THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1922 17. UUL EST ATE. For 8 ACRES, 2 miles rrom ciiy limits. 2 blocks from station; pood loam so; I. free from rock, and gravel; 11c commutation fare; all under cultivation; bearing fruit trees; 1 acre strawberries and raspber ries ; new 4-room plaster-board house with best of white enamel plumbing, city water and gas; electric lights avail able, chicken house, barn, garage; bu:Idlngs all new; good cow (freen); over 120 chickens. Price $5500, terms. Consider dairy ranch in Tillamook coun ty to I8OO0. WELL-LOCATED HOMESITE. 10 acres, on Oregon City line, close to alectric station, on good macadamized road that will be paved, partly paved now; 2 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; h acre berries; very sightly location ; new 4-room aousu chicken house. Price $3000. terms. In spected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR Gernnger blag SPLENDID VALUE IN ACREAGE! Nearly 4 acrts. with all kinds of ber ries and fruit ; 7 blks. from Hereford station on O. C. line; brand new 8-room bungalow with running water; barn 16x 20 and 2 chicken houses; live creek runs through place; cow, 240 chicken and enough wood cut for a year go with the place at the price of $5880, BEST OF TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 305 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. BU THIS RANCH. TOUR INCOME IS ASSURED! 1 1-3 acres, good soil, on macadam road, 6 blks. from S. P. Electric; 11 from Portland; good plastered house with concrete basement; with this place Is 1000 YOUNG CHICKENS and 250 TEAR-OLD CHICKENS ; price $33M. terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, SK5 Ablngton Bldg. Broad-way 7171. Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. Eight acree of as fine sandy loam as there la in the state of Oregon, only a tittle m : - than ten miles out on a fine macaCam road, less than a quarts mile from Base Line paved highway. No buildings to pay for. Good water with in 20 leet. Adjoining property semng at from $750 to $1000 per acre. In order to turn this quickly I am offer ing this for $000 cash. Might consider amall well located house and lot in town as first payment. J 628, Oregonian CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Located on the Powell Valley road. 9 miles out; 14 acres with old farm house; J1 cleared; old orchard; lies perfect; fine soli; priced at $o0O; you will find this the lowest priced land on Powell Valley; Is platted in four tracts to bring about $11,500. Broadway 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. " IN MAPLE WOOD. acre, all in cultivation; lota of fruit and berries. Good house, chicken house. If you see it you buy it. Price only $1750, $500 cash, balance easy monthly pay ments. See Mr. Farnsworth, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. PIVK BUS PER ACRE. 16 miles from Portland, In Powell val ley, half mile from Anderson station on Estacada line; light clearing, best of mrl r.n eravel : a real bargain at th price; very easy terms- W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1 658. WANTED A BUYER; 40 acres, 9 miles out of White Salmon: 3V4 acres cleared in the very best orchard country; good roads; property in neighborhood selling for $100 per acre j for quick sale will sacrifice this for $2000; terms If desired. Write F 64r; Oregonian. " RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION. A dandy tract of 2.51 acres, some cleared, on macadamized road, first-class oil. Don't forget this is garden time. $37.50 down. $12.50 monthly. Total price $800. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. Irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sion. Interested only in getting horns builders on the project. Longest grow ing season In the northwest. Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best. Junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Writ for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT No. 4. Burbank. Washington. For Sale Farm 9. 7fi ACRES. 9 miles tram The Dalies; 40 acres cultivation, 12 acres In commer cial orchard. 10 acres wheat, 2 acres arly potatoes, 10 acres late potatoes, balance pasture, some timber, creek; 6-room house, barn, outbuildings; team horses, 2 cows, brood sows, 2 pigs, chickens, all farm implements ; $3500; terms. - 100 acres, some cleared; S miles from Brownsville, on county road ; lots of good saw timber, also tie timber and pillags; $1500; terms. B. H. STEWART. lftSU Fourth St. Phone Main 5275. 970 ACRES, stock or grain ranch, located in Lake county, Oregon, on the R. R. survey ; road now building; 240 acres cultivated, much more can be ; good soil, close to school, well of fine water, fair 4-room bouse, barn, room for 75 head stock. Included one wagon, walking plow, 2-bottom plow, 3-section harrow, 14-disk drill, 10-ft. header binder. 2 sets work harness. 7 horses, several tons of hay; other Bmall tools; price for all $9500. For particulars write to R. E. Myers. 403 W. John St.. Portland. Or. - BUY FROM OWNER. 10 acres. 9 acres in high state of cul tivation. 1 acre beaver dam land, fine oreek through place, large orchard, all kinds of berries, large barn. 2 hen houses, 300 fine chickens. 1 horse. 2 fine cows, all kinds of farm implements; -new bun atew, furnished, private water system ; land all in crops. IS miles from Port land; i.4 mile off pavement; $300 cash, balance 6 per cent: might consider trade. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM Eighty acres of fine soil, and livel: only two miles from the city of Albany on a good road. This Is within the Albany school district, which schoo's are as good as any in the state. Fully 70 acres are in cultivation, with consider able fruit. A fine live stream of water runs right through the place. The buildings are only fair. This is a real bargain at only $ 100 per acre; $2500 cash required. H 829. Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNKR IMPROV H-D LAND In best Irrigated district in north west: aocd buildings; 10 a. In grapes. 40 a. in alfalfa, lu a. in orchard; shade trees: p'enty of water; long growing scascn; good dairy country; close to high school and state road; mild, dry climate; no mud. Also have a few acres unimprcveu lan. Will sell any part or all. No cxtr.imisstoivs to pay. Lib eral terms. J F. Martin. Bui bank. Wash. NOTICE. 160 acres in Tillamook county, good lo cation, 3 miles to summer resort: there thousands of people go; good market for berries, all kinds of vegetables, also chickens, eggs, butter and cream; several streams, on ten feet wide, no buildings: 8 acres In grass, 20 acres lu bottom rest Is bench and hill; 2 miles to county road, also road to place. J. S. Clark, Slcliinn vllte. Or. SOLDIER BONUS BAROAlN. 16 acres. $2000; 41 acres meadow. 5$ berry land, near school, stores, cheese factory. shingie mill,' sawrniN, fruit cannery, railroad depot and highway. No improvements. OEO. MEI.V1N MILLER. Eugene. Qr. 178 ACRES. 40 miles from Portktnd: electric sta tion on place: 20 acres orchard, SB acres general farming, rest pasture and some timber; house, barn, etc.; only $100 per acre; terms. Star Realtors, phone Bdwy. 5618 at 513 Wilcox bidg. PROPERTIES vaitt4 ui Irom $20,000 to $100.00 in Tillamook county. Oregon, including one of thn best dairy farms la the state, offered in exchange for city propei ty up to M par cent of purchase price, t.'ine on balance. You will deal with owner. A 62.. Oregonlan. A SNAP 160 acres r.Tar Madras, Jeffer son Co., Or Practically all has been plowed ; free of incumbrance. $2300, terms $100 and balance in 5 years! Wut consider trade for Port land property. fcfjg t'.ttock blk. Idwy. 2002. ABOl'T 12 aerea of good farming Kind, a.! -ready seeded m oats and vetch; good 9 rooiu modern house, gas and electricity; fine ptace for a chicken ranch; house furnished or unfurnished For further information call Oak Grove 19 or ad dress P. O. box 67. Portland. Or. WTE WANT to tell you more ar-out the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon, dairy, potato and stockman's para dise, a card brings full particulars. Red wvad L-and & Loan Co.. Inc., Redmond Or. King Murphy s capitol.) 640 ACRES MONTANA LAND" About H mile from Woodro. plenty water: will sell for $12 acre or trade for property in or around Portland Owner. Reed. 333 East 11th S. East 0072. CH FA P 402 acres, horses, cattle, pigs hay, grain, farm implements, deed to 00 acre water right from Canyon. Infor mation. write J. Dunn. Tule Lake. Or. 6 ACRSS on paved road and eiectric line, some tn cultivation ; shack : price $M). $50 down, balance i:ionth!y payments. lit aper. twg Bom a ot i raae. CHICKEN. FKL'IT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $.0u an acre, easy icnuM beet BOUj farms for sale, all sixes. Mc Far and, realtor. 20S Failing bldg. BMALL PARMS. 5 acres up. ,v1. clMr. fenced, house, near Wiilaraina: amall down payment. J. R. &harp, bo is 3d at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farm. 10 ACRES, 24 miles southeast of Portland, on good road, mile to school; 30 acres under cultivation; 00 acres can be farmed when cleared; creek; over 1000 cords of wood; 6-room house, barn 40x60, 2 chick en houses, woodshed, milk house, gran ary and other buildings. Included with place: good young team of mares, 3 milk cows, 5 heifers, brood sow, hay rack, disc, binder, mower, plows, household goods, etc Price for everything $6300, $2500 cash, balance $500 per year. 8 pe cent, or consider residence in Portland for part. Ask for Mr. Kemp. 20 acres, on rocked road, adjoining good town, with high school; 15 acres under cultivation, balance in standing timber; 10 acres bottom land; 40 prune trees, some apples, pears and plums 500 strawberry plants; good 6-room house, barn, garage, chicken house, capacity 500 chickens, fruit house and woodshed; crot and earden in. Included with place; team "of mares, cow, plow, harrow, culti vator. Harness, housenoia iurniture etc. Price for everything $4000, very easy terms. Consider soldier's loan and $500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinger bldg. S300O WILL GIVE YOU POSSES SION OF A SMALL RETAIL DAIRY WITH GUARANTEED INCOME. Full price Is $8500, which in cludes 4 lots inside the city with 5 -roam house, concrete barn 30x50, with cement floor and cesspool, mllkhouse. Ford truck in good condition, sterilizer, bottles, cans, and buckets; 14 extra good cows; 8 acres rented adjoining; electric lights and water in all buildings; income is $ 750 per month ; can prove this or no deal. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEST QUALITY FARM LANDS. LONG TERMS EMPLOYMENT. Mostly level valley and bottom land of the finest type and quality for in tensive and general farming, unusually productive, settled community. Fine creeks, ideal climate, pure water, good markets, roads and railroads. In the Newaukum valley at Onalaska, Washington (15 miles southeast Che haiis). the Carllsle-Pennell Lbr. Co. is selling small tracts at $15 to $50 per acre, long terms. Purchasers at the usual terms can obtain steady and Im mediate employment mill or woods. See our representative on the ground or write GRAHAM LAND COMPANY. 1008 American Bank Bldg., Seattle. MY CHERRY BLOSSOM. 30 acres fine soil, 16 miles east of Portland," on good road ; one half in cultivation, 10 acres bear ing Royal Annes, Bings and Lam berts; 15 acres standing commer cial timber; good 5-room house and other outbuildings; only $5500; reasonable payment down wild handle this; see me quick if you want this snap. See J. S. Culbertson, HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CLIENT wants desirable 5 rooms and attic on paved street; Jefferson or Walnut Park vicinity; $50 cash. Client with $500 cash wants desirable 5-room bungalow ; Alberta or similar district; must be good buy. Client will trade $10,000 Laurelhurst home for country place of equal value. Must be close to Portland on highway, near car line and school. A good home with not more than 3 or 4 acres ground. Oregon City line or Milwaukie district preferred. Client will pay cash for large lot in Irvington or Alameda; must be bargain. FRANK McCRILLIS, REALTOR, Henry Bldg. Broadway 770. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER wants Homes to Sell. List yours with tta for results. We have hundreds of buyers waiting. We inspect, appraise and photograph evsry house within 24 hours; 75 expert salesmen and experi enced appraiser at your service. No charge except the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satis factory sale. We take care of the In teresia of out-of-town owners. See FRANX L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. WANT FROM OWNERS, houses In the city for desirable acreage and farms. Have from 7 acres up to 160 acres on good roads, near Portland; have one of 40 acres In Ciarke county, Wash; 52 acres near Reedville, Ideal land and priced right. If you wish to exchange call or write and give full particulars. J. B. ROCK, 403 Couch bldg. Broadway 6363. WANT ACREAGE OR FARMS IN EASY REACH OF PORTLAND. List your farm, large or small, witn old reliable farm dealers, oldest In Port land, wh.ise facilities for securing buy ers are unexcelled. If on good road and worth the money, we will produce the buyers. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. WE HAVE several propositions1 for trade; houses for farms, farms for city prop erty; some of these clients are anxious to make a change and you can get about what you want; also have Portland hotel to trade for small acreage. R. R. POWNDER, REALTOR. 400 Hroadway Bldg. Main 2717. WANT FROM OWNERS. Houses in Portland to sell or to trade for desirable acreage and farms; give full particulars if you write. Star Real Estate & Investment Co., Realtors. ol2-13 Wilcox bldg. Phone Bdwy. 5618. HAVE buyers for west side property south of Morrison st. Will give you a (juick deal if price Is right. JOHN SINGER, 420 Cha mber of Commerce Bldg. WANT lot in Irvington, bet. E. 17th and 24th and Thompson and Knott; must bo priced right. HHNRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7K31. HAVE client with $s00 cash payment on 5 or tf-room bungalow. Rose City or Haw thorne preferred: must be modern and priced right. Robnett & McClure. real tors. WANT good 5-room bungalow with attic in Hawthorne district, not too far from school and car line; will pay all cash. HENRY V. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7S31. WHY WORRY? sell or trade anything, any- W. Millership, 105 Fourth. 1 can wherf. I Main 52' HAVE client for lot in Laurelhurst. Mr. Webster. , JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. SI If. W. Bank Bldp. Main 37S7. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to buyers and sellers of west fide income property. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 3552. WANTED 2 to 20 acres, cleared or un cleared, convenient to Portland. Front age on creek or river preferred. AK 627. Oregonlan. INVESTMENT property for clients, eithei property showing good income or prop erty with a future. POINDEXTER. 207 Selling Bidg. LEAVE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS with the Hlbornia Commercial & Sav tank lor collection. ALL CASH for modern bungalow ; no dealers; state full particulars; will con sider Hargain on iy . H 042, Oregonian. WANTED -at once, from owner; strictly modern 5 or tJ-room bungalow; pay all rash Post real bargain. Bdwy. 2050. QUICK deal for bargain. 5-room bunga low; desirable district; garage preferred. See A. K. Hill. 42rt Lumbermens bldg. TO SELL OR TRADE your property consult cr write Nelson, Rtaltoi 7 Off Gasco bldg. Main 2072. WANT a good 7 or 3 room house on Port land or Arlington Heights. Bdwy. 2045. K mings Main 253. HAVE buyers tor Irvington. Laurelhurst and restricted districts; bargains. J. R. Haight. Bdwy. 2M45- W AN TED 6-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms downstairs, Hawthorne dist. Bdwy. S200 or 82 1. WANT Laurelhurst home, west of 39th. south of Ptisan. Phone Tabor 21S9. LOT on west slope Mt. Tabor; location price. V 639. Oregonlan. TO TRADE a timber claim. Phone Bdwy 7315, ask for M. V. Thomas. TIMBER LANDS. 16ft Ai'RES, good fir timber, cheap, at Trout lake. Wash. WW cruise 6.0i0.000 feet: $1500 cash, balance terms if de sired. John Running. 16S Niagara st., Astoria, Or. 0,800,000 FEET fir. only $6000. 000. Astoria, Or. P. O. box TIMBER LANDS. WANTED 3 or 5 experienced men for sawmill enterprise, on co-operative plan, wonderful location, abundance of timber, mill located on railroad: should be able to invest about $1500 each. Like one man able to take charge of selling output and keep books. You don't need to invest be fore you are convinced of the merit of the proposition, a v osp. ureyonian. 320 ACRES timber land; fir, spruce, cedar; $1600 cash for quick sale. 160 acres timber land, mostly cedar, $1100; other tracts can be bought ad joining same. Write J. B. Buckner, Kernville, Or. CEDAR, aider and maple logs, 8, 10 and 12 inches, also good rsr ooits ror saie. What can you use and at what price? Address or call Mrs. David, 343 Wash ington at., Portland. FOR REN't FARMS. 7-ACRB CHICKEN RAJSTCH. FOR RENT. Located on west side, 400 hens, 650 two weeks old chicks, all Tancred White Leghorns ; place all in crops, 5-room house, barn, chicken house 20x60 and brooder house 16x24. both strictly mod ern; must move this week, hence price of only ?500 cash. Rent very reasonable. FARM & MACHINERY DEPT. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DAIRY ranch for lease and 22 cows for sa.e ; will accept any reasonable offer, owing to Illness; situated 8 miles from Portland on main road; 9-room house, furnished or unfurnished. For further information call Oak Grove 19 or ad dress P. O. box 67. Portland, Or. 247-ACRE farm. Improved and stocked. Call evening only, 2746 Park St., Port land. R. C. Veder. BEAUTIFUL river front, mile "south of Mllwaukie, near Courtney, 3 to 10 acres, 100 fruit trees, tomato land, pasture, etc. 7-room furnished cottage, modern con veniences. $40 to $50. Phone 8 to 8:30 A. M.. 6 to 7 P. M. Bdwy. 3134. 5 ACRES, all under cultivation. 5-room house, barn and chicken house, good orchard, all kinds of small fruit, will lease to party who will buy equipment; rent 311.50 per month. Call or phone Covell & Co., Inc., Beaverton. Oregon. RENT until Nov., 15 acres. near Van couver, $100; also 10 acres near Creswell, with 6 acres fruit, $125; also 20 acres near Oregon City without buildings, $40, Box 68. Astoria. Or. FOR SALE o.- Rent 93-acre farm, partly equipped, 00 acres In cultivation; Imme diate possession. Address 453 E. 38th. N. Phont Tabor 0308. 10 ACRES, Hood River, cheap to small family; house, orchard, barn, etc. At farm Sundays. See owner, F. McFar land. Failing bldg., Portland. 3 ACRES, house, barn, garage, orchard, small fruit, 9 miles from city, on Oregon Electric, good road. 409 Hoyt. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON HOME. Over 4 lots, 122-foot frontage on Bra zee st., has grapes, logans, black and strawberries, apples, peaches, cherries, walnuts and prunes; all kinds of roses and shrubbery; large house of 6 room-s and building on back of lot. This is a very fine piece of property and nearly all of garden planted. Owner has bought business property and will sell for $15, 000 and take In a clear farm to $7000, and small amount of cash. It's a bar gain. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg Broadway 6859. EQUIPPED FARM. 80 acres, river bottom, 60 acres in cultivation and crop; new bungalow, barn, eiio, poultry house, spring and creek on place, all necessary tools and equipment, team, 4 cows, 1 heifer and 2 calves, many chickens, finest of soil and only 4 miles from high school and R. R. ; 19 miles Portland on good grav eled road; will take good home in city as first payment, balance long-time at 6 per cent. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. PORTLAND HOME FOR RANCH. 7-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors fireplace, cement basement, fur nace, " bullt-lns, etc. ; corner lot, paved streets near car line, $6500; also 3 good lots in Woodmere, S1000, clear, and 40 acres, all tillable, 20 acres can be culti vated; located near Sandy. Or.; $4500 Clear. Want good Willamette valley ranch not too far from Portland to $16,000. C. B. DAGGETT, 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. P7Cg WIDOW HAS $3400 EQUITY IN GOOD STOCKED a.njj K4jirFn,u ACRES, CLOSE IN. 23 acres in high state of cultivation, all in crop, good 2-acre orchard. 5-room house, barn, large poultry house, 125 hens, 6 turkeys, good cow, heifer, some tools and implements; price $G500; will sell on good terms; might exchange equity fort house in suburbs. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SO ACRES, 14 miles out, 20 acres cleared. 10 more easily cleared. aDoui auuo corns old-growth fir, good 7-room house, two barns, 1 new, large poultry house, 7 cows, team, brood sow, some chickens, full line of machinery and tools; price is $12,000; will take up to $8000 In trade. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 40 ACRES $1200. 40 acres unimproved, good soil; some good timber; 3 miles from electric r. r.. 4 mIes N. E. of North Plains. 22 miles from Portland; price $1200: will take household furniture or lot up to $500, balance 5 years at 6 per cent In terest. Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave. Wdln. 1201. TRADE. Will trade my modern 8-room home In Rose City Park, close to car, double garage, for suburban home on Oregon Electric line between 9 and 12 miles out; price $7000 O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 33S-40 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4172. FOR TRADE. Fine modern home in Belllngham. Also a 3-acre tract of good land adja cent to Belllngham and on pavement. Also a 320-acre grain farm In North Dakota. Want Portland home, acreage or stock groceries or notions. 113 E. Holly, Beliingham, Wash WANT SMALL HOUSE AND LOT. 20-room apt., rent 5S0, income .about $200, good lease; price $3000, JS00 mort gage, payable at $50 a month ; want small house and lot for equity, or what have you ? JOHN BROWN, C. P. Realtor, 322 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Broadway 6301. LOOK WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country; I will match l hem. E. A. Easiey, 293 Montgomery St., cor. 5th. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. A general store located near Portland, done about $75,000 last year, will in voice about jlo.oOO; will take home In Portland up to $0000. We mean busi ness, do you? ROCK, 403 Couch bldg". Broadway 0363. 10 ACRES, 30 minutes' drive from Port land, in Clarke county. Wash., just or; the paved highway ; good house and barn, lots of fruit, $5500, or will con sider 3-room house and lot in Portland. 218 Railway Exchange blAg. Bdwy. 6S08. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. EXCHANGE 160 acres. Norm Dakota. 20 acres all in alfalfa, or 40 acres part to alfalfa with buildings near town, either one and cash difference for residence In Portland or Vancouver. Box M. Hermis ton. Or. WILL TRADE We can match you on any trade hav ing mertt Bring In your proposition houses, lots, farms, acreage, stocks of merchandise. R S.. 712 Couch bldg. HAVE A LOT in Piedmont or South Port land to trade for Ford or piano. Mrs. Floy Haight, Bdwy. 2045, evenings Wdln. '260. WILL trade equity of $1S00 in good in come property, balance against $1700, oi easy terms, for acreage. AJ 606. Ore gonian ,. COMPLETE wholesale and retail wood business, trade for home, or homo equity, H interest, $2500, all $5000; no agenu. Call Tabor 77M, evenings. WANT late auto for lot 11, B. 4, or 4 and 11. B. 14, Terwllltger homestead. Wdln. 6260 Bdwy. 2048. r5 ACRES, close to city limits, will ex change for city property. 614 Dekurn bldg. Broadway 65(ri. ra ACRES, close to city limits at a bar gain. Owner, 614 Dekum bldg. Broad way 6500. 40-ACRE farm for sale or trade with Port land lots or house In Albina, Write or call 309 Union avenue North. WANT apts. or rooming house in exeh. for west side view lot, $2WO. Bwdy. 7429. Bwdv 4794. CLEAR city property to exch. for h. k. rms. Bdwy. 7429, Bwdy. 4" N. 16th st tpts 94. 9 H. K. ROOMS, close in. on west side. Will take car us part payment. 215 Stock Exc. bldg. Main 0051. - INCOME or lots for 640 acres. Lake county, ' Oregon; $64u0. Wdln. 6260 or Bdwy. 2045 ' - I GROCERY 2 living rooms for rooming house. $1500 to $2000. Bdwy. 3296 or 6219. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A. GORDON ROSS. Bdwy. 5173 i24 Henry Bldg. WR have trucks !n excellent condition: will trade for city residence or vacant propeny. Main 1492 SALE or trade. 80 acres or good lettuce or garden land, half mils from Parma Box 122, Parma. Idaho.' TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. IS IT HARD TO SELL? WHY NOT TRADE? 44 acres, in city, 8-roosa house, $9000, for improved and equipped farm. About 2 acres, Glenmore Acres, Os wego, $2750; for house in Portland up to $4000. 7-room house, Vancouver, Wash., $1250; for lots In Portland. 6-room modern cottage, $2250 ; for Salem property or acreage up to $4000. 11-room modem house, Vancouver, Wash., $4500; for acreage, farm or Port land property. 8 acres. Orenco, Oregon Electric, 5 room house, all in cultivation, $5000 ; house In Portland up to $3000. 20 acres, improved, Sara, Wash., $8000; for farm, business or acreage. 7 acres, Multnomah Acres, orchard, buildings, $4500; for house in Portland up to $3500. 15 acres, all In cultivation, buildings highway, $6000; for Portland property. 21 acres, modern house, orchard, all In cultivation, on highway and Tuala tin river, mile to school, postoffice, store and electric station, $8750; for Portland house up to $2000 and cash. 25 acres. Battle Ground highway. 7 room modern house, stocked and equipped, $10,000; want house and lot in St. Johns. SO acres, Clackamas ''county, 65 acres In cultivation, improved, stocked and equipped. $18,500; want smaller place or larger place. 253 acres, Benton county, all modern, improved, stocked and equipped, stock, ranch, $52,000; for Portland property. 91 acres, going farm, Yamhill county, $20,000; for Portland residence, or what have you ? 193 acres, Yamhill county, modern farm, improved, stocked and equipped, $30,000; for eastern Oregon or Washing ton land to vakie of place. We have many other legitimate trades. List your property with us. See Mr. Stephens or Mr. Campbell, with FRED W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS, 732 tnamber of Commerce. LARGE new house in Laurelhurst ; price,uuu; wui tasie good auto first pay ment. 80 acres good land. Cowlitz county. Washington. ; clear ; 4-room bungalow ; price $3000; trade for anything in Port- iana. 4 acres, close In, east side: berries. fruit, etc.; price $7500, trade for house closer in. 10 acres, 1 mile Yamhill, all in orch. ard; price $3000; trade for Portland. 3 -ton White truck ; price $1500 ; trade for lots or houlaej Fine lot in Irvington, $1000, want car, restaurant in Portland, value $4000, trade for land or city. FIDELITY INVESTMENT CO.. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. TRADE. 4-room pleasant house, garage and 4 lots, good location ; want property and win assume oaiance up to -wu. naw ' thorne district preferred. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANT to trade a bulldog and laying ducks for a milch goat. 512 W. Mohawk. St. Johns. TRADE oak Lei and piano or new furni ture for late model Ford. Bdwy. 2280. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. BALED HAY FOR SALE. Good alsike and timothy at the Old Meadow Farm, 2 miles N. W. of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 151 Walker or Hillsboro 7R16. 20 HEAD good, young, sound work horses and mules, weigh from 1000 to 1500 pounds; will be sold very cheap to save feed expense at Sifton Feed Barn, SIfton, Wash. FOR SALE. Large Jersey cow, just fresh, with health certificate; heavy milker. 802 Front st. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade. &60-84M E Morrison St. HORDES of all sizes for sale cheap at Oth and Hawthocne; come and see them working. Ask for Ellison. JERSEY, Holstein cows, just fresh, 5-gai. tub. tested. 240 E. Sth. VETERIXAKiaK. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD Cal! . horses and ay or night. cattle taken Automatic 62 TK AM, harness and wagon, 3400, workers. 0326 Foster road. 625-78. FOR SALE Fresh milch goats, $33. 64, Hubbard, Or. 1 good Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. STEINWAY piano, old style, $150; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. KIMBALL piano, cabinet grand, walnut case. $305, terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. WE WILL take your oid piano In ex change for one of our new Victrolas or Cheney phonographs. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. KINGSBURY piano, plain mahogany case, good condition; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St JEWETT piano, old styie, fine for prac tice, cheap; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St STEEL guitar, beautiful finish and won derful tone; the kind the Hawallans use, $18. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth street. HAINES piano, good condition; at a bar gain;, tr-rms given. SEfBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. PIANO TUNING and refinlshing; expert workmanship. All work guarantepd. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6576. ORCHESTRA banjos, especially built for orchestra ' playing, and a splendid value for $35. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. USED pianos reduced; before making your choice try SE-IBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. . 125 Fourth St. BRUNSWICK phonograph, oak case, with records, $100, terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MJJSIC CO., 125 4th sr., bpt. Wash, and Alder. HINZE piano, French wal. case; a dandy buy at 2io ; terms. u. IT. J onnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. ANOTHER stock new Victor and Columbia records. 2 for 75c. cafeteria style. Harold fi Gilbert. 107 West Park. SPECIAL OFFER. $1 per mo. rents grafonola with rec ords. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. $1000 CI11CKERIXG, late mah. and bench, fine, only $350; easy terms. 312 Wor cester bidg. CONN "C" bell, $125. Sixth st. mel. saxophone, sliver, gold G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 PIANOS moved. $3. ground floor; work done b experts and guaranteed. Call hroai'way 1207. $725 FARRAND player, late style, and music, only $350; terms. 312 cester bldg. bench Wor- RLNT a real piano; copper bass strings, Ivory keys, veneered case. Harold S. Gil bert. 107 West Park. $1450 WM. KNABE Grand, fine condition; muse sell quick; only $625. 312 Worces ter bldg. . 'LEAVING city soon ; must sell almost 202 Tilford new Baldwin grana piano. bldg. $050 KSTEY piano, very latest, mah., per fect, only $330. on terms. 312 Worcester building. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. BROADWAY 7161, AUT. 627-46, 128 1ST. $60U HOBERT M. CABLE new latest bun gaicw model. onSy $350, on easy terms. 312 Wo rcester bldg. $600 EILKRS orchestral late, plain mah.. $250, 312 Worcester bldg. grand upright, on easy, terms. BARGAIN' Kingsbury piano, fine tone and condition, $150. E. 9263. 386 Morris $750 THOMPSON player, latest case, per fect, $325; bench and music, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. AM LEAVING state, will sell my $650 Mil ton piano for $200 this week; good con dition. Main 3305. 735 Hoyt. 19S VICTROLA. latest; $05. including rec ords. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Sweet-toned piano; cash. Broadway 154S. 8 PIANOS, easy terms. 11 uprights, $85 to $175, 312 Worcester bidg. $700 SOHMER piano, late, mah., $325 on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. 9000 McPHAIL piano, fine upright, 312 Worcester bldg. $183. $175 BUYS fine mahogany piano. Smith & Barnes make; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. ' $450 FA R RAN D piano, very latest, perlect, 9t!ir0. an terms. 312 Worcester bide $2.50 RENTS cabinet Grafonola with 8 records" Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. $525 THOMPSON piano. laLest model, only $225. on easy terms. 312 Worcester bidg. N E W PIANOS FOR RENT. Schwan Plana Cor 10th and Stark $150 BUYS $475 Howard piano, plain wal nut; terms. 33 2 Worcester b'.dg. $9T0 CH1CKER1NG late, plain mah., only $330, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $500 HAMILTON piaro, fine $155. SI2 Worcester bldg. J3 MOVES pianos. Empire Transfer & Storag e Co. Broadway 155. $600 KROEGER piano, fine walnut, $175; terms. 812 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical "instruments. GREATLY REDUCED PIANO PAYMENTS. $6 and $S monthly buys new piano. $4 and $6 monthly buys used piano. $8 and $10 monthly buys player piano. $3 and $5 monthly buys phonograph $2 and $3 monthly buys parlor organs SCHWAN PIANO CO., Anniversary Sale. $550 Geo. Steck A Co. upright $215 375 Gerald, ebony, upright 195 $375 Hallet A Da via upright 165 $900 Thompson player, upright 895 Cottar e organ $18. Mason & Hamlin 38 New pianos to rent. SALE OF PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35.00 Victor and 5 used records $ 20 95.00 Stradivara, 10 used records. 45 140.00 Brunswick. 10 used records 95 165.00 Stradivara, 10 useC records. 90 165.00 Emerson, 10 used records... 95 175.000 Sonora. 10 used "records 130 350.00 Victrola. 15 used records... 215 $5 or $10 cash. $3, $5 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $300 Prentiss upright, cash $125 575 Krell upright, man., cash 215 475 Hallet & Davl3 cash 163 250 Bard A Co., small upright 75 750 Pianlsta Player Piano $2T5 75 Chicago Cottage Organ $18 and 25 103 10th st. at Washington and Stark. SPRING SALE: USED PIANOS. Wheeiock upright, mahogany, on.y.'$173 Martin Bros., mahogany, only 195 Pease & Co., upright, oak, only 25 Wlnton Player Piano only 395 Pianola Player, SS-note. only 50 Pay $10 cash, $6 or more a momh. Liproan. Wolfe & Co.. Cor. 5th and Wash MUST sell at once, nearly new beautiful mahogany piano; plain case; made to order; this ia the famous Adam chaff piano; worth $60O; will sell for about half with terms. No dealers. 659 East 43d N. Tabor 3906. $950 LATEST Hobart M. Cable grand, in Adams brown mah. with the famous W&ssell, Nickel, Gross action, best grade ivory keys, 5 ft. 1 in. grand. Will sell lees than a good upright is sold at the expensive uptown stores. Easy terms. Take upright piano in part payment Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. DO YOU expect to buy a fine piano cheap? If so. Just wake up and look around and see tne isroKerage Jo. ; you win rma many of the world's best pianos so cheap you will wonder how we get them and on easy terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Wor cester bldg. CAREFUL BUYER. See the best of new pianos just from the port of New York to the Port of Portland by the Panama canaL The prices will surprise you. Come today. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park. PIANO ACCORDION. Genuine I talian make, 96 bass keys, 3 -octave piano keyboard; a $300 in strument; a wonderful bargain; priced to sell quick, $125; terms. G. F. John son Piano Co., 149 6th Bt. $250 COLUMBIA library table model phonograph, best of condition; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. BUY X" BEAUTIFUL Hobart 5? Cable piano and your piano worries are over. Guaranteed In writing for a period of 10 years by the manufacturer; all new pianos sold by the Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. CHENEY phonograpns; used; one mah. at $60; one cabt. mah. at $75; one larger size cabt., $125 ; all guaranteed. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. ORGANS Set your own price within rea son. These organs must move, as we need the floor space. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. WTash and Alder. BRUNSWICK phonograph, beautiful ma hogany case, new, at a bargain; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. PLAYER piano, music and bench, $650 value new; must sell quick, $112.50 for the outfit. Some snap and in good playing condition. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bidg. LINDEMANN piano, man. case; almost new; iatest design case; a snap at $325. Terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., Sixth st. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make; oi work is guaranteed. 125 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., Broadway 6576. HOWARD piano, beautiful walnut case. almost new. $235, terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. BEAUTIFUL walnut case old standard masie piano at a real bargain, $235; terms. G, F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth street. GRAND piano for eale; must sell at once. Terms, b2o ,, lth st N. $650 GENUINE Haddorff piano, wonderful condition. io. atrnmy terms, 312 wor cester bldg. $700 LESTER piano, fine late mah.. $300, on terms. .51 Worcester oiag. Furniture tor hate. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor space filled with high-grade furniture of every kind and description; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phonographs, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets, dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks, Wilton and oriental rugs, refrigerators, sewing ma chines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale starts at 9 o'clock, Monday. April 17, and continues until entire stock is sold. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY, Fourth at Pine Sts., opposite Mult nomah hotel. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household goods; reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and finishing; money loaned on goods In storage; fireproof storage; low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 52 4th St., Opp. Muitnoman notei. Phone Bdwy. 3715. FOR SALE Washing machine, beds. dresser, couches, 2 mirrors, z Wilton rugs, 9x12; pictures, good ice chest, gas range and coll, etc.; bargain to private parties; sell separately. East S280, 927 Va E. Ankeny St., corner 30th. be tween 10 and 0. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samples, several dav enports and chairs at bargain prices; terme. Phones 635-27 evenings and Sun days, Tabor 5797 or 635-27. MICH AELSON-MAYSON, INC., 54th and Foster Road. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars, flreproo storage. C. M. Oison Tiansfer m Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. MONAP CH combination range, mahogany living room furniture, walnut bedroom set, dining room furniture; Cable piano. V.' 0 o d '. ; w n 3389. LOVELY FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE CHEAP; WILL RENT THE HOUSE. PHONE E. 87S1. OR CALL AT 708 E. ANKENY. 1 OVERSTUFFED tapestry davenport, in good condition, $00. Call Bdwy. 5110, between 9 and 12 A. M. NEW DINING table, $25, bed complete $20. rockers $3 to $15, other items; no deal ers. Tabor 5082. MUST sell our beautiful new overstuffed davenport. Call East 6593, or 847 East Stark. . . '.V FURNITURE and rugs of 7-room house for sale. A. B. gas range. 966 Hawthorne avenue. HANDSOME new mohair velour over stuffed davenport and chair; sacrifice immediately. Phone Main 2927. STICKLE Y CRAFTSMAN buffet. e 11554 Williams ave. Phone Wdln. 5010. O f lice Kum i t ure. WE HAVE a few of the wonderful 4 drawer steel filing cabinets left at $37.50. This is $20 under price. Desks, chairs, tables, adding machines, typewriters, counters and other office equipment at prices that will force sales. We rent of fice furniture. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. Sth. Bdwy. 2 6 MAHOGANY flat-top desk with plats glass top. also rotary chair and 3 side chairs : 1 mahogany bookkeeper desk, also stool; 2 oak roll-top desks, 1 ped T W cesK. 2 tables. 1 safe, 1 filing safe, 1 stack Y & E files. Bushong & Co.. 91 Park St. -m USED OFFICE FURNITURE. 7 roll-top desks, 5 flat-top desks. 4 T. W. desks. 3 tables, 2 standing desks, several files, 75 chairs. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. Furniture Dept. 391 stark at Tenth. Broadway 3144 I MUST SELL One 60 - Inch flat - top solid dark oak desk, 1 swivel office chair, 1 flat-top table, 30x36; 3 office chairs, oak: 1 hat rack 1 cuspidor, 1 mat. 1 Brussels rug, S-10 : all for $95. Call Broadway 1873. MIMEOGRAPH, used a short time, auto matic feed, model 78; price $65 cash. This price includes $20 worth of extra supplies such as Ink, etc. Call Broadway 1873. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatross Me'al Furniture Co.. 715 Tharman. TWO-DRAWER solid oaJc office table desk; dimensions, 30x60; will sell cheap. 42 Union ave. N. Typewriters. MONARCH visible typewriter, $30; first class condition. Wood lawn 634a FOR SALE. Typewriter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. Main 5681. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we sue exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. R4 Fifth St. Bdwy. TIfa. UNDERWOOD, serial No. 2S0077, excellent condition, leaving town Friday, will take any reasonable price. 610 E. Madison st. East 7752. NOISE ANNOYS- Rent a noiseless; a few used Noiseless for sale. Noiseless Type writer Co., 81 4th at. Broadway 5044 KEBU1LTS. rates. P. I second-hand rentals t C. Co.. 231 Stark. Bdwy REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell ; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co., 312 Stark. M. 5549. TYPEWRITERS for rent, $300 a month. Empire Transfrr Co. Bdwy. 155. ' Poultry. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES on White Leg horns, Reds, MInorcas, Barred Rocks, White Rocks and Anconas. Best Oregon stock. Postal secures new FREE cat alogue. Write today. C. N. NEEDHAM. SALEM. OREGON. WHITE LEGHORN baoy cMcks Tor Ma and June delivery at $12 per 100; $111 per 1000, from flocks inspected and ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 6th st.. Petaluma. Cal. $ $ $ $ FOR YOU in Mammoth White Pekin ducks, easier to raise and far more profitable than chickens; day old ducklings del Ivered to you by parcel post for 40 cents each. Write today and engage yours before It is too lata Laughlin Bros., McMinnvllle. Or. WHEN you order your baby chicks from us you get safe delivery of good, strong, healthy chicks, from high productive hens, with egg records of 200 to 308 each, mated to pedigreed cockerels. May and June chicks at $12.50 per 100. Graham Poultry Farm. Woodburn, Or. R. F. D. BABY CHICKS. From W. L. hens bred for vigor and high egg oroduction. Hatches May 7, 14, 23. Paul Dudley, Aloha, Or. Mail ad dress Rt. 4. Beaverton. WHITE LEGHORN chicks from best trap nested laying stock, 5 days old, 16c. Charles L. Perkins, 1337 Burrage. Wdln. 6314. WHITE ROCK hens for sale, all laying, also e.egs for hatching. T. D. Klrkpat- rick, mo Q3d ave.. a. . auio. WANTED Plymouih Phone East 2434. Rock setting 12 YOUNG laying hens at a bargain. 141 E. 3d st. N., opp. American Laundry- Dogs, Rabbit. Birds and l'et Stok. NEW Bird Book "Care. Feeding ana Breeding of Canaries," gives a volume of real information. Also tells how and what to use to overcome disease and trouble. Worth a dollar to any owner of a canary. Postpaid. 30c. Routledge Bird, Pet and Animal Co.. Portland. YOUNG males from my fine imported St. Andreasberg roller stock, green and yel low, $6; also yellow 2-year females, $2. East 6S74 or 687 Multnomah st. AT STUD, white Collie, McDouglas prize. A. iv. C. ZitiliH. laDorwoo. FOX TERRIER PUPPIES, well marked. 240 E. 8th. Boats, Launches and ;iirir,t Equipment. MKT A SAFE CANuE. Oldtown, 18-ft., with sponsons, lazy backs and paddles; good condition; new last season. M 640. Oregonian. FOR SALE Furnished houseboat, six rooms and breakfast nook; also pleasure boat and motor fish boat. Se'.l. 3512. FOR SALE Houseboat, furnished or un furnished, staunch, practical, convenient and modern, with garaga. East 4748. 20-FT launch and house with living room. No. 29 Portland Motorooat uiuo. v-an evenings or Sunday. Radio Equipment. BONUS equal to investment of $5000. se cured Dy Iirst mortgage, property wunu $10,000; established radio business, un limited possibilities. Must have money before talking to ps. No curiosity seek ers. Immediate action. V 642, Ore- gonlan. 3000-ohm DICTOGRAPH head phones, one set to each customer, xz; can suppiv crystal and tube eets. Tell us what you want. Violet Ray headquarters, 430 Washington st COMPLETE sets, immediate delivery ; compare with other machines that sell for lots more money. See Mr. Boat- right. Multnomah hotel. RADIO HORNS, 50c AND $1 EACH. NEWMAN. 128 1ST., NEAR WASH. Kegs and Barreia. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 3U8 N. 14th st.. near Pettygrovt. Phone Auto. 519-19, Machinery. RAILS. For sale. No. 1 relaying steei rails In weights of 56, 60, 70 lbs. per yard. Prompt shipment at very attractive prices. Write or wire for quotations, stating section of rail and amount de sired. Hyman-Michaels Co., 531 Peoples Gas bldg.. Chicago, 111. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. Have just dismantled No. 2 American Saw mill ; will sell whole or by piece; anyone in the market for saw mill ma chinery can save money by calling at 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 60-HORSK POWER upright donkey boiler In good condition, complete with grates and fittings. Price $250. Phone East "900. Hesse-Ersted Iron Works. OREGON JUNK & HARD W ARE CO. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand muchinery. hardware and pipe. Main 12S. 270 Front at. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater; we also save you money on two-load orders of dry wood ; prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn. 4102. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and siab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $8; single loads $4.50. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL. CO.. EAST 2041. BIG LOADE block and slab, mixed runs, partly dry. 2 loads $8.00 1 load 4.50 WOODLAWN 1390. . WOOD Special sale dry No. 1 old-growth cordwood, $0.75 per cord in two-cord iots, best block and slab mixed, 16-ln. $4.25 per load or double load $S. Phone Mar shall 2835. Sumner wood yard. NICE 16-inch slab. $3.75; load heavy, graded, seasoned, $5; 12-16-inch, perfect ly dry cordwood, $7.25; anywhere; bar gain; ary boxwood. $4.50. Bsllwood 1769. WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also lb-Inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. AUSTRALIAN COAL SERVICE. RANGE, $14; LUMP. $15; SAMPLES, $1; B SACKS, $4. EAST 6400. No. 1 OLD GROWTH cordwood, $7.50; heavy country slab, $5.50; plowing also. Phono Auto. P18-31. CORDWOOD. $6.50 and $7.50 per cord de livered; slabwood $5.25 cord. Wood lawn 6312. SPECIAL Block and slab mixed, partly drv, $4.25 per load. Dry wood. Lay in your winter's wood. Walnut 6686. BEST dry cordwood, $7.73 per cord, 2 for $15; best block and slab, stove length, special price on double iuad. Bdwy. 4110. DRY A-l FIRST growth cordwood, $1 a cord; good, heavy oak, $9 a cord. Call Aut. 525-65. FOR. COUNTRY t LAB W X)D. EAST 917 LOGAN FUEL CO. DRY BLOCK and slabwood, single load $5, double load, $8. Bdwy. 2545. FIR. I 3824. .75; oak, $10; ash, John Gerlach. $8.50. Wdln. FIRST-CLASS 16-inch fir wood, $7.50 per cord delivered. East 8984. BEST o.d- Srovrth, dry fir. Sellwood 314. $7.50; new d, BEST dry cordwood, $7.75 pe S 1 5 can't be beat. Bdwy. cord 4110. fiRV PLANK and small timber. 1 fgj load Call Sellwood 3159, timber. 16 inches. PARTLY dry block and siab, $4.50 a load. woooiawn ! ul'i V Y block ana siab. -J-it. green slab, drv wood. Wdln. 2019. CiOOD dry first-growth heavy bark. No. 1, y- s0 2, $7. Phorue Automatic 618-31. BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7.oO. ainBle load $4. 4-foot slab. Main 1723. or oc'K and slab mixed, double load, $7.50, sing le load $4, 4-foot siab. Main 1723. riHV BLOCK and slao, $5.50; part dry, $4.50; 2-ioad lots. $8. Woodiawn 3649. WANT wood: truck. P- Q- wl.l ship box 3361. haul by WOODSAW1NG. any place in the city. Atlas Woodyard. Phone Alain 3297. SPECIAL Second-growth fir for $6.25 cord. 3-cord lots. Marshall 252K. PLANER trimmings and light green wood mixed; mixed block slab. Col. 743. FOR SALE. f oal and M ood. GUARANTEED No. 1 old g. dry cd. wood. $8.00; extra heavy country alab. If you try it you'll always buy it. Roae City Fuel Co., East 1759. AH sc 1 lanpom. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method you? dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harmless and no after -sfects; satisfaction guaranteed. . A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J. KieaendahL A Dove Majestic Theater. 351 H Wash. SEVERAL wool dresses In very good con dition; heather jersey suit $6, and a navy blue silk sweater $3. all In alze 16. East 6874. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come la and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ, 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg-. Broadway 4233. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Stora. Sells for L- Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Flake laundry; clothes washed snowy whits in separate compartments. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. 15 lbs. for 60 eta 4 CENTS each additional pound; valu able premiums given. Phone East $433. STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. Front and back bar, 10 tables, 10-foot wall case, wall clock, 10 wall pictures, awning, linoleum, etc. ; small cigar, to bacco and confectionery stock; sell all or any part cheap. 293 Burnslde St., near Sth. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mouldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of cash and doors for prlcea D. B. Scully Co., down town lumber store, 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third 0., near Taylor. Main 043L 37.50 A FEW LEFT $37.50. Last week we advertised a wonderfui four-drawer filing cabinet for $37.50. We sure sold some, but have about 20 left at this price; at least $20 underpriced. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. WHY A ROOF OF SHORT DURATION 7 Why not a roof of permanent duration to protect yourself and your poor rela tion? We repair. Rubber Bond and re juvenate all kinds of leaky roofa Work guararfteed. Phone Bdwy. 5958. FOR SALE 100.000 feet second-hand lum ber, a" sizes. Including rustic and floor ing, from $7 to $9 per M. On job at West Park and Morrison sts., or phone Main 6091. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. A. B. GAS RANGE, like new, self lighter, $30; 3 burner Wedgwood range, $13; Ruud water heaters, $12.50 tf $16; will deliver and Install cheap. 322East 28th St. North. Esst 4852. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainable in new or second-hand safes see Norris Safe & Co.. 105 2d at.. Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045. GROCERY counter. 17 ft. by 2Vi ft-, con taining 33 diawers, 2 paper racks and cash tili ; also shelving. 273 Hawthorn.- ave. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change, 226 Stark St. Bdwy. 7534. HOT WATER tanks $5, guaranteed. Tanks gas water heaters repaired; plumbing contractors, estimates given. E. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams. Eat 8516 WANTED Men and young men to wear straw hats, $1.95; panama hats, $1.95 to caps, 95c to $1.50. 251 Wash ington St.. between 2d and 3d. FOR SALE Simplex cream' separator good condition; 5O0 pounds per hour M. C. Thompson, Milwaukie. Or. Route 3, box 4i6. FOR SALE Well-used Thor electric washing machine, $i0, 1-yr. guarantee Smith-McCoy Electrical Co., 264 Alder st. Phone Main 8011. HAVE $700 borrowed on two large dla monds, will sell cheap or trade for Ford to someone WM can redeem. At 599, Oregonlan, FERTILIZER, Extra well rotted cow manure, just right for flower boxes; delivered In sacks. Wdln. 6233. CONTRACTORS and builders, notice, clean bank gravel delivered to all parts of the city, can 63a-as. . BAB x HOOVER and attachments at snap ror casn; eaving town. i'hone Auto. 311-72. LATEST style White rotary sewing ma chine complete In every detail, $23. 171 Park st. ROTTED FERTILIZER delivered to all parts of city, $4.50 per ioaa. can w ainut 097 . GUARANTEED mild Havana clears S2.25 box 50, postpaid. Heltkemper's Clear Havana Cigar t actory, 151 Porter st BAKERS, take notice. revolving gag bake oven, capacity 150. A bargain. East FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 76c per day; delivered anywhere. Woudlawa 1259. MLES can be permanently cured without tpe ration. Call or write Dr. Peas, Sec- ond and Morrison DANDY 3-llght shower fixture complst with shades, only $5.35. at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4233. DJEBuLD safes, new ana second-hand; special prices Pacific Scale & supply Co.. 48 Front st. Bdwy. 1966. KL'GS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4043. LICENSED iiidfpenaent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12. 5 for $0, guaranteed 10 pass inspection. Wdln. 8791. ADDING and calculating macblnes; tom very good bargains. 510 Lumbermens bldg. Broadway 3712. SEVERAL exceptionally fine radiophones for sale very cheap. Come In and hear. 325 Lumbermens bldg. SAFES Two office safes, been used but In perfect condition; one has Inner chest. Bargains. BJ 027. Oregonlan. " KODAKS. W2 buy, sell, rent and exchange ko- daks. Sandy. 124 Broadway. LADIES, come to the vogue, 4th floor, 403 Alisky bldg., 3d, near Morrison st., for slightly used clothing. VULCANIZING outfit for sale. See Chas. Trowbrldae for further Information, at Quimby hotel, 29 4th st. N. TWO MASON cord tires and Inner tubes, 32x4 run 100 miles; a bargain, one or .... itdwy. 6111. $200 DIAMOND, Tiffany ring, perfect, $150 need cash. 312 Worcester bidg., 3d and Oak sts. BEAUTIFUL wood and coal range. 355 Graham ave.. near Union. STORE shelving for sale. Inquire 20 N Park street. DEER HEAD mounted, eight prongs, s beauty. $25. Tabor 8555. FOR SALE Ivory wicker baby carriage. Phone Main 8526. NEW closed cabinet sewing machine, pair down pillows. Marshall GOOD second-hand lawnmower. Tabor 2566. J3. ST AR-A -STAR shingles, direct from mllL Call Tayfor-st. dock. Mntn 8065. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st St.. near Ash. FOR SALE New violet ray machine, cost $ :i Ojrfar $18. Wm. Burke, 80S A K. Oak. Y. A B. RAPID Roller Copier, in good copdltir.n. 27B Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Fur coat, cheap; Hudson seal, beaver trimmed. Phone East 6146. SH KLVING for sale. Portland Hots! Pharmacy. LADIES' used dresses, $2 up; suit, wrapa hats, remarkable values. Tabor 2825. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for Bale" Pacific Tent A Awning Co.. No. 1 1st st. 5-FOOT bookkeeper desK ana stool, cheap. 271 Hawthorne ave. FREE for removing light soil, easy to gat at. near E. Ash and 24th. East 1808. EL1EWJTR.IC coffee gri-nder: must sacrifice today- 129 1st street. FOR SALE A FTP MOBILES. FORD touring, 1918 model, Al condition. I. cense, tires pracLi1.-if.11y new, uiuiur 1 una fine: private party. East 8954. ltr'l BTJICK 0 B-passenger, cord tires, car in excellent condition. Price $950. Phone East 900 LHJDGE late 1920 touring, good shape me chanically and looks lfke new, for $650. Phone Sellwood 3071. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, run less than 1000 miles; will sell at discount and give easv terms. Tabor B935. 1918 CHEVROLET tourinj, cheap. Wood lawn 2387. FOR SALE 1919 Ford roadster, $150, by p r 1 vate owner. 352 '4 East 11th at. 1919 VELIE roaditer. $295 cash; gool con dition. Phone 515-02, $'75 STUDEBAKER coupe, '22 license. Automatic 327-08. 1918 FORD touring, starter, sacrlflos, $165. terms. 841 E, 8th st. N. Ton a A A FTP MO Bit, KB. C. G. BLF.ASDALE. FORD touring. 1922 llcsnse. SOxJH- Inch tires front and back, front seat cut to make camp bed tit FORD touring, 1921 modal, demount- v able rims, foot throttle, cord tires on rear, asat out to maks bad STi MAXWELL roadster, 1919 mods). new top, newly painted, good tires 97 MAXWELL delivery with self-starter, slsctrlc lights and bat tery, demountable wheels, top and windshield St BUICK four-cylinder, mechanically very good, self-starter, slsc trlc light 900 FORD bug. extra good body, Stuart vacuum feed, cutout wind shield , speedometer. shoes; absorbers 400 ESSEX late model, oord tires, two bumpers, side deflectors par fst shape 47S OVERLAND, mods! 90. C. C Umw paint, new top. wlrs whsels, cord tires, upholstsrlns; per fect 4T$ CHANDLER, 7-pssa. good shape... 790 CADILLAC. 8 - cyl.. very good top, Victoria curtains, mechanl eally right 00 OAKLAND, almost new; this la a snap 100 NASH sport model, wlrs wheels, very good tires, bumpsr front and rear, nswly painted 1000 BUICK, Uht six-cylindsr, oew top. newly painted, good tirss, lata modsl TOO) The above cars have been carefully Inspected and overhauled. MANY OTHBKS TO HELDCT FROM. PRICES RANGE FROM AO TO $9000 TERMS NO 11ROKERAGE. C. O. BLEA8DALB. 530 ALDER ST. Hroadwsy 1851 USED FORX8 USED FORDS If prices are tha sama, or bettec Buy from a Ford dealer. THE DUNNINO MOTOR CO., AT EAST 3D AND BROADWAY, offer tha followinc Ford cars: 1915 Tourtna. with llcenss good tires and rims; needs overhaul. $ 9 1920 Tourlna;. starter, new battery, nw top. new radiator, Ilcsnsa, good tires S7H 1914 touring, llrenr and food tlrss 115 1915 Touring, excellent, throughout . . 135 1917 Touring-, th bast buy la tha place 1U 1913 Tourlna;. license, good tirea. . . 2 00 1015 ChasMs. late hood! and body.. 30 1921 Touring, license, dam. rims.... 40a 1U21 Coupe, first-class condition... 0o0 1920 roadster, dam rims. Ucenaa, rood tirea Al throughout JIM 1918 Delivery, open express body... 103 1918 Roadster 17ft LIBERAL TERMS AND CARS AS REPREH EN TED. DUNNING MOTOR CO., Phone East SOS. BARGAINS m QUALITY AUTOMOBILES Hudson super six automobiles; bsvs been rebuilt by us durm tba laat flv years, and offer the greataat value to bs had In a uud car. That Is why you asa more Hudsons on tha street of Portland than any other make of flna automo bile. To sell tha new automobiles tha usad cars must ba sold, and these rebuilt Hudsona are and have been for flva years the greatest value. They carry' factory warranty and 90 dayn' frea serv ice. Prlcea range from $723 to $1050. C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., Both Stores No. 40-46 N. Broadway. No. 613-017 Washing-ton St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. 1922 BUICK ROADSTER. 1922 BUICK FOUR. 1921 BUICK TOURING, 1930 BUICK TOURING. 1918 BUICK TOURING. 1918 BUICK TOURING. 1917 BUICK TOURINO. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Phone Bdwy. 1895. 10th and OHsaa. WE SELL FOR LESS. 1914 Ford roadster, llcsnse $100 1916 Ford touring-, extra 120 1917 Faxon 4 roadster, license 12fi 1917 Ford tourlna; 10 1914 Bulck 4. roadster, license 130 1917 Grant 6 touring- 130 1917 Oakland 6. roadster 235 1917 Oakland 6, touring 250 191 Dort touring 1919 Overland 90C club 300 1920 Chandler 6 touring 750 7ft cars to pick fmm. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE.. Grand Ave. and E. Main St. Open Evening and Sunday. NEW CHEVROLET DEALER, See me before you buy a new or used CHEVROLET. My appraisals on your used car in trade on a new Chevrolet are FAIR ANT SQUARE. ARTHUR BRYAN MOTOR CO.. East Bdwy. st Whestar Si Phon East 9.VW. MY SERVICE SATISFIES" VERY LATE 1019 CHBV. TOUR. Completely overhauled and the finish la Ilka a new car. Prioed low and on eaay terms. Can ba seen at ARTHUR BRYAN MOTOR CO., CHEVROLET DEALERS. East Bdwy. at Wheeler Ft. Phone East Baffr 0564. "MY SERVICE SATISFIES." HAVE a 1921 Briscoe with over $100 wor of extras, which circumstancss foros 111 to aell: It Is In excellent condition: motor having Just been overhauled thi oughly; L, have no connection with dealer bisj you are dealing with a pr vate party. K 633. Orfgonlrtn TAKE CAR PAY OUT. DODGE TOURING. 1920. $450. HUDSON FUPEH 6. 7-PAFS.. 1017. HW. Rfullv rood and looks ft. MOTOR BOND A LOAN CO., l?on Rodney Aw Wdln. 2MW. LATE NAPH 4 TOURINO A snap for someone; run leas than 2000 miles; owner psM 91440 laat Sep tember; wtll sell for 90 with extras thrown In. Might consider small car as par payment Wlldrlck . Eaet ft 197. USED FORDS ALL MODELS. ALLEN OOODFELL MOTOR CO.. THE HOUSE OF SERVICE. 12TH AND STARK. CADILLAC 8, make ftne stage; d lig-hts, extra seats. lugrag-e earrlar. wlgrial, fpotlla;ht. 5 good cord tires; In Al condition. Prlc $750. terms St Auto : Truck Co.. 430 Burnwlda at 191 rTUTJeOX super six, hsa Junt baeu built, motor has been rebored; has piston, rinirs and pins: new nnlnt and Ask . 6 cord tire This oar Is a steal, for Bozell Bdwy 475. 1921 GARDNER 5-paas., In very nood eon d It Ion ; hnx 10m extras; s real lit 1 la Hfrht 4 with a rsal value: terms If A' r d . O.t 1 1 Bd w y . 5075. Ask for Base U. BEST price taken F-fenrns-Knia-hL 9 mili tary roadftr, ft cords, new battery, li cense, guaranteed perfect condition 10.1 North 11th st. PRIVATE party must sell 1021 OldsmohHa sodan, ellmlnste r-ommlsston : llk nw, many accessories. Automatic 511-11, mornlnxs LATE 1921 CHEVROLET Torn. In excellent ehap thrnurhmit: bst bnv in town, f 805. Terms. Phone East 9504. 1922 B1TTCK. 7-PASS. BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. PboPA Curtis. AutomsHc CHEVROLET. late 1920 tourlna;. excel rondftlon. cord tires, one spare. Insfhr top; taortflce. 9130 cash, ball easy terms. Owner. East S2fl 1022 FORD DEMON ST I! ATOR. It's a five-passenger. 00 days' old. Call Mr Frnlimon, Bdwy. 321. 1921 MAXWELL roadster, has been run only R miles; will sell rhap r-' rt " erv terms. Oall Box11. Bdwy. 407B LATE model Chevrolet to Int mech anient rondltd runs and lol(f Ilk n"W. 18 P.tnrK lirht fix. rnnrt runnlnr mr -dltlon: make m an offr; new (op, cur tains, batterv. Ess flt7. o dealer DODOE roadster. 181 model, flna tlon extra. 0210 .th avs. S. E.. for Neleon. 407 K Stark. CART BR '"A R. rood running tires. W-Z ucrnee : oium week: bst offer tnRIng It Ts A BUO A big bug. n Auburn bar. fm quick sale, will move fnr 1100 Cut after 0 P, M 434 Going at FOR SALE Overland Mall 10 tnurlnr. mechsnlcally riant. $230 cash at 1R0 Mr. Fettrr PRIVATE party will sell !'.'1 liarht 6, fnur new tires, ncen, . -1 m rcna n . 1 ffer. 1Q3 ortn 11 in ft. MUST dispose of lata model Ovrlsnd toor ing. new ps-ni. nrw urwn, mrnw battery. 103 Nnrth 11th st. 7-PASSENGER Case touring; rar. prlvstely owned: excellent condition; roon rvnvwr; will sell cheap on easy terma. 415 DaTta. FOR HALE Hudson super aix, or wl'l trade ror amsner rsr r-iniwwq "i. HTTD0ON touring oar, $123. Csll Bdwy. 0232, aaTt lor jarowneii or owluib.