THE 3TOBNIXG OREGONIAX, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1923 1G FOR & TRUCKS 4X11 TRACTORS 1921 FORD 1-ton truck; new cord tires. BKALY, GRAHAM 4 CHILD, IXC 11th and Burnaide St a. GARAGES. GARAGE for sale; in business district on east side. Tools, accessories, ga. oila and greases. Storage. Good location. Come and see it at 1111 Hawthorne ave., or phone Tabor 9118. Cash or terms Lady owls this place and is j unable to run it herself. ; FOR RENT Private garage corner, and Harrison. Broadway 4451. 10th - AUTO REPAIRING, AUTOS painted, let us call and show you a sample of our work; $15 to $50. W. Karnes. Auto. rfl'l-ld. ' FIRST clas auto mechanic will work at . your garage or mine: work guaranteed.; prices very reasonable. Eaat 3628. j AUTOS repaired at your garage or mine; ! work guaranteed. Tabor 1146 or 220-12. i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECONDHAND CLOTHING WANTED. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St. Near Third St. Myers, the Tailor, pays tue highest prices for suits, overcoats, mackinaws and shoes. We call everywhere in the city, day or evening. We also buy sec endhand FURNITURE. TOOLS, JIachinery and all kinds of junk. CALL US BEFORE YOU SELL MARSHALL 1220, . WANTED. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. ADLER, THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S SL ITS, OVERCOATS, MACKI NAWS AND SHOES. WE CALL ANY WHERE AND EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY. CALL MAIN 8207 O R 211 TH I RD ST. 6ECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS We pay highest prices. Oregon Tailors and Cleaners, lit Second St.. N. VV. cor ner Washington. Bdwy. 7244. WB WILL ALLOW YOU $5 TO $15 for your discarded suit in payment on suit made to order and you can pay us the baiance on easy mommy payments. Bring in your used suit and apply it on a new one. Joy the Tailor, 104 Fourth at., near Stark. m " LSEi CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 734. 1 say les and pay more, giving you full va.ue lor MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING. CALL MAIN 734. SPRING IS HERE. X am the man who will make your bouse clean. I buy everything you have to sell furniture, household goods, clothing, tools and junk. CALL MAIN 4058. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FUR MEN'S SLITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 240 BL'RNSIDB, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing, furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co., 164 Park St.. between Morrison and ' YamhilL Phone Main 6529. . MAIN 1313 EXPERT .TAILORING. Highest prices for used clothing; 159 W. Park., corner Morrison. We call any time. LATE model tt-cy Under automobile to trade for piano or diamond, or sell on easy terms. 166 10th st. Main 2820. WE WISH to buy a good piano and also a phonograph; will pay all cash; must be bargain; no trash. X 485. Oregonian. BEFORE you sell piano or phonograph consult resale and exchange dept. Ore go nEilersMusicSj BOOKS wanted DickenB, Scott, O. Henry. KipUng, Stevenson, Shakespeare and other good sets. Phone Main 9137. DIAMONDS and gold bought. Reliable es timates. 713 Selling bldg. G. Cramer. DIAMON'OS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds, 340 Washington st. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot gun stlochfeMSSThJrjiear WANTED to buy. painter's outfit, ladders, falls, etc. East 7842. WANTED A 2-horsepower D. C. Motor. Apply at 509 Panama bldg. W ANT tent, electric fan, snot gun, rifle. Broadway "Kil, 128 First, near Alder. WANTED A few baby bears. Address Oaks Amusement Park, Portland. Or. Furniture Wanted. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time, we are paying best possible prices for furniture; we need used furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds of household goods to ship out of town. Will pay more for your fur niture than other local dealers. Call ua for one art ice or a house full and a courteous competent buyer will call. Lroadway 2200. 72 North Third at. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. LOOK HERE! LOOK. 1 We are In the market for all kinds of furniture and household goods; will pay you a better price than any dealers, be cause we u&e it" ourselves. We also buy pianos and office furniture. Call us and batibiy yourself. MAIN 4058. thank you. call main 738. cash paid for lsed furniture and household goods; we pat more i'han am local dealer; give us a trial. used furniture exchange, call main 788. MARSHALL 26i3 Call a fair and square man when selling your furniture, rugs and household goods and 1 will pay you ail it is worth. We will appreciate your cati and attend to It immediately M a i sh ail 20L'3. CALL MAIN 7714. USED FURNITURE OF ANY KIND. TOOLS AND GENERAL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. BOUGHT FOR CASH ; GOOD PRICES PAID. WEST PORTLAND SALVAGE CO. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CLL UNITED Fl'KMTUHti STORE Main 8e78. t: NEED turmture, rugs, sieves and tools ol every description m bingle pieces or in lots; will pay more tnan local deal ers; prompt attention given. East 2405. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURB oi any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 166 First st. VE Wl LI- hi;y your lurniture or sell for you on commission, George Baker A Co., auctioneers. Main 8332. EDUCATION A l WHY UK OUT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION? We havt helped hundreds of our grad uates to positions paying from 2v0 to $500 per month ; let us help you, too. You can pay half of your tuition dowa and the balance after you have gradu ated and had alx months of steady em ployment at auto work. A pretty far' offer, don't you think so? EX-SERVICE MEN. Invest your bonus money In an educa tion. It beat any other kind of aa in vestment. School open for inspection daily at 10 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. except Saturday. Large 112-page catalog mailed free. Ask for book No. 5. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL. ST2-3 4 Wasco St., Corner Union Ave.. Portland. Oregon. " AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the beat. Here It i. Standardised with schools in 60 ether cities. Best laboratories, best chop equipment and instructions Actual hop practice given on real repair joba Kesults absolutely guaranteed. Tc time for you togo to school Is while business is quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few month. In quire Oregon Institute of Technoogy, Main st. at Sixth Ex-service men get STATE AID. BEGIN EARNING MONEY QUICKLY. Enroll for day or night school at thlj great business college, the training school for succe&see. Courses inciud comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat. Writ r phone Main 590 for free catalogue. BEHNKE-W ALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Fourth, near Mor.-ison. 'Portland MOLEK BAKBEK CoLLEGii will teach the trade in 8 wks.. furnish a set of toois to you and give some pay while learning ; positions secured: write or call fcr catalogue and particulars 234 Burr.side t- CRKGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; '.oo-s free; positions guaranteed ; i ay while learning . tuition reaucea inn ifrin jj jmtu.fa s SCHOOL of Higher Human Culture by ap plied fine forces, beauty, brain and body bulidlng, pnysical culture, dramatic art. voice, colors. Special dept. for children, i 300 Jefferson st. Phone Main 3520. SllSS MATT I NOLT'S private school. shorT- f hand, typewriting; day-evening; indi- f vulual instruction. 2ti9 14th, near Jef- 1 fe r so n. JiODERN barber college teaches trade In 6 weeka tools furnished, lome pay; poal t cn secured; apecWI rate this month. Write cr call for particulars. 234 1st st X.EARN TELEGRAPH T Railway ieie- graph institute. 434 Railway Exchange XtOCKY MX Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex -asst. state aupL. mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Auto. 512-13 J JSK Tea hers' Agency Journal bldg Main 4835. Teaching paaltlcn. free reg. YATES - FISHER Teachers Agency Free HELP WANTED MALE. V -M f. A. MEMBERS Read every ad in this column, and if you don't find what you want, go to the Y. M. C. A, and ask for Raymond Van Vaiin, the employment secretary. He has had years of experience in help I ing" men find employment, and you may secure reliable information ana get. next to opportunities there that you would never find through your own efforts Y. AL." C. A. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. (Not an Agency.) "Where there is demand for capable men." Note: Think twice and then soma be fore investing your money. i PERMANENT position at good pay as representative or large going DUsmess now extending its lines in Oregon; if qualified the job is yours. On or about May 1 our superintendent of education opens a class in salesmanship in Fort land. He will teach you how to sell and put you to work while you are learning. There is no charge of any sort, but you must have ability, drive, fair education and give three weeks to serious inten sive study. Number of pupils limited. Call at once on our Portland manager, Mr. Matta. 201 Northwestern Bank bldg. WEED. CALIFORNIA. WANT EXPERIENCED . SCANDINA VIAN LUMBER PILERS. CONTRACT BASIS, PLANT OPERATING 30 HRS. INTERESTED PARTIES CALL AT ROOM 645, HOTEL OREGON, 10 A. M. TO 12 M. AND 2 TO 4 P. M. FARE ADVANCED TO RIGHT PARTIES. THERE is a good opening for a live em ployment agent, familiar with lumber in dustry, at Tillamook. Or. Five mills and several camps in close proximity. It is iuiure mmoer center or nortnwest Ore gon. Good opportunity for right man. Ati p;, oregonian. ACTS WANTED. Animal acts, aerial acts and any acta or merit wanted for indoor circus on May 10-11. Can also use freaks and curiosities suitable for sideshow. State ail in first letter and address mail to .Box ai4. Eugene, Or. TEACHER or college student, dignified, vacation or permanent work along school lines: similar positions paying $150-$350 per montn. Minimum earning assure a Write Mr. Rayburn, Syndicate bldg. uamana. t;ai. WANTED Credit man and office manager tor estaoilsnea auto accessory concern: must be efficient organizer and able to handle slow credits; give age and ex- penence. su &76, Oregonian. SPEEDY, intelligent male stenographer, 22 to 25 years old; prefer one familiar with logging-camp and sawmill machinery; good opportunity; please give ail details ana salary expected. M 5-82. Oregonian. YOUNG man. 18 to 20, energetic, alert and Intelligent, to do checking and answer pnone; opportunity to advance and learn produce business; $15 per week; give ref- erences. Avj oa-p, oreg on l an. FOR HELP PHONE STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY BROADWAY 5286. WANTED Janitor, married man, must be experienced in cleaning work; night work; steady position. Apply in person. Troy Laundry, East 30th and Pine sts. WANTED Al railroad traffic accountant capable of taking complete charge of small force, some knowledge of freight rates preferable. BF 557. Oregonian. MAN TO SHINE SHOES Can make $3 to $9 Saturday ; must have $325. Good west side stand. Investigate. 322 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 6o2M. WANTED A young man with experience in marine insurance business. Salary. Permanent position. Old established firm. J 552. Oregonian. EXP. RAZOR-CLAM diggers wanted for big spring run. Highest prices. Warren- ton Clam Co.. Wairenton, Or., and Nah cotta. Wash. BAKER Second hand : all-around man. A pipl y at once, with references. Moore Bakery. Grants Pass. Or. WANTED Doctor for thriving industrial community ; must furnish- reliable ref er encesAJliyMtregonian EXPERT cabinetmakers wanted, none other ntd apply. James J. Marshall Manufacturing Co.. 452 Hoyt. MEAT CUTTER with $300, can make bet ter than wages and be independent. See us today. 322 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 652. EXPERIENCED solicitor with or without car for cleaning and dye works, 732 Sandy blvd. ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced only. Contracts cashed. Clyde, 208 Stock Exchange. FIRST-CLASS barber wanted. side. MAKE big money selling advertising. Pub liplty Bureau, 210 Stock Exchange. . WANT experienced hotel clerk. Oregonian. GOOD real estate salesman, with car, good opportunity. 50o Swetland bldg. ADVERTISING building. 200 Tilford WIDE-AWAKE advertising solicitor. ply Hippodrome Theater. Ap- Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN. REAL WORKERS A per manent position for two good men with initiative and ambition to work up with an established financial company: men experienced in selling securities or life insurance preferred, but not absolutely necessary.. You can capitalize your ex perience and do big things if you have the right connections and work hard. If you are a real producer this position will afford you the opportunity to earn al! you are worth. State qualification and experience In letter. B 5S8. Oregonian. WANTED Salesman who has successfully sold legal, medical or classical books to represent In exclusive Pacific coast terri tory the newest and be3t medical works published, selling physicians only. Large commission with drawing account. in terview granted after you have fully written your qualifications to Dr. Arthur Pepin. Oregon Hotel, Portland. Or. CAPABLE salesmen who represent firms and who desire to carry sidelines for hardware, toy, general, confectionery and Jewelry stores on commission basis, kindly call at our office, room 12, 27 Second street, MUELLER TRADING COMPANY, SALESMEN to handle popular line of bungalow aprons and porch dresses for state of Oregon and surrounding terri tory, commission basis only: state experi ence and references. Criterion Specialty Co., 20-26 West 2 2d St.. N. Y. CLOTHING salesman, young man with ac tive selling experience in men's and young men's clothing. None other need apply. Lion Clothing Co., Mor rison, corner Fourth. REAL-ESTATE SALESMEN. A good opening for live salesman with car. O'Farrell-tlrellner, 33S-40 Chamber of Commerce biofg. Broadway 4172. SALESMAN Must have experience In wholesale fruit and produce line. When answering give full particulars and ref erences. AP 564, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to sell to tarmem de tachable plowshare edge; something new ; makes ahare last indefinitely ; al ways sharp; saves farmer 100 ; no competition ; good profits; every farmer wants several, agents make big money. See manager, Mr. Bennett, 270 Mult nomah hotel. CRYSTAL radio outfits. Immediate ship ment Detroit: retail J7.50 and $35. Headquarters 21S Chamber of Commerce. HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Big commission 501 Corbett bldg. t HOME, SWEET HOME HIHIIIM" uul look: VAJITU 15 TUte AN0 G00O 3UAMT I i 1 Hill 111 vJoM0&f wvw tusy go TUS VjjjCkV t UillkUW I I! 'I AFRICA Vof2 I! Ii h'.'ll. T:s t.i HELP WANTED FEMALE. TEACHER or college student, dignified, vacation or permanent work along school lines; similar positions paying $ 150-S350 per month: minimum earning assured. Write Mr. Ray burn. Syndicate building, Oakland, CaL WANTED Woman cook (German pre ferred) for Hotel Ecola. Cannon Beach. Or. ; 100 per month for summer sea son : second cook provided; open all year. WANTED Marker and sorter, one who understands cleaning and pressing ; small laundry. W. E. Crist, Montesano, Wash: WANTED Housekeeper for working man alone, have own home. In city ; state part ic ulars first le tter. B 595, Ore gon 1 an. ANY GIRL in need of a frieno, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car. ONE middle-aged lady to take care of rooms, do ironing, mending; room, board and yiQ a month. Apply ea wasn. COOK wanted at a chicken dinner Inn. Call at Elmira Apts. Monday at 10 A. M., apartment 31. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home la ready to help any girl in distress. 956 East Glisan. "MY" car. East 316. WANTED Experienced finisher and press w-mnn t Pheasant Dye Works, 950 Thurman Ft WANT graduate nurse for tuberculosis m stitutlon; general day duties. Main 1864, WOMAN to help with cooking from 4 to 8 P. M. Campbell Hill hotel. Main 7584. Wanted Domes ticw. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and cooking. Good wages. Call East 8787. ix- a tv-t tr r Tjis t l-d-arlv woman In aule home. Lhrht work, some wages. 186 Curry st. WANTED An experienced girl or young woman as second maid for small fam ily. Apply before 12, 822 Marshall St. COMPETENT maid for cooking and gen eral housework; references required; good wages. Main 7057. 741 Irving St. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking; family of 2 adults. 764 Kear ney. Main WML EXPERIENCED girl to cook and keep house for young couple In bungalow; fur nish references. Auto. 218-09. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; wages $50; references required. Marshall 419. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUSEWORK. PHONE EAST 934. GIRL for general housework: no washincr; three adults. 381 10th st. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Apply 574 E. Morrison. GOOD girl for general housework and plain cooKing. an js. atrw. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 211 E. 56th. Tabor 1628. nELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. HELP wanted with investment; need at once concrete foreman, draftsman, trav eling salesman, some laborers, good wages and share in profits. Further information see Grimm or Lawrence, 416 Oregon bldg., oth ana uaK. PARTNER in woodsaw business; small In vestment; plenty work. 505 Swetland bldg. PARTNER wanted to buy half interest In established fuel business; 2000 cash. East 8300. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SOLICITORS Call today,, between 12 and 1, at S54 Ankeny street. - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. FIRST-CLASS barber seeks steady em ployment; men's and children's hair cutting a specialty. Call Tabor 3737. EXPERIENCED dishwasher wants wor. S45 month, room and board. AO 6; Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants job; can do own repairing; best of reference. Al lison. Broadway 6620. MECHANIC will work any time at your garage, reasonable, or will drive car and keep it In repair. Peairs, East 3669. KITCHEN helper wants steady position, $14 a week. AO 592. Oregonian. PAINTER and decorator, will save you money on estimates, jyinaer, Mar. xaa. YOUNG man, IS, wants work, can do any- t hing. Mar, a uz, room -to. PAINTING and decorating; lowest prices. Phone East 9263. GENERAL repairing, electrical, mechanical, lawn mowers snarpeneq. auio. P3-u. CONCRETE AND ALL KINDS OF CE MENT WORK. TABOK Oa. JAPANESE boy wants work as cook In family or notei caie. n obi, oregonian. PAPERHANGING. painting and tinting. Papernanging wc a ron. atar. -iva. Al FAST, up-to-date carpenter, cabinet maker, aui. tio-ou. WANTED Carpenter work. Phone East 5396. Be sure to can v. Hi. rompKins. WANT position in filling station or auto accessory snop. a .-n ooi, oregonian. BAKER'S helper and bench hand wants permanent job. Auto. oiw-as. WANTED Gardening and grading, first- class. H. A. Runge, uroaqway -vi. WORK wanted caulkfng and laying water mains, experienced, juister. urana. LAWN mowing, gardening, odd jobs. Phone East 1562. PAINTING, papering, kalsominlng, by day or contract, k. pujo. YOUNG man wants position as second 62 N. 23d St. baker. GOOD carpenter, new or repair work. Rea- sonable. JViar. iutm. . AJ DRAFTSMAN wants work. Call Main 7119. Ask for Hannaford. LAWN graded, seeded, rolled. Phone East 6296. Mr. Gardner. EXCAVATING, GRADING, PLOUGHING. WOODLAWN 5612. PLUMBER wants work; small jobs; pairs; low estimates. Bdwy. 2583. SHINGLING, roof repairing; prices reason able ; work guaranteed. Aut. 325-16. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East 10 day time only. 240 East 8th st. PAINTING, tinting, papering, good work, reasonable. Sell wood 1399. CARPENTER contractor, new and altera tion, large or small. 630-25. LOT plowing, basement digging, moving and all kind of excavating. Tabor 1988. PLO W IN G and excavating, basement dig ging. Call Tabor 5537. CEMENT WORK, HAVE MIXERS. TELE PHONE TABOR 6781. WINDOW screens, mirrors and furniture repairing and cabinet work. Wdln. 1487. PLASTERING by contract; aruaranteed Eaat 2011. first-class work JAVANESE labor contractor. Japanese Labor Ass'n., 4th and Everett. 510-92. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages, fireplaces; prices right. Tabor 8793. EXCAVATING AND PLOWING. General teaming, reasonable. E. 8873. SHINGLING, reshingling, side wail, work guaranteed: prices right. Tabor 1758. ' CEMENT WORK; HAVE MIXER; REA SON A B L E RATESJWOODLAWN21S 3. CEMENT finisher by day or contract. Tabor 3362 after 6 P. M. MAN WANTS work as janitor, watchman or handy man. Tabor 87T9. WANTED Lathing. Tabor 8709. POSITIVE PROOF luuat we uvje V-l BU6NIMG ' Atf'6 A 0.iZ& - If VOO OONT ar U)M VoO'C? Boy i-A) n SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CLERK, STENOGRAPHER, ACCOUNTANT, SALES STUDENT. Any broker, bank, realty firm or other Investment house desiring a man, age 29, younger some ways, more mature others a crackerjack at all above lines. ambitious to get in, make gooa ana aa vance, please phone or address R. B. Wallace, care Driscoll's. Tourney bldg, BAKER AND PASTRY COOK. First-class, all-around man, 25 years experience in bakery and restaurant; iuuv caDabie or taRine charge oi a no p. Address Henry Forsman, Hotel Wabash. Mam 2876. COOK First-class, all-around man; fa mous for dinners and pastry; Al meat ontter : American or European pian ; qualified to take charge of kitchen, hotel or restaurant; 15 years' experience. f ota, uregonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant require situation: locality no object; years experience wholesale tailoring factory and 11 years' drygoods store; competent office manager; excellent references; moderate salary. AV 452, Oregonian. SHINGLING We specialize in re shingling and roof repairing. It will pay you to aret our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; estimates free. East 1928. PAINTERS and decorators; we are me chanics; we use the best material and work cheap, for we have no boss to keep. ir'eairs. Last lias. GET YOUR PAINTING, KALSOMINING AND SIGNS BEFORE THE RUSH SEA SON. 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. BEST REFERENCES. TABOR 266. GARAGE job wanted, no driving; have some experience and expect reasonable pay. American, aged 24; good habits and character. AV 4o4, Oregonian. GOOD willing Japanese couple wishes sit uation, man as cook, wife wait on table and housework and will be satisfied with small wages. Add. 31 N. 3d st. AS J A NI TOR b v first-class man : under stands all kinds Janitor work, office or apartment house or oaaiK; Decst reier ences. East 4837. YOUNG MAN Experienced in store and some as road salesman, or will travel with carnival or show or what have you? Will go anywhere. G 587. Oregonian. POSITION by journeyman, technical and commercial education; speaKa ngusn, Spanish, French and German. AP 558, Oregonain. AN ELDERLY couple wishes to take care of country home: can give references if necessary, oau ueo. (juara. vw ju. iitn st. N. YOUNG man wants jam-tor work in apart ment house for apartment for sister and self; experienced; best references. AE ; 5i8. Oregonaaqi. PAINTING, papering, kalsomlning, first class material and workmanship ; get our prices and save money. Tabor 2328, or Auto. 624-30. EXPERIENCED kitchen man wants work, $60 month, room and board. K 590, Ore gonian. . DRIVER or garage man, 6 years" exper ience, good references, wants position. AE 594, Oregonian. m YOUNG man wants work cleaning vacant - houses, basements; 20 cents an hour. G 568. Oregonian. WE BUILD small houses and garages and repair old ones; rock-bottom pricea 735 East Main. East 3550; EXPERIENCED posting machine operator wants position m small oan. w rite G. L. Gregory, Pullman, Wash. I HAVE Ford car, know streets fairly well. What have you to orierr peairs. ast 3669; . . WILL mix concrete. $1.25 per hour, power mixer, wneeibarrows ana toois. .r none East 733. between 6 and 7 P. M. MARRIED man needs work, painting, kal- somining, enamel worn, turmture oi floors polished. Maclin. Main 1515. AUTO mechanic, several years' experience. 2 years In Chevrolet factory, wants posi- tion. Lowell Peairs, East 369. GOOD, FAST. ACCURATE MACHINIST WANTS WORK. WILL LEAVE TOWN. AK 589, OREGONIAN. CHAUFFEUR, refined and reliable, age 24, 8 yrs. exp. good mechanic, city ref. Mar. 5757, Apt. 12, Mr. Wright. GAJtDtESN ER wants lawn work, seeding, etc. Broadway 2213. Kah,lfeld. 6 9 evenings. PAINTING, tinting, papernanging; reason able; work guaranteed. Auto. 327-78. East 795. PAINTING, paper hanging, tinting; rea sonable; references; estimates free ; will save you money. Painter. East 3669. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. ACCOUNTANT Experienced, practical, efficient, wants opening, closing and changing books; new systems installed and business analyzed. Al local refer ences. East 7939. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, general of fice man, several years' experience, wishes permanent position, moderate salary. Tabor 7568. Salesmen. EXPERIENCED salesman, any line, hus tler, have car (bonds, peddling, etc., barred); must be substantial; state full particulars. H 595, Oregonian. WANTED by traveling salesman, exper ienced hustler wants good factory line, salary and bonus outside territory. H. W. B. BJ 567, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG lady with clerical experience de sires posi tion ; best of references. Call Woodlawn 5280. WIDOW wishes emp. in restaurant, hotel or good boarding house, in city pre ferred; capable taking full charge. Mrs. Wick. Bdwy. 1227. YOUNG lady without home wishes posi tion as ward, companion or housekeeper to responsible -person. Mone Koeneke, 205 South Pine st., Ellensburg, Wash. EXPERIENCED, tru:wor:ay lacy want housecleaning, washing or other work, good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. EXPERIENCED laundress, colored, wishes bundles to take home; also will go out Thursday, Friday: day work. East 7453. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants work in gar den or help family; 25c per hour. Call me after 5 P. M.. 185 Grant st. ANNIE HUNTER would like day work, laundry or cleaning. Phone Sellwood 142. EXPERIENCED manicurist wants position right away; barber shop preferred. AR 577, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants any kind of work for few hours after 3 o'clock. One meal and email wages. Main 8102. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes general office position ; best of references. Main 7039. .CP. CHAMBERMAID WANTS POSI TTON. BROAD W Y 3502. AN EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work. Bdwy. 3229. YOUNG woman wants housework by hour. Woodlawn 2913. CLEANING, window waehing, laundry. Mrs. Christensen. Main 8122 WOMAN wants work by day Phone Auto. 539-02. room 16. LACE CURTAINS "I AND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPErtlENCE. EAST 6196. YOUNG lady wants day work; experienced and good references Tabor 6S03. WOMAN wants day work, 35c hour. Call room 14. Bdwy. 5652. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. YOUNG lady wishes stenographic position, Two years experience in law office. Op erated noiseless typewriter. Main 7457. Copyright, 1922, by the w -Oosrr fcov 'Sm Guei 'SM To :4S SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office, TELEPHONE! BDWY. 6953 for competent office help of every description. Quick service. Williams Personnel, 504 Spald ing bldg. Stenographers, bookkeepers. POSITION by business college graduate; shorthand, typing, office training; some bookkeeping and banking experience; reasonable salary. AJ 494, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and stenographer, S years' experience, best of references; wishes half day employ ment. Phone Bdwy. 3543. STENOGRAPHER experienced; exports, machinery, law. engineering; highest references ; also bookkeeper. M 554, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes general office position ; best of references. Main 7039. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, 5 yrs.' experience, wants position. Main 2670. Dressmakers. JULES will make your frocka. gowns and wrapt for ail occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable pricea 431 Artisans bldg Bdwy. 5606. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will do plain and fancy sewing, remodeling, altera- tions and repairing. Phone nast ooo DESIGNING, smart dressmaking and needlework. Tabor 78S6. Sunnymont apartments, apt. 14. 35th and Belmont FASHIONABLE dressmaking, alterations and plain sewin; prices reasonable. 11th a-nd Columbia sts. Main 8501. . DRESSMAKING MRS. GOOD. LAWN '"21 46. MRS.' W. W. LYENS of 149. 13th St.. moved to 681 Hoyt. Main 6963. $2.75. EIGHT-HOUR day, remodeing. etc. Sell. 3653. CAPES, suits, one-piece dresses made reas onably, work guaranteed. Mar. 2459. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, make-over, $3.50 day; references. Bdwy. 5652. DRESSMAKING and alterations In home or my own. Call Mar. 3874. DRESSMAKING, reasonable 12th st.. corner Wash, st. prices. 122 Cole rooms. Nurses. HOURLY NURSING SERVICE Surgical dressing, baths, packs, rubs, irrigations, hypodermics, etc. Miss A. A miliar, graduate nurse. Mam 110. NURSE with some hospital experience wishes work In small hospital or institu tion more for experience than wages. BJ 580. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED child's nurse. Christian Science, desires position: will take entire charge, a v , ureBuiiiau. PRACTICAL nurse wants cases; go home nights. Phone East 300. Apt. 29. Honsekeeperg. REFINED, capable woman would like to (alio nharp'ft or nouse lor 1.0.1111.7 TvivaH nnmher of business or pro fessional men. For personal interview phone Mar. 4097, Monday, WANTED Housekeeping in a good home; reasonable wages, or will help with rooming house; give particulars first letter. Ill Sherman St., nooa n.iver.wi. WIDOW, aged 50, wishes work as house voanttp for w dower witn J. or j cunurou will go out of the city, not too far. Phone East 73 96 saturaay or mmy m-nmg; Domestics. -4- RELIABLE colored woman wants second work, hOUSe Cieaiuns tuujviiiB to do. nwe rjixtz ...!. fvocnrfi-vrKD woman with reference. WOUId llKe .:ietLiiiiis, '6 "i"B by day or hour. Ale in J4b. Ho UftWieanimt. U.T.TTSTP rr.RANlNG Expert white and ivory enamei, 01 ic anu lub uiepiBw cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, 188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. Housecleaning, floor waxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv en: best of references. HOUSECLEANING, all branches. fine work. P. J- xvowe. raone nruaaway isvj. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. wjr. HAVK manv clients waiting for va- ecnt houses, fiats and stores m an parts of the city. Bring in your iisiing anu get quick returns. Han. witn GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7531. WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats and can rent yours; let us nanaie j-ow property and collect your rents. 230 Stark St. O. A. w Au - . WANTED To rent 3 or 4 -room furnished flat nr huntralow: adults only; Dest OI references. Answer, stating rent. Address H. Kerr, sr. O. box 3tn3. OR 7-ROOM unfurnished house or JCIat, west side, reasonable rent. Main 7635. 325 13th st. Rooms With Board. YOUNG man wants board and room, close In. with home privileges. F 096, ore gonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 13th st. at Washington. Rate $5 per week and up, $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. THE HOTEL ROWLAND. 207" 4TH ST. The hotel for rates, service and loca tion. Rates $1 per day and up. With bath $1.50. Special monthly rates. HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 day; a week $5 and up; private bath, $8; fireproof and clean. Closo to nusiness center. HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St., car. Stark. Under n ew management ; modern ; pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates: $5 and up; hot and cold water, steam qeat. MATTHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water; steam heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia. A FRONT room with private bath and phone, also good basement sleeping room with running water in it and next to bath. 710 Washington st. WASHINGTON HOTEL. I2TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rcoms and suites at reason able rates by week or month. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 632 Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate; $3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6831. WHY NOT have a furn. apt. while In town? 3 mod. rooms, private bath, $12.50 per week. San Marco. E. 8th and Couch. East 1990 HOTEL CONRAD IN E, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and bathg; light and airy : steam heat. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder; A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL; $ up. Rates by week or month. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th st.. near Mor rison Clean and modern rooms by day. week or month at reasonable rates. 50c DAY. $2.50 week up; large, absolutely clean rooms ; baths free ; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson. LARGE, deeirabie rooms, modern. 327 6th. Mar. 5' 84. WEST SIDE Home privileges; widow's home. 145 21st N. Marshall 3770. NICELY furnished room with or without board. 738 Johnson. Main 3796. Mall & Express Co. THAT "TO I i J Tvl "I WtM UJOOUO 6E2 r- Ul IS '.'''' JJ'l I Ely I JY Cc FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington St. A clean, re5pectable place to live ; free phones in each room, automatic elevator, large, comfortable lobby, restaurant in connection: near Washington park, Mult nomah club and hospitals; reasonable rates, day, week or month. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH; QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED: $1.25 PER DAY. $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE. THE JEANNE D'ARC at 265 14th mu. for business women; rooms, hot and cold running water, with or without private bath, moderate rates; meals to tran sients. Main 3429. CALL AT Y. M. a A. to see free lis of moderate-priced rooms for young men In an parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. EUCLID HOTEL 573 Washington. Clean, cheerful rooms with or without private bath. Attractive rates to perma nent. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, Washington and Fifth Sta. Special permanent rates. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. SUNNY outside furnished room for young lady employed; two windows and clothes closet; next to bath; west side: 15 min utes waiK trom business center; privaia family; J16 per month. Phone Broad way 3071. FRONT view 2-room suite, suitable for three gentlemen: hot and cold water in room, furnace heat, first-class and up to date. 343 Holladay ave. Phone East 5236. VERY attractive rooms, beautifully fur nished, parlor, piano, home privileges; rates $3.50 up. 61 N. 18th St. Broad way 2721 CLEAN furnished sleeping rooms, refined , home; walking distance; one block from Washington street. 65 22d street N. Main 6036. NICE clean sleeping room for 1 or 2 gen tlemen; close in. 194 12th St., cor. Taylor, opposite White Temple. Mar. 580. . NICE suitt of rooms, steam heat. Just right for i people, new furniture; also 1 single room. 402 12th. Phone, Main 3604. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping room,, very pleasant. In modern home, east side, 1 block from car line. East 9276. TWO OUTSIDE sleeping rooms, $3.50 and 94 per wetau Bdwy. 4-'Uo, aia jj lanaera, near 16th. WELL-FURNISHED, steam-heated room for gentl-amtn, 307 11th St., near Colum bia. Mar. 481. CLEAN comfortable room, steam heat, lots of hot water, easy walking distance. 215 14th street. $27.50 -ATTRACTIVE, large, airy room and kitchenette, suit 2 employed people; use of p i a no. 549 Yamhill st. Main 7119. FRONT furnished sleeping room for adults wishing nice place. 451 Tenth street South. $3 per week. ROOM, suitable for 2 gentlemen, twin beds, sleeping porch, aliso nicely fur nished sleepinroomEat860L IRVINGTON employed ; East 5609. Very pretty room for lady $16. Excellent car service. WEST SIDE Newly furnished steam heated room, suitable for two persons. Home privileges. Bdwy. 4546. FOR RENT Nice, quiet sleeping room in private family ; furnace heat, just like home. 403 Russell st. IRVINGTON Beautiful corner room, re fined home, all modern conveniences; board if desired, garage. East 6645. 2 NICELY fur. rooms, furnace heat, hot and cold water, free telephone. 382 N. 23d. Bdwy. 2390. CLEAN, furnished sleeping rooms, refined home, 1 block from Hawthorne ave. 266 East 35th st. FURNISHED PERSON. IRVINGTON, light, attractive sleeping room, $10. Bdwy. car. East 8259. 1 OR 2 LOVELY rooms, heat, bath and phone. 188 17th st. Close in. 269 14TH, NEAR Jefferson Choice room, modern conveniences, walking distance. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, sleeping porch. Irvington. Call East 4073. SLEEPING room, airy, cheery, clean; rea sonable rent. 241 N. 21st. Main 5050. LARGE sleeping room, furnished or un furnlshed. 1695 Denver ave. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, large room, cove; unfurnished, $15. Mar. 2937. DANDY sleeping room, rent $15 per month. 161 N. 23d. Main 4582. 257 12TH ST. Modern, hot, cold water in room, walking distance; men only. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels- on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. CHESTERBERRV HOTEL, 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by day, week or month. Mea'is served to transients. THE HOLLYWOOD. 633 Kearney, corner 20th. Exclusive residential hotel, running water in rooms, home privileges, rates $45 to $65, excellent board, new fur. Broadway 1509. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women; we give you all the comforts of a home; reasonable rates 452 MORRISON, corner 13th. outside rooms, modern conveniences ; board op tional. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room., board for girls, mod, late. 380 10th. Mar. 125l. Rooms With Board In Private Family. LARGE, light room for - men with board for $27.50 each or room without board for $3.50 per week. 85 10th st. ROOM and board in very attractive home adjoining Ladds addition. 'ine taoie hoard. Eat 6404. 734 Hawthorne. NEAR GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL. Excellent room and board for 2; at tractive rate. Main 3842. LADY will give room and board to couple . employed or 2 men; waiKing distance. 145'.& North 21st. Mar. 5636. LARGE, pleasant front room, room for 3 men, larpe iignt closet, oatn, neat ana phone. 4?0 E. Ash. East 8445 ROOM with board, suitable for 1 : refer E. loth ences required. East 2324. 15 st. North. ROOM AND BOARD, $35; modern; a real home, west side, c'ose In. 407 14th st. Mar. 1752; LOVELY rooms and excellent home cook ing; situated in fine yard with shade trees; walking distance. Bdwy. 4314. LARGE front room, 1st floor, with board. 830 month. Jasy waiRing distance. -Hi East First st N. East 9283. ROOM witn board, 15 min. out ; home privileges, ' including use 01 piano; gentlemen preferred. Sell. 141 3. WANTED Man to room and board. E. Davis sr. N. . . ROOM and board, two gentlamen ; pri- vate home. 576 Lada ave. Jast 2JJ3. LARGE front room, modern home. 770 Irving st. Marshall 4410. CHILDREN will receive good care in home of motherly woman. Autom. txjo-io. 1 0urtTCGf2APU5 FOB RENT. Kooma With Bard in Private Family. noon bnarrf mom. t week: modern con veniences, close in, west side: real home privileges: rooms, single or double. S-0 Montgomery at. Phone Main 53 0. PLEASANT corner front room, strictly modern home: suitable for 2; home- cooked meals; reasonable rent; garage for rent. Phone East 5j47. . NICE larae room. 2 meals, in widow's home. Home privilege. Best car serv ice. Single or double bed. Gentlemen preferred. Tabor 7S4ft WANTED Girl or boy of school age to room and board where they will re ceive mother's care with sewing. Rea sonable. Phone 641-11. GOOD front room, light, clean and warm, for 2 people employed, with Rood board, home privileges; close in. 295 W. Park, cor. of Columbia. F u rn 1 a lied A part men t a. COMPLETELY furnished 2-room apart ment ; all conveniences; walking dla tanre: choice location: 1 block off Waahington; In new apartment bouse. Also sleeping room. 701 Davis, GRANDEST A APARTMENTS. Nice clean 3-room apt., with private bath, thoroughly renovated, must be seen to be appreciated ; summer ratea 68 Grand ave.. corner Stark. LARGE outside apts., with kitchenette, steam heat, hot and cold water, newly furnished, rates reasonable: under new management. Hotel Elmore. 162 W. Park. corner Morrison. 2 OR 3 ROOM apartment, Iireplace. eiec triP liirht and eras, in lovely modern home. Also a large room, garage 1 wanted. Tabor 8850. 1515 Belmont. 435 4-ROOM upper furnished flat and sleeping porcn, ni--o u imn. wAU berta corner Rodney. Tabor 8352. HinnON HALL. 11TH AND HALL. 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath. h. w. floors, private balconlea; $35 up. Mar. 1160. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Harrison Court, 394 5th aL, cor. Har rison. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. . Three rooms, large, light, modem ; west side. 831 Sixth at. Marshall 1378, xjciwvap APTS. 187 17th. One 2-room front apt., steam heat, phone, also 1 sleeping room. 2 AND 3-room modern, all outside rooms. 17th and Lovejoy. Arline apta. Broad way 1H1 2 AND 3-ROOM steam-heatec3 jurnisnea front apt. with private bath $25, $35 and $40 month. 402 H 3d st. THE ORDE RLEIGH, tirana ave.. unacr new management ana atricny reapwci able, attractive suites; just renovated. NICE 3-room furnished apt., well lighted, main floor, walking distance; can b had at once. East 5104. JULIANIA APARTMENTS. 345 Trinity place. 2-room furnished apt., $45. THE GRAY GABLES. 1 room with kitchenette, newly reno- vated. $32. 289 10th st. CLASSIC APTS,, 662 Glisan. Modern 2- room apta Electric ranges, jo 10 $45. Broadway 2934. FURNISHED apt., Muncey, 2 large rooms and kitchenette; walking distance. 890 Cay. 4 ROOMS, private bath, ground floor, walking distance, west side. 454 11 tb st., apt. D. SEVARQ APTS, 271 8. Broadway 1 and 2-room apta., lights, steam heat and running hot and cold water. TWO 1-ROOM apts, with kitchenette, nice light and clean, near dental college. East 75S9. 400 Holliday avenue. 3-ROOM APARTMENT, NICELY FUR NISHED; PRIVATE? BATH. 412 K. 9TH ST. NORTH. .. FURNISHED apartment, west side; five outside rooms, two porches, apt. 2, Grace apts. Mar. 1074. NEWLY FURNISHED. 2-room apt., furnished in wicker, good location. $22.50 to $27.50. Bdwy. 1871. THE STAN FIELD. Modern outside two-room apt. heat, phone. $22.5Q. Main 7392. light. LARGE 2-room front apt., light, furnace heat, fine car service. Madteon. corner 13th. phone, 654 E. JULIAN A P A RT M E NTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2-3-RM. APARTMENT. MORTON APTS. 8-room furnished apt. Also basement apt. 697 Washington st. Broadway 1098. BANNER APTS. Nicely furnished 2-room apartments. Heat, light and phone service. $27.50. 489 Clay. NEW YORK APTS. Two-room furn. apt.. $27. 50. including lights, heat, hot and cold water. E. 7th and Belmont sta. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th at Montgomery. Main 859. MARSHALL, APTS., 3-room front apt., also semi-basement apt. 624 Marshall st. Broadway 3851. BENSON APTS., 205 N. 20th st. One com pletely furnished, modern, 3-room apt., $55. Phone Broadway 4448. B-ROOM furnished apt. with private bath; lights, water ana telephone free. $27.00. 882 E. Ash. ALICE COURT Mod. 8 large rooms, two beds, fireplace, pri. bath. tel. Included ; $50. Cor. E. 8th-BurnsidP. Eaat 8566. IN IRVINGTON. Two-room furnished apt., $25 per mo. 769 East Broadway. N1CKOLS 3-room apt., steam heated; ga rage if desired. Woodlawn 4971. 856 3. 6th N. MOORE Apartments, new; 415 E. 10 th, corner Grant; - rooms ana bath lur nished. Phone East 1507. ' SUNLIGHT Nice 3-room apt., all outside rooms, private bath, phone and heat; cheap. Tabor 6065. ALT AM ONT APTS., 804 COLLEGE. 4 rooms and private bath, nicely fur nlshed. $50. Main 6375. EVELYN APTS., 267 N. 21st st. 3-room furnished apt., reasonable rent. Marshall 222 8. FLORENCE APTS., room apartment. 388 11th 3 and 4- FURNISHED Mar. 3366. APT. and flats for 821 Thurman, ALCO APTS, E. Couch, Union ave.; fln 2-room apts. $30 to $37.50. 257 12TH ST. 1-room apt., kitchenette, gas, light, heat, phone furnished. NICELY lurniehed corner apt., with bath. Westminster, Main 5582. FURNISHED housekeeping apts., big building, cheap. 301 Hawthorne. ROSELYN APTS., 110 N. 21st St.. 2-rm. modern furnished apts., reasonable. 2-ROOM kitchenette, sonable. 414 4th. private bath, rea- IF YOU want an extra good clean 2 or 4 room furnished apt., call East 8826. 4-RUOM apt. for rent in modern apL house, also garage. Call Bdwy. 4468. CARLOIS APTS. 2-room modern furn. apt., reasonable. 14th and Market. FURNISHED Weidler si. housekeeping East 8331. apta, 293 SUITE 2 rooms, light, airy, pleasant, newly papered. 534 Morrison. ARDMA1' TERRACE, 395 12th St.; large light front room. 2-room apt. Mar. 808. BONNIE BRAE APTS., beautiful 8-room corner apt. Call East 2202. UNION AVE. and Kiltlngsworth. fur. apt. $21.50. All com plete concrete bldg. ELBR1DGB apts.. 274 N. 21st: 2 and 8-rm. apt. Reasonable. Bdwy. 4730. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH and COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS.: WILKING PIS. E. 1999. THE CHELTENHAM, 4-room apartment. 39th and Northrup. Broadway 8658. BEAUTIFUL 4-room corner, green lawns, ' walking distance. 200 E. 18th. By H. J. TUTHILL FOR RENT. Fuxniwhed Apmrt mrota. 8TKLWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. Front 2 and S rooms and aleeping porch, elegantly and artlti-aly fur nished, Chinese ruit. floor I am pa, pone drapes, ivory wi. low furniture. one la rue auite with bath, tp floor front, with 7 windows, elegantly t u ntahd In mahogany, for 1 or 2 retined ai holora. Single rooms $25 and up. Trniut and resident by day, week or month. 1 166 SL Clair, Corner Washington. THESE ARK VERY CLAfSY U'AHT WESTS, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED, STRICTLY MODERN. LA KG K LIGHT. CONVENIENT. I'i.KASANT I'OKNKK. 4 BOOMS. ALL Ol'TSlDK, Kgl'llTKH FOR 2 TO 5 P E KS )XS ALSO OSS 3-ROOM LOVELY Fl RNISH K I A PT FOR $45 MONTH OUR RATKS AHK LOWEST IN CITY "TH K I'M MI AN,' I1TH AND COT.VMMIA HTRKSrs. Walking Distance From Downtown. ATTRACTIVE apt, 2 roonia. kiti-lientt and bath, hardwood f.oois and Radiant fireplace In living room; all rooms and airy, unobstructed view of awn; eaay walking distance to business renter A delightful home for permanent tenant. For particulars Inquire 66 N. 19th at., from 2 till 5 p. M. Opposite Trinity church. D-M car to Phvii it. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Street!. Five minutes' a k to Meirr Frank's tore, good surroundinga, strictly mod ern 2 and 8-room furnished apis., out aide and French doors and balcony; per maneut and tranmcnt. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner loth and balmon. Cloae tn. convenient to library, churchea, theater and shopping district, permanent or transient, by day. week, month. Being thoroughly renovated; under new owner ahlp. Main 664 1. MONTGOM K H Y Al'AHTM KNTS. 2-room furnished. phon. lee trie lights, electric waaherw. all oulaid rooma, modern brick bldg.; electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking diatance. Main 9466. $2o FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Large 1-room and kitchenette apart ment, artistically furniahed with Jm davenport and overstuffed chairs, m ; light, heat, etc.. Included in renL Mala 8816. KINGSBURY APT.. 1(6 VISTA AVE. Near 23d and Wash.; hlgh-olaaa apt. houao; one 3-room furnished apt. with 2 disappearing beds and an outatde bal cony; fine view; must be seen to be ap- preoiatea. THE DEZKNDORF APTS. 208 16th st.t near Taylor. Mar. 124. 4 and 8-r. complete furn. apt., all out side rooma, convenient for transient or tourlat. No objection to children. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 rooma, beautifully furnished, eorner apt., only 3 btocka from Washington at., weat aide. $00. Broadway 135. 4-ROOM furnished apartment ; ground floor; 3 entrances. 2 bed rooma, airy, comfortable; private bath; private bu--raent room; adult a only; walking die tance, $35. Main 2o57. LARGE light front 2-room aparlmanta. Lombard st. at Alblna ave.; ti minutes to town; adults: $22.50 and $20. Phone Main 5225 or Wdln. 2642. bKAL'TlFL LLY furnished front 4 room apt. Ivory wood work, pongee drapm wicker furniture. JCverytning new. lt9 North 23d. BURN A VISTA APTS. 434 HARRISON. MAIN 1051. 1 and 8-room modern apis.; also S-rra unfurnished. JAEGER APTS., furnished apt. 701 Wash. at. 8-room WELLINGTON COURT. Under new management, 3 rooma, modern, newly furnished, only 8 blocks off Washington st., $40. B dwy, 1245. DR1CKSTON APTS. 444 11TH ST. Nice clean, modern 2-room apartmenta Phone, janitor service ; $30 to $45. LAMBROOK APTS 430 E. YAMHILL ST. For rent. reaonab, furnished 2-room apta. Call Kant 4t62 LEONCE APTS., 186 N. 22D ST. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. 8 rooma with private bath, also one 4-room apt. Marahaii 22.'0. BERKELEY APARTMENT, 89 Trinity Place. Nice cd'an 2 and 3 room modern apta; also baacment apt. it a wy. o 1 o i. PA UK ill' I1ST A I'TM 8 rorma French doors and balcony, fine view, $50 and $55 pur month. Bdwy. 1179. HAMMER SLE V COURT. 250 UTJi M One 2-room apt., privnte hath, $0. Vnfurnlnhcd Apartment. ARBOR COURT. 14th and Columbia. Front corner 8-room apartment, beau tiful tapestry walls with Ivory; retain able; ailuita. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MAN AG K M E NT. 4-room, newly painted and kalBomln1. steam heat and telephone, clone In. walk ing diatance; only 8 blockn of mlunx ton at., rent $45 Call linwy. 124.. IRVINGTON Five-room apartment. 34 Tillamook, hardwood floors, tile ba'h, steam heat. Janitor service ; rent $N5. F. E. Bowman & Co, 210 Chamber of Commerce b.dg. Broadway 677H. JAEGER APTS., 701 Wash, at. One 4 and one 8-room, unfurnished apt. BERYL APARTMENT, 015 Lovejoy. Nice, large 8-room apt., newly tinted; disappearing beds. ATTRACTIVE family apartment at the new Gordon court. 530 Montgomery ; beautiful corner view of 5 rooms on 2d floor; now available 2 OR 3-ROOM apartment, rireplaca, elec tric lights and gas. in lovely modern house; also a In rge room, gam. If wanted. Tabor bh.lo. ir.I8 Belmont. H AN T 1 1 (J 1 ; N A iTo. Newly decorated 8-room unfurnished apartment. 251 12th at. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 8 rooma, etevator, tile bath, lltU and Montgomery. Main 8ft9. MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND UP. 15 DAYS' STO-RAGE FHbtt. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 244B. NiCKOLS 3-room apt., 11 tram healed, aa rage if desired. Woodlawn 4U7J. Eaat 6th N. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few deairabla apts. available at reasonable rentals. Phnne Broadway r,HW. LIGHT uului nittiifcd 3-room apt., pila:e balcony, bath. Hanover Apta., Bd w Nice, large 6-room, unfurnished apart- nent. Main 7M 6. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and fi-room apartmenta. Broad way $310. 4 AND 4-room modern apis.; all outa:da rooma t all Wdln. 3943. 3-ROOM apt., unfurnished, for rent, $J2 50 Call Broadway 412. 224V. WsMi. al. THE ORMONDE Flvr-room un f urn if hed apartment. 0.'6 Flanders. Hd wy. ;tS73. MAY 1, MORDA liNT, ;M6 Everett. 4 -room. large, homelike- inaperilon Jnyltcd. ,""f"ttld or nturniw tiu A part men In. - LUCILI.I6 COURT. Nob Hill dlsLrlct, furnished or unfur nished 4-rooin apartment, very reaaon- aoie; newiy trnien. unwy. zuii. apt., 4 rooms, orr-Haing room and bai h, hd w. f Ioo'i h. whltn -namH woodwork; free ue ciectriu waah-r and mangle. Eaat 37H2. JACKSON A FT I., 51 L n.'on v. Noil Furn. and unlur 3-room aptk , at ram hea t. hot and cold water, Jf to f.,i per THE LPSHl'K upMrtiiif-tita. 2 B ii1 room, unf drn thd or Turn iah d . a I ! r e furniwhlnfca and panting. Main .M:7 TDK Vl -TOKIAN 4-iin. 1 bin. or un apts.. bath; clone In: vrv tnot 4 JS Columbia-, n-u r I 1 1 h. n j LAUREL lit KST A P'i s 8 -rootll H )t.. lUf'lllflU: garage. 1 j K. -Th l-. or u.if uriiiihi-d V-r high lan I 1'ornr mail :um. Furmwlird and mil in iiiahf.t 4-1 in. hjib. ihii. MODERN 4 -room io . r i iL, . ( 1 v:.: t sleepinj porrn. ffpia.- lurii.nt basement, ban wood f .001 4, lurp a Call A. M . KttHt 37 42 $3i MODERN i-iooni ing distance. 296 Williams hv. UH'T flat, ' Wetdler L., v ROOM f.a I, ou6 I lorth w irk, 2u. STRONG JlrNAMiHTuN. Corb"t t blog. 5-KOOM FLAT. wll., vie w ; furn a', f .r- pi j $ 3 .y S'-n S ' '' h t. j- t ! t h tin phone. DESIRABLE 0-looin. iit-wly Salmon ; d u:ta; n-f'T-rin ii 12 I-busT- l.-.o. 5-KUOM modern flat, 10 ininutee neas center. Key at 310 3d at. NICE, clean 4 room fl.t. porchea. Kearney. VERY fine 7-room, 1'ark wnKirf diatanc1. $.0. Phone Tabor NIK2 MODERN 5 -room !ow-r fat. i'uilucr fireplace 6'6 Plmonf ml. 4-ROOM modern flat, 67: sve.: edulta. Eaat 2011. l M iai; p VERY deHlrttl'i" -1 00111 condition. 6"7 PetM-aro fi .i, UPPER or lower 4-rooni ; hral. hoi InHudd. 1 nMutrp 0 L 1 1 6-ROOM unfurnished iuiot ! J I0 , references. oUJ E. Da via st.