THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, Ari.II- 14, 1923 20 REAL FSTATK. Fur Half House. ALL UNDER $1000. 1260 Neat little shack cottage, with porch, some articles of furniture; mall lot; all cash. 1630 $250 cash, balance monthly, for - room cottage; small cellar; city water; oOxluO lot; all fenced; blocks to car. ITS $100 down. $15 monthly for neat appearing 3-room cottage. 2 rooms plastered; gas ana electric ugnis. water and sink. $90 $600 cash, balance straight mort gage; well-built 3-room plastered cottage: corner -lot. 40x100. on macadamized street; close . to school. 1950 $250 cash. $20 monthly for cottage of 4 rooms; gas. electric lights, city water and sink; 1 block from car; small lot; a splendid buy. Photos of these and many others at office. Sea Mr. McAdam with FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS. 73a Cham, of Com. SWISS CHALET TYPE. Snuggled in the hills of Willlam ette heights and occuplying a. part of very beautiful private grounds, email building suitable for remod eling for those who can Visualize the possibilities and appreciate th surroundings; entrance from two. paved streets and unsurpassed views of city, mountains, etc., sev eral dogwood trees. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, Main 1786. 421 X. W. Bank. Building. MONEY GROWS ON TRlf.K. Two acres, highly improved, right at Rupert Sta., Oregon City trolley flO',4 cent fare), 8 miles out. fine auto road all way; over 50 big bearing fruit trees i owner Bom over itMJO lbs. cherries ana 100 lbs. grapes last year), 1 bearing r,ngusn wamut trees, all kinds berries, finest garden, chicken house and run. beautiful shrubbery and shade trees, good house. 6 rooms and bath, electric lights, gas, private water system, best home en vironment, beautiful view. This is an ideal suburban home WITH AN IN COME. Price only $5000. worth $7000. J. W. CROSSLEY. 5M Stark St. Bdwv. 1188. XBW ENGLAND COLONIAL. Moderately priced story and half cot tage type (34x32), with quaint dormers, refined lines and unique color scheme; new to Portland and very, very appeal ing; compact, economic, convenient; built to last; garage, hardwood floors, fire place, pipe furnace, breakfast nook, all built-ins; choice location; 300 feet to Bdwy. car; 801 B. 24th St.: a real home and a buy; terms: open 2-5 dally. Call Woodlawn 5172; evenings. Auto. 515-78. D. M. DRAKE. Constructor. Owner. KEW LAURELHURST DUTCH COLONIAL CUT TO $8050. Strictly modern, center reception hall, large living room with sun porch, dining room and Dutch kitchen, wide stairway w-ith back entrance .from kitchen, three fine bedrooms, tile bath and best plumb ing, oak floors throughout, fine paper. Tiffany electric fixtures, furnace, fire place, garage. Two blocks from Glisan car. 212 Royal Court. J. R. HAIGHT. Bdwy. 2045. WALNUT PARK. 6-room bungalow in best part of Wal nut park, excellent condition; large living room, beautiful fireplace and built ins; large light bedrooms with large closets; floored attic and sleeping porch; full cement basement; furnace and laun dry trays; owners leaving city have re duced price -for quick sale; you can make $1000 on this. R. R. POWNDER, Realtor. 406 Broadway Bldg. Main 2717. APARTMENT Bungalow combination, living and dining room, with Holme dis- . appearing beds, bookcase, china closet, buffet, fireplace, dressing room, gas fur nace, kitchen with all built-ins. includ ing porcelain tub, bedroom with large closet, complete bathroom, hall with large coat closet, good basement, nice yard with apple trees and berries; paved street; price $2350; terms. Woodlawn CAN YOU DO YOUR OWN REPAIRING? For $1960 we have a 1-story. 7-room nouse ana sleeping porsn, artistio lines the place is weather-beaten and needs minor repairs; 1 block from Willamette otva., near ci. jonns; a very little time and money will make a $3000 property jir. uniiir n, witn area- w (German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com tXCHPl IONALLY well-constructed .house Hawthorne district; paved streets, im provements paid; fireplace, Dutch kitch en, with pantry; beautiful hardwood floors, hall gas floor heater, 2 bedrooms downstairs, full cement basement, ga- -, over .v Bearing iruit and nut trees, iota i grapes and small fruits. Call ""nrr, I atmr o-on. 2 HOUSES, lots 166 feet long, 106 ' feet , ' i "erne-, well, oarn. chicken park; houses la good condition, furniture and all; one house six rooms, the other house 4 rooms and summer kitchen; for two places, joining, $2800. For more in formation address Mrs. Theresa Feld- ""'.''q .irnpraon St., Kugene, Or. (OUR-ROOJI house. Ilo-hfa aeil.t ,, basement: insured for $1000: porch in cluding bed, chairs, table, steel range fujj board, dresser, garden tools; lot 40x , ira; trail trees, berries, garden woodshed, chicken house, cement side walks, roees. 3549 tKSth at. S. E.; $1300 F. E. Ramsey, Portland hotel, owner Dungaiow m Laurelhurst, close mo irn, rooms aownstairs, ajl hardwood floors, tile bath; fine fixtures, fins lawn nd shrubbery; lots of berries garage. Come and see this home and make me an offer as I have another kkUSB' make- reasonable terms. $2500 R-rnnm Iiaiim I ilka... .ai-.-i 60x100 lot, full oement basement. $500 down, balance $20 a month with interest. is. j3iirtL,Ait, Kealtor. 123 Henry Building. Phone Bdwy. 1566 CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE $2500. ' A dandv 7-room hens PTlDViouEin and the lot is 80x120 with a 20-foot al ley; good garage; fruit trees, shrubbery RALPH HARRIS CO. W18 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654 IRVINGTON BARRilv Fine 2-story, 8-room home with sleep Ing porch and a-aram near 9is . .. cellent condition; sun room: expensive f"!" ua iioors tnroughout; bil. liard room, gr.s furnace, nice grounds trees: $8000. Tabor 407. ' WHAT DO Tft I THI VV pin- Turoo 5-room bungalow, with lovaly fireplace. ?n p.VAe-5 street. 50x100 lot and all clear for $3250 with $S00 cash. Nice kitchen and dining room with built-in features 11. Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. signs. $1950 $1050 $1050. fl"" AAUVVV S100. Balance $25 per month; 5 rooms with . ov. uojfo. , ua jia; witnin walking distance. Go to 736 Minnesota ave. and East 3484 lnen Phone owner, A DANDY LAKE GROVE HOME for $2200. Extra good 5-room plasters! house and one acre of land; good terms raspberries ana strawberries. See this! Electric lights and city water RALPH HARRIS CO. ft! 6 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. REAL BARGAIN Hawtnorne, beautiful modern 6-room bungalow and sleenin porch at 266 East 53d st. Snan for $1000 cash, price $4200. Phone owner Oak Grove 2. or call at Yamhill public market Wed. and Friday, stall 335. No agents. FOR SALE. B-room modern house, lots of berries and fruit trees, chicken house and Darks ? 'ota : close to store and car.- Slit. nJ4-4o. LAURELHURST BY OWNElC ' 7-room bungalow, living room 16x30. - - iwjm, an DUllt-in nvennces, $7o00. by appointment con only. Tabor 2460. 6-ROOM bungalow in Walnut Park; owner leaving city, desires to sell quickly terms if desired, but liberal discount for cash. Phone Woodlawn 3264 for appoint menL 6-ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors fire place, fuli basement, furnace, street Im provements all in and paid; garage; cor ner lot; close to school and cars 'price $4250. terms. Phone Woodlawn 2211. BY OWNER Domestic trouble forced just completed. 7-room house; make an offer; Woodiawn or Vancouver car. 1534 K. 6th st. N. ; terms. ATTRACTIVE 3-room modern bungalow full cement basement, furnace Jot 40x 120. fruit trees, half block to car- bar gain. Owner. 5721 Woodstock aven'ue. ROSE CITY 7-room bungalow, electric range, hdw. floors, garage, half block oft Alameda on 52d. $1200 cash, balance monthly. Tabor 4677. ROSE CITY Modern 5-room bungalow sleeping porch, breakfast nook, full ce ment basement, furnace, fearage, paved street. Owner, Tabor 2"35. 8-ROOM Laurelhurst colonial view lot near park; nothing better for the money. Guaranteed workmanship; no agents! Kast 7738. MODERN Rose City Dungalow from owner leaving city; sacrifice and trms; 1 blocks to car line. Tabor 8023. BY OWNER 5-room house In Peninsula district, $1990. 365 W. Ruasett st. Wdln. 755. 1-HUO.M house, in good condition; must sell at once; snap at $3800 and terms to suit. Inspect this. Tahor 58. $5500 10-R. HOUSE. 5011 Commercial St., lot 90x132. alley in rear, fine view. 4 54 blocks Williams and Russell. ALAMKDA PARK Modern house, , good location, rirst-ciass condition, garage. turn, or unur, Da r gain. Woodl'a Silll REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST. One of those lovely hungal -ws near the park and usually found In the class which are not for sale; most beautiful living room, complete kitchen and breakfast nook. 2 large sleeping rooms and tile bathroom on first floor. 3 rooms on second floor, also larga . storage space (and arrangements made for second bath), hardwood floors entire first floor, Gasco 'ur nace, garaga, appointments and; furnishings excellent In quality and taste; can be purchased en tirely furnished if so desired, and at most attractive figures; inspec tion arranged only - by appoint--ment. 1201 East Ankenjr. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. 421 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1786. LAURELHURST HOME BUfS. $6050 Let us show you this attractive burgalow home of 5 rooms and kurh Isrn flnnrert attic. hard wnni . flnnra firenlRce. buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast $7250 This beautiful 7-room bungalow nome on ueairaoie Laurmuuioi corner, now practically completed. Strict! v modern. One of Laurel- " hurst's best buys. Let us show you. ROSE CITY PARK. $6000 This 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, is one of the best appearing homes on our list in mis desir able district. Strictly modern Trm We have many homes In these dis tricts. Let us know your wants. We can please you. . J. A. WICKMAN CO- REALTORS. HOUSE, lot, furniture, wood and pro visions just as it stands. 70 East Both st. North. Suburban Home. SUBURBAN SPECIALS. MAKE TOUR SELECTION AND CALL US FOR APPOINTMENT. - $1500 2 acres on Capitol highway. $-1000 1 hi acres at Ryan place. $20(10 2 acres at Oak Grove. $2000 3 acres at Cherry grove. $2450 hi acre at Multnomah $2500 Nearly two acres, Beaverton. $2750 Hi acres, Multnomah. $21150 5I'.-110 at Multnomah. $2900 50x100 at Multnomah. $3000 Aj acre at Garden Home. $3000 100x120 at Oswego. $3250 6 1-3 acres at Tobias. $3500 2ii acres at Multnomah. $4n00 10 acres, Oregon Electric. $4000 acre. Errol Heights. $4200 614 acres, near Clackamas-. $4200 2 acres near Kendall station. $4650 hi acre at Multnomah. $4750 1-3 acre at Ryan place. $5000 hi acre at Capitol Hill. $5250 acre at Ryan place. $5500 hi acre at Ryan place. $55110 ihi acres. Oregon City line. $5500 3 acres near Reed College, $0200 Two acres at Ryan place. $8500 5 acres, Oregon City line. $10.0110 3 acre. Palatine hill. $10.000 5 acres. Garden Home. $10,500 5 acres, Kendall station. $10,500 2 acres. Garden Home. $15,000 2 acres. Palatine hill. Call Bdwy. 6942 or Bdwy. 6477. , DUDRBY INVESTMENT- CO., 804 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. DAINTY NEW BUNGALOW $350 WILL HANDLE! Combination living and dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bathroom with white enamel plumbing, electricity and gas: Ivory finish woodwork ana tapestry paper; flower, boxes; acre of best of soil, more land available. This pretty bungalow is set in a beautiful grove of fir trees: 5 blocks to Evergreen station on the Oregon City line; good road. ACT QUICKLY IF YOU WANT THIS BARGAIN; $20O. Ask tor . l;. Marshall,' with FRANK L. McGUIRE 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171 Third st. bet. Wah. Stark VERY ATTRACTIVE - BUNGALOW AND ACRE. 5 rooms. 2 fireplaces, nice bath and kitchen, city water and gas. garage, fine barn and. chicken house with runs; ail well fenced with high woven wire; bear ing fruit trees and berries; lots of flow ers, exceptionally rich soil: no gravel; 4 blocks station, 8c fare, on rocked road, 2 blocks paved highway. Snap for 12j0 reasonable terms. Immediate possession. 517-18 Abington Bldg. ' Bdwy. 6269. BERRIES AND CHICKENS. A good 5-acre tract, all in cultivation about 4 blks. from car; new 4-rm. plas tered house, city water In. gas and elec tricity available; total price $3500, $500 cash. Hurry, as this is good. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bide. Broadway 6034. -. , $300 DOWN ACRE HOME! LOOK! Full acre with 20 "assorted bearing fruit trees; berries: new 3 room cottage with Dutch kitchen, attic; on good macadam road "4 mile from EJec- trlc Station; ONLY $1800! DON'T MISS THIS ONE! COME IN TODAY. Ask for F..C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171 Third st. bet. Wash. & Stark MULTNOMAH HALF ACRE Fruit and berries: just 1 bik. off Capi tal Highway: 7-room house with elec tricity, gas and running water, fireplace chicken house and large woodshed $3200, terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171 Third St. bet. Wash. & Stark STOP! LOOK THIS OVER 1 acres of choice land right at Trece Station on the Oregon Electric; 4-room house with panelled dining room; electric lights; good gravel - road ; only $2600, terms. Ask for F, C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE " 205 Abington Bldg. - Broadway 7171 Third St. bet. Wash. & Stark LAKE VIEW VILLAS Plat 4; new tract; herd's a sample: large homesite 190x210 feet, with clear running brook, fine soil, no rock, piped water, lights, only $575, $50 down, $10 per month; price includes rocking of roads; get in on the ground floor. Call Allen, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark: owner. LET US show you these cute places: $150 casn, a-room new oungaiow, si4ao: acre. $150 cash, 3-room new cottage. $1500. acre. $200 cash, bungalow, a peach, $1800; $200 cash, 4-room bungalow, acre, $2200. McFtvland, Realtor, Fail Ing b'dg. 1 ACRE, right at Courtney station, on Ore gon City line; has 7-room house, modern conveniences; also garage and other out buildings; family orchard and all kinds of berries and grapes.. Price $3800. Terms. Inquire 210 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. IN CITY LIMITS FARM PRICES. One or more acres at 91st and Glisan; one block from city car line; good soil, very srr.all payment down and easy terms on balance. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. FOR your suburban horns corns to 1111- waukie. ZELASKO & MCCORMICK. Bank Building. Mllwaukie, Or. For Sale Business Property. MY CLIENT owns half block, very close In, west siae: win sell to builder and take second mortgage. . FIDELITY INVESTMENT. CO REALTORS. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. AN UNDIVIDED interest in valuable wa terfront property near Astoria. R. L. Yoke. 1136 N. W. Bank bldg.. Portland. Pir Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES, all level land, dark loam, near station and good road.' choice timber for cord wood will pay for place; S1000; siuu casn. io per montn. t. o. Sletten, Realtor. 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 3400. 11 ACRES, half under cultivation, all level. good sou; large oarn; o minutes to O. E. station: good road; $1400; half cash. Bdwy. 8400. WILL sell half interest in Montana rih tor d.DO acre to save loreciosure; close io Dig on iieia witn gooa cnance for oil on this land. B 596. Oregonian. WRITE lor map ot western Washington, snowing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma. Wash. hi ACRES. acres, acres; inside or out- siae city; city water, city school, elec tric ty; $10 payments. Roger W. Cary. 1 21 -! N. W. Bank bldg. LOOKING FOR AN IDEAL PLACE for chickens, ducks or geese? Call Main So62- , Buy from owner; save commis sion. BY OWNER 1 1-6 acres. 12 minutes from me wgoa iiocinc station. Concord on hard surface road, near school; good soil and cletred. Y 559, Oregonian 2 ACRES. BARR ROAD, $875! Fine soil, $85 down, $10 pr month. Strong ft Co., 606 Cham, of Com. bid FOR GARDEN Home or Capitol hlghwey r,cr vjrru. ainan emitn at oat Pittock block. Broadway 1676. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92 D ST. S. E. 616-45. ACRE at Matzger. near Ktatinn: $400. AR 651, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES. 10 miles from city limits of Portland; rocked road. 1M miles to elec tric station, 7 acres under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; good black loam soil; 1 acre bearing orchard. 4 room house finished with beaver board, barn, chicken house, woodshed. Price S3000. 1500 cash, balance easy terms. . Or consider Portland . house for full value or less. Inspected by Kemp. 5 acres.' hi mile from electric station and school, near Oregon City; all under ' cultivation and good soil, large bearing orchard of over 140 trees, in Dest or con dition; berries and grapes; 4-room plas tered house with basement, good chicken house 25x00, barn 24x30: building in good . shape. Price $3200. Well worth $4500. John Ferguson. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. 5. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 PER ACRE UP. $10 down and $5.00 month, buys a 5 acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lay ing land free from rock or gravel. Soma tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. Have 5 and 10-acre tracts on the same terms in other lo cations. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Railway Exchange B!dg. COVELL ACRES. JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. $950 AND UP. Highly improved farm, Just been sub divided: lies level, productive soil, faces good macadam road, city water, beauti--fulview of the mountains and city; some tracts with bearing raspberries, lo ganberries, currants and strawberries. Terms. $100 down and $50 every three : montts. SAYLERSE. SMITH, 31S By. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 6297. CHICKENS AND FRUIT. 5 acres, all cultivated, 2 acres strawberries, all kinds fruit, 5-room house, large harn, 2 large and 2 small chicken houses, cement mllkhouse. on gravel road, 4 mile to pavement and car and stores; 12 miles center Port land. Will Include 300 Buff Leghorns, horse, wagon and all toola Price $4500, $2500 cauh. Will take small home in city. AO 557. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 5 acres of rich soil within 25 minutes' ride of center of city on Mll waukie or Estacada car line; this land is all cleared and in cultivation;, gas, electric light and Bull Run water avail able; terms can be arranged. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Broadway 7150. 2.10 Stark St. 100 ACRES subdivision, speculation; 15 - minutes from Meier & Frank store by auto, near Barnes road: 100 beautiful acres, just over the hill in Tualatin valley; finest soil in Oregon; would sell readily for $300 per acre in 5-acre tracts; price for few days $125 per acre: terms. Private owner. Phone East 6228. SPECIAL TO EX-SERVICE MEN. 1 have several small tracts of land near city lirajts on paved and graveled streets, gas arid water. Why pay rent when small payment will take one of these special concessions to ex-service men. Call Aut. 320-46 or Bdwy. 6050. Ask for Mr. Stanton. - ENGLEWOOD PARK Beautiful acre, with native trees, city water, electricity; on Simpson street: no city assessments ; city school; dandy view: $1200; $50 down. $10 month. Roger W, Uary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 40 ACRES goood farm land In Colton, Or. All tillable; 15 acres bottom land, easily cleared, near school and store: $30 an acre; half cash, balance 2 years, 6 per cent. Further Information, write Gustaf Vikbcrg. Box 61 Colton, Or. Irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. A real opportunity to get Irrigated land. Situated along the Columbia river with the best railroada facilities and longest growing season in the north west. Soli and climate especially adap ted to gardening, chicken raising, bee culture, dairying, to growing grapes, strawberries and fruit in general. The main state highway passes through the project. Our schools are the best. One accredited high school and two grade schools. Write for our most attractive terms and folder. The district, and not agents is gelling this land; there will be no commission to pay. We are interested In getting home builders on the project. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DIST. NO. 4. Burbank. Washlng'ton. Homesteads. Relinquistiments. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT. SEE E. W. HELM, 422 LHAMUBiK Ur UUJMJUHiltCU; ULllO. For Sale Farms. 18 ACRE.S, 2 Vs miles from good town with good high school, hk mile to grade school macadamized road; all under cultivation bearing orchard; 100 Italian prune trees, lots ot berries; o-room nouse on con Crete foundation, front and back porches, barn 38x40, other buildings. Included with place-: Team, cow, heifer, 48 chick ens, plow, disc harrow, corn planter, cultivator, narness. back, granary, crops. -etc. Price for everything $3150. terms. consider soldier s loan. ON PAVED ROAD. AT ELECTRIC STATION. 35 acres 22 miles southeast of Portland, Mi mile from school; 20 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture; some timber mostly creek bottom land; bearing or chard, apples,- pears, cherries, prunes, grapes, loganberries, walnuts, etc., 6 room house, barn, chicken house, ma chine shed, granary, some stock and equipment. Price for everything $6300, terms. InsDected by Hunter. John Ferguson, Realtor, Geriinger Bldg. ON ACCOUNT of failing health I wish to dispose of my 60-acre tarm, located 15 miles from the heart or .Portland, on main hlehway. This is one of the best located as well as one of the finest farms in the valley; milk route. R. F. D, and telephone. An extra fine 7-room house,, 2 large barns, ail new; not and cold water in house, water piped in barns; lots ot Iruit. Two fine mares, 6 cows, 6 2-year-old heifers, registered hogs, all kinds of farm Implements, plenty of feed; everything goes for $21,000; small payment down; or will accept good home in Portland or acreage with some casn. r &yz, orego nian. FARM PAYING 10 TO 20 PER CE.NT NET 135 acres, all under cult., stocked and equipped: all in -crop: 5 acres asst. ap ples. 2 acres prunes, all bearing, in fine condition: 20 acres clover. 40 acres win ter oats. 30 acres timothy and hay. bal. to be seeded; 3 acres anion land. 7-room semi-modern house, bath and laundry tubs, 2 wells, pressure water system, barn, hay barn, onion house, granary. hog house, other bulldincrs; 4 miles hard rock road to Newberg highway: 14 miles from Portland. Price $35,000. Terms easy. See Mr. Campbell, with Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Commerce. 16 hi ACRES, CARLTON. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Located only five blocks from depot, all under cultivation. - half in clover, half in oats, 4-roora house with city water and electricity, Darn and chicken house. small orchard, cow. Drood sow, 200 hens. cream separator, milk cans and all small tools, price only 0.w, J15U casb. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 714 ACRES. CARLTON. This is all level and under cultivation and in clover, only five blocks from de pot, 5-roora bungalow with large attic. city water and electricity, small wood shed, plenty of berries for family use, an ideal nome place, .price only $420, $2000 cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. " 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP. - 307 acres botom land, about 25 acres cleared, balance brush and timber; good pasture; small house and barn, etc. Creek on place and several springs; fine water at house ana Darn. rortn line or piace follows Santlam river. One-half mlie from postoffice, depot and good school. This is one of the best buys in the state at $35 an -acre. This place must go an will not last long at this price. JAS. H. CURRAN, Lyons. Or. TWO BLOCKS from the new Pacific high way; 6 lots, including 2 corner lots; six room house, water, electric lights-r good large barn, chioken coop, woodshed, etc. Will sell with place good cow, pig, 40 chickens. Across street from schoolhouse. Price $1300, .cash $400. Apply to M. Su moskl. Barlow, Or. WE WANT to tell you more aoout the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card - brings full particulars. Redmond Ltnd & Loan Co.. Inc., Red mond. Or. (King Murphy's capltol.) 10 ACRES, small house, 40-foot poultry house, other buildings; 16 miles from Portland on Oregon electric; 8 acres ready to crop; with stock $2600; balance $500 on terms. Saturday, apply booth 451, Yamhill Publlo Market. FOR SALE Improved ranch of 114 acres, located on Pacific highway; new mod ern buildings; 20 acres in alfalfa: ranch 9 miles from Medford. Prioe $19,000. Selling at sacrifice by owner. Address Mrs. L. W. Pomerene, Central Point. Or. FOR SALE or rent 40-atre farm. 5-room Yurnished house and barn; horse, 4 cows, 4 acres of prunes, 22 acres clear; 7 miies from Vancouver; all farm equip ments. 414 45th at. Tahor 8149. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. FARM for sale or trade for Portland prop erty. Owner, call Automatic 331-20. REAL ESTATE. -Farms. ACREAGE AND FARMS. 10, 20 and 40 acres, all under cultiva tion, partly set out to bearing fruit; has running water, rolling and heavy black sandy bottom land; only 35 miles from Portland, H mile from highway. Can sell this land from $175 to $350 per acre. If you wish something fine, come in and we will talk it over. F. L. BLANCH ARD, Realtor, 401-2 Swetiand Bids. Bdwy. 6859. SMALL FARMS, 6 acres up, level, clear, fenced, houses, near Wiilamina; small down payment. J. R. Sharp, 83 3d st. WANTED BEAT. ESTATE. HAVE clle I who wants Portland Heig-hts home; must be UP to ths minute: will pay as high as $16. 000 and several clients who want smaller homes on Heights. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 7631 4664. PIEDMONT or Walnut Park bungalow wanted at once, 6 to 8 rooms; prefer cor ner or large inside -lot; paved street; hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. If you really want to sell and will make your price right, I will do business: must get located before May 1; give address and phone number, also lowest cash price. Address route a. box 47. city. WE ABSOLUTELY have clients waiting for ail kinds of property, large and small. If your price is right, we can sell for you. J. W. O'CONNELI,, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. GOOD HOUSES WANTED. Mr. W. V. Young has been placed in charge of our new "Better Homes De partment." He has constant Inquiries for homes, particularly located in the Rose City district, that are priced right. Let us demonstrate. See Mr. Young, with with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. ; WANTED ACREAGE "We will sell your suburban property. Have clients desiring improved and un improved acreage. See Mr. Price, Mgr. acreage dept. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 HAVE two clients that want homes that $1000 will handle; will pay $3500 to $4000. . Phone Broadway 5387. H. W. OSBOiRNE CO.. 432 Ch. of Com. WANTED SMALL SUBURBAN HOME3 Have client for acreage with 3 or 4 room" houses. Terms and prices reason able. See Mr. Price, Mgr. Acreage Dept. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. - Main 3787 LIST with me and get honest service; need not sign up on listings or commission. Don't want to force you to trade or pay commission If not satisfied. I please. C. W. MILLERSHIP. 1654 4th St. Main 5275. WANTED AT ONCE. 8 to 5 acres with fruit and berries. 5 or 6-room modern house, near school and car, up to $4500; $2000 cash. See Mr. Campbell with Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. WANTED 6-room modern bungalow in Hawthorne or Richmond district in exchange for 3 business lots in Ontario, Oregon; will pay cash balance. Phone Sellwood 2265 - WHY WORRY 7 I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W. Millership, 165 hi Fourth. Main 5275. ' I WANT a bargain in Irvington in a mod ern bungalow of 6 or 7 rooms, on mod ern terms, by man in business. Phone Woodlawn 5684 ' DESIRE modern bungalow in good loca tion; 6 "rooms and sleeping porch: have Maxwell and acreage to apply. Owner, Y 560, Oregonian. -, I WANT a new bungalow in Alberta, Peninsula Park or Albina, between $3000 and $4000 and $500 to $600 down. Phone woodlawn opKi. I HAVE a good first mortgage for $400 which I will turn in as- the first pay ment on a little house priced about $2000. Mr. Young, Bdwy. 6389. HOMES WANTED. Have buyers for homes that $200 to $1000 will handle. Phone Bdwy. 5387. WANT two homes that $500 will handle. Phone Broadway 5GS7. WANTED A good house on the west side; must be a good buy. Bdwy. 2045, eve nings Main 2534. LEAVE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS with the Hlbernla Commercial A Sav Ings bank for collection. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE or trade with Nelson, realtor, 706 Gasco bldg Main 2072. GOOD B.UNGALOW, prefer west side, that $200 and soldier bonus will handle. X ' 600. Oregonian, WANT a- 5-room house, -$n00 cash and terms. Not more than $3500. P. O. Box 24. ' LATE model car and cash for city prop erty or stock of goods. Owner. Main 3309. OAKLAND car as first payment on house, close in, not over $3500. East 4447 or Wdln. 4179 WE HAVE buyers for homes in Peninsula district; not over $4000. Call Broad- way 4172. WANTED To buy house; 6 rooms. $100 down, $20 per month. N 660, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. RENT until November, Improved 15 acres near Vancouver: buildings, $125. Also 20 acres near Oregon City without build ings. $40. Box 68, Astoria. 10 ACRES of good land, plowed; house, orchard; get It now. Address 679 Will iams avenue. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 7 ACRES, on lake road, about hi mile east of Milwaukie. Would consider a house 'in Portland in exchange. OREGON INVESTMENT A MORT GAGE CO. 210 Exchange Bldg. 2d and Stark. $0500 GROCERY, big cash business, sub urban location, will exchange for horns in city or close-in acreage. MARSH & McCABB CO.. 823 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington. Broadway 6528. $2000 PROPERTY, frame store building, 4 building lots In prosperous main-line ' town, near Boise; good schools, churches; sell or trade for acreage, higher-priced farm, improved relinquishment near railroad. J. Cleaves, Vincent, Or. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring in your proposition houses, lots, farms, acreage, stocks ot merchandise. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg., Portland. CANADIAN FARMS. Well Improved, equipped, all sizes, $30 ',o $50 per acre; also sod land, 160 acres and up; exch, for farms, acreage and city property here. C. Cole, 426 Lum bermens bldg. $2000 GROCERY; 4 nice living rooms, nicely furnished; bath; back yard; rent $25 for all; will exchange for real es tate or close in acreage. Your oppor tunity GENERAL merchandise store, including building, value of both $25,000, for sale or trade for income property; good lo- I cation, good business. AV 442, Orego nian. 6 hi -ACRE RANCH, all up to date, all in cultivation; will trade for home up to $3500; bal. cash, some terms; $5300. ZELASKO & MCCORMICK, Bank Building. Milwaukie, Or. Ihi ACRES, all under cultivation, near Ti gard and pavement, $3200; exchange equity for bouse equity or vacant lots. Bdwy. 3400. Main 1852 after 6 P. M. FRUIT ranch to exchange for a dairy ranch, a fruit producer; price $11,000. Address owner, BOX 77, ASHLAND. OR. TRADE 200 acres in Siskiyou county. Cal.; at least 3 miles from town: good stock country. C. E. Cleland, Yacolt, Wash. WILL trade 320-acre Improved farm in southern Idaho for residence or good grocery Dusiness. T. P Kelly, 815 Market St.. city. 160 ACRES in Lincoln county, exchange for lots or nouse equity. waal nave you? Akerson, 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549. 20 ACRES GOOD LAND. Near Goldendale, Wash., to exchange for Portland lot or lota P 647, Orego nian. HOUSE and lot In Rainier, Or., for sale or exchange ror lot in Portland. Broad wav 4912. 667 Irving, call .between 10 and 2. EXCHANGE home for auto or lot, $3800, 5 large rooms, strictly modern, large attic, close to Peninsula school and car- Woodlawn 2849. ACREAGE near southern Michigan town. $5000. Exchange for Oregon or Wash ington real estate or business. 4120 64th st. S. E. 1 1-6 ACRES on Oregon Electric, value $150O, to apply on o-room Dungalow In good location. Owner, Tabor 2255. LAURELHURST. 8-room home, want smaller place, owner 44S Sherlock bldg. Broadway 5118. TRADE lot. 50x100, Lombard and Greeley, for a Ford car; sidewalks in and paid. BJ 555. Oregonian. WILL trade 8-room houss or paved st. with three fine lots for stocked farm. M 553. Oregonian. GOOD lH-ton truck, want car, Jiouse -equity or lota, isawy. iuo. TO EXCHANGE REAt ESTATE. $8000 0 ACRES of bottom land, 2tt miles from Canby; 8 cows, Holsteln and Jer- sey (pure breeds), 4 hogs, bunch of chickens, 30 acres under crop, including over an acre in rnuoam ana asparaguo, crop all in; 5-room house, good barn and chicken house; will exchange for Port land residence up to $4000 or laOOO. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 223 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak, HANDStMBJ W1NTON. Will sell or exchange for desirable real estate, model 1922, 6-cylinder, 48 H. p.. 7-Dassenger Winton touring car perfect mechanical condition, driven less than a total of 15,000 miles; full leather upholstery ana nanasome coior jod. aq- dress private owner, -do rma busjul. Phone Broaoway iys. DIRT CHEAP. 660-acre ranch, 160 irrigated and in cultivation; good 7-room house and two bams; fine stock and dairy ranch and on good road; abundance outrange; only $17.50 per acre; will axchange- lor acre age near Portland. E. R. S.. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. VIEW proptrty. good 4-room nouse. 4 ami fl irt land. 2 acres cleared. John son creek and Meadowbrook station on place; will take small Portland prop erty as down payment. Improved or un proved or kuto. Take Gresham car. See tt today, tjan auiq ai-iia or pm-n. MODERN RESIDENCE TO TRADE r OK IRVINGTON OR LAURELHURST HOME AND tr A T UU'r-BKMi-is. POINDEXTER, 207 SELLING BLDG. TO EXCHANGF MISCELLANEOUS. POR SALE or trade, all or part, for good car, late model, 1 team good young work horses, 1 team of mules 6 and 7 years old, weight 200 lbs., harness and wagon, plow and harrow, 1 good fresh cowhand call. R. A, DOX AOO, urtflilio, vvaait Phone 6-F-12. 4 -BURNER hi?h-oven gas range, for va cuum cleaner, power washer or phono graph. Tabor 1360. WILL trade fine building lot for auto, cow. chickens or lumoer. o ooo, urego nian. NBJHALEM beach lot, value $200. victrola.. P. O. Box 74. Oak Grove. FOR SALE. Homes. Vehicles, LiveKtock. LIGHT span of work mares, chunky built, young and gentle. $85; 1 Belgian mare, 5 years old, weight 1500 lbs., $115; span of gentle work mules, o ana years oia, weight 2600 lbs., $165; 1 gray horse, 1 Tears old. weight 1450 lbs., best of work- ers, single or double, $i5. Come and try these horses to your satisfaction. R. I box 165, Orchards, Wash., Phone 6-F-l; Orchards. 2400-LB. TEAM of well mated mares, half sisters, chunky built, fine for orchard or farm work. Other horses of all sizes .- and kinds at a very low price. Har ness and wagons of all descriptions. 240 E. 8th St. IF YOU want good horses, come down; all ages, all sizes. If you want some cheao horses, see these before you buy ' Also have lot choice dairy cows. W. W, . Kelly, Portland Union, Stock Yards. REGISTERED Jerseys: a real bargain con sidering quality; foundation St. Mawes calves and heifers: government T. B, tested: worth considering. Columbia highway. K. Hanneman, Corbett, Or. FOR SALE Team, harness and wagon plow, slip scrapper, set single harness. 80th and East Stark, Inquire Miller'i blacksmith shop, Montavllla. - 4 HORSES for sale, 1 team 5 years old. and 8 years' old, wt, ilOO -lbs. ach price $75. 267 Baker st. TEAM. 5 and 6 years old, sound and best of condition; weight' 2900 pounds; no further use for them; will sell cheap; 4301 67th street. Mt. Scott car. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade, 360-366 E. Morrison St. MILCH goats for sale, grade Toggo. Write for prices. Frank Juttner. Rt. 4. Box 27, Corvallls. Jr. uARGE young fresh Jersey and Guernse cows. Heavy mllKers, o.wtv Hi. KtarK, corner 78th. VETERINARIAN. DR HOWES. TABOR 6569. DEAD horses and cattla taken quickly; call day or night Automatic 627-64. FRESH cow and calf tor sale cheap. 2d B st.. Oswego. BROWN Swiss Jersey 9000. milch cow. East Planow. Organs and Musical Inntruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $300 Prentiss upright, cash $145 675 Krell upright, mah.. cash.... 215 475 Ha lot & Davis, cash 165 250 Bard & Co., small upright.... 75 750 Planista Player Piano 290 76 Chicago Cottage Organ 18 100 Mason & Hamlin Organ 20 103 loth St.. at Washington and Stark. SPRING SALE USED PIANOS. Wheelock upright, mahogany, only. $195 Martin Bros., mahogany, only 195 Pease-A Co.. upright, oak. only"..... 245 Modella Player Piano only. .... 405 Pianola Player, 88-note, only 50 Pay $10 cash, $6 or more a month. Lipman. Wolfe & Co., Cor. 5th and Wash. COLUMBIA library table phonograph. Regular price $-50 new, $100. sfferms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. PIANO TUNING, repairing and finish ing. All work guaranteed and done by expert workman. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Bdwy. 6576. CONN C mel. saxophone, silver, gold bell, pearl keys, $125, terms, Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make, work guaranteed. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Bdwy. 6576. SLIDE trombone, prof, model, brass, with case, i G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 8th St. $35 VICTROLA $90 As good as new, mahog any case. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. FOR SALE Almost brand-new $150 phon ograph and 20 late records at very rea sonable reduction; Victrola been used but a month or so. Call Main 2808, room 408. VIOLIN cello, fine old German instrument case and bow, $50. Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. DECKER & SON player. $350. bench and rolls. This is a bargain. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. DECKER BROS, square piano, $60, equal of some $250 pianos at other stores. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 West Park. Pianos rented, sold, repaired. DRUMMERS' jazz outfit, everything neces sary for dance work. $75. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. VICTROLA VI., oak case, in good condi tion. $26. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. MARTIN saxophone C mel., silver with gold bell. $130, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. 87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaugh tered, Victor and Columbia records; two for the price ot one. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 107 West Park. SCHILLING piano, plain oak case. $275. Good condition. Terms given. SEIBERfclNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. KELSO piano, oak case, nice condition, splerrdid value, only $195, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. STUDENT'S violin outfit includes violin case, bow, rosin and extra strings, $18. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. VICTROLA style XI. walnut case. Just like new; $115. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. PIANO WANTED from private party. Will pay cash If it Is a bargain. Marshall 1532. CHENEY cabinet mahogany phonograph, fine condition; only $90, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. STEIN WAY, old style, $150. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor; work dona by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. STEIN WAY, old style, $150. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. 1000 NEW VICTOR records, 2 for 75c; cafeteria style. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 Vest Park. CORNET, prof, model, brass, $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. H1N2EMAN, $125. See this piano. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. CONN alto saxophone, silver, $75. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th SL WANT to buy piano. Can pay cash. East 905 5. $2.50 RENTS Grafonola with late records. piANORosewood case, good condition; price $125 cash. Phone Oak Grove 90. WANTED Sweet tone piano at once; cash at bargain. Bdwy. 1548. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20c up; parts, retail and wholesale. 548 Wash. WILL sell electric phonograph and rec ords, $125. S. H. Colby. 425 Umatilla. VICTROLA with choice xcuru. Main FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. WONDERFUL PIANO BARGAINS. MUST MOVE QUICKLY EASY TERMS $1600 William Knabe grand, late.$6o.oo 1000 Chickering, late, mahogany. 3-o oo 750 Strich & Zeidier, latest 650 Wellington, just about new. 2.0.mi 600 Ellers, very latest, perfect.. 240 00 6l0 W. W. Kimball, genuine.... 225.00 700 Genuine McPhail . 200 00 550 Bradford, late walnut 190 O0 mrt flno 1 nhrtwan V. . . . . 185.00 600 Thompson, latest 2-5 00 675 McCammon, good tone. up.. 100.00 "711AT4Ahart M Cahle. latest.... 300.00 275 Columbia phonograph, new. 125.00 675 Hobart M. Cable, latest.... S3! ;'" 700 Kroeger, walnut 16a. 00 550 Smith & Barnes makes lt,'5-0j' 575 Hamilton, fine -"0 .00 650 Garner & Sons, latest mah.. 22u.00 KAOTlarvarH f i n a 150 00 B75 .1. & C. 'Fisher nlano. fine.. 275.00 650 Just new. Farrand, lateat.. 250.00 600 Mendenhall. very latest . 225.00 600 W. W. Kimball, fine tone.. 150 00 TtlA ljaloi- luteal mahni-ailV... 300-00 900 Chickering. sweet tone. up.. 250.00 Three player pianos, latest. $150 to $375, on easy terms, ana many oiners. Wake no and save vour money; buy real pianos at bargains; no thump boxes or rebuilt pianos; many just praua new. BROKERAGE CO. 312 Worcester B'.dg.. 3d and Oak Sta. SCHWAN PIANO COMPANY. CLKlRlKl-K TIRRn PIANOS. $550 Geo. Stock small uptight $215 875 Ceroid dark upright 195 475 Holland, larga upright 235 600 Needham, modern mahoc 205 878 Hallet & Davis, small 15 Twd small unrlehl ninnna. $05 and $750 Planista player piano 205 250 Pianola player, walnut 3u 450 Franklin wax finiah 19u 450 Irving Piano Co.. upright 210 CnttAc-n orean. 118: Mason & Hamlin, $28. Terms, $10 cash. $5v $6 and $3 monthly. 101 10th St., at Washington and Stark. 4-25 VIi:TR(1LA anrl records ihardiy used) $ 15 $ 75 Victrola (line shape) 45 120 Brunswick (nice mahogany).. 60 125 Upright phonograph (new)... 65 450 Price & Teeple piano 223 450 Kindler & Collins, apt. size.. 250 750 Chickering (walnut art fin.).. 367 . .1000 Packard grand (mahogany).. 650 War tax removed, freieht rates re duced. Used musical instruments forced lower. Easy terms. No salesmen. HAROLD GILBERT. 107 W. PARK. n.RARANTlfl Oh' PRONOORAPHS. $ 35.00 Victor and 5 used records...! 20 32.50 Grafanola, 6 used records... 20 95.00 Stradivara. 10 used records.. 48 140.00 Bounswick, 10 used records.. 95 165.00 Stradivara. 10 used records. . 100 165.00 Emerson, 10 used records... . 95 175.00 Sonora, 10 used records 130 350.00 Victrola, Ju used records lS F.75.00 Sonora Grand 2i8 $5 or $10 cash, $3, $5 or more monthly. KCHWAW P1ANU CO., jua luiaaioiant Furniture for Sale. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell housenoia gooas. neauceu freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert -packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low. insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 52 4th St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. ROOMS, consisting of beautiful wicker living room furniture, Carpen make; Ja cobean dining table, blue leather seated chairs. 1 ivorv. 1 mahogany finished Simmons beds, coil springs, silk floss mattress, golden oak dresser, bedroom chairs, rocker, sewing machine, gas stove, kitchpn table, chair, small ice chest, miscellaneous, all or part reason able: no dealers, ah. ,uo-. ijau iuo av Flanders. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samples, several dav enports and chairs at bargain prices, terms. Phones 635-27, evenings and Sun days, Tabor btVl or oja-i:. MICH A ELSON-MA YSON, INC. 54th and Foster Road. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Ivory and golden oak dresser, $14.50; 40-fb. silk floss at'.ress, $14.75. Many other bargains in home furnlshinga 540 Williams ave. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. HEAVY 8x10 fluff rug like new, $10; ma hogany billiard and pool table, ivory cue balls. Full sot of pool bs.lls; maple cues, etc., $75, or will trade for cabinet phonograph and records. Phone 32ft-: MAGNIFICENT overstuffed davenport In exquisite color, rich, beautiful and new; also davenport table and some wonder ful rugs; sacrifice; leaving city. Main 5072. v SIX ROOMS furniture, rugs, A B combina tion range and A-l manogany cable piano for sale. 973 East 20th N. Wood lawn 5389. FURNITURE 4-room apt. for sale; apt. if desired; ivory bedroom furniture. oaK and leather dining and living room; also davenport. 1K7 E. 15th S., apt. 1. SPECIAL SALE, $77, Simmons twin beds. springs, mattreases, chiffonier and dresser, new. Ivory. This week only. 421 K. Morrison. Sl-. ERAL pieces good furniture; Bundhar wuton rug io oy zu, aisnes, nats ana gr-wns never worn, for sale. Call East 2r,4 . BARGAIN NOTICES. 60 4 mattresses good as new, cost $9 each. 421 E. Morrison. $2.50, FURNITURE and R. I. R. pullets for sale cheap, leaving city. Tabor 9396. 1427 E. Hoyt BEAUTIFUL mahogany furniture. by owner, leaving city. Call East li!4. ONE FULL-SIZE wardrobe trunk, 2 cases. - vvoouiawn iirtMW. NEW, solid oak chiffonier. Queen Anne style. Bargain. Main 0047. HOUSEHOLD furniture for. sale by piece; no dealers, r.asi i.-m. Office Furniture. WE HAVE the following used office fur niture in good condition at exceptional prices: 6 roll-top desks. 14 flat-top desks. 7 typewriter desks. 188 office chairs, 1 safe, 1 bookkeeper's desk. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. Furniture Department. Tenth at Stark Street. Broadway 3144. NEW AND used furniture, safes. dictaphones, cneck writer, adding ma chines, etc.; our prices are lowest In city; we rent office equipment. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th St. Bdwy. 2739 PHYSICPAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatross Metal Furniture Co.. 715 Thnrman. ROLL TOP desk, bookkeeper's counter desk. 909 Chamber of Commerce blrlg. Typewriters. P.ECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD- GUARANTEE. S - ALL MAKES. CALL OR VVRIVE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St. Main 6681. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sals. rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs or all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169. NOISE annoys: rent a Noiseless: a fe used INolseless for sale. Noiseless lype- writer Co.. 1 4tn St. Bdwy. 0044. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell; supplies. Type- writer inspection Co.. 312 atarn. at. oa4. KEB JILTS, second-hand rentals at out rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507. TYPEWRITERS repaired, all work guar- anteeo. can vtooqiawn 701. REMINGTON No. 10, $27.50. Main 1858. 27Q timnill. J. M. Younger Poultn-. HATCHING EGGS. From high producing flocks R. I. Reds and O. A. C. Barred Rocks, 10c each or $7.50 per 100. O. A. C. and Hollywood White Leghorns, $1.25 for 15 or $6 per 100. Fertility guaranteed 90 per cent, j.- At, Maguire, tut Oregon st. tHsz inuo. PET ALU MA baby chicks for sale. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers; eggs from free range Hoganized stock only; safe deliv ery guaranteed. Alay chicks $12 per 100; June chicks $11 per 100, f. o. b. Petaluma. 25 per cent deposit with or der. Oak Hill Hatchery. Petaluma, Cal. WHEN you order your baby chicks from us you get safe delivery of good, strong, healthy chicks, from high productive hens, with egg records of 200 to 308 each, mated to pedigreed cockerels. May and June chicks at $12.50 per .100. Graham Poultry Farm. Woodburn, Or. R. F. 3. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May and June delivery at $12 per 100; $115 per 1000, from flocks inspected and ac- . credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th at., Petaluma, Cal. $ $ $ $ FOR YOU in Mammoth Whits Pekin ducks, . easier to raise and far more profitable than chickens: day old ducklings delli.-ed to you by parcel post for 40 cents each. Writs today and engage yours before It is too lata. Laughlin Bros., McMinnvllle. Or. S C RHODE ISLAND white hatching eggs, limited number from our prize pens; April and May $3 per setting. C. S. Ogsbury & Son, 9621 69tb ave. S. E., Portland, Or. Phone Auto. 614-21. S. C. W. LEGHORN hatcning eggs, $5 100; laying hens $1 each. J. E. Raze, Carl ton. Or. 800 WHITE LEGHORN chicks, 8 days old, must be sold, death in family. Wood lawn 6314. 1337 Burrage st. FOR SALE Guinea Uuii. l'lioua Bdwy. J243, .... FOR 8 A I.E. I'oultry. MAGUIRE'S CllICKS. R. Z. Red, O. A. C. Tiarred Rock and White Leghorns, day-bid chicks and hatching eggs, from trapnested and Hoganizd free range stoc. 1000 W. 1.. ready April 19, 1000 W. L. April 23. 1000 W. U April 27. 700 Barred Rock Arril 24, 700 B. R. April 30. J. R. Magu'm. 787 Orcgnn t. 1805. Machinery. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW AND USED. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. R. R. POPPLETON. BROADWAY 7711. 225 STARK ST. PETERM AN LATH MACHINERY. The most efficient machinery for the manufacture of lath, broom handles and curtain pole sto-k. For price and de livery see WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., 626 Hood St. Main 3896. FOR SALE. Small foundry cupola. Mllburn acetylene welding outfit. Railway Equipment Co.. Cor.,20 Stark. FOR SALE or rent, steam shoveU, reaiiy for service. Railway Equipment Com pany, cor. 2d and Stark. iiogs, Kablnts. liirUM and Pet block. PUREBRED AIREDALE pups. 7 weeks old. ready for delivery, black and tan color; excellent fine pups: males $25. females $17.50; pedigree furnished with each pup. Woodlawn 6324, or Box 54 North portiana. )r. LOVE BIRDS, special till Easter. $5 per pair cage and supplies for all kinds of birds, for sale. E. B. Flake, flowers and birds. 273 State. Salem, o FOR SALE Mated pairs of young King pigeons. $5 pair: also rine lal squaos $1 each. Phone IMS. WANTED 25 young Angora does; state price and conditions. D. H. Clark, Yacolt, Wah. CHOICE St. Andreasburg fingers, also fe males. $1.50. Bdwy. 1095. 5 IS Huyt st FLEMISH GIANT rabbits fur sale. Tabor 3413. Ke aud Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 308 N. 14th St., near Pettyirove. Phone Auto. 519-19. Pools, Launches anil Murine Fquipnient. eifjnK WAVTKll Want good 17 or 18-foot canoe; must be reasonable. K 5li. oregonian 18-FOOT Evlnruda hull, can be used as a rowboaf, 2a. Ji"'nttl1 j-"". Nurnery Stock. LANDSCAPE gardening by hour or con tract. Automatic 647-29. Coal and Wooq. $4 PER LOAD $4. 1-wn.i.nAn LOTS. 16-inch fir block and slab, runs partly v ,.,,ih for furnace or healer. e also save you money on two-load orders of drv wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn 410LV 4 I'W.n LOAD .4. 16-lnch, partly dry block and slab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $8; single loads $4 50. Washington lump coal, ill ton in the basement: ary siso n tu-i. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. EAST 2041. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed runs, partly dry. 2 loads 8 00 1 load -60 WOODLA WW l.nm. v,ir nwi.lVK.R 4-foot cordwood. No. 1 $5 75; No. 2. $4.75 per load; Hock Spring and Utah nut cosl a ton, .nn sacks 90c. Call Broadway 3264 or Wood lawn 55-MI COAL Sample sacks. 1 oeuveioii a - $4; $10, $11. $12.50. $14.50 and $.4.50 per ton delivered. EAST F9"4. WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-lnch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2076. GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.25 cord; heavy country slab: $5.25. Rock Springs and Utah coals. Ea.-t 1759. COAL Austria ian s imple sacks $1 de livered; 5 sacks $4; tons $14 and 1S "Sample Delivery." Ea-Ht 5100. CALL Atlas woodyard lor woodsaw, J. Irish, days Main 3297. nights Auto matic 616-43 IUG DOUBLE load slab and block, partly dry, $8; single load, $4. We guarantee l roras io uuume miu,u. BLOCK and slab, partly dry. $4 a load; seasoned. $5.50; box wood, $4 50. Wood lawn 6686; NICE 16-lnch slab, $3.75; best grade sea soned, heavy or merely graded. $5 load, anywhere; bargain. Sellwood 1709. DRY CORD wood. 2 cord). $14; dry 12 in $8 per loal. 694 E. lUth. Sell. 1270. Brooklyn Fuel Co. , DRY first-growth cordwood. $6 cord; also heavy county slab. $1.50 cord; never been In water. Call Auto. 525-65. SELECT, bone-dry fir, cord ami slab wood, direct from country. Kast 5-100. BEST dry cordwood. $7 75 per cord. 2 for $15. Can't be beat. Broadway 4110. DRY boxwood, $4, block and slab, $4.60; 2-load lots, $8. Woodlawn 3619. BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7 single load $4 Main 1723. dOul) No. 1 fir, $8; No. ' fir. $7: country slab. $4.50. Main 6241. HEAVY blo-k and slab mixed, pnrtly dry; dry slab and Inside wood. worn, .'ini. GOOD dry first-growih heavy bark. No. 1 $8. No. 2 $7. Phone Automatic Wl"-3l. BIG LOAD partly dry block and liab. $4.50 a load, witin. iintj. DRY CORDWOOD, $6.00. EAST 4.-,ll!. 16-INCH extra heavy dry wreckage; load delivered $5. East 8254. CORD WOOD and coal, cheap. Office East 4 509; res. East 7818. FOR COUNTRY SLAHWOOD. EAST U174. l.AKiA.N r l r.L, i n. SPECIAL lots. $1 to $5; Al, bone dry, 12- lnch nr. Kusn qenvery. East oauu. DRY BLOCK and siabwood, singis $5: double load. $8. liqwy. 2.1-1.1. BEST old-growth, dry fir, $7.50; large second-growtn, yeiiwooq 314. FIR, $t.75; oak, 10; ash, $t.iu. Wdln. 324. jonn uenacn. EXTRA-GOOD country slab from tie mill. s a . 20 a corn. iast i-ina. WOOD Block or slab Col 748. 4-FOOT country siabwood. Main 6l3.'t. MiKcellaneoua. WILL trade phonograph for typewriter or sewing machine, ,mpire transfer, Bdwy. 155. LICENSED Independent electrician wires S rooms lor fi. o tor 9211, guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3T1H. GLADIOLAN PRINCEPS, large, bright red flower; very fine. $3 per 100. Phone Tabor 124. 176 E. 50th St.. near Belmont. FERTILIZER. Well-rotted fertiliser for sal: deliv ered any part of the city. Wdln. 2118. CAPONS, Just the bird for your Easter dinner. Call at 82d st. and 74th ave. S. E. R. H. Maupln. Phone Auto. 615-51. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. SAFE Light office safe, good order; first reasonable offer accepted. B 644, Ore gonian. KODAKS. Ws buy, sell, rent and exebangs ao- daks. Sandy. 329 Washington st FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 85 cents per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION. For sale, 250,000 second-hand brick. Phone Main 6091. L'lEBOLD safes, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply Co , 48 Front st. Bdwy. lilBO. DANDY 3-light shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.85. at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. 1ILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. FERTILIZER. Cow and horse manure, well rotted. delivered any part of city. Wdln. 6233. FOR SALE Dress suit; Call Main 9743. worn only once. WILL sell cruiser's aneroid in first-class shape, reasonable price. Auto. 614-10. WHITE cabinet sewing machine, prac- t ically new, pa-rgain. in"j pj. i(tn Ft.'N. ORIENTAL rug 8x6 for sale or exchango for warqrop iruna, .viarsnail 2."iNO. MUELLER hot-air . furnace, reasonable. Tabor 883.1. STEEL-TOP, 6-hole wood range, used only 0 mo., sou" . v m. u,. LARGE oil painting 4x2 hi. Parrot copy. mountain acrat, Kii- irame. Main 3305. LAMES' USED APPAREL Spring dresses) S3 10 -iv. puna, i-p. laoor -.120. DAHLIA BULBS, $1 par doxen. 821. 68th t.. S. E. Auto 623-69. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for as.. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 lit st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe adding macnine. snowcaaes. -ia lai st.. near Aah. FREE for removing light soil, easy to get at. near c am anu -iin. cast l.sua. STAR-A-STAR shingles, direct froiu UiliL Call Taylor-at, dock. Alain 8066, row mi.r:. M iMTt'l luneoiiw. SAVE YOUR WIPE Send your wet wash to the Snow r'ss Laundry. Clothes ".afh-ii s-iowv wlin, in separate romps rtmen ' Till USIV, FRIDAY AND SATI HI'AY. 15 I. UN. FOR 60 CENTS; 4 CENTS ox- h tmnnl pound: valuable premiums given. Phone East 8433. YOUR TEETH St.EIP WHILE VE WORK. By our latest reliable niethnii yonr dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harni!e-a and tin after-effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Ir. A. W. Keen.. Dr E. -I Kle-endahl, Above Majestic Theater. STilhi Wash. ELECT. IIC FIXTURES. Buy them ,'rnm the factory ahnw room and save one-third: all styles, f n-st se lection. Come and see: you are under bo obligation to b-iy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamhir of Commerce Bid! Broa-iws 42' IF YOU APPRECIATE i-pl.ndld atrh re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Pig Little Jewelry Stirs. Sells for Less (tit'm I'hst Last. Next Door lo Majestic Theaier. Park and Wa-hlnuton SJ CNK 42-n.iTi ni'lt ( nl !- $-'. """ OO-irch oak flat top d-t.k :I5. filing cabinets $25 each, one te.- filln cabinet $M5, fiv Mraicht bark off, re chairs $5 each, one revolving ft f ee chmr $125(1. Inquire May Hardware lorn pinv. 124-1J0 Front st , DO IT TODAY iit'iiin b"r tomorrow never conies. We repnlr. RIUHIOK-IIDNO an1 rejuverate ail kind- of warped, rrsrke-1. deteriorate! and disintegrated oM, k roofs; W'i-'.t strictly guarantee,! Don t drlav. Pho-le today Hdwy. 5''5 -( U.S. window, screen mu.'tin, mill work, glass, roofing sn-l hoibel sai-h. See our odd lo-k of e-.h n l doors for prices. D H. Scully In, downtown lumber store. 171 FltoNT y r, het Morrlsoi an d Tan ih'.ll- M a 42 1 J A LOT of mill coal rurled tl k bins UP" 't In paper warehouse, excellent for ny kind of stock or as storage bins; prus verv rea.,nable. AMERICAN TYPE FOl'VPER CO. Phone Broadway SI'O. -J: btWI.NG ni.irli:l.e. new and (, sold for less: no egenls employe,!, com plete line of parts (or all inai; ma chine repaired and tented. SEWING MACHINE EMTORtl M 190 Third st., near Tay!or. M a. In 9131. FOll SALE Second-hand lumber, ail fizet including heavy timOers from 4a0 to Ml 16, at S to $10 per M. On Job on Kront t.. bet. Salmon and Ta lor. Phone Main 6n"l. TAKE A LOOK AT TIMS. 1920 fi-p.'l-c!iKer 6-ryllnder Bulek, splendid condition, dandy tlre-a. ou.y $750. $150 down. Hyatt Talking Ma chin Co.. :i.,o Alder. FOR SALE Hutter-Kifl popcorn 1111 hint and peanut roaater; clei irically m. ral'O. In good condition; used 2 year; pins $20". V. M. WlT..OV. Warrenton. Or STEEL Fl LEr'hTsTrsA N l SAI- ES. We hnvo a wonderful line of tee letter Slid legal files; finest construction: lowest D. C. Wax. -4-2U IS. Mil. lttlwy. 2739. A Ii:i'i:.lAHI.E I". ACE TO IKADfc. MILLER'S Hig Little Jewelry Mors Sells for Less (lifts That I.sat. Next Door to Tlieter. 1'at-k and Watih'ngton .ii. GOU&KHEIuVy plan in, Iruit and ornamen tal treea, logan nerrie. walnuts, fiiberi. roses, shrilOliery. Woodetock Nuraery Co, Auto. 610-90; end of Woodstock car line. 1 1 O I S l-i WIVES. A IT KM IDA' Have your eld bedroom suite and o-H chairs and tables made like new In old Ivory or while enamel; price reasonable W (I In. 4 210. SAfT-..- Overstocked. For the best values obtainable n new or second-hand eafes pee Norria Safe & Lock Co.. 10.1 2d St., Portland. Or. Phjtn ll-lwy. 704.V WE BUY, sell and exchange Tlmr aleo trlc wiiehlng Ir tiling machines. SMiT'll-McCOY ELECTRIC -'O . 861 Alder. Pho ne .Main 8"1 1. V Ell li -V MATE, famous South American tea" nutritious, economical ; t-ampie pkg. 20 cup tea. 10 cents. YEIIHV PROD UCTS CO., 2119 WelKtej,SanI-'laneco. A PAIR A'-tJl'l-. It A (iT.A I: S 1- ( ' 1 1 S A I . E. MoT'llEfl CP PKARU Willi t;n.l TRIMMINGS: CUM' -'8. WILL bLLL FOR $I.Y CALL EAST 1014 fcilHMMJO plpelot-s furnace. 7 !l. . $l-'-5. e liiJ2 I'n .drulf. 1291 $152. Jleyt guarantee, proved model. I T. We Ma ' lorv Woodlawn Vto.l. CASH REGISTERS nl computing scales bought, sold, exchange- and repair. Portland Cash Heirister & Pnls El change. 220 Mark st. Hrlwy. 75.H. FOR SA Lll - 6- hole tel range with res ervoir, good as new. 17X1 Division St., evenings after 0:0. fcunday ail day, Talior 2217. TWit KINK coiinlets and lek l-ar for sale or trade, bargain, two coffee urns and cash r glster, make offer. Phone Hdwy. :t-'"iK. LADIES. Id "1 he Vogue" ceil youF I"" fit slightly used clothing on commis sion. 4tn f'ioor. 403 Alisky bldg-. Thud, near Morrison HUT WA I I'll I tank, $5; guaranteed. Tanks gas water heaters rtpalrcl; pluinroog contra, lol. estimates given. E. Nl-I-AVeMing Shop. 2U3 A'linK. Enal V, 1(1 FOR SALE Two pall Golden I'liia-a'HS. See them at oHrlen. IM'9 East Klh, Sellwood. I'll one e"lj""il I1"" 1IMI0 CATARACT Wa-Mer, West Ing house elcc. range, 250 Stark t. el,e., auto, slight iy used. SAi'lCll-'iCK gent's dlainoiKl ling lor ch. Call between V anil 11:00, i-u 1.1111 e... BASKETS at cost. Make attractive; every article Art whop. 3HH N'orlhwes' r E istcr K'fts rtfieert. I. lit 1 1 Punk h '1c. P1.1TI-'M diamond hatpin. , h 1 1 id. diamond engagement ring; hi karat; psr feet. Broadway 5011. FOR M F AI TOMOrtll.r.l. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1921 Ford touring, starter 1010 Ford touring 1018 Ford touring 1917 Ford touring 1020 Ford roadster, starter 1010 Kord roadster 10IH Ford roadster !i"0 Ford sedan 1U20 Ford coupe .P" 1 2o5 2 1 0 6 -'5 4.3 OTHER GOOD BUYS. W do our own appraising. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 3770. Grand ave. and Hawthorns. 1D20 MAXWELL roadster. motor com pletely overnaulen. car A 1 nici naiiaaii , 11122 license, spotlight, extra tile; wl.l take Ford In trade. $ 100. URAL Y, GRAHAM CHIT.Ti. INC.. II I h ami ilurnsiil Sis. 1022 FOItll sedan, 5 weeks In use; run hniit DUO mile; lots of extra. Will crifice and give eay terms. Mr. Krug. Prondway 3 1. 1022 NASH coupe, run about IOOO mile; Tots of extras. Will take tour-ng car In trade. Terms on balance. Mr. Krug. Iirniiilyay 37. BY OWNER Lexington thorouw li bred 6 paasenger touring. like new; fully equipped, perfect condition, phone Au- totnHtic 515-18. 1018 Ft 1 1: I A coupe, ref I nished . J.V'O. HRALY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC.. 1 1 th and lturnsldo sis. 1919 DOitT touring; elegant condition. 8118. 1022 license $:io5. Terms mil East 1920 I'Uilll touring, by owner, $225; mUHt go today; 4 new tires; car 1 In exce.lent con dition In' every way. Kast 5250. DON'T BUY a used car until you see my Overland roadster for $.15.1; in fine shape, in t s of extra. Wdln. 2-ls7. MORTGAGED car, come and get them; Chevrolet. Oakland. Velie. Dodge, Buick, some s low a fld; 430 H-lmnnt. BUICK I1AUGAIN J-'sO. First-class order. 505. Oregonian. Five cord tires. BfJ SLIGHTLY Used 3-ton Packard truck for sale cheap, by owner, l liono ILIU- boro 2 R 3. CHEVROLET Late model; a harg-tini small down payment, balance monthly. Main 037JV 1021 MODEL Kord coup, twin Has. r shocks, over tire and extras; some buv. .V-".. Pdwv. 21S8 1020 CHEVROLET, motor In fine shape, five good tires, 1922 license and a very low price. Tahor 1 5(t. A CORKING good Chevrolet, fi-passcnger, 1920 model, with good tire; can av you money. Call Jagcar, rul. y. 467.1 NEW Tight six touting car; price right, consider exchange car of little H. G. Perry, 02 EaM 3d t. N. 1020 lll'I'SUN frpee. later in j,rf'ct repair and condition, $1450; only run Miiw) nillcs. F.asy term. Call Woodlawn 2101. 1920 ESSEX touring car, like pew; a ilvs'.y 1 and snappy little car at $s00. easy terms. ? Call Woodlawn 2401 ' ' OAKLAND SKUA N I.sts model, run 10. 000 111, 1. condition good: sacrifice $7Q0. Main 2(."2. , 1919 LEXINGTON Sportour, In good coo- ditlon; a real buy for $720. Phons Hellwnnd 3071. OVERLAND 4 touring, 1020 model, prac tically new. $100; privately owned. Alticr Hotel, room 212.