TUT. MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, MAY i. 1022 27 VOLUME OF STOCK TRADING INCREASES Special Strength Indicated in Oil Shares. headed by Speyer A Co. an issue o&$t,93:!, 000 aeries D U gold bonds, maturing in 1942. A public offering will be made shortly. BONO MARKET IRREGULAR PUBLiC UTILITES FIRM Reported Friction at Genoa, Coal Strike, and Doubts of Rail Set tlement Check Industry. BT MONITOR. (Copyright, 1922, by the Public Ledger Company. Published by arrangement.) NEW YORK, May 3. (Special. ) To day's stock market displayed a substan tial Increase In the volume of trading, and warn particularly notable for special strength In tha oil shares, some of the public urlUtiaa and a lew specialties. There ,.- h rh rest of the Ut showed a disposition to drag, with opera- j tions among the industrials some ul In check by reports of frictions at Genoa, the continuant of the coal strike and doubt regarding- the adjustment of some Of our railroad problems that come up for consideration in the near future. Ontwfitrirfin features among the oils were represented by Standard Oil of New - -- 1 . n h on of California. Asso ciated' Oi:. Pacific Oil. California Petro ls. .m Rova i nm rh and Texas company Diplomatic denials of a deal between the soviet government and Royal Dutch hava been made. buL it seems laarij " coi Hoheri tht nctni ia t ions at least have as sumed taneible form. The trading Texas company was on an enormous scale and it looked as if the large blocks of trw-ks that have been hanging over the market for some time past had been fairly well absorbed. Among the public utilities marked strength was displayed b Columbia Uas & Electric, Brooklyn Union Gas and Con solidated Gas. , Strong specialties included Burns Broa issues, American Bosch Magneto, Mack Truck. Orpheum Circuit and American Cotton Oil. Mack Truck is doing a very iare business with a big increase in pro duction compared with even a few months ago. According to the weekly review of the Iron Age, steel production remains practi cally unchanged, notwithstanding the lack of effort on the part of operators to fores a settlement of the coal siike. With pro duction going along at a rate of about 70 per cent of capacity, price have shown a tendency toward firmness, particularly in pig iron. The poor quarterly statement of Midvale is believed to have been the factor respon sible for holding this stock back in the face of the advance of other independents supposed to be included in the neven-com-pany merger. Now that it is out of the way it is believed that the chief deterrent to strength by thi issue has been removed. American Bosch Magneto is another stock which is benefiting by the current improvement rn the motor industry. Ac cnrdlne to reliable information the com pany has shipped 82,000 sets of starting mi ditins systems so ur in is ear, compared with a total of oN.000 sets for ihp entire vear of 1021. and shipments are now going forward at the rate of 10.000 systems per month. While buying of the iturk h4 not been t-speciaJy aggressive the under tons? has been well maintained and the issue sold as High as 43 today. VHTOtt OUTPUT 18 SATISFACTORY Production of Talking Machines Equals Best Previous Year. PHIIjADBLPHIA. May 3. (Special.) Prospects of a large volume of output for 1922 by the Victor Talking Machine com pany are good. Eldridge R. Johnson, pres ident, stated at the annual meeting of stockholders. "The volume of output maintained." he said, "is almost identical with that of 1920. our best previous year. "Production was somewhat curtailed in the summer months of 1921. but that pe riod was followed by a fall season in which demands of the trade could scarcely be met by overtime work. We are now striving to re-establish the more efficient procedure of uniform production through out the year." Retiring; directors were re-elected. The balance sheet, as of December 31. 1921, shows total assets and total liabili ties of 943. 426.755. increase 6410. Total surplus was $31,351,024. increase $2,190, 681. Current assets decreased $209,331, to $29,037,456, and current liabilities $2,1S4, 272 to $7,074,830. New Y'ork Bonds. Furnished by Herrin & Rhodes, Inc Portland. Raiiroarl Ronds Atchison gen 4s 1995 A C L 4s 1952 do 7s 1930 B O gold 4s 1948 do con 41,4s cv 133 do ref 5s 1995 Canada Southern 5s 1962 Canadian -North fl'is of 4s do 7s Cent Pac 1st 4s Ches & Ohio cv 4s do gen 4!,js do cv 5s do con os C B Q 111 div C & West Indies 4s C G & W 4s ... C M St P cv 4s do deb 4s do gen 4s A . . . . do cv 5s do g r 4s A . Chi N W gen 4s .. do 6s do 7s C R I A P ref 4s . Col Sou rf ex 4ss . do 4s Del & Hud do 7s . , D R G i do ref 5s Urle P L. 4s do con 4s A . . . . do B do D do C G 4s Gt Nor 4 t3s do 7s Gt Trunk 6s do 7s Ill Cent jt 5s do ref 4s K C South ref 5s . Keo &. D M 1st 5s 1. tS A M S 4s .... L & S Ts do uni 4s M St P & S S M 6 4s M K & T 4s M P gen 4s M P ref 5s ao 5s NYC deb 4s do con 4s do ref imp 414s. . . do cv deb 6s ..... do coll 7s X Y N H & AH cv 6 N O Tex Mex 5s. . N P P L 4s do m N P (Jt Nor jt 6Hs.. O S 1. ref 4s . Penna 8s do gen 4's do 4(4s do gen 5s do twit 82 82 85 S 98 1124 114 Kelly-Spgfld 52 nnecott 34U Keystone Tire 23 -aok Steei RUtt Lee Tire 34 I JLenigh v allev 63 J.'j.-tliard 15U TRACTIOXS ARE STRONG AD , Lowe Theaters 17 L & N WAR ISSUES EASIER. ?Ialianl 'Martin & Parry 31 i ... . May Stores 122 7b ! Mex Pet 133 4 Vc. r.j r-i f if Telonhono T.rn Finrts; Miami 29'-. r j Middle States Oil- Ready Sale Conflicting Changes in Rail L-ist. NEW YORK. May 3- Business Midvale Steel I M K A T Wi do pfd Wi I Mont Power I Mont Ward I Mo Pac i do pfd Nor Amn 15 38 184 42 73 22 59 J 50 33 23 59 34 V 62 !4 150 17 304 31 121 131 9 u 37 17 414 72 21 23 4 59 4 GRAIN PROSPECTS 0000 CANADA TO PLANT BIG AREAS DESPITE DEPRESSION. 83 S3 59 4 34 4 62 4 150 17 118 30 31 122 1324 29 15 bonds today was comparatively light and j at Biscuit .111111. I1 the tone for the most part showed in- Nat Enamel 41 40 40 creased irregularity, especially among do- Nat Lead 94 934 mestic and foreign war issues. -evaa Con J JJS U Th lihort v series closed main I v at mod- ; -""V " wym -2 . - . Vnrfn b -0.' erate declines and internationals were un certain or lower, especially Argentine 5s and some of the Swiss and Mexican issues. Norfolk A W Nor Pac Nova Seotia Steel .... V V Alt- Rralrs Local Tractions npreseniea me mi- j y Central kefs constructive side, notably New York : okla Prod ref railways, whose recent rise has been one J Ontario Silver of the mysteries of the bond market. j Ontario A W Changes among domestic rails were con- . utis itei iraciions 10 uvei unu .107 . . 774 '. 79 . 90 . 3 . 8 .. 28 14 5s 1935 1930 4a 1!(36 1955 flirtine. losses of fractions to over point being" offset by gains of like ex tent. New Haven 34s of 1954 rose 3 points and the 34s of 1947 gained about one-half that much. In keeping with expectations the new $25,000,000 Pacific Telephone A Tele graph issue found ready sale. Today's bond sales, par value, were $17,482,000. Apart from the oils, which monopo lized the greater part of speculative at tention, together with several of the in dependent steel, shippings and coppers, today s stock market session was more or vki. . Ies negative in its net results. 88 Under guidance of Associated Oil, which 92 registered a further gain of 6 points. 00 1 or a total of 13 for two days, various issues of that type changed nands m enormous lots at advances of two to six points. Among out sanding features were Stan dard Oils of California and New Jersey, California Petroleum. Pacific and Houston Oils. Texas company, Freeport. Texas and Producers A Refiners. Several of these have been mentioned recently in connec tion with rumors of probable "mergers." European and Mexican oils did not share appreciably in the rise of the domestic division. Ralls figured to a smaller degree than before, although the later dealings were characterized by some inquiry for Pacifies. New York Central. New Haven and sev eral of the grangers, Omaha making a 5 point gain. Sales amounted to 1. 350.00O shares. An initial quotation of 4 4 per cent for call money, the maximum opening rate in several weeks, indicated that demand funds were less plentiful than in April. Time money rates were unaltered. For the third consecutive day. British exchange moved counter to the general trend of international remittances. Ster ling held at $4.43 for demand bills but allied exchanges, German marks and the more important neutrals eased 1 to 6 points. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS: Furnished by the Ovcrbeck A Cooke company of Port Land : 62 72 65 78 75 4 B6 85 109 107 82 49 Despite denials of persons most ln timatejy concerned with the reported Poyal Dutch -Russian oil deal, further re ports emanating in Amsterdam tend to the belief that these denials are techni cal and are based on the fact that nego tiations have not been actually completed. It is admitted that negotiations are under way. The Midvale first quarter showed a de ficit of $1,152,827, as against a deficit of $1,379,782 for the last quarter of 1921. The first quarter-in 1921 showed a deficit Of $1,395,202. Sinclair Consolidated is holding its place in the oi!s in spite of the teapot dome controversy. This company has been benefited by the success of Mexican Sea board. Sinclair owned four-fifths of the total issue of a $10,090. OlKJ of the Mexican Seaboard 7 per cent debentures, and as (he latter company has retired $4,700,000 of these debentures since January. Sin clair has received $3,760,000 in liquid cash. At the same time Mexican Seaboard has paid $3 per share so far this year, and M Sinclair owns 250.000 shares of the stock. this has meant an additional $750,000 in cash for the company. - Texas company again is showing signs of activity and is joining with the general movement in these oil groups here. Texas company is believed to have very large stocks, and current advances In refined oil prices moan automatic increase in value for these stocks. At the same time it is believed in the market here that the light oil situation in the middle west is well in hand and that further advances may be expected m the near future. This senti ment forms part of the buying motive for the general oil list. The fact that two large estates with considerable holding of Texas company stock which had to be sold have now been completely liquidated Is another optimistic factor concerning TMtas company. Industrial Alcohol is meeting with a fair demand from bargain hunters who are in clined to chance the future. It is believed that a newly perfected device for conver sion of alcohol Into commercial fuel should be successful. If this line of thought should prove correct Industrial Alcohol's chances of entering the dividend class again would naturally be much better Loading of revenue freight totaled 714. 088 ears during the week which ended on April 22, compared with 706,713 cars during the previous week, or an increase of 7375 cars, according to reports just received from the carriers by the car serv ice division of the American Railway asso ciation. This was an Increase of 945 cars over the corresponding week last year, but a decrease of 3HS0 cars compared with the corresponding week in 1920. The Western Pacific report issued today shows a net Income of $2,808,533 for 1921 as compared with $2,416,212 for 1920. In xp!a nation of this showing. President paries M. Levy calls attention to the 4Mrt that in arriving at the net for 1921 the company cails into account as non-operating income, rentals received from the government amounting to $2,815,908 for the period from January 1. 1918. to Feb ruary 29. 1J20, operating expenses of $267. 584 and various adjustments amounting o $2'1.7ni. making an ontrafinr cmne of $288.2841 all for the control period. In asmuch as these figures pertained to op erations for a period other than 1921, Attention Is called to the -fact that an elimination of these items would leave $486,083 as the true addition to surplus for 1921 operations. The market is full of rumors regarding Pass i hie purchases by the railroads of equipment and locomotives, and so far these reports have been borne out by ex ceptionally good orders in the various fields. In the equipment circles here it ts believed that the Pennsylvania should soon be in the market for 20.000 ears, with M . K A T.. Erie, Southern. Chesa peake A Ohio and Wabash also looking; for equipment. Strength in Freeport. Tex., today was due largely to the sharp rise in the 7 per cent 1937 bonds, convertible Into stock at the rate of 58 shares for each $1000 bond. The sale of these bonds was quite suc cessful and today they rose from their issue price of par to 113. The prospects of Freeport will be considerabtv enhanced by the development of the Hosklns Mound Sulphur properties, which is taken over from the Texas company through the pro ceeds of the sale of the uwsm of $4,000,000 of the bonds. BRAZILIAN BONDS ARK OFFERED Seven Million Pound- Sterling of Paper for Sale in Imdon. NEW YORK. May 3 Public offering of a Brazilian government lean of f 7.OOO.000 will b made tomorrow in London and an offering of 2.000.000 In this city, either tomorrow or Friday. The bonds, which will bear 7 4 per cent, will run for 30 years. Th local sale price has not been fixed. The St. Louis A San Francisco Rallway company has s:d to a banking syndicata .1941 .1947 . 1923 .1939 . 1023 .1942 .1931 .1932 . 1923 Reading gen 4s A L, 4s do 5s . .' do 6s A Sou Ry con 5s So Pac cv 4s S P ref 4s do conv 5s St L A S F P L 4s A do gi'ii 3s do P L 5s B do gen As do, adj He do inc 6a i St L A S W 1st 5s do con 4s do 1st 4s , Tex Pac 1st 5s Un Pac 1st 4s do cv 4s do ref 4s do 6s Un Tank 7s Wabash 1st 5s West Pac 5s Industrials Amn Agr Ch 74s Amn Sra 1st 5s Amn Tob 7s Armour 4 4s B'th Steel 7m do ref 5s Cerro de Pasco 8s Chile conv 6s A do 7s Col Graph 8s Copper Exp 8s 1923 Colo F A I gen 5s 1943 Colo Ind 5s 1934 Cuban Amn Sug 8s 1931 Cuban Cane cv 7s 1930 Distillers Sec cv 5s 1927 Diam Match 7 4s 1935 Dupont 74s 1931 Empire Gas Fuel 6s 1924 Gen Blec deb 6s 1940 Goodrich 7s 1925 Goodyear 8s 1941 Hems 7s 1930 Hershey 7s 1930 III Steel deb 4s 1940 Ind Steel 5s 1952 Tnt Agr 5s 1932 Int Marine C T 6s 1 141 Kelly Spgfield 8s 1931 Kennecott 7s 1930 Lack Steel 5s 1923 do 1st 5s 1950 Lig A Meyers 5s 1951 do 7s 1944 Lorillard 5s 1951 do 7s 1944 Midvale 5s 1936 Morris A Co. 74s 1930 Proc A Gamble 7s 1923 Republic I A St 5s 1940 Sears Roe 7s 1922 steel A Tube 7s 1-L t ni urug s mn U S Rub 1st ref 5a 1947 U S Rub 7s 1930 U S Steel sf 5s 1963 Va Chem 5a 1923 Va Car Chem 7 4" 1932 West Elec 5s 1922 West U T col Tr as 1038 v si Union 64s 1936 WlUon 1st 6s 1941 Wilson cv Ga 1928 West Klec 7s HI2T) Westinghouse 7s 1931 Public Utilities Amn Lt A Tran 6s 1925 Amn Tel coll 4s 1929 Amn Tel coll 5s 1046 Amn Te- 6s 1925 B R T 5s 1945 Hell Tel Pa 1945 I Cat Gas uni 5s 1337 mes oervice s t i it do C 1966 do D 1966 Con Gas cv 7s 1925 I nl Met 44s 1956 Int R T ref 5s U0ti Laclede Gas 7s 1930 Mont Power 5s A 1843 Northwest Tel 7 1941 Pac Tel 5a 1937 Pac Gas 5s 1942 Oil Bonds Atlantic Ref 64s 1931 Pan Am:. 7s 130 Mex Pet cv 8a I9::0 Sinclair 7s 1925 SO Ca 1 7s 1 03 1 S O N Y 7s 1031 Texaa Co 7s 1123 Tidewater Oil 64s li,tl Foreign Government City Bonds Berlin 4s Greater Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s Bremen 4a Cologne 4s Dresden 4s do 4 4a Dusseldorf 4a Frankfort 4a Leipzig 4s do 4's Munich 4 s Stuttgart 4s Essen 4s Bremen 4s Hamburg 4 4s French Infernal 4s. . do Victory bm Belgian Restoration 5 British 2 4t consols Ital Cona War Loan Curb Bonds Allied Packers 6s Am Tel A Tel 6s do Anaconda Copper 6s do 7s Anglo-Am Oil 74s. . . Armour A Co 7s Beth Steel 7s . . . . Copper Ex Assn 8s. . do Galena Signal Oil 7s. Grand Trunk 64s . . . Gulf Oil Co 7s Humble Oil 7a lnt.r Rapid Tran 7s., Libbv McN A Lib 7s 1931 Sears Roe 7s 3-yr 1923 So West Tel 7s 1925 Stand Oil N Y 6" 1933 do 7s 1926 Swift A Co 7a ...U25 do 1931 Texas Co 7s Notes Vacuum Oil 7s 1936 High 184 -. 38 . - 17 . . 47 . . 49 4 115 10 I 03 105 4 104 106 108 101 102 .1917 . 1920 . 19t . 1922 . 1924 . 1333 . 1921 . 1925 . 1130 . 1035 . 1024 . 1925 . 1030 .1936 . 1033 .1923 81 4 100 loi 4 101 103 1034 104 102 102 103 103 105 4 1044 101 92 98 101 102 1064 105 101 4 102 101 lOG ' Advance Rum . . . do pfd Agr Chem A jax Rubber . . . Alaska Gold .... Alaska Juneau Allied Chem Allis Chalmers ........ 50 Am Beet Sugar Am Bosch Am Can Co do pfd Am Cotton Oil do pfd Am Drug Synd Am Hide A Leather do pfd Am Ice Am IntI Corp Am Linseed do pfd Am Loco do pfd Am Saf Razor Am Ship A Com . . . Am Smelter Am Snuff Am Steel Fdy Am Sugar do ptd Am Sumatra Am Tel A Tel Am Tobacco do "B" A m Wool do pfd Am W P pfd Am Zinc Anaconda Assd Oil Atchison do pfd . . .' Atlantic Coast Line Atl G A W I Baldwin Loco Bait A Ohio do pfd Barnsdall Corp Beth Steel "B" Booth Fish B R T Butte C A Z Butte A Sup Barns Bros Caddo Oil Calif Pack Calif Pet do pfd Canadian Pac Central Leather Cerro de Pasco .... Chandler Motor Chi A N W Chicago Gt Western. . do pfd Chili Copper Chino Copper C M A St P do pfd Coco Cols Chesapeake A Ohio . Colo Fuel A Iron .... Colo Southern Colo Gas A Electric. Columbia Graphophone. Consolidated Gas Ill Olmsolidated Cigars. . .. 21 Continental Can fit Cities Service Bankers. l orn Products . Cosden Oil C R I A P do "A" pfd. . . do "B" pfd. . . ruci Die steel . do pfd Cuba Cane do pfd Cuban American Sugar. 22 Delaware A Hudson .... 121 Dome Mines Delaware A Irfteka. . . . 113 Davison Chemical 61 Endicott Johnson 84 Erie 14 do 1st pfd 2S4 Electric Storage Bat... 1704 r amous fmyers Federal Mining A Sm . do pfd Flsk Tire Gaston Wms General Cigars General Electric Genera 1 Motors Glen Alden General Asphalt Goodrich Goodyear Granby Great Northern Ore.. Great Northern pfd... Greene Cananea Gulf S Steel Houston Oil Hupp Motor Illinois Central Inspiration Copper . . . Int Agrl Corp do pfd Interboro do pfd 7 Interstate Catlahan . . . 7 International Harvester BvV int .Mereanti ie .Marine . ( 26 - 15 !l07" . 46 . 33 4 . . 74 .. 18 . . 58 39 . . 76 . . 35 . .1234 . .142 . .137'. . . 92 ". ! 35 " ' . . 1 o . . 54 . . 1354 . . 1014 ' ioi ' ' . . 35 . .119 . . 47 54 " . . 79 . . 31 .137 . 13 . . 79 4 . . 59 "142 4 - . 38 37 . . 76 .. 75 - - . . 23 .. 20 -. 29 . . 21 .44 .. 56 V . . 65 -. 31 U 89 .103 . 44 . 46 . si 4 66 . 92 . 16 34 81 4 45 19 4 . 1 G3 "k 13 . 47 . 64 - 42 ' 26 . 40 . 5 - 31 . 87 . 81 . 19 . 106 . 41 4 : iiH Low. 1SH 81 ,i 17 48 V: 48 6 13 !i io ' 33 714 58',, '38 7SH 'is 121 140 136 91 34 inv. 53 128 100?, 166 ' 37 117 47 52 78 30!4 134 13Vi 78 57 142' " 37 37 75 4 74 o 19 28 26 48 55 65 30 87' " 4 115 28 68 ioiii 43 45 'si ' ' 65 91 15'i 38 Bid. 18 48 38 17 1 67 .i 50 40 47 48 119 25 55 6 15 69 105 46 33 56 116 116 7 18 58 132 39 75 101 35 121 140 137 91 106 34 19 53 131 101 91 101 87 118 47 81 52 78 7 22 7 30 IS IS 78 57 05 142 37 37 7, 75 74 9 22 19 28 Pacific Dv lli Pac Gas & Elec 71 Punta Allegre 40 Pacific Oil 86 Pan Amn P4t 65 do B 58 Penna 41 Peo Gas . S7 Pere Marquette 30 Pure Oil 34 Phillips Pete 44 Pierce Arrow 22 Pierce Oil 10 Pitta Coal 64 Pitta & West Va 34 Pressed Steel Car Pullman '. 124 Ray Cons 16 Reading 78 Replogle Steel 31 Republic I & S 66 do pfd 91 Rep Motors 8 Royal Dutch Oil 66 Ry Steel Spg 103 Haxon Motors ......... 3 Sears Roebuck 75 Shattuck Ariz Shell T & T 48 Sinclair 32 Stend Oil Ind 109 do X J 191 Slnss Sheffield 45 Southern Pacific 90 Southern Railway .... 25 Standard Oil Cal 121 8t Li & -S F 30 Stromberg C.irb 56 Studebaker 123 Swift & Co 101 Tcnn Cop & Chem 11 Texas Oil 50 Texas Pacific 34 Tex Pacific C & 0 31', Tobacco Products 68 Transcontinental Oil .. 12 Union Oil Delivery.... 22 I'nion Pacific 138 United Alloy ' 34 United Drug 71 United Food Products. 5 United Fruit 144 Union B & P U S Cast Iron Pipe.... SRH 34 S3 United Retail Stores... 52 51 52 I U S Rubber .66 65 65 do 1st pfd KM U S Smelting 41 41 41 V S Steel 98 97 97 do pfd 119 118 119 Utah Copper Rfi 65 Virginia Chemical 34 34 34 do pfd 74 Vanadium Steel 42 42 42 Vivandou 12 12 12 M'aba.oh 1 1 1 1 1 1 do A pfd 32 31 31 Wells Fargo 29 Western Pacific 22 22 22 do ufd 61 Western Union 98 Westinghouse Air Brk 95 Westinghouse El &. M . 62 61 62 Western Maryland 11 11 11 White Motors 49 49 49 Willys Overland 8 7 7 do pfd 38 38 38 Wilson Packing 46 46 46 Wisconsin Central .... 29 Woolworth 160 160 158 Worthington Pump.... 53 52 33 Wheeling & Lake Erie. 12 11 12 Whife Oil 11 10 11 Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company. Portland: Open. High. . 99.14 99.26 75 75 S 47 47 31 32 105 l9 187 191 45 44 89 90 24 24 1 1 4 1 20 30 30 55 53 121 121 101 101 11 11 47 50 33 34 1 43 Prosperity of Prairie Provinces Vital Factor in Commercial Interests in Kast. (Copyright by the Public Ledger Com pany. Published by Arrangement.) OTTAWA, May 3 'Special.) Prospects are for another large acreage in grain in the west this year. Although prices may be uncertain and freight high, wheat is the best-paying crop for the western farmer. On the whole. western business is noticeably more optimistic and is finding evidence of steady improvement. General Manager Powell of the Weyburn Security bank, Saskatchewan, an institu tion organized by Americans, says: "People in the west are not giving up. Atthough some have the blues, the greater number intend to stick and win. We have produced good crops in the past and will do so in the future. When we do produce heavily again there will be a larger per centage saved than ever before in western history. The people who settled here at first had everything to buy and everything to buiid. This is not the case now and the next thing will be increased savings ac counts. Farmers Intend to hire as little help as possible, make what they have go as far as it will and are getting a whole some respect for debts." In the United States the prosperity of far eastern states is a big factor to east ern business interests but not as big as the prairie provinces are to eastern Canada Industrial and mercantile interests of eastern Canada are dependent directly on the prairie provinces and the same may bo said of British Colunrbia. which sells its timber and fruit very largely to the prairies. Conclusion of an agreement between the dominion government and the British gov ernment, whereby the latter has under taken to liquidute its indebtedness of 5130. 000,000 to Canada at the rate of J5.000. 000 a month, will ease off the financial situation. Mining Stocks at Boston. Closing mining stocks at Boston, fur nished by the Overbeck & Cooke company: do 7s, 1941 do 8s. 1945 German W L 5s Berlin is Hamburg 4s do 4s Lelpsig 4s do 5c Munich 4s do 5s Frankfort 4s Italian 5s. 1918 Japanese 4s. 1931 do first 4 Us. 1925 .... do second 4 Us, 1925 .. Norway Ss. 1940 Russian 3s. 1921 do 5 'is, 1926 do 6s. 1019 Swiss 5s. 129 do 8s. 1940 San Paulo Sa U 5 s. 1823 do 5 'is, 1929 do 5s. 1987 , Swedish 8s. 1939 I . 102 102 105 105 2 S 2 S 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 S 4 4 5 3 4 40 41 90 91 B 90 91 111 112 20 26 5 6 22 26 .101 .11'! . 107 .107 .107 .103 . 102 H'1 117 106 107 107'v 10 102 "The faith of the city of Seattle is pledged to the prompt payment of principal and interest of Seattle Local im provement Bonds through the Local Improvement Re volving Fund," writes City Treasurer Ed L. Terry. M PRODUCTS OF FARM RISE HUGE INCREASES ARE SHOWX BY CENSUS RETURNS. We offer subject to prior sale and -h ansa In pr.c th unsold portion of $61,400 CITY OF SEATTLE WASHINGTON 6 Improvement Bonds Denomination 200 Dated February, 1021 Optional Dor t hrimr j . tlM.1 121 iis " 60 83 tfjf 22 170 81 45' ' 163 12 46 62 41 25 39 4 81 85 78 ' 19 106 41 1(1', 39 64 31 49 88 4 114 28 67 24 V, 1021, 44 45 95 81 65 92 15 33 22 121 27 115 61 84 13 28 170 81 1 1 45 19 163 4 ! 12i 1 461. 63 41 13 26 V 40 75 ir 85 SOU 19 106 41 11 40 Liberty 3s . do 1st 4s do 2d 4s do Is 4s do 2d 4s. do SO 4s. do 4th 4s. Victory 4 s . . do 3i! . . . . . 99.40 99.40 . . 99.72 9'9.84 . . 99.46 99.50 .. 99.82 99.84 , . 99,80 99,86 ..100.56 100.60 100.54 100.56 ..100.06 100.00 100.02 100.0 Low. Close. 99.08 99.24 99.00 m.34 99.70 99.48 90.78 09.84 99.34 99.78 99.42 99.76 99.76 Money, Silver. Etc. NEW YORK, May 3. Call money firm. High 4 per cent, low 4, ruling rate 4. closing bid 4, offered at 4, last loan at 4. Call loans against accept ances 4. Time loans steady. "Sixty and 00 days, 4 per cent; six moths 44. Prime mercantile paper, 44 Jer cent. Foreign bar silver. 67c. Mexican dollars, 53c. LONDON, May 3. Bar silver, 35d per ounce. Money, 1 per cent. Discount rates Short bills and three months bills, 22 7-16 per cent. 9 . . . 60 ...25 27 "3 . . . 59 . . .256 ... 18 ... 10 42 8 . . . 2 ... 11 ... 3 ... 1 . .. 2 . .. 8 . . . 4 . . . 1 .. 12 ... 5 . . 30 . . 25 . . 35 2 45 1 41 26 65 1 41 1 9M 100 3 18 12 43 8 3 11 3 1 2 4 4 59 5 2 18 6 50 23 36 3 44 24 V- 45 1 42 26 70 1 41 46 3 29 1 60 Standard Oil Stocks. Standard Oil quotations furnished by Anglo Borne Scrysmer . Buckeye Cheesebrough .... Cheesebrough pfd Continental Crescent Cumberland Eureka Galena com Galena Old pfd . Galena New pfd Illinois Pipe Indiana Pipe .... Nat'l Transit .... N. Y. Transit .... Northern Pipe . . Ohio Oil Inter'l Pete Penn Mex Prairie Oil Prairie Pipe .... Solar Refg Southern Pipe .. South Penn Oil . . S. W. Penn Oil . . S. O. Ind S. O. Kansas S. O. Kentucky S. O. N. Y S O. Ohio Su-an & Finch Vacuum Washington S. O. Nebraska Bid. Asked. .21 21 .365 385 .97 98 .200 205 .109 112 .144 150 . 33 35 .140 150 .104 105 . 59 60 .108 112 .102 105 .197 200 . 99 102 . 30 31 .175 179 .107 108 .328 332 . 22 23 . .".0 32 . 625 630 .225 230 .365 375 . 1 04 106 ' "63 65 .108 108 .570 581 .81 82 .423 428 .470 480 .117 119 . 30 35 .405 410 . 20 30 .200 210 I .112 114 1 Ariz Adventure Algomah Allouez Arcadian Cal & Ariz Cal & Hecla New- Corn Centennial Cop Range Davis Daly Daly West East Butte Hancock Helvetia Keewanaw Kerr Lake Lake Cop La Salle Mohawk May Old Colony .... Mason Valley North Butte Nipissing North Lake Old Dom Cop Oseola Mining niiliawA Qulncy Mining 34 Isle Royal South Ijike Supp Boston Uni Shoe Mch do pfd Tuolumne Utah Metals Utah Con U S Mining do frfd Utah Apex Ventura Winona Wyandot Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at the close or business yesterday furnished by the North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted in is the equivalent of the foreign unit in United States funds: Country Unit. Rate. Austria, kronen $ "o2?o Belgium, francs ooa Bulgaria, leva 78 Czecho-SIovakia. kronen 0204 Denmark, kroner 2128 England, pound sterling 4.4520 Finland, finmark 0216 France, francs .0918 Germany, marks 0033 Greece, drachmas 0453 Holland, guilders 3847 Hungary, kronen 0020 Italy, lire 0540 .Tugo-Siavia. kronen 0042 Norway, kroner 1857 Portugal, escudos 0857 Roumania. lei 0078 Serbia, dinara 0158 Spain, pesetas 1558 Sweden, kroner 2593 Switzerland, francs 1946 China-Hongkong, local currency . .5675 Shanghai, taels 7730 Japan, yen 4800 NEW YORK, May 3. Foreign exchange irregular. Great Britain, demand $4.43, cables $4.43. 60-day bills on banks 4.41. France, demand 9.14c, cables 9.15c. Italy, demand 5.31 c; cables 5.32c. Belgium, demand 8.34c, cables 8.35c. Germany, demand ,33c, cables ,33c. Holland, demand 38.32c, cables 38.35c. Nor way, demand 18.50c. Sweden, demand, 25.80c. Demark, demand 21.38c. Switz erland, demand 19.34c. Spain, demand 15.53c. Greece, demand 4.52c. Poland, demand. 2c. Czecho-SIovakia. demand 1.95c. Argentine, demand 36.37c. Brazil, demand 13.75c. Montreal, 98c. Foreign Bonds. Bid. Belgian rest 5a do prem os do 7s, 1945 103 do 8s, 1941 107 do 6s, 1925 103 Brazil 8s, 1941 100 Chile 6s, 1932 90 do 7s, 1923 102 British 5s. 1922 89 do 5s, 1927 92 do 5s, 1929 92 do vky 4a 78 do ref 4s 76 Bordeaux 6s, 1934 87 Canadian 5s, 1937 .' 98 do 5s, 1926 99 do 5s, 1029 101 do 5s. 1931 99 do 5s. 1927 98 Chinese 5s, 1951 f. 52 Chilean Ss. 1I141C 105 Russian currency 11 Denmark Ss, 1945 111 Danish municipal Ss, 1945 Ill French 4s, 1917 58 do 5s, 1920 80 do 5s. 1931 69 Ask. 76 83 109 107-Ti 103TI 107 91 102'. 93 81 79 87 99 99 1-01 99 100 53 106 12 111 nil, 59 ' 82 70 do pfd International Nickel International Paper Invinclhle OH Island OH Jewel Tea K C Southern K C Sou pfd 87 18 54 1. IS ( 0 7 7 96 06 S 26 86 '4 86 1 8 1 8 52 52 17 17 21 21 28 28 ' 58 Dulnth Linseed Market. DULLTH, May 3. Flaxaeed, 2.S0) WILL SELL $5000 all or part of 9 Se cured Gold Coupon Notes in big going; concern earning more than double of interest charges of this issue. Assets over $350,000. If sold in one lot will offer a working in terest or discount on pur chase. No brokers. HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Established 1894. STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN Correspondents E. P. HUTTON & CO., N. I. Members all leading r"cchanjtea Baboon' Service on File. tBdwjr. 4723. S01 RUws ExcUane Bid. HOW TO ACCUMULATE t50,000 m it Safe Bonds and an income of about 43jKWperYratafe66 Build an income for old age START NOW 2fr our Partial Payment Plan to can Invest in sound bonds at the rate of WBT or more a month. Nc matter what Your level of income, you can use our plan to build up an estate and future I cTtal now and Jet the jdvantaie of h'fflH present hift riskls StadY this chart I I MM art sm &t surprising results of system- l-fflV I " abc savibjt aid inwtment -y-t I SggSB A Eg -coa MBBdmua DO IT NOW FIFTH fll?fe r.HONI HI1 --iS?Si!l i t b way 8TARK qMpP- 5740 hie mm an OH? buy and sod onry bus id pal, government and high trade corporation bonds - the kind that ba.iks.capitalists and insurance companies buy- bonds that are safe and that will give you. a steady income of & to TYi and sometimes more Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. LuMBE RM ENS BlDG.. PORTLAND Gross Value in 1919 152.2 per Cent More Than in 1909, According- to Data. WASHINGTON, D. C May 3 Prod uct? of the farms of the country had a gross value of 2 ..42R.62S.8M In 1819. the census bureau announces. That was an increase of 1S2.2 per cent, or $11931.3!3. 807, over 19uft, when their grosa value was $8,494,230,807. The gross value of crops produced aggregated $14,755,34.894. and It is estimated that animals sold or slaughtered were valued at $3.5-1 1 .0C0, 000. Iuives-tock products were valued at $2,067,072,273 and forest products at $384. 321.828. Nursery and hothouse product! were valued at $97,8 14.fi 19. Statistics relating to Oregon and Wash ington are as follows: Oregon Grosa value of farm products. . $200. 4fi9.2C Ijivegtock products 3'5,14ti.671 Animals sold, slaughtered, est.. 30,200,000 Crops 131,884, 03fl Forest products 5,229,123 Nursery, greenhouse products.. 928,683 Washington Gross value of farm products. . S01, 271, 159 Livestock products 44,000.349 Animals sold, slaughtered, est.. 23.0OO.0OO Crops 227.212.008 Forest products 4,738.116 Nursery, greenhouse products.. 1,3-54,680 QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCE Current Prices Ruling on Butter. Cheese and Kggs. SAN FRANCISCO, May 3 (U. S. Bu reau of Markets.) Butter Extras, Zoic prime firsts. 35c. Eggs Extras, 28c; extra pullets. 22"rc; extra pullet firsts, 23c ; undersized pul letF. No. 1, 20c. Cheese California flats, fancy, 19 Vz c ; do. firsts, 19c; Young Americas, fancy, 24c NEW YORK, May 3. Butter, unset tled; creamery, higher than extras, 3T12 38c; do, extras, 37c; do, firsts, 3o436',,c Eggs, firm. Cheese, weak. CHICAGO, III., May 3 Butter, lower: creamery, extras, 35c; do, firsts, 30fg)34e; do, seconds, 28(fS29c; do, standards, 34c. Eggs lower; reee'.pts. 27,574 cases; firstp, 23H 24c; ordinary do, 2125c; mis cellaneous, 22 23c; storage packed, ex tras, 2526c; do, firsts, 2525c. Price: Par and interest to yield 6 No income tax to pay Principal and interest payable at the office, of the City Treasurer. Seattle, Washington, or at the office of Morrla Brothers Corporation, Portland. Oregon. These bonds were issued under the local improvement district law and are a direct charge against the property. The Sanitary Fill, for which these bonds were issued. Is industrial property and located in the industrial district, and is provided with rail and water transportation facilities. The Local Improvement District is No. .1156 of the City of Seattle, and is protected by the pledge of the credit of the City of Seattle, in the same manner aa all other Local Improvement District Issues, through its revolving: fund. Yield Am't. 'c 3000 Am't. $0000 .1000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Kst Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mat. 1, 1924 1. lttl 1. 1926 1, 1927 1, 1928 1. 1929 1, 1930 1. 1931 1. 1932 1, 1933 Price Par l'ar Par Par Par Par Par Par Par Par 6' , 3000 3000 tTc 3000 fi". " 3000 3000 3000 4400 6 Est Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. . Mat. 1. 1934 1. 193S 1. 193 1, 1937 1. 1938 1. 1939 1. 1940 1. 1941 1. 1942 1, 1943 Prlc field Par Par Par Par Par n Par Par Par Par Par Telegraph or Telephone Orders at Our Expenaa Morris Brothers Corporation Morris Building. 30D-1 1 Stark Street, Part land, Oregon Telephone Broadway Sir.l In over twenty-seven years no investor has lost a single dollar through the default of interest or principal by any municipality of any of the $500,000,000 municipal bonds sold by Morris Brothers. SEATTLE, Wash., eggs unchanged. May 3. Butter and Swift $t Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke rcmoany of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 10H4 National Leather do new 9 Mi Swift International SOVi Libby 2 Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga May 3. Turpentine firm. 77(g'7Sc; sales. 350; receipts, 200; shipments, 37tt; stock, 2494. Rosin firm. Sales. 744; receipts. 14ft4; shipments, 604: stock, 52.901. Quote: B, 4; D, J4.05; E, $4. 10 4.1 2hi ; P, $4.12 4.15; G, H, $4.15: I, $t.l5(f4.17"4 : K. $4.20; M, $4.404.50; N, $5; WG, $5.50; WW, $5,80. Odd Lots Lincoln County, Ore., Road 6s to Yield 4.90 $1000. Due 1926104.25 City' of Burlingame, Cal., Impt. 6s to yield 6 $100. Due 1925100 Port of Nehalem, Ore., 5s to Yield 5.75 $500. Due 192797.06 City of Victoria, B. C, Gen. Ob. 5s to Yield 6.00 $500. Due 192796.S5 City of Edmonton, Alta., 6s to Yield 6.60 $200. Due 192498.9 United Light & Rys. 6s to Yield 6.30 $4000. Due 195296 Manila Electric Co. 7s to Yield 7.10 $6500. Due 1942984 Standard Gas & Elec Co. 7'2s to Yield 7.40 $1100. Due 1941101 All offers subject to prior sale. Clark, Kendall & Co., Inc. a 295 Stark Street Portland, Oregon. j m tttMH 1 1 1 1 tti 1 1 M144 $i 1 1 1 1 1 lit tttiiiiiitiiaiDPiirirtirif fitrtf titifiiitOMiiiiifti ( iiiMM sm tirritM$tf $$r)$P$Tiif mm i ittixrf irx i p i4i 1 1 f ratTTtij: ODD LOTS FOR THE CONSERVATIVE INVESTOR. 1000 City of Portland, 5, due June 1, 1924, 101.18, yield 4.90 I 1500 City of Forest Grove, 6, due Feb. 1, 1940, 108.60, yield 6.25 1 1000 Clatsop County, Or., 6, due April 1, 1931, 107.13, I ' yield 6.00 1000 Port of Astoria, 6, due July 1, 1925, 101.00, I yield 5 2000 City of Tillamook, 6, due January 1, 1931, 105.17, yield 6.25 1 1000 Dominion of Canada, 5, due May 1, 1952, 100.00, yield 6.00 1 1000 Province of Ontario, 6, due April 15, 1925, 101.00, yield 5.0 1 3000 Pac. Power & Light Co., 5, due Aug. 1, 1930, 93.50, yield 6.00 PHONE OR WIRE ORDERS COLLECT. Ralph Schneeloch Company MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION FINANCE LUMBERMENS BUILDING Portland. Oregon. 5 HOGFEEDERS and POULTRYMEN FRESH BUTTERMILK FOR SALE 10 to 100 gallons. . 2c per gallon 100 to 300 gallons ... lc per gallon 300 gallons or more . . Vc per gallon SWIFT & CO., PRODUCE DEPT. Phone Broadway 3857 Corner 4th and Hoyt Sts. 1 1 XOTICE OF REDEMPTION TO HOLDERS OF VICTORY "OTES AND OTHERS CONCERNED. Notice I Hereby Given a Follows i 1. Call for redemption of 34 per cent Victory Notes. All of these 3 per cent series of L'nited States of America con vertible sold notes of 1922-1923, otherwise known as 3 percent Victory Notes, are hereby called for remption on June 15th, 1922. pursuant to the provision for redemption contained in the notes and the treasury depart ment circular No. 138, dated April 21 st 1919, under which the notes were originally issue'l. Interest on all Victory Notes of the 3 per cent series will cease on said redemption date, June 15th, 1922. 2. Suspension and termina tion of Victory Note conversion privileg-e. in view of the call for the redemption of all 3 per cent Victory Notes on June 15th, 1922, and pursuant to the pro visions of said treasury depart ment circular. No. 138, the privileg-e of conversion of Victory Notes of either series into Vic tory Notes of the other series is herebv suspended fom Febru ary 9th, 1922. to Jun 15th. 1922, both inclusive, and on June 15th, 1922, will terminate. Victory Notes, accordingly, cease to be interconvertible, effective Feb ruary 9th, 1922, and on and after that date no conversions of the notes may be made. 3. Detailed information as to the presentation and surrender of Z per cent Victory Notes for redemption is griven in treasury department circular. No. 277, dated February 9thf 1922, two copies of which are available at the treasury and the federal reserve bank. A. W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury. Management - Product Financial Condition The three items mentioned above constitute the main essentials for consideration by the investor in industrials. Excellent management. prod uct constantly growing in popular favor and a highly satisfactory financial condition are the three things of which the stockholders in Northwestern Electric Com pany are particularly proud and which make the current issue of cumulative first preferred share so popular. The placing of the issue is nearing completion. In quire at office of the company. J. G. Tavares, Mgr. Stock Sales Northwestern Electric Company Bdwy. 580. Washington at Tenth THE BEST MUNICIPAL BOND Through years of test the General Obligation Municipal Bond bears record of soundest security. Supported by the full faith and credit and whole taxing power of the community which issues them, they stand pre eminent. We offer such bonds. TO YIELD 44 to 6A Onr offrlna;a and arrvJreN are your, fttr fhr aahina;. Call, write or phone Mala 4105. G.E. MILLER & COMPANY 21 floor NORTHWESTERN BANK BUIU kjkilajiu mi - Puts & Calls Odd Lots W handle 10, 20 and BO share lots on Puts or Calls; alo write 7, 10 and 30-dav papers. Profit -taking ponBlbilrtl! of this fool-proof method of trading are ex plained in our booklet "How to trad in Puts and Colls." WRITE FOR TOUR COPT TODAY. Prompt attention to mail order. WATSON & COMPANY InveMtment Securities. 535 Stork Exchange BIdg., I.o Angeles All Suckers Are Avaricious and Drat Into Sucker Places Good Bonds Travel in Good Company. Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co. 28t Oak St. Safe Deposit Boxen