THE MORNING OKEGONIAX, THURSDAY, APRIT, 13, 1922 21, KEAT. ESTATE. Fur Sali1 ArrfWKf. OVER 2 acrts, G blocks from electric eta c:uq and school, between Portland and Dcuverton; woven wire fences; all-under cultivation: blak loam soil; 5 blocks front paved road; i-room plaster-board house ; ci ty wstrr, Rua. city telephone; electric lights can be had; garage, chick en house; 15 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears and peach s; acre loganberries. Included with place, cultivator, garden tools, etc. ; price f :)oU. $750 cash, bal ance easy terms. 1 acre, just outside city limits, on rocked road; 1 block from highway; all under cultivation; lota of fruit; 5-room house with plumbing, city water and gas; 3 blocks from electric station; 35 blocks to school. Price $6(K, 500 cash, balance $'J5 per month, 6 per cent. JOHN FiCKOLSO-N, oernnger mg. YOUR OWN RIVER FRONT RJGHTS. vv'e have just platted a large tract in iriver Villa, near Courtney station. Ore gin City line, into homesitea of approx imately 4, of an acre up, with prices running from $4i0 per tract up; terms. J5 down and $7.50 monthly. Some of these tracts are on paved river road. A tract of several acres of river front in connection with this property has been set aside for the joint use of all pur chasers in this tract for bathing, fish ins and mooritiK of boats; river-front rights are scarce, and we advise early. seiection. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKKNS AND FRUIT. 5 acres. all cultivated, - acres strawberries, all kinds fruit. 5-room house, large barn, 2 large and 2 smai! chicken houses, cement milkhouse. on gravel road, M mile to pavement and car and stores; 12 miles center Port land. Wiil include 3K) Buff Leghorn. hor5, ivagon and all- tools- Price $4o00, $2500 cash. Will take smalt home in city. AO 557, Q r eg o n i a n . STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! I have 10 acres, only 20 miles out of Portland, free and clear: 6 acres under cultivation; no improvements; will either sell at a sacrifice or trade for a good automobile or anything that you have to trade. Will accept soldier s bonus. If you are in the market what have you? Or!1 Mr. Freeman. Hdwy. 13. $50 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. For JSO acres of good logged-off land. a miles from 3 railroads, just beyond Kelso, Wash.; price $11.75 per acre. We have 160 acres in the whole piece and you can take it all on the same terms or will exchange for Portland property St?e Mr. Campbell with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. GRKSHAM DISTRICT 5 acres; excellent soil ; ail cultivated : level ; near station tkr school: price. $1500: very easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1058. Irrigated Landa. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. A real opportunity to get Irrigated land. Situated along the Columbia river with the best railroad facilities and longest growing season In the north west. Soil and climate especially adap ted to gardening, chicken raising, bee culture. dairing, to growing grapes, strawberries and fruit in general. The main state highway passes through the project. Our schools are the best. One accredited bigh school and two grade school. Write for our most attractive terms and folder. The district, and not agents Is selling this land; there will be no commission to pay. We are Interested in getting home builders on the project. Address BURBA NK IRRIGATION DIST. NO- 4. Burbank. Washington. Homesteads. Relinquishments. FOR SALE 120-acre homestead relin quishment, house, barn, chicken house, irrigating plant, fences; $500. J. J. Ale Donald. R. F. D. No. 1, Grants Pass. Or. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RKL1N QU1SHMKNT, SE& E. W. HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For Sale Fa run. i SNAP OF SNAPS. 1040-ACRE WHEAT. $10,000 CASH., 530 acres in growing crop, a pure wheat ranch at raw land price; deep, fertile soil, easily farmed with tractor or horsea; good cement house, barn, chick en house, well 158 feet deep, reservoirs, water piped to house and barn; also acre irrigated for garden. This ranch contains only 10 acres of waste land and is a snap lor some one to start on almost nothing; crop payment on balance. Price $30 per acre. Broadway :7. PORTLAND HOJIK CO. 633 Railway Exha nge Bid g. CELERY AND ONION LAND. Three miles from city limits on paved road. The finest land for cery and onion raising near Portland. 26 acres, cleared and plowed last year. Think of the crop that such land will produce for you. On sale at $tuo per acre. Can be sold off In smaller tracts if desired. Wry liberal terms will be given. If you understand truck farming, get in touch with us at once. It is your chance to get the best possible producing land al a low figure. OTTO & HARKSON, 413 Cham, of Com. Bdwy.' 63S9, Irtii ACRES, CARLTON. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Located onlv five blocks from depot, all under cultivation, half in clover, half la oats, - 4-room house with city water and electricity, barn and chicken house, small orchard, cow. breod sow. 200 hens. cream separator, milk cans and all small tpols. Price only $.t.0u, $2toii cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 7 ACRES, CARLTON. This is all level and under cultivation and in clover, only five blocks from de pot, 5-room bungalow with large attic. city water and electricity, smai i wooa sbed, plenty of berries for Tamily use. an ideal home place. Price only $4250, $2uoO cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. "VVJXI. SELL 15 ACRES AND RENT 20 ADJOINING. The 15 acres has ft cleared, balance brush; do buildings; the 30 joining has its acres cleared; good - house, barn, cMpkmi house, store house and garage ; good family orchard in full bearing; tools and implements rented with place, out no stock. Only 14 miles out from Port land. Price for the 15 acres, including rent of the 20. is $2400: some terms. STEWART A JOHNSON. 313 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE- BY OWNER. 800-acre ranch in Morrow county, Ore gon. &M m cultivation, flowing spring, also drilled well, fair buildings, leased to responsible farmer or purchaser could " have immediate possession; must raise money for other business so will sac rifice this ranch $30 per acre if sold this week, adjoining land sold for $50 per acre; my necessity is your opportunity; will make terms and ti per cent on de farwl paymeuts. Address Apt. 500, Whealdon Annex Main 6641. FOR SAK CHEAP. SO? acres botom land, about 25 acres 1 eared, balance brush and timber; good pasture; small house and barn, ete. Creek on place and several springs; fine water at house and barn. North line of piace follows Santlam river. One-half mile from post office, depot and good school. This is one of the best buys in the state at $35 an acre. This place must go and will not last lone at this price. , J AS. H. Ct RR AN. Lyons, Or. FIX RIVER BOTTOM. filS cres, located in Clarke Co., "vTah. ; ISO acres cultivated: 200 acres open sod pasture; over 300 acres In rich river bottom land; fine stream through pasture ud barn-yard : 10-room houne, jnge barn with silo, senarator houe and several othr bulldinas. Price $40,000. "Will consider some trade. M EDlJiBMANX COMIPANY. 0i:i Chamber of Commerce. ACRKAGE AND FARMS. . 10, 0 and 40 acre, all under cultiva tion, partly set out to bearing fruit; has running water, rolling and heavy black sandy bottom land; only 35 miles from Portland, mile from highway. Can sell this land from $175 to $350 per acre. If you wish acmothlng tine, come in ud we will talk it over. P. L. BLANC HARD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetlund Bldg. Bdwy. f.gSft. 160 ACRES STOCK RANCH J400O. Nine miles from Wtllamina: from $0 to 100 acres tillable, shack house, good rised barn, young orchard. larg creek, flome bottom land, unlimited outrang-?. Will take $300 payment down; house up to 12500; or will accept soldier's bonus. JSe Mr. Csmpbell. with Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa xnous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para is. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Ltnd & Loan Co.. Inc., Red TPond, Or. King Murphy's capltol.) JO ACRES, smalt hoiwe, 40.foot poultry other buildings; 10 miles from Portland on Oregon electric; 8 seres ready to crop; with stock $2500; balance $5(K on terms. Saturday, apply booth 465, Yamhill Pub!ic Market. FOU S-'ALJ Improved ranch of 114 acres, loeuted on Pacific highway; new mod trn buildings; 20 acres in alfalfa; ranch 0 miles from Medford. Price $19,000. Slline at sacrifice by owner. Address Mr.. L. W. Pomcrerie. Central Point. Or. SACRii"S; 5 acres in high state of culti vation; living spring; price only $450: $50 down. $10 per month. DRAPER, 40H B.-ard of Trad. tUiCKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES i:ei Portland. $50 to $5(10 an acre, easy crrns, best ceil; farms for sale, ail ilaiea. ir Fa Hard, r. altor y S8 Failing bldg. feM A LL FARMS. & acres up, lovel, . clear, fenced. houi s, noar Willamlna: small REAL ESTATE. OS-ACRE FARM, ALL EQUIPPED, FOR JMOOO, Located in famous southern Ore gon, miles from railroad sta tion and schools, on good roads, 25 to 30 acres in cultivation, some good oak, fir and pine timber, 5 acres in strawberries; about 00.000 plants ready to set out; the ber ries from this place are ahead of the Hood River berries, hence de manding a good price. There is a good, large 3-room house, well fur nished and the furniture goes, too; large barn for 5 cows and team of horses, and lots of feed room, poultry and hog house, 3 good wells and pumps, place is fenced and cross-fenced, 2 good horses, wagon, harness, buggy, single wag on, mower, rake, plows, harrow, new cream separator, cultivators, disc. everything for a farm; 3 do?.en chickens, lots of feed for winter, new Monarch range, heat ing stove, bedding, dishes, lot of canned fruit, everything complete for $4000, part cash. Let us tell you more about this place. STKWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank BIdg. -0 ACRKvS, 20 miles southeast of Portland, v. mile to church aivi school ; 30 acres under cultivation, lftj waste land, 20 acres standing timber, good loam soil; orchard; 7-room house, barn, chicken house, granary, tool shed, hog house, etc. Included with place, team, 5 cows, heifer, 70 chickens. ' brood sow. wagon. harness, plow, harrow, cultivator, cream separator, tools and comD ete set of oak furniture, including phonogra'ph. Price $6000, $&0u casn. See Mr. Kemp. 12 acres. 17 miles from center of Port land; on rocked road; good loam soil; all under cultivation, no waste land: water piped to house, good spring : 45 bearing fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, etc. Good 3-room house with attic; dairy barn 24x36 with lots of stanchions, chicken house, etc. ; 7 acres seeded tc clover; barn cost over $HMo. Prce of fered at big bargain. JUluO cajsh.' easy terms on ba lance. Inspected by Nfeison. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. G e rling erB 1 d g . Oo-ACRE FARM lEUIPP'EO FOR S6.S4MK This farm has 2." acres in good culti vation, 0 acres in orchard. 125 trees mixed fruit, balance in 5-vear-oid prune-s. 5-room modern house, hot and co.d water, bath complete, water piped to &:i buildings from a bubbllliv snrinff. large bnrii for 40 head of stock. lots of outbuild :ne. some seeded last tall : also i! acres in ciover : fine big team of horses. 3 cows, 5 turkeys. iota of chickens, cream separator, wagon and at other tools for a farm. Located about 2ci miles from Portland, road paved rearlv al! the wv. all for $tWs00. STEWART & JOHNSON, o 1 5 Northwestern Ba n k Bide. 50 ACRES; 20 acres cultivation, balance heavy timber ; good barn, outbuildings ; good water; 22 miles from Portland; &rO0. Take soldier's loan. B. H. Stew art. GTx 4th st. Main 5275. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE client who wants Portland Heights home: must be Up to the minute: will pay as high as $15. 0O0 and severai clients who want smaller homes on Heights. MRS. -SNOW, Bdwy. 7631 4864. PIEDMONT or Walnut Park bungalow wanted at once, 6 to 8 rooms; prefer cor ner or targe inside lot ; paved street ; hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. If you really want to sell and will make your price right, I will-, do business; must get located before May 1 ; give address and phone number, also lowest cash price. Address route 3. box 437. city. WE ABSOLUTELT have clients waiting for ail kinds of property, large and email. If your price is right, we can sell for you. " I J. W. O'CONNELL, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. CASH CONTRACT FOR REAL ESTATE If you have clear or near:y clear city property, or a choice farm near Port land up to $14,000 will give you a guar anteed cash contract of $1l.50O with an nual payments, secured by real estate sold for $20,000. O. H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO.. 40K-11 Couch Bide. Rdwv. 67H7. WANTED ACREAGE. We will sell your , suburban property. Have clients desiring improved and un improved acre ge. See- M r. Price, Man ager Acreage Dept. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. i.13 X. W. Bank Ride. Main 37K7. HAVE $uno S40O0. ' H. W. two clien-ts t'hat want homes that will handle; will pay $3500 to Phone Broadway 53-S7. OSBORNIE CO.. 432 Ch. of Com. HOME WANTED. Want Portland home in exchange for equity in suburban home and choice 7 acres; fruit, berries, poultry houses, gar den, 14 mi. electric station; good school and high school. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. Rdwv. 67XV WANTE D SM ALL SU BUR B A N H OMES. Have clients for acreage with 3 or 4 room houses. Terms and prices reason able. See Mr. Price, Manager Acreage Dept. J OH.VS O N -'DO DSON CO.. ft33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. WA.VT EAST SI DID HOM.E. OHiEAP WEST IDE AS PART. .r-room cottage on heights. 100x100 corner, fruit; cash value $2300: clear. Will assume up to $20hk. .1. CORFU'S Q., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. LIST with me and get horiest service; need not sign up on listings or commission. Don't want to force you to trade or pay commission if not satisfied. I please. C. W. MILLERSHIP. 105V, 4th St. Main 5275. W ANTED 0-room modern bungalow in Hawthorne or Richmpnd district in exchange for 3 business lots in Ontario, Oregon; will pay cash balance. Phone Sellwood 225. HOME WANTED. Am young dentist and want a modern home, for $4OO0 to $5000; first payment $500 to J1000 and 45 per month. Dr. Raymond. N 576. Oregonian. WANT 5-room modern home, not over $4560; $500 cash, $45 per month; Haw thorne, Rose City or Laurelhurst; owners only; give location. N 508, Oregonian. WHY WORRY 7 I can sell or trade anything, any where. C. W". Millership, 165 Fourth. Main 5275 t WANT a bargain In Irvington In a mod ern bungalow of 6 or T rooms, on mod ern terms, by man In business. Phoue Woodlawn 56M. WANTED TO BUY. Flat building containing 4 to 6 flats. MUST BB PRICED RIGHT. W 5T2. Oregonian. WANT a new bungalow in Alberta, Peninsula Parte or Albina, between J30M and $4ofl and $500 to $600 down. Phone Woodlawn 56S4. HAVE a good first niortgage for $400 which I will turn in as the first pay ment on a little house priced about $2000. Mr. Young. Bdwy. 6389. HOMES WANTED. Have buyers for homes that $200 to $1PQQ. will handle. Phone Bdwy. 5387. WANT 5 rooms in any good district that $509 cash wiil handle; monthly payments on balance. Ask for J, O. Fisher, Bdwy. 4H37- - . WANT two homes that $500 will handle. Phone Broadway &3S7. BUN'GALOW in goml district; 5 rooms; lot as first payment; soldier bonus; bal ance smaM; terms: no over $470O; no dealers- X 5M. Oregonian. W.ANT a good 7 or 8-room house on Port land Heights; have all cash for good buy. Rdwv. 2-045, evening Main 2534. LEAVE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS with the Hibernla Commercial & Sav ings hnk for collection. WANT suburban property ; acre or more; prefer near Oregon electric; small house. A P 50S. Oregonian. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE or trade with NeUon, realtor, 706 Gasco bldg Main 272 GOOD BUNGALOW, prefer wast side, that $200 and soldier oonus will handle, a. 6QO, Oregonian. - LATE model car and cash for city prop erty or stock ot goods, owner. Main 3309 OAKLAND tar as first payment on house. close in. not over aouu. isast 444T or Wdln. 4170. WANT tne bt. house $1500 cash will buy from owner. Address 889 fcast First N. East 455. WE HAVE buyers for homes in Peninsula district ; not over suuu. cail Broad way 4172- WANTED To buy house; ti rooms. $100 down. $20 per month. M 660. Oregonian. WANT Dwelling, $3000 or good location. Davenport. under; any Bdwy. 5890. Wanted to Rent Farms. W ei havu several parties want ing to rent farms and buy personal property. If your lease la for sale, see us for Quick results. STEWART & JOHNSON. 515 Northwestern Bank Bldg. TIMBKH LAMS. it" I it PILING, cedar pole siumpage waated. TIMBER LANDS. SO U T HER X WAHINOTON MILL. 1)2 M capacity, with 2.001.000 feet fir; $4KH: terms. SlOO cash, balance as cut. Controls X.OVn.OOO feet additional timber. TIMBKR LAND Bl'RBAU, Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. FOR RENT FARMS. RENT until November, improved 15 acres near Vancouver; buildings, $125. Also 20 acres near Oregon City without build ings. $ 6Astoria. 10 ACRES of good land, plowed; house, orchard ; get it now. Address 679 Will iams avenue. 70 ACRES, good soil, farm implements, rent 6 months in advance. Address 660 Kerby. Phona Woodlawn 4378. TO EXCHANGE RE AT. ESTATE. INCOME $70 PER MONTH. PRICE J9O00 OR 14 PER CENT. A well located 2-family flat building, each flat of 7 rooms. This property is well constructed, attractive and in good condition. Each flat has separate con crete basement, entrance, porch, bath room, big pantries and good closets. WILL EXCHANGE FOR Bonus loan and $500 in cash. . House to $4000. Lots in good district. With easv terms on balance. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT., RiTTER. LOWE & CO., , 201, 2. 3. 5, 7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. HOLLADAY FOR BROOKLYN. Client owning 6-room house near Holladay school wishes to ex change for house about same size near Brooklyn shops; wiil pay or accept difference in valuation. FRANK McCRILLIS, Realtor, Henry Building. Bdwy. 779. -ROOM bunga;ow-, new. lull basement, lot 40x120 to alley, on carline. Woodstock avenue; price $3(M)0. clear; will take contract or morteaare full amount. 5-room house, full cement basement fireniace and built-ins. tot 53x241, on 52d st. S. E., $4200, clear; will take contract or mortgage for full amount. C. E. DAGGETT. 212 Ravlwa y Exchange. Bdwy. 6760. HOTEL TO TRADE. Furnishings and lease of 50-roorr. hotel, corner brick building, hot and cold water in each room, fleam heat, fine furniture, electric sign : clearing $400 ner month: will consider trade for im proved property, citv or country, up to 7500. and will take back mortgage. AO 4o. Ore go man. tl A XDSO M E WiNTON. Mill sell or exchange for desirable real estate, model 1022. 6-cy Under. 48 H. P.. 7-passenger Win ton touring car Derfect mechanical condition, driven less than a total of 15,000 miles; full leather upholstery and handsome color job. Ad dress private owner, 235 Pine street. Phone Broadway 10N. 80 ACKES. WILSONVILLE. SO acres between Stafford and Wilson- vilter 55 in cultivation, stocked and equipped. Will take house up to $G500. Must be priced right. Farm is priced rifrht. No rock or gravel; deep soil. J Bobbins, 301 By. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 5031. DIRT CHEAP. 560-acre ranch, 160 irrigated and cultivation; good 7-room house and two barns ; fine stocK and dairy ranch and on good road: abundance outrange; only $l.a0 per acre; will axchange for acre age near Portland. E. R. S.. 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. HAVE 13 acres, 6 miles from Boise, near pavement, school and car line, improved with all Kinds or ouiidtngs and rruit. paid up water right ; desire to sell trade for small improved tract near Portland. Address. HUGO W EST PrrA L, Box 213. Boise. Idaho. WILL trade for auto or v-hat not, SI 200 equity m d-acre farm, a miles irom Ore gon City ; 2K) f rui t trees, lots of grapes and small fruit ; fine B-rooni plastered house, large barn and chicken house; everything in best condition; must sell trade at once. AN 534. Oregonian. EAST FOR THE WEST. 320 acres Kearney county, Kaheas, to trade for western Oregon property; wha! have you? See Mr. Stephens, with Fred W. German Co., Realtor 732 Cham, of Com. VIEW property, good 4-room no use. 4 acres, fi le land, 2 acres cleared. John son creek and Meadowbrook station on place; will take small Portland prop erty as down payment. Improved or un proved or tuto. Take Gresham car. See it today. Call Auto 327-OM or 516-11. $2000 PROPERTY, frame store building, 4 building lots in prosperous main-line town, near Boise; good schools, churches; sell or trade for acreage, higher-priced farm, improved relinquishment near railroad. J. Cleaves. Vincent. Or. FOR FARM NEAR PORT LAND Will trade my $15,000 equity in high-class Portland income property; about $200 a month. Mr. Carlos. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 40S-11 Couch Blflg. Bdwy. 0787. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit. Bring in your proposition houses, lots, farms, acreage, stocks of merchandise. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldu., Portland. wheat ranch clear of incum brance; raised 50 bushels to the acre last year. Will take half trade, either good furm or income. Bdwy. 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 63 3 Railway Exchange Bldg. CANADIAN FARMS. Well improved, equipped, all sizes, $30 'o $50 per acre; also sod land, 100 acres and up; exch, for farms, acreage and cay property here. C. Cole, 426 Lum ber m e ns bldg. HAVE several Portland and vicinity tarms and city lots to trade; will con sider Montana or Canada land. Let me give you my trade lists. Corcoran, 325 l.umbt rmens bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms, all large, will take good lot as first payment, balance $40 per month which ihcludes interest, why pay rent ? E. R. S., 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. 3 1-3 ACRES, 2 Vi cultivated,, some fruit trees and berries, city water and s&s. to trade for residence up to $5500, or pood lot. Dletsch, 326 Chamber of Com merce. .SMALL houses to trade for acreage close to Portland, or larger houses; will as sume. HILTON-DANIEL CO., 2"n Stark St. Bdwy. 7800. OENERAL merchandise ttore, including building, value of both $25,000, for sale or trade for income property; good lo- , cation, good business. AV 442, Orego nian. 6-ACRE RANCH, all up to date, all In cultivation; will trade for home up to $3500; bal. cash, some terms; $5300. zelasko & .Mccormick, Bank Building. Milwaukie. Or. FRUIT ranch to exchange for a dairy ranch, a fruit producer; price $11,000. Address owner,' BOX 77, ASHLAND. OR. TRADE 200 acres in Siskiyou county, Cal. ; at least 3 miles from town : good stock country. C. K. Cleland, Yacolt, Wash. Wl LL trade 320-acre improved farm in southern Idaho for residence or good grocery business. T. P Kelly, 315 Market st.. city. " BY OWNER 320 acres, central Oregon, on highway ; house, barns; 80 acres culti vated; good well; fenced. What have you to offor? Marshall 3388. 20 ACRES GOOD LAND. Near Goldendale, Wash., to exchange for Portland lot or lots. P 647, Orego nlan. HOUSE and lot in Rainier, Or., for sale or exchange for lot in Portland. Broad way 4912. 667 Irving, call between 10 and 2. WANTED Oregon farms to exchange for " Alberta, Canada, ranches. Address C, W. McDougall, 203 Empire block. Ed monton, Canada. CHOICE irrigated 10 acres, water right paid; value $1000. take lot for part or all. Howard, 11-15 N. W. Bank. Main 893 1. EXCHANGE home for auto or lot, $3800, 5 large rooms, strictly modern, large attic, close to Peninsula school and car. Woodlawn 2849. ACREAGE near southern Michigan town, $5000. Exchange for Oregon or Wash ington real estate or business. 4120 64th st. S. E. MODERN RESIDENCE TO TRADE FOR IRVINGTON OR LAURELHURST HOME AND PAY DIFFERENCE. POIN DEXTER. 207 SELLING BLDG. WE have trucks in excellent condition; will trade for city residence or vacant property. Main 1492. CHOICE lot in Everett, Wash., lvalue. $800; want auto in trade. ROOM 17, No. 165 Vi Fourth St. TO EXCHAXOlt M18CEMANEOP8. 4-BURNER higu-oven gas range, for va cuum cleaner, power washer or phono graph. Tabor 130ft. NBHAIJ2M beach lot, value $200, victrola. P. O. Box 74. Oak Grove. FOR SALK. I Torses. Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE Mare weighing 1000; good for gardening and gentle; price $20. Ask for lady. 780 Front st. S. CHEAP Young team, well matched, will trad for Ford or cows. 783 2d VETERINARIAN. PR HOWES. TAPOR 056fl. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly; cail day or night Automatic 627-64. FRESH cow and calf P St.. Osweiro. for sale cheap. 2d JjR(4VN " Swiss Jersey uiilch, cow. East FOR SALE. Homes. Vehicles. .Livestock. 2400-L.B. TEAM of well mated mares, half sisters, chunky built, fine for orchard or farm work. Other horsea of all sizes and 'kinds at a very low price. Har ness and wagons of all descriptions. 240 E. Mh st. IF YOU want good horses, come down ; all ages, all siaes. If you want some cheap horses, see these before you buy. Also have lot choice dairy cows. W. W. Kelly, Portland Union Stock Yards. REGISTER Bo Jerseys; a real bargain con sidering quality; foundation St. Mawes calves and heifers; government T. B. tested; worth considering. Columbia highway. K. Hanneman. Corbett. Or. FOR i SALE - Team, harness and wagon, plow, slip scrapper, set single harness. 80th and East Stark. Inquire Miller's blacksmith shop. Mont aviila. . 4 HOKSKS tor tale, l team 5 years old, wt. 2600 lbs., price $150: other team 7 and 8 years old, wt. 1100 Its. rach price $75. 267 Baker st. TEAM, 5 and 6 years oid, Round and best of condition : weight 2900 pounds; no further use for them; will sell cheap; 4301 07th street, Mt. Scott can FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. JE. Es bees hade, 360-366 E.Morrison st. MILCH goats for ale, grade Toggo. Write for prices. Frank Juttner, Rt. 4, Bex 27, Corvailis, Or. IMaiioH, Organs and Musical Instruments. WONDERFUL PIANO BARGAINS. MUST MOVE QUICKLY EASY TERMS $1000 William Knabe grand, Iate.$675.00 1000 Chickering, late, mahogany. 350.00 750 Strich & Zeidler, latest 425.00 550 Wellington, just about new. 250.00 000 Eilers, very latest, perfect.. 240.00 600 W. W. Kimball, genuine 225.00 700 Genuine McPhail 200.00 550 Bradford, late walnut 190.00 600 Jewett, fine mahogany 185.00 600 Thompson, latest 225.00 575 McCammon, good tone. up.. 100.00 70OHobart M. Cable, latest 800.00 275 Columbia phonograph, new . 125.00 075 Hobart M. Cable, latest 337.50 70 Kropger, walnut 165.00 550 Smith & Barnes makes l5.0f 575 Hamilton, fine . . 200.00 550 Garner & Sons, latest mah. . 22-5.00 500 Harvard, fine 150.00 75 J. & C. Fisher piano, fine.. 275.00 550 Just new, Farrand, -latest. . 260.00 BOO Mendenhall, very latest.... 225.00 000 W. W. Kimball, fine tone.. 150.00 700 Lester, latest, mahogany... 300.00 . 900 Chickering. sweet tone, up.. 250.00 Three player pianos, latest. $150 to $375, on easy terms, and many others. Wake up and save your money ; buy real pianos at bargains; no thump boxes or rebuilL pianos; many just brand new. BROKERAGE CO. 312 Worcester Bldg.. 3d and Oak Sta. SCHWAN PIANO COMPANY. CLEARANCE USED PIANOS. $550 Geo. Stock small upright $215 375 Gerold dark upright 105 475 Holland, large upright 235 500 Needham, modern mahog 205 375 Hallet & Davis, small ..... 165 Two small upright pianos, $05 and 75 $750 Pianista player piano 205 250 Pianola player, walnut........ 35 450 Franklin, wax finish 105 450 Irving Piano Co., upright 210 Cottage organ. $le ; Mason & Hamlin. $28. Terms.- $10 cash, $5, $U and $8 monthly. 101 loth st., at Washington and Stark. 25 V1CTKOLA and records ttardly used') . . , $ 15 $ 75 Victrola (line shape) 45 120 Brunswick (nice mahogany).. 60 125 Upright phonograph (new).... 65 450 Price & Teeple piano 225 450 Kindler & Collins, apt. size.. 250 750 Chickering (walnut art fin.).. 307 1000 Packard grand (mahogany).. 650 War tax removed, freight, iates re duced. Used musical instruments forced lower. Easy terms. No salesmen. HAROLD GILBERT, 107 W. PARK. CLEARANCES OF PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35.00 Victor and 5 used records... $ 20 32.50 Graf anola, 6 used records ... 20 05.00 Stradlvara. 10 used records.. 48 140.00 Bounswick, lo used records.. S5 205.00 Stradivara, 10 used records. . 100 105.00 Emerson. 10 used records.,.. 95 175.00 Sonora, 10 used records 130 3o0.oO Victrola, 15 used records 194 T.75.00 Sonora Grand 275 $5 or $10 cash, $3, $5 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 102 10th at Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $3oo Prentiss upright, cash $145 fuo Krell upright, mah., cash.... 215 475 Hallet & Davis, cash 165 250 Bard & Co., small upright.... 75 750 Pianista Player Piano 290 75 Chicago Cottage Organ 18 100 Mason & Hamlin Organ 20 103 luth St.. at Washington and Stark. SPRING SALE USED PIANOS. Wheelock upright, mahogany, only . $195 Martin Bros., mahogany, only 195 Pease & Co.. upright, oak, only 245 Modalla Player Piano only 495 Pianola Player, 88-note, only 50 Pay $10 cash. $0 er more a month. Llpman, Wolfe & Co.. Cor. 5th and Wash. COLUMBIA library taole phonograph. Regular price $250 new, $100. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LL'CAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, BDWY. 7108., AUTO. 627-46. 625-82. 128 FIRST, BET. ALDER & WASH. PIANO TUNING, repairing and refinish ing. All work guaranteed and done by expert workman. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Bdwy. 657(5. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make. AI! work guaranteed. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Bdwy. 6576. VICTROLA $90 As good as new. mahog any case. Terms given. SE1BERLING-L.UCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. rOR SALK Almost brand-new $150 phon ograph ana 20 late recoras at very rea sonable reduction; Victrola been used but a month or so. Call Main 2SQS, room 408. DECKER & SON player. $250, beach and oils. Tnis is a oar gai a. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. UlCKEK BROS, square piano. 60,! of suine $2o0 pianos at other stores. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. Pianos rented, sold, repaired.' VICTROLA VI., oak case, in good condi tion. $25. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. 87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaugh tered, Victor and Columbia records; two for the price of one. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. SCHILLING piano, plain oak case, $275. Good condition. Terms given. SE-IBERLJNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. STUDENT'S violin outfit includes violin case, bow,-rosin ana extra strings, $18. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. PIANO WANTED from private party. Will pay caan ii ii is a uargain. Marshall 1532. PIANOS moved, $3. ground floor; work done by experts ana guaranteed.. cali Broadway 1207. 1 1000 NEW VICTOR records, 2 for 75c; cateteria xtaroia a. uiioert, 107 Vest Park H1NZEMAN, $125. See this piano. SaiiBii.Jiiu-ijuAa juumu CO., 125 4th St. WANT to buy piano. Can pay cash. 905 5. !.50 RENTS Grafonola with late records. Empire Transfer. 424 Jeff. Bdwy. 153. PIANO Rosewood case, good condition price !- casn. rnnne uaK urove 36. MAHOGANY upright Knabe Amplco, bar- gain for cash. AM 557, OregoniaJi. WANTED -Sweet tone piano at once; at bargain. Bdwy. l4a. - VICTROLA 0041. with choice records. Main FOR RENT Sweet-toned piano. Empire Transfer. 424 Jefferson. Bdwy. 155. Furniture for Mai. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Ivory and golden oak dresser, $14.50: 40-lb. silk; floss at'ress, $14.75. Many other bargains In home furnishing a R40 Williams ave. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California, We can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine street. MAGNIFICENT overstuffed davenport in exquisite color, rich, beautiful and new; also davenport table and some wonder ful rugs; sacrifice; leaving city. Main 0O7 SIX ROOMS furniture, rugs, A B comblna tion range and A-l mahogany Cable piano for sale. 973 East 20th N. Wood lawn 5389. FURNITURE 4-room apt. for sale, apt. if desired : ivory bedroom furniture, oak and leather dining and living room; also davenport. 187 E. 15th S.. apt. 1. FURNITURE and R. I. cheap; leaving city. R. pullets for sale Tabor 9396. 1427 K. Hoyt. HOUSEHOLD goods and 3-burner Vulcan kitchen ware, bed, No. 5 Oliver type writer. cheap for cash. 79Q Roosevelt st. BEAUTIFUL heavy Simons brass bed and fine metal springs, like new, $42. East 69 4T. BEAUTIFUL mahogany furniture, owner, leavinr city. Call East 3 714. by ONE FULL-SIZE wardrobe trunk, cases. Woodlawn 5389. LEAVING city, household furniture cheap. Automatic 647-60. NEW. solid oak chiffonier. Queen Anne . style. Bargain. Main 5047. LORMOND Wilton 3-tone green rug, $50. Tabor 3555. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale by piece; no dealers. Eat 12i6. HOUSEHOLD furniture. East 3-07. phone frUeraooas Xrojai l until & FOR SALK. Furniture tor Sale. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME! THE FORMER MEIER-FRANK and other stocks of FURNITURE, RUGS. DRAPERIES, ETC. DAMAGED AT WAREHOUSE AND REMOVED TO 349-351 OAK ST- Bet. Broadway and Park St. (Across from Telephone Co.) TERMS WITHIN REASON. "WBS ARE OFFERING ABOVE STOCKS AT PRICE'S UNHEARD OF BEFORE. A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. $1(20 tapestry overstuffed dav pnnort. loose cushions, weil constructed $ 65.00 Reg. $150 velour davenport, full spring construction, for only. 72.50 Reg. $237.50 mohair overstuffed davenport, very massive, spe cial : 125.00 Reg. $47.50 genuine leather overstuffed rocker 24.00 3-piece .solid mahogany suite, consisting of davenport, chHir and rocker, full cane back and sides, covered in wonder- ful silk damask, for only . 192.50 Mahogany davenport tables, pe riod design 15.00 Reg. $85 genuine 'leather bed davenport, quarter sawed oak frame, special . 57.50 Cedar chests with tray 13.25 Mahogany piano lamps 9.00 Silk lamp shades at xh Price Mahogany and walnut, gate leg tables, from $22.50 up Mahogany and walnut extension tables, oblong or round, worth up to $150, slightly imperfect. from $20 up Chairs to match at a big dis count. Oak dining table, from 12 up Reg. $27.50 ivory dresser, large plate mirror 16.00 Reg. $22.50 dresser. natural wood 12.50 Reg. $237.50 6-piece ivory bed room suite, wonderful con struction and finish, only. . . . 122.00 Reg. $25 ivory wood beds only.. 1250 Reg. $16.50 two-inch post steel beds, only S.7o Reg. $25 pure silk floss mat tress 14.25 . Reg. $16.50 coil springs, special S.H.i Reg. $120 9x12 Wilton rugs.... 79.50 Reg. $(12.50 9x12 Wilton rugs... 37.50 Reg. $55 8.3x10.0 Wilton rugs.. 34.00 Reg. $30 9x12 Seamless Velvet rugs " 19.75 Reg. $25 9x12 Seamless Brussels rugs 15.90 Reg. $15 9x12 rag rugs 9.75 Reg. $10 6x9 rag rugs -2.i Reg. $17.50 9x12 wool fiber rugs 9.25 And Others Too Numerous to Mention. Reg. $2.20 velvet carpet, only n yard Reg. 85c pro-linoleum, spl.. yd. .42 Reg. $ portieres, all colors, pr. 2 o0 Army steel cot beds 2.35 AND A THOUSAND OTHER BARGAINS. . 349-351 OAK ST. COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR. SAVE MONET. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insu?ance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 62 4th St.. Opp. Multnomah H,otel. Fhone Broadway 3715. ROOMS, consisting of beautiful wicker living room furniture, Carpen make; Ja cobean dining table, blue leather seated chairs, 1 ivory, 1 mahogany finished Simmons beds, coll springs, silk floss mattress, golden oak dresser, bedroom chairs, rocker, sewing machine, gas stove, kitchen table, chair, small ice ehest, miscellaneous, all or part reason eble; no dealers. E. 20S2. Call 708 E. Flanders. J DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samples, several dav enports and chairs at bargain prices, terms. Phones 635-27, evenings and Sun days, Tabor 5797 or G35-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSON, INC 54th and Foster Road. FOR SALE A-B g perfect condition. s range, high oven, Phone Tabor 2329. Office Furniture. WE HAVE the following used office fur niture in good condition at exceptional prices; 6 roll-top desks. 14 flat-top desks. T typewriter desks, 188 office chairs, i safe, 1 bookkeeper's desk. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO., Furniture Department. Tenth at Stark Street. Broadway 3144. NEW AND used office furniture, safes dictaphones, check writer, adding ma chines, etc. ; our prices are lowest in city; we rent office equipment. D. C, Wax, 24-26 N. 5th fit. Bdwy. 2730. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's) seconds at substantial reductions. Albatross Metal Furniture Co., 715 Thurman. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St. Main 56S1. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $.0 com plete, with carrying case ; supplies and repairs of ail makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169. NOISE annoys; rent a Noiseless; a few used Noiseless for sale. Noiseless Type writer Co.. 81 4th st. Bdwy. 5044. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 5549. REBUILTS. second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D, C. Co.. 231 Stark. Bdwy. 7507, TYPEWRITERS repaired, all work guar anteed. Call Woodlawn 701. REMINGTON No. .270 Yamhill. J. $27.50. Main 18-56. Y o unger. Poultry. PETALUMA baby chicks ior sale. Chicks from S- C. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers; eggs from free range Hoganized stock only; safe deliv ery guaranteed. May chicks $12 per 100; June chicks $11 per 100, f. o. b. Fetaluma. 25 per cent deposit with or der. Oak Hill Hatchery, Petaluma. Oai. WHEN you order your baby chicks from us you get safe delivery of good, strong, healthy chicks, from high productive hens, with egg records of 200 to 308 each, mated to pedigreed cockerels. May and June chicks at $12.50 per 100. Graham Poultry Farm, Wroodburn. Or. R. F. 3. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for Mav and June delivery at $12 per 100; J113 per 1000, from flocks inspected and ac credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, ilve, ' strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 6th' st., Petaluma, Cal. $ $ $ $ FOR YOU in Mammoth White Pekln ducks, easier to raise and far more profitable than chickens; day old ducklings delired to you by parcel post for 40 cents each. Write today and engage yours before It is too late. Laughlin Bros., McMinnville. Or. S C RHODE ISLAND white hatching eggs, limited number from our prize pens; April and May $3 per setting. C. S. Ogsbury & Son, 9621 59th ave. S. E., Portland, Or. Phone Auto. 614-21. R I. R. AND R. I. AV. baby chicks, thoroughbred; hatch due April 22. 6637 86th st., cor. o7th ave. S. C. W. LEGHORN hatching eggs, $5 100; laying hens $1. each. J. E. Raze, Carl ton, Or. Machinery. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW AND USED. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. R. R. POPFLETON, BROADWAY 7711. 225 STARK ST. FETERMAN LATH MACHINERY. The most efficient machinery for the manufacture of lath, broom handles and curtain pole stock. For price and de livery see WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., 620 Hood at. Main 3H96. Dogh. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. PUREBRED AIREDALE pups. 7 weeks old, ready for delivery, black and tan color; excellent fine pups; males $25, females $17. 50; pedigree furnished with each pup. Woodlawn 6324, or Box 54 North Portland. Or. LO V E BIRDS., special till Easter, $5 per pair, cage and supplies for all kinds of birds, for sale. E. B. Flake, flowers and birds. 273 State. Salem, Or. WANTED 25 young Angora does; state price and conditions. , D. H. Clark, Yacolt. Wash. CHOICE St. Andreasburg lingers, also fe malfg. $1.50. Bdwy- 1995. 5'j8 Hoyt St. ST! ANDKEASBEKG rolier;-, singers and FOR SALE. Kegs an d Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 8u8 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 519-19- Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. WANTED to buy, about 20 good boats, suitable for cummer resort ; give condi tion, size, where located, lowest price, etc. AL 555, Oregonian. ly-FOOT Eviurude a rowboat. $25. hull, 728 can be used as Morgan Bldg. Radio Kquipment. WIRELESS stations built to order. Bost- wick. East 7074 after 8 P. M. 1S2 .East 23d st. Coal and Wooa. $4 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on two-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn 4102. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-Inch, partly 'dry block and slab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $8; single loads $4.50. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL CO., EAST 2041. WOOD ! ! WOOD ! ! WOOD ! ! Summer prices now on. PHONE EAST 9174. Don t buy your wood until you consult Logan Fuel Co. Country slab, river slab, cordwood and coal. Office and vards. 184 Union ave., Portland. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed runs, partiy dry. 2 load $8.00 . 1 load 4.50 WOODLAWN 1390 -Sample sacks, $1 delivered; C sacks UO. $11, $12.50, $14.50 and $15.50 $10. per ton delivered. EAST 8984. WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.25 cord; heavy country slab ; $5.25. Rock Springs and Utah coals. East 1759. COAL Austra.lan sample sacks $1 de livered; 5 sacks $4; tons $14 and $15. "Sample Delivery," East 5400. CALL Atlas woody ard for wood saw. J. Irish, days Main 3297, nights Auto matic 616-43. BIG DOUBLE load slab and block, partly dry, $8; eingle load, $4. We guarantee 1 cords to double load. Main 7691. NICE 16-inch slab, $3.75; best grade sea soned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load, anywhere; bargain. Sellwood 1709. DRY FIR cord wood for sale in lots of 100 cords or more, for immediate shipment. Phone Bdwy. 7385. DRY CORD wood, 2 $8 per loai. 694 Brooklyn Fuel Co. cord, $14; E. 19th. dry 12-in. Sell. 1270. DRV first-growth cordwood. $0 cord ; also heavy county slab, $4.50 cord ; never been In water. Call Auto. 525-65. FOR SALE First-grade wood at Errol Heights; $4.50 per cord. Call at 241 Washington street. SELECT, bone-dry fir, cord and slab wood, direct from country. East 5400. BEST dry cordwood, $15. Can't be beat. i7.75 per cord. 2 for Broadway 4 110. DRY BLOCK ,and siaowood. singl $5; double load. $8. Bdwy. 2545. DRY boxwood, $4. block and slab, 2-load lots, $S. Woodlawn 3649. $4.50; BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7.50, single- load $4. Main 1723. GOOD No. 1 fir. $8; country slab, $4.50 No. 2 fir. $7; Main 6241. 16-INCH extra heavy dry wreckage; load delivered $5. East 8254. CORD WOOD and coal, cheap. Office Eaet 4509: res. East 7848. SPECIAL lots. $1 to $5; Al, bone dry, 12- inch nr. Rush delivery. Jast 0400. BEST old-growth, dry fir. $7.50; large second-growth, $6.50. Sellwood 314. SUMMER price, $7. A-l first-growth fir. delivered. Marshall 1048. HEAVY block and slab mixed, partly dry; dry slab and inside wood. Wdln. 2019. FIR, $7.75; oak, $10; ash, $8.50. Wdln. 3824. John ueriacn. EXTRA-GOOD country slab from tie mill, $5.25. a cord. East 7485. WOOD Block or s.ab 4-FOOT country slabwood. Main 613U Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Second-hand lumber, all sizes Including heavy timbers from 4x6 to 12x 16 at ?8 to $10 per M. On job on Front st., bet. Saimou and Taylor. Phona Main 6091. , . TAKE A LOOK AT THIS. 1920 5-passpnger 6-cylinder Bulck, splendid condition, dandy tires, only $750, $150 down. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 35i Alder. FOR SALE But tor-Kist popcorn macnine and peanut roaster ; electrically opurated. in good condition; used 2 years; price $2001. F. M. WILSON, Warrenton. Or. STEEL FILES, DESKS AND SAFES. We have a wonderful line of steel letter and legal files; finest construction; lowest price. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 6th. Bdwy. 2739. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington 5ts. GOOSEBERRY plants, fruit and ornamen tal trees, loganberries, walnuts, filberts, roses, fchrubbery. Woodstock Nursery Co , Auto. 610-96; end o Woodstock car line. , " HOUSE WIVES. ATTENTION! Have your old bedroom suite and odd chairs and tables made like new In old Ivory or white enamel; price reasonable Wdln. 4210. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainable in new or second-hand safes see Norris Safe & Lock Co.. 105 2d St., Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045. WE BUY, sell and exchange Thor elec tric washing and irjning machines. SMITH-AIcCOY ELECTRIC CO.. 204 Alder. Phone Main 8011. YERBA MATE, famous South American tea nutritious, economical; sample pkg . 20 cups tea, 10 centa YERBA PROD UCTS CO.. 230 Wpbster. San Francisco. STpAJU OF OPEUA GLASSES FOR'sAlE. MOTHER OF PEARL, WITH GOLD TRIMMINGS; COST $28, WILL SELL FOR $15. CALL EAST HU4. FOR SALE Lady's new spring tweed suit, absolutely never worn. Marshall 542. tVILL trade, phonograph for typewriter or ewing machine. Empire Transfer, Bdwv. lVi. LICENSED independent electrician wires) 3 rooms ror s o ior su, guarameea to pass inspection, Wdln. 379 1. H E Y W OO D-WAKE FIELD French gray reed baby carriage. Used a months. Price $30. East PS3. SHOWCASES," scales, cash registers, tafes. root beer barrels, soda fountains, ice box. meat slicer. 129 1st street. GLADIOLAN PRINCEPS, larg flower; very fine, $3 per Tabor 124. 17R E. 50th Pt.. n bright red 100. Phone or Belmont. FERTILIZER. Well-rotted fertilizer for salf : deliv erert any part of the city. Wdln. 2 MM. CAPONS, just the bird for your Easter Call at 82d st. and 74th ave. H. M.iupln. Phone Auto. 015-51. dinner. S. E. R. BUR BANKS and American Wonders, $1.50 sack ; Round Whites, ii.eo. At 354 A nkeny. Phone Broadway 32R4. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. SAFE Light office safe, good order; first reasonable offer accepted. B 544, Ore gonian. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandv. 329 Waahington st FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 85 centa per day, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. CONTRACTORS, For sale, 250,000 Phone Main 6o91. ATTENTION, second-hand brick. D1EBOLD safes, special prices. Co.. 48 Front st. new and second-hand ; Pacific Scale & Supply Bdwy. 19rtri. DANDY 3-light shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.35. at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. ULES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. -FERTILIZER. Cow7 and horse manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Wdln. 6233- for sale cheap. Call Tabor S3. DROPHEAD White rotary, perfect condition: $20. 171 late model; Park. STEEL-TOP, 6-hole wood range, used only 5 mo., good as new. Col. 734. LARGE oil painting 4x2 !-2. Parrot copy, mountain scene, gilt frame, JUaJn 3305. GENUINE Alaska white fox fur, new" Tabor 5373. WAXED oak dining set, 5 pieces, leather sea tedchaJrjs:JUahT49 LADIES' USED APPAREL Spring dresses, $3 to $10; suits, wraps. Tabor 2S25. DAHLIA BULBS, $1 per dozen, 3212 tisth St., S. E. Auto 023-69.- feECoNiJ-HAND teaib ana covers tor sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 lt St. FOR SALE Gash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st st.. near Aah. FREE for removing light soil, eaey to get at. near E. Ash and 24th. East 1S0S. ST A R-A -STAR shingles, direct from mill. FOR 8 A I.E. MiRrelluneuuK. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow F'aki Laundry. Clothes washed snowy whit e in separate compartments THU RSDA V, FRIDAY AND SATl RDAY, 15 LBS. FOR Hll CENTS: 4 CENTS each addi tional pound; valuable premiums given. Phone East 8433. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room end save one-third; all styles, ftntst se lection. Come and see; you are under no obligation to b-y. STANLEY I.UTZ, 207 Chamber of Cpmmerce Bldg. Broad wa 42T.3. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Bis Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Lear Gift that Lawt. Nest Door to Ma.i"st lo Theater. Park and Wn.ohlngton StsJ DO IT TODAY, remember tomorrow never comes. We repair. RUBBER-BOND and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, deteriorated and disintegrated o'd, leaky roofs ; work strictly gun ran tee it Don't delay. Phone today. Bdwy. 50o. LOO RS, windows, screen doors, mouldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hot bd sash. See our odd stock of ash and doors for prices. 1). R. Scully Co., downtown lumber store. 171 FRONT ST bet. Morrisoi and Yamhill. Mmn 421 3. ANCIENT imported unique Italian bed spreads. 1 ha nd cror-hftcd, '- ha ni woven to match, from Rome. Italy; ab solutely new and unlii in Amorl'-a. Wiil tall and submit. Phone Kat Mi)5. Reasonable. A LOT of mill constructed Muck bins lined In paper warehouse, excellent for any kind of stock or as storage bins; price very reaHuna bie. AMERICAN TtPR FOUNDER CO. Phone Broadw.-iv S!t0. 17 Fourth St. &KWINO new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of par.s for all makes; ma chines repaired and vented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Th i r ds t.. aen r Taylor. M a i nl.Tl. HOT WATER tanks. $5. guaranteed; tanks, gas water heaters repaired ; plumbing contractors, eetimates given. K. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams. East 8516. . CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change. 22(1 Mark st. Bdwy. 7531. SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor equip ment. 86 6th. between Stalk and Oak. FOR SAI.K ArTOMORll KS. THE FORD CORNER. WHERE IT'S HANDY BETTER FORDS FOR LESS. HOW ABOUT A NEW FORD FOR EASTER? Take the family out in a Hughsnn new er used Ford. Bring in the old one and drive out a new one. Jftberal allowance. Balance easy. 24) USED FORDS ALL MODELS 20 Tourings $H --" :iru Roadsters 170 2m .js.i Coupes 450 5UO .j.jO Sedans 450 .." 0 Open Evenings and Sunday?. YOU R TERMS OUR TERMS. WILLIAM L. HUUHSON CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 60 FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1921 Ford touring, starter 1919 Ford touring 1918 Ford touring 1917 Ford touring 1920 Ford roadster, starter 1919 Ford roadster 1918 Ford roadster l!il0 Ford sedan 1920 Ford coupe . $ 1 50 . 251 . 225 . 195 2H 525 475 OTHER GOOD BUYS. We do our own appraising. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East 3770. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. PAY LOAN. TAKE CAR. Hudson super six, fine car; only $-.. Buick 0. D45 T, real family car. $425. VERY CHEAP AT THIS MONEY. MOTOR BOND & LOAN CO.. 120:; Rodney Ave. Wdln. 2-99. 1920 MAXWELL roadster. motor com pletely overhauled, car Al mechanically; 3922 license, spotlight, extra tire; will take Ford in trade. $400. BRALY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC., 11th and Bum side Hts. ' 1920 BUICK TO UIUNG. $795. Or will take a Ford In trade. Call Mr. Frnhman, Bdwy. 321, are of W. L. Hughson Co., Ford agents, Broadway and Davis. 1919 OAKLAND touring ; car In excel lent condition ; new cord tire; many extras; sacrifice for $400; consider Ford or Chevrolet in trade, with terms on balance. Phone Owner. Kast 17H. 1920 STlDEBAKER Sk'EClAl 6. This car looks juht like new; In per fect mechanical condition: has all fine tirep ; new license ; w ill ell at a bar gain or "isy terms. 1'honp K:mt 1902 1921 FORD TOURING $' I K K M . Starter, speedometer. Strombrg carb., license, good tirep, fine mechanically. L. V. IULLINGSLKY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorn e vr, a,t Mh, Hlion Kant 7. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS. 1920 5-paspenger 8-cy Under Buick. uplendid condition, dandy Urea; only $750. $150 down. Hyatt Talking la- chlne Co.. :t50 Alder. SEE THIS ONE. 1920 Ford touring. 5 wire wheels; speedometer; excellent mechanical con dition: a fine buy aL $375. Call Tabor 8 4. in 1 7 i-HEV- fine shape, new partn. extra: '22 license, almost new tires; Ju.-t out of nainr shop. M;i 2d ave.. block south cf Gray's crossing, Lents car. R34-22; $250. Tel. Auto. 1920 BABY GRAND ROADSTER. Five excellent tires; 1922 license; car guaranteed mechanically; $.7o. BRALY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., 11th and Hurnslde Sts. BETTER VALUES IV GAR AG KS, GOOD KTVl.K WELL BUILT. OKLlVMtfcU, ERECTED, STAINED; 10 IB. $55; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 299 WKlDLER ST. EAST 8 CHANDLER. '17 SNI 7-Dase.. tires, double tire carrier, bumper, baitery, eta ; all in good condt tfon: 1922 license; $375 for quick saie. White Oflrage. Went Park antl Couch. l'HT FRANKLIN 4- Da mm. chummy ruadut npwlv nainted. good top, cord tires, fine mechanically, H22 llcnMe; if you want a nan. here it is: $h0O. trmn to re sponsible party. Phono T;il CHEVROLET 40; J200. TERMS. All new tires, new top, good condition L. Y. BILL1.VGSLEY MoTOR CO.. Hawthorne ave. at th, Phon- Kant 7. PIERCE ARROW. A car at a price that will Ml. ?.oo all c6rd tire. In A-l shape mechanically Cull O'Connor. East 303. LET'S GO fishing. For fton you con dri away my dandy Stud" baker 191 H. Pay balance at $25 a month. Kelly at north vert corner Broadway and HtirnsiHe. 1 9 2 F ) I i 1 SEDA N 5 2 5 . New license, lots of oxtras. ewy trms. L. Y. BILLINGSLK Y MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne ave. at Sth. Phone East 7. 1919 LIGHT PAIGE, .-port model, wire BRALY, GRAHAM A CHILD, 1 1 th and Burnwide Sts I SC., t'lU'MMY Velie 6, mechanically rinht. 5 wirrt wheels, irood ton, curtains and up- hoUtery, 1922 license; $400; will ronidder trade for lighter car. v on niawn . joo JR5 FORD ROA D8T E R $32 V T K R MS. Starter. TTaswlr shocks, mw lio no. I,. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR Co., H ;i wthorne ave. at Mh. 1'hon East 7. 1920 BUICK TOURING. 5-PASS.. $719 74; or will take a Ford in trarl". Call " Mr. Frohman, Bdwy. 521, care W. L. Hughson Co.. Bdwy. and Davis. - 1920 BUICIC ROADSTER reflnlshed, $795. BRALY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC.. 11th and Bnrn.fn sts. BEST late 191 Maxwell in Portland for $250; guaranteed mechanically, 192 li cense, new paint, some extras. 107 No. 11th st. DODGE touring, good tihapc, 5 tires. '22 license, $325. BRALY. GRAHAM CHILD, INC., 11th and Burnsfdn Sts. BY OWNER Lexington thoroughbred il paawnger touring, like nw; fully equipped, perfect condition. I'hone Au tomatic 5 1 5 - T S. 1918 FORD coupe, refinilied. $350. BRALY. GRAHAM A- CHILD, INC., llth and Burnaidc St. 1919 DORT touring ; elegant condition. 811K. 1022 $395. license and in Terms. East 1920 FORD touring, by owner. $225; must go today; 4 new tires; car is in excellent condition in every way. Jht 5250. DON T BLY a used car until you see my Overland roadster for 1350; in fine shape, lots of extras. Wdln. 2387. 1919 FORD with ptarter, in good shape. $2S5. Call during day. Auk Tor John son. 120 N. 3d at., at Wteel bridge. MORTGAGED cars, come and g-t them: Chevrolet, Oakland, Volie, I ndK, Buick, some as low as $150. 43Q Be 1 niont. BUICK BARGAIK $23. First-class order. Five cord tires. BV5, OrHonian. 1U22 FORD coupe o sedan, never been run, FOR StlF AlTOMOim K. FORDS. FORDS. C.oon, LATE M WITH STARTERS WITH PLENTV 'ide l Fonr. PRH'KD l.oV. OF TERMS. 1920 tou :ing start'-r, licrn" Mvcrtiatlifd 9l0 Touring. Htart- p e d o tn c t r. Id .ti-'. hr.ikrw, overhauled . . , 1921. lacks 40 iias of Rtl'2 19-Jl roa.lftfr J0 2O roadster. 1W lint-. tir' and r painted . . 19t!i Chevrolet roadster, hauled 1919 Chvroii't tourMii:. condition, 1922 lircnM. 19is toutlTiir 191 7 louring SIX GOOD pini DKT.f VER I ES FROM $l-"o TO !-;". TWp GOOD Fi RD TRUCKS. DUNNING E. 3d M'tT'm c ami Broad INC.. USED FORDS USED V ME D FORDS. FORDS. WILL PAY CASH n your frd. ND S bl -L F"R I BUY FOR CA LESS 1915 rfvr tires, run f .1145 19 1 r ha hs is. gon.i t ;r. n. runs f tne . runs ir r bui tn m p . . . li r f u 1 ma k good riWi v ci v 1917 new tM . lf in P.H'.t fully equipped, i 11120 a barsain 1917 roitdter, good '-U 1!H9 rodter, K"0. nhiil 1919 rud-trr, go. d i !iv 1920 roHilfU'l. L'.iotl 1 1 ;i I bo r p niiH'tcr, Klini'Ki. l.-rk. r w neci. new t.ff. pump, spotlight R"' 1920 trut-k, r:h. ii "d dhape 3. " Chevrolet. Mux wdi. P-xUe, ver .an w , Hrtsi'or. (dilliM (1d. Will take i. ur Ford a part payment on any oi Ih ab Ai'o have no urn V CHI'B. cheap Ford d?Rvera t E?t Yamhill. Pre Drl Wright. 1SI Grand. East 4 71. WHAT WILL TOTT PAY FOR THIS CART IT GOLS TO TDK BIDDKR. IMC. II EST NO r.KSKRVATlONS. Hr!d hid received st Cov Car Co. Broadway branch st 30 Broadway on L AT 11 JUODKL SPOUT CAR. License, Me.Mai upliMicrry . f-rr'Bt ffndfra, dtnu w hels, nickel iiiMrumni, board, othr extra-. Rids c!om 3 P. M. April 1.1. 192J. $5 deposit required wiili ach bid PLACL YOLK BID tAKLT. TU-: M KMH UR. A CENUINi: COVF.Y .MOTOR CAR CO. PALE. 28-30 N Broadway. Broadway U24 4. FORD ONK-TOV TRUCKS. WORM DKlVh;. 191S Fnrd tton exnre-r body f?V 1P1M Ford 1-ton rliMl- -'.I. pejo P,,rd I ton new ' n-f .... X1 191HFord l-t"i ip w cxprr.sw Imdy.. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 377i. tlrand ave. and IU!horn. A REAL BARGAIN. T ATK MODFL RKO TOI.T.TVO CAW. LOOKS AND HUNS LI K K N I '. W, 1 I V. (WHIM TIKKS. M'oTLKiHT. KT' ; THIS IS A STURDY. i;COoMIAL CAR AND CAN MK 1IANIM.KD S $2.MI CASH. PHONK MVR. 29s,; MILL T A K hi LB j II T KOAD.STLK Full PART. FULL t HUIO .irlet. ttren. 1ub, llKht K' "kTshivo OUTF.T, Wrtoi:t le MK.-nt .1 h.-J i iliCI". rltiir l-'orrl OH lie : d t f"' Ml 11 I t O TOW I NO A N D HKI'AI R I NO. OPKN DAY AND NIC, (i I. I.ONO X SI L A. ' BANDS.; Oi K N T 1 V win hi-li or rxchittiRu fr dlrie ral esiai.-. tno.Kl R-2. -c 1 1 rui H P.. 7-imfMni;er Wininn rtt m t , iterfm-t tm i hHiiP al rotid tan total U f 1 ,'i.iPHI Mi tit . lull at i tiptioHtery a:ui iunnnmo m" j dri nwnr, 23t Pine mrcet. HroHdA ay Ad - CADILLAC. T.nmmm.. fhnrousMV evf rhmild, cord ur" r Cll M-- i-fif nulrtoil new top and cord Ur tho pr:i i rUht. Terms. Crary. I!d y 1- BITCiC coup, li'--. 4U a beautiful. luxurioiiH priv t I v o n a r. a t consider obl dun op i prl'; m. tar of " lRHtlnir ouhIHv; M-ri on year transferred Trma if nTwry, Trodw v a4.1.'.. over new rr rcoiiom y a "d KUr.Mte f..r to puvhi'". W. riiRlips. iTl DK UAK K It MX. ; In Kood condition, new tir re loukinff f'-r a re I b:irrrMn, buy lor $-4; tmina. Ptiun If on liipj OAKLAND r lor in woiidt-rful in irrnr, w mdeiiield vprimu "1. imo ii, ha bump' r. and fiv- it-od finicr.. Ch l'rlrw mllfl p r.n-kid in . fn" equipped With 1 91 J lnhnr IV'" i..-iSK Lai Kxae murine car; ror1 l!r and extra Run 0 month''. orla'nal finish and look Iffc- n Will nte this fur and 9H day' fr. rrJ,it; Wt' I Rive wrm. lo rialit parly. W d.n. 1 Mi ATTLNTION, CA li HUYLILS. For full Information on b naw Ford rnuno nr aedun nd tlie rhangp nmda n Name. h or d einoiiat rat lu n call Connor. Tabor 3 VP-. LDS SIX $799. I.ATK Llk new and aold with ruarante. Easy tri)iM. COnK OT LL CO.. INC., 1tt.i North HroaHway. m rcK ft.PHhM'Md'T Mtih i n 4.V ap.en- ilM whan-: n-w top m OiirtNina ana rood rubher. intf tbiM car. m 391 Seron You run No dealer hr Mr. Reed 191 9 M A X W K L L. Dandy llttl- ear. fin pIihp. radto h-o - fi tires Hrona; todav only lUU. iiUALV. O It A II A M A CHILD. INC., llth and PurnHido JUT . htcht ,v-rhtiN'd Mini r--pa n ' ' d, vy iiti M it -he l and will .! at a rrnvnal)iP prie.. AM d-H "" extt HH. Call attndo-f. Uroadway w U b 1919 I9U I'llKVIidl.KT, in Al ehwpe; rtnatl amount down, halanr mv monthlv pa vmeni. l'honu TagRe-4l, Uroadwa-' -1" ' A C'UKINC, good CP with R Call PVfd" od t dend. t , pm tona"r. reft; rti mv rf. Uroad w ay Mfjtt iioKlel, fl money. IT5. II CI iS N New t h L. Y. HILLIN H ri wt li 'r ti'" a v i a PJT.V -T1.KMS, . r..ndlHoru Miirgiiln. SI. I ; Y M T in C , , .t t,. rh'-ne F.n Mt 7. ni'i i-m:i Saerifire for " eall. f-'Ort extra en,utpm-i'; m-cb!.nU;lly p-rf..t. Pdwy. 4iiMt ader Ti o VUm k. 4-1'YLINDKK Whllt 1 nrittK . Ffnl runnh r ir; aond tlrfa; ll'J'J fiwhfntt car. I4t"t. order; ik da r rep Iio.nM. i;eelent t'-nns. Uh.-iie Mh th. r. IMwy. 3'?1, 19 UJ CADI f .LA'. - -nun r. . p. pwn ttr. 1!IM; d:mdv f- rvie nr. "tfv teriii. Y. MILLtNOSLKV MTU 7 1 h w t h i o rn w ve. ui Hth, 'btT Kn mJJ WILL taUa S:d. 'h .r lrrllim Im- m.- coe Jtift't l'ur lourtna. tnm nii'i n will aiee that it i a bnraain. Call p- t.-ndor-r. H otid wh v " 19'JO lr'tLD Kcd.m hi t Lo be At tf roudl'lon thrvmahotit. i oip rr m nnvr rn mistreated. Vrlco $4T', aom term. Call Mm ruin, ti :ir.:i9. IH'S M KN, ATTKNTluN! Urand nw 1 1 -parii;er i"adMan b'i. . liniouwiii tvp for KMif, wr, or Mr. N , v i h e n. :HH 3d Main ft 30., f' rrj r, d 19L'n l'ICK nIx r.iad.-ifi , Hi!k t-r Iuk bo u a II overnau:ea, reun mnei, 1 no era re . baised and a I-tetoiy puarant mo9 With It Km ttrcn. T'-rnif. Th'r 101 1917 MAXWKLL. $Wi down. bal. G iul paymrnkM or eacii. llth anl LnrnnM Mt. NASH SIX. ..-I'AS.-KNiiiCH 379U niik. full tiiuipt'ed, nffraMv discount. Mr. ilaiUba. U. Pd w y. :.' I 4Li!Hurnldv Jit 1 H CH 1'A lUif.KT truek, oo4 In evv f wh v ; motor, body, tn 3 and all. La it H I 1 H. Ml'ST kt' 11 la 1 e K'ird tourin a . new p n t . ahork, epoiimiit: new t k; in lint condition. f'al' Auto. V3 tit tVK H.LT toui ilia. r. mw iiwcajo. tar 4ca; :tuc. 4oh