flanders. Bdwy. 4770. maid for second work. 109 North 19th street. W A N TED - Young girl to do housework. Tabor 9025. ' NEAT. Broa reliable girl to do housework. Phone ! way 7263. WANTED Girl for general housework. 410 E. 11th st. N. GIRL for general 179. 4S7 East housework. $25. I4th st. North. EXPERIENCED girl work, small family. for general house Phone Aut. 318-67. GIRL for housework. 7 -room flat. 3 adults $30. Marshall 4371. YOUNG girl for cooking. East general housework,; no EXPERIENCED girl lor housewor cooking; wag.a 540. Main 7293. HOME, SWEET HOME GEORGE THINKS RELATIVES ARE RELATED TO THE HOUSE PROBLEM -:- By H. J. TUTHILL Copyright, 1922, by the Mail & Express Co. S, WUV KTEEP PEEOlNG L WAD AW ElGWT BSii AKlO 1 BlGWT (3M5 0U)T )M iV' AJORO, I ; OUfZ 0OUGU TO A LANDLORD? WE COULO GET A S GQOM ) -C ZTqaSaGE-L TO DATE UAPTA VAJUV MOT OUJM v PIACE OUT )M TUS ) SfV UHg5oM5 AMO X K TJ ClwjV P"U SUTURE ANJO TUINJG6 TjC TJO, -. . .... ....... ... , , . . ... ......... ...J...LA.. . A. ... ... ........... ..... ... .... ...4 HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. EXPERIENCED COOK. BEST WAGES. Phone Main 4780, GIRL to wait table, assist In cooking and general care of house; comfortable room, good wages. Phone East 5o2. 620 Wasco st. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. 3 adults. 381 10th St., cor. Montgomery. - GIRL to assist with housework, wages $25. Call 628 E. 13th st. N. Irvington car to Stanton st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Two good solicitors; missions. L 664. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. HAVE several good manufacturing propo sitions; need, from $5000 to $10,000 with services. Come in and let us talk it over. S. BORLAND, REALTOR, 223 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. OWN half interest in a going mfg. busi ness; want man to come in with me on my interest as manager; other business compels me to leave city; $600 required. G 664, Oregonian. WANTED A live man with from $S0O to $500 to invest in R-adlo Mfg. Co.; going concern: .prospects of enormous profits XO Radio Co., 32 Lumtoermens bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CARPENTER and contractor wants work by the day or contract, let me figure on your new home or repair work. For first class work and quick service phone East 6521. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Work guaranteed; my attention .is given to patrons In Oregon and Wash ington. Walter Norby, 874 Castle ave.. Portland, Or. Automatic 823-69. J A PANESE, first-class cook, thoroughly competent, desires position, private fam ily, hotel, club or camp. AN 658, Ore gon ian. IF YOU are looking for an Al stenographer and general office man. please get in touch with me; am experienced. Write AG 670, Oregonian. YOUNG man of good character wants situ ation; clerical, delivery man ; anything honest. Fred Presgrove, room 303. Hotel Clyde. PAINTING, PAPERING AND CALCIMIN ING We use lead and oil and save you money. Tabor 2328. CANDY-MAKER, all-around retail, make ice cream and all; need work at once. G 638. Oregonlan. PAINTING, CALCIM1NINO, PAPERING. The best lead and oil; outside painting a specialty. Auto. 624-30. ' WANTED By experienced man, garden ing, lawn work and landscaping. A. E. Godfrey. Phone Sellwood 1662. PAINTING, SIGNS, KALSOMINING, DECORATING; BEST REFERENCES; 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TABOR 266. FLOOR surfacing, finishing, waxing and polishing. W. H. Tibbitte. 4803 32d ave. S. E. Tabor 4052. WE BUILD small houses ana garages and repair old ones; rock-bottom prices. 735 East Main. East 3550. WANTED Lawn mowing, home garden ing or odd Jobs, 55c per hour. East 8427. Call Monday. EXPERT bookkeeper, small business hourly basis, contract; rapid worker. E 626. Oregonlan. CARPENTER and general construction foreman available after 14th; references furnished. E 63. Oregonian. PAPERHANG1NG, painting and tinting. first-class work guaranteed, lowest prices. East 7S42. PLASTERING BY CONTRACT. First-class work guaranteed. 2011. PAINTING, KALSO MINING, DECORAT ING; GET MY PRICES FIRST; 20 YRS. EXP. ; BANK REF. 628-40. WILL mix concrete. $1.25 per hour, power mixer, wheelbarrows and tools. Phone East 733 between 6 and 7 Y M. I WANT to finish learning the cabinet making trade; can do any straight work. 122 Atlantic st. MARRIED man needs work right away, odd jobs or truck driver. Please phone Walnut 7015. PAINTING AND DECORATING, MATES FURNISHED. . INDER ERSON. MARSHALL 1828- ESTI- PET- FIRST-CLASS barber wants job In Pendle ton or Walla Walla. Commercial Hotel. 490 H Washington at., room 56. JAPANESE wants position as hotel oi apartment house Janitor. W 673. Orego nian. ENGINEER Steam, electric refrigerating. New York City license, wishes position. Pedersen. 504 E. Clay. East 4834. HAVE Ford car ; want collecting, adver tising or what have you? Can give ref erences and bond. Tabor 2515. MARRIED man needs work painting, ka somining; reasonable. Maclln, Main 1515. - " EXPERIENCED chauffeur will drive party to San Francisco for passage. AP 605. Oregonian. WANTED Gardening, grading, first-class work. Henry, Broadway 4201 . MOLES or gophers disturb your lawns ;all East 1562. FIX IT Remodeling, alterations, repairs. Quick work. Wdln. 6018. CARPENTER wants to do alteration and repair by contract. East 53U6. HOUSE CLEANING and gardening wanted; permanent. R 654, Oregonlan. WE DO all kinds of carpenter work, old and new. Marshall 3183. GRANITE and marble monuments cleaned. Walker. 48b Flanders. . FIRST-CLASS carpenter and helpAr wishes work by day or contract. Call Alain 6w2u. RUSH 1NGLING our specialty; prices reas onable. work guaranteed. Auto. 325-ltt. EXCAVATING, grading, dump wagon work. Woodlawn 5612. IF YOU need temporary help in your busi ness call Broadway 2705 before 9 A. K SMALL dance orchestra wlsht ments. Phone Main 3835. s engage- PAINTING, tinting, papering, good work, reasonable. Sellwood 1399. CARPENTER Call after 1 wants work (Walnut 1662). 30 P. M. Sundays. EXPERIENCED house wlreman and pairs in general. C 637. Oregonlan. EXCAVATING, plowing, general teaming, contract or day work. Marshall 1808. TEAMING, plowing, e: 210 day time only. cavatlng. etc. East 244) East 8th st. CHEF A good aii -around work. Aut. 640-85. PLUMBER wants small jobs, repairs, pert work, low estimates. Bdwy. 2 CEMENT WORK, HAVE MIXERS, TELE PHONE TABOR 6781. BUTCHER, experienced meat cutter, sires position. F 037. Oregonlan. PAINTING, papering or tinting done suit. Automatic 622-96. PAINTING, tinting, first-class work guar anteed. Phone East 3269. PLUMBING done very reasonable by the hour or job. Automatic 235-51. LET ME figure on your house gutters; A. P. Anderson, Sellwood 1'052. WAiXTETJ Lathing. Tabor 8706. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. UNIVERSITY man, 2S. married, with good foundation experience for selling and buying lumber, would like connection with reliable wholesale or sales agency; am experienced yard and shipping fore man: also exrienced in office end. ac counting, purchasing, etc ; excellent ref erences as to character and ability. BJ 846. Oregonian. VBRTERINIART surgeon, graduate, over 25 years' experience, first class, desires position with construction; would con sider barn work and veterinary. Addresj Dr. fr. J. Lloyd, general delivery. Port land! Or. Y'OUNG married man. two children, urgently in need of work; well educated; quick and accurate at figures. Will do anything whatever except canvassing. m unu, w re go man, A-l ACCOUNTANT desires position as of fice manager, cashier or booKkeeper. ex perienced in warehousing; best of refer ences. Address, Fred W. Bal. P. O.' box 1S35. Seattle, Wash. . ' PEAIRS & SON. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. BEST MATERIAL. SKILLED MECHANICS. PHONE EAST 3849. SHINGLING We specialize in reshlngllng and roof repairing. It will pay you to got our figure before, letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; estimates free. East 1928. WINDOW screens, mirrors and furniture repairing and cabinet work. Wdln. 1487. Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Of f i ce. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher open for position. G 661, Orego nian. 1 BOOKKEEPER, general office man. aesires position ; best references. Tabor H16. or B 627. Oregonian. Salesmen. WANTED To sell to trade on commis sion candy, tobacco, notions, stationery and other good lines, by young man with experience; have car; good refer ences. S 643, Oregonian. SITU A TIOX S W A NTED "FEM A LE. CROCHET work, lunch sets, pillow slips or scarfs, tatting. Armenian lace and all kinds of embroidering. East 9237, between 8 A. M and 6 P. M. HOUSE cleaning, window washing, floors polished ; estimates furnished. Walnut 6540. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants ho use cleaning, washing or other work ; good work done. Wood lawn 6305. RELIABLE, middle-aged woman, cooking or housekeeping in or out city. AL 653. Oregonian. . MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position as chambermaid in hotel ; experienced. East 6639. EDUCATED young woman as cashier in dining room or clerk In office of large hotel. Best references. AV 9. Oregonlan. EX PERI ENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleani ng, washing ; good work done. Phone Walnut tiOOO EXPERIENCED woman wants work housec leaning, etc. Phone Broadway 7237. apt. 12. MRS. ANNIE HUNTER would like day work, laundry or cleaning. Sellwood 3077. "Phone address 618 Maiden ave. WANTED Work as cook for logging camp or mill crew or on steamboat. Phone Wdln 3827. YOUNG woman wants housework mornings only. P 635. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS cook wants dinner work. hotel or yfetena. Bdwy. 4695. room 1 YOUNG woman wants work as waitress, clerking, pressing. Call Bdwy. 4S. W ANT plain sewing; work done right. Lai Woodlawn 3 S 2 2 GIRL with some experience wants second work. Sell. 1222. - . LADY cares References. for children Tabor 7444. by the hour. EXPERIENCED laundress to take home. Marshall vis Ives laundry 3038. WOMAN wants washing, ironing and c leaping. Automatic 635-81. GOOD laundress wants washing and some cleaning. 32T-S3. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196 EXPERIENCED woman wants Phone Broadway 2256. day work EXPERIENCED woman wants Tuesday. Phone East 4256. DA A' WORK, CLEANING, Washing- Main tU t. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Marshall 3961. 30c per hour. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. WANTED Position in doctor's office by a refined young woman, capable in the reception room ana as an assistant 663. Oregoniam TELEPHONE BDWY. 6953 for competent office help of every description. Quick service. Williams Personnel, 504 Spald ing bldg. Stenographers. POOjCKeepers. INEXPERIENCED stenographer desires nncit nn. Have some nooK Keeping anu banking experience. Reasonable salary A 657. Oregonian GIRL living at home wishes general ornce work, shorthand and typewriting expe rience ; reference. Main 4214. OFFICE HELP of every description fur nished free to employers. Broadway 6053 Williams Sv. 504 Spalding. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants po sition ; would accept temporary; best references. Miss King. Tabor 103. EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist wishes position Bdwy. 2721. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING work guarantee Wood la w n 67 1 5 your home or mine; alterations a specialty. EXPERT ladies" dressmaking, fashionable, reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Wal- nut 306 EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day; erences. Tabor 3120. MRS. W. moved W. LYEXS of 149 13th st... has to 681 Hoyt. Main 6963. SEWING by skilled tailoress; to please. Tabor S219. guarantee DRESSMAKING, all ably. Main 2666. kinds, done reason- D R ESS MAKING by 55 E. 62d sL Tabt reliable - 3120. dressmaker. DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed. Woodlawn 4219. .Nurses. GRADUATE nurse gives cabinet bath. general massage a 30S broaiway niag.. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, hours 1 P. M. to 6 P. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Phone Broadway 3396, or Main 5177. PRIVATE MATERNITY HOME. MERRILL ROSEGRANT R. N. 718 EAST ASH ST. PHON E EAST 9976. Domestics. WOMAN cook wishes to make a change ; city reference. BF JS7'2, Oregonian. Housekeepers. A WIDOW, 36 years old, wants position as housekeeper in. widower's home or hotel; can speak French and have city refer- encea. B 653. Oregnnian. EXPERIENCED girl wishes housework, good plain cook; wages 345 or $50. Phone Bdwy. I ii.'2. CAPABLE lady wishes position as house keeper for a widower; references. P. O. box 302 , Portland , Or. WIDOW, 42, English, would like position as liousekeeper; Portland preferred. M 670. Oregonian. WAITED Light housekeeping by ai elderly woman, reasonable. Tabor 6912 House 1248 Yamhill t. MIDDLE-AGED lly would like house keeping. P. O. Box 271, Vancouver. Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. RELIABLE, clean,-neat, middle-aged lady wants to keep house for gentleman or two gentlemen: best references; expect same. Phone Tabor 89Q5. Houses-leaning. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed CITY HOUSE CLEANING SEHVICK. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. fiOUSECLEANING, floor waxing, window cleaning. P. Rowe, Broadway 1303. WANTED TO RENT. House. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. Wanted Large furnished or unfur nished modern residence in good neigh borhood suitable for a rest cure sani tarium A 665, Oregonian. WE HAVE many calls for nouses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 280 Stark St. . WANTED -Four or five-room furnished house, close in; state price. J. F. B., box 91, Oregon City. Or. WANT to lease 4 or 5-room bungalow furnished. No children, best of refer ence. 213 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5954. 0-ROOM modern bungalow near rcose City school. Tabor 9344. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington sx. A clean, respectable place to live; free phones in each room, automatic eleva tor, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant In conneqtloji, near Washington park. Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rates, day, week or month. HOTEL BEVERELT. COR. PARK AND YAMHILL STS. Newly renovated and furnished, mod ern, larjre. airv rooms: we cater to re spectabie people; transient $1 up; rates to permanent guests. 1 LARGE cor. suite with bath; beautifully furnished ; also single rooms with oi without bath, from $20 per month up. 166 ST. CLAIR. COR. WASHINGTON. Phone Broadway 3830. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH; QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY. $6 PER WK. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 12fi 13th ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up private bath, $8; fireproof and clean close to business center. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st., . at Washington; rates $5 per week and up, CI day ; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and chopping center. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A. with phone in each room. Bhower baths and club facilities. ROOMS. ROOMS. ROOMS. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 to 2L1H 4th Et. ; centrally located; fates 75c, $1, $1.50 per day; with bath, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Special rates g4 per wek and up. MATTHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up; clean, light; hot and cold water; steam heat; elevator service. 204 Columbia, WHY NOT. have a furn. apt. while in town 7 3 mod. room, private bath,- $12.50 per week. San Marco. E. 8th and Couch. East 1990. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rates by week or month. EMPRESS HOTEL, 6TH AND STARK. Nicely furnished rooms, moderate prices. Special weekly rates. Modern conveniences. Centrally located. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement. t82 Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate : $3.50 week up. Broadway 6831. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St., 2. blocks north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL BRISTOL. 16 12th St.. cor. Stark. Under new management: modern- pri vate baths ; phone ; reasonable rates ; $5 and up; hot and cold water, ?tenm heat. LARGE FURN. RM SUITABLE FOR 2 IN LARGE HOME, CLOSE IN. 243 11TH ST. CLEAN sleeping rooms. $1,50 per week and up. Free bath ; large lobby. 412 19th st. N. THE ST. PAUL. Fourth and Alder; A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL; $1 up. Rates by week or month. 60c DAY', $2.50 week up; large, aosolutely clean rms. ; baths free: water always hot. Hotel Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. MARLYN HOTEL. 17th and Couch; large, well fur modern rooms, reasonable rates. Cor. fshec NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Sts. Special permanent rates. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 11th St., near Mor rison Clean and modern rooms by day. week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at 10th $1 a day; weekly $o and up; free phone and baths; light and airy; steam heat. 3-ROOM apt., outside rooms. 560 Sixth st. Phone Main 1267. VERY desirable front room, suitable for 2. rent rt-asonable. 90 Hi 16th. U n f urn if. lied Rooms. ROOMS In private family. $25 per mo., including lights, telephone, water and gas for bath and washing. East 6277. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FOR RENT Very choice room fn private home, well furnished, all conveniences; references required. Call Marshall 4391, Monday. .' CLEAN sleeping rooms, 06 North 22d st. ; walking distance, 1 blk. trom Wash. Main 6036. . MODERN, newly fur. rooms; light, pleas ant;, blk. N. Mt. Scott car. 34th; rates reasonable. Tabor 2211. 1Q20 E. Madison. NICELY furnished room on Hawthorne C. S. pre- ave.; breakfast If desired; f erred . Tabor 3748. W'E LL fur., steam -heated room, close in. 307 11th St.. near Columbia. Apt. Marshall 481 NICE rooms, single or double, breakfast if wanted; on canines. UDSJ c. Morrison. Tabor 8715. Gentlemen preferred. WILL furnish front parlor to suit one or two gentlemen, bs Cornell et., at Wash ington. LARGE front room with big cloak closet- porch, eiecmcuy, pnone. near path, close in. Marshall 2176. COM FORTA BLE room in pleasant home, suitable for 1 or walking distance. Phone East 7570 NICE bedrooms by week or month, close in. 1B2 12th St. NOB Hill, reasonable, well-fur. rra, Walk- lng dist. 84 .. 21. Cor. Everett. NICELY furnished front room ; bath. L n f t ) u o . r 6 0 . Aia;n. ROOMS, Monday. furnished, piano. Tabor 5476. FOUR rooms. modern, garden. Phone 5330 y, near high school. Powell vail IRVINGTON elegantly furnished room. Bdwy. or Irvington car. East 40. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, walk ing dhtancje50j)E 257 12TIJ ST. Hot. cold running water room, walking distance, men only. CLE A N east front room, bath meals if desired; also garage. connected. East 8469. FOR RENT. Famished Rooms in 1'ri vat e Family. BY THE 15th of this month, one large front room with hot and cold water, in modern home; a beautiful place to spend the spring and summer: large lawn, shade trees and pretty view; rea sonable rent to desirable person . gen tlemen only; no information given over phone. Call 725 East Madison, one block north of Hawthorne between 20th and 21st. ROOM In well furnished, quiet home, all comforts, 20 minutes' walk to business district; breakfast and garage If desired. 442 Holladay ave. East 226. BRIGHT room, walking di.tance. west side, suitable for two. Call Sundays or evenings. 433 1 Montgomery st. Ma.n 3280. ONE very nice room, on tnird floor, in very nice home; modern In every respect; phone in house; gentleman only: rent very reasons ble. Call 725 East Madison . NICELY furnished, clean, large room, with dressing room, water, steam heat, cool side of house, in beautiful home; easy walking distance. 21'5 14th st. VERY att nlahed, rtes $3. 2721. -.cuve rooms, ceauiifully fur parlor, piano, home privileges: 50 up. 61 N. isth st. Broadway COZY front room for man' accustomed to nice things, quiet, modern place. Mar shall 1780. 362 Park, corner of Mill. Rooms Witli Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. CHESTER BERRY HOTEL, 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by day, week or motith. Men is served to transients. NORTOMA HOTHL, Portland s downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men ana women, We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. WHITEHALL HOTEL. 253 6th st. Portland' downtown hotel: excellent board and modern rooms; single and en suite; rates $45 month ana up. cater To transients. BOARD AND ROOM IN BEAUTIFUL TRVl.VGTON HOME. GOOD SER ICE BEAUTIFUL ROOM. FIRST-CLASS BOARD. AT 725 TILLAMOOK. EAST 5652. PARK VIEW HOTEL. West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. ROOMS with meals for men ana women In small boarding hous; rates reasonable, 779 Marshall. Main 4878. - ROOM and board for business girl; all modern conveniences; walking distance, $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girte. mnd. rate SU ltjyi st. Jiar. uji 452 MORRISON suitable for : corner 13th, gentlemen. large rooms, Kooms With Board in Private Family. YOU NEED not give up your position to regain health arid weight. This home of fers excellent home-made nourishing food, fine lawn and trees, close in. Bdwy. 4314 FRONT rocm with twin beds .suitable for two; one small room suitable for one: good hot water and shower bath; first class table board. 681 Glisan. W LIGHT, cheery rooms, twin beds, 1 sjeeplng porch, home Cooking, home priv ileges. 635 Kearney. Broadway 4633. GOOD front room, with board for one or two people; clean, light, homelike; use of phone and piano. 295 West Park. NEAR GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL. Excellent board and sleeping porch. Main 3842. R0OA1 and board for two who share same room ; home privileges; also garage. 531 E. 2toh S, Call Sell. S807. IRVINGTON Beautiful corner room, all modern conveniences, refined home, best home cooking: garage. East 6645. ROOM and board in private-home for 1 or 2 children with 2 weeks at coast, with mother's care. Automatic 641-11. LADY living alone would rent 1 or 2 rooms to desirable people. Reed College district. Sellwood 1009. ROOMS with or without board; one with sleeping porch; use of piano. Tabor 8135. 270 E. 2Sth. ROOS1 and board in attractive home across from MnitPOman uud. aiain ivy. ROOM and board. 2 gentlemen, private home. aTP Laqq ave. bnst zaaa. S-.LECT private boarding; enoice home district, nr. .uuunnni-n ciub. m am - iv. PRIVATE home, children, mother's care. ;0 years exp. i!4 Everett st. -Mar. 2162. 304 COLUMBIA ST., Main 2864. First-class oom aniiDoara. LARGE room; new furniture; with boaru. 2110 AInsworth avenue. IN VV I DO W'S home, lor 2 gentleman couple. Phone Marsuaii -lift. 1 LARGE front room with breakfast. bor 1463. lu rninhed A partmenis. TWO front room?. $25; room and kitchen ette, $20; single rooms. iu up. 655 Flanders -st. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2 room, modern, $40. Bdwy. 1245. THE ELMS. 2 and 3-room fur, apts., c'ose in. 191 14th st., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. HEREFORD HOTEL APTS. 1 and 2-room apts. and sleeping rooms, summer rates. 735 Hoyt. Main 3305. PENINSULA APTS.. concrete bldg.. 2-rra., $23; 3-rm.. private bath, $35. Albina and Killlngsworth. Woodlawn 2195. RX ARMS Furnished or unfurnished 3 room apt., very desirable. East 6680. 3-ROOM rurnished apt. with private bath, $27.50. 882 East Ash. SAN MARCO, E. fTH and COUCH 3-RM" MOD. APTS. WALKING DIST. E. 1990 SUNNY MONT APTS. Furnished apta. Tabor 1889. CARLOIS APTS., 2 ana 3-room modern furn. apt., reasonable. 14th and Market. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19th 3 and 4-rm. apts.; also 2-rm. base. Bdwy. 3658. GODFREY COURT, 500 Vancouver ave., mod em. 2 rooms: adults. East 84 1 TOURNY bldg., 2d and Taylor, furnished 1 and. 2-room apts.. $22 50 up. ALCO APTS.. E. Concn, Union ave.- gant 2-room. S3Q to -ROOM apartment, reasonable rent, walk ing distance. 328 Mill, near Broadway. 2 AND 3-ROOM apartments, walking dis tance. 706 Everett st. Marshall 371 H. BANNER apt., nicely furnished 2-roon apt. ; one nasemeni apt. 4Wit (.'lay st. BELKNAP APTS.. 187 17th room front apartment. 1 AND 2 ROOM front apts., spotlessly clean, close in, w. a. 474 Clay. Mar. 4194. UNION AVE. and Killlngsworth. fur. apt. GRANL OAK APTS. 2 and J-rm. strictly mod. Grand av.-E. Oak st. E. 3302. AUDITORIUM COURT Modern 2 ai room apts., opp. Auditorium. Mar. WESTMINSTER APTS. MAIN 5582. Nicely fur, cor, apts. with bath. OUTSIDE 2-room furnished apt., bato, Hanover Apts., Broadway 2008. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. VERY BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 4 ROOM MODERN CORNER APT.. 35 MONTH. INCLUDING ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES EQUIPPED FOR UP TO 5 PER SON S WE ARE MAKING VERY SPECIAL RATES TO PERMA NENT TENANTS. YOU CAN'T BEAT THESE APARTMENTS IN PORTLAND AT ANY PRICE THE COLUMBIAN. 11TH AND CO LUMBIA. WALKING DISTANCE FROM BUSINESS DISTRICT. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1S6 Vista Ave. High-class apartment house, near 23o and Washington, nicely furnished 8-room apartment with 2 disappearing beds and outside balcWiy; must be neen to be ap preciated: for $60 and up. Call lffchi IMI WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four-room, uew mahogany furniture, newly papered and painted, steam heat and telephone close in, walking dis tance; only 3 blocks off Washington st. Rent $60. Call Bdwy. 1243. THE WHEELDON ANlgUI Corner 10th and Salmon. Close In. convenient to library, churches, theaters and shopping district. permanent or transient, by day. week, month. Being thoroughly renovated, under new owner ship. Main 6141. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bldg.; electrltf ele vator, bardwood floors, walking distance. Main 9466. $85 COMFORT DEC LUXE $35. This apt., large living room, small kltehen. good bath, fireplace, largs dav enport and overstuffed chairs, Vlctrols, light and all the heat you want in cluded. Main 3816. THE BENSON. Att. 8-room furnished modern spt.. Nob Hill district, easy walking distance. 20th and Kearney. Phone Bdwy. 4448. Z WASHINGTON H IOH APTS. Modern brick apartment house. S-rnom, furnished with private bath; all larp outside rooms; walking distance. 575 E. Stark, corner 14th. Esst 886. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, light, heat, hot and cold water and gas fumUvhed; facing on Hawthorns ave. Call 1012 Hawthorne, apartment A. Phone Tabor 4224. ALTAMONT APARTMENTS. 304 COLLEGE. 4 rooms with private bath, nicely fur nished. $47.50. Main OT5. THE ORDER LEIGH. 82 Grand ave.. new management, well furnished, modern apartments, renovated, private baths; reasonable. 1ST-CLASS basement apt., in brick build ing; nice and airy; light and phone, furnished, $30 per month. 448 11th street. DRICKSTON APTS. 448 11TH SL Nice, clean, modern 2 - room apartments. Fhon". Janitor service; $80 to $45. WI LL rent entire lower floor of my mod ern close-In east side home ; also one or two sleeping rooms second floor. 765 East Flanders street. HAN THORN APARTMENTS. 251 TWELFTH 8T. Newly tinted 3-room furnished apart ment. 2 beds, balrony. Very close In . JUST OPEN New furnished and unfur nished apartments; choice place for re fined people; reasonable rates Phone East 8416. OR 3 VERY clean well-furnished house keeping apartments; newly ppred and painted; electric lights, bath and phnne; walking distance. 605 g. Oak, cor. 15th. CLARK APTS. 2-room furnished brick apartment; light, heat and phone; 28 per month. olo Pettygrove. Broadway NEW YORK APTS. Two-room furn. apt., $27. $0, Including lights, heat, hot and cold water. K. 7th and Belmont sts. PARK HURST APARTMENTS Three -room apt., balcony, rrencn aoora, reasonable Rrtwv. 1 1 Tit. CINCINNATI COURT. 401 10th. 2 roorfts and sleeping porcn, newly renovated, reasonable. Main 2480. FRONT 3 and 3-room apt , light, clean, modern. Arllne apts., 220 North 17th Bdwy. 1812. DI EL ants., 7U0 E. Ankeny; modern. comD fur., 3-room apt. ; warm, light, clean; Bast love or gasi tutn. ALICE COURT Mod. 3 large rooms. 3 beds, fireplace, priv. oatn. tel.. Included $50. Cor. E. Sth-Burnelde. East 3568 MORTON APARTMENTS. 3-rcom furnished apt., aleo basement apt. (WT Washington st. Bdwy. lQQa. THOMPSON APARTMENTS For rent one 2-room ana one o-room rurnisned mod ern apartment. Wdln. 2296. NEW APT. bldg., opened 3 mos. ; every thing new ana ciean ; corner apts. $35 and $37.50. Phone East 1507. 415 E. 10th. ALTONIA APTS., lWth and Marshall sts., 2. and i-rra. apis., large, light, airy, u n furnished or furnished. 13d wy. 1413. KINO ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th at Montgomery. Main 859. FOUR rooms, modern, gj-ound floor, weat side, walking distance. 454 11th at.. apartment D. PENROSE APTS., Grand ave at Bilmont. 2 or 3-room apts., finished tn whit enamel. EaM 454H. JACKSON APTS.. 51H Union ave.. North. f urn. d-room apts., steam neat, not and cold water, $30 to $40 per month. THE STANF1ELD. Modern 2-room apt., light, heat, phone, laundry facilities. 122.50. Main 7802. MEREDITH I ing distance, Washington. well roora modern ; wslk warm and clean. 22d and Bdwy. 6184. LEON'CE APTS., 186 N. 22I ST. 8-room furnished apt., with private bath. Marshall 2250. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12th. light, beautifully furnished 2-room ment. large, ipart- . 3 AND 4-ROOM apartments; heat, light, water and bath; $22 to $45 a month. 1062 Union ave. Sellwood 129fl. NEWLY renovated apartments In Is, 2s and 3s. reasonable ; rent $2 a week up. 28Q1 Grand ave., cor. Hawthorne. JUST opened, 2-room apts., heat, light, phone. $22.50 to $25. Come early. 613 Upshur. Bdwy. 1871. AVALON APTS. For rent, 1 single house keeping room; free light, gas, bath and phone. Eat 1966. $32 AND $3ti by mnnth or weerf for 2-room modern furnished apartments. Warren ton Apartments. 402 Third sL IDAHO APARTMENT Nice spts. bachelors. Phone Main 9529, or 6th St. for 889 FOR RENT 2 and 4-room furnished apt., everything furnished except cooking aa. East 8826 after 1 P. M. HIGHLAND COURT. MARSHALL 3181 Furnished 4-mom Apartment. ONE 3-ROOM apartment at The Marshall Phone Hdwy. 8851. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apts., Harrison Court. 304 5th sC FRONT rooms piano, adults. 727 Mllwaukle st. Phrne Sell. 1719. WELLINGTON COURT, rooms, furnished, $25. Bd wy. 3-ROOM apt., nicely furnished, very rea son a I)LiNi ROSEl-YN apartments. 110 N. 21st. room, modern apartments reasonable. NICEEY furnished 2 and 8-rpom apta.. 614 4th st., very reasonable. ELBRIIXiE apts.. 274 N. 21st; 2-room apt. Reasonable. Broadway 4730. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment. Nob HU1 district. Bdwy. 2217. FOR RENT rttnils4-s4 AysrtswsU. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Just the thing for summer, one of tn most homey, artistic apartments In ths city. Beautifully furnished. 4 room apartment. IMMACULATE IN OLD IVORY; built-ln; steam best: lantter service, telephone. THE MKDA AVTM,, 877 Vancouver ave., JUST A FEW HI.KS. ACROSS THE BDWY. BRIDGE, whers you csn enjoy ths airy brsess. Adults only. ALAMO APTH. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Attractive furnished and unfurnlahed 1 -room lovsly homey apt ; up. ' clean, newly tinted, private bath. dU-sppt-arlng beds, rent $87 50 to $42 5 494 Market. VOI.HEIM APTR. 85 Kst A Msr One 4 room corner apt., fireplace. Ivory wood work, mahogsny and wicker furn it ur-. Wilton velvet ruga, elect r it- rang, um of electric washer and mangle, also ne -room corner apt., very choice. Bast 7541 or Brosdwsy 5488. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' wslk to Meier Frsnk'a store, good aurroundlnca. strictly mod em 3 and 8 room furnished apts. out side and French doors and balcony: per man nt and trsnslrnt. ORMANDB. WILL SXR-LET . For 8 months, starting June I, : e- -apt. with sleeping porch: all outalda rooms, mahogany and overstuffed furnf ture. piano and vlctrols, west side, walk Ing dlManc- Hmarleay 1172. BBACTIFUL S-HOOM FRONT APT Private bath, nice Axmlniater ruf . everything thoroughly renovated: aum mer rates. GRANDEST A APARTMENTS. W Grand Ave, corner Stark Tl! E I KZ KNIV 11 F A I'T.i,, 20S :th. Mar 128 Completely furn. 4 and 5-room apts : all outside rooms; no objection to chll dren. JAEGER APTR. 701 Washington, one - room furnished apt. DOUGLAS COURT has 2-room furnished apt., hardwood floors, atnctly modern Call Marshall 423 or Main 2720. 436 West Park WELL furnished 2 -room spartment. rln ss can be mad, flrepla.e. .ltcnntte done tn white; heat, light. as included. IMIwood lOftw LAM BROOK A PTR. 430 K. YAMHILL 8T. For rent, reasonable, furnished 3-room apt a Call Beat 403. BUBNA VISTA APTS 434 HARRISON. MAIN 10A3 3 and 3- room modern spt a ; also 3 room, unf urntahed. JUNE, July and August, 4 room, orients' ruga, tnahorsny furniture, hlrh -class spt. houie. walking dlitascs, f 116 per month. Main 4091. STANTON APTS. 203 STANTON ST. Low rent, clesn II. K. rooms; and 8s. Children wdrnmc. Is. 3a 8 OUTSIDE front room spartmenta, best, light, water, phone, linen, bedding- clssa, reasonable. Earn A7 45 2-ROOM basement apartment. 25. Hose lyn Apartments, 110 N. 31st St. Til RKK rooms and kitchen, light, phone free. 573 3d st. 1 nfurnlehed Apartment. EXCEPTIONALLY choice PORTLAND HEIGHTS apsrtment. light, airy, fiva rooms and screened sunporch, fireplace, hardwood floors, modern t h much out . beautiful Tlew, close in, near '. . oar line; must be seen to bs fully aopreri ated; occupancy June 1. 629 Clifton at. Phone Main 1 839 or Marshall 86. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NKW MANAGEMENT. Five rooma, beautifully decorated and enameled, steam-heated and telephone; only 8 blocks from Washington sU. real $50. Brosdwsy 1245. THE BER VI Lovejoy. near Slat Vary large 8-room unfurnished apartment. 2 beda; cood location. Morrison or ?4 at. CHrlines. JAEGER APTS, T01 Waah st One 4 and one 8-room. unfurnished apt. JUST OPEN New furnished and unfur nlshed apartments; choice plsce for re fined people; ressonabls rates. Phone East 8116. MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND UP. FIREPROOF 15 DAYH' 8TORAUK FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. IIDWT. 2445. RUNT 4 -room apart mi nt. hardwood floors, electric range, rent $70; furniture for sale at a bargain. Imperial Arms Apts., 14th and Clay. WASSBLL 5-room spt $45; basement 4-room apartment. $28; steam heat, gsa range; cloae in. 555 E. Yamhill. East 8252. IONIAN COURT. 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt., 1 blk off Washington at. Adults. Itdwy. 2761. CINCINNATI COURT. 4-room unfurn. apt. and bath. 401 10th at.; reasonable. Main 24 HO. PEAL'TI Fl'l. Gordon Court Apta 580 Montgomery ; large, cool, airy family a pari ment. porches, yard and flowers. THE MARYBOROUGH. Nice, large 5-room unfurnished apart ment. Main 7518. 5-ROOM front apt., balcony, porch, hard' wood floors. Irving Apta., 21st and Irving. Main 9239. 8-ROOM. very neat, modern unfurnished apartment, $32. no children. Waverly Court. East 26th and Cilnton ata. WICK ERSH AM APTS. Sis room modern excellent service, located 18th and Fiea ders, weat side. Phone Hdwy. 2201. THE WE1ST. 69 North 23d. Finest M-rootn apt. In el t y . KINO ALIiERT APARTMENTS 2 snd 8 rooms, elt-vwtor, tile bst h. 11th st Montgomery. Main 859 THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 8 room apartni'-nta. Hdw . 3860. THE ORMONDE rive-r..om unfurnished apart rn nt , : r lungers. Hdwy. 8678. ALTER apts.. 6 rooms, sip. poicU. modern 21at-OvTton. Bdwy. 1990, Bdwy. &a8. BRYN MAWR-IM E. 15th. 4 -rooinapt sleeping porch. 14.'. East 2154. MORDAl'NT 586 Everett. Large 4-room. mod., homelike ; children ; Ins pert t h is 1 uiiiiolli il or t iiflif iil-li'-.l -iiHrtntenf. FURNISHED or unfurnished 1. 2 or $ room apartments, summer ratea. with free parkins apsce for suto, also ft race for rent. Apply at 1117 K. Market b etween 9 and 5 daily. ETNA APARTMENTS 8 rooms, dreaalnv room and hath, bdw floors, white enanvi woodwork; fre electric washer and mangle. Eaer 878; THH UPSHUR APART 2, 8 and 4-room, unfurr nished; all new furnishings Main 5497. ,d painting. THE VICTORIAN 4 rooma, furnished or unfurnished, bath, close in; vary reason able. 428 C lumhls. nesr 11th. Mar 77. WICKERSHAM Apts. 3-room. furnished or unfurnished; without kitchenette; fine for 2 mm or for cnuple Hdwy. 2201. Flats. FOR RKNT- New. modern. 4-room unfur niahed flat, atlppled hardwood floora. lateat lighting effecta. private attic for storing. Two sdults, only $35. See owner. 747 Kt Hums I de st. 6tt EAST MADISON street, fins 5-room modern flat, new linoleum In kitchen; rent only $40. Walking distance. Don ald Woodward, 104 Second st. Broad way T4M VACANT June 1 4 rooms and bath, hard wood floors, bunt in convrntencee, elec tric atovc. gas fireplace . adults only Call .3." ' Btartt. LOWER illil'iHTS. walking distance , lovely fl-room flat; newly renoYated; city vlaw; lease 930 month; adults only. BIS Chamber of Commerce bid. NOB HllA, --room upper, modern, unfur nlahed flat 7s4 GMasn at, bet. 23d snd 24th sts. Marshall 241. UNFURNISHED fla with bath, heat monk. . for rent, three rooms nd water. 21HI Tllla- 610 EAST MAM HON St.. mode.n 5 room upper flat, ffti stove, heator. linoleum . rrnt $45. Key t 0. . 6 KOOMS and bath, upper flat, (a" nd electricity , walking distance 035 E Stark. 5-ROOM flat, SS5. walking dlatance. n: " view, good order, rtrfpiscs, rurnmr. .isw 16th St.. south of Montgomery. $45 NICE, clesn -ro 23d sna jonnson; Korell. 207 Rsllwa FOR RENT 4-room month, water paid. , lft par st R I 224 4 ROOMS, bt gust ;.'. 8 LIGHT, clean rooma, flA. 3,"4 Ivy. nesr Union ave. CENTRA!-, lower, light, I If an 4 rms , yard porches; adults, reasonsMe. r'J2 Salmon I LOWER flat, newly decorated. $40 701 Mjyarei t KurnUh. rl KUU. 4-ROOM upper flat for rent by May 2 With garage, f $0 a month Hell S147 7S7 K. 2tA 3. 4-RM ' a month rlth Mght, water and gas. Call Wdln 657. 135 S ROOMS with sleeping porch, close In Cell Sellwood 2004. 6 ROOM upper flat, furniture f.ir gala. 45' 830 18th. Main jggg FIVE and three jyaraye. Inqulr 8 ROOM Upper fl Johns car. Wi 8-ROOM flat, modern; adulta oniy 504 East 22d M. J-ROOM Xurais&ed f.at. Inquire 103 JL it.