ii THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922 21 AFFIG IN STOCKS ON SMALLER SCALE ;itant Attitude on Part of Traders Noted. I PESSIMISM IS SHOWN fl Street Considers Genoa Sit- ution Somewhat Clarified and Expects Xo Rnpture. BY MONITOR, yrlght by The Public Ledger Company. Published by Arrangement.) 2W YORK, April 19. (Special.) It ' to b expected that the adoption of .or cautious attitud on the part of ra would result in more or less irre&u y and a moderate diminution in ac . as a consequence of yesterday's set . , and the action of today's market ,rmed this impression. The opening tered a degree of hesitation that d throughout the first hour or so, n the upward tendency in some of the ilative favorites caused a renewal of tig In -which yesterday's short sellers iciuated. In fact, the covering of )ts was quite pronounced in Steel, eoaicer ana certain or. me specialities, linen t among which was American all utreet is of the opinion that the l situation has been somewhat clari- fj ny tne reportea aamission or mo ifiian delegates that their announcement 'jt-ieir pact with Russia was a political ier. Moreover, in financial circles it ts not believed that the agree lit amounts to much more than a ges- 4 unere was a lime, or course, wnen aany was a irenmeiraous lacior in lan enterprise, through financial aid executive management. Germany now , not the requisite capital for aiding la and even if she attempted to furnish . large quantities the reparations com Ion doubtless 'would speak In no on tin tone. With the entent holding the .icial club over the heads of the two ftcltrants. It is to be taken for granted 11 nothing will be done to cause a con Since rupture. farther indications of industrial pror- fl were furnished today by reports of ling of large equipment orders, one 1 nearly lot) locomotives, with the rlcan Locomotive company and a cora : ion to the effect that from the first ne year up to the middle of April the ra for freight oars thus far placed 1 nearly 5:;. 000, compared with about 0 for all of last year. ie weekly review of the Iron Age calls ation to the advance in prices, with ng of steel stimulated by inability of s to make prompet deliveries and con ers coming to the conclusion that it setter to stock up than to rely on npt shipments under existing coal conditions. ovements of specific stocks call for no lai comment. xx. is Deuevea tnat re ins will occur from time to time as -confidence places the market In a lierabie position. The rails, steels and r stocks figured prominently in price eraents. Consolidated gas was one of leaders among the specialties. The were firm, but less active than usual. nlted States Steel played a prominent in the recovery today, touching a new at P9. This movement of the leader u raged traders who believe in the old "when steel moves the market es," and many a eold-out bull bought Us stocks again. American Ice turned the shorts and was quickly run up to new mgn. ack Island, which is sharing popularity i tne sc Paul issues in the medium ed rail group. Is being spoken of here of the oil rails. The storv eoina rounds is that Rock Island and Colo- bout hern, which. Jointly -control the ity & Brazos Valley railway, running tne -Mexican oli rieias, has potential possibilities along the right of way; that Rock Island has potential rxissi- Lles along its Oklahoma rleht of wav. it Is believed that road is negotiating ia certain on interests with an idea of uluth. South Shore & Atlantic has been r of the moat active of the cheap rails this movement. This road has been a sistent loser for years, but traders take no comfort in the fact that the operat deficlt for January and February was y 11.12,538 as against $202, GU 4 for the ue two months last year. The Turman Oil company, which is man- ul by Middle States Oil. has called a cial stockholders' meeting for April 29, which time authority will be asked to rease the capital stock iron? $3,000,000 $6,000, 000. Stockholders will also be ed to vote on the proposed acquisition the, Oli nha tit. Petroleum enmnanv ri f rman, the purchasing price to be partly ck and partly oil. Illinois Central stockholders, as gen ully expected, voted favorably on the iposal to issue $50,000. 000 preferred H'k convertible into common at today s . Wing in Chicago. This brings the total pitaUzation ux the road to $173,002,000. American Loco is at present doing bui s at a rate infinitely greater than that r any similar period in 1J21. Orders in 'week totaled 9ll locomotives of dif- ent types, tins bring the largest single ek s business since lu2(. A local financier who is In close touco ;h prominent fmancial steel interests in : r j !i t- cr h!d i)i s rt 1 1 - n . i T rt. m trin that city, and is decidedly optimistic yer the outlook for steel shares. This 1 server emphasizes the fact that 75 per nt operation in the steel industry usually feans that practically the entire industry working, as a few high-cost producers, ;lch are st ill shut down, must be taken lo account when compiling an average t do not matter so much in th fina: Ltput of steel. the fiscal ytar will form a distinct con trast to the first, and the year as a whole will prove a profitable one." "w York Bonds. Furnished by Herin fc Rhodes, Inc., of Portland. Railroad Bond Atch gen 4s 15 A C L 7s -..,.130 1084 B O gold 4s 1948 80 M do con c 2933 82 do ref os 1915 88 Canada Southern 5s 1902 974 Canadian Northern 6 1946 111 do 7s .....1940 112 Cent Pac 1st 4m 1949 85 Ches & Ohio cv 4fcs 19:10 8fl$t do gen 4i&m 1992 83 do cv 5s 1946 W'a do con 5s 19;( 101 C B ft Q 111 div 4a 1949 904 C ft West Ind 4s 1952 75 C G ft W 4s 3959 62 C M & St P 4s ll25 80 do cv 43 1932 71 do deb 4s 19:.4 674 do gen as A 181)9 77 do cv 5s 2014 74 do g & r 49 X ,...2014 65 Vi Chi Nr W gen 4s 19h7 844 do 648 19.(6 1()8 do 7s 1930 107 C R I ft P ref 4s 1934 81 Colo Sou ref ex 4 Vis 1935 88 Colo Sou 4s 1929 91 Del & Hudson CV 6 1935 97 do 7s li30 1084 D & R G CV 4s 1936 78, do ref 5a 1955 49 Erie P P 4a ,19!6 64 do coa 4s A 1953 50 do B 1953 49 do D .....1953 51 Erie Pa O G 4s 1951 h9 Grand Trunk eq 6 14 a 1936 1054 Great Northern 4 Vfc a 1961 90 do, 7s 1936 108 Grand Trunk 6a 1936 102 do 7s 1940 111 III Cent it 5a 1963 96 do ref 4s 1955 864, k. o sou rei ss ,..,1950 SO7 K.eo & JJe M 1st 5s 1123 L S & M S 4s 1931 L & X 7s 1930 L & N uni 4s 1940 Allied Packers 6s 1939 bond same still on PRICES ARE AGAEV WEAKENED BY REALIZING. Liberties, Foreign War Issues and Domestic Rails Are TTnder Presstire. M St P SSM North Am . . 1,500 Nat Biscuit Nat Enamel . 2,500 Nat Lead ... 1,700 Neva Cons .. 3,500 New Haven . 38,300 Submarine beat has finally settled Its rectorate differences, with the Rice ean ilate losing out in a close vote. The sanization candidates received 3L'3,2i to 3,tK2 votes as against i;;,a,2!5 to 247.600 r the optosltion. The Rice proxies voted refuse approval of the directors' act in 21. The new directors are Stephen Pea dy. Otto Marx and Frank Wallace, re jelnK Isaac Rica Jr., Thomas Cochran lid YV. H. Remich. ... Rtudehaker was picked up araln this orning with the resumption of the bullish eraiions in the entire market. It Is iieved that Studebaker has been accum ated rather heavily during the past week comparat i ely dull trading. The street ipects a very bullish report at the corn s' meeting and believes that record--e&kiug car sales wilt be shown. "f nsvfni report, issued after the leeting today, was as favorable as could looked fnr and justified the recent rength in this stock. The road showed i operating ratio, of 77.74 per cent of rosa earnmtis in March as against 95.37 er cent on the same month a year ago. his improvement is more strongly em- ' hasited by the net after all expenses, rent nd charges of about .7"J.Oo0. which com ares with a deficit of .l,tW0,-21 for the ima month a vear ago. 4 ... Cosden, which is holding its own among ie oil stocks very weli. is being bought ere on the suppos;lion that the s a nare earnings which were shown last ear should be greatly exceeded ia 1!)L"J. 1: he company is regarded as being in sa xcellent position to take advantage of fa orabie developments in the Mid-Vontinen; eld. and it is b.'heved that the annual di idend rate of IJ.oO a share may be in. reased. Callahan Zinc, which has been meeting "ith heavv liquidation. is apparently Trough th worst of this for the, time elng. One long line known to be more Tan 50 000 shares held by Interests which r. now out of the company has finally eea sold. . In reference to the Packard Motor Car onipsny report for the six months end g February -3. President MacAuley ays: "The finisncinl statement of the .com pany for tl.e six months ended February .8, 191'?. showing a loss through factory Derations ct $204.34- and through branch perations of $.170.19?. reflects th very nusual trade condition from which the utomobile Industrj' Is now emerging. With he Increased volume of business which he company Is now enjoying the Indiea- . una are tut the second six months of Am Agr Co. 7i4s ls41 Am Sm 1st 5s 1947 Am Tob 7s 1923 Anaconda Cs A 192U do 7s B 1929 Armour cv 7 ............... .1930 do 414s 1939 Beaver Board 8a 1933 Beth Steel 7s 1923 do eq 7s 1935 do ref 5s . 1942 Cerro de Pasco 8s 1931 Chile conv 0s A 1932 do 7s 1923 Col Graph 8s 1925 Copper Em 8a 1923 do 1924 do 1925 Colo F & 1 gen 5s 1943 Colo Ind 5s 1934 Cuban Amn Sug 8s 1931 Cuban Cans cv 7a 1930 Distillers Sec cv 5s .....1927 Dlam Match 7 'As 1935 Dupont 7tii 1931 Empire Gas Fuel 6a 1924 Fisk 8s 1941 Gen Elec deb 6s 1952 do os 1840 Goodrich 7s .................. 1925 Goodyear Ss .1941 Heinz 7s 1930 Hershey 7 'is 1930 111 Steel d.o 4 Hi 1940 Ind Steel 5s 1952 Int Agr 5s 1932 Int Marine C T 8s 1941 Kelly-Spgficld 8s 1931 Kennecott 7s .....1930 Lack Steel 5s 1923 do 1st 5s 1950 Libby McN L 7s 1931 Lig & Meyors 5s 1951 do 7s 1944 LoriHard 5s 1951 do 7s 1944 Midvale 6s 1936 Morris Co 7is 1930 Proc & Gamble 7s 1923 Republic I & St OS 1940 Sears Roe 7a 1022 do 7s 1823 Steel & Tube 7s : 3851 Swift & Co. 7s 1925 do 7s 1831 Uni Drug 8s 1841 U S Rub 1st ref 5s 1947 do 7,s 1930 U S Steel sf 5s 1903 Va Chem 5s 1923 Va Car Chem 7ii lfl32 West Elec 5s 1922 West U T col Tr 5s 1938 West Union 6VjS 1931 Wilson 1st 6s 1841 do cv 6s 1028 West Elec 7s 1925 Westinghouse 7s 1931 Public utilities Amn Lt & Tran 6s 1925 Amn Tel coll 4s 1929 do 5s 110 . do tis Bell Tel of Pa 7s . B R T 5s Cal Gas uni 5s Cities Service 7s B . City Service 7s C . . do 7s D Con Gas cv 7s ..... Int Met 4s Int R T ref 5s Laclede Gas 7s Mont Power 5s A . , Northwest Tel 7s Pac Tel 5s Pac Gas 5s - Souwest Tel 7s .... Oil bonds Anglo Amn 7's ... Atlantic Ref 6V4s . , Galena S Oil 7s .... Gulf Oil 7s Humble 7s Pan Amn 7s Mex Pet cv Ss Sinclair 7M:S S O Cal 7s S O N T 7s Texas Co is . Tidewater Oil Vacuum Oil 7s " MStPASSM 6tts l M K & T 4s 18 M J gen 4s "JS do ref 5s lr .in ref 5s 1926 NYC deb 4s . . do con 4s do ref imp 43 do cv deb 6s ... do coll 7s ... N Y N H & H c N O T & M 5s N P P L 3 do 6s N P Gt Nor Jt 6HS O S li ref 4s Penna 6as do gen 4as ..... do 4fts do gen 5s do 1945 1945 1937 1869 ,1909 "198 1925 1956 1966 1930 1943 1941 1937 1942 1925 1023 1931 lnao 1933 1923 1930 1936 , 1925 1931 1931 19"3 6s .. .1934 . . .1998 ...2013 ...1935 . . .1930 ...194S ...1935 ...1997 .. .2047 ...1938 ...1929 ...1936 ...1965 . . .I960 ...196S . . .1930 do 6S , 1936 90 "4 92 H 10744 91 79 104 81 102 99 103 i 104 89 68 hi 102 vs 102 j 961, 115 89 102 384 102 Va 102 104 1 87 85 104 85 47 10714 106 99 107 99 4 106 99 115H 104 100 90 10014 79 96-14 108 Vs 105 S9hb 85 s 98 96 "4 114 'A 95 113 87H 104 Si 101 94 101 102 99-', 101 103 107 '4 88 107 102 99 8814 100 96 107 100 92 106 106 90 97 54, 115 108 62 94 121 93 87 115 18 6 99 .-.. 106 "5 94 91 102 10 3014 104 101 98 104 104 ",i 306 108 301 102 1 i 106 102 81 65 100 96 90 82 86 104 106 73v4 69 85 106 105 '4 01 107 vfTTTrr -r o W A rn.fl lO TT I Biecra n IT I the general rally in the stock market, to- j pfo day's bond dealings were again influenced by realising for profits, this tendency being especially notea In Liberties and several of the foreign war offerings. A number of domestic rails also gave way to Belling pressure, particularly the various Seaboard Air Line issues, Missouri. Kansas &- Texas and St. Louis & San Fran cisco. The stock market threw off many of the reactionary influences which prevailed during the greater part of yesterday'B session. Prices in general made extreme recoveries of 1 to 5 points on dealings amounting to 1.475,000 shares. Continuance of relaxed morey rates and the partial rally of international exchanges contributed to the improvement. Hesitancy characterized the initial trad ing in consequence of renewed selling pressure, which was chiefly directed against coalers, steels, coppers and several of the high-grade rails, notably. Canadian Pacific. Before noon, however, the list ran into higher ground under leadership of United States Steel. That stock rose to within a nominal fraction of par and the indepen dent steels also responded to steady Absorption, Motors, equipments, secondary rails and various industrials, comprising the textile, tobacco, rubber, leather and mail-order groups, were again taken m hand by pools, some scoping record prices of the year. At intervals, when the market was dis posed to give way to profit-taking, dividend-paying rails became the sustaining features, although advances in that group were comparatively moderate. Final deal ings centered in Studebaker, Mexican Pe troleum, Consolidated' Gas, Standard Oil of California, New Haven, Baldwin and Bethlehem, Crucible and United States steels. Coca Cola, Consolidated Textile and American "Woolen were foremost among the strong specialties. Adhering to yesterday's course, all eall loans were placed at the fixed rate of 2 per cent. Thirty to 90-day funds were in freer supply, and concessions were made oh gilt-edge merchant's paper. Early firmness of sterling exchange originated In the London market, but the advance here was partially forfeited later. The Paris remittance was slightly higher, German marks were firm and Dutch bills hardened, but Scandinavian quotations were mixed. Far eastern - exchanges strengthened on the brjsk rise of bar sil ver here and in the London market. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Furnished by the Overbeds & Cooke com pany of Portland: High. Low. IS 18 49 14 49 Nor W North Pac . . Nova ScotiaStl N Y Air Brake N Y Central . Okla Prod Ref Ontario Silver Ont & West . Otis Steel ... Pac Deve! -. Pac G ft E .. Punta Allegre Pacific Oil . . Pan Amn Pet. do B 1.200 2,400 100 400 5.400 3. 6O0 " 166 2,200 S6.400 1,200 8,100 15.900 6,400 1.200 8.300 1.200 00 Peoples Gas fere Alarq . Pure Oil . 7,200 Phillips Pete . S.TOO Pierce Arrow. 3,800 Pierce Oil ... 8,300 Pitts Coal . . 1.200 Pitts & W Va 3.500 do pfd 100 Pressed St Car 1,100 Pullman 3.100 Ray Cons ... 1.500 Reading 4,600 Remington . . 700 Replogle Steel 2,100 Repub I & S 4,600 do pfd 200 Rep Motors . 200 R Dutch Oil . 17,000 Ry Steel Spg. baxon .Mtrs 500 500 Sears Roebuck 2,300 100 500 Stock. Adv Rum .... do pfd Agr Chem ... Ajax Rub .... Alaska Gold... Alaska Jun . . Allied Chem . Allis-Chal do pfd ..... Am Beet Sue. Am Bosch . . . Am Can Co.. do pfd Am Car & Fy do pfd Am Cot Oil.. do pfd Am Drug Syn Am H & L. .. do pfd ..... Am Ice Am Int Corn. Am Linseed... do Pfd Am Loco .... do nfd Am Saf Raz. . Am Ship & C. Am Smelter... do pfd ..... Am Snuff .... Am St Fdy... Am Sugax ... no pld Am Sumatra.. Am T & T.. .. Am Tob do "B". ... Am Wool ... do pfd Am W P pfd. Am Zinc .... Anaconda .... Atchison ..... do pfd Atl Coast L. . Atl G & W I . Bald Loco .. do pfd Baltl & Ohio. do pfd Barnsdall Cp Beth St "B".. Booth Fish B R T Butte C & Z. Butte & Sup.. Burns Bros.... Caddo Oil ... Cal Pack Cal Pet do pfd Can Pac .... Cent Leath . .. Cerro de Pasco Char.d Motor.. Chi 4N W... Chi Gt W.. Sales. 300 2O0 , 200 2,000 ' "600 3.200 2,100 100 1,100 1,000 7,500 100 800 100 200 100 200 800 800 3.600 3,-500 a,2oo '5760 100 BOO 5.000 3,700 300 200 3. 800 9,000 200 3,700 2.70O 9O0 1,000 10,700 " "boo 100 s.soo 5,500 800 200 1.200 20,400 22,i66 8O0 l.eno 16,000 100 4,600 500 700 2,lO0 700 800 1.800 100 3. 400 6,900 600 4,200 1,700 00 do pfd ..... 1.400 Reading gen 4s ' "V'T S A L 4s l5ll do 5s l4!l do 6a A 1943 Sou Ry con 3s 1994 So Pac cv 4s 1929 do ref 4s 19o do sf term 4s 3950 do conv 5s 1934 StL&SFPL4sA 1930 do gen 5s 1931 do P L 5s B 1950 do gen 6s 1931 do adj 63 19o do inc 6s I960 St L S W 1st 5s 1952 do con 4s 1932 do 1st 4s " 19S9 Tex Pao 1st 5s 2000 Un Pac 1st 4s 1947 do cv 4s 1927 do ref 4s 2008 do 6s 1928 Un Tank 7s 1930 Wabash 1st 5s 1939 do 2d os 1939 West Pac 5s 1948 Foreign Government Bonds Argentine 2d 7s ..1923 do G I 5s 3 945 Belgium 8s 3940 Berne 8s 1943 do 3 945 Christiana Ss 1943 Copenhagen os .......1944 Danish Oonsol 8s ...1946 French Cities 6s 19.54 Italy s A 192." Rus Rub'e 3c 1926 Sw-dish Govt 0s llKiti U S Mex 4s 19CH do ext 5e 194.3 Uruguay ext o Zurich Ss 145 Foreign Government City Bonds Berlin 4s Greater Berlin 4s Hambunr 4s Bremen 4s Cologne 4s Dresden 4s ....................... do 4s Pusseldorf 4s Frankfort 4s Leipsig 4s do 4s Munich 4s Stuttgart 4s Essen 4s Bremen 4s Hamburg 4 s French Internal 4s 1917 French victorv 5s 1920 Beigian Restoraton 5s British !. consols ltai Cons war loan 04 L R Curb Bonds Al.ied Packers 6a 78 Am Tel & Tel 6s .' 1022 10O4 do 15124 lot Anaconda Copper 6s 99 "4 do 71 103 Anelo-Am Oil 7s ion Armour & C 7s 104U Beth Steel 7s 1935 3 025 Copper Ex Assn Ss li.24 lc2 Galena Swnal Oil 7a 102 Grand Trunk 6. 3taS Gulf Oil Co 7s 34 HumVe Oil 7s 101 Inter Rapid Tran 7s. ............. . 87 IJbby McN & Lib 7a 9 Pea.rs Roe 7s S-yr 192-3 1013 .0 West Tel 7s 302 Stand Oil N Y 6s lO.rt 10514 Stand Oil X Y 7s lf: 103 Swift Co Ts 102S 101 do 7s 1931 103 Tea Co 7s Notes............. 101 Vacuum Oil 7s 106.. 90 96 97 107 107 84 . 59 , 27 60 93 91 87 82 99 73 9S 86 102 81 69 81 76 77 93 91 93-4 86 103 103 87 88 83 100 83 107 110 112 111 92 112 8S. 96 5 100 38 67 74 112 8 S 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4H 4 4 102 73 t 7i 54 4:1 79 Chili Con... Chino C M St P do pfd Coco Cola C & O Colo F & I... Colo Southern, Col G & E Colum Graph. Con Gas Cons Cigars.. do pfd Contl Can Cities Svc Unit Corn Prod . do pfd .... Cosden Oil ... C R I & P. do ""A" pfd. do "B" pfd. Crucible .. do pfd Cuba Cane. . .. do pfd Cub Am Sug. Dei & Hudson Dome Mins.. Del & Lack Davison Chem Endi Johnw.n. E,rie do 1st pfd.. Elec Stor Bat, Fam Playets.. Fed M & S . . . do pfd Fisk Tire Gaston Wins.. Gen Cigars Gen Elec Gen Motor. .. Glen Alden... Gen Asphalt . . Goodrich .... Goodyear Granby Gt Nor Ore . . . Gt Nor pfd... Greene Can. . . Gulf S Steel.. Houston Oil.. Hupp Motor.. Ills Cent Inspiration Int A C com.. do pfd Interboro .... do pfd Inter Cal .... Int Harv do pfd Int Merc Mar. do pfd Tnt Nickel Int Paper do pfd .... Invincible Oil. Island Oil.... Jewel Tea ... K C Southern. K C Sou pfd. Kelly-S'fleld ... Kennecott - Kevstone Tire Lack Steel .. Lee Tire .... Lehigh Valley Lorillard .... Lowe Theaters L & N Marland Oil May Stores Martin & Par. Mex Pet Miami 6,300 1,200 4.500 11.000 15.000 1,300 1,000 600 2,200 H,00 17,500 200 17 "i 67 49 94 42 46 48 104 162 118 26 53 ,6 36 70 110 47 34 iis 116 8 17 58 7i4 133 37 76 99 36 121 341 "34 16 53 101 91 99 32 117 '49 61 47 79 6 23 28 129 14 77 56 95 142 39 36 76 75 8 22 19 29 28 46 55 65 31 49 S3 3 11 28 17 ..... 66 48 94 40 44 46 104 160 118 25 55 6 35 68 105 45 33 iii 116 8 16 56 97 132 37 72i4 99 34 120 139 136 90 '33" ' 16 02 100 91 99 31 113 47" 61 47 76 6 22 6 27 126 13 77 55 95 Bid. 17 49 39 17 1 67 48 94 "41 45 48 104 161 118 24 55 6 15 69 107 47 33 56 114 113 7 17 57 97 133 37 74 98 34 121 , 140 136 92 54 104 34 16 53 100 91 99 32 116 109 48 00 47 78 6 22 6 27 128 33 77 as 95 140 141 37' 36 74 74 8 22 18 28 28 45 52 . 645 31 48 82 3 113 28 400 65 64 6,600 200 12,900 17,000 300 300 4.300 100 7,200 2.700 4,100 ' '766 600 5,800 6.800 1.900 2.300 8.500 6,700 103 113 41 47 05 82 64 87 16 35 28 '26"' 115 61 87 13 22 172 80 102 115 40 45 95 82 -62 S7 . 16 34 22 '25 115 59 84 13 21 166 78 4,300 100 3,600 400 23,100 loo 3.400 4,500 " "266 8.100 1.0O0 100 7.000 3,01)0 500 1.000 6O0 100 100 4.000 4.200 1.300 500 20O 1.900 9. 30O 4.800 1.500 "700 5.400 100 1.2O0 300 6.200 7.2O0 3.500 1,300 700 700 100 6 700 100 700 40O 1.500 S0.6O0 1.000 Mid Sts Oil .. 22.400 Mid Steel ... 12.7"0 M K T ... 2.400 do pfd 4O0 Mont Power . 100 Mont Ward . 2.600 Mo Par 4.600 do pfd . . . . 4.QQ0 17 76 162 12 47 63 41 27" 43 75 28 82 79 4 16 107 40 30 39 3 9 6 96 109 20 83 37 4S "ii"" 74 20 27 58 48 32 19 54 84 63 131 18 117 28 117 30 133 29 13 35 13 36 71 20 24 S3 17 73 160 12 47 61 40 "'f' ' 40 28 79 77 16 107 40 10 39 . 3 8 6 95 108 19 81 16 40 "18 20 27 68 46 31 18 52 32 62 151 17 117 27 116 28 39 36 76 75 8 22 18 28 28 45 54 65 30 49 83 3 116 26 40 f4 22 103 115 41 48 95 82 63 S6 16 S3 23 120 28 - 115 61 86 33 22 172 80 10 S9 17 76 161 V. 12 4 1 63 41 13 26 42 75 28. 81 78 16 107 - 40 10 39 3 9 6 93 109 20 82-54 17 47 80 18 20 27 87 48 31 19 64 33 62 150 18 117 27 117 29 Shattuck Aria Shell T T Sinclair 90,200 Stand Oil Ind 10,000 Stand OH JM J 1,000 Sloss Shef . . . 1,000 Sou Pacific . . 1,0400 Sou Ry 700 Stand Oil Cal. 11,100 StL & S F. . 2,200 Stromberg Cb 4,300 Studebaker .. 73,400 Swift & Co Tenn Cn & Oh 2.100 Texas Oil .... 16,700 Texas Pao 2,500 Tex Pc C & O 3,700 Tob Products. 3.200 Tran Contl Oil 16,200 Union Oil Del 7.6O0 union Pac ... United Alloy. . United Drug.. Utd Food Prd United Fruit Union B & P. U S C I Pipe. . Utd Retal Sta U S Ind Alhol 12,000 U S Rub 7,000 do 1st pfd.. 300 TJ S Smelting. 100 U S Steel 80,20O do pfd 800 Utah Copper.. 1.400 Va Chem 300 do pfd Vanadium Stl. Vivandou . . . . Wo-bash. ..... do A pfd... do B pfd .. Well Fargo .. Western Pac. do pfd Western Union Westghse A B do E & M-. West Md White Motors. Willys-Overlnd do pfd Wilson Packg Wisconsin t;en ....... Woolworth Worthing Pmp 600 W & L E 1,300 White Oil ... 2,600 3,900 1,300 3,900 1,00 S.50O 9,400 5.100 4.100 1,100 4,900 600 100 500 400 200 "is" 600 900 3,40O 4,700 700 300 59 57 56 57 136 37 36 36 94 92 94 17 16 17 23 21 23 105 104 105 77 76 77 31 31 30 74 73 74 91 90 81 2 2 2 7 28 27 28 15 14 14 12 10 11 70 70 70 40 38 40 59 57 68 63 63 64 58 56 57 42 41 41 84 84 84 30 29 29 34 344 34 38 88 88 22 21 22 9 9 9 60 59 60 33 32 33 83 83 83 7 78 79 124 123 123 16 16 16 77 76 76 33 32 33 33 32 32 56 -64 55 81 81 81 7 7 7 63 61 63 101 100 100 4 3 4 75 T4 75 9 9 9 47 46 46 33 30 32 85 95 93 180 177 177 44 42 43 91 89 90 23 24 24 109 103 107 30 29 29 55 55 55 121 117i 120 102 101 101 11 11 11 47 45 46 34 83 34 28 ' 28 28, 69 68 69 12 11 11 21 20 20 13974 138 ' 139 34 S3 33 69 4 3 4 144 141 143 64 37 34 36 49 4.8 49' - 4 48 4fl 65 63 63 103 103 108 38 88 38 99 97 99 118 117 7. 117 66 65 65 34 33 84 "43 'ii 43 13 11 12 10 8 9 33 82 83 21 20 21 78 78 78 22 22 1 2 61 61 61 94 9754 97 89 62 61 61 11 10 11 47 45 46 88 8 38 88 S8 43 42 43 80 . 160 52 51 51 10 9T4 9 10 10 10 Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company. Portland : -Close. Low. 99.04 9fl! 16 99.60 99. ie 99.32 99.60 Bid 99.10 99.50 99.12 99.62 99.56 99.70 99.88 Open. High. Liberty SHs ,99.63 98.56 do, 1st 4s do, 2d 4s 99.46 99.46 do, 1st 4s... 89. 68 99.80 do, 2d 4s... 99.30 99.3 do. 3d 4s... 99.68 99.78 do. 4th 43... 98.88 99.88 Victory 4s 100.82 1O0.70 100.63 100.68 0.0, a-jfcs .. . iw.ua 10U.O2 100.02 Swift Jt Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stoclts at Chicago were reported1 by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as tallows: swift & Co ,- , National Leather - do new Swift International Libby , Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, April 19. Closing quotations: Allouez 27 (North Butte.... 12 Ariz Com 9 Old Dominion.. 25 Cal & Ariz 58 i Osceola 36 Cal & Hecla..27S IQuincy 44 Centennial .... 1 (Superior 3 Cp Rge Con Co 44 Sup & Bos Min 1 E Butte Cp Mn 115(Shannon 1 Franklin 2'utah Con 2 I Royale (cop) 24" (Winona ....... 1 Uke Copper... 4 (Wolverine 12 Mohawk . . 57 I Money, Silver, Etc. NEW YORK, April ' 19. Call money, steady: high, 8 per cent; low, 3 per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cent: closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at 3 per cent; last loan,- 3 per cent. Call loans, against acceptances, 3 per cent. Time loans, steady; 60 days, 90 days and six months, 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 44 per cent. Foreign bar silver, 70c. Mexican dollars. 53 c LONDON, April 19. Bar silver, 35 & per ounce. I Money, 2 per cent. Discount rates, short and three months' bills, 22 per cent. Foreign Bonds. Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: Belgian rest 5s . do premium 5s do 7s, 1915 .. do 8s, 1941 do 6s, 1925 . . . Brazil 8s. 1937 . Chile 6s, 1932 . .. do 7s. 1923 ... . Bid. .. 73 .. SO I. .308 ...107 -.103 ..104 . . 88 . .101W Asked. 76 84 109 108 104 105 88 102 British 6s, 1922 89 93 do 5s, 1927 91 94 do 5s, 1929 92 95 do vky 4s 78 54 81 do ref 4s ............... 75 78 Bordeaux 6s, 1934 89 89 Canadian 5s. 1937 98 99 do 6s, 1926 99 4 99 do 5s, 1929 lO0 101 do 5s. 1931 9S 99 do 5s. 1927 9S 99 Chinese 5a, 1951 . ......... 56 ..... Chilean Ss, 1941C 104 105 Russian currency 7 9 Denmark 8s. 1945 J 11 y. 112 Danish muni 8s. 1945 Ill 112 French 4s, 1917 59 5- 60 do 6s, 1920 84 86 do 3s, 1931 71 73 do 7s, 1941 103 104 do 8s, 1945 .,.107 107 German W L 5a 2 3 Berlin 4s 3 3 Hamburg 4s 3 3 Hamburg 4s 3 3 Leipsig 4s 3 4 Leipsig 5s ................... 4 6 Munich 4s 3 5' Munich 5s 4 ' 5 Frankfort 4s .-. 3 4 Ite.lian 5s, 1918 4254 43 Japanese 4s. 1931 78 78 da first 4s, 1925 91 91 do second 4s, 1925 90 90 Norway 8s, 1940 112 113 Russian 5s, 1921 , 25 2S do 5s. 1926 5 7 do 6s. 1919 28 33 Swiss 5s, 1829 101 101 do 8s, 1940 116 ITS San Paulo 8s 105 106 U K 5s, 1922 107 107 do 5s, 1929 107 107 do 5s, 1937 10214 102 Swedish 6s, 1939 ..100 101 Standard Oil Stocks. Standard Oil quotations furnished by Overbeck & Cooke comipany of Portland: Bid. Aked. Anglo 39 19 Borne Sohrusmer . ..355 370 Buckeye 89 101 Cheesebrough - 180 193 do pfd 109 112 Continental 144 149 Crescent 33 S4 Cumberland 136 145 Eureka 10O 104 Galena eom 51 53 do old pfd 100 112 do new pfd 101 104 Illinois Pipe 177 180 Indiana Pipe ....103 106 Nafl Transit 29 30 N Y Transit 172 17 Northern Pie 105 107 Ohio Oil 283 2S9 Inter'l Pete i 2J 26 Penn Mex 28 30 Prairie Oil 580 590 Prairie Pipe 227 231 Solar Ref ..350 370 Southern Pipe . 89 101 South Penn Oil 89 90 S W Penn Oil 03 66 S O Ind 93 93 S O Kansas 550 570 S O Kentucky olO 525 BON Y 378 382 S O Ohio 425 435 S O Olhio pfd 116 119 Swtan & Finch 28 85 Vacuum 3SO 385 Washington 20 30 S O Nebraska 175 . 1S Imperial Oil 1M 108 SO Ky. new SO 81 Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted Is the equivalent of the foreign unit In United States funds: Country Foreign unit. Rate. Austria, kronen ........9 .0003 Belgium, francs 0805 Bulgaria, leva 0080 Czecho-SIovakia, kronen .0210 Denmark, kroner 2135 England pound sterling 4.4312 Finland, finmark 0200 France, francs .0935 Germany, marks .0036 Greece, drachmas 0450 Holland, guilders 3805 Hungary, kronen- 0020 Italy, lire 0566 Jugo-Slavia, kronen .0040 Norway, kroner 1920 Portugal, escudos ................. .0858 Roumania, lei 0082 Serbia, dinara 0150 Spain, pesetas 1565 Sweden, kroner 2603 Switzerland, francs 1952 China-Hongkong, local currency.. 5550 Shanghai, taels '. 7450 Japan, yen 4800 NEW YORK. April 19. Foreign ex change, steady. Great Britain, demand. ?4.4l; canies, . 94.41 js ; ou-aay 0111s ou banks, J4.39. France, demand, 9.20; Italy, demand, 5.44; cables. um, demand, 8.o; caDles, 8.58. Germany, demand. .34: cables. .34. Holland, demand, 37.88; cables, 37.91. Norway, demand, 18.90. Sweden, 25.90. Denmark, demand, 21.15. Switzer land, demand, 19.44. Spain, demand. 15.56. Greece, demand, 4.50. Poland, demand, .02. Czeclio-Slovakia, demand. 2.01. Ar gentine, demand, ' 85.75. Brazil, demand, 13.87. Montreal, 97. Government Bonds. N03W YORK, April 19. Government bonds closed:. - U S 2s, reg. ..'lBS'iinJ S cv 4s. enn 105 do couipon.. 103Pan 3s. reg... 83 TJ S 4s. reg... 105 I do coupon. .. 82 EUROPE'S CROP IMPROVED GRAIN GROWTH SHOWS PROG RESS IX MARCH. .101 10 I cables, 9.31. I 20 5.45H. Belgi Bill Drain Slls Water Bonds. R OS ETBJ RG, Qr.. ApHl 19. (Special.) Bonds have been issued by the City of Drain and the money received from their Bale will be used- for the purchase of the Drain water plant. The bonds were issued in the sum of $18,000 and were sold to the firm of Rice & Rice, local bond buyers. Spot Coffee Firm. NEW YORK, April 19. There were re actions in the market for coffee futures today. Brazilian cables were considered somewhat disappointing "while develop ments at the Genoa conference have been regarded In some quarters as modifying optimism over the prospects for European demand. The close showed a net decline of 7 to 16 points. Sales were estimated at about 63,000 bags. May, 10.2oc; July, 10.02c; September, 9.73c; October, 9.70c; December, 8.62c; January, 9.65c; March, 9.62c. Spot coffee, firm ; Rio 7s, 11 11 c ; Santos 4s, 1515Kc. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 19. Cotton, spot, qnfet: middling, 18.1Qc. - Condition In Germany and Nether lands Alone Reported to Be Un satisfactory for Month, . (Copyright by the Public Ledger Company. Published by Arrangement.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 19. (Spe cial.) The winter grain crop of Europe, with the exception of Germany and The Netherlands, made favorable progress last month, a cablegram to the department of commerce here states. The February thaw in Germany left the ground exposed to further frosts, with injury to wheat and rye sowings. It is feared that the great shortage of farm labor, due to the keen demand for factory hands, will reduce the expected expan sion in sugar beet cultivation this spring and will lessen the ability of the country to re-enter the sugar export trade on a broad scale. The Italian wheat harvest can be no more than fair, as the crop had a poor start. The official estimate of winter whea in Rumania shows an increase of S00.000 acres, but still 800,000 acres below last year. Great confusion was caused in Germany by the new collapse of the mark, a cable gram from Berlin reports. The continued rise in price levels further accentuates the discrepancy between capitalization ana turnover and causes money to become more and more tight. Capital increases are noted, however, comparing favorably to those of the month preceding. The chief industries report brisk business for March, the domestic market being much more active than the export. N Cotton mills at Lodz, Poland, are oneratfn at full capacity, it is reported. The largest of the mills there reports 40 per cent of its February output was expert business. In contrast to weakened, conditions which prevailed- for several months, the Hungarian textile markets have recently strengthened, prices advancing and demand increasing, particularly for Italian cotton goods. The department has been informed that the Chinese tussah silk crop, which has been four months late in coming to mar ket, is a poor one. There were plenty of cocoons, but the yield will not be larger than 22,000 bales, the same as last year s production. CENTBAL OfiEGON CO. BONDS SOLD Portland Concern Buys $180,000 Irrigation Securities at 93. REDMOND, Or, April 19. (Special.) The Central Oregon Irrigation company sold its borfds of $180,000 yesterday to the O. E. Miller company of Portland at 93, the highest price ever paid in this part of the state for irrigation bonds. Mr. Miller, who has been here for the last month, thoroughly investigated this vast irrigation project and country and realized the wealth and future of the country. The Clark -Kendall company of Portland was the next highest bidder at 91.1. C. E. Baar of Baar & 'Cunningham Will be re tained as chief engineer. A temporary financing plan is under way and may be worked out so as not to interrupt imme diate starting of work. The supreme court has 90 days to pass on the project. Flume work to cost $75,000 is to be done. The project takes in all land surrounding Red mond. A number of property owners were present at the meeting and were greatly pleased. The sale of bonds was held at the district's office in Redmond. The- district comprises 50.0O0 acres around Ben, Deschutes and Redmond. Of thlli district 40,000 acres are now under cultivation. The district has been under Irrigation for the last 15 years and is highly productive. The land has an esti mated value of $4,500,000 and there la no previous indebtedness against it. "The Central Oregon Irrigation district bonds are perhaps the best of any that we have purchased," said Mr. Miller. "The district Is in a horseshoe shape and is irrigated by water from the Deschutes river." Several other Portland nouses bid for the bonds. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits. Etc.. at Bay City. . SAN FRANCISCO, April 19. (State Di vision of Markets.) Poultry Broilers, a J 48c; young roosters, 2.7 40c : old do, IS 20c; hens, 223c; ducks, 2628c; live turkeys, 32 35c; dressed do, 3&44c per pound. Fruit Apples, 3 to 4-tier, $1.503.50 per box; oranges $5..2'7.25 per box; lem ons, $46.75 per box; grapefruit, $3.50 (g4.50 per box; strawberries, 33.50 per crate; loquats, 152Oc per pound. Vegetables Artichokes, $912 per large crate; asparagus, 8314c per pound; beans, 2025c per pound; ' carrots, $11.50 per sack ; celery, $2 4 per crate ; cucumbers, $1.732.50 per dozen; lettuce, 75c $ 2.50 per crate; mushrooms, 20c$l per pound; olivea, 8 10c per pound ; peas, 6 L2 y c per pound; potatoes, $1.902.70 per sack; new potatoes, 7 10c per pound; rhubarb, 3 5c per pound; summer squash, $3 3.50 per crate; Hubbard do, 68c per pound; spinach, 2 4c per pound; turnips, $1,25 1.54) per sack. Receipts Flour, 17.055 quarter sacks; barley, 809 centals; potatoes, 3182 sacks; onions, 73 sacks; hay, 140 tons; hides, 730. Metal Market. NEW YORK, April 19. Copper, steady; electrolytic, spot and nearby, 12 c, later, 12" 13c. Tin, easier; spot and futures, 30.75c Iron, firm; No. 1 northern, $2325; No. 2 do, $2224; No. 2 southern, $16.50g17. Lead, firm; spot, 5 5,25c. Zinc, steady; East St. Louis, spot, So. Antimony, spot, g.!2c. Interest and Principal Payable in U. S. Gold Coin $25,000,000 PROVINCE of ONTARIO 30-Year Non-Callable 5 Gold Bonds Dated April 1, 1922. . Due April 1, 1932 Denomination, $1000 These bonds constitute a direct obligation on the Province of Ontario. The assessed value of all taxable property in the Prov ince is more than two billion dollars. Ontario is the wealthiest of all the Cana dian provinces and contains one-third of the total population of Canada. Price 99.25 and Interest to Yield More Than 5 PROVINCIAL BONDS Duo Yield British Columbia 6s 1923 6.007o British Columbia 6s 1925 E.90 British Columbia 5s 1925 5.90 Saskatchewan 6s 1924 6.90 CANADIAN CITIES Greater Winnipeg Water 5s 1923 6.00 Greater Winnipeg Water 6s 1923-24-30 6.00 Burnaby, B. C, 6s. 1924 6.25 Greater Vancouver 5s 1923 6.50 IjIJMBEJRMENS ' Broadway at Oak Municipal Bonds 129 V 5. 1324 29 J4X 34 13 vf, 38 71 19H 23 Vj -'9 Id 34 TJ IS", 70 H 24 HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Established 1896. STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN Correspondent! K. P. HUTTOX CO, N. T Members ftll leading; exchanges. Babeon's Servica on .File. Bdwr. trii. 01 ttaiiwa Kxclisac Bld i! The Last of Seven Per Cent OR EGON County Bonds We offer subject to confirmation the following general ob ligation bonds : V50.000 1,000 17,600 Jucbaon Co., Ore Road 5a . . Lane County, Ore. Road fm. Wallowst Co, Ore., Itoaa 5H .H.(M mio.ooo 94,000 20,000 Union Co., Ore, Road 5Vi 910.000 96,000 94,000 10,000 Union Co., Ore, Road 5Via 95.0O0 93,000 Marlon Co. Ore. Road 5H- Yamklll Co. Ore. SV4a Malheur Co., Ore. 3Va Statnrlty .. 1-1-37 .. S-1-3S 4.0O0 2.50O 12,000 . 3-1-3 . . 3-1 -7 . .3-1-34 .1-1R-2 .1-15-2U .1-15-30 . 1-1-2 . 1-1-1H .7-15-30 . 8-1-31 .12-1-31 Prlea yield 102.66 4.75 102.78 4.7S 107.616 4 HO 1I7..I 4.WO 107.72 4.NO 102.1 S 4 SO 102.49 4.H4I 102.M1 4. Ml 102.R0 4. R0 1U.1.35 4.NO 105.07 4.75 IOS.44 4.75 105.29 4.80 the: above bonds are income tax eie.mpt. E. H. Rollins & Sons 411 LEWIS BUILDING Telephone Broadway 6759 PORTLAND, OREGON aaimllll I . IKW I'II.- mi ii 1 1 itr--- -fy A New Issue We offer our allotment $15,000 Compare this list with any bond list offered by any bond house of this con tinent. You will discover that while dealers general . ly are suffering from an acute shortage, we are of fering a list of the highest grade investments excep tional security and high yields. Each issue of bonds pur chased by us is subjected to a most rigid examination by municipal bond experts. This examination is so thorough that during the entire period of over 27 years, during which time more than $500,000,000 of such bonds have been sold by Morris Brothers, no cus tomer has ever lost one dollar of principal or inter est through default by any municipality on any Muni cipal Bond sold or offered by us. UNITED STATES MUNICIPAL BONDS Exempt From Federal Income Tax tt?Bandon, Ore., City of tfBay City, Port of Ore SBozeman, Montana Buhl, Idaho tCasper, Wyoming Charleston, Washington SCosmoDolis. Washington tHarney Co.. Ore., a D. No. i... Rate Maturity Price Tield 6 J&D 1922-31 To yield 5.75 J&J 1925-27 100.00 8.00 Jan 1923-27 To yield 7.00 F&A 1927-29 100.00 7,00 J&J 1923-27 To yield 7.00 Jan 1928-30 100.00 7.00 Mar 1922-26 100.00 7.00 F&A 1932-42 To yield 6.75 Feb 1926-30 100.00 7.00 Mar 1928-33 100.00 7.00 M&N 1946-52 To yield 4.70 6 6 7 6 7 7 6 Harrison. Idaho 7 tHoquiam, Washington 7 Jackson Count y, Oregon 5 Lava Springs, Idaho, Water... 6 JMontesano, Washington 7 tPost Falls, Idaho, Water 6 Port Orchard, Washington. . . 7 Prineville, Oregon 6 Benton, Washington, Sanitary. 8 Rexburg, Idaho 7 tlRoundUD. Montana 6 san Bruno, uainornia i jatj 1923 Shoshone Co., Ida., Hwy. Dist. 6 J&J 1930 Soda Springs. Idaho.. . 7 F&A 1927-29 JToppenish, Washington 7 June 1928-33 J&J 1931-41 Mar 1922-32 J&J 1932-42 Aug 1923-30 A&O 1927 Sept 1923-30 J&J 1925-30 100.0 6.00 100.00 7.00 100.00 6.00 100.00 7.00 96.00 6.40 100.00 8.00 100.00 7.00 Jan 1923-27 To yield 7.00 100.00 7.U0 100.00 6.00 100.00 7.00 100.00 7.00 CANADIAN MUNICIPAL BONDS fCalgary, City of Edmonton, City of Edmonton, City of Edmonton, City 01 6 Lethbridge, City of 5 Moose. Jaw. City of .....6V4 Resrina, City "of 66 T&aSKatoon. scnool ....... Saskatoon, City of...... Saskatoon, City of TPort of Coquitlam, B. C Town of Yorkton, Sask.. ,. 7 ..5 .. 6 6 .5 . 6 . 7 . 7 J&D 192S 103.69 6.30 A&O 1929 97.00 6.00 M&S 1939 98.95 6.10 M&S 1924 97.80 7.00 F&A 1943 85.69 6.20 F&A 1927 100.42 6.40 J&J 1928 101.05 6.30 J&J 1950 , 96.71 6.23 J&J 1952 93.08 6.00 J&J 1942 98.85 6.10 J&D 1941 100.00 7.00 J&J 1926 100.69 6.80 Denotes S1000 Denomination. tDenotes $500. -JDenotea J200. iDenotes- $100. zDenotes Fractional Bonds. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL U Trust Notes Maturing In 1028 Interest payable J an nary 15th and July 15th; coupon notes In denom inations of $10O0. Call, write or phono Main 4195 lor information or reservations. To Yield 5.75 G.E.MILLER & COMPANY 2ndfW NORTHWESTERN sSSTSSi BANK BLDG. PORTLAND , ! PJI Telegraph or Telephone Orders at Our Expense MORRIS BROTHERS CORPORATION Morris Bolldffip Broadway 2151 PORTLAND, OREGON .IOB-311 Stark St. Safe Deposit Boxea Joint Stock Land Bank 5 Bonds Dated Due Nov. 1, 1919. Nor. 1, 1939. Opt. Not. 1, 1924. Price to Yield 5 Income Tax Exempt. Ralph Schneelqch Co MUNTClPJtt. AND CORPORATION TTKAKCl Portland. Oregon Placing the new issue of $1,000,000.00 Cumulative First Preferred Shares of Northwestern Electric Co. J. G. Tavares, Mgr. Stock Sales Light Power Heat is now near in g completion. Those to whom 7.14 (pay able quarterly) looks attrac tive, with regular rise in price assured, should make imme diate inquiry at office of the S company, Washington at Tenth. WWM,MM, NOTICE Of REDEMPTION TO HOLDERS OK VICTORV NOTKN A ' D OTHERS COXCKB'VEW. Netlee la Herebr llm aa Followai 1. Call for redemption of 1 per cent Victory Notea. All of these i per cent aeries of United States of America con vertible gold notes of 1922-1923, otherwise known n 1 percent Victory Notes, are hereby calid for redemption on Juna Kth, 1922. pursuant to the provision for redemption contained in tha notes and the treasury depart ment circular No. 138, dated April 21st, 1919, under which the notes were orlRlnalljr tnsue'i. Interest on all Victory Notes of the 3 per cent series will ceasa on said redemption data, June 15th. 1922. 2. Suspension s.nd termina tion of Victory Note conversion privilege, in view of tha call for the redemption of all t per cent Victory Notes on June loth. 1922, and pursuant to the pro visions of said treasury depart ment circular. No. 138. the prlvl-lea-e of 'conversion of Victory Notes of either series Into Vic tory Notes of the other series is hereby suspended fsom Febru ary 9th, 1922, to June loth. 1922. both Inclusive, and on June 16th, 192J. will terminate. Victory Notes, accordingly, ceasa to ba Interconvertible, effective Feb ruary 8th, 1922, and on and after that date no conversions of tha notes may ba made. 8. Detailed information as to the presentation and surrender of J i per cent Victory Notes for redemption is given in treasury department circular. No. 2"1. dated February th, 192J, .wo copies of which ara avalLvla at tha treasury and the federal reserve bank. A. W. MEI,IXN, Secretary of tha Treasury. A good name Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. LsHilAMUf Bid, Port LAMS) Moonshine Securities Cause Financial Headaches Buy Aged in the Wood Bonds UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. 281 Oak Street Safe Deposit Boxes