THE MORNING" OREGONIAN, MONDAY, MAT i, 1922 13. KtAI. ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. DAIRY FARM, 23 Miles From Portland on Highway. 3f0 acres, all in cultivation; about 75 la crop; large Dairy barn with full ce xnent floor; running water in barn ana equipped with all modern conveniences for 80 head of cows; 10O tons of hay; one horse barn and shed for young cattle creamery fully equipped for making but ter, with good cooler room and ice plant, bottling machine and pasteurizer; one five-room bungalow. one seven-room houso. machinery shed and other build ings; 60 head of good cows. 6 horses. eom- hoga and a few heifers: tractor, ensilage cutter and blower, corn nar vesier and all other neceasary machin ery; with this place goes a good retail milk route in Portland; located on lower Columbia river highway, one-quarter or a mile from R- R- and depot; will take tome trade If clear. See REVERMA.V INVESTMENT CO.. 210 Lewis Bidg. Portland. Or. CAMAS PRAIRIE RANCH EAKbAiJ. 200 acres of first-class rich blacK oil" no rtone, some grit, all improved B one bo5yt leva, on R. R. siding near Fairfield. Idaho. Has fine artesian well, good water piped to building and pas ture A 20.000-bu. capacity elevator and warehouse for 2000 sacks. 2 good houses, miles of woven fence. Holt caterpillar Ko 75. Combine harvester, 20-foot Holt, 1 - . . a, and pomokte line of machinery. 20 horses. SO to 100 hogs ) ome sheep. 100 ton. alfaifa. and 1000 . paiii 25.000 bu. wheat, tons alfalfa. 1000 bu. oat last year; 400 acres fall wheat In and 600 spring w heat. Price $100 an acre, mtge. $40,000 just made Will carry $100,000 10 years' time 6 per cent. Might consider income or farm land improved in Oregon or Wa-hlngton for $100,000. Write HODGSON, SCHMITT A WHIP KEY, Gooding. Idaho. rn TToma near Tieard most in crops; JLrtv See Woodford. Powers & Estes drugstore, 129 Sixth, between 11 p. eL ina O A. Ji.. or - TV A NT ED RE A L. ESTATE. LOTS WANTED. Can get you the top market price for your lot; we handle lots only and can therefore give you the best results. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 2S Henry Bidg. Broadway 4t54. SALEM FOR PORTLAND. Will exchange well located Salem resi dence and choice Portland lots for Port land house: Hawthorne district pre ferred. Roblnson-Spooner Co.. 712 Couch bidg. Broadway 6785. WH1 WORRY 7 I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Milleraaip, 165 Fourth. Main 1275. WANTED, CITY PROPERTY. to traae on iarmu. W. W. CABIN, REALTOR. MM Ave. N. Wood'awn 589. ANTED Within 12 miles of Portland, about 10 acres with creek, timber and part cleared ; electric lights. Address B 622. Qregonian. , ANTED One or more acres on some highway, not more than six miles out. fioa x. m. o. "Vo- i-R- ivi'U.I.VENT CONTRACTS with the HIbernia Commercial A Sav ings bank for collection. WANT ft rooms, attic ana oeiiar, not rar out- $4O0O. fSOO cash. Owners only. Phone Auto. 623-17. evenings. WANTED 1 or 5-roo-m nous on east side about 40O0; cash $3000, vacant lots' for balance. W 649. Qregonian. FOB RENT FARMS. mOOD RIVER 10 acres, cheap, to the right small family; house, bearing or chard, barn, etc. F. McFarland. 208 Falling bidg.. Portland. 1B0 ACRES suitable for potatoes or oats; cash or shares; near Beaverton. C. H. Fry 615 Stock Exchange. Auto. 527-57. TIMBER LANDS. OR PALE Some mighty fine timber tracts. Zimmerman. 818 Chamber of Commerce bidg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. " " EQUIPPED FARM. 80 acres, river bottom, 60 acres in cultivation and crop; new bungalow, ham silo poultry house, spring and creek on place; all necessary tools and equipment; team, 4 cows, 1 heifer and 2 calves, mafly chickens, finest of sol. and only 4 miles high school and R. R-. 19 miles Portland, on good graveled road. Will take good home in city as first payment, balance long time at 0 per cent. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. Broadway 67S.V 712 Com'h Bidg. f5TI ACRES that cannot be excelled for quality of soil and location; 8 acres In full bearing loganberries. 4 acres of bea Terdam, all in high state of cultivation 1 except 6 acres pasture and light tim- her; fine 7-room house, large barn, part 4 Hmltt rf n npRrhv town. Will take : email prune ranch to $10,000 or $12,000, balance mortgage. F. L BLANCH ARD, Realtor, 401 -2 Swetland Bids. Bdwy. eS"n. JeM'TIFI'I. country place on paved Pa clfic highway near Medford. Or. ; setl or trade for Portland residence; 44 arres. 15 In alfalfa; 7-room, furnace heated bungalow, hardwood floors, elec tric lights and cooking; fine large barn, 2 10x40 feet hen houses and other build- - Ings; home surrounded by fine oak gmve; buildings insured for $10,300, and worth more; every convenience. See photograph. Owner. S22 Gasco bidg. S- FINE 156-acr ranch, lou acres under cultivation ; good house and barn, all stocked and equipped, on god road; mile from R. R. town; only 83 miles from Portland. Will trade for city prop erty up to $10,000 or $12,00. balance $ftnuo mortgage on farm. What have 5U'f. I BLANCH ARD. Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bidg. Bdwy. 6839. A MODERN 3-room bungalow in Rose Citv; hardwood floors, furnace and ga rage; lot 50x100; value $5000. Must have larger house of 6 or 7 rooms In Rose City. Irvington or Laurel hurst, must be modern. What have you? K. I BLANCHARD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bidg. LOOK 1 WILL YOU TRADE what you have lor what you wajit ? Bring me your propositions, large or mall, city or country; I will match them. E. A. Easley. 295 Montgomery st.. corner 5th. PARK YOUR CAR ALT, DAY. fO EXCHANGE A mighty good irrigat ed improved farm here for something in Willamette valley or California. My land clear, except government loan. Price $125 an aero. Write all your facts In first letter and save time. No com mission. Owners only. H. L. Moody. Grading. Id SEATTLE FOR PORTLAND. Clear of Debt. Seven rooms on Queen Anne hill, all improvements In and paid; will assume r pav cash difference. ROBINSON-SPOON ER CO.. Rrrvadway 6785. 712 Couch BMg HA E fine fireproof hrick ouilding on cor ner with stores and apartments for only $28,000. Will take good suburban home from $10,000 to $12,000. balance can be aurranged. F. L. BLANCHARD, Realtor, 401-2 Swetland Bidg. Bdwy 6S59. UAVB modern 6- room house, east side, walking distance, trade for larger house with 4 bedrooms, not over $S0OO: will py cash d if fere nee or assume. Laurel hurst preferred. T. A. Rutherford, owner. 320 Railway Exchange hir?g. K WILL TRADE We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring in your proposition houses. lots, farms, acreage, stocks of merchandise. R S., 712 Couch b 1 dg. SXCHAN'OE Portland property, improved, close, in, fine street and location, for amI. improved ranch within 30 miles outheaKt of I,o Angeles. By owner. 167 Grand ave. N-. Portland. Or. EXCHANGE Beautiful 11-room colonial house, corner 300x100. now vacaift. Dr. Firey, Columbia hK WANT Salem or Corvallla re"ldnce; will exchange Vancouver bungalow (5 rmsj.), mod., on pavement and cai-Iine. Owner, 214 West 33d. Vancouver. Wash JBASTERN Oregon farm and stock ranch to trde for anything in western Oregon as my home ;s here. Buruaugh. 416 Ore gen b'dg. 45 ACRES irrigated ianri. near Vale, to trade at bargain price for property near Portland. 545 E. 57th m. N. Tabo r 1385. ISOl'ITY Til close-in Vancouver pro pe r t y - for equity in Portland property or busi ness; no agent. 771 E. Sth st. N. 0' ACRS in Harney county, ciose railroad, wili exchange for good lot Portland. H 60s. Oregon tan. t)R SALE 4-room house, lot 30x100. in Kenton. Will trade for Dodge or Ford as first payment. Phone East S344. 6K EXCHANC-ES. business and land everywhere. Send list. Box 213. Pony. JV At-'RES near Lents, nw house, gas, electric, fruit, berriea; some trade. SelL Ef 15M SALE or trade. 80 acres of good"lettuce or garden land, half' mile from Parma. Box 122. Parma. Idaho. TO EX CHANG K M ISC KI JLAr? BOCB. PRINTING in exchange for on ulumb- anything useful. Phone Auto. 61 5-95 mornings. WANT to trade a sewing machine for a aet ot books of knowledge. Call Tabor 100. TRAPK tor ward rob trunk. $150 equity Is $300 diamond. S 605, Oregoniao. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehi ley.. Livestock. CROWN STABLES. For sale or exchange, a consignment of 60 head of horses; some well broke, a few a little green, but aii young stuff. Pair good 5-year. HOO-lb. horses, broke, for $133: pair bavs, 5 years, will make 1300-Ib. horses, for $1-50; pair grays, 5 years, will make 1350-lb. horses, b'.ocky built, werl broke, for $2O0; pair sorrel mares, wejl matched, 4 years, make lOUMb. horses, flax mane and tail. Have a horse for every purpose. Will ex change for horses, mulea or cattle. Have all kind of harness, new and second hand; also wagons. Have test hack in the country in first-class condition, cost J1SOO; also a depot wagon good as new, wou;d make good trailer. Your price is ours on these two rigs. Everything guaranteed as represented. PHIL SUETTER, Mgr. 235 Front St. CAR OF DRAFT HORSES WILL ARRIVE SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922. 20 head of draft horses from th Grand Ronde valley, weighing from 1500 to isuu ids., o to 7 years oia. These horses are bought direct from the farm ers, are right out of the plow and ready to go to work. Will be sold with & guarantee and at a reduced price. Also have 25 other horses on hand, consisting of some good c trunks from 1200 to 1400 lbs., balance good big grad ing horses. Also 4 good dump wagons for sale cheap and 30 sets of new and second hand harness. G. K. Howitt, Columbia stables. 302 Front st. KEYSTONE STABLES. 30 head of horses and mares, weight 1200 to 1S00 lbs. Some matched teams. Farm wagons and harness. One 5-year-old Holstein cow, coming fresh about May 4, heavy milker; 1 Jersey cow, 4 years old, giving 3 gallons' milk. All prices reasonable. 381 Water at., cor. or Montgomery. NOTICE. We have 20 head of first-class horses and mares, 4 to 6 years old, weight 1200 to 1700 pounds; price $75 to $225. Some well-mated teams. If la need of horses, call and look these over. We guarantee all horses as represented. 234 Front, foot of Main st. REGISTERED Jersey bull, aire Fussy 's Fern Noble, dam Premier's Oregon Rose; this is one of the best Jersey strains In Oregon; sirs and dam were imported, dam at 4 years old tested 508.6 butter fat la 355 days; this young bull is real show type; price very reasonable. 381 ater st. U. S. STABLES. We hare some good logging horses, weight from 1600 to 1900 pounds. 5 to 8 years oid; all blocky built, good bone stuff ; all horses guaranteed as repre sented, 365 Union avenue S., comer of Stevens. G. D. Williamson & Glass. FOR SALE 16 head good work horses wit their harness, dump wagons. Pipwa and slip scrapers and fresnoes. These horses range in age from 4 to 8 ears old and are guaranteed to be sound and true workers. C. C. Chappell. 1029 E. Yamhill. . JUST in from farm and must sell at once my team of mules. They are used to all farm work: gentle, sound, true workers. $100 it sold soon. Call 542 Commercial court. Mrs. Baumer or phone East 8873. Ail SELLING out rny dairy cows; all are heavy milkers and rich testers; also young animals. Mt. Hood Sanitary Dairy. 94th and East Gllsan sts. Take MV depot car to end of line, 2 blockB east. TEAM logging horses, 6 and 8 years old, weight 3500 lbs., with heavy 8-inch breeching harness. Inquire Peterson's outfit, Keystone stables, 381 Water St., cor. Montgomery. i TEAM horses, weight about 2400 lbs., in good work shape; breeching harness and farm wagon. Price for outfit $110. 381 Wrater St., west side. 7-YEAR-OLD HORSE--1400 pounds, sound and will work any place, single or dou-hu- a ion enws. soma fresh. L. G. M yers, Sunnyside, Clackamas County. Or. SI AN black Perrheron mare and horse, 7 years old, weight 3300 lbs. Grain fed, right out of work, cheap for quick sale. 381 Water St., west side. HOLSTEIN and Jersey cow, 6 sears old; gives 2 gallons : must be sold at once ; no place to keep her; $30. Tahor 7534. HEAD of old. 1400 North rup alley horses, a 170O libs. T B A M about 2300 lbs., heavy harness and farm wagon. $150. 4010 67th st- Mt. Scott car. niomTN $115: team, harness and wagon lso 1350-lb. horse, $45; harness and wagons of all Kinds, -"lu n.ast otn FARM IMPLEMENTS .New ana second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade. 860-366 E Morrison st. VETERINARIAN. DR HOWEP. TABOR 6586. GOOD Jersey cow for sale, cheap. 65th N. FINE MILCH GOAT FOR SALE. WOOD LAWN 1903. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. PianoH. Qrcanw and Musicul Instruments. GREATLY REDUCED PIANO PATJfJBWTO. $ and $8 monthly buys new piano. $4 and $6 monthly buys used piano. $S and 110 monthly buys player piano. $3 and $5 monthly buys phonographs. $2 and $3 monthly buys parlor organs SCHWAN PIANO CO. ANNIVERSARY SALE. $550 Geo. Steck & Co. upright $21 - $375 Gerald, ebony, upright 19 $375 Hallet & Davis upright 165 $!H0 Thompson player, upright 3JS Collate organ $18. Mason & Hamlin. 38 New pianos to rent. SALE OF PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35.00 Victor and 5 used records... $ -0 95.00 Stradivara. 10 used records. to 140.00 Brunswick. 10 used records 9o 165.00 Stradivara. 10 used records. 90 165 00 Emerson, 10 used records... 9j 175.000 Sonora. 10 used records... 130 350.04) Victrola. 15 used records.. . 21o $5 or $10 cash, $3. $5 or more monthly. BCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th at Stark. PIANO BARGAINS. Kingsburv, p!ain mahogany case .... $2i 5 Schilling & Won. plain oak case, prac- ticaily new j Haines piano, good condition j Howard, walnut case, at a bargain.. 28o Cambridge, plain mahogany case. best of condition 265 I.indf-man. walnut case, almost new. 265 Xeweti old style 00 Steinway. old style, but in fine con dition 150 Kimball Player, used for demonstra- tion only 5-5 Kimbell. cabinet grand, walnut case. 3i5 AND OTHERS. SFIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $300 Prentiss upright, cash $12. 575 Kreil upright, mah., cash 215 475 Hallet & Davis, cash 165 250 Bard & Co., small upright 75 750 Pianists Player Piano $275 75 Chicago Cottage Organ $18 and 25 103 10th St.. at Washington and Stark. SPRING SALE USED PIANOS. Wheelock Upright, mahogany, only . $175 Martin Bros., mahogany, only 1S Pease & Co , upright, oak. only 245 Winton Plaver Piano only 395 Pianola Player. S8-note. onjy 30 Pay ?10 cash. $6 or more a month. Lipman. Wolfe A Co.. Cor. 5th and Wash CAREFUL BUYER. See the best of new pianos just from the port of New York to the Port of Portland by the Panama canal. The prices will surprise you. Come today. Harold S. Gijbert, 107 West Park PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. Central Market. 4th and Yamhill sts. Exchange old records, if In good con dition, for late hits or old favorites; h is-h est prices paid for used records. ORGANS Set your own price within rea son. These organs must move as we need the floor space. SE1PERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. FOR SALE A beautiful upright piano, most new. mahogany case ; will sacri fice; by owner. Inquire at 230 East 35th St. SS or Ml. Scott car. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make. Our SEli'.EHLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. Bdwy. 6576. 125 4 lii SJ PIANO TUN IN; and refinishing. Eipe workmanship guaranteed. S EI IEK LING -LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St Bdwy. 0576. ANOTHER stock new Victor and Columbia records. 2 for 75c. cafeteria style. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. PIANOS moved $3, ground floor; done by experts and guaranteed. Broa ay 1207. work Call FOR SALE liy owner Eilers upright grand piano, in good condition. Will sac rifice, Wdln. 2S35. $2.50 R fcfTS cabinet phonograph with late records. sEmpire Transfer. Bdwy. 156. RENT a real piano; copper bass strings. Ivory keys, veneered case. Harold S Gil bert. 107 West Park. FOR SALE $60 buys $120 grafonola pire Ti a nafer. Bdwy. 165. N BW PIANOS FOR RENT Schwan Piano Co., Cor 10:n and Stark TRAP DRUMS for sale, reasonabla price. Apply aftfr 6 P. M.. at 525 East Davis. TWO NEW East 9562. Phonographs ha.f price. TRAP drum outfit for sale. Inquire O. 3. Combs. Tept. Store. Tigard, Or. FOR RENT East 6704. Fisher piano, $3. 326 1st. FOR SALE II eel lent condi run guitar and case, n. Bdwy. 206S. FOR RENT 5633. Good mahogany piano. Tabor FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments, ' ! USED PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Victrola, style X, mahogany case. .. . $90 $250 Columbia, library table model, oak - 100 Brunswick phonograpn, oaa case, new - 100 Brun3wick phonograph, mahogany case new 225 AND UTH r-Ks. SEIPERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANOS FOR RENT. EMPIRE TRANSFER CO. BDWY 155. Furniture for Sale. STORAGE SALS. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor space filled with high-grade furniture of every kind and description. Antiques, curios, etc., pi anos. phonog-aphs. violins. vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets. dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks, i Wilton and oriental rugs, referigerators. t sewing machines, automobile and truck tires, wire wneeis &nu yurw, vj iuua and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale starts at 9 o' clock Monday, April 17, and continues until entire stock Is sold. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY. Fourth at Pine sU, Opposite Mult nomah hotel. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars ; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 62 4th St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. BEAUTIFUL apartment, furniture consist ing of walnut dining room set with up holstered chairs, highest grade davenport and chair to match. This was made to order and must be seen to b appre ciated chiffrobe and vanity dressing ta ble, Axminster rug, walnut serving tray and tea wagon ; other beautiful pieces. Marshall 3795. DAVENPORTS. Manufactur' rs' sampled, several dav enports and chairs at bargain prices, terms. Phones 635-27, t-venings and Sun days, Tabor 5797 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MATSON, INC 54th and roster Road. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to California, we can save you money on your freight In our through i cars, rireproo storage. u. Jtt. uison Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. LOVELY ivory dresser and chiffonier, reasonable ; also Simmons bed, springs and mattress, Axminster rug, 9x12; can ned fruit and other things. 932 E. 11th st. N. Phone Broadway 7092. OFFICE FURNITURE sacrifice Type writer desk, chair and Underwood No. 5 typewriter, standing desk and stool, one large Diobold fireproof safe. Inquire 245 Morrison st. FOR SALE Range, dining table, brass bed, springs, mattress and buffet, will Bell at a real bargain. Call 641-24 or 5503 58th ave. S. E. HAVE to sell our stuffed davenport. or evenings after beautiful new over Call Sunday A. M. :30. 847 E. Stark. FOR SALE Furniture of cleanest spot in town. 529-52. -room fla Call up t; the Auto. 1 BUFFET 1 china cioset. William and Mary design, solid mahogany. Call Tabor 2145. CHEAP My almost new sewing machine. Leaving town. Main 7396. Buena Vista apis., No. 43. DINING room, living, bedroom furniture, range. Cable piano, wardrobe trunk, Woodlawn 5889; GLOBE-WERNICKE sectional bookcase. Call 195 North 28jj st. Office urniiure. SAVE MONEY ON OFFICE EQUIPMENT. 4-drawer steel files VJ 37.50 9 bank flat Burroughs 175.00 7 bank flat Burroughs 140.00 We can equip your office complete in either new r used furniture; all check writers, typewriters, adding machines, etc., have been carefully gone over and are in perfect condition. D. C. WAX. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. WE HAVE the following used office fur niture in good condition at exceptional prices : 6 roll-top desks. 14 flat-top desks, 7 typewriter desks, 188 of fie chairs, 1 safe, 1 bookkeeper's desk. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO., Furniture Department. Tenth at Stark Street. Broadway 3144. 66 MAHOGANY fiat-top desk with plate glass top, also rotary chair and 3 side chairs ; 1 mahogany bookkeeper desk, also stool; 2 oak roll-top desks, 1 ped T. V. desk, 2 tables. 1 sate. 1 filing safe, 1 stack Y & E files. Bushong dc Co., 91 Park Et. ONE 42-INCH oak flat top desk. $25; one 60-inch oak-flat top depk, $35; two oak filing. $25 each; one steel filing cabinet, five straight-back office chairs. $5 each : one revolving office chair, $ 1 2 50. Inquire May Hardware company, Il'4-1'6 Front st. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatross Metal Furniture Co.. VI 5 Thurman. Typewriters RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Washington St. Main 56SL REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sals. if" lit, exchange ; we are exclusive dis- butors of Corona porta o it,. Sag com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs or ail maaes. OREGON T i!PE WRITER CO., 94 Fifth 8L Bdwy. 7189. NOISE annoys ; rent a Noiseless ; a few used Noiseless for sale. Noiseless Type writor Co.. 81 4th st. Bdwy. 504 4. REHUILTS, secoiid-haud renta la at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stjrk. Bdwy 750?. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell, suppnes, Type wriler Inspection Co , 312 Stark. M. 5548. Poultry- M AG HIRE'S CHICKS. REDUCED PRICES FOR MAY AND JUNE. Hollywood and O. A. C. White Ueg hoins, $1 per 100; O. A. C. Barred Rocks, $2ii per 100; electric hatched chicks the best on the market from , stock that has made records up to 297 in the White Leghorn and 04 in the Barred Rock. Large orders filled. Hatches off May 1, 3, 5. S, 10, 15. J- R. MAQUtRE, 7S7 Oregon. East 1803 WHITE tUJulIuU.N oaoy ohicka tor Majr and ."une delivery at $1 per 100; 115 per 1000, irom flocks inspected and ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival ot full count, live, eirong chicks guaranteed. The- Pioneer Hatcnery. 441 6th st.. Petaluma. Cal. I $ $ $ FOR YOU in Mammoth White Pekin ducks, easier to raise and far more profitable than chickens; day old duckliiigs delivered to you by parcel post tor 40 cents each. Write today and engage yours before It is too late. Daughlin tiros., McMinnville, Or. WHEN you order your baby chicks from us you get safe delivery of good, strong, healthy chicks, from high productive hens, with egg records of iiuu to 308 each, mated to pedigreed cockerels. May and June chicks at $12.50 per 100. Graham Poultry Farm, Woodburn, Or. R. F. D. $12 PER 100. White Leghorn baby chicas from Corvallis' noted egg strains, e'ec tricallyV hatched. This low price on May IS and 25 only. Order now. oregon Corvallis Hatchery. Corvallis. Oregon. t c ti.ti.uutL i&LA.M waits uatcniag eggs. limited number from our prize peas; April and May $3 per setting. C. 8. Ogbbury v on, bb21 ave. S. -v . Portland, Or. Phone Auto. 614-21. 300 O. A. C. Barred Rock chicks from high producing hens ready today. J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon st. East 1 S05. 6 LJvGriORN baby "chicks, 4 Chas. L. Perkins. 1337 Woudla-w. n Q:;i4. days old. 18c. Burrage st. Uefgs, Rabbits, Birdts and Pet Stock. FOR SALE Airedale dog, thoroughbred, male.-'sott hair, 4 ysars old; gentle dis position ; good watch dog for escort or residence. Apply to James Bell, Gas'on, Or. THORO L'G HBHED St. male. $1. East 21)20. Andreasberg ie- Nursery Stodc. LOGAN BERRY, transplants, thrifty nursery-grown stock, still available IF OR DERED AT ONCE. BKECX, Tabor 267S, t except Sun d ay. CANTERBURY BELL plants for sale, $1.25 doz. Phone Columbia 209. Act arees. itiUT Macrum st. Radio Equipment. RADIO OUTFITS. Wire, contact points, binding posts; ft-ned cartons. ' goldite. galena." saican ; crysia.s. WOOD ARD. C DARKE & CO.. Aider at W. Park. Radio Dept.. Downstairs. IF YOU WANT a radiophone, complete aet, $25, get the XO Radiophone. It's the best. Immediate delivery. Sold exclu sively by XO Radio Mfg. Co.. 325-326 Lumbermens bidg. IMMEDIATE delivery. $2u and $35 radio, complete with Brandes phones. Radio t-ui-Fly 494 E. 41st st. N. Tabor 2081. Boat, Launches end Marine Equipment. WILL trade my $250 phonograph and records for a good motor boat. Phone East 14S0. FOR SALE Launch houseboat, 66 it. long. Box 100. city. 1 FOR SALE. j Boats. Launches and Marine bquipmen.. I BEAUTIFUL sail boat and rowboat. prac tically new, finished in wbite ana nai i ural wood at bargain. Main 693", Ga dona. - HOUSEBOAT, 4 rooms and bath; partly furnished, cash or terms. Call Sunday Or evenings. 38 Holgate moorage GILL-NET outfit boat, engine float, two; nehts and all sizes of nets for ale. Box 514, Kalama, Wash. fcegs mti Baxreis, Av-n niPPPi.? P!r and whits as. Western cooperage to., auo at., near Bettys-rove. Phone Auto. 519-19. . Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $T TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry. ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on two-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side Oregon Fuel Co., Wood- ; lawn 4102. :- , . ! $4 PER LOAD- $4. lS-inch. partly dry bJock and slab mixed ; fine for furnace or heater, de livers In 2-load lots for $S. single loads $4.50. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. EAST 2041. BIG LOADf block and slab, mixed runs, partly dry. 2 loads $8.00 1 load 4.50 WOODLAWN 1390. WOOD Special sale dry No. 1 old-growth cordwood, $6.75 per cord in two-cord lots, best block and slab mixed. 16-in., J4.25 per load or double load $8. Phone Mar shall 2S55. Sumner woodyard. NICE ltt-inch slab, $3.75; load heavy, graded, seasoned, $5; 12-16-inch, perfect ly dry cordwood, $7.25; anywhere: bar gain; dry boxwood. $4.50. Seilwuod 1709. AUSTRALIAN COAL SERVICE. RANGE, $14; LUMP, $15; SAMPLES. $1; 5 SACKS, $4. EAST 5400. I WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. m DRY TIMBER and plank cut in 16-inch lengths, $5.50 per load, double load $10. Call East 1897. HEAVY block and slab, partly dry; dry slab, dry block wood, 4-ft. green slab. Wdln. 2019. SLABWOOD. cordwood, 4-foot, summer i prices ; cord wood, block wood sawed and delivered, $6 up. East 4569. NUMBER 1 fir, 10-inch, fuli cord, $8.50; two cords $16, delivered. Peacock Fuel Co. East 9588. BEST dry cordwood. $7.75 per cord. 2 for $15. Can't be beat. Broadway 4110. FOR COUNTRY SLABWOOD. EAST 9174. LOGAN FUEL CO. DRY' BLOCK and slab wood, single load $5, double load. $8. Bdwy. 2545. CORDWOOD $6.:i0 and $7.50 cord, deliv- ered; country slab $5.25 cord. Wdlii. 6312 BLOCK and slab mixed, double load, $7.50, single loa.3 $4, 4-foot slab. Main 1723. FIR, $7.75 oak, 10; ash, $8.50. Wdm. 3824. John Gerlach. GOOD dry first-growth heavy bark. No. 1, $8; No. 2, S- Phone Automatic 618-31. GOOD No. 1 fir, $8; No. 2 fir. $7; heavy slab, $5. Main 6241. DRY CORD WOOD. $& cord and dry coun try slab $7 per cord. Call Auto. 632-71. MIXED block and Col. 743. lab wood, partly dry. FIRST-CLASS 16-inch fir wood, cord delivered. East 8984. BEST old-growth. dry fir, wood. $7. Sellwood 314. $7.50; new LET US saw your wood. Atlas Woodyard, Main 32i'7; nights, Auto. 16-43. PARTLY dry block and slab $4.50 a load; 4-ft. gree t slab $4.50 a cord. Wdln. 1902 DRY PLANK and small timber, $5.50 load. Call Sellwood 3159. BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7.50, singlt. load $4. 4-foot slab. Main 1723. SUMMER PRICE, $7 SHALL 1048. 16-INCH extra heavy dry wreckage; load delivered $5. East 8264. Machinery. OREGON JUNK & HARDWARE CO. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand, machinery, hardware and ripe. Main 128. 270 Front st. SIMONDS 72-inch chisel bit circular saw, with extra teeth, which I will sell cheap as I have no use for it. Owner 404 Piatt bidg. Telephone Main S80. 60-H. P. UPRIGHT donkey boiler in good condition complete with grates and fit tings. Price $250. Phone East 7900. Hesse-Ersted Iron works. Miscellaneous. 1 TYPE N. P. R. No. 41 Shaler vulcanizer, gasoline burner and 1 new clocko meter for sa1 or trade. 309 Washington St., Vancouver. BICYCLE. Fine condition, $10 lighting system, lights, tandem, horn; over-size spokes, npw tires. Call 31 E. 28th st. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange s. Sn nd. 829 Wash ington st. ko- F(JR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75c per day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. BEAUTIFUL imported green and black chenille gown, 38-40, $25; orchid sport skirt, $3. Both never worn. Mar. 321)5. CHEAP My almost new sewing machine. Leaving town. Main 7306. Buena Vista apis.. No. 43. FOR SALE Cheap or trade for car, 1 3-karat white diamond and -karat dia mond; private parties. J 611. Qregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP Soda fountain, com plete with back bar. Write or see Geo, Parker. Camas. Wash. FOR SALK 3 mirrors, 2 chairs, cash reg ister, electric clippers, breakfast table, large screen. Main 850. DIAMOND set in white gold, exception ally fine gem, neighborhood of 1 carat; to close an estate. $2r0. 302 Dekum bidg. EVES TEriTED free Dr. (BeIding, way 7592 spectacles guaranteed. Aider street. Broad- A WN mowers sharpened and rep., the Bailey way. 366 Hawthorne ave. East 6786. BA KG A 1 N for quick sale. Apex electric washer, good as new ; $90. Main 7349, until 6 o'clock LAWNMOWERS sharpened, saw filing; wt call for and deliver them. 1597 Penin sula. Woodl.iwn 354S. CARLOAD new iron cots and carload of water pitchers and slop, jars. 208 Hall. Main 3853. HIGH-GRADE mahogany dining room seat, also antique double seat. Call East 1714. CONCRETE MIXER t a sacrifice; going away; and outfit; only. Marshall 746. .1CENSED independent eiectrician wires 3 rooms for $12. 5 for $20. guaranteed to nass Inspection. Wdln. 3791. BUDDING PLANTS Hanging baskets, tubs and window boxes filled. Phone Tabor 3702 - BETZ electric cabinet, large shower bath, Mcintosh H. F.. manicure and massage tables. ggg Broadway bidg. tlLKS can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. DAXDY 3-light shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.35, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Broadway 4253. D1EBOLD safes, new and second-hand ; special prices Pacific Scale & Supp.y Co , 4S Front st. Bdwy. 1960. PAINTERS' ladders, new swing stage, 100 ft. falls; paperhanger's tools, brushes, etc. Phone evenings. Main 2642. KLGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer, also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. FOR SALE High chair and -baby buggy. 701 Everett; 6-FOOT bookkeeper desk and stool, cheap. 271 Hawthorne ave. Y & E. RAPID roller copier, in good con dition. 273 Hawthorne ave. FREE for removing light soil, easy to get at. near E. Ashand 24th. Est 1S0S. LADIES' used dresses, $2 up; suit, wraps, hats, remarkable values. Tabor 2825. LOT OF new heav cheap. 208 Hall. TR VDE for wardrobe trunk $150 equity in .! .4 1 C ft."!". nnnrnnin SHELVING for sale. Portland Hotel Phar tnacy. ' L VRGE truck, good for trailer, new tires, 'cheap. 208 Hall. Main 3S".3. WINDSOR combination range; little used. Tabor 3841. W ILL install $190 furnace for $147. Phone Tabor 5Jv FOOL TABLES, back and front bar; roust sell, sacrifice. 129 glrst. RADIANTFIRE and pipe, complete, cheap. 40O lUtn Si., iirfi v. uen.: m -. ji. 3-COIL electric neater, new; also small electric ranye. ovj .main -ab3. REBUILT Hoffman pressing machines for sale cheap. Phone Bdwy. 3469. :aiso house- hold goods. Call Bdwy. 435 SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., No. i iat st. FUR SALE Cash reg:ster, afe. adding TT-acn;np- sgwww s'... near Asn. ST AR-A-STAR shingles, airect from mill Call layior-ai -"iia ooo? RED POTATOES for seed. Vane ouver. Wash. 406 Main St., $'f STURG1S reed sulky for with fringe- gagt 3 22. $10; hood ! ' j 616 Henrv I 500 LETTTERHEADS bidg; 45-70 WINCHESTER for sate. Hardware, 256 Russell at. Merges FOR SALE. Miscellaneous, ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; ail styles, finest aa lection. Come and see; you are under no oo;igation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bide. Bruadwav 42j3. :F YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Lcbs Gifts That Last Next Door to Majestic Theater. ' and Washington St.. z u u n, u a ( a i n. i i We are makinz a special of a 4-drawer Bieei n.e tor $37. oo. This is less tnan me price of a rhpsn user' f i !a and is as fine a file as can be purchased elsewhere iur more. u. u. wax. -'i-zo st. oiu. Broadway 2739. FOR SALE American Tool Co. 18-inch crank shaper. 4-stet cone, swivel head. power crossfeed, adjustable table, with 10-inch swivel vise, belt driven, slight ly used ; In first-class condition; price very cheap. Apply 189 Front at. CONTRACTORS, look here Gas engine with cross-cut saw, rip saw, boring ma chine and joiner, ail mounted on one frame, for 1125. Phone Miiwaukie 60-X Wm. Shindier, 32d and Harrison st.. Miiwaukie, Or. DOORS, windu ws. screen doors, mouldings. mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sasn. bee our oad stocK or sasn ana doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 FRONT ST., DeKAicrrlsnn and Yamhill. Main iJia. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sole for less: no aeents emoloyed. Complete line of parts for all makes; uiacnmes repairu and rentea. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Thfgj st.. near Taylor. Main 9431. WHY an everlastlne aeeravation by leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and permanent roof ? We repair, Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roors. work guaranteed. Phone Broad way 5958. WHY NOT grow mastoden pansies from pansy aaie seed? Large package luc. postpaid, with free propagaation in struction. William A. Aird. Pansy Dale. Oregon City. DO YOU want a nice front and bffck bai. either mahogany or white enamel, very cheap for ci.sTt. or will trade, what have you? Phone East 3850. Monday Broad way 3258. . DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MIDLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Se;.l for Leas Gifts That Last. Next door to Majestfc Theater. Park and Washington Sts. JUST arrived with matched set of genu ine A'askan mink skins: your chance to get a mink cape cheap. Phone Broad way 2. room 338. FOR SALE OR TRADE Al crispet ma chine and candy outfit. Would con sider light car. What have you? Sell wood 3702. GROCERY counter 17 ft. by 2 ft., con taining 33 drawers, 2 paper racks and cash till; also shelving. 273 Hawthorne ave. SHOW CASES. SHOW CASES. Of all kinds, also- wall cases, cash reg isters, scales, other fixtures greatly re duced. 129 First, near Alder. WE BUY, sen and exchange Thor elec tric washing and Ironing machine;. SMITH-McCOY ELECTRIC 20.. 264 Alder.' Phone Main 8011. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Port lard Cash Register & Scale Ex change. 226 stark sL Bdwy. 7534. FERTILIZER. Extra well rotted cow manure, just right for flower boxes. Delivered in sacks. Wdln. 6233. HOT WATER tanks, Jo; guaranteed. Tanks gas water beaters repaired ; plumbing corifractors, estimates given. E. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams. East HM6. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainable in new or second-hand safes see Norris Safe & Lock Co., 105 2d st , Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. NEW LIST TODAY. Our stock of used cars is con stantly changing. Highest values, lowest prices. If you don't see what you want, come down any way we may have just what you are looking for. 1!17 Velfe six touring $ 400 1916 Saxon roadster 125 3919 Mitchell light 6 touring 191S Port touring 3917 Chevrolet touring 391R Chevrolet bug 3917 Mitchell 7-passenger . . . 1 921 Briscoe roadster 3917 Cole coupe 8 1918 Briscoe tour., good paint 1921 Ford roadster, extras... 3918 Overland, model 90 1919 Mitchell touring 3921 Jordan silhouette 1920 Ford touring 391S Scripps-Booth roadster. 3919 Briscoe 4-cyI., 5-pass... 1920 Mitrhell 6-cyI.. 5-piss.. 391S Briscoe 4-cyl., 5-pass... 3920 Jordan 6-cy!., 5-pnss... 3917 Briscoe 4-cyl., 5-pass... litis Mitchell 6-cyl., 7-pass.. 3920 Jordan sport marine... 3917 Mitchell 6-cyl., 5-pass.. 775 825 250 175 400 flMO 750 375 475 300 775 1500 375 350 415 3050 200 1 575 350 3 325 400 Easy terms; a small payment down and the balance while you ride. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVE R COMPANY, Broadway and Everett Sts. 40 Years in the Northwest. SACRIFICE SPORT ROADSTER. 1921 PREMIER. EQUIPPED ,WITH SHOCK A BSORBER, DRUM HEAD LIGHTS. BUMPER, SPOTLIGHT, SIX CORD TIRES, CIGAR LIGHTER; ALSO HAS CLASSY SPECIAL TOP; FINISH IS LIKE NEW. IF YOU ARE INTER ESTED IN A HIGH-GRADE CAR AT A SACRIFICE PRICE SEE THIS AT H. & H. AUTO CO. BD WT. 2320. 19TH AT WASHINGTON. MARMON. STEPHENS NEW PANEL BODY FOR FORD TRUCK at price, $125. TALBOT & CASET, INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. 1917 STUDEBAKER TOURING $225 This car is in fine condition, has run only 15.000 miles, has five good tires. 1922 license, and spotlight; car has original finish and top is in fine con dition; this Is the best buy in Portland, at $100 down, balance J 15 per month. East 1902. LIN WOOD No. 91408. This priced right, $550. PAIGE. is a beautiful car; BRALY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC. 31th and Burnside Sts. 1938 MAXWELL touring, 5 tires, license, driven 13.000 miles; $175 as is; small payment down. BRALY. GRAHAM & CH1LDS, INC., Eleventh and Burnside Streets. 5 USED COMMERCIAL BODIES FOR FORDS from $15 up. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. 1920-21 OLDS 0 touring; reconditioned and rpfinished. $795. BRALY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., 11th and Burnside Sts. ONE OF THOSE 3917 wonderful condition. model N Hupps; new cora tire. Small payment, balance easy terms Bdwy. 2:t!4J MUST SELL AT ONCE. Late Ford touring with extras; good rubber and paint; starter, license; $275 Call Aut. 633-6S. 1916 HAYNES. S625. license and other ex tras. BRALY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. llth and Burnside Sts. FORD SEDAN. In very good mechanical condition, with $100 of extras; can be bought at a sacrifice. Call private phone Wdln. 5916. 1921 FORD touring, oversized cord tires. $450. BRALY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. " 11 th and Burnside Sts. OLDSMOBILE, in good condition, must be sold, give it the once over and make offer. At 389 Everett st. 1920 FORD coupe, shocks, nearly every extra can put on it; only $485. Broad- wav 2488. 1 1920 FORD ROADSTER. $335. BRALY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. llth and Burnside Sts. LATE 1920 Ford touring, fine condition, some extras, excellent running order. Call Broadway 2488. WE PUT steel teeth in yoar oid fiywaea.. crankshaft turning, cyl. grinding. H. B Black, machine shop. 534 Aider. B. 263i. WE Ti3AR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder, at 17th. Bdwy. 5254. Mail orders filled. COLE 8, 11M7, 7-passenger; mechanically O. K.; tires all good. For sale or ex chance for lighter car. Sellwood 439. 1919 FORD touring, some extras, oniy $225. Broadway 2488. LATE model Paige ten ring car at sacri fice. Perfect condition. Tabor 2938. DANDY Paige ca owner. Broadway a bargain. Call 1921 SCRIPPS-BOOTH demonstrator, fins condition. itiHi; terms, winvnnd 327. BUICK roadster. 3917. Mar. 5400. Mr. Hunt: atter 6. Mar. 648. 1920 FORD touring, looks and runs like f extras. $350. Wdln. 23S7. new. lots 2 FORD BUGS. FOR SALE AtTOMOBlL.ES. BARGAINS IN REBUILT AUTOMOBILES. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex auto mobiles. These are in the '.jest of mechanical condition; they are a;so warranted the same as factories warrant new cars; in addition wa give 90 days' fre mechanical service. Other makes of good automo biles thoroughly overhauled, put In first-class condition and so'd with a ten days' free trial, UD" Ject to being returned and fu.l credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may se lect. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have It in spected and we want oniy satisfied customers. 1917 Hudson Super 6. ..-,$ 7S5 . . . 950 1918 Hudson Super 6 1919-3920 (model O series) Hudson super six 1050 1919 Hudson speedster 1920 Hudson speedster .... 1919 Essex 1921 Essex 1150 1350 750 1000 3937 Maxwell 1920 Ford Sedan 1939 Maxwell 1919 Olds six 1918 Bulck 3918 Olds 8 3920 Chandler 1916 Cadillac 1920 Buick 1919 Nash 3920 Studebaker special .. 1920 Studebaker chummy . . 175 . . 575 . . 350 . . 585 . . 050 '. '. 875 . . 885 . . 900 . . 750 . . 1000 . . 900 Largest Used Car Branch Store in the City at 40-46 Broadway. Brapch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store. Broadway 5739. Also a display at Our Salesrooms 615-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., WHERE ARB TOU GOING TO BUT TOUR USED CAR? Think this over you are buy ing a piece of machinery someone else has used. Tou should know as nearly as possible the condition it is in. Possibly you are a mechanic if so. this doesn't in terest you. If not, you must rely upon the house you buy from. You should have confidence in that house. You can believe what you are told at the Covey Motor Car Co. We want you to know all we know about our used cars. They are used cars the best of them are not new. but we ha'e good cars and we do give you value for your money. We sell our cars quickly, and at a lower price than can be found elsewhere. "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY, TWO LOCATIONS. Main plant. Washington at 31st st. Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadway branch, 28-30 Broadway. We have cars to take you from one place to the other. ROBINSON-SMITH CO. Authorized Ford Dealers. SIXTH AND MADISON STS. USED CAR MARKET. 1918 Ford roadster, license $175 3918 Ford touring, overhauled 195 1920 Ford touring, rebuilt, painted, t license 375 1920 Ford touring, starter, new tires 365 3920 Coupe, new tires. license 495 3921 Sedan, like new, extras 565 1919 Brisco, license, good condition 245 1918 Chevrolet Baby Grand, over hauled, license '395 1918 Studebaker panel delivery. . . . 215 1919 Chalinera touring, rebuilt, painted , 750 ROBINSON-SMITH CO. Pottland's Independent Ford Dp aler. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. 1 Dodge $ 590 1 Little Overland . . . 400 1 Allen 250 1 Chevrolet 250 1 Ford roadster 150 1 Overland 100 1 StoddarVJ-Dayton roadster 85 1 Ford truck 250 1 2 -tea Moorland truck 3300 LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne. LEXINGTON SPORT MODEL. 1921 Lexington, in fine mechan ical condition, now in paint shop; oversized cord tires, wind deflec tors, bumpprs, etc.; can hardly tell from new car; will make price of $1300 and give very reasonable terras. Call Wdln. 2615. 3922 SEDAN body, same as new through out, real value at $275. TALBOT fk CASEY. INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. FOR SALE Ford coupe with commercial body, very attractive car, equipped with all extras, 3 extra tires; paint as good as now; car la in firet-ciass condition. See W. J. Ball Waist Co., Royal bidg.. or Nash-Packard Service station. 471 Morrison st. MUST sacrifice 3919 Steams-Knight 8. 7 passenger roadster; this wonderful, at tractive car must be seen to be appre ciated; has 5 cords, license, now battery, top, body upholstered like new, mech. perfect. Bdwy. 5378. ARE YOU looking for an high priced coupe for little, money? If so. here is a 3921 Stevens Salient six, wonderful condition, 5 wire wheels, 5 cord tires, just like new. Come In and get our price. Bdwy. 2994. FOR SALE Paige 1918 Lin wood. 5-pas-senger. fully equipped and in good con dition; 4 cord tires, spare, spotlight, bumper, motometer, side shields, etc. This Is a bargain. Call Main 4 88 2. MODEL 38 HAYNES. The car to give you uninterrupted service; newly painted, cood tires, now erful motor. Will stand rigid inspection. East 5372. 1920 MAXWELL, guaranteed and refin ished, $425. BRALY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC.. 11th and Burnside Sts. FORD ROADSTER 1921. fine condition, fine new tires, bumper, shock absorbers and other extras. Broadway 1780. Mon day and. Tuesday. 1921 FORD touring, runs and looks like new; starter, demountable rims, 1922 li cense ; sacrifice for $3S5. Some terms. East 178. 1938 FORD coupe, guaranteed and refin ished, $350. BRALT. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC . llth and Burnside Sts. 1921 MODEL Ford coupe, twin Hassler shocks, oversiae tires, extra tire, lots of extras; bestrbuy In town. Broadway 24. DODGE touring, new pistons, etc., original finish, $350. BRALET. GRAHAM CHILD. INC.. Burnside at llth St 1918 FORD ROADSTER, license, good shape, extra box on rear, $200, terms $50 down, balance easy. Phone Moore. East 3151. 1920 CHEVROLET, F. B. roadster, guar anteed and reflnished, $625. BRALT. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. llth and Burnside Sts. 190 BUICK TOURING, perfect condition, license, $950. Will trade for small car. TermSi Phone Moore. East 3151. '18 BUICK light six, new paint, top and mirtains; good running order. $500. 1922 llcens". E. 6907. BT OWNER 1916 Dodge touring, good order; looks like new ; must sell ; price $300 East 3487 5574 W'lliajns ave. REBUILT 1917 Cadillac, A-l condition, cheap. Terms. Citizens Investment Co., 106 Citizens Bank bidg. m WE HAVE 1 Overland touring, first-class. Will take small payment, balance easy tf ms. Bdwy. 2094. WONDERFUL. 1921 Liberty six tour., only $750. Can you beat it? Ask for dem onstration. Call Bdwy. 2994. 1920 KING S touring. This is a wonder ful buy for someone looking for a fam ily car. Bdwy. 2994. FORD light delivery 1 .r0 ca l h. Main : In good condition; 2 FORD BUGS. East 7439. (OR SALE AITOMOBILM. MONTH-END SPECIALS. USED CARS. USED CARS. EAST TERMS. CARS TRADED, OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8;30 SUNDAYS 9 TO , DO NOT JUDGE THESE CARS BT THE PRICE, SSiE THEM. 1918 Maxwell tourin $ 130 JuW (-pass. Studebaker 6-cylInder good condition 105 3938 5-pass Elgin; overhauled 29$ 3919 5-paaa. Dort. 1922 license; excellent condition '03 1918 Dodge touring; 1922 license.. . 350 1917 Bulck 5-pass. light six; a dandy 1918 5-pass. Paige; overhauled new paint V. W0 1917 Franklin touring; new paint; overhauled 0" 1917 Cadillac 7-paas. touring; a wonderful buy 1000 1915 5-pass Chalmers (all over hauled) 23 1916 Bulck roadster; starter and all good 200 1918 Buick 4 roadster; a dandy car 250 1919 Dixie Flyer; new paint 1918 Overland touring; excellent condition Ifllfi nrlrn fmirine' wonderful value 265 30 FORDS. ALL TTPES AND PRICES FROM $75 ,UP. TALBOT A CASET. INC. East Ankeny St. and Grand Ave. East 8118. DUNNING'S USED FORDS. EAST 3D AND BROAD WAT. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. CARS AS REPRESENTED. 1920 touring, starter, demount able rims and license $330 1920 coupe, speedometer, license, excellent condition, good tires - $405 1918 touring-, license, good me chanical order $200 1917 touring, license $175 1920 touring, overhauled, uplen dld new top, good tires and license; no starter. .. .$275 1915 touring, license, good tires and really runs fine $125 1915 chassis with late hood and body, license $165 4 good deliveries cheap. 1919 Dodge touring $475 These cars are representative of our stock. We have a complete stock to choose from. LIBERAL TERMS. CARS AS REPRESENTED. OPEN SUNDAY. OUR PHONE NUMBER EAST 303. USED FORDS USED FORDS. 30 TO CHOOSE FROM. TOURINGS AND ROADSTERS. WITH AND WITHOUT STARTERS. COUPES. SEDANS. TRUCKS. ALSO SOME REAL CLASST BUGS. With and without startera CARS TRADED. EAST TERMS. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8:30. SUNDAYS. 9 TO 6. SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING. Most of our Fords have 1922 Icenaea and have been reconditioned. TALBOT & CASET, INC.. East Ankeny St. and Grand Ave. BARGAINS IN QUALITY AUTOMOBILES. Hudson super six automobiles; have been rebuilt by us during the last five years, a-nd offer the greatest value to be had in a used car. That is why you see more Hudsons on the streets of Port land than any other make of fine auto mobile. To sell the new automobiles the used cars must be sold, and these rebuilt Hudeons are and have been for five years :he greatest value. They carry a factory warranty and 90 days' free serv ice. Pricea range from $725 to $1050. . C. I. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. Both Stores No. 40-40 N. Broadway. No. 615-617 Washington SL LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONET OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE TOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDO.. SECOND FLOOR. FRANKLIN. Ser.8 OR. with dry plate clutch, for sale at a bargain. Car run less than 120:i miles, factory paint; all cord Urea; spare cord tice pumped up on spar wheel; good top and side curtaina not wrinkled or glass even tarnished. Car is in absolutely A-l condition on any part you can name. Not a buy for the auot'on house or f ir person who wants to get everything for nothing. Call reai rienro Kast Sn'iO or office Bdwy. 3278. 191 S DODGE, OPEN EXPRESS DELIV ERY, in good condition throughout, tires and all. Ford touring taken in trade or $375. TALBOT & CASE Y, INC. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. OPEN EXPRESS BODY AND CAB FOR 1-TON TRUCK, good as new, $100. TALBOT & CASEY. INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. FRANKLIN demUsedan. This car cost $3200. Is practically new, has altomatic wind shield cleaner, spotlight and bump ers; will make exceptional price for im mediate sale. See L. D. Ross at Allen ft Lewis, Front and Davis ats. THE PEPP MOTOR CAR CO. has been authorized by different banks to dispose of some brand ntw Elgin touring cars. Very low prices. Terms to suit. Bdwy. 2994. HERE is a little wonder for some young couple. Harry C. St utz roa dster. Here is high -class goods for little money. This car has be-n used for demonstra tlon purposes only. Bdwy. 2994. 1921 CHEVROLET SNAP. Touring car, run 4000 miles, has en amel body, some extras, runs and looks like new; will sacrifice and arrange some terms. E. 7005. 39i:u BCICK roadster, guaranteed and rt finished. $875. BRALY. GRAHAM CHILD. INC. llth unci Rurns'de Sts. LATE 5-PASS. NASH TOURING. Car has lots of extras, good tires and spares; recently repainted; Just a dandy light car. Call Tabor 7S17. Terms. CHEVROLET late '20 touring, good con dltion, plate-glavs top, good rubber all around; reasonable, terms If desired. Phone Main 1 502. llflft MAXWELL, guaranteed and refln ished. $335 BRALY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC. llth and Burnside Sts. LOOK et this one, you wno want the hest bargain; late model Overland at $275: new tires, license, new paint. 105 llth st. N. NATIONAL six. "-passenger touring, used by private family, first class mechanical condition: must sell this week. Tele phone Auto. 318-07. HODES ALTO PARTS. AUTO WRECK ERS. Parts for all cars for less. 522 Alder, w. corner Ifith. Broadway 3fi.'; FORD BUO. racing model, long wheel base. $350. BRALEV. GRAHAM CHILD. INC., HFRE la a wonderful car and very low priced 1920 late Stevens Salient -alx touring. Small payment down, balance paymms. tinv-y. 1919 FUKI) touring, starter, dem. rims, $350. BRALY. GRAHAM CHILD, INC.. 11th and Burnside Sts. Automobiles Wanted. WILL buy any model Ford at tha highest cash price. Phone Broadway 2488 or bring to 30-0. U ah WANTED Dodge or Ford sedan In ex change for 2 lota, Eugene. Address Box 124. Miiwaukie. Or. WANT Dodge. Ctiev., Bulck or Ford on clear lots or houe. Owner. Wdlwn. "2 WE WILL LOAN you money on your auto mobile. Granning A- Tre ce. Mli AidrH. I WILL allow top for your used Ford on my new one Sellwood 8700. WANTED Used touring. late model. Week days after 6 P. 11. phone Eaat 1808. FOR KAI.K AI'TOtOlll I.FJ. Antotnobtlr U itnlru. I CAN UBB TOUR FORD. MAXWELL. CHEVROLET OR DO DOB AS PART PAYMENT ON MT NIW 1922 MAX WELL. CALL. MAIN 5T8 WILL PAT CASH FOR TOUR FORD. UNIVERSAL AUTO EXCHANOt Eaat 471 11 Grand Ave PART I ES wiahlng to dispose of their emfft quickly for cash, full value, bring them in Th 4 ! -on it, .mm far Thuredavfl auction sale to be bald May . Cereer 13tH and Alder. WE WRECK THEM paid for old cam. ALTO R&CONS1 THIRD AN 1 WANT Ford coupe or hap for llaTht all A-l condition. 72 k bor KOO0. after 7 P. rasa prlee no object. r co.. Ta- FOR SALE or trade for Ford, eteel yaeht. 5x164 feet, equipped with Ford engine Brass wheel to fit. Very food conditio John Mulr. W Pine. The Pallet, Or. TA l.Bu'f CASEY INC . USED CAR MARKET. Will pay caah for your ear Bast A Keny and Grand avenue. WILL trade large or mail acrag for late touring car or delivery car Call 327-Q8 or 516-11 today WANTED Light automobile a pari pay -ment on lot, or will give houae painting. Tabor 5S56. CARS WANTED to wreck, cars for leaa. 8. A 8. Auto Uth and Alder. Brradw WILL pay caith for uaed mast have eelf-startvr an rime. Call Sell. 3012 aft PlANu; will trade for Ford or email rar; difference if any. 820- lit. Kail 6704. WANT 1 -ton truck G 10, Qregonian. on solid tiree. MOTORCYCLES and parte, all make EAbT SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-40 Irund Avenue. CH EVROLHT 40 In good ahape; will trade for motorcycle and aide car. Eaat 1480. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND H1CYCLJ0 TRY US. 2tn Third at. Mala 6186. WILI. trade phmtograpn and records fee good niotorc.vrle 4.7 WllUama ave. Auto Tlree mad AfcnnHe. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteriea lor Forda and other carl. 110 to 15, HJwy. 44U2. An to mo .It-, for Hire. ORBUUN USED CAR KXCHANUl, New cars tor rent without drlvara; reasonable rates; open day and night. 825 GUaan St., between Broadway and mn t. rnona iiy. aan3. per hour AUTOS FOR HIKE, with or without drlv era Day and night service. COUCHMAN GAKAOE. 10th snd Couch. Broadway nemeaneet1 our number, nroeq sjbj AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. CITY GARAGE. 132 12th St. Bdwy. 640. H. S. BENNETT CARS FoR HIKE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY UAItAliB, SD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 10B7. 6-CYLINDER 5-1'AKS. BUCK Foil HIKE WITH DK1VER. BDWY 6547. For Kxrhangr Am if- SEVEN -PASSENGER REG 0 In first-class mechanU-al condition, practftally new rubber, newly painted In J une ; will exchange for lot, acreage or good house equity. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 762 Chamber of Com. TO EXCHANGE One practically new SO H. P. G. M. C. tractor for ear or track. AV 680, Orcgonlan. FOR SAI.K THI ( KM AND THACTOKK, WE NT WORTH A. IRWIN, Inc. 200 Second at., cor. Taylor. BETTER TRUCKS BETTER PRICES BETTER SERVICE We sold better wagon, drays and buggies years before the ' -t truck came to Portland, naturally we have the largest truck sales establishment lu Oregon today. 3 TO 5-TOr. 6-ton Standard, thoroughly over hauled, new Urea This truck has seen but Ilttls work. Ex ceptionally wall suited for log ging or road building J7.'0 4-ton Packard, big husky chain drive truck. In good running or der Mfl 3'i-ton CMC, overhauled, repaired and guaranteed $240 2-ton Federal; thla truck must be seen to he appreciated. 92200 2-TON. 2-ton GMr, equipped kith plat form body and cab; this truck Is In first-class running order and will be hard to Uu pi lest a for 91050 2-ton White; we have oveii this truck from start to finish and believe it to be In the hest shape possible. We are willing to make any kind of a reason able demonstration snd give any guarantee that could he given with a used truck IleSf 2-tnn Rco. chain drive; this Is en excellent truck for the man who does not wish to Invest a largs sum of money and yet who wishes to secure a truck that will do good, hsrd work.. .$450 1 "A -TON. IH-ton CMC. AA-1 condi tion H37S 1 li-ton White, thoroughly ovre hauled $1250 1 - ton White, good running or der 170 l'v-ion Wlnther, four-wheel drive T5 1-TON. 1-ton CMC. model No. 10, cab snd windshield, pneumatic tires. h;.0 1-ton UMC, equipped with Stand ard exprfM body $775 1-ton Republic, aolld tlree. Conti nental motor $!75 -TriN. CMC. thoroughly ot-erhauif d. pneumatic tires. 35x5 $475 FORDS Ford chain-drive truck, motor re cently overhauled $ Ford 1-tot- worm drive, cab, windshield and open expre body :f75 WENT WORTH & IRWIN. Inc. 200 Second St.. Cur. Taylor. Open from 10 A M. to 2 V. M. Sundays. DODGE PANEL DELIVERY In first -elass condition, cord on easy terms. 8 -TON O M. C. TRCCK .- t -. . -1 In ti r-tt-cln fttiaDe ! 12 in. ,,....!-,. with lumber roll Small payment down. balance aay terms. STATES AUTO A TRUCK CO.. uui nnnir 1-TON MaxwaH, good body and cab; good tires. In good condition. $300. 4 - ton lam fl In fine condition ; good body and cab. $300. 20-pasaenger bjis. run only 2 mor.ina . cheap; liberal terms. new kElly-sprinufiklh TRUCK A local bank has been forced to taka in a 2A-ton Kelly -Springfield truck, which It offera for leaa than Prjcs. This Is a real bargain; c:i Bdwy. fi-m ask for Brownell or Slocum. 2-TON Naah truck. 4-whet suitable for logging or lu equipped for trailer and n Exchange for 1 or 2 make with long wheel o Planing Mill. Yamhill. Or 1 drlv ary It la 5-ton. ndard mhlll NEARLY new 2-ton Dnoy truck, run nly 4 mo., cost $2250; will sell for $1300 cash os would ;onnMer well located va cant loti In trade. F E. Bowman A Co. 210 C of C. bldg Broadway 0770. vill, SELL or exchange for untnrum bered city real property, 3';. -ton truck, dump body and hoist, A-l condition. Motor Investment Co., 106 Cltliens Bank building. atE model Denhv 3-ton truck; pneu matic tires. Inches In rear: wilt ea sums a tractor aa part payment. Harry Wolfe route 2, box 102. 10 milea north of Vancouver on Pacifle highway Jy2i" FORD 1-ton true; new cord tlree. I?JIALT. GRAHAM CHILD. 1BO. 1 ltn sno I'urn ino ria FOR SALE Slightly uead 1021 model Packard 3' - ton truck, cheap; private owner Phne tlillshorn 2-R-8 I .saw 14 -ton Dy-"Eider truk, pneu matic ttrae, ridiculously eheap. C. C Hall. 112 Cltlxens Hunk bldg. 1-TON Bethlehem truck, good rubber, has been run on y short time. Trice la right. Ce 1 1 wt.n. eyei FoR KALE SS-ton ti. M. C. truek. suit able for tie or wood Job; raasonab' Call week dayn. "2W K. 12th st B. Se.l. 141. OVERLAND ton truek; trade for llgbt touring ear 117 Mlxtar aL 2-TON 102O mode truck, body nd ceb $325.' 214 West 38d St. Vancouver. Wn WANTKI Mle' Ki I AN BO IH DIAMOND wanted. kV to fck. (Seli Broadway LjlS, JCouday.