THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. MAY 3. 1922 HEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houjieti. See FRANK L. McOUIRE To Buy Your Home LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1200 Photographs of Homes for sale. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. HOME BUYING MADE EASY! TOUR JBVJt.KY INTEREST PROTECTED" A Horn of Your Own on TERMS less than the rent you pav! We II HELP YOU make your down payment nr NECESSARY! TELEPHONE RDWT. 7171. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. 75 Salesmen with autos! NEW! NEW I NEW! (First time advertised.) BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR HOME COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR RE MARKABLE DISPLAY OF HOME EAR GAINS! HEART OF THE SPRING I !TK TERMS. EXQUISITE! LAURELHURST BUN GALOW Most perfect in design and the very embodiment of THE FINEST IN MODERN ARCHITECTURE; 5 rooms; beautifully appointed in every detail. E. Davis st. BEAUTIFUL NEW ROSE CITY! FIVE ROOMS fn an IMMACU LATE BUNGALOW in heart of ROSE CITY! New! Semi-colonial: French doors ; hardwood floors; fireplace : furnace ; break fast nook. STUDIO LIVING ROOM! BUNGALOW OF REAL CONTENT! E. 47th st. Terms. SUNNY MAYTIME BUNGALOW I41D0 DISTINCTIVE sheltering bunga low in Rose Citv Park ! in excel lent condition: A REAL SNAP at this pntej Owner living- In Cali fornia, MUST SELL! Combina tion living and dining room: ra diant fireplace; numerous built in conveniences; 2 sunshiny bed rooms; pipeiess furnace; large lot on paved street with all improve ments paid ! Lambert place. Terms. WEE ROSE CITY FURNISHED. $300 Down! $300 Down! 11450 S300 down! KOZY FOUR-ROOM bungalow en full lot; gara?c. E. 78th st. (Completely furnished.) ! COLLEGE ENVIRONMENT LOVELY NEW BUNGALOW! 55190 ADJOINING E AST. U IRELAND ' 6-room substantially built, artis tic bungalow, that fairlv rarii atPS HOMINKSS! HAS EVERY THING' VACANT! NEVER BE FORE OCCUPIED! Henry ave. Terms, LARGE FAMILY'S PARADISE! "I'VE BEEN ALL OVER PORTLAND 13590 AND Tit IS IS REALLY ONE OF THE BIGGEST BUYS I've seen for months!" said one appraiser, and HE KNOWS! Especially is this THE PLACE for a Large, merry family. A big. homey, at tractive Home of S rooms, and 99 X2&t groun with FRUIT. FLOWERS. ETC., galore! room for the t-hlldren to- romp to their heart's content! House has every modern convenience. CAN AP. RANGE TERMS. Holgate st. DON'T MISS THIS! ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID! MT. TABOR REAL HOME! $3250 COMMODIOUS 6-room modem home on paved corner; East 53d street; 3 large airy bedrooms; full cement basement; nice lawn, etc. THE HOME WITH THE CHEERY LOOK! Terms. One of the biggest bargains ir this district! NEW! VACANT! $500 Down' $2390 $500 down! PRETTY new Sell wood bungalow; with built-ins; hard-saurfaced street; Tacoma ave. ALBERTA ! ALBERTA ALBERTA I TREMENDOUS SACRIFIC :e: $3450 THINK OF THIS! Just 50 ft. off Union ave.. large attractive, exceptionally well built S-room Home; every modern feature; 2 bedrooms. living room, room and convenient kitchen down! and up are 4 bedrooms, or could be arranged for house keeping! House in splendid con dition ; IT WOULD COST YOU MORE TO BUILD HOUSE ALONE TODAY! SEE THIS WITHOUT DELAY! CUT FROM $3130. $350 Down! THIS MUST BE SOLD? $ 2 .- 40 1330 down! LOOKING FOR A REAL SNAP? Here's one! Very neat and pretty 5-room AL BERTA BUNGALOW with cheery fireplace; built-in eonveniences ; full cement basement. g-irage with runway. E. 15 th St., A HOMEY MODEST HOME! ONLY FOR A F E W DAYS CAN YOU HAVE IT AT THIS PRICE! $500 Down! FRANKLIN HIGH $2990 ANOTHER OF OUR NEW LTST ings! A few Mocks to High School. Hospitable 6-room Home; large Iivinir and dining room : built-in buffet ; Dutch kitchen : 3 bedrooms ami bath ; garage ; 100 xlH) with trees; shrubs, etc. 54th $300 Down! WOODLAWN BUNGALOW! $1990 $300 down! VERY PRETTY AND PRACTICAL 4-room bungalow on corner lot; living and dining rooms combined ; bu! It-in book cases, white enamel Dutch kitch en; additional room in attic Mor gan st. NICE LITTLE Home! CHARMING BIT OF KOZINESS! $300 Down! $300 Down! $2250 QUIET RESTFUL DAYS. wi'l you have In this LITTLE MT. SCOTT bungalow of 5 rooms just as dainty and Romelike as can be! Beamed ceilings in dining room: all modern conveniences: onlv Vk blk. to car. 62d St.. PAY RENT TO YOURSELF! THES K ARE TYPICAL OF the many NEW LISTINGS WE'RE re ceiving every day! Just come for a few minutes and look over our New Listing Board! OPEN EVERY EVENING UN TIL ft See FRANK L. McOUIRE To Buy Your Home Realtor. Abington Bids , Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., Eet. Wash, and Stark NOTE. WE HAVE AN UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY on our salesforce for a SALES MAN WITH INIATIVE AND A CAR! MUST BE SOLD. J RAH AM AVENUE NEAR UNION. Splendid, well-built, desirable home. 7 rooms, modern, garage. 50x125 lot, fruit. Must see to appreciate. Make offer. See Robinson, with FRANK McCRILLIS. Realtor. Henry Bldg. Broadway 779. COUNCIL CREST SNAP. Only $4230 buys this very classy bun galow, built along English architectural lines, large living room, artistic p. ace, large sleeping porch, furnace, ele gant finish throughout; recently re touched, in the pink of condition, mag nificent view of the valley; lot 100x54; beautiful flowers. J. G. R A INKY, 51T-S Abington BIdg. Broadway 62tf!. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, ON ALAMEDA DRIVE. Very attractive 7-room bungalow on best part of Alameda drive. Fine, large living room with fireplace, dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen with break fast room; sunroom. 2 light, airy bed rooms: oak floors, full cement basement with flee furnace. Pnlce only $7300, $2000 cash, balance easv terms. OFARRELL-GRELLNER. 33S-4Q I'ham. of Com. B!dg. Bdwy. 4172. $100 DOWN. Mr. Soldier. look at this 6-room bun galow on 49th st.. near Hawthorne ave nue, one block to car: has hardwood floors, fireplace. bookcases. cabinet kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays paved street and walks paid; price $4000. $100 down and soldier's loan. Ralph Ack ley. 527 Corbett bidg. Call today. This will not last long NOTHING DOWN; Modern 5-room bungalow on B2d st.. only Vi block from the car; has cabinet kitchen and other modern built-in ef facta On good macadam street. Will sell . to soldier for $40 per month until loan comes, then $15 per month. Price $3130 Ra'ph Ackley. 527 Corbett bldg. ' A GOOD BUY FROM o w N E R . Sunnyslde. near Laurelhurat park, five rooms, gas and electricity, fractional lot: will sell unfurnished, including fur nished kitchen or completely furnished Immediate possession. m E. 33th st near Alder. $2S50: terms. STOP PAYING REN "P. $2350 for 5 rooms, Kenton district, nice lot fruit, easy terms. Consider Kenton lot as part payment: good bargain. 322 Rail way Exchange. Bdwy. 6301; evening Co) AUTOMOBILE FOR EOUITY " Irvington 2-story, 50x100 lot, beauti ful home, strictly modern ; about 1 year old ; want good, light car for my rquity Call Auto. 329-32. NEAT 4-room bungalow, ivory finish. 50x 100. street improvements in and paid, fruit and berries, $2850; terms reuson ab. Owner. 1294 E. Taylor. KEW 5-room bungalow In Hawthorne dis trict; nice garage, paved t.. all paid : FUR $4.uo. fiutsj down pajnient. G. T. Led- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hciuws. 38Sa NEARLY- COMPLETED. fi-mom modern bungalow, 4 rooms ripwn, i" up; ail built ins ; break last nook, table and benches: Dutch kitchen; Ivory and white enamel finish: oak floor in living room, white enamel plumbing, blinds and p lectric fixtures, concrete basement and piers; laundry lubfc garage; close to school. t(rva$h, t. rms. Owner, 112S E. 33d N. AB car to Emerson. No agents. CHOICE HOME AT RARGAIX. MT. TABOR-VIEW BUNGALOW. 1 Five modern rooms, all enameled and . decorated, two fireplaces, full cement nasement with heating Iant. This is I one of the choice east lde locations. ! large corner lot with all imDrovemenis la and paid: one block from car line and among fine neighbors and homes. Am leaving Portland, will sell including mahegany furniture, for less than the house was recently appraised at. Phone Marsl Pl! 5510 for appointment with own er. Act quickly if you desire an ideal home at right price. Location, 1S34 East Yamhill street. 6c CAR FARE. $100 DOWN, BAL. $10 AND INT. $1380. New 4-room bungalow on hard-surfaced highway; within 3 blocks car and school; 12 minutes from the center of town: 100 feet outside city limits; no re strictions; finish the inside of this house and make $000. Very sightly and won derful view. See Mr. McQuilkin. GORDON MORTGAGE COMPANY. 828 Chamber of Commerce BIdg. . No Phone. ROSE CITY PARK. 34450. This is positively one of our best list ings; 5 rooms and breakfast nook; lot 46x117, paved st., sewer in and all paid for; large Jiving room, fireplace, hard wood floors, . tapestry paper, buffet, roomy basement and furnace ; garage ; $750 down. CAM F&ELL -RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) Auto. 315-44. $5200 A LOVELY 6-room furnished house. In Hawthorne, paved street, hardwood floors, cement basement, furnace, built in buffet, 3 bedrooms, bath upstairs; lovely furniture, cost $900; a bargain, terms. $2650 5-room house, Hawthorne, mod ern built-in kitchen, fireplace, cement basement, near car; a splendid buy; $800 will handle, $30 a month including in terest. S. BORLAND. REALTOR. 223 Henry BIdg. Bdwy. 1506. $50 DOWN. BAL. $10 AND INTEREST. $490 TOTAL PRICE. Good big lot. cement foundation with 18x20 shack on it and lean-to. Put in a cesspool here and a little work and you can make $500. See Mr. McQuilkin. GORDON MORTGAGE COMFAXY. 828 Chamber of Commerce BIdg. No Phone. LAURELHURST NEW COLONIAL. 7 rooms, just completed, oak floors throughout, 3 bedrooms. large living room with sun porch. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; garage; first-class workmanship has been put in this home. For price and terms call J. R. HA1GHT. REALTOR. Bdwy. 2045. 327 Board of Trade. SOLDIER'S LOAN ACCEPTED, MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW: FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, FIREPLACE. BUILT IN BOOKCASES. BUFFET AND CHINA CLOSETS. LINEN CLOSET. MODERN BUILT-IN KITCHEN, BASEMENT, FURNACE. LAUNDRY TRAYS. GAR DEN, FRUIT. CHICKEN HOUSE. MT. TABOR CAR. 113 E. 54TH ST. TABOR 427S. OWNER. J 1 0IM SACRIFICE. Exceptionally well appointed 5-room thoroughly modern bungalow, with large attic, high-grade mahogany finish, hard wood floors; good garpge; wonderful location on Alameda drive. Price $5500, very reasonable terms. Photo at office. See Mr. Griffith with FrJ W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com WEST SIDE HOME. BUILD TO SUIT. Have a few very choice locations near City Park; owner will build you a home; reasonable terms. Mr. Wiles. J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR. Bdwy. X04I. 327 Board of Trade. $4750 ROSE CITY $4750. 5-room bungalow, fulk cement base ment, trays, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins. 50x100 lot, garage; paved street; small payment down and balance like rent gives you possession of this nice home. MARSH & McCABE CO.. 322-H-4 Failing BIdg. Bdwy. 652S. A PRETTY 3-KUOM BUNGALOW. Mr. and Mrs. Homeseeker, close in. hardwood floors, fine fireplace, large parlor, hallway between living and din ing quarters, close to car and about 12 minutes from 2d and Morrison; only $3050. J. B. Holbrook, 214-215 Panama building. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Good 7-room colonial, best of finish in white enamel; concrete garage: a fine home. Mr. Wiles. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. Bdwy. 2U43. 327 Board of Trade. RARE LAURELHURST SNAP. $11000 FOR $7000. Classy, modern, lhk -story, seven-room bungalow, park section, near car; Ivory finished, mahogany trim, oak floors throughout, den, breakfast nook, bil liard room, two baths, sleeping porch, garage. Terms. . Tabor 407. ANOTHER PIEOMoNT SACRIFICE. 7 rooms and sleeping porcfk, thorough ly modern, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet In dining room, built-in dressers in bedrooms, furnace and laundry trays In full cemented basement. $5500, $1500 cash will handle. CALL EAST 9240. YOUR LOAN ALONE WILL HANDLE THIS NEAT 5-ROOM HOME. ONE BLOCK FROM CAR, RANGE. RUG AND LINOLEUM WITH IT. ALL FOR $4000. HOWARD, 1113 N. W . BANK. MAIN 893L COZY 4-room bungalow, near Hawthorne car; 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, choice corner, 92x100 on hard street : bargain from owner, $3230 : $ 1 000 cash. East 6228. IRVINGTON. 8-room house, price $10,000; strictly modern; all hardwood floors, two fire places, glassed-in sleeping porch, ga rage; near two street car lines; good terms. Owner. 610 Weldler st. But 5618. CHOICE IRVINGTON HuMt. Artistic, new, 7-room colonial, with garage, on 21st St.; built for home by owner and built right ; every new fea ture, extra fine plumbing, fixtures, papering: ap. Tabor 407. ALBERTA BUNGALOW, $3600 5 rooms, corner lot, fruit trees, 2-3 basement, built-ins, real snap; terms. Robuett & McClure, 302 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6574, $4450. ROSE CITY. S4450. 4-room modern bungalow. California design. C IT TODAY. $450 down, bal ance like rent. 21S Ry. Exchange bldg. WILLIAM A HUGHES CO. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME Charming, modern 9-room brick and stucco home: sleeping poroh; 2 fire places; delightful view ; terms. Bdwy. 4020. ACRE, good 3-room house and barn, small fruits and chicken house: S1625. $400 down, balance like rent. 213 Ry Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6S0S. WILLIAM A HUGHES CO. WESTMORELAND. Modern 4-room bungalow with garage, full basement, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, fireplace 50x100 Iot; price $2800; terms. Phone Seliwood '2601. 5-ROOM house, 1 acre ground, on paved highway and west side S. P. electric. Only $750. $100 down. Draper. 40S Board of Trade. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME Substantia '.. modern 9-room home Sleeping porch: garage; 100x100; $1000 1 down. Bdwy. 4620. BEAUTIFUL 5-ioom modern ' bungalow, hardv.ood floors, built-in buffet, book cases. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, ate.' will o ; : S' .M uv-s' s. ;144 1-1. 49th st. S. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW HOME Charming, triple constructed, modern 5 rooms, large nook, garage ; California type ; C erms. Bdwy. 4020. 2 NICE 5-room houses on valuable busi ness lot. close in. near E. Broadway, on car line: rented for $.'0 month. Will sell at once for $4500: u cash. East 0228. 707 HIGHLAND ST. $3600. Txvely new 4-room bungalow, fire place, gas water heater, inlaid linoleum, attractive fixtures. Main 8998. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Artistic, modern 7-room colonial in, best part of Irvington ; many attractive fe.uures Bdwy. 4620 ROSE ClTY tC00.' 7 rooms. wtredPfor elec tric ranga: hardwood floors; garage; 52d St.. nar Alameda : $1200 cash, balance montnly. Tabor 4677. OWNER'S new. ins; fireplace. T-ibor 2159 bungalow ; built- orchard. w acre fenced. SAL E clcse i I i M use, Portland Heights. Gregom&n, REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. One of the "show places" of that exclusive home distffct; modern house of S large rooms; command ing grand view over oJty; level ground, 113x110 feet; absolutely the prettiest lawn to be found anywhere; embellished with won derful shrubbery, flowers and prizewinning roses; it's a home for "people who care"; price -J10.500 reduced from $11,000). Phene for my auto and see this. J. W. CROSSLEY. "Better Types of Homes." 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. HAWTHORNE HOME. $5000. Extra large living room, large dining room, Gpice kitchen, with all bullt-lns; three beautiful bedrooms, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, full cement basement with laundry trays. This Is a beautiful home and extra well built. Two blocks from Hawthorne car, street improvements in and paid. Would con sider good lot as part pay. Everett Phi:poe, Salesmanager, NEILAN & PARKHILL. 2. ft T.umhermens BIdg. Bdwy. 9832. LAURELHURST. BRAND NEW COLONIAL. 10S4 MULTNOMAH, NEAR IMPERIAL. Just completed, very artistic home with large living and bedrooms, plate glass windows, recess tub. tiled oat", floor, tile drainboards. etc. You will be astonished at reasonable price. PfaONE OWNER, AUTO. 310-. 3. WHY PAY RENT when yea can buy the cutest little house vou i ever sa- for only $300 down? It is on a 100x100 corner and the rrice is only ?-i400. Of course " la not on a carline or a paved street but t is ortl. the money. Will take a good lot as part PZIMMERMAN-WALLER BUILDING COMPANY, "Builders of Reliable Homes. 415-410 Abington Bigg. Bdwy. ,4fe. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. BY OWNER. Leaving city and must sell my beau tiful strictlv modern bungalow; five rooms, unusually attractive, faces east on 15th. near Siskiyou; large garage with full cement drive; priced to sell quickly, but you must have at least S20O0 cash, balance can be arranged. Phone OWNER, East S863. No trades, no agents, please. $500 5500 $500. As first payment and you move il:. hnnvBiav in lgh? West- , " xZZZ cwvinsr rooms. comMna tion living and dining room, rePlaI;e' bookcases buffet, modern kitchen with hreakf- st nook full cement basement and a complete 'set of modern plumbing All street improvements in and pam. ZIMME U MAN-WALLER BUILDING COMPANY. "Builders of Reliable Homes. 415-410 Abington BIdg. Bdwy. oS48. iwviVf.TOX BEAUTY. Very attractive bungalow of J rooms and music room; built by one of Irving ton's best builders for his own home. Long fixing room. French doors to mu sic loom, beautiful dining room, hard wood floors. fireplace. extra .handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, elaborate bath 2 fine bedrooms, large atric, ga rage'and iurnace. Screens and a.vmngs. Bargain for 'l'tsD'erms.(, R BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR VIE W HUMS. Large reception hall and living room with fireplace, old ivory finish, mahog any dining room, built-ins. cabinet kitchen, breakfast room, large porches, hot water heat, 5 bedrooms, sleeping porch, finest plumbing, hardwood floors, plate glass throughout, ball room third, floor; grounds 120x100: selected shrub berv; cost $38,000; sell $25,000. Owner, Tabor 3006. . ROSE CITY bargain: $5250, EASY TERMS. Now being completed; attractive, well built 5-room bungalow with garage and furnace. long living room across the front, plate glass windows, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, two nice, airy bedrooms, large floored attic, strett Imp- In and paid. Best buy in Rose City! R. SOMERVI LLE. Bdwy. 24 i g. NEAR REED COLLEGE. 5-room story and half, semi -modern house, in good condition ; gas. lights, white woodwork, tapestry walls, full plumbing, concrete basement, 200x100 lot In fruit, berries, garden, nice lawn, several large fir trees: 3 blocks to car. $3750; $500 will handle It. C. M. DERR. 1215 N W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. WESTMORELAND brand new bun galow, ail modern, up-to-date, $3750' Very easy terms. This Is away below cost. Phone Sellwood 2528. C. DeYoung & Co., 810 Spalding bldg. 7-ROOM. CLOSE-IN PROPERTY. This house can be arranged into separate apartments: owner can en joy a good home and have income prop erty at the same time; 50x100 lot with choice bearing fruit; garage and full basement $3300. $500 down, $25 monthlv and Interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. NEAR A INS WORTH AVE. 5-room bungalow, newly finished : extra well built with the best of ma terial: hardwood floors, fireplace, built in L-itr-hun lsrn-p floored attic : 50x100 lot: east face; priced for quick sale. $3500, $500 cash. R. R. POWNDER, Realtor, 406 Broadway Bldg. M:in 2717. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 6-RM. BUNGALOW. Yes it is about the nicest, cleanest and most ' cosy bungalow home one could wish. Everything you whth. Sun room and all : garage, and the lawn is a dream Terms can be arranged in pro portion to price. 3 blks. to car on 48th. Bdwv. 7510 or 214-17. CONSULT A SPECIALIST. That Is what you do when you are 111. Why not do the same when you con template huiiding your home? Our serv ices are at vour command. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BUILDING COMPANY. "Builders of Reliable Homes." 415-416 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 5S48. o-vvviTnU.KAWTHORNE. Modern" 5-room bungalow, with oak SA.M fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen. furnace, cement basement, tip-top shape throughout ; $500 cash and soldiers bonus will handle. R. L. McGREW Realtor. Tabor 8S92. Tnft: Hawthorne Ave. s 13,-0 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW j.ouu This fine 6-room bungalow on comer lot, 3 blocks to car. with built-in buffet, bookcase. Dutch kitchen, fireplace fur nace, full cement basement, only $1350 down payment. . '. - OFARRELL-GRELLNER. 33S-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 41 . -. LOTS OF GROUND. 6-room house with full plumbing, on 1o 79x112. nice bearing fruit trees: 2 Socks" to car: price $3150, $60C .cash. We can sell additional lots at $3.0 each. ee M Griffith with Fred W. German Co . Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. Goo-1 7-room house ad sleeping porch, full iot, close in; full cement basement, new furnace, wash trays; toilet upstairs and down; fine neighborhood; 6 blocks to Laurelhurst park; close to grade srhnol. walking distance to high school; $5850 teims. Tabor 5501 riTT at. WITH OWNER $4850. 51000 cash. Rose Clty Park bungalow, plate glass winnows, rrencu doors, tapestry walls, hardwood floors, all over- furnace, cement porch, garage, paved street. 709 E. 70th st.. just south of Sandv boulevard. See owner there, or call Tabor 6070. $00 BUNGALOW, Hawthorne district. Six rooms, old ivory finished; built-in buffet, fireplace; Dutch kitchen; full concrete basement: garage and concrete runway; $1500 cash. 1114 East Clay, near 57th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7719. $1S50 BUYS a dandy little modern bunga low, close to M.--tnomah station, on easy terms. Full particulars from exclusive aget. Ben Rusland, 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park street, or his representative, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah office. CHEAP full lot c House and 21st st., near Washington. JOHN BAIN. 507 Spalding Bldg S.'.oo DOWN. $50 month, fine, brand-new laurelhurst bungalow and garage: open J to 5. 1003 Wasco st.. cor. 33d, near Sandy. Bargain price. BY OWNER 5-room cottage In Al con dition, close In. 2 short' blocks to Rose City car; terms; 94 E. 16th st. N. East 3919. UNFINISHED HOUSE ON FULL LOT PAVED ST.. SEWER AND SIDEWALK LL FOR $1250. TERMS. HOWARD 1115 N. W. BANK- MAIN S931 MODERN 5-room bungalows built for $2500 and up: plans, estimates- Mutual Build ers. Automatic 218-98 or 527-50. $20 DOWN takes a pretty wooded acre near Oswego lake. 10 monthly. Mc Farlr.d. Realtor. Failing build i n g. MODERN 5-room Dungaiow. 1 block 'rom school. 20iH cash. Automatic 615-49. BUY FROM owner, home. Tabor 3555 6-room Laurelhurst 4-ROOM house and finished attic. Owner. mxm. Woodiawa REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. 354 E. 46TH ST. N. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, hardwood floors, screened back porch, full cement basement, pipe furnace, laundry trays, gas water heater, sewer and paving in and paid, 2 hi blocks from Sandy and under the hill. This pro pert y is vacant and must be sold. Key and full particulars at our branch office. HILLER BROS. REALTORS. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Tabor S4S5. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. 7 -room modern homo, hardwood floors on the first floor, also buffet and fire place Second floor. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Full cement basement, furnace and wash trays. Street paving in and paid for. This property is par ticularlv well located, only 2 blocks from Sandy bivd. and the Rose City Park car. Also onlv 2 blocks from Rose City Park school and Catholic school. For quick sale the price is $4850- At this low price the property can be handled on a reasonable first payment. See WEBSTER L. KINCAID. Realtor. 401 Lewis BIdg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 13900. 5-room bungalow, large living dining room. 2 beautiful bed kitchen and beautiful breakfast with all built-ins, hardwood furnace fireplace, cement base- New room, rooms, nook, floors, ment with laundry trays and garage What more do you want? Two blocks north of R. C. car, and can arrange terms to suit you. EVERETT PHILPOE. .Salesmanager. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumberm-ens BIdg. Bdwy. -S3-. T HAVE IT NOW. HOME $300 DOWN. 4 oretty 4-room home in one of oest districts, 50x100 lot. level and In rass half block and f ine . car service. room for garage; fruit trees; J1?"" yard. Full cement basement with laun dry trays; big bath; built-ins; airy bedrooms handy kitchen, nice living room. When you see it you will love It. Close in- Call the first thing this morn ing 415 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BFRANKC: ROBINSON. REALTOR. LAURELHURST New colonial type bun galow; buy now and aelect 3T tVrior finishings, which are deluded In the price; everything that one could possibly desire is incorporated in th.s new home; tile bath, recessed tub t le drain in kitchen, etc; let us show you, price $6500. AG TEEPE CO., Realtors-, Sandy Blvd. at 40th Tabor &5S6. kAU?2 Laur-Ihurst Office. Tabor 3433. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW AjNJJ ACRE. . This is nicely arranged; Dutch kitchen, large living room, 2 bedrooms, full basement, bath. toilet and laundry travs; hard-surfaced street; this is an ideal home for the man who likes to keep chickens and raise smait u uh $300 down. $20 monthly and 8 per cent JOHNSON-DODSON CO., fi33 N W. Bnnk bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON PARK 5Jw-$350- small down payment, balance like rent; 5 rooms. 2 bedrooms, dining room and kitchen, built-in buffet, a real labor-saving kitchen, full basement. oOx 100 lot, with lots of fruit-bearing trees; all improvements in. ,T, SEE THIS BUY; IT'S A GOOD ONE Broadwav 4S37. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. .TOUNO, 224 Henry Blag. FURNISHED HOUSE. CLOSE IN. $330 DOWN. Don't pay rent ; buy this ose-ln house, well furnished; price $2630, $330 down, balance like rent; five rooms, full lot. garage: furniture is good and clean; move right in; everything with which to keep house. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 43 . MR WORKING MA. Thi wonderful buy must be sold be fore Friday; fine 3-room house, com pletely furnished, garage electric lights citv water, gas on premises. In rear o. beautiful Columbia park, 35 minutes from city, good car service. J"fv - few blocks from proposed iair grouwus, -.0x100, berries, chickens: and all JH50; terms. Call Mr. Winter, Bdwy lot for T A TTTJITT WT"Tt 91T. 5-room bungalow; will sell fuilshed or unfur Has hardwood floors through out; ivory finish, tiled bath and tiled drain board, breakfast nookexnent basement, furnace; garage; must sen. Price reasonable. Terms. TABOR 8196. ROSE CITY PARK '5 large roorns and attic, just nearing completion: to be complete with hardwood floors, fireplace. fSrSee aad garage; finished In old ivorv and white th?oughnut ; expensive tapestry paper, beautiful lighting fixtures, etc. . price RKtO; very easy terms A G rnr-TTTir. fr Sandv blvd. at 40th. Ta-. bor 9 HAWTHORNE. $3630 $500 CASH. 5-room bungalow, nearly new, finished in old ivory and tapestry P5v" place- Dutch kitchen, cement basement, full lot. See it todav. R. L.. .MCO U . it"""' Tabor Rfl2. 10S0 Hwth" ROSE CITY. BARGAIN w attractive, 5-reom bungalow, with nlV the "built-ins": hardwood i"ra firenlare Dutch kitchen: breakfasl nook; floored attic: parage and furnace BaI iyOMERVILLE. Bdwy, 2478. rt-ti DER ha? 9 house? unner Attractive home. 6 larse. light rooms. KlisV?-! sleeping PorcSi 32-i hu'm-in Battel and bogkeaMH . ea fase fruit. MiKht oonsiaer huriKalow in good district Tatar 30fl4. -room exchange. htt PARK S rooms, exceptionally iVrmj. the front. 2 larse bedrooms, din SS . .Si Dutch kitchen, hardwood rn ' Sanrty blvd. at 40th. Tabor 95S6. NEW BUNGALOW. riAw DISTRICT. M 5 rooms, hardwood floors. PjPelese fur- ' 7l $730 cash will handle ; '. . : riatP in every respect mis nou- m diam with Broadway 4S3i. ASK km -"f- 1 - WILBUR F. .TOUNO. 224 Henry Bldg. - ROSE CITY. Very attractive 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace large base ment furnace: large floored attic; price reduced to $4000. R. R. POWNDER, Realtor. AtA -RT-nortTrnv wide:. Main 2717. ftlf50 $190 $1950. $100 DOWN 9100 Bal 525 mo.: 5 rooms, all street imps, in and wild: within walking distance. c,n tm 730 Minnesota ave I hi bargain, than phone owner, East 3484 INSPECT our listings of Rose City Park and Laure rrursi pi ujj1 h , - - - office in each district and the best buys are lifted Tcith nn obligations. A. G. TFEPE CO.. Sandy blvd. at 40th. Ta bnr 9586 39th and Glisan. Tibor 3433. MODERN ."--, m bungalow, gas. eiet- triclty. full cement basemenL furnace: 1 block fiom car: partly furnished if de sired" $3000: part cash, some terms. By owner. Auto. BW-W S10O0 BUYS nice 5-room house on wi.j lot; large, airy rooms; small d own pay ment, balance like rent. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. LAURELHURST $6000; rooms all on one floor complete wi,th hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace,- garage, 3 arge bed rooms: located on Aeh st.. near the park. Phone Tabor FRUIT GALORE, GARDEN. CHICKENS, lovely grounds. 100x150. genuinely con venient and inviting bungalow, built for a home: lot and cash first payment, bal ance like rent. Owner. Sellwood 240o. 14150 34TH AND PRESCOTT New a,nd strictlv modern 4-room colonial house; 2 rooms cs.n be finished upstairs. Owner, Sellwood 1875. Call between 12 and 2. $2425 BUYS this 4-room modern bungalow in Rose Citv; lot 50x100. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6S0S. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. BY OWNER. 5-room modern bungalow. 4 blocks from Franklin high school; $3000: terms. Don't miss this. Call Auto. 636-52. $1925 ROSE CITY ?ARK DIST. 4-room bungalow, plumbing, elec, gas. Dutch kitchen, large floored attic, ga rage, lawn, fruit. Tabor 4803. ST. JOHNS. 3-room shack, $850 cash, bldg. Main 2072. ROSE CITY home. 6 large rooms, furnace heat very reasonable, to close an estate. Phone Auto. 321-29 LAURELHURST. Magnificent 7-room bungalow; will sell below cost; $75O0. Bdwy. 4231. FEW good buys Up-to-date, modern home for salt in Park, Rose. Call Tab. 262 ' REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $5250 New 5-room strictly modern bungalow, excellent loca tion, near Sandy. All street Jm provements in and paid, cement porch across front, beautiful fire place, plate glass windows, large living room, hardwood floors, two light, airy bedrooms with large closets. compute kitchen, all bui It-ins and breakfast nook, ce ment basement, pipe furnace, trays, large attic, garage; one of our best bnvs; easv terms. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. BIdg. . Bdwy. 3026. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Tabor S4S5. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT. $sooo. Bungalow type, living room ISx.lO, large dining room, . breakfast room, kitchen and one bedroom on first floor, hardwood floors, furnace a,nd fireplace, all the latest built-ins; 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor, ful! cement basement with laundry trays. Lot 00x100. Street improvements all in and paid. This is a wonderful buy, easily worth $10,000. Owner living out of the city and must sell at once. Property now vacant. - Everett Philpoe. Salesmanager, NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens bldg. Bdwy. S.. ENGLISH COLONIAL. . Built on corner with beautiful view, massed with flowers, orchid pergola, sunroom, center hall. French doors to swell living room 20x33. French Vors to pergola porch; woodwork in rubbed ivorj , trimmed in mahogany; French ddors te dining, paneled in San Domingo mahog anv massive sideboard: three bedrooms in 'old ivory, hot and cold water in same, servants' quarters, sleeping porch, ga rage; reduced from $12,300 to $10,o00; easy payments. East 1347. DO YOU EVER STOP TO CONSIDER, as vou climb up to your crevice in THE APARTMENT SKYSCRAPER, that OV ARE FAST LOSING ALL RELATION b WITH LAND AND NATURE? You would not have that "all gone" feeling if you d once see this beautiful little home that can be YOURS! 5-room bungalow, made for living; has everything that heart could desire. IN HEART OF ROSE CITY, and one of the best built homos in this district; ideally located, half blk. off Snndy. Call Mr. Deeks. Bdwy. i n l ROSE CITY PARK. $5500. This is an exceedingly attractive bun nlA lnffl f eri a hlock north of Sandy on a street of well-kept homes. The rooms are all snacious, extra large liv ing rooms, well matched oak floors, fire nlacp an built-in buffet, al most a full cement basement, furnace. large a'tio and easy terms. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) Auto. 315-44. HAVE you $350 to pay down on a nearly new bungalow; the owner who built this 7-room home, for sufficiently good rea sons, must leave, the city and will sac rifice ; it's on paved street ; very latest in design throughout and you can name terms. Price $3000. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Broadway 6720. $1400. ST, JOHNS HOME. $1400. 4-room, plastered house, lots of built ins, roomy and pleasant with lot 85x 100; bearing fruit and berries, chicken house and run; you can produce a large part of your living on this little prop erty; $400 down, $20 monthly and 6 per cent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW JUST COMPLETED. IN NORTH JONESMORE; SIZE OF HOUSE 26x28, LOT 50x100. PRICE $3275. EITHER CALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEN STOCK & CO.. SECOND FLOOR, ORE GON BUILDING. TELEPHONE 3DWY 1658. WEST SIDE 2 5-room houses, on lot 50x 100; $3600, to settle estate. Inquire 621 6th st. Immediate possession or to rent. Suburban Homes. DOLLARS GROW ON TREES. A home with an income; 2 acres, highly improved, over 50 big bearing fruit trees, 4 bearing English walnut trees, 4 varieties grapes, owner sold over ton of fruits last year; good '6-room house, electric light, gas. private water system, located right at Rupert station, Oregon City car line, 8 miles out, pavement all the way. Price only $5900. Those in the market for a suburban home should see this. J. W. 283 Stark St. CROSSLEY, Bdwy. REAL MODERN BUNGALOW With Half Acre at Garden Home. S4000 $1000 CASH. Four rooms and sleeping porch and modern to the minute; one of the niftiest homes in this highclass district; fine view; fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, cement basement, everything. $1000 casli will handle; just as good as others ask $ouuu ior. see tnis toaay. G. G. McCORMIC CO., Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash, vay 7420. Sunday. Main 9318. 207 Broad BEAUTIFUL PARKROSE. Neat new bungalow of 4 rooms with rf"ull plumbing, elec, gas and running r.-ater; garage; on a 70x100 lot; just 1 blk. off Sandv blvd. YOU WILL WANT THIS PLACE IF YOU SEE IT. ONLY $3000, good terms. Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. ACRE HOME ONLY $1400. Neat 4-room cottage on good acre, just 4 blks. from Metzger station. All tools and furniture go with the place. Small down payment will handle. Quit paying rent and get a start. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. $30U DOWN GIES POSSESSION. LOOK ! Full acre with 20 assorted bearing fruit trees; berries. New 3-room cottage with Dutch- kitchen, attic. Good macadam road from electric station. ONLY $1800. DOk'T MISS THIS BAR GAIN! Ask for FT C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. SUBURBAN HOME. C A acres, 3 in evergreen berries, 1 acre strawberries, family orchard. acre garden, A acre timber; 6-room modern house, full plumbing, city water; adjoining good ry. town, 20 miles out; close to Willamette river; $4000; good terms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th St. MILWAUKIE HOME. Good bungalow of 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, furnace, electricity, gas and running water; barn and chicken house. Over quarter-acre with some fruit and berries: good road. $500 will give you possession. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 95 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Nearly Vz acre, new bungalow, 4 large rooms and bathroom; concrete founda tion, plastered, French doors and win dow's, beautiful park of native trees, on carline. near Glisan st. Just outside city with all city conveniences. You can't beat this at $2100. terms. S. P. Osburn, 010 McKav Bldg.. 3d and Stark. SUBURBAN HOME IN CITY. Modern 5-room bungalow. Large liv ing room across front: oak floors, tapes try paper, ivory finish. Two large airy bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, furnace, garage; acre or more ground; near Hawthorne car. Come and see this and make us an offer. OWN E R T ABOR 8892. A WONDERFULLY PRETTY PLACE. 2hi acres, 7-room house, electric lights, fine "orchard of apples, cherries, prunes, strawberries, grapes, etc.; fine chicken house and ' yard, on hard-surface road. 3 blocks from electric station and onl y $4750. J. B Holbrook, 214-215 Panama building. RAISE CHICKEN'S AJmost 6 acres, with new 4-room bun galow, located close to Pacific highway, onlv 40 minutes from center of Portland: price onlv $2100: easy term's. Ask for Allen. 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark ats , for particulars. SUBURBAN SPECIALISTS. We specialize in west side suburban homes, and if you do not find what you want irt the following list call at our office r phone Broadway 6942 or Broad- way YOUR CHICKEN RANCH. Just outside cjty, Oregon electric; highway, near school, nice neighborhood, A acre, 4-room shack; $950; easy terms. Call Wed., 407 McKay bldg., Bdwy. 7203. INCOMPLETED bungalow, on two choice sightly lots; easy terms. Price $1500. For particulars see Ben Reisland, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. SIX ACRES at Coleman station. Carver R. R., large spring, 6-room house, fruiL Good land. $5000, easy terms. Phone Mil waukie 81-"Y FOUR-ROOM large house, fruit, berries, acre near Bell station, fine soil, 2 hen houses, creek, $2300, easy terms. Bdwy. 7672. McFariana, .iteaitor, failing pidg. $700 CASH, pretty modern stucco house. 4 Close in ur Jiuu bihliuu, nuc a-ie, wiiiv.jrun AicFariBd iteaUior, -anuig bououisV REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. CAPITOL HILL. $1500 Mr. and Mrs. Newly-Wed. why pay more when you can purchase this neat little 4-room bungalow, all furnished, ready to move into and start housekeeping, at the total price for all of $15007 $300 cash, and easv terms on balance. MULTNOMAH. $2900 5-room modern bungalow on .V 100 lot with some fruit and the use of one-half acre adjoining; tbs was built for a home and is a'good buy at this price; liberal terms. GARDEN HOME. $3000 Half acre and 4-room house; has all the modern conveniences, in cluding Dutch kitchen, electricity, gas, city water, cement basement, etc.; a R .AL buy; hurry, if you want It t MULTNOMAH. S3250 Quarter acre and modern 5-room bungalow ; has all the built-in fea tures, breakfast nook, screened in porch, laundry trays, base ment, etc.; lot's of berries, chick en house and yard; liberal terms CAPITOL HILT $3500 Absolutely the BIGGEST buv of fered this year; new, strictly modern bungalow and quarter acre ground on paved road, near school and electric station; ONLY $600 down and liberal terms. BEAVERTON. $4000 3 acres of highly cultivated land and good 6-room bungalow, barn, garage, etc.; cow, horse, heifer and some chickens: a.11 goes for $4O0O: $1500 cash, and terms. MULTNOMAH. $4000 100x110 ground with dandy 5 room modern bungalow, only 3 blocks to station; a fine home; $500 cash, and terms, or soldier bonus. RYAN PLACE. $5250 Three-quarters of an acre and dandy 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch; one of the REAL bargains of the year; has all city conveniences and. besides, lots of fruit and berries; also fine chicken house for 150 chickens; $1500 cash and terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 304 Panama Bldg. 10 ACRES north of Vancouver, Wash.. 5 room house and barn, best of soli; sell or exchange, for house and lot in Port land. 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. For Sale Business Property. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE. We have a dandy warehouse or fac tory site for sale; Versteeg addition; four lots right on trackage and near the new freight terminal at Guilds lake; It is next tto the American Can Co.'s plant and right close to Montgomery, Ward plant. If sold at once will make low price. ta.l owner. East 2651. For Sale Acreage. TO BUY OR SELL SEE ' HOME REALTY COMPANY. 607-8-9 Railway Exchange BIdg. S500 DOWN. 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park j. DiocKB nortn 01 sandy; easy terms 7-room bungalow. Rose Citv Park. corner, facing south and east, with lOOx j.uu grouna 11 aesirea. ACREAGE. 10 acres with 2 houses, good barn. Cornell road, 7 miies from courthouse win trade ior house in Portland. 1 acres, 1 V miles from Tualatin, small house, a Unequipped, stock, chick ens, etc.; S3000. easy terms. 50 acres; 9 miles from Oregon City good buildings; all under cultivation will trade for house in Portland. Have new 5-room bungalow close to Hawthorne carline; will trade for small acreage with good House on it; must be clote to carline and near Portland. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US TO GET RESULTS. HOME REALTY COMPANY, 607-8-9 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 4288. WEST SIDE ACRES. AT GARDEN HOME, on the Oregon Electric (46 electric trains daily), 9c commutation fare; city gas, electricity and Bull Run water in streets; ACRE TRACTS as low as $800; HALF ACRES as low as $450. YOUR OWN TERMS. 100x100 BUILDING SITES, only three oiocKs trom (jaraen Home station; gas. electricity and Bull Run water. YOUR OWN TERMS; as low as 10 down, $5 month. r'UK SALE i3Y OWNER. See McCORMIC, 207 FAILING BLDG. Bdwy. 7420. Evenings. Main 9318, TWO ACRES on 82d St., near Mt. Tabor Car line; under cultivation; best of loam soil; no rock nor gravel; 26 bearing iruit trees assorted; nan-acre DerrieS: attractive J-room bungalow with city water and gas. unered at a real oar gain; small payment down. 5 acresL on good road, one block from Capital highway. mile from Tigard; au under cultivation; j-room house with electric lights; garage, etc. ; black loam soil ; berries; price $3500, terms. In spected by Davis. Or will sell 3 acres and buildings very reasonably. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. SOME BUY 6 3-10 acres, all cultivated on pavement at E. Station; 90 fine fruit trees. ' acre berries, grapes; 4-room house, 2 poultry houses, barn, 1 cow. chickens, garden tools; close to city limits, soaw; terms. 11 acres, all cult., on highway; ZVz acres loganoemes; new o-room bunga low, barn, etc., at Woodburn; $4500 trade for residence. 7H acres at Beaverton; 6-room house. poultry nouses, garage, berries, iruit $5000. Take house to $3000. See us for farm, acreage bargains. R. HOARD & CO., 501 Stock Exch. Bldg. DOCTOR ORDERS A CHANGE. And I must sell my little home miles from city limits on Foster road. 0 .acres of very rich soil, lies well and all in cultivation except Vz acre. Never fail ing creek crosses one corner besides a flowing spring that runs through the chicken yards. Poultry house for 500 hens, a 5-room house practically new with basement. Shed barn and garage combined. Price $3600, cash $1600, bal ance 6 per cent. See FARM & EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOMEBUILDERS, LOOK AT THIS! One acre on gravel road, just 3 blks. from Oregon Electric station; 2-3 acres in cultivation, balance in oak. ONLY $600, easy terms or will take car in ex change. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. Bt. Wash, and Stark. $350 CASH $20 PER MONTH. A splendid 4-room plastered house with wide porch; 2 acres of rich soil goes with the place, about 1 acre is plowed and ready for planting; more land can be had if desired. This place Is located iu "Burbank." fronting the Barr road. VA mile west of the Barker road. STRONG & CO., 606 Cham, of Com. ONE OR MORE acres on 113th St., with city water, gas and electric lights, full 'bearing fruit of all kinds, very best conveniences; but you have to see them to realize how nice they are. The price is right and your own terms. From owner. Phone 622-55. Address 9604 Fos ter road. BEST CLOSE-IN ACRE. Fine level land, all cleared and plowed. Nice free working soil; no rock or gravel. Only 2 blocks from state highway on rock road; 2 miles city limits, full acre with city water. $600, terms. D. Mc Chesney, 626 Henry' bldg., Bdwy. 2505. Evenings Main 7844. 1 ACRE and 7-room house on Capital highway, near Multnomah station ; will sell cheap for cash ; will accept team, wagon, and harness on first payment. Also 4-room house with 1 acres near St. Johns ferry, $750. Main 5653. Mrs Ruedy. IV CITY LIMITS FARM PRICES. One or more acres at 91st and Glisan, 1 block from city car line ; good soil, very small payment down, easy terms on balance. W. 51. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. " SUBURBAN HOME. 6 acres, unimproved, mile north intersection German town road,and Sky line blvd. Overlook Portland, Van couver and snow caps; Small stream, south slope. Marshall 3b 13. T ACRES AND 2-ROOM HOUSE, $2750. Cozy, new, "2-rom house and 3 acres all in cultivation ; right at station, 20 minutes by auto. 30 by electric; all city conveniences ; $750 ; will handle. Bdwy. 5317. WHITE for map ot western Washington, showing location, low prices and ea terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. SIX-CENTS fare ; over 4 acres, Harrison and 31st sts.. Mllwaukle; paved street; cement sidewalk : trackage ; Ideal sub division site; $2000 handles. Zimmerman, 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 100 ACRES finest soil, nearly level, 4 miles from Meier & Frank's; 15 min. by auto; subdivide and, double your money. Price $125 per acre; terms. Owner, East 6228. i ACRES. $675 $8 MONTH. Beautiful tracts just outside city on Frescott st. Let me show you. ROGER W. CAR Y, 1219 N. W. Bk. BIdg 40 ACRES of land, 50,000 ft. saw timber, 200 ft. cordwood timber, 30 cr 40 miles from Portland ; price $1500, on terms. East 4222. 9 ACRES, 1V& miles from pavement, about 2 acres cleared, small orchard. Main 466. 1-3 Acres, 2 cleared; fruit and berries, rest trees; water and gas in; price $1600. Diefsch, 326 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE ALLEN. 6131 92D ST K IN. THOMAS S: 616-45 SALE 5 acres. 5 miles out: cheau tor caab, Ajppiy 27? Burasisle at, Owoex. REAL ESTATE. For Mule -Acreage. 2 ACRES, near Estacada; 400 cords wood, timber, small house, running water; $1250. Phone before 0 A. M. or evenings. Auto. 61 7-40. FOR A GOOD JaOMESTK-iD K rtULiN QUISHMENT. SEE B. V. HELM. 423 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG A J3ANDY 640-acre homestead relinquish ment in Wyoming. S miles from railroad, for sale- or trade for acreage near Fort land. Room 346. Venable hotel. For Sale -Farm. 67 ACRES, on good road, half mile from Pacific highway and good town with high school; 25 miles south of the cen ter of Portland; 35 acres under cultiva tion, balance in pasture; no waste land; good loam soil : woven wire fences ; one acre bearing orchard; attractive 7-room bungalow with bathroom, large barn, large chicken house, other buildings. In cluded with place : 4 cows, team, hogs, chickens, turkeys, bees and machinery. Price for everything $850(. terms. Con sider Portland house to $3000 and some cash. Property inspected by Davis. 22 acres, 1 mile from good town with high and grade schoois, VamhIII county. Oregon; 1 b'ock from rocked road ; all under cultivation . good black loam soil ; bearing orchard ; good house ; ba rn, chicken house .and other buildings. In cluded with place: Cow. chickens, com plete line of farming machinery, 6 ton? hay, 150 bushels grain, hay carrier. X6 acres In oats, 6 acres wheat, balance in clover. Pricv for everything. $550o, $2000 cash, easy terms on balance. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Ger linger Bldg. IDEAL POULTRY FARM. 20 acres excellent soil; 15 acres in cul tivation, balance timber and pasture; hog tight fences; orchard, berries; new 4-room bungalow; fine large barn: 1 lay ing house 18x108 ft., with scratch pens, 1 laying house. 18x40 ft., mating pen ; 2 large brooder houses and all other necessary out-buildnlgs; 4 acres seeded to wheat, 4 acres clover, 4 acres potatoes; personal property consists of 1300 pure-bred white Leghorn chickens ; pure-bred Jersey cow and heifer; horse, wagon, automobile. 2 brooders, all tools and Implements; household furniture, feed, etc.; this is a beautiful, going place ready for occupancy at once; located 14 miles from Portland ; a bar gain at $0000: terms. Mr. Thompson, with GREAT WESTERN 230 Cham, of Com. INVESTMENT Bldg. Bdwy. CO.. 'Ml. GOOD 40 ACRES OX PAVEMENT. PRICE $7000. U -mile electric station. mile high school and town and facing on pavt-d highway. between Portland and Mi- Minnville. 40 acres, 37 acres in cultiva Uon; very best black loam soil, perfectly j drained and easy to work; 7-room house, barn, granary, hoghouse. chicken house, wagon shed, etc. Price $7000. $3000 I down, balance easy terms and will in clude team, harness, wagon and some implements ; w tdow anxious to sell Splendid opportunity to get good farm Pvt;u nignway ; witn eiectric ngnis available and high school privileges and at a very low figure. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 0th St. Broadway 4381. 158 ACRES. NEARLY ALL IN CULTIVA TION IN THE UMPQUA VALLEY, FOR $4500 TERMS. Located 9 miles frqm R. R. station, on county road and new hard-surfaced highway now under construction; near school and P. O. ; all good soil ; 120 acres ready for plow, more can be cultivated. Fair house, barn, family orchard; well watered by several springs; good open range for turkeys. Prico $4500; $2500 cash, time on the balance. W. A. BOOARD REAL ESTATE CO., 405 Cass St.. Roseburg. Or. EQUIPPED 32 ACRES. WASHINGTON COUNTY. $4500 32.80 acres, 25 acres cleared, best of land and lies good. Good 5-room house, good barn and numerous outbldgs. Good orchard and lots berries. Team. 6 cows. 2 heifers. 60 hens, implements. Price $4500. In Washington county, west of Portland, on milk route, etc., and 3 miles from town. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 4381. SHEEP RANCH. $7.15 PER ACRE. 3500 acres with water on each section, house, new barn, fine spring water. 600 acres In cultivation, most all fenced: this place is priced low for a quick sale, $25,000. Bdwy. 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange BIdg $35,000 RANCH FOR $22,500. Half way Between Olympia and Cen tralia; owner needs money. 507 acres, dairy ranch; 110 acres river bottom, hay. meadow, 75 acres plow land, 250 acres good prairie pasture, 70 acres cut-over pasture; 9-room new modern house, large new dairy barn, water under pres sure, electric light plant, 34 head dairy cattle. 5 horses, 8 hogs, all farm ma chinery. Pyramid Land Co., Central la. Wash. , FOR SALE BY OWNER IMPROVED LAND in best Irrigated district In north west; good buildings; 10 a. in grapes, 40 a. in alfalfa, 10 a. In orchard ; shade trees; plenty of water; long growing seascn ; good dairy country ; close to high school and state road; mild, dry climate; no mud. Also have a few acres unimproved land. Will sell any part or all. No commissions to pay. Lib eral terms. J. F. Martin. Burbank. Wash. . CENTRAL Oregon potato, alfalfa and clover lands; special Tor e-service men. stocked and equipped, can advance you money to get settled on land, seed, etc. I expect to be In Portland hotel, room 525, Portland, Or., until May 5 or 6. Can meet you any evening between 6 and 8, or cail up any time. Charles H. Haines of Benham Falls Realty Co., Bend. Or. 20 ACRES, fine soil, with 6-room house, small barn, garage, located on a good road 4 miles from St. Helens depot, about 1 mile ot graded school; fine trout stream through place and several springs; 25 fruit trees, all kinds of ber ries; about 4 acres can be plowed; $2600, $150 down, balance in 5 or 10 equal an nual payments, 0 per cent interest. Owner in Cal. Box 40, St. Helens, Or. FARM BARGAIN. 60 acres, all in cultivation, best loam soil, crops In, family orchard and ber ries, live spring, good 0-room. house, large barn with full basement, on good highway 9 mi. from Oregon City. $8500, easy terms or take house in Portland as first payment. L. O. GERBER. 715 Swetland Bldg. STOCK RANCH. 560 acres deeded land, over 2000 acres range adjoining, 2,000,000 feet of lum ber; will raise 150 tons of hay, abund ance of water for irrigation, hunting and fishing unexcelled: 36 miles to Yak ima, splendid road, fair improvements, orchard, etc. Liberal terms to right par ty. Z. H. Benton, Nile, Wash. $230 AN ACRE. HIGHLY IMPROVED. 49 acres, 14 miles out on highway. Pretty new 6-room bungalow, outbuild ings ; 5 cows. 2 horses, pigs, chickens. Implements, creek. An up-to-the-minute farm. $4000 will handle. Bdwy. 3222. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 415 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland home; 63 acres in iirst-ciass snap, pro duced over $3000 in apples last year. Modern house (bath, etc.), barn, tenant house, garage, apple house and other outbuildings ; good fences. A real bar gain price. Must sell to close an es tate. Mr. Hearn, 1002 Spalding bldg. Bdwy. 7341. Res. Main 6474. SACRIFICE SALE. 10 acres, 2 miles from Newberg, on a fine improved road, lies level, very best soil; running water, in very thickly set tled community ; has large orchard of cherries, apples, pears and prunes. This is certainly a bargain at $2200. $000 down. Ralph Ackley. 527 Corbett bldg. PKoPEKTlES valued at from $20,000 to $100,000 in TiuamooK county, uregon. including one of the best dairy farms la the state, offered in exchange for city property up to 50 per cent of purchase price; t.'me on balance. You will deal with owner. AV 627, Oregonlan. MUST SELL. 160 a., good land, good town M miles, house, barn, fruit. 30 a. crop; good team, 11 cattle, pigs, chickens ; wagon, har ness, implements, "etc. All for $6000. You can deal with me. Owner. E. A. HARTLEY. Elma. Wash. 50 A . A. IN CROP; bottom land; build ings, orchard, living stream, stock and equipment; good gravel road; 1 mile to town, churches, school; 1-3 cash, balance ti per cent. E. M. HAINES. Route L Lebanon. Or. SO ACRES, PrinevIIIe, Or.; 60 acres In cultivation. 73 acres irrigated; mortgage $40'.'; will trade equity for Portland property or what have you? Baker. 21 By. Exchange BIdg. Bdwy. 6808. Win. A. Hughes Co. WE WANT to tell you more aoout the fa mous Deschutes valley In central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise A card bring full particulars. Redmond Ltnd & Loan Co.. Inc.. Red mond. Or. (King Murphy's capitol.) STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 260 acres, 85 In crop, bal. pasture; running water; 7-room hoUEe, 3 barns, good road, fine soil; $65 per acre. ALBANY REALTY CO.. Albany, Or. CHICKEN. i-KClT. OAKDKN RANCHES near Portland, 150 to 1500 an acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all slses. McFarlar.d. realtor 208 Falling bldg FIVE acres, or more, facing" on paved highway; part In cultivation, good soil; work nearby. Price 1000. $50 down. Draper, 40S Board of Trade. SMALL FARMS, 5 acres up. level, clear, fenced, houses, near Willamlna; small down payment. J. B. Sharp. 8ig, 4 at. 1KAL BSTATK Ftor 8sJ FaruisT ALFALFA farm for re water, at R. R. ststlo Imp. and horsa for once, N. E. Moffltt. WANTKP KKAI. KXTATE. WHO BAH a ACRr sandy lo:m rlvr bottom drained and uit:hle for I tv N t r; lid Indp rl er and good road ? Hav tomer for a uniformly good p as deHcribed abov . Could ui It. Give detail, price and Ic letter, John A. Me issuer. well 821 Omsco bldg. WANT ACRHAGB oR FARMS IN EASY REACH OK PORTLAND. List y ur farm, large or small, wltn old reliable farm dealt is. oldest In Port land, whose facilities for securing buy ers are unexcelled. If on good road and worth th? money, we will produce tns buyers. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 123 N. Uh St Broadway 4'ASl WANT CLO8B-IN ACREAGE 2 to 5 acres Improved or partly Im proved. In exchange for a fine home In University Psrk addition, on corner lot. lOOx 1 00. f lnMy 1 mproved. Price $550O ; no Incumbrance. FARM & EXCHANGE DEPT., HITTER. LOWE CO.. 201, a. V 7 H.'unl r HAVE a client for 5-room lioua neighborhood, where lot can be m pmi t payment ; will also apply bonus Piedmont or How City pr HARRY BECKW1TH. Realtor Corbett Bids'. Mai good LOTS WANTED. Can get vou the top market pries for your lot; we handle lots only and can therefore give you the best results. HENDERSON -BANK US' CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 47..4 CITY FARM. Two acres on car line, 38 tn sewer, sidewalks In, paid, clear, rhunii! us first payment on house. C. Cole. 421 Lumbermen's bldg. 1 H WE a buyer fur a home, any good dis trict, but your price must be bargain. Broadwav 4s37. Aik for Mr. Fisher, will WILBUR F JOUNO. 224 IL-nry mia- HAVE modern, city acreage or small Portland. C. Col home; farm a. 42ft exchange for close around Lumbermen's bldg. WH1 WORRY ? I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Mlllerahlp. Fourth, Main 527J. . IF YOUR price is right and the loc my good 1 can sell your iot quicm. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor, til Corbett Bldr. Main 6'V 4 OR 5 ROOM modern bouse, on eaat slds. in w. Iking dtatance; will apply NN ot 7 per ( ent stock, balance monthly pay- ments AJ 640. Oregoniart. WANT home around $5000, Ke City. Irv ington, Laurelhurst. from owner : mod ern with garage ; must have immediate possesion. P. O. box 3375. t WELL-Bt'lLT emi-modern houaa, about 1 $3i0 cash, balance rcaKonaDie terin ; must b bargain. Owners only. AG 639, Oregnnlan. PEOPLE WAITING to buy from us. 2 to 5-room homes. FRANK C. ROBINSON, Realtor. 41.5 Oh, of Com. Bldg. Bdwv. 8222. WANTED 5 or 0-room modern home la Alberta or Rose City Park between $3500 and $4500. CALL EAST 9240. WANT building lot. Kose City, Inside 5oth. below the hill, or In Laurelhurst; limit, $DHo BF I4o. nregonlan. LIHT YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE or trade with Nelson, Realtor, 706 Uasco bldg. Main 2072. . fc WILL PAY cash for a good 7 or S-room hou on Portlnm' Heights or Arlington Heights. Bdwy. 2i45, evenings Main Q14. $1500 LOT; give buyer deed and Abstract so as to make loan to build: $50 down, bal. In 90 days. R OOP. Oregoiiian. WANTED Good lot In Hawthorns. Hunny side or Peninsula district. Must be bar go In. East 1877. WANT a lot In Irvington or Alameda dis trict for reasonable pries. Will pay cash Call Main 639 after a i'. LEAVE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS with the Hibernla Commsrcial oa inga bank for collection. Wanted to R-nt Far WANT to rent a small farm with pects to buy B or 10 acres or rnoi food car line; small house will do. last 4837 after 6 P. M. E. J. Ros 409 E. Alder st. FOR RENT FARMS. CROP RENT ISO acres. 63 acre In cult.. 55 Feeded, balance In pasture: stock. Im plement and household goods for ale ; U miles from Oregon City ; price $20. B H. Stewart, 1054 4th at. . urnr IO acres, cheap, to th right small family; house, bearing or v . a . . . 1 .. f ..L'nplan.t 'rill 11 -0 chsrd. nam, eio. r. v --. Failing bldg.. ron lang 46-ACRE well improved place, near Kita- cada, for rent Plmne Bdwy. 4.33. FARM for rent on terms Inqulrs M0 Kerby or phone Wdln 4$7l TIMBER I MV WE HAVE fully equipped and ready ta start 40 M capacity sawmill. Complete logging outfit. Including 3 donkeys; TO, OOO.OOO ft. timber, 1-3 sugar pine. we need a few thousand additional capital either from Investors or expe rienced saw -mill man. Investigate and If satisfied Join us. BP C40. uregoniam 30 ACRES of tlmberland. near 1 iga ru Ra tion ; will sell cheap; can be cut in 5 and 10-acre tracts. Inquire at blacksmith shop at Tigard station. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TWO HOUSES IN ST. JOHNS. Two modem houses on 100x100 lot, only one block from business district and car line: this property l exesp Uonally weH located : price faNr will trade for a good going farm nesr Portland or Salem; m Ren Mr. Stephens or Campbell. some. with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. LUNCH COUNTER CLEAKM Located right downtown, long-estah-lished business; completely equipped; ow rent long lease: will easilv clssr $3So every month. Owner became heir to business and will exchange same for equity in house or good lo Is va.ue i r.oo- wil assume. Call 316 PlttotK blk.. Washington at 10th. 44 ACRES NEAR IIMMSVVSt Modern buildings. 800 chickens. 1 cow. team and other personal. Portland city limits. Price $l,0O0; fed frat loan $60o0. Will take house and lot in Portland or Astoria up to $-oo, some cash and terms on balance. ALBERT HARALA. ssm If l Issrtnnl Ave. Wdln. 1201. FOR SALE r exchange for forxiana home. 83 acres in first-class shape, pro duced over $3000 In apples last gtt. Modern house (bath, etc.), arn tenant house, garage, apple house and other outbuildings; good fences. A real bar gain price. Must sell to closs an 1 es tat" Mr Hearn, 1002 Spaldlnng bldg. Broadway "341. Res. Main 6474 , kADVS VOR HOUSE. Located 6 miles from The Dalles; -r an rres in cultivation; 5T7 ' IMs Will trade for house in Portland and assume $1000 or so. Bdwy, 2571' PORTLAND HOSfB CO.. A3 3 Railway Ex lumge Bldg. lOOK! WILL YOU TRADE you have lor what you want T me your proportions, large or city or country ; I will matoh K. A. Easley. 293 Montgomery st.. what Bring small, them. CCTaRK YOUR CAR ALL DAT. TO TRADE for Hleni property or will ll home and lot at Blaly station. Oregon City carline: call owner at place ror term., etc Salem addreaa. 1185 Chemek- L P. Camptt'- ' 100 ACRES good land with 1.000.000 feet choice timber; SO mile, from Portland, cash price 18200; exchange for Portland house or other property. Mra. Smith, Eaat nx WTI.T. TRADE We can match you on any trade hav ing merit Bring In your proposition houe. lota, farina, acreage, "ocas of merchandise. R H- 712 (ouch bldg. KQUITY IN" LOT. Modern S-room bungalow In splendid condition, on paved street near car. Have equity to trad for good bldg. lot. Bdwv. 53B.I U ACKEH Hood River dl.trlct. part Dear Ina with 2-room houae. for your equity in modern 5-room bungalow. Owner, Tabor 3M WILL, TRADrJ lot and pay cash difference for eellers' contract on city property. Glvs full details and description. K EASTERN Oregon farm and stock ranch to tride for anything In western Oregon as my home Is here. Burnaugh. ! Ore- gon t'ng. FOR EXCHANGES SEE Boone-Clearwater. G0 Couch bids Bdwy B31T. Farms and city Income, large and small. SALE nr trade. 80 atres or gooa lettuce or garden land, half mile from Parma Box 122. Parma. Idaho. 20 ACRES g restaurant. J2t. od land: trade for store or E. Or! mm. owner; Bdwy. HAVB Scrlpps-Booth chummy roadster, will trade for vacant lots In Kenton dlst. Wdln. 8031 Roberte. WE have trucks In excellent condition: will trade for city realdence or vacant property. Main 14P2 ONE luuxioo east from lot for Late ma eoist. Owner. Wdin. 87SL