THE MOBMNG OREGOMAX. FRIDAY. 31 AY 1022 20 KE.T. ESTATE. For sale ArrHge. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. FIXE DISTRICT. NOW PLANTED TO POTATOES. iteri? the purchaser gets one-third of the crop at the time of harvest, all racked and ready for delivery, with, no additional costs. That's not bad, is it? A wav to pav for your land without turning a hand. Other tracts all plowed and readv for planting; SUNDERLAND ACRES, at E. 29th st. N. and Colum bia bird. paved , convenient to Alberta and Woodlawn cars; 1 to 40-acre tracts. $400 per acre and up; easy terms. J. O. ELROD, OWNER, 2P3 Stark St. Broadway Office at E. 29th St. N. and Colum bia Blvd. TWO ACRES $420a All in cultivation; 6-room house with electr!city. gas anl running water; on hard surface road, close to electric sta tion and school, east of Portland. Ask lor F. C Marshall, with rftAKK I-.. McGUIRE, 2':.-j Abineton Rldg. Bdwy. T1T1. Third, St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. EE V EN AC RES. CLOSE ALLEN. 6131 2D ST S IN. THOMAS E 616-45. Homesteads, RelinqniRhment". WILL sell my homestead cheap; cabin and road u completed. AF SOI. Orearonlan. For Sale Farm a. CLOSE-IN FARM. 93 acres. 16 miles south of center of Portland ; 14 miles from small town ; rocked road; 50 acres under cultiva tion, 30 acres more very easy clearing, lots of pasture; 2 drilled wells: one acre bearing orchard; all kinds of berries; good 6-room house, 2 barns, chicken house, other buildings. Included with place, good heavy team, harness, wagon, plow, cultivator, eta Crops practically all In and included at $135 per acre for everything; very easy terms. 20 acres. 124 miles west of Portland, 8 miles from Red Electric station; rocked road , 4 acres under cultivation ; all can be farmed when cleared; five acres tim ber; good loam soil. Price S2000, clear; $500 cash or consider house In Portland up to $5000 In good district or good residence lots. Ask for Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Oer.inger Blag 158 ACRES. NEARLY ALL IN CULTIVA TION IN THE UMPQUA VALLEY, FOR $4500 TERMS. Located 9 miles from R, R. station, on county road and new hard-surfaced highway now under construction; near school and P. O. : all good soil; 120 acres ready for plow, more can be cultivated. Fair house, barn, family orchard; well watered by several springs; good open range for turkeys. Price (4500 ; $2500 cash, time on the balance. W. A. BOGARD REAL ESTATE CO., 405 Cass Bt.,Roseburg. Or. Fol SALE BY OWNER IMPROVED LAND In best Irrigated district in north west; good buildings; 10 a. in grapes, 40 a. In alfalfa, 10 a. In orchard ; shade trees; plenty of water; long growing season ; good dairy country ; close to high school and state road ; mild, dry eltmate; no mud. Also have a few acres unimproved lant.. Will sell any part r alL No commissions to pay. Lib eral terms. J. F. Mart in. B u rba n k. Wash. - HOOD RIVER RANCH. 140 acres for $2600. Here Is your ehance to make some money. Owner forced to sell; 15 acres cleared, over 100 apple trees; 2H miles from O'Dell; log house, good barn. 2 chicken houses, spring and creek; $6000 federal loan, per cent, balance of $2000 cash. Will show Suiday to anybody really Inter ested. Room for 5 in machine. Bdwy. 7510. room 1 Ry. Exch. bldg. CENTRAL" Oregon potato, alfalfa and clover lands; special for ex-service men. stocked and equipped, can advance you money to get settled on land, seed, etc I expect to be in Portland hotel, room 525. Portland. Or., until May 5 or 6. Can meet you any evening between 6 and S. or call up any time. Charles H. Haines of Ben ham Fal'.s Realty Co., Bend. Or. STOCKED DAIRY FARM. 180 acres, 50 acres cleared, 7-room hous. dairy barn almost new, good cli no I and high school, crushed rock road, excellent soil, low r Columbia dis trict: will accept city property. Portland or othr good valley city, balance easy terms, 6 per cent. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Co-urh bldg. Bdwy. 6785. STOCK RANCH. 560 acres deeded land, over 2000 acres rang'1 ad joining. 2, feet of lum ber; will raise 151! tons of hay, abund ano of water for irrigation, hunting and fishing unexcelled: 36 miles to Yak ima, splendid road, fair improvements, orchard, etc. Liberal terms to right par- iy. 'A. H. Rpntin Nile. Wash. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland home; S3 acres in first-class shape, pro- una over $30no In npplcs last year. M"dern house (hnth. etc.). barn, tenant bOttse, garage, :ipp1? house and other outbuildings ; good fences. A real bar ga n prrre. Must sll to close an es tat. Mr. Hearn, 1"02 Spalding bldg. Bdwy 7341. Res. Main 6474. 1 ACRES fruit land. 4 acres cleared with 1 no bearing ;t pple tree? ; 6-room house and barn 40x40, chicken coop that Will house 300 chickens ; pood outbuildings, w ell and 2 living springs : 2 miles from cfty of 15,000 Inhabitants, 100 miles from Portland In Washington. Price $lS0l, 9tO0 cash, with terms on balance. Apply 24 1: C 1 m c k a n i a st.. or phone East 2S7. 95o DOWN and $10 per month buys 10 acres, small house and well; some stand ing t imber ; lies level, no rocks, 20 miles from Portland, near highway; price l 100; also have other small houses and acres In other locations on the same terms as above. Chaa, Delfcll, 318 Rail way Exchange bldg. FOR SALE -40 ACRES $1200. 71, milaa north of Grants Pass, on Pa cific highway, 10 acres in oats, 1 in gar den. 4 -room house, sleeping porch, fire place, well on back porcn, chirk en house, garage. Owner. For particulars write S. B. Pellum. route 1, box 23. Grants Pa. -a. Or. ABOUT 12 acres of good farming land, a! ready seeded in oats and vetch: good 0 room modern house, gas and electricity; fine place for a chicken ranch; house, furnish-'d or unfurnished-. For further Information call Oak Grove 10 or ad dress P. O. box 67, Portland, Or. FORCED sale of 314 acres In Siskivou county, Cal., fenced In 4 different lots, 100 acres in grain; house, barn, gran ary, chicken house and lots of fine pas ture; school on place. It Is certainly a good buy for some one at $J. 50 acre. Address C. M. Wilson. Worden, Or. V'K WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley In central Oregon, a dairy, potato and stockman's para dise, a card brings full particulars. Red mond Ijind & Loan Co., Inc., Redmond. Or. (King Murphy's capitol. i40 ACRES. 30 aijros in cultivation, best of .oil, some ash and oak timber ; paved road. 35 miles from Portland in Molalla alley. Will divide In 40 -acre tracts. Onlv $70 per acre. Terms.. G. T. Hed rlck. 130 Division st ST ACRES in Vancouver, Wash. ; 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre penr trees; 2-room houw ; choice location ; $3500. Marshall 4220. CH ! "KEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $M to $,"00 an acre, easy terms; best sell; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. SMALL FARMS. 0 acres up. level, clear, fenced, houses, near Wil lamina ; email down payment, J. R. Sharp. S3 V 3d st. W WTKl K F A L EST TE. WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Millcrship. 1 5 Fourth. Main 527.". WANT (I or T-room home la Irvington, Holladtiy or Walnut Park, will pay $500 cash and good monthly payment; owners only. AP 63S. Oregonian. TV ANTED 6 or 7-room house in South End. sout h of Clay, east of 6th; state location and terms; owners only. BD 641. Oregonian "fVAN'T home around $5000, Rose City, Irv ington. Laurel hurst, from owner: mod ern., with garage: must have immediate possession. 1'. O. box 3375. V A NT .". or R-riiO'Ti modern house In Lr.urelhurst, Rose City or Alameda. Give nrlce terms and location. B 60-1. Ore- poi. ian wANTEl' T' buy "i to S-room modern, homo in good residence district; will pay $50O cjish and 535 per month, to include interest Phone Tahor nm2. CON TRACTO R who will build and .arrange financing of a 4 "r 5-room bungalow in Oswego for ?2(Hi down with lot clear. VB OrepoTiian. fkon.E WAITING to buy from us. 2 to R - rttom homes. FRAXK C. ROBINSON. Realtor. 415 t'l.. of 111. Bid-;. Bdwy. "222. WAN TED 5 or 6-room modern home In A trrta or Kose i:ty I'arK between xjou 1 and $4500 CALL EAST 9240. ! Ql" 1 1 ' K deal for tvt rga In in 5-room bunga - tow; desirable district; garage preferred. I A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermen bldg. ; LIST VOIR PROPERTY FOR SALE or trade with Nelson, Realtor. 706 Gasco bldg. Main 2072. "WILL PAT cash for a good 7 or S-room house on Portland Heights or Arlington '. Heights. Bdwy. 2045. evenings Main 25:14. WANTR P Sn la 1 1 house, southeast, that $300 down will handle. Price $2000 or acreage. Sell 3S44. , To SELL rOlTR LOT. se. j JOHNSON-DOl'SON CO.. USA N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37ST. , L'LWE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS 1 1 the Hibt'rnla Convuiercial & Sav- i ings bank lor collection. i ST OR ff-ROOM house, Large lot. not hvt j five bloc kb from scnooi : not pver S2500; I no agents. AS 631, Ort soman. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE clients now waiting for well-'ocated homes of 4, 5 and 6 rooms, priced right, which can be handled with J300 to 50t cash payment. C. R. METER COM PANT, SOS Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 3531. FURNISHED bungalow wanted, about 7 rooms; must have two bedrooms, bath and toilet down, two bedrooms up. Close in on paved stree.ts. from J4O00 to $4500. $1000 cash, balance monthly. Phone Bdwy. 3296. Stabence, 314 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Houses of 4 to 6 rooms, close to car. In good locality with small cash pay ment. Broadway 1531. WANTED To buy, some owner preferred. 6 to 8-room modern house, in good, con dition, with cement basement, street and sidewalk paid for. good residence dis trict; will pay 1500 cash, balance J35 monthly including interest. Phone Tabor 5682. OWNER TAKE NOTICE. Want large lot with east or south fac ing, corner preferred, near Fremont or Knott, west of 30th, north of Broad -wav; must be bargain for cash. Walnut 2810 or E. 8622. 1274 Villard ave. I HAVE a buyer far a home, any good dis trict, but your price must be bargain, Broadwav 4S37. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F JOUNO. 224 Henry Bldg. ACREAGE WANTED. I want 1 or 2 desirable vacant acres with good view, north of Oak. Grove, on Oregon City line. PHONE BROADWAY 190C. I AM A WOMAN wanting to buy a mod ern, close-in flat b!dg. as an investment. Have $5000 cash and will assume. May 'consider small apartment house. Write AO 637. Oregonian. WAN T small ACREAGE Ready place near city. Can make sub- etantial payment. Must have bldgs. and good soli; write for appointment. AG 1H. Oregonian. Wanted to Bent Farms. EX-SERVICE man, married, experienced farmer, wants farm in Portland district; caeii or share basU; 10 high-grade cows fresh this fall. O 604, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. 2080 ACRES standing timber, 75 per cent yellow and sugar pine. In northern Cali fornia, 2 to 3 miles to paved highway, with fine mill site; 200.000.000 feet addi tional timber nearby can be secured on excellent terms. Have 50,000,000-capa-clty mill and equipment. Marketing con ditions are of best; want business man with not leas than $10,000 to take half interest; principals only. Y 613. Ore gonian. SO ACRES of tlmberland. near Tigard sta tion; will sell cheap; can be cut in 5 and 10-acre tracts. Inquire at blacksmith shop at Tigard station. FOR RENT FARMS. RANCH FOP- RENT PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 200 adres, 100 tillable, balance In pas ture; 5-room house, fair barn, milk house and other outbuildings; water piped to buildings; mile from electric car line on S2d street; personal property consist ing of 23 good grade cows. Holstein bull, spau horses, brood sow, pigs. 2 dozen chickens, cream separator, milk cooler, buckets, harness, bath tub and plumbing, silo, cook stove, table, chairs, linoleum; some small tools; seed potatoes and growing crops; price for personal property $4500; rent foo ranch $75 per month; this will sell to the first party who can meet the terms. which are $1875 cash and the remainder of $2023 can be paid at the rate of $75 per month, which includes 7 per cent in terest. No. 66P. SO ACRES. 80 acres. 20 acres under cultivation, balance pasture, with unlimited out range; 4-room bungalow, barn 40x60. cow shed 20x40. outbuildings, fine spring water and an excellent orchard; 1 mile from railroad station and store, sum me resort ; rent $250 per year, which can be worked out if desired; personal prop erty consists of 8 excellent grade Jersey cows, 10 mos. old, 15-16 Jersey bull, 2300-lb. span mares, 2-year-old colt, wagon, difc, cable, blocks, etc., 3 hogs, etc. ; price, $1350 cash. No. 724. See MR. BLAIR, with THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Realtors. Third and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. DA I RY ranch for lease and 22 cows for sale- will accept any reasonable offer, owing to iltness; situated S miles from Portland on main road; 0-room house, furnished or unfurnished. For further Information call Oak Grove- 1! or ad draaM P. O. box 67, Portland. Or FOR SALE or Rent 93-acre farm, partly equipped. 60 acres in cultivation; Imme diate possession. Address 453 E. SSth. N. rhont- Tabor gggg. . 46-ACRE well improved place, near Esta cada, for rent. Phone Bdwy. 4735. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ACKEAGK FOR HOUSE. Wart Portland home in exchange for 7 acres nd suburban Jiome of 0 rooms; 6 acres cultivated, 2 acres fruit and berries: 2 poultry houses; excellent soil; near electric depot iind high school. Rob inson Spooner Co., 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6785. HAVE client with 57500 first mortgage at 8 per cent, payable In three installments and a beautiful Irvington home on ground 100x150. to exchange for apart ment house or general merchandise In or near Portland, in a high school town. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 223 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 1566. LOOK! . WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want ? Bring me your proposf lions, large or small, city or country; I will match them. E. A. Easley. 295 Montgomery St., cor. 5th. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. WILL EXCHANGE a beautrful Rose City Park home. 6 rooms, fireplace, etc.. value $7000, for good acreage. Improved, with a modern home, close to Portland, of equal valua and clear of incumbrance. W. G. IDE. 817 Lwis bldg. CALIFORNIA FOR OREGON. 20 acres, all In cultivation, for acre age, or house in Portland; will assume or pay cash dlfferncc. Val. $4000. Bdwy. 6785. Robinson-Spooner Co.. 712 Couch bldg. . $15,000. INCOME Portland to exchange for larger property and assume and pay cash. CLEVELAND, 306 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. FIN K Irvington home, modern every re spect; garage; fine corner lot. 100x100: will exchange for Investment property or vacant business property ; assume if necessary. POINDEX TER. 207 SELLING BLDG. HAVE several large homes to exchange for smaller ones; also acreage to trade for citv proper tv. J. W. O'Conncll. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. SM Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. 160 ACRES good land with 1.000.000 feet choice timber; 30 miles from Portland : cash price $3200; exchange for Portland house or other property. Mrs. Smith. East 622S. TWO LOTS AMITY. OREGON 2 blocks from depot; will trjfde for Portland lot and assume difference. OFARRELL-GRELLNER. 33S-40 Chum, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring in your proposition houses, :otP. farms, acreage, stocks of merchand inc. R. S . 712 Couch bldg. CHERRY OROVE. 3 ACRES. Cult Iva ted, Improved ; good buildings, value- $2500: trade for 3-room houee and lot same value. 706 Gasco bldg. Main 2072. T TRADE, equity 2 '4 acres in Parkrose; all In potatoes, best of soil ; 3 blocks from car: will trade for A-l automobile, I92t or 1I22 model; must be AT, Tele- Phone East S13Q-. 10 ACRES. Hood River district, part bear ing, with 2-room house, for your equity In modern 5-room bungalow. Owner, Tabor 3455. , WILL TRADE lot and pay cash difference for sellers' contract on city property. Give full details and description. K 614, Ore soman. HOl'SE and 4 lots, well -improved ; $4000; will take 20 or Rn-aere farm in ex change 314 Chamber of Commerce bid. Bdwy. 32 a 6. 4 SMALL houses to exchange for small aereage near Port land. HILTON-DANIEL CO., -JTO Stark St. Bdwy. I&00. EASTERN Oregon farm and stock ranch tti traOfi for anything in western Oregon as r.iy home is here. Burnaugh. 416 Ore- gon t'ag. HAVE modern, city home; exchange for acreage or small farm close around Portland. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. 20-ROOM apt-. thrre-year lease. Price $3000; want small house and lot. John Brown Co.. Realtor. 322 Ry. Exch b:dg. Bd jr. 6301. WE have trucks in excellent condition; will trade for city residence or vacant propeny. Main 1492 FOl'RROOM hous. trade for grocery or trade for car as first payments. East itti PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. GORDON ROSS. Bdwy 5173, C24 Henry Bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EQUIPPED FARM. 80 acres, river bottom, 60 acres in cul tivation and crop; new bungalow, barn, silo, roultry house, spring and creek on place; all necessary tools and equip ment; . team. 4 cows. 1 heifer and 2 calves; many chickens; finest of soli and onlv 4 miles from high school and R, R., 19 miles to Portland on good graveled road. Will take good home in city as first payment, bal. long time at 6 per cent. Bdwy. 6785. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch Bldg. TRADE TRADE TRADE TRADE. Want Portland residence to exchange for close-in acreage and farms. Have several bungalows on which we will take light car or lot as part of down payrn&nt. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. Bdwy. 5618. 512-13 Wilcox bldg. BEAUTIFUL countrv place on paved Pa cific highway near Medford, Or. ; sell or trad for Portland residence ; 44 acres, 15 in alfalfa; 7-room, furnace heated bungalow, hardwood floors, elec tric lights and cooking; fine large barn, 2 16x40 feet hen houses and other build ings ; home surrounded by fine oak grove; buildings insured for $10,300, and worth more ; every convenience. See photographs. Owner. 822 Gasco bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland home; 83 acres in first-class shape, pro duced over $3000 in apples last year. Modern house (bath, etc.), barn, tenant house, garage, apple house and other outbuildings; good fences. A real bar gain price. Must sell to close an es tate. Mr. Beam. 1002 Spaldinng bldg. Broadway 7341. Res. Main 6474. TWO HOUSES IN ST. JOHNS. Two modern houses on 100x100 lot, only one block from business district and car line-; this property Is excep tionally well located; price $8000; owner will trade for a good going farm near Portland or Salem; will assume some. See Mr. Stephens or Campbell, With Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Coinmerr?. AT BE AVERTON. 7 acres, chicken houses, garage, 600 strawberry plants, loganberries and rasp berries ; 6-room house, large fireplace; $5000. Would take house in Portland to $3000. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. SALE or trade, SO acres of good lettuce or garden land, half mile from Parma, Box 122, Parma. Idaho. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL trade lumber, doors and windows on a Ford truck. 226 Russell st. TRADE motorcycle for wireless. Call 641-31, mornings. AB 612. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. ADMINISTRATOR'S AUCTION SALE. WOODLAND. WASH. 62 head of milch cows belonging to the late M. P. Whalen estate. A splendid herd of cows, consisting of IS registered and grade Holsteins, 21 grade Jerseys, 22 Durham and Pole and 1 Guernsey. Some just fresh 47 h-ead fresh since Jan. 1. Some Springers. This stock wok win tered in the very best way. Cattle tuberculin tested stock will be loaded on boat or cars free. To make It convenient for all to at tend, arrangements have been made to hold the sale at the Cowlitz County Fair grounds, three blocks from railroad station. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, Auctioneers, Vancouver. Waaih. E F. Bryant. Administrator. FOR SALE OR HIRE. 40 head of horses, weighing from 1000 to 1800 lbs., consisting of 1 carload of young sound ranch stock, recently shipped from eastern Oregon, balance contracting and street used horses. Will sell with a guarantee at a very reason able price. 35 sets of new and second-hand har ness at a reduced price. Also 4 dump wagons for sale. G. K. HOWITT, V.Q2 Front St. FOR SALS All ready for hard work, one span of mares, 1500 pounds each, sound and gentle, 8 years old, true and right in all harness; one span of mares, 1300 pounds each, blocky, S years old, gentle, true, serviceably sound, one with foal; one span of geldings, 1300 pounds each, rangy, spirited, good workers; will de liver any of above to Vancouver. Levi Rood, Hall. Wash. FOR SALE 16 head good work horses wit1 their harness, dump wagons, plows and slip scrapers and fresnoes. These horses range In age from 4 to 8 years old and are guaranteed to be sound and true workers. C. C. ChappelL 1029 E. Yamhill. 20 HEAD good, young, sound work horses ani. mules; weigh from 1000 to 1500 pounds; will be sold vejy cheap to save feed expense at Sifton Feed Barn, Slfton, "Wash. FOt SALE 2 fresh milk goats. 4 kids and 2-year-old Billy. per cent Nubian. Will exchange for good horse not over 7 years old. Box 45. B lodge-tt. Or. 2600-LB. TEAM of good chunky built work horses, also several other cheap horses, harness and wagons of all kinds. 240 E. 8th st. FVn RENT Good pasture with running water, near Portland, for limited num ber of horses and cattie. Phona East 3R37. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade, 360-366 E. Morrison s. FOR SALE Chfap, fresh Jersey cow and calf, heavy milker, leaving town, must sell at once. 7S0 Front st. S. TEAM, about 2300 pounds, heavy harness end farm wagon, $1 50. 4010 67th st. Mt. Scott car. $125 Bl'YS Borre! team, 3 and 4 years eld. weight 1100 lbs. each, jound and good workers. 4301 67th st. Mt. Scott car. 2 TEAM H ith dun 5r salt?. wagons and Fresno Phone Empire 1507 for hi bet. and 1. LARGE fresh Jersey cow with calt ; will sell very reasonable with health certifi cate. 302 Front st. FOR SALE wagon, all Cheap, nearly new. S-in. farm cotnp.ete. 7 SO Front et. S. ETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. FOR SALE 10 head of horsea 4-8 years old. Call at East Otli and Flanders. GOOD Jersey 240 E. Sth just fresh ; tub. tested. TOLNG FRESH COWS. ALSO HEAVY SPRINGERS. EAST 3074. LARGE Jer.wy cow for Columbia 316. saie. fresh. Call 18 GOATS, 1 100: 2 incubators, good con dition, i0. Wdln. 32S1. ONE SET of heavy harness. 26 Russel injioH. Orgniiw and Mimical ltitttrument,s. CELLO, bow and carrying sack; good old German make: 150. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. TWO CHICKERING pianos, plain, late mahogany. Equal to new; about 1-3 price of a new one. Terms. 312 Worces ter bldg. 12 GOOD upright pianos, ftf to $175 each Many fine standard makes. Terms. B rn k erae Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. WILLIAM KN ABE piano, plain case, al most 1-3 the price of a new one. Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. . FIRST-CLASS standard pin no. cost J600 j wl'.! sell $150 cash if taken at once. F (14 Oregonian ANOTHER stock new Victor and Columbia records. 2 for 75c. rafeteria style. Harold S Gilbert. 107 West Park. SPECIAL OFFER. $1 per mo. rents grafonola with rec rds. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. COLUMBIA table phonograph. $250 value, in fine condition. A snap at $08. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. PIANOS moved. $3. ground floor ; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway jjfgT. $2.50 RENTS late .ecords. cabinet phonograph with Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 1 OAK and 1 man. cabt. Cheney phono graphs, $60 each, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth St, PHONOGRAPH credit $20o on VIctroia, Edison or Brunswick : will discount for cash. Tabor 1877. RENT .1 real piano; copper bass strings, ivorv keys, veneered case. Harold 8. Gil bert. lOWestTiirk. $120 EDISON DIAMOND DISC CABINET, $50. Newman. 128 1st , between Alder and Washington. $550 KOHLER & CAMPBELL piano, lat est -ma hog. , $22 S. terms. 312 Worcester bldg- $700 LESTER piano, latest mahog. ; $300, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $650 .EST BY terms. 312 piano, latest mahog., $300. v orefstfr bldg. $125 WALNUT NEWMAN. 1 ORG An only $20. 1st., near Alder. $120 CABINET GRAFONOLA, $45 N E W M A N. 12 1st., bet. Alder and Wash. NEW PIANOS FOR RENT. Schwun Piano Co., Cor 10th and Stark 1120 LATE MODEL CONN CORNET. $45. NEWMAN. 128 1st. near Alder. FOR SALE Jefferson Good violin, t.. art. 25. 283 13th st.. cor. PIANOS for rent. 424 Jefferson SI. Transfer Co.. BARGAIN Kingsbury piano, good condi tion, $170. 3S6 Morris st. 1 FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. GREATLY REDUCED PIANO PAYMENTS. $6 and' $8 monthly buys new piano. $4 and $B monthly buys used piano. $8 and $10 monthly buys player piano. $3 and $5 monthly buys phonographs. $2 and $3 monthly buys parior organs SCHWAN PIANO CO., Anniversary Sale. $550 Geo. Steck & Co. upright $215 5375 Gerald, ebony, upright 195 $375 Hallet & Davie upright 165 $900 Thompson player, upright S95 Cottage organ $1S. Mason & Hamlin 38 New pianos to rent. SALE OF PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35.00 Victor and 5 used records... $ 20 95.00 Stradivara. 10 used records. 45 140.00 Brunswick, 10 used records 95 165.00 Stradivara, 10 nseC records. 90 .165.00 Emerson, 10 used records... 95 1.5.000 Sonora, 10 used records... 130 350.00 Victrola, 15 used records... 215 $5 or $10 cash, $3, $5 or Aore monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th at Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $300 Prentiss upright, cash $125 575 Krell upright, mah., cash 215 475 Hallet & Davis, cash 165 250 Bard & Co., small upright 75 750 Pianista Player Piano $275 75 Chicago Cottage Organ $18 and 25 103 10th at., at Washington and Stark. SPRING SALE USED PIANOS. Wheelock upright, mahogany, on. y. $175 Martin Bros., mahogany, only 195 Pease & Co., upright, oak. only 245 Winton Player Piano only 395 Pianola Player, 88-note, only 50 Pay $10 cash, $6 or more a mom h. Lipman, Wolfe & Co.. Cor. 5th and Wash. PIANO BARGAINS. Kingsbury, plain mahogany case.... $275 Schilling & Son, plain oak case, prac tically new 275 Haines piano, good condition 225 Howard, walnut case, at a bargain.. 285 Cambridge, plain mahogany case, best of condition 265 Lindeman, walnut case, almost new. 265 Jewett. old style 90 Steinway. old style, but in fine con dition . . . 150 Kimball Player, used for demonstra tion only 525 Kimball, cabinet grand, walnut case. 395 AND OTHERS. SEIBERLING-LUC AS MUSIC CO., 12,'t 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. USED PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS, yictxoia, style X, mahogany case.... $00 e-'aO . olumbia, library table model. oak 1 Brunswick phonograph, oak case. new ; 3 Brunswick phonograph, mahogany case new AND OTHERS. S E IB ERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. LARGE cabinet Cheney phonograph, mah. case, just UKe new. a snap at ? jdu, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. . 149 Sixth St. 1 SCHILLER player-piano, SS-note, mah. case, une condition, rally guaranteed, in cludes player roils. A big bargain, only $01 5. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. CAREFUL BUYER. See the best of new pianos just from the port of New York to the Port of Portland by the Panama canal. The prices will surprise you. Come today. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. FINE mah. case J. & C. Fischer piano. A splendid buy, onlv $2 1 o, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. Central Market. 4th and Yamhlil sts, Exchange old records, if in good con dition, for late hits or old favorites; highest prices paid for used records. WE WILL take your old piano In ex " change for a new Victrola or Cheney phonograph. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. ORGANS Set your own price within rea son. These organs must move as we need the floor space. SE IB ERLLNG -LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. CONN alto saxophone, silver bell and keys, gold ; $125, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth St. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make. Ou work is guaranteed. SE1BERLLNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Bdwy. 6576. FINE old Mayflower Guitar, good con dition, fine tone; $35. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. CH1CKERING concert grand, sounding board and case o. K. ; could be put in perfect condition for nominal sum; $250. Main 2218. CONN tenor eaxophone, silver-gold Den, pearl buttons; $150; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. PIANO TUNING and refinishing. Expert workmanship gua ranteed. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 41b St. Bdwy. 6576. SOHMER piano, very latest brown ma hogany, less than half price. Terms. 312 Worcester bl d g ' Furniture for hale. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor space filled with high-grade furniture of every kind and description ; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phonographs, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets, dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks, Wilton and oriental rugs, refrigerators, sewing ma chines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale starts at 9 o'clock, Monday, April 17 and continues until entire stock is sold. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY, Fourth at Pine Sts., opposite Mult nomah hotel. QUIT BUSINESS. Closing out sale starts Friday, May 5. Onr-Maii Auto Tops and side curtains for Ford cars $16.05 Spark Plugs for Fords 25c. Large Majestic combination range as good as now; worth $200, now 9Q Full coil springs, size for . . . . $ 1.98 50 feet garden hose, H inch, 5-pIy, standard kind 92.98 Llbrarr table, medium size, oak finish. worth $10, for ;..$4.85 Sewing Rocker, golden oak finish, imitation leather seat, slightly used. 52 Floor lamp stand, mahogany finish. romplete electric connection $7.95 DIRECTOR BROS., Furniture Store. 165 First Street. SHERIDAN dining table and 6 chairs, nest of Chinese tables, mahogany high boy, antique chest of drawers, two ma hoganv framed mirrors, one antique folding table, mahogany bed and box springs, willow stand, willow rocker, two straight willow chairs, one antique mahogany straight chair, antique sofa, Navajo and oriental rugs, half price. Can be seen at Portland Van & Storage Co. A CHANCE to furnish .your bedroom at a price you can't afford to miss. EASTERN MAPLE. All Ivory finish bf iroom set complete; must be sacrificed for cash account sick nega. For appointment phone Bdwy. 122.. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samples, several dav enports and chairs at bargain prices; terms. Phones 63f-27 evenings and Sun days. Tabor 5797 or 635-27. " MICHAELSON-MAYSON. INC., 54th and Foster Road. RATTAN SET. 8 piece?, 2 rugs. 1 dining room set. 1 mahogany settee, 2 oak rock ers. 1 ga1 range, 1 ice refrigerator, beds, springs, mattresses. 246 North 21&t. near Marshall. Must be sold today to give up the house. HIGH-GRADE overstuffed davenport and 2 chairs covered In boat of velour; cost $450; will sacrifice if taken at once : also 2 wonderful ivory bedroom sets. Call 404 College St., near 10th, bet. 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. MY ELEGANT hew, overstuffed davenport and chair at a sacrifice: also two hand some oriental rugs. 9x12. 8x10. and very fine French ivory bedroom suite, com plete. Main 2927. after 10 o'clock. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in ouft through cars, fireproo Btorage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. HAVE to sell our beautiful new over stuffed davenport. Call Sunday A. 2L or evenings after 5:30. S47 E. Stark. DINING room, living, bedroom furniture, range. Cable piano, wardrobe trunk. Woodlawn 5389. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale all together or separate pieces. Phone Broadway 578 evenings. $150 AV ILL buy my interest In 6-room modern flat, west side. Main 6959. 328 13th st. LIGHT brass bed, oak dresser, music cab inet and lady's writing desk. Call Friday or Saturday. 128 East 45th st. HIGH-GRADE mahogany dining room set. also antique double scat. East 1714. FURNITURE for sale, cheap. Call at E. 0th st. N.. mornings and evenings FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale. Mrs. Blac:;. 230 C. of C. Bdwy. 7581. FOLDING CHAIRS, PIANO. VICTROLA. DAVENPORT. ETC. TABOR 806. ANTIQUE couch tor sale cheap. Portland Van A Storage Co. FOR SALE Roll top desk and small flat tabi'- SIH Chamber of Commerce lildg. TWO 0x12 rugs In good condition, rea- Bonnble. Auto. i3:-i. FOR SALE Old Ivory bedroom suite. Call SEVEN rooms furniture and rugs, A. B. gas range. 166 Hawthorne ave. FOR SAUL Furniture for Sale. SAVE MONET. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household goods; reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and finishing; money loaned on goods In storage; fireproof storage; low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 52 4th St., Opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Bdwy. S735. Office Furniture. SAVE MONET ON OFFICE EQUIPMENT. 4-drawer steel files $ 37.50 9 bank flat Burroughs 173.00 7 bank flat Burroughs 140.00 We can equip your office complete in either new or used furniture: .11 check writers, typewriters, adding machines, etc.. have been carefully gone over and are in perfect condition. D. C. WAX. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. WE HAVE the following used office fur niture in good condition at exceptional prices: G roll-top desks, 14 flat-top desks, 7 typewriter desks, 1SS office chairs. 1 safe. 1 bookkeeper's desk THE IRWIN-HODSON CO., Furniture Department, Tenth at Stark Streets. Bdwy. 3144. 66 MAHOGANY flat-top desk with plate glass top, also, rotary chair and 3 side chairs; 1 mahogany bookkeeper desk, also stool; 2 oak roll-top desks, 1 ped T. W. desk, 2 tables, 1 safe,! filing safe, 1 stack Y & E files. Bushong & Co., 91 Park st. ONE 42-INCH oak flat top desk, $25; one 00-inch oak-fiat top desk, $35; two o-a-k filing, $25 each; one steel filing cabinet, $35; five straight -back office chairs, $5 each; one revolving office chair. $12.50. Inquire May Hardware company, 124-126 Front st. PRACTICALLY NEW QUARTERED LIGHT OAK TYPEWRITER DESK. Splendid condition, suitable for well furnished office; bargain. Phone Sell wood 2895. Or Main 488, after 5 P. M. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatross Metal Furniture Co.. 715 Thurman. WANT some used office furniture at once; no dealers. Bdwy. 1873. $93 ZENITH chiropractic adjusting table for $63; good as new. Tabor 1520. Typewriter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. Main 56S1. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169. NOISE annoys; rent a Noiseless; a few used Noiseless for sale. Noiseless Type writer Co.. 81 4th st. Bdwy. 5044. f REBCILTS, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co., 31 2 Stark. M. 5.j41). TYPEWRITERS for rent, $300 a month. Empire Transfer Co. Bdwy. 155. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. , BABY CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES on White Leg horns, Reds. Minorcas. Barred Rocks, White Rocks and Anconas. Best Oregon stock Postal secures new FREE cat alogue. Write today. C. N. NEEDHAM. SaLEM, OREGON. WHITE LEGHORN oaoy cnick-. for May and June delivery at $12 per 100; $113 per 1000 Irom flocks inspected and ac credited ' by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 6th st.. Pgtaluma. Cal. $ $ $ $ FOR YOU in Mammoth Whits Pekin ducks, easier to raise and far m-re profitable than chickens; day old ducklings delivered to you by parcel post ror 40 cents each. Write today and engage yours before It Is too late. Laughlin Bros.. McMinnville. Or. WHEN you order our baby chicks from us you get safe delivery of good, strong, healthy chicks, from high productive hens, with e?g records of 200 to 308 each, mated to p digreed cockerels. May and June chicks at $12.30 per 100. Graham Poultry Farm, Wood burn. Or. iv if', v. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May and June delivery at $12 per 100: $115 per 1000, from flocks inspected and ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatcherv, 441 6th St.. Petaluma. Ca!. $12 PER 100, White Leghorn baby chicks from Corvallis noted epg strains, e'ec trically hatched. This low price on May 18 and 25 only. Order now. Oregon Corvallis Hatcherv. Corvallis. Oregon. BABY CHICKS. From W. I hens bred for vigor and high egg production. Hatches May 7. 14. 2fl. Taul Dudley, Aloha. Or. Mall ad dress Rt. 4. Beaverton. JUNE hatch Tancred W. L. chicks. $10 per 100. Tabor 3S22. Parkrose Hatchery. Portland. FOR SALK R. I. baby chicks. 15c each, with or without mothers. 5708 51st st. S. E. ' GOOD setting Wdln. 5244. hens. 997 Garfield ave. SEVEN Rhode Island Red hens, excellent layers. Call Auto. 312-97. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. FOR KALE Boston bull pups from finest registered stock, sired by one of Port land's youngest and best. Cyrus Noble. Come now and get your choice. See Snowball, a pure white Boston with a wonderful head. Auto. 633-02. MI ST sMI on account of travel, my Ilartz Mt. singer; extra fine large cage, also small one. 2S3 13th st., cor. Jefferson st.. apt. 25. FIXE male cattle or watch dog. East 1714. f cheap. Boats. Laiuichea ami Marine .Equipment. MOTOR BOAT, 19 feet, speed 12 miles; will sell or trade for Ford touring car. East 1349. WANTED 16 or 18-foot round bottom rnwboat; give particulars. AV 529. Ore gon ian. FOR SALE equipm ent. -IS-ft. Tabor Morris 3134. LAUNCH, A-l condition, would consider trading on lot. 'AB 644. Oregonian. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 308 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove, Phone Auto. 519-19. Machinery. 60-HORSEPOWE.R upright donkey boiler In good condition, complete with grates and f Ittingfi. Price $250. Phone East "900. Hesss-Ersted Iron Works. OREGON JUNK & HARDWARE CO. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand machinery, hardware and pipe. Main 128. 270 Front st. Radio Equipment. SALESMEN, agents and dealers with elec trical experience preferred but not nec essary to sell the best popular priced radio set on the market; immediate delivery- Apply 11)39 Chamber of Corn mere" bldg.. m ornings only. , IMMEDIATE delivery, $20 and $3o radio, complete with Brandes phones. Radio supply- 494 E. 41st st. N. Tabor 2681. FOR S A LE Large Clapp-Eastman loose -coupler receiving set, also detector and stand. Call at 270 Washington st. FOR SALE Radio regenerator receiving set; will help buyer install. Call Tab. 3716. Coal and Wood. GET Ol'R delivered price on 12 and 16 inch, No- 1, dry, 1st growth cordwood. by load or less. Call Woodlawn 5559. No. 1 OLD GROWTH cordwood. $7.50; heavv country slab, $5.50; plowing also. Phone Auto. P1S-3L SLABWOOD. cordwood. 4-foot, summer prices; cordwood, hlockwood, sawed and delivered. $6 up. Eggt fagl SPECIAL block find slab mixed, partly drv. S4 per load. Dry wood. Lay In your winter's wood. Walnut 6686. FOR COUNTRY SLABWOOD. EAST 917-i. LOGAN FUEL CO. DRY BLOCK and slab wood, single load S5 ; double load. $8. Bdwy. 2545. CORDWOOD $6.50 and $7.&0 cord, deliv er e djcountryslabJS5:25 FIR, $7.73, oak. $10; ash, $3.50. Wd;n! 3824. jonn uenaL-R MIXED block and slao wood, partly dry. Col. 743. FIRST-CLASS IG-inch fir wood, $7.50 per cord delivered. East 8084. BEST old-growth, dry fir, wood. tl. Sellwood 314. $7.50; new DRY" WRECKAGE wood, sawed, rordwnod and slab. E. 4560. il EST dry cord wood. $15; can't be beat i7.75 per cord, 2 for Bdwy. 4110. 16-INCH extra heavy dry wreckage; load delivered $5. East 8264. DRY BLOCK and slab, $5.50; part dry. $4.50; 2-load lots. $8. Woodlawn 3649. BONE-DRY A-l largw quartered knotless 1 1 r, i in., $1 IU iicmrMte. ia-t. .-!' DRY PLANK and smell timber. 16 inches, al 50 load. Call Sellwood 3150. PARTLY dry block and slab, $4.50 a load. Woodlawn 1&02. HF VVT block and slab, 4-ft. green slab, dry wood. Wdln. 2019. GOOD dry first-growth heavy bark. No. 1, $S; No. 2. 17. Phone Automatic 618-31. BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7.50, Single load $. 4-foot slab. Main 1723. FOK SALE. Coal and Wood. 54 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry. ready for furnace or heater; we also save von monev on two-load orders of drv wood ; prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn. 4102. f $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and slab mixed ; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $S; single loads $4.50. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL CO . BAST 2041. BIG LOADC block and slab, mixed runs, partly dry. 2 loafls $S.OO 1 load 4-50 WOODLAWN 13q. WOOD Special sale dry No. 1 old-growth cordwood. $6.75 per cord in two-cord lots, best block and slab mixed, 16-in., $4.-5 per load or double load $8. Phone Mar shall 2855. Sumner woodyard. NICE 16-inch slab. $8.75; load heavy, graded, seasoned, $5; 12-16-Inch, perfect ly dry cordwood. $7.25; anywhere: bar gain; dry boxwood. $4.50. Sellwood 1 . t9. GUARANTEED A No. 1 old-growth dry cordwood $S per cord del. High-grade coal. Heavy country slab. If you try it you'll a 1 w a ys b u y it. East 1759. AUSTRALIAN COAL SERVICE. RANGE, $14; LUMP, $13; SAMPLES. $1; 5 SAC Kg, $4. EAST 540O. WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also lb-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. .Miscellaneous. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mouldings, mill work, glass, roof.'ng and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of aash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store. 171 FRONT St.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Mam SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sola for less; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for" all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third st.. near Taylor. Main 9431. leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and permanent roof ? We repair, Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of ieaKy roofs. Work guaranteed. Phone Broad wav 5938. NEW LUMBER tor sale, several thousand feet of flooring, siding and celling, No. 2 and No. 3. Stock I bought from Mutual Lumber Co. Take It away for $25 per thousand. Robert Paysee, East Third and Madison. FOR SALE Merry -go-round with Wur litzer organ and engine ; Ferris wheel, with organ and engine; pit show top, and all other paraphernalia for car nival. See J. H. Klosterman, 810 Board of Trade bldg. GRAFLEX R. B. 3x4'4, condition good as new; roll film holder, plate holder, ground glass, ray filter, tripod, leather carrying case all for $125. V 618, Ore gonian. HIGHLAND-GROWN potatoes; guaran teed every way; delivered sack $1.50; 50 pounds. 85c ; 25 pounds, 50c; call Woodlawn 5559. GROCEPY counter 17 ft. by 2!,, ft., con taining f33 drawers, 2 paper racks and cash till; also shelving. 273 Hawthorne CASH RJGITKS and com pu tine scaiei bought, sold, exchanged and repaired Portlacfi Cash Register & Scale Sx change. 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. FERTILIZER. Extra well rotted cow manure, just right for flower boxes. Delivered In sacks. Wdln. 6233. HOT WATJCR tanks. $5; guaranteed. Tanks gas water heaters repaired; plumnlng contractors, estimates given. K. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adam. East S51d. SAFES Overstocked. For the best va'ues obtainable in new or second-hand safes see Norrls Safe & Lock Co., 105 2d at., Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045. 1 TY'PE N. P. R. No. 41 Shaler Tulcanlzer. gasoline burner and 1 new clockometer for saU;- or trade. 309 Washington St.. Vancouver. WANTED Men and young men to wear straw hats, $1.05; panama hats, $1.95 to $2.50; caps. 95c to $1.50. 251 Wash ington st., between 2d and 3d. BIG bargain In high -class quarter-sawed oak double flat desk, line condition, has had only 6 months' use. Phone Sell. 2805: alter 5, Main 488. 30 FEET overhead shafting. 6 hangers, 10 pulleys and belts, suitable for garage; also some shoe repairing machinery. Call at 168 W. Park. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material, lumber brick, plumbing, windows and doors. Old buildings bought. Main 5 1 07. SHOWCASES, all sizes; scales, cash reg isters, safes, many other fixtures. 129 First. CH HA P My almost new sewing machine ; leaving town. . Main 7396. Buena Vista apts.. No. 43. WILL sell my $90 diamond ring at great reduction, need money badly. AP 640. Oregonian. FOR SALE '.'heap or trade for car. one 3-cftrat white d!amond and '.-carat dia mond; private parties. J 611, Oregonian. SPORTSMEN Best duck shooting pre serve on Sa uvies isla nd, $ 1 50 a season ; good cii bin. F 611. Oregonian. DROP-HEAD Singer machine with attach ments. runs and sews like new, $15. 171 Park. A SMALL repair shop for lawn mowers, tools, etc., doing good business; will sell or rent. A pply shop. 872 Mil waukle. BARGAIN My nearly new sewing ma chine: good condition; leaving city. Main WOOD and coal range for sale, any rea sonable offer accepted. Call 173 Killings' worth aye. CARLOAD new iron cots and carload of water pitchers and slop Jars. 208 Hall. Main 3853. SAFES Two office safes, been used but in perfect condition; one has inner chest. Bargains. B.T 027, Oregonian. LADIES used apparel, good style and quality, reasonable. 4th floor. 403 Alisky bldg.. 3d, near Morrison. Main AlBz, HEMSTITCHING and plcottng attachment, fits any sewing machine, price $2. Economy Sales Co.. TjIHngs, Mont. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, sza wasn'.ngion st FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75c per day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. BETZ electric cabinet, large shower bath, Mcintosh H. F.. manicure and massage tables. Sua uroaoway oiog MLES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Seo ond and Morrison. DANDY 3-light shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.35, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. L'l EBOLD new and second-hand ; special prices. Pacific Scale Suppiy Co . 4S Front st. Bdwy. 1966. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20. guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3791. $'0 NEW ELECTRIC vibrator. $10. New mu. 12S 1st, bet. Alder and Wash. 'EW 1912 model Winchester shotgun. Newman, PJ 1st, near Aioer. $300 SO D A FOUNTAIN ONLY $75. Newman, 128 1st., near Wash. NX10 TENT, $712x14 ONLY $12. Newman. 12H 1st., bet. Alder ;md Wash. GOOD top soil for sale cheap. East .10. L'40 E. ttth st. . WILL SACRIFICE trola and records. $125 mahogany Bdwy. 4790. A-B GAS RANGE, good condition. $20. 454 Shaver M VULCAN Has ange In good condition. $20. JADE green sequin evening gown, almost new. size 3C. Phone East 2330 forenoon. CHILD'S nice coat, cap and nursery stool. East 3445 LUMBER. DOORS AND WINDO V S. RUSSELL HX. 558 POUNDS glue cheap. 62V First, near Carrut ners. RTIFIC! AL ROSES for .Memorial Day. Tabor 3236. USED lumber $K M up. Cor. 17th and Pine. East aaa RU I D water heaters $24. East 4S52. new, installed, for LARGE truck, good for trailer, new tires, cheap. 208 Hall. Main 3X53. LOT of new heavy canvass, an sizs, cheap. 1.08 Hall. Main 3853. NEW CURTAIN drapes tor eale, also table lamp. Walnut 0540. ELECTRIC range, in perfect condition ; priced for quick sale, fag Gtii. Main 4865. 5-FOOT bookkeeper desk and stool, cheap. 271 Ha wtnorne ave TRADE for wardrobe trunk $150 equity In -'in. la S 605. Urpeonkn SEWING machines for rent. 2 months, $5 Emnlre Transfer. Bdwy. 155. y & E. RAPID roller copier. In good ccn "dition 273 Hawthorne ave. FREE for removing light soil, easy to get at near . Asn ana asi iouo. LADIES' used dresses, 2 up; suit, wraps. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., No. 1 1st st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st st.. near Ash. STAR-A-STAR shingles, direct from mill. Call Taylor-st. hock, jiain aa. SHELVING Pharmacy. Portland Hotel SEWING machine. new Wfctric Singer, sacrifice. Room 202 Belle view hotel. FOR SALE. MUrell&m-ooa. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By oor latest reltabl method your dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harmless and no after effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keejie. Dr. E. J. Klesendah'. Above Majesty Theater. 351 Tj Wash SEVERAL wool dresses rn very good con dition; heather jersey suit $6. and a navy blue silk sweater $3, all :n 16. East 6S74. ELECTRIC FIXTURBS. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Com and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Broadwav 4253. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re paying or jewelry' repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Stor. Sells for LtM Gifts That Last. Next Door to MaJestlo Theater. . Park and Washington Sis. . DO YOU NEED A FILING CABINET? We are making a special of a 4-drawer steel fi e for $87.30. This is less than the price of a cheap used file nd is as fine a fjie as can bs purchased elsewhere for $25 more. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 3th, Broadway 2789. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Flake laundry ; clothes washed snowy while in separate compartments. Thursday. Fridav unrl Rnturrtuv is Ihs for 60 eta. 4 CENTS each additional pound; valu able premiums given. Phone East S4.13. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER s Big Little Jewelry stors SeUn for Less Gifts That Last. Next door to Majestic Thesjer. Park and Washington Sts. HEMSTITCHING machine, complete, with motor, condition perfect. $225. 171 Park. FOR SALK- A I "TO MORI L1"S. EVERY CAR ON THE STREETS 13 A USED CAR. Do ycu realize that every car you see on the streets fa a USED CAR and that we not only choose tho best of these for resale, but also give them a thorough over hauling no matter how good they may appear to be? 1921 1920 1918 1920 1917 1920 1920 1919 1917 1921 1920 1921 Dodge roadster type Dodge Dodge roadster Dodge screenslde Bulck roadster Buiclc 4 as Is Chevrolet Maxwell roadster Maxwell touring, refln ished 1918 Paige light 6 Reo touring car Ford touring Ford coupe as is Ford panel del Ford touring, shock ah forbert, many other ex tras $Rr, 850 125 375 423 423 440 423 350 MANY OTHERS OF FINEST SELECTION. ALL EQUIPPED WITH FIVE TIRES AND LICENSES. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INCORPORATED. Bumslde at Eleventh St. FORD coupe, starter, dcm. rims. 2 bump ers, spotlight, speedometer, Mop signal, large stet-rlng whel, spare tire, motor driven horn, rear vision mirror, wind shield visor, dash light, foot throttler. good tires, good condition, $47-1, terms. L. Y. BILL1NGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave at Hth. Phone East 7. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS AD. Car like new. only run 30OO mtlcn 1921 model, '22 license, everything In fine condition: car is worth $I1H0; will sacrifice for $77.": $."00 down. bl. frms to responsible party. Car can b sn at 161 Pendleton St., cor. Corbett. Take Fulton car. STUDEBAKER COUPE. A i92l special coupe, only driven 4000 miles : extra edrd tires, and covers, bumpers, etc. Look. like saw and Is now, a bargain at $2000. Call Tabor 84. DODGE touring. late 1920. in fine condi tion, plateglass In rear curtains; over size tires, i extra. 1&23 license; my pri vate car. Price $701. (Tall evenings or Sunday. 1L" E. Morgan st. FORD BIG. $100 down, balance 10 monthly pay ments; car is in fine cond I tion, cord tirec. 1922 licence, ati complete. lflth a n d Alder at. Mu rphyMojor 'ar 'o. 1921 DODGE roadster. run only 4000 miles, lots of extras, good cord tires nil around; car carefully broke In. had bst of care Hell at bargain; some terms. 408 Vancouver ave. East 3621. 1919 DODGE roadster, with extra tire, nlso '22 license. This enr is In very good -nrdltlon throughout; small payment down, ha lam- easy tfrms. Call Propst, Bdwv. 4673. , WHY BUY a cheap four when you can bur mv 1!1 .Mitchell litrht rt for Just a littl more monfty? Call Wfntcrbergr r. Broad way 487.1. . Ifia H A YN ES. 929 ; licen e BRALY. GRAHAM A- OHILD. BurnSlde at 11th St titjier FOR PALE Cadillac roadster, 191 4. good cord tires and In good shape, new top, $373 cash, no trades. Car at 1130 Al blna ave. CHEVROLET In dandy shape, with good tires, extra tire and licensn; can make good price and terms. Call Wnterher- ger, Broadway Wna. 1910 FORD touring, shock, new paint, starter block; fine shape, for $395. terms. Bdwy. 2488 days, or Aut. 331-70 eve nings FORD BU ;, racing Uteei, long Wheel bnse. 330. BRALY. GRAHAM A- CHILD. INC.. Burn.-lde at 11th St. 1921 STl'TZ 6 pnssenger. almost nw, driven a little over 4000 miles, good tires. J200 worth of extras; will trade. Inquire at 2Srt 11th st Main 1092. 1920 CHEVROLET touring. looks nnd runs like a new car. Will .sacrifice for ttfiv $100 down, balance monthly. Phone owner. Wdln. 0625. 1921 BABY OVERLAND. Excellent ton ilition mechanically. looks Ilk' new. !' license and ready to go. $400. Cull Mr. Ba ucum. Bdwy. 1 1 1IP CLASSY Scripps-Booth roadster, with wlr wnMS una snappy top; can ito mighty attractive prire and give terms. .-Mr ni-iii'iu'iK". S 1W1H PAIGE light rix. finish and tires O Car 10-0 per cent ; only $or,. BftALT. GRAHAM & ' H I L D, INC. Purnslde at 1 1 th St. je jt, $3T5, part terms, will Mel I you my new, repainted Briscoe light 4; see thi before you buy. Call Wenterbcrg'r, Hroadway 407.V 4kJ CHEVROLET touring Tn first-class condition; Inok.i and runs good; small down pavment, halanca monthly. Tabor 593ft. . J921 FORD touring, many extras and guar anteed. ?42.". BRALY. GRAHAM HILD. INC.. Rumsnie at i i tn t. A CHEAP FORD in good running; order; has license ana gooa tires. t nil iI4 ailsan. 1020 FOIID coupe, new paint, runs Mod ; only $475 on terms. Bdwy. 248M or Ooil Wajdiinctnn DODGE touring late model, Fplendld con dition, only $275 csfIi and easy monthly pa vments. Tahnr 5033. MUST sell my 1!18 Maxwell, good tirs. 1022 license; has been completely over hauled. Call Bdwy. 293. 1921 DODGE ROADSTER. $775. BRALY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC., 3 1th and Burnslde St. FOR SALE Ford touring car. good fcon dltlon, $160; terms 760 Umatilla uvcnu'v Sellwood. SEE MY 191 H Dodge roadster; look- anil runs good; will tak" your Ford in trad Call Wentt-rbTgr, Broadway 4 073. 191 H PAIGE, and has 192: - in fine shape, good t Ir'-a license ; can be seen at 414 Gllsan. jtfjlj nxi CHEVROLET, lookn snd runs like new; extras. Easy payments. Sell. 3071 LATE model Paige touring car at sacri fice. Perfect condition. Tabor. 2936. 135 CASH, balance easy, buys Overland Louring. Tabor 1918. CH EVROLET roadster, 191 8, spars tlr n nd 1VTX license. -t.w nriinam m CASH for your ar if cheap, or will sell 430 Belmont st. on commiiwin. Mii)EL 1919, V lie roadster, good condi . ru, -.1 n 1922 CHEVROLET Bargain; see owner, 37.5 1st st. N dealers. 1019 MODEL Ford delivery. Bdwy. 2488. A real buy. REO touring. 1914. fine condition, private owner; bargain. $225. Woodlawn 1378. LIGHT Ford delivery, first-class condition. MUST sacrif: " my Ov. riand roadster, price M25. lHSr E. 45 tl-! St. fSSS HUI'MOBILE touring, fine condition. eora tiren, yi r 1 -v. $700 CONTRACT on new Dodge car; make cash offer. Bdwy. 4485. 1910 5-PASS. Will sell or exchange . Ilft0( including 1922 license. D 037, Oregonian. FOR SAI K Al TO MOBILK3. BARGAINS IN Al'TOMOBILES. We completely renew, overhaul or re build Hudson and Essex automobiles. These ar In the best of mechan ical condition; they are also wrr ranted the ssms sa factories warrant new cars; In addition wa gv v days' free mechanical service. Other makes of good aatomobllea thor oughly overhauled, put In flrst-claaa condition and sold with a ten days' free trial, subjsct to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal prie that euatomer may Ml SCt. Thla gives ampls rim for vry pSjr chaaer to try out tha ear ha buya. gives him time to hav It lnarctad and w want only mtlafled custom ers. 1917 Hudson surer C TSB 1918 Hudaon aupar 6 tTB 110-192O (model O aerlM) Hud aon aupar 6 , . . . . 1030 1920 Hudson speedater 1100 1919 Bsaex 730 1917 Maxwell 179 1930 Ford sedan 673 1919 Maxwell 950 1919 Olds a x ffft 1918 oida 8 a 1920 Chandler 1918 Gadlllao 1920 Bulck 1919 Nash 1920 Sturtebaker special 10oo 1920 studebaker ihummy 900 Largest Used Car Branch Stora la the City at 40-40 Broadway. Branch Store Open Hun day and Hveningt Phone at Brunch Store. Broa.lway 5789. Also a Display at Our s. .; 615 fU7 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AL"oMOBILE CO. USED CARS L'SED CARS. EAST TERMS CARS TRADfiP. MOST OF THESIS CARS ARK PRiritn UNDER THEIR WORTH. OWING TO EXTRA HEAVY TH'TIN. AMD SUCH A LATE SPRING. WE ARE OA" ER LOADED ON GOOD USED CARS. THAT'S THE ftp AVON FOR TUB LOW PRICES. 1920 1918 1917 1913 19J9 191ft 1M17 19 IS 19 I 7 1-.H7 191 isid mis 1010 191M 19 If. 1917 If 39 1919 1917 1 920 1920 Chevrolet touring Maxwell touring 7-pasi. Si ud1 baker. -cy Under 3-paHs. Elgin ; overhauled .... Dort touring; $.1tI0 I. "Hi 113 293 M : 4 7.'. .V.o HM1II tl . 2911 Mi 373 27 ," ii.'i . 2t3 Bulck light iTx Paige Fmnklln touring Cadillac touring. 7 pass... 1 1 . i touring Buiek roadster Bulck 4 '. ' t DUlo flyer Ov Hand tourlng P:lscoe tourln? ''hahnera touring Hudson T-B-Ufe, Hudson spoednter. Oakland tojrlng Chevrolet touring Ford iruck with overdrive and 12-psss. new hun bod that coat $1000 ; our price complete 75 Open Eves. Till S:30 Sundays S lo TALBOT OASET. Inc.. East Ankonv and tlrand Ave. Eot SUM. FOIiEHIN ORDKR8 we hjrva for used feaffj of vrrlue make, only half filled Ton fttil have an opportunity to take ad vantage of trading y"r nr f"r t new Stiidehn ker Cn II ut'n u Hf your en r II rm i ni enlenra and nifnw us ti. a a a proposi tion, so (hat 1 -mi can own n StudsbnkT. This fe you- rttmJi?. Tikr advantage ' STI'DE I ".A K H II Coupon TION OF AMERICA. fpll lm auio aceeeeaHea; tires, tub". light glnbf. FISH1NO OFTFITH. Wholfaal agents bearings. pnli.h. rings. Ford part; di uni rn trn TO WIHO AND MKPAIItiNi: OPEN DAY AffD MOIIT Long a sua a East fl40. 4B2 Hawthorne at L t MUST sacrifice 1919 Stearns- Knights V $700. 4 pasR. roHdntr. This aranderTUl attractive car must he seen 1" h- aS predated; haa ft cords, lirnae. new b: terv. top, body uph'datered, tike new ; mechanically perfect Bdwy. ft7H. H I'PMOBI LE Juet out of paint Mmp ar completely overliaulrd, het loklnx KnP rnabTlfl In town for fT9; extraordlnnrllv easv terms or I'Rlit r In good shan a first payniei.l. Call lr. Ureemnan. Broadway SftU.V MAXWELL SNAP. 1920 reflnlshed. lOOkl like new. A I mechanically; wlii girt, written gUaran tfP- gnnutnc snap at $80. terms. Mr Argo. Bdwy. 77.M FOKD TKCCK BAROAIN. Will sell Ford truck, aratctleally new, w ith special body, atfMKer a nd !! ment complete, iae It for yourself Itft 1 t st. Broa d w a y 62. ftuS Hirb-OS super six. haa jlist hern re built motor has hern rtboreri, has lea piston-, now rings and plats, "en aalnl and nix cord tires. This car la a etrat. Call Propat. Bdwy. 4B7."i. . LIGHT K SPORT AlT) 1 IK I .. 1 ENI'tNE ORB-IN LEATHER I PHOI-HTKRlNO; EXCELLENT CONDITION. ALU 'PI NEW SACRIFICE. OWNER. IHI HKI..MONT. A LATE H udf 'n speedster will) equlf men I, two hum per-, apol light, t lr I good shape, 1 extra; price $t2i, w i con.ldor -mall ear trad-a Wdln. 1 Lata mode! cedilla.-, looks Ilk n-; baac buy In the city C;iil 4 mark t . ur prions HroHiw 921 GARDNER 5 pes, m - rv aood coi dltlun. has Mma eMms; " rrnl Mitle light four with ; real mta. Terms if H,lred. OBII Bdwy 44175. Mr. PfOpg' . REAL AUTOMOH1LB I'HBAP. 7-Dass Hudson anp'r-alx. Uood Mrr An extra tim, $550. Some terms. Mu vllle. East KOH.v LOOK at thin on- ynu 1 1. ; bargain lt" mne ( ivnhrnl .tt tl new tires, license, new paint. IUI 537K. KnR SALE 19.1 .vpRRtig"r ".up K night, run 5(100 miles; escWIenil con dition, good rubhfr l rir ' ,. t Mr Ryn, Main 631. after i P. M HAVE tight 4-ryIindfr var In good rml. tion and so ith cash to i-xcnange ! gSr l"" WIS hv.. you? Call I j& 1919 OLDS . cannot hf tod ft new. $(185 Eel me ehow you thla car. T- T-p it in to buy It. Easy terms of pa mentcan be arranged. Call Wdln. 21'.' Jyi MAXWELL, gunrante.d and i f 'rT:UY GRAHAM i I HILH. INC. hamsld. at Hta Bt. lil'O CHEVROLET touring, StftUMl d It bin nrd Urea, apart-, new top. tlMi down balance I2HL easy term-. Pho(... owner. Baft 8208 " Jill T BUICK. 12.V ToUHINO CAR. BRALY. RA HAM t'HILIi. IXC, P,urn-lde at 11th 8t. 77,. 4'A Dl LLAO roadster, newly paint"! and overhauled; four cord tlfaa, d mnuntnble Urns: rh'-ap. or ir..jr f.., ity pr"jPrty oniy i awr .tw..n 1120 BTUDE beautiful car, in esceii" pearance ; DOO; easy ti tan be armngd. CaK 1918 MITCHELL touring, condition, I2U0. or 2.1 111 i a. WE PUT nieel tetlh In yowr old crankshaft turning, ryl. grlnrtin Black, machine fhop. 534 A ldT. LI'lHT bug. good tire. 11122 li'-e fine. 950 down, balance monthly 1918. WE TEAR m up and ell IB Portland Auto Wrecking Co., .1 at 17th. Bdwy. 525 1. Mall orde Tata A P.AKOAIN In II haul and repaint reapon al h 1 e pa r t y 1021 MAXU ELL only miles; w i-iiv terms. Ca llHtf OAK LA ondlUun; terms. 1017 B31 BUICK ti chanlral condition . lawn 4'28. 2 spare llli-a. Wo. J-