Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 28, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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trlct attorney for DougTas county, ar-1
members of the Jury in turn taking
the part of Burch.
In his office in the Laughlin build
ing in Broadway the father sat at a
desk occupied by his son prior to his
death August 6 last, while in a littie
hotel room directly across the street
one by one the jurors sat in a chair
near the window and looked across
at the 'father. At Burch's former
trial and that of Mrs. Madalynne
Obenchain, co-defendant, in both of
which juries disagreed, and at the
present trial the prosecution intro
duced testimony in an effort to show
that Burch rented this room for the
purpose of keeping a watch on Ken
nedy and for nearly two weeks pre
ceding Kennedy's death he sat at the
window for hours every day.
rived at noon from Rosebur to
sist in the prosecution of Wolg. mot,
having been employed for this pu
pose by Jackson county court, with
the sanction of Rawlee Moore, local
district attorney. Neuner's appearance
in court was the first intimation the
defense and general public had that
he had been employed.
The second eurpriee came -when
Judge Calkins, upon motion of Dis
trict Attorney Moore, ordered the
charge dismissed for lack of evidence,
after Sam W. McClendon, the state's
main witness, said to have purchased
a bottle of liquor from Wolgamot,
was evasive and indefinite In fcis tes
timony and finally declared he could
not describe or recognize the bottle
in evidence. . :
Two other indictments on bootleg-!
ging charges against Wolgamot re
main to be tried.
Navy Personnel Fight Delays
Return to Oregon.
Genoa Meet May Proceed
Sans Russians.
Delegates Are Discontented
With Powers' Attitude.
The jury was taken to the hotel
when court convened for the after
noon session. From the hotel they
were taken to the Laughlin building
and from Kennedy's office window
looked across at the windows of the
hotel room. Thomas Haley, propri
etor of the hotel, sat in the chair
next to the window of the room for
merly occupied by Burch.
Orcsoii lieprcsentative to Re Own
Future or Economic Conference
Probably Depends Upon Terms
Submitted to Slavs.
Other Xations Busy Preparing
Document on What They Will Do
for Russia, What Is Expected.
Manager in Conducting Drive
for Kenoiniuation.
ImcjL. ...
C. X. McArthur. representative of
the third Oregon district, arrived
from Washington, D. C, last night in
order to be on the ground during the
last three weeks of the primary cam
paign. He will devote his time ex
clusively to his fight for renomina
tion In the republican primaries and
will be his own manager. He has
not decided on any definite campaign
plans, he said, but after consulting
friends today will determine whether
he will make any public speeches or
make a general canvass among the
"My return to Oregon has been de
layed on account of the navy person
iiel fight," said Mr. McArthur. "I
wished to come home two weeks ago.
but felt that it was my duty to stay
in Washington and lend my influence
toward amending the naval appro
priation bill, to the end that our en
listed personnel be maintained ac
cording to the treaty agreement.
Defense Fight Aided.
The little navy' men who control
the appropriations committee, were
bent on reducing the personnel to
67,000 on the plea of economy. They
were 'penny wise and pound foolish
end their position was not sustained
toy the majority of the house. I was
fclad to be one of the active partici
pants in the fight for an adequate
navy, for I felt that I was really do
ing something in the Interest of na
tional defense. This was far more
important to the country than my
campaign for renomination.
"Now that I am on the ground I
xpect to devote myself exclusively
and aggressively to my campaign. I
have no quarrel with or personal feel
ing against the gentlemen who are
-opposing me and if anyone of them is
nominated May 19, I will do my best
to bring about his election in Novem
ber. I do not Intend to engage in per
sonalities, but to confine myself
! etrictly to the issues of the campaign.
"Ever since I can remember new
candidates for congress from Oregon
tave coma forward with the plea that
the members of congress from this
state are Ineffective and do not get
results for our projects and enter
prises. These charges are being made
during the present campaign and al-
I though X cannot admit that the test
f congressional service is an ability
to secure local appropriations, I shall
at the proper time, give official facta
and figurt-s which will show con
clusively that Oregon gets a fair
chare of federal expenditures for
roads, Irrigation, rivers and harbors,
fisheries nnd other purposes. I had
occasion to investigate this subject
before leaving Washington and was
surprised at the amount of federal
moneys expended in Oregon during
recent years. I
Bonus BUI Crltlclard.
"I, of course, expect to be criticised
because of my vote against the sol
diers' bonus bill, but I am perfectly
"willing to allow the voters of the
district to decide whether or not
Cost of Jobs Is Estimated at 52,
500,000 and Includes Bridge
' Over Willamette.
SALEM, Or., April 27. (Special.)
Contracts for the construction of at
proximately 82 mites of road and one
large bridge at a cost estimated at
$2,500,000 will be awarded at a meet
ing of the state highway commissio
to be held in Portland May 9-10. Th
meeting- was announced by highway
officials here today.
It was said that the officials will
insist that all of the contracts to b
awarded at the May meeting shall b
completed during the present year.
The contracts will affect roads 1
practically every section of the state,
it was announced.
The several projects for which bids
will be considered,' together with tn
counties In which the. work will be
done, and the character of construe
tion, follow:
Grading, Macadam and Paving.
Coos County Rosebure-Coos Bay high
way, Coqmlle-AIyrtle iolnt section, seven
miles grading- and macadam; 10,000 cubic
yards excavation, lo.OGU cubic yaras sur
Dougias County Koseburg-coos say
highway Winaton-Camas mountain section.
10.8 miles macadam, 24,000 cubic yaras
Lake County McKenzie highway, vv al
terville-Deerhorn and Doyle hill section,
2.08 miles, 11,000 cubic yards excavation.
6500 cubic yards surfacing.
Linn County Pacilio nlghway, Halsey-
Harrisburg section, concrete paving. 7.04
voted right on this question. The
United States treasury is in no con
dition to assume . large additional
obligations at this time, and the so
called bonus bill which recently
passed the house is an indefensible
measure nothing less than a 'pawn
brokers' ' bill.
"After consultation with friends
and advisers during the next day or
two, 1 shall have more to say about
the campaign issues and shall also
determine whether I shall conduct
speaking campaign or make a gen
eral canvass among the voters. It
is my wish to make as effective cam
paign as possible during the limited
time at my disposal. I shall be my
own campaign manager and shall
make no secret agreements or pledges
of any character. It is my wish to
continue to represent this district
in a broad way, as the servant of all
the people, irrespective of race, creed,
class or affiliation of any character.
I do not propose to become involved
In factional quarrels of any kind or
to become an aggressive partisan in
campaigns for other offices.". 1
Mr. McArthur is serving his fourth
term in congress and is one 'of the
ranking republican members of the
naval affairs committee.
Charge Against Alleged Bootlegger
Is Dismissed.
MEDFORD. Or.. April 37. (Spe
cial.) The trial in circuit court at
Jacksonville today of Ernest S. (Dud)
Wolgamot, on a bootlegging charge
furnished two surprises today. The
first came when Gtoree Xeuner. dis-
blackheads and
boils fresh yeast
rids you of them
It is well known that pimples and
blackheads (acne) and boils axe
often, caused by errors of diet.
Fleischmann's Yeast is now be
ing recommended for these embar
rassing and painful skin troubles
because fresh yeast corrects the
errors of diet which cause them.
The surgeon of one important
New York hospital states; I have
used yeast extensively and found
it invaluable in curing boils."
When 17 cases of pimples were
treated with Fleischmann's Yeast
at hospitals in New York and
Philadelphia the results were re
markable. A typical case was a
young man who had suffered from
pimples for three years. He ate
three cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast
daily. In five weeks the eruption
had cleared completely.
If you are troubled with pimples
or boils, begin at once to correct
themby earing 2or 3 cakes of Fleisch
mann's fresh yeast daily before or
between meals. Be sare it's Fleisch
mann's Yeast- the familiar tin
foil package with the yellow UbeL
Place a standing order with your
grocer for Fleischmann's Yeast.
Polk County "West Side hirhway. Rick-
reall-Holxaea Gap section, concrete paving
5.6 1 miles.
Sherman County Sherman highway,
Biggs-Wasco section, grading and ma
c&riam, t.45 miles, 86,000 cubic yards exca
vation. Sl'.OOO cubic yards surfacing.
Tillarrook County Coast highway, Moh
ler-Clatsop county line section, grading and
macadam, 4.7 miles, 38,000 cubic yards ex-
oavation, 9000 cubic yards surfacing.
Coos and Douglas Counties Koseburg
Coos Bay highway. Myrtle Point-Camas
valley section, macadam. Unit 1, 11.8
miles. 2.000 cubio yards surfacing; unit 2,
12.2 miles, 27.000 cubic yards surfacing
unit 3, 10.8 miles, 24,000 cubic yards surfacing.
Curry County Coast highway. Hunter's
Head section (5 miles south of Gold Beach),
grading 4.28 miles, 192,000 cubic yards ex
Lane County Pacific highway. Junction
City-Harrisburg section, grading and ma
cadam 3.4G miles. 20,000 cubic yards ex ca
tion. 80U0 cubic yards surfacing.
Polk County West Side highway, Monmouth-Benton
.county line section, con
crete paving 9.8 miles.
Lane County Pacific highway, crossing
of the Willamette river north of Cottage
Grove requiring approximately 115 cubic
yards concrete, 104,000 pounds structural
steel, 1000 lineal feet piling, 22.000.000 feet
lumber, 60 lineal feet wood trestle.
Personal Liberty Basis of Move
Launched Here to Organize
Light Drink Crusade.
Voters In this city soon may be
asked whether or not they wish a re
turn of wine and beer. F. George
Walker, vice-president of the Sanity
League of America, and A. N. Jack
son, the executive secretary, are in
Portland and have established ttem
porary headquarters in the Imperial
hotel. They say the league they rep.
resent does not seek a return of the
saloon, "but a rational return to san
ity in matters of personal liberty."
An extensive campaign for member
ship in the league will begin imme
diately, after which the league will
petition the city council 'to put the
matter up to the people.
The sanity league of America is a
co-operative organization incorpor
ated under the laws of California.
The league is opposed to "blue laws"
of all kinds.
Both Mr. Walker and Mr. Jackson
showed credentials and papers testi
fying to the growth of the league in
this country, and giving much of the
credit for its progress to the work of
such individuals as Representative
Kahn, Representative Nolan, U. S.
Orant Jr., John D. Spreckles, Judge
O. N. Hilton, Father Jerome S. Ricard,
General O. M. Terry, Warren C. Crane,
Crawford H. Ellis and many other
prominent men who compose the ad
visory board of the league.
"Please make this very clear," said
Mr. Walker, that we are not allied
with the liquor interests on one hand
nor with any political party on the
other. We stand in the middle of the
road, calling to all 100 per cent Amer
icans to restore our land to sanity,
reason and normalcy. The league is
thoroughly organized and permanent
and it intends to fight to the finish,
for the majority of rationally think
ing people are with it."
(Copyright by the New York World.
llsne-a uy arrauaemw..,
GENOA, April 27. (Special cable.)
The Russian delegation at the eco
nomic conference Is -prepared to go
home. Whatever It does depends on
the nature of the allied terms to
be submitted tomorrow. This after
noon Lloyd George conferred with
the Japanese and Italians at the
Villa Albert! as to the tenor the
document will take. Two conflicting
stories resulted. One was that the
allies drew a document unacceptable
to the Russians, with the suggestion
that the Soviets postpone negotia
tions for several months and then
rosiitna them. The other was that.
thA document is to be conciliatory
in tone with the offer of credits ex
tended and calculated to encourage
f7-ti Tifff-rttiations.
Reliable? Information tonight, how
ever, indicated that the allies will
iMifHiiA the former course.
At British headquarters it was said
that the conference was ready to pro
ceed without the Russians or Ger
mans. Meanwhile, Poland has requested or
the allies a reconsideration of her
eastern boundaries as fixed by the
signatories of the treaty of Ver
sailles, This is one of the menaces
to the peace of Europe mentioned in
Lloyd George's speech to the Amer
ican and British correspondents.
Japan Against Soviets
Poland has little love for Russia
and she is ready now to take a more
active part in the conference. Sim
ilarly, Japan, previously a silent ob
server, has thrown nerseir. into mo
discussion of the Russian problem.
Despite the attitude of the U'okio
advisory council, Japan has main
tained her same antagonistic attitude
toward the Soviets as France.
George Tchitcherin, the Russian
foreign minister, spent the day dis
cussing the situation witn nis col
leagues. In an interview tonight he
said Russia was unable to abandon
her principles and must have a loan.
The atmosphere about Russian head
auarters was one of anxious waiting.
With too likelihood 01 a loan as
these disDatches have pointed out-
and with Russia interested only in
loan, there is little hope of a so
lution. Certain powers which are
especially anxious for a Russian
settlement hope Russia will be satis
fied with credits instead. This is
technical question, but up to this
time Tchitcherin and his colleagues
have insisted that if there is no
loan there will be no conference, so
far as Russia is concerned.
Little Yet Accomplished.
The representatives of the Soviets
lament the fact that the conference
has not produced anything as yet.
The Russo-German treaty, in theilr
view, is independent of the confer
ence. An official Russian com-
munique emphasizes that Russia has
no desire to break up the conference,
but must stick to her principles.
Russia," says the communique, "is
the one nation that really lives up
to the Cannes resolution."
While the allies' note is not yet
ready, rumors concerning it are
thicker than soldiers In the martial
city. Whatever the nature of the
note, this much was made clear in
interviews on -all sides:
The allies are prepared, though
they do not like the idea of doing
so, to proceed without Russia. The
Russians, though they do not like
the idea, are prepared to return to
Moscow empty-handed.
woman: is widow.
Children Support Mother's Claim
That Missing Man Was Known
as Stepfather.
Hector MoumaL administrator of
the estate of Ernest Descamps and
his lifelong friend, testified on the
stand in the court of Circuit Judge
Tazwell yesterday that he had always
understood that the woman who .is
suing to be established as the legal
widow of Descamps was his house
keeper, that Descamps never referred
to her as his wife, or told his friend
that he was married.
Mr. Moumal was the first witness
to be called on behalf of the estate,
which is contesting the claim ot
Jeanne Grivols.
Jean Huiard and Maurice Huiard,
eons of the woman by her first mar
riage, testified along- lines similar to
the assertions of their mother, aver
ring that they always called Deis
camps "papa," it beinf his own de
sire, and that they always looked
upon him as their stepfather.
Tom Coleman, police inspector, tes
tified he had known Descamps for
30 years and thafin 1913 Descamps
had introduced the woman to htm as
his wife and the boys as his sons. He
asserted that Mile. Grivois had a good
reputation ana was not & woman of
the underworld. j
Wilfred E. FarrelL attorney for
Descamps in the breach of promise
suit brought against the man by a
woman named Joubert in 1916, testi
fied that he always thought the boys
were Descamps' sons. He said that
Descamps had told him about a false
marriage ceremony, but that the
woman did not know it was bogus.
Marion County Crops to Be Large
and Prices Satisfactory.
SALEM, Or., April 27. (Special.)
Keports received riere from the rural
districts indicate that the loganberry
and strawberry crops in Marion
county not only will be larger this
season than last year, but that the
prices will be more satisfactory than
at any time since the close of the
Last year there were 12,000,000
pounds of loganberries on the vines
near Salem, of which 9,000.000 pounds
were harvested. The remainder of the
crop was left to rot because of the
low prices offered by the buyers.
This year, it is estimated, there1 will
be 15,000,000 pounds of loganberries.
The strawberry crop probably will
aggregate 1,000,000 pounds.
Police Shoot Animal After Blaze
at J. H. McCuIIy Some'.
A family cow tied in a barn at the
rear of the home of J. H. McCuIIy,
;b n-ast Twenty-ninth street, was
burned so badly when the barn was
estroyed by fire early yesterday that
he had to be killed by the police. The
ire was believed to have been started
by a tramp who was seen in that
eighborhood Wednesday night. The
arn was a total loss.
A coffee roaster in the plant of the
Dwight Edwards company. Front and
Ccuch streets, caught fire yesterday
morning but the flames were extin
guished by Frank, Howell, manager,
efore fire apparatus arrived. - The
damage was slight.
Fire of undetermined origin started
a clothes closet of the home or
A. Smith, 399 East Forty-sixth
treet North, Wednesday night and
caused damage of approximately ?S00
before it was extinguished. Members
of the family were not at home at
the time. The flames were first seen
by neighbors who turned in the fire
alarm. The flames spread from the
clothes closet to several adjoining
Jlrs. J. N". Allison to Speak.
Mrs. J. N. Allison of New Tork will
address the women's auxiliary of St.
Stephen's Pro-Cathedral today at 3
o'clock in the parish house. The reg
ular meeting will be held at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. E. T. C. Stevens and Mrs. B.
Eallentine will preside at the tea
Various Community Activities to
Be Discussed.
Reports on various community, ac
tivities of the city will be made at a
community mass meeting to be held in
the Arleta school tonight at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. W. L. Wilson will give a re
port from the child labor commission,
Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar on the wo
man's protective bureau, Mrs. Ada
Jolly on the court of domestic rela
tions. Mrs. Edna Hall will tell "What
Our Churches Have Done," I. A. Me
lendy will speak on the subject, "Have
Our Schools Succeeded"? Charles M.
Rose will discuss "Improvements
Pending," S. F. Ball, "What Can Be
Done," and Frank L. Shull, school di
rector, will speak on "Our School
Music will be furnished by the Ar
leta school orchestra, the Franklin
high school girls' gle club and the
Franklin high school boys' glee club.
University Employes Pinned Down
When Machine Goes Into Ditch.
COTTAGE GROVE. Or., April 27.-
(Special.) August Muller and W. R.
King, employes of the University of
Oregon, were injured severely shortly
before midnight last night when an
automobile in which they were rid
ingwent into a ditch, overturned and
pinned them beneath. Mrs. Rice of
Eugene sustained a fractured ankle.
Two other women, Mrs. King and Mrs
Lettleton, were uninjured.
Mr. King, who was pinned down by
the framework of the ear, was re
leased by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cooper,
in front of whose home the accident
occurred. The machine overturned
when forced part way off the road in
passing another vehicle. When
third person arrived and lighted
match, the wreckage burst into
Medical assistance was summoned
from Cottage Grove.
Willamette University President
Talks on Education.
That education should not only
teach the boy or girl how to make a
living, but also how to live, was the
declaration of Dr. Carl G. Doney,
president of Willamette university,
in an address at the luncheon of the
Progressive Business Men's club at
the Benson hotel yesterday. Dr.
Doney said that in this respect the
educational system of the country
was largely at fault because many of
the leading institutions had the ideal
of teaching how to make a living.
Dr. Doney said that Willamette uni
versity has always been conducted
with the idea of teaching first of all
the right manner of living.
Music was furnished by . the uni
versity glee club.
Disagreement of Jury Means Sec-
ond Trial for Accused Man.
A jury that disagreed as to the guilt
of Thomas Ryan, charged with vio
lation of the Harrison narcotic act.
yesterday, will mean he must again
stand trial. He was charged with
having negotiated the sale of 10
ounces of cocaine and morphine to
Ah John, Chinese informant for the
Ryan s defense was that he had
gone to the rendezvous. Ah Johns
room in the Imperial hotel, to make a
purchase from Ah John for his own
use. Ray Cook, jointly indicted with
Ryan, fled the state, forfeiting his
bail of $1000, but federal officers were
advised yesterday of his arrest in
Vancouver, B. C, and he will be re
turned here to stand trial.
GENOA, April 27. (By the Associ
ated Press.) While the powers today
were preparing the details of a docu
ment informing the soviet delegates
what the powers expected of them
and what the powers, on their part,
were ready to do for Russia, the Rus
sian delegates issued an open state
ment which pertinently expressed
their discontent because they were
not being kept informed of what the
oowers intended to do.
Their statement insisted that Rus
sia would protect her sovereign
rights and contended that she alone
was following the fundamental ideas
of the Cannes resolutions touching
the Questions of reciprocity and eco
nomic reconstruction. The text of the
statement follows:
"ATter the meeting of the experts
at which the Russian viewpoint on
the first seven articles of the Lon
don experts' report was presented in
detail, no news has come to us con
cerning the attitude which the powers
will pursue.
Desire for Rupture Denied.
"Russia has not the least desire for
a rupture, but she is determined to
safeguard- the principle of her sov
ereign rights and the principle of
reciprocity, which is the only possible
basis of a community of peoples and
economic reconstructions.
"Such, indeed, constitutes the fun
damental idea of the Cannes resolu
tions, and we believe that it is Russia
alone which remains entirely faith
ful to the Cannes' resolutions in all
their essentials."
The document of the powers which
is to be handed to the Russian dele
gates was considered today by Pre
mier Lloyd George, Signor Schanzer,
M. Barthou, M. Jaspar and Baron
Hayashi at Mr. Lloyd George's villa.
It will be submitted to the sub-commission
on Russian affairs tomorrow.
Text Is Cause of Interest.
Immense interest is concentrated
in the probable text of Lloyd George's
non-aggressive pact, several drafts
of which have been drawn. It
learned that one of the drafts con
tains the proposition that the mem
bers of the little entente shall n
tually agree to organize a kind of
flying army corps, which will act as
international policemen to protect the
frontiers and punish violations of the
non-aggression agreement. It is un
derstood that the idea emanated from
Roumania, but several delegates gave
it as their opinion that there seemed
little chance of its being incorporated.
As the conference assumes broader
aspects certain indications come to
the surface that two distinct political
waves, which, being contradictory,
are difficult to reconcile, are surely
spreading throughout Europe.
Some Statesmen Speak Openly,
One is internationalism, which the
thinkers of almost all countries are
preaching; the other is nationalism.
While few statesmen dare to speak
openly of the possibility of attaining
some form of federation of the Eu
ropean states, it is learned that many
of them secretly possess ambitions to
bring about harmony between nation
alism and internationalism, and the
basis of this new European construc
tion could be the principles of equity,
justice and the fellowship of man.
Terms if Desired
You may pay more for an enclos
ed car, but you can't get more in
real automobile essentials than
are offered in the completely
equipped Ford Sedan. These are
sensible not extravagant
times. Buy a Ford and Bank
the Difference.
Any of the following dealers will give full information:
Mayor Not in Oil Venture.
ALBANY, Or, April 27. (Special.)
P. A. Young, mayor of Albany, has
received a letter from a man in Eu
gene advising that the writer had in
vested In an oil venture in Texas on
the assiurance of the salesman, that
the mayor of Albany had invested
heavily in the enterprise. The Eu
gene man said he never had been
able to hear from the company since
ar..d wanted Mayor Young, whom he
believed to be a heavy stockholder,
to lot him know hQw things were
progressing. The mayor never before
had heard of the enterprise.
Highway Grading Declared Good.
REDMOND, Or., April 27. (Spe
cial.) Work under way on the con
tract on the Sisters-Bend highway,
near Sisters, Is declared by road au
thorities to be the best dirt grade
ever constructed in Deschutes county.
Arthur Tuck, ex-University of Ore
gon track star and holder of the
Uiited States Javelin record, and his
brother also have the contract for
some work which is to be done on the
Mci.enzie highway.
82d and Foster Road. Auto. 638-46.
E. 3d and Broadway. East 303.
Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. East 3770.
Broadway and Davis. Broadway 324.
Union Ave. and Alberta. Woodlawn 4602.
6th and Madison. Main 1100.
E. Ankeny and Grand. East 8118.
12th and Stark Sts. Broadway 1572.
Hillsboro Forest Grove Beaverton.
Milwaukie, Oregon.
Salem, Oregon.
Gresham, Oregon.
Vancouver, Wash.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Multnomah circuit court for several
weeks. No petit jury will be called,
but an arson case, which was held
over from the last term in the fall,
will be investigated by the grand
Tillamook Registration 4870.
TILLAMOOK. Or., April 27. (Spe
cial.) The registration In Tillamook
county totals 4870, the male popula
tion having a registration of 3128 and
the female 1742. The registration
along party lines tm as follows: Re
publicans, 3544; democrats, 954; pro
hibitionists, 68; socialists. 106; mis
cellaneous, 208.
Mort Students Seek Office.
gene, April 27. (Special.) Two more
aspirants announced their candidacy
today for student offices. No student
la as yet willing to come out for stu- Oreenna staff.
dent body president, and Lelth Abbott
of Ashland, whose name hat consist
ently been mentioned for that office,
announced today that he had not de
cided whether he would run or not.
Inez King of Corvallls is a new can
didate, running for senior woman on
the executive council. Miss Kin la
editor of the Oregana this year.
Velma Farnum of Sheridan Is the new
candidate for- editor of the Oremna.
Miss Farnum is now a member of the
West Linn Restricts Cattle.
OREGON CITY. Or.. April 27. (Soe-
ciai.) For the first time In the his
tory of West Linn cattle will not run
at large after Sunday, May 7, for at
the special session held at that place
on Monday, April 24, the vote stood
in favor of impounding cattle when
running at large after that date.
Judge Coke Will Hold Court.
MARSHFIELD, Or., April 27. (Spe
cial.) Judge Coke of this district
will open a delayed term of court at
Gold Beach, Curry county, next Mon
day- He has been presiding in
Jurors Play Part of Alleged Slayer
in Burch Trial.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 27.
The "death watch" claimed by the
prosecution to have been kept by
Arthur C. Burch on J. Belton Ken
nedy, for whose murder Burch is
now on trial, was re-enacted today
with the father, J. D. Kennedy, tak
ing the part of his slain son and
Those rich browns and greens
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The SKINNER $4,00
A hat that is deservedly popular
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Right op to the minute in ttyle
Oh, Laddie! Oh, Lassie!
supplement to
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Invisible Colors
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Dollie and paper toy cut-outs, and other
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sents the new INVISIBLE COLOR
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. You will miss a splendid feature if you fail
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The Sunday Oregonian