Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 28, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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Mocks Bottom Property Own
' ers at Meeting.
Port CommlssloA Takes Tp Con'
sideration of Channel Project
as Affecting Land.
A plan to extend the harbor line
In front of Mocks- bottom approxi
mately to conform to a lino drawn
from the plant of the Portland Flour
ing Mills company to the shore at
uoiumDia university, nuing cenuiu mc
line with material dredged from Swan
island proper, which would require
the removal of a major portion or the
island, was considered at the joint
meeting yesterday of property own
ers of Mocks bottom and the Port
of Portland commission.
The session was attended by the
property owners with a view to dis
cussing a fill on Mock's Bottom with
out respect to a change in the harbor
line. During the discussion, it was
brought out that there was likelihood
of the east channel being closed at the
upper end, leaving- the present chan
nel as a basin to be entered by ves
sels from the lower end of the island.
That prompted an agreem?nt that the
possibility of removing the west side
of the island and filling the east
channel as well as the bottomland be
gone into from a practical standpoint.
Committee Is Named.
Pilchard Wilder, representing the
Russell estate, and Percy H. Blyth;
O. I Price, executor of the Pittock
estate; I J. Werschkul of the Port
land Flouring Mills company, and I
1a. Levings of the Portland Gas & Coke
company, were named a committee to
represent the property owners in going
into the details with the port com
mission. The port is dealing with property
owners on the west side of the island,
embracing the Guild's lake zone, for a
fill with material to be taken from
the west channel, which is How being
dug and the dredgings deposited on
the new railroad terminal site. It
wa-s the aim to ascertain if those in
Mocks bottom would enter into an
arrangement for a fill as well. That
point may be gone into more thor
oughly in the event the plan involv
ing the removal of much of the island
is not favored.
Tne east portion of the island In
side the tentative line would serve as
a substantial bulkhead, it was pointed
out, while at the lower end a dike
could be built to connect with the
shore. In gaining the new land the
property owners would also have th
advantage of a straight harbor line
with abundant deep channel area in
iront. Ihe present east channel, be
ins in a bend, is bothersome in han
dling deep water vessels when two
pass there and is held of insufficient
width for the utilization of the Mocks
bottom property to the best advantage
for docks. To fill Slocks bottom alone,
where there are close to 400 acres.
It is estimated that 18.000,000 cubic
yards of material would be needed so
as to gain a level of 35 feet above
There was much discussion of the
probable expense of digging away
part of the island and that will figure
in the final determination of the
proposal. The ability of the port com
mission to establish improvement dis
tricts and to take care of financing
so property owners would have 20
years in which to meet the cost also
was gone into.
Other- Matters Token t'p.
Other matters taken up included
placing of insurance on the drydock
originally built by the port. A $100,
t)00 policy for marine and liability
covering was decided on.
Conliacts with the Coast Culvert
and Fi'ime company and King Broth
ers Boiler Works for the construction
of 4000 feet of discharge pipe line for
dredges and with the Smith & Watson
Iron Works for that part of the pipe
within the hold of the dredge, were
The commission agreed to join with
the government engineers in a uni
form wage scale for dredger crews,
effective June 1. It is said to be the
coast scale with only minor changes.
It was determined as well to place
drydock mechanics of all classes, ma
chinist, ship carpenters and caulkers
on the same scale, 72 cents an hour..
Chans: in Draw Signal for Two
Draws Is Proposed.
At trie instance of the Spokane,
Portland & Seattle railroad a hear
ing of navigation interests has been
called for May 8 by the Corps of
Knjrineers. I. S. A., for consideration
of a rescinding? draw signal for the
bridge maintained by the railroad at
St. Johns. The same signal is used
for the Broadway bridge.
At other bridges the signals for
opening: are such that when a vessel
whistles for the draw and for some
reason It is decided not to pass
through, the sipnal is reversed. At
the Spokane, Portland & Seattle and
Broadway bridpes the signal is a
loiiR-, short and long- whistle, and it
is to decide on how a reverse signal
shall be sounded that the public hear
ing was arranged. Written testimony
was requested as a means of insur
ing a correct record, while oral sug
gestions are to be listened to as
well. The gathering will be at the
office of the second Portland dis
trict, custom house building.
I"ood on Steamer Osage Held In
sufficient and Poorly Cooked.
ABERDEEN. Wash., April 27.
(Special.) Following complaint filed
by four sailors of the steamer Osage
that the food served on the ship was
insufficient and not properly cooked
and that the living and working con
ditions on the ship were unsatisfac
tory, United States Commissioner Mc-
Kay today issued a certificate to the i
clerk of the district court at Tacom
setting forth that there is cause "To
isue process Li admiralty against
the Osage for the payment of the
tailors' wages and their discharge, as
they desired.'
The crew of the Osage shipped at
New Orleans for a round-trip voyage !
to San Pedro "and other points." to
take not more than a year. Commis-
ioner McKay held that the shipping
articles are not binding.
Movements or Vessels.
rOKTLAND, April 27 Arrived t It :4o
P. M., ateamer Multnomah, from San Fran
cisco. Arrived at 11 :&5 P. M.. steamer
Frank G. Drum, from 'San Francisco.
ASTORIA. April 27. Arrived t S
A. M.. stfamer Nehalem. from San Fran--wo.
Arrived at 5:20 A. M., steamer
Fantiam, from San Pedro. Arrived at 5
uid iet up at i A, M-4 steamer Jeptha,
a. Sailed at 9:30 A. M., K
steamer Hektor, for orient.
2:25 and left UD at 1:4C i.
tnoman. from Kan f rancisco.
:S5 and left no at 2:30 P. M
steamer Frank G. Drum, from San Fran
CRISTOBAI Anril 26. Arrived: Juli
Luckenbach, from San Francisco; Robin
Adair, from San Francisco.
KOBE, April 21. Arrived: Seiyo Mara,
from San Francisco. April 23 Korea
Kara, from Saa Francisco.
MANILA, April 25. Arrived: Fashima
Maru. from Seattle: Tenyo Maru, from San
Francisco. April 26 Keystone State, I -om
ST. MICHAELS, April 25. Noorderdljk,
from San Francisco.
STDXET, Jf. S. W., April 25. Toshida
Maru No. 3, from Portland, Or,
LONDON, April 26. Arrived: Floridlan,
from ban Francisco.
SAX FRANCISCO. April 2T. Arrived
Johanna Smith, from Coos Bay; Lewis
Luckenhach, from Philadelphia; Henry S.
Grove, from Baltimore; Ed, Kinsrsley
tiiriush), from Blubber Bay; Manukai,
rrom nuo; Vest Catanace. from Philadel
phia; Tiverton, from Tacoma.
Sailed: Rose City, for Portland: Colusa.
for Tacoma; Kodiak, for Bristol Bay; Pa-
raiso. for Portland.
SAN DTEGO. Cal.. Anril 2fi Awfwrt
Steamer President, from Seattle and wa
ports; auxiliary scnooner Silver Gate, from
La Paz; power schooner Marian, from San
wuentin; Mexican patrol steamer Tecate,
irom uinsenaaa.
Sailed: Steamer Dak o tan. for London:
President, for Seattle and way ports; mo-
to rem p wyme, ior Jin sen a da.
SAN DIEGO. April "27. Arrived: Steam
er Davenport, from Portland; xnotorship
jeannette ... rrom aan .Pedro ; steamer
Pacific, from Tacoma: destroyers "Walker
ana jtosdv, irom Aiare island.
bailed: MotorshJp Jean net te- R,. for San
Pedro; Pacific, for San Pedro; Davenport,
zor .t-oruana.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Anril 27. Arrived
Willie A. Higglns. from San Francisco;
Admiral Schley, from San Diego; West
ham, from British Columbia ports; Ed
more, from Manila; Saginaw, from San
Sailed: Redondo, for southeast Alaska
Rainier, for San Francisco; Santa Rita,
for San Pedro : A pex, for Alaska : Cape
itomam, ior iew xorn.
CORDOVA. April 26. Sailed: Victoria,
PETERSBURG, April 27. Sailed: Queen,
VICTORIA, B. C-, April 27. Arrived:
Canadian Rover, from San Pedro.
NEW YORK. April 27. Arrived. lowan.
from San Francisco.
JACKSONVILLEl April 27. Arrived:
Charles II. Cramp, from Los Angeles.
TIENTSIN. April 25. Arrived: Standard
Arrow, from San Francisco,
SHANGHAI. April 26. Arrived: West
O'Rowa, from San Francisco.
KOBE, April 22. Departed: Shlsuka
Maru, for Seattle.
BALTIMORE, April 27. Departed:
Hocik Hall, for Los Angeles and San Fran
cisco. PHILADELPHIA. April 27. Departed:
Cold Harbor, for San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 27. Arrived at
2 A. M., steamer Lewis Luckenbacb. from
New York and way ports, for Portland.
Arrived at 7 A. M., steamer Henry 9.
Grove. from Baltimore. for Portland.
Sailed at 2 P. M., steamer Paraiso, for
Portland. Arrived, steamer West Catanace,
from New York, for Portland.
NEW YORK, April 26. Arrived, steam
er F. J. Luckenbach. from Portland and
way ports.
GALVESTON. April 26. Sailed, steamer
Jacob Luckenbach, from Portland, for
BALBOA, April 26. Arrived, steamer
Julia Luckenbach, from Portland, for Phil
adelphia. CRISTOBAL. April 26. Arrived, steamer
Katrina Luckenbach, from Philadelphia,
for Puget sound and Portland.
SAN DIEGO. April 26. Sailed, steamer
Dakotan, from Portland, for Liverpool.
SAN PEDRO. April 27. Arrived, steam
er Wapama, from Portland via Tacoma,
AZORES, April 26. Passed. Swedish
motorshi p Balboa, from Portland, for
CALL AO, April 25. Sailed, steamer
Santa Cruz, from Portland.
BALBOA, April 25. Sailed. steamer
Alaskan, from New York and way ports,
for Portland. Sailed, steamer Pleiades,
from New Orleans, for Portland.
SAN PEDRO. April 26. Sailed, steamer
Lewis Luckenbach, from New York and
way ports, for Portland. Sailed, steamer
J. A. Moffett, for Portland. Arrived,
steamer Orinoco, from New York and way
ports, for Portland. Arrived, steamer Steel
Age. from New York and way ports, for
Portland. Arrived, steamer Tiger, from
New York and way ports, for San Fran-cis-co
and Portland. .Arrived, steamer
Kenturkian, from New York and way ports,
for Puget sound and Portland. Arrived,
Dutch steamer Dinteldijk, from Rotterdam,
for Portland.
TACOMA. Wash., April 27. Arrived,
Tslthybius, from Everett; K. I. Lucken
bach. from New York : Manulanl. from
San Francisco; Fulton, from Powell River,
R. C. ; Princess Maqulnna. from Victoria,
B. C.
Stalled. Pulton, for Powell River. B. C. :
Quinault. for San Pedro; Manulanl, for
Honolulu, via way ports: Princess Ma
Quinna, for Victoria. B. C.
Tides at Astoria "rielay.
Hi eh. Tow.
A. M S.9 fet:S:10 A. M 0.2 fVet
2:12 P. M 7.3 fet!:00 P. M 2.6 feet
Port Calendar.
To Arrive at Portland.
Vessel From Date.
Admiral Farrafftit. . . San Fran April 28
Stel Seafarer. .
New York Anri5 L'fl
Memphis City...
Thos. P. Beal...
Rose City
West Cantanace
Sinaloa ...,...
fc. America. .April 2!
Orient April
New York April 9
San Fran April 29
S. Pedro-way .April SO
Portland; Me.. April 30
S. America. . .May 1
S. America ... M ay 2
Europe May 2
Europe Mar 5
Henry S. Grove New York.... May 6
Senator San Dtegro. ... May 6
Admiral Rodman . . . .S. F. and way. .May 8
Tiffer New York May 16
Cardiganshire Europe May 'JO
Remus S. America. . .May 22
To Depart From Portland.
Vessel For Date.
Depere W est coast. . .April 2!
Hattie Luckenbach. .Oulf ..April 28
Boobyalla- an Pedro. . .April 23
Chattanooga City. ...New York.. .April 28
Steel Hanger New York April 28
Valparaiso Europe April 29
ReKuius w. coast April 29
Hankow Maru Japan April 29
Lewis Luckenbach... New York. . .April 29
Admiral Farragut . ..San Pedro ... April 29
West Catanace Portland, Me. April 31
MuKnoman . San Fran May 2
Babinda .....tan Pedro. ..May 5
Senator ......San IMesro May 6
Jepiha o. America. . .May 8
Henry S. Grove New York May 8
Admiral Rodman... .S. F. and way.. May y
Vessels in Port.
Vsl Berth.
Akutan North Bank.
Anson s. tirooKs puppie s.
Boobyalla. Terminal No. 2.
Chattanooga City. . .Terminal No. 1.
Dauntless N. P. 1. Co.
Eperia ........Mill street.
Daisy Mathews Couch.
Depere Inman-Poulsen.
Ecola Vancouver.
Georpina Rolph Eastern & Western.
George Washington. .Terminal No.
Hattie Luckenbach. .Terminal No.
Jonn w. eiia. ..... LryaocK.
K V. Astoria,
Levi Yv Ostrander. ..Astoria.
Las Vegas St. Johns.
Minnesotan Globe.
Montague St: John
Patsy Astoria.
Port Said Maru St. Helens.
Steel Ranger Clark & Wilson.
Wahkeena .....St. Helena.
West Keats Wauna.
West Islip Astoria.
Valparaiso ......... Irvinp,
Yoshida Maru No. l.Albers.
Multnomah Couch street.
Trans-Pacific Mail.
Closing time for the trans-Pacific malls
at the Portland main postoffice is as fol
lows (one hour earlier at station G, 282
Oak street)
For Hawaii. 11:30 P. M., April 23, per
steamer Manulanl from Seattle.
For China and Hawaii, 7:45 P. M., May
2. per steamer Creole State, from San
For Chin. Japan and Philippines, 11:30
P. M.. Ma 13, per steamer Wenatchee,
from Seattle.
Eastern Sailor Undergoing Repairs
and Will Resume Journey; Ram
ming Crashes lu Bow.
OREGON CITY, Or., April 27. (Spe
cial.) How the Eastern Sailor rammed
and sunk the Sakaki Maru, and the
story of the explosion which killed
four and injured nearly a score
others, is told by Orean Moore of Ore
eon City, second engineer on the Co
lumbia-Pacific steamer, in a letter
from Shanghai to his brother, Byron,
of this city.
"We were coming: up the river to
ward Shanghai on the morning of
March 22," he wrote. "The weatner
was quite foggy and we had several
narrow escapes from hitting some big
Chinese junks so the pilot anchored
till the fog lifted and then we pro
ceeded on up the river. It seemed the
stream was full of junks that morning
and we were having an awful time.
'We swung away around one ana
were way over on our side or tne
channel when Sakaki Maru hove in
sight. We signaled to pass on the
port side. A junk being in her way,
she signaled to pass on the starboard.
We saw we could not do it and we
answered back to go to port. She
wnistled again to go to starboard so
we whistled three times, meaning we
were going astern ship out of con
The Sakaki Maru was going at a
good clip and kept right on coming
and when she crossed our bow we
smashed her a good one amidships.
It caved in her side and crashed in our
bow so we are three feet shorter than
we were. She sank in only five min
utes, her engine room, fire room and
forward hold filled with water. The
river where we hit is shallow, so she
did not have far to sink and no Uvea
were lost.
'We are now in drydock getting
fixed up at a cost of $25,000. We are
getting 20 new plates and a new bow-
stem and will be ready to sail the
15th for Taku Bar, Dairen and home.
We also had a bad explosion five
days ago when a bunch of gas formed
in the forepeak tank and was set on
fire by a burner who was burning
some rivets. There were 16 men work
ing in there at the time. The first
man got halfway out of the hole and
they were all grabbing hold of him so
neither he nor anyone else could get
out. The heat and smoke soon put
them all to sleep and we went below,
putting wet cloths over our mouths
and noses. We tied a rope around the
first man and pulled him up. The
black smoke was eo thick that we
could not see. The fire department
arrived at that time and the men put
on gas masks and went way down.
They tied "ropes onto them and we
pulled them out one at a time.
I never saw any men so burned in
all my life. Only one was dead when
we got them alt out, but three died
Mr. Moore was making his fourth
trip on the Eastern Sailor, which
touched at Vladivostok, Shanghai,
Hongkong and Dairen. The steamer
cleared from Portland, February 14
Commission's River Fleet to Tie
Up Below Bridges.
Vessels of the Port of Portland com
mission's river fleet are to have moor-
ngs on the west side, just below the
Harrirnan bridge, a lease having been
entered into with the O.-W. R. & N.
company for 318 feet of water front
age at a nominal monthly rental. It
s proposed to have the towboat Port
land and other steamers moor there
when in the harbor for supplies or
awaiting orders from the city office.
At present the port fleet calls at
terminal No. 1 for supplies and orders,
such as with respect to shifting ves
sels, moving dredges and the like. A
storeroom is maintained on the lower
dock and fixed hours morning and
afternoon maintained for receiving
stores and equipment purchases. In
arranging the new moorings, it is in
tended to drive dolphins for holding
vessels inside ot which will be a float
connected with the shore by a gang
A small building is to be provided
on Front street, in the rear of the
property, for the receipt of deliveries,
whence they can be trucked to the
steamers. The moorage being below
bridges, it is expected that the steam
er Portland will be able to expedite
her movements in many instances.
Bridge delays at all seasons will be
saved to the dredge tenders and others
of the fleet.
Company Has Most Steamers in
3ierchants' Exchange Keport.
To the Luckenbach Steamship com
pany went the high score yesterday
for having the most steamers in the
daily report of the Merchants' Ex
change. The Hattie Luckenbach was
shown reaching here from the gulf;
the Lewis Luckenbach was reported
arriving at San Francisco, en route
to Portland; the F. J. Luckenbach
steaming into New York from Port
land ; the Jacob Luckenbach leaving
Galveston for Mobile on her way from
this city; the Julia Luckenbach re
porting at Balboa on her way from
this harbor for Philadelphia and the
Katrine Luckenbach reported at Cris
tobal en route here from Philadelphia.
Other inter-coastal ships mentioned
as close at hand included the Henry
A. Grove reaching San Francisco from
Baltimore, bound for Portland, and
the West Catanace at San Francisco
from New York, heading here. The
Henry S. Grove is in the Atlantic,
Gulf & Pacific fleet and the West
Catanace in the Nawsco line.
Cannery Tender on Trial.
With Warco painted on her bow, a
new and business-like launch made
her appearance in the harbor yester
day and was the cause of some won
derment, until it was brought out
that she is the latest addition to
the fishing fleet of the Warren Pack
ing company, designed for river serv
ice, and will ply on the middle Co
lumbia in conjunction with the com
pany's cannery at Warrenton. The
launch was built near the cannery
and yesterday was the occasion of
her trial trip. Frank M. Warren,
head of the corporation, was aboard.
Stcamboatman Is Injured.
Hailed by the steamer Twin Cities
with three whistles as she passed
the Stark -street landing yesterday,
and informed that there was an in
jured man aboard, the harbor patrol
launch speeded alongside the river
vessel and took aboard Fred Smith,
one of ' the crew, whose left hand
had been injured badly through be
ing caught in the donkey gear. He
was landed and sent to a hospital.
Marine Notes.
Certain street vacations soughtvby the
Northern Pacific Terminal company, 1n
connection with Its present terminals,
which have been passed on by municipal
departments, were approved yesterday by
the Port of Portland commission, as is
required under added jurisdiction granted
at the last regular session of the legis
lature. H. C Centelow, general Pacific coast
manager for the Luckenbach Steamship
company left the city yesterday for his
San Francisco headquarter after having
spent two days here. The trip included
all ports north, of San Francisco at whicn
vessels of the line touch.
Operation of the new drydock plant of
the Columbia River Drydock Engineer and
Construction company, at the foot of Gibbs
street, the site being that formerly occu
pied by the Coast Shipbuilding company,
is drawing considerable business, according
to Frank J. Smith, well-known steamboat
man, who is on the company's staff. The
dock was built on Puget sound by J. H.
Price, head of the company, and towed
here, being placed in service only -a. short
time ago.
The motorship Boobyalla, which has been
loading at terminal No. 2, is doe to shift
to terminal No. 4 early this morning to
complete her cargo for San Francisco and
San Pedro delivery.
The steamer Hektor followed- orders
promptly yesterday, steaming from "Wauna
for sea at 5 o'clock in the morning, headed
for Chinese ports with a full lumber cargo.
The steamer Minnesotan, of the United
American line's European fleet, finished
laoding at terminal No. 1 yesterday and
shifted to the Globe mill.
The steamer Edna, which loaded lum
ber at St. Helens, took aboard the last
so as to get away in the afternoon for
West port.
The steamer Jeptha, of the General
Steamship corporation' s South American
line, reached St. Helens yesterday after
noon from Tacoma to load lumber.
The steamer Ann Hanify. loading lum
ber for California ports, shifted from ter
minal No. 4 to the Peninsula mill yes
terday. Owln g to three members being absent
from the city, the commission of public
docks postponed its regular meeting from
yesterday until H o clock this morning.
Harbor moves scheduled for today in
clude the steamer Georgina Rolph, from
the Eastern & western mill to the plant
of the Portland Flouring Mills company,
and tb.3 steamer Daisy Mathews, from
Couch street dock to St. Helens.
The tank steamer Frank H. Drum was
an arrival yesterday from San Francisco
with an oil cargo for Willbridge.
The steamer Thomas P. Beale, fom Bal- ,
tlmore. departed from San Pedro for Port- '
land yesterday. She comes to the North
west Shipping company and berths at ter
minal No. 1.
F. N. Bush of the Pacific Steamship
company, who shifts next Monday from
the Admiral line service to Sudden
Christensen, as manager of the newly
established Portland office, returned yes
terday from Seattle. He reports the water
iront strike situation here is holding the
attention of Seattle operators, who are
maints iring an independent hall for the
empiojment of men.
The steamer Multnomah ' of the McCor-
mick fleet, which has been idle at San
Francisco for several weeks, arrived last
night. She has undergone an overhauling
wnue tied up and a trial run was made on
san i rancisco bay the day before her de
parture to test out new work. She brought
passengers flfhd considerable cargo. Her
departure from Portland Is fixed for
May 2.
Sam Lotan. secretary of the Columbia
river pilots, who is skipper of the office
force, talked with Astoria clcerones yes
terday over a long distance telephone
service connected with the system of the
Postal Telegraph company. The installa
tion of instruments was completed at both
ends or the line in the afternoon and at
least five men are said to have tried out
the device from the Astoria end of thi
line. Conversations have been frequent in
the past over long-distance lines in ar
ranging for the prompt movement of
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
ASTORIA, Or., April 27. To load a part
cargo of lumber at Warrenton, the steam
schooner Nehalem arrived at 3 A. M. from
San Francisco. She will finish loading at
W est port,
The steam schooner Santiam arrived at
5:30 A. M. from San Pedro and is to load
1,100,000 feet of lumber at the Hammond
After taking on general cargo at the
port terminals for Australia, the Swedish
steamer Sydic shifts tonight to the Ham1
mond mill to load 500,000 feet of lumber.
Later she will again shift to the port
terminals to take on lumber.
Tho steamer Jeptha arrived at 5 A. M.
from Puget sound and went to St. Helens
to take on lumber for South America. She
will proceed from there to Portland and
ater will shift to West port to load
1,200,000 feet of lumber.
After taking on lumber at the Hammond
mill the Japanese steamer Yoshida Maru
will shift tonight to Portland, where she
will take on freight for th orlen
The steamer West xsiip arrived last
night from Puget sound and after load
ing lumber and general freight at the port
terminals for Australia goes to Portland
The Norwegian steamer Hektor with
lumber from various points along the river
sailed at 9:30 A. M. for China.
The tank steamer Frank G. Drum ar
rived at 11:45 today from California-
bringing a cargo of fuel oil, and went to
The steam schooner Multnomah arrived
at 12:25 P. M., from San Francisco, bring
ing general freight, and went to Port
land. The steamer Admiral Farragut is due
tonight from San Francisco en route to
GRAYS HARBOR. Wash., April 27.
(Special.) The steamer Raymond arrived
from San Francisco at 10:30 this morning
to discharge cargo at the Foster dock at
Hoauiam and the Benham dock at Aber
deen. She will load at the American mill
at Aberdeen. The steamer Helene arrived
from San Francisco at 10 A. M. and will
load at the Grays Harbor mill at Hoquiam
and the American mill at Aberdeen.
The steamer Catherine H. Sudden, which
was expected Tuesday night, and whose
whereabouts caused speculation here, ar
rived last night and was berthed today at
the Donovan mill at Aberdeen. The ship
was delayed on account of stiff weather
and adverse winds.
The steamer Edna Christenson, with
cargo from the Aberdeen Lumber & Shin
gle company-: steamer Willamette, from
the Donovan mill, and the tanker Atlas
dropped down to the lower narbor this
afternoon, expecting to cross the bar some
time tonight.
The steamer Osage shifted from the Na
tional mill to the Northwestern, both at
The steamer Helens shifted to the Amer
ican mill, Aberdeen, from the Grays Har
bor mill, Hoquiam.
VANCOUVER, B. C, April 27. The
Union Oil company's tanker Lyman Stew
art is due tonight and will pass up to
Portland tomorrow to discharge crude oil.
The Holland-American steamer Kinder-
dijk. Captain Heys, arrived early this
morning with a large quantity of tin
plate, glass. machinery, steel, garden
eeds and a small shipment of whisky:
Captain Heys and his officers reported a
heavy nor-norwest storm after passing
San Francisco which held them back and
made them 48 hours late In arriving here.
One day the big ship could do only 150
Captain R. G. Parkhurst. of the R. M.
S. P, company line, left on the Loch
Katrine for San Francisco on a business
The Admiral line steamship west
Isleta. Captain S. E. Hanson, has sailed
for New York, via Grays Harbor and
The Standard Oil tanker Ardmore, Cap-
ain Bridgett, arrived at midnicht on
Wednesday and went up to loco at 5
M. today. She has been long at sea
and probably will be drydocked at Sao
Francisco before she again goes to Peru
to take another cargo.
SEATTLE, "Wash., April 27. Federal
Judge Jeremiah Neterer today signed an
order confirming the sale of the snip
ing board freighter West Hartland to the
nited States shipping board for 1135.000
at a redtent auction held by Ben L. Moore,
rustee. The action was brought to' limit
he liability of the United States and the
shipping board as the result of alleged
amages arising from the collision of the
West Hartland with the steamship Gov
ernor, April L 1921, when the Governor
was sunk with the loss of eieht Uvea
The shipping board, owner of the vessel,
was high bidder and regained Its own
vessel at the auction. .
Effective as they arrive from the far
east, the state liners operated by the
dmlral line in the trans-Pacific trade.
will be renamed as follows: Wenatchee,
to be President Jefferson: Silver State,
to be President Jackson; Keystone State,
to be President McKinley ; Bay State, to
be President Madison, and Pine Tree State,
to be President Grant.
Funeral services for the late Captain
Howard C. Thomas, veteran mariner, who
died in Manila while In command of the
steamship Wenatchee recently, were held
here today under the auspices of the Elk's
lodge, acting for Berkeley Elks' lodge.
lOQX, ot wmcn captain Thomas was
member. Floral pieces from friends and
associates of Captain Thomas from the
far east and the Pacific coast were heaped
bout the casket. H. F. Alexander, presi
dent of the Admiral line, was present at
the funeraL Interment was at Calvary
The name and registry of the steamer
Eastern Soldier was changed at the United
States customs house here today, to the
na Luckenbach. Seattle was named as
the home port of the vessel. The Lena f
Luckenbach will leave for New York next !
LueKennacn win leave ior isew iotk neii
week on her first voyage. Announcement
has been made that a Luckenbach ship
will leave every seven- days from both
New York and Philadelphia.
The bark William Dollar arrived at
Cape Flattery today, completing a
voyage from Shanghai in 32 days, said to
have been the fastest sailing time ever
established this way across the Pacific.
The steamship Edmore, after discharg
ing 17.000 bales of hemp from Cebu, Iloilo
and Manila at Vancouver, B. C. made
port here today. She will be reassigned
to the Admiral line bv the shipping board.
Dean C. Worcester, member of the t
Philippine commission under President
McKinley; Dr. J. Heng Liu, member of
the faculty of the Rockefeller institute
at Pekin; Charles C. Hoppe, representative
of the shipping board, and Frank J.
Blom. Dutch horticulturist, will be among
the passengers on the Wenatchee, leaving
for the far east Saturday.
SAN PEDRO. CaL. April 27. The Will
iams line freighter Willpolo, which lost
her propeller off Balboa several days ago,
will be towed Into San Pedro Saturday,
according to present expectations. After
discharging a cargo of 1800 tons the Will
polo will be put in a local drydock for
A warning was issued to mariners today
to be on the lookout for a derelict along 1
the southern California coast. It is be-
Iieved to be a portion of the wrecked j
steam schooner Fairhaven, which met dis
aster March 19. The derelict was sighted I
in latitude 20:01 north, longitude 106:16 :
west, by the captain of the Pacific Mail j
steamer San Juan. j
TACOMA, Wash., April 27. From New t
York via ports, the K. I. Luckenbach ar- j
rived here this morning with freight for ,
the terminal dock. The vessel has ap- I
proximately 1,000,000 feet of lumber to
load at the St. Paul mill for New York.
From British Columbia ports the Prin- ;
smelter today with ore. The vessel was
due to sail this afternoon.
Cargo amounting to 1000 tons consist
ing of box snooks, furniture, merchandise
and general freight was taken from Ta
coma on the Manulanl of the Matson line.
which arrived here this morning and sailed
in the afternoon for Honolulu.
Flour and lumber will make up the cargo
or the Talthybius of the Blue Funnel line.
which ai rived here this morning from van
couver, via Everett. The vessel went to
the Ta-mma grain dock and will shift from
there tc the Northern Pacific oriental
dock. The vessel will sail for the orient
tomorrow via Seattle.
Four bids were received by the port
commissioners today covering estimates
made by contractors for the new transit
shed. It is expected that the contract will
be awarded Monday following an exami
nation of the tenders by the commission
ers. Those bidding were J. E. Bonnell &
Co. of Tacoma, the Tacoma Dredging com
pany, A. W. Quist and Grant Smith of
Seattle while no figures were given out.
It is thought the bids were something un
der $500,000. This proposed work" covers
the construction of a shed 180 feet wide by
1040 feet long. Gunnite piles will be used
with gunnite treated walls and timber
decks with timber trusses and roof.
This afternoon, at the plant of the West
ern Boat Building company, the big com
bination fish, tug or cannery tender Mary
Ellen was launched. This craft was the
last of the large fishing vessels launched
at Tacoma and it may be that no others
of this type will be built for some time,
due to the slackness In salmon fishing and
restrictions placed upon the fishing in
dustry In order to preserve it. The vessel
Is 86 feet long by 17, beam. The boat
is fitted with fine accommodations for the
crew. It has been chartered by the build
ers for this summer to run between Neah
Bay and sound points.
COOS BAY, Or., April 27. (Special.)
The steam schooner Martha Buehner. ar
rived from San Francisco last night at
7:15 o'clock. She will sail south on Sat
urday with a lumber cargo from the Bueh
ner mill.
The steamer Admiral Rodman arrived
this afternoon from San Francisco and
Eureka and will leave for Portland and
Astoria tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock.
The Buehner Lumber company of
North Bend, announced that the steamer
Cape Roma in will reach Coos Bay Monday
morning. She will load, part of a lumber
cargo here.
The steam schooner Yellowstone, from
San Francisco, arrived this morning at
8:30 o'clock-
Ship Reports by Radio.
(Furnished by the Radio Corporation of
Positions reported at 8 P. M. yesterday,
unless otherwise indicated, were as follows:
HEKTOR, Portland for Shanghai, 86
miles from Columbia river.
OHIOAN, San Francisco for Seattle, 226
miles south of Cape Flattery, at noon.
WILLAMETTE, Grays Harbor for San
Francisco. 55- miles south of Grays Harbor.
FRANK G. DRUM, Gaviota for Port
land, 822 miles north of Gaviota.
AZUMASAN MARU, San Francisco " for
Seattle, 55 miles south of North Hea!d..
REDONDO, Seattle for Alaskan ports,
at Point Wells.
QUINAULT, Tacoma for San Pedro, 28
miles- from Tacoma.
SISKIYOU, Bellingham for San Pedro,
30 miles south of Columbia river.
COLONEL E. Ll DRAKE, Honolulu for
San Pedro, 150 miles west of San P-edro.
PRESIDENT. Wilmington for San Fran
cisco, 124 miles from Wilmington.
CAROLYN, Tacoma for New Orleans,
150 miles north of San Francisco, noon.
HUMBOLDT, San Pedro for San Fran
cisco, 120 miles south of San Francisco.
ROSE CITY, San Franciso for Port
land, 88 miles from San Francisco.
R. J. HANNA. San Pedro for Richmond,
79 miles from Richmond.
LA PLACENTIA, Vancouver for Port
San Luis, 245 miles from Port San Luis.
J. A. MOFFETT. San Pedro for Will-
bridge, 64S miles south of Willbridge.
ADMIRAL EVANS, San .Francisco ror
Seattle. 553 miles north of San Francisco.
APUS. Yokohama for San Pedro, 310
miles from San Pedro.
ADMIRAL DEWEY, Seattle for San
Francisco, 43-miles from San Francisco.
STEEL SEAFARER, San Francisco for
Portland, 134 miles northwest of San
Francisco, noon.
SKA LION. tug. towing Willpolo, Mexi
can coast for San Pedro, 132 miles south
of San Pedro.
WILLPOLO, New York for San fearo.
132 miles south of San Pedro.
PARAISO. San Francisco ior roruana,
45 miles north of San Francisco.
LURLINE, Honolulu Ior fcan J?rancisco,
1G93 mils from San Francisco, Anril 26.
inmiRAL SCHLEY. San TanciSco ior
Seattle. 272 miles south of Seattle, April 26.
MANKING. San Francisco ror nongKong,
1365. miles from San Francisco, April 26.-
W'lLHELMINA, Honolulu ior esan rran-
clsfo. 2035 miles from San t rancisco,
April 26.
HYADES. Mahukona for San Francisco,
1074 miles from San Fran-cisco, April 26.
HAROLD DOLLAR, Kan Tancisco ior
Cons Bay, 32 miles north of Point Reyes,
April 26.
T-JTLK. rionEKOTi ff ior Jan r rancisco,
miles from San Francisco, April 26.
amattna. San Francisco for Shangnai.
831 miles west of San Francisco, April 26.
TAHITI, Sydney for San Francisco, 144
lies from San Francisco, April 26.
SATPUMA, Japan for Victoria, 620 miles
west of Cape Flattery, April 26.
WEST JAPPA, San rancisco ior ban
Pedro. 32 miles south of San Francisco.
ENTBRPR1SK. Hilo lor ban rancisco,
841 miles from San Francisco. -?
RICHMOND. Richmond ior ban -earo.
35 miles south of Richmond.
COLUSA, Ran Francisco ror xacoma.
135 miles north of San Francisco.
MA NO A, San Francisco ior Jrtonomiu,
305 miles west of San Francisco.
By Federal Telegraph Company.
STATE. San Francisco tor
532 miles west of Honolulu,
April ' - .T. ,'
Francisco. 628 miles . west or Honolulu,
April 26.
WILLFARO, San Francisco for New
York. 1476 miles south of San Fedro.
AP .t?; . .
17RS milps west of San J rancisco, April L'8.
BOHEMIAN CLUB, San Francisco for
Honolulu, 354 miles east of Honolulu,
APWEST CHOPAKA, San Pedro for Yoko
hama, 2420 miles west of San Pedro,
April 28.
OIL WORTH, Manila for San Francisco,
1350 miles west of San Francisco, April 26.
for Yokohama, . 151 miles from San Fran-
left 8 P. M.
WHITTIER, Oleum for San Pedro. 2073
miles north of San Pedro.
TORBA LINDA, San Pertro for Toku
yama. 680 miles from San Pedro.
SAN DIEGO, Tacoma for San Pedro, 116
miles north of San Pedro.
YALE, San Francisco for San Pedro, 70
miles south of San Francisco.
Stanley Turel.
OREGON CITY, Or., April 27. (Spe
cial.) Funeral services of Stanley
Turel of Gladstone were . held at the
Brady funeral chapel this morning
r. Tw-.. ru un '.f.
of St- Johns Catholie church, officlat-
, . . I
ins. Mr. Turel. who operated a gro-
Earn 8 Per Cent
on a Limited Issue of First Mortgage
of a great and potentially
, profitable industrial plant lo
cated in your own state, with a
Stock Bonus
Equal to the Total of Your Bond Investment?
A Wonderful Opportunity for Investors,
Both Large and Small
For complete and valuable information, showing the great
possibilities for highly profitable operation, call at Room
433, United States National Bank Building.
eery and confectionary store near the
Chautauqua grounds at Uladstone,
died suddenly at his home Tuesday
Charles I. Cottrell.
ORFGON CITT, Or., April 2T. (Spe
cial.) Funeral services of Charles F.
Cottrell of Milwaukee will be held
from the Holman & Pace funeral
chapel in this city tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock, with interment in
the Riverview cemetery, Portland.
Mr. Cottrell was killed on the farm
of J. W. Dickover near Milwaukie on
Wednesday afternoon, where he was
using a tractor while discing. Mr.
Cottrell was 53 years of age and is
survived by his widow and two step
sons. William Rutherford.
OREGO-X CITY, Or., April 27. (Spe
cial.) William Rutherford, for 30
years a resident of Lower Highland,
died this morning at that place at the
age of 89 years. He was a native of
Mr. Rutherford is survived by the
following children: Mrs Fred Mar
shall of Clarkes, Or.; Robert Ruther
ford of Hoff Or.. William Rutherford
Jr. of Higrhland; Mrs. Thomas Mc
Allister, Mrs. Andrew Graham of
Viola; Rev. Charles. Rutherford, a
missionary of South India, who is vis
iting at fhe present time in McMinn
ville. Joseph and George Rutherford
of Highland.
Funeral services will be held from
the Highland church tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. A. J.
Ware of this city, officiating, and in
terment will be in the Highland ceme
tery, with Edward Brady, of this city
in charge of funeral arrangements.
Mrs. Sarah C. Rape.
CANBY, Or., April 27. (Special.)
Mrs. Sarah C. Rape, wife of Charles
F. Rape of this city, died at the fam
ily home last night after an illness
of several weeks.
Mrs. Rape, a native of Illinois, was
62 years of age and came to Canby 13
years ago with her family, where she
has since resided.
Decease:' i3 survived by her hus
band of Canby and her sons, Albert
Rape of Portland, Or.; Charlca A.
Rape of Wyoming.
Funeral services will be held from
the Nazarene church In this city
Carrie Waggoner Seward.
' Mrs. Carrie Waggoner Seward,
widow of the late Dr. Jennings Sew
ard of Middletown, N. Y., died in this
city yesterday, aged 77 years. Mrs.
Seward was born in Milan, O., but
spent moat of her life in Toledo, O.,
where her father, Clark Waggoner,
was for many years publisher and
editor of The Toledo-Blade. For the
last 13 years of her life Mrs. Seward
had made her home with her cousin,
Mrs. A. I Cake, in Portland. She is
urvived by two brothers. Ralph H.
Waggoner of Wheaton, 111., and J
Fred Waggoner of Chicago, and by
three grandchildren, Dorothy L,., Wal
ter H. and Cornelia faeward of Vine
land, N. J. Mrs. Seward, while liv
ing in Portland, was specially inter
ested and a great aid in the work
of the First Congregational church,
of which ehe was a member.
M. B. Wells.
M. B. Wells, 65. a resident of Port
land for more than a quarter of a
century, died Wednesday night fol
lowing an illness .of more than a, year.
Funeral plans have not been com
pleted. He was a native of Michigan.
He came west shortly after gradua
tion from the University of Michigan
law school and first settled at Van
couver, Wash. He Mater moved to
Portland and had lived here ever
Mr. Wells did considerable work as
a short story writer and newspaper
man. He collaborated with the late
John Fleming Wilson on two stories
and also wrote several short stories
ol his own. At various times he
worked as reporter and special writer
on Portland newspapers. Mr. Wells
is survived' by his widow and two
Thousands npon thousands could
tell yon how Poo lam and Poslam
Soap acted quickly and sorely
on their tormenting eruption,
stopping itchinrrigh t away, and
speedily restorinc skin health.
Bat effective as Poalam is.
it m made of the gentlest,
cafett thing nothing that
could irritate the tender,
est. most inflamed kin. A
little Poslan goes a vrry
long way. Ci
At alidruiTqists
Cuticura Soap
Is Ideal for
The Complexion
3 p.Ofcitueut,T3CTTn.35c.fgi j whfft. Tormmmpim
address: Oattemr Lir.torlss4t-X. sf Issn.sTsit
Phone your want ads to The Ore-
. nnnn . ..,,.,,,,; can oe
soman. Main 7070, Automatic 660-95.
Mj; Thousands owe
F) skin health to-
sons, Bruce and Willard Wells, all of
whom live at the family home, 681
East Thirteenth street North.
Queen of Festival to Be Landed
at Foot of Belmont Street .
If Plan Is Adopted.
A new routing of parade for the
forthcoming Rose Festival, whereby
the east side will be a direct panic!
pant in. this gorgeous spectacle, is
tentatively planned, according to an
nouncement made last night at the
monthly dinner meeting of the East
Side Business Men s club at its rooms,
114 Grand avenue. This, said Secre.
tary Lepper, provides for the landing
of the festival queen at the foot ot
Belmont 5treet, at tho Supple docks,
and the formation of the floral pa
rade at East Madison street and Grand
The proposed new route would be
north from this point, in Grand ave
nue to the turn . to the Broadway
bridge, thence to the west side and
the parade's final disbanding at points
beyond the courthouse, after having
made the tour of downtown streets.
The Est Side Business Men's club
it was announced, has been asked to
provide for the proper decoration of
the Belm3nt dock landing for the ar
rival of the queen and for the decora
tion of Grand avenue for the floral
About 150 club members and their
women attended the dinner, served by
the women of Central Presbyterian
church, listened to some candidates
for nomination at the primaries and
to John M. Jones, postmaster, and
George W. Chilson, editor of the Port
land Daily Shipping News, discuss
mail deliveries and allied matters, and
to A. R. Gephart on "Portland's Pov
erty Probitms From the Viewpoint of
the Public Welfare Bureau. Mrs.
J. R. Thiehoff sang solos.
Postmarter Jones gave some inti
mate inside facts of the workings in
the postoffice. Mr. Chilson told of the
effort bei-ig made to establish a ys
tern of picking- up parcels post mail
from the business houses of the east
side by a special collection truck ind
of the advantages to shipping and
general business to be gained by
"speeding up" the parcels post.
Vanronw Marrinjre I..lreiiAa.
ORCUTT-WIf,PON Alfred R Orcutt. 41.
of La Center, Wmh., and Margaret Wilton,
of Portland.
4, or Vancouver ana uiga Mortenson, J.H,
of Vancouver.
ni Saltalamacchia, 37, of Portland and Ma
rietta, Taddeo, 2." of Portland.
SEARS-JOHNSTON Floyd Sears. 21. of
fort la na and Leda Johnston, of Port
erstrand, 29, of Portland, and Mrs. Minnie
AvertM, nJ. or Port Land.
beyond the
shadow of a
doubt; that I
cure piles and
other rectal
without an op
eration, if I
furnished you
with the names
and addresses
of scores of
prominent men and women of
Oregon and the Northwest that
I have absolutely cured of long
standing cases of Piles and other
Rectal conditions?
My methods are painless do not
confine you to bed; do not require
an anesthetic and are permanent.
I eliminate all doubt as to results
by agreeing to refund your fee, if
I fail to cure your piles.
If you are interested and wish to
know more about my methods,
Call or Write for My Free Booklet
2d and Morrison Kt., Portland. Or.
Mention Oregonian when writing".
1 ffTfV!aT
If yon are not strong or well
you owe it to yourself to make
the following; test: see bow long
y9 can work or how far you can
walk without becoming tired.
Next take two live-grain tablets
gjlof N HATED IKON three
runes P r " '
Then test your strength again
and see how mnch you hare
gained. Many people have made
this test and have been aston
ished at their inreased strength,
endurance and energy. Nuxsted
Iron is gaaraoteed to give satis
faction or money refunded. At
all good druggists.
DemoDstrate the Famous
Rice Method Free to
Callers at Hotel
If you are ruptured, your blr op
portunity has now arrived. If you
would like to be free from the
slavery of gouging, pinching, chaf
ing: trusses that make life a bur
den, then HERE and NOW is the
time to act.
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Williams and
C V. Miller, experts in rupture
cases, trained under the peronal
direction of V. S. Klce of Adams.
N. Y.. tho famous discoverer of
the Rice Non-SurRtcal Rupture
Method, will be at the Multnomah
Hotel, Portland, Oregon. May 1, S
and 3.
These experts are here to per
sonally demonstrate to all rup
tured people what the Rice Rup
ture Method can accomplish. You
have no doubt, heard and read
much about this famous method
and the cures which thounands
have reported from It. Now, you
have the chance to find out all
about it to have it demonstrated
to you and to see what it can do
in VOl'ii OWN case. JuHt call at
the hotel and these experts will
r!ve you their personal attention,
best advice and complete demon
stration absolutely wit hout charge.
Are you tired of that binditiK.
hampering;, uncomfortable truss?
Would you like to be free of It
forever? Then Investigate this
Rice method and find out the pos
sibilities it holds out. Surely a
method that tould cause so many
thousands of former rupture suf
ferers to report cures must be
worthy of your full and complete
The Rice Method is different
from anything else. It Is modern,
up-to-the-minute, abreast of the
latest scientiflo developments. It
is the one Method that you are not
asked to take on faith alone the
one Method that is positively dem
onstrated to you, right on your
own person, without any charge
whatever. You do not spend a
penny unless, after having a full
and complete demonstration, you
decide that this Is the Method for
you. And you you aleno are the
sole judge of that.
In Justice to yourself, coma In
and see these experts. Remember,
they will be here only three days,
then your opportunity will be
gone. Grasp it NOW. It may
prove the wisest thing you ever
did, and anyway. It costs you noth
ing to rind out.
Remember, come to the. Mult
nomah Hotel any day from 9 to 12
forenoons, 2 to 6 afternoons or
from 7 to 9 In the evening. Th
dates are May I, 2 and 8.
Don't let this opportunity get
away from you.
W. ft. RICK, Adama, AT. Y.
Stops Hair Coming Out:
Thickens, Beautifies.
SS cenu buys a bottle of "Dander,
tne" at any drug store. After on
application of this delightful tenia
you cannot find a particle of dan
druff or a falling hair. uesidos.
every hair shows new Ills, vigor.
brightness, more color and abundance.
The first and original Cold and Grip
Tablet, the merit of which is recog
nized by all civilized nations.
Be sure you get
The genuine bears this signature
Prioe 30c
All Played Out at
Quitting Time?
You Need
The World's Greatest Tonic
Phone vour want d to The ore
gonian. Main 7070, Automatic 660-SS.