THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, APRIX 11, 1933 BUSIXFS OPPORTUNITIES. BUT THIS GARAGE. One of the best places in the city; brick building with storage capacity tor So cars; lots of equip ment, service car, etc., ready to step into profitable business. Tou don't need to be a mechanic to make money here. Mr. Solum, with GREAT WESTERN 1XV. CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Broadway 73S1. L'LCAMZ.XG Partner. A splendid op portunity for a man handy with tools and willing to learn the business; owner is expert and cannot handle the work alone; business has grown to extent where hi has got to have a partner: cannot depend upon hired help: most fully equipped shop in city, good ma chinery atid large stock tires, auto, ac cessories, etc. We can easily make 200 month to start. It s to your interest to ee thia before you buy. $1050; some terms. Apply room 61:6 Morgan ' bldg., on Washington St.. bet. Bdwy. and Park. llfU-lT1 WTT.MJI.- -I'll L'YI'H A Vl'.P", JUUU . I . ' 1 . 1 - 1 1 ' ' ..... ...... Cash-and-carry grocery and meat mar ket, doing about $200 daily, rent $53. long lease; will Invoice and accept good vacant lots or bungalow at real value. Dandy corner grocery In brick apart ment house, a beautiful store in a .'splendid location. 3 living rooms; doing $40 or -more daily; price $2u00: win accept auto, small apartment house or 'sellers real estate contract. SIMM.-?. 610 Henry B'Qg.. g'- -si-- UTO PAINTING PARTNER; this is the best and busiest shop in city, aoing mrK volume of work for largest business and taxie companies in Portland : owner wants congenial man to buy equal half inter est; old-established, all the work two men can handle: owner has been In the business 11 years and will teach incom ing partner. You cannot go wrong here. We can easily make $175 each to start. Only $300. See owner, Olfo Morgan bldg., on Washington St., between Bdwy. and Park sts. . OFFICE CIGAR STAND. In lobbv of well-known business build ing in heart of city; doing fine business, no evening or Sunday hours, excellent fixtures; the price of $1600 is right. Mr. Mclnnis, with great Western investment co., liSO Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 7aSl. 100 BUYS confectionery. ' cigars and ice cream stand, doing a good business; rent $10. $1000 buys grocery and confectionery, rent $3; three-year lease. $1300 buys grocery: rent only $20; 5 year lease, three good living rooms, $2300, or invoice, good grocery store with six good living rooms, lease for 5 years. See this before you buy. JOHN BROWN CO.. REALTOR.' 322 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. (1301. CIGAR STORE. One of the largest and most beauti fully equipped cigar and newsstands in Portland, on the west side, downtown business street; doing an enormous busi ness in magazines; carrying only high class stock; lease will run over the fair with low rent; clearing $275 a nunth above all expenses. Am compelled to sell on account of sickness: will invoice about $2700. 310-311 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. ROOMING HOUSE WANTED. 1 Want to buy from owner direct, clean 2 rooming bouse that will give me net in ( come of f 75 per month. Must be close ( in location and good lease. Call East '.il'5 WILL give you equal half interest in a good-paying business: best of west side locations; have all the work two men can handle, but cannot handle alone: prefer partner to hired help: a chance to make good money from the start; no experience necessary. Room K'-'ti Morgan bids., on Washington St. $4300 GROCERY. WEST SIDE. Average $1H5 business a day: 5 living rooms: rent $50 month; lease; if there is a store in Portland better than this, I would like to see it; no terms. KEIPPER & CROSRY. 514 Ry. Exch. BUlg. Bdwy. B830, CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Think of this: doing $50 a day busi ness: rent only $20 and priced at $2625. fan ywi beat it? Call Broadway 4004; Broadway 7o.'1. 320 Lumbermen Bldg. CLASS A GARAGE. rmril for 70 cars: 100x100: fully 'equipped repair shop, gas station; large stock or oils ana accessories; ctearms $500 a month above all expenses; 5-year lease: rent $150 a month; fine location on a busv street. 310-311 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. $1750 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Near good school: 4 modern living .-nn..- "T- He,ln. 7 trt X35 daV. ; if 'you' like to live in comfort and have i a good business see this. ts.t:i fl-'KJlt At i;kumii. 14 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 665Q. GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. West side near business district; stor age pays overhead; fine building, holds 50 cars; splendid opportunity for good repair men. .We have other interests and could help swing "business; price $3250. G 571, Oregonian. ( GROCERY AND "CONFECTIONERY. West side corner location; rent $65; doing $40 day; can easily double busi ness if live wire; 3 living rooms. KEIPPER A CROSBY. 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. GROCERY STORE. This is a fine cash and carry grocery: averaging $50 a day cash business; fresh staple stock: west side, old established; 2-year lease; $500 for fixtures and In voice. Be sure and see this one. 310 311 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. $4250 CONFECTIONERY. One of the most modernly equipped conf. in Oregon, 35 miles from Portland; this place is a money-maker; owner sick, onlv reason for selling: no terms. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 514 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Broadway 6050. B900 OR INVOICE Grocery and confec tions; near large school; living rooms, 4-year lease; a bargain: $2000, or invoice; grocery: 4 modern living rooms, beautifully furnished ; bath. Z. EAK1NS, 315 Couch Bldg., 100 4th St. WOOD HAUL. $1 per cord, mile haul, good road; man must be in a position to buy a 2 ton truck, between $800 and $1000. For further information phone Jensen, Bdwy. Wl ; evenings. Marshall 1S3. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto tires and vulcanizing; need help of steady man, one willing to teach buyer; $150 month clear for each part ner; small investment. Room 401 Dekum building. ,'CLOSE-IX RESTAURANTS, WEST SIDE. $500 Lunch room, aoing nice ousmess; good location; living room; terms. $.700 Lunch room, 2 can run it. $750 Depot cafe, good trade, terms, McFARLAND. Realtor. Failing Bldg. A PARTNER WANTED. A concrete garage; 5-year lease; 62 cars steady storage; want a partner to sell the gas, oils, auto parts, etc.; clears $200 month for each partner; small in ($2750 CASH, balance easy terms, takes vestment, noom eoi ueKum Ding. meat market ; good lease ; cash and carry ; plant cost $8000; will sell at a sacrifice on account of sickness. BK 556, Ore gonian. A LARGE GARAGE SPECIAL. Fine location: concrete; lease; large sale gas. oils, tires, storage and repair ing: can show you exactly what the profits are; $2500 handles it. Room 401 Ueltum mag $1200 CLEAVING and pressing, Al loca tion, reasonable rent, doing big business. Hoffman presser. KEIPPER & CROSBY, S14 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Broadway 6650. IFOR SALE Plumbing and electrical busl 1 nes3 in a small town In eastern Ore I" gon; stock, tools and service car all f go; Slaoo will nanaie. a oregonian REAL OPPORTUNITY, patented utility, big demand, state or county control, no competition, no bonus for territory; in dorsed by government; conservative in- t vestment. G am, oregonian CAUTION. Bl'l'EiW Before closing a deal of so-caliea interest in esiaonsneu icat estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon- bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. $1200 POOL HALL Rent $20. Three pool tables, wall case, showcase. ' KEIPPER & CROSBY. !t:4 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. MANUFACTURING. Partner wanted for an interest in this growing business: can draw $6 day sal ary, also large profits. Full particulars, roo m 401 Dekum bldg. FOUL ALL $1600 RENT $2: Two-year lease: 4 pool tallies. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 514 Railway Exchange Buildlns GROCERY, with good, clean stock, busi ness averages $50 cash d-aily, located in fast-growing neighborhood; $1800 han dies. 201 Oregon bldg. CONFECTIONERY, cigan and magazine stoTe. doing good business, low rent, liv ing rooms in connection. $1500 will handle. Owner. AO 565. Oregonian. AUTO BUSINESS. Close in: $400 to $500 month clear profit; 'tii stand closest investigation. Room 401 Dekum bldg. nl.K. NING and pressing shop. .170 BCSIN'KSS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTO REPAIR BARGAIN ONLY $2.)0. We all know the good money that is made ia the auto repair business, and iiow is the busy season, so this is a splendid opportunity to buy in with a first-class mechanic in a long-established well-known shop; finest location; com plete equipment; steady cash trade: pre fers reliable partner to hired help. It you are mechanically inclined and a willing worker this is your chance to learn the business; also clear better than $160 per month for yourself from the start; $230 gives you possession of the busiest and best small shop in Portland. Don't fail to see this before you buy. Call early. 318 Pittock blk., Washing ton at 10th. ' GROCERY SPECIAL. One of the neatest small stores in the city, all new stock, doing about $00 a day, rent only $25 per month; will sell this Etore at in voice; on account of sickness, must sacrifice. See McCauley. , HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. CONGENIAL PARTNER Owner of well established, good-paying business firm in Portland desires to connect with reliable man with executive ability and clean habits: am doing large volume of busi ness throughout city and vicinity; no previous experience necessary if you have the above qualifications, as your part of the work Is easy to learn. We can easily make $75 to $100 week each: price $1500 cash. Apply room 626 Mor gan bldg., on Washington, between Bdwy. and Park sts. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. An equal half interest offered in busy, first-class shop, splendid location, close in; shop full of work and large volume coming in; prefers steady and ambitious partner to hirJd help; no experience re quired if willing to work and learn and be satisfied with $150 month to start: a genuine bargain. Price only $300. -Call 620 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. SEE US FIRST. For a money-making grocery, meat market. confectionery, bakery, cigar store, pool hall, repair shop or rooming house. rt MARSH & MoCABE CO, 322 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash. Broadway b.i2.s. CREAMERY and retail milk route, one of the best located creameries with the only pasteurizing equipment In town, witn a mnHorn nni-hinflrv With trUCkS and fAKW-AND-OARRY GROCERY. Fixtures sacrificed; invoice stock; rent $25; dandy business; requires about $2200; rooming-house district. MARSH & McCABE CO.. 322 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash. Broadway 652H. PARTNERSHIP IN WOOD YARD. $500 buys half interest with expe rienced fuel man: large profits; excel lent location: established 13 years; expe rience unnecessary; hustlers only. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum bldg. BARBER SHOP. This 3-chair barber shop, good loca tion, doing good business, cheap rent; a big bargain for only $275. OFARRELL-GRELLNER. 33S-40 Cham, of Com. Bids- Bdwy. 412. $-0i0 RESTAURANT, choice, close-in downtown location, busy street, very best equipment, just overhauled; small cash . payment, terms can be arranged on bal ance. Morris, with O. O. Sletten, real tor, 415 Railway Exchange Mdg. ONE of the cleanest, best equipped and busiest bakeries on prominent transfer corner in citv, doing $80 cash daily, no ' deliveries: $4500 handles. O. V. JACK SON CO.. 201 Oregon bldg. $300 FOR fixtures, invoice stock, about $1000. 4 modern living rooms, good cash business, brick bldg., lease, low rent, terms. Morris, with O. O. Sletten, 415 Railway Exchange bldg. . m REAL opportunity, patented utility, big demand, state or county control, no competition, no bonus for territory; indorsed by government: conservative investment. G 361. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY and light lunches, classiest place in city: fixtures cost over $7000; will sell for $2500 because of sick ness. Miss Sunerlin. 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. Broadway 6808. l.--,n MEAT MARKET $:50. $30 cash business; rent paid to Nov. 33; sickness compels quick sacrifice sale. See this today. 322 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington. Broadway 652S. GROCERY BARGAIN. $900. west side, no fixtures to buy, rent $23, averaging $40 a day. RAPID SALES CO., 404 Couch Bldg WANTED Partner in fuel business: clear $500 a month; splendid opening for right mar.; small investment required. '504 Buchanan bldg. USED bakery ovens, dough, mixers and cake machines; also used refrigeration machines; easy terms. AJ 557, Ore gonian HITO RffiPA I R PARTNERSHIP. Must sell my half interest in well equipped shop, good location, doing good business. $375. 7 24 Division st. 5325 CASH Restaurant, factory district, good equipment, 2 living rooms, low rent. See my agent, Morris, with O. O. Slet7 ten, realtor, 415 Railway Exchange bldg. GROCERY for sale by owner, well estab lished business; must sell on account or other business. 301 N. 21st St. Bdwy. 3420. 4.-CHAIR barber shop for sale; 2 shower baths; good location; $50 rent: 2-year lease. Athens Barber Shop, 626 Com--nerciitl st.. Astoria. Or. AN INVESTMENT of $5000 for an interest in a good business will give you a good position; give references; investigate. AV 435. Oregonian. AMERICAN restaurant for sale or - ex change for home in Portland; $70 per day: best location on 6th street. i3ti North Sixth street. GROCERY. Good business, good lease, rent only $15 at invoice, stock and fixtures, about $2300. See owner. 851 Williams ave. CONFECTIONS Have other business in terests. Must sell thia week. Good loca tion, $500, no commission. Automatic 317-07. o to lv A. ai. or ner o r. -vi. RESTAURANT Al live town of .000; seats 115; rent $85, 5-year iease; doing $175 per day; $6000. terms.. 818 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. PARTNER AUTO PAINTING. Opening for handy man in auto paint ing busiatss; profits good; equal inter- est $450. Room 401 Dekum bldg. SMALL restaurant and rooming tiouse in good college town; reasons for selling, have other interests. Box 242. Corvallis, Or. GROCERY and confectionery, close to new school, nearest competitor 7 blks. ; will erect bldg. to suit. Owner, Wdln. 5320. FOR vSALE Confectionery store, soda fountain and candy; also kitchen. 406 E. Morrison st. RESTAURANT for sale, on Broadway, very reasonable; $40 and up a day. For particulars see owner. 322 Davis st. OLD ESTABLISHED dental practice, good equipment, good location, in good town. A..V. 429, Oregonian. FOR SALE r2 -chair barber shop, first class condition; must sell by April 15. p. o. Box 0. Tiie miles, or. BARBER'S $500 will buy half Interest In barber shop in live town. Address AV 411. Oregonian. MEAT market and grocery. 145 Ports- mouth ave. ; BARBER shop for sale, good location. 00 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.50. Acorn Press, 2&0A Washington, near 5thk OU'll BarxxS1 ME. PERKwJS. ixwt (Set xjr braie HUMOR ' 7 " Copyright. 1972. Neep.pCT Fnar tra, xwVtif - J urn n ) vf fy iws. " businkss opportunities. PARTNER WANTED AUTO PAINTING. Here is your opportunity to buy in with a first-class automobile painter in the busiest and best-known shop in Portland; no better location; right downtown- fireproof building; have largest firms' in city as customers; previous ex perience not necessary if you are an honest and reliable man. as I will teach you the business; have shop full of work: you can easily ciear never less than $1.00 per month for yourself; equal half inter est only $300 cash; a good steady income for a small investments Apply 816 Pit tock blk.. Washington at 10th st. EAST SIDE GROCERY. This is a dandy: 3 nice living rooms and good stock: some furniture included in price of $1800. Call Broadway 7t31 320 Lumbermens Bldg. A CASH BUYER. We have calls every day for small businesses. If yours is for sale and you want quick action, call or see us. BUSINESS SERVICE, 71S Dekum Bids- Third and Wash. AUt. Dl-11 $500 INVESTMENT and your services re quired by reliable building firm; $4 day to start with; a good opportunity to advance to $S day, depending on your ability for further Information see Grimm or Lawrence, 416 Oregon bldg.. otn ana '-'h West side. 45-car storage at $10: re pair shop; a money-maker, $2000 cash will handle. Est WESTERN LAND CO. 1906. Room 511. Railway Exchange Bldg. $000 GROCERY. Rent $30 with twe modern living rooms and bath, doing good business. Al location. KK1PPER & CROSBY. 514 Rv. Exch. Bldg. Broadway 66n0. . CLIAI. UllVl.J:.i Cash and carry; rent $20, includes liv ing rooms, $50 day trade; good con fectionery trade. Will invoice. Est. WESTERN LAND CO. 1906. Room 511 Railway Exchange Bldg. LOOK Long Beach new laundry for rent or sale ; furnished ; lights. . water. Start business at once; no opposition: much needed; good thing for right party; one block to depot. Owner. Theodore Jack son. Long ijeacn, wasn PRINTING OFFICE, equipped with two jobbers. 73 cases or type, Lt' stones, stock of stationery," etc., SloUO, terms. Wilbur F. Jouno, 224 Henry bldg. Broadway 4837. SAY. BILL. Got $167 and willing to work? 51 M N. 6th St.. room 4. ' Bii-lncsa OpiMirtnnitlew Wanted. SEE US FIRST. Your business will be sold quickly and quietly. Good buyers now waiting. MARSH McCABE CO., 322 Failing Bldg.-, 3d and Wash. Broadway 6528. HAVE you a good business for sale general merchandise, meat market, gro cery or confectionery ? X 555, Orego nian. , HAVE $2000. with services, for any line or partnership in honorable paying busi " ness. 206Vb Salmon St.. room 42. Main 82119 or'.! 568. Oregonian. HAVE $1000 or more to invest, open for any line or partnership in paying busi ness. Call o" write. Conradine hotel, room 404. WANTED Good country weekly or small daily newspaper, northwest farming sec tion. AL 562. Oregonian. HANDY man will invest $4UU with services. O 556. Oregonian. - WANT to buy cleaning, pressing place with living room. O , 563. Oregonian. $1000 TO INVEsT. with or without serv ices. N 564. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see Chester L. Florence, R1TTER. LOWE St CO. 01-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. 07185 W. A. CARROLL, formerly at 327 Abing ton bldg., has moved to room 424 Lum bermens bldg., .at 5th and Stark, where he has a fine list of bargains in hotels, rooming houses, apartments and general real estate. It will pay you to call and see him. NEVER ON MARKET BEFORE. FOR RENT UNDER LEAS FO. 1'NFUR. APARTMENT HOUSE. 75-room, 5-year straight iease, ?450 month rent; modern, all private baths, steam heat, west side, close in. AC 541, Oregonian. a wnuTuvc U 1.- 13 li" 29 rooms housekeeping and sleeping, In heart of livewire district; always full; lease until after fair; $1500 will handle. For details call at 254 3d St. or phone Main 4169. $350 CLEAR MONTHLY. $2750 investment if you know how to handle residential room and board; 2 meals only; Nob Hill dist. ; investigate this. MR. MAROON'. 226 Henry Bldg: 405 E. HUME ST., Aberdeen. Wash.: 17 rooms furnished and property centrally located; reasonable. WEST SIDE. 8 rooms, h. k. ; rent $38. Price $750. 8 rooma, h. k.; rent $30. Price $800. 1. E. SPENCER & CO. 517 Chamber, of Commerce Bldg. 14 ROOMS. H. K-, Nob Hill, furnace heat, good furniture, clean, rent only $35; $950 to handle. Price $1850. See Mr. Currie. J. W. GRUSSI, 318 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7452. 13 H. K. ROOMS; low rent; modern; furn. good; nets $100 and own apt. 19 h. k. rooms, central: rent and price right; nets $160; turn. A-l; good buys; no junk. 201 10th. i SMALL APT. HOUSE. 23 rooms, some private baths, rent $75, 5-year lease; big income besides fine home; must have $2350 cash; no triflers. Main 784. 36 APARTMENTS, close in, west side, steam heat, electricity, gas, water, 12 baths, mostly furnished, long lease, low l Q.irtft V n n '1 1 n D I".,.-...,.- IT rtA ,OWO Uftuuito. vnuu, " a gonian. 10 ROOMS A beautiful clean place, close In, west side, nice corner, fine home, modern, clean, a snap at $1000: terms half cash. Other bargains. H. W. Gar land, 260 Taylor St.. near 3d. 354 SALMON St.. cor. Park Furniture of a 13-room house (rent $75) for $1400. See Mr. Ballls, Wakefield Freis, 85 4th st., or Mrs. Swain on premises. NOB HILL, lovely 15-room home furnished beautfiully, garage with apt. above. Good Income. No vacancies.1 Lease. Owner. 84 North 21st St.. cor. Everett. 47 ROOMS Apartments and sleeping rooms, private baths, rent $100; ' long lease; fine renting district. 818 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. ' IS ROOMS NOB HILL. Well furnished, extra clean, lease; rent $45; nets $100 and 2-room apt. Buyers only. Broadway 7203. 19 ROOMS, close in, west side; rent $63; nets $200. Price $2000. Mr. McNeill. I. E. SPENCER & CO. 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. U0 APTS., - clean, modern, some private baths; lease nets $350; $4300 handles. 361 11th st. BY OWNER, 8 rooms, good chance to add 2 more; newly furnished; rent $3"5; & vear lease. Call Bdwy. 7772. ROOMING HOUSE, 21 rooms, single 2 room apts., lease and terms. Owner, 60S Aider at. 6 ROOMS, first-class furniture, centrally located; rent $30. Price $500. Main 25R. FOR SALE 24-room brick hotel, 252 M Front st. Terms. Call evenings. ELLA J. OWEN will sell your apt. house. 370 Yamhill. Main 4574. BJT I of That QFFE'JOEO him, Ra? j jr-M-V i j T ' re Orsat BrfW- fM" 'TWAS fsasnewM BnSIVESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. SOMETHING NEW. CLOSE -IN NOB HILL HOUSE. TO BE LEASED. ONLY $2000 CASH .REQUIRED. Large home, now occupied by owner, will be leased for 5 years. Fine appear ing house, hardwood floors. 3 baths ana extra lavatories. Best location for nign class boarding or rooming house. $200 NET INCOME. $3000 CASH INVESTMENT. . For $3000 cash we can give you pos session of a house that is now clearing better than $200 per month. Hardwood floors and fine plumbing throughout, furniture and bedding very high grade and in good condition. A REAL HOME WITH GOOD INCOME. 18 rooms, hardwood floors, 3 baths.2 fireplaces, large living room; eJtrSl,f1? furniture, including piano and Wilton rugs; $3500 cash required. IDEAL LOCATION FOR HIGH-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE. Close -n. good looking house hard wood floors, hot and cold w"r " sleeping rooms; extra good tnre . $2000 cash required, balance out ot profits. ' attractive home of 10 rooms, mahog any and overstuffed furniture, good s. birdseye maple and Ivory enarf beSroom suites. Full price $18o0; $l-0 cash, terms on balance. SMALL MODERN APT. HOUSE.. GOOD WEST SIDE LOCATION. All private baths steam heat. " price less than $3000; only l''.caf required; nets $75 a month and apt. for owner. SEE MISS BRADY, with R. M. ELLIS. REALTOR. Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Mam 5060. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT HOUSE. This is a fine 76-room apart ment house, new and clean as vou ever -saw. Has new oil furnace and new mattresses, completely filled with high-class tenants, lease until 1926: gross income over $1000 is clearing better than $4-j0. a real buy at $5000 down, ba.ance long terms. Mr- Johnson, at GREAT WESTERN INV. CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Broadway 7581. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. 30 rooms, all housekeeping, good furniture, house just tinted and painted, new 3-year lease, cheap rent, showing a net income of $225; this place must be sold, and will accept automobile in on first payment. See McCauley, HILLER BROS., R"";,, .,. 211 Rv. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 366. HOTEL ST. GEORGE FOR SALE. Owing to the death of the late George Darveau. I am offering the hotel St. George, at Pendleton. Oregon, for sale. Fully equipped, big-paying business: lease or exchange of property will not be considered; liberal terms to responsibu party. VIRGINIE DARVEAU BELL. JiWeeutrix. Pendleton. Oregon. 49-ROOM PRESSED BRICK APT. HOUSE. EXCLUSIVE LISTING. This is one of the most modern, up-to-date apt. houses in the city. Ihe furnishings are all extra good, solid oak. genuine leather upholstery; steam heat; has 5-vear lease; very reasonable rent Can net easilv $500 per month above all expenses. Offered at an attractive price of $6900 rash. FREEMAN-SMITH. BROKERS. 630 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1S73. ELEGANT HOME. BIG MONEY MAKER. 16 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. ti,neninBiv furnisher! for h. k and sleeping, overstuffed furniture, lovely drftnes. dandy gas range, Wilton and Axminster rugs; $1000 cash gives pos session. 191 Park. 19 H. K. ROOMS. 19 housekeeping rooms, good district, west side, clearing $160 a month and apartment. This place is full to ca pacity and is a very desirable iioufe. Y'ours for $3500, on terms. Mr. Patterson. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. OWNER WILL LOSE beautiful small rooming house, elegant rugs, mahogany and solid oak furniture, 5-piece ivory sot; nothing cheap in the place; $400 cash payment if taken today. 191 Park. WEST SIDE HOTEL, 50 large rooms, elegantly furnished; steam heat, lobby and waiting room furnished in wicker; running water in all rooms; cheapest rent in city: 5-year lease: this la a real bargain at $13,000; easv terms. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 7631 4664. U ROOMS. Nob Hill, unusually attractive; exceedingly good furniture; furnace; spotlessly clean; newly painted and tinted inside; a very pleasant home with rooms to rent that will bring good in come. Exclusive listing. Most of the furniture practically new. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. ' Qcrlinger Bldg. i ROOMING HOUSE WANTED. Won! in Kiiv frrmi owner rlirect. clean rooming houso that will give me net in-j come ol io per monin. aiusi oe ciose in location and good lease. Call East 5715. . 14 H. K. ROOMS. White Temple; clean and neat: good furniture; clears $100 and 3 rooms for owner; $700 cash handles. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. 9-ROOM suite, lease, beautiful place. In side and out, brass beds, birdseye maple furniture, solid oak and mahogany; extra good rugs: large income. Owner com pelled to sell at once. 191 Park. 9 ROOMS, H. K. SNAP. Close in, east side: rent $35; clears $45: only $800. See this today. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. LEASE NOB HILL $750. ' Seven 2-room apts., furniture of two apts. goes. Including $200 up on lease; nets $85 and 2 apts. Appointment, Broad- wav 7203 ; , 44-ROOM apt. house (with lease), at $125 per month. Price $6830; half cash, nets $220. WAKE UP. YOUR CHANCE. I. E. SPENCER & CO. 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANT rooming house with lease. Main 784. POLLY AND VKHAT d,x Yoo GK TO aaR.! SUCKS j A PERFECTLY NATURAL QUESTION, FA'LI. SAYBY CLIFF STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hoteln and Rooming Houses. SEE THIS HOME. 9 rooms; oak and upholstered furniture, player piano and- Vic trola; an Al house; money, tied up in bank; any reasonable offer takes it on terms ; W. S. SEE DAD. With G. C. ULRICH CO., TNC. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg., Main 4354. POPULAR DOWNTOWN HOTEL ' One of the best downtown hotels is now offered for sale; 6-story, fireproof building. 130 rooms and always a money-maker: has a long lease, too; an up-to-date hotel In every' respect. We can show you a big thing here. Mr. Black, with GREAT WESTERN INV. CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 7581. NOB HILL. 12 rooms, beautiful furniture, showing a net income of $120 per month, rent $50, with long lease; must be sold at once. See- this and make an offer. See McCauley. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bids. Bdwy. 3626. . 1 FINE CORNER BRICK. West Side. 24 lovely apartments, all twos but one: spotlessly clean and exceptionally well furnished, showing frae income: lease until 1926: about $6000 to handle: full price $12,500. A real sna-n. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 7631 4664. ' NOB HILL. 11 rooms of new furniture, ex cellent clean house, must be sold this week. Full price $1470, Terms. See McCauley. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Ill ROOMS, EXCLUSIVE LISTING. Transient place. located right in heart of business district; rent $73 per month. Will show a gross income of $350. Furnishings are average; can easly be made net $200 per month above all expenses. $600 cash to handle; small ' balance on easy payment. FREEMAN-SMITH. BROKERS. 630 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1873. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Brick and tile apartment house of 13 3-room apartments, com-nletely furnished in good oak furniture; house in tip-top condition and not leased. Only $21,000 - $10,000 cash. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 7631 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT ' HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. . HOTEL TO TRADE. BO-rocrm hotel, corner brick building, hot and cold water each room, steam heat, fine furniture, electric sign, clear ing $400 er month. Will consider trade for improved property, city or country, and will take back mortgage. V 567, Oregonain. ROOMING HOUSES ROOMING HOUSES At AH Prices ' MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 7631 4604. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartmetit or rooming houses with us; your interests will al ways be protected : we have cash buyers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 12-ROOM rooming house. $1050 in terms 309 i First St. Wanted Rooming Houses. WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO HAS $10,000 CASH TO BUY HOTEL, 50 ROOMS OR BETTER. CALL BDWY. 4664. " 320 LUMBER MEN'S BLDG. HAVE 15 rooms furniture: will buy run down apt. house with long lease; con sider place to remodel and partly fur nished; have $2000 and $3000 chattel mortgage: must be -walking distance; must locate before May 1st. II 554, Oregonian. HAVE $1000 CASH to pay down on a ro'oming house with 18 or more rooms, close in, either house keeping or rooming. Reach me by call ing Main 2557. WANT APARTMENT HOUSE. Wish to buy with $4000 cash, place with lease; prefer east side. A J 552, Oregonian. , WANT 10-room apt. house in exchange for new 3-room bungalow in Seattle, half block from car, value $1300. Anna Dixon, Sl East 62-d st North. WANTED Rooming houses, reasonable terms. Main 3669. H. W. Garland. 260 Taylor St., near 3d. WANT rooming nouse with lease. Main ' 784. LOST AND FtrNT. LOST Small leather grip along Missis sippi carline, between Ainsworth and Broadway bridge, contains 2 lathers hatchets and stones. Call Wdln. 1469 for reward. WILL give $3 reward for return of black silk umbrella, ivory handle, lost Sat urday morning, either on Market or Meier & Frank's basement. Call B. 8127. LOST Eastern Star pin somewhere be tween Congress hotel and Burnside and 20th sts. Return to Congress hotel; re ward. LOST Small brown Kolinsky fur neck piece, on Hawthorne ave. about 2 P. M Sunday. Finder please notify Bdwy. 3794 and receive reward. LOST Mond.iy at 3:30, at depot at 4th and Stark, large topaz ring, valued as keepsake from mother. Liberal reward. Sellwood 2882. LOST 8-months-old Airedale, in Alameda. Has new collar. Answers to "Larry." Reward. Wdln. 1Q61. LOST Gold bar pin. circle in center with pearl; initials H. Y. on under side. Call Bnwy. lass alter o v. ivi. ncwaiu LOST Between Athens hotel and Heilig theater. University class pin. Reward, Bdwy. 4000", room 120. LOST Red silk umbrella, between Kenton and Portland. Saturday evening; reward. Call East" 1043. LOST Black silk purse, Friday, on Wood stock car. contai-ning fountain pen and glasses, etc.: reward. 3498. LOST Friday P. M., lady's diamond ring. Liberal reward. East 9164. SILVER gray female Persian cat; child's LOST Small beaded bag In public library. Reward. Woodlawn 2363. net. Call jyast ZiMi. newaru. HER PALS i 1 u TO.-D ME. HE'i I to . WAU 1 CMLV -ASfex SSa JeSS Bought h.m . J r I." HB Bie Stiff. hoM SMm I f' lost and roryp. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R., L. & P. Co., April 8: 17 umbrellas, 3 lunch boxes, 4 purses. 1 key, 2 rubbers, 1 handbag, 3 gloves, 1 book, 6 packages, 1 casting, 3 rolls .music, 1 market basket. April 9: 12 umbrellas, 2 lunch boxes, 1 purse, scarf, bnslret nverenflt. 51 sintrle cloves, base ball bat, 5 packages, kodak, rake, trowel. Owners may obtain property at First! and Alder streets. LOST Sunday evening, black traveling I ua lain abu xiuici uiuauii, m.... . . Hotel Bismarck, Chicago, from North Bank depot, Broadway bridge to Will iams ave. and Russell. Gold locket, keepsake from dead mother. Liberal re ward. 935 Williams ave. Phone 311-50. DIAMOND BAR PIN LOST One large center diamond, surrounded by about 20 small ones, platinum setting; prized dearly as wedding gift; reward $200. Please write J 303, Oregonian. LOST Thurs. eve., probably near or in Heilig theater, lady's brooch, blue stone set in platinum, round and about size of half dollar; reward $100. Phone Mar. 3300 or write 737 Kings court. LOST Small- coin purse, Sunday evening, containing $20 bill, green trading stamps; liberal reward. Return cashier, Oregonian office. SPECIAL NOTICES. WE WILL receive sealed bids on a stock of groceries, hardware and dry goods, inventorying at $4879.07, and furniture and fixtures inventorying at $4472, lo cated at OIney, Or. Bids to be open on Friday, April 14. . at 11 A. M. at 641 Pittock block. The stock may be seen by appointment. Sealed bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the bid. We reserve the right to reject any or all bids. O. A. COTE. 641 Pittock blk. Proposa i s Invited . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Pacific Co-operative League Stores, a corporation, bankrupt In Bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as ancillary receiver, will receive sealed bids up to and until noon of Tuesday. April 18. 1922. at my office, 740 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon, for the salo of all the right, title and interest of the above named bankrupt in and to that certain stock of gtyods, . wares and merchandise, consisting prin cipally of- groceries of the inventory value of $2244.20. together with the store fixtures of the inventory value of $1180.50, belonging to the estate of the above named bankrupt, and located at its former place of business at Baker. Oregon. Inventory may be seen at the office of the undersigned, or at the premises at Baker, Oregon. The ancillary receiver reserves the right to reject any and all bids; sale subject to the confirmation of the court; U.rms cash in United States gold coin, or currency of equivalent value, payable at the time the sale is confirmed. Cer tified check for ten (10) per cent of the amount bid must accompany each , bid. For further information apply to the undersigned. R. L. SARIN, Ancillary Receiver of the Estate of Pacific Co-operative Ieague Stores, a Corporation. Bankrupt Miscellaneous. REQUEST FOR BIDS. In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of L. V. Hen dricks, doing business as Coast Sales company, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids at the office of A. M. Cannon, ref eree, room 803 Title & Trust bldg., Port land, Oregon, up to and until Friday the 14th day of April, 1922. at 12 o'clock noon for stock of drugs con sisting of sundries, prescription chem icals, pharmaceuticals, Inventory value $4846.84; office fixtures and furniture inventory value $681. situated at 108 Eleventh street, Portland. Oregon. Bids must be accompanied by certi fied check or cash to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office, CIS Fenton building. Portland, Oregon, and the stock Inspected upon appoint ment. H. W. SITTON. Tru st ee in Bankruptcy. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any bills mv wife runs after this day and date April 10. 1922. Signed, date, Apn J,.RNESX R. JOHNSON. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. GERMAN M ARKS are falling in value, put your marks to work through a commercial Institution before any fur-ther decline. Call 5 to 8 P M. West Coast Printing Co., 609 Couch bldg. Phone Broadway 6589. WE BUY CONTRACTS, MORTGAGE3 AND NOTES. PACIFIC SECURITIES CO., R06 Dekum Bldg. Bdwy. 6381. MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS.- PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY. MAIN S3. 1U2 4th STREET. SAVINGS depositors, take notice. I will pay spot cash for savings accounts in the defunct State Bank of Portland. Call at room 204 Henry bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate, Washington, Ore gon, rt. E. xsonie, rfio iumpermens Diqg. WILL buy first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chpm. of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6776. WILL cash small mortgage or real estate sale contract; prompt attention. See A. ' K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. WILL BUY first, second mortgages and Eellers' contracts, Paterson, 037 Pittock block. BUY NOTE3, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 6890. Lee Davenport. 612 Buchanan bldg. WILL buy SMALL CONTRACT or SECOND mortgage. Gordon, 631 C. of Com, bldg. stocks and Bonds. WILL buy 8000 Idaho Gold & Ruby min lng stock at 15c. Box 381, Colfax, Wa4, $1000 REALTY Associates of Portland cer tificate for sale. AG 562, Oregonian. Money to Loan on Real F.stute. $1000, $1300, $2000. S2500, 7 per cent to 8 per cent; real security. George P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at I going rates of interest. Otto it Harkson Realty uo ,l! oi iom. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. SECOND AND STARK STS. C300 $400, $550, $750, $1000 or larger amounts to loan, C. C. Murton, 612 Wor cester bldg.. 3d ana ubk. xet. 011-23. LOANS at current rates on well-Improved farms and city property. K, K. Baxter, Spalding bldg. $2f00 TO LOAN by private party on a modern home, restricted district. V 568, Orrgonian. ..nuriTE' it ham COIlO tn inan If vnp 1 security Is A-l. v oiu, oregonian. FINANCIAL Money to Loan on Reul Ktt.. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS. 0 PER CENT Flve-Veni- nartn ranaVTTlPllt prlVUS of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS B PER CENT. Five-year period: will loan 60 per cent if the value of your home; only small nonthly payment required with interest, 'ou may pay more or all on ths first ol mon each month! no nennltv. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privilege. BRICB MORTGAGE CO. Portland mortgage correspondent ins Prudential Insurance Co. of America. i-to-i.iw i eon tilog. .Main pnf. THE BEST and easiest method ot paying a loan Is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for SB months, or $25.36 per month for 48 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $16.60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 08 months pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. Other amounts in same proportions. City loans on Improved property or for Improvement purposes. No commlsslona Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE .SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residences, apartment houses and other income real estate. Pay here ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Building loans also. Other funds as since 190T. LARGE AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., United States Bank Bldg. ' $230, $400. $500. 7.V. $1000 AND UP. We SPECIALIZE in small mortgage loans Low raus Easy payments If desired. Quick action Small buildin.T loans. Second mortgages and contracts. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Cham, of Com. bids- Bdwy. 0370. SIX PER CKNT INSURANCE COMPAN Y money for RESIDENCE LOANS. Also farm Loans. Quick Service. Liberal Repayment Privileges. COMMEKCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third St.. Portland. Or. HOME PURCHASE LOANS. Monthly installment plan: 6 per cent simple interest, with protection for the faintly in case of death. Option to tak up any time. No commission. WILLIAM MjcMASTER, 328 U. S. National Bunk Bldg. Loans Insurance. , HAVE 1000 up to loan on good Port land homes, Rose City, Laurelhursl or Irvington districts, preferred; larger amounts available for business properties. See Mr. Dunsmore. with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 75SL . CITY LOANS. Either straight or Installment. FARM LOANS. Insurance money. Low rates. Mr. Martin. Loan Dept. COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth St. Hdvy.ji22. SEE US TODAY We loan money on "Ity property; lowest rates, no commission on cholc3 loans, long time and short time; morthly payments; pay as you can, sums to suit: contracts, econd mortgages bought. 725 Osseo bldg., 5th and Aide- sts. CELLARS .YU RToN CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property; prompt snd helpful service; liberal repayment priv ilege; lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND, Pit. MORTGAGE LOAN 8. in any amount at lower rates on city or country property, prompt and helpful service. PAGK.T A. PAGET. Realtors. 283 H' Stark St.. bet. 4th ft 5th. Bdy 3794. WE HAVE funaa available for good res dence loans: also insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO. Bdwy. 2921. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO. 87 Sixth St. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. V4 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repr-ying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGOf MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 309 Piatt Bldg Main 3371. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money available for loans on first class Inside retail and financial prop erty at i per cent Interest. WILLIAM MacM ASTER. 328 U. S. National Bank Bldg WE HAVE, for immediate loans, the fol lowing amounts of money: $1500, $2500, $.".000, $5000, $45,000 and $55,000; want good city security. McClure S'-umauch Co., 3Q6 Railway r.xcnange niug. I HAVE client who has few hundred dol lars to loan on chattels or second mort gages on real estate; consider small seller's contract. Corcoran, 325 Lumber mens bldg: PRIVATE MONEY 77. ON RESIDENCE Properties In good districts. R. I. Yoke. N. W. Bank Bldg.. Main 4179. HAVE $1000. $1500, $3000, $5000 to loan at 7 per cent on Improved security; prompt, reliable service. A. H. BiRRELL-GILL CO., 219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $10,000, $15,000, $20,000. izo.uuu, tiiu.uuu. Immediately available. DESHON MTU. CO.. 615 C. of C. Bldg MORTGAGE loans In sums to auit; city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM Q. BECK, 213 Falling Bldg. x 11100 S 1 500 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. Mdg. SHORT-TIME second mor:gag loans lo responsible home owners. MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO.. 822 Gasco Bldg. 11200 $400, $300, $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 TO $3000 AT 6 and 7 per cent to loan on Improved city property. 3 to 6 years. A K nt3. oregonian MORTGAGE loans on city property; sums to suit. 7 and 8 per cent. Wltham-Reed V.O.. Jl'" $1500 AND $2000 to $5000 loaned at 7 per cent on reniuento yiuici i. uncuu xiaas, Marshall 8324. $300, $1U00 AND upward on improved rel estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brokerage John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. MORTUAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent Salomon 4 Co.. 807 Railway Exch. bldg Money to I.oan Chattels and Halwrlea. ARE YOU IN DEBT? Pay it off with our simple plan. Weekly or monthly payments. Legal rate of interest. Coma in and talk it over. INDUSTRIAL LOAN INV. CO, 72 Fourth St. Hours 9 to 5:30. I'hone Bdwy. 7710. DAN MARX 4 CO.. 815 Washington st.. near 6th st. Established over 33 years; only high-class Jewelry store In city with loan- department In connection; private rooms for ladies; business strictly confi dential; under state supervision, all ar ticles he'd one year. Do business with n old-festaonsneq iirm. AUTO and other snort-time loans. Mu.t. uomah Finance Co., 822 Gasco bldg. FINANCIAL Money to Lon Chattels and Slfl DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK M-.RVICET YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Loans MADE ON ,,.. AUTOMOHH.KS. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTROI.AS. REAL ESTATE, IIONUS. ETC Tf your payments srs too Urge "l your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and srtvmice more money If ne.d.J. We maks spe cialty of theee loans the curit In your possession, and you can repay us In small monthly pamr.i. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own tiot. Rates reasonable. Private ollices. A. I business strictly conf i Jen 1 11 PORTLAND LOAN COMPAN'T. tl.lcetived), 806-307 Dekum U.i!. UronlwiT MST. S. W. Cor. Third and Wahinrt"n. SALAKV-UJAN S S A I .A It Y We loan money to M'aried and work Ingmen on their note": raie, reasonable, eafy re-payment pian; no security, no !ndorer. All buelnen, Ktrlet ly confidential. Call and investigate oyr system of lending money. COLUMBIA DI8'ol'NT COMPANY. 4 Licensed). ' 218 Fsllln? Bids. Bdwy i MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on honsho!d good, or merchand!e placed In storac wlta us at regular bank rates. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. Fourth and Pine Slrvei,. Opposite Multnomah Unlet. I'hone Hroadway 317 1 5. MONEY to loan on dlamoluis and jewelry ; confidential service, government licenced and bond-d brokers Z-ll Iiroa 4 Co, I'M! We shin g t on Xt Ttdw i 7 25 MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jelry. etc j legal rate; articles h-ld one yar. VlnvS jHiVlry vjr sl snd Whinrton. .outis W amen. 1'RANK L. Mclll'lRE. with his fin o: (experience and expert Knnwi'fllt values, in in a position to walfguard your every interest in locating your moner. Hundred of applleal !on for loaria. of fice or personal servict-p. Let ui" l"n nur money. See .1. Logie itl.'hardn. manager losn department. Abingt-io hill Id nig Hd y 7171. l.O.N'KY WANTED ON IMP. PHoI'KRTt" We have clinls waiting who !h l borrow irmn $10"0 up to lUK0 or. proved city property. A:ii!e eecut..".. Will pay 7. If you are s.-klng a safe, profitable !iifi i.c .!r. Dunsmore at GREAT WESTERN IN V. CO., 2.10 Chmnl'T of I n m H djw-v JT" 1 $JOI'0 wanted ut H per ent for first mort gage loan nn suburban property valued at $0000; ilsn $.'loo st X per int on farm valued at $430o Kred W. (lernisn Co., 7H- chamber of I'onmiT'-e hMg. WILLAMETTE v-ill.v faun iiu.rtits, $J00. pnyahle $500 year, pir cen reawonan:e discount. r. R. 1J I'mich bl'l? H'wy. PRIVATE Mi INKY i J',. ON RES I DEN'i E Properllrfl In good districts. TV 1a Vnk. N W H"JllMit . M iln 417'' l.nANS WANTED. $''ouo, 7 per rnt, 3 yen; value $5000. Rose I'lty I'Klk. Sift Rv Kxeh. R'rtg. rtdsry 7-.V C. C Vl'HTON 20 yurs eiperlenre nl out a foreclosure. I tin loan your monsf on aife mortgages tin Worcester b.da.. Sit snd Oak A. It Ml Sl'OOO KKii-M private purty, 7 pr cm on improve. 1 li sort.. pv...l street. In ritv of Vancouver, value $soou. Call Tsbnr 7.140. SEE OREGON INV. It MORTGAGE Co. 210 EXCHANGE BLlLDINti. 3D AND tTARK STS $l'Joo Irt NEEDED on my hp' and nid ei n 5-roum bungul.iw. Rose City, M tMi?, Orefforlan WANTED $UIH one, 8', .'13 honus. Hinpl" security, chattel mortgage, V 3Q'.l. ore e 1 1 n I an $1500 Tt I'-'ooo on rortUnd property worth between $4ouO and $:ooo. Owner, H deli, ( irngnriian WANTED A private loan nn a Mlelnsray artist grand piano, new. Will pay ft per cr-nt. V 3'n. i irrgonlii n. $00 WANTED at W per i' "U store la Albert district. Tldwy. .".! Ilnlill WANTED on a I colonial. In Irvington. i.v nmu..rn Dutch Y lirr-Rnnnn. 8 I'AID f. MiinlHVlllN. 1.., Al. n or f'.'3o on li lots .313. or.'C"n'sn j:hh ON A-l iSECUiUTV ill Hie city. Ta bor rUHHONAI.. B A t ' K A ' 1 1 E 7 You need N'Uhntnna, tha .wonderful new spina! vitalUer. It S'xithea the nrri Mulcts Ihe pain. No massage, medicine or exercise, A elm pie appliance releasing active energy, strengthening end Riving new lire to 'tho nerves through Increased blood sup ply. Electrically opersted from lamp socket or battery. Remarkably guaran teed. Writ" for free .ook "Spinal Fa tigue." The Better Days Co., h,mJ-M, Trust hl'lg., SleilhenviMe. Ohio. LADIKH TA KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER, a soothing, cleansing, healing, germicidal and Invigorating douche; a great aid la female disorders. ."ic and $1 per hog. PORTLAND HOTEL PHARMACY; PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guarantee given. No need af knife no petti, continue work. sk ta see Gle-o-nl Pile treatment. Btout Lyons Drug Co., 8d and Morrison. 6th snd Washington. Broadway and H'ark DR. NETTIE BENSON Eleclrlo rablnet end mineral steam hatha, hot and rnld ahowera. expert massage, electric, violet ray. mechMnnphyelcultopathy. traction treatments for chronic allniente of both aexes 711 JtlndMaI'lwTii. "WHY DIET!" Reducing method of em inent Swiss phyalolan; no exercising Mme. Le Malre. mgr.. formerly ! Pit took bldg., removed to 6-3 Goodnouca bund I njr $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's Kellers, the chiropodist and arch specialists Eatab. H yra. Exam. free. Hlua House Ulster bldg. formerly Globe b l , 11th snd wnan RFSUI.TS OBTAINED from electricity era positive: it has cured rheumatism, neu ritis, lumbago, pcirmi, bolls, ulrera; prices very reasonable. Dr. R. A. Foa ter. 33 welllng-lllrach., Jl'jy. CHIROPODIST. MANICURIST. MAbSAiiM under medical supervision. Open even ings. Rundsys. Formerly 21 Allsky. now 310 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. VlT-O-NET sweat, body massage. Radiant I ght Violet Ray treatment (or colue. sciatica neuritis, circulation; 10 to (I afly. 430 Morgan Mdg. Vain 7r.7ll. EXPERIENCED nurse gives ateam hatha and massage. Hr. 10 A. M. to avan Ings it'-'ii Flledner bldg.. 10th and Washington. i IB-TON REST HOME FOR CHRONIC OLD PEOPLE AND tV VALIDS. 6SK CLIFTON PLACE. MAIM 5.174. ANYONE wltrieaein a man pushing an. other man Into his sedan near Kouth and Washington wennewoay. apm p. n suae rati nriHn"T DR ADA SCOTT Electric treatment ateam hatha, hot and cold showers, aclan tlflo body masasga: hotu sexca 411 Hwetland Mdg. tlroan way a i in jazz Piano beglnnora, 10 lessons, popu lar eongs, 3 lessons, or money back. Par. ker Piano Bchool, 514 Kllers bid.. Wash Ington street a tKo u r vFbVET A HA NKH1 IT, leading wig and toupa makers, permanent marcel and w M tTJTiiiiy? -1?--' der. Main 54 1. m MASSAGE, baths, rheumatlem. constipa tion kidneys. Both sexes. Dr. Elna Borenson. 50 Panama bldg Pdwy. l'tt H U I ' Eli i' L I 'O I ' hair, rnolea, wane, r moved by 10-needie method, trial f-a. i"ls Mn ley5 Jj "h Liinyi'Jl -I"? piTT'S can be permanently cured without operation. Cell or write Dr. Dean, (tee ond andM"rrieon , RFirVPNATK your tired and nervnue bodv by a aclentiflo massage. Dr. olda Laraen. Morgan bldg Main !! NURsiS gives treatment fr coneti nation auc'cessfully. Formerly ' 3d at., now Ml Going at. Woodlawn . Ttv yilTY parlor, coursa evenings, $25 Apr, first. Madam Curtis. 400 Dekum bldg.. Broadway flint". . . w it v AN RA KE OVEN Swedish massaaa; real rejuvenation: gradual nurse. Mala 77, 7r Helllti-Hlrach bldg. I TRAIN ED NURsK GIVES. Best steam baths, maaaase and aleotfia treatment in rlty. V13 Sw.t'and Mr gTjTtRE. enlarged glands. Cure yourself. A R Strachan. route 5. Hlllabors, Or. No agents or representatives. THE much-talked of Vader. Wash . Ireat menTi rn be had at Ma-ia Raleigh bldg. -'7 wasninijton;. Hlh. MASSAGES FOR mako. n. i v. 415 Buchanan bldg.. U ash., bet. 4t and 3th. 10 to 0 P M AIo DOL1.Y NORTON. M A N I ' I ' R1ST. 403 BUCHANAN REIMS PTIOSTATH trouble curtid without otra tw.n Dr. R. A. Phillips. Hdwy. Mdg DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay your See Vlereck. collectors. Dekum bldg PRIM EDA HA I.M. former. y called Palm of Figs. 844 E. HIM, Sell, gain, mornings. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently ? moved. ttl'l Bxrimna immb. r"iwy. e. , SULPHUR steam baths, massage, violet ray. Hours 10 to , 4'.'B Clay. Ma'n KJoti. DR ROBERT FISHER, chiropodist, foot epeclallst, now at 715 rkum Mdg. DR L. NET7.EL treata rheumatism; maa- 8vg-e, baths. 511 Columbia st. Main USPS SU Rt ICA 1.. maternity roraets, belta, custom ml li 20S-4 FleMner '- Hdwy. It"4. LAURENCE VINCENT, everything la all right. Come back. Huntington. MARIE, write to But X 0i. oil. iie.sns. 2-ita St., iou. Am oiuerwise engagea.