JL THE MbRXlXG' OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, APRIL 70, 1922 REAL ESTATE. 1 or" ;iile Acreajrv. ."s ACKblS. 31 miles from center of Portland, a4 mile to electric station. 3 blocks to whooi; i acre ander cultivation: all can farmed wha cleared; very-attractive fi-r')ii! plastered bungalow with cenent basfment, elopirg porch, cf1. ; small barn, chicken house; price $4300, terms; consn'T house in Kuiton or Capitol Hii to Jr-Ti-oo. ba'ance easy terms. Ask for Mr. Kemp. ACRE TRACTS CITT CONVENIENCES On the wst Bide; good soil, no rock or ajravei: ciose to electric station; 9c commutation fare, good car service; Portland gas, eiectric lights and city water on the property; offered far below va iiie on ey terms. .John Ferguson, Realtor, Oerljnger Bldg. CLACKAMA3 RIVER. FRONTAGE. One of the most picturesqae spots on the river consisting of 8 acres, planted to apples, prunes and peaches. Power site makes big potential value. Only 12 miles from downtown. Ideal for summer home or chicken ranch. It la a bargain at $3500. FRED C. PRATT. 534 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway 1S53. ONE-ACRB TRACTS. Section Lin Road Near 82d St. " 310O down and (50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful aaaition. $9;0 and up; all In cultivation, good soil, city water, some tracts with bear- ins raspberries, loganberries, currants and strawberries; will build smalt bouses to suit purchasers, SAYLER E. SMITH, 318 Ry. Exch. Bldg. A REAL BUT. ft ACHES ft-ROOM HOUSE. J 2750. And to tbink, rtgbt at the station; BaH Run water, gas, 1 acre In young berries, balance In cultivation; 20 minutes out by auto, 35 by lectin o car; lurmsnea. ana Immediate possession ; $750 will handle. BOONE-CLEARWATER. Realtors. !jn Couch Bldg. ' Bdwy. B31T. CLOSE IX. ON PAVEMENT. acres at East 39th and Columbia boulevard. Ideal for suburban home; rlvh soli and fins location, convenient to Wood lawn ear; this Is a snap on easy terms. C. H. Nay lor. 283 Stark st. Phone Bdwy. 1138. 3 ACRES, close In, near Newberg high wav, fin soil, no stone or brush, good buildings, ali kinds of fruit and roses; 33100. 31000 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cant 2 1-8 acres, all level, cultivated; new t-room bungalow, ben house; 5 blocks to O. E. tat ion; $2300; SO cash. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. BBAVBBTON. 4 acrs only few blocks from busi ness center; ready for subdivision. All city conveniences. Level, rich soil. Only 709 per acre. FRED C. PRATT. 63-1 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Hroadway 1853. STTNN'YSIDE RANCH. 18 1-3, southeast Portland on Sunny mAa moil ffna, to achool : all in cultiva tion fine spring, good building site, soil free from grave L $200 per acre, half cash, reasonable terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. IBS V. W. Bank Bldy. Main 3737. 40 ACRES. Battle Ground. 1 mile west. mile north; 25 acres under cultivation, i . flwu rat nA.Ktura.tre rood : buildings: no rocks. Will sell equipped with im plements and stock. Cash payment. Lib eral terms on balance. L. Bruley, Battle Ground, Wash. (R. No. 2, Box 130). JJ500 TIGARDVILLE Heights, & beautiful acres, overlooking the Tualatin valley, view of mountains; rolling land, aM cieared and under plow, near school and church and store, practically on ascitic highway. For particulars pnone xsawy. t8. devtl'S LAKE. Silets reservation, Lin coin county. 33 acres, nearly ft mile lake frontage. Close to proposed Roose velt hiehway : excellent hunting and fishing; 350 per acre if taken at once, Phone Main T41 or Tabor 832. NIPTY LITTLE FARM. 5 acre cleared; beautifully situated. 3 blocks to hurbway, K.. ti station, r. u anH store: 20 min. ride from Portland ; priced right; terms. McCabe. Broadway 152W. V' 01 ST. NEAR G LIS AN, One or more acres: cheap as farm property; one block from city car line; Hti Run water: electric lights and gas; very easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock Co., 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. Homestead!. Relinquishments. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT. SEE E. VV. HELM, 423 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Irrigated r-anda. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. A real opportunity to get Irrigated land. Situated along the Columbia river with the best railroad facilities and longest growing season In the north west. Soil and climate especially adap ted to gardening, chicken raising, bee culture. dalr ing, to growing grapes, strawberries and fruit in general. The main state highway passes through the project. Our schools are the base One accredited high school and two grade schools. Write for our most attractive terms and folder. The district, and not agents is selling this land; there will be no commission to- pay. We axe Interested In getting home builders on the project. Address BUBBAN'K IRRIGATION DIST. NO. 4 Burbank. Washington- For Sale Farm. 14R ACRES OF FINE LAND NEAR DONALD FOR ONLY 370 PER ACRE. 40 acres under cultivation, 5-room 'Jiouse, barn. This is only one-half mile off 2 gravel roads and about the same distance from Oregon Electric car line; has a mortgage of $5000. Owner will take clear property or small amount of cash and a second mortgage for his equity. This is right in heart of the loganberry-growing district. about 2 acres on this place, that will convince you what the soil is. This one of the cheapest places in the valley. STEWART ft JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bidg. CHANCE FOR FARMER. 104O-acre wheat ranch, only 10 acres of waste iand on place; good, rich, deep soil, easily farmed with tractor or team; i30 acres in crop; house, barn, chicken houses, plenty of water; reservoirs to hold 7000 gal. water. This whole place can be bought for $30 per acre, with $uo00 cash as first payment, balance on 1-3 crop payment with interest payable annually at 3 per cent, beginning with this coming fall; one-third of this year's crop. Broadway 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 333 Railway Exchange Bldg. EX-SERVICE MEN t We have a number of small ranches ranging from 40 to 80 acrea highly im proved excepting buildings. First-class alfalfa and potato land; also onions, carrots and rutabagas and all kinds of small fruits. Poultry of ail kinds thrive in a first-class way. Price 345 to $10 acre. Including water right. Will permit you to place your loan and retain $500 for your expenses first year. Will also assist financially while getting loan if necessary. HE.NKiiK & MINER LAND CO.. BEND. OR. NOTICE TO EX-SERVICE MEN. Bonus will be accepted on this prop erty; price is right; 17 -acre place, 81 miles from Hood River, Or.; all roads graveled; good 8-room house, new paper and paint, water, electric lights, phone, F. D. at door; barn, chicken house, other outbuildings; 6-acre bearing or chard, commercial varieties; about 10 acres cleared in all, balance wooded pasture with fine mountain stream. See Dr. Gus Miller. 05 Broadway bldg.. or write to W. J. Euschede. Rout No. 4. Hlilsboro. Or. 40 ACRES $3.00. 31 miles from Portland; all stocked and equipped: 4 -room house, barn, water piped to house and barn; creek, 14 acres in cultivation, ft acres mostly cleared; 2- acres of fine, young prune orchard: family orchard; one team, harm ss, wag on, buggv. 1 cow, 1 he:fer. lot of hay, oats seed potatoes, 30 chickens, some furniture, all farm tools; $2000 cash, balance, terms. BundV. 01S Cham of Com. L SNAP SO acres. CHICKEN. HOG and DAIRY RANCH. 30 acres In crop, equip ment for 3000 hens. HM hogs, 12 cows, fenced and cross-fenced, running water in stock and tools included: unusual location on 2 railroads, adjoining 2000 town: cash price half actual value. E. M. Runvan. Agfirt, 508 Buchanan bldg. List vour bargains here and get them sold rt ii'R ks. ali cultivated. no brush stumps, large house, barn, silo. hen fcou-ses, water tower and gas engine, wtr arfd lights in house; 40 rods from paved highway; $$000; J1500 cash, bal ance 5 years at 6 per cent. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. h. WANT to tell you more aoout the is mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's rara dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Und A Loan Co.. Inc. Red mond. Or. (King Murphy's capitol.) 10 ACRES on west side, paved highway, good chicken and berry ranch. Price $1001. 350 down. 310 per mo. draper. 408 board of trade. Chicken, kkuit. garden ranches near Portland, 930 to $500 an acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all siaea McFarlar.d. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. SMALL FARMS, 5 acres up. level, clear, fenced, houses, near Willamina; small down payment. J. R. Sharp, 834 3d st. 130 AC H ES, good soil. f.Oft after :30 P. , Details uali East REAL KSTATK. i'or Sale harms. 24 ACRES, 14 miles from center of Port land, 1 miles1 from electric station, H mile to school; rocked road, spring piped to hou.e, 20 acres under cultivation; fam ily orchard, apples, pears. cherries, quince, etc.; 5 -room house, barn 40x40, garage. large chicken house, other build ings: included with place: cow. good team, 90 chickens, pis very complete line of machinery, incubator, feed cutter, feed and st-ed; price for every thi-ng $6r0, $2000 cash ; Multnomah, county, orefjem; inspected by Neta-on. i ON PAVED ROAD AT ELECTRIC STATION. 35 acres. 22 miles southeast of Port land, H mile from school; 20 acres under cultivation, baiance pasture; some tim ber, mostly creek bottom land; bearing orchard, apples, pears, cherries prunes, grapes, loganberries, walnuts', etc; 6- room bouse, barn, chicken house, ma- came scea, granary, som sboca ana equipment; p:rc for everything $6300, terms; inspeciea oy Munter. John Ferguson. Realtor. Gerllnger Bldg WILL sell at a bargain or trade for good notel in live town, wo acres land in v ii lamette valley, all lies level as floor; large, line house, barn, chicken bouse, etc.; equipped with farm tools, hay fork, wagons, hacks, buggy, cream separator. incubator, brooders, washing machine; wen rurnisnea no use: plenty water windmill; 8 milch cows, 4 calves, 2 mares, 3 horses, 1,5 chickens, 250 chicks. Place all in first-class order: right on fins road, railroad passes door, facing two towns, 3 miles to Brownsville. 5 to Halsey; cream, milk, mail routes: sow, pigs. 5 sboats; everything ready for garden ; all land in bay and gram; buildings well insured. We are not farmers but hotel people; only been here 4 -month's: if Interested in trade, -prices and mortgage of my rock-bottom price for sale, will meet parties at Halsey train II Rotiried day before. L. b uiier, Halsey. Oregon, route 2. box 5. 4 ACRKS IS OUI.TIVATEI). 33500 down; orchard, walnuts and ap ples; house, 2 barns, garage, chicken ft owe; well, spring, creek; fine soil; good roads; near Portland ; S 12.6110-. FRANK C. ROBINSON. FTeaitor. 503 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST YOUR HOMES WITH US FOR RE SULTS IT'S AS GOOD AS SOLD IF LISTED WITH OUR OFFICE. Wa specialize in the selling of Homes. We inspect, appraise and photograph your house within 24 hours after listing. We spend thousands of dollars adver tising and are in touch with the ma jority of Homo Buyers. We take care of tho interests of non-resident owners. -No charge except the standard commis sion of 6 In the event of a satisfactory sale. 75 Salesmen with autos to, work - on the sale of your House. See FRANK L. McOUIRB To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. WANTED AT ONCE. I want for a client the best 5-room bungalow that 34O0O will buy. Must be convenient to car and in desirable neigh borhood. Will pay about $750 down, soldier's bonus or satisfactory terms for balance. Must be a real bargain and 1 want it quick. Wo have two desirable lots- in Irving ton Park and possibly some cash for first payment on 5-room bungalow Sunnyside preferred. Lota in Irvlngtoa or Alameda. Must bo priced right. FRANK McCRILLIS, ReaJtor, Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 779. WANT house, La fid Addition, about 3bo40; must have 3 bedrooms. Have $1000 cash and lot osi paved street, Improvements . paid, also soldier's bonus. , JOHNSON-KELLY CO., 806 Board of Trade Bia g. B dwy. 3880. WANT about t rooms and sleeping porch, must be modern with hardSvood floors, not over $-1500. any good district; have soldier's bonus as first payment. FIDELITY INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. WANTED We have clients for modern 6 and -roonr bungalows. Rose City, Laurel hurst or Piedmont, not to exceed 35000. What have you? Broadway 3704. PAGET ft PAGET. WE WANT HOMES that 3200 to $1OO0 will handle. Phone Broadway 5387. HAVE client wanting 5-room bungalow near Peninsula park; will go to $5000; 32000 cash. R. R. POWNDER. Realtor. 40fl Broadway Bldg. Main 2717. WANT good (J or 7-room residence with one acre of ground on Oregon City car line ox Montavilla distriet- HKNRY GODDAR11, REALTOR. 243 Stark Sf. Bdwy. 7831. HAVE clients for west aide home; not over $7000, JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Hank Bldg. Main 3787. QUICK DEAL for real snap; moderate priced bungalow, improved street, not too far out. Garage preferred. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED LOTS in any good district. R1CHANBACH ft CO., 605-7 Cham, pf Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4143. WHY WORRY? X can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Millerahip, 163 & Fourth. Main $275. HAVE client for corner im Irvington or Irvington district. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WANT west side bungalow; must have 6 rooms. JOHNSON-DODSON .CQ. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. LEAVE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS with the Hlbernia Commercial & Sav ings bankforcollection. SOME cash and fine upright piano as first payment on no me in .ruenmona; no agents. Tabor 2132. WANT Bungalow, good location, not too high in price; expect some terms. Bdwy. 4t-y7. Ask for Mr. Fisher. EX-SOLDIER wants modern bungalow that some cash and soldier's loan will handle. Bdwy. 4837. WANT a good 7 or 8-room house on Port land lieignts. tiave .a casn tor good buy. Bdwy. 2045, evenings. Main 2534. WANTED 6 or 7-room bungalow, fur nished, imp. pata; owners only. Bdwy. 252. TRADE Light Overland for lot or part payment on property; value $400. Bdwy. 7203, A W IDO W lady, and stranger In town. wants 4 or 5-rooni bungalow, J2000 to $3000, some terms. Call Bdwy. 6768. EAST SIDE flats all rented, $15,000, building and all; $6000 to handle. Main 5267. I WILL pay $10. 000 to $12,000 for Port land Heights residence. N 20o, Orego nian. WANT snappy east front bungalow, Irv- mgton. .Mam ot7. WANT cheap suburban place; small pay ment Farms Wanted. I WANT A REAL FARM. Stocked and equipped, to $13,000. In the Willamette valley; have Portland property to $4500. batance cash. I mean business and want quick results; owners preferred. Call Broadway 6o28 or G 686, Oregonlan. ACREAGE WANTED. We have several real buyers for close in acreage. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 75S1. Wanted to Rent Farms. ABOUT 20 acres of good potato land, 201 West Park st. FOR RENT FARMS. 135 ACRES FOR RENT. PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. Located near Washougat, Wash. ; 60 In cultivation, 6 acres fall seeded, 18 Slowed, 20 jn hay, clover and timothy; acres In prunes with vetch and oats for soil crop; good 10-room house with water system, bath and sink: large barn will accommodate 20 cows and 4 horses; concrete store house, 4 good cows, team. 5 hogs, 2 -of which are brood sows; 1-S chickens, 2 tons of oats, plenty of hay to last, fuli line of machinery and tools, blacksmith shop and tools, cream sep arator, lot of household furnishinp, many other useful things, all for $1100. Place belongs to an estate, can be rented for 3 years at $300 per year, rent paya ble sx months in advatiee; $1000 will fcet immediate possession. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 70 ACRES, about 300 acres In cul tivation, good buildings and all fenced, rent for $100 per month; "the following personal property for sale: 12 cows. 1 reg. bull, 4 year lings, 2 two-year-olds, 25 goats. 3 plows. 1 cultivator, 1 gas engine, 1 woodsaw (gas), 3 milking ma chines, 1 vacuum pump, 1 vacuum tank and all pumping attach ments. 1 grindstone. 1 wheeibar row, all for $2t50 $850 cash, baL. terms to suit. Mcdonald & emmons. -313 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 10 ACRES, fine garden land, ali cleared and ready for garden now; only lft minutes' walk from the Rose City cars; will give two thirds of the crop. If interested call at once. Ralph Ackley, 627 Cortett bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. LEASE FOR SALE. 45 acres close to Oswego, 17 acres cherries and some good truck land. Share rent, long lease. Linn. 218 Rail way Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6808. 5 ACRES, it-room house, near Bellrose station. Akerson. 420 Henry bldg., Bdwy. 5541. TIMBER LANDS. 320 ACRES. Ti lamook county. - S miles from coast, mostly second growth tim ber, no incumbrance, value U80q, want Portland property, will pay cash differ ence for improved property. Mr. Mc Kinney, phone Columbia 2 or Columbia 1112. : 14 MILLION feet fine timber pine. Doug las, red and yellow fir, 60c to 31.50 M. Phone Auto. 213-22. FIR PILING, cedar poie stum page wanted. O. V. Gamble, Couch bldg. '" TO EXCHANGE RKAL ESTATT-. 80 ACRES 40 ACRES IN ALFALFA... FOR $60 PER ACRE. if. With a paid-up water right tor G3 acres; besides the 40 acres in alfa.r- 20 more are plowed for grain or potatoes The place is all fenced, with a 4-room house, and barn; H mile to school. R. F. J. and on cream route. The property lies in the Powell Butte district of Des chutes county. Will take in exchange any good prop erty and would assume. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. and prefer to have all my holdings there. I own a four-family flat bldg., nicely located on 'the west side, within walk ing distance of the business center. The present income is $123 per month. My price is $13,000 and my equity $7000. Will aecept property in or near Oregon City to full equity. Just the place for a family to live in one flat and have a good income from the others. See my agents, FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 38000 40 ACRES of bottom land 2 miles from Canby; 8 cows, Holstein and Jer sey pure breeds , 4 hogs, bunch of chickens; 30 acres under crop, including over an acre each in rhubarb ana aspar agus ; crop aij in ; 5-room house, good barn and chicken house. Will exchange for Portland residence up to $4000 or $0000. S. BORLAND. 223 Henry Building. Realtor, 4th and Oak. CASH AND CLEAR ACREAGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY.. 134 acres at Hood River, value $8000. free and clear, and - cash, for Portland property. MR. THOMPSON, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. BEAUTIFUL country place on paved Pa cific highway near Medford. Or.; sell or- trade for Portland residence; ; 44 acres, 15 In alfalfa; 7-room, furnace heated bungalow, hardwood floors, elec tric lights and cooking; fine large barn, 2 16x40-ft. hen houses and other build ings ; home surrounded by fine oak grove; buildings insured for $10,300, and .worth more; every convenience. See photographs. Owner, 8-2 Gasco bldg. WHEAT RANCH FOR TRADE. $1250 PER ACRE. Splendid investment, good wheat farm, 32 mi. Arlington, Or., and 3 miles Shut ler Flat station; good water, fences and buildings; 960 a.. 700 under plow, price $12,000. Take house or other property to 38O00. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. Phone. Broadway 4381- ORCHARD NEAR MEDFORD. 11 acres, irrigated and water right paid for; J acres pears, 3 acres apples; in come last year $2000. Will bring $3000 this year; rented subject to sale on 50 50 basis; all necessary bldgs. Owner will sell far below actual value or trade for anything which can be partly converted into cash, 314 Couch bldg. Broadway 6536. FOR SALE or Exchange 200 a., bet. Al bany ana Eugene; no a. nign state cul tivation; hog tight fences; living wa ter, thoroughly modern buildings; hot cold water; 8-room house; some stock and equipment 'ncluded at $100 per ac; half federal loan, take some cash and home in Portland. Mr. Darrah, apt 318. Bellvue hotel. F 597, Oregonian. FIFTY-NINE acre farm, stock and equip ment, free of encumbrance, all under cul tivation except what is in fruit, fine, rich soil, six-room house, large barn, good outbuilding and well fenced, station on place; 20 miles of Portland; will sell or exchange for clear income property; price $17,O00. O. W. Bryan, 508-0 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 3063. LUNCH COUNTER CLEARS $300. Located right downtown; long estab lished business; completely equipped; lew rent, long lease; will easily clear $300 every month ; owner became heir to business and will exchange same for equity in house or good lots; value $1500; will assume. Call 316 Pittock blk., Washington at 10th st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- Northeast corner East 8th and Washington streets. Portland, 120x150 feet, with 8-room house; mortgage $4000; will exchange equity for Los Angeles real estate or might consider clear Portland property. Address E. Shelby Smith. 725 Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. 6-ROOM, modern, new home and furniture in beautiful Palisades Park, N. J.; 10 mhrutee from New York city; electricity, gas, phone, steam heat, parquet floors, glass-inclosed porches, furniture new; baby grand pfano, rugs, etc.; price $11,000, for house in or near Los An geles. W 590. Oregonian. ROOMING house, 14 rooms, well furnished, Nob hill, 2 garages, chicken house, etc., income $160 per month, besides own apartment; will exchange for 4 or 5 room modern suburban home on good road and desirable location; give loca tion, price and details in first letter; no agents. G 506. Oregonian. PRICE $3000; PRICE $3000; PRICE $3000. 20-room apt.; 3-year lease, close in, rent $80; income $190; want 4 or 5-room house; close to car line, up $2000, bal ance easy, SEE JOHN BROWN CO., REALTOR. 322 RY. EXCH. BLDG., BDWY. 6301. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR HOME IN SALEM. Owner moving to Salem and will con sider exchanging his equity for home there and will assume difference. E. M. BROWN, " 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. EXCHANGES of Canadian land, Montana farms, Portland property in all its branches. Call and submit your trades; we can match them if they have merit. CORCORCAN, 325-8 Lumbermens Bldg. FINE Irvington home; modern every re spect; garage; fine corner lot, 100x100; will exchange for investment property or vacant business property ; assume if necessary. FQINDSXTER, 207 SELLING BLDG. LARGE stock ranch in Camas prairie, Washington, irrigated, all level; sell or exchange for city property ; can have immediate possession; owner is woman. 91 East 20th St. f 7-ROOM completely furnished house, all improvements paid; exchange equity of $3600 for cleared land in "Montana or small hotel; no inflated values consid ered. Sell. 3667. BEST 10 acres in Clark county, Wash. Fair improvements, fruit and berries; close' to Vancouver; paved roads. What have you to offer In exchange? G, R, Linn. Bdwy. 6808. FOR SALE Good 6-room house, bath, full basement, near Jefferson high school; will take late modern Dodge for light 6 Buick part payment. C. H Elston, owner. Oswego, Or. CHOICE irrigable 10-acre tract, water right paid up; low altitude, warm soil ; value $1000; take lot or auto to equal value. Howard, 1115 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S931. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring in your proposition houses, lots, farms, acreage, stocks of merchandise. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. NEAR-IN ACREAGE. We have a good listing on street car and paved roads. Will exchange. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $2000 GROCERY, 4 modern living rooms, dandy looation. Will exchange for resi dence in or out of city. Z. Eakins. 313 Couch bldg. VILL take lot, piano or fine phonograph as 1st payment. 6-room, acre on rock road, 19 minutes, ride. Owner, 4614 J. 41st st. TRADE 5 acres, 4-roam house, ligh-t car, for house or bungalow in Portland. I will assume mortgage. P 595, Orego nian ACREAGE near southern Michigan town, $5000, exchange for Oregon or Washing ton real estate or business. 4120 64th st. S. E. ' EXCHANGEE 3 confectioneries, ill good locations; will take house in trade; some cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. TRADES, TRADES, TRADES. Bring them in: will match you. TRADERS' EXCHANGE. 502 Couch Bldg. 160 ACRES in Lincoln county, exchange for lots or house equity. Akerson, 420 Henry bldg., Bdwy. 5549. SALE or trade, SO acres of good lettuce or garden land, half mile from Parma, Box 122, Parma. Idsho. HAVE small farms and aereage, exchange for houses. C. Cola. 42$ Lumbermens building. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In Mt, Scott home for light car or cash. 6a 06 5ih ftve, & E, " REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS CORNER. Modem business building on promi nent downtown corner, leased to net $12,000. Will consider 50 per cent ei- cnange. trice tiz,oou. FARM. . 100 acres within 5 miles Portland. Oregon. High state cultivation, on main highway, select community. Want in come property up to 335,000 or will con sider eastern or Canadian land to 320,000. Prica $30,000. NEBRASKA. 340 acres alfalfa, sugar beets, potatoes, etc., in abundance; 400 acrea irrigated; new buildings, best district in Nebraska Want large western farm or city prop erty. Price $92,000 cash". ALFALFA LETTUCE, POTATOES. 40 acres finest soil near Nam pa. Idaho, all irrigated, new buildings, excellent property. Owner living here will take part trade, balanoa 15 years. This Is the kind of land that yields up to $500 per acre in lettuce and $loo per acre in alfalfa. Prir XfiMlO W" APARTMENT. New modern 12 two-room apartment building, close In. Secured lease $200 per month. Take clear property in part payment, balance to arrange. Property clear. Price 327,500. OTIS C. BECK. Henry Building. TO EXCHANGE One-half section of land in Montana for Portland property or ' acreage; win assume incumbrance, une section $10 an acre, ranch land; con sider acreage here; land is clear. Two hundred acres near Missoula, Mont., well improved, spring water; four miles to town; consider small farm in, this district. Have several farms, Improved and unimproved, in Saskatchewan and Al berta that are real bargains, clear of Incumbrance, to trade for property here. Call and see me. CORCORAN, 325 Lumbermens Bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. 10 ACRES unimproved land, all good stuff, free and clear; near Hood River; price $50 per acre; will trade for good auto. FIDELITY INVESTM'T CO., Realtors, 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. LEASE and furniture of large brick apt. house, price $10.000j will take improved acreage to $15,000; clears $600. per mo. FIDELITY INVESTMENT CO., 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. WILL exchange Vulcan 4-burner gas range with side oven and lighter, also gas water heater and sanitary couch for ' good standard make coal and .jraod range. 808 E Couch st. 06x100 PORTSMOUTH VILLA annex. Ex change for small auto. Clevejand, 306 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. - HAVE 7-passenger Studebaker to trade on house-painting job. Call . 296 Tilla mook street. TO TRADE panel delivery body, worth $175. for Ford roadster body. East 2920. FOR SAUL Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE OR HIRE. 35 head of work horses, weight from 1 1000 to 1800 lbs., price $50 each and up. All guaranteed to be good, true work horses. Young brown mare, weight 1750 lbs., with foal, will sell or trade. 40 sets of new and second-hand har ness at a reduced figure. Gc K. Howitt, Front and Columbia sts JUST ARRIVED carload of eastern Oregon horses and mares weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs., ages 4 to 8 years old; sev eral well-matched teams; also some awfully nice single horses; prices very reasonable and good, fair trial allowed. New harness and wagons cheap. KEYSTONE STABLES. 381 Water St. Cor. Montgomery. 15 HEAD good, young, solid work horses, weight 1000 to 1500 lbs.; ages from 5 to 10 years. All gentle and true to pull. Come and try these horses till you are satisfied. R. 1, box 165. Orchards, Wash., near Gler Station. CROWN STABLES. For Bale, hire or exchange, any kind ef horse you may need. Have new and second-hand harness and wagons of all kinds, and grading tools. Phil Suetter, mgr., 285 Front st. J400-LB. TEAM of mares, heavy bones, blocky built, the kind that are easy to keep and always fat.j alao 3000-lb. team of good work horses; harness and wagons of all kind 240 E. Sth. . $100 BUYS good young team of geldings, well mated, sound and gentle, with good harness; also Peroheron mare, weighing 1500, with good colt. 783 2d st. S. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Es bens hade. 360-366 E. Morrison st. GOVERNMENT T. B. tested, fresh young, high-producing grade Jersey, K. Han neman, Corbett, Or. $25 BUYS good sound mare and harness; weigni ivov; gooa ror garaenmg warn and gentle. 780 Front st. S. Mrs. Walker. $60 BUYS nice, gentle, 3-year-old cow; nist can comes rrom very neavy muKT ing strain. Marsnau tfoia. FINE Jersey and Holstein 5 years old, fresh 5 weeks; will sell cheap. Call Em pire 1543, evenings. ; VETERINARIAN. DR HOWES. TABOR t-'iBft. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly; call day or night Automatlo 627-64. MILCH goats for sale, cheap. 774 Harney avenue. Sellwood 2979. FOR SALE Choice young Jersey cow, fresh, Tabor 8924, GOOD 1400-lb. work horse. $65, Phone East 8873. FRESH Jersey cow for sale. 625 Everett Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $250 COLUMBIA, library model $100 125 VICTROLA, mahg., like new.. 90 BRUNSWICK, mahogany, gold plated, new 225 BRUNSWICK, oak, new 100 AND OTHERS, EASY TERMS. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 Fourth St., near Wash. St. MOVING to Florida; must selj my like new player piano, cabinet grand, ma hogany, immediately; will give terms to reliable party; 70 music rolls, also bench included; cost when new $900; for im mediate sale will take $420, or less than half. See Miss Berry, 287 Washington st., 2d floor. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING by experts; guaranteed work. Try us. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any make; quick service; guaranteed work. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 Fourth St. Broadway 6578. Bet. Washington and Alder St. BEAUTIFUL Fischer piano, almost good as new, left on sale by owner who says sacrifice it for quick sale at $210, al most one-third what It cost when new; or will sell on time payments for only $225; $10 per month See Eilers Piano Exchange, 2d f loo1 Eners Music bldg. $950 WEBER beautiful, , plain, polished manogany, equal to new, saio, on terms. Why buy a., cheap new thump box for more money whtn you can have the world's best piano for less? Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. ELEGANT Sohmer upright, fine tone, rich dark case, only $195; also a still , finer one, cost $575, now only $255.' See Eilers Piano Department, 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. ELEGANT Sohmer upright, fine tone, rich dark case, only $195; also a still finer one, cost $575, now only $255. See Eilers Piano Department, 2d floor Eilers Music bid ir. ORGAN BARGAINS, make your own price within reason; we must move them. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St.. near Wash PIANOS moved, $3. ground floor; work dona by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway lJT. SAXOPHONE at sacrifice, stiver C melody gold bell, almost new. Saxophone Stu dio. 618 Eilers bldg. CHEAP for cash, cabinet phonograph and records, used very little. Main 2868. 450 5th St., apartment 5. 1000 NEW VICTOR records. 2 for 75c; cafeteria style. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 Vest Park. NICE Weber upright, rich tone, only $218. See Eilers Resale Department, 2d floor Eilers Music bidg. NICE Weber upright, rich tone, only $218. See Eilers Resale Department, 2d floor $600 POOLE standard piano; must sell; bargain if taken at once. F 587, Ore- : gonian. N W Martin saxophone, silver finish and gold bell; $100 cash. SuUivan. J. C. Penney Co. NICE Weber upright, rich tone, only $218. See Eilers Resale Department, 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. 3 UPRIGHT pianos, plain eajses, good tone $100 to $125 each; terms. 312 Worcester bitig. WANTED Sweet-toned piano; pay cash for bargain. Broadway 3890. PIANOS FOR RENTT EMPIRE TRANSFER CO., BDWY. 155. PIANO for sale In first-class condition; will sell cheap. Call East 4840. WANT PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS. Brodaway 7161. Auto. 627-46, 625-82. NEW PIANOS FOR RENT. Schwan Piano Co., Cor. 10th and Stark. WAXT to buy piano. Can pay cash. East W55. FINE upright orchestral grand. Schaff Bros., piano, cheap at $200. Tabor 2132. WANT E D Piano, good condition; oak case; pay cash. Woodlawn 6406. THOMAS Cabinet 'Grand piano, oak case, $200. 573 E. Couch st. PIANO, $190 for quick sale; almost new. Phone Tabor 9396. WANTED -2d-hand piano; give all cash of toMrfiiua. Broadway 1548. TO EXCHAXOl FOR 8 A UK. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SCH WAN PIANO COMPANY CLEARANCE USED PIANOS. $550 Geo. Steck, small upright. .. .$215 375 Gerold, dark upright 195 475 Holland, large upright 235 500 Needham, modern mahog 295 375 Hallet ft Davis, small 165 Two small upright pianos, $65 and 73 $760 Pianists, player piano 295 250 Pianola player, walnut.... 35 450 Franklin, wax finish . 105 450 Irving Piano Co., upright 210 Cottage organ. $18; Mason ft Hamlin. $28. Terms, $10 cash, $5. $6 and $S monthly. 101 10th st., at Washington snd Stark. CLEARANCE OF PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35 00 Victor and 5 used records... $ 20 32.50 Grafonola, 5 used records... 20 93.00 Stradivara. 10 used records., 48 140.00 Brunswick, 10 used records., 95 105.00 6tradivara, 10 used records.. 100 165.00 Emerson, 10 used records,.,. 95 175.00 Sonora, 10 used records ISO 350.00 Victrola, 15 used records.,.. 195 R75.00 Soiiora Grand 275 $5 or $10 cash, $3, $5 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 102 10th at Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out. $300 Prentiss upright, cash $145 575 Krell upright, mah.. cash 215 475 Hallet & Davis, cash 165 250 Bard & Co.. small upright.,.. 75 750 Pianfsta Player Piano 290 75 Chicago Cott&ge Organ 18 100 Mason ft Hamlin Organ 20 103 10th st-, at Washington and Stark. SPRING SALS: UStaD PIANOS. Wheelock upright, mahogany, only. $193 Martin Bros., mahogany, only....... 195 Pease ft Co., upright, oak. only,.,,. 245 Model la Player Piano only 495 Pianola Player, 88-note, only 60 Pay $10 cash, $6 or more a month. Lipman. Wolfe ft Co., Cor. Sth and Wash. WONDERFUL PIANO BARGAINS MUST MOVE QUICKLY EASY TERMS. 160O William Knabe, grand late. ...$675 1000 Chlckexing, late, mahogany . . 330 730 Strich & Zeidler, latest oOO 650 Estey, very latest, perfect ... 300 -1000 Chickering. plain ma., late 375 700 Genuine McPhaM 200 550 Bradford, late, walnut ISO 600 Jewett, fine mahogany 185 600 Thompson, latest 225 575 MoCammon, good ton, up.... 10O 275 Columbia phonograph, new... 125 700 Kroeg-ner, walnut . . 165 550 Smith & Barnes make 165 575 Hamilton, fine 200 500 Harvard, fine 150 675 J. & C. Fisher piano, fine .... 275 550 Just new, Farrand, latest .... 2-0 600 Mendenhall, very latest C25 700 Lester, latest, mahogany 300 900 Chickering, sweet tone, np 250 Three player pianos, lateat, $150, $375, on eaey terms, and many others. Wake up and save your money; buy real pianos at bargains; no thump boxes or rebuilt pianos; many just brand new. BROKERAGE CO., 312 Worcester Bldg., 3d and Oak Sts. PIANO SALE. Every Used PIANO IN STOCK has r been reduced to a price to move them quickly. Shop around, then see our bargains and be convinced that our bargains are real bargains. Terms given. KINGSBURY, almost new ....,..$275 STEIN WAY, old style, now 123 GONOVER, walnut, some buy 200 CAMBRIDGE, ma. big ease 265 SCHILLING ft SON, plain oak.... 250 KIMBALL, new mahg 395 STERLING, a snap 150 JEWETT, rosewood case 90 UNDER MAN, walnut, almost new 250 HINZEMAN, see this piane 95 DECKER & SON, player and rolls 250 HOWARD, walnut, a bargain 285 HAINES & CO.. concert grand 225 AND OTHERS. EASY TERMS. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 Fourth St., near Wash. St. $25 VICTROLA anft records (hardly used) $ 13 $ 75 Victrola (fine shape) 43 120 Brunswick (nice mahogany)., 60 - 125 Upright phonograph (new).,, 65 450 Price & Teeple piano 225 450 Kindler ft Collins, apt. slB4.. 250 750 Chickering (walnut art fin.).. 367 1000 Packard grand (mahogany).. C50 War tax removed, freight rates re duced. Used musical instruments forced lower. Easy " terms. No salesmen. HAROLD GILBERT, 107 W. PARK. BEFORE you sell your piano, phonograph, see resale department Oregon Eil-ers Mu sic House, phone Broadway 5523, 267 Washington st. Furniture for Sale. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME! THE FORMER MEIER-FRANK and other stocks of FURNITURE, RUGS, -DRAPERIES, ETC. DAMAGED AT WAREHOUSE AND REMOVED TO 349-351 OAK ST. Bet. Broadway and Park St. (Across from Telephone Co.) "TERMS WITHIN REASON. WE ARE OFFERING ABOVE STOCKS AT PRICES UNHEARD OF BEFORE. A CALI WJLL CONVINCE YOU. $120 tapestry overstuffed , davenport, loose cushions, well constructed... $ 65.00 Reg. $150 velour davenport, tun spring construction, i lor only Reg. $237.50 mohair over- 72.50 sturiea aavenport, very massive, special 125.00 Reg. $47.50 genuine leather overstuffed rocker Three-piece solid mahogany suite, consisting of daven port, chair and rocker, full cane back and sides, covered in wonderful silk 24.00 damask, for only Mahogany davenport tables. 192.50 perioa aesign Reg. $85 genuine leather bed . davenport, quarter sawed oak frame, special. Cedar chests with tray.... . Mahogany piano lamps. . . . 15.00 57.50 13.25 9.00 Silk lamp shades at Price Mahogany and walnut gate leg tables, from $22.50 UP Mahogany and walnut ex tension tables, oblong or round, worth up to $150, slightly imperfect, from . .$20 up Chairs t match at a big discount. Oak ditiing tables from. . . .$12 up it eg. - -- oo ivory aresser, large plate mirror Reg. $22.50 dresser, natural wood . . - Reg. $237.50 6-piece ivory bedroom suite, wonderful construction and finish. 16.00 12.50 oniy 122.00 Reg. $25 Ivory wood beds only Reg. $16.50 two-Inch post steel beds only Reg. $25 pure silk floss mattress Reg. ' $16-50 coil springs, special Reg. $120 9x12 Wilton rugs Reg. $62.50 9x12 Wilton rugs Reg. $55 8.3x10.6 Wilton rugs Reg. $30 9x12 Seamless Velvet rugs Reg. $25 9x12 Seamless Brussels ' rugs Reg. $15 9x12 rag rugs.... Reg. $10 flxftyrag rugs Reg. $17.50 Trkl2 wool fiber i rugs . ' 12.50 8.75 14.25 8.85 79.50 37.50 34.00 19.75 15.90 0.75 5.25 925 And Others Too Numerous to Mention. Reg. 85e pro-linoleum, spe cial, yard .42 Reg. $6 portieres, all colors, pair 2.50 Army steel cot beds.. 2.85 w AND A THOUSAND OTHER BARGAINS. 349-351 OAK ST. COHN BROS, ft DIRECTOR. LEAVING city, must sell at ones furni ture 4-room apartment, good condition, all or part, very reasonable. Apartment if desired. 187 East 15th st. S., apt. 1. 2 LARGE oak rockers, leather upholstered, $15 each; 1 large oak library table, $20; have been used only 6 months. Tabor S540. FURNITURE of 8-room flat for sale; flat for rent. Arrange to rent 4 rooms or more. Will sacrifice for $850. G 523, Oregonian. pRESSER, library table, drapes, bed couch, bedroom set; not trash, excellent condition; reasonable. East 2727. MUST sell complete house furniture, A-B combination range, mahogany Cable piano. Woodlawn 5389. 9x12 RUG. CHIFFONIER, dining room set and other furniture for sale, cheap. 448 West Broadway. Marshall 3238. 1 IVORY dresser, bed springs and mat tress, nearly new; also gas stove; bar- gain for quick sale. 5n2 E. Mam str LEAVING city, will sell furniture, all or in part. Good and inexpensive. Call Bdwy. 3548. FOR SALE Al furniture, practically new; come prepared to buy. Auto. 647-81. BOX COUCH. Phone 233-41. $6.50; good condition. FUR SALE Oak chiffonier with mirror, very reasonable. Phone Tabor 7328. FOR SALE Heavy oak rocker and elec tric lamp. Woodiawn n50Q. FURNITURE FOR SALE. . 7tU Everett st, FOR SALE. Furniture for al. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 75O0 square feet floor space filled with high-grade furniture of every kind and description. Antiques, curios, etc., pi anos, phonographs. violins. vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blankets, dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks. Wilton and oriental rugs, referigerators. sewing machines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale starts at 9 o'clock Monday, April 17. and continues until entire stock is sold. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER COMPANY. Fourth at Pine sts.. O apposite Mult nomah hotel. TODAY is vour last chance on what Is left: $112 Wilton rug, $42.50; $92.50 Wilton rug, $47.50; $17.50 Wilton rug, $8.25; $45 oak dining table, $19.fr0; 6 dining chairs, $22.50; $16.50 steel couch. $9.75; oak serving table, $13.30; $30 library table, $16; $25 oak arm rocker. $12 50; $25 oak arm chair, $10; $60 mahogany dresser. $25; $19.50 steel bed, $9.50; .steel coil springs. $7.50; mattress, $7.50; $32 dress er, $16; $50 oak chiffonier. $24; $30 ivory dresser, $16; $33 wicker rocker, $12. Everything must go today. 1S8 N. 21st street. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re-' pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. $2 4th St.. Opp- Multncmsh Hotel. rnona uroaawa.y oat. $200 CASH will buy an elegant $500 piano, received by us on factory account from an upstate d-ealer who went out of business ; can be had for $200; also a $575 model for $30 more; will make reasonable terms for $25 additional, tee Eilers Resale Department, 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. MOVING to Florida; must sell my like new player piano, cabinet grand, ma hogany, immediHtely; will give terms to reliable party; 70 music rolls, also bench included; cost when new $90o; for im mediate sale will take $420, or less than half. See Miss Berry, 287 Washington Tt., 2d floor Manufacturers samp lea. several dav en ports and chairs at bargain prices terms. Phones 635-27, evenings and Sun days. Tabor 57U7 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MAVSON, INC Pita ana 1 osier jvoa. a-ntttot i"K huniisnmn 8-niece mahogany narlor suite. 2 antique brass vases. 2 large frame mirrors, chiffonier, dresser, bed with Ostimoor mattress, large china cabinet, electric range, etc. 497 Clay, west side. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. 1 we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson T ransfer ft Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. DINING table (42 in.), buffet. 6 dining chairs, serving cnair; ngni oak; reason able; no dealers. Broadway 2922. Office Furniture. WE HAVE the following used office fur niture in good condition at exceptional prices: . 6 roll-top desks. 14 flat-top desks, 7 typewriter desks, 138 office chairs, safe, 1 bookkeepers desk. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO., Furniture Department. Tenth at Stark Street. Broadway an. ?cr matter, what you need for your of flee we can save you money. Complete line uotn new ana useu iurnnure, uen, flies, tables, chairs, adding machines, tvpewriters, checkwriters. We also rent office equipment. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. Fifth. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatross Metal Furniture Co., 715 Thurman. OFFICE furniture for saie cheap, com plete mahogany office equipment in ex cellent condition. iuuz i. w. oann diuk- DES K S, chairs, rug, ofeeap, rent. 303 Failing Mdg., before noon. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON -CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRIVB FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Washington St. Main 5681, REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; wa are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169. NOISE annoys; rent a Noiseless; a few used Noiseless for sale. Noiseless Type- writer Co.. 81 th st. Bdwy. 5044. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type- REB JILTS, second-hand rentals at cut rt, P D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507. OLIVER for sale cheap, good condition. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT, $3 A MO. EMPIRE TRANSFER. BDWY. 155. Poultry. MAGUIRE'S CHICKS. R. I. Red, O. A. C; Barred Rock and White Leghorns, day-old chicks and hatching eggs, from trapnestod and Hoganlzed free-range stock. 1000 W. L. ready April 19, 1000 W. L April 23. 1000 W. L.. April 27, 700 Barred Rocks Anrii 24. 700 B. R. April 30. J. R. Magulre, 7S7 Oregon st. East 1805 PETALUMA baby chicks for sale. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers; eggs from free range Hogauized stock only; safe deliv ery guaranteed. May chicks $12 per 100; June chicks $11 per 100, f. o. b. Petaluma. 25 per cent deposit with or der. Oak Hill Hatchery, Petaluma, Cal. WHEN you order your pa by chicka from us you get safe delivery of good, strong, healthy chicks, from high productive hens, with egg records of 200 to 308 each, mated to pedigreed cockerels. May and June chicks at $12-50 per 100. Graham Poultry Farm. Woodburn. Or. R. F. 3. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May and June delivery at $12 per 100; $113 per 1000, from flocks inspected and ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The pioneer Hatchery, 441 t.h st.. Petaluma, Cai. I $ $ $ FOR YOU in Mammoth White Pekin ducks, easier to raise and far more profitable than chickens; day old ducklings delivered to you by parcel post for 40 cents each. Write today and engage yours before It is too lata Laughiin Jjros.. nacminnvuie. jr. S C RHODE ISLAND white hatcning eggs, limited number from our prize pecs; April and May $3 per setting. C. S. Ogfibury ft Son, 9621 09th ave. S. E., Portland, Or. Phone Auto- 614-21. TANCRE1J and O. A. C. June hatch White Leghorn chicks, $10 per hundred; hatch ing eggs. Tabor 3822. Parkrose hatch ery. Portland. TANCRED White Leghorn, year-old lay ing pullet eggs for packing. Tabor 3822. Dogs. Rabbits. Hirua and Pet Stock. " YOUNG MALES, green and yellow, from genuine imported St. Andreasberg roller stock, $6; also beautiful yellow and green females, 2 years old, $2.50 each. Call East 6874, or 687 Multnomah t. FOR SALE or trade, beautiful talking par rot. Phone Main 6287 Sunday or 646-51 week days 2 FOX TERRIERS for sale. Fifth. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, singers and females. 227 Wash, st. Bdwy. 7221. WILL give good home to male puppy. Tabor 8870. Kegs nnd Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 308 N. 14th it., near Pettygrove, Phone Auto. 518-19. Boats, Launches and Marine Kquipment. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, houseboat No. 18 at Oregon Yacht club; five rooms, gas city water, electricity, phone, etc. ; terms if desired. Phone Sellwood 776 from 12 to 3 Sunday, or write AH 214, Oregonian. FISH BOAT, 28x6.9 ff. 3-year-old hull, sound, 6 H. P. 4-cylinder H. D. engine, all in gcod shape. E. S. Dunn, 1503 MafKIC St., v ancuuver. aan FOR SALE New trolling boat, 37x10 ft will tjka eitv nronertv as Dart uav- ment. 107 S. Decatur at. CaU Col. 1276. Coal and Wood. BiG LOAD partly dry block and slab A 4ft inari WiilTI 1 ftOS 16-INCH extra heavy dry wreckage; load delivered $5. East 8254. FOR COUNTRY SLABWOOD. EAST 9174 LOGAN FUEL CO. DRY BLOCK and slab wood, single load $5; double load. $8. Bdwy, 2345 BEST old-growth, dry fir, $7.50; large secona-gro mn, cei.wuou on. JflR, $7.75. oak. $10; ash, $8.50. Wdin'. 3824. John Gerlach. EXTRA-GOOD country slab from tie mill, $5.25 a cord. East 7485. SELECT, bone-dry fir, cord and slab wood, direct from country. East 3400. NO. 1 FIRST -GROWTH cordwood. $7.50 a cord. 2d-growtft. 6..n. call ajam T'U. SPECIAL lots, $1 to $5: A-l, bone dry, 12 inch fir. Rush delivery. East 5400. WOOD Hi'TCK or s:i Col 743, 4-FOOT, ooiuury e&bwood, iUia 613. FOR SALK. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 14-Inch fir blork and s.ab. runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on two-load orderi of dry wood. Prompt delivery on wext and east side. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wood lawn 4102. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and slab mixed; fine for furnaoe or heater, de livered In 2-load lots for $8; single loads $4.50. Washington lump coal. $11 too in th1? basement; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. EAST 2041. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed runs, partly dry. 2 loads $8 00 1 load 4.50 WOODLAWN 1390. WE DELIVER 4-foot cordwood. No. 1, $5.75; No. 2, $4."i5 per load; Rock Spring and Utah nut coal $13.75 a ton; single sacks 90c. Call Broadway 3264 or Wood lawn 5559. COAL Sample sacks, $1 delivered; 6 sacks $4; $10. $11. $12.50. $14.60 and $.550 per toa delivered. EAST P984. t WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. Block and slab mixed, partly dry, $4 . load. Woodlawn 3407. PORTLAND FUEL CO. AUSTRALIAN COAL SERVICE. RANGE. $14; LUMP. $13; SAMPLES. $L 3 SACKS. $4 EAST 5400. LET US SAW YOUR WOOD. Josie Irish, Days: Main 3297. Nights: Aut. 619-43. ATLAS WOODY A RD. BLOCK and slab, partly dry. $4 a load; seasoned. $5.50; box wood, $4.50. Wood la wn6iiS6 GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.25 cord; heavy country slab; $5.25. Rock Springs and Utah coais. East 1759. NICE 16-inch slab. $3.75; heavy, graded, seaaoned. $3 load; 12-16-Inch dry cord, $7.25; anywhere, bargain. Sellwood 17rtl. GREEN slab, $7 doubie load ; single loai. $4; first-growth cordwood, $7.50 a cord; second-growth, $6.50. Call Main 7061. NUMBER 1 fir, 16-inch, full cord, $M 50; two cords $1. delivered. Teacock Fuel Co. East 95K8. BELL Fuel Co.. Et S30u. corowood. slab wood and coal. Get our summer pricea. DRY boxwood $4, block and slab $4.50 2-load lots $fi. Woodlawn 3640. BEST cry cordwood, $7.75 per cord. 3 for $15. Can't be beat. Broadway 4110. liuOD No. 1 fir. $S; No. 2 fir. $7; grses country siao, m.ou, oisin oi. iljAVT bloik and slab mixed, partly dry; dry slab and inside wood. Wdln. 2019. GOOD dry first-growth heavy bark. No. 1 $H. NO. - 1. rnone Auiomauc oib-a l WOOD SAWING, ANY PLACE IN C1T1T. PHONE MAIN 8124. BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7.50, single load $4. Main 1723. Machinery. PETERMAN LATH MACHINERY. The moat efficient machinery for the manufacture of lath, broom handles and curtain pole stock. For price and de livery see WESTERN FOUISDK X CO., 626 Hood at. Main 3896. CtTt K(iON .IITNK & HARDWARE CO. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand machinery, narawara ana pipe. Main 128. 270 Front at. DONKEY engine, 9x10. Tacoina, blocks, lines. $160Q. E 543. Oregonian. Nursery Stock. THRIFTY loganberry tips for nle, $2. per TOO. R. C. Kocher. Woodburn, Or. LANDSCAPE gardening by hour or con tract. Automatic 647-29. Radio Kquipment. PARAF1NED cartons us Illustrated in Science and Invention for mak ing radio receiving set, 15c each. WOODARD, CLARKE ft CO., ELECTRICAL DEPT. in basement. CRYSTAL DETECTOR SETS, $10. Receiver $4, and other supplies. Bergis Electric Co., uroaaway i)tv. 40 w aie ington st. at 13th. FOR SALE: 1 Rlmler radio receiving set, complete with phones, tubes, batteries. Demonstrating at 82 Union ave. N. East 9286. FOR SALE- 1-DX crystal radio receiving set complete. liroadway Miscellaneous. LADIES, let "The Vogue" sell your nils fit, slightly used clothing oh commis sion, 4th floor. 403 Alisky bldg.. Third, near Morrison. " HOT WATKR tanks, $5; guaranteed. Tanks gas water beaters repaired ; plumbing contractorfc, estimates given. HI. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams. Et 51u. FOR SALE 1 slightly used A-B-C electric washer, swinging wringer, in perfect running order, $85. Smit h-McCoy Elec tric Co., 264 Alder St. Main SOIL BEFORE you fell your piano, phonograph, see Resale Dept., Oregon Filers Music House, phone Bdwy. 5523, 287 Wash ington st.' BUTCHER FIXTURES. For sale complete outfit Including 1-ton Harris ice machine. Phono East 9252. evenings. East 7877. BEFORE you sell your piano, phonograph, we resale department Oregon Eilers .Mu sic House, phone Broadway 5523, 287 Washington st. FOR KALE, cheap, one boxball bowling alley, 36 feet long, 3 feet wide, in good condition. Inquire at Robert Carlson's cigar store. Banks, Or SHOWCASES, wail case, cash registers, scales, meat slicers, fountains, root beer barrels, podI tables, many others; big reduction. 120 1st. RANGER bicycle, 1922 "Motorbi ke" model, never used ; 80 per cent d(jcount for rash. If rYiterested phone Marshall 210. 1 DIAMOND, 1 karat, commercial white, in pawn for $250; will sell ticket for $50. Call Broadway 3217. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, only $S. after 9 A. M.. Woodlawn 6212. E. 12th st. N. Call 1137 FERTILIZER. Wei! rotted cow manure delivered anv place in city. Call Wdln. 3407. GOING AWAY Will sell boy's wagon, velocipede and Irish Mall, reasonable. East 1276 FERTILIZER, well rotted cow manure, delivered any part of the city, Wdln. 0233. APEX electric washing machine and Sim plex Ironer; large sizes 3 good condition; reasonable. Tabor 2163. CEDAR POSTS, DELIVERED AN V WHERE. A. W. STEELE. SHER WOOD, OREGON. rILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. DANDY S-light shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.35. at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75c per day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. KUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; alio vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange k- aks. yandy. 329 Washington at DI EBOLD safes, new and second -bund; special pricea. Pacific Scale ft Supply Co., 48 Front at. Bdwy. 1966. WE make sweaters and stockings. Have two new auto knitters for sale and bhuw how to woric tnem. i-eninsui a. WANTED Several hundred customers tf buy my home-made apple butter at Stai 333. Farmers' market. 1 USED Tnor electric wasning macnine. guarantee! in iieneui running uraer, itu. Smitn-Mc;oy eiectric tu., Aiaer st. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20, guaranteed to pna Inspection. Wdln. 8791. NICE Weber upright, rich tone, only $2ia. See Eilers Resale Department, 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. SMALL heating stove in good condition, $. 443 E. .13d st. FOR SALE Library table and sewing ma chine cheap, pnone freu. im. BEAUTIFUL china closet; cost $k."; will sell for $25. Phone Broadway 5958. 1 30-H. P. FIRE-BOX boiler. avenue. ACETYLENE gas tank, full; cheap. Davis, 1. Q Aiaer st. CANNED fruit. 20c up; jellies. Jams. 1461 E. Everett si. 8-FT. AWNING for sale at 384 Haw thorn eae. SEWING machine $10, good condition, 5 drawers. 310 6th st. FOR SALE Mahogany piano bench. East 12 FOR SALE Cheap, new gas range. 1401 East rioyi- TWO safes, bargains if taken this week. POOL tables, back and front bar; must sell. 1-" r irBt- TWO b-FOOT counter cases; also house hold goods. Call Bdwy. 4157. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners for rent. 85c per oay. c" nr. Amo oit-.j4 LADIES' USED APPAKaL Spring drtaae. $3 to tuna. v i iaoo: zsja, SECOND-HAND tenia and covers for . FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine. inowcMta, u ui n., aeir aa FREE for removing light soil, eaay to get at. near E Ash and 24th. East 1808 STAR-A -STAR shingles, direct from milt CaU Taylor-si, cock. Mala 806$, FOR SAI.K. SAVE Torn WIKE Snd your art w.h to live hnnw Laundry. Clothes wanted pnowy whit in jrpvirate roinpa rf men l Till 'ItrDAi, KRIOAV AMI SATIIIK V. 1 FOR BO ChNTS; 4 I EN 1 ttonal pound; aluabl Phone East M33. premiums g.ten. 4iD. MACHINES. STi:F.L PILES. Kl'HMTl It K. Burroughs t-hnk fat model ..,...$ !73 Burroughs' 7-bank flat model 140 4-drawer steel letter file; no finer file made 47 50 Sectional steel files, letter card inilrx. legal sizes. V have a complete io-k of new and used de-kw. tb.a, chatra, etc. D. C. Wax, 24-26 Nofth 5th. lidwy. "7,'irt. AT LAST. HALLELUJAH! After 20 years or never-ceasing rearch work ine treacherous roof problem ba finally been conquered. It has now bn fui'.jr derided and resolved to repair, RUHHKK BOND and rejuvenate all the old laky roofs now loiated in the city of Port land. Applicants will please rsport by calling Bdwv. 5958, ELECTRIC KlXTCRKa. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Corns and see; you ars under no obligation to bny. STANLEY LUTJ!. 207 Chamber of Com mere Bldg. Broadway 4253. MOVING to Florida; mum fteil my like new player piano, cabinet grand, mahog any, immediately; will glv terms to re. liable party; 70 muio rolls, aio bench, inriud.Wt ; coat when, new $90: fr Im mediate sale will take $420. or Ir thun hrtlf. See- Mis Berry. 27 Washington wt.. 2d floor. C.N K 42-inth oak ful tnp d.k $-5. n 6o-trch nk fiat top dk $;!. two ik filing rnhmetft, $25 each, ono ateM filing cabinet $35, five atraight brk off ! chairs $3 each, one revolving off ce eliHir $12.30. lnquir May Hardware Com rnny. 124 Front t. IF YOU APPRECIATE aplendld watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Blr Little Jewelry Ftsrs. Sells for Less Gift. That Lsat. Nest Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Stl WHY PAY Mi "UK? We ars overstocked, will sacrifice hip slightly ued White roiary mar nine aa low ns $40; the.re tnachinea are th lateat. models and guaranteed mm me as new ; some others at $30. 171 Park. Mam 7507. PLAYER riANO'MUT HE tl.r. Party leaving town left with u fine player piano and rolls for tmlr; va laughter for $'JS for qtliek sale; Would give terms to good people; thin in i $stl5 autnpfano. one of America a bent, "f'a'l at Kifer.n Millie hide, IM flfor BEAlfTI FUL doub'c bird l'ntdtr, ad justable form, 2 sanitary cm net. 1 electric fan. 1 standard KenilnaioH type writer, contract on piano. WiM sell reasonable or trade. 'h:t have you ? fa II even In ks, Hd wy. 4 1 53. Li'ORS, windows, acreen door, moulding, mill work, glass, roofing and hotb-4 sah. See our odd stock of sah and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store. 171 FRONT M, het. Morrison snd TamhMl. VI a 1 n j 2 IS bEWING mu?h!iies, new and econd-hand. sold for leaa; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and Tented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Third at., near Taylor. Main 9431L , FOR GOOD of value, see tlieao for a br gain, strel-cwt gear pinions, boxes, col lars, millwright and carpenter ton la. Junk, boots, shoes. HiOfl Miiuia'pit ave. Before 9:30 A. M. or alter 4 P. M. Wood lawn 5730. WATER PYHTE-M 0U A RANT KK I AM) HIMN'D NEW. SN A I' $145 TERM M. CALX ROBINSON. Bdwy. 403. 211 Oak. SALMON KGGH. Best brand, Skonkum brand. King brand. They are all god at 15e a run. 2 fT 25c. Special terms to drHlerx. Cas cade Market. Third and Yamhill flu., Portland, Oregon. TENT HOUSE. 14x13, lumber floors and double wh'N, 10 oz. tent, also large fly, with porch, sink, gas ranue and heating lmc ; nil! sacrifice for $1t)o. fll t 705 lvn ft . or phone spMivoml 73. USED electric addre.lng muc ii in ; ad dresses envelopes, paper and foldt r at the rate of lot mi per hour. See Alf. II. Davis, care Honey man Hard ware C Park and Glfsun mk A DKPl ADAHLE I'.ACK TO TRADE MILLER'S B:g L!tt! Jewelry SioiS Sells for Less Oifta That Lat. Next Door to Ma lent to Tin-ater. Park and Washington Ha. FOR KALE 1 Robert porta Imu ha I. ery oven. 3 shelves; will hake '.Ml oa of bread at one time; nearly new; will ell for $.'(no caxh. Arlington liakr . lnt 117. Arlington. Or. FO R SA LK Co in pic tu photo at udio out fit now In axoruge. Conaldcr iradr or come thing. What have ou ? .law. t irn. sart, 354 Alder st. Car of Photo hup piy Co. MULTIGRAPHJNU equipment for complete for printing fi-rms of all kind and letter work; price $l."ini; $7;,o cm!i. bal. easy tennn; must sctl. owner caving eity. Wdin. 6334 8 AFES Overstocked. For the baf valu obtainable -a new or aerond-hand of fee Noma Safe & Lock Co.. Klj Portia n d. Or. Phone 1 1 d w y . 70 1 5. WE BUY, sell and exchange Tho: mlZtT trie waahlng and Irniing machines SMJTU-McCOST KLKCTK1C JO.. 2(14 Alder. Phone Main 80! ! CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged id repair!. Portland Cah Kt?iclMr Ac Soils fcx clia nye. 22 Mrk a:. Bdwy 7 3 34 TRUNK, aa good as new $; l.Vlewel IM gln watch. $lo; fishing rod and hunting coat cheap. 2"3 &iadion. at. vnn n.M.r. Ai TOMnni t.r. 1U20 FOIU) TOURING t'A K. Tn fine condition: thin car has a starter and Just refinlnhed. Looks like new, A bargain; will give term. Phone 11) JO STUDEBAKER 5 -1 ' A S S T O U 1 1 1 N ' I . This car Is In perfect me haniral con dition; ear eon not be told iriu new; ha . good tirrn. Will fell ;lt a baigniti end give terms. Phon- E;it lff.2. LEAVING TOWN. Light 4-ryllnrier, 1020 model, touring, S new 31x4 tlren, spnti.?ht. Speedometer, bumper: lihernl term. .'tT K li . S. Ii hi K 15 in a ear for a live iu;iw It in SerippM-Booth roadnter with wire he nr.d other extraa. For price and ten en II Oh ten doff. FMvy. 4li7."i I 10I FORD lioAl'STKIt J-'-'-". - TERMS. Starter typw. good order. tiw lj erme. L. Y. MI LLI N'GSl . K Y MOTOR cu, Hawthorne A e. ji t Nth. Phnpr K-t 7 LATE MODEL Chevrolet tour:ng with M'" cial motor; Spencer unlp Hemi-atee) pii tons, ct-rd tires, extraa; an c ep t loriu 11' gi ort ear. O'vner. M;irhnM V'-'M. JUST overhauled anil r.p. tinted, tnv J! light wlx M tteh'-ll, ami will m ni"t ri-aaonuble price. All n I li with rxtiH-. ("-.II O'endeif. H.liw 4. 1IJ20 CliKVIlOLKT -41UI, i iv-KM.-, . Cord tires, cpHre tire, good condition. L. Y. MI LLI NGS I.KY M"T'JH Co . Hi.-vtlorne Ave Mi -,h. Ph.. tic K.i-.t " USLD (JAILS. 1017 Ford roadster 1017 Maxwell louring LA FF A W MOTOH "0.. 1 N. iltll Mt 1H21 Ft K U KO A 1 'ST H. U, 3.'u. Flrat class In every way: iart-r. Terms. Will take car In trade. Tabo' 3212. HAY K a l''-l "d ol'T w.th a lot ..r extraa, g'iod Tire and in Al im-chun e, hape. My price la on teefni. t nil (ii 1120 BLU'K l:iAlTi:R. Refln it)het. tir". Hcen-e B K AL V, ' - R A 1 1 A M CHI LD. I N C. tltn at.d Burn--ice ;:tf. H U 1 'SUN i-4U 2 . T K R i S. New tire, (rood co. dlt ion ; bargain. U Y. MILLIN'GSl.K V MOTiiH i . tiiwthoni" Ave, ;n aih. i'liuf" Kn-t T WILL take !'" -"- 'r l 1 f'" t.i.-.-coe light four tour.ng- Hf thia and y.n will agree that it in a baia.tli, C .1 Patettdorf. Hdwy. KIT.'. ly IS FORD touring. '22 ;i. e)l... ,,i god condition, jUf". Allen Ooode( Motor Co.. TJtb ami MtK. STL'DKBAK&ll. Rood cotmiWiou. i tn cord tlrej. $L"0- Inquire al 7S4 Cuio 1 merelal A CORKlNti 1020 model ..od CI. .wo!, t ,1 i .i.i,. itn good tn.-. Can .(ll -.ndo;f B'lvy you monc U IN TON MX Real nice ft-pu-ff f. tri-r family sutottr ho. g'--od ahJtp-. e:-t'". Snap K'.-t H AVB been cul.etl e-t. iout 11 my n... land louring car; perfect contM'un, n'.v tire. IM Orand av.' K- t 471. 1J0 FOHi touring with at ai tr. J ;l overhauls d, good tires. $2hi. Call Aut-i. :i:i-;h. U i i.i. kHCi if ire on thT j;2l lto nw.i. I Oakland touring; mut scl.. tr-r car tt 30 Alder hi li) '0 FOND tgurlug with aturirr; ral buy fit :t2.V Broad -.en v 2 - FOKD coupe, -positively bl buv in IOt; run one year. Wood la w n 2''! lit IN FOIUJ louring, (tfood :onJ.li for oulek a. l!at H4t $12 HUVS a good iluirk ro.ll like H wateh Hi mm Mt A ll-r FOR SALr; I Fold :.m r u n n i n if n n H!' inn ; 1 1 " D M' t.'ilt Inn i'bene Main. dauuy ahdpe. 42 Ji caa. To.