THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAT 11, 1922 PORTLAND DEFEATS 2T0 1 Sam Ross Returned Victor in Mound Duel. COX GETS CIRCUIT CLOUT Boa or Outfielder Cracks First Ball Pitched in First Inning for Home Run. Pacific Coast league Standings. W. Pct.j W. L. Pet Vernon 18 12 .OOoWttie. . . IS IS .471 San Fran.. 21 14 .600!Oa.klanu. .. 17 20 .4o9 Salt iJike.. IS 12 .571Sacrto la 21 .417 Lo Anrs. 18 18 .OOOlPortland. . 12 18 .400 Yesterday's Results. At Oakland 1. Portland 2. At Sacramento 1. Los Angeles s. At Salt Lake 8, San Francisco 7. At Los Angeles, Vernon 0. Seattle 1. OAKLAND, Cal, May 10. The Portland Beavers took a mound duel from Oakland today, 2 to 1. Jim Thorpe, who has been out of the game with a sore arm. grot into the lineup in right field for the Beavers, grot a hit and made one error. Cox, first up for Portland in the first inning, cracked the first ball pitched for a home run. The other tally of the winners came in the fifth on a single, sacrifice and error, Brubaker's throw from short to right field, core: Portland I Oakland B R H O A! B R H Cox.m.. 4 1 1 OBrown.1. 4 0 1 M'C'n.s 4 0 O 4 SlWIlie.r. . 4 10 H'gh.l 4 0 12 OlCoop'r.m 4 0 0 Hale.3. 4 0 2 1 HCath'r.3 4 O 1 Thorpe,r 3 O 1 1 O L'Fay'e.l 4 O 1 Poole.l. 4 1 1 B 5!Bruba'r.s 2 O t Elliott. c 2 O 0 5 OiKoeh'r.c 2 O 0 Sarg't.2 3 O 0 4 2IKerns,2. 2 0 0 Ross p.. 3 0 0 1 MKrause.p 3 0 0 Totals.31 2 6 27 151 Totals. 28 1 4 2 1 :; o s l 3 2 3 3 0 2 Portland 1 0 O u 1 u o u u f Hit" 3 O011O0O 1 6 Oakland -... .O O 0 0 0 1 O ) 0 1 lilts 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 Errors, McCann, Thorpe. Sargent. Ross, rather, Brubaker. Runs responsible fpr, Krause 1. Struck out. by Ross 4. Krause 3. Bases on balls, o'.'f Ross 3. Krause 1. Home run. Cox. Sacrifice hit. Elliott. Umpires, Eason and Toman. Tima. 1:45. SACS DROP TO BASEMENT Angels Win Second Straight Game by Score of 5 to 1. SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 10. Dum nvich was master from the. mound at Moreing field) today. Dick Nie haust left-hander, who opposed him lor the locals, was found! for bunched hits ami resultant runs in the fifth and final periods. Backing their south paw with bits of fielding that scintil lated throughout the combat. Red Killefer's bevy of Angels therefore made it two straight for the series and took Colonel Picks' senatorial hospital corps down the line to the basement by a count of 5 to 1. The score : Los Angeles B R H O A Mr-V ni 1 1 0 Sacrame nto Srhang.3 4 112 1 Pearce.s. 3 0 2 4 4 I'arrnll.l 4 13 2 0 Deal. 3 . 5 0 2 0 6 Daley. c. 5 0 12 3 lirlKizs 1 3 0 19 0 Pick. 2... 4 0 0 2 2 Rvan.r.. . 4 0 2 2 1 jShee'n.l. 4 0 13 0 M'witl.l. 3 0 012 2 McN'y.m S 0 0 2 0 Cook.c.. 3 0 0 0 2 Hul'Vn.r 3 0 0 O 0 l,'m're.2 4 113 2 M Ca's.s 2 0 15 3 D'vieh.p 4 2 1 0 S Nieh's.p. 3 0 0 0 5 Totals 35 5 11 27 171 Totals.31 1 6 27 17 Los Angeles. ... a 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 2 5 Hits 1 1O0411O 3 11 Sacramento.... 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 1 Hits 21010101 0 6 Errors, McCauley, Schang. Runs respon sible for, N'iehaus 3. Struck out, Dumo vlch 1. Bases on balls. Xiehaus 4. Hit by pitched ball. Pearce. Griggs. Stolen base. Carroll. Three-base hits. Griggs, Lindimore. Pearce. Two-base hits. Mc CRbe, Carroll. Runs batted in. McCauley. Carroll. Deal. Double play, Schang to Pick to Molrwltz. Time. 1:30. Umpires, Finney and Eason. SEATTLE SHCTS OUT VERNON Score 1 lo 0 in First tianie of Se ries at Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES. May 10. Seattle shut out Vernon in the first game of the series here today, winfling 1 to 0. Both Jacobs for the Indians and Doyle for the Tigers pitched good ball and. except when Seattle scored, kept hits weil scattered. The only run of the game came in the eighth when Lane singled and was brought home on a double to the scoreboard. Score: Seattle 1 Vernon J) R H O A 1! R H O A Lane.l... 3 1 2 4 0 C'dbne.m 4 0 2 2 0 Barn v.r 2 0 u 2 OiHigh.l... 3 0 3 2 0 Cueto.3.. 4 0 0 0 HHawks.r 4 0 110 KId'tl.m 4 0 14 OIHyatt.l... 4 0 111 0 RM'py.13 0 t ! OISmith.3. 4 0 1 0 S S A'ms.2 .1 0 1 3 1 Snwv'r.2 4 0 1 5 2 St'mpf.s 4 0 0 2 3:Fr'nch.s 4 0 0 3 5 Tobin.c 4 0 2 3 1 Hann'h.c 3 o 0 3 2 Jacobs.p 4 0 0 0 2 Doyle.p.. 3 0 1 0 1 Totals 31 1 7 27 8i Totals 33 0 7 27 1.1 Seattle .......O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Hits .......1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 7 Vernon ........... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 7 Errors. Cueto. Sawyer. French. Three base hit. Hawks. Two-base hits. Eldred. Tobin. Batted In run. Eldred. Stolen base. Sawyer. Sacrifices. Barney. High. S. Ad ams. Struck out, Doyle 1. Jacobs 2. Bases on balls, Dovle 3. Runs responsible for, Doyle 1. Double plays. R. Murphy (un assisted). French to Sawyer to Hyatt. Um pires. McGrew and Reardon. Time of game, 1 hour 35 minutes. Sl I LAKE DEFEATS SEALS Belated Opening: Game of Series Is Won by Score of 8 to 7. SALT LAKE CITY. May 10. Salt Lake won the belated opening game of the series from San Francisco this afternoon. 8 to 7. A home run by Pitcher Thurston in the eighth inning Basebail Summary- National League Standings. v. L. Pct.l W. L. Pet. N-w fork. .18 4 siSiltrooklyn... . 10 1 1 .476 Chicago ...12 9.571 Phila 8 11.421 St l.ouis ..12 10 .54filClnctBti 8 17.320 Pittsburg . .12 10 .545 Boston 6 14 .300 .-ricaii league Standings. "Tew rorK.17 K tiSOlPhila 1112.478 Louis. .16 9 .640 Boston 9 12 .429 Cleveland . 12 12 -5oo Detroit ....10 14.437 vnicago. .. . 11 12 .478' Wash 9 18 .360 American Aociation. Minneapolis 11, Columbus 5. S; Paul 4. Toledo 0. Milwaukee 7. Indianapolis 6. Kansas City 3. Louisville 7. Western I i- Des Moines 4. Oklahoma City 1. Denver 11. Tulsa 7. Sioux City 2. Wichita 4. How the Series Stand. At Oakland 1 game. Portland 3 game: at Sacramento no games, Los Angeles 2 games: at Salt Lake 1 game, San Fran cisco no games: at Vernon no games. Se attle I game. W here the Teams Play Next Week. Portland at Sacramento: Seattle at Salt Lake' Vernon at San Francisco; Oakland at Los Angeles. lteaer ltatting Averages. AB H Ave ! Walberg . 6 3 .500 Sargent . . Ross .. 7 3 -429 Suth'land Hale ... 77 29 .376 El'iott .. Ken thv .. 33 12 .364. Gressett . High . 106 36 .330 McCann King 12 4 SS8 Wolfer. . . AB. H. Pet. 97 22 . 226 . 18 4.222 . 106 22 . 207 . . $5 6 .371 .130 IS .363 . 4 7.3 52 13 2.153 . 20 3.350 , . 6 0 0O0 116 36.310 l.everell Thorp' Cox . . . !! 30 .3t3 HudKtrn ..10831 2s" i'Ueman. .. 15 4.2661 Crumpler I broke the second tie the Seals had established. In addition to Thurston, j Agnew, Schick and Lewis Tut homers, i The score: San Francisco B R H Salt Lak Al B O'Schick.m 5 OlVitt.S... 5 3iSiglln,2. . 4 l:L,ewi,l. .. 3 OlWilh'it.r 3 OiSand.s... 3 8tC'rtwr't.l 3 3:Lazz'ri,l 0 oiByler.c. 3 OIGouldVp.. 2 2Th'afn.p 1 lij'nk's," 1 01 R H O A 13 3 1 0 O 3 2 112 3 2 2 3 0 1110 12 14 O 0 7 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 5 3 110 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 ee.r. ... 5 elly.l. . 5 1 s i!duff.3 4 Cilison.l 3 Mlller.l. 1 D'Cn'lm 3 rthyne.s. 3 ,Va!sh,2. 4 Agnew, c. 3 M'Qu'd.p 0 Alten.p.. 2 Cou'be.p 1 Fitzg'd,' 1 Totals 35 7 12 24 13, Totals 33 8 11 27 14 Batted for Aiten in 7th, doubled. Batted for Cartwright in 7th. struck out. San. Francisco 0 3000031 0 7 Hits 2 3 1 000 4 1 1 12 Salt Lake 3 01OO301 X 8 Hits 2 21 10221 x 11 Errors, Schick. Sand. Home runs, Lewis. Schick, Thurston. Agnew. Two-base hits. Agnew. Fitzgerald. Kelly, Walsh. Wllhoit, Sand (2). Sacrifice bits, Wilhoit. Byler. Stolen base, Keily. Struok out, by Gould 2; Thurston 2, Aiten 2. Coumbe 1. Bases on balls, off Gould 2. Thurston 2, McQuaid 2. Aiten 1. Coumbe 1- Innings pitched. Gould 7. McQuaid 2-3, Aiten 5 1-3. Runs respons ible for. Gould 6. Thurston 1, McQuaid 3, Aiten 4. Coumbe 1. Ihjuble plays. Sand to Siglin to Cartwright: Slglin to Sand to Cartwright. Charge defeat to Coumbe. Credit victory to Thurston. Time 2:08. Umpires, Casey and Byron. Duffy Lewis in Old Place as Leading Batsman. Kelly, Ellis and O'Connell Are Second. Third and Fourth. DUFFY LEWIS oi Salt Lake is back in his old place as leading batter among the Coast league reg ulars. In 20 games he was hitting .474 in averages up to date, including games of last Sunday. Three San Francisco Seals, H. Kelly, Ellison and O'Connell all are hitting more than .400. which shows why the Seals are up in the The aver ages follow: Batsman Club. Ross. Portland. . . Read, Oakland. . . Lewis, Salt Lake Kelly, San Fran. Ellison. San Fran. O'Connell, S. F. . Mack, Seattle ... Krause. Oakland. Dumovich, L. An. Schorr. Seattle . . Winn, Oakland . . Strand, Salt Lake Smith. Vernon . . Baldwin. L. Aug. G. AB. 4 5 4 20 57 15 40 34 las 34 126 7 7 8 17 8 17 lO 15 6 5 27 118 27 98 10 31 8 13 7 IS 13 : I 1 1 :' 20 92 34 132 8 33 21 69 27 103 28 99 22 89 31" 109 24 7:1 25 74 28 105 7 12 6 9 5 9 5 15 5 12 23 113 20 61 33 J 23 23 83 3 4 34 9 31 34 143 27 106 3.'! 130 32 131 24 93 27 111 33 135 26 96 28 110 23 57 33 113 31 123 23 82 20 06 24 141 29 103 33 135 12 45 19 66 1S 59 17 115 8 7 29 105 28 300 IS 68 30 3 05 29 3 20 22 84 37 52 34 US 6 15 7 15 28 3 06 21 69 14 54 20 66 17 62 11 113 29 'it:; 27 104 14 16 9 16 5 16 6 8 20 73 34 13 1 33 309 33 119 8 17 27 3 05 31 120 28 100 14 29 10 22 35 40 33 134 6 9 .0 135 26 ":: 23 80 8 19 25 96 8 20 7 20 :. io. P.. H. HR. SB. Pet. 1 3 0 1 .750 2 2 0 0 . 500 13 27 0 0 .474 9 18 0 3 .450 25 59 6 5 .437 27 55 2 11 .487 0 3 0 0 .429 2 7 0 0 .412 2 7 0 0 .412 3 6 O 0 .400 0 2 0 0 .400 26 47 1 4 .398 16 38 3 6 .388 6 12 0 0 .387 3 5 0 0 .385 4 5 0 0 .385 2 5 0 0 .379 17 45 0 8 .378 6 34 0 0 .169 37 48 5 9 .364 5 12 1 2 .394 7 25 0 2 . 362 25 37 1 1 .359 18 35 5 4 .353 12 31 0 0 .348 9 35 0 2 .343 5 25 0 4 .342 12 25 1 2 .S3. 21 35 1 2 .333 2 4 0 0 .333 13 10 .333 2 3 0 .333 1 5 0 0 .333 1 4 0 0 .333 24 37 1 0 .327 3 2 20 3 1 .327 15 39 1 1 .325 10 27 0 3 .325 7 11 0 4 .323 5 10 1 0 .323 22 46 1 5 .322 17 34 1 0 .321 23 43 0 3 .318 12 41 O 2 .313 36 29 0 10 .312 26 34 0 3 .300 10 41 1 3 .304 9 29 2 6 .302 16 33 2 2 .300 9 17 2 1 .298 22 33 0 4 .292 20 36 2 5 .292 16 24 5 7 .292 3 2 19 1 1 .292 26 41 3 9 . 291 36 30 3 7 .291 18 29 3 8 .289 4 13 0 0 .289 11 19 4 0 .288 9 17 0 0 .2SS 25 33 6 5 .287 0 2 0 0 .286 16 30 1 1 .285 17 28 0 4 .280 4 19 0 0 .279 10 29 1 3 .276 3S 33 2 5 .275 14 23 2 2 .273 8 34 0 1 .269 25 37 1 ! .268 0 4 0 0 .267 0 4 0 0 .267 23 28 1 8 .264 5 9 0 0 .264 5 18 0 3 .2C1 6 34 0 3 .259 8 17 0 0 .258 4 16 0 3 .258 9 29 0 3 .257 20 26 1 3 .252 14 36 0 0 .250 2 4 0 0 .250 1 4 0 0 .259 1 4 0 0 .250 2 2 0 0 250 11 38 2 n .247 17 33 0 4 .246 5 26 0 1 .239 19 28 2 1 .235 1 4 0 0 .235 15 25 2 3 234 13 28 0 2 .23:1 13 23 0 2 .236 4 5 0 1 .230 1 5 0 0 .227 3 9 0 0 .225 32 30 1 7 .224 3 2 0 0 .222 37 3 7 O 1 .221 11 25 0 4 .217 3 5 10 .217 11 20 1 1 215 7 37 0 1 .212 3 4 0 0 .211 16 20 1 1 .20S 2 4 0 0 .200 1 4 0 0 .200 0 2 0 0 .200 Jones. Oakland Henke, Seattle . . Shea. Sacramento Mollwltz, Sacra . . Daly, Los Ang. . . Kamm. San Fran. Kenworthy. Port.. Hale. Portland . . . Valla. San Fran.. C. High. Portland. Deal, Los Ang. . . Compton. Sacra.... Catner, Oakland.. Sullivan, L. Ang... Ryan, Sacramento King, Portland... Gardner, Seattle.. Anfinson. S. Lake James. Vernon . . . Penner. Sacra.... High, v ernon . . . Schneider. Vernon Grlgga Los Ang. . Wilhoit. S. Lake. . McNeely. Sacra. . . Arlett. Oakland.. See. San Fran. . . . Siglln. Sale Lake. Carrol. Los Ang. . Rhyne. &. Fran.. Kopo, Sacramento Vitt, Salt Lake. . . Eldred, Seattle... Thorpe, Port Poole. Portland... Barney. Seattle. . . Cueot. Seattle . . . feheehan. Sacra Pick. Sacramento. Cartwright. S. L.. Brown, Oakland.. French. Vernon . . Murphy. Seattle.. Knight. Oakland. Venew. San r-ran. Tobln. Seattle Schick. Sale Lake Dailey. Seattle. . . Sawyer. Vernon. . . Cox. Portland . . . Howard. Oakland. McCabe, Los Ang. Chadbourne. Vern Marriott. Oakland Walsh. San Fran. Cooper. Oakland... Aiten. San h ran . . Grumpier. Port. . . Schang. sacra. . . . P. Murphy. Vern. Jenkins. S. Lake. S. Adams. Seattle Yelle, San Fran. . Pearce. Sacra Lafayette. Oak Hvatt. Vernon.... Connoly, Seattle. . Fitzgerald, s. -. t'oumbe, S- F Sutherland. Port.. McQuaide. S. F Schulte. Seattle.. Brubaker, Oak... Kohler. Oakland.. Wilie, Oakland. . . Mitchell. S. Fran. Sand. Salt Lake. . McAuley, Los Ang Twombley, L. A. . Gressett. Port Kunz, Sacra Spencer. Seattle. . Lane. Seattle.... Faeth. Vernon . . . Kilduff. S. Fran.. Orr. Sacramento. J. Adams. Seattle. Stumpf. Seattle. . Stanage. Sacra.. . Kremer. Oakland Lindimore. L. A. . Scott. San Fran. . Gregg. Seattle. . . Bren ton. Oakland OH MR. MtCK-LESERRr 1 UJ&tJ'T YoO 5HARPEM f Mr Ot-V LEADV PErJCTlu Iron Mt t -- u 1 LAlir t-tieeoi- njev tot v . . I CUD AUMTV A WTft OL5 DrftfT J MM VH 5 I 5UfA LIKS. A UTTLE CTOlMf; oro- IM A MICE KlD ,W-T " WHITE SOX REVERSE LUCK OF YANKEES Chicago Takes Eleven-Inning Contest, 2 to 1. ROBERTSON BEST HURLER Mays Loses Out in Pitching Duel to Hero of Perfect Game. Miscues Are Costly. NEW YORK, May 10. Chicago broke New York's winning streak to day, taking a tight 11-inning pitching duel, 2 to 1, in which Robertson, hero of a recent perfect game, had the bet ter of Mays. New York's misplays let Johnson score the winning run in the 11th inning. Score: Chicago New York B R H O A ts B il u Al John'n,s it Strunk.t 5 4 lWitt.r... 0 1 10 0;Fewst'r.I 0 15 3 Skinner Olio Raker3. . 0 4 0 Collms.2 o o Hooper.r 4 0 Falk.l.. 4 0 Mostil.m 3 0 McCTn.3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 OMcNliy' 0 0 0 3 0 Miller. m 112 2 2,Plpp.l . . 4 0 0 14 Schalk.c 4 2 'Card. -. . 0 1 Scott, a.. 3 0 2 3 3 0 2 3 3 0 0 3 10 0 1 4 0 0 2 Rb't'n.p 3 0 ID v m r,c 3 iSchang.c 1 IMays.p.. 4 33 9i Totals. 38 Totals. 35 2 7 33 16 Batted for Fewster In eleventh. Ran for Baker in eleventn. Chicago 0 01000O000 1 2 New York 0 000001000 0 1 Errors. Johnson, Witt. Pipp. Two-base hit, McCIellan. Sacrifices, Robertson. Schalk. Scott. Double plays. Plpp un assisted. Ward to Scott to Pipp, Mays to Pipp. Bases on bails. Mays 2. Robertson 1. Struck out, Mays 3, Robertson 2. Um pires, Nallin and Moriarity. Time, 1:50. DETROIT BEATS BOSTOX, 10-9 Doubles in Ninth by Bassler and Blue Clinch Game. BOSTON, May 10. Doubles in the ninth by Bassler and Blue scored what proved to be Detroit's winning run today against Boston. Detroit won, 10 to 9. Score: Detroit ! Boston BRHOAI BRHOA Blus 1 . . 6 1 2 11 OILieb'd.m 5 2 2 5 0 Jones.3. 4 12 0 OHarris.l. 3 10 0 0 Cobb.m 4 O 0 4 1 Dugan.s. 6 13 3 1 Veach.i. 4 1 2 5 0 Pratt. 2.. 5 14 0 3 Heil'n.r 4 110 0 Smith.r. 5 2 0 4 0 Clark.2. 3 2 0 1 3Burns.l. 4 118 1 Rngn'y.s 1 2 0 0 0 Foster.3 5 0 1 0 4 Bassr.c 4 13 6 1 Walt's.c 3 0 15 3 Pille'e.p 10 10 2IChapIin.c 10 0 10 Dauss.p 2 110 3IPenn'k.p 0 0 0 0 1 IKarr.p.. 4 12 0 1 IQuinn.p. 10 0 10 IMenosky 1 0 0 0 0 Totals.33 30 32 27 161 Totals. 43 9 14 27 14 Batted for Walters In seventh. Detroit 0 4010211 1 10 Boston 0 3 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 9 Errors, Heilmann 2. Rigney 3. Burns. Foster Two-base hits. Blue 2. Bassler. Pratt 2. Burns. Foster. Three-base hits. Jones. Leibold. Home run, Dauss. Sacri fice hits. Jones, Bassler. Dauss, Rigney. Cobb. Burns. Stolen base, Karr. Double plavs. Foster to Walters to Pratt to Burns: Walters to Burns. Bases on balls, off Pillette 3, Dauss 3. Pennock 2. Karr 6. Quinn 1. Struck out, by Dauss 4. Karr 2. Quinn 1. Innings pitched, by Pillette 1 2-3. Dauss 7 1-3, Pennock 1, Karr 6. Quinn 2. Winning pitcher, Dauss. Losing pitcher, Quinn. Umpires, Walsh. Owens and Chill. Time. 2:46. ATHLETICS DEFEAT INDIANS Dyke's Home Itun in Eighth Salts Game Away, 7 to . PHILADELPHIA, May 10. Dyke's home run drive in the eighth inning, scoring Miller, today gave Philadel phia its second straight victory over Cleveland, 7 to 6. The Indians drove Heimach and Moore from the mound, but Yarrison and Harris checked the visitors in the final frames when the Athletics were bunching their hits off Sotheron. Score: Cleveland I Philadelphia BRHOAI BRHOA Evans.I.. 10 3 OlYoung 1 Ja'son,l 1 Wab's.2 4 Sp'kr.m 5 M'Inis.l 5 Sew'U.s 4 Gar'n'r,3 3 Wood.r 5 O'Neil.c 4 Soth"n,p 4 0 0 0:J'hntn.l 3 1 0 1 13 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 aiYValk'r.l 4 5 0 P'rk'ns.c 4 8 OiMlllh.m 4 2 21 Welch. r 2 0 OIDykes.3 4 1 0! Gall'y.s 3 2 2H'mach.p 0 0 2jMoore,p 2 Yar'sn.p 0 !Hauser 1 'Harris.p 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 37 6 13 24 131 Totals 31 7 8 27 13 Batted for Yarrison in 8th. Cleveland 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 (I Philadelphia 10004002 X 7 Errors, Speaker, Be well. Young, Johnston, Galloway. Two-base hits. Walker. Gardner. Wood. Three-base hit, Mclnnis. Home run. Dvkes. Stolen base. Wood. Sacrifices, Johnston, Welch. Evans, Gardner. Bases on balls off Heimach 1. Moore 3, Soth eron 3. Struck out, by Sotheron 3. 'Moore 2 Innings pitched. Heimach 1-3 inning. Moore 6 1-3. Yarrison 1-8. Harris 1. Win- THERE'S AT LEAST W f a.v I ( UU HEAvrr (AtfJDOU HOU!6 THfJ WIFE -aw i N ci I I uitfOP.ST1 I ning pitcher, Yarrison. Umpires, Wilson, Hildebrand and Connolly. Time. 2 hours 15 minutes. JOHNSON WINS FOR SENATORS St. Louis Defeated in Pitcher's Sec ond Start, 2 to 1. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 10. Johnson pitched Washington to a 2-to-1 victory over St. Louis in his sec ond start of the season today, prov ing effective in the pinches, although hit hard early in the game. Judge's triple after two passes had been is sued by Davis gave the locals their scores. It was Washington's first victory after seven straight defeats. Score: St. Louis Washington B R H O BRHOA Tobin, r. I' Bush. 3.. 3 0 0 1 0 jerber.s 4 sisler.l. 3 IVll'ms.l 3 Tac'n.m. 3 Sev'id.c. 4 Ell'rbe.3 4 M'M's.2. 4 Davis. p. 3 Sh'rten 1 0 0 2 3Harris.2. 3 113 3 0 19 3!Rice,m.. S 1 0 1 0 0 14 Ojludge.l . 3 0 2 12 0 10 3 o!Brower.r 4 0 0 3 1 0 3 1 l3mlth.l.. 3 0 2 1 1 0 11 0 Pack'h.s 2 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 3IPlci'ch.c 3 0 0 6 0 0 2 liJohn'n.p. 3 0 0 0 3 o o o o; Totals.33 1 924 111 Totals. 27 2 5 27 19 Batted for Davis in ninth. St. Louis 00000100 0 I Washington 00 2 00000 2 Two-base hits. Tobin, Williams, Mc Mftnua. Three-base hit. Judge. Double plays, SIsler to Severeid, Peckinpaugh to Harris ot Judge. Struck out, by Johnson 4. Umpires, Evans and Dineen. Time, 1:33. GIANTS SCINTILLATE, WIN Sensational Fielding Defeats Car dinals by 3-2 Score. ST. LOUIS, May 10. Sensational fielding by the Giants saved Art Nehf from defeat here today, the Cardinals losing 3 to 2. Pfeffer and Barfoot could not stop timely wallops. Nehf's three hits featured. Score: New York 1 St. Louis B R H O Al B R H O A 0 2 2 0 0 0 8 2 0 0 2 2 12 3 1 0 2 1 o 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 2 12 0 I 3 I 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 ) 0 0 0 0 o 2 9 27 15 0 10 0 3 Bancr't.s 4 Rawl's,2 5 Groh.S... 4 Young.r 3 Meus'1.1. 4 Kelly, 1. 4 3hin's,m 3 E.Sm'h,c 3 Nehf.p... 4 0 14 oiilann.m.. 4 0 0 3 3!Four'r.l.. 4 0 0 2 2IStock,3... 4 10 2- 0!Horns'y.2 4 113 OlSchuItz.r 3 0 17 lis. Smith.r 0 0 12 OjM'Hen'y.l 4 10 2 OlLavan.s... 3 0 3 2 S'CIem'ns.c 3 iPfeffer.p 2 rBarrt.p.. o 'Ains'th.c 1 iJHeath'e. 0 WGainer... 1 Totals 34 3 7 27 141 Totals- 33 Ran for Clemens in Sth. tBatted for S Smith in 9th. st? lou's :::::::::: o o o o o o 1 1 o2 Errors. Fournier. Hornshy 2. McHenry. Two-base hits. Mann, Kelly, Clemens. Home run. Hornsby. Sacrifice. Shinners. Double plays. Bancroft and Kelly; nan croft, Rawlings, Kelly. Bases on.balls off Pfeffer 2. Barfoot 1. Struck out. by Ptet fer 5. Neht 2. Innings pitched, Pfeffer r. Barfoot 3. Losing pitcher. Pfeffer. Um pires, Hart and O'Day. Time, 1:37. BOSTON HITS, DEFEATS REDS Little Difficulty Had by Braves in Winning, 9 to a. CINCINNATI, May 10. Boston hit Luque and Gillespie hard and had lit tle difficulty in defeating Cincinnati today, 9 to 3. Southworth's home run in the eighth inning bounded in the right field bleachers. Fillingim was hit in only two innings. Score: Boston Cincinnati BRHOAI BRHO Powell.m 4 2 2 6 OIBurns.m 3 0 3 2 Kopf.s 1 1 U 0LaUD l, l. A x a 2 2 2 OIDuncan.1 5 O 2 3 0 0 3 0Bohne,2. 5 0 0 1 So'w'th.r 4 Cruise,!. 4 B'eck'1.3 5 Holke.l. 5 Ford. 2. . 5 1 3 OHarp'r.r 4 0 2 8 OIHarg've.c 4 0 2ICav'n"v. 4 0 Gowdy.c 4 13 4 0!PiuelIi.3 4 0 0 2 Fil'g'm.p 4 0 0 0 lLuque,p. 2 IB'ess'l'r 0 GiH'pie,p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 irnca." l I Totals 40 9 13 27 8i Totals 36 3 8 27 Batted for Luque in itn. Batted for Gillespie in 9th. Boston 0 0 0 2 1 O 2 2 29 Cincinnati 0 020000 13 Errors, Kopf, Cavenev 2. Two-base hits, Gowdy, Duncan. Three-base hit. Powell. Home run. Southworth. Stolen bases, Boeekel. Bressler. Sacrifice, Kopf. Left on bases, Boston 11, Cincinnati 10. Bases on balls, off Fillingim 4. Luque 5, Gillespie 1. Struck out. by Filligim 2, Luque 5. Hits, off Luque 9 In 7 innings, Gillespie 4 in 3. Losing pitcher Luque. Umpires, Mo ran" and Quigiey. Time of game, 2:05. PHILLIES BLANK CFBS, 4 TO 0 Meadows Holds Chicago to Three Scattered Bingles. CHICAGO, May 10. Meadows held Chicago to three scattered hits today, while Philadelphia bunched hits off Alexander and Cheeves and shut out the locals, 4 to 0. Score: Philadelphia I BRHOA Chicago - BRHOA Lebour.l 5 112 0 statz.m.. 1 Rapp.3. . 5 1 3 0 2!H'lIo'er.s 4 Wal'er.r 4 0 12 OIKeli'er.3 4 ii 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 3 0 11 0 0 3 0 O 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kell'er.3 Grimes. 1 Wms..m 4 0 12 0 Park'n.2 4 112 2 Fletc'r.s 4 0 2 2 3 Leslie.l. 3 0 113 1 H'llne.c 4 1 2 3 0 M'ad's.p 4 0 114 Flack. r.. 4 Miller.!. . 3 Terry.2. . 3 O'Fer'll.c 2 Alexa'r.p 2 Calla'n'. 1 Chee'es.p 0 Totals 37 4 13 27 12' Totals 28 0 3 27 12 Batted for Alexander in seventh. 0 020001 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i j-iiiiauciiiiiit I Chicago . . . Two-base hits. Fletcher. Walker. Grimes, Lebourveau. Parkinson. Stolen bases, Fiack, Miller. Sacrifice hit. Leslie. Dou- ONE IN EVERY OFFICE. M Md . You CHAMfie A Dtrwe FOC MS LIKE A GOOD ft Drl," TVt I - - ' FOR. rte- SCOOT AMD BftBlES ble play. Fletcher to Parkinson to Leslie. Bases on balls, off Meadows 7. Struck out. bv Alexander 2, by Meadows 3. by Cheeves. Innings pitched. Alexander 7, Cheeves 2. Losing pitcher. Alexander. Umpires. Sigler, Pfirman and McCormick. Time. 1:58. PITTSBURG, Pa., May 10. Pitts burg - Brooklyn, postponed; wet grounds. Willamette 4, Albany 2. WILLAMETTE UNrVERSITY. Salem. Or., May 10. (Special.) Willamette university won from Albany college here today in baseball, 4 to 2. TENNIS FAVORITES WIN COAST CHAMPIONSHIPS CON TINUED WITH NO UPSETS. Tilden, Suffering From Strained Arm, Ends His Matches With out Loss of Time. BERKELEY, Cal., May 10. Play in the annual Pacific coast tennis tour nament for the coaet championship continued today with no upsets, the nationally ranked players winning their matohes easily. William T. Tilden, world's cham pion, suffering from a strained arm, ended the matches he played in with out loss of time. Vincent Richards of Yonkers, N. Y., third ranking player, Gefeated a local player, Norman de Back, 6-0, 6-4. William M. Johnston, second ranking player in the country, walked through Clovey La Croix, -3, 6-3. Johnston and his doubles partner, C. J. Griffin, defeated Harry Randall and Joe Lowenthal. 6-4, 6-i. Earlier in the day Tilden defeated Lowenthal, 6-0, 6-0, and also Wallace J. Bates, a holder of state titles. 6-3, 6-1. Tilden and Richards played their first doubles match of the tournament and it ended with a ready victory, 6-1, 6-1, ever Randall-Dohlman. William Johnston defeated Eugene Vinson. 6-2, 6-1. Play in the women's matches con tinued today. Summaries of other matches follow: William Parker defeated James Davies of Stanford university, 7-5, 6-4. Howard Kinsey defeated Morgan Fot trell, 5-7, 6-2, 6-2. Winnifred Suhr defeated Miss Mayme Macdonald, 6-2, 6-1. Mrs. Ream Leachman defeated Mrs. H. G. Alien, 6-2, 2-5, 6-1. Mrs. J. C. Cushing defeated Margherita Strahleer, 6-3, default. Mayme Macdonald and Kristine Brag den defeated Mrs. W. Tusher and Mrs. H. Mackey, 6-1, 9-7. OFFENDING PLAYERS EXCUSED i Two Pardoned When They Plead Ignorance of Rule Violation. BEND, Or.. May 10 (Special.) Two Bend high school baseball players pleaded ignorance today as an ex cuse for technical professionalism. No charges will be preferred, the matter having been satisfactorily adjusted with Madras high school, whose team was pitted against Bend on the date when the alleged violatio- of rules occurred. Bend was one run behind when Ed Norcott, Bend pitcher, got on. A fan howled an offer of a dollar for a score, then offered another dollar to the batter knocking in the run. James McNeely, first baseman, hit, scoring Norcott, and the boys col lected their dollars. Today they re turneti the money and were absolved from blame. Edmonton 3, Vancouver 4. VANCOUVER. BP. C, May 10. After Art Haugher, Edmonton left fielder, had put his team in the lead with a home run in the seventh. Vancouver tied the score In the n'nth and won it in the tenth with Wilson's single to center. Score: R. H. . A. H. E. Sdmonton. 3 7 2 Vancouver. 4 15 0 Batteries Douglas. Beneliy, Morris and Kenna; Brindsa and Ritchie. Tacoma 4, Calgary 3. TACOMA, Wash., May 10. Dupli cating his performance of yesterday, Bob Snyder, Tacoma left fielder, homed over the left-field fence in the first half of the ninth, tying the score with Calgary, 2 to 2. Tacoma won in the 12th, 4 to 3, after losing yester day, 4 to 2, in the 11th. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Tacoma.. 4 11 2Calgary... 3 9 2 Batteries Shepard, Robcke and Cadman; Colwell and Battallna. Idaho 3, Whitman 1. MOSCOW, Idaho, May 10. (Special.) Lefty Marineau pitched the Vandals into a 3-1 victory over Whitman here today. Marineau weakened in the ninth in the face of a Whitman rally, but tightened after allowing the bases to fill. Score:. R. H. E. R. H. E. Idaho 3 S 5Whitman.. 13 6 Batteries Marineau and Fox, Loop and Wathers. I TCHi - ? i f I UtS, JUST I Wherever you go Denver echoes Buffalo in pro claiming White Owl the biggest value in all cigardom. White Owl is popular everywhere. It is low in price only because so many of them are smoked that the makers can afford to accept a small mar gin of profit per cigar. CJfTiite Owl SIX SHOTS T ATTEND PORTLAND GUN" CLUB TO SEND DELEGATION TO PENDLETON. Effort Will Be Made to Capture Title at Contest Which Will Be Unusual Event. Six of the best trapshooters of the Portland gun club will attend the 38th annual Northwest Sportsmen's association tournament at Pendleton, from Friday to Sunday. The six Port land shooters are Jesse B. Troeh, Dr. Collie I"". Cathey, O. N. Ford. Abner Blair. Kd Morris and Mark Rickard. The Northwest sportsmen's shoot is one of the biff trapshooting events of the season. One of the special num bers on the programme will be the three-man team championship race. Portland will make a strong try for the title again this year, with a team composed of Jess Troeh, O. N. Ford and Dr. C. F. Cathey. The trophy events on the pro gramme and the present holders fol low : Smails cup, 25 targets. H. C. Wat kins, Hoquiam, Wash. Dupont-Anaconda trophy, 20 tar gets, H. B. Newland. Portland. Walla Walla Brownlee trophy, 20 targets, R. W. KInzer. Seattle. Dayton medal. 20 targets, J. P. Nel son, Yacolt, Wash. Individual championships. 20 tar gets, ft W. Kinzer. Seattle. Northwest handicap, 50 targets. E. G. Hawman. Portland. Multnomah medal. 20 targets, O. M. Jones, Boise, Idaho. Becker trophy, 50 targets. 50 tar gets, 30 singles and 10 pairs of doubles, F. M. Troeh, Vancouver. Wash. Three-man team championships. Portland gun club. J. W. Seavey, E. H. Keller and C. B. Preston. HILL EXPECTS SHARPSHOOTER Corporal Fenton From Vancouver to Visit School. The cadets of Hill Military acad emy are looking forward to the prom ised visit of Corporal Fenton, one of the champion sharpshooters of the United States, who will come from Vancouver to give them special in struction. Plans were made through Colonel William H. Jordan, ex-student of the academy. Corporal Fenton has many decora tions and war medals and an envi able record. He is now with com pany C of the 59th Infantry. At the last Olympic games he represented the United States. Molalla Wins Championship. MOLALLA, Or., May 10. (Special.) The Molalla high school baseball team won the Clackamas County High School league championship on the CIGAR BUYING You Can Get a Fine Cigar for Five Cents But Be Sure of Your Brand. There used to be a notion man had to pay a lot of money really good cigar. In fact a cigar once drtermined the it quality in the minds of man Today this is no longer true. Ever since the arrival Currency Cigar, the learning how good a I can really be. If you have happi cigar store for any cently you may hav after man comes i New Currency Pressed for an cigar store propr: was due entirely 5 in The New Curren general tendency "Here s a ma said. "Listen to gin to understan The customer thaiT mom m H I Ciei The I I NATIONAL BRANDS home grounds Monday, when it de feated the West Una hig"h school 5 to 2. Engle. pitching for Molalla. struck out 14 men. Simpson, wno went Ir. to take Pepoon's place ir the first in ning after Molalla had scored four runs, struck out seven. In the league Molalla high made a total of 66 scores to their opponents' 12. The local high school will play the Forest drove high school on the local grounds election day. WOOD AFTER VQIAT1C DATA O. A. C. Coach Again Compiling Collegiate, Scholastic Records. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis, May 10. (Special.) Edwin H. (Larry) Wood, swim ming coach, will again compile north west collegiate and scholastic swim ming records for the National Col legiate Athletic Association Guide. Wood asks the assistance of other COacilCB in liic rt " frhta materia and sending their re-! views of the season tohim direct. i The Guide will be edited jointly this year by Fred Luehring, director of athletics at the University of Minnesota, and Frank J. Sullivan, coach of swimming at Princeton university. Canby 1", Easlliam -. CANBT. Or., May 10. (Special.) Canby school defeated the Eastham grammar school baseball team of Ore gon City here Tuesday afternoon by a score of 17 to 2. r Bush League Notes. In one of the fastest games of the Ron ClackamaH defeated Carua Sunday. 1 I 10 0 at Clackamas, on the government target range. Caleff, pitching for the winners, allowed only two scattered hltn. ; Kor games with Clackamas write to Kos- ter Jenks, manager, Clackamas, Or. Wauna defeated Clatukanl Sunday at J Wauna, 9 to 2. Irvine pitched shutout ball 1 until the seventh, when Clatskanle bunched l four hits and scored two runs, Score: R. H. E.l K. li E. Clatskanle.. . .2 5 7lVauna Ii I Batteries Fields, Zimmerman and Col vin; Irvine and Wivell. Four games are scheduled in the Sunset league of the Industrial Athletic associa tion for Saturday. Peninsula Lumber will play Portland Railway at Sellwood ; Doern brcher and Biake-McFall will clash i East Twelfth and Davis streets; Pacific Fruit will take on St. Johns Lumber at Columbia Park, and Honeyman and Marshall-Wells will play at Vernon Park. All games will start at 3 o'clock. "R. H. E." results of games will not be published in this column urriess batteries also are given. In the Sunrise league Woodard-Clarke will play the Portland fire department at Sellwood Sunday morning and the Port land Manufacturing company will play Portland Gas on Buckraan field. Games start at 11 o'clock. Carlton high school defeated N"wbrg hig-h Saturday for the second time this year, the score being 8 to 7. Jones pitched well for Carlton and yielded only six hits, a-nd H. Paul starred behind the bat. The Xewberg battery was Winters and TjoTnas, AN EASY NI TO IV tin try all trie rest when there's onlij one best? I NEW CURRENCY CIGAR foil 25 S$ HART CIGAR COMPANY 305 Pine St. Phone Broadway 1703. 8c for one Carlton leads the Tamhtll county : u " with four wins and one dfeat. The Portland Trojans defeated the Jap anese Athlete club, 10 to . Sun-. ay on Buckman field. Both pitchers were hit hard. The support of th Trojan, how eer. was bettT than that given th los ing hurler. e Columbia university defeated IIHI mili tary academy yesterday at Columbia. 1 to 1. Numerous errora by the Cadet mupled with nine lusty wallops by Co lumbia, including two triples and two doubles, accounted for the larg" wom Brauer twirled for Columbia for the first hix Innings, holding the Cadot in fU' htta and one run. and tunned eight was relieved by Alexander, who allowed one hit In three innings and fnn"'i fVui Goodrich for HIM pitched good hall, after a disastrous first inning In which Columbia used 11 batters and scored eight runs. R. H. B.I R H. K. Columbia 2IHHI I tl Batteries: Brauer. Alexander and John son ; Goodrich and Cain -Jurf mm ih. fcj value in America qArcheb. THE NEW Arrow Collar Cloett.Peabody i Co. Inc. ff" VAD' SVAT er-WINGS PI-.IN SO i FANCV 73 4 TOR SALE tvtBVWMtUC LEARN TO SWIM NOW rll jTr"Fn HV YJin Mff. fO a HmVMFM - M- I CARABANA The best Cigar vwu have unoked in four yerxa. c for one ill tfVl it n