Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 27, 1922, Image 1

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    S PA IT I !
VOL. LXI NO. 19r168
Entered at Portland Oreon
Poatoffice as Second-clas Matter.
All Books and Papers Are
Ordered Seized.
"I Wish She Were Here,"
Says Lloyd George.
Duplicates Said to Reach
Hundreds of Millions.
South Dakota Member Tells
of Rumor in 1920.
Representative Says Department
of Justice Received Data
on Alleged Frauds.
WASHINGTON, T. C. April 26.
The statement was made on the floor
of the house today by Representative
Johnson, republican. South Dakota,
that It "will later be shown by official
documents that there are probably
hundreds of millions of dollars of du
plicate bonds In the United States."
Prompt denial of the statement was
made by high treasury officials, who
declared Investigation by Secretary
Mellon of the bureau of engraving
had disclosed there was no truth in
reports of the circulation on a large
scale of counterfeit government se
curities. Challenging: the Johnson statement,
Itepresentative Wingo, Arkansas,
democratic member of the house bank
ing committee, declared it was cal
culated to cause uneasiness In the
country and that he did not believe
Sir. Johnson ought to make it "unless
he can back it up as the truth." Mr.
Wingo expressed belief that an in
vestigation would show that Secre
tary Mellon In denying "reckless
charges' about the existence of dupli
cate bonds "did not lie" to the people
OX the country."
Dusts of Charge Stated.
As a basis for his charge as to
alleged circulation of spurious se
curities, Mr. Johnson said that J. W.
McCarter, assistant registrar of the
treasury during the Wilson adminis
tration, "obtained information in the
course of his duties which convinced
him that there had been enormous
duplication of government bonds,
which had been printed by the bureau
of engraving and printing and had
gone through the office of the regis
trar of the treasury."
"I think Mr. McCarter took the right
attitude when he presented the mat
ter first to a distinguished demo
cratic senator from my state, and
very properly presented the matter
to the assistant secretary of the
treasury," Mr. Johnson continued. "We
were very quickly informed at that
time by the late administration that
nothing was wrong, that there should i
be no investigation and that he
should keep his mouth shut or lose
his position, and Mr. McCarter, who
had developed the fact that will later
be shown by official documents, that
there are probably hundreds of mil
lions of dollars of duplicate bonds in
the United States, was discharged
from service by his administration
for presenting those facts to mem
bers of congress.
Attitude Is Criticized.
"I think a man who took that at
titude in the late administration was
Ill-advised In what he had done,"
Mr. Wingo added:
"Does the gentleman say that a
democrat from his state called the
matter to the senator's attention?"
Mr. Johnson said:
"I will say that this is all a mat
ter of public record. I took person
ally all of this data down to the de
partment of justice myself early in
the year 1921. after we had tried In
every way to get action from the
former administration. These letters,
that were written by Mr. Leffingwell,
at that time an assistant secretary
of the treasury, are easily procurable.
I have them In my files and I will
be glad to insert them at this point."
There was no objection, however.
Date la Requested. '
Mr. Wingo then said his "question
was the date on which this gentle
man brought this .information to
Mr. Johnson The gentlemaa sent
the information to me in its real def
inite form In the fall of 1920.
Mr. Wingo You did not bring it to
the attention of Secretary Mellon?
Mr. Johnson I did not. I brought
it to the attention of the department
of justice, where I think it ought to
have gone.
Mr. Wingo Does the gentleman
have Information, upon which he can
pass a conclusion that there are mil
lions of duplicate bonds printed?
Mr. Johnson I will say to the gen
tleman that I took down seven type
written sheets, single space, of num
bers of duplicate bonds, and some
bonds running 100,000 higher than
the bonds issued. There is no man
who can tell how many were issued.
Nfero Case Kcciilled.
Mr. Wingo The gentlems.3 was
furnished a list of them. Has not the
gentleman conducted an investiga
tion, or anyone for him. to see
whether there was any truth in the
Mr. Johnson "I will say to the
frentleman that X am satisfied there
Is truth in it. because I remember at
one time it was shown conclusively
that a colored taxicab driver In Wash
tCoaciuUed ou 2. Column Li
Earth-Shock Kills Some Persons
and Injures Others; Many Build
ings Are Smashed.
TOKIO, April 28. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) A heavy earth shock,
centering in Tokio, occurred at 10:15
o'clock this morning. Considerable
damage was done to buildings in the
The earthquake was preceded by an
eruption yesterday of Mount Asama
Yama, 90 miles northwest of Tokio,
which broke out with a. loud report,
pouring forth volumes of ashes,
stones and smoke. No serious damage
was caused by the eruption.
Yokohama was as severely shaken
as Tokio and the Chinese quarter In
Yokohama was virtually destroyed
and the water works disrupted.
The earthquake caused the death of
a few persons, none of the victims,
however, being Americans or Euro
peans. There were many escapes of the
narrowest sort from collapsing chim
neys and walla
The earthquake was one of the most
severe experienced here in a long pe
riod. Officials stated It lasted 15
minutes, the longest in years.
The American embassy was slightly
damaged and many of the exhibits at
the peace exhibition were broken.
The seismographs at the university
were damaged, making It Impossible
to obtain an accurate record of the
Telephone and telegraph service
was interrupted.
Animal Escapes From Pit and
Keeps Watchman on Gnard.
A bear in the pit in Washington
park escaped last night and started) to
have a good time playing with Watch
man Finn. Finn didn't feel like hav
ing that kind of time, so called' the
police station, for his son, who is a
motorcycle policeman with Johnny
It was his son's night off, so Forken
responded, and Forken and Finn, had
a lot of fun chasing tho bear with
sticks and ropes and guns. The bear
finally climbed a tree and he was
there early this morning, and Finn
was at the bottom of the tree with a
hot fire by him to keep warm and
with a rifle across his knees for pro
tection. Park .officials will try to cap
ture the animal today.
Hook Catches in Tractor AVheel and
Breaks Neck of Farmer.
C. T. Cottrell, a farmer living
about one mile east of Clackamas,
Or., was killed In a peculiar accident
yesterday afternoon while discing
for J. W. Binkover. on the Sunnyside
road, one-half mile east of Eighty
second street.
The disc stuck in soft ground and
the tractor was unable to pull it out.
Mr. Cottrell went to obtain a chain,
While driving back, with the chain
hanging about his neck, the hook on
one end caught in the wheel of the
tractor. He was jerked down into
the wheel and his neck and right leg
O. A. Pace, coroner of Clackamas
county, took charge of the body. Mr.
Cottrell was about 55 years of age
and married. He had two stepsons.
President on Way to Speak Today
at Grant's Birthplace.
(By the Associated Press.) The spe
cial train on which President Harding
is en route to Ohio to speak at the
centenary of General Grant at the
birthplace in Point Pleasant made
good time tonight on its swing
through Maryland and upper West
The president was in excellent spir
its as he boarded the train and looked
forward with pleasure to his visit to
the birthplace of the great Union
The president and his party plan to
spend two hours in Cincinnati tomor
row before boarding the boat for the
ride to Point Pleasant.
Shattered Romance Causes Tragedy
in Fashionable Hotel.
CHICAGO, April 26. A shattered war
romance was said to have been the
impelling motive which prompted Mrs.
Mildred Lawson Cornell, 20, to take
her own life in a fashionable Evans
ton hotel yesterday. She shot herself
just below the heart. She had been
married six years. Divorce proceed
ings filed by her were pending in
Mrs. Cornell met her busband at a
dance and was married after a court
ship of a few days.
Roadhousc Proprietor in Hospital;
Partner Suffers Bruises. -GREEN
BAY, Wis., April 26. Pat
Gaffney, part owner of a roadhouse
near here, was in a hospital tonight
slightly injured, and Carl Heoll, wres
tler and partner of Gaffney, was suf
fering from bruises as a result of a
beating administered, it is alleged, by
four women late last night. j
The women are alleged to have)
used a hammer, a policeman's "billy" j
and a gun. I
Russo-German Treaty Called
Warning of Menace.
Europe to Welter in Blood Again
Unless Conference Succeeds
and Storms Are Met.
GENOA, April 26. By the Assoc!
ated Press.) Premier Lloyd George
drew an alarmist picture of Europe
tonight. In addressing the British
and American press representatives
he declared that the object at Genoa
was to cleaf nip political difficultl
which were full of menace.
He' compared Europe to seething
racial lava, which, like the earth's
crust, was seeking a proper level.
This adjustment was full of peril.
He emphasized that Europe must take
cognizance of hungry Russia, which
would be equipped by an angry
"The world must recognize the
fact," he said, "that Russia and Ger
many combined contain over two
thirds of the people of Europe. Their
voice will be heard and the Russo-
German treaty Is the first warning
ot it."
Frontiers Not Excited.
As proof of the dange he cited the
fact that there was no frontier line
from the Baltic to the Black sea, in
cluding the Roumanian. Galician, Pol
ish and Lithuanian frontiers, which
had been accepted.
"I wish America were here!" he ex
Limed. "Some people think we
want the United States for some self
ish purpose. This is. pot true. We
want America because she exercises
a peculiar authority; her very aloof
ness gives her the right to speak.
"America could exercise an influ
ence no other country could command.
She could come here free and disen
tangled and with the prestige which
comes from her independent position
she would come with the voice of
"But America is not here, so Europe
must do her best to solve the prob
lems in her own way."
World Effects Predicted.
Mr. Lloyd George gave it as his
opinion that the disorganization of
Europe would affect the entire world,
including the United States. He was
amazed at people who ignored the
portentous fact facing Europe today.
Unless Europe reorganized; in otheT
words, unless the Genoa conference
succeeded in arranging a pact of
peace he was confident that in his
own life, certainly in the life of the j
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 2.)
Levee on Mississippi Breaks and
Residents Flee Before Onrush of
Water; Much Land Covered.
FORT WORTH. Tex.. April 26.
Continued reports of dead and miss
ing in the flood that has held Fort
Worth in its grip for the past two
days had brought the list to 64 to
night. A check of the list was not
possible and verification of the un
official reports was held up while the
flooded areas were scoured by rescu
ers. Only one body has been recov
ered. The list of injured remained at 29,
according to' reports from the hos
The levee board plans to Investi
gate the reported dynamiting of the
embankments in several places late
Monday night as soon as the flood
waters recede, according to M. L.
McCain, board chairman.
'.'he total of death and damage is
not definitely known, because of the
failure to recover bodies. The prop
erty loss, however, has been esti
mated at $1,000,000.
More than $5000 has ben raised for
the relief of the refugees and food
and clothing are being distributed.
All railroads reported improved con
ditions today and operation on sched
ules is expected by tomorrow night.
Water west of the Van Zandt via
duct had receded sufficiently this
afternoon to permit motor trucks
carrying food supplies to reach homes
in the Arlington Heights and the Van
Zandt addition, which have been iso
lated since early yesterday.
More than two inches of rain fell
last night, bringing the total rain
fall here to 10.59 inches during the
past 36 hours. The river stage this
morning was 33.7 feet, a drop of
nearly six feet from yesterday's max
imum. NATCHEZ, Miss., April 26. Flood
waters of the Mississippi river were
rushing tonight through a crevasse,
which occurred at 4 P. M. today in
Concordia parish, four miles north of
Ferriday, La., at the Wreama levee.
The gap in the levee line was re
ported to be 200 feet wide and rapidls
increasing. No hope was held ot
stopping the break, as the levee was
said to be of sandy formation at this
point and crumbling rapidly.
The flood will Inundate all or uon-
cqrdia parish, a large part of Tensas,
a part of Cattahoula and possibly a
part ' of Franklin and Avojelles
The section behind the break is one
of the richest farming sections in
Louisiana and is largely devoted to
cotton planting. In the immediate
path of the flood are the towns ot
Ferriday, Junks, Clayton, Vidalia,
Wildsville and Frogmore. Vidalia is a
town of about 2000 population, Ferri
day 500 and the others are small vil
lages. BRECKENRIDGE, Tex., April 26.
Three persons are reported? to have
been drowned in the sudden flooding
of Gonzales creek, near here today.
TtTTTtT.TNOTON. Ia.. April 26. Ap-
atelv 20.000 acres of rich farm
land in cultivation was inundated this
afternoon at 2 o'clock when the levee
tmirHno- nut the flood waters of the
Mississippi river broke at a point
seven miles north of here. Residents
of the community fled. ' I
Celebration to Be Held in Lincoln
Auditorium Tonight; American
ization to Be Stressed.
Today is the 100th anniversary of
the birth of General Ulysses S. Grant,
famous leader of the civil war and
later president. It will be observed
in Portland and generally through
out the nation as Americanization
day as a result of a movement started
by the Veterans of Foreign Wars
The celebration here will be held
tonight in the Lincoln high school
auditorium and will be under the
auspices of Over the Top post. Vet
erans of Foreign Wars.
Adjutant-General White will be the
speaker of the day and will discuss
"General Grant and Citizenship." It
originally had been the intention to
have Brigadier-General U. G. Mc-
Alexander give the address, but
orders from Washington, D. C,
necessitated his taking part in
maneuvers at Camp Lewis, according
to a telegram received by George
Sandy, commander of Over the Top
There will be a musical programme
and an address on the flag by Pro
fessor George Koehn of Reed college,
a veteran. Posters will also be dis
tributed through the audience show
ing the proper use of the flag, such
as when to put the colors at half
mast, when to stand at "attention"
and similar flag etiquette.
Mrs. Fred L. Olson will sing.
The front section of the auditorium
will be reserved for veterans of the
recent war, until 7:45. Immediately
back of the veterans will be a section
reserved for foreigners who have not
yet received their citizenship papers.
Foreigners who have received their
citizenship papers have also been es
pecially invited to be present.
Mr. Sandy will preside.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars have
requested all patriotic organizations
of the city to co-operate to make the
observance of the day a success. The
idea of observing Grant's birthday
as an Americanization day originated
with the national headquarters of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars. The na
tional organization planned to ob
serve . an Americanization day and
General Grant's birthday was picked
as the best available day. General
Grant, it was pointed out, was a
typical American patriot.
In addition to the special exercises
held by the Veterans of Foreign Wars
special commemoration exercises will
be held In the schools. In the Port
land schools each teacher will de
vote a part of the day to a review of
the life of Grant. In Vancouver,
Wash., the Vancouver unit of the
Women's Relief corps will hold com
memorative exercises.
Portland and the .northwest have
an especial interest in Grant's anni
versary, because tnat great leader
when but a lieutenant was stationed
for a time at Fort Vancouver. Grant
came there in the fall of 1852, after a
trip across the Isthmus of Panama.
Contrary to the general impression,
however, he was not commandant at
the fort during his stay there.
In 1880 Grant and his wife on a
tour of the country visited Vancouver
and the scenes of his early service.
He also visited Portland at that time.
Three great-grandchildren of the
(Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.)
Members of Night Riders to
Face Assault Charges.
Grand Goblin Denies Responsibil
ity for Raid, While Prosecutor
Call? Hands Cowards.
LOS ANGELES, CaU April 26.
District Attorney Woolwine obtained
the issuance of a search warrant late
today directed against the officers
of the local Ku Klux Klan and dis
patched an automobile load of deputy
sheriffs and investigators to the of
fice of William S. Coburn, grand gob
lin, with instructions to bring in all
papers found there.
Mr. " Woolwine instructed the
searchers to take possession of all
books, papers, documents and other
evidence relating in any way to the
activities of the Ku Klux Klan In
Los Angeles county. When the in
vestigators reached Mr. Coburn's of
fice he attempted to temporize, but
the searchers Insisted on going
ahead without delay.
Many Applications Found.
Mr. Coburn's office, on the fifth
floor of the Haas building in the
down-town business district, was
found to be filled with a mass of
literature and equipment pertaining
to the Ku Klux Klan, which was
segregated from his personal and pro
fessional papers and taken away by
the officers.
In this mass there were many ap
plications for membership In local
klans, as well as much regalia, some
of which was marked with the names
of members. The regalia, consisting
of the usual Ku Klux Klan uniforms
of white robes with concealing hood,
was all taken for further examina
tion. It was not known whether the
papers included membership lists.
Mr. Coburn's office had Its walls
lined with photographs of klan ini
tiations and other gatherings, about
the only break in the mass being a
framed certificate of his admission
to the bar in Georgia. There was
also a safe, which the authorities
were preparing to open. Mr. Co
burn and G. W. Price, his king
kleagle, were present and after
seeking delay, decided not to at
tempt to halt the search.
' Request for Lists Denied.
Eugene Biscailuse, the deputy sher
iff who headed the search party,
said that a demand was made on Mr.
Coburn earlier in the day for the
membership rosters of the order, and
that when he declined to producl
them the search warrant was ob
tained. With Coburn at the offices of the
Ku Klux Klan at the time of the
raid by the district attorney's forces
were G. W. Price, king kleagle, and
an attorney, wnose name was not
obtained, but who claimed to rep
resent Coburn.
The unnamed attorney advised Co
burn not to open a safe whicn stood
in one corner of the offices, as re
quested by W. C. Doran, chief deputy
district attorney, in charge of the
Mr. Doran promptly stepped to a
telephone and called up a safe com
pany. "Send up a man who can open
safes," he ordered.
Coburn ;mmediately offered to open
the safe himself and did so.
In the ?afe was found a card index
of names of men believed to be mem
bers, as well as a large number of
petitions for membership received
from the kleagle, or organizer, and
presumably not yet acted upon by
the grand goblin.
Pictures Are Copied.
On the walls of the offices were
pictures of klan activities. Two of
these showed men In the regalia and
masks of the klan, armed with pistols
and rifles.
Mr. Doran started to take these
two pictures. 'Grand Goblin Coburn
objected, however, so Mr. Doran com
mandeered the service of a newspaper
photographer to make copies for him.
Officers said that when the raid on
the klan offices began Coburn was
seen to slip something into an en
velope and then to run out into the
corridor and drop the envelope down
the mail chute.
And when the raid was finished
Coburn Immediately began writing a
telegram. He did not explain his ac
tion in dropping the envelope into the
chute nor to whom he was sending it.
Complete inspection of the docu
ments obtained through the raid was
postponed until tomorrow, but some
Information on them was made public
The first arrest In connection with
the raid at Inglewood last Saturday
night, attributed to members of the
Ku Klux Klan, occurred late tonight
when Walter E. Mosher. deputy con
stable and a member of the raiding
party, was taken into custody.
The complaint against Mosher
charged criminal assault with intent
.(.Concluded on Pace 3. Column 1.)
Oklahoma Presbyterian Minister
to Face Charge of Conduct
Unbecoming Cloth.
LAWTON, Okla- April 26. The
Rev. Thomas J. Irwin, founder and
for 20 years the pastor of the First
Presbyterian church here, who re
cently performed a marriage cere
mony at a public swimming pool, in
which the principals wore bathing
suits, must stand trial before a
church commission on charges of
"conduct unbecoming a minister."
Trial of the minister was decided
on at a session here today of the El
Reno presbytery. A commission of
seven will hear the charges May 9.
The pastor is ordered to show cause
why he should not be relieved.
Rev. Mr. Irwin has been the storm
center of opposing factions of the
church' for months. He was a sup
porter of the late Jake L. Hamon,
republican national committeeman
from Oklahoma, and preached the
funeral sermon following the death
of Hamon In November, 1920, at Ard
more, where Hamon was shot by
Clara Smith Hamon. The El Reno
presbytery voted at a recent meet
ing to reinstate members of the
church, who, it was brought out, had
left the church because of the pas
tor's support of Hamon.
The charges upon which the min
ister must stand trial are:
"That Rev. Thomas J. Irwin has
outlived his usefulness as a pastor,
as evidenced by the disorder and de
plorable conditions existing in his
"That he was responsible for the
distribution of a pamphlet contain
ing substance 'unbecoming a minister
of the Presbyterian church.'
"That members of the Lawton
church have been suspended without J
due cause and trial.
"That said minister has brought
disrepute on the church by perform
ing a marriage ceremony In which
the principals were clad in bathing
suits in a public swimming pool."
An injunction obtained by the pas
tor in district court restraining a
commission recently appointed by the
presbytery from interfering with the
church did not operate against the
presbytery session today.
T'li Hrk until the bitter end." Rev.
Mr. Irwin said tonight. "The whole
situation has been caused by intense,
bitter political feeling and by enemies
of the church."
The El Reno presbytery by its ac
tion exceeded its authority, he as-
. , ja ..... th
serted, declaring ne wuu.u j
matter before the Oklahoma synod,
which meets in October.
German Government Asked to Turn
Over Rioters Against French.
PARTS. ADril 26. (By the Associat
ed Press.) The allied council of
ambassadors today delivered a note
to Dr. Wilhelm Mayer, the German
ambassador, demanding that the
German government hand over at
once some 15 individuals for whom
warrants have been issued in con
nection with the hand-grenade attack
on the French barracks in Peters-
dorf. Upper Silesia, three months ago.
Two French soldiers were Kiuea
and 30 wounded.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 69
degrees; minimum, 47 degrees.
IfrmAY'S Fair, westerly winds.
Dublin snd Belfast government reported In
break. Page 6.
Russian exiles play on stage In Paris. Page
Tokio and Yokohama damaged by Quake.
Page 1.
Lloyd George utters cry for America.
Page 1.
Genoa financiers near end of task. Page 2.
Poincare's speech reacts at Genoa. Page 2.
Standifer concern argues pay refund.
Page 8.
Bogus bon.l row aired In house. Pago 1.
Dead and missing in Texas flood reach 4.
Page 1.
Klan offices raided for all books and pa
pers. Page 1.
Lady Astor tells American women of their
duty to world. Page 1.
Bathing suit wedding gets pastor into
trouble. Page 1.
Pacifio Northwest.
Defendant smiles at Pendleton murder
trial. Page 7.
Phillies shut out Giants, 6 to 4. Page 12.
Pacific Cofcst league results: At Portland
5 Vernon 6; at Seattle 4, Oakland 8;
at San Prancisco 8, Salt Lake 10; at
Los Angles 2. Sacramento . Page 12.
Eastmoreland Golf club to open its season
Sunday. Page 13.
Multnomah club revivea Pacific northwest
track championships. Page 13.
Commercial and Marine.
Cereal crop conditions generally good In
Oregon. Page 24.
Wheat weaker at Chicago on better crop
nrospecta. Page 24.
Liberty bonds stronger at close. Page 25.
With trade on reduced scale. stocK mar
ket shows reactionary tendency. Page 25.
Government aid on Jetty at mouth of Ump
oua to be asked. Page 15.
Philadelphia's industrial marvel challenges
attention of Americans. Page 21.
Luckenbaeb. fleet Increased to 11 vessels.
Pace 15.
Vessels In harbor being loaded under pjllce
protection, ritgo
Portland and Vicinity.
7 Meeting to be held In Tacoma Saturday to
. . . . . . K . I.f 1,1. I . i i on
prepare tor w.o. ".
Grand Jury probe of bank promised. Page
Portland today to observe Grant's 100th
anniversary. Page 1.
Visiting nurses make 21,889 calls In year.
Page 1L
Human influence Is held Immortal. Page ft.
Special tax levy for Multnomah county
lorecst. Page 14.
Council orders public hearing on new
building code. Page 17.
The Oregonian sends broadcast brilliant
concert to record - radio audience.
Page 4.
State conciliation board makes report.
Page .
Lady Astor Urges Single
Standard of Morality.
New Political Party Scheme
Declared to Be Unsound.
Titled Member of Commons Makes
Another Plea for America
to Join League. ''
BALTIMORE. April IS. The bllt
contribution that women can make to
politics and national life Is to face
and tackle the moral standard. Lady
Astor told a crowded mass meeting
here tonight.
She pleaded -with the women of
America to insist upon the single
standard of morality, "not by lower
ing their standard, but by raising
men's standard to that of women."
She believed that If the mothers of
France, who have suffered so much,
had the vote and had learned how to
use It, there would not now exist "the
amazing French attitude at Genoa."
"That is one of the tragedies ot
France and threatens to be one of the
tragedies of the world," she said.
"Poor France, blinded by her suf
fering, can't see that the only way
out is to look forward and not back
ward." New Party Not Favored.
The first woman seated In the house
of commons was cheered continually
tonight She asked women to put into
public life the qualities they "have
had to put into their home life un
selfishness, cleanliness and kindness."
She told the women assembled here
for the national convention of the
League of Women Voters that they
were right not to make a new po
litical party.
"You are equally right to try and
lift and raise and improve the plat
forms of both the big political parties
by Joining them," she added.
"See that you send neither wind
bags nor carpetbaggers to represent
Repeating her appeal for America
to Join the league of nations. Lady
Astor recalled that the league was
started by "America, or an American."
"Some seem to think of the starter
and forget it was the high purpose
of his people which gave the Impetus
which brought the league from Amrr
ica to Europe," she suid. "When we
go for a great Ideal we go for the
ideal and not for the Idealist. It's a
principle we should follow and not be
sidetracked by a personality."
Then she reviewed the ailments of
the world and the accomplishments
of the league. It had already pre
vented three wars, sne said, and regis
tered more than 100 treaties.
Humanity Will Be Served.
It had humanitarian sections deal
ing with health, labor conditions,
opium, drug and white slave traffic.
Each of these "must surely find hun
dreds of thousands of women backers
in the United States," she thought
"We want your help Inside the
league to bring on backward coun
tries, whether it be to protect the
world from war or from plagues, or
to protect young girls from what Is
worse than plagues."
"We English-speaking women cap
not live for ourselves alone and get
peace. We can't even get happiness,
and I doubt whether we can get
plenty. We must somehow rectify
the mistakes of the stronger sex
when left alone, and we must do it
"When America came Into the war
Europe saw the dawn of a new hope
America in the war to end the wars.
When America went out of the peace.
Europe was dumbfounded. Ideals took
America into the war; Idealism cannot
take her out of peace, no mutter
what politicians say."
Overflow Meellnir Meld.
Lord and Lady Astor addressed two
mass meetings, one an overflow
gathering which assembled at the
Belvidere hotel, after the doors had
been closed to them at a roof garden
In which 3000 men and women were
Jammed to hear the Virginia girl. Tho
meetings were arranged by the na
tional league of women voters.
Both Lady Astor and "the husband
of Lady Astor," as the viscount said
be had often been described, appeal-nl
to America to Join the league of na
tions. Lord Astor explained that his
wife was not the ordinary legUlatot
who was satisfied with the world a
it is.
Repeating her plea for America to
lend moral aid to foreign peoples, and
to join their leaders around the table.
Lady Astor asked Americans not t'
look on the Atlantic and pacific
oceans as separating the United
States from Europe and Asia hut as
uniting them to other parts of the
"You make your enthusiasm prac
tical and you'll get the league of nn
tions it's really a league of peace."
she said. "But you won't get it by
clapping for it."
Again she was cheered when sh..
said that although "idealism took
America into the war, cannot
take her out of the peace, no mailer
what the politicians say.
"Only reactionaries and bolshevli-H
are opposed to havinif all nations inio
some association fur peace," she
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