TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRITj 15, 1923 FOR RENT. $-4 TO $r WEEK, completely furnished - housekeeping suites, every convenience; it you appreciate a strictly clean, quiet place, invest igate. Downtown ; no car faro. The CudHlNc. .sU 3d si. KKST hoiis-kefping rooms in city; clean, comfortable- and attractive; newly fur nished; hot and cold water, Rood beds, lovely yard, heat, lights and phone; $15. and $;"-V 4ts Julii HT housekeeping room, elertric plate and oven, newiy furnished, light, heat, and cooking fuel, ujse of phone and bath included in rent. 3t8 M ultnomah at. Phone Kat 01 2 BLOCKS FROM MULTNOMAH CLUB. Clean and cosy, - rooms and kitchen ette. $5 a wpk; one single room, h. k. rrr sleeping, $ a week. 26t Chapman at. Main 76IK. 1 L'-KOOM a PL., with sleeping porch, and 1 single li. K. room; renovated and thorough !y pf a ned ; light and steam heat Included: reasonable rates. 40110th st. Main 240. ONE and two h. k. apartments, steam heat, hot and cold water, elevator serv ice, single apt. $3 5r and $4; -room apts. f.'i and up. Hotel Ohio, 266 Front, corner Madison. liATuiE, 2 -room f runt suit, alt new and rlan. every t liing furnished with pine, for car; sunniirr rate?. 32 Tillamook. near WtHiamn ave,, 3 blocks N. Bdwy. IlO I S E K E E I I N r r no m s. nice and clvan : sleeping rooms. $5 week; hot pnd cold water; walking distance. 07 Trinity I'!-ee. Riiwy. 17!. fi ROOMS, upstairs, suitable for 2 families, stoves, folding bds and tables furnished; f.nlv reliable people wanted. Phone East 1712 ; LA R ;E. nicely furnished front rooms and alcove for light housekeeping, suit able for 4 adults; large yard. 424 Third st., walking distanee. Rcasona hie VERY CLEAN housekeeping and sleeping room: lveiv residence, location ana view, 64 Park Ave. lits.. close Vista ave. and Council Crest car. Main 4278. 2-ROOM suite, clean and attractive, down stairs, private entrance. $18: 3 rooms, $15 to $1; single h. k. rooms, $6 to ST0. Vaughn Apts.. N. 1th and Vaughn. BLSJ1M Ali K. Wash. st., corner 1 7th, clean, modern 1 Jnd 2-room outside aots. A'so sleeping room. Bdwy. 54t3. .HE BEAVER 1 2th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms. $15 up. including" hot water, electric ligh ts. laundry room. H onsf keeping Rooms In Private Family. Is. "EAT housekeeping rooms, close In, near dental college and auto school; modern; take children. 327 Clackamas fit. East 8051. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 2 nicely furnished rooms, private entrance, large yard. 2f5 Union avp. East 4950. llODERN Everything furnished ; reason able rent; housekeeping or sleeping. 655 North run. . 2 EXCEPTIONALLY clean h. k. rooms, with 2 beds, in nice home, "167 N. 17th st. ONE large, clean single room suitable for 2; also 1 pleasant sleeping room, 110 North 17th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in modern home, garage. Phone Tabor 14t3, 2 VERY pleasant H. and gas furnished, K. rooms; heat, light 442 K. 19th st N. IOi 3-room apt., reasonable. Phone East 3451. 260 E. 23d. cor, Madison. THREES furnished h. k. rooms, 038. Taylor st.. private entrance: adults. E. NICE, clean 3-room apartment, 2 beds, 47o Clay at. t FURNI SHED 11. K. rooms. private resi close in. East 7279, ST K. ROOMS, walking distance. 275 Williams ave. East 57;7. Mrs. Wilcox LARGE H. K. room, strictly modern; nace heat. East 5467. $20 FOR 2 fur. H. K. rooms; elec. 651 E. Morrison. sink, bath nouses. 6-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE, with garage, sleeping porch, two fire places and furnace. Mt. Tabor dis., $55. FRED S. WILLIAMS, 506 PANAMA BLDG. FOR RENT 7-rra. beautiful home, every rm. newly tinted. 5 varieties fruit, 1 blk. from 2 best carlinea in city, handy to stores and churches, Sunnyside dist Rent $55. Practically new A-B gas comb, range for sale. 126 E. 2flth st. s AN ATTRACTIVE 7-room house, steam heat, sleeping porch, fireplace, excellent basement, 2 blocks west of Laurelhurst park; references required. Inquire next poor, nucniei ave. WOODLAWN DISTRICT. Irge house, partly modern, and ga rage, lor rent. HILTON-DANIEL CO., 270 Stark St. Bdwy. 7800. C A LL BROAD WAY 580 FOR NO RT HWEST ELECTRIC CO.. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 30th St. ATLAS TRANSFER. Pianos moved, $3 and up; furnitr moving in proportion ; get our prices first ; all work guaranteed. Bdwy. 1207. 6-ROOM house, partly furnished, with 20 fruit trees, 4 kinds berries, electricity and water; also garage. 869 E. 17th st. N. Key at 005. ROSE CITY PARK. $; mor.th. Six rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, corner. Double garage. Fast 6228. FOR RENT Two 5-room modern cottages, close in. near East Broadway, $25 each. East 022, 6-ROOM house, 5 blocks south Errol St., Estacada car, 7c . fare; garden. A. E. Bradford, box 4. J UST renovated. 863 E. 10th N., 6-room cottage, garage. Adults; $33.10. Box S, Astoria. Phone 333. HOVING Pianos, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. C & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 8 ROOMS 50 E. Sherman, between 7th and 8th, recently elect, wired : suitable housekeeping rooms. Phone East 4174. JIODERN six-room house ; furnace, piace, yard. 60 Vancouver ave. ; Woodlawn 196. fire $42. "WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowet prices. Green Transfer Co., Main 1261. 202 Alder et. 7-ROOM house, 4U2 Columbia st., near 14th, semi-modern, good condition, $30. Main 7317. GOOD 6-room house, modern conveniences; nice yard, fruit, 2 car lines, $30. Wdln. 1354. BIG AUTO truck going to Moro, Oregon. May 1, will take load furniture or freight cheap. East 2504. FOR RENT 7-room modern house, fur nace. garage. 90S E. 17th N. MODERN 1253. 5 -roo in bungalow, $35. Mar. PIANO moving, $3; furniture, $2.50 hour; 2 men, big van. Stump. East 2504. PARK ROSE bungalow. East 220V. acre, garage. LARGE unfurnished 5-room house. 1008 E. Seventh st. North; $30. Wdln. 1764. 5-ROOM $21.50. lodern house, 4532 73d St.; Frank L. McGuire. Bdwy. 7171. S-ROOM house. Multnomah station, to rent or sell; 1. acre. Call East 2111. Furnished IloutH. ROSE CITY PARK. A 5-room bungalow completely fur nished, with garage, 2 blocks from Sandy blvd. Campbeil-Richards Co.. 1111 Sandy ion viaduct). Automatic 315-44. 1ARGE 7-room furnished house, modern except bath : 2-3 acre ground : large barn; all kinds of fruit; $40 per month. 64'15 42d S. E. Phone Aut. 610-67. 5-ROOM house ; entirely new and modern attractively furnished, with piano, rent to acceptable party ; if garage supplied. S.0. lon2 union ave. ON ACCOUNT of leaving city would rent or sell large, modern home on Portland heights, furnished or partly furnished. Address H r 5;S. oregonian. FOR RENT Modern 4-room bungalow apt., well furnished ; nice yard and porches: Rose City Park district. 694 East 00th st. North. fi-ROOM bungalow, piano, basement, gar den, near to car line, loo ,. Lincoln. Phone 210-45. after 6. 1 THOROUGHLY modern 8-room house, furnished ; garage, piano. 1)61 E. 21st St. N. Wdln. 43!4. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow with piano ; close in ; rent reasonable. Call at 841 K. loth st. s. A NEW 4-room hodse furnished: also ga- rage, between Williams and Union ave. 33 1 Mason st FURNISHED distance. 3S2 East 1118. l-ronni house. $-10; v East First st. North. alking Phone 4-room house, furnished, gas. water and elect rf city ; nr Iosh stat ion on red eiertrje; $5 pnr month. Main 664. jiv LARGE furnished home, one or two years: west side, very close in ; garage; references. Bdwy. 3517. 4-ROOM bungalow on Willamette river; $30 per" month; street car and paved road; 10 inil'-s out. 72 Morgan bldg. ATTRACTIVE, strictly inoJ. m. furnis.ied house. 7 rooms. Call Ea t oG5 morning or evenings. 4-ROOM furnished apt., 1st flooi. in pri vate home: adults only. Woprlhwn 1750. ROOMS. Rodney a lower floor, Tillamook r. East 2038. FOUR modern rooms, 2 fireplaces, free - phone. 565Q Soth st. S. E. 624-16. 6-ROOM furnished flat, East 43d and Har- rison. Hawthorne district, $45. fiast 8407. B-ROOM modern, furnished house for rent for summer months. 881 E. Caruthers. F'oR RENT. May 1st, furnished 5-rooin cottage. 4 ft East 9th st. South. 730 E. MAIN, clean, modern 6 rooms, place, furnace, yard. Adults. f ire- (i-ROOM furnished house, 700 Vancouver ave. $ 10. Inquire FOR RE XT. Furnished Hni, 5-ROOM mod. bungalow, sleeping porch, garage. idil Cleveland ave. ; $.'.". 4-room new bungalow, furnace, fire jlace, newly furnished. 66 XV, Terry 8t.; $4f. ii-ronm. modern, comfortably furnished. 2041 E. Ankeny; $3.Y KRANK' L. MrCUlRE. Ptdwy. T171. WILL rent my beautifully fur. Jivington homo, baby grand piano, phonograph, vacuum c.eaner, garage, fine shrubs and lawn; 5 months to responsible party, $!. month.' 540 14th st. N. Eaat "4i. 4-ROOM modern furnished cottage, 419 Russell st., east of Union, $30. East 5235. Close in. House for 71 ent Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE of 6-rooin flat for sale. $375 cash, and flat for rent, $4.".60; newly ralcimined. 28 N. 16th st., near Wash ington. See Wakefield, Fries & Co., S5 Fourth st. C-ROOaI upper, corner flat. 320 t. 10th st.. corner Ciay; furniture for sale. $250; rent Sr.n; references. Wakefield, Fries Co., S5 4th at. 10-ROOM housrt for rent, furniture for sale: $ti0O will handle; all rented as h. k. r on n i s. Eh?1 525 5. 7f0 WILL BUY 6-room, beautiful lur nished flat, between Madison and Jef ferson sts on Broadway. Main HOP. I. FURNITURE of 5 -room house, $150; rent ?10.5O; fa;r truck, Prest -o-Lite, 100, 47 1 nion ave. N. Main c0(. -ROOM house for rent; furniture for sale; term. 6' N 21st st.. near Washington HOUSE for rent, furniture for saie. N Jflth at. Phone Bdwy. 1815. $500 .BUYS furniture 5-room teani-heted flat. 503 Olisan. FU RN'ITl'RK hldg. : $r.oo of n will 1 floor; brick Tabor 04PN. -ROOM modern flat for rent, furniture for sale. 4SMfr East 12th. near Division. CLOSE-I N S-rooin apt.; tore cheap. Main 3 til! beautiful furui- FURMTURE for sale and house to rent 467 East Grant st. stores and Busmen Pisces. DESIRABLE space for leHse at reasonable rate for manufacturers or manufacturer agent ; close in ; 200 feet of trackage. Cal at 330-33G E. Morrison or phon East FOR RENT Building. 50x100. corner 33d and Broadway, with trackage. This building suitable for factory. Phone Alhina Fuel Co. Bdwy. 3000: STORE ROOM, 23x50. basement, 75 feet off Hawthorne avenue on Union avenue Robert S. Coe Jr., 384 Hawthorne. East 472K. STORE ROOM, lOOxlUU, - H. corner East Morrison and Third; will lease for five years. S-rong & Co., 600 Cham, of Com. FOR DESIRABLE space Kflreproof ware house phone Broadway 3715. FOR RENT Store, 3-year lease. 225 Morrison between First and Second sts. CORNER store. 26x46. 411 Union ave. North, near Broadway. Office. ONE private room and reception room in common with another tenant. This space is located in one of Portland's most central office buildings and suitable for a first-class dentist. Rent this space direct from building management Y 5!2. Oregonian. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. WTell lighted and heated offices, single or in suites, central office building in financial section of city; low rents. See Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second St., corner Stark SPACE for rent to dentist. Heart of busi ness district. If you are looking for an office it will pay you to investigate, AL 570. Oregonian. SUITE of two rooms in modern office building having excellent location. This space is suitable for commercial pur poses. AH" 570, Oregonian. TOP FLOOR Fliedner building has been remodeled. New and desirable offices are now for rent. Apply Fliedner bldg. PART of light, airy office in modern building with telephone, very reasonable. Telephone Bdwy. 1844. SMALL, room for office, with or without use of reception room and phone. Bdwy. 7001. DESK room with telephone and steno graphlc seryife Phone Bdwy. 3715. OFFICES for rent. Alder sts. Gerilnger bldg., 2d and FRONT office, modern, in Railway change bldg. Apply room 312. FURNISHED office, free phone, good lo cation, very reasonable. 703 Dekum. Miscellaneous. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners for rent. 85c per day; delivered and called for. Auto. 613-54. BI SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A PARTNER WANTED to sell the gas, oils, auto parts, etc., in . a large concrete garage ; 4-year lease and 62 cars steady storage. Particulars room 401 Dekum bldg, WANT TO SELL. 1 you want to sell your business, no matter what it is, see us. O'FARRELL-GRELI-NER, 338-40 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdy. 4172. FOR SALE; A small up-to-date west side confectionery and lunch; act quick if you want something good. Address I 555, tJregonian. POOL HALL $1600 RENT $25. Two-year lease; 4 pool tables. KETPPER & CROSBY, 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. FOR SALE Small wholesale candy fac tory, doing good business, will sacrifice for quick sale. Address M 552, Ore- gonian. WANTED Party with $10,000 cash for rare business opportunity; references re quired. 615 Couch bldg. bet. 10:30 and 12 A. M. RESTAURANT Al live town of 7000; seats 1 15 ; rent $85, 5-year lease ; doing $175 per day; $6000. terms. 818 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. PICTURE SHOW. Suburban, medium size, excellent Busi ness. Price $3250 cash. 600, Orego nian. REAL opportunity for young man over 21. with $l-2o; no selling or canvassing; new, interesting, exclusive profession. For interv.ew address J 576. Oregonian. MR. VULCANIZER If you have equip ment, have room In filling station for shop; cheap rent. E. 52d and Powell Valley road. FOR PICTURE theaters, city or country. see Scott, Bdwy. 3668. 81o Chamber' of Commerce bldg. $2350 OR INVOICE, east side grocery, fine residential community, no near compe- t it ion. M 555. Oregonian. SHOE repair shop downtown location, long lease, lots ot business. AN 5o3, Orego nian. NEARLY new Rotary bakery equipment. with everything needed ; very cheap for quick move. i'hone Bdwy. 3258. KNOCK-DOWN BOWLING ALLEY AND POOL TABLE FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL 248 SALMON. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery with card tables; rent reasonable; price right. Call at 230 H Third st. COUNTRY bakery for sale, 2-bbl. mixer. Business $3- to $40 per day. Price $1200 cash. AV 441, Oregonian. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.50. Acorn Press, :so vvaanington. near otn. PRINTING Writ lor estimates; qua'.ltj and prices ru-ht. Review. Rainier, Or. CIGAR and confectionery store, 38 North 2d st.. cor. Couch. Reasonable. MEAT market and grocery. 1645 Ports- mouth ave. THREE-CHAIR barber shop for sale cheap. 351 Ankeny st. WE JOB razors, shears, knives. Cutlery Co., 86 Sixth st. Portland SMALL restaurant for sale. See owner. 313 Davis st. reasonable. WERE VHEAX-tJ STf?a,3hT fr "The PLXTR-HOUSE Pnv 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HERE'S your chance, get in on ground fioor of a new company. We want a man to buy half interest for $800; (one that will incorporate this company and sell share for finance manufacturing and distribution company ; own patent rights: going to close this week; get your application in; your phone num ber for reply; start as every other con cern ban, from the bottom and let's grow; no trifJers; want men who are determined to win. This ad only ap pears twice, then we close. Y 658, Ore gonian. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MAN. FOR SALE: WEI.L-KSTAB-. L1SHEO INSURANCE AGENCY IN THE YAKIMA VALLEY; DOING A NICE VOLUME OF BUSINESS. ADDRESS BOX 304. YAKIMA, WASH. S250 AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP Why work for the other fellow when I will sell you equal half interest in my good-paying auto repair shop; have all work two men can handle: an expert and will teach willing worker; we will have no trouble to make $140 month each to start;' have plenty of work on nana; you cannot go wrong witn i See my agent for appointment. Security Investment Co., 626 Morgan bldg.. on Washington, between Bdwy. and Park streets. AUTO REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP This is excellent opportunity for handy man willing to work and learn the auto repair business; you will be associated with one of the best mechan ics in city doing only high grade work tor some ot tne best iirms in foruano: always enough work on hand to keep two men busy constantly: best of equipment If you are satisfied with $160 per month to start dc sure to see this nefore ouy ing; $350 handles. Call 620 Chamber of nm.. 4th and Stark. COUNTRY GENERAL MDSE. STORE, One of the best located and paying gen. mdse. slore in southwestern ash ington ; established 1 5 years; farming and logging community ; long lease. splendid living rooms : no opposition will invoice about $4000. Our books nre open for inspection for prospective buy ers. Inquire of E. F. Bryant, Woodland Wn sh. BEST CIGAR STORE BUY IN PORTLAND. All new fixtures, everything modern west side, on the principal business streets, high -class stock cigars, tobaccos, rnaga zines, etc. ; exceptional large business in magazines. Business is netting $2 1 5 month above all expenses. Books open for inspection. 310-311 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. PARTNERSHIP offered a man in a well -established business, require a clean cut man with selling experience. Present owner has more work than he can look after and prefers partnership to hired help; prefers man with a car. $300 re quired. Apply. FIDELITY INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 1333 N. W. Nat. Bank Bldg. CLASS A GARAGE. Capacity for 70 cars, 100x100, fully equipped repair shgp, gas station, large stock of oils and accessories, netting $500 a month above all expenses; 5-year lease, rent 150 a month ; fine location on a busy street. For further particulars call 310-311 Panama bidg., 3d and Alder sts. $1750 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Near gcod school; 4 modern living rooms; rent $27; doing $27 to $35 day. if you like to live in comfort and have a good business see this. JCEIPPKR & CROSBY, 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. FOR SALE Garage, filling station, store. also private house, a lot, all new ; the best highway in Oregon; garage is 50x50 feet, store is 50x36; Bull Run water; gas, light, all goes for $6500; $3000 cash, balance terms, 6 interest; 3 miles from MontaviPa on the Base Line road. east. HARDWARE To close an estate, a going hardware store at the present whole sale price; a fine opportunity to step right into an established business : a good cleat stock to build up on. Store rooms cau be rented. D. Corwin Es-'ate, Hillsboro. Or. A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man, able to invest a little money, can buy in auto tire store; do vul canizing, etc.; want interested help; owner experienced and will teach buyer the business; pays each partner $150 month. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE. GROCERY STORE AND BOTTLING WORKS, DOING GOOD BUSINESS. WILL SELL ONE OR BOTH. WILL RENT BUILDINGS. MRS. M. KEINLIN. GRANTS PASS. OR. COMPLETE BAKERY OUTFIT FOR SALE REASONABLE; MACHINERY, OVENS. ETC. ADDRESS POSTOFFICE BOX 352i. PORTLAND, OR. GROCERY SPECIAL. Grocery and home to live in: no chain store opposition; doing $60 a day business; 4 living rooms with bath. 3-year lease, no rent to pay; $1600. 310-311 Panama bldg. 3d and Alder sts. $1800 SCHOOL STORE. Corner location, grocery and confec tionery, doing $40 to $60 day; rent $30, living rooms. K KIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. GROCERY with two living rooms, furni ture included, east side district, doing $45 cash daily; rent $25 month; owner sacrificing to take over other business. O. V. Jackson & Co., 201 Oregon bldg. IF YOU have a few thousand dollars for a good business investment, please an swer this ad. BD 560, Oregonian. RESTAURANT, doing a. good business, central location, well worth $4000: em leaving town, so will sacrifice for $3000. See Grimm or Lawrence, 416 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. FOR RENT. The Bijou Theater building In the heart of Missoula's business district, 30x 130 feet including good sized stage. Now arranged for pictures and vaudeville. Jchn W. Eraser. Missoula. .Mont. CAFETERIA, with lease, with a business and a location with a price that is right. Talk business with owner and save commission. Call at 145 3d st., bet. Morieou and Alder. Phone Main 3300. ' FOR SALE Small furniture store; doing excellent business in Willamette valley town of I5O0. No competition; $3000; must be cash. Good reason for selling. Address AV 444. Oregonian. $850 RESTAURANT. Rent $17.50, doing $25 day business; good downtown location; A-l buy. KEIPPKR & CROSBY, 514 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6650. $300 OLD-ESTABLISHED nice restau rant ; 25-tt. long counter and 11 stools, 7 tables, 28 scats, both sides, nice look ing glass in. Don't miss chance to buy. Come in and see. Ask. 326 N. Couch. COUNTRY store tor sale, no opposition; dairy and lumber section. Fresh, clean stock. Will invoice about $2000, rent 423, or property can be bought on terms. Burnett's store, Holcomb, Wash. NICE restaurant, counter, three tables, gas and French range ; good location; opposite new postoffice, for sale cheap; $200; $100 cash; terms. 350 Glisan St., city. MANUFACTURING. Partner wanted for an interest in this growing business; can draw $6 day sal ary, also large profits. Full particulars, room 4-01 Dekum bldg. VULCANIZING PLANT. Through a foreclosure we have a vul canizing plant for sale at $300; plant new cost $3000. Call Bdwy. 6232, ask for Brownell or Slocum. DRUG STORE for sale, with invoice. 618 Union ave. N. 1 it SmTiAj-y s Tocksh. TRyU'To Live withia4 HAEi WE. S?TT HE ) that Ail I OvtR Ma. cwts jccme. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES- PARTNERSHIP A client of ours desires congenial man to buy equal half inter est in his old-established, good-paying auto paint shop; filled to capacity with work. Owner has been 1 1 years in tho business and is willing to teach good man the business. He is patronized by the largest and best business houses in Port land; you Will easily make $175 month for yourself. Bargain for $5K). Apply room 66 Morgan bldg., on Washington. between Bilwy. and Park sts. MR. INVESTOR Wouldn't you like to manufacture a very practical auto accessory? A good seller. An article that will stand the severest test you can give it. J-et me give you a demonstration and be convinced. Box 440, Gresham, Oregon." UNREASONABLE? Conservative estimated income pas's for fi in two vears. $20,000 highly im proved income property, for $12,000, half cash. 40 acres in tract. 15 acres choic est river bottom in full bearing apples, peaehes, pears, cherries and wa I nuts; . iVfodern lO-room bungalow furniehedt water system, bath, toilet, etc.; packing plant, barn, poultry houses, horses, im plements toots, cow and chickens? A. T. LA WHENCE. Roseburg. Or. LAUNDRY, at real bargain, if taken at once ; 75 miles f rom Portland ; fully equipped to hand le $500 a week : busi ness now paying; large territory to draw from: building 40x45. 2. stories; garage and boiler room outside; lot 50x140; in voice supplies and delivery car; price $2500 cash, party to assume mortgage of $2000. This will go quick. Better hurry. I must sell. Inquire B. C. Fiske, 533 Beerh st., Portland. Or. Auto. 3I5-JI5. SALESMAN wanted, travel for the sum mer. Ford truck built for camping, finest condition: sell direct to trade; also place agents for Chief Auto .products Mfers. Truck and stock of Chief requires $1200 to handle. Also agents with their own cars to sell. Several state managers wanted. Big, easy money for a real salesman, at once. .T. J. Lynett, residence 1143 E Lincoln st., cor. 38th. ' Auto maHo 224-48. GROCERY Confectionery and cigar stores., delicatessen, 'bakeries and butcher shops. S. BORLAND, 23 Henry Bldg. Realtor, 4th and Oak. POOL. HALL. AT BIG SACRIFICE. Dandy pool hall on close in business street. Has soda fountain, first class show cases, good stock confectionery, cigars and tobaccos. Owner must leave city and will sacrifice for $1100. $600 cash, and easy terms. DUDRKY INVESTMENT CO. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 61H2. BAKERY for sale, doing good business, brick oven; also new Ross electric oven, dough mixer, all good fixtures, good bake shop. 4-year lease, 5 living rooms; all store trade, $35 per day' fine chance for young man. Wish to retire Price $3000 cash. Polly Anna Bakery. Mount Vernon, vvasn. BA fiNP. AND LIGHT LUNCH. Close to high and grade school ; no competition; rent $7.50 month' doing $20 day business. If you want good bus! ness with small investment, here is one. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. POOL HALL $050. Big sacrifice sale; good business; good clean stock; fine location; cigar fixtures; 3 pool tables, candy, soft drinks; open ing for light lunches; $000 handles. Grab this quick. ROBINSON, 503 Selling Bldg. Main 255 CAFETERIA, soda fountain, small stock groceries. rmiK ana oaa-ery nne. x-in- west side location. Brick building, with living rooms. Here's a chance for a. man and wife to make some money, Present owner sick. Call Main 6420. SHINGLE mill for sale, strictly modern 5-machino mill, nowow. tue win, on Puget sond and transcontinental rail road. Price, right and terms reasonable. S. W. BARKER. 1602 Hoge Bldg. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE Fixtures, stock and lease or Quality Shop, central location on jxii- st.. Walla Walla, Wash., ladies' ready-to-wear, will be offered to highest bid der for cash, April 20, 1022. at store. C. S. Bond and W. A. Toner, assignees. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Half interest in this paying business good for $250 month each. References exchanged $1800 required. Some terms. WESTERN LAND CO., Room 511 Railway Exchange. LOOK Long Beach new laundry lor renx or sale; furnished; iignts, waxer. oiari business at once; no opposition; much needed; good thing for right party; one block to depot. Owner. Theodore Jack- son. Long Beach. Wash OPPORTUNITY FOR GREEKS. Restaurant in Dunsmuir, Cal. ; gool buy; no Greeks in town; payroll town, the time of the year to buy is now; tourist season soon on. Write Elwood Restaurant for particulars. TtARRER SHOP. ' Three white chairs, individual bowls; cash register, electric clippers, vibrator; first-class and new; long lease and cheap rent. Make the price right. AP 565, Oregonian. FOR A MAN with limited capital we have a business which will pay as high as 05 profit; there is practically no com petition. We will be glad to explain our reason for selling. Write to the owner. W 561, Oregonian! CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1002 GROCERY STORES. Some new bargains, let us show you. Have living rooms. Price invoice. Western Land Co., room 511 Railway Exchange. ONE-THIRD Interest in rc-ad show, inter esting and pleasant work, large profits; i n. evnfripnr neessarv : onlv $250 re quired. See Grimm or Lawrence, 416 J Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak. h ( RESTAURANT, $250 cash, bal. easy terms. Price $550, good locality. See Grimm or Lawrence, 416 Oregon bldg., Cth and Oak. GROCERY. Good business, good lease, rent only $15, at invoice, stock and fixtures, about $2500. See owner.'' 851 Williams ave. FOR SALE By owner, modern, new shoe repair shop in country town; requires $2000, full price; now netting $200 per mon. AV 446, Oregonian. GROCERY for sale by owner, well estab lished business; must sell on account of other business. 301 N. 2lst st. Bdwy. 3420. FOR SALE Lunch counter and small gro cery Btore at depot, 2-room apartment goes with place; $500 will handle. Write Sam H. Webb. Astoria. Or. EXPERIENCED nurse or good business woman wanted as assistant to doctor in a new sanitarium; nist in.veat small capital. X 509, pregonian. CANDY kitchen doing good business; good location ; low rent: terms reasonable. 5814 92d st. S. E., Lents. PILES can ' be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. FOR SALE by owner, confectionery, fine location on 3d st. ; .good business; price $2500; terms. Bdwy. 5228. RESTAURANT, well located, large seat ing capacity; good equipment ; making money; $1500. F 593. Oregonaln. BY QWNER, grocery on east side, $50 to $60 daily business; $2350 or invoice. No near competition. N 507, Oregonian. SOFT drink, cigars, soda fountain, conf. and fruits. 225 Morrison near Second. BARBER shop, 8 chairs, for sale; price right. 36 North Second st. POLLY AND These AS"i Nevnpaper Fearore Ssrrica. Inc., Oaat Britain rfffeta it PA 1SEVKR GETS THE CHANCE TO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TO MAKE room for our leather goods we are closing out a $-M)0O stock or dooks. including everything carried m a nign class book store. You can complete your library at wholesale cost; a com Dlete line of stationarv and legal blanks, also 10.000 other articles for sale cheap; you can buy one article or the stock as a wnoie. COLUMBIA STROP & BELT WORKS. Manufacturers and Wholesalers of Leather Goods. 66 3d St.. Bet. Oak and Pine. FIRST CLASS AUTO PAINTING. An equal half interest is offered to steady and. reliable man in one of the busiest auto paint shops in Portland, full to the doors with work and largo volume coming in constantly; experience not necessary as remaining partner I-s expert and will teach- you. If you are willing worker, can easily clear M75 month for yourself; price of full half in terest $450. This is genuine bargain that will be quickly sold. 620 Chamber of Com., 4th and Stark. FOR SALE Well-equipped retail bakery in good location. For further informa tion write 318 East Yakima, Yakima, Wash. liu-inesn Opportunities Wanted. WANTED Confectionery store, large mall, in or out of Portland; give loca tion and ttate aR in first letter; owners only, or win rent gooa location. o, Oregonian. " WANTED Billiard room, cigars and. con fectionery in good live town: mus: be outside of Portland: state all particu lars in first letter regarding terms. F 554. Oregcnian. GARAGE location wanted; not too far out and rent reasonable. Call East 4682 for appointment. AM INTERESTED to invest $1500 or more in going business, with or without serv ices. BT 572. Oregonian. HAVE some money to invest in t he lum ber business. Give full particulars first letter. W 554. Oregonian. AM IN THE MARKET for fixtures for confectionery and light lunch, including soda fountain. P 553, Oregonian. HAVE $2500 tu Invest in paying business; would consider partnership; please state nature of business. M hti, oregonian. WANTED, lo contract for mill, any distance out. Union av-. ' lath slabs at Snider, lOSVa Hotels and oming Houses. NORTHWEST INVESTMENT CO. 24 rooms, transient hotel, clean as a pin, new mattresses on most of the beds, brick house, close in ; five-year lease. This will not last. Price only $2250, half cash. Hotel Man, listen to this it sounds like a dream but It is true: 140 rooms, large lobby, brick hotel, ten-year lease, fine location, now the price $5000, $3000 cash to handle. Nothing like it in the city. 18 rooms, close In. fine place to make some money, all sleeping rooms, $600 cash to handle. We have some other good places and will give xou a square deal. Come and see us. 1 735 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. PHONE BROADWAY 1529. HOTEL ST. GEORGU1 FOR SALE. Owing to the death of the late George Darveau. I am offering the hotel St, George, at Pendleton, Oregon, for sale. Fully equipped, big-paying business; lease or exchange of property will not be considered; liberal terms to responsible party. VIRGINIEJ DARVEAU BELL. Executrix. Pendleton, Oregon. M. E. LENT COMPANY, 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. APARTMENT HOUSE. Account sickness will sell my furniture and lease, modern brick apartment, cen trally located; all 2-room apartments; always full; net income $600 mo., part cash, part terms. Might consider good suburban property near Portland, Los Angeles or San IMego. E. R. S., 712 Couch bidg. OWNER must sell by April 15, 9-room, Nob Hill and 23d st. Furniture new. extra good, beautiful ruga, new curtains, over stuffed davenport, leather chairs, phono- ' graph, floor lamp, fireplace, furnace and large sleeping porch, nice yard. Lots of roses. Every room freshly tinted. $2100. Terms. Main 3305. . LEASE and furnishings, 9 rooms, swell place, excellent furniture; Irvington. This Is a lovely home and good income. Price $1450, $1000 cash. FIDELITY INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment or rooming houses with us; your Interests w.ill al ways be protected; we have cash buyers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A FORTUNE HERE. 29 rooms housekeeping and sleeping. In heart of livewlre district; always full; lease until after fair; $1500 will handle. For details call at 254 3d st. or phone Main 4169. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT HOUSE. 75 rooms, 5-year straight tease; $400 rent; modern; all private baths, steam heat; weet side, close in. $3000 cash security. AE 1. Oregonian. 405 E. HUME ST., Aberdeen. Wash.; 17 rooms furnished and property centrally located; reasonable. A BARGAIN. Cleanest apt. house in town, cor., white brick, east side, 30 apts., nets $400; long lease with bond. $12,500. R 658, Oregonian, HOTEL AND ROOMING HOUSES. If your price is right list with us for quick sale. O'FARRELL-GRELLNER, 838-40 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdy. 4172. $10,000 CASH. 5-year lease and furnishings of mod ern apartment house, west side, close In. P 554, Oregonian. LEASE, $65 month, on 11-room furnished house. Nob Hill district; 3 months' ren1. to be "paid in advance. That is all. Keip per & Crosby, 514 Railway Exch. bldg. Broadway 6650. 354 SALMON ST., cor. Park Furniture of a 13 -room house (rent $75) for $1400. See Mr. Ballls, Wakefield, Fries, 85 4th St., or Mrs. Swain on premises. FOR SALE By owner, 24-room brick transient hotel, all outside rooms, newly painted; cash or terms. Call 252H Front st. J 20 ROOMS, well furnished, with 4-year , lease ; rent $62.50 ; good location ; good house. Will consider trade of a resi dence. 435 Yamhill st. FOR SALE By owner. 21 rooms, brick building, rent $30: $450 cash handles Including lease. Good income. 201 East 5th St., Vancouver, Wn. 11-ROOM ' house, good location, .rent $35; will sell equity for $350 cash. 433 Yamhill st. - a WELL furnished h. k. rooming house for sale. 260 Nartilla st., cor. Madison, 1 block from I. J. car. 9-ROOM bouse, furnished for housekeeping, good location. Price reasonable; m agents. 384 Park. NINE rooms In lovely Nob Hill district. Income about $100 a month and 3 lovely rooms for self. 283 N. 24th at. Main 3862. 27-ROOM hotel with furniture ; will take city property as part payment. Call Col. 1276. HER PALS TRY IT BY CLIFF STERRETT, a Stars'. SAt. . ulTe-Mf I Aleve-.) -o. -wf C r'T - . BrSINESS OPPOKTrXITIES. Hotels and Roomi ng Houses. SATURDAY SACRIFICE SALE. Nine rooms, near lOt h. overstuffed davenport, ivory and ok furniture, lovely rugs. Clean. Always full. Any terms in reason. 101 Park. COUNTRY hotel, 36 rooms, 3 h. k. apts. Best location in mill town, good busi ness, reasonable. Box 83, Camas. Wash. LOST AND FOUND. REWARB to anyone giving information leading to the recovery of black trav . eling bag lost Sundav evening from North Bank depot with sticker. Hotel Gilson, Cincinnati, Ohio, containing gold locket and misc. articles valued as keep sake from dead mother. 835 Williams avenue. Phone 311-50. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R., L. & p. Co.. April 13: 7 umbrellas, 1 lunch box, 4 purses. 1 pin, 1 suitcase, ruler. I pair gloves, 1 book, 3 packages, chisel, raincape, bucket. 1 pair rubbers, tassel. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets. REWARD Who bought a trunk at auc tion sale check No. 323.100 or No. 323,189 at North Bank dept.. March 4. Wanted. important paper in the trunk. Please notify Mr. Azumano, 52 N. 4th St.. Port land. Phone Auto. 517-80. LOST Brown Kolinsky fur neck piece, cut cape style, in or about Liberty the ter. Wednesday evening. Finder pleas ' return to 7 50rt Bush Lane bldg., or call Tabor 3257. Liberal reward. $10 REWARD for the recovery of a heavy brown and black plush robe stolen from my car parked at 27 Third st. on the night of March 22. F 532. Pregoninn. LOST Wild boar tooth brooch mounted in plain gold. Return to 733 Morgan bldg. Marshall 2886: reward. LOST Dark brown martin neckpieoo. be tween central post off ice and Yamhill market. Reward. Call Bdwy. 2481. LOST Mosaic bracelet on Sunday, valued as keepsake from father. Reward. Col. 518. , LOST Bet. E. 16th and Morrison and 23d and amhill, 2 $5 bills. Finder ploase phone East 7074. Mrs. Meier. LOST Checkbook containing currency in pocket. Call Marshall 2215. Mrs. Mc Daniel. ON ALDER bet. 3d and 4th. set house plans. Please leave at Rnbinett A Mc Olure. 3d floor Couch bldg. LOST Bunch of keys. Hawthorne or Clay St., bet. 3d and Grand; suitable reward. East 1022. LOST Man's purse, in Hippodrome thea ter; contained money and keys. Tabol . 6550. LOST I Shrine piu sheath with red fez. Reward. Bdwy. 7001. Miss Walker. Tabor 26P5. LOST A beaded handbag, blue, containing check book and miscellaneous articles; reward. Tabor 6359. LOST First National hank book near 18th and Flanders or 17th and Glisan April 14th. Call Broadway 5577. LOST Top part of piano stool and casing on Union ave., between Clay and Broad way. Ple.se call East 5800. HANDBAG at 'Lipman, Wolfe & rioor. 1'ioase ca it rid wy. LOST Gra? suede bag wit h several con tents. Reward. Call Wdln. 1036. FOUND Bird dog. Auto. 69-12. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given that T. J. Quinn has sold his i urniture heretofore and now contained In the building designated at No. 331 Larrabee St., Portland, Ore gon, to B. H. Barnes. All parties hav ing claims against said personal prop erty are hereby notified to present their bills within five days from this date. April 12, 1022. T. J. Quinn, 331 Lar rabee st,, and B. H. Barnes, 181 Holla day ave. THIS IS to notify the public that I. Francis R. Woodbury, have sold out all my rights and interests in the Stark-street garage, located at 1448 East Stark street. Port land, Oregon, and will not be respon sible for bills contracted after April 14, . 2922. (Signed) FRANCIS R. WOODBURY. PropowaU Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Pacific Co-operative League Stores, a corporation, bankrupt In Bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as ancillary receiver, will receive sealed bids up to and until noon of Tuesday, April 18, 1922, at my office, 740 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon, for the salo of all the right, title and interest of the above named bankrupt in and to that certain stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting prin cipally of groceries of the inventory value of $2244.20. together 'with the store fixtures of the inventory value of $1180.50, belonging to the estate of the above named bankrupt, and located at Its former place of business at Baker, , Oregon. Inventory may be seen at the office of the undersigned, or at the premises at Baker, Oregon. The ancillary receiver reserves the right to reject any and all bids; sale subject to the confirmation of the court; terms cash in United States gold coin, or currency of equivalent value, payable at the time the sale is confirmed. Cer tified check for ten (10) per cent of the amount bid must accompany each bid. For further Information apply to the undersigned. R. L. SABTN. Ancillary Receiver of the Estate of Pacific Co-operative League Stores, a Corporation, Bankrupt. , SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse. Pcrtland, Oregon, until 7:30 P. M. April 19,1922. for electric cable and wire for the Jefferson high school. P-ds will be opened at a meeting of the Tjoard to be held in room 304 Courthouse at 7:30 P. M. the same day. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the SuDerintendent of Proper ties, Old Failing school. First and Por ter streets, Portland, Oregon. A certified check for 10 of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk and Business Manager, must accompany each bid. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or divide the award. (Signed) w R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk'and Business Manager. Dated April 12. 1922. FIN A N CIA L. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY, OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY. MAIN 35. 102 4th STREET. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate, Washington, Ore on. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbt-r mens bldg. WILL buy first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chim. of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6776. BUY NOTE3, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. 3-4?4t Let me ! FINANCIAL. lO PER CENT. FOR FINANCIAL BACKING. Business man needs $50on to ha mile a fully guaranteed financing proposi tion. 10 per cent offered with ample aecurtt y. Replies held i n confidence and appreciated. S fiOU. )regonia n. ( LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 5880. Davenport. 612 Buchanan bidg. Le WILL buy SMALL CONTRACT or SECOND mortgage. Gordon. 631 C. of Com, bldg. Ktocfcs and llond. 6 SHARES American Securities cent discount. A. O. Evanson, ave. S.. Seattle. 2-i pe r 210 lih WILL buy 5000 Idaho Gold A Ruby mln Ing stock at 15c. Box 381, Colfax. Willi Money to Loan n Keul ttstMre THE BEST and easiest method of pay in; a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $:!.. 30 per month for 4H months, or $21.24 per month for 0 months, or $16.60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 'Ml menths pays a loan of $10O0 and Interest. Other amounts in same proportions. City loans on improved property or for imrovement purposes. No commissions. , . Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE." has come from the east for residences, apartment houses and other Income real estate. Pay here ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Building loans alco. Other funds as since 1907. LARGE AMOUNTS. The most eompiete lonn service. EDWARD E. liOUDEY CO.. United States Hunk Bldg. FUNDS ALWAYS ON HAND FR GOOD DWELLING AND BUSINESS LOANS ON STRAIGHT OR MONTHLY PAY PLAN AT LOWEST INTEREST RATE. AND REPAYMENT AT ANY TIME. GEORGE J. HCHAKFFECR. 817 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7666. Bdwy. 5167. $250, $40(1. $5ii0. $750. $lino AND UP. WE SPECIALIZE in small mortgage loans. Low rates Easy payments If desired. Quick action Small building loans. Second mortgages and contracts. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 6370. SIX PER CENT. INSURANCE COMPANY money for RESIDENCE LOANS. Also farm loans. Quick Service. Liberal Repavment Privileges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 01 "bird St.. Portland. Or. HAVE $1000 up to loan on good Port land homes. Rose City. Laurelhurst or Irvington d i strict s. preferred ; larger amounts avails ble for business proper ties. See Mr. Punsmore. with (j RE AT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. - Broad wa y 7SS 1 . AP.E YOU IN DEBT? Pay it off wit h our simple pi a n. Weekly o monthly payment. Li-khI rate of interest. Come in and talK. it over. INDUSTRIAL LOAN INV. CO., 72 Fourth St. Hours 9 to 5:30. Phone Bdwv. 7710 M 1RTGAOE L ANS. Have $1000, $15Ml. $2;.(Kf, $4000 to loan at current rates. Special rates on larg amounts. We loon our own funds. PACIFIC COAST MORTOAOE CO.. J. L. Karnopp. Pres., 310 Ry. Exch. Hldg. Broadway 67.W SEE I S TODAY We loan money on city property ; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans, long time and short time ; monthly payments: pay as you can, sums to suit: contracts, second mortgages bought. 723 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CKLLA RS-M C KToN CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property ; prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment priv ileges; lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SO FOURTH ST.." PORTLAND. OR. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount at lower rates on city or country property, prompt and helpf ul service. PAGET & PAGET. Realtors. 2S3 Stark at., bet. 4th & 5th. Bdv. 8714. SUMS of $5000 to $10,000 for good straight loans. 7 per rent. GEO. J. SCHAEFFER. Realtor. 817 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM LOANS. f Insurance company money tn loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO. 87 Sixth St. Portland. Or. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available rates, MORTGAGE BOND CO., Bdwy. 2021. Wilcox BMg. HAVE $100O. $1500, $3000. $5000 to loan at 7 per cent on improved security ; prompt, reliable service. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. WE HAVE for immediate loans, the fol lowing amounts of money : $1500, $2500, $3000, $5000, $45,000 and $55,000; want good city security. McClure A Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. $5000, $7000 AND $9000. at 7 per cent for good loans, semi business preferred. H 588, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property ; favorable repaying privileges; no com mission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. PRIVATE MONEY 5i 7 ON RESIDENCE Properties in good districts. R. L. Yoke, N. W Bank Bldg. Main 47U. $10,000, $15,000. $0,(HMJ, $25,000. $30,000, Immediately available. PES HON MTG. CO., 615 C. of C. Hide. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city. 1 arm or auoui un property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM Q. BECK. 215 Falling Bldg $ iOOO $ 1 500 $000 $2500 $300u. NO DELAY. We arc loaning our own money. j-oann quicKiy ciofea. y. ri. DKhMUM, Bin inain. or Com, bldg. SHORT-TIME second mor;a; loans responsible home owners. MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO. 822 Gaco Bidg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of interest, otto Harksoa , Realty Co., 415 Chum, of Com. EEE OREGON INV. At MORTGAGE CO. JilO EXCHANGE BUILDING, SECOND AND STARK STS. 300. $400, $550. amounts to loan, cester bldg.. 3d $750, $100( or larger C. C. Murton. 612 Wur and Oak. Tel. 511-25. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K. JC. Baxter, Spalding bldg. $200, $400. $500, $750, $l(Tf0 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lumi to suit, 7 and 8 per cent. Witham-Reed Co., Main 6o34. $00, $1000 AND upward on improved reM estate; favorable terms, no delay, no b rokerage John Bain, 507 Spalding b I d g. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon & Co., 807 Railway Exch. bldg. t Phx '-5 KINANMAU Money to I.01111 on Itfftl tae. Mi RT AG E LOANS RESIDENTIAL LOANS. 6 PER CKVT F've-y.ar period repayment privtieir of $1IM or anv multiple hereof. INSTALLMENT I ,( 1 A NS P K it CK NT. Five-yfr perw.il; wl'l l"n t.O per cent of the vmuo of y.-ur home: onlv nmfii hly pMy ment r iu;r'd ttn interef ; you may pay inure ,.r hU on ll.o lirnt of tat h mon I h ; no pen !t v. BUSINESS IM'.i U'KliTV LOANS. 6 PER CLNT. Five-year pet-unl, re p-o tt(r .it privileges. PRICE MORTGAGK '.. Portland mnrtgHge u r-tpontent the Prudential ln-uran. . Co.. of America. 1210-1217 Venn H dg. Main tO" CITY 1 .0 A Either straicht or mi a 1 Itr.ent. FA KM Li ANS Insurance money. (,.- rate. Mr. Mart in. Lo n 1 tept . OiW A. Mi'K ENN A A ' o. 82 Fein-ti, .sr. Hdwv '27 Money to lxmn Clmttelw and f-nltirle. 1 o You n i;i;d m n 1 : r AT LEGAL RATES. O' H K SUKV1CET YOU CAN GUT IT Tt'l'AT. loans made on automohili.s. furniture. pianos. , VICA'KOLA.H. REAL LrilATE. HO.NDS. L1C. Tf your payiiii-nln are too larr on your automobile or furnltutn cntraei. We will pn y them up and ml v h nr you more jiiont y tf needed. We make a ap cialt y of t heno loan nnd 1-h vj t ha curity In your possession. nd you 1 n repay us )n uiall monthly pai-nt. W B A LSO M A K E h A P. A !l Y UANS to sa'ai ie(j p, opio on i hetr own tiot R ( reason a hie. pri a le ol ices. All bu.lnef- m rict ly com 1 u 1,1 .a I. PORTLAND T.oAN tO.Ml'ANT. 4Lhedl. 06-sn7 nkum n ,;w Mroadwar f.R.M. S. W. or. Third and Wrim y'n. S A L A It Y - "i a j A N S i . 1 . A ! C We loa n money 10 m'ii'l-fl and worh logmen on their prrnx l iul : rat reasonable. eav re-i merit plan; no IfCur II v, no I udor-er. A ' I busin.r t f rlrl -ly confident's!. 'a!) 1 jnveitgaia 9ur j stem of lending non-, COLL.VBIA DISi'iHNT COM PAN f, ( Ltc?ncd. 513 Faring PMit lid j '? M ON KV Tl AN . Money itianed on hoi.m-ho;d good fr meriha.i.Hfe pi--d In Loiai with at "Kilar hank rati bECL'RITY STOUACK Ac TH A NSKtCR CO.. Koirrth and Pine Strt. Gppoftite Multnomah I nieL i'hone Hrondway JIT IS. DA N MARX A: CO.. .'i 1 Vmm Inn k tn at", near til li M . Est .1 hi Itd.ed over .(."1 ', only high-clasa Jewe.ry Ntoie hi ciiv with loan depart iti'-nt el ion ; privn i f r;d!y eontl viwmn, all ar bU.IUCB with room for idp'; biim-H onf ;al ; mni-r Mai" Mii"T t idea held one vi-.i r j i.j an old -et ;i h!i-hed firm. MoNKY In :oo 011 di. nm tui a h nl je w I ry ; confidential ier ice, gowrnni'-nt licenced and bonded broker. ll P --. 4s Co., 23 W a - h 1 r g t on St liilwy. b72.Y t MN MY to loMfi ; diamonds, jewelry, f to. ; legal rale; articles bel l on? yrar. Vins Jewelry. :or 3d ai;d W m whin 1 1 n n. ALT' and other morl-t 11111 ioa.ua. Mu.t lioma'i Finance Co., b'JJ, Cavo 'oldg. ltiina Tt inifd. PRANK L. McGI'IKE. with ma years of experlnee. anil -xpert knowledita f valuen, i jn a po-dtlon tn ftatv guard vn-tr every I Merest in locating your monry. Hundred of appileationa for loans. Of fice or per.onal at-rvice. Lei u ln your money. See J. Lngte Richard "on. manager loan department, AWngtuB build ing V, , J w y. 71 71. iCN KY WANTED o.vTmP. PRoPKlVtY. We have client- waiting who tnh to borrow from $ H)"i0 up to $iUnt0 on , re proved city property. Ample eeurl:7. Will pay 7. If ymi are .klng a af, profHaole lean rpp .! r. Dunsmore at GKKAT WESTERN INV. CO., 230 Cham 1 . er of Corn f J -1 w y. 5 V LOAN of $Ju.tHjO on good l-nanie prop-, erty for 3 years. Tin la le thn one third tho value of the property. For particular phone Mdwv. 75ni or all at offiee, 71! Pocrd of Ttne bldg. cjtv $2hmi, 3 YEAItS. 7-;, ,,n aTrn-t 1 modern bungalow; improvement paid; good lo cation; from prlate pnrtv. R tl t er, Lowe A- Co.. 201 Hipuril of Tradi bldtf. Tele phone Broftrj way 7.'i7 PRIVATE MONEY r$ ON It ESM'ENCE Pro perl I en in rood d it rletai. P '. Z Yoke. N. W. Mark H'dg . Main 417Q C. C. MT'RTON. 20 yiiarrf enperienra with out a foreclosure. 1 run lon your rnnf on safe mortgages. U2 Worcester b.dg.. 3d and Oak Aut. 51 1 25 EKE OREGON INV. A MOKTGA'iJC C'i. 210 EXCHANGE BLlLDINU. -l AND STARK STS. $30U0 ON FIRST mttt , on 5 a. Jenninss Lodge river frontac. 1. A. Norton. (ins''o bidg VH r. 4). WANT $5(M and $sr0, 3 years, at H per cent; good serurlty. Charles Ho nek, 411 t'hn m her of ('(iimiiprn WANTED ?2.'.tMJ on 7'-i acres and 4-roorr house In city. Akersun, 41'0 Henry blrtg Bdwy. 5540. NEED I000O; ff rt-ih'iit ermtt; prefer AO 554. on-gonin. private party. rrnovAT.. LA DI KS TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER. aoothlng. cleanaing. healing, germicidal and invlgoiating douche; a grrat aid la female disorders. T.ne ami $! per bo. PORTLAND HOTEL I'll A RM ACY. PILE S PER M A N E NT RK L I E F. LVgal guarantee given. No nerd of knife, no pain, continue work. A"k mf.m c.Je-o-nts Pile treatment. Htowt Lvona Drug Co., Si and Morrison. 5? H and Wfihingt on. I i roadway a n d P t a DR. nTJtTI KB E N M o N Etr.c cnbin-t and mineral itfam hatha, hot and coM showers, expert maaaiig. elertrir. violet rav. m echanoph yatcuitop.it hv. tract in n treatments for ch rente alioir nta of both K-xea 711 S wet Inn d bldg. Bdwv. 1TP WHY I ' 1 F.T ? EAT W H A I vim: V A 1. RWDl CE BY M M 13. I.r. M ill i", oi.A 1 ' 1" LA R THERAPY SYSTEM. THE PER FECT FLESH REDUCER. WRITE No. 4 24 COLI 'M HI A ST., FOR Ai 'POlNl -MKNT ONLY: . RESULTS are being obtained Iiom rler- trical treatments. 1 give uirin rnr rite- matlain, lumbago kidney, heHrt. etc. Reasonable. Dr. R A. Fo-ter, 55 Selling Hirsrh 6H WRthl Mam IC'V DIA HETES Will trent free a limited number f eat" of diabetes ti r-tHhl.ch a new and efficient ttOHtnient. Tho ort case so licited. P o lu.Tt tin:. CLIFTON riE.-T HOME FOR CHRONIC OLD PEOPLE AND IN VALIDS. 60a CLIFTON PLACE. MALM 5.-174. $1 GETS both fe.rt fixed up at I r. Eaton a, the chiropodist and ARCH SIIT., who doesn't hurt you; R years lirre; '"Turn. f r"- H tue Mou-e bids'.. 1 11 h and Wn-h V IT-O-N ET awe.'it, biely iimii;", Kwdt.tr.t light. Violet R.i y t res t n ent for rid a.-iat ica. neurit ia, r Irrui at -n : 10 lo 7 d ri i j y . 4 5 0 Morgan bldg M :i I n 7 ' T 't JAZZ I' in no beg. ;iner, ' l lesions, popu lar or,ts. 3 lessons, or money Ln-k Par ker Piano School, 514 Filers bldg, h' Ington street at. F' irt h HFDSON ear leaving for Sn Frane'.er,, Fridav, de-ire paasengera. I'hone .Mil-nil. a a k f'-r H 11 tit. , cTTlKoPODIST. MANICURIST. MASS AGE under m-dieal supervision. Op. n im. Sundavs. Formerly 216 Aliky, tow 316 Tilford bldg.. HU i""J Morrlaort a- NU USB givi-a ateuin bath f'T bd "'d- n nd Don y m -;-, -- rurun-r unite, manage, Itith nd Washington MASSAGES FoR LL'MIIAGo, ETC, 415 Bu hanan ImIk., Wgsh.. I-1. 4th and 5th. 10 to P P M A So Sunday. FKUVET & HANK LET. leading 1 tuuni makers, p- r 11 : n n e n t n t trr nd n4 water wnving 31: AU Mnln 5 4, MASSAGE, baiiis. f lieum.i l ,uj, uiit i tiou kidney. Both nexe. Dr E. Sorenaon. "us Pn im trm b'd Bdwy 7" SI' I'l-.TtFL l O I S I. .4 1 r. 1 1 1 . t s. w i, r t a. i moved o lU-nred;e method, ir Juaie Flniey. 5M Bush & Lane. .V PILES can be permanent ty rurt-d iiout operation. Call or write Uc, Dtan, fcc ond and Morrison REJUVENATE your tired and nervous body by a scientific m-Hg. Dr Ovid Inrnen. i i4 Morgan bldg Main :'u N I" KSE gi -s ti ''at nu-nt lor cutis! p tu.ri .cessfui-y rurmvi, .iti si., i.ow uvi ing Wood In n i'i-N BEAUTY par. or, coin first. Madam Cui li 1 ! ro ii d way ' ' ev.nniRa. $.1 Apr. 4uo Di-KUiu b,ig , HUMAN HAKE OVKN-Sw-dh nm real rejuvenation ; uri.lun te nursv. 70 75 SelM f 1 g - H s r k h b dg. MAN WITH Ford touring h.u:h. See Mr. No Son, Hotel M. Ft an f la, V an vn u ver. .. TRAINED N I R E GIVES Rrat Kit-am b.i ! ha, iiimj k und e r etr!o trtntmi nt In ' It y. 1 .'. Swd n lh rt THE much-talked of Vadei. mm... treat ments ca n b had at fo:i. 1 2 R;eJ41 h b'dg. 3'-' 7 WH-hTnrt"Ti. e.,r. mh DULLY NORTON. MA." l Liar. 4S RUCHANAN HI. DO PROSTATE trouble ru tion. Dr. R. A. Phi 11 1 at o 1.. v h . DOESN'T Turn Dick or Harry p v See Vlereck. coll- t era. I k uin Mda PRIM EDA HALM former. y i.e l of Fig?". M4 E. H.td Seii, :t, niorr BUFERFLU U S HAIR twrniM nn 1 1 v moved. 304 Hwethind bldg. tdvy. fcJULPH I'll steit in bat ha. m u'Hi!e. v oi, ray. Hours 10 to S, 4 -'6 Clay. M t n ts-U. DR "KO'hEI i T FISHER, chi ro pod -t. f specialist, row at 7 1 T'eknm .' g DR L. NET.EL tie t;K. hatha 11 Co ali K( ICA L. inutMtil'v en , p-: t i1',.. ,i unU U3-i FlcUlncr b.d.-. Duy. Lid.