Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 28, 1922, Image 1

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A ' V
VOL. LXINO. 19,169
Entered at Portland (Oreron
Poatofflce Seeond-cia. Matter.
EIGHT MORE TOWNS . l-nUnM Tlllllll
Longshoremen Attack
Nonunion Workers.
Actions to Be Outlined in
Written Statement.
Part Organization Played Yet
to Be Determined.
Eon of Slain Constable Taken Be
fore Court on Charge of As
sault With Weapon.
LOS ANGELES, April 27. N. A.
Baker, admitted to be the local or
ganizer for the Ku Klux Klan, today
decided after he had talked to the
district attorney that he would make
a signed statement about his activ
ities in the work and actions of the
klans in and about Los Angeles.
When Mr. Baker began his statement
the investigators In the district at
torney's office- and from the sheriff's
office decided to await its comple
tion before taking any other steps
toward bringing to Justice the par
ticipants In the Inglewood mob of
last Saturday night.
The mob, which was broken up
when Night Marshal Frank Woerner
shot and killed one member and
wounded two others, was said by
Baker to have been composed largely
of klansmen, according to a brief
announcement from the district at
torney today.
Statement to Be Studied.
The extent to which the klan as
an organization was involved was
to be determined by the careful read
ing of his full statement, and its
comparison with the evidence taken
at the coroner's inquest on Monday
over the slain man, who was Con
stable M. B. Mosher.
It was also to be compared with
statements of William E. Mosher, a
on of the dead man, and one of the
wounded. Mosher today was brought
Into court on a charge- of assault
with a deadly weapon, based on his
admission that he shot at Woerner
when the latter appeared at the
scene of the raid. His hearing was
set for May 11 and a cash bond of
$10,000 deposited by an Inglewood
banker for his appearance was con
tinued in effect.
ltlan In Declared Involved.
Ku Klux Klan headquarters for the
organization's Pacific domain in Los
Angeles have been linked with the
outrages at Inglewood, Taft "and
bakersfield, Cal., District Attorney
Woolwine declared as he left his of
fice for dinner tonight.
"This has been established by our
examination of letters and other
papers seized at the klan's headquar
ters," he said.
The district attorney said he would
return to his office later in the even
ing to meet Baker, who had promised
to be there with his prepared state
ment. Baker earlier in the day ad
mitted he was present at the Ingle
wood raid and at a meeting in Ingle
wood the night before, at which sev
eral persons took a Ku Klux Klan
oath and at which the raid was
planned. The statement was promised
by Baker and other klan officials to
be a "satisfactory explanation" of
these ocurrences.
Examination Vndcr Way.
The examination of the seized doc
uments had not been completed to
night, and officials conducting the
examination said it would -take an
other day to finish the Job. Two
stenographers were kept busy making
copies of the most important docu
ments. District Attorney Dorsey took,
a good-ized batch of these copies
when he left for Bakcrsfield. Before
leaving he said the result of his visit
here was "highly satisfactory." Mr.
Woolwine said a great deal of cor
respondence had been found written
by William J. Simmons of Atlanta,
Ga., to Grand Goblin Coburn, as well
as copies of the replies. The district
attorney said he was not prepared to
eay what, if any, significance, he at
tached to these documents.
Another Investigator said the wires
between Los Angeles and Georgia
"were being kept hot today."
Check la Made on Raines.
The checking of the names found in
the seized property revealed names of
1013 Los Angeles members of the
klan. Mr. Woolwine said these were
apparently full-fledged members and
not persons who had merely taken a
preliminary degree. The names of
members from other places appeared
In the correspondence, but he declined
to name these places, except to say
the full roster of officers of the
Bakersfield and Taft klans were se
cured.' The most significant of the cor
respondence, the district attorney de
clared, had been found in the grand
goblin's safe.
Conference la Held.
While Mr. Baker's statement was
In preparation District Attorney
Woolwine was in conference with
District Attorney Dorsey of Kern
county, who came here early today
after he learned that a raid conducted
at the office of W. S, Coburn, grand
(Concluded on Pags ft. Coiuma 1.1 1
Celebration Is Held In Independ
ence Square at Philadelphia
by Conference Delegates.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 27.
Women of Mexico and the United
States exchanged flags and pledges
of comradeship today In Independence
square. The red, white and green
flag of Mexico went Into the keeping
of Mrs. John B. Roberts, president of
the New Century club of Philadelphia,
and Senorita Elena Torres will carry
baok to Mexico City the Stars and
Stripes to Senora Obregon, wife of the
president of the Mexican republic.
The Mexican flag was brought to
Philadelphia by the Mexican women
who attended the Pan-American con
ference in Washington.
Denial that any affront had been In
tended to the republic of Mexico by
the refusal of the bureau of city prop
erty to permit a Mexican flag to be
flown on Independence hall was made
by city officials. The custom always
has been, it was stated at the office
of Mayor Moore, to exhibit no flags
on Independence hall except the na
tional emblem of the United! States.
During the war an exception was
made. It was stated, when the flags
of the allied countries flew over the
historic building.
Creator of Nick Carter Ends Life
In Room In New York Hotel.
NEW YORK, April 27. Frederic
Van Rennssalaer Dey,. said to have
been the creator of Nick Carter, the
American Sherlock Holmes, com
mitted suicide yesterday in his hotel
room. He had written a note to a
friend, giving notice of determination
to end his life.
For 20 years Mr. Dey turned out
one Nick Carter mystery a week, and
these writings amounted to 1076
novels and many million words, it
was said.
Bearing a striking resemblance to
the late William F. Cody (Buffalo
Bill), Mr. Dey was 61 years old. He
had not written anything for two
years and his last writings, under
his nom de plume of Varick Vanardy,
had been of another sleuth "Crewe."
But Crewe was not as successful
as Carter.
Robber, Disguised as Logger,
Draws Revolver on Druggist.
The drug store owned and oper
ated by the Jancke Drug company at
2S0 Grand avenue, corner of Haw
thorne, was held up by an unidenti
fied man last night and robbed of
$25. . The hold-up took place at 9
o'clock while A. T. Custer was in
charge of the store. The robber
The robber, disguised as a logger,
entered the store as though to make
a purchase and loitered by the coun
ter until several customers had gone
out. He then drew a revolver and
ordered Custer to hold up his hands
and keep quiet. The man then opened
the cash register and emptied its con
tents into his pockets. He warned
Custer to make no outcry when he
Custer immediately called the po
Knights Templars' Convention In
New Orleans Brought to Close.
NEW ORLEANS, April 27. After
electing officers for three-year terms
and selecting Seattle, Wash., as the
next convention city, the 35th con
clave of Knights Templar came to a
close here today. Leonid P. Newby of
Knlghtstown, Ind., was elected most
excellent grand master, succeeding
Joseph K. Orr.
The plan by which $400,000 would
be expended annually for the educa
tion of American girls and boys was
adopted at th.e closing session of the
conclave. It was decided to appro
priate $100,000 immediately for the
work. Members of the order will be
assessed $1 a year, bringing the
amount to a total of $400,000.
Guerrero's History of War Un
prejudiced, Says General.
BERLIN, April 27. General Luden
dorff has written to Major Julio
Guerrero, " Peruvian military attache i
here thanking him for the "chival
rous and unprejudiced" accounts of
events recorded in Guerrero's new
history of the war.
"We were not beaten on the field,"
said General Ludendorf in his letter,
"but by the failure of politicians to
adapt themselves to the requirements
of war. Politics and war are one.
German soldiers always acted hu
George London, Employed on Irri
gation Project, Breaks Ribs.
SILVER LAKE, Or.. April 27.
(Special.) George London, an em
ploye of otto Hansen, a contractor on
the Silver lake Irrigation project, fell
50 feet from the gate tower at the
Thompson valley reservoir today. He
sustained two broken ribs and j J
broken foot. He struck some braces, !
which' broke his fall, and landed
among the boulders at the foot of the
Steamer Deck Crashes,
Injuring 28 Persons.
President on Another Boat by
Last-Minute Change.
Accident Occurs on Voyage Up
Ohio River to Participate in
Grant Celebration.
(By the Associated Press.) President
Harding's adventure a 30-mile voy
age up the Ohio river today to par
ticipate in the 100th birthday anni
versary of General Grant narrowly
escaped serious disaster when part of
the third deck of the steamer Island
Queen crashed to the deck below.
carrying with t some 200 persons.
Only half a minute's warning by
cracking timbers gave a school chil
dren's band and many others on the
deck below time to get from under
the crashing deck. Twenty-eight per
sons were injured.
That the president and Mrs. Hard
ing and other distinguished person
ages in the presidential party were
not aboard the Island Queen was due
to advice of government inspectors
late last night. They advised against
the president making the trip on the
old pleasure boat because of her con
President's Plans Changed.
Consequently the president and his
party were assigned to the Cayuga, a
government boat, which led the flo
tilla of seven steamers from Cincin
nati bearing between 10,000 and 16,
000 people.
The river flotilla was passing New
Richmond. O., seven miles below Point
The Cayuga, with the president
aboard, leading the procession, had
cleared the village. New Richmond
citizens, however, 'did not know of
the change in plans which put the
president aboard the Cayuga. They
began firing rockets as the Island
Queen with its 3000 passengers came
Those on board crowded to I brokerage house at the point of re
decks to witness the spec- volvers. Price was taken into custody
the front decks to witness the spec
tacle ashore. Bands aboard were
playing and everybody was in high
Crashing Comes Suddenly.
Then suddenly there came tS
crashing and grating of timber"" jer
the feet of the 300 on the thiid deck.
They felt the floor sink. They stood
silent, apparently awestruck, for half
a minute. Then came a deafening
crash. The entire front deck dropped.
Still there was no panic
Those who went down with the
deck remembered the Manchester,
Ohio, school boys' band had been
playing immediately under them.
......... ...........................................
1 .
Defense Basis of Insanity Changed
to Plea of Guilty; Verdict Is
Received Calmly. -
PORT ORCHARD, Wash., April 27.
' After deliberating but 30 minutes
the Jury in the case of Mrs. Ruth
Plumley, charged with poisoning her
husband, Hugh C. Plumley, reached a
verdict of guilty In the first degree
here this afternoon. Mrs. Plumley
was immediately sentenced to life
imprisonment by Walter M. French,
superior judge. She received the ver
dict calmly.
Mrs. Plumley withdrew her plea
of not guilty and pleaded guilty to
the charge when her case was called
in superior court.
Mrs. Plumley confessed, according
to county authorities, that she had
placed poison in a salad she gave to
her husband at their home at
Charleston, near here. March 29. He
died a few minutes later. MrB. Plum
ley's first plea, withdrawn today, was
"not guilty, by reason of insanity.
Prosecuting Attorney Greenwood
announced in, court that in view of
Mrs. Plumley's plea, he would not
ask infliction of the death penalty.
It was expected the case would go
to the jury late today.
Pale, but calm in contrast to her
two previous appearances In court, at
both- of which she collapsed, Mrs.
Plumley retained her composure
throughout the morning's proceed
in e-sl The courtroom was crowded
J iong before the time set for calling
the case. Women were In the ma
jority among the spectators.
The jury was selected within half
an hour after . the plea was entered,
the state exercising no peremptory
challenge and the defense but two.
Six talesmen who stated they . held
fixed opinions were excused by the
Witnesses for the state who had
been subpenaed to establish the mo
tive of the crime testified that Mrs.
Plumley had reinstated a lapsed in
surance policy of $1000 on her hus
band's life just a few days before
the murder and on the same day had
paid the first premium on another
policy for $2000.
Stolen Securities Worth $75,000
Recovered in New York.
N NEW TQRK, April 27. Louis and
Jack Wolfe and Jacob B. Price were
arrested by postoffice inspectors to
day in connection with the $2,500,000
mail truck robbery perpetrated in
Lower Broadway on October 24, 1921.
Stolen securities valued at $75,000
were recovered.
The Wolfes were arrested in a large
in the financial district while attempt
ing to negotiate stolen securities, the
inspectors said.
Selma Kulju, 15-Vear-Old Lake-
. side Girl, Dies.
NORTH BEND, Or. April 27.
(Special.) Selma Kulju, a 15-year-old
girl of Lakeside, died at Mercy hos
pital today of sleeping sickness.
- Miss Kulju had been ill for seevral
weeks, but was in the hospital two
days when she died. No other mem
bers of the family of 13 are afflicted.
Search Made at Fort Worth for
Bodies of Victims- Train
Crews Move Rescue.
NEW ORLEANS, April 27. As a re
sult of a breaking of the levee of
the Mississippi river near Ferriday,
La., eight of ten email communities
as far north as Sicily island, along
the Missouri Pacific railway, already
have been inundated. The towns of
Panola, Junks, Clayton and other
communities would be under 20 feet
of water within 24 hours, engineers
Train crews tonight had removed
from the stricken area all men, wom
en and children who could be res
cued. The 100-foot break in the levee at
Poydras within a few hours has
widened to 200 feet, flooding a large
area In St. Bernard parish and the
town of St. Bernard.
The area now being Inundated Is
composed largely of small farms.
NATCHEZ, Miss., April 27. Flood
waters of the Mississippi river pour
ing through a rapidly-widening cre
vasse in the Wecama levee this morn
ing reached and entered the town
of Ferriday, La., four miles from the
Six other towns. Including VIdalia
of about 2000 population, were In the
immediate path of the flood waters
released when the break occurred
suddenly at the Wecama levee in Con
cordia parish late yesterday. It was
certain that the inundation would
cover all of that parish, a large part
of Tensas, a part of Catahoula and
possibly a part of Franklin and Avoy
elles parishes.
No hope was held of stopping the
flow of water.
Every available boat in Natchez
hastened to the affected territory and
arrangements were being made to care
for all refugees arriving here. VI
dalia, about eight miles from Ferriday,
the nearest town to the crevasse, is
just across the river from Natchez.
Reports from those towns said the
break had been anticipated and most
of the people had prepared for It.
Some did not believe the flood waters
would reach a greater depth than four
or five feet In the houses, in which
case most of the residents were said
to be prepared to wait out the flood.
Throughout Concordia and Catahoula
parishes the only means of communi
cation was by boat. The last train
to be operated left Ferriday last night
with flood refugees.
Power boats sent from Natchez ar
rived at Junks this afternoon and
began rescuing women and children.
Fifty or more families were occupy
ing railroad boxcars and improvised
houses at Sicily Island. Rescue work
ers reported that at least three
fourths of Concordia and Catahoula
parishes were inundated.
Junks was 15 feet under water In
places. The force of the flood waters
from the crevasse was so great that
houses were being swept away, they
FORT WORTH, . Tex., April 27.
Search for the 60 or more reported
dead or missing in Fort Worth as a
result of the flood and reconstruction
work took the lead in the situation
here today. Three persons were in
the list of known dead, their bodies
having been recovered.
They were: W. C. Centry, 2o; Mrs.
G. W. Pettis, 50, and a Mrs. Fergu
son. . I
Reports of missing persons and
(Con-cluded on Page 2, Column 4.) 1
Pep of United States In
toxicates Dull City.
Feminine England No Longer
Wants Muslin Underthings.
"My Word, I Feel Like a Silly Ass,'
Says Briton in Attempt to Be
Like New Yorker.
NEW YORK, April 27 J. B. Wil
son, pepful son of J. Havelock Wil
son, British member of parliament
and labor leader, let it be known to
day that one of the prime purposes
of his. present visit to America is to
collect some new ideas on American
business methods and "general happy
jazz spirit to take back to panting
We're doing everything in our
power just at present to Americanize
London," he said, with an American
ized wink. "Not only is the brighter
London society which is composed of
London's best society folk, lords and
ladies and the leading business men
doing all In Its power to Americanize
London, to put more 'pep into the
English, but the people themselves
are aping American ways.
Silk; Socks Rage.
"To begin with, Londoners are
wearing American clothes, American
shoes, eilk socks and everything bear
ing American trademarks. I must
admit that English have been wear
ing American shoes for eome time, but
silk socks are something new to the
average Englishmen. Indeed, a few
months ago an Englishman who wore
silk socks was looked upon as a dude,
sort of doll-boy, but now in the spirit
of being 'typically American' every
Englishman of standing Is donning
silk hosiery and saying a bit em-
barrassedly 'My word, I feel like
silly ass.
"English women no longer desire
linen and muslin underclothes, but
glory in their new silk lingerie 'ted
dies, bloomiers, camisoles and the
rest. They want soft, silky things
like the New York girls wear things
that give the figure the proper lin
for they are casting aside tweeds and
going In for more feminine clothes.
London Trying: to Catch Up.
"But I merely begin with clothes
tc show how London Is trying to
catch up with America's ways. We
are speeding up in everything in Lon
don and trying to get a little New
York pep into us.
"Dancing used to stop at 11 o'clock
in the best hotels, such as the Ritz,
Savoy, Claridge and Carlton, but now
goes on until 3. And, mind you, the
very best people participate. The
craze for American dance music has
spread all over London."
At this point Mr. Wilson drew from
his pocket a booklet of the brighter
London soviet and read a business
like paragraph that recalled to the
skeptical minded that, old . . .
maxim in the schools that, "flattery's
the food of "
Jaaszy London Aim.
The paragraph read: "All who
travel know that In the foreign mind
London is too often associated with
dullness and lack of gayety. This so
ciety hopes to alter the view point of
other nations and by continuously
focussing attention upon London and
by increasing its attractions to draw
them to our capital."
Then he went on, Englishmen have
taken to eating Ice cream and Lon
don is dotted with "typically Ameri
cail" ice cream parlors; the London
subways have been tiled so that they
look "just like New York's," the hotels
serve "American food;" even the
London bobbies have been speeded
up so that they are more or less like
New York's finest.
In fact there are about three
Americanisms that London does not
care about aping, he said, with a
winning smile "American prices,
American prohibition and American
crime waves."
Lore of London Grows.
A dinner dance with wine and
everything can be had In London for
$3, he said, while the necessity of
carrying "it" on the hip hasn't
caused the pockets of any young
Englishman's evening things to sag
yet. And as for bank robberies,
murders and Jewel thefts they
simply aren't being done.
Shipping men said today that the
lure of London was greater than It
had ever been in the history of the
trans-Atlantic liners. More than
2000 persons sailed for that "Ameri
canized" city last Saturday and an
equally large number is booked to
sail this week end.
California-Hawaiian Refinery Ad
vances Price to $5.80.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 27. The
California - Hawaiian refinery today
advanced its price on refined cane
sugar 10 cents a hundred pounds from
15.70 to 5.80. i
Preparations to Rush Two Troops
of State Cavalry to Scene
Made at Salt Lake.
SALT LAKE, April 27. One mine
guard and two striking coal miners
were wounded when an altercation
started this afternoon between mine
guards and strike sympathizers at
Scofield, in the Carbon county coal
fields of Utah. Sam Dorrlty. former
chief deputy United States marshal
for Utah, now chief guard for a mine
company, was shot from his horse.
He was wounded in the thigh.
Preparations are under way to send
two troops of state cavalry to the
scene of the disorder. Two hundred
armed miners were said to be march
ing toward the property of the Utah
Fuel company at winter quarters.
California Association Gets Ware
bouse In Salem.
SALEM, Or,, April 27. (Special.)
The California Packing association,
one of the largest organizations of
its kind on the Facifio coast, has
leased a local warehouse formerly
under control of the Phez company,
it was announced here today. The
plant Is equipped for the manufacture
of jams and jellies. The California
Packing association's operations are
extensive, and the common stock of
the organization is $10,000,000.
The new lessees are the owners of
the Oregon Packing company, a can
nery at Vancouver, Wash., under the
same name, and also a cannery at
Lewiston, Idaho. The deal for. the
lease of the warehouse property was
closed In San Francisco, according to
information received here.
Famous Monitor to Be Junked at
San Francisco Bay.
HONOLULU, April 27. The famous
Monitor Monterey, which fought with
Pewey at Manila bay and which for
several years was the station ship
at Pearl harbor, near here, left today
on her last voyage, headed for the
junk heap at San Francisco, In tow
of the freighter W. F. Herrin. The
Monterey was knocked down at auc
tion to a firm of Junk dealers after
nearly 30 years' service in the navy.
She was built at the Union Iron
Works in San Francisco in 1893, the
first steel warship constructed on the
Pacific coast.
Seattle Girl May Get Divorce From
Titled Briton.
LONDON, April 27. Lady Helen
Mary Frazer, wife of Sir John Foster
Frazer, today was granted an order
for the restitution of conjugal rights.
The order directs Frazer to return to
his home within a fortnight.
Lady Frazer before her marriage
was Helen Mary Lawrence, daughter
of Francis Lawrence of Seattle, Wash
The application for restitution of con
jugal rights generally precedes the
Institution of divorce proceedings.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Highlit temperature, 55
degrees; lowest, 4d; cloudy.
TODAYN5 Fair, westerly winds.
Irish armed forces clash, killing; two.
Page -.
Fliers picked for round-world flight.
Page 3.
Desire for rupture Is denied by soviet.
Page IS.
Russian delegation at Genoa conference
Is ready to go bomeb Page 10.
Klansmen In mob, organizer admits.
Page 1.
President Harding escapes serious disaster.
Page 1.
Three wounded in utan mine fight.
Page 1.
Bight towns caught In path of flood.
Page 1.
Flags of two lands exchanged by women.
Page 1.
Nation needs more such men, says presi
dent 'at Grant's birthplace. Page 2.
Beverldge scores in Indiana talks.
Page 3.
Baptist congregation In Tew York city has
nine-story house of worship. Page IS.
Morse and three sons Indicted for fraud.
Page 2.
London toddling to American Jazz. Page 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Woman gets life sentence for poisoning
husband. Page 1.
Vancouver council spins over ousting
president OI Horary ooara. i-age 4.
Prosecution rests in Von der Ahe case.
Page 7. ,
Cincinnati defeats Pittsburgh. 8 to S.
Page 1--
Quality sticks out on tonight's fight card.
Page li '
Pacific Coast league results: At Portland
6 Vernon 11; at Seattle 9, Oakland 10
(IT .innings) ; at Han Francisco 7, Salt
Lake 1; at Los Angeles 3, Sacramento 1.
Page 12.
Golf club to open season Sunday. Page 13.
Commercial and Muj-Ine.
Tanners look forward to Imporved leather
trade. Page
Wheat advance at Chicago, aided by ex
port demand.. Page 24.
Advance in bonds halted by distribution
of new Issues. Page 25.
Stock market weakened by Genoa events.
page -J-
Harbor line changes along Mock's Bottom
considered. Page 14.
Federal reserve loans decreased. Page 25.
Portland and Vicinity.
Tribute pand General Grant by veterans.
page 28.
Oregon dealers aim to cut coal pricea
Page 17.
Federal reserve loans decreased. Page 25.
Fire bureau case still hangs fire. Page 11.
Deficit of $106,649 confronts count.
Page 24.
Longshoremen beat strike breakers In
street. Page 1.
Mr. McArthur returns to open campaign.
Page 18. .
Wielder of Loaded Hose and
Four Others, Arrested.
Workers Unleaded Front Bus
Chased Up Second Street by
Union Pickets.
Four non-union long-shoremen wer
beaten by a crowd of union pickets on
Second street, between Oak and Stark
streets, within sight of pollco head
quarters, about o'clock last night,
the victims suffering scalp and face
lacerations, most of them alleged to
have been produced by blows from
a loaded hose, wielded by J. Nenson.
who was arrested and charged with
assault with a deadly weapon. Jark
O'Connell, F. Fahey, Tom Hughes and
James Tolan were also takca into
In the morning M. 3. Robinson re
ported to the police. Cuts and bruise
he exhibited were the result of n
attack by a squad of union men, who
overtook him on the Burnslde-street
bridge as he was on his way to
terminal No. 2 to work aboard the
motorshlp Boobyalla, he said. He was
not badly hurt and Insisted on going
to the hall of the employer and reg
istering for another Job. Reports
were made to the police and at the
hall of other disturbances, but of a
minor nature.
Kon-unlon Workers Chased.
In the case of the scrimmage last
night one of the auto stages used by
the waterfront employers' union in
transporting men unloaded several
men at Second and Oak who had been
at work on Irving dock, where the
motorshlp Valparaiso is loading
wheat. It is said union pickets had
congregated there and as the men
left the bus they were chased up
Second street.
It was charged by five witnesses
that Nensen was seen to fell the four
men, overtaking one at a time, and
one, J. C. Brooks, arserted that after
he fell he had been kicked In the
face. J. E. Bates, R. E. Bates and
C. H. Lyon were the others hurt.
They were treated at the police emer
gency hospital and gent to their
Nensen's ball was fixed at flOOO,
while that of the four other union
men was $500 each. Lieutenants
Ervin and Van Overn were at the
police station and nolso of the tur
moil and yells of witnesses In build
ings nearby attracted them to the
street. With them went Sergeants
Ennls and Keegan and Patrolmen
Hayes, Atkinson anc Riley, who
closed In on the attackers and made
the arrests.
Assailant Is Fined.
In the police court yesterday Will
lam Ede was fined $15 for attacking
William Lend, a non-union worker, at
Sixth and Everett streets Wednesday
According to those In charge of
enrolling men at the hall of the
waterfront employers' union, a lotsl
of 100 new workers were registered
yesterday and the force actually num
bered In crews handling cargo on 13
rhips in the harbor reached 400. In
most cases there were not as many
empoyed as could be utilized, yet the
empliTers said some of the crews
proved themselves equal to experi
enced In the amount of cargo
Employers assert the system la to
afford work to all Portland men and
that many married men have been
engaged. Many married and single
employes are ex-soldiers.
Negroes Protest Dlarhargte.
Talk was revived yesterday on-
cernlng the discharge of U negro
workers at terminal No. 2, resulting:
from a conference between municipal
officials and one of the employers
Wednesday, and representatives of
the negroes called on stevedores,
protesting against being barred from
the opportunity to labor. It was re
ported they intended to take up the
question with Mayor Baker and. If
necessary, carry their caso before the
Some employers expressed them
selves as not in accord with the atti
tude of the authorities who did not
protect colored workers. These em
ployers called attention to the fact
that negroes are citizens and some of
them taxpayers and ex-service men.
Outside cities which offered to fur
nish men are said to have been In
formed that such assistance was not
required. Employers seem certain,
due to progress made in reorganiz
ing a force, that it will not be nec.
essary to bring In outside men.
Shin Board Action Live Teple.
Action of the shipping board In
forming union men they were to
work cargo on government vessels
and in connection with which Di
rector Jenkins, of the Industrial re
lations section of the board. Is ex
pected to arrive here Monday. was
(Cunciuded va Pa 3. Caiuuui 44
Tl 102.0