T THE MORNIXG OHEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 23, FIRE CHIEF Hi -HEUHH6 IS TODAY 3 L MovingHclureNew Charges Will Be Aired Council Chambers. in 40 WITNESSES CALLED Later Investigation Expected to Weed Out Trouble Makers and Strengthen Discipline. Everything- is in readiness for the hearing ofe charges which have been filed against John E. Young-, chief of the Portland fire department, which is scheduled to open in the city council chambers at 9:30 o'clock this morning1. The charges were first filed by C. C. Brown, an apartment house manager, who shortly after filing the charges repudiated them as untrue and in a public statement named A. L. Pullen and Frank J. McFarland, two inspectors of the fire marshal's office, as the men who induced him to Bign and file the charges. As soon as Mr. Brown withdrew from the case Inspector Pullen re- filed the charges and the hearing was set. The charges include alleged intoxication while on duty, disorderly and immoral conduct and general ln- incieney. Attention Centers on Bureau. Due to the general knowledge "that members of the fire marshal's office have been active for months in an effort to oust Fire Chief Young, the attention of the public is turned to this bureau, as well as to the charges brought against Chief Young. Demand has been made for thor ugh hearing to show the condition of the fire bureau, and the cause for the dissension which is crippling the en tire bureau. While the hearing will be before City Commissioner Bigelow, all other members of the council will attend to gain first-hand knowledge of con ditions in the fire department. It is freely predicted that regard less of the outcome of the hearing the charges are but the preliminary to a general investigation of the en tire department to be carried on to weed out the trouble-makers and to bring about discipline once more in the ranks of the department. Korty Witnesses Called. It is understood that more than 40 witnesses have been called by the two sides, and that the case will probably consume more than a day. The sub penas were signed at noon yesterday by Mayor Baker and Commissioner Eigelow, but no announcement was made of the list of witnesses, as the officials did not care to have any of the witnesses informed in advance of the serving of the summons. . Wallace IVIcCamant has been re tained as chief counsel for Chief Young, while the firemen who are attempting to bring about the re moval of the present fire chief will be represented by Milton R. Kiepper and A. K. Flegel. BUILDING BOOM LAUNCHED Pendleton Experiences Unusual Activity in Construction. PENDLETON, Or., April 19. (Spe cial.) A building boom has begun in this city with the opening of spring. In the first 16 days of April building permits issued totaled more than $18, 000. with the average building invest ment last year showing $17,000 a month, exclusive of a $200,000 addi tion to St. Anthony's hospital. Nearly 20 permits have been issued for the construction of homes to the value of $3000 each. Most of the work this year, however, with the ex ception of a $15,000 oil station now being constructed, has been in the na ture of improvements and repairs, which in many cases were held over from last year. Paint and plumbing houses report a big increase in business and union labor heads report all union men at work. COLONEL RALEY HONORED I'matilla County liar Association Klccts Officers for Year. rEXDLETO.V, Or., April 19. (Spe cial.) Colonel James H. Raley of Fendleton this afternoon was elected president of the Umatilla county bar association, with James A. Fee Jr., vice president; Charles Randall, sec retary, and V. J. Warner of Hermis ton, treasurer. An executive com mittee of Charles Carter. Pendleton. S. D. Peterson. Milton, and H. J. War ner, Pendleton, was elected. A committee to revise and make recommendations to the circuit court for changes in the rules of the court, was appointed and this committee wilt meet with Judge Phelps at his request, A revised schedule of fees was adopted. Charles Carter of Fendleton ''a the retiring president. Candidates Address Newberg- Voters NEW BERG. Or., April 19. (Spe cial.) The political meeting held at the legion hall Jn this city was a great success from all standpoints. There was a good attendance, the hall being filled, and many candidates for the various offices were present. Candidates for governor who were present were lsouis E. Bean. J. D. Lee, Charles Hall, Senator Patterson and Senator Pierce. Other candidates who addressed the meeting were Senator Norhiad of Astoria, as candidate for Vnited States representative to con gress; Attorney Layman of Portland, as candidate for public service com-missioner-at-large; Senator Vinton of Mc-Uinnville. V. W. Lunger of Lafay ette and Peter Zimmerman of Carl ton, candidates for state senator from Yamhill county; and several candi dates for county commissioner. Old Oregon Trail Official Named. HOOD RIVER, Or., April 19. (Spe cial.) The Hood River county com mercial club has, at request of the Old Oregon Trail association, elected J. IL Fredricy, ex-president of the club, as Hood River county's vlce presidant of the new organization. The local club is considering partici pation in an Old Oregon Trail cele bration and pageant at Baker on July 4. Mr. Fredricy was authorized by his fellow clubmen to raise $100 for assistance in financing publicity work of th old trail organization. Comrades Uury ex-Service Man. WHITE SALMON. Wash., April 19. (Special.) A military -funeral was held here yesterday for Irving Aiken, who died recently in California. The exercises were under the auspices of Kvan Childs post, American Legion, and the funeral was well attended. Interment was In the Oddfellows' cemetery. Mr. Aiken was an ex service man. TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Rivoli - Rudolph Valentino, "Frivolous "Wives'." . Peoples "The Rosary." llaje&tio Jane Novak, "Belle of Alaska." Liberty Charlie Chaplin, "Pay Day." Columbia "Fool's Paradise." Biue Mouse "A Virgin Para dise." Star Wallace Reid, "Rent Free." Hippodrome Viola Dana (also in person), "Glass Houses." Circle Herbert Rawlinson,"The Scrapper." D' OUBLE-HEAD feature bills sel dom offer two attractions of equal worth.. However, the ex ception is the rule at the Liberty the ater this week, where Charlie Chaplin in "Pay Day" easily captures the com edy honors and Katherine McDonald, in "The Woman's Side," runs away with the dramatic honors of the bill. The new Chapiin vehicle contains considerable humorous originality, but it is nevertheless essentially Chaplin esque. . He ioes introduce a number of different comedy stunts, but his usual by-plays are consistently in evidence. Yet the picture was created for laugh ing purposes and it achieves that, and that is about all that can be expected of a Chaplin comedy. Henri Keates, the Liberty organist, in playing the comedy picture got in some excellent comedy twists of his own, which added materially to the laugh-provoking qualities of the pic ture. Katherine McDonsfid in "The Wo man's Side" did excellent work. It is an entertaining story, containing a .rapid succession of highly dramatic moments, unfolding the plot logically and convincingly and revealing a charming romance. Primarily "The Woman's Side" is a newspaper story and in one title the long-suffering press is referred to as "the maker and breaker of men." When that title was flashed the re viewer innocently bslieved that it re ferred to women; but no, it was ap- TRACKS SEEN IN SNOW 1ESTIMOW OF STILIAYELIi IN MUKDEH CASE CORROBORATED W. X. Cobb, Pioneer Resident of Sisters, Witness for State Against Weston at Bend. BEND, Or., April 19. (Special.) The testimony of George Stillwell that he and A. J. Weston visited the hermit cabin of R. H. Krug of Sisters, on the night of March 24, 1919, to kill and rob Krugf was corroborated by W. N. Cobb, pioneer resident of Sisters, who testified here this after noon in the Weston murder trial that on the morning after the fire which destroyed Krug's home, he Saw tracks In the snow leading to the ruins of the house. One pair of tracks was large, the other smaller, the larger ones corresponding with those found near a pail which Weston in his prev ious trial here in 1920, testified he put down near the house earlier the same morning after walking to the Krug ranch to get eggs and seeing that the" hoiuse had burned. Mr. Cobb's wife. Sisters telephone operator, told of 'receiving a call from Weston that morning, saying that he had started for Krug's. had seen the ruins of the body of Krug, and had gone to a nearby ranch house to telephone. He asked her to notify the 'Sheriff, she said. Cross examination of Stillwell, the state's star witness, by John C. Col lier and Karl Bernard for the defense, occupied the greater part of the, day. Stillwell was caught in minor contra dictions, particularly in comparison with his testimony in thj former trial, but in the essentials hLs story was unshaken. ' Brothers in Race for House. LA GRANDE. Or., April 19. (Spe- SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Century Insurance Company, Ltd. of London. England, on the thirty-first f rx-roinber. 1921. made to ms in surance commissioner o the state of Ore gon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid $ 400,000.00 up Income. x Net premiums received during year Interest, dividends and rents received during the year. . . . Income from other sources re ceived during the year 640,090.0: 47.320.CO 3.440.3? Total income .$ 890,840.11 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year in.-iiiriine . adjustment ex penses 4-6,643.70 Commissions and salaries paid during the year Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year Amount of all other expend itures 15.939.44 11,448.21 Total expenditures .... Assets. . 7SO.730 57 Value of stocks .and bonds owned (book value) t 923.076.88 Other ledger assets - Cash in banks and on hand... Premiums In course of collec tion written since September 30. 1921 Interest and rents due and ac crued Deduct book value of bonds over market value 100.00 32.S37.t9 58,591.51 14.722.52 S.526.38 Total admitted assets... ..U.116.269.37 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid. $ 140,865.63 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks All other liabilities Estimated expenses of investi gation and adjusting losses.. 395.S9S 7f. 19.000.00 1.000. 00 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of.. ....... .9 556,764.39 Business in Oregon for the Tear. Net premiums received during the year I T.254.05 Losses paid during tha year... 4.539.79 Losses incurred during the year --- 3.45SSJ CEXTI'RT INS. CO., HP. HENRY W. BROWN A CO., U. S. Manager. McCARGAR. BATES A LIVELY. General Agents Teon Building. Portland, Or. McCARGAR, BATES & LIVELY, General Agents -t plied, politically especially, to the widespread Influence of the press. Nevertheless, for a wonder this fea ture contains a newspaper story that is different The usual threadbare theme Is absent. The present story shows the oress functioning as it strives to constructively and not de structively. Miss McDonald Jn the stellar role Is virtually in every scene, but she is so easy to look at and works so splen didly that any fan will welcome her many appearances. ' t Screen Gossip. Judging by newspaper reports, "Papa" Hays has rung down the cur tain on Fatty Arbuckle s ecreen ca reer. Walter Hiers, fat funmaker, has an important role in support of Agnes Ayres and Jack Holt in the screen version of the famous stage success, "Bought and Paid For," which shows at the Columbia theater soon. Mae Murray's latest screen success, "Fascination," is booked to open at the Liberty theater next Saturday. Miss Murray was seen at the Liberty several months ago in "Peacock Al ley." For the first time in their nine years of screen experience, Wallace and Noah Beery, villains extraordi nary, appear in the same photoplay, "Wild Honey," which opens at the Majestic theater Saturday. The fa mous "heavy" brothers have roles of considerable Importance in the pro duction, supporting Priscilla Dean, the star. One of the many big scenes In "A Virgin Paradise," the attraction at the Blue Mouse theater this week, is the one showing the eruption of an active volcano in the South Sea islands. One sees the hot streams of lava pouring down the mountain side. Another i3 the fight between the young girl, who has been reared with wild animals on the island and who is brought to New York, and the villain. Seldom has there been a fight between a man and a woman more thrilling been filmed. cial.) Charles Hunter, republican, candidate for the Wallowa county nomination to the house, is a brother of Albert Hunter, democrat, and can didate for the nomination to the house from Union county to succeed himself. The two brothers came from a family of staunch democrats, and Albert re mained at home, both having been born and reared in the Grand Ronde valley, while as a young man Charles sought his fortune away from home. The latter settled down in Wallowa and there became a republican. GRADUATES , SENT FOR Assistants Named From Oregon to . Go to All Parts of Country. UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, Eugene. April 19. (Special.) Colleges in all parts of the United States are repre sented in the graduate assistants ap pointed for next year and those hold ing these ' positions for this year. The University of Oregon, with 25, leads the list. Each of the following Institutions has one representative: Pacific college, Montana Wesleyan, Albany college, Rippon college in Wisconsin, University of California, University of Illinois and Oregon Ag ricultural college. A slight change in salaries has been made. Instead of the pay vary ing from $400 to $600 a flat salary of $500 will be paid, and $600 for re appointees. Irrigation Bonds Sold. RKVD. Or.. April 19. (Special.) Sale of the Central Oregon Irrigation district's $180,000 bond) issue at ss, subject to the results of a case now in suDreme court questioning the validity of the bond' issue, was effect ed yesterday. The G. E. Miller com pany of Portland is the buyer. "Walla Walla to Pave Streets. WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 19. (Special.) Ordinances for paving Chestnut street, Bonniebrae, Alvaraao and College avenues were finally SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF v The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company of Hartford, In the state of Connecticut, on the 81st day of December. 1921, made to the insurance commissioner, of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. 1 e lanital stock naid n t 2,000,000.00 Income. Net premiums received during the year .S11.771.T13.52 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year... 594,228.80 Income from other sources re ceived during the year .... 408,127.81 Total income .$12,774,070.13 Disbursement. Net losses paid during the ' year including adjustment expenses 8,902.760.02 Dividends paid on capital crir riiiT-ine- the year 240,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year ,oi,wo.j.o Taxes, licenses and fees paid HiiT-ln the vear 523.412.80 Amount of all other expendi tures -t wu. Total expenditures 13, 037,860. 60 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds rtwnrt l-market value) 8,522,819.0 Loans on mortgages and col- tntprsl. etc. 3.319,040.05 1,236.232.37 Cash In banks and on band... Premiums in course of collec tion written since beptem- rr -TO 1921 1,710,964.72 186.023.46 483. 785.55 Interest and rents du and ac crued Other assets Total admitted assets $15,458,865.85 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid. $ 3,226,941.68 Amount of unearned pre miums on all outstanding risks 6.068,978.17 Due for commission and brok erage 418,755.56 AU other liabilities 671,679.32 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of $2,000,000. .$10,386,357.73 Business in Oregon for the Tear. Net premiums received during the year $ 97.372 48 Losses paid during the year.. S7.559.63 Losses incurred during the year - 35,139.23 THE AETNA C ASUA LTT" & SfRETT CO. MORGAN G. BULKELEY, President. RAW OCX W. MYERS. Secretary. Paul C. Bates, Yeon building. Portland, Or., statutory resident attorney for serv ice. McCARGAR. BATES & LIVELY. General Agent s Teon Building. . Portland, Or. If ' WJ is all car inn ford Afa CJI - Kuct 5; 'ate er..-,Z 'Wire. f.,J?X S00Je of the M yJea7e'- 16 Nasi.." aAeaW ,J, tte credit tTeiran ar your net COVEY 7716 AUtot.. UtoobiIe De passed by the ' city commission and it is planned to open bids May 16. The total paving will be about two miles and the cost of the improvement will be about $100,000. WATER BOND ISSUE ASKED Irrigation District Applies for Per mit to Raise $4,930,000. SALEM. Or., ApVil 19. (Special.) The Jefferson water conservancy irrigation district, formerly the north unit of the Deschutes project Tuesday requested the state irrigation securi ties commission to allow the sale of $4,930,000 of its bonds at S2 cents on the dollar. Approval of a contract for the construction of the irrigation works, which will entail an expense of approximately $6,000,000, also was sought by representatives of tha distrfct. The district contains 106.000 acres SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATE- MEXT OF THE The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Hartford, in tne state of Connecticut on the 31st day of December, 1921, made to the insurance commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: t Capital. Amt. of capital stock paid up. $2,000,000.00 Income. Net premiums received during the year $2,999,103.68 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year.... 426,824.07 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 104,925.06 Total income . . .$3,530,852.81 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year, including adjustment expenses $ 385,756.29 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 300,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1,106,586.98 Taxes. licenses &nd fees paid during the year 213,673.66 Amt. of all other expenditures. 1,131.162.96 Total expenditures s .$3,143,179.89 Assets. Valuo of real estate owned (market value) $ 150,000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) 6,429,307.52 Loans on mortgages - and col lateral, etc 1,673.850.00 Cash in banks and on hand.. 488,012.05 Premiums in course of collec tion written since September 30, 1921 766,619.61 Interest and rents due and ac crued 120.fiSl.61 Agents' ledger balance.. 4.317.40 Total admitted assets $9,633,088.19 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid.? 213,814.87 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding rtsKs. . . . 4,buz,bd.ii Due for commission and brokeraee 353, 323.9:: AU other liabilities '. 243,297.32 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of $2,000.000. .. $5,213,075.22 Business In Oregon for the Vear. Net premiums received during tne year s sb,so4 .vv Losses paid during the year... 450.00 Losses incurred during the year 4 o 0.00 THE HARTFORl) STEAM BOIt.KK IX- SFxA.ilU AMI lHKaM COMPANY. CHARLES S. BLAKE. President. L. F. MIDDLE BROOK. Secretary. KARL V. LIVELY, Portland. Or. Statutory Resident Asrent for Service. McCARGAR. BATES & LIVELY, General Agents Teon Building. Portland. Or. and that car yW Or-. " 1 rapid TSI' 'March . ' omvo or MaXWc1, Sell i r , -v t.aoo "8 lor I . 169 l-I II ST h . ,r JHore Tx r - - - . 10 uo's 18 1, "'y-Kjuvt, .' OidSnL.; ' " 6 obUeT. " ? 11DS to ar e,aPPreciaf-r!ell small Car6Aft a well and ,et Sto: Ven to of irrigable land and is one of the largest irrigation projects in the northwest. Definite action by the commission will not be taken before tomorrow. Salem Undertaker for Mayor. SALEM, Or., April 19. (Special.) W. T. Rigdon, Salem undertaker, Tues day announced his candidacy for mayor at the primary election. Othei candidates are H. H, Vandervort, F. L. Utter and John B. Giesy. Mr. Rig don has resided in Salem for many years and served as councilmen for several terms. The time for filing declarations -for city offices expired at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Wife Files Counter Suit. SALEM, Or., April 19. (Special.) Mrs. Cora Johnson, who recently was made defendant in a divorce suit filed by her husband Tuesday in a counter complalnt alleged that the plaintiff SYNOPSIS OP THE ANNUAL STATE I MENT OF THE City of New York Insurance Company of New York. In the state of New York on the thirty-first day of December, 1921, made to the insurance commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law; Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up $1,000,000.00 Income. Net premiums received during the year 1,625,924.04 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year ... 129,863.10 Income from other sources re ceived during the year .... 315.588.94 Total Income ...$2,071,376.08 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses $ 853,882.o8 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 60,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid ' during the year 417,626.80 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 35,598.33 Amount of all other expendi tures 159,736.65 Total expenditures ....$1,516,864.36 Assets. Vahie of stocks and bonds owned (market value) ....$2,471,045.00 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 144,500.00 Cash in banks and on hand .. 385,397.52 Premiums in course of collec tion written since September 30. 1921 356,606.57 Interest and rents due and ac crued 30,100.00 Recoverable for re-Insurance on paid losses , 89.863.00 Total admitted assets $3,477,512.09 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 393,513.00 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks ... 1,146,696-00 Due or accrued for commission and brokerage, etc. 50,000.00 All other liabilities 260.157.79 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of $1,000,000.00 $1,850,366.79 Business in Oregon for the Year. et premiums received during the year $ 39,692.73 Losses paid during the year.. . 10,737.14 Losses incurred during the year 13,250.38 CITY OF NEW YORK INSURANCE CO. ELLRIDGE G. SNOW, President. WILFRED KURTH. Secretary. , Statutory Resident Attorney for Service. PAUL C. BATES, Portland, Or. McCARGAR. BATES & LIVELY, General Agents Yeon Building. Portland. Or. ESS f .acceptafl , rr,. , ltle Good Se.L a Possible, " " - 71 We Sin - - ) 6 Prov, M " Yourself thQt COVEy CAR tht in the,case plotted against her in order to acquire grounds for the sutt Mrs. Johnson alleged in her answer that her husband was- abusive and cruel and that she was compelled to leave him upon several occasions The Johnsons have resided here for several years. WOMAN 'JUROR EXCUSED State Exercises Peremptory Chal lenge in Slurder Trial. BEND, Qr., April 19. (Special.) The first woman to sit in a circuit court jury box, was examined here yesterday before the A. J. Weston murder jury was completed. She was Mrs. J. P. Arnold, wife of a local real estate agent. She passed as to cause, declaring in response to a question by the defense attorney that "so far as I know, there aren't any facts" in the case. As to whether she would re - SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATE MENT OF, Nationale Fire Insurance Company of Paris, France, on the thirty-first day of December. 1923, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the state-of Oregon, pur suant to law: Capital. Amount of statutory deposit paid up S 200.000.00 Income. Net premiums received dur ing the year 909,309.41 Interest, dividends and ' rents - received during the year....$ 53.921.10 Total income .$ 963,230.51 Disbursements. Net losses paid during' the year including adjustment ex penses ....$ 622,950.10 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 306.702.95 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 39,732.56 Amount of all other expendi tures 20.827.84 Total expenditures ...$ 900.013.51 f "Assets. Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) $1,133,086.00 Cash deposited with Philadel phia Underwriters' associa tion 2OO.00 Cash In banks and on hand... 83.219.34 Premiums in course of collec tion written since September 30. 1921 229.486.14 Interest and rents due and ac crued .' 14.623.37 Reinsurance due from other companies 1.516.65 Total admitted assets $1,402,131.50 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid. $ 160.963.76 Amount of unearned premiums cm all outstanding risks.... 747,266.49 Due for commission and brok erage 71.980.63 All other liabilities 22.000.00 For adjustment expenses .... 2.000.00 Surplus deposit 259.921.62 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital of $200.000.00 $1,462,131.50 Business in Oregon for tbe Tear. Net premiums received, during the yea a 8.979. 5 Losses paid during the year .. 4.745.61 Losses incurred during the year 3.697.27 NATIONALE FIRE INSCRAVCE CO. OF PARI5. FRANCE. STARKWEATHER & &HEPLET. INC.. United States Managers. Statutory resident attorney for service. Paui C. Bates, Portland, Or. - McCARGAR. BATES & LIVELY. General Agents. Teon Buiding. Portland. Or. good other' anob)ir'7 'Wanv 'a With -a Over ' Aw f M-En -0st Maxwell n . edpreee. W All. . A. I - ccnty Cou. n,th one ask? V USp, quire the defendant to prove any thing, she responded, "that would de pend on what the other side said." Mrs. Arnold was excused on the states' peremptory challenge. With the exception of Mrs. V. A. Forbes, on whom service could not be had, Mrs. Arnold is the only woman juror drawn who has not refused to serve. FIVE DIVORCES GRANTED A ilsonville Woman Accuses Hus- band of Humiliating Her. OREGON CITY, Or.. April 19. (Spe cial.) After 28 years of married life, Fannie L. Dill lias won a decree of divorce from Ebon W. Dill, to whom she was married in Edington, 111., on October 25, 1894. That her husband had nagged and humiliated her and forced her to do the majority of the work at their lodging house at Wil- l sonville. and had falsely accused her SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATE MENT OF The Automobile Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, on the thirty-first day of December, 1921. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up $2. ."10,600.00 Income. Net premiums received dur ing the year , $10,777,027.3 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year... 335, 335. 3 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 700,372.51 Total income... $11,813,636.17 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year Including adjustment expenses $6,563,432.42 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 200,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 2.604,260.73 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 650,004.20 Amount of all other expendi tures 1,875.134.05 Total expenditures. .. Assets. .$11,897,921.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value).... $ 5,389,164.00 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc '. .. i. ins.9ro.no Cash in banks and on hand.. 2,354,489.01 Premiums in course of col lection written since Sep tember 30. 1921 2,182,728.70 Reinsurance and salvage due on paid losses 763.782.52 Interest and rents due and accrued B6.887.81 Total admitted assets. .. .$11,970,502.13 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses un paid $1,994,092.33 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks.... 5,669, 568. 33 Due for commission and brok erage 25,000. 00 All other liabilities 430,992.11 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of..... $8,120,552.82 Business in Oregon for the Year. Net premiums received during the year $72,346 84 Looses paid during the year 27.904.88 Losses incurred during the year.. 89,697.39 THE ACTOM OBIT.E INSCRANCK COM I ANY OF HARTFORD. CONNECTICCT. MORGAN O. BULK RLE Y. President. J. C. HARDEN, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for servlc-, Paul C. Bates. McCARGAR, BATES A LIVELY, General Agents. Yeon Building. Portland. Or. Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon .'61- of Improper relationships with board ers, were given as grounds for the de cree. Other divorces granted were: Gertrude against Egbert Henry, m .rried in Portland June 1, 1920; Gertrude M. against George Earle Constable, married In Vancouver Au gust 12, 1914; Anton against Ruth Soter, married in t'athlamet July 7, 1920. and Willis against Gladys Ban croft, married In Vancouver. March 4, 1920. Two Concerns Incorporated. SALEM, Or., April 19. (Special.) The Portland Grain company?! with headquarters in Portland, has been incorporated by J. F. O'Bryant, H. A. O'Bryant and Blain Hallock. The capital stock Is $25,000. The Svensen Finnish Farmers' and Workers' club, with headquarters at Svensen, Clatsop county, has been in corporated by Frank 1'aananen. Tom Possi and John Turja. The capita, stork In $tonn. SYNOPSIS OP THE ANNUAL STATE MENT OF THE Aetna Life Insurance Company "of Hartford, In the siste of Connect lent, on the :tlflt day of lprcmber, IH21. rnsdr to the Insurance commissioner of the state of Oregon pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital moik paid up $ 3.000,000.00 Income. Totwl premium income for the year $ 54,041,3US.; Interest, dividenili and rents received during the yar. . 8,509,879, 9f Income from otht'T nmjrves received during the year.. l,40n.5'JO,4N Total Income $ 04,044.799 1.1 IltMhiirM-mfntM, Paid for losses, endow mcniH, annuit ies and surrender values $ 27.024.HO2.9C Dividend paid to policyhold ers during the year Dividend pnUi on capital stock during the year (all derived from, non-participating life and accident business, with the excep tion of $9000 Commissions and salaries 2,197,315. : 1.000.0O0.04 puld during (ho yar Taxe;, licenses and fees pHid during the yar Amount of ai! other expendi tures 1I.&36.596 5. 1.836.0S o: 7.12.".7.V O:. Total expenditures $ 51.0.'.042.26 Anneta. Value of real estate owned 1 market value) $ 1,833,365.92 Valu of stocks snrt bonds owned (market and amor tized valuer Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 71,251.053.97 8 i ftfO.430 03 Premium notes and policy loans Cufh In banks and on hand. 1T.5TI.9S 78 7.084. 94 Net uncollected and deferred premiums Interest and rents due and accrued Other assets (net) r.53H.36T..W 4,845.475 12 Total gross assets $191, P4 1ft2 Deduct assets not admitted 244,1 4:t 2ft Total admitted assets ..,.$191,718.046 24 I.lahllltiea. Net reserves as required by law $1 13,944. 26T9T Grons claims for losses and claims unpaid 1 4,?4 2t All other liabllitl- 16,508,81 85 Special reserves in addition to legal reserves S.40I.A90.1 Total liabilities, exehislva of capital stock of $.".000.- OOft $t00.438.2.2J Business In Oregon for thn lear. Gross premiums received duriug t year Life business $203,300 60 Accident, health and lia bility business 303,427.18 Premiums ond dividends re turned during the year 70.280 60 Losses and claims paid during the ywir Life business . . '. 93.T24.O0 Accident, health and liabil ity business J30.T21 22 AETNA MFE 1H1RTK COMPANY. MORGAN G. nn,KKLKr, President, f. E GILBERT and V. H. NEWELL. Secretaries. Statutory resident s ttornev for servlee, C. A, McCargar, Portland, Or. McCARGAR. BATES LIVELY, Goners I A sent m C. A. McCARGAR. Manager l.tf. Dept. Teon Buiiding. Portland, Or.